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REDUNDANCY: How to Conduct a Fair Process

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The Last Word

Employment solicitors from Longmores will explain how sound planning and preparation at an early stage is essential.

Using a case study, they will describe the steps to follow to ensure you conduct a fair process to give you confidence in making the right commercial decisions for the future success of your business.

• Rationalising the need for fewer staff

• How to define the selection criteria for redundancies

• How, what and when to communicate with your staff about the changes

• Managing the consultation process

• How to avoid costly disputes and structure redundancy packages including confidentiality and non-compete agreements

• Alternatives to redundancy, such as reducing hours, and when and if these options are fair to staff or right for your business.

This event will be beneficial to business owners and directors, and those who are responsible for employing staff.

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

08:45 – 11:00

Ware Prioy, Ware

Member: FREE

Non Member: FREE

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