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Could you make a difference?

People choose to become foster parents for a variety of reasons:

Providing Stability:

Many children enter the foster care system due to difficult family situations, such as abuse, neglect, or parental substance abuse. Foster parents offer them a stable and loving environment where they can feel safe and cared for.

Making a Difference:

Fostering provides an opportunity to make a significant difference in a child’s life. It allows you to be a positive influence and help them overcome adversity and trauma.

Community Support:

Fostering is a way to give back to the community. By opening your home and heart to a child in need, you contribute to the welfare of your community and society as a whole.

Teaching Empathy and Compassion:

Fostering can teach your own children empathy, compassion, and the importance of helping others. It’s an opportunity for your family to grow together through shared experiences.

Building Relationships:

Cultural Exchange:

Fostering can bring together individuals from different cultural backgrounds and provide an opportunity for cultural exchange and learning.

Supporting Reunification:

In many cases, the goal of foster care is to reunify the child with their biological family once the family’s issues are resolved. Foster parents play a crucial role in supporting this process.

Fostering is a deeply meaningful and rewarding experience that can positively impact the lives of both the foster child and the foster parent.

Fostering often involves collaborating with social workers, therapists, and other professionals to provide the best care for the child. This can lead to forming meaningful relationships and networks within your community.

Learning and Growth:

Fostering challenges you to learn and grow as a parent and as an individual. It requires patience, resilience, and adaptability, which can be personally fulfilling.

It’s important to note that fostering is not without challenges. It can be emotionally taxing, and it requires patience, dedication, and the ability to navigate complex situations. However, for those who are committed to making a positive impact on a child’s life, fostering can be an incredibly rewarding and fulfilling journey.

Blair’s Story

“My wife and I have been fostering now for over 20 years, our birth children grew up and benefitted from fostering others. We care for older teenagers preparing them for independent living and also for younger children and babies.

It is a unique privilege to provide a nurturing environment, with security, consistency, laughter and a family setting which can help children to trust and understand boundaries and rules. We helped babies develop strong bonds and saw them crawl, take their first steps and heard their first words. Many say it is too painful to let them go but for us it is too painful to think they might not have a secure future if foster carers didn’t provide for them.

Our joy in fostering is giving children wings and see them fly onto new things. Some stay in touch and we often pinch ourselves at how truly lucky we are to foster and create life stories”

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