CLC Fall 2016

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Not every student is the same. Not every school is the same.

We Make It Easy!

So why would we expect that every book order would be the same? Here at Classroom Library Company, custom work is our specialty. If you don’t see what you need in our catalog or on our website, we will find it for you. And all the research is included in our everyday 25% discount. We love our pre-built Classroom Libraries, but you may need something different – and we are here to help you get it. From custom book libraries to custom book rooms, our experts are here for you and your students.

We know your time and resources are limited, and we’re here to help.

Call or email us today. Tell us what you need. Let us make it happen.

We Make It Easy! 4 888-318-2665 /

Want to create a quote on our website? It’s easy! Just follow these simple steps:

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Each Classro om Library was assemble d by a literacy expert w ho designe d ea ch one to fit the nee ds of th e ever chang ing e ducat ional spectru m.

s w ith s t e s l l A o ption e g a r sto o ur n i . e m co ue bin l b d r stan da

Table of Contents Language Arts.................................................

Early Childhood............................................................ 8 ELA.............................................................................. 11 Curriculum Kits........................................................... 14 Comprehension Strategies......................................... 16 Favorite Authors......................................................... 20 Favorite Series............................................................ 28 Award Winners .......................................................... 34 Genre Studies............................................................. 36 Hi-Lo........................................................................... 48 Social-Emotional Learning.......................................... 50 Read-Along Kits.......................................................... 51 Lit Kits......................................................................... 52 Leveled Libraries......................................................... 54

Math.......................................................................... For a li st Classro of the books in om ea leveling Library, as we ch ll in visit our formation, ple as ase website at: www.cla ssro oml ibrar yco

mpany.c om

Math Libraries By Grade............................................. 60 Math Concepts........................................................... 62 Everyday Math............................................................ 64 MathStart................................................................... 66

Science.................................................................... Science Libraries By Grade......................................... 68 Next Generation Science Standards........................... 70 Science Scope and Sequence..................................... 71

Social Studies.................................................. Social Studies Libraries By Grade................................ 76 Biographies................................................................. 79

25% Discount. Every day. Free Shipping!

Spanish................................................................ 86 888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Early Childhood Starter Classroom Libraries If you’re just beginning your preschool or early elementary Classroom Library, these sets are the perfect place to start. This mix of classic and contemporary titles will also integrate seamlessly into your existing collections.

Terrific Read-Alouds- PreK-K

Bonus Read-Alouds- PreK-K

9781456976071 List Price $364.46 Discounted: $273.23 9781456976064 With Storage Bins $373.02 Discounted: $279.65

9781456976095 List Price $187.63 Discounted: $140.67 9781456976088 With Storage Bins $194.13 Discounted: $145.55

Set of 50 Books

Basic Concepts- PreK-K Set of 25 Books

9781456976132 List Price $69.80 Discounted: $52.40 9781456976125 With Storage Bins $76.30 Discounted: $57.28

Multicultural Texts - PreK-K

Social-Emotional Learning - PreK-K

9781456976156 List Price $143.69 Discounted: $107.75 9781456976149 With Storage Bins $150.19 Discounted: $112.63

9781456976170 List Price $172.73 Discounted: $129.50 9781456976163 With Storage Bins $179.23 Discounted: $134.38

STEAM Texts - PreK-K

Interactive Picture Books - PreK-K

9781456976194 List Price $192.52 Discounted: $144.34 9781456976187 With Storage Bins $199.02 Discounted: $149.22

9781456976217 List Price $224.81 Discounted: $168.57 9781456976200 With Storage Bins $233.37 Discounted: $174.99

Set of 25 Books

Early Childhood

Sight Word Readers- PreK-K

Set of 25 Books

9781456976118 List Price $249.21 Discounted: $186.85 9781456976101 With Storage Bins $257.77 Discounted: $193.27

Set of 25 Books


Set of 25 Books

Set of 25 Books

Set of 25 Books /

Early Childhood A whimsical, fun collection of books that makes learning the ABC’s a delight for the whole family.

ABC’s- PreK-2 Set of 12 Books

9781456972257 List Price $111.85 Discounted: $83.86 9781456972240 With Storage Bins $118.35 Discounted: $88.74

Byron Barton books for young children are highly acclaimed and are a welcome addition to any PreK-K library.

Byron Barton- PreK-K Set of 15 Books

9781456973070 List Price $149.85 Discounted: $112.35 9781456973063 With Storage Bins $156.35 Discounted: $117.23

Children love poetry. Here is a wonderful set for the youngest readers.

Poetry- PreK Set of 10 Books

9781456978839 List Price $103.82 Discounted: $77.84 9781456978822 With Storage Bins $110.32 Discounted: $82.72

Classic Seuss titles in sturdy board book format.

Dr. Seuss Board Book Collection- PreK-2

9781456976279 List Price $66.88 Discounted: $50.13 9781456976262 With Storage Bins $73.38 Discounted: $55.01

Sturdy board book versions by the beloved creator of brilliantly illustrated and innovatively designed picture books for young children.

Eric Carle Board Book Collection 1 PreK-2

9781456976231 List Price $130.73 Discounted: $98.01 9781456976224 With Storage Bins $139.29 Discounted: $104.43

9781456976255 List Price $126.85 Discounted: $95.15 9781456976248 With Storage Bins $135.41 Discounted: $101.52

Early Childhood

Eric Carle Board Book Collection 2 Pre K-2

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Early Childhood Leslie Patricelli Board Books - PreK-K

9781456976293 List Price $83.88 Discounted: $62.88 9781456976286 With Storage Bins $92.44 Discounted: $69.30

The pitch perfect humor and bright illustrations in these classic board books will delight your young readers.

Tana Hoban Early Concepts- PreK-2 Set of 25 Books

9781456973810 List Price $53.88 Discounted: $40.39 9781456973803 With Storage Bins $60.38 Discounted: $45.27

Using brilliant photography, Hoban created outstanding concept books, presenting difficult concepts through familiar objects and surroundings.

Re-versed Rhymes Board Books PreK-K

Gossie and Friends Board Books

9781456976354 List Price $134.85 Discounted: $101.15 9781456976347 With Storage Bins $143.41 Discounted: $107.52

9781456976378 List Price $63.92 Discounted: $47.92 9781456976361 With Storage Bins $72.48 Discounted: $54.34

These aren’t the nursery rhymes you grew-up with these fun, re-versed rhymes tell the same beloved tales, with a fun, modern twist!

Follow the adventures of these small goslings with big personalities with this set of board books.

Set of 15 Books

Set of 8 Books

For a list of the books in each Classroom Library, as well as leveling informatio n, please visit our website at:

Early Childhood

www.classroomlibrar ycompa


25% Discount. Every day. Free Shipping! /

ELA Sound Adventures Phonics Readers PreK-1

Set of 25 Books 9781456975890 List Price $198.75 Discounted: $149.00 9781456975883 With Storage Bins $205.25 Discounted: $153.88

Your students are sure to love these fun, phonics based adventure stories for beginning readers! This leveled series is full of comprehension activities, photographic glossaries, definitions, and other helpful tools to teach children how to read.

Wordless Books K-5 Set of 20 Books

9781456972899 List Price $206.68 Discounted: $154.96 9781456972882 With Storage Bins $213.18 Discounted: $159.84

Wordless books are books that contain illustrations but no text, allowing students to use their imagination to create their own stories. These books give students an opportunity to hone their writing skills, which helps them build foundations of language, basic story structure, and an understanding of the relationship between pictures and words. Students at all levels are provided with learning opportunities, from labeling pictures to strengthening their understanding of story and plot.

First Day of School K-2 Set of 10 Books

9781456972431 List Price $102.04 Discounted: $ 76.51 9781456972424 With Storage Bins $108.54 Discounted: $81.39

Calm your students’ fears and mirror their excitement with this collection of titles dealing with the range of emotions present on the First Day of School.

Ruth Heller World of Language K-3

9781456974077 List Price $70.92 Discounted: $53.17 9781456974060 With Storage Bins $77.42 Discounted: $58.05


Heller’s group of clever titles about the parts of speech are classics. Brightly colored illustrations and rhymes instruct and entertain.

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ELA Cinderella Around the World K-8

9781456973131 List Price $157.81 Discounted: $118.32 9781456973124 With Storage Bins $164.31 Discounted: $123.20

of Cinderella is one stories, e rit vo fa America’s rary, but with this lib ound ar es ur lt explore cu h their ug ro th the world mpare the own versions. Co Chinese, African, Korean versions, and more.

Grammar All-Stars K-8

9781456975852 List Price $157.50 Discounted: $118.20 9781456975845 With Storage Bins $164.00 Discounted: $123.08

Grammar comes to life in this fun series, in which entertaining sports events reinforce language arts skills. Buzz Star teams up with a kid reporter to call the action as they share tips on grammar. Memorable sports personalities, exciting play, and amusing broadcast banter are sure to score with readers!

Wordplay Grades 4-8 Set of 15 Books

9781456975937 List Price $155.73 Discounted: $116.76

Help your students further master the English language with this collection of fun and funny books on wordplay.

Idioms Grades 4-8 Set of 10 Books


9781456975913 List Price $91.70 Discounted: $68.75 9781456975906 With Storage Bins $98.20 Discounted: $73.63


Mastery of idioms promotes fluency and lively, colorful self-expression. With this resource you can use idioms to develop your students’ critical thinking skills. /

Not every student is the same. Not every school is the same.

We Make It Easy!

So why would we expect that every book order would be the same? Here at Classroom Library Company, custom work is our specialty. If you don’t see what you need in our catalog or on our website, we will find it for you. And all the research is included in our everyday 25% discount. We love our pre-built Classroom Libraries, but you may need something different – and we are here to help you get it. From custom book libraries to custom book rooms, our experts are here for you and your students.

We know your time and resources are limited, and we’re here to help.

Call or email us today. Tell us what you need. Let us make it happen.

We Make It Easy! 888-318-2665 888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Curriculum Kits

More collections available on our website!

Curriculum Kits

To ensure that students experience curriculum aligned instruction in ELA, Social Studies and Science that requires them to ground reading, writing, and discussion in text evidence, Classroom Library Company has combined texts and tasks within our Curriculum Kits. Our Curriculum Kits Include: • An aligned trade book collection • A teacher’s guide with a close reading focus • Focus questions • Sequenced overview of texts • Representative text-dependent questions for texts

Teacher’s guide comes with every Curriculum Kit

Front bin label, clearly stating the name and ISBN of the Classroom Library

aligned instruction in ELA, Social Studies and Science!

Remarkable Books About Young People With Special Needs : Elementary School Grades K-5

9781456974152 List Price $345.52 Discounted: $259.05 9781456974145 With Storage Bins $354.08 Discounted: $265.47

Matching children with special needs to books and stories that will motivate and engage them, this is a valuable collection for any educator who lives or works with young people who have disabilities. This varied selection of books offers individuals who may be isolated by their differences the security and companionship of stories they can identify with. Selecting books that dissolve limitations and spark the imagination, this resource also helps children empathize and truly connect with their peers and the world around them.

Donalyn Miller’s The Book Whisperer Grades K-5

Curriculum Kits

9781456972455 List Price $1061.70 Discounted: $796.00 9781456972448 With Storage Bins $1095.94 Discounted: $821.68

Miller embraces giving students an individual choice in what they read combined with a program for independent reading, focused on high-interest books and on modeling appropriate and authentic reading behaviors. Selections of books that Miller’s students most enjoy reading are included in the set.

14 /

Adventures in Graphica: Using Comics and Graphic Novels to Teach Comprehension, Grades 2-6 9781456975432 List Price $312.72 Discounted: $234.48

Literacy coach Terry Thompson shows how this exciting medium fits into the literacy framework and correlates with best practices in comprehension, vocabulary, and fluency instruction. Adventures in Graphica contains numerous, easy-to-replicate, instructional strategies, including examples of how graphic texts can be used to create a bridge as students transfer abstract comprehension strategies learned through comics and graphic novels to traditional texts.

Guy-Write: What Every Guy Writer Needs to Know Grades 4-8

9781456972516 List Price $399.28 Discounted: $299.37 9781456972509 With Storage Bins $407.84 Discounted: $305.79

Writing is about power; it’s about fun; it’s about spoofs, humor, sports, blood, farts, superheroes, giant monsters tearing down the city, and serious subjects, too. This book discusses every tip needed to find the sweet spot in writing: the place where everything except the words stands still. With advice from favorite authors like Jon Scieszka, Jarrett Krosoczka, and Robert Lipsyte, this hands-on book will make a writer out of any guy.

Assessments for Differentiating Reading Instruction Grades 4-8

9781456974534 List Price $156.82 Discounted: $117.57 9781456974527 With Storage Bins $163.32 Discounted: $122.45

Curriculum Kits

Laura Robb’s resource contains more than 50 easy-touse assessments, including reading strategy checklists, reading interest surveys, tiered task evaluation forms, conference forms, self-evaluations, and more. In addition, teachers will appreciate the management tips, sample student work with teacher comments, and student-behavior scaffolding-suggestion charts found in each chapter. All assessments are included on the accompanying CD!

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Comprehension Strategies K-2 for: Visit o ur website of bo oks for - A co mplete list Library each Classro o m n veling infor matio le le b a il va a ll A ro o m Libraries ss la C re o m n ve - E ! in every subject m www.classro omli

Comprehension Strategies

25% Di scount. Every d ay. Free Sh ipping!


e k a M s k Boo n! u F g n i Learn

Reading comprehension strategies are specifically taught in most early reading classrooms, and can also be taught in later grades with great success. Comprehension strategies can be practiced in many ways, such as questioning the readings, filling out worksheets such as KWL (Know, Want to Know, Want to Learn), or working with graphic organizers. The titles in these sets will help support the teaching of specific comprehension skills by offering students stellar examples.

Visualizing: K-2

9781456975036 List Price: $104.81 Discounted: $78.58 9781456975029 With Storage Bins: $111.31 Discounted: $ 83.46

Determining Importance: K-2

9781456975050 List Price: $119.84 Discounted: $89.85 9781456975043 With Storage Bins: $126.34 Discounted: $94.73

Summarizing: K-2

9781456975074 List Price: $110.85 Discounted: $83.11 9781456975067 With Storage Bins: $117.35 Discounted: $87.99 /

Questioning: K-2

9781456975098 List Price: $92.88 Discounted: $69.63 9781456975081 With Storage Bins: $99.38 Discounted: $74.51

Connecting: K-2

Synthesizing: K-2

9781456975159 List Price: $109.83 Discounted: $82.35 9781456975142 With Storage Bins: $116.33 Discounted: $87.23

Predicting: K-2

9781456975111 List Price: $95.89 Discounted: $71.89 9781456975104 With Storage Bins: $102.39 Discounted: $76.77

9781456975173 List Price: $107.76 Discounted: $80.79 9781456975166 With Storage Bins: $114.26 Discounted: $85.67

Inferring: K-2

Comprehension Strategies Complete Collection: K-2

9781456975197 List Price: $842.67 Discounted: $631.78 9781456975180 With Storage Bins: $859.79 Discounted: $644.62

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272

Comprehension Strategies

9781456975135 List Price: $100.81 Discounted: $75.58 9781456975128 With Storage Bins: $107.31 Discounted: $80.46


Comprehension Strategies 3-5 for: Visit o ur website of bo oks for - A co mplete list Library each Classro o m n veling infor matio - All available le ssro o m Libraries la C re o m n ve E ! in every subject ry ra b li m o ro ss la www.c

25% Di scount. Every d ay. Free Sh ipping!

Comprehension strategies can be practiced in many ways, such as questioning the readings, filling out worksheets such as KWL (Know, Want to Know, Want to Learn), or working with graphic organizers. The titles in these sets will help support the teaching of specific comprehension skills by offering students stellar examples of books matching the target strategy.

Visualizing: 3-5

9781456975210 List Price: $90.79 Discounted: $68.07 9781456975203 With Storage Bins: $97.29 Discounted: $72.95

Summarizing: 3-5

9781456975234 List Price: $87.91 Discounted: $65.91 9781456975227 With Storage Bins: $94.41 Discounted: $70.79

Comprehension Strategies

Connecting: 3-5


9781456975258 List Price: $91.84 Discounted: $68.85 9781456975241 With Storage Bins: $98.34 Discounted: $73.73 /

Questioning: 3-5

Predicting: 3-5

Determining Importance: 3-5

Inferring: 3-5

9781456975272 List Price: $99.85 Discounted: $74.86 9781456975265 With Storage Bins: $106.35 Discounted: $79.74

9781456975333 List Price: $120.39 Discounted: $90.27 9781456975326 With Storage Bins: $128.95 Discounted: $96.69

Synthesizing: 3-5

9781456975319 List Price: $109.86 Discounted: $82.37 9781456975302 With Storage Bins: $116.36 Discounted: $87.25

Comprehension Strategies Complete Collection: 3-5

9781456975371 List Price: $798.34 Discounted: $598.55 9781456975364 With Storage Bins: $806.90 Discounted: $604.97

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272

Comprehension Strategies

9781456975357 List Price: $110.80 Discounted: $83.07 9781456975340 With Storage: Bins $117.30 Discounted: $87.95

9781456975296 List Price: $101.81 Discounted: $76.38 9781456975289 With Storage Bins: $108.38 Discounted: $81.26


Favorite Authors Peter Brown

Grades K-2

9781456974138 List Price: $121.95 Discounted: $91.45

Growing up in New Jersey, Peter Brown told stories by drawing whimsical characters and scenes from his imagination. As a teenager, he fell in love with writing, and told his tales with words. In college, these worlds collided. Peter has won multiple awards for his work, including a Caldecott Honor in 2013 for his work on Aaron Reynolds’s Creepy Carrots.

Eric Carle Set 1 Classroom Library Grades K-2

9781456972370 List Price: $181.84 Discounted: $136.34

Eric Carle Set 2 Classroom Library Grades K-2 9781456972394 List Price: $202.82 Discounted: $152.07

Eric Carle is the creator of more than 70 brilliantly illustrated and innovatively designed picture books for very young children. His best-known work, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, has been translated into more than 50 languages and sold over 33 million copies.

Dr. Seuss Set 1 Classroom Library Grades K-2 9781456974596 List Price $171.81 Discounted: $128.82

Dr. Seuss Set 2 Classroom Library

Favorite Authors

Grades K-2 9781456974619 List Price: $196.74 Discounted: $147.52


Theodor Seuss Geisel was an American writer, poet, and cartoonist most widely known for his 46 children’s books written under the pen names Dr. Seuss and Theo LeSieg. /

Mem Fox

Grades K-2 9781456974459 List Price: $106.95 Discounted: $80.20 9781456974442 With Storage Bins: $113.45 Discounted: $85.08

Mem Fox was born in Australia, grew up in Africa, studied drama in England, and returned to Adelaide, Australia in 1970, where she has lived with her husband, Malcolm, and daughter Chloë, happily ever after. She is Australia’s most highly regarded picture book author. As Associate Professor in Literacy Studies she taught teachers for twenty four years and continues her role as an influential international consultant in literacy.

Kevin Henkes-Young Readers Grades K-2

9781456974275 List Price: $150.82 Discounted: $113.07

Henkes first picture book was published in 1981 at the age of 19. Henkes won the 2004 Newbery Honor for Olive’s Ocean, a 1994 Caldecott Honor for Owen, and a 2005 Caldecott Medal for Kitten’s First Full Moon. His innate understanding of children and young people shines through his picture books and novels.

Ezra Jack Keats Grades K-2

9781456974633 List Price: $79.88 Discounted: $59.88 9781456974626 With Storage Bins $86.38 Discounted: $64.76

Favorite Authors

Long before multicultural characters and themes were commonplace, Ezra Jack Keats crossed social boundaries by being the first American picture-book maker to give black children a central place in children’s literature. His books are recognized for their universal children’s themes and close-knit urban neighborhood settings.

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Favorite Authors Cynthia Rylant Grades K-2 9781456974558 List Price: $97.89 Discounted: $73.39 9781456974541 With Storage Bins: $104.39 Discounted: $78.27

Whether writing picture books, chapter books, or novels, this Newbery Medalist is a true wordsmith. Rylant presents young people’s experiences with sensitivity and perceptiveness, branding her protagonists’ concerns as legitimate and equally important as those of adults.

Maurice Sendak Grades K-2 9781456974435 List Price: $96.84 Discounted: $72.60 9781456974428 With Storage Bins: $103.34 Discounted: $77.48

Sendak illustrated more than a hundred picture books throughout his 60-year career. He was known for taking characters, stories, and inspirations from among his own neighbors, family, pop culture, historical sources, and long-held childhood memories. He won numerous awards as both a writer and an illustrator, including the Caldecott Medal and the National Book Award.

Mo Willems Grades K-2

Favorite Authors

9781456974794 List Price: $209.88 Discounted: $157.38


Mo Willems’ works in children’s books, animation, television, theater, and bubble gum card painting have garnered him 3 Caldecott Honors, 2 Geisel Medals, 6 Emmy Awards, and many more. His fun and funny books are sure to delight your readers. /

Steve Jenkins Set of 20

Grades K-5

9781456973612 List Price: $197.56 Discounted: $148.12 9781456973605 With Storage Bins: $204.06 Discounted: $153.00

As a child, Caldecott Honor winner Steve Jenkins kept a menagerie of lizards, turtles, spiders, and other animals, and frequently blew things up in his small chemistry lab. Now, Jenkins has written and illustrated thirty eye-popping and inventive picture books for young readers, many based in the natural world he grew to love as a child.

Beverly Cleary Grades 3-5

9781456972998 List Price: $137.80 Discounted: $103.30 9781456972981 With Storage Bins: $141.43 Discounted: $108.18

Newbery Medalist Beverly Cleary is one of the most beloved authors of children’s literature. Although she writes about the trials of the young, especially about Ramona and Beatrix Quimby and their friends, she doesn’t dwell on problems, but instead stresses the many joys of childhood in works that are filled with amusing situations and details.

Roald Dahl Grades 3-5 9781456974114 List Price: $190.76 Discounted: $143.01 9781456974107 With Storage Bins: $197.26 Discounted: $147.89

Favorite Authors

British writer Dahl rose to prominence in the 1940s with works for both children and adults, and has been referred to as “one of the greatest storytellers for children of the 20th century.” His children’s books are known for their unsentimental, often very dark humor.

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Favorite Authors Kate DiCamillo Grades 3-5 9781456972653 List Price: $99.85 Discounted: $74.85 9781456972646 With Storage Bins: $106.35 Discounted: $79.73

Kate DiCamillo, two-time winner of the Newbery Medal, writes for both children and adults and likes to think of herself as a storyteller. Her masterfully crafted books have won her numerous other awards and honors. Kate and her dog, Henry, live in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

Andrew Clements Grades 5-6 9781456972271 List Price: $106.85 Discounted: $80.10 9781456972264 With Storage Bins: $151.41 Discounted: $86.52

Clements credits his becoming a writer with the fact that he was a reader first. Over ten million of his books have sold to date and he has been nominated for a multitude of state awards and has won two Christopher Awards and an Edgar Award. He lives with his wife in central Massachusetts and has four grown children.

Sharon Creech Set of 10

Grades 5-6

Favorite Authors

9781456973575 List Price: $69.90 Discounted: $52.40 9781456973568 With Storage Bins: $76.40 Discounted: $57.30


Sharon Creech is the Newbery Medalwinning author of Walk Two Moons. Many of her books feature strong female characters and a variety of coming-of-age story lines. Although many also deal with the themes of loss and abandonment, Creech has a light touch and balances the serious side with joy and hope. /

Christopher Paul Curtis Grades 5-6 9781456973179 List Price: $60.92 Discounted: $45.67 9781456973162 With Storage Bins: $67.42 Discounted: $50.55

Curtis’s much-praised first novel literally changed its author’s life by allowing him to finally fulfill his dream of becoming a full-time writer. In 2000 he became the first African-American man to win the Newbery Medal. Curtis confronts powerful issues in his books -racism, family, love, and hope are recurring themes.

Linda Sue Park Grades 5-6 9781456974732 List Price $57.92 Discounted: $43.42 9781456974725 With Storage Bins $64.42 Discounted: $48.30

Linda Sue Park, the daughter of Korean immigrants, has been writing poems and stories since she was four years old, and her favorite thing to do as a child was read. She started her career by retelling Korean folk tales, and has since published several novels, as well as picture books, poems and short stories. A Single Shard won the Newbery Medal in 2002.

Katherine Paterson Set of 20

Grades 5-6

9781456972677 List Price $105.86 Discounted: $79.36 9781456972660 With Storage Bins $112.36 Discounted: $84.24

Favorite Authors

Katherine Paterson, a two-time Newbery Medalist and National Book Award winner, was named the second National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature in 2010. Her international fame rests not only on her widely acclaimed novels but also on her efforts to promote literacy in the United States and abroad.

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Favorite Authors Laurie Halse Anderson Grades 7-8 9781456974718 List Price: $75.92 Discounted: $56.92 9781456974701 With Storage Bins: $82.42 Discounted: $61.80

Laurie Halse Anderson is known for tackling tough subjects with humor and sensitivity, and her work has earned numerous ALA and state awards. Two of her books, Speak and Chains, were National Book Award finalists. She lives in northern New York.

Sharon Draper Grades 7-8 9781456975678 List Price: $91.89 Discounted: $68.89 9781456975661 With Storage Bin:s $98.39 Discounted: $73.77

Dr. Sharon M. Draper is a professional educator as well as an accomplished writer. She has been honored as the National Teacher of the Year, is a five-time winner of the Coretta Scott King Award, and is a New York Times bestselling author of fiction, nonfiction and poetry.

John Green Grades 7-8

Favorite Authors

9781456973391 List Price: $64.94 Discounted: $48.69 9781456973384 With Storage Bins: $71.44 Discounted: $53.57


Printz Award-winner John Green is one of the most popular writers for young adults today. Two of his New York Times-bestselling novels have been turned into movies, with more planned for the future. Green’s books have been published in more than a dozen languages. /

Lois Lowry - Older Readers Grades 7-8

9781456974350 List Price: $68.92 Discounted: $51.67 9781456974343 With Storage Bins: $75.42 Discounted: $56.55

Lois Lowry is the author of over 20 novels for children and has won the Newbery Medal twice, for Number the Stars and The Giver. She told Contemporary Authors that she measures her success as an author by her ability to “help adolescents answer their own questions about life, identity and human relationships.”

Walter Dean Myers Grades 7-8 9781456975418 List Price: $184.80 Discounted: $138.55 9781456975401 With Storage Bins: $193.96 Discounted: $144.97

Walter Dean Myers is credited with helping to redefine the image of African Americans in children’s literature, and is regarded as one of the best American writers for young people. He served as the National Ambassador for Young People’s Literature and wrote more than 100 books before his death in 2014.

Jacqueline Woodson Grades 7-8 9781456975555 List Price: $114.85 Discounted: $86.10 9781456975548 With Storage Bins $121.35 Discounted: $90.98

Favorite Authors

A former drama therapist for runaways and homeless children in New York City, Jacqueline Woodson is now a multiple Newbery Honor winner, a two-time National Book Award finalist, winner of a Coretta Scott King Award and three Coretta Scott King Honors, and the recipient of the Margaret A. Edwards Award for her contributions to young adult literature.

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Favorite Series Curious George

Elephant and Piggie Early Readers

9781456972479 List Price: $96.40 Discounted: $72.25 9781456972462 With Storage Bins: $102.90 Discounted: $77.13

9781456972356 List Price $139.86 Discounted: $104.86 9781456972349 With Storage Bins: $148.42 Discounted: $111.28

The endless curiosity and exploits of this mischievous monkey are universally enjoyed by generations of children.

The Elephant and Piggie books have quickly become new classics in the world of early readers. Mo Willems has won multiple Geisel Awards for this outstanding and popular series about these friends’ adventures.

Grades K-2

George and Martha Early Readers

Henry and Mudge Set of 20

9781456973353 List Price: $23.95 Discounted: $17.95 9781456973346 With Storage Bins: $30.45 Discounted: $22.83

9781456974251 List Price: $79.80 Discounted: $59.80 9781456974244 With Storage Bins: $86.30 Discounted: $64.68

These hilarious and heartwarming stories about the world’s two best friends define the essence of friendship.

Henry and his big, affectionate dog, Mudge, share domestic adventures full of humor and warm emotion. Family and simple, everyday pleasures matter a good deal in these early reader stories.

Annie and Snowball Set of 10

Mr. Putter & Tabby

9781456974237 List Price $39.90 Discounted: $29.90 9781456974220 With Storage Bins: $46.40 Discounted: $34.78

9781456972714 List Price: $107.82 Discounted: $80.82 9781456972707 With Storage Bins: $114.32 Discounted: $85.70

Grades K-2

Grades K-2

Favorite Series

Grades K-2

Annie and her pet bunny, Snowball, love living next door to Annie’s favorite cousin, Henry, and his big dog, Mudge. They also love frilly things, playing dress-up, and going on adventures together! Annie also loves to read, especially when her fluffy bunny, Snowball, is curled up beside her.


Grades K-2

Grades K-2

This series about the lovable Mr. Putter and his skittish cat, Tabby, will entertain and delight new readers. /

Branches Chapter Books Set 1 Set of 20 Grades K-3

9781456975791 List Price: $99.80 Discounted: $74.80 9781456975784 With Storage Bins $106.30 Discounted: $79.68

Scholastic proudly presents Branches - a unique line of books specifically designed for newly independent readers who are ready to make the exciting leap from leveled readers, but not quite prepared for a traditional chapter book.

Branches Chapter Books Set 2 Set of 20 Grades K-3

9781456975814 List Price: $99.80 Discounted: $74.80 9781456975807 With Storage Bins: $106.30 Discounted: $79.68

Captain Awesome Set of 12

Greetings From Somewhere

9781456973674 List Price: $70.88 Discounted: $53.13 9781456973667 With Storage Bins: $77.38 Discounted: $58.01

9781456973759 List Price: $41.93 Discounted: $31.43 9781456973742 With Storage Bins: $48.43 Discounted: $36.31

Eight year-old Eugene McGillicudy is on a mission to protect the universe from a comical, quirky cast of “bad guys” like Queen StinkyPants, Dr. Spinach and Mister Drools. Luckily, his superhero alter-ego is none other than Captain Awesome!

Eight year-old twins Ethan and Ella have embarked on the adventure of a lifetime: they’re traveling around the world! With a travelwriter mother, and an aloof professor for a father, the twins manage to find time in every foreign city to explore it themselves. Ethan is a soccer star who loves adventure, and Ella is an intuitive bookworm, but they have one thing in common: they both love a good mystery.

Heidi Heckelbeck Set of 12

Frankly Frannie

Grades K-3

Grades K-3

Grades 1-3

9781456973698 List Price: $69.88 Discounted: $52.38 9781456973681 With Storage Bins: $76.38 Discounted: $57.26

9781456973315 List Price: $44.91 Discounted: $33.66 9781456973308 With Storage Bins: $51.41 Discounted: $38.54

Heidi Hecklebeck seems like any other eight-year-old, but she has a secret: She’s a witch in disguise! Careful to keep her powers hidden (but excited to use them all the same), Heidi’s learning to live like any other kid - who just happens to be a witch.

Frannie Miller loves grown-up things and can’t wait to be a grownup herself. She want to impress everyone, but when her over-eager desire to prove her maturity gets her into trouble, she doesn’t quite know how to make it right. Join Frannie as she tries out various careers and gets herself into all kinds of trouble.

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Favorite Series

Grades K-2

Favorite Series Katie Woo

Grades 1-3

9781456974299 List Price: $119.00 Discounted: $89.20 9781456974282 With Storage Bins: $125.50 Discounted: $94.08

Spunky and styling Katie Woo stars in these lighthearted books about growing up. This series examines life changes and school life through the eyes of a bright, friendly young girl.

Words Are Categorical Set of 15

Grades 1-3

9781456974053 List Price: $104.25 Discounted: $78.15 9781456974046 With Storage Bins: $110.75 Discounted: $83.03

This series makes its mark with cartoon characters and rhymes that provide grammar instruction in a clear lighthearted way. The set will help build vocabulary and model better writing.

Ricky Ricotta


9781456972790 List Price: $41.93 Discounted: $31.43 9781456972783 With Storage Bins: $48.43 Discounted: $36.31

9781456973919 List Price: $34.95 Discounted: $26.20 9781456973902 With Storage Bins: $41.45 Discounted: $31.08

Little Ricky Ricotta has a problem: the bullies at school pick on him all the time. Until one day, he saves the life of a mighty robot. Together Ricky and Robot face the bullies and save the world.

Fans young and old will laugh out loud at the irrepressible wit of Peter Hatcher, the hilarious antics of mischievous Fudge, and the unbreakable confidence of know-it-all Sheila Tubman.

Grades 2-3

Grades 3-4

Geronimo Stilton Set 1 Grades 3-4

9781456975517 List Price: $142.80 Discounted: $107.05 9781456975500 With Storage Bins: $149.30 Discounted: $111.93

Favorite Series

Geronimo Stilton Set 2 Grades 3-4

9781456975531 List Price: $145.80 Discounted: $109.30 9781456975524 With Storage Bins: $152.30 Discounted: $114.18

Geronimo Stilton, globe-trotting publisher of The Rodent’s Gazette, writes about his many adventures. The comic-bookinspired design features cartoon illustrations and the dialogue is full of cheesy puns.

30 /

Ivy and Bean

Judy Moody

9781456972615 List Price: $59.90 Discounted: $49.90 9781456972608 With Storage Bins: $66.40 Discounted: $49.78

9781456975593 List Price: $59.90 Discounted: $49.90 9781456975586 With Storage Bins: $66.40 Discounted: $49.80

The Ivy and Bean books are about the adventures - and disasters created by an unlikely team. Bean is loud and wild and goofy. Ivy is quiet and full of ideas. But they’re great friends.

Meet Judy Moody, a third grader with plenty of attitude. She has moods to fit every occasion and special faces she makes to go with them.


Magic Tree House Fact Trackers

9781456975616 List Price: $39.92 Discounted: $29.92 9781456975609 With Storage Bins: $46.42 Discounted: $34.80

9781456974411 List Price: $89.85 Discounted: $67.35 9781456974404 With Storage Bins: $96.35 Discounted:$72.23

Grades 3-4

Grades K-3

Meet Judy’s younger brother Stink, a kid who pictures himself with super powers to deal with the travails of everyday life including the occasional teasing of a bossy big sister!

Grades 3-4

Grades 3-4

These nonfiction Fact Trackers were developed as companions to Jack and Annie’s time traveling adventures.

Magic Tree House Set 1 Grades 3-4

9781456974374 List Price: $99.80 Discounted: $74.80 9781456974367 With Storage Bins: $106.30 Discounted: $79.68

Favorite Series

Magic Tree House Set 2 Grades 3-4

9781456974398 List Price: $99.80 Discounted: $74.80 9781456974381 With Storage Bins: $106.30 Discounted: $79.68

A magic tree house filled with books transports Jack and Annie on adventures through time to different places in the world. The siblings use books, riddles, codes and courage to solve problems, complete missions, and help those in need.

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Favorite Series Jake Maddox Sports Stories Set of 20

The Sisters Grimm

9781456975715 List Price: $119.00 Discounted: $89.20 9781456975708 With Storage Bins: $125.50 Discounted: $94.08

9781456972875 List Price: $72.55 Discounted: $54.39 9781456972868 With Storage Bins: $79.05 Discounted: $59.27

Grades 3-5

Grades 3-5

Jake Maddox has surfed in Hawaii, scuba-dived in Australia, and climbed the mountains of Peru and Alaska. Each of his stories is stamped with teamwork, fair play, and a strong sense of selfworth and discipline. He hopes the lessons learned on the court, field, or arena and the champion sprinter pace of his books can motivate kids to become better athletes and lifelong readers.

In book one of this bestselling series, sisters Sabrina and Daphne are sent to live with their mysterious grandmother, Relda Grimm. The sisters learn they are descendants of the Brothers Grimm, whose famous book of fairy tales is actually a collection of case files.

Big Nate

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

9781456973018 List Price: $89.92 Discounted: $67.42 9781456973001 With Storage Bins: $96.42 Discounted: $72.30

9781456972752 List Price: $99.90 Discounted: $74.90 9781456972745 With Storage Bins: $108.46 Discounted: $81.32

Grades 3-6

Grades 4-5

Rebellious and energetic Nate Wright is no stranger to the detention room. In fact, Nate is 11 years old, four-and-a-half feet tall, and the all-time record holder for detentions in school history. He’s a self-described genius and sixth grade Renaissance Man. And he’ll be excellent entertainment for your students.

Twelve-year-old Percy Jackson is on the most dangerous quest of his life. He must journey across the United States to catch a thief who has stolen the original weapon of mass destruction — Zeus’ master bolt. Along the way, he must face a host of mythological enemies determined to stop him.

Field Trip Mysteries Set of 12

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

9781456973933 List Price: $73.20 Discounted: $54.96 9781456973926 With Storage Bins: $79.70 Discounted: $59.84

9781456973230 List Price: $139.50 Discounted: $104.60 9781456973223 With Storage Bins: $146.00 Discounted: $109.48

Grades 3-6

Favorite Series

It seems every school field trip winds up with a mystery to solve! Clues in both the text and the illustrations help readers solve the mystery before the kids in the story.


Grades 4-6

Greg and his family and friends make the Diary of a Wimpy Kid books a must-read for middle school readers. With handwritten notes and cartoon drawings, the diaries chronicle Greg’s daily adventures. /



9781456974657 List Price: $42.95 Discounted: $32.20 9781456974640 With Storage Bins: $49.45 Discounted: $37.08

9781456975470 List Price: $106.85 Discounted: $80.10 9781456975463 With Storage Bins: $113.35 Discounted: $84.98

Grades 4-6

Grades 4-6

Kendra and her brother Seth have no idea their grandfather is the : current caretaker of Fablehaven, a hidden refuge where mystical creatures of all kinds are gathered to prevent their extinction. They gain entry and become involved in the mythic struggle of good and evil.

Spine-tingling tales, thrills and chills with some humor and no graphic violence.

Harry Potter

The Chronicles Of Narnia

9781456972554 List Price: $86.93 Discounted: $65.18 9781456972547 With Storage Bins: $95.49 Discounted: $71.60

9781456974091 List Price: $62.93 Discounted: $47.18 9781456974084 With Storage Bins: $69.43 Discounted: $52.06

Grades 4-6

Grades 4-6

Orphan Harry Potter has never belonged, but all of that changes after his 11th birthday when he is whisked away to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. There he learns magic, the meaning of friendship, and the truth about his destiny.

Along with millions of others discover the wondrous world that exists at the back of the wardrobe. A classic among classic series.

Artemis Fowl

The Hunger Games

9781456972950 List Price: $71.92 Discounted: $53.92 9781456972943 With Storage Bins: $78.42 Discounted: $58.80

9781456972851 List Price: $36.97 Discounted: $27.72 9781456972844 With Storage Bins: $43.47 Discounted: $32.60

Grades 7-8

The phenomenal series takes place in a post-apocalyptic world called Panem, where teens are chosen in a “lottery” each year to compete in the Hunger Games, which is a televised fight to the death. The books follow 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and Gale Hawthorne through the Games and ensuing experiences.

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272

Favorite Series

Set in two sharply contrasting realms --- the aboveground world that humans inhabit and the imaginative underground netherworld where “the People” (otherwise known as fairies, gnomes, goblins and trolls) reside, the series’ main character is twelve year old Artemis Fowl II -- millionaire, genius and criminal mastermind.

Grades 7-8


Award Winners

Enhance your Classroom Library with these collections of ALA award winning titles.

Award Winners Grade K Set of 15 Books

for: Visit o ur website of bo oks for st li te le p m co A Library each Classro o m ling infor mation ve le le b a il va a ll -A o m Libraries ro ss la C re o m n - Eve ! in every subject ra b li m o ro ss la .c w ww

9781456977870 List Price: $201.85 Discounted: $151.35 9781456977863 With Storage Bins: $208.35 Discounted: $156.23

Award Winners Grade 1 Set of 15 Books

Award Winners

9781456977894 List Price: $152.78 Discounted: $114.55 9781456977887 With Storage Bins: $159.28 Discounted: $119.43


25% Di scou Every d nt. ay. Free Sh ipping!

Award Winners Grade 2 Set of 15 Books

9781456977917 List Price: $121.81 Discounted: $91.32 9781456977900 With Storage Bins: $128.31 Discounted: $96.20 /

Award Winners Grade 3

Award Winners Grade 6

9781456977931 List Price: $143.81 Discounted: $107.82 9781456977924 With Storage Bins: $150.31 Discounted: $112.7

9781456977993 List Price: $156.81 Discounted: $117.57 9781456977986 With Storage Bins: $163.31 Discounted: $122.45

Award Winners Grade 4

Award Winners Grade 7

9781456977955 List Price: $141.33 Discounted: $105.97 9781456977948 With Storage Bins: $147.83 Discounted: $110.85

9781456978013 List Price: $161.85 Discounted: $121.35 9781456978006 With Storage Bins: $168.35 Discounted: $126.23

Award Winners Grade 5

Award Winners Grade 8

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books 9781456978037 List Price: $169.85 Discounted: $127.35 9781456978020 With Storage Bins: $176.35 Discounted: $132.23

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Award Winners

9781456977979 List Price: $135.79 Discounted: $101.81 9781456977962 With Storage Bins: $142.29 Discounted: $106.69

Set of 15 Books

Genre Studies Fantasy Fantasy-Grade 2 Our broad spectrum of titles, including classics and award winners, provide a great introduction to the fantasy genre.

9781456978051 List Price $103.81 Discounted: $77.82 9781456978044 With Storage Bins: $110.31 Discounted: $82.70

Fantasy-Grade 3

Fantasy-Grade 4

9781456978075 List Price $101.78 Discounted: $76.30 9781456978068 With Storage Bins: $108.28 Discounted: $81.18

9781456978099 List Price: $115.73 Discounted: $86.76 9781456978082 With Storage Bins: $124.29 Discounted: $93.18

Fantasy-Grade 5

Fantasy-Grade 6

9781456978112 List Price: $130.77 Discounted: $98.04 9781456978105 With Storage Bins: $139.33 Discounted: $104.46

9781456978136 List Price: $119.85 Discounted: $89.85 9781456978129 With Storage Bins: $128.41 Discounted: $96.27

Fantasy-Grade 7

Fantasy-Grade 8

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books


Set of 15 Books

9781456978150 List Price: $131.81 Discounted: $98.82 9781456978143 With Storage Bins: $140.37 Discounted: $105.24


Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

9781456978174 List Price: $143.77 Discounted: $107.79 9781456978167 With Storage Bins: $152.33 Discounted: $114.21 /

Genre Studies Poetry Introduce your students to the joys of poetry with these collections of sometimes serious, often humorous, books of poetry.

Shel Silverstein Grades K-5 Set of 15 Books

9781456973650 List Price: $184.90 Discounted: $138.65 9781456973643 With Storage Bins: $193.46 Discounted: $145.07

His unique imagination and bold brand of humor is beloved by countless adults and children throughout the world.

Jack Prelutsky Set of 15 Books

9781456973797 List Price: $126.85 Discounted: $95.10 9781456973780 With Storage Bins: $133.35 Discounted: $99.98

Jack Prelutsky’s inventive poems have inspired legions of children to fall in love with poetry. His outrageously silly poems have tickled even the most stubborn funny bones.

Poetry Grade K Set of 10 Books

9781456978853 List Price: $103.78 Discounted: $77.81 9781456978846 With Storage Bins: $110.28 Discounted: $82.69

Poetry Grade 1

Poetry Grade 2-3

9781456978877 List Price: $85.78 Discounted: $64.31 9781456978860 With Storage Bins: $92.28 Discounted: $69.19

9781456978891 List Price: $108.86 Discounted: $81.62 9781456978884 With Storage Bins: $115.36 Discounted: $86.50

Poetry Grade 4-5

Poetry Grade 6-8

9781456978914 List Price: $108.86 Discounted: $81.62 9781456978907 With Storage Bins: $115.36 Discounted: $86.50

9781456978938 List Price: $87.87 Discounted: $65.88 9781456978921 With Storage Bins: $94.37 Discounted: $70.76

Set of 10 Books

Set of 10 Books

Set of 10 Books

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Set of 10 Books


Genre Studies Graphic Novels h ic p a r G ls No v e Graphic Novels Grade K

Graphic Novels Grade 3

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

9781456974831 List Price: $114.63 Discounted: $85.95 9781456974824 With Storage Bins: $121.13 Discounted: $90.83

9781456974893 List Price: $167.65 Discounted: $125.70 9781456974886 With Storage Bins: $176.21 Discounted: $132.12

Graphic Novels Grade 1

Graphic Novels Grade 4

9781456974855 List Price: $132.77 Discounted: $99.54 9781456974848 With Storage Bins: $139.27 Discounted: $104.42

9781456974916 List Price: $175.77 Discounted: $131.79 9781456974909 With Storage Bins: $184.33 Discounted: $138.21

Graphic Novels Grade 2

Graphic Novels Grade 5

Set of 15 Books

Graphic Novels

Everyone loves a graphic novel, from struggling readers to the most advanced. Enhance your classroom library with this ultimate collection of age appropriate, exciting graphic novels on a range of topics.

Set of 15 Books

9781456974879 List Price: $142.78 Discounted: $107.05 9781456974862 With Storage Bins: $149.28 Discounted: $111.93


Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books 9781456974930 List Price: $180.81 Discounted: $135.57 9781456974923 With Storage Bins: $189.37 Discounted: $141.99 /

Graphic Novels Grade 6 Set of 15 Books

9781456974954 List Price: $217.85 Discounted: $163.35 9781456974947 With Storage Bins: $226.41 Discounted: $169.77

for: Visit o ur website of bo oks for - A co mplete list Library each Classro o m g infor mation n li ve le le b a il va - All a Libraries m o ro ss la C re o - Even m ! in every subject ra b li m o ro ss la .c www

Graphic Novels Grade 7 Set of 15 Books

9781456974978 List Price: $214.78 Discounted: $161.05 9781456974961 With Storage Bins: $223.34 Discounted: $167.47

Graphic Novels Grade 8 9781456974992 List Price: $206.77 Discounted: $155.04 9781456974985 With Storage Bins: $215.33 Discounted: $161.46

25% Di scou Every d nt. ay. Free Sh ipping!

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272

Graphic Novels

Set of 15 Books


Genre Studies Historical Fiction These fine examples of historical fiction can be invaluable in the classroom. Historical fiction puts people in history; it illuminates time periods, helps integrate the curriculum, and enriches social studies.

Historical Fiction Grade 2 Set of 20 Books

9781456973414 List Price: $124.80 Discounted: $93.55 9781456973407 With Storage Bins: $131.30 Discounted: $198.43

Historical Fiction Grade 3

Historical Fiction Grade 4

9781456973438 List Price: $154.70 Discounted: $115.98 9781456973421 With Storage Bins: $161.20 Discounted: $120.86

9781456973452 List Price: $152.78 Discounted: $114.54 9781456973445 With Storage Bins: $161.34 Discounted: $120.96

Historical Fiction Grade 5

Historical Fiction Grade 6

Set of 20 Books

Set of 20 Books

9781456973476 List Price: $151.81 Discounted: $113.81 9781456973469 With Storage Bins: $160.37 Discounted: $120.23

Set of 20 Books

Set of 20 Books 9781456973490 List Price: $158.28 Discounted: $118.67 9781456973483 With Storage Bins: $166.84 Discounted: $125.09

Historical Fiction

Historical Fiction Grade 7

Historical Fiction Grade 8

9781456973513 List Price: $120.81 Discounted: $90.57 9781456973506 With Storage Bins: $127.31 Discounted: $95.45

9781456973537 List Price: $129.78 Discounted: $97.30 9781456973520 With Storage Bins: $136.28 Discounted: $102.18

Set of 15 Books


Set of 15 Books /

Genre Studies Humor There’s often nothing more compelling for a reader than a humorous story. These collections represent the best of the genre and will draw your readers in with laugh-out-loud funny situations and characters.

Humor Grade 2 Set of 15 Books

9781456978198 List Price: $95.87 Discounted: $71.87 9781456978181 With Storage Bins: $102.37 Discounted: $76.75

Humor Grade 3

Humor Grade 4

9781456978211 List Price: $112.77 Discounted: $84.54 9781456978204 With Storage Bins: $119.27 Discounted: $89.42

9781456978235 List Price: $113.74 Discounted: $85.27 9781456978228 With Storage Bins: $120.24 Discounted: $90.15

Humor Grade 5

Humor Grade 6

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

9781456978259 List Price: $120.73 Discounted: $90.51 9781456978242 With Storage Bins: $127.23 Discounted: $95.39

Set of 15 Books

Set of 10 Books 9781456978273 List Price: $80.87 Discounted: $60.63 9781456978266 With Storage Bins: $87.37 Discounted: $65.51

Humor Grade 7 Set of 10 Books

Set of 10 Books 9781456978310 List Price: $92.90 Discounted: $69.65 9781456978303 With Storage Bins: $99.40 Discounted: $74.53

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


9781456978297 List Price: $88.83 Discounted: $66.60 9781456978280 With Storage Bins: $95.33 Discounted: $71.48

Humor Grade 8


Genre Studies Multicultural

More collections available on our website!

of the classroo m ce fa g in ng ha -c er ev e Th eds are changing ne l ua xt te ur yo at th ns mea ity multicultural al qu of y lit bi la ai av e Th as well. an d we have bo oks increases annually, em here. gathered the best of th

Multicultural Literature Grade K Set of 15 Books

9781456978334 List Price: $113.78 Discounted: $85.30 9781456978327 With Storage Bins: $120.28 Discounted: $90.18

Multicultural Literature Grade 1 Set of 15 Books

Multicultural Literature

9781456978358 List Price: $110.83 Discounted: $83.10 9781456978341 With Storage Bins: $117.33 Discounted: $87.98


Multicultural Literature Grade 2 Set of 15 Books

25% Discount. Every day.

9781456978372 List Price: $128.78 Discounted: $96.55 9781456978365 With Storage Bins: $135.28 Discounted: $101.43

Free Shipping! /

Multicultural Literature Grade 3

Multicultural Literature Grade 6

9781456978396 List Price: $130.77 Discounted: $98.04 9781456978389 With Storage Bins: $137.27 Discounted: $102.92

9781456978457 List Price: $121.86 Discounted: $91.36 9781456978440 With Storage Bins: $128.36 Discounted: $96.24

Multicultural Literature Grade 4

Multicultural Literature Grade 7

9781456978419 List Price: $140.69 Discounted: $105.48 9781456978402 With Storage Bins: $147.19 Discounted: $110.36

9781456978471 List Price: $136.77 Discounted: $102.54 9781456978464 With Storage Bins: $ 143.27 Discounted: $107.42

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Multicultural Literature Grade 5 Set of 15 Books

9781456978433 List Price: $142.75 Discounted: $107.03 9781456978426 With Storage Bins: $149.25 Discounted: $111.91

Multicultural Literature Grade 8 Set of 15 Books 9781456978495 List Price: $171.37 Discounted: $128.50 9781456978488 With Storage Bins: $179.93 Discounted: $134.95

Multicultural Literature

Keep Your Books Organized and Easy to View With a Classroom Library Small Bin

For a list of the books in each Classroom Library, as well as leveling information, please visit our website at:

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Genre Studies Mystery Everyone loves a mystery, and your students will love following along with these sleuths as they put the clues together and try to solve the case.

Mystery Grade 2 Set of 15 Books

9781456978518 List Price: $88.81 Discounted: $66.57 9781456978501 With Storage Bins: $95.31 Discounted: $71.45

Mystery Grade 3

Mystery Grade 4

9781456978532 List Price: $98.96 Discounted: $74.19 9781456978525 With Storage Bins: $105.46 Discounted: $79.07

9781456978556 List Price: $114.92 Discounted: $86.16 9781456978549 With Storage Bins: $121.42 Discounted: $91.04

Mystery Grade 5

Mystery Grade 6

9781456978570 List Price: $118.73 Discounted: $89.01 9781456978563 With Storage Bins: $125.23 Discounted: $93.89

9781456978594 List Price: $84.86 Discounted: $63.62 9781456978587 With Storage Bins: $91.36 Discounted: $68.50

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 10 Books


Mystery Grade 7

Mystery Grade 8

Set of 10 Books

Set of 10 Books

9781456978617 List Price: $91.87 Discounted: $68.88 9781456978600 With Storage Bins: $98.37 Discounted: $73.76

9781456978631 List Price: $102.87 Discounted: $77.13 9781456978624 With Storage Bins: $109.37 Discounted: $82.01

44 /

Genre Studies Narrative Nonfiction Representing some of today’s best nonfiction, these titles about true events and people who lived and breathed are also examples of compelling writing.

Narrative Nonfiction Grade K Set of 15 Books

9781456978655 List Price: $224.83 Discounted: $168.59 9781456978648 With Storage Bins: $231.33 Discounted: $173.47

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 1

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 2

9781456978679 List Price: $174.70 Discounted: $130.99 9781456978662 With Storage Bins: $181.20 Discounted: $135.87

9781456978693 List Price: $179.69 Discounted: $134.73 9781456978686 With Storage Bins: $186.19 Discounted: $139.61

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 3

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 4

9781456978716 List Price: $120.84 Discounted: $90.60 9781456978709 With Storage Bins: $127.34 Discounted: $95.48

9781456978730 List Price: $145.73 Discounted: $109.26 9781456978723 With Storage Bins: $152.23 Discounted: $114.14

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 5

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 6

9781456978754 List Price: $163.81 Discounted: $122.82 9781456978747 With Storage Bins: $172.37 Discounted: $129.24

9781456978778 List Price: $149.61 Discounted: $112.17 9781456978761 With Storage Bins: $156.11 Discounted: $117.05

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 7

Narrative Nonfiction Grade 8

9781456978792 List Price: $177.77 Discounted: $133.29 9781456978785 With Storage Bins: $186.33 Discounted: $139.71

9781456978815 List Price: $181.74 Discounted: $136.27 9781456978808 With Storage Bins: $190.30 Discounted: $142.69

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Narrative Nonfiction

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Genre Studies Realistic Fiction Students will recognize themselves in these compelling and believable stories that mirror real life.

Realistic Fiction Grade 2 Set of 15 Books

9781456978952 List Price: $86.81 Discounted: $65.07 9781456978945 With Storage Bins: $93.31 Discounted: $69.95

Realistic Fiction Grade 3

Realistic Fiction Grade 4

9781456978976 List Price: $96.81 Discounted: $72.57 9781456978969 With Storage Bins: $103.31 Discounted: $77.45

9781456978990 List Price: $106.78 Discounted: $80.50 9781456978983 With Storage Bins: $113.28 Discounted: $84.93

Realistic Fiction Grade 5

Realistic Fiction Grade 6

9781456979010 List Price: $112.86 Discounted: $84.61 9781456979003 With Storage Bins: $119.36 Discounted: $89.49

9781456979034 List Price: $119.75 Discounted: $89.78 9781456979027 With Storage Bins: $126.25 Discounted: $94.66

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Realistic Fiction Grade 7

Realistic Fiction Grade 8

9781456979058 List Price: $118.86 Discounted: $89.11 9781456979041 With Storage Bins: $125.36 Discounted: $93.99

9781456979072 List Price: $141.82 Discounted: $106.33 9781456979065 With Storage Bins: $150.38 Discounted: $112.75

Realistic Fiction

Set of 15 Books


Set of 15 Books /

Genre Studies Science Fiction These collections of science fiction novels and short stories will allow your students to explore far away galaxies, alien creatures, and the future - all without leaving their desks.

Science Fiction Grades 2-3

Science Fiction Grade 4

9781456979096 List Price: $119.73 Discounted: $89.76 9781456979089 With Storage Bins: $126.23 Discounted: $94.64

9781456979119 List Price: $109.78 Discounted: $82.30 9781456979102 With Storage Bins: $118.34 Discounted: $88.72

Science Fiction Grade 5

Science Fiction Grade 6

9781456979133 List Price: $119.86 Discounted: $89.86 9781456979126 With Storage Bins: $128.42 Discounted: $96.28

9781456979157 List Price: $123.77 Discounted: $92.79 9781456979140 With Storage Bins: $130.27 Discounted: $97.67

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Science Fiction Grade 7

Science Fiction Grade 8

9781456979171 List Price: $140.85 Discounted: $105.60 9781456979164 With Storage Bins: $147.35 Discounted: $110.48

9781456979195 List Price: $151.83 Discounted: $113.84 9781456979188 With Storage Bins: $160.39 Discounted: $120.26

Set of 15 Books

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Science Fiction

Set of 15 Books

Hi-Lo The Heights Hi-Lo - Grades 5-8 Set of 15 Books

9781456969479 List Price: $143.10 Discounted: $107.28 9781456969462 With Storage Bins: $149.60 Discounted: $112.16 Family is the main theme of these stories, written expressly for the middle grade struggling reader. The series does not contain strong language, edgy themes, or dysfunctional families.

Timeless Hi-Lo Retold Classics 1-Grades 6+ Timeless Hi-Lo Retold Classics 2-Grades 6+ Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

9781456975999 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456975982 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

9781456982454 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456982447 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

These retellings are designed for the struggling reader and adapted to retain the integrity of the original classic.

Urban Underground Hi-Lo 1 Grades 8+

Urban Underground Hi-Lo 2 Grades 8+

9781456976019 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456976002 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

9781456982478 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456982461 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Series confronts issues that are of great importance to teens, such as friendship, loyalty, drugs, gangs, abuse, urban blight, bullies, and self-esteem. More than entertainment, these books can be a powerful learning and coping tool when a struggling reader connects with credible characters and a compelling storyline.

U.S History Hi-Lo Graphic Novels Grades 8+

Hip Jr - Grades 4-6

9781456975975 List Price: $99.50 Discounted: $74.60 9781456975968 With Storage Bins: $106.00 Discounted: $79.48 Fast-paced and easy-to-read, these graphic U.S. history titles teach students about key historical events in American history from 1500-present. Dramatic and colorful graphics highlight the text with easy transitions.

Novels suitable for middle school students (grades 4-6+) who read at a grade 2-3 level. Includes adventure, humor and mystery novels.

Set of 10 Books


Hip SR - Grades 8+

9781456969370 List Price: $199.00 Discounted: $149.20 9781456969363 With Storage Bins: $205.50 Discounted: $154.08

9781456969356 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456969349 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

Graphic Biographies Hi-Lo -Grades 6-8

9781456969431 List Price: $143.10 Discounted: $107.28 9781456969424 With Storage Bins: $149.60 Discounted: $112.16

High-action, readability controlled novels for junior and senior high school students who read at a grade 3-4 level.

48 /

Hi-Lo Red Rhino Hi-Lo Fiction - Grades 3-8

9781456969394 List Price: $174.90 Discounted: $131.12 9781456969387 With Storage Bins: $181.40 Discounted: $136.00

This series of short novels was designed to engage a broad spectrum of struggling readers. Upper-elementary students don’t have to read material junior to their maturity and interests. Characters are age appropriate and come from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Books are no higher than a 1.5 reading level.

Supporting Struggling Readers and Writers Hi-Lo-Grades 6-8

9781456969493 List Price: $206.64 Discounted: $154.91 9781456969486 With Storage Bins: $213.14 Discounted: $159.79

This important resource provides teachers, administrators, and staff developers with the best research-based practice on the literacy learning and teaching of low-achieving intermediate students. The extensive Strategy Bank provides over twenty step-by-step practices, each with three sections: What It Does, How to Do It, and What to Look For. The set includes titles listed in the Resources section, organized by purpose.

Red Rhino Hi-Lo Nonfiction - Grades 3-8

9781456969417 List Price: $99.50 Discounted: $74.60 9781456969400 With Storage Bins: $106.00 Discounted: $79.48 This series is written at a 1.5-1.9 readability level, and include pre-reading comprehension questions and a 20-word glossary. Visually appealing photographs and illustrations, fun facts, and short chapters keep emerging readers focused.

Hip Hop Biographies Hi-Lo - Grades 6+

9781456969455 List Price: $143.40 Discounted: $107.52 9781456969448 With Storage Bins: $149.90 Discounted: $112.40 These 48-page full-color biographies feature the most well-known artists in the hip-hop community. Each biography is written at a low reading level, so that even the most struggling reader can access the material. Books include a timeline and glossary with vocabulary words highlighted throughout.

Catching Readers: This EIR program targets early readers who

may be at risk of falling below grade level, or who have already fallen below level in reading. Early intervention strategies vary widely, and can include individual attention, scaffolding approaches, and child-directed reading times. Fluency and comprehension are major goals in more early intervention plans. In the Catching Readers series, Barbara Taylor, the developer of EIR, provides an in-class alternative to traditional pull-out remedial reading programs.

Catching Readers Grade K

Catching Readers Grade 1

9781456969516 List Price: $204.83 Discounted: $153.57 9781456969509 With Storage Bins: $211.33 Discounted: $158.45

9781456969530 List Price: $216.63 Discounted: $162.40 9781456969523 With Storage Bins: $225.19 Discounted: $168.82

Catching Readers Grade 2

Catching Readers Grade 3

9781456969578 List Price: $151.89 Discounted: $113.87 9781456969561 With Storage Bins: $158.39 Discounted: $118.75

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


9781456969554 List Price: $245.83 Discounted: $184.29 9781456969547 With Storage Bins: $254.39 Discounted: $190.71


Social-Emotional Learning Grades PreK-2 Laugh-Along Lessons Grades PreK-2

Families Grades PreK-2

9781456976033 List Price: $ 89.90 Discounted: $67.40 9781456976026 With Storage Bins: $96.40 Discounted: $72.28

9781456976057 List Price: $154.37 Discounted: $115.75 9781456976040 With Storage Bins: $160.87 Discounted: $120.63

Set of 15 Books

The Laugh-Along Lessons will have your students learning about cause and effect, the importance of listening, selfacceptance and more, all while laughing out loud.

Enhance your SocialEmotional Learning curriculum with these character education collections.

Families come in all shapes and sizes. Have fun with your students with this collection of books about various familial relationships.

Bravery and Determination Grades PreK-2 Set of 15 Books

9781456976514 List Price: $136.82 Discounted: $102.58 9781456976507 With Storage Bins: $143.32 Discounted: $107.46

Bullying Grades PreK-2

Kindness and Empathy Grades PreK-2

9781456976392 List Price: $124.61 Discounted: $93.42 9781456976385 With Storage Bins: $131.11 Discounted: $98.30

9781456976415 List Price: $141.85 Discounted: $106.35 9781456976408 With Storage Bins: $148.35 Discounted: $111.23

Friendship Grades PreK-2

Manners Grades PreK-2

9781456976453 List Price: $123.78 Discounted: $92.81 9781456976446 With Storage Bins: $130.29 Discounted: $97.69

9781456976491 List Price: $120.70 Discounted: $90.49 9781456976484 With Storage Bins: $127.20 Discounted: $95.37

Integrity and Honesty Grades PreK-2

Self-Esteem and Positivity Grades PreK-2

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books


Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

9781456976477 List Price: $130.28 Discounted: $97.68 9781456976460 With Storage Bins: $136.78 Discounted: $102.56


Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books

Set of 15 Books 9781456976439 List Price: $148.78 Discounted: $111.55 9781456976422 With Storage Bins: $155.28 Discounted: $116.43 /

Read-Along Kits For a new Small Group shared reading experience, try our Read-Along Kits, which bundle the audiobook and six copies of the print book. From award winners like The One and Only Ivan to the latest 39 Clues, we’ve got the titles your students will be clamoring for most.

Not sure w your class hat might work be r s experts m oom? Let our in-h t in ouse ake a list just for y ou. Email of suggestions us at: sales@cla ssroomlibr arycompa

Read-Along Kits Set Title

Without Storage


25% Disc

With Storage

List 2

25% Disc







Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed Read-Along Kit







Alexander And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Read-Along Kit







A Bad Case Of Stripes - Read-Along Kit







Because Of Winn-Dixie - Read-Along Kit







Charlie Parker Played Be Bop - Read-Along Kit 9781456981396






From The Mixed-Up Files Of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler - Read-Along Kit







Goosebumps Horrorland #1: Revenge Of The Living Dummy - Read-Along Kit







The Graveyard Book - Read-Along Kit







Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Read-Along Kit





$118.84 $89.12

Hi! Fly Guy - Read-Along Kit







The Hunger Games - Read-Along Kit







Little House on The Prairie - Read-Along Kit







Sarah, Plain And Tall - Read-Along Kit







Stone Fox - Read-Along Kit







Where The Wild Things Are - Read-Along Kit







Read-Along Kits

Three Little Kittens - Read-Along Kit

For a complete listing of available read-along collections, visit our website:

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Lit Kits A novel study is an in-depth study of an author’s work through guided reading and independent activities, which not only boosts reading comprehension and enjoyment, but also builds classroom community. We believe the novel study is one of the most effective tools a classroom teacher can employ. Full FULL Classroom CLASSRooM and AND Small SMALL Group GRoUP Lit LIT Kits KITS

Lit Kits


52 52

Without WITHoUT Storage SToRAGE


25% Disc DISC

With WITH Storage SToRAGE

List LIST 2

25% Disc DISC

A Wrinkle in Time - Full Classroom Lit Kit





$242.20 $181.57

A Wrinkle in Time - Small Group Lit Kit






Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Full Classroom Lit Kit





$266.24 $199.60

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day - Small Group Lit Kit






Baseball in April and Other Stories Full Classroom Lit Kit


$228.68 $259.68

$171.43 $194.68


$237.24 $268.24 $177.85 $201.10

Baseball in April and Other Stories Small Group Lit Kit


$60.92 $67.92

$45.67 $50.92


$67.42 $74.42

Because of Winn-Dixie - Full Classroom Lit Kit





$242.20 $181.57

Because of Winn-Dixie - Small Group Lit Kit






Becoming Naomi Leon - Full Classroom Lit Kit 9781456981778




$237.24 $177.85

Becoming Naomi Leon - Small Group Lit Kit






Bridge to Terabithia - Full Classroom Lit Kit





$237.24 $177.85

Bridge to Terabithia - Small Group Lit Kit






“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 9781456981853 Full Classroom Lit Kit”




$265.00 $198.67

“Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? 9781456981877 Small Group Lit Kit”









$237.24 $177.85






Caps for Sale - Full Classroom Lit Kit





$235.24 $176.35

Caps for Sale - Small Group Lit Kit






Charlotte’s Web - Full Classroom Lit Kit





$268.24 $201.10

Charlotte’s Web - Small Group Lit Kit






Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale Of Mystery Full Classroom Lit Kit Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale Of Mystery Small Group Lit Kit / /



$50.55 $55.80








A Full Classroom Lit Kit includes a teacher’s guide with questions and activities, plus 31 copies of the chosen novel. A Small Group Lit Kit includes a teacher’s guide with questionsand activities, plus 7 copies of the book.

Not sure what might work best in your classroom? Let our in-house experts make a list of suggestions just for you. Email us at:

This is just a sampling of our lit kit offerings; for a complete listing visit Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs Full Classroom Lit Kit


$228.68 $259.68

$171.43 $194.68


$237.24 $201.10 $177.85 $268.24

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs - Small Group Lit Kit


$60.92 $67.92

$45.67 $50.92


$67.42 $74.42

Ella Enchanted - Full Classroom Lit Kit


$228.68 $259.68

$171.43 $194.68


$237.24 $201.10 $177.85 $268.24

Ella Enchanted - Small Group Lit Kit


$60.92 $67.92

$45.67 $50.92


$67.42 $74.42

Miss Nelson Is Missing! Full Classroom Lit Kit





$233.18 $174.81

Miss Nelson is Missing! - Small Group Lit Kit






The One and Only Ivan : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$281.76 $211.24

The One and Only Ivan : Small Group Lit Kit






Pride and Prejudice : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$175.55 $131.66

Pride and Prejudice : Small Group Lit Kit






Princess Bride : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$306.56 $229.84

Princess Bride : Small Group Lit Kit






Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$485.55 $364.16

Rosencrantz & Guildenstern are Dead : Small Group Lit Kit





$123.49 $92.62

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$516.24 $387.10

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn : Small Group Lit Kit 9781456982317




$130.42 $97.80

The Hunger Games, Secondary Solutions : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$379.20 $284.32

The Hunger Games, Secondary Solutions : Small Group Lit Kit





$113.38 $85.02

The Dark Is Rising : Small Group Lit Kit






The Dark Is Rising : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$273.20 $204.82

Flora & Ulysses : Small Group Lit Kit






Flora & Ulysses : Full Classroom Lit Kit





$304.20 $228.07

$50.55 $55.80





Lit Kits

$50.55 $55.80



888-318-2665 / / fax fax 877-716-7272 877-716-7272 888-318-2665

53 53

Leveled Libraries A-E

Fo Forr aa list list of of th thee bo book okss in in ea ch Cla ssr m Lib rar each Classroo oom Library, y, ple please ase vis visit it ou ourr we webs bsite ite at: at: ww w. cla oo ml ibr ar www.classr yc om pany. ssr

oomlibrar com m

Classroom Library Company is the ultimate provider of leveled books. We have gathered together these well rounded sets of fiction and together these well rounded sets of fiction and nonfiction titles to make putting together your nonfiction titles to make putting together your leveled library easy and affordable! WITHoUT SToRAGE ISBN



Leveled Libraries Libraries Leveled






Without Storage List

Without Storage Discount

With Storage List

With Storage Discount



Level A Fiction Set of 25







Level A Fiction Set of 50







Level A Nonfiction Set of 25







Level A Nonfiction Set of 50







Level B Fiction Set of 25







Level B Fiction Set of 50







Level B Nonfiction Set of 25







Level B Nonfiction Set of 50







Level C Fiction Set of 25







Level C Fiction Set of 50







Level C Nonfiction Set of 25







Level C Nonfiction Set of 50







Level D Fiction Set of 25







Level D Fiction Set of 50







Level D Nonfiction Set of 25







Level D Nonfiction Set of 50







Level E Fiction Set of 25







Level E Fiction Set of 50







Level E Nonfiction Set of 25







Level E Nonfiction Set of 50




$262.39 54 54

Leveled Libraries F-K Without WITHoUT Storage SToRAGE ISBN



Without Without Storage Storage List Discount

With Storage List

With With Storage Storage Discount Discount



Level F Fiction Set of 25







Level F Fiction Set of 50







Level F Nonfiction Set of 25







Level F Nonfiction Set of 50







Level G Fiction Set of 25







Level G Fiction Set of 50







Level G Nonfiction Set of 25







Level G Nonfiction Set of 50







Level H Fiction Set of 25







Level H Fiction Set of 50







Level H Nonfiction Set of 25







Level H Nonfiction Set of 50







Level I Fiction Set of 25







Level I Fiction Set of 50







Level I Nonfiction Set of 25







Level I Nonfiction Set of 50







Level J Fiction Set of 25







Level J Fiction Set of 50







Level J Nonfiction Set of 25







Level J Nonfiction Set of 50

$376.20 $371.20

$282.09 $379.76 $384.76 $278.34

$288.51 $284.76



Level K Fiction Set of 25







Level K Fiction Set of 50







Level K Nonfiction Set of 25







Level K Nonfiction Set of 50











888-318-2665//fax fax877-716-7272 877-716-7272 888-318-2665

55 55

Leveled Libraries L-P For a list of the books in each Classroom Library, please visit our website at: www.classroomlibrar ycompa ny.





Leveled Libraries




Without Storage List

Without Storage Discount

Level L Fiction Set of 25






Level L Fiction Set of 50







Level L Nonfiction Set of 25







Level L Nonfiction Set of 50







Level M Fiction Set of 25







Level M Fiction Set of 50







Level M Nonfiction Set of 25







Level M Nonfiction Set of 50







Level N Fiction Set of 25







Level N Fiction Set of 50







Level N Nonfiction Set of 25







Level N Nonfiction Set of 50







Level O Fiction Set of 25







Level O Fiction Set of 50







Level O Nonfiction Set of 25







Level O Nonfiction Set of 50







Level P Fiction Set of 25







Level P Fiction Set of 50







Level P Nonfiction Set of 25







Level P Nonfiction Set of 50











With Storage List

With Storage Discount

Leveled Libraries Q-U




Without Storage List

Without Storage Discount

With Storage List

With Storage Discount



Level Q Fiction Set of 25







Level Q Fiction Set of 50







Level Q Nonfiction Set of 25







Level Q Nonfiction Set of 50







Level R Fiction Set of 25







Level R Fiction Set of 50







Level R Nonfiction Set of 25







Level R Nonfiction Set of 50







Level S Fiction Set of 25







Level S Fiction Set of 50







Level S Nonfiction Set of 25







Level S Nonfiction Set of 50







Level T Fiction Set of 25







Level T Fiction Set of 50







Level T Nonfiction Set of 25







Level T Nonfiction Set of 50







Level U Fiction Set of 25







Level U Fiction Set of 50







Level U Nonfiction Set of 25







Level U Nonfiction Set of 50










888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Leveled Libraries V-Z ks in of the boo , t s li a r o F ry room Libra at: each Class ite s it our web is v e s om a le p ycompany.c r a r b li m o o r www.class




Leveled Libraries






Level V Fiction Set of 25







Level V Fiction Set of 50







Level V Nonfiction Set of 25







Level V Nonfiction Set of 50







Level W Fiction Set of 25







Level W Fiction Set of 50







Level W Nonfiction Set of 25







Level W Nonfiction Set of 50







Level X Fiction Set of 25







Level X Fiction Set of 50







Level X Nonfiction Set of 25







Level X Nonfiction Set of 50







Level Y Fiction Set of 25







Level Y Fiction Set of 50







Level Y Nonfiction Set of 25







Level Y Nonfiction Set of 50







Level Z Fiction Set of 25







Level Z Fiction Set of 50







Level Z Nonfiction Set of 25





9781456981273 9781456981266 Level Z Nonfiction Set of 50 $542.44 $406.76 /



Not every student is the same. Not every school is the same.

We Make It Easy!

So why would we expect that every book order would be the same? Here at Classroom Library Company, custom work is our specialty. If you don’t see what you need in our catalog or on our website, we will find it for you. And all the research is included in our everyday 25% discount. We love our pre-built Classroom Libraries, but you may need something different – and we are here to help you get it. From custom book libraries to custom book rooms, our experts are here for you and your students.

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Call or email us today. Tell us what you need. Let us make it happen.

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59 59

Math Library Sets



Math Topics Classroom Libraries include fun titles like:

• Dazzling Division • Fraction Action and • Galactic Geometry

They support the most commonly taught math topics for each grade, and are the perfect foundation for your math lessons.

Math Topics Kindergarten Set of 25 Books

9781456969110 List Price: $201.86 Discounted: $151.34 9781456969103 With Storage Bins: $210.42 Discounted: $157.76

Set of 50 Books 9781456969134 List Price: $397.43 Discount: $297.96 9781456969127 With Storage Bins: $414.55 Discount: $310.80

Math Topics 1st Grade Set of 25 Books

9781456969158 List Price $188.02 Discounted: $140.97 9781456969141 With Storage Bins $196.58 Discounted: $147.39

Set of 50 Books 9781456969172 List Price $391.76 Discounted: $293.72 9781456969165 With Storage Bins: $408.88 Discounted: $306.56

Math Topics 2nd Grade Math Math

Set of 25 Books


9781456969196 List Price: $222.79 Discounted: $167.04 9781456969189 With Storage Bins: $231.35 Discounted: $173.46

Set of 50 Books 9781456969219 List Price: $469.64 Discounted: $352.12 9781456969202 With Storage Bins: $486.76 Discounted: $364.96 /




5=4=9 time g n i l l e t patterns

ooks Each set of 50 b in s includes the title an lus the set of 25, p les. additional 25 tit

25% Di scount. Every d ay. Free Sh ipping!

Math Topics 3rd Grade Set of 25 Books

9781456969233 List Price: $218.73 Discounted: $163.99 9781456969226 With Storage Bins: $227.29 Discounted: $170.41

Set of 50 Books 9781456969257 List Price: $443.08 Discounted: $332.19 9781456969240 With Storage Bins: $460.20 Discounted: $345.03

Math Topics 4th Grade Set of 25 Books

9781456969271 List Price: $248.20 Discounted: $186.09 9781456969264 With Storage Bins: $265.32 Discounted: $198.93

Set of 50 Books 9781456969295 List Price: $471.07 Discounted: $353.19 9781456969288 With Storage Bins: $488.19 Discounted: $366.03

Math Topics 5th Grade Set of 25 Books

Math Math

9781456969318 List Price: $234.81 Discounted: $176.05 9781456969301 With Storage Bins: $243.37 Discounted: $182.47

Set of 50 Books 9781456969332 List Price: $467.24 Discounted: $350.31 9781456969325 With Storage Bins: $484.36 Discounted: $363.15

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Math Concepts

Grades K-4


These classroom libraries illuminate math concepts through fiction and nonfiction, providing an exceptional introduction to each topic as well as being the perfect compliment to your existing lessons.

Counting Early Math Concepts / Grade K-1

Addition Math Concepts / Grades K-2

Set of 15

Set of 15

9781456968939 List Price: $146.84 Discounted: $110.10 9781456968922 With Storage Bins: $153.34 Discounted: $114.98

9781456968977 List Price: $126.20 Discounted: $94.62 9781456968960 With Storage Bins: $132.70 Discounted: $99.50

Subtraction Math Concepts / Grades K-2

Fractions Math Concepts / Grades 1-3

Set of 15

Set of 15

9781456969011 List Price: $117.49 Discounted: $88.09 9781456969004 With Storage Bins: $123.99 Discounted: $92.97

9781456968991 List Price: $133.00 Discounted: $99.73 9781456968984 With Storage Bins: $139.50 Discounted: $104.61

Division Math Concepts / Grades 3-4 Set of 15

9781456968953 List Price: $169.57 Discounted: $127.14 9781456968946 With Storage Bins: $176.07 Discounted: $132.02


9781456968915 List Price: $125.25 Discounted: $93.91 9781456968908 With Storage Bins: $131.75 Discounted: $98.79

Multiplication Math Concepts / Grades 3-4

Set of 15

62 /




Telling Time Math Concepts / Grades K-1

Measurements Math Concept / Grades K-2

9781456969035 List Price: $150.74 Discounted: $113.02 9781456969028 With Storage Bins: $157.24 Discounted: $117.90

9781456969073 List Price: $142.09 Discounted: $106.53 9781456969066 With Storage Bins: $148.59 Discounted: $111.41

Shapes Math Concept

Patterns Math Concept

Set of 15

Set of 15

/ Grades K-2

9781456969059 List Price: $151.78 Discounted: $113.80 9781456969042 With Storage Bins: $158.28 Discounted: $118.68

Set of 15

Set of 15

/ Grades K-2

9781456969097 List Price: $141.69 Discounted: $106.25 9781456969080 With Storage Bins: $148.19 Discounted: $111.13


Keep Your Books Organized and easy to view with a Classroom Library Small Bin

For a list of the books in each Classroom Library, as well as leveling information, please visit our website at:

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272




Everyday Math Grades K-6 hematics Everyday Mat K through 6th

is a comprehensive riculum grade mathematics cur rsity of developed by the Unive tics Project. ma the Ma l oo Chicago Sch by its hed uis The program is disting ving, sol m ble pro e l-lif rea focus on -class and balance between whole phasis on em ng, rni lea self-directed of schooltion ilita communication, fac propriate ap and n, atio per family coo use of technology.

Everyday Math Grade 1

Everyday Math Kindergarten

Developed by University of Chicago School Mathematics Project.

Set of 50 books

9781456968434 List Price: $404.36 Discounted: $303.15 9781456968427 With Storage Bins: $412.92 Discounted: $309.57 At each grade level, learning targets are identified for each of the Data six strands – Algebra; y; etr om and Chance; Ge ion Measurement; Numerat and Order; Patterns, ces; Functions, and Sequen nce ere Ref Operations; and s. Frame

Set of 22 books

Everyday Math Grade 2 Set of 34 books

9781456968458 List Price: $201.32 Discounted: $150.94 9781456968441 With Storage Bins: $207.82 Discounted: $155.82

9781456968472 List Price: $279.51 Discounted: $209.55 9781456968465 With Storage Bins: $286.01 Discounted: $214.43

Everyday Math Grade 3

Everyday Math Grade 4

9781456968496 List Price: $281.57 Discounted: $211.10 9781456968489 With Storage Bins: $288.07 Discounted: $215.98

9781456968519 List Price: $385.84 Discounted: $289.29 9781456968502 With Storage Bins: $394.40 Discounted: $295.71

Set of 33 books

Set of 41 books

Everyday Math Grade 5

Everyday Math Grade 6

9781456968533 List Price: $309.52 Discounted: $232.08 9781456968526 With Storage Bins: $318.08 Discounted: $238.50

9781456968557 List Price: $244.51 Discounted: $183.33 9781456968540 With Storage Bins: $251.01 Discounted: $188.21

Set of 23 books

Math Math

Set of 28 books

64 /

Math and Literature K-8 These picture book collections address major mathematical topics such as counting, addition, subtraction, sorting, measurement, patterns, and problem solving.

Each Collect io Includes a n Resource G uide

Math and Literature Grades K-1

Math and Literature Grades 2-3

9781456968571 List Price: $215.69 Discounted: $161.72 9781456968564 With Storage Bins: $222.19 Discounted: $166.60

9781456968595 List Price: $164.78 Discounted: $123.55 9781456968588 With Storage Bins: $171.28 Discounted: $128.43

Math and Literature Grades 4-6

Math and Literature Grades 6-8

9781456968618 List Price: $224.69 Discounted: $168.47 9781456968601 With Storage Bins: $231.19 Discounted: $173.35

9781456968623 List Price: $279.60 Discounted: $209.64 9781456968625 With Storage Bins: $288.16 Discounted: $216.06

Set of 22 books

Set of 33 books

Set of 34 books

Set of 41 books

Math and Non Fiction Grades K-8 These collections help students explore geometric shapes in their everyday lives, t, en investigate measurem collect and organize ins, data, compute with co learn how to tell time, and more.

Math and Non Fiction Grades K-2

Math and Non Fiction Grades 3-5

Math and Non Fiction Grades 6-8

9781456968670 List Price: $198.52 Discounted: $148.85 9781456968663 With Storage Bins: $205.02 Discounted: $153.73

9781456968694 List Price: $291.52 Discounted: $218.60 9781456968687 With Storage Bins: $300.08 Discounted: $225.02

Set of 15 books

9781456968656 List Price: $192.65 Discounted: $144.45 9781456968649 With Storage Bins: $199.15 Discounted: $149.33

Set of 15 books

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272

Math Math

Set of 15 books



These interactive and educational books tell stories every kid can relate to and enjoy, while helping them understand math.

Each Collectio n Includes a Resource Gui de

Hands-On Math and Literature with MathStart Grades PreK-K Set of 20 books 9781456968816 List Price: $122.76 Discounted: $92.02 9781456968809 With Storage Bins: $129.26 Discounted: $96.90

Hands-On Math and Literature with MathStart Grades 1-2 Set of 20 books 9781456968830 List Price: $134.74 Discounted: $101.00 9781456968823 With Storage Bins: $141.24 Discounted: $105.88

Hands-On Math and Literature with MathStart Grades 3-4 Set of 20 books 9781456968854 List Price: $134.74 Discounted: $101.00 9781456968847 With Storage Bins: $141.24 Discounted: $105.88

Unifix/Math and Manipulatives Math, Literature & Unifix Grades K-3

Math, Literature and Manipulatives Grades 4-6

9781456968878 List Price: $260.52 Discounted: $195.32 9781456968861 With Storage Bins: $267.02 Discounted: $200.20

9781456968892 List Price: $220.50 Discounted: $165.32 9781456968885 With Storage Bins: $227.00 Discounted: $170.20

Set of 20 books

Math Math

Set of 20 books

66 /

David Adler Math This collection of books by educator favorite David Adler will help to take the fear out of math and put the fun back in.

iMath Readers

iMath Readers is a leveled reader series that presents math concepts contained in the Common Core State Standards.

9781456968717 List Price: $103.72 Discounted: $77.76 9781456968700 With Storage Bins: $110.22 Discounted: $82.64

Grades K-2 Level A 9781456968731 List Price: $89.50 Discounted: $67.10 w/storage 9781456968724 With Storage Bins: $96.00 Discounted: $71.98 Grades 2-4 Level B 9781456968755 w/storage 9781456968748 Level C 9781456968779 w/storage 9781456968762

List Price: $96.00 Discounted: $71.98 With Storage Bins: $102.50 Discounted: $76.86 List Price: $83.00 Discounted: $62.22 With Storage Bins: $89.50 Discounted: $67.10

Suppor ts


Each title features real life situations, explanations of math concepts, a storyline approach, connection to STEM, discussion of related career choices, and more. 888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272

Math Math

David Adler Math Grades K-3


Science Library Sets Grades K-8 for: Visit o ur website of bo oks for - A co mplete list Library each Classro o m g infor mation n li ve le le b a il va - All a Libraries m o ro ss la C re o - Even m ! in every subject ry ra b li m o ro ss la www.c

These Classroom Libraries include the most commonly taught topics for each grade, and will be the perfect foundation for your science lessons.

Science Library Kindergarten Set of 25

9781456970925 List Price: $164.79 Discounted: $123.55 9781456970932 With Storage Bins: $171.29 Discounted: $128.43

Each se t of 50 books in cl the title udes s in the set of 2 5, p an addit lus ional 25 title s.

Set of 50 9781456970949 List Price: $342.88 Discounted: $257.11 9781456970956 With Storage Bins:$349.38 Discounted: $261.99

Science Library 1st Grade Set of 25

9781456970963 List Price: $187.97 Discounted:$140.95 9781456970970 With Storage Bins: $194.47 Discounted: $145.83

Set of 50 9781456970987 List Price: $368.04 Discounted: $275.98 9781456970994 With Storage Bins: $376.60 Discounted:$282.40

Science Library 2nd Grade Set of 25

Science Math

9781456971007 List Price: $196.35 Discounted: $147.20 9781456971014 With Storage Bins: $202.85 Discounted: $152.08


Set of 50 9781456971021 List Price: $395.26 Discounted: $296.34 9781456971038 With Storage Bins: $403.82 Discounted: $302.76 /

Science Library 3rd Grade

Science Library 6th Grade

9781456971069 List Price: $211.45 Discounted: $158.59 9781456971076 With Storage Bins: $217.95 Discounted: $163.47

9781456971168 List Price: $257.75 Discounted:$193.31 9781456971175 With Storage Bins: $266.31 Discounted: $199.73

Set of 50

Set of 50

Set of 25

Set of 25

9781456971045 List Price: $423.87 Discounted: $317.88 9781456971052 With Storage Bins: $432.43 Discounted: $324.30

9781456971182 List Price: $506.10 Discounted: $379.54 9781456971199 With Storage Bins: $514.66 Discounted: $385.96

Science Library 4th Grade

Science Library 7th Grade

9781456971083 List Price: $233.50 Discounted: $175.15 9781456971090 With Storage Bins: $240.00 Discounted: $180.03

9781456971205 List Price: $225.27 Discounted: $168.92 9781456971212 With Storage Bins: $233.83 Discounted: $175.34

Set of 25 Set of 50

9781456971106 List Price: $442.18 Discounted: $331.64 9781456971113 With Storage Bins: $450.74 Discounted: $338.06

Set of 25 Set of 50

9781456971229 List Price: $433.45 Discounted: $325.05 9781456971236 With Storage Bins: $450.57 Discounted: $337.89

Science Library 5th Grade

Science Library 8th Grade

9781456971120 List Price:$220.02 Discounted: $164.99 9781456971137 With Storage Bins: $226.52 Discounted: $169.87

9781456971243 List Price: $250.37 Discounted: $187.78 9781456971250 With Storage Bins: $258.93 Discounted: $194.20

Set of 50

Set of 50

Set of 25

9781456971274 List Price: $495.89 Discounted: $371.89 9781456971267 With Storage Bins: $504.45 Discounted: $378.31

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Science Math

9781456971144 List Price: $443.29 Discounted: $332.38 9781456971151 With Storage Bins: $451.85 Discounted: $338.80

Set of 25

Next Generation Science Standards Next Generation Science Standards

Through a collaborative, state-led process, new K–12 science standards have been developed that are rich in content and practice, arranged in a coherent manner across disciplines and grades to provide all students an internationally benchmarked science education. The NGSS is based on the Framework for K–12 Science Education developed by the National Research Council.

Next Generation Science Standards Kindergarten Our NGSSaligned Classroom Libraries a re the perfect to establish foundation the new K-8 science standards in your cla ss school, or d room, istrict-wide program.

9781456971809 List Price: $267.35 Discounted: $200.50 9781456971816 With Storage Bins: $275.91 Discounted: $206.92

Next Generation Science Standards 1st Grade

Next Generation Science Standards 2nd Grade

9781456971823 List Price: $311.69 Discounted: $233.75 9781456971830 With Storage Bins: $320.25 Discounted: $240.17

9781456971847 List Price: $345.23 Discounted: $258.82 9781456971854 With Storage Bins: $353.79 Discounted: $265.24

Next Generation Science Standards 3rd Grade

Next Generation Science Standards 4th Grade

9781456971861 List Price: $356.09 Discounted: $267.02 9781456971878 With Storage Bins: $364.65 Discounted: $273.44

Next Generation Science Standards 5th Grade

Next Generation Science Standards 6-8th Grade

9781456971922 List Price: $672.02 Discounted: $503.99 9781456971939 With Storage Bins: $689.14 Discounted: $516.83

Science Math

9781456971908 List Price: $365.87 Discounted: $274.38 9781456971915 With Storage Bins:$374.43 Discounted: $280.80

9781456971885 List Price: $334.60 Discounted: $250.96 9781456971892 With Storage Bins: $343.16 Discounted: $257.38

70 /

Science Scope and Sequence These Classroom Libraries include literature titles correlated to the inquiry-based Science Scope and Sequence curriculum.

Science Scope and Sequence Kindergarten

9781456971625 List Price: $409.74 Discounted: $307.25 9781456971632 With Storage Bins: $418.30 Discounted: $313.67

Science Scope and Sequence 1st Grade

9781456971649 List Price: $397.16 Discounted:$297.79 9781456971656 With Storage Bins: $405.72 Discounted: $304.21

Science Scope and Sequence 2nd Grade

9781456971663 List Price: $330.79 Discounted: $248.02 9781456971670 With Storage Bins: $339.35 Discounted: $254.44

Science Scope and Sequence 3rd Grade

9781456971687 List Price: $585.53 Discounted: $439.09 9781456971694 With Storage Bins: $602.65 Discounted: $451.93

Science Scope and Sequence 4th Grade

9781456971700 List Price: $537.11 Discounted: $402.86 9781456971717 With Storage Bins: $554.23 Discounted: $415.70

Science Scope and Sequence 5th Grade

9781456971724 List Price: $724.53 Discounted: $543.35 9781456971731 With Storage Bins: $741.65 Discounted: $556.19

Science Scope and Sequence 6th Grade

9781456971748 List Price: $597.87 Discounted: $448.40 9781456971755 With Storage Bins: $614.99 Discounted: $461.24

Science Math

Science Scope and Sequence 7th Grade 9781456971762 List Price: $475.54 Discounted: $356.65

9781456971779 With Storage Bins: $492.66 Discounted: $369.49

Science Scope and Sequence 8th Grade

9781456971786 List Price: $563.08 Discounted: $422.27 9781456971793 With Storage Bins: $571.64 Discounted: $428.69

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


iScience Readers Each volume presents a primary scientific puzzle, discovery activities, suggestions for applying the strategies outlined, discussion of related career exploration, and placement of the scientific concept within its historical context.

Grades K-2 Level A 9781456971281 List Price: $89.50 Discounted: $67.10 w/storage 9781456971298 With Storage Bins: $96.00 Discounted: $71.98 Grades 3-4 Level B 9781456971304 w/storage 9781456971311 Grades 5-6 Level C 9781456971328 w/storage 9781456971335

List Price: $89.50 Discounted: $67.10 With Storage Bins: $96.00 Discounted: $71.98 List Price: $89.50 Discounted: $67.10 With Storage Bins: $96.00 Discounted: $71.98

This leveled reader series helps develop scientific inquiry through real life situations.

Let’s Read & Find Out Science Let’s Read & Find Out Science Grades K-2

9781456971380 List Price: $189.70 Discounted: $142.20 9781456971397 With Storage Bins: $198.26 Discounted:$148.62

Let’s Read & Find Out Science Set 1 Grades 3-5

Let’s Read & Find Out Science Set 2 Grades 3-5

9781456971366 List Price: $185.70 Discounted: $139.20 9781456971373 With Storage Bins: $192.20 Discounted: $144.08

Science Math

9781456971342 List Price: $188.70 Discounted: $141.45 9781456971359 With Storage Bins: $195.20 Discounted: $146.33

A hallmark series for introducing science concepts to young children.

72 /

Gail Gibbons Science Sets Gail Gibbons is an author/illustrator who has worked on over 170 children’s books. With her talent for making complex subjects understandable and entertaining, your students are sure to both love and learn from her books.

Gail Gibbons: Earth and Space Science

Gail Gibbons: Animal Science

9781456971403 List Price: $176.79 Discounted: $132.55 9781456971410 With Storage Bins: $183.29 Discounted: $137.43

9781456971427 List Price: $167.72 Discounted: $125.75 9781456971434 With Storage Bins: $174.22 Discounted: $130.62

Set of 20

Set of 20

Seymour Simon Science Sets Simon, whom the New York Times called “the dean of [children’s science] writers,” is the author of more than 250 highly acclaimed science books. Simon’s books encourage children to enjoy the world around them through learning and discovery, and by making science fun.

Seymour Simon: Planet Earth

Seymour Simon: Space Science

9781456971441 List Price: $94.88 Discounted: $71.13 9781456971458 With Storage Bins: $101.38 Discounted: $76.01

9781456971465 List Price: $97.90 Discounted: $73.40 9781456971472 With Storage Bins: $104.40 Discounted: $78.28

Set of 12

Seymour Simon: The Human Body

9781456971489 List Price: $74.92 Discounted: $56.17 9781456971496 With Storage Bins: $81.42 Discounted: $61.05

Seymour Simon: Animals Set of 15

9781456971502 List Price: $115.85 Discounted: $86.85 9781456971519 With Storage Bins:$122.35 Discounted: $91.73

Science Math

Set of 10

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272


Rookie Read About Science These nonfiction, leveled life science series are perfect for beginning readers. With simple sentences and vocabulary, these informative books will be perfect for your classroom.

Rookie Read About: Plants

Rookie Read About: Animals

9781456971526 List Price: $51.50 Discounted: $38.60 9781456971533 With Storage Bins: $58.00 Discounted: $43.48

9781456971540 List Price: $51.50 Discounted: $38.60 9781456971557 With Storage Bins: $58.00 Discounted: $43.48

Set of 10

Set of 10

True Books: Science

Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index. Learn about our solar system and beyond with this fascinating series.

True Books: Space

True B o been u oks have pgra de d, update d alligne , an d d Co m mo to the n Core

Set of 12

Science Math

9781456971564 List Price: $83.40 Discounted: $62.52 9781456971571 With Storage Bins: $89.90 Discounted: $67.40


ooks in For a list of the b ibrary, each Classroom L rmation, fo in g n li ve le s a ll as we ebsite at: please visit our w r ra b li m o ro ss la .c w ww

25% Di scount. Every d ay. Free Sh ipping! /

National Geographic Readers

From one of the most trusted names in science, these readers are illustrated with beautiful photography and filled with up-to-date information that will fascinate your students.

National Geographic Readers: Animals

National Geographic Readers

9781456971588 List Price: $99.75 Discounted: $74.75 9781456971595 With Storage Bins: $106.25 Discounted: $79.63

9781456971601 List Price: $39.90 Discounted: $29.90 9781456971618 With Storage Bins: $46.40 Discounted: $34.78

Set of 25

STEAM Picture Books

Set of 10






These books will be the Innovation is tightly coupled with Science, Technology, perfect complement to Engineering, and Math; now we add Art as the final your STEAM curriculum. piece to help carry your students into the future.

Steam Picture Books Grades K-2

Steam Picture Books Grades 3-5

9781456971946 List Price: $215.69 Discounted: $161.73 9781456971953 With Storage Bins: $222.19 Discounted: $166.61

9781456971960 List Price: $184.70 Discounted: $138.49 9781456971977 With Storage Bins: $193.26 Discounted: $144.91

Set of 15

Set of 15

Steam Picture Books Grades 6-8 Set of 15

9781456971984 List Price: $203.81 Discounted: $152.83 9781456971991 With Storage Bins: $212.37 Discounted: $159.25

888-318-2665 / fax 877-716-7272

Science Math

Keep Your Books Organized and easy to view with a Classroom Library Small Bin


Social Studies Library Sets Grades K-8 These Classroom Libraries include the most commonly taught topics for each grade, and will be the perfect foundation for your social studies lessons. Social Studies Library Set Kindergarten

Social Studies Library 1st Grade

9781456969592 List Price: $168.88 Discounted: $126.61 9781456969585 With Storage Bins: $175.38 Discounted: $131.49

9781456969639 9781456969622

Set of 50

Set of 50

9781456969615 List Price: $358.03 Discounted: $268.41 9781456969608 With Storage Bins: $366.59 Discounted: $274.83

9781456969653 9781456969646

Social Studies Library 2nd Grade

Social Studies Library 3rd Grade

9781456969677 List Price: $164.19 Discounted: $123.08 9781456969660 With Storage Bins: $170.69 Discounted: $127.96

9781456969714 List Price: $190.34 Discounted: $142.70 9781456969707 With Storage Bins: $196.84 Discounted: $147.58

Set of 50

Set of 50

Set of 25

Set of 25

List Price: $172.20 Discounted: $129.09 With Storage Bins: $178.70 Discounted: $133.97 List Price: $341.84 Discounted:$256.27 With Storage Bins: $350.40 Discounted: $262.69

Set of 25

9781456969691 List Price: $335.72 Discounted: $251.68 9781456969684 With Storage Bins: $344.28 Discounted: $258.10

9781456969738 List Price: $375.99 Discounted: $281.88 9781456969721 With Storage Bins: $384.55 Discounted: $288.30

Social Studies Library 4th Grade

Social Studies Library 5th Grade

Set of 25

Social Studies Math Math

Set of 25

Set of 25

9781456969752 List Price: $218.39 Discounted: $163.76 9781456969745 With Storage Bins: $226.95 Discounted: $170.18

9781456969790 List Price: $223.51 Discounted: $167.58 9781456969783 With Storage Bins: $232.07 Discounted: $174.00

Set of 50

Set of 50

9781456969776 List Price: $408.91 Discounted: $306.60 9781456969769 With Storage Bins: $417.47 Discounted: $313.02


9781456969813 List Price: $424.36 Discounted: $318.17 9781456969806 With Storage Bins: $441.48 Discounted: $331.01 /

Social Studies Library 6th Grade Set of 25

9781456969837 9781456969820

List Price: $248.21 Discounted: $186.11 With Storage Bins: $256.77 Discounted: $192.53

Set of 50 9781456969851 List Price: $506.69 Discounted: $379.94 9781456969844 With Storage Bins: $523.81 Discounted: $392.78

Social Studies Library 7th Grade

for: Visit o ur website of bo oks for st li te le p m co A Library each Classro o m ling infor mation ve le le b a il va a ll -A o m Libraries ro ss la C re o m n - Eve ! in every subject m li m o ro ss la .c w w w

Set of 25

9781456969875 9781456969868

List Price: $246.18 Discounted: $184.60 With Storage Bins: $254.74 Discounted: $191.02

Set of 50 9781456969899 9781456969882

List Price: $496.87 Discounted: $372.58 With Storage Bins: $513.99 Discounted: $385.42

Social Studies Library 8th Grade Set of 25

Each se t includes of 50 books the set the titles in o addition f 25, plus an al 25 tit les.

SocialMath Studies Math

9781456969912 List Price: $241.49 Discounted: $181.10 9781456969905 With Storage Bins: $250.05 Discounted: $187.52

Set of 50 9781456969936 List Price: $496.60 Discounted: $372.41 9781456969929 With Storage Bins: $513.72 Discounted: $385.25

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Social Studies Rookie Read About Geography

Set of 15

9781456969950 List Price: $89.25 Discounted: $66.90 9781456969943 With Storage Bins: $95.75 Discounted: $71.78

This nonfiction, leveled geography series is perfect for beginning readers. With simple sentences and vocabulary, these informative books will be perfect for your classroom.

Community Workers - K-1

Set of 15

9781456969974 List Price: $134.28 Discounted: $100.69 9781456969967 With Storage Bins: $140.78 Discounted: $105.57

Teach your students all about the key figures that make up their communities with this collection of fiction and nonfiction titles.

Your Neighborhood - K-1

Set of 15

9781456969998 List Price: $149.47 Discounted: $112.08 9781456969981 With Storage Bins:$155.97 Discounted: $116.96

Help your students learn about the different parts of their neighborhood with this collection of fiction and nonfiction titles.

Social Studies Math Math

Early Mapping Skills- K-2

Set of 15

9781456970017 List Price: $119.16 Discounted: $89.34 9781456970000 With Storage Bins: $125.66 Discounted: $94.22

An introduction to cartography and the uses of different kinds of maps.

78 /

Biographies Picture Book Biographies: Presidents and Founding Fathers Set of 10

9781456970031 List Price: $107.70 Discounted: $80.75 9781456970024 With Storage Bins: $114.20 Discounted: $85.63

Young readers discover the early lives of historic figures who helped shape the country.

Rookie Biographies 1

Set of 15

9781456970055 List Price: $81.25 Discounted: $60.90 9781456970048 With Storage Bins: $87.75 Discounted: $65.78

This nonfiction, leveled biography series is perfect for beginning readers. With simple sentences and vocabulary, these informative books will be perfect for your classroom. These collections of biographies feature the remarkable lives of men and women throughout history.

Biographies Grade 3

Biographies Grade 4

9781456970291 List Price: $90.59 Discounted: $67.92 9781456970284 With Storage Bins: $97.09 Discounted: $72.80

9781456970314 List Price: $109.73 Discounted: $82.27 9781456970307 With Storage Bins: $116.23 Discounted: $87.15

Set of 12

Biographies Grade 6-8

Set of 12

Set of 14

9781456970338 List Price: $102.78 Discounted: $77.06 9781456970321 With Storage Bins: $109.28 Discounted: $81.94

9781456970352 List Price: $148.82 Discounted: $111.58 9781456970345 With Storage Bins: $157.38 Discounted: $118.00

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SocialMath Studies Math

Biographies Grade 5

Set of 12


You Wouldn’t Want To… You Wouldn’t Want to...American History

Set of 15

9781456970116 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456970109 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

This hilarious series gives the reader a lighter look at social studies and science as it takes them on a tour through the gory, dark, horrific side of both history and modern life.

You Wouldn’t Want to...World History, Set 1

Set of 15

9781456970130 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456970123 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

You Wouldn’t Want to...World History, Set 2

Set of 15

9781456970154 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456970147 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

Social Studies Math Math

You Wouldn’t Want to Live Without...

Set of 15

9781456970178 List Price: $149.25 Discounted: $111.90 9781456970161 With Storage Bins: $155.75 Discounted: $116.78

80 /

Civil Rights

Help your students learn about social justice, civil rights, and the courageous figures who have fought for equality with these collections of nonfiction titles.

Civil Rights Grades 3-5

Civil Rights Grades 6-8

9781456970192 List Price: $159.50 Discounted: $119.59 9781456970185 With Storage Bins: $166.00 Discounted: $124.47

9781456970215 List Price: $184.78 Discounted: $138.55 9781456970208 With Storage Bins: $193.34 Discounted: $144.97


These collections of nonfiction titles will educate your students about the unfortunate history of slavery in the U.S. and around the world.

Slavery Grades 3-5

Slavery Grades 6-8

9781456970512 List Price: $161.61 Discounted: $121.17 9781456970505 With Storage Bins: $168.11 Discounted: $126.05

9781456970536 List Price: $177.83 Discounted: $133.35 9781456970529 With Storage Bins: $186.39 Discounted: $139.77

Set of 15

Set of 15

True Books: 13 Colonies

True Books: 13 Colonies Set of 13

9781456970093 List Price: $90.35 Discounted: $67.73 9781456970086 With Storage Bins: $96.85 Discounted: $72.61

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SocialMath Studies Math

True Books have been upgraded, updated, and aligned to the Common Core. Information is presented in a thorough yet engaging manner, featuring lively sidebars, a glossary, visual back matter, and an index. Learn all about the original thirteen colonies, from how they were founded to how they rebelled.


Native Americans In order to understand the history of the United States, students must study the Native people who lived in North America before European settlers arrived.

Native Americans Grades K-2

Set of 12

9781456970390 List Price: $97.04 Discounted: $72.76 9781456970383 With Storage Bins: $103.54 Discounted: $77.64

Native Americans Grades 3-5 Set of 12

9781456970413 List Price: $91.60 Discounted: $68.67 9781456970406 With Storage Bins: $98.10 Discounted: $73.55

Native Americans Grades 6-8 Set of 12

9781456970437 List Price: $171.06 Discounted: $128.28 9781456970420 With Storage Bins: $179.62 Discounted: $134.70

Immigration and Migration Help your students understand the sacrifice and struggle of the immigrant experience with these collections.

For a list of the books in each Classroom Library, as well as leveling informati on, please visit our website at: www.classro omlibrar ycomp

Immigration and Migration Grades 3-5 Set of 12

Social Studies Math Math

9781456970451 List Price: $101.59 Discounted: $76.20 9781456970444 With Storage Bins: $108.09 Discounted: $81.08


Immigration and Migration Grades 6-8 Set of 12

9781456970475 List Price: $115.40 Discounted: $86.52 9781456970468 With Storage Bins: $121.90 Discounted: $91.40 /

Primary Sources of Migration This series provides a solid overview of immigration and migration throughout American history. Each book includes full-color photographs, primary sources, a glossary and index, and a list of websites for further reading.

Primary Sources of Immigration and Migration Grades 4-8 Set of 12

9781456970499 List Price: $112.80 Discounted: $$84.60 9781456970482 With Storage Bins: $119.30 Discounted: $89.48

Women’s History

All too often women are left out of the historical narrative. Put them back in with these collections about brave and ground breaking explorers, activists, artists, and more.

Women’s History Grades K-2

Set of 15

9781456970635 List Price: $140.14 Discounted: $105.07 9781456970628 With Storage Bins: $146.64 Discounted: $109.95

Women’s History Grades 3-5 SocialMath Studies Math

Set of 15

9781456970659 List Price: $140.29 Discounted: $105.20 9781456970642 With Storage Bins: $146.79 Discounted: $110.08

Women’s History Grades 6-8 Set of 15

9781456970673 List Price: $176.65 Discounted: $132.46 9781456970666 With Storage Bins: $183.15 Discounted: $137.34

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Ancient Civilizations Explore the Ancient World from the comfort of your classroom with these nonfiction history titles. Readers will discover how ancient civilizations were governed, what daily life was like for their people, and much more.

Ancient Civilizations Grades 3-5 9781456970239 List Price: $117.85 Discounted: $88.37 9781456970222 With Storage Bins: $124.35 Discounted: $93.25

Ancient Civilizations Grades 6-8 9781456970253 List Price: $117.60 Discounted: $88.17 9781456970246 With Storage Bins: $126.16 Discounted: $94.59

True Stories from the Holocaust

In a time of great horror, children found a way to make it through the nightmare of war. Some made daring escapes into the unknown, others disguised their true identities, and many witnessed unimaginable horrors.

True Stories From the Holocaust Set of 12

Social Studies Math Math

9781456970376 List Price: $145.80 Discounted: $109.32 9781456970369 With Storage Bins: $154.36 Discounted: $115.74


ooks in For a list of the b ibrary, each Classroom L g information, as well as levelin ebsite at: please visit our w

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Spies and Espionage Everyone loves a good spy story. Educate your students about the real risks and rewards of spywork with this collection of fiction and nonfiction titles.

Spies and Espionage Grades 6-8

Set of 15

9781456970277 List Price: $145.61 Discounted: $109.18 9781456970260 With Storage Bins: $154.17 Discounted: $115.60

Graphic Biographies History comes alive with vivid illustrations and simple text. This series addresses topics that dovetail with curriculum and report assignments.

Graphic Biographies 1 Set of 15

9781456970550 List Price: $121.50 Discounted: $91.20 9781456970543 With Storage Bins: $128.00 Discounted: $96.08

Graphic Biographies 2 Set of 15

9781456970574 List Price: $121.50 Discounted: $91.20 9781456970567 With Storage Bins: $128.00 Discounted: $96.08

Graphic History History comes alive with vivid illustrations and simple text. This series addresses topics that dovetail with curriculum and report assignments.

Graphic History 1 SocialMath Studies Math

Set of 12

9781456970598 List Price: $97.20 Discounted: $72.96 9781456970581 With Storage Bins: $103.70 Discounted: $77.84

Graphic History 2

Set of 12

9781456970611 List Price: $97.20 Discounted: $72.96 9781456970604 With Storage Bins: $103.70 Discounted: $77.84

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Spanish ate These grade-appropri Classroo m Libraries include both fiction an d nonfiction titles ish to enhance yo ur Span or ELL curriculum. Spanish Library Kindergarten

9781456972011 List Price: $148.28 Discounted: $111.21 9781456972004 With Storage Bins: $154.78 Discounted: $116.09

Spanish Library 2nd Grade

Spanish Library 1st Grade

9781456972035 List Price: $165.55 Discounted: $124.19 9781456972028 With Storage Bins: $172.05 Discounted: $129.07

Spanish Library 3rd Grade

9781456972059 List Price: $214.29 Discounted: $160.71 9781456972042 With Storage Bins: $222.85 Discounted: $167.13

9781456972073 List Price: $261.50 Discounted: $196.06 9781456972066 With Storage Bins: $270.06 Discounted: $202.48

Spanish Library 4th Grade

Spanish Library 5th Grade

9781456972110 List Price: $332.73 Discounted: $249.48 9781456972103 With Storage Bins: $341.29 Discounted: $255.90


9781456972097 List Price: $273.34 Discounted: $204.93 9781456972080 With Storage Bins: $281.90 Discounted: $211.35

86 /

More Collections Available Online!

Spanish Board Books - Favorite Stories

9781456972233 List Price: $91.84 Discounted: $68.85 9781456972226 With Storage Bins: $98.34 Discounted: $73.73

Your youngest students will enjoy this collection of classic read-alouds

For a list of the books in each Classro om Library, as well as le veling inform ation, please visit o ur website at :

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Spanish Picture Book Library - PreK-K

9781456972158 List Price: $163.84 Discounted: $122.84 9781456972141 With Storage Bins: $170.34 Discounted: $127.72

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Spanish Picture Book Library Grades 1-2

9781456972172 List Price: $171.60 Discounted: $128.65 9781456972165 With Storage Bins: $178.10 Discounted: $133.53

These Spanish versions of beloved books will be the perfect compliment to your Spanish story times.

These Spanish titles are perfect for read-alouds or emerging readers.

Bilingual Concept Board Book Library

Bilingual Board Books - Favorite Stories

9781456972196 List Price: $62.91 Discounted: $47.16 9781456972189 With Storage Bins: $69.41 Discounted: $52.04


This Classroom Library will help students learn early concepts in both English and Spanish.

9781456972219 List Price: $95.77 Discounted: $71.79 9781456972202 With Storage Bins: $104.33 Discounted: $78.21

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In a perfect world, every book would be leveled in every leveling system. Until that day arrives, we are happy to provide this equivalency chart for your use. With this chart, you can approximate correlating levels across systems, making it easier to find that just-right book for every student.



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