1 minute read

The BCC wants to see:

Green Innovation

Industrial Strategy with green innovation at its heart Action

For green jobs and business investment

People And Work

Plan better for skills Action

Shevaun Haviland, Director General of the BCC said:

“A General Election is an important time for our country, our economy, and our businesses.

“The companies we represent are the drivers of economic growth and the employers of millions of people. They need to know that politicians have got their back. Once the votes are counted – we want government to know how to help business. Our fivepoint-plan is clear.

Local Economy For The Future

Business Rates Reform Action

To boost investment in skills, bringing businesses and training providers together to tackle skills shortages and support sustainable career opportunities for all.

To develop a long-term business rates strategy to encourage economic growth and investment in communities across the UK.

Global Britain

Improve EU relations to cut costs for business Action

For the new government to negotiate improved UK trading terms with our largest partner the European Union.

Digital Revolution

Government to appoint an AI Champion for SMEs Action

For an AI Champion to spearhead uptake of latest technology amongst SMEs to boost productivity and competitiveness. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

“As companies play their part in the UK’s net-zero journey, we desperately need an industrial strategy with green innovation at its heart.

“Firms are constantly telling us they can’t get the skills they need. We need better strategic planning on skills that helps business and training providers work together.

“In local communities, firms are crying out for a fairer business rates system. Over a quarter (26%) of companies told us earlier this year they’d changed plans to upgrade or open premises because of the system.

“The EU is the UK’s biggest market, so we urgently need to get a better trading relationship with our closet neighbour. It’s not about rewriting the referendum result, it’s about cutting red-tape and promoting trade.

“The world of AI has huge potential to boost economic productivity. But it’s important that SMEs aren’t left behind, or vulnerable, as new technology accelerates. A Government appointed AI champion will help spearhead a boost in AI uptake by SMEs.

“We believe our 5-point plan creates an immediate pathway for a new government, of whatever party, to help businesses succeed. When business succeeds, the country succeeds.”

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