Design Stories

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design stories 2012

Abstracta Design Stories – 02

In the beginning The story of Abstracta started back in the 1950’s when Danish architect Paul Cadovius designed the three first Abstracta storage systems. One of Paul’s sys‑ tems, called System 25, is still in production for Abstracta and one of the other systems had a very simple but important connecting part. In fact, this simple part would prove to be a key component in the development of the company. Its design gained lots of attention, so much that it became part of Abstracta’s logotype and was represented at the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

Historien om Abstracta började redan på 1950‑talet då den danske arkitekten Paul Cadovius konstruerade Abstractas tre första förvaringssystem. Ett av systemen, System 25, produceras än idag av Abstracta. Ett annat system hade en mycket enkelt designad koppling som skulle visa sig bli en viktig del i Abstractas utveckling. Kopplingens design fick stor uppmärksamhet, så stor att den senare representerades på Museum of Modern Art i New York. Kopplingens form blev även en del av Abstractas logotyp.

Two decades later, in the 1970’s, Abstracta established itself in Sweden for the first time, and has continued its success ever since. In 1981 the modular, sound absorbing, office partitions series Softline was designed. It laid ground for Abstracta’s existing acoustic product line and has been one of the most impor‑ tant products throughout its history. The system easily adapts to the changing requirements of the functional workspace and thereby suits Abstracta’s motto “Great workspaces” very well.

Två decennier senare, på 1970‑talet etablerade sig Abstracta för första gången i Sverige och sedan dess har företagets framgång fortsatt. År 1981 lanserade Abstracta en modulär ljudabsorberande rumsavdelare; Softline. Rumsavdelaren lade grunden för Abstractas befintliga akustiska produktlinje och har varit en av de viktigaste produkterna för företagets utveckling. Systemet anpassar sig lätt till de krav som ställs på funktionella och flexibla arbetsytor, vilket passar Abstractas motto “Great Workspaces” väldigt väl.

In order to remain cutting edge, Abstracta collaborates with designers in the fore‑ front. Today Abstracta is represented within four different categories; acoustics, meetings, workspaces and storage solutions. The main market is Scandinavia, but its products are exported to more than 30 countries worldwide.

Abstracta samarbetar med några av samtidens ledande designers och arkitekter. Idag är Abstracta verksamma inom fyra olika kategorier; akustik, möten, arbetsstationer och förvaring. Den huvudsakliga marknaden är Skandinavien, men Abstractas produkter exporteras till mer än 30 länder världen över.

This magazine presents some stories that, in some way, led to Abstracta’s success and also introduces some new ones that surely will write future history.

Den här broschyren presenterar några historier som på ett eller annat sätt har lett till Abstractas framgång. Den introducerar även några nya berättelser som säkerligen kommer skriva framtida designhistoria.

03– Abstracta Design Stories

Abstracta Design Stories – 04

STORY No.1 The evolution of a surface Product. Vision, Enjoy, Silverpro / Messenger Production Year. 2002, 2003, 2004 / 2003 Designer. Mia Wahlstein, Josef Zetterman / Fredrik Wallner

Since the 1980’s, Abstracta has been a successful supplier of traditional whiteboard and rail systems. The company has constantly developed and refined its solutions to create more exciting and stylish products that meet the modern requirements of a workspace. One good example is when Abstracta started adding glass in traditional whiteboards. It all started with a modern glass panel for the office, boardroom, or public spaces – called Vision. This glass surface was then introduced to Mia Wahlstein and Josef Zetterman who designed Enjoy – a version of Vision, with storage added. The series meet the requirements of flexible conference products for modern boardrooms; different cabinets and boards can be combined or used separately to meet any presenta‑ tion requirements. To develop it further, Fredrik Wallner designed the elegant and intelligent Messenger – a conference cabinet with the same surfaces. Evolution ran its course and Abstracta ended up with the award‑winning writing and projection surface SilverPro™ in 2004, which later was used in the mentioned products.

Sedan 1980‑talet har Abstracta varit en framgångsrik leverantör av traditionella whiteboards och skensystem. Genom att ständigt utveckla och förfina sina lösningar har företaget skapat spännande och snygga produkter som uppfyller samtidens krav på moderna arbetsmiljöer. Ett bra exempel på detta är när Abstracta började använda glasmaterial till traditionella whiteboards. Processen startade med en modern glaspanel för kontor, styrelserum och offentliga platser – produkten fick namnet Vision. Idén om en glasyta introducerades sedan för Mia Wahlstein och Josef Zetterman som ritade Enjoy – en version av Vision – med tillhörande förvar‑ ing. Serien möter marknadens efterfrågan på flexibla konferensprodukter för moderna kontor; skåp och skrivskivor kan kombineras eller användas var för sig för att tillgodose olika presentationsbehov. Fredrik Wallner utvecklade konceptet vidare genom att designa den eleganta och intelligenta produkten Messenger – ett konferensskåp med glasyta. Utvecklingen fortsatte och 2004 lanserade Abstracta den prisbelönta skriv- och projektionsytan SilverPro™ som i ett senare skede användes i de nämnda produkterna.

05 – Abstracta Design Stories

1. What’s the best thing about this product? The best thing with Messenger is that its minimalistic shape hides advanced technology within both its material and functions, making the product adjust‑ able to many different environments. It’s also amusing that this is the first product of its kind, taking the “conference cabinet” to a brand new world. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? Much effort was put into the development of the expansions, so that Messenger could sustain a weight far beyond 100 kilos. The expansions can’t be seen since they’re hidden by the design of the cabinet.


3. What characterises a great workspace? Besides the obvious ergonomic aspects, interior details that are changeable to create a more personal or distinguished branded environment.

Abstracta Design Stories – 06

1. What’s the best thing about this product? It’s a flexible storage system. The user can personalise Arctic in many ways. The product is suitable for both offices and homes. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? Arctic is one of the first products without knobs. At the time of its design it was a bit of a challenge to find a functional push-click solution.


3. What characterises a great workspace? Today flexibility is the key. Functional products are important as well as storage solutions.

07 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.2 Storage for all spaces Product. Arctic Production Year. 2005 Designer. Rolf Fransson

Most of us cannot locate the space we want, or think we need. Good storage is crucial to keep stuff organised, but we also require that the storage itself suit our surroundings. With its own expressive form and functional interiors Arctic is the solution many are looking for. What characterises the Arctic series is the sleek design and its ability to adapt to any space or needs. Rolf Fransson says he has always had a fondness for clean and straight lines. Artic quickly became a suc‑ cess with its clean style, without knobs or unnecessary details. The product was one of the first high gloss storage furniture of its kind and was breaking new ground when it was introduced.

På många arbetsplatser och i många hem råder det brist på plats. Olika förvar‑ ingsmöjligheter är viktiga för att hålla saker organiserade, men samtidigt vill vi att förvaringsmöbelns uttryck passar in i vår omgivning. Med ett eget stilfullt uttryck och en funktionell interiör är Arctic lösningen många söker. Arctic kännetecknas av sin eleganta design och förmåga att anpassa sig till olika utrymmen och behov. Rolf Fransson säger själv att han alltid haft en förkärlek för rena och raka linjer. Arctic blev snabbt en succé med sin rena stil, utan vare sig handtag eller onödiga detaljer. Och som en av de första högblanka förvar‑ ingsmöblerna var Arctic banbrytande inom sin genre när den introducerades.

Abstracta Design Stories – 08

STORY No.3 One thing led to another Product. DoReMi / Alumi Production Year. 2005 / 2007 Designer. Nina Jobs

In 2005 Nina Jobs designed the popular sound absorbing screen collection DoReMi. Nina works with simple forms, but always with a twist. In DoReMi she softens the tight shape by working with simple and beautiful relief patterns on the felt. It can be used as a freestanding solitaire or be connected to screen off a larger area. The flexibility of the screen combined with its technical features make the screen extremely versatile and suitable for a variety of interiors. In fact, Abstracta was so satisfied with the system they designed a new one, based on the same principal. The new system had a lightweight and solid aluminium framework and was called Alumi. When Alumi was first introduced, people were fascinated by the clean, simple shape and the fact that you could use it on floors, walls or tables. Next came the revolutionary Alumi combi, the first and only mobile screen that is both sound absorbing and used as a writing board or screen.

Under 2005 designade Nina Jobs den populära ljudabsorberande skärmkollek‑ tionen DoReMi. Nina arbetar med enkla former men gärna med en tvist. I DoReMi mjukar hon upp den strama formen genom att arbeta med stilrena och vackra reliefmönster på filten. Skärmen kan användas som en fristående solitär eller kopplas ihop för att avskärma en större yta. Dess flexibilitet i kombination med dess tekniska egenskaper gör skärmen extremt mångsidig och lämplig för många olika miljöer. Abstracta var så nöjda med systemet att de i samarbete med Nina Jobs utformade ett nytt system baserat på samma princip. Det nya systemet har en lätt och solid aluminiumram och kom att heta Alumi. När Alumi lanserades fascinerades man av dess rena och enkla design som kunde användas på golv, väggar eller bord. Senare introducerades den revolutionära Alumi kombi, den första och enda mobila skärmen som både är ljudabsorberande och kan användas som en skrivtavla eller filmduk.

09 – Abstracta Design Stories

1. What’s the best thing about this product? The balance between functionality and design. It is an elaborate product that can be easily integrated into many contexts. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? Alumi/DoReMi has has been refined in detail throughout the years, to work on the market. The various felt reliefs strengthen both its design and sound absorb‑ tion. I’ve been working closely with suppliers and many ideas have been worked out on the industrial floor. Teamwork is the key to achieving great products!


3. What characterises a great workspace? Balance. People make the place, interior design support and help during the work.

Abstracta Design Stories – 10

1. What’s the best thing about this product? It allows users to quickly and effectively change their environment, both soni‑ cally and visually. Even if the product is used in many places, the formation may vary almost indefinitely. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? The product was developed based on a need for suspended shielding and noise reduction. The Airflake’s blade pattern came first. From the beginning, each unit consisted of a smaller triangle, six pieces created what is now one Airflake.


3. What characterises a great workspace? A great workspace is characterised by well-designed spaces and products that add energy which make people perform and feel good.

11 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.4 Creating sound absorbing art Product. Airflake / Aircone Production Year. 2007 / 2012 Designer. Stefan Borselius

One of Abstracta’s main product groups is sound absorbing design. But why are sound absorbers always designed for usage on floors, desks or walls? In 2006 designer Stefan Borselius came up with an idea to form the sound absorbers in a new creative way. The solution requires neither floor or wall space; it can be hung from the ceiling. In modern times it can be hard to find large office spaces, so this becomes a highly relevant solution. Airflake is a sound absorbing modular screen system built around the shape of a hexagon. The modules come in a variety of designs and colours, which can be freely combined and are assembled together using small plastic clips. The successful first version was followed by yet another of Stefan’s designs in 2012. The refined result was Aircone, built on the same principle but with a more graphical expression. The patterns formed by combining several modules can be varied in an infinite number of creative ways.

En av Abstractas största produktgrupper är ljudabsorberande design. Men varför är produkterna alltid utformade för att stå på golv, bord eller hängas på väggar? Under 2006 presenterade designern Stefan Borselius en idé som gick ut på att använda ljudabsorbenter på ett nytt och kreativt sätt. Lösningen kräver varken golv eller väggyta, utan kan istället hängas direkt från taket. I dagens samhälle är det oftast svårt att få tag på stora kontorsytor, därför är Airflake en passande lösning. Airflake är ett ljudabsorberande skärmsystem byggt på moduler, uppbyggd kring formen av en hexagon. Modulerna finns i en mängd olika mönster och färger, som kan kombineras fritt och monteras med hjälp av små plastclips. Efter den succéartade första versionen återvände Stefan 2012 med ännu en idé om hur produkten kunde utvecklas och raffineras. Resultatet blev Aircone, byggt på samma princip men med ett mer grafiskt intryck. De mönster som bildas genom att kombinera flera moduler kan varieras på ett oändligt antal kreativa sätt.

Abstracta Design Stories – 12

1. What’s the best thing about this product? Mobi combines two products - a partition and a worksurface - into one mobile product that can be easily assembled on-site. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? There were some unexpected structural challenges during the development phase which required additional reinforcement of the product to meet the strict Swedish furniture testing standards.


3. What characterises a great workspace? Great workspaces are characterised by flexibility – the possibility to adapt the workspace to different work needs and styles.

13 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.5 Temporary / Contemporary workspaces Product. Mobi Production Year. 2010 Designer. Andrea Ruggiero

In offices, where people and things are gathered in one multifunctional space, solutions have to be innovative. In these spaces it is usually the furniture and its distribution that define the different functions. Abstracta and designer Andrea Ruggiero looked beyond traditional methods of office planning and stretched their imaginations to identify routines in a modern workspace. Mobi is a flexible workstation that allows the users to customise their workspace to suit different needs. With a simple desk and sound absorbing wall you can easily set up differ‑ ent constellations for working in groups or individually.

På kontor där människor, möbler och saker är samlade på multifunktionella ytor, måste lösningarna vara innovativa. I dessa utrymmen är det oftast möblerna och deras fördelning som definierar de olika användningsområdena. Abstracta och designern Andrea Ruggiero såg bortom traditionell kontorsplanering och tänkte utanför ramarna för att identifiera behoven på moderna arbetsplatser. Resultatet är Mobi – en flexibel arbetsstation som låter användaren anpassa sin arbetsyta för olika behov. Med ett enkelt skrivbord och en ljudabsorberande vägg kan du placera Mobi i olika konstellationer, antingen för att arbeta i grupp eller individuellt.

Abstracta Design Stories – 14

1. What’s the best thing about this product? It screens off without shutting out. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? Expanded metal is used in many different environments, often in rather harsh environments where it needs to endure a lot, such as stairs, bus shelters, grills and the like. My challenge was to bring such a material into more sophisticated environments.


3. What characterises a great workspace? Everyone can probably relate to poor working environments, but one might not always be thinking of it when it is really good, maybe it is just there as a feeling in the background, it just feels great!

15 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.6 Inspired by the Scandinavian climate Product. Frost Production Year. 2010 Designer. Stefan Borselius

When developing Frost partition the aim was to create a simple piece of furniture with a clear function that works in most environments. The result was a stable, fireproof piece of furniture, yet still movable. The flocculation on the surface of the screen gives the appearance of frost, hence the name. “The inspiration came from the Scandinavian climate,” says designer Stefan Borselius. “There is something special with rime. I have managed to carry over the same brittle feel‑ ing to Frost, in close cooperation with the Abstracta design team.” The contrast between the flocculation, which provides a visually smooth surface, and the hard material of the body gives the product an exciting expression. Different results can be achieved depending on how Frost is positioned. The screen can be posi‑ tioned so that the lattice goes up or down, creating different effects. This means Frost can be used in many ways, such as in office environments, as partitions in corridors, in cafes or schools.

Skiljeväggen Frost designades i syfte att skapa en enkel möbel med en tydlig funktion och karaktär som fungerar i många miljöer. Resultatet blev en stabil, brandsäker möbel som går att flytta runt. Fiberbeläggningen på ytan av skärmen ger intrycket av frost, därav namnet. “Inspirationen kom från det skandinaviska klimatet”, säger formgivaren Stefan Borselius. “Det är något speciellt med rimfrost. I nära samarbete med Abstractas designteam, har jag lyckats överföra samma spröda känsla i produkten Frost”. Kontrasten mellan fiberbeläggningen, som ger en visuellt sammetslen yta, mot det hårda materia‑ let i stommen ger produkten ett spännande uttryck. Olika resultat kan uppnås beroende på hur Frost‑skärmarna är placerade i förhållande till varandra. Skärmen kan placeras så att gittret går upp eller ner, vilket skapar olika effek‑ ter. Frost kan användas i många olika miljöer så som på kontor, kaféer, skolor eller som skiljeväggar i korridorer.

Abstracta Design Stories – 16

STORY No.7 Three in one Product. Window Production Year. 2010 Designer. Jonas Forsman

Window is a wall mounted magazine display that works as a sound absorber, or, a sound absorber that works as a magazine display. Jonas Forman got the inspiration for this product, from the different facades he saw, when he looked out the window of his office. The many levels created, proved to break the sound excellent. The modular design allows Window units to be configured as needed and it also works as a room divider. Several pieces in a row provide both visual and acoustical shielding.

Window är ett väggmonterat tidningsställ som fungerar som ljudabsorbent eller om du så vill, en ljudabsorbent som fungerar som ett tidningsställ. Jonas Forman fick inspiration till denna produkt från de olika fasaderna han såg när han tittade ut genom fönstret på sitt kontor. De många olika nivåerna som skapades visade sig även bryta ljudet utmärkt. Den modulära designen gör att Windows enheter enkelt anpassas efter behov. Formatet på designen gör även att produkten fungerar som rumsavdelare. Flera enheter i rad ger både en visuell och akustisk avskärmning.

17 – Abstracta Design Stories

1. What’s the best thing about this product? The combination of two functions that fill a common need. Sound absorb‑ tion is needed in places where you have to be able relax. You get relaxation and inspiration through information, for example from magazines. The sound absorbing magazine display is a natural solution. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? The challenge was to mold the sound absorbing felt in the angled shapes we wanted. A close collaboration with suppliers and numerous attempts with various materials led to success.


3. What characterises a great workspace? The combination between activity and contemplation. Active products that stimulate collaboration must exist together with relaxing environments where reflection and personal focus is at centre. This often requires flexible solutions that can be adapted to the needs of the moment.

Abstracta Design Stories – 18

1. What’s the best thing about this product? Sketchalot can be carried to any room, and due to its soft Polyurethane edges it can be placed against any wall without leaving scratches. It allows you to create endless walls to sketch on. Great ideas need great spaces to come alive. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? The hardest thing was creating a unique and functional edge. Whiteboards are normally characterised by a simple aluminium edge that can dent or scratch. We went to great lengths to find a technique to cut the rounded corners, which are unique to Sketchalot.


3. What characterises a great workspace? Great workspaces contain four crucial elements: Enough room to be mobile, workspaces relating to the function of the room, no interfering technology or features, flexible space moving with activity.

19 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.8 Spontaneous sketching Product. Sketchalot Production Year. 2010 Designer. Eelco Voogd

The modern workspace should be a room for spontaneity and creativity. Designer Eelco Voogd’s desire was to create flexible and creative spaces designed for any room ignoring wall materials and building regulations. He explains that in his daily work, he has been to many spontaneous meetings where he wanted to draw his ideas, but did not have access to any writing surface. Sketchalot is the world’s first and only modular whiteboard panel that requires no permanent attachment to the walls or glass surfaces. Sketchalot provides a space for visualising ideas, processes and results in small or large groups. The construction simply leans against the wall, making it very flexible and easy to remove and store in a pile when not in use. The whiteboard panel uses the wall area sufficiently and since it is very thin you can place it on spots where other furniture would not fit. As a result you are able to utilise leftover spaces, saving precious office area.

På en modern arbetsplats ska det finnas rum för spontanitet och kreativitet. Designern Eelco Voogds önskan var att skapa flexibla och kreativa utrymmen avsedda för alla rum, oavsett väggmaterial och byggnormer. Han förklarar att han i sitt dagliga arbete varit på allt för många spontana möten där han velat rita upp sina idéer men inte haft tillgång till någon yta att skriva på. Sketchalot är världens första och enda modulära whiteboardtavla som inte kräver någon permanent fastsättning i varken vägg eller på glasytor. Sketchalot ger utrymme för att visualisera idéer, processer och resultat i små eller stora grupper. Konstruktionen lutar mot väggen, vilket gör den flexibel och lätt att ta bort och förvara staplad när den inte används. Whiteboardpanelen utnyttjar väggytan maximalt och eftersom den är väldigt tunn kan den placeras på platser där andra möbler inte får plats, vilket sparar värdefull kontorsyta.

Abstracta Design Stories – 20

STORY No.9 Making new classics out of old ones Product. Triline / Bits Production Year. 2010 / 2012 Designer. Anya Sebton

Since Anya Sebton’s designs can be recognised by a strong graphic expres‑ sion and clever details, she was asked to develop a new version of Softline – the result was Triline. She used the Softline’s good acoustic properties and created a new floor and wall‑absorbent design. The triangular shape on the screen does not only ensure that the aesthetics is kept, but also hinders the sound waves to bounce straight back, thus working as a good sound absorbent. This is becoming an increasingly crucial issue to solve in public spaces. Since Triline was a given success, Anya developed an additional wall absorbing design, following the same guidelines. The new innovative product Bits Wall is yet another example of a wall absorber that keeps very high standard both aesthetically and functionally. The user’s creativity is triggered by the ability to create beautiful pattern formations.

Anya Sebtons formspråk kännetecknas av ett starkt grafiskt uttryck med genom‑ tänkta och finurliga detaljer. Abstracta gav henne därför uppgiften att skapa en ny version av Softline. Resultatet blev Triline. Anya använde Softlines goda akustiska egenskaper och skapade en ny golv‑ och väggabsorbent. Trilines skärm har en förskjuten triangulär form. Designen håller inte bara hög estetisk nivå, utan hindrar även ljudvågorna från att studsa tillbaka. Detta gör produkten till en utmärkt ljudabsorbent; en egenskap som blir allt mer väsentlig för offentliga platser. Triline blev en given succé och 2012 utvecklade Anya ytterligare en ljudabsorberande vägg i samma anda. Den nya produkten Bits Wall är ännu ett exempel på en väggabsorbent som håller väldigt hög standard. Den är både estetisk och funktionell, samtidigt som den triggar användarens kreativitet genom de många möjligheterna att skapa vackra mönsterformationer.

21 – Abstracta Design Stories

1. What’s the best thing about this product? By creating sound absorbing wall absorbers with angled shapes, an aestheti‑ cal expression as well as extra cushioning is achieved. The wall absorbers offer huge formation variations where both symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes can be created. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? The choice of material in these products takes inspiration from the car indus‑ try, which has worked with moulded polyester fiber for many years, amongst other things, as sound absorbing material used in the engine room of cars.


3. What characterises a great workspace? A great workspace is characterised by functionality and aesthetics that allow users to form creative rooms.

Abstracta Design Stories – 22

1. What’s the best thing about this product? The best thing about No. 216 is the poetry and storytelling that is embed‑ ded within the design. The cabinet visualises the background, definition and uniqueness of the A4 paper that we use every day. It makes the product easy to talk about but also functional and fun. And isn’t that what design is all about; combining poetry with functionality, and creating forms and expressions from thoughts and ideas? 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? The cabinet has a secret space, not obvious at first glance!


3. What characterises a great workspace? For creative work, a great workspace should be made as a personal expression of your identity and ambition, as both an individual and company.

23 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.10 Visualising mathematics Product. No. 216 for Voice Production Year. 2011 Designer. Jesper Ståhl

The ISO-216 standard defines the unique proportions and size of an A4 paper sheet, where dividing the surface lengthwise gives a surface half the size but with the same proportions – a property that was discovered by early mathematicians. Designer Jesper Ståhl based his playful sideboard on this formula. With doors in different shades, a body of ash veneer is placed as it is on two trestles, the furni‑ ture becomes a sculpture that visualises classic mathematics and yet flirts with the Nordic nature. This is a high standard design fitted to the needs of a modern office or home.

Standarden ISO-216 definierar proportionerna och storleken på ett A4 pappersark. När ytan divideras på längden ger det en yta som är hälften så stor, men med samma proportioner. Detta är proportioner som upptäcktes av tidiga matematiker. Designer Jesper Ståhl har baserat sin design av skåpet utifrån denna formel. Genom att färgsätta skåpets dörrar i olika nyanser förtydligas konceptet ytterligare. Möbeln är placerad på två bockar i ask och bildar en skulptur som visualiserar klassisk matematik samtidigt som den flirtar med den nordiska naturen. Detta är en produkt med stark integritet som är anpassad för moderna kontor och hem.

Abstracta Design Stories – 24

STORY No.11 Show off what you want, hide the rest Product. No.5 for Voice Production Year. 2012 Designer. Jesper Ståhl

In modern spaces people tend to hide functional items and show off the things they like visually. No.5 is a flexible storage system that can easily add a per‑ sonal touch to a room. Objects of the user’s own choice can be displayed in the open, and even be accentuated by different veneers or colours – and the rest can still be stored behind closed doors. The whole system is based around a basic formula were everything is held together by the proportions in √5 – it can be built and re‑built in many different ways.

Människor brukar ofta vilja dölja funktionella objekt och visa upp saker de tycker om. No.5 är ett flexibelt förvaringssystem som uppmuntrar till en personlig touch i rummet. Användaren kan själv välja vilka objekt som ska visas upp, samt accentuera dessa med olika faner och färger. De övriga föremålen kan förvaras bakom stängda dörrar. Systemet är uppbyggt kring en grundläggande formel där allt hålls samman av proportionerna i √ 5. Detta gör att produktserien kan utökas och flyttas om på en rad olika sätt.

25 – Abstracta Design Stories

1. What’s the best thing about this product? The essence is that of modularity and personality; select your modules to create the storage you need, large or small, coloured or wooden back, on the wall, on the floor or elsewhere. Then organise them, reorganise, add or divide, all accord‑ ing to your changing needs over time. Thanks to the underlying geometry and magic connected to the number five, the harmony of proportions is maintained. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? One strong characteristic of the system is the straightforward connecting solu‑ tions placed in the very centre of the wall of each module. In the beginning this detail was in brass to make it even a stronger statement, but in the end we went for the more subtle natural coloured aluminium.


3. What characterises a great workspace? Storage is an essential part of your workspace, whether your needs are large or small. Long term or quick changes, things to be on display or hidden away. This calls for a flexibility and adaptability. To create a great workspace, the tools and space around you should be adaptable to you rather than the opposite.

Abstracta Design Stories – 26

STORY No.12 When function and form becomes one Product. Loop Production Year. 2012 Designer. Anya Sebton

The ultimate challenge is to find a solution that works in its own simplicity. Loop is an example of how a product as such looks and functions. It has a screen with an irregular shape, which not only produces an aesthetically attractive look, but also effectively blocks sound waves. This gives Loop excellent sound absorbing proper‑ ties. Loop offers many possibilities for varying the design; the fabric elements can easily be removed and replaced, for example with a different coloured material. The lines of fabric can also be arranged in a vertical or horizontal pattern, depend‑ ing on how the bars of the frame are positioned. Loop has its own unique expression and can add aesthetical value to any office space.

Den ultimata utmaningen är att hitta både enkla och välfungerande lösningar. Loop är en produkt där man lyckats med detta. Loop består av en skärm med en oregelbunden form. Denna konstruktion är inte bara estetiskt tilltalande, utan blockerar även ljudvågor på ett väldigt effektivt sätt. Produktens design erbjuder en rad olika variationsmöjligheter. Tygkanalerna kan enkelt tas bort och bytas ut, de kan dessutom anordnas i ett vertikalt eller horisontellt mönster, beroende på hur stängerna i ramen är placerade. Med sitt egna och unika uttryck, adderar Loop estetiska värden till vilket kontor som helst.

27 – Abstracta Design Stories

1. What’s the best thing about this product? Loop is a playful screen system that offers users possible creative combinations. The fabric elements can easily be removed and replaced, for example with a differ‑ ent coloured material, and they can be arranged in a vertical or horizontal pattern. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? Loop is a product directly inspired by the Swedish tradition of carpet weaving.


3. What characterises a great workspace? A great workspace is characterised by functionality and aesthetics that allow users to form creative rooms.

Abstracta Design Stories – 28

1. What’s the best thing about this product? Meet is a simple and intuitive product that encourages impromptu meetings between people, and it serves several needs in one. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? The product is a result of an analysis about how we are expected to work in the future. It was developed due to the need of it at our own office. We also wanted this product to have its own character, as a little “Pac-Man on wheels”.


3. What characterises a great workspace? Great workspaces are characterised by a joyful and dynamic atmosphere as well as freedom of action. Functionally a great workspace provides one with obvious needs as ergonomics, acoustics, etc.

29 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.13 Meet ”Meet” Product. Meet Production Year. 2012 Designer. Daniel Lavonius Jarefeldt, Johanna Munck af Rosenschöld, Josef Zetterman

Designed to promote teamwork and encourage people to hold impromptu meet‑ ings, Meet is a combined mobile seating unit and storage. The product is easily manoeuvrable, allowing users to simply wheel their Meet to wherever they need it for. This includes sitting together in a temporary working group, work on a colleague’s computer, or sit down and chat over a cup of coffee in the staff room. To serve a practical purpose in the modern office, it contains two rubbish bin holders, which can easily be reached via the folding seat. The seat is fitted with a detachable, upholstered cushion and is covered with fabric.

Meet är en mobil sittenhet som även fungerar som ett lagringsutrymme. Tanken med produkten är att uppmuntra till improviserade möten samt att underlätta grupparbeten. Produkten är lätt att manövrera. Användaren rullar helt enkelt sin Meet till den plats den behövs för stunden. Kanske för att sitta tillsammans i en tillfällig arbetsgrupp, för att sitta och arbeta bredvid en kollega, eller för att sitta ner och prata över en kopp kaffe i personalrummet. Meet har även den praktiska funktionen att den innehåller två behållare som antingen kan användas som förvaring eller papperskorg. Behållarna kan lätt nås tack vare det fällbara sätet. Sitsen är försedd med en löstagbar, stoppad dyna med ett tygöverdrag.

Abstracta Design Stories – 30

1. What’s the best thing about this product? Plaid is a unique sound absorber based on a pressed felt module that can be hung, draped or mounted on tables. The product has a light and simple con‑ struction resulting in a humanistic product with refined details. 2. Tell us something we didn’t already know about the design process? We approached the project by looking at other areas where acoustics in big open-plan spaces is a problem. We realised that factories in general have the same problems as offices – big spaces with machines and people making a lot of noise. In industrial spaces they solve the problem by using something called noise curtains, which is textile modules hung, put on walls and/or draped over machines to reduce noise. We thought this was an excellent solution and devel‑ oped it further, with the result being the Plaid system.


3. What characterises a great workspace? How you combine formal and informal space – most ideas come up during infor‑ mal talks! We believe that spaces should be planned to encourage creativity.

31 – Abstracta Design Stories

STORY No.14 Welcome Plaid! Product. Plaid Production Year. 2012 Designer. Form Us With Love

In 2012 Abstracta started collaborating with Form Us With Love design studio, which resulted in Abstracta’s newest product – the room divider Plaid. Modern workspaces move towards more open‑plan and temporary spaces, and these types of offices call for new room dividers that are both attractive and sound absorbent. Plaid is a blanket‑type sound absorber that can be suspended, draped or mounted, all depending on the changing needs of an office and its workers. The playful sound absorber has an array of different structures it can interact with: it can be folded over a metal bracket between desks, or it can be suspended on wires from the ceiling. It can even create an enclosed structure, like a small house, again, made up of metal brackets, and several Plaids forming the roof.

Under 2012 inledde Abstracta ett samarbete med designstudion Form Us With Love. Samarbetet resulterade i rumsavdelaren Plaid, vilken är Abstractas senaste produkt. Idag blir våra arbetsytor öppnare i sin planlösning. Därmed finns ett allt större behov av attraktiva och ljudabsorberande rumsavdelare för att kunna skapa tillfälliga och flexibla utrymmen. Plaid är en ljuddämpare som kan monteras som bordsskärm, hängas från taket eller monteras på ett golvstativ. Produkten kan på så sätt anpassas efter varje kontors eller användares behov. Denna lekfulla produkt kan även skapa en sluten struktur, som ett litet hus för tillfälliga möten eller avslappning.

Abstracta AB Lammengatan 2 Box 75, 360 30 Lammhult Phone +46 472 26 96 00 Fax +46 472 26 96 01

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