What are the skills, capacities and leadership needed to respond and scale up our work as change agents for a better world? How do we stretch our boundaries of what we know? What new approaches to change are emerging? We invite social innovators young and old, entrepreneurs inside and outside organisations, changemakers and rainmakers to a summer dedicated to learning and leadership for innovation.
Come equip yourself for the future! Hub Summer School is designed to offer you a rich and diverse menu of options that will give you the skills and capacities to help you grow your business, build community or enable the new to emerge whatever you need to make the change you want to see in the world happen
Systems shift when people shift. - Peter Senge
Visit our website: www.hubsummerschool.nl to learn more and register! For more information, please email: nl.summerschool@the-hub.net The Hub Amsterdam Westerstraat 187 1015 MA Amsterdam +31(0)20 427 42 83 amsterdam.the-hub.net
The Hub Rotterdam Heemraadsingel 219 3023 CD Rotterdam +31(0)10 707 85 13 rotterdam.the-hub.net
26/06 09/07 21/08 28/08 14/07 25/08
Wil je met meer authenticiteit en impact spreken?
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00
Eendags Workshop die op meerdere dagen wordt gegeven in Amsterdam en Rotterdam. In deze eendags workshop leer je op een verbluffend eenvoudige manier om te gaan met spanning bij het spreken voor groepen.
The Needs is een door creativiteit gedreven bureau voor coaching en training. De missie van The Needs is verbinding creĂŤren. Verbinding tussen mensen: in organisaties, in relaties. The Needs begeleidt collectieve en individuele veranderingsprocessen.
Iedereen die volledig gezien en gehoord wil worden, iedereen die zichzelf beschouwt als authentieke vertegenwoordiger van de veranderingen om ons heen, mensen in beweging, mensen met plankenkoorts, Sprekers die zich willen verbeteren.
Als je al regelmatig spreker bent zul je je met meer gemak gaan uiten, met authenticiteit en passie. Je leert verbinding te maken met je toehoorders en waardering te ontvangen, je bent veel meer aanwezig en je krijgt - ook als je niets hebt met spreken - meer vertrouwen op verschillende levensterreinen. Ervaar de positieve effecten van volledig gehoord en gezien worden! Meer info en aanmelding via www.theneeds.nl Workshop is Nederlandstalig.
price 250 euro hub member price 225 euro
(ex- BTW)
Wil je weten uit welke bedrijven deelnemers zoal komen, kijk dan eens bij Testimonials register at: op www.theneeds.nl Piet Hurkmans info@theneeds.nl 06-54600332 www.theneeds.nl
30/06 04/07 11/07
Connecting Fun & Business
location The Hub Rotterdam
10:00 - 13:00 10:00 - 13:00 10:00 - 13:00
Every day there are hundreds of opportunities for networking: network breakfasts, dinners, lunches, seminars, but how can you make sure that networking is and remains mainly FUN? And how can you connect the fun factor with the business factor?
Mandy Verveer, owner of bloesem! feel good communication and entrepreneurship
This is a practical workshop and valuable for everyone that would like to better integrate his or her different roles in life & work.
Er zijn honderden netwerkgelegenheden: netwerkontbijten, netwerklunches, netwerkdiners, congressen, seminars, maar hoe zorg je dat je vooral FUN hebt en houdt bij het netwerken? En hoe koppel je FUN aan Zakelijkheid?
see www.bloesem.biz
Beide workshops zijn praktisch van opzet en geschikt voor iedereen die zijn of haar verschillende rollen in leven & werk (meer) wil integreren.
register at:
price 100 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
Mandy Verveer mandy@bloesem.biz 06- 42499986 www.bloesem.biz
01/07 17/07
Simply Getting Things Done
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
13:00 - 17:30 13:00 - 17:30
This course is about achieving a state of relaxed control and at the same time getting things done. It’s about working smarter, not harder. You will be guided through the five phases of mastering your workflow.
Marco Bogers, business coach and consultant, has been working very hard on how to be as lazy as possible.
This course is a must for anyone who is selfemployed and is seeking improved self-organization. Entrepreneurs, coaches, trainers, journalists, etc. People having to balance many areas of their lives, and looking for simple practical tools to immediately start to make a change.
At the end of the day, you will have everything to set up your own system, in any form, be it Mac, Outlook, Google, or just plain paper. Working the system will allow you to go through your email in a breeze, take care of piles and clutter, get far more done in less time (without the stress), gaining an average of 2 hours a day. Special pilot offer. For beginners and experienced users of Getting Things Done.
price 95 euro hub member price 65 euro
(ex- BTW)
Since two years he has applied the Getting Things Done methodology with success to his own work and life. Read more here: www. workinflow.wordpress.com
register at: Marco Bogers m@rcobogers.nl 06-28749565 www.workinflow.wordpress.com
02/07 20/08 07/07 21/08
A Strategic & Practical Introduction
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
14:00 - 18:00 14:00 - 18:00 14:00 - 18:00 14:00 - 18:00
You will receive an update on the What and How of making the Internet work for your Business or Organization.
Maarten Bas-Backer (co-initiater of Internet Workshops) is owner and business consultant at Dr Dirck www.drdirck. com). Dr Dirck is your CVO (Chief Vision Officer) in the Internet era, incorporating technology with creativity and business objectives. Maarten is also co-founder of BMBO an IT outsourcing company.
For entrepreneurs, people running an organization or anyone with a mission!
http://www.linkedin.com/in/ maartenbasbacker
register at:
1. First you will be updated on the latest Internet trends and developments determining the social and business environment. 2. Next we will look at the latest business models from the Internet. Why does ‘free’ make money? We will discuss how to apply them to your own product or service. 3. In the last part we will introduce you to some Internet applications you can use to turbo your organization or business, while spending little to no money!
price 85 euro hub member price 65 euro
Level: basic understanding of Internet tools/ applications. Languange: English or Dutch depending on mix of participants. Registration also possible on www.internet-workshops.com
Roel Dekker r.dekker@internet-workshops.com 06-41774299 www. internet-workshops.com
24/08 25/08 03/07 06/07
Leer organisatieopstellingen toepassen in de dagelijkse praktijk
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
11:00 - 18:30 11:00 - 18:30 10:00 - 17:30 10:00 - 17:30
In elke organisatie (klein of groot) ontstaan automatisch dynamieken. Veel hiervan zijn onbewust en kunnen voor problemen zorgen. In een organisatieopstelling worden deze dynamieken in korte tijd zichtbaar. Door een organisatieopstelling kan je testen welke veranderingen nodig zijn om het probleem op te lossen.
Deze tweedaagse training wordt verzorgd door Agnes Groentjes en Jochem Paarlberg.
Je kunt de methode onder andere gebruiken als diagnosemiddel en ter ondersteuning bij het nemen van beslissingen. In deze training ga je veel oefenen. Aan het eind van de training kun je voor jouw situaties een (eenvoudige) opstelling neerzetten en begeleiden en kun je een interventie plegen om een oplossing in gang te zetten. price 449.00 euro hub member price 404.10 euro (ex-BTW)
Deze training is geschikt voor leidinggevenden, adviseurs, coaches en andere professionals die op een heel praktische manier inzicht Kijk voor meer informatie op willen krijgen in de www.groentjesenpaarlberg.nl onbewuste dynamieken onder organisatievraagstukken.
register at: Jochem Paarlberg info@groentjesenpaarlberg.nl 06-38573952 www.groentjesenpaarlberg.nl
04/07 01/08
Healthy minds make good decisions
location The Hub Amsterdam
time 15:00 - 18:00 15:00 - 18:00
A skills-based course in Moving Meditation, suitable for everyone. The course consists of three 60 minute segments, each focusing on a specific skill-set and idea.
Sifu Darryl Collett has a mixed background of martial arts, Leisure Management and Events Hosting. With the benefit of 20 years of martial arts experience, he enjoys highlighting key skills to enhance everyday performance.
Attendees would be interested in developing themselves and realising how they respond to problems and situations. Each course is suitable for all ages and fitness levels, as the focus is on individual practice and implementation.
The first session focuses on health and relaxation, introducing high-level Chi Kung techniques for holistic health, vitality and mental freshness. The second sessions introduces physical exercises for the whole body, drawn from the rich background of Tai Chi Chuan. Key skills include being grounded and centered whilst moving. The third session focuses on skill development via Shaolin Kungfu. Learn how to stay relaxed and focused, set boundaries and respond fluidly to changing situations. Participants can choose to attend 1, 2 or all 3 sessions for the same price.
price 35 euro hub member price 30 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Darryl Collett
06-3441-0774 www.shaolinwahnam.nl
04/07 11/07
Creating success by locating success
location The Hub Rotterdam
time 14:00 - 17:00 14:00 - 17:00
During life everyone has, sometimes without knowing, developped SUCCES PATTERNS. These patterns can be applied in different contexts. Suppose you’re an excellent cook. What pattern do you do in that particular context and can you transfer this pattern for instance to a business context?
Mandy Verveer, owner of bloesem! feel good communication and entrepreneurship www.bloesem.biz
This is a practical workshop and valuable for everyone that would like to better integrate his or her different roles in life & work.
Elk mens heeft, soms zonder het te weten, gedurende zijn of haar leven succespatronen ontwikkeld. Deze patronen kunnen ook in andere contexten worden toegepast. Stel je bent een voortreffelijke kok. Wat doe je daar voor patroon dat je ook kunt transporteren naar bijvoorbeeld een zakelijke context?
price 100 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
Warmly connected to the VANDAMME Instituut www.vandammeinstituut.com
Beide workshops zijn praktisch van opzet en geschikt voor iedereen die zijn of haar verschillende rollen in leven & werk (meer) wil integreren.
register at: Mandy Verveer mandy@bloesem.biz 06- 42499986 www.bloesem.biz
06/07 24/07
kies voor werk met passie
location The Hub Amsterdam
time 10:00 - 12:00 10:00 - 12:00
Nog op zoekt bent en eigenlijk niet weet waar je kunt beginnen?
Linde ten Broek (versidee.nu, watzoujijhetliefstewillendoen. nu) is trainer, coach en regisseur.
Voor iedereen die op zoek is naar meer passie in het werk.
In deze workshop geef ik voorbeelden van mensen die hun passie zijn gaan volgen en laat ik je zien wat de invloed van taal is op de manier waarop jij in het leven staat. Je maakt een korte clip van jezelf waarin je laat zien waar jouw passie voor werk ligt. Je werkt in een kleine groep en van iedereen wordt een kort portret gemaakt. Inspirerend, creatief en fun!
price 45 euro hub member price 35 euro
De kracht van beeld intrigeert en laat zien wie je bent en wat jij eigenlijk zou willen doen.
register at:
(ex- BTW)
Linde ten Broek info@versidee.nl 06-53321131 www.versidee.nu
Work with energy dynamics using your body, emotions and thoughts.
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:30 - 13:30
The 16 Ways – the power of polarity An day of transformational movement and energy
As we are called to move forward in our lives, our attention is naturally drawn to those places that seem imbalanced or stuck. All things change, but we don’t always change with them. We get used to doing things a certain way and then our path begins to call for another. We struggle. The 16 Ways is an easy yet powerful bodymind practice which greatly increases the flow in our life by stimulating movement between opposite energetic poles on the levels of mind, body, and emotions. With a specific combination of breaths, body movements and thoughts, our whole system is brought into coherent alignment - areas of resistance start to flow; and new levels of energy and synergy, naturally emerge.
The 16 Ways is an easy yet powerful body- mind practice which greatly increases the flow in our life by stimulating movement between opposite energetic poles on the levels of mind, body, and emotions. With a specific combination of breaths, body movements and thoughts, our whole system is brought into coherent alignment - areas of resistance start to flow; new levels of energy and synergy, naturally emerge.
Dylan Newcomb is a founding This workshop is open to all member of the Danslab Instiages, shapes and sizes and The 16 Ways directly stimulates the essential polarities of: tute and the inventor of the 16 assumes prior knowledge, assertivenessno and receptivity connectedness and non-attachment .. Ways. He trained at the Juilliard physical freedom andtraining groundedness or movement logic and intuition School, danced eight years ability. In this introductory workshop, you will learn about and explore energy through each of The 16 Ways. Using body movement, thought, breath and emotion, you with the Netherlands Dance will explore how to take in and give out energy with joy, power, and purpose. The core energy patterns behind mostReduced daily feelings and behaviors movement Theater and has a successful ratewillofbe explored eurothrough 45 is improvisation and role-play, bringing a fresh new embodied insights into your own personality and potential. We will also work with the for movement of The 16 Ways to explore the career as a choreographer. available allpolarities online energetics of relationship. This workshop is open to all ages, shapes and sizes and assumes noregistrations. prior knowledge, physical training or movement ability. With an extensive background in yoga, meditation, andDate and Time: July 7, 9:30 pm -13:30 pm Location: The Hub Amsterdam energy psychology, Dylan’s Westerstraat 187 passion lies in exploring ways 1015MA Amsterdam Cost: !45 online, or !50 at the door to inspire body, mind and spirit Registration/Prepay: register at: into meaningful movement for Dylan Newcomb is a founding member of the Danslab Institute for movement research in self and world. The Hague, and the inventor of the 16 Ways approach to body-mind development. He trained at
In this introductory workshop, you will learn about and explore energy through each of The 16 Ways. Using body movement, thought, breath and emotion, you will explore how to take in and give out energy with joy, power, and purpose. For video & more info on The 16 Ways: www.dylannewcomb.com
price 50 euro hub member price 45 euro
(ex- BTW)
• • • •
Dylan Newcomb the16ways@gmail.com http://tinyurl.com/cldsfz
the Juilliard School, danced eight years with the Netherlands Dance Theater and has a successful career as a choreographer. With an extensive background in yoga, meditation, and energy psychology, Dylan’s passion lies in exploring ways to inspire body, mind and spirit into meaningful movement for self supported by:! and world.
For video & more info on The 16 Ways: !
Hoe maak je contact + vervolg/ How you get in touch + follow up
location The Hub Rotterdam
19:00 - 20:00
Zakelijk netwerken is gewoon een kwestie van “DOEN”. Maak contact en een vervolgafspraak Business Networking is “Just Do It”.
Hans Boogaerdt ‘t Hooft, ondernemer en al jaren een netwerker, die uit de praktijk kan vertellen, dat netwerken business genereert.
Iedereen die in contact wil komen met prospects en met nieuwe klanten, die angstig zijn om met “vreemde” mensen te praten.
Make contact and a follow up meeting to do business.
Hans Boogaerdt ‘t Hooft, busi- Everybody who wanted new nessman and networker, who business and is afraid to talk can tell that this really works. with “unknown” people.
register at:
price 20 euro hub member price 10 euro
(ex- BTW)
Hans Boogaerdt ‘t Hooft hansbth@cs.com 06-15213916 www.hansdenc.nl
Find out how mind mapping can help you with creative thinking
location The Hub Rotterdam
13:00 - 17:30
Discover your creativity and focus. In this course you will be introduced the special knacks of mind mapping. You will learn about:
Dusc is a consultancy company that combines creativity and sustainability. Ir. Lenny van Onselen and Ir. Henrike Pelleboer are the facilitators of this course. Dusc developed this course especially for the Hub Summer School. Therefore the price is a special discounted price. Dusc will however guarantee you a quality course, comparable to our other courses and workshops.
The course is for entrepreneurs and professionals who want to learn mind mapping skills to improve their creative thinking. This course is for beginners. We have room for 16 people.
- the mind - the advantages of mind mapping - how mind mapping works - how to generate ideas - when to apply mind mapping Our mind mapping course is interactive and oriented on your daily work. You will get a syllabus with theory and exercises.
price 75 euro hub members price 60 euro
register at: Lenny van Onselen leercreatiefdenken@dusc-innovation.nl
06-47572766 www.leercreatiefdenken.nl
EXPRESS YOUR TRUE COLORS! ... and attract the clients that suit you. Join this three day course to learn how!
10/07 17/07 07/08 09/07 15/07 06/08
time 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
When showing your true colors, you attract people who need what you have to offer. But it can be tough to do so, for various reasons. In this workshop we offer you a variety of tools to help you connect to your core. So your true colors can always shine through and attract the clients that suit you best.
Amira brings grounding, trust and an energetic perspective. Some instruments she uses are body work, dance and play.
We believe in the innately positive energies in you: what are you for? To accomplish this, we take an integral approach to you and learning. listening and learning with all the 5 senses, with mind, body and soul. With left and right brain. Focusing on where the energy is.
Leonie brings clarity, focus and a sensitive energy. She uses elements of talent branding, mood boards and visualization.
You are a social entrepreneur. You are in the process of developing your product or already bringing it into the world. You have a wish to bring across what makes you and your product unique… in other words: to show your true colors!
We combine a personal process with a tangible goal: a new design to your website, a ‘positive energy’ resumé, or something else. On day 3, you will create this and present yourself in front of the group: a supportive environment to show your true colors.
price 225 euro hub member price 175 euro
They are both trained in integral psychology.
register at: Leonie Stekelenburg
(ex- BTW)
11/07 12/08 24/08 25/08
Cutting edge facilitation and conflict resolution methodology
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
10:00 - 18:00 10:00 - 14:00 10:00 - 18:00 10:00 - 14:00
Deep Democracy offers an advanced form of facilitation. Through a highly experiential and practical approach you will gain awareness and experience of group dynamics and decision making in groups.
Moraan Gilad: passion for culture, diversity and social innovation. She studied General Social Sciences, where she specialized in ethnic conflict and community building.
The Deep Democracy process differs from traditional problem-resolution techniques and classic (majority wins) democracy in that it doesn’t strive for compromise. Instead, it aims to build a real consensus across a group – a consensus which recognizes and takes note of the wisdom inherent in the minority’s viewpoint(s), rather than simply ignoring it or overriding it. It also focuses on both the emotional and rational content of a group process.
price 550 euro hub member price 350 euro
(Ex- BTW)
This course is intended for consultants, coaches, managers, leaders, teachers, students and basically everyone who is interested in developing their skills in dealing with groups, making decisions in groups Marieke Parijs: holds a degree and resolving conflict in in Social & Organizational order to promote change Psychology with a special interest for educational science and transformation. and group dynamics. She is a teacher trainer and consultant for the University of Amsterdam.
register at: Marieke Parijs ddrotterdam@gmail.com 06-27034300 www.deep-democracy.net
A clear set of practices for organizing in an adaptive and integrative way
location The Hub Amsterdam
13:00 - 17:00
Holacracy offers an alternative set of governance and operational practices for organizations. Many organizations today are designed in ways which resist change. This is ineffective and unsustainable, but most of all it fails to unleash the full potential of the organization. This is exactly what Holacracy is designed to do.
The Introduction to Holacracy will be facilitated by Diederick Janse and Jeroen Maes of Realize!, a transformational consulting company based in The Hub in Amsterdam.
Realize! invites you to join us for this course and find out how Holacracy can support your organization in fulfilling its highest potential and move away from: - Resistance to change - Lack of clarity about who does what - Ineffective meetings - Politics and ego-based decision-making
By embedding adaptive capacity in their core processes, Holacracy helps create organizations that thrive on change and steer dynamically toward their highest potential. In this Introduction to Holacracy, you’ll learn about the core elements of the Holacratic ‘operating system’. Topics covered will include meeting practices, decision-making and organizational structure.
price 50 euro hub member price 40 euro
(ex- BTW)
Diederick and Jeroen are licensed Holacracy facilitators and will share both their understanding of Holacracy and their experience in putting it in practice, in their own organization and with clients.
register at: Diederick Janse diederick@realize.nl 06-10910021 www.realize.nl
Co-creating a healthy future of water
location The Hub Amsterdam
14:30 - 18:30
Waterlution believes that everyone has a role to play in understanding the physical, cultural, social, historical, environmental and spiritual elements that contribute to our relationship with water. In this workshop, we aim to bring together different stakeholders and perspectives to inspire and design a healthy and sustainable relationship with water – across sectors, generations and ways of working.
Karen Kun and Tatiana Glad founded Waterlution in 2003. www.waterlution.org
There is space for 24 individuals to participate. In an effort to foster broader dialogue, we .. are looking for applicants with a keen interest in the future of water who work in areas representing the public, private, academic and NGO sectors. Participants do not have to be experts - all who aspire to a cocreating a healthier relationship with water are welcome.
How can we look further upstream, to encourage longer-term, systemic and inclusive approaches within our society? How can we instill the knowledge and confidence to investigate root causes of issues? How can we learn from the Waterlution experience over the past 6 years in various contexts to serve tomorrow’s water leaders to come together in inspired action in The Netherlands?
price 25 euro hub member price 15 euro
(ex- BTW)
Based here, Tatiana is keen to deepen conversation and action around a healthier and more sustainable relationship with water in The Netherlands. This course will be followed by an evening viewing of the Waterlution’s Cultures of Water short film and Flow, the Film www.flowthefilm.com
register at: Tatiana Glad tatiana@waterlution.org 06-23837384 www.waterlution.org
How can I create a better world and make a good living from my passion?
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:00 - 17:00
Do you want to work on your personal development, during your working hours, instead of next to them? Would you love to start your own business based on your passion? Do you want to make a good living, while you work on creating a better world? Where do you begin? This has been a driving question for Realize! over the last years. This workshop will specifically aim at guiding you through the most important steps on this rewarding path. 1. Get in touch with your drive: Get clarity around what you exactly want 2. Building the foundation: Become aware of your ideal conditions for growth and which aspects of your life limit you in fulfilling your fullest potential 3. Manifest your dreams: taking care of the fragile seeds and create an action plan to get change done! During the workshop we will make use of the most innovative tools Realize! has found to become conscious of your highest potential and to manifest this into action.
I am Jeroen Maes, CEO of Realize!, a consultancy company specialized in innovative methods for personal and organizational development. My drive is to explore conscious business and conscious life and to find practical ways to get meaningful change done, now.
Anybody who strongly feels they “won’t settle for less”, but who could use a little jump.. start to realize their dreams this summer.
price 100 euro hub member price 75 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Jeroen Maes Jeroen@realize.nl 06-49893189 www.realize.nl
22/07 16/07
An introduction to Theory U: facilitating shift in organisations
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
14:30 - 17:30 14:30 - 17:30
Theory U is a relatively new method to engage organisations, groups in fundamental change toward a situation that they truly desire. Being able to facilitate such shifts is the essence of leadership today. Theory U has been developed by Otto Scharmer from MIT, Boston. It is one of the most promising developments in the practice of organisational change and leadership development, as it provides an alternative to the problems of ‘old system thinking’ that we need to shed in order to move to a truly sustainable world.
Ruud Schuurs is an independent advisor on strategy, leadership and organisational change in sustainability. He works as trainer, lecturer, publicist and consultant. Until 2008 he was a director for CSR at Nuon, one of the large utility companies in the Netherlands. Being an engineer from origin, he did an MBA at the University of Rochester (NY). Ruud is a trained faciliator for Theory U.
Theory U is of interest to anyone who is involved or interested in changing systems (teams, organisations, chains, sectors) toward sustainability.
This course will provide you with an overview of the principles of Theory U and the stages in a typical U-process. As the course is based on many examples, along the way you will get an impression of the numerous stakeholders and innovators that work with Theory U.
price 75 euro hub member price 50 euro
Learn more at: www.theoryu.com
register at: Ruud Schuurs ruud@ruudschuurs.nl 06-50819543
18/07 19/07 24/07 25/07
Een tweedagse training gebaseerd op Geweldloze Communicatie.
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
09:30 - 17:30 09:30 - 17:30 09:30 - 17:30 09:30 - 17:30
Het dagelijkse leven zit vol momenten van spanning, angst, dankbaarheid, plezier en vieren. Momenten die ons raken roepen gevoelens op, soms aangenaam, soms onprettig, soms duidelijk aanwezig, soms nauwelijks merkbaar. Deze gevoelens signaleren wat je vervulling geeft of wat je nodig hebt. Jezelf tonen en uitspreken vervult een natuurlijk verlangen: gehoord en gezien worden door de ander.
Beatrice Nattermuller ontmoet vanuit nieuwsgierigheid, met open ogen en open hart. Zij heeft 4Ring ontwikkeld en geeft trainingen gebaseerd op Geweldloze Communicatie.
Deze cursus is voor iedereen die het bewustzijn en de vaardigheden van communiceren wil vergroten, vanuit wat er in je leeft. Resulterend in respectvol contact vanuit verbinding en duurzaamheid binnen je relaties.
Het vraagt om alertheid en bewustzijn om jezelf te kunnen laten zien zoals je bent. De angst voor het oordeel van de ander of over ons zelf weerhoudt ons vaak om het “echte� ik te laten zien. In deze training gaan we op zoek naar manieren van communiceren die de kwaliteit van verbinding voor ogen heeft. Met respect voor kwetsbaarheid die ermee gepaard gaat. We gebruiken daarvoor elementen uit de Geweldloze Communicatie.
price 200 euro hub member price 150 euro
(ex- BTW)
Eunice van der Heijden is werkzaam als communicatietrainer en is gespecialiseerd in gespreksvoering met emotioneel beladen onderwerpen. Zij is trainer bij Authenta sinds 2006.
Wees welkom! Want: Zeggen wat je voelt is de eerste stap tot het leven van je wensen.
register at: Beatrice Nattermuller bertries@hotmail.com 06-17992283 www.4ring.nl
21/07 22/07
On how technologies like web 2.0 can scale organisational dynamics
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
time 09:00 - 17:00 09:00 - 17:00
During the course we will cover how people in organisations behave, how people can be engaged of their own free will, how meaningful organisational dynamics can be created and how technologies like web 2.0 can scale organisational dynamics.
Abdul-Rahman Advany has a background in software engineering, information sciences and business study. He has 12 years experience working as a freelance software programmer, 4 years as a organisation consultant, and is currently involved implementing web 2.0 based project in various companies like Ministery of Agriculture, KPN, Duurzaamheid Hoger Onderwijs, and others.
Anyone who likes to more about using web 2.0 to engage people, to stimulate sharing knowledge, and what you can expect from technology (and what not). Its especially for people who deal with innovating organisations and networks. The course does not cover personal use of web 2.0 for personal branding, effectivity or how an course on how to use various tools.
register at:
This course will not provide you with all the answers (as I don’t have them myself), but will give you enough insights into understanding how you can mobilise networks with web 2.0 to create meaningful dynamics to innovate, create new products, or improve the organisation. This course is based on my experiences with my company http://socialimagineers.com/ where I help large companies with mobilising their network to create meaningful dynamics in the organisations. Those dynamics are used to accomplish organisational goals like innovation, R&D, or even commercial benefit.
price to be determined by you... after the course!
Abdul-Rahman Advany abdulrahman@advany.com 06-24290182 www.socialimagineers.com
Timemanagement voor ZZP-ers
location The Hub Rotterdam
09:00 - 17:00
Je leert deze training weinig trucs en tips. Want die ken je al lang. Ok, ik geef je een lijstje mee met tips. Maar waar timemanagement volgens mij echt om draait zijn slechts drie dingen:
Marco Tieleman neemt je deze dag mee langs je eigen tijdsbesteding, je overtuigingen, je big rocks en hij is kritisch als hij je bevraagt op je excuses.
Ben je ZZP-er en merk je vaak dat het moeilijk is om te kiezen? Om uit alle taken die er op je bordje liggen de juiste te doen? En weet je vaak wel wat je zou moeten doen, maar doe je het gewoon niet? En vraag je jezelf af waarom dat zo is?! Als je je herkent in bovenstaande tekst, dan ben je welkom. Ook als je geen zzp-er bent en je herkent je, ben je natuurlijk welkom!
1. de juiste dingen doen. 2. de dingen juist doen. 3. je houding.
Meer weten over Marco? Kijk op www.marcotieleman.nl
Met een kleine huiswerkopdracht vooraf gaan op zoek naar je gebruiken en verstoringen. En in de training ontdek je hoe goed je bent in het ontlopen van je belangrijkste waarden. Daar gaan we iets aan doen. Interactief en soms ook met een stevige confrontatie. En met humor en warmte. Om na afloop een paar kleine veranderingen door te gaan voeren. Als eerste kleine stap naar ondernemersschap met minder stress!
price 160 euro hub member price 125 euro
(ex- BTW)
Aan het eind ontvang je een aantal aanvullende digitale documenten met tips cadeau, waaronder het digitale boek Zen To Done.
register at: Marco Tieleman thehub@marcotieleman.nl 06-26866516 www.sustrainability.nl
Wudang Fitness I, Bamboo formula Qigong and Taiji 13 form
location The Hub Amsterdam
19:00 - 20:00
To feel the strength of your inner body and how that can influence the relaxing of your muscles. Your organs are also muscles who have an influence on your feelings. With Wudang Fitness 1 you try to make your stamina longer and at the same time keep agility and flexibility larger. Your body can move in many ways, but many of them we are not used to use. With the Bamboo formula Qigong it is the breathing that gives the rhythm of the movement. You try to breath slow and deep, so the movements will go slow. The Taiji 13 form is like a combination of all the interactions that happens from outside, like breathing gongqi (air), the season, the weather. You try to express body and mind in such a way that it reflect all resave input.
Yolanda Kaarsemaker is practicing and teaching wudang sports. Yolanda views the sport as a tool for communication, in the widest sense! Anyone, whether fully-abled or not can understand the same movements, as long as they get the time to practice. It is also a form of communication across race or nationality.
This class is for anyone who would like to make the world heathy and start with themselves. If there is enough interest, the class could be repeated on 29/07 at 19.00- 20.00. If after this class a group of 5 people are wanting to practise every week or 2 weeks, I will be very happy to exchange my knowledge with yours!
You can read more here: www.yinyangcentrum.com
price 7 euro hub member price 5 euro
register at: Yolanda Kaarsemaker Yokaarsje@gmail.com 06-41985976
Leer LinkedIn in 2 uur gebruiken om klanten aan te trekken
location The Hub Amsterdam
15:00 - 17:30
Drie onderwerpen die momenteel HOT zijn: klanten, omzet en LinkedIn. Wil je weten waarom één miljoen Nederlanders al gebruik maken van LinkedIn? Wil je ook weten waarom 80% er wel op staat, maar nog nooit is gebeld door een nieuwe klant?
Vincent Smit, trainer/eigenaar Ondernemers met of zonder van Just Connecting, maakt personeel zzp’ers, freelancers en interim managers succesvoller door hen te leren sneller en makkelijker opdrachten te krijgen.
In slechts een paar uur tijd leer je de ins & outs van dit bijzondere, online zakelijke netwerkplatform kennen. Ontdek hoe een optimaal profiel, zichtbaarheid en een netwerk op LinkedIn je kunnen helpen om succesvoller te acquireren en extra omzet te genereren.
register at:
price 99 euro hub member price 75 euro
(ex- BTW)
Vincent Smit info@justconnecting.nl 06-81958459 www.justconnecting.nl
Make every thing you do intentional and meaningful for all who participate.
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:00 - 17:00
Come to this one day workshop and learn how to design learning environments that are engaging, interactive and accomplish the objectives you need to communicate.
Shawna Snow and Christine Wood of Reckoning.
This dialogue technique can be applied to meetings, workshops, events, presentations, classroom settings, management training, etc. This approach to learning is holistic and views each participant as having much to contribute to the learning of everyone. It values each person as well as helps empower all to deeper, more meaningful forms of communication.
price 95 euro hub member price 70 euro
(ex- BTW)
If you have ideas that need to be communicated through meetings, presentaRead more about the work of tions, workshops, or events, this is a must workshop for Stichting Reckoning here: you. www.reckoning.nl
register at: Shawna Snow shawnasnow@mac.com 06-52036696 www.reckoning.nl
29/07 31/07
Hoe kun je creatieve denktechnieken toepassen in je dagelijkse werk?
location The Hub Rotterdam
09:00 - 15:00 09:00 - 15:00
Als ondernemer is het belangrijk om dagelijks met creatieve oplossingen te komen. Met deze twee-dagse cursus leer je creativiteit effectief toe te passen. De volgende onderwerpen komen langs:
Ir. Lenny van Onselen faciliteert de cursus. Lenny is eigenaar van Dusc, het adviesbureau dat creativiteit en duurzaamheid combineert. Dusc helpt bedrijven in de eerste fase van het productontwikkelingsproces. In het begin is creativiteit noodzakelijk om duurzaam te innoveren. Dusc structureert het creatieve proces door middel van workshops, trainingen en advies.
Leer creatief denken is een cursus die Dusc regelmatig faciliteert bij bedrijven, scholen en overheden. Deze twee-daagse cursus is gericht op ondernemers en professionals die willen leren hoe creatieve denktechnieken gebruikt kunnen worden om een effectiever resultaat te behalen.
- wat creatief denken is - hoe je problemen kunt identificeren - creatief denktechnieken - keuze technieken - ideeĂŤn voeden en implementeren - hoe je creatief denken altijd toe kan passen. Wij brengen de stof over op interactieve wijze: theorie afgewisseld met praktijkgerichte opdrachten en casestudies. Je krijgt van ons een syllabus waarin theorie en oefeningen staan. Lunch en drinken wordt verzorgd. price 325 euro hub member price 275 euro (Ex-BTW)
register at: Lenny van Onselen leercreatiefdenken@dusc-innovation.nl
06-47572766 www.leercreatiefdenken.nl
A co-creation brainstorm session
location The Hub Amsterdam
14:30 - 17:30
The international organising team of the Connectivity Conference, taking place in 2011 in Cape Town, South Africa invites the Hub network for a Hub Summerschool co-creation learning session.The Connectivity Conference is an international youth conference organised by the Idem Network. This conference connects engaged young people with social entrepreneurs, development projects and inspiring change makers.
This workshop will be facilitated by Pieter Ploeg from Amsterdam, conference coordinator in Europe, and Nathan Daniel Heller, communications manager from Cape Town. Both are young volunteers who took the initiative for the Connectivity Conference. The preparation of this event is taking place all over the world in workshops with young people.
We invite active people in the field of development aid, social entrepreneurship in development countries, conference organisers, youth workers and everyone else that is inspired by young people changing the world.
During this session we invite you to join in a brainstorm about the conference that could really make a sustainable change in the lives of the future generation of world-citizens. We will work with a specific case, and invite you to think out of the box. In our international preparation we ask for input from young people, in this workshop we will ask for yours. The aim of this workshop is to challenge you to re-set your thinking about an event that could change the world.
price 5 euro
hub member price 3 euro
register at: Pieter Ploeg pieter@idem-network.org 06-25256321 www.idem-network.org
30/07 02/08
Leading Lives of Commitment in a Complex World
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
15:00 - 21:30 15:00 - 21:30
We are all seeking ways, personally and collectively, to respond to the challenges faced by our economic, environmental, health, and political spheres. This event gives participants a chance to reflect more deeply about their own sense of vocational and personal calling regarding the pressing needs of our communities and world.
Cheryl and Jim Keen are co-authors of the book, Common Fire: Leading Lives of Commitment in a Complex World.
The workshop will engage participants in a process of exploring patterns of commitment in their own lives. Through the process of listening carefully and being listened to, workshop participants will sharpen their understanding of how to work with others to renew and deepen their commitments. You can view more background information here: http://www.beacon.org/productdetails.cfm?PC=1467
price 125 euro
hub member price 100 euro
This course is aimed at hub members and friends who would like to take time to reflect, personally and collectively, on the sources and supports of their commitments to addressCommon Fire is based on research conducted over the ing the pressing needs of our times. course of 15 years on how people develop and sustain commitments to working on behalf of the whole earth register at: community and the whole human family. The Hub Amsterdam amsterdam.hosts@the-hub.net 020-4274283
31/07 30/07 20/08
How you can use ENERGY8 LIVE! in your work
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
14:00 - 17:00 14:00 - 17:00 14:00 - 17:00
You will experience the playful and inspiring ENERGY8 LIVE! workshop. By using eight different archetypical energies and constellations the differences between personal- and organizational drivers are experienced.
Rik BerbĂŠ is inquisitive and has a passion for learning in complex environments. Rik combines a strong theoretical framework with a compassion for working with people.
This course is for facilitators, consultants, managers, team coaches and other agents.
You will learn to work with various energies in teams and organization. You will be inspired and able to use the ENERGY8 LIVE! workshop in your practice (materials included). This tool will speed up and deepen the dialogue needed for any positive change in organizations.
Mario Brouwer has the capacity to analyse complex patterns and wants to know how things work by questioning, observing and through understanding.
More on www.energy8.eu For questions email: rik@energy8.eu
Rik and Mario are co-founders of ENERGY8.
price 70 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
Course on 30/07 in English Courses on 31/07 and 20/08 in Dutch. You can register online: http://energy8.nl/cms/pages/ practioners/registration.php
register at: Rik BerbĂŠ rik@energy8.eu 06-38229763 www.energy8.eu
31/07 07/08
Credit-Crisis-and-CreativeDestruction-proof Workshop 4 social entrepeneurs
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
time 19:00 - 22:00 19:00 - 22:00
The session will focus on improving knowledge about Financial Management concepts and practices and reflecting on how existing or starting entrepeneurs can benefit from sound Financial Management. The session includes: (1) Feedback from reality: Fin. management pitfalls to be aware of, (2) Analytical fin. planning tools (SWOT, Porter’s 5, Sensitivity analysis et al), (3) How Brainstorming can help you plan and do a financial forecast, (4) Reflecting on your own financial habits & assumptions: “The art of sanity checking!” (5) Instructions for sound and pragmatic control over Accounting & Taxes (Key Dutch Tax regulations, Tax evasion basics), (6) Coaching your financial self, (7) Essential Advice from innovative successful entrepreneurs: Branson-Bono-Buffet-Jobs (8) Top 10 Fin. management Tips (Order in your binder/shoe box, (Online) bookkeeping options, Tax deductibles for startups, Hiring staff, The Sales and Finance combo, (9) Where to look for Energy: “Peace, Love, Balkenende or just Venture Capitalists $$$ ? )
Shaif Basier is offering a customised Fabricate session @ The Hub for all who strive to see and capture the potential for a better world.
For company owners or startups who want to reflect on or improve/innovate their Financial Management. Tip: Batteries not included (so bring you ownenergy !!! ) Dresscode: Don’t sweat the technique. Be yourself.
price 10 euro hub member price 5 euro
Course fee will be fully invested in the social foundation: Stichting Semmy http://www.stichtingsemmy.nl Shaif Basier’s profile can be found via www.Linkedin.com
register at: Shaif Basier servicedesk@financialstreet.nl 010- 7953576 www.financialstreet.nl
Crash Course in the most innovative tools for social innovation
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:00 - 17:00
For the last six years, Realize! Has researched, experimented, given workshops, combined and implemented many innovative tools. In this workshop, we want to provide a short overview of the most promising tools, for what we call conscious business. These tools include:
I am Jeroen Maes, CEO of Realize!, a consultancy company specialized in innovative methods for personal and organizational development. My drive is to explore conscious business and conscious life and to find practical ways to get meaningful change done, now.
This workshop will mainly focus on how Realize! applies and combines its tools. It will .. also provide a good overview of what we consider the “edge of change”.
• The integral model • Conscious business • Adizes life cycles
• U-curve • Worldcafe
• Big Mind • Holacracy
What can you expect to get out of the workshop: 1. being up to speed about what is out there. 2. Having an experiential insight into the benefits of these tools 3. Have a basic understanding of the interrelation of these tools. Even though much theory is involved, we will facilitate in line with Realize! principles: bold, playful and conscious. Expect much experiences, insights and fun!
price 100 euro hub member price 75 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Jeroen Maes Jeroen@realize.nl 06-49893189 www.realize.nl
inspiring flow in personal leadership
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:00 - 17:00
How can we re-discover and re-ignite our personal leadership and entrepreneurial drive? What burning questions am I facing in my practice right now? The purpose of the Flow Game is to ground, strengthen and bring clarity and flow to human beings, their life, leadership and actions. The Flow Game is a full day process designed to inspire change in a chosen area of your practice, whether you feel yourself challenged as a leader, teamplayer, change agent, teacher or student.
Tatiana Glad, Engage! InterAct, has been working with creative and participatory facilitation techniques within organisations and has a background in corporate and community social responsibility/ sustainability efforts.
The Flow Game will be played in a group of 4-6 players and a Flow Host, around a game board. Each player enters the game with an individual intent or focus. The Flow Game is a process designed as a board game where you use the potential of the group as all the players can use each other as sparring partners or for mutual reflection, dialogue and creative learning processes. Insights are captured along the way in a Flow Journal.
She is co-founder of The Hub and Waterlution and seeks to support entre- and intra-preneurs to be effective change agents.
Why might I wish to participate? Because.... I find that what used to work, no longer does... I am curious about the potential that exists within myself and between others. I am looking to create spaces where diverse perspectives can weave together. I am looking to discover, with my colleagues/ team, how to put a new idea into flow.
price 100 euro hub member price 75 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Tatiana Glad tatiana@engagency.nl 06-23837384 web.me.com/tokemoller/flowgame.net/
14/08 07/08
Je ideale carrière begint hier
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
time 10:00 - 12:00 10:00 - 12:00
De manier waarop je naar de wereld kijkt en het leven leeft bepaalt wat je kunt bereiken. Als je vanuit je hart kunt leven en werken dan is het mogelijk een betere wereld te creeëren. Jouw ideale baan begint bij jezelf, bij wat je wilt betekenen in het leven.
Caroline Ligtenberg (duurzamevacaturebank.nl) laat zien wat jouw mogelijkheden zijn voor een duurzame baan, dito leven en werken vanuit je hart.
Voor iedereen die graag een baan vol passie zoekt of vanuit passie een onderneming wil (door)starten.
De Duurzame Vacaturebank is een plek waar je opdrachten en functies kunt vinden die bij jou passen. En hoe weet je waar je passie voor werk ligt? Daarvoor ga je in deze workshop met film aan de slag en maak je een film van wat jij het liefste zou willen doen. Creatief en doelgericht.
price 45 euro hub member price 35 euro
(ex- BTW)
Over Linde ten Broek (versidee.nu): van deze creatieve ondernemer ontvang je beslist inspiratie om jouw ideale (carrière)pad in te slaan.
register at: Linde ten Broek info@versidee.nl 06-53321131
Movement research workshop for dancers and non dancers
location The Hub Amsterdam
10:00 - 13:00
Starting point for this workshop is the Golden Section. We’ll learn to use the formula in time, effort and space; the basic elements of dance.
Relinde Moors is a dancer / choreographer. She has a theatre and contemporary dance background.
The workshop is for everyone that is interested in how to use the golden section in movement and space. Dancers will find new ways to develop movement sequences. Non-dancers will learn how to translate abstract ideas into their bodies.
You’ll learn and develop dance or movement sequences using the golden section. By using a clear structure we’ll create a choreography. By limiting ourselves we’ll provoke finding new ways and forms of moving and using movement in space.
As a choreographer she is experienced in working with professional and non professional dancers.
register at:
price 25 euro hub member price 20 euro
(ex- BTW)
Relinde Moors lin@lindans.nl 06-41968019 www.lindans.nl
08/08 15/08
Interactive workshops exploring the rich creative chaos of living systems
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
14:00 - 17:00 14:00 - 17:00
These workshops are designed to give you different ways of seeing the world, moving beyond the ‘mechanistic mindset’ of traditional science. Whilst each session will contain some ‘lectures’, we will also be modelling different ways of being in the world using the creative techniques of InterPlay.
This course is offered by Sophia van Ruth. Sophia is a graduate of the masters in Holistic Science at Schumacher College and a facilitator of InterPlay.
People who want to learn about scientific models that explain living systems. People who want to learn to access all their different ways of knowing. People who want to play with ways of interacting in the world in line with the insights these new sciences bring.
Amsterdam: The theme for this workshop will be the ‘complexity sciences’, including overviews of complexity theory and chaos theory. Rotterdam: Here we will explore how to engage more fully with our direct perceptions of the world to supplement the abstracted knowledge we receive through ‘being told’ about the world. Includes overviews of Goethean phenomenology and Theory U. http://animatearts.wordpress.com/interplay/hubsummerschool/
price 40 euro hub members price 30 euro
Please note that the price is per workshop. Each workshop can be enjoyed on its own, but of course you are welcome at both.
register at: Sophia van Ruth sophia@animatearts.net 06-44466197 www.animatearts.net
10/08 12/08 17/08 19/08 24/08 26/08 31/08
Lichaambewustzijn, ontspanning en rust, door yoga, meditatie en stilte.
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:00 - 10:30 18:00 - 19:30 09:00 - 10:30 18:00 - 19:30 09:00 - 10:30 18:00 - 19:30 09:00 - 10:30
Veel van onze overtuigingen, attitudes en andere conditioneringen zetten zich vast in ons lichaam. Dit creëert spanningen en blokkades die we doormiddel van aandacht en yoga gewaar worden en los kunnen laten. Gedurende de les nemen we verschillende yoga houdingen aan die we zo’n 4 minuten vasthouden. Met behulp van de ademhaling zak je als het ware steeds dieper in de ervaring en lost de spanning op. Een groot voordeel van deze oefeningen is dat je meer lichaamsbewustzijn creëert waardoor je negatieve gedachten en het effect hiervan op je lichaam sneller opmerkt.
Kris Touber is zangeres, danstherapeute, yoga- en meditatie docente. Kris combineert yoga, meditatie en danstherapie tot een integrale training waarin lichaam en geest de kans krijgen hun oorspronkelijke conditie te herstellen en zich op een natuurlijke manier met elkaar te verbinden. www.danskracht.nl Kris is ook een van de initiatiefnemers van StoereVrouwen, een project dat zich richt op duurzame levensstijl.
Uit reacties van vele Spoedcursus Verlichting studenten blijkt dat de behoefte aan een dagelijkse meditatieplek groot is. De discipline om een spiritueel bewustzijn te integreren in je dagelijks leven is eenvoudiger wanneer je samen mediteert.
Wanneer het lichaam ontspant, komt de geest tot rust en is het nog maar een kleine stap naar jouw innerlijke verlichting. Meditatie gaat je dan gemakkelijk af omdat de ziel zich zijn natuurlijke staat van vrede herinnert. De meditaties worden begeleid en ingeleid door een variërend thema. We eindigen de les in stilte.
price 10 euro
Vrije Inloop. Neem ook een yogamat mee.
register at: Kris Touber kris@kristijn.com 06-24983045 www.kristijn.com
join us for short films and inspiring conversation at The Hub Rotterdam
location The Hub Rotterdam
18:30 - 21:00
What if the world embodied our highest potential? What would it look like? The Global Oneness Project uses film to explore how the radically simple notion of interconnectedness can be lived in our increasingly complex world. Since 2006 the project founders have been gathering stories from around the world about people who base their lives and work on the understanding that we bear great responsibility for our shared world. These stories have been compiled in a series of short-films available online at www.globalonenessproject.org
The films will be hosted by Hub members Ester Fulekyova and Araz Najarian. Ester and Araz are personally inspired by the films made available by the Global Oneness Project and would like to host spaces in which these films are not only viewed, but that groups of people can share their inspiration with others and ultimately transform this inspiration into action.
The films are relevant for any individual that is seeking out inspiration on how to drive change and innovation in their organizations and communities and engage in dialogue with other like-minded individuals.
Join us at The Hub to watch these films together and be triggered into a conversation about our ways of individually and collectively expressing oneness. The films were shown in May in the Hub Amsterdam so if you couldn’t make it then this is your second chance!
price a small donation to help cover costs
register at: Araz Najarian
06-81430583 www.globalonenessproject.org
12/08 11/08
Onderscheiden in jouw markt.
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
13:30 - 17:30 13:30 - 17:30
Blijft jouw boodschap hangen tussen al het communicatiegeweld? In deze tijd wil iedereen van zich laten horen. Er zijn altijd meerdere partijen die om de aandacht van jouw klanten concurreren. Zonder een heldere en onderscheidende boodschap val je niet op en zul je ook jouw doelstellingen niet realiseren. Door jezelf of jouw bedrijf als uniek merk te positioneren, maak je het verschil wel.
De workshopbegeleider, Guido David, is eigenaar van het merkpositionering adviesbureau MerketingVisie.
Deze training is geschikt voor Ondernemers, ZZP’ers, Marketeers, Communicatie specialisten.
In de workshop Positionering krijg je op een levendige wijze inzicht in het ‘merkpositioneren’. Daarbij breng je de theoretische kennis ook gelijk in de praktijk. Onderdelen Workshop: de wereld van het merk, hoe merkpositioneren werkt, praktijkcase. Resultaat: Aan het eind van de workshop weet je hoe je jezelf of jouw bedrijf als merk onderscheidend kunt positioneren.
price 75 euro hub member price 60 euro
(ex- BTW)
Hij heeft zijn merkervaring opgedaan in dienst van de Consumentenbond en als senior strategieconsultant bij de Positioneringsgroep. Zie voor meer achtergrond informatie: www.merketingvisie.nl
register at: Guido David guido@merketingvisie.nl 06-28615323 www.merketingvisie.nl
11/08 20/08
Wat moet je wel doen om in de media te komen? En wat vooral niet?
location The Hub Amsterdam
time 10:00 - 13:00 09:30 - 12:30
Je verhaal goed in de media krijgen is lang niet altijd eenvoudig. In deze workshop leer je hoe je dat kunt doen. Wat moet je wel doen om in de media te komen? En wat vooral niet? En, wat is eigenlijk nieuws? Hoe weet je of jouw bericht nieuwswaarde heeft? Waar liggen jouw kansen bij welke media? Hoe formuleer ik een bericht? Op deze vragen gaan we tijdens de workshop dieper in.
Petra Kroon werkt al ruim 20 jaar in de journalistiek en communicatie. Ze heeft er veel functies bekleed, van tv-verslaggever tot hoofdredacteur van (online) tijdschriften.
Iedereen die haar/zijn verhaal goed verwoord en/of verbeeld wil zien in de media.
Aan het eind van de training weet je hoe het medialandschap eruit ziet en welke media voor jou relevant zijn, je weet hoe je een netwerk opbouwt in de media, je leert een kernboodschap formuleren en je weet hoe je je verhaal in de verschillende media naar voren kunt brengen. Voor meer info: www.goedgeefs.nl/#/lopendeprojecten/workshops/, of neem contact op met Petra Kroon.
price 60 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
Momenteel is ze hoofdredacteur van het online platform voor en over sociaal ondernemers: www.sociaalondernemen.nu
register at: Petra Kroon petra@goedgeefs.nl 06-53540639 www.goedgeefs.nl
11/08 27/08
Werkt je onderneming ook hard voor jou?
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
time 13:00 - 17:00 13:00 - 17:00
Wanneer je goed bent in je vak betekent dit niet automatisch dat je een goede ondernemer bent. Veel ondernemers beginnen met groot enthousiasme en hoge verwachtingen aan het ondernemerschap, om tot de ontdekking te komen dat ondernemen toch meer is dan alleen maar goed zijn in je vak.
Ik ben sinds oktober 2000 zelfstandig ondernemer en heb vorig jaar mijn eerste bedrijf verkocht. Ik heb in de praktijk geleerd hoe je door een succesvol groeiend bedrijf bedolven kan worden en hoe je daar weer uit kunt komen.
Zelfstandige ondernemers (met of zonder personeel in dienst) die het gevoel hebben dat ze veel effectiever kunnen zijn als ondernemer, maar het aan tijd of geld ontbreekt om hier structureel verbetering in te brengen.
Om uiteindelijk de vrijheid te krijgen die je als ondernemer verlangt én voldoende te verdienen met je werk, zul je regelmatig ‘ondernemerswerk’ moeten doen. In deze workshop leer je hoe je het ‘ondernemerswerk’ herkent en een structurele plaats kunt geven in je weekindeling zodat je snel betere resultaten krijgt met minder inspanning.
price 95 euro hub member price 85 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Walter Brand walter@kinsent.nl 06-28348773 www.kinsent.nl
12/08 19/08
How to define sustainable goals and have them accepted by your audience
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
time 09:00 - 12:00 09:00 - 12:00
Expectations of a companies policy and goals on Corporate Social Responsibility by internal and external parties usually don’t match or even lead to conflict. The stakeholder dialogue presented here will show you how to explore common interests and create cohesion between all stakeholders. Finally, together with your stakeholders, you will be able to formulate sustainable challenges for your company. When formulated together, commitment of all parties is more than likely and will pave the way for an effective mode of operation.
Annemiek Jonker has worked for Nuon for 7 years on Corporate Social Respon sibility and Communication. She has organized multiple stakeholder dialogues for the company with politicians, employees, shareholders and NGO’s participating. She has given many introduction courses on CSR and stakeholder dialogue for Nuon employees.
This course is for everybody who is, or wants to be involved in Corporate Social Responsibility within companies and is in search of a method to involve stakeholders in creating your CSR-policy. Experience in CSR is not necessary. Participants are asked to fully participate during this course.
The workshop includes the composition of dialogue partners, exploring common interests and formulating challenges.
price 75 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Annemiek Jonker mail@annemiekjonker.nl 06-10280796 www.annemiekjonker.nl
13/08 07/08
Je eigen richting, voor jezelf of je bedrijf
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
time 10:00 - 14:00 10:00 - 15:00
Gebaseerd op oude kloosterregels worden deelnemers op een inspirerende manier uitgedaagd om hun idealen in praktijk vorm te geven.
Anne Stael heeft haar eigen bedrijf Zien wat onzichtbaar is. Zij gaat met mensen en organisaties de zoektocht aan om op een eigentijdse manier te laten zien wat hen beweegt en dat vorm te geven. ZIEN verbindt traditie en moderniteit. Mensen van deze tijd zoeken ervaring en beleving om bij de heiligheid van het leven te ervaren. Door dit verlangen serieus te nemen komen er als vanzelf mogelijkheden om het in praktijk vorm te geven.
Iedereen die voor zichzelf of het eigen bedrijf concreet wil invullen vanuit welke richtlijnen hij/zij wil leven of werken.
Oude kloosterregels blijken verrassend flexibel te zijn en mooie richtsnoeren om in die tijd leven vorm te geven. Ge誰nspireerd door deze regels kijken wat jou raakt in je werk in je leven. Wat betekent dat voor je dagelijkse leven? Door dit te onderzoeken en te benoemen geef je jezelf afbakening en daarmee ruimte om dat te ondernemen wat werkelijk belangrijk voor jezelf of je bedrijf is.
price 90 euro hub member price 65 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Anne Stael info@zienwatonzichtbaaris.nl 06-46200281 www.zienwatonzichtbaaris.nl
13/08 18/08
Social media zijn hot. Maar waar zijn ze eigenlijk goed voor?
location The Hub Amsterdam
time 10:00 - 13:00 19:30 - 22:30
Social media zijn hot: Facebook, Twitter, Hyves, LinkedIn, social networking. Je hoort er veel over, maar waar zijn ze eigenlijk goed voor? En waarom zou je ze inzetten en hoe? Aan de hand van concrete voorbeelden, krijg je een goed beeld van social media en krijg je handvatten aangereikt hoe je een social media strategie kunt opzetten en hoe je ze tactisch kunt inzetten.
Petra Kroon is hoofdredacteur van het online platform voor en over sociaal ondernemers: www.sociaalondernemen.nu
Iedereen die social media weliswaar kent maar niet goed weet hoe je die voor welk doel kunt inzetten.
Aan het eind van de workshop weet je welke social media er, voor welk doel de verschillende mogelijkheden geschikt zijn en hoe jij ze het best in jouw organisatie of bedrijf kunt inzetten. Voor meer info: www.goedgeefs.nl/#/lopendeprojecten/workshops/, of neem contact op met Petra Kroon.
price 60 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
Daarnaast is ze communicatie-adviseur geweest in de nonprofit sector. Ze heeft veel ervaring in toepassing van social media.
register at: Petra Kroon petra@goedgeefs.nl 06-53540639 www.goedgeefs.nl
How to seduce an investor
location The Hub Rotterdam
10:00 - 13:00
How to pitch? The course will train you to seduce investors in less then tree minutes. It gives you tips and trics to keep your story short and which ‘darlings to kill’.
Lieke Smeets www.the-hub.net
This event is for entrepreneurs who are looking for investment from informals or who just would like to learn how to keep their pitch short.
On the background of all this the course looks at what it means to have an investor on board?Who are these informal investors? What are the positive and negative sites on this way of investing? What other opportunities are available in the market?
Edgar Neo www.lotsov.info Martijn Blom www.droomzaken.nl Silke de Wilde www.jongehonden.com Gijs Langerveld www.jongehonden.com
price free of charge
register at: The Hub Rotterdam lieke@tweepoemas.nl 06 15832520
14/08 18/08
Introsession: breathing, detoxing, feel more relaxed and happy.
location The Hub Amsterdam
time 15:00 - 17:00 16:00 - 18:00
Wil je ‘moeiteloos’ in het leven staan? Meer in het nu zijn? Wil je meer tijd hebben en ervan genieten, een leeg hoofd hebben en heldere beslissingen nemen, je verantwoordelijk voelen en dat uitstralen op je omgeving .... kortom, een leven in balans? Dat kan! Gewoon met de adem. De krachtigste reiniger van je lichaam.
Vanaf 2003 is Ilonka de Haan (www.ilonkadehaan.nl) teacher bij Art of Living. Het beoefenen van de oefeningen en de geleerde kennis heeft in haar eigen leven zoveel effect gehad, dat ze dit graag en met veel enthousiasme doorgeeft aan anderen. Stichting Art of Living is een educatieve organisatie zonder winstoogmerk en omvat dienstbaarheid over de hele wereld. De Stichting wordt ondersteund door vrijwilligers in meer dan 140 landen.
Everyone who likes to get to know more about him or herself. Everyone who likes to live their life at its full potential. Everyone who likes to have less stress, more creativity, more self confidence.
Tijdens deze introworkshop leer je hier meer over en doen we enkele oefeningen zodat je het effect of je lichaam en geest ook zelf kunt ervaren. Maak met je adem de weg vrij zodat je je goed voelt en je vol in het leven kunt staan. “The sign of life is enthusiasm. The sign of succes is smile and joy” Sri Sri Ravi Shankar - founder of the Art of Living
price 25 euro hub member price 15 euro
(ex- BTW)
* The session will be in Dutch. If you need it, we arrange translation. Please tell us!
register at: Ilonka de Haan ilonka@talentfirst.nl 06-25058995 www.aofl.nl
15/08 23/08
What can we, as social pioneers, learn from Aikido to protect our work?
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
10:00 - 17:00 10:00 - 17:00
Inherent to any pioneering action is vulnerability, which may invite disturbance, misunderstanding or even attack. We may cognitively understand that such challenges are naturally occurring features of life, but, in the heat of the moment, how do we work with our impulses to wrestle the world into submission? Or to give in too quickly?
Having practised Aikido for 15 years, Anita Paalvast offers workshops and seminars that communicate Aikido principles both on the training floor – and off. Through light physical exercises, participants apply authentic Aikido experience to their challenges with reflection and dialogue.
This programme is for people who want to engage questions of vulnerability, protection, and power. Those willing to have their defense mechanisms triggered by physical movement. Those who want to move beyond reaction and develop instead the capacities that genuinely protect what we care about.
Limited to 16 places in Amsterdam/ 10 places in Rotterdam.
register at:
This programme focuses on what can we learn from Aikido about protection and how to translate that protection to our work. By learning simple Aikido techniques, you will connect your stories of vulnerability to this discipline, and see how to cultivate your protective capabilities further. Read More here: www.aikidosocialinnovation.webs.com
price 67 euro
hub members price 55 euro
Anita Paalvast anita_paalvast@yahoo.co.uk 06-18170188
16/08 23/08
Ontdek wat jouw drive is en maak een Individual Development Plan
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
time 10:00 - 17:00 10:00 - 17:00
Eigen laptop vereist!
MeVOLUTION is ontwikkeld door een netwerk van talent rondom theatermaker en onderwijsontwerper Tom Oosterhuis uit de wereld van de kunsten, het onderwijs en de nieuwe media.
MeVOLUTION is voor elke professional die serieus werk wil maken van life long learing, voor iedereen die ambieert om zelf aan het stuur te zitten van zijn eigen leven.
In deze introductie workshop MeVOLUTION maak je kennis met een visie, een werkwijze en het digitaal portfolio systeem om jezelf steeds bewuster te sturen in je eigen ontwikkeling. Jezelf sturen betekent dat je de 4 fases van een creatief proces doorloopt. Je hebt daar een aantal vermogens voor nodig: de 12 zelfsturingcompetenties. Aan het einde van de dag heb je een begin gemaakt met een Individual Development Plan, waar je zelf mee door kan. Dat gaat op een speelse, eenvoudige manier. Iedereen kan het. Je hoeft er niet enorm ict-vaardig voor te zijn!
price 50 euro hub member price 45 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Tom Oosterhuis tom@chatrats.nl 06-29516941 www.me-volution.net
your changes make a difference
location The Hub Amsterdam
14:00 - 17:00
This workshop supports you to become more aware of yourself and the reason what is driving you to change the world.
Francisca Wegdam is the founder of Yoonity; an Awareness Agency.
This workshops is created for those that wish to be empowered in the equal task in transforming them self and the world.
If it is for example the feeling we need to rescue? Than we will give this energy exponentially back to the world. In this way we keep creating victims, fear and guilt. Only saving the planet, is not bringing the change we wished. Change the planet AND yourself is of equal importance! I am empowering you to find out your true reasons. Your investments in yourself will change your actions so that they will make an effective difference in the world.
price 45 euro hub member price 40 euro
(ex- BTW)
For information visit: www.yoonity.nl and www.soulpsychology.org (different audio tapes about soul psychology, the missing link between soul and mind).
Please inscribe before the 03/08 by sending an e-mail to: francisca@yoonity.nl
register at: Francisca Wegdam francisca@yoonity.nl 06-2478 2992 www.yoonity.nl
18/08 26/08
Presenteer jezelf als een sterk merk, onderscheidend en uniek!
location The Hub Amsterdam
12:00 - 14:30 12:00 - 14:30
TalentBranding combineert marketing-expertise met loopbaanmanagement op unieke wijze. Het merkdenken op basis waarvan Apple, Nike en Coca Cola zich onderscheiden, wordt bruikbaar gemaakt voor professionals.
Vanaf 2002 inspireert Ilonka de Haan mensen om te gaan staan voor hun talenten en om daarmee vol achter hun idealen en dromen aan te gaan. De natuurlijke schoonheid en kracht van mensen fascineert haar mateloos.
Everyone who likes to be more succesfull in their career or own business. Does your (potential) customer really know what you can offer them? Are all your talents and passions clear for the world?
Door te ontdekken welke ‘merkwaarden’ als persoon bij je passen, kun je gericht en met passie jouw unieke verhaal vertellen. Vergroot je zelfvertrouwen en je kansen! Hoe groot is jouw magneetkracht? Deze inspiratiesessie over TalentBranding is gebaseerd op het boek ‘Het Merk IK’ ®, TalentBranding voor een succesvolle carriere. Talentbranding is een effectieve en beproefde methode om vanaf NU jouw wezenlijke kracht uit te dragen aan de wereld en te koersen op de sterkst mogelijke magneetkracht voor jouw dromen. Deelnemers ontvangen het boek er gratis bij.
price 35 euro hub member price 25 euro
Kijk voor meer informatie op www.ilonkadehaan.nl of www.talentfirst.nl
* The session will be in Dutch. If you need it, we arrange translation. Please tell us!
register at: Ilonka de Haan ilonka@talentfirst.nl 06-25058995 www.talentbranding.nl
What futures can we foresee? A look at scenarios 2010-2025.
location The Hub Amsterdam
14:30 - 18:30
Scenario thinking is an essential element of the strategy development of Delta Lloyd Group. In their report ‘Scenario’s voor de toekomst’ they present two alternative scenarios that are likely to unfold by 2025: New Balances or Fragmentation.
Robert Bood is partner at FairSights, an international consultancay in strategy development, scenario thinking and strategic innovation.
This workshop is useful for anyone who is seeking to learn more about scenarios .. and their role in strategy planning.
This workshop follows the keynote lunch presentation, with the objective to take a deeper look at what these futures could mean. We will be exploring questions such as: - How can I use scenario thinking as a strategic tool, and what can I learn from Delta Lloyd’s experience? - With new information to hand, what does it all mean when I think about my own future, the future of my work, and my organisation?
price 75 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
Michiel Delfos is manager group planning & control at Delta Lloyd Groep. This workshop will be run by Delta Lloyd, in cooperation with The Hub Amsterdam.
It is also open to anyone who wants to learn and explore how we can use the insights to shape a positive future for ourselves and organisations.
register at: The Hub Amsterdam amsterdam.hosts@the-hub.net 020-4274283 www.q1234.nl
22/08 23/08 15/08 16/08
Discover the 7 Master Secrets of every successful entrepreneur.
time 10:00 - 17:00 10:00 - 17:00 10:00 - 17:00 10:00 - 17:00
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
At from Green to Great, project, you’ll build the emotional capacity, necessary to create certainty and focus in your business, no matter what challenges stand in your way.
• 17 years of entrepreneurship. • Creator of 3 successful companies and CEO of one of the largest sales companies in The Netherlands with a growth rate of 60% this year. • Private investor in start-ups with soul. • David de Kock’s desire to help individuals transform the quality of their lives and businesses, makes him an extraordinary, powerful and successful Business & personal coach.
From Green to Great is designed for (starting) entrepreneurs, who want to grow. People of action and vision, those rare individuals who have a dream and search for uniqueness and sustainable growth. Although each course is limited in size, “From Green to Great” is open to anyone who is committed to discover their limits.
• Discover the power of focus • Adapt the essence of selling • Learn to see opportunities in times of crisis • Align your company’s core values, competences & priorities with your ultimate goal • And a lot more! Subscribe to the two day course “From Green to Great” now. We ensure your satisfaction with our 100% money back guarantee policy!!!
price 350 euro hub member price 250 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Emanuela Deyanova emanuela@daviddekock.nl 06-50738989 www.daviddecock.com
Give something, get something.... change anything!!!!
location The Hub Amsterdam
10:00 - 17:00
Swap and Rimix Is about not throwing your clothes away, reinventing your style, and feeling good doing it!!!!
Rima Freeman has a self education in the sustainable fashion. Before these terms were popular it was simple recyling clothes to her. Rima’s goal is to help “green fashion” to become all fashion.
This workshop is for women and men who want to have fun finding their personal style.
The fashion industry throws away tons of clothes every year. We have all been victims of trends, and it has added to our carbon footprints. This one day workshop will be about giving and getting something very valuable, your OWN style and freedom from the trend-mill. Bring things you like but are not “you” and exchange with others. Rimix what you get or bring something that you still have feelings for and have it restyled. It will be alot of fun and good for the inside and the outside!
price 20 euro hub member price 10 euro
(ex- BTW)
Please note that there will be an additional cost for your customised remixing based on the garment and changes made to it. Exact prices can only known on the day.
register at: Rima Freeman freeman.rimix@gmail.com 06-38396568
Redeneer ik in woorden of zie ik mijn gedachten in beelden voor mij?
location The Hub Rotterdam
19:00 - 22:00
Beelddenkers (ook wel associatief, zintuiglijk of meer dimentsionaal denkers genaamd) maken in hun gedachten gebruik van innerlijke beelden of andere zintuiglijke vormen.
Fleur van de Polder- Paton
Voor iedereen die het beste uit zijn medemens boven wenst te halen, zoals leerkrachten, welzijnswerkers, (para) medici en mensen die met ontwerpers, strategen of andere ruimtelijk denkende mensen te maken hebben.
Doordat hierbij een innerlijke dialoog ontbreekt, ligt hun gedachten tempo doorgaans erg hoog, waardoor zij bij communicatie vaak lastig te volgen zijn. Middels uitleg en wat kleine opdrachten kan de toehoorder meer begrip voor deze ander denkvorm krijgen en tot leuke inzichten komen op gebied van zijn eigen wijze van denken en redeneren.
price 35 euro hub member price 30 euro
(ex- BTW)
Maximaal aantal deelnemers - 15.
register at: Fleur van dde Polder - Paton Bureau 8 AGT/ de Lachende fleurpaton@gmail.com 010 4715867
16 ways to enhance the innovative performance of your organisation
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:00 - 12:00
In a world where only the most adaptive survive, the performance of the innovation process is vital for all organisations. This course helps you understand the innovation process of your organisation and provides practical guidelines to improve its performance.
Frank is the founder of Ideas for Innovation, an Ideation and Innovation Process Improvement organisation. He has over ten years experience in generating and implementing new ideas in numerous small and large organisations. He’s passionate about change and social and technical innovation. He strives to maximise the impact of new ideas and the people behind them.
This course is intended for those who are interested in the long term survival of their organisation and the vital role of the innovation process in this pursuit.
The course will present a number of real life cases to illustrate the do’s and don’ts in all three phases of the process: ideation, selection and implementation. Participants will walk away inspired and determined to kickstart the innovation process of their organisation.
price 40 euro hub member price 20 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Frank Gerritsma frank@ideasforinnovation.nl 06-41404041 www.ideasforinnovation.nl
AN INTRODUCTION 26/08 TO APPRECIATIVE INQUIRY Discover, Dream, Design & Deliver. Learn the basics for your work!
time 14:30 - 17:30
location The Hub Amsterdam
Appreciative Inquiry (AI) is a method for discovering, understanding and fostering innovations in organisations through the gathering of affirming stories, dreams and the construction of positive interactions. AI seeks out the very best of “what is” to help ignite the collective imagination of “what could be”.
Lara Toensmann focuses on organizational change and sustainability. She is setting up a platform or change agents across and within organisations to better collaborate for positive change.
This session will delve into Appreciative Inquiry as a useful approach for social innovators, .. sustainability practitioners and anyone interested in positive change. This training is useful for anyone who is seeking to liberate the potential for positive change in an organisation, discovering what is possible and building on what already works.
The Appreciative Inquiry process (discover, dream, design, deliver) can be a helpful tool in any planning effort which requires strategic vision and an empowering context for innovation and development. Participants are encouraged to bring a particular “burning question” coming from their work context/practice to explore within this module.
price 65 euro hub member price 50 euro
(ex- BTW)
Tatiana Glad of Engage! works with AI to design and host conferences, organisations and business creation, learning journeys, in-house change agent communities and multistakeholder processes.
register at: Tatiana Glad tatiana@engagency.nl 06-23837384 www.engagency.nl
27/08 28/08
Learn how to distinguish between a good idea and a great idea.
time 09:00 - 13:00 09:00 - 13:00
location The Hub Amsterdam The Hub Rotterdam
Launch your idea do the Idea Road Test and discover whether there is a real need for your service. Can you persuade all stakeholders to participate? Do you have the necessary skills and is your effort worth the potential gains?
Frank is the founder of Ideas for Innovation, an Ideation and Innovation Process Improvement organisation. He has over ten years experience in generating and implementing new ideas in numerous small and large organisations. He’s passionate about change and social and technical innovation. He strives to maximise the impact of new ideas and the people behind them.
Anyone with an idea or too many ideas to choose from. Anyone who is thinking about starting a new initiative, either within an existing organisation or by starting a new one.
Participants are invited to bring their ideas to the workshop to complement some real world examples we have on hand. During the workshop we will present and test these ideas on basis of the criteria that will be introduced at the start of the session. You should leave the workshop with a better understanding of the success factors behind a great idea.
price 50 euro hub member price 25 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Frank Gerritsma frank@ideasforinnovation.nl 06-41404041 www.ideasforinnovation.nl
What you should know about collaborative innovation
location The Hub Amsterdam
19:00 - 22:00
In the networked and connected economy with powerful and engaged consumers the innovation process has crossed the borders of the traditional organisation. Collaborative innovation, innovation with the help of suppliers, competitors and consumers, has proved to be very powerful for organisations as Apple, NASA and Mozilla.
Frank is the founder of Ideas for Innovation, an Ideation and Innovation Process Improvement organisation. He has over ten years experience in generating and implementing new ideas in numerous small and large organisations. He’s passionate about change and social and technical innovation. He strives to maximise the impact of new ideas and the people behind them.
Anyone interested in the power of collaborative innovation and how to apply it to their own organisation.
By broadening the number of organisations and people involved organisations can create better products, launch them faster, with less risk (of failure) and less resources spend. This course presents the current state of the developments in the area of collaborative innovation and helps you understand how these concepts can benefit your organisation.
price 40 euro hub member price 20 euro
(ex- BTW)
register at: Frank Gerritsma frank@ideasforinnovation.nl 06-41404041 www.ideasforinnovation.nl
A game that’s sure to rattle your beliefs + conditioning around money!
location The Hub Amsterdam
14:00 - 17:30
The Money Game is a simulation game developed to help people in all financial situations to understand the feelings and beliefs we have about money in our lives and in society.
This course is hosted by Lisette Schuitemaker, a social investor and catalyst for systemic change, who along the line has explored the subject of money as a poor student, a salary earner, a freelancer, an employer, an heiress and an investor for change.
This course is aimed at any individuals who are interested in uncovering unconscious paradigms, choices and challenges in dealing with money while in pursuit for social change.
Each person brings a certain amount of money that may lessen or grow depending on the (un)conscious choices you and the others make. So come and bring an amount you don’t mind losing, but that is enough to feel like you are taking a bit of a risk (with a maximum of euro1000). The game explores giving, receiving, and asking for money. The Money Game is offered at the end of the summer, to take a helpful look at our attitudes, beliefs and conditions about money as we enter back into the busy months ahead.
price 25 euro hub member price 20 euro
register at: The Hub Amsterdam amsterdam.hosts@the-hub.net 020-4274283 www.corecompany.nl
Who would you be without your story?
location The Hub Rotterdam
14:00 - 16:00
“My partner doesn’t listen.” “My children are disobedient.” “I hate my job.” “My life would be better if…” Thoughts like these pass through our minds throughout the day, causing us stress, anxiety, fear, anger, and depression. You can learn a simple way to clear the mind and move from fear to freedom, from anger to joy, and from confusion to clarity. Anyone with an open mind can do The Work. The Work of Byron Katie. Come learn this simple, radical, and life-changing process of inquiry.
Robert van Heijst. He is a Certified Facilitator for The Work of Byron Katie, trained by Byron Katie at the Institute for The Work in California. As a social worker he has years of experience in doing The Work with clients, helping them to get clearer about relationships, violence, depression, work, education, identity, conflict, low self-esteem and a lot more.
The Work is used as a way to move from confusion to clarity. Practicing this simple process of self-inquiry, people who have spent years dealing with stress, fear, anxiety, and depression experience a profound shift in consciousness, a deep sense of inner peace, and the ability to approach problems with a clear mind.
This course will be in Dutch.
register at:
During this introductory workshop, you will learn to identify and question your stressful thinking. Experience how you live your life when you believe thoughts that are not true for you. Discover new possibilities and different perspectives. Learn how to facilitate yourself and others using The Work’s four questions and turnarounds. Realize what is true for you, and take home a powerful tool that can help you live with clarity and integrity.
price 35 euro hub member price 25 euro
Robert van Heijst info@theworkwithrobert.com 06-41187639 www.theworkwithrobert.com
Van olie-afhankelijkheid naar lokale veerkracht
location The Hub Rotterdam
14:00 - 17:00
Transition Towns is een ‘beweging van onderop’ waarin mensen lokaal aan de slag gaan om zoveel mogelijk onafhankelijk te worden van lange aanvoerlijnen voor onze levensbehoeften. De belangrijkste drijfveren om in actie te komen zijn ‘piekolie’ en klimaatverandering. Het antwoord van een Transition Town op deze problemen ligt in het opbouwen van een veerkrachtige, lokale economie waarbinnen de uitstoot van CO2 drastisch wordt verminderd en de productie van voedsel, energie en materialen wordt geïntegreerd in natuurlijke cyclussen.
Deze informatiebijeenkomst wordt aangeboden door Transition Town Rotterdam in samenwerking met het landelijk netwerk van Transition Towns in Nederland.
Veel visies, interesses en vaardigheden kunnen naast elkaar een plek vinden en elkaar versterken binnen het Transition Town concept. Het is tenslotte een beweging van onderaf, dus laat je vooral door niks tegenhouden en wees erbij.
In deze informatiebijeenkomst zal het concept Transition Town worden toegelicht: praktijkvoorbeelden, achterliggend gedachtengoed, toekomstvisie(s) en de stand van zaken in Rotterdam.
price 5 euro hub member price 4 euro
register at: Daniel Opbroek danielopbroek@hotmail.com 06-14375754 www.transitiontowns.nl
Engaging people’s deep motivation - and your own
location The Hub Amsterdam
09:30 - 17:00
So you want to meet people where they are... but where are they? And where are you?
Jasper Rienstra is synnervator All evolutionary change at CHE School of Synneration. agents that want to see the whole picture - in order to effectively facilitate human He serves integral societal emergence in individuals, renewal by connecting and revitalising individuals, organ- organisations and society. isations and communities And/or: everybody who wants through direct experience, to attend! in the Netherlands, for the world. He works on organisational and leadership development and implementing register at: complex change.
Spiral Dynamics Integral provides a framework for understanding value systems and a clear perspective to look from while dealing with complex situations en planning the most appropriate intervention. This one day course includes a Spiral introduction, a personal values test and a Spiral Walk experience: how do you experience the value systems and transitions in your own life? And, last but not least: how to apply this in your work/life?
price 300 euro hub member price 270 euro
(ex- BTW)
Arjen Bos arjen@humanemergence.nl 030-2542159 www.schoolofsynnervation.nl
Personal development workshop to align your vision with your heart
location The Hub Amsterdam
10:00 - 18:00
Who am I? The answer to this simple question is the key to unfold our lives. Finding the answer is like pealing an onion, it comes through a step-by-step process. You gradually get rid of wrong assumptions and pre-conceptions that hide the true you, that cover that inner spark that makes your heart shine. The ‘Dream your life, live your dream’ workshop is one step in that direction. Through practical exercises and creative challenges you will identify some of the key features that provide basement to your identity. You will choose that are really aligned with your heart and get rid of some of those that block you from moving into your true being. At the end of the journey, your creation and your giveaways will be brought to the fire, the purifying and enlightening element. By having a sharper image of who you are you will be able to dream a life that will let you shine. You will be able to live the life of your dreams. Using a combination of shamanic tools and arts you will go through your own discoveries and creations.
Camilo Villa: I love to support change and transformation through inner work. Since studying anthropologist many years ago, I have explored other alternatives and new approaches to accessing knowledge and wisdom. For almost 15 years I have been engaged with shamanism and have became a formal apprentice. The result is a tool-box, filled with a combination of techniques, ideas, insights gained from different cultural traditions.
Any individual willing to refine his/her own personal vision to align it with her/his business initiative or the professional track. People willing to explore different aspects of their lives to find the best path ahead. Individuals committed with Mother Earth.
price 75 euro hub member price 50 euro
register at: Camilo Villa
camilo@KreativeSynapses.com (ex- BTW)
06-38409053 www.kreativesynapes.com
What are the skills, capacities and leadership needed to respond and scale up our work as change agents for a better world? How do we stretch our boundaries of what we know? What new approaches to change are emerging? We invite social innovators young and old, entrepreneurs inside and outside organisations, changemakers and rainmakers to a summer dedicated to learning and leadership for innovation.
Come equip yourself for the future! Hub Summer School is designed to offer you a rich and diverse menu of options that will give you the skills and capacities to help you grow your business, build community or enable the new to emerge whatever you need to make the change you want to see in the world happen
Systems shift when people shift. - Peter Senge
Visit our website: www.hubsummerschool.nl to learn more and register! For more information, please email: nl.summerschool@the-hub.net The Hub Amsterdam Westerstraat 187 1015 MA Amsterdam +31(0)20 427 42 83 amsterdam.the-hub.net
The Hub Rotterdam Heemraadsingel 219 3023 CD Rotterdam +31(0)10 707 85 13 rotterdam.the-hub.net