The healthcare green secret rdy

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The healthcare green secret What do Whoopi Goldberg. Lady Gaga, Morgan Freeman and other celebrities have in common? They use marijuana with a medicinal purpose. The cannabis, commonly known as marijuana carries a deep social stigma despite all the good uses of it. We are coming off decades off decades of negative propaganda stigmatizing cannabis use, but we have to face that there are millions of people who use marijuana in effective, healthy and productive ways. There are people who use cannabis in a more religeous aspect as well. In South Asia, for example, there are many relogeous groups who incorporate cannabis into meditation practices, as a mean of stop the mind and enter into a state of serenity called Samadhi. Also, the cannabis is used in medicine as a tool of pain reliever and it’s part of important treatments on diseases such as cancer, epilepsy and others. This medicinal use of marijuana is a “Tabú” among healthcare systems all over the world, and because of that thousands of patients who can benefit from cannabis are not getting the treatment they need. For all those painful treatments that are out there, marijuana could be used as a tool of

relieving some of the patient’s pain. On patients with eating troubles it could be used to induce apetite and stop the nauseas that the illness causes. In the case of epileptic patients is proved that marijuana dramatically reduce seizures, currently in Colorado over a hundred families are treating their

children with cannabis in a very effective way. Other uses of medicinal marijuana are for traumatic brain injuries, alzheimer’s like brain changes, bipolar disorder and lots of others. “I wouldn’t be able to stay here and talk without the benefits of medicinal cannabis”. Those were the words of Eva Losey-Grossman on an interview for Like Eva there are hundred of patients who benefit for the use of cannabis. However, there are millions of people who are unaware of the medicinal use of cannabis, people that are waiting for a treatment like this. Will you be part of the green secret’s burial? Or will you raise your voice and start movilize for those who need a suitable and decent treatment? Now is up to you.

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