Trinity Update - April 2003

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Trinity College mourns the Revd Dr Evan Laurie Burge, Warden 1974 - 1997

The followin g tribute to Dr Burge appea red in The Age and The Canberra Times.

The Trinity Colleg e com mun ity is deeply saddened by the death of the fifth Warden of the College, the Revd Dr Evan Burge, who passed away peacefully on 27 March afte r a two -year battle w ith cancer.

BURGE, The Revd Dr Evan Laurie

8 February 1933 27 March 2003 The Warden, Fellows, Council, staff, students, alumni and friends of Trinity College in the University of Melbourne deeply mourn the passing of the Revd Dr Evan Burge, muchloved Warden ofTrinity College 1974- 1997. As academic leader, scholar, teacher, priest , liturgist, and friend, Evan was widely admired and loved for his warmth.enthusiasm, generosit y of spirit, erud itio n, dee p spiritualit y, and grace. His remarkable contributions to the heritage ofTrinity College will long endure, as will our gratitude. Our tho ughts and prayers are w ith Barbara, John, Margaret, Ann, Caroline, Geoffrey and Stephen, their families and friends, in their loss and grief, which we profoundly share. '.A.ndnow abide faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love.' 1 Corinthians 13: 13

Following a private Requiem Eucharist in the College Chapel on the night of Tuesday 1 April, and a quiet overnight vigil in the Chapel, Dr Burge's funeral service was held at St Paul'sCathedral, Melbourne, on Wednesday 2 April. Mourners were invited back to Trinity College aft erwards. During the service, tributes were paid by the Warden, Professor Donald Markwell, and by Dr Burge's son , John Burge. The sermon was given by Bishop Neville Chynoweth.

Extracts from the tribute by the Warden, Professor Donald Markwell :

Extracts from John Burge's tribute to his father:

'Evan Burge was an encourager and an enabler, with great gifts of empathy and energy - a good, godly, kind, and gentle man w ho touched the lives of all of us.'

' Evan took life, but not himself, seriously. He had a truly wonderf ul sense of humour. This came at least partly from being a man of considerable self-confidence and enthusiasm.'

'As a schoolboy, Evan developed a love for - of all th ings - grammar, and the structure, beauty and rhythm of language, and this grew into a love of languages, first Latin and French, as well as English literature, and then ancient Greek, and later other languages also.'

'Evan was a man of great learning with a marked enthu siasm to share that learning with others. Yet he would never make others fee l inadequate. Rather, he would inspire confidence that they too could learn. He was a true teacher.'

'In 1971, Evan was ordained Priest, and came increasingly to sense a vocation to leadership in an Anglican university college, whe re his academic and priestly callings could flourish toget her.'

' He was a man of love, especially in his love of his family.'

'...he was a deeply loving and deeply loved pastor to t he w hole Trinity College commun ity.' 'A major preoccupation of Evan's in the late 1980s and throughout the rest of his Wardenship and beyond was the development ofTrinity College Foundation Studies perhaps the landmark achievement of his Wardenship.' 'The growth of Foundation Studies through the 1990s made necessary and possible the construction of a new building to house the College library and muchneeded teaching spaces. This building rightly bears the name of Evan Burge.'

'As we now bid Evan farewe ll, we give thanks for his love and essential humanity.' For the full text of these tributes, toget her with a pictorial tribute to the Burge years at Trinity and a timeline of Dr Burge's Wardenship, please visit the Trinity College website at / news/

'On his retirement, Evan left a college which was culturally aware, internationally engaged, financially stronger, and full of potential to be truly a centre of what Bishop Moorhouse had called "large and liberal education" - a phrase Evan loved.'


Trinity College I

• Trinity College Foundation Studies

• Theology at Trinity College

TheRevdDr EvanLaurie~urge

1933- 2003 Evan Laurie Burge was born in Melbourne,eldest child of Ivor and Eileen, and moved to Brisbanewith hisfamily-which now includedhis sister,Marian, and brother,Alan - at the age of eight. Educatedat Toowoomba GrammarSchool,he completed his BA at the University of Queensland with first class honours in Classics in 1955, winning the University Medal. Proceedingto Balliol College, Oxford, he secured first class honoursin Literae Humaniores ('Greats') (BA, 1958;MA, 1962), andlater continuedhisstudiesat Princeton(MA, 1964;PhD,1969). He lectured in classics at the Australian National University from1958to 1966,andwas Senior Lecturerfrom1966to 1974. In 1958, Evan married Barbara Payne, who became a highly successful medical practitioner. Six children were born during their years in Canberra: John, Margaret, Ann, Caroline, Geoffrey, and Stephen . Evan returned to Melbourne in 1974 as Warden ofTrinity College in the University of Melbourne, serving in that position until his retirement in September 1997.During his term as Warden he oversaw the introduct ion of women into residence atTrinity, the refurb ishment of the Chapel, and the development of a Chapel Choir. His Wardenship also saw the establishment of the Trinity College Foundation to encourage philanthropic support for the College, the founding of a parents' support group (the Friends ofTrinity). the setting up ofTrin ity College Foundation Studies to prepare students from around the world for entry to University, and the construction of a new Library and other buildings. He served on the Council of the University of Melbourne from 1980 to 1983. Ordained as a deacon of the Anglican Church in 1960, and as a priest in 1971, Dr Burge played a pivotal role in liturgical reform, as a member of the Australian Liturgical Comm ission. An Australian Prayer Book, published in 1978, owed much to his input, as did its successor, A Prayer Book for Australia (1995). He remained an active member of the Prayer Book Society. He served as Warden of the Community of the Holy Name from 1990 to 1997. In 1997 he was made a Canon of St Paul's Cathedral and served in this capacity until his 70th birthday in February 2003. In retirement as Warden, Dr Burge renewed his interest in the classics, leading study tours to Syria and Turkey in 1997 and to Greece and Crete the following year. His text Grasping New Testament Greek was published in 1999, and What did Cranmer Believe? in 2002. During the last months of his life he continued to read Homer, as well as working on his memoirs and on Syriac translations of the Gospels and the Odes of Solomon. Dr Surge's personal qualities of warmth, enthusiasm and joy of life made him many lifelong friends , atTrinity College, throughout the Anglican Church. and in the wider world. A fullerrecognition of Dr Burge'slife andmanyachievements asWardenofTrinityCollege will appearinthe mid-yeareditionofTRINITYToday.

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Major gift for the EvanBurge Scholarship endowment The Collegehasjustlearntthat RogerandPat Riordanare donating$200,000to Trinitytowardsthe endowmentof a scholarshipto honourthe life and work of EvanBurge. This gift is a wonderfulsteptowardsestablishinga fully endowedscholarship,which requiresa capital sum of $350,000.The Collegeis extremelygratefulfor the vision andgenerosityof Rogerand Pat The Evan Burge Scholarship endowment has an interesting history. In 1995 Evan despaired to the Annual General Meeting of the Trinity College Foundation that there were Premier's Award winners who wanted to come to the College but could not afford to. By the following morning, five people came forward and offered to fund a scholarship for five years to bear the name of Evan Burge. After th is period, some of the donors continued giving and it was decided that the College should establish an endowment fund bearing Dr Surge's name so that an Evan Burge Scholarship can be awarded every year in perpetuity. Over the last few years this endowment has built up quietly to over $60,000. It is likely that a bequest from Evan himself will bolster the endowment. The Riordan gift - with the help of alumni and friends - will perpetuate this scholarship as an ongoing memorial to Evan. The Evan Burge Scholarship will be awarded to outstanding students, of any discipline, who could not otherwise enter the College as resident students. It is intended that students will hold the scholarship for the duration of their course, provided their academic results and general conduct are exemplary. In making the gift, Roger Riordan said: 'I became aware of the need for scholarshipsfor academically gifted children some years ago when my children were at secondary school. At the time I was unemployed. but when my new business started to prosper, my late wife, Sally, and I set up our first scholarship - the Cybec Scholarship - atTrinity in 1995. I met Evan then, and our friendship was reinforced when he married Pat and me in the College Chapel in 2000. 'Evan was always happy to share his knowledge with anyone who asked, and worked tirelessly for the students in his care. We are very proud to be able to help establish this practical memorial to him. 'Not long ago I read an interesting book called Motoring with Mohammed. The author, Eric Hansen, had been shipwrecked in Yemen, without money. An airline official gave him a ticket out. and when he offered to pay later, the official refused but asked him to promise one thing. He said: "The next time you see someone in need, I want you to pass on this favour. It was given to me, and now it is yours'.' 'If it were not for the vision and generosity of past benefactors, it would not have been possible for any of us to attend Trinity. We have all received a very great favour, and I hope you will join us in passing it on to the next generation. Our ultimate goal is to raise enough money to fund several students, so that a new student can receive a scholarship each year.' Tosupportthe EvanBurgeScholarship Endowment contact Clare Pullar or CampbellBairstowin the TrinityCollege Development Office.Tel:~1 3 93487116.

Ms DianaSmith to headTrinityCollege Foundation Studies The Revd Dr Andrew McGowanwill returnto Trinityin July to become Director of the Trinity College Theological School. Dr M c Gowan succeed the Revd Dr David Cole who, in July, becomes Head of Divinity and College Chaplain at Overnewton Anglican Commun ity College, Keilor. Dr Cole has been Chaplain at Trinity since 1995, and Director of the Theological School since 1998. A full tribute to his outstand ing work atTrinity w ill appear in the next issue ofTRINITYToday, as wi ll the announcement of the new Chaplain of the College . Dr McGowan has taught at the Episcopal Divinity School in Cambridge, Massachusetts, since 1998, where he is Associate Professor of Early Christian History . He has previously taught at the University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, and the Anglican Institute of Theology/Murdoch University, Perth. After graduating from the University of Western Australia with Honours in classics and ancient history, Andrew McGowan undertook his initial theological studies atTrinity, graduating from the Melbourne College of Divinity with Honours in his Bachelor of Divinity, and being awardedTrinity's Bromby Prizefor New Testament Greek. He has subsequently been awarded a Masters degree and PhD in Christianity and Judaism in Antiquity from the University of Notre Dame, Indiana. Andrew McGowan has also published widely and with much acclaim . His book Ascetic Eucharists: Food and Drink in Early Christian Ritual Meals (Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1999) has been reviewed in international theology journals as a 'remarkable work' , a 'judicious and well-wrought study', and 'a key text for future research' in its field . Dr McGowan was ordained as an Anglican priest in Perth in 1986, and served as Rector of St Stephen's, Forrestfield, Perth, from 1988 to 1992. He has had considerable part-time parish experience alongside his academic studies and appointments , and served as a Canon of St George's Cathedral, Perth, from 1996 to 1998. He has been Examining Chaplain to the Bishop of Massachusetts since 2001. Throughout August last year, Andrew McGowan was Frank Woods Fellow at Trinity College, and delivered a superb Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture, which was reported inTRINITYToday-www .trinity .unimelb publications/trinitytoday/summer02/tcts06.shtml Professor Markwell said: '.A.ndrewMcGowan is thus very well placed to build on the outstanding leadership which David Cole has given, and to lead theological education at Trinity College, including the spiritual and intellectual formation of future clergy, and the various other programs Trinity offers inTheology, including on line studies, for lay people and clergy alike. In this, he will work closely with colleagues throughoutTrinity, with the Anglican Bishops, and with our ecumenical partners in the United Faculty of Theology and the Melbourne College of Divinity.' 'The College warmly looks forward to welcoming back to Trinity such an outstanding scholar and priest', the Warden said.

A Fellow of Trinity College,Ms Diana Smith,BA, BEd,Grad Dip CompEd, has been appointedas Directorof TrinityCollegeFoundation Studies(TCFS). Diana Smith joined Trinity College Foundation Studies in 1991 as Director of Studies. In 1996 she was appointed Deputy Director ofTCFS and, apart from a short break in 1999-2000, has held both positions since that time. In coming to Trinity College, Ms Smith brought with her twenty years' experience of teaching mathematics, history, and computing at Camberwell Anglican Girls' Grammar School. During that time she also held various leadership roles within the school. Since the sudden death in November 2002 of the previous Director, the late Mr Alan Patterson, Ms Smith has served as Acting Director ofTCFS. 'Diana Smith's outstanding work over more than a decade at Trinity College has reflected her strong commitment to high academic standards, liberal education, and the welfare of students and staff alike. She has already made an exceptional and enduring contribution to Trinity College, to the University of Melbourne, and to the education of many thousands of students from dozens of countries around the world,' Professor Markwell said. Ms Smith's contribution has been recognised with her election , in 2002, as a Fellow ofTrinity College -the College's highest honour. She was formally installed as a Fellow of the College in March 2003. Under a new management structure forTCFS, Ms Smith heads a leadership team that includes two Deputy Directors: • Dr Tan Hooi Cheng, BSc(Hons), PhD, becomes Deputy Director (Academic) and continues as Director of Career and Academic Advice. She also becomes a member of the College-wide Senior Staff. Dr Tan has been a lecturer at Trinity since 1990 and has undertaken important leadership roles including as Lecturer-in-Charge of Chemistry, and in establishing support services for prospective and current students, and their parents. • Ms Amanda Crawley, BA, DipEd, MBA, becomes Deputy Director (Strategic Development) and continues in a College-wide role as Director of Staff Development. Ms Crawley previously served as Director of Admissions in TCFS from 1995 to the end of 1999, and returned to Trinity in May 2001, initially to undertake an operational review and to establish Summer Schools, before becoming Deputy Bursar last July. Since November 2002, she has been acting as Assistant Director ofTCFS. As part of the restructuring, Lecturer-in-Charge of English Literature, Mr Glen Jennings, BA(Hons), MA, also assumes the role of Director of Academic Advice, while Lecturer-in-Charge of History of Ideas, Dr Tamar Lewit, BA(Hons), PhD, takes on additional responsibilities as Director of Special Academic Projects. Both join Ms Smith, Dr Tan, Ms Crawley, and the Director of Admissions, Ms Alison Menzies, BA, BSW, on the Foundation Studies Executive team . They join a number of other colleagues in a larger 'Senior Staff' team. In announcing these appointments, Professor Markwell said: ' I believe that under the experienced and skilful leadership of Ms Diana Smith, and with this strong leadership team, Trinity College Foundation Studies is extremely well placed to strengthen further its ability to offer students from around the world the best possible preparation for their undergraduate studies in Australia.' He paid tribute to the leadership given by the late Alan Patterson and acknowledged with profound sadness the death on 27 March of the Revd Dr Evan Burge, under whose Wardenship Foundation Studies was created. Professor Markwell also stated that, over the course of this year, there is to be a College-wide academic strategy planning process. Professor Peter Boyce - a former Vice-Chancellor of Murdoch University - has been appointed as the College's Special Adviser for Academic Affairs to work with a staff committee that draws members from all parts of the College in undertaking this project.

COMING EVENTS AT TRINITY - ALL WELCOME! Tue24 7.30pm Christmasin Mid-WinterEveningin theTrinityCollegeDining Hall. Farewellfunctionin supportof theChoir's2003UKtour.$90 per personincludesdinnerandwine. Invitationswill be mailed afterEaster.Enquiries: Ms VivianChan. Email: Tel: +61 3 93487122

SOMETH INGLITERARY , TrinityCollegeDiningHall, BookLaunchof TheirStoriesOurHistoryby PeterGebhardt, a collectionof poemsand paintingsarising from the author's encounter with, and search for, indigenouspeopleand their stories. Theauthorwill signcopiesafter the launch. All proceeds from this book will be donatedto Trinity to assist indigenous scholars at the College. There are currently four indigenous scholarsat TrinityCollege .

Choir tour of UK. Program details Juneis AnnualGivingtime.AnnualGiving is anopportunity for all membersof the Trinity communityto support the College. Donationsof all amounts arewelcome,anddonorscandirecttheir gifts to a numberof educational opportunities, includingbuilding projects,scholarships, andsettinguppermanent fundsto finance theemploymentof outstanding teachers. Wewill bewritingsoon to thosemembers of theCollegepreviously involvedin theAnnual GivingAppeal.If youhavenot previously takenpart, andwould like to support the Appeal in 2003, or to find out more, please contact Toni Roberts in the Development Office: telephone + 613 93487141or email troberts@trinity.unime

6pm SOMETHI NG SPIRITUAL.TrinityCollegeChape l Choral Evensongwith special Guest Preacher , National AboriginalBishop,BishopJim Leftwich,andmusicbytheChoir of TrinityCollege . All welcome but please RSVPto Ms Stephanie Harris, DevelopmentOffice. Email: Tel: +613 93487116 6-7pm TrinityCollegeEarlyMusicSeries, Trinity CollegeChapel. (Part of the MelbourneAutumn Music Festival). Theconcert on Wed 7 May featuresThe Choirof Trinity College. Further details from the FestivalOffice. Tel: +61 3 93285455or go to www.autumnmus

New YorkReception foralumniandfriendsof TrinityCollege. If you will be in or near New York in July please Email: vchan@trinity .unimelb .edu.auor Tel: +613 93487655to receivean invitation.

Aspartofthe Universityof Melbourne 's 150thAnniversary Community Open Weekendcelebrations : For furtherdetailsgoto

6pm LondonReceptionfor alumniandfriendsof TrinityCollegeat Australia House.Similarly , if youwill bein or nearLondonin July pleaseEmail:vchan@trinity .auorTel:+61393487655 to receive an invitation.

AutumnPromenade Concertsin TrinityCollegeChapel. Partof the Melbourne AutumnMusicFestival. Furtherdetailsfromthe FestivalOffice.Tel:+613 93285455or goto u

7.30pm Indonesia-Australia Dinner in Trinity College Dining Hall, with GuestSpeaker , Mr RichardWoolcott,AC. ContactMs VivianChanfor yourinvitationandwatchfor further details. Email:vchan@trin ity.unimelb .edu.auTel: +613 93487655

The'BigNoise': a unique,dynamic, grouppercussion experience that pulsateswith energyandcolour.Performed byanensemble of 400TrinityCollegeFoundation Studiesstudentsdrawnfrom around the world. Union Lawn, University of Melbourne. Enquiries: +613 93487530 3pm Recitalbyduopianists.PenelopeThwaites,AM. andJohn Lavender , in Trinity College DiningHall with afternoontea to follow.Freeadmission. Enquiries:+61 3 93487116

Trinity College FoundationStudiesAlumniand Friends 2003 Dinner - Details to follow but keep this date free. Enquiries: to MsVivianChan , DevelopmentOffice. Email: vchan@tri Tel: +61 3 93487655

6pm SpecialChoralEvensong , featuringthe gloriousmusic of the Choir of Trinity College, and distinguished Guest Preacher: The RevdDr Norman Curry, AM, Deputy Chancellor of the Universityof Melbourne.Enquiries:+613 93487483

7.30pm FriendsofTrinityDinnerfor parentsof current resident students, with GuestSpeaker, Professor Sally Walker. Trinity CollegeDining Hall. Enquiries: Ms Pam O'Brien. Email: +61 3 93487109

5-7pm Foundation StudiesAlumniReceptionintheSharwood Room. An opportunityto farewell friendswho are returninghome, and catch up with other alumni and staff. RSVPto Vivian Chan. Email: vchan@t rinity.unimelb .edu.auTel: +613 93487655

The Barry Marshall Memorial Lecture to be given by RevdProfessorJohnT Pawlikowski,DSM, President of the International Counci l of Christians andJews. BurgeBuilding,Trinity College. Enquiries: Email or Tel: +613 93487127

Fri30 6.30pm Trinity College Foundation Studies Valedictory Ceremony for July 2002/2003 Program. Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre, Universityof Melbourne .


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6- AlumniReceptionin the JuniorCommon Roomfor thosewho 8pm wereresidentor non-resident studentsor staff in the years1956 to 1961. Watchfor yourinvitationin the mail.RSVPto Ms VivianChan , DevelopmentOffice. Email: Tel: +613 93487655

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6- AlumniReceptionin the JuniorCommon Roomfor thosewho 8.30pm wereresidentor non-residentstudentsor staff in the years1997 to 2001.Watchfor yourinvitationin the mail.RSVP to MsVivian Chan , Development Office. Email:vchan @trinity.unimelb Tel: +613 93487655



6.30pm TrinityCollegeFoundation StudiesValedictoryCeremony for February 2003 Program . Dallas Brook s Hall, East Melbourne .

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As partof the 150th Anniversaryof the Universityof Melbourne SeminaronThe CollegesandtheUniversity' , BurgeBuilding, Trinity College. Speakers include:Professor JohnPoynter, Ms KatherineSheedy , EmeritusProfessorRossHumphreys,EmeritusProfessorIan Breward,ProfessorStuart McIntyre, Sister Jane Kelly, and ProfessorDonald Markwell. Enquiries:Mr Geoff Browne. Tel:+613

AlumniReceptionin the Junior Common Roomfor thosewho wereresiden t or non-resident studentsor staff in the years1992 to 1996. Watchfor your invitationin the mail. RSVPto MsVivian Chan,Develo pmentOffice. Email:vchan@trinity Tel: +613 93487655



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Carol Service with the Choirof Trinity Collegein St Paul's Cathedral, Melbourne .

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