The Daily Pill Newspaper

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Issue No.1 - December



CLICK TO FIND THE LUCKY PILL In today’s issue find the lucky pill by clicking through there range on pages four to five There are currently four different vaccines found to be effective agaisnt the virus; Pfizer/BioNTec’s vaccine which has been proven to be 95% effective while needing to be stored bellow -70C, Oxford Uni/AstraZeneca with a 60-90% effective vaccine but can be stored at regular fridge temperature. Russian vaccine company Gamaleya otherwise known as

Kerning the Human Race Kerning metaphorically is the social distancing of characters, to split them up and create a legible and safe reading experience. First of all what is kerning? Kerning is the adjustments of space between the letters of words to improve the appearance of the printed text. Humans make up

Pg 4-5

The Pandemic A to Z The pandemic A to Z signifies the most common key words and phrases we have all been hearing over the last 9 to 12 months It is crazy to think how a single word can have such a deep and significant meaning

Ben’s Story 19 Year old Ben’s story, a student from Kent studying Graphic Design - Year 2 On a whole it has been hard, with different situations and challenges arising every week through lock down. There have been both positives and negatives for me during this time. Overall, without a shadow of a doubt the negatives outweigh the positives. It is very hard to stay positive when you feel

Beaquias minvenim nobitatempel es acestotatur alist res alignim agnihil lanisimod quibus, velesequossi quatusandae.


Customer Information

THE DAILY PILL, PANDEMIC EDITION 12pg Please read this page carefully before you start to consume your Daily Pill issue. Keep this page. You may want to read it again. If you have any further questions, be prepared for disappointment, the pandemic wasn’t an enjoyable experience for anyone. This newspaper has been prescribed for you. Please DO share it with others. It WILL be of interest to them even if they are a boring and lacklustre human being. If any of the side effects become severe, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, you clearly have read the wrong newspaper. On this page: 1. What the Daily Pill online interactive newspaper is and what it may be used for 2. Before you consume the Daily Pill (digital interactive newspaper) 3. How to take your Daily Pill (digital interactive newspaper) 4. Possible side effects 5. How to access and keep your issue 6. Further information

1. What the Daily Pill online interactive newspaper is and what it may be used for The Daily Pill is a new and innovative digital newspaper supplying you with the news, information, and the latest articles to get you through your stressful and intensive modern day. An insight into the current times progressed by interaction making the experience fun and new for every user. You won’t be disappointed, no side effects with a 100% efficiency rating. Keep track and instal your routine by following the pages chronologically for the perfect day. Disclosure: this digital interactive newspaper won’t solve current pandemics or crisis’s, nor does it carry any medicinal or medical purposes, sorry. 2. Before you consume the Daily Pill (digital interactive newspaper) Do not consume the Daily Pill if: • You thought there would be a reason not to consume your

Daily Pill? Wrong, everyone and anyone can take this Daily Pill. You are welcome. Preparation: • Sit down and read while eating your favourite meal deal or snack – other food items are allowed • Consume alongside a drink of your choice, personally we recommend a cool beer or large glass of wine; yes, you may consume under the influence, but the rest is your responsibility • Put your feet up or get cosy in bed, morning or evening • Make sure your device is 100% charged so we can be with you on the go wherever you adventure to • Make sure you know where the share button is on your phone ready to send it to all the colleagues in the office, or airdrop to passers-by on the street • Remember there’s a new issue every day, get ready for it Important information: • You can never download too many issues of the Daily Pill, so keep downloading and sharing • People who say this digital newspaper isn’t for them are lying, it’s simply too good for them to share out just like a secret family recipe Reading other newspapers: • They simply won’t be as good as this one, that’s just life Let everyone know you consume The Daily Pill: • Be prepared to want to explicitly tell everyone about the greatest digital interactive newspaper you have ever

Page Number

Page Content


The Daily Pill, Pandemic Edition consumer information


Wake Up! Wake up to consume your daily pill - foam prints


Find the lucky pill out of the 20 on show


Find the lucky pill out of the 20 on show


Social distance as kerning


Social distance as kerning


Pandemic A to Z


Ellen’s story - an insight into the pandemic from a mothers pov


Two young lads Kieran and Caspian share their stories


Ben tells The Daily Pill what Covid has been about

experienced and read, because you’re going to be doing this a lot • We suggest you travel with a bottle of water or drink to prevent a dry mouth from, explicitly telling everyone about the greatest digital interactive newspaper you have ever experienced and read You are pregnant or breastfeeding: • It’s ok, unlike other pills such as ibuprofen pregnant and breast-feeding women can consume this pill, in fact anyone can • It will definitely mean your new-born will be loved and liked by everyone, just like the mother because she consumers the Daily Pill. How’s that for a heads up? 3. How to take your Daily Pill (digital interactive newspaper) You can be any age to consume your Daily Pill as there’s no explicit or rude content, just creative, positive and informative pages meaning you can even take it together and there’s no limitations as to who with. Download your Daily Pill when you wake up, morning if you are normal or early afternoon if you are a teenager. Follow along and consume to your hearts content across the day. Remember there is a new pill ready to be downloaded every day. 4. Possible side effects There are no side effects to

consuming your Daily Pill, except a little bit of tiredness if you can’t tear yourself away from your daily issue. We know how hard that can be, we know. 5. How to access and keep your issue It is important you know how to access your Daily Pill as we recommend you don’t miss a daily dosage, otherwise you’ll feel worse for doing so. You can also revisit consumption of pills by saving them to your device. • Download the Daily Pill online on our website or sign up to the newsletter to get it sent in an email every morning with no fuss. • Save your issue to your files or necessary applications such as iBooks to go back and revisit consumptions of the past. 6. Further information This paper doesn’t contain any medicine and isn’t magic. We are invisible and impossible to sue, so don’t think of trying that old trick. You should definitely consume your Daily Pill daily, as the name suggests to stay up to date, and finally enjoy your experience. Now get onto consuming your Daily Pill, mmmmm. If you are still stuck and confused with how to consume your pill, go to our website. Bellow are the contents of the newspaper and the break down which can be seen graphically.

A Graph to Show the Break Down of your Daily Pill

Percentage (%)


Topic of Content


Wake Up!

Click to Find the Lucky Pill



Click to Find the Lucky Pill


Kerning the Human Race

Kerning the Human Race Kerning metaphorically is the social distancing of characters, to split them up and create a legible and safe reading experience. First of all what is kerning? Kerning is the adjustments of space between the letters of words to improve the appearance of the printed text. Humans make up statistics, we are all 1 of 7.6 billion people, 7.6 billion characters who are now all having to space and kern for each other’s safety and future existence. Social distancing in the U.K. was put in place on the March after shocking models pointed to 260,000 potential deaths nationally. Enforcing social


distancing aims to prevent the spread of the virus, as it has been proven to be highly contagious, commonly caught through people sneezing, coughing and through touching a contaminated surface then your eyes, mouth or nose. It proved to keep us safe and help bring down the number of cases, along with other measures such as lock down. At the end of June the social distance measure were reduced by half to one metre, in order to allow more people in social spaces such as restaurants and pubs in order to help the economy regrow. This supported government lead schemes such as eat out to help out How this relates; Kerning doesn’t save lives but saves people’s sanity and preventing everyone’s inner designer to ignite into a state of rage and anger over illegible type is what it’s all about.

Kerning the Human Race


The Pandemic A to Z

The Pandemic A to Z The pandemic A to Z signifies the most common key words and phrases we have all been hearing over the last 9 to 12 months It is crazy to think how a single word can have such a deep and significant meaning to all of us simultaneously. This unpresidented period in time has made us think twice and changed our actions quite possibly for the rest of our lives. It’ll be passed onto future generations as the experiences and moments being lived currently will certainly be spoken about for decades. It echos war time stories parents and grandparents tell us as children. Here’s the A to Z, or should I say our A to Z as it belongs to us all, a piece of the history being laid down behind every seconds actions. A - Alone B - Breathing C - Corona Virus D - Death E - Economy F - Furlough G - Generosity H - Hording I - Immunity J - Judgment K - Kindness L - Lockdown M - Mask N - Negativity O - Organisation P - PPE Q - Questions R - Restrictions S - Social Distancing T - Track and Trace U - United V - Vaccine W - Wuhan X - Xenophobia Y - Youth Z - Zoonoses


Ellen’s Story

Ellen’s Story I am Ellen Hyland, a 50 year old mother of two working in the insurance sector, and here’s my account of the current period in time There have both been positives and negatives. The positives are that it has improved community spirit, such as clapping for the NHS. That’s been really lovely. I’ve enjoyed volunteering to help shop for the elderly and those who self-isolate, it fills me with a sense of pride. However, there are downsides too. I’ve seen friends and family feel very lonely. For example, older relatives in the family can’t go to any clubs to socialise and mix, let alone see their own family. It’s had a terrible impact on

their emotional well-being, and I understand why as I’ve experienced struggles as I think most people have. The wider impacts on other health issues and the impacts corona virus has had on areas of the health service have meant people haven’t got the treatment they need, some examples being the suspension of cancer treatment and other operations postponed. I think these examples are one reason as to why the virus itself might not be the biggest killer. The news is always so negative and normally presented in a bias way, which makes it unclear on whether we have progressed at all, or whether we are doing the right thing. I really hope things return to normal especially in time for Christmas and the New Year.


Kieran and Caspian’s Story

Kieran’s Story This is my story. My names Kieran Rosario (19) and I’m an undergraduate student studying music-tec at the University of Kent. I’m currently in my second year living at home with my parents Going through lock down to start off with made me appreciate things in life that otherwise I’ took for granted, I never knew how important certain times and experiences are to me. There are some positives. It has given me more time to think off different ways to socialise with friends. It has also made me socialise with groups I otherwise wouldn’t have thought about. It can be taken both ways but I have been able to relax a lot more freely, play more Xbox and have fun in the ways I used to what I was back in secondary school, with a lot less to worry about. That’s always

Caspian’s Story The pandemic from a young designers eyes. I’m Caspain Reynolds, a 20 year old Junior Graphic Designer based in Kent I think corona virus has mostly had a negative impact both physically, mentally and socially. It’s preventing us all from having intimate interactions with friends. Instead these interactions are becoming text on screen, rather than the usual laughs and smiles. Lock down has provoked personal habits making me extremely slovenly, smashing fitness within the first weeks to now struggling to do anything apart from

nice. With less uni work to do over lock down it gave me a change to work more and earn money I wouldn’t have done if the circumstances were normal. Not being able to go out has also meant I haven’t spent as much, building up my savings which is a great positive. Negatively lock down has meant I haven’t been able to have proper interaction with family, especially during the peak of lock down. It has been hard and challenging for sure, and I know it has been for the rest of my family too. Something else that’s a shame has been missing out on large events such as festivals and concerts. I was looking forward to another summer holiday with my mates and going to Wireless festival this year. It’s a great shame because the line-up was a dream, everyone I wanted to see was on it so it’s just a case of hoping they are going to be appearing next year. All I ask of people is to unite to help end this pandemic.

waking up and working in my bedroom two feet from my bed. For me, personally this is a huge negative, as I love to stay active and maintain a high level of fitness. The endorphins released make me feel well and happy, it gives me energy to conquer my day. Fitness being limited and the positives fitness has on my body and mind means it effects everything. My job becomes harder when I am less happy, and being stuck in four walls constantly doesn’t help. Overall, the sooner we can get back to normal instead of this “new normal” the better for everyone sake, especially considering everyone’s mental health. This is something which I feel has being severely overlooked. It’s going to be one of the massive problems we face post covid, peoples


Ben’s Story 19 Year old Ben’s story, a student from Kent studying Graphic Design - Year 2 On a whole it has been hard, with different situations and challenges arising every week through lock down. There have been both positives and negatives for

Ben’s Story

me during this time. Overall, without a shadow of a doubt the negatives outweigh the positives. It is very hard to stay positive when you feel time has been taken away from you, and you hear about the tragedies around the world surrounding the virus, but I know it is important to stay positive otherwise life will not go anywhere but downhill. Another thing is I know it has been a lot harder for other people

and other families, and the reality is me and my family are healthy and well. Both parents weren’t furloughed, and I found a better job, so financially there hasn’t been the struggles others have experienced. This time has allowed me to find new passions and build interests I never would have considered previously, such as golf. Golf gives me a chance to escape the

negative world we are in, and have time to myself with no distractions. It’s purely a positive safe space for me. I am deferentially looking forward to starting my second year of University, and seeing my friends following the current rules. Something important to note is the virus is still around and viable, so following the rules and being sensible is important.

Scan the QR code bellow to submit your pandemic stories

The Come Down

Amazon Crushing the Market Place Amazon have been one of the many large TNC’s to make billions of dollars worth of income and have seen astronomical growth. The company’s revenues of $96.15bn were better than analysts expected and its net income increased to $6.3bn in the third quarter, compared with net income of $2.1bn in third quarter 2019; we all know we have contributed to this in a small way with the pandemic narrowing our purchasing options by a mile. Amazon boss Jeff Bezos has seen his net worth increase by $47 billion, keeping him safely in the number one spot on the Forbes richest list, with a net worth of $181 billion. The Turtle Beach XO4 headset destroyed to create a large majoirty of the creative content was bought on Amazon. Being one of over 150 million people with Amazon Prime it was accessable and easy to purcjase this prodcut from there, just as it is for so many more.

Tomorrows Daily Pill Issue Includes; What will the vaccine do to our bodies, and is it safe? A vaccine would teach our bodies to fight the infection by stopping us from catching corona virus or at least making Covid less deadly. Having a vaccine, alongside better treatments, is “the” exit strategy. PM Boris Johnson expects millions of vaccines to be in the UK and available for the necessary people by Easter. Defiantly some positive news we all have been needing after months of negative and scary

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