A list of colleges and universities in Houston Houston Colleges and Universities… Master's Colleges and Universities… Rice University, University of Houston. Texas Southern University, Houston Baptist University, University of ST. Thomas, Sam Houston State University, Texas A & M University, UTHouston's Health Science Center, Baylor College of Medicine, University of TexasHouston Health Science Center, University of TexasHouston Dental Branch, Prairie View A & M University, Houston Community College System, North Harris Montgomery Community College District, North Harris College, Kingwood College, Tomball College, Montgomery College, San Jacinto College District… http://htl.li/55k0A
Info Not Verified/Guaranteed. Readers should independently verify. Visit their website or call in for update. Non-commercial value. Ben Huynh, REALTOR®Houston TX 281-561-5386. http://www.har.com/benhuynh http://blogs.har.com/benhuynh benrealestate@yahoo.com