1 minute read
Ukraine Appeal
Ukraine Appeal
All of us are aware of the harrowing scenes unfolding in Ukraine. The Krakow Bar Association are seeking support from lawyers abroad to support their humanitarian efforts from Poland to the Ukraine. This initiative is to provide assistance directly to those who need it most. It involves coordinating logistics for the transport of food, medical and other supplies to areas that are under served (or not served at all) by larger humanitarian charities.
Kinga Konopka and Joanna Wsolek, both lawyers from the Krakow Bar Association, spoke in London during April about this initiative and encouraged further contributions. If you would like to contribute, please make arrangements to transfer to the account of Krakow Bar Association:
IBAN: PL65 1050 1445 1000 0090 3043 5714.
BIC (SWIFT): INGBPLPW Transfer title: ‘Self-management of the Bar: Aid for Ukrainian Lawyers’.