How to Build a Core Human Resources Solution Build Course Manual Milestone 5
Notices Highpoint Implementation and Training Services Ltd has made every effort to supply accurate, complete and up to date information in this document. However, if changes are made to the system, the information in this document may no longer be accurate at the time of use. Highpoint Implementation and Training Services Ltd assumes no responsibility for any errors or omissions that may occur in the document. Microsoft® Excel, Windows® and Microsoft® SQL Server™ are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names and company logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. This document contains information that is proprietary to Highpoint Implementation and Training Services Ltd. Please do not reproduce this document, or make it available to any third party either directly or indirectly in any format. If you do require more copies for any purpose please contact Highpoint Implementation and Training Services for authorisation. All rights reserved. Highpoint Implementation and Training Services © 2015
Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................... 6 1.1 Welcome ....................................................................................................................................... 6 1.2 The format of this document ........................................................................................................ 6 1.3 Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 7 1.4 Environment.................................................................................................................................. 8 1.5 Unit4 Implementation Methodology (U4IM)................................................................................ 8
Course Overview and Objectives .............................................................................. 9 2.1 Course Overview ........................................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Course Objective ........................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 Recommended Courses to Attend ................................................................................................ 9
Human Resources Overview ................................................................................... 10 3.1 Human Resources Core Build Task List ....................................................................................... 10 3.1.1 Figure 1.1 ............................................................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Integration of the Human Resources Module in UBW ............................................................... 12 3.2.1 Figure 1.2 ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Personnel Master File Overview ............................................................................. 13 4.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Overview ..................................................................................................................................... 13 4.3 Personnel Master File ................................................................................................................. 14 4.3.1 Resource tab ....................................................................................................................................... 14 4.3.2 Address tab ......................................................................................................................................... 16 4.3.3 Relation tab ........................................................................................................................................ 17 4.3.4 Payroll tab .......................................................................................................................................... 18 4.3.5 Employment tab ................................................................................................................................. 18 4.3.6 Personnel tab ...................................................................................................................................... 20 4.3.7 Memo tab ........................................................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Personnel Master File Tools ........................................................................................................ 21 4.4.1 Next of kin window ............................................................................................................................. 21
Attributes and Attribute Values .............................................................................. 22 5.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 22 5.2 Process Overview ........................................................................................................................ 22 5.3 Attribute Overview...................................................................................................................... 22 5.3.1 Attributes window .............................................................................................................................. 23 5.3.2 Creating attributes ............................................................................................................................. 24 5.3.3 Attribute values window ..................................................................................................................... 25 5.3.4 Creating Attribute values .................................................................................................................... 26
5.4 Resource Specific Attributes & Attribute Values ........................................................................ 27 5.4.1 Resource Group (RESGRP)................................................................................................................... 27 5.4.2 Resource Type (RESTYP) ...................................................................................................................... 27 5.4.3 Employment Type (APPTYPE).............................................................................................................. 28
5.4.4 Next of Kin (FAMILY) ........................................................................................................................... 28 5.4.5 Title (TITLE) ......................................................................................................................................... 29 5.4.6 Address Type (ADDRTYPE) .................................................................................................................. 29 5.4.7 Marital status (MARSTAT) .................................................................................................................. 30 5.4.8 Fixed codes ......................................................................................................................................... 30
Resource Relations .................................................................................................. 33 6.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 33 6.2 Relation Overview ....................................................................................................................... 33 6.2.1 Relation group window....................................................................................................................... 33 6.2.2 Creating Relation groups .................................................................................................................... 34 6.2.3 Relations on resources window .......................................................................................................... 35 6.2.4 Creating Relations on resources ......................................................................................................... 37
Resources Setup ...................................................................................................... 38 7.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 38 7.2 Process Overview ........................................................................................................................ 38 7.3 Auto-numbering .......................................................................................................................... 38 7.3.1 Auto-numbering window .................................................................................................................... 38 7.3.2 Setting Up Auto-numbering ................................................................................................................ 41
7.4 Additional information fields ...................................................................................................... 42 7.4.1 System Parameters – Payroll/Personnel/Expenses window ............................................................... 42 7.4.2 Setting up Additional information fields ............................................................................................. 43
7.5 Customisable Field Names .......................................................................................................... 44 7.5.1 User defined title/texts window ......................................................................................................... 44 7.5.2 Action – Customising field names ....................................................................................................... 45
7.6 Customising Resource Names ..................................................................................................... 46 7.6.1 User defined titles/texts window ........................................................................................................ 46
7.7 Name System Parameter ............................................................................................................ 47 7.7.1 System parameters - Payroll/Personnel/Expenses window ................................................................ 48 7.7.2 Configuring the Resource Name ......................................................................................................... 48
Pay Steps, Pay Scales and Value References ........................................................... 50 8.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 50 8.2 Pay Settings Overview ................................................................................................................. 50 8.3 Pay Steps ..................................................................................................................................... 50 8.3.1 Pay step window ................................................................................................................................. 51 8.3.2 Creating Pay steps .............................................................................................................................. 51
8.4 Value References ........................................................................................................................ 52 8.4.1 Value references window ................................................................................................................... 52 8.4.2 Action – Setup a Value Reference ....................................................................................................... 52
8.5 Value Reference Rates ................................................................................................................ 52 8.5.1 Value reference rates window ............................................................................................................ 53 8.5.2 Creating Value reference rates ........................................................................................................... 53
8.6 Pay Scales .................................................................................................................................... 54 8.6.1 Pay scale window ............................................................................................................................... 54 8.6.2 Creating Pay scales ............................................................................................................................. 55
Position Codes and Positions .................................................................................. 56 9.1 Objectives.................................................................................................................................... 56 9.2 Positions Overview ...................................................................................................................... 56 9.3 Position Code Relations .............................................................................................................. 56 9.3.1 Action – Creating Position Relations ................................................................................................... 57
9.4 Position Code Register ................................................................................................................ 57 9.4.1 Position code register window ............................................................................................................ 57 9.4.2 Additional information fields .............................................................................................................. 60 9.4.3 System parameters window ............................................................................................................... 60
9.5 Position Code Register Relations ................................................................................................ 61 9.5.1 Action – Creating Position Relations ................................................................................................... 61
9.6 Position Register ......................................................................................................................... 62 9.6.1 Action – Activate POSCODE_MASTERFILE Parameter ........................................................................ 62 9.6.2 Position register window .................................................................................................................... 63
9.7 Additional information fields ...................................................................................................... 65 9.7.1 System parameters window ............................................................................................................... 66
9.8 Auto-numbering .......................................................................................................................... 66 9.8.1 Auto-numbering window .................................................................................................................... 66
Creating a Resource (Post-Build) ........................................................................... 68 10.1 Create a Supplier Group for Employees.................................................................................... 68 10.1.1 Action – Linking the Employee Supplier Group to Resources ............................................................ 68
10.2 Create a Resource ..................................................................................................................... 69 10.2.1 Action – Adding Basic Resource Details ............................................................................................ 70 10.2.2 Action – Adding an Address .............................................................................................................. 71 10.2.3 Action – Adding Relation Data ......................................................................................................... 72 10.2.4 Action – Adding Payroll Information ................................................................................................ 72 10.2.5 Action – Adding Employment Information ....................................................................................... 73 10.2.6 Action – Adding Personal Details ...................................................................................................... 74 10.2.7 Action – Adding Next of Kin Details .................................................................................................. 75
About Highpoint ....................................................................................................................... 76
Human Resources Course Manual
Introduction 1.1 Welcome Thank you for purchasing this training material and its associated core build task list. The task list is saved to a memory stick which is attached to this document. Our build courses have been designed to show a clear path from start to finish that will enable you to complete all of the necessary steps required to build what we consider to be a ‘core’ solution. The course will not make you an expert but will quickly give you the confidence to work with your consultant to deliver the requirements of your project. This material has been designed for use in a teacher led classroom environment or for self-study. It has been tested by people who are not expert users to ensure that they are, as far as possible selfexplanatory and easy to follow.
1.2 The format of this document This document is split into sections. Each section is then further split into headings. These headings tend to be consistent in each section. The headings are as follows: Heading
To set the context of the section and describe in relatively high level terms what follows.
Screen Definitions
To present all of the screens that will be used and what each one does at a field by field level.
A summary of the step involved
The document will guide you through the process and uses the following navigation convention to help make sure that you are using the correct function. Navigate to Agresso Common Attributes and relations Attributes
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Most of the navigation will be to items in the standard menu structure, shown below:
There will be a requirement for you to use the ‘Settings’ menu which is activated using the which can be found directly underneath the menu items. An example of such a navigation is:
Navigate to Settings System Administration Setting up a New Company New Company The settings menu looks like this.
1.3 Prerequisites Whilst the course and this material have been designed to be easy to follow and clear, we do anticipate that anyone wishing to attend this course or utilise it as self-study material has a good knowledge of the key concepts of the software and its basic navigation. Consequently, you should have attended the following courses prior to undertaking this one.
Introduction to UBW How to Build a New Client (including General Ledger)
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1.4 Environment This course is designed to build upon the ‘How to build a new client’ and ‘Accounts Payable’ courses using the client that you created. If this is not possible, then you should use the T2 client which is a training environment that we provide. If that is not available either, then any other client that is complete to the level defined in the ‘How to build a new client’ and ‘Accounts Payable’ can be used, but you should be aware that you may get different results depending upon the setup of that client.
1.5 Unit4 Implementation Methodology (U4IM) The course has been designed to be compliant with the Unit4 Implementation Methodology (Unit4 Handbook) and uses terminology that is consistent with it. The table below is an outline of U4IM. This methodology provides for knowledge transfer at every key stage. This course covers the core knowledge transfer requirement of the Build phase of the project.
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Course Overview and Objectives 2.1 Course Overview This course is designed to take you on a step by step journey through the process of setting up a core HR solution. This document explains the screens you need to use and the purpose of each field within those screens. It must be used in conjunction with the corresponding Core Build Task List which contains the data to be loaded, examples and other useful information. This course covers the following:
Setting up a general attributes and attribute values
Setting up resource specific attributes and attribute values
Setting up resource relations
Pay steps, pay scales and value references
Setting up position codes (Job Families)
Setting up positions
2.2 Course Objective Our objective is that once you have completed this course you will be able to actively contribute to the building of your own core solution, using this guide and the core build task list for reference.
2.3 Recommended Courses to Attend
Workflow Setup
IntellAgent Setup
Flexi-fields Setup
Document Archive Setup
Action Overview Setup
Enquiry, Browser and Analyzer
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Human Resources Overview 3.1 Human Resources Core Build Task List A Core Build Task List is essential when building a UBW (Unit4 Business World – Previously Agresso) module. The Core Build Task List is created using an Excel spreadsheet and is designed to guide the process of building (setting up) the module. It captures the configuration of the relevant module as defined in the organisation’s Solution Design Document (SDD). The SDD is the blueprint for setting up the whole UBW system for the organisation. The entire configuration required is documented in the SDD and then transferred to a Core Build Task List (for a particular module). All of the screens to be configured, the selections to be made, and the values to entered are held in the Core Build Task List. It is also used for recording the progress of building the relevant module. The Core Build Task List defines the Common, Resource and Position areas within the HR module and the exact configuration required in each area in order the build a system that exactly matches the SDD, as shown in figure 1.1 on the next page. The term Resource is used in the system to represent a member of staff (employee or contractor). The term Position is used to represent a job role.
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3.1.1 Figure 1.1
Common – system setup that can be shared by applicable modules in UBW. Resources – system setup specific to how Resources are configured, used and reported on. Position – system setup specific to how Positions are configured, used and reported on.
Within each area are categories of configuration that may be required by the SDD (as shown in figure 1.1 above):
Setup including attributes and relations - specific to the HR module (green). Flexi-fields – organisation defined screens and fields for capturing additional information (dark blue). Document Archive – defining the electronic documents that can be uploaded (light blue). IntellAgent – setting up system alerts based on dates and intervals (red). Workflow – elements of the HR process that require electronic authorisation by appropriate system users (orange). Payroll – elements specific to Resources and Positions that allow for the correct payments and deductions to be made (grey).
The UBW Human Resources module contains an HR and a Payroll section. HR and Payroll share some system configuration and general system functionality such as Flexi-fields and Document Archive. The Payroll module, Flexi-fields and the Document Archive are covered in separate build courses.
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How to build a core Human Resources solution
3.2 Integration of the Human Resources Module in UBW 3.2.1 Figure 1.2
HR module/HR section: Position Register (red). HR module/HR section: Personnel Master File (lime green). HR module/HR section: Absence (grey). HR module/Payroll section: Personnel Master File (light blue). HR module/Payroll section: Payments and Deductions Register (purple). Financials module/Accounts Payable (orange). Financials module/General Ledger (light green.) Project Costing and Billing module/Travel Expenses (dark blue).
As shown in figure 1.2 above the HR module is integrated with Payroll and the Financials and Project Costing and Billing modules. The Personnel master file screen is accessible from both the HR and Payroll sections of Human Resources but can be configured to operate differently to control what the Payroll team and Human Resources teams have access to (for example the HR team can view but not amend payment information). The screens, tabs fields and data that system users can see and/or edit can be very strictly controlled to ensure that data protection and confidentiality are maintained.
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How to build a core Human Resources solution
Personnel Master File Overview 4.1 Objectives The objective of this section is to understand the Personnel master file. An example of a completed master file is shown below.
4.2 Overview When a new starter (Resource) begins employment with an organisation a Personnel master file is created for them. This record is updated throughout the resource’s lifecycle at the organisation and records their current details, including their job role (Position), as well as historical information.
The Resource master file is an ‘expanded’ attribute screen for the attribute RESNO. Standard attributes allow for one value to be specified (with as many variants as required), but when more information needs to be captured a master file can be used. The organisation defines in the Solution Design Document (SDD) exactly what information must or can be captured on the Personnel master file, including attributes and attribute values and free-text fields. The Core build task list shows the precise setup required for the Resource master file to operate in the correct way for the organisation. The completed configuration is used (in conjunction with other modules such as Payroll) to ensure that the organisation’s reporting requirements are met, that the resource has the correct settings for processing payments and deductions, and that other HR specific information (organisationally or legally required) is captured. The standard UBW tabs on the master file and most of the fields within them are described below. Mandatory fields (that must be completed before a record can be saved the first time) are marked with an asterisk *.
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4.3 Personnel Master File Navigate to Agresso Human Resources Human Resources Personnel registration Personnel
4.3.1 Resource tab This tab holds basic information about the resource such as ResID (unique resource ID number), Resource type, Name and Date from (employee start date), and has hidden customisable fields (in the Additional info section) which can be used by an organisation if necessary.
Description In order to open and view an existing record the ResID must be specified.
ResID *
The system requires each Resource to have a ResID, which is assigned either manually or automatically when a new resource record is successfully saved the first time. Search for an existing resource in this field using Value lookup. Other search options can be used (for example searching by Name) by clicking the drop-down arrow.
Resource type * Print Code: 280590
An attribute used to specify the type of resource, eg Full time employee, Contractor, Temporary worker. Page 14 of 76 © Highpoint 2016
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How to build a core Human Resources solution
Description Click the Name button to open the Name sub-window and complete or view the relevant fields. The names of the third to sixth fields can be customised.
Name button *
Short name *
Records can also be searched for using the value specified here (via the Value lookup screen). This field is sometimes used to record resource codes from previous systems as a reference.
Date from * / Date to
The resource’s dates of employment. Date from is mandatory and Date to is optional (used to record definite end dates for contractors, and will record the last date for leavers).
Status *
Resource records can be Active, Parked, Closed (can be returned to Active) or Terminated (cannot be returned to Active).
NI Number *
Enter using the standard format or ‘N/A’ is used if the number is not yet known.
Overtime check-box
Checked when a resource is able to be paid overtime. Used by the Payroll section.
Piecework check-box
Checked when a resource is paid according to what they produce. Used by the Payroll section.
Additional info section
This section is usually hidden and contains four drop-down fields can be unhidden and customised.
Supplier group *
When a resource is successfully saved the first time a Supplier master file is automatically created in the Accounts Payable module. This allows for payments such as expenses and advances to be made to the resource. This is a measure of the availability of a resource when compare to someone working standard hours and weeks. Consequently a full time employee would show 100%.
The value shown is drawn from the position details on the Employment tab (see section 4.3.5). The field can be renamed, for example to ‘FTE’ (full time equivalent) and expresses as a number rather than a percentage.
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4.3.2 Address tab This tab holds address details for the resource. The table-field can contain as many rows as are required for different address Types. The organisation defines the different types it wants to record. Every resource record must have at least one address of the type ‘General’ recorded.
Double-clicking an address row in the table-field displays the Address sub-screen where detailed information can be added on the three tabs Address, Phone and E-mail.
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4.3.3 Relation tab This tab is used to link resources to other attributes for the purposes of reporting and workflow. The relationships between attributes are set up in the Common module and when set up are visible in the table. Related attributes on the tab can be made mandatory if necessary, and also grouped into logical folders.
The folders (Group), attributes (in the Relation column) and attribute values (in the Rel.value column) are defined by the organisation’s SDD, and documented in the Core build task list. Column
Folder categories to group related attributes (Relations).
An attribute related to the resource master file (the RESNO attribute).
Rel.value (relation value)
Where the attribute value of the related attribute is specified.
The default description of the relation value.
P (period type)
Indicates whether the attribute is linked to a particular period set up in the system. This could be monthly period (General Ledger) or weekly period (for timesheets) The relation’s period type. If not linked to a period the value N – ‘No accrual of relational values’ is shown.
Date from
The start date that the Rel.value of the related attribute applies to the resource.
Date to
The end date that the Rel.value of the related attribute applies to the resource. Over time the Rel.value can change. A row must be ended by completing the Date to field (creating a historical row) and a new row with the new value and Date from must be created. Where the Date to is not yet known ‘31/12/2099’ is used.
S (status)
The status of the relation, usually N – ‘Active’, which means the attribute is available to be used in the system.
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4.3.4 Payroll tab This tab is used and maintained by the Payroll team (using their ‘version’ of the Personnel master file screen) and is defined in detail in the ‘Implementing Payroll’ build course. As with all tabs and data on the Resource master file the organisation decides which members of staff have view and/or editing access. The resource’s bank details can be viewed on the left-hand side, and the table shows applicable rates and balances such as salary and pension contributions.
4.3.5 Employment tab Resources are linked to one or more Positions using this tab and the specific terms and conditions are defined here. Positions and their associated details can be viewed and amended here as a resource’s employment changes. The historical details and values are retained and can be viewed. Current and historical positions are held in the table field. The top half of the screen shows the details of the currently selected position. Positions are shown in detail in Section 9.
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The name of the position.
Position code
The ‘job family’ the position belongs to.
Date from/Date to
Signifies the dates between which the resource held or holds the position. Date to can be blank until the position end date is known.
This is a measure of the availability of a resource when compare to someone working standard hours and weeks. Consequently a full time employee would show 100%.
Work schedule
A work schedule is a defined calendar of days (including contractual hours) that a resource is expected to be at work.
Any attribute can be selected here with the attribute value selected in the Value field. The organisation specifies which choice should be made here.
The attribute value of the selection made in Attribute.
Pay scale /
Pay scales and Pay steps are set up in the Payroll section of the HR module. By default Pay step shows the lowest option of the Pay scale selected. Amended if necessary to reflect the terms and conditions agreed for the resource.
Pay step
There are two paths through a Pay scale. A resource can either advance incrementally through the steps of a scale (pending organisation assessment) or be linked to an Alternative path that uses only some of the steps.
Advancement code
The default description for the Alternative selected.
Reason change
Listed in the drop-down field are the organisation’s reasons for making a change to the Employment tab. Before any of the current values are changed the Date to field should be updated and the record saved. A historical row is created in the table-field. The change should be made, the Reason change specified and the new Date from entered (and the record saved).
Date from
The date the current values on the tab apply from. The date the current values on the tab apply until (if open ended leave blank).
Date to
To create historical entries in the table-field complete the Date from and Date to fields before a change is made.
Main position
Every resource must have a (current) main position. If they hold more than one position then one must be selected as main.
Each position can be allocated a number to sort current and historical positions in the table-field.
Before a change is made to the Employment tab it is recommended that the Date to field is updated to show the last date that the current values apply. This creates a historical line in the table field. The employment tab can be updated, the Date from specified and a Reason change given. Print Code: 280590
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The resource’s position history is displayed in the table field by clicking the Find icon or [F7]. 4.3.6 Personnel tab This tab is used to collect extra information. Some of the fields on this tab are customisable. Only the Language field is mandatory, however, many further details can be captured on this screen. If an organisation requires a lot of non-standard HR related information to be captured it may be more practical to create flexi-fields (on additional tabs) rather than customise this tab.
4.3.7 Memo tab The Memo tab can be used to record notes about the resource. When a note is saved the User field updates with the name of the user who saved the record and the date is recorded in Updated.
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4.4 Personnel Master File Tools There are a number of specific Tools available when the Personnel window is open. Some are used by Payroll (Fixed PDs, Rates) and others open related windows and master files, for example Supplier info opens the resource’s Supplier master file.
4.4.1 Next of kin window The Next of kin tool opens the Next of kin window, which is used to record a resource’s emergency contacts in a table-field. The details on this window are linked directly, via this screen, to the Resource master file. A new row is required for each person to be entered. The Priority field is used to indicate the order that the individuals should be contacted. The Next of kin, Emergency, Dependant and Beneficiary check-boxes allow for one person (on one row) to be marked for different categories.
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