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Depaul UK

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Marcus Matthews

Marcus Matthews

At Depaul UK we are passionate about ending youth homelessness and most proud of our community hosting model, which brings together members of the public, their homes, and homelessness services to get young people off the streets, safe and working towards a brighter independent future.

This unique accommodation model sees trained and vetted community hosts provide a safe and welcoming environment at home for a young person without one. This might be as emergency accommodation for one night in a crisis, or for more longer-term placements that require emotional support and practical guidance towards independent living.

In Cheshire West, we’re working with Chester Council to provide longer-term supported accommodation for careexperienced children, 16-17 years old, in the homes of local people who want to make a difference to the future of those whose options have been limited by lack of family support.

Care-experienced children face huge disadvantages when they leave the system. Lack of family support or financial security makes getting a job harder. They are three times more likely to be unemployed than their peers. In fact, 25 percent of the adult homeless population are care leavers, making them many times more likely to end up on the street. Supported Lodgings schemes, like ours, are key to breaking the cycle and making the transition between care and independent living less daunting.

Over a 6 month to 2-year period, a young person is given the opportunity to build the knowledge and skills they need to live alone and pursue their educational or employment goals, at the same time as receiving care and emotional support in a safe and homely environment.

It can be life-changing for the young person, but also hugely rewarding for the host, bringing a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It's not just about providing a room but being a mentor and a positive influence. Cris, a Supported Lodgings host from Oldham said: “I’m nothing special, just a single mum whose children have flown the nest, but it has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done.”

It can be life-changing for the young person, but also hugely rewarding for the host, bringing a sense of fulfillment and purpose. It's not just about providing a room but being a mentor and a positive influence.

The nationwide scheme has only recently been rolled out in Cheshire West and we are looking for new local hosts with a spare room and a desire to help shape the future of a young person leaving care. The scheme is well supported with training, a 24-hour on-call service and access to help and advice whenever needed. A weekly payment is also included to cover any costs.

To find out more visit depaul.org.uk/ supported-lodgings-hosts/

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