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RFCA for Wales collaboration with the Royal Navy
Did you know that over 90% of our nation’s trade comes and goes by sea? Or that modern business relies on fast, accurate data transfer, 97% of which is carried on undersea cables? How about the intrinsic link between our nation’s maritime and every other sector within the UK?
The Reserve Forces’ & Cadets’ Association For Wales regularly collaborates with The Royal Navy Domestic Engagement team to maintain avenues for developing the fantastic relationship between the Royal Navy, industry, defence, academia and other institutions. Fundamental understanding of The Royal Navy Domestic Engagement team’s activity underpins free access to the world’s oceans and infrastructure. Our routes for collaboration vary from Maritime Enterprise networking, think tanks, procurement and public presentations or events.
The Royal Navy Presentation Team is eager to engage with companies across the region and is seeking to talk to employees about the importance of the maritime sector and what the Navy is doing strategically around the world - as well as at home - to help our island nation prosper.
Tony Fish, Regional Employer Engagement Director (North) at RFCA for Wales explains: “As a mobile team, completely free of charge, they will bring everything needed to deliver a presentation - so whether you are hosting an event or AGM and want to invite an ally of the maritime sector, or simply enabling a “lunch and learn” and CPD for your teams, they will be willing to travel to your site to achieve this engagement. All they need is a power source and an audience!”
If you are interested in what they have to offer, or any of the links that can be built between your business and the Royal Navy, please drop an email to NAVYSTRATPOL-RNPTGROUP@mod.gov.uk or check search “RNPT” online.