1 minute read
And finally

Lucy Callaghan Business Relations Manager and Deputy Head of Operations
Woolwich Service Users Project (WSUP).

Lucy Callaghan is Business Relations Manager and Deputy Head of Operations at Woolwich Service Users Project (WSUP).
She was a volunteer at WSUP for two years before being offered a paid role in January. Before WSUP Lucy spent 10 years as a stage technician at the Royal Opera House.
Q What was your first job and what was the pay packet?
A A Saturday job at the age of 14 at a cafe in Welling High Street. I mainly washed dishes! I think this was for about £20 a day. Then I got dermatitis on my hands and moved on to selling windows over the phone.
Q What would you do with your last pound?
A I don’t think there’s much you can do with a pound in this day and age. I would give it to someone who could benefit from it more than me.
Q What is the biggest challenge facing your business?
A Funding is a big challenge for us. We rely on donations and we support a lot of people at WSUP.

Q If you were Prime Minister, what would be your first decision?
A To alleviate poverty. I would start by tackling the high cost of housing which is a cause of poverty and has an impact on people’s mental health. I feel very strongly about this. We see the effects of poverty on a daily basis at WSUP.
Q If you could do another job, what would it be?
A A police officer. Before I was offered my position at WSUP, I studied a higher education access course in policing.
I have always wanted to help people and felt that this was a way to do so. Traumatic life experiences raised my awareness of mental health, a subject I also chose to study. I found these studies extremely rewarding and, above all, enlightening.
Q What book are you currently reading?
A I must be very honest here, I have not read a book for a while! I would recommend reading Get Your Life Back by Chris Hill though. A good read for all!!
Woolwich Service Users Project (WSUP) is a grassroots charity that provides practical and emotional support to those seeking help in our community.
We support people in Greenwich and the surrounding boroughs who are going through, or are at risk of, poverty, homelessness, addiction and any other life challenges.
We offer essential services including a welcoming community space where people in need can access hot meals, showers, haircuts, a laundry service and a clothing bank.
We are a non-judgmental environment and our doors are open to everyone in our community who needs us.