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Green community continues to grow
The Herts Go Green & Grow (HGG&G) community continues to thrive, with an exciting line-up of events and initiatives planned for the coming months.
At the February online meeting, Duncan Jones from the Hertfordshire Waste Partnership delivered an insightful presentation on the upcoming waste reforms set to take effect this year. These significant policy changes impact businesses of all sizes. Duncan’s clear and concise explanation helped members understand the new requirements, inspiring immediate changes – particularly in food waste recycling, as reported at the March meeting.
In March, Marc Wilcox from Hertfordshire County Council provided an in-depth overview of the Biodiversity Net Gain policy. He explained its practical implications, regulatory framework, and how business landowners might benefit by offering space for habitat creation.
Gratitude is extended to all guest speakers who generously share their time and expertise with the community. Those with ideas for future topics or who would like to volunteer as a speaker are encouraged to contact the Chamber.
For the first time, HGG&G will meet face-to-face in 2025 at Herts Regional College at the end of March. The focus of this event will be the significant retrofit challenge – a crucial aspect of addressing the climate crisis. Attendees will tour the college’s cutting-edge training facilities, explore retrofit solutions for homes and businesses, and learn about industry growth opportunities from Hertfordshire Futures.
David Hawes from NetZero International will present a briefing on the Climate Change Committee’s seventh carbon budget report, setting the stage for discussions on how emissions reduction can be achieved. This event is highly recommended for those keen to drive sustainable change in Hertfordshire.
HGG&G was recently represented at the YouthCOP Sustainability Careers Fair and Future Pathway Seminars, engaging with over 100 students from across the county. The event saw representation from 25 secondary schools and four further education colleges, inspiring the next generation to consider careers in sustainability.
Later this month, HGG&G will have a stand at Generation Broxbourne and will continue to attend various business events to raise awareness about its initiatives.
Those interested in funded sustainability courses can visit ESTU Global for details on available programmes.
the first time, HGG&G will meet face-to-face in 2025 at Herts Regional College at the end of March. The focus of this event will be the significant retrofit challenge – a crucial aspect of addressing the climate crisis.
Additionally, volunteering opportunities are being explored as the warmer months approach. Those looking to get involved can consider supporting the Hertfordshire County Show as a steward or assisting with its Field to Fork schools day. Other fantastic volunteering opportunities include:
• Goods for Good: goodsforgood.org.uk
• VolMatch: volmatch.org
• Greenspace volunteer sessions: Regular monthly opportunities in Letchworth
HGG&G encourages participation – whether through learning, networking, or volunteering. More updates will be shared in the coming months, and the community looks forward to welcoming attendees to upcoming events.