1 minute read

International trade support keeps flowing in 2024!

Our range of International Trade support for West Cheshire & North Wales businesses has continued throughout the start of 2024 with our latest BCC accredited training courses and Hot Topic sessions continuing to supply attendees with the vital knowledge that they need to successfully trade with international markets.

In January we held the latest edition of our International Trade Hot Topic, a one-hour-long online insight designed to keep importers and exporters up to date with the ever-changing world of international trade, and to provide them with an opportunity to ask the questions that their businesses need to know!

During this year’s maiden session, we provided attendees with a preview of some of the International Trade headlines for 2024. As International Trade is continually evolving, this was a great opportunity to provide attendees with the key dates, information, and changes that are being implemented throughout the year by both government policy and global factors.

Planning is underway to ensure that current and topical issues are covered throughout the year, and the next session is taking place on 17th April, this session will cover Net Zero for International Trade.

Visit our website to find out more information.

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