1 minute read

Buildings: Scale Up Energy Efficiency Measures in Domestic

and NonDomestic Buildings

Following the presentations from the Buildings session, delegates were asked to vote for one of the proposed four projects/initiatives they’d like to see taken forward for development by the SELCC. Once they had selected their preferred project, each table discussed the key considerations and next steps, a summary of which can be found below.

Which Building project / initiative is your favourite?

Scale up energy efficiency measures in domestic/non-domestic buildings

Develop a Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) for Greenwich

Decarbonise the energy supply - 'Get the gas out!' (including heat networks)

Switch to a green energy supplier

53% of delegates voted for the chosen project

Key Considerations

● Launch a campaign, with appropriate events, to raise awareness of energy efficiency measures.

● Develop local networks to facilitate the sharing of best practices and solutions, such as district heating/cooling systems.

● A central trusted list of approved suppliers, such as retrofitters, should be developed or signposted to for easy access.

● All new builds must adhere to the RBG local level plan to ensure sustainability standards are met.

● Prioritising funding is essential; more resources should be allocated to enable businesses to implement sustainability measures effectively.

Next steps and actions

● SELCC to hold events on energy efficiency, in particular on council retrofitting.

● Set up a SELCC Sustainability Group for member businesses.

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