Live Longer or Die Trying The Path to Hacking Your Biology By Julie Orlova If you have committed to a meditative technique, if experimenting with your diet is part of your daily routine, if you take supplements – you can consider yourself a biohacker. Usually associated with Silicon Valley and tech CEOs, biohacking describes a range of techniques one may apply to get the most out of the body and mind. In the ranks of people who have popularised biohacking, there are many startuppers, entrepreneurs, and innovative thinkers. On the one hand, the creation of alternative techniques opens up opportunities for a dialogue about the human body and its capabilities and gives people
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control over their bodies. On the other hand, biohacking zealots often have zero medical or scientific background; they rely only on personal experiments as well as privileges and resources that not everybody has. Veronika Allister is a behavioural economist and co-founder of the biohacking community Code of Life. She tells us about her journey to the hacked body and mind and helps to shed light on ways to implement sustainable biohacking in your life.