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high performance stre tch film High Performance Hand Wrap Film provides a Superior Solution to your Difficult Applications, with substantial cost savings per load! •S uperior load retaining force – Firmly secures product, even under rugged transit conditions. •W orks on all types of loads – Easily handles difficult loads that are not uniform with the pallet, or loads with an incomplete top layer or protruding slip sheets. • “ Stiff” formulation – High strength film offers defined “feel” for tension controlled application. •R esists film width “neckdown” – Highly resistant to becoming narrow as it is tensioned, potentially reducing the number of total wraps required. •B lown formulation is resistant to puncturing and tearing – Works well when tensioned, without breaking. •S uperior cling – two side cling allows tail to be positively secured after wrap. •L ight weight rolls – Downgauging film means lighter weight rolls, reducing operator stress. •N o “special” wrapping technique required – Usable by most operators without need for special training. •S ubstantial cost savings per load – Increased film strength and lighter gauge film means secured loads at costs ranging from 2540% below conventional films. additional FEATURES of pre-stretched film: mechanically Pre-Stretched • Folded Outside Edges • Low Gauge, Light-Weight Rolls additional BENEFITS of pre-stretched film: Improves yield vs. hand-stretching • Allows faster and easier wrapping with no loss of load containment • Reduces “neck-down” during wrapping, providing full use of Continued commitment to the film’s width • Prevents roll damage and waste • Provides easier handling and more linear footage than most standard film rolls
1290 Metropolitan Ave Brooklyn NY, 11237
Please visit our extensive website at:
Phone: 718-417-1116 Fax: 718-417-3348