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President's Review

President’s Review


Welcome to the December/Christmas edition of the Hampshire Law Society magazine.  Since becoming acting president I have been surprised by the additional amount of e-mails and organisation that is required in the post  and it is not until you start the role that you actually understand the additional work that it creates however this with the support of the committee, Nicola our admin assistant, Rachel and her team at Orion Marketing,  it becomes manageable and enjoyable as a result of the diverse additional responsibilities and organisation skills required beyond the day job. 

Since our September edition, it continued to be very busy for HILS, who in conjunction with the local JLD organised and attended a Halloween Ball at the Solent Hotel on 25th October.  Spooky fun was had by all, I believe, as sadly I was not able to personally attend. A special shoutout and thanks to George Napier and the committee at the JLD for their assistance and collaboration in organising the event, to our Honorary Secretary Mo Aldridge for her unwavering organisation, enthusiasm and fantastic Halloween decorations, Andrew Prismall at HW Conveyancing for adding his DJ skills to the evening and our main sponsor Pump Court all without whom the event could not have been the success that it was.

After the Halloween Ball, I had the privilege of being invited to and attending the Bournemouth Law Society’s remembrance and re-dedication service on 11th November at the Bournemouth Combined court centre when the memorial stone remembering those within the legal profession died and gave their all during the first world war. The service was very moving including the last post plated expertly by a committee member from the society. The time of reflection allowed me and all those who attended to put into perspective how fortunate we are to have the lives that we do thanks to those that gave their all.

Mo also attended, in my absence the Berks, Bucks and Oxon annual dinner which was in a Bollywood style on 22nd November.

We have already begun preparations for the visit to Southampton of the president of the Law Society in July 2025 and as I write the HILS committee are preparing for our AGM and Christmas Dinner which is scheduled to take place on 5th December, hopefully this will see me taking over as President and Teresa Mills at Churchers being appointed Vice President, and  so another year of supporting, developing and being the voice for our members will continue as well as a number of social events to be planned over the next 12 months.

I finish then, as I started, by paying tribute and thanks to the committee, our admin and marketing teams, our sponsors and more importantly our members without whom none of this would be possible. I am incredibly passionate about HILS and the part it plays in helping and supporting our member firms and individuals and I am very much looking forward collectively with the committee to increasing membership and providing the support that our members need from us in the next and coming years.

Finally, albeit it feels way to early, especially for me, to wish our members, sponsors and committee seasons greetings and best wishes for 2025 ■

Kevin Richardson


Hampshire Law Society

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