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celebrate with us!
We've been together for 10 years! On #GivingTuesdayNow, we want to celebrate our anniversary by inviting our friends and family to join us in supporting 10 organizations we’ve chosen to represent the last 10 years of our coupling.
what are we inviting you to do?
We are donating $10 to each organization we've selected and ask: If you are able, select one (or more) of the orgs and give $10 on Giving Tuesday AND/OR Share this post or share one of the orgs that stands out to you as doing great work
Family Pick
March for Black Womxn SD
March for Black Womxn San Diego March for Black Womxn is a collective protest to amplify the struggles of Black about: womxn and lift the foot of imperialist white supremacist patriarchy off our necks. Locally the following demands were made: bit.ly/m4bwdemands why we support:
As accomplices in the movement we recognize and commit to dismantling systems of oppression that actively work against Black bodies, especially Black Trans women, and all Black Womxn. Sharing this message is a part of acknowledging these systems. Donating builds economic justice for those who are oppressed.
March for Black Womxn San Diego
we are updating this link :)
learn more:
Family Pick
The Brown Building
The Brown Building about: why we support:
Create a safe gathering space for community building, promoting wellness, and advancing social justice principles.
Community programming spaces are for POC and LGBTQ+ folx are rare. Even more rare that they are in non-bar spaces and within communities of color. It is important to protect this resource so, when it is safe, our communities can continue to gather and organize.
The Brown Building
bit.ly/bambrown learn more:
Family Pick
Lifelong about:
Building on our longstanding commitment to those living with HIV, Lifelong ensures vulnerable and marginalized people thrive by eliminating barriers to health + wellness.
In addition to being one of why we Mama's Kitchen's sister support: organizations, we've both have participated in various programs offered by Lifelong. In college, Ben served as a Peer Educator for the Mpowerment Project where they did peer-to-peer outreach and education empowering queer youth to make positive and healthier choices about sex and drug use.
Lifelong donate:
bit.ly/bamlifelong learn more:
Family Pick
San Diego
San Diego Pride about: why we support:
Fostering pride, equality, and respect for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities locally, nationally, and globally.
Our involvement with San Diego Pride has brought us closer to our community and our chosen family. Pride's education and advocacy work for the LGBTQ+ community can and must continue with our time, talent, and treasure.
San Diego Pride donate:
sdpride.org/tuesday learn more:
Ben's Pick
Project TRANS
Project TRANS about:
Project TRANS (Transgender Referrals, Assistance, Networking and Services) offers discussion groups, behavioral health services, HIV prevention services, youth services and more.
why i I'm consistently awemazed by the work that comes out of Project support: TRANS. With legends like Connor
Maddocks laying the groundwork, I've seen Deja and Naya soar with their programming and community building. From discussion groups to various health services what can't Project TRANS do?! I couldn't be happier to support this outstanding Center program!
Project TRANS donate:
Select Project Trans from dropdown
learn more:
Ben's Pick
Student Promoted Access Center for Education & Service
Student Promoted Access Center for Education & Service
The only remaining student-run studentinitiated center in the country, SPACES about: serves communities on and off campus from underrepresented and underserved communities with the goal of achieving greater educational equity. why i support:
I have the privilege of being an advisor in this center and wow... the incredible work of these students is EVERYTHING! They serve their communities with care and compassion. They also challenge institutions of higher education to examine and unpack what it really means to be "student centered".
Student Promoted Access Center for Education & Service
bit.ly/bamspaces learn more: spaces.ucsd.edu
Ben's Pick
Bridge of Life
Bridge of Life Bridge works to strengthen healthcare about: globally through sustainable programs that prevent and treat chronic disease. They envision a world where all human beings have access to quality healthcare.
My dad utilized dialysis services in the why i years leading up to his passing. During support: the time of COVID-19, folks with
chronic illnesses and compromised immune systems are the most vulnerable in our community. I can only imagine the challenge in navigating caring for a sick loved one right now. If I can make the burden even just a bit easier I want to do what I can. Please help me in doing the same.
Bridge of Life donate:
bit.ly/bambridge learn more:
Mark's Pick
Mama's Kitchen
Mama's Kitchen about: why i support:
Mama's Kitchen's nutrition services improve the lives of people vulnerable to hunger due to HIV, cancer, or other critical illnesses.
With a thirty year history of serving our community, I am honored to serve as the Director of Volunteer Engagement for Mama's. Every day I get to see volunteers and staff come together to share love and meet the needs of critically-ill San Diegans.
Mama's Kitchen donate:
bit.ly/bammamas learn more:
Mark's Pick
Lambda Archives of San Diego
Lambda Archives of San Diego about:
Collecting, Preserving, and Sharing the LGBTQ+ history of San Diego
why i support:
As a community archive, Lambda Archives ensures that the many stories of queer life in the San Diego region are told BY our community and that they are collected and preserved FOR our community.
Lambda Archives of San Diego
bit.ly/bamlambda learn more:
Mark's Pick
Love Affair
Love Affair
Love Affair is a queer dance party and fundraiser that centers and about: celebrates trans, POC, and femme members of San Diego's queer community. why i support:
In addition to being an awesome, inclusive queer dance party in a traditionally heternormative space, Love Affair is a mutual aid project that redistributes wealth within our communities with a focus on trans folx, BIPOC, and people with disabilities.
Love Affair donate:
Venmo: LoveAffairSD learn more:
Donut's Pick
Second Chance Dog Rescue
Second Chance Dog Rescue SCDR rescues, rehabilitates and about: re-homes dogs, from local shelters, as well as dogs surrendered by their owners for various reasons. why i support:
Before Second Chance I had a RUFF life. SCDR gave me a nice TREAT on my journey before moving into my PAWlace with my FURR-ever family. They still DONUT seem to get that I am in charge here and that trash is gold but I love them anyway.
Second Chance Dog Rescue
bit.ly/bam2chance learn more:
Tha nk y o u Ben, Mar k Donu t!
PS: we love you
from and