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HCUC Apprenticeships & Skills
West London’s Largest College Apprenticeship Provider
HCUC Apprenticeships & Skills is an industry leading training provider in west London brought to you by Harrow College and Uxbridge College (HCUC).
We offer an enhanced provision of highquality apprenticeships with various flexible delivery modes, tailor-made recruitment and training for employers and online professional development courses for individuals.
Build back better with the extra funding to recruit new apprentices
Is your business getting future ready? The government has extended the deadline to provide a £2000 grant to employers for each new apprentice you hire, aged under 25, until March 2021. There’s also an additional £1000 for hiring 16-18 year olds! For those employers who hire new apprentices aged 25 and over, the government will pay £1500. Terms & conditions apply.
We offer apprenticeships in over 25 sectors. So now is the best time to take up the chance to access the extra grants to recruit and build a skilled and efficient workforce to help you boost productivity in your company.
We will promote your vacancies for free and our recruitment officers will ensure they line up the best candidates to match your requirements. To recruit an apprentice, call 01895 853780.
Online courses & blended learning apprenticeships for business and individual needs
Online & On Campus Apprenticeships:
HCUC Apprenticeships & Skills offers a flexible blended learning platform for Online & On Campus Apprenticeships to minimise disruption at your workplace. Industries include Accounting, Team Leading,
Operational Management and more.
The blended study platform means apprentices do not have to attend college as frequently as with traditional delivery models. So it’s the perfect opportunity for employers to get their ambitious employees to upskill without any interruption on-site. Read more here: https://apprenticeships.hcuc.ac.uk/
Fully Online Human Resources Apprenticeship:
We are offering a fully online Human Resources Apprenticeship for individuals and businesses who are keen to train their existing HR staff or hire new staff. For more information, call 01895 853780.
100% Online Courses:
Our 100% online courses, in a range of subjects, help individuals increase their skill sets. Whether it is for job opportunities, plans for a career change or to simply gain in-depth knowledge in a specific topic of interest, these qualifications enable people to access support to make their next step in life. Find out more here:
West London Business Awards 2021- our apprentices are finalists again!

Some of our apprentices have won regional awards including West London Business Awards in 2013, 2015, 2017 & 2020 – reflecting the pool of talented apprentices we help you to recruit and train for your business. This year, our apprentices are shortlisted again for the West London Business Awards 2021 final. Some of these shortlisted apprentices are existing employees doing an apprenticeship to upskill and progress their careers. Some are simply stepping into the world of work and finding their forever career path. We are excited about our 8th year of nominations and looking forward to the exciting Virtual Awards ceremony to find out results!
We are celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2021 (8 February – 12 February)
HCUC Apprenticeships & Skills have some great activities planned for this year’s National Apprenticeship 2021 to celebrate our apprentices and employers. To find out more about the events taking place, visit:
Work with us - we are a trusted provider
• The largest College group in west London, providing a great variety of apprenticeships with flexible delivery options
• One of 12 institutions in the country to be established as an Institute of Technology offering higher-level technical qualifications in construction, digital and engineering
• A provider you can rely on – a strong track record of delivering training for over 50 years
• In depth experience in working with over 700 apprentices and 1200 employers at any given time
• Experts in creating industry links with companies such as Brunel University
London, Martin Baker Aircraft Limited,
Menzies Aviation, and Royal Opera House.
Contact us - we are happy to help
With over 50 years of combined skills and experience we help companies as well as individuals build worthwhile futures.
To find out more on how to get started, visit https://apprenticeships.hcuc.ac.uk or email employers@hcuc.ac.uk or call 01895 853780 today!
We can help you with day to day employment issues; grievances, disciplinaries, performance management/ absence management as well as general HR support on policies, procedures and contracts.
Through Insights Discovery Profiling, we can help you to get your people working better together in teams, build resilience through better self-understanding and understanding of others, help to recruit for behaviour and not just technical ability as well as develop the leadership skills of your managers. Using Insights Discovery, not only helps improve communication but also helps to increase productivity and provides solutions focussed results through behavioural change. As we know, people are your most valuable asset.
We incorporate professional coaching methods and styles that allow the leaders in your business to develop and build long term sustainable change; providing them with the tools and techniques to be agile whilst maintaining stability within the business and enabling them to adapt to an ever-changing environment.
A professional HR Management consultancy who can help you grow your business and develop your talent by providing bespoke HR, Coaching & Training Solutions.
Please get in touch with us below at:
Tel: 07525427918
parita@paritashahconsulting.co.uk www.paritashahconsulting.co.uk linkedin.com/in/parita-shah-cipd-89597ba2

skills Government launches skills initiative
A new campaign has been launched to boost the nation’s skills and job prospects.
An Hour to Skill is a governmentled initiative that encourages people to set aside one hour a week for online learning by taking a free course from The Skills Toolkit, an online portal offering a range of different courses.
Topics covered range from practical maths, computer essentials and personal growth and wellbeing to professional development, business and finance, digital design, marketing, computer science and coding. Course providers include The Open University, Google, Amazon and FutureLearn.
The idea is that by setting aside one hour a week for online learning, people can acquire skills that employers are looking for, boost their job prospects and keep their mind active. At a time when most people are spending more time indoors due to COVID-19, these courses can also play an important role in supporting the mental wellbeing of the country.
Launched by the Department for Education (DfE), the initiative is designed to improve the life prospects of people by helping them to get on in their careers.
One in three people have used online learning to help them get a better job, and a report published by think-tank Demos showed that, on average, online learning can boost annual pay by £3,640.
Many people have turned to webbased courses to brush up on their technical skills or acquire softer skills and attributes that employers are looking for, such as leadership, problemsolving, project management and teamworking skills.
Gillian Keegan, minister for apprenticeships and skills, said: “I’m delighted to launch An Hour to Skill and thank all of the great organisations that have joined forces to help boost the nation’s skills and job prospects at such an important time for our economy. Progressing your learning doesn’t have to be a mammoth task – spending just one hour a week on a free online course can make a real difference to your earning potential. We’re confident that learning through The Skills Toolkit can give you the skills employers are looking for.”
For more information visit
Adults to gain new skills on 400 free courses
Tens of thousands of adults will be able to benefit from almost 400 free courses this year, in the first major development in the Lifetime Skills Guarantee announced by the government in September.
The fully-funded courses, ranging from engineering to healthcare and conservation, will be available to adults without a full qualification at Level three (A-level equivalent) from April 2021 to help them gain in-demand skills and open up further job opportunities.
Designed to help the country repair its economy after the pandemic, the qualifications have been carefully chosen to help adults improve their career prospects and meet the needs of the economy. They will be reviewed regularly so the courses offered can be updated as the economy changes. of the government’s landmark Lifetime Skills Guarantee, which aims to transform the skills system to ensure more people, regardless of their age or background, can get the skills they need to progress in employment.
The offer is backed by £95 million from the £2.5 billion National Skills Fund, which is financing programmes that support the immediate economic recovery and help meet future skills needs.
This funding will enable thousands of adults to gain new qualifications and access better job opportunities. A proportion of the cash will also be used to support education and training providers as they scale up their provision to deliver the courses and meet the needs of learners.
Stephen Phipson CBE, chief executive of manufacturers’ organisation Make UK, said: “Industry will be pleased to see manufacturing and engineeringrelated level three qualifications as part of this new offer. Protecting existing vital skills and providing people with an opportunity to learn much-needed new skills is crucial.
Education secretary Gavin Williamson said: “As we recover from the pandemic, we are focused on making sure that individuals and businesses can build back better than before. Throughout our lives we may all need to boost our skills or gain new ones. These free qualifications will help open doors to betteremployment opportunities for thousands of adults and support businesses to access the workforce they need to grow.

We Need to Bring Out the Best in our Young People, with Skills Development for Apprenticeships
The need swiftly to bring our young people to a ‘better place’ has never been more important.
The Situation:
Jasper Alliance London (JAL) is an accredited education provider with a special interest in young people affected by isolation during Covid-19 lock down, and needing preparation for apprenticeships because:
• their education was/is stalled or less effective
• some achieved their first job and are now unable to work
• others lost their job and are uncertain about job prospects
• some have no career or ‘first job’ offers
• productivity and confidence is low
• mental health is affected if too many things go wrong at the same time JAL believe that young people understandably feel let down and anxious. It is time to put in place support structures to encourage them to grow and renew their optimism, with skills development and preparation for apprenticeships.
The Background:
Several years ago, members of the JAL Team designed a significant accredited training module programme to prepare young people for the job market. This was part of the 13.6 million ‘Backing Young Britain’ initiative, and it saw apprentice/internship youth successfully achieve 93% completions on the programme.
Based on that success, JAL’s Apprentice/Internship Training Programme is ready to be activated again because it already has proof of concept and delivery in multiple universities and organisations, with hundreds of learners giving feedback in the high 90’s.
The Solution: There is a need to develop the Three R’s to:
Re-establish human communication and connection. Get it back to being as close to normal as possible. - during lock down isolation, social skills have suffered, so re-training is necessary Restore the positivity that young people should have for their futures. -business training skills will help to rebuild confidence and they gain accredited certification Renew hope as fast as possible. -that feeling of achieving something every day; learning new skills and having achievable daily challenges to build motivation and positivity is essential. - young people need to believe in themselves and new knowledge will enable their renewal.
Qualified teacher and researcher, Jay Purcell says: ‘Learning new practical essential business skills will keep them busy and feeling positive. With enjoyable training in essential core business skills, we give them the tools to achieve daily tasks and gain confidence before undertaking their apprenticeships.
By using a tested training programme, and a team who are themselves in the business world, we will bring out the best for our young people with Preparation for Apprenticeship Skills Training from JAL. Contact:
Preparation for Apprenticeship Skills Training by JAL to Bring Out the Best in Uncertain Times.
* Concessions Available YOUTH LEARNING & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 2021 | LIMITED TO 20 PLACES (per cohort) – Can be delivered at your office – *
Modern Business Communications & Presentation
Dynamic training, upskilling, learning and motivation for Young People
• Apprenticeship • Internships • Getting ready for work placement • Preparing for your first job or a new job

Prepare yourself with Modern Business Communications and Presentation. Learning these techniques will benefit you personally and professionally. Covering such topics as: • Manage your Time • Personal Communication • Presentation Skills • Positioning Yourself for Success Gain knowledge to understand Business World essentials. This programme scores 97% completion and excellent reviews.
Jasper Alliance London
Registered in England and Wales. Company Number 8405520
Call to Discuss Training or Curriculum Design needs to ‘Bring Out the Best’ for Young People: +44 (0)7884 413305 purcell@jasperalliancelondon.com
Members of London Borough of Hounslow Chamber & West London Chambers * Concessions Available * Accredited, Certified and Peer Reviewed
Two Fully Assessed Options:
1. Learn Face-to-Face: (Training & Assessments)
Delivered by a qualified university teacher and researcher who actively works on youth projects. 3
2. Virtual Learning:
(80% Online & Assessments 1to1) Online discussion learning and assessments to complete. With limited face to face teaching and with many online discussions. 3
Learners say:
“We are like lost puppies. We need to know what is expected of us so that we can feel confident.” “Good to be taught by someone actually in the business world.” “We have learned so much. Practical skills for life.” “Enjoyed the training because it was all useful.”