COMPACT LIVING _ home sweet home

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home sweet home

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

home sweet home acreage 62 m²

population 2 人 population density 0,031 people / km²

tokyo acreage 621,45 km²

population 8.483.050 人

population density 13.650 people / km²

japan acreage 377.835 km²

population 127.264.438 人 population density 336,9 people / km²

space proportion

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

COMPACT LIVING shall give an idea how to cope with small space. Living in a small space means to focus on good organization as well as design. Things which we use in our daily live have to be easily to access. Form follows function does not mean that a thoughtful interior gets boring or looses its personal style. Drawers, hanger, tupperware and a lot of other useful systems can be of help while finding the place and space for every item in a household. Use them smart and you will be surprised how much fits also in the smallest space! Be creative while storing away things and creating your own personal space !!!

flat proportion >> 62 m² >> h = 2.30 m >> 2 LDK >> 6th floor

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

entrance >> use mirrors to enlarge a space visual !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

corridor >> use space saving shoe drawers along a wall ! >> keep your shoes in order !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

corridor >> drawers are space saving ! >> divide drawers into sections to keep tableware in order ! ( paper boxes as well as simple cut cardboard is convenient )

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

kitchen >> drawers are space saving ! >> simple tupperware keeps food clearly arranged !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

kitchen >> ( magnet ) hooks give additional storrage space on the inside doors ! >> simple tupperware keeps kitchen equipment clearly arranged !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

bathroom >> store equipment orderly away which you don’t need always ! ( easy for cleaning ! ) >> keep equipment for daily use in convenient reach ! >> be creative when it comes to storing away ! use hangers, racks, drawers aso.

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

kitchen >> store equipment / food orderly away which you don’t need always ! >> keep equipment for daily use in convenient reach ! >> be creative when it comes to storing away ! use hangers, magzine boxes aso.

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

living room ( japanese room ) >> equip existing furniture with drawers ! >> drawers are space saving !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

living room ( japanese room ) >> equip existing furniture with drawers ! >> drawers are space saving ! >> put same items away to keep order and save space ! >> use nameplates ( sticker ) to keep the overview over non-tranparent drawers !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

bedroom >> use drawers as furniture ! ( example : underconstruction for a bed ) >> drawers are space saving ! >> divide drawers into sections to keep cloths in order ! ( paper boxes as well as simple cut cardboard is convenient )

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

workspace >> use space saving furniture with many functions !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

dining room >> flexible furniture adds different layout possibilities ! >> stocking furniture is space saving !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

window with a view :

chairs as ‘sculpture’

different curtains

2 bar chairs + a counter

in front of the wall

create different at

living / dining panorama

/ screens


open windows to a balcony

art adds

enlarge a space visual


COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

balcony >> foldable furniture is good for using also the smallest space effective !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

lighting >> use effective lighting to create space ! ( uplight, downlight, pendant, spotlight aso. )

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

color arrangement >> use a small range of colors and materials to keep a tanquil environment !

COMPACT LIVING home sweet home

accent point >> use accent points ( color / accesoire ) to give certain areas a special character !

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