Meeting in the Void - Booklet presentation

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Analysis Ideas Concept Project Buildings In 30 years


the city of BArcelona City Population: 1,620,809 Urban Population: 4,840,000 Metropolitan population: 5,474,482 Area: 101.4 km2 Metropolitan area: 4,268 km2 Density: 16,000/km2 Metropolitan density: 1,250/km2

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weather conditions Since the city is on the coastline, the weather conditions are important to have in mind. We can see that the more rainy seasons are in spring and autumn. The hotest days are in July and August. In design shadow and a shelter from the rain and sun is necessary.

topography Barcelona is located on a river bank on the Mediterranean coastline. The city sits between the sea on one side and hills and mountains on the other. This is a way to orientate in the city’s grid, what is towars the mountains and what is towards the sea.

population density We can see some differences in the population density, the plot is located in a medium dense part. building mass The city is really dense and homogeneous, but we can spot a difference between the south west and the north east were the plot is located. The is a lot of void in our area, potential for the future design.

road system The grid of the city makes it really easy to access easily any points of the city. But we still can notice some main roads, cutting the grid in diagonal, vertical and horizontal. The plot is near 2 of these main arteries.

District: Sant Marti District population: 221,029 Distrtict area: 108 km2 Density: 20,426/km2 The district has the second most inhabitnts in the districts of Baccelona. The district hosts 16 % of unemployed in Barcelona and 18 % of foreigns in the city. 25 % of the population in the district does not have an education or only has primary education

Landuse We wanted to identify the landuse in the area we are working in order to understand the atmosphere and existing functions. In this way we might be able to choose correctly the new functions the project will provide the area with. We found that the plot is in the middle of a more industrial area.

commersial area institutional area industrial area park area high density residential buildings low density residental buildings

Full block residential buildings.

High-density residential blocks

Low-density residential blocks

Industrial blocks

Building typology The newer part of the city of Barcelona is planned after a strict grid with blocks or “apples”. In Sant Marti we can see clearly that the strict grid with the “apples” are disolving, becoming less and less strict.

variety of resturants We plotted the different restaurants to see if the neighborhood was already multicultural. Indeed, the restaurants are a good signal of the presence of different communities. We found that the Asian and Latin American community is already present around the plot. We also noticed that in the plot itself, there is really few restaurants. We would like to densify the restaurant offer in the area, in this way using food as a vector of integration. spanish asian latin-american eastern

variety of culture and arts Looking at the streets of the surrounding of the plot we noticed a lot of street art. We decided to map it and also to look at the existence of cultural and associative centers, art facilities and sport facilities. The program integrate educational and cultural facilities, and after realizing that the area have a strong cultural identity already with the street art, we would like to integrate these elements with the program.

cultural and youth assosication street art sport facilities art facilities

parks and deserted spaces The plot is surrounded by few open qualitative green spaces, which are far from each other’s. We also found in and around the plot a lot of deserted spaces, nude ground or space where buildings were destroyed. These particular spaces are an opportunity to reinvest them as green spaces. Our goal is to mix the nature of the green spaces, creating blurry boundaries between parks, wild greens and community gardens. deserted spaces green parks deserted green

Accessibility The surrounding of the plot is well connected to the rest of the city, with tram lines, buses and also 2 metro stops. The metro stops are maybe a little bit far from the plot to attract a lot of peoples. The plot is connected well to the major road on its top. This road present a big continuous bike line that can be easily connected to the plot. There is also a part of bike line directly next to the plot. tram lines bicycle paths metro lines bus lines


Preservation of heritage The area is consistant of a variety of buildings with a lot a heritage. We want to keep as much as possible these buildings, but renovating them and giving them a new life through new functions. We want to integrate the new buildings with the old.

art, dance, music We found in the analysis that the area is an area with lots of street art, and other cultural facilities. We want to provide a better foundation for artist, muscians, and dansers, and make arts a vector for integration.

Food Since we started from the analysis of resturants in the area we wanted to enhance the already multicultural cousine in the area. We want to provide spaces for resturants, cooking labs, cafees and bars. As a part of the analysis we saw that food is a way of learning about a new culture and can inspire communication.

Green Barcelona and Sant Marti in general has a very fragmented green system. We want to provide more greens to the street. We want to enhance this green by a new park in the middle of the plot.


void in


g n i t e e M Meeting in the void aim to inspire people to meet in the open spaces in the project that each hold a different function. The voids are a part of a pedestrian system on the north-south axes of the site. This axes is crossed by new roads following the existing system.

We hope that this sytem will make people stop and stay in the new voids. By mixing a lot of people and making them cross paths in these voids, we hope to inspire integration and acceptance.


MEETING IN THE VOID The project masterplan aim to inegrate the new buildings to the exisitng ones. We decide to keep a lot of the buildings on the site, this is becuase of economy, heritage and respect. We add buildings to try to integrate the plot in Barcelona’s grid by finishing the ones already started and trying to fit in to the industrial expression of the area.

What we keep

Housing Heritage Industry

What we add

Voids created

Function of voids

Ground floor plans The ground floor plan is planned to be really open, and permable. No ground floor plan is private. The groundfloors will follow the principle mostly used in Barcelona with small stores, restuarants, cafees, bars, offices, and all other different other facilities. The groundfloor functions expand to the outside areas. In this way the voids will refelct the buildings functions. In this way the groundfloor will be experienced really fluent.

Functions The functions of the buildings are arranged after a principle of putting the housing to the extremity and the more public facilities in the centrality of the plot. From the north: The kindergarten i placed here to communicate with the school on the other side of the street and the two activity centers. The civic center with the administration and library have got a really important position as the first thing you see when coming from the city center. The foodmarket is communicating with the park. The productive cluster and the resturant communicate with the cafe and bar square.


Temporary housing

Activity center

Social housing Civic center


Art center


Food market


Social housing

Production cluster Housing Restaurant Student and elderly housing

Voids Here represented by the cafĂŠ and bar square and the internal comestic courtyard.

View from inside the restaurant

Voids Here represented by the main void: the park. The park is fragmented in different spaces by using trees and plants as seperating objects. In the center of the park is a square partially covered by a pavilion and with water mirrors.

View from the pavilion and water fountain the the park

the green strategies There are three different green strategies in the project, one woth bigger green spaces, mostly located in the park. Smaller, square spaces in the domestic courtyards and different size circles as holes in the concrete. The greens can be wild growing plants, planted flowers, trees and grass. Green in the courtyard

Larger green spaces

Green throughout the plot




Trees are in the park both because they absorb CO2 and other pollutants, but also because they can be a physical element to seperate spaces.

The areas with wild growing greens in the park are not accessible, but conribute to remaining the biodiversity in the area. I can be seen as a reservoir for bees and other insects.

Flowers are in the park at different times of the year and can be seen as a display of the urban orchard, but also as a beautiful element in the park.

We want to use Arbutus Unedo and Platanus Occidentalis.

We want to use Ivy, Aloe Vera and Lady Palm.

We want to use orchides and cistus albidus.

the activities in the park The park is a big open space with smaller spaces seperated by trees and taller plants. These spaces have different character and different function. There are places to sit, places to work out and spaces underneath pavilions.

Tools for working out



MATERIALS The materials we use are sand, stone-, concrete- og wooden pavement, soil and grass. We want to use this change in materiality to give a certain feeling to each space, and in this way seperating them from each other. The main paths are all with concrete block pavement giving the overall project an urban feeling. The more intimite spaces change to stone pavement. The central park have sand surfaces to give a cooler and softer expression to give a feeling of relaxation. This is also a good material for children to play.

neighborhood orchards


Productive cluster

the productive cluster The plot where we decided to put the productive cluster is an old industrial place. In memory of this we decided to create a small neigborhood inside the actual neighborhood with a lot of small buildings, shaped like small houses, to create a feeling of unicity

and order in a place with many different offices and creative labs. By enclosing the space from the rest of the city, we want to create this little creative and productive bubble, permitting meetings and exchange between the users.

Ground floor plans offices

First floor plans offices

Section perspective The houses have a toilet and kitchen core, but the rest of the rooms can work. All the buildings have a mezzanine, and big windows to ensure good lighting condition.

View of the internal streets of the productive cluster.


The library has a L-shaped form to create two different spaces. By the entrance the space is more public with newspapers and magazines, spaces for children to play and a multipurpose room. When you enter the other part of the L, you go through security. Here on the ground level you find storage of books and computer spaces, on top you find two mezzanines for reading and studying. The room in itself has a big atrium with indirect light. The top floor has a lot of indirect light and can also have different uses.

Section perspective The section shows how the indirect light arrives all the way to the ground floor. The books are located to the sides to prevent damage from light. The top floor has a higher ceiling.

View of the top floor in the library


Kindergarten voids The kindergarten is based on organic shaped classrooms that in consequence create a big shared space in between the classrooms. This space has level differences to create a landscape for children to play. The walls of the classrooms also has holes, which are voids for the children to explore. These voids and level differences have the scale of the children to make them feel more comfortable. The system is repeated outside with different ground material.

Section persepective

View from inside the kindergarten

THE SOCIAL HOUSING The social housing block has a L-shape to enclose the apple. The vertical access points are in the corners and extremities of the block. The main entrance is in the apple corner, it has duble floors and a big staircase as a monumental entrance. On each floor there is a common space with a kitchen and some study and relaxing spaces. The three different apartments are placed as needed in the straight corridors. They all have toilet cores to make the construction easier. The main concept of the housing block is the corridor. It is a really wode corridor for people to move their life into the corridor, sharing it with others. We hope it will be a meeting space where paths are crossed.

Apartment for six people with three seperate bedrooms and two bathrooms

Apartment for four people with two seperate bedrooms and two bathrooms

Apartment for two people

Facade north

Section perspective The section shows the double height ground floor and the top floor with the roof garden under the structure. Outside in the courtyard the structure can be used as pavilions or as expanding the inside function to the outside.

Adjustable wall THE SOCIAL HOUSING CORRIDOR All the apartments in the social housing block are facing a big outside corridor which we hope will inspire to more communication between neighbors and strangers. The housing block will host all kinds of people from students, to elderly, to imigrants and other inhabitants of Barcelona. These people will deal with privacy in different ways. Since all the apartments are facing this corridor, we want to give the inhabitants a choice of how much of your private life you will share. Therefore we propose an adjustable wall which you can lower or higher according to your own preference. The wall can be adjusted to a height that both prevent people from looking inside, and at the same time will let direct sunlight inside.

View from inside the internal corridor

Student and elderly housing TRANSPARENT, PERMABLE, COLLECTIVE

All the units included in all types of housings in this project are designed to have access to public/semipublic spaces to have the chance to integrate with their environment, and access to natural light as much

as possible. Therefore maximum transparancy and permeability has been taken into account in the design process. The proposed functions also have this collective quality.

Apartment for two people

Two seperate bedrooms with one bathroom

Apartment for four people with two seperate bedrooms and two bathrooms

Room for two people with bathroom

Facade south

View from inside the internal greenhouse

Section perspective The section shows the greenhouse in the corner and the topfloor with the structure already buildt. This will allow the structure to expand to become a solid structure for new apartments. This is a part of our plan for the next thirty years of the development of the project.

In 30 years

Meeting in the void in 30 years Throughout the design process, we took in account the possible evolution of the neighborhood we are working with in Saint Marti. A project cannot be designed any longer without thinking of it’s evolution - a building needs to be prepared to be modified, expanded or deconstructed easily, with a possibility of reuse and recyclment of the materials. In this dynamic, we propose here a new masterplan,

with the possible extension of our concept to the rest of the plot, and even more, a larger part of the surrounding neighboorhod in this district of Barcelona. Some of the voids we find could become plots for new buildings, and our buildings could also grow. The scenario that we decided to work with, is the one of a densification of the population, with more immigrants arriving, and a need for more residential spaces.

Project expansion

evolution of housing blocks The housings blocks and their modular system could easily grow vertically to host more apartments without loosing quality. The existing structures on the top floor, which now is used as a rooftop garden can easily be transformed into a more solid structure, creating a new residential floor.

evolution of the library The evolution of the library consider the change of use in terms of technology. We see a digitialization and libraries used more as study spaces.

evolution of production buildings The productive area with offices and fablab can also be transformed in a residential zone. Here is an exemple of how an office can easily and rapidely become an apartment in colocation, or a family house. The mezzanine brings light to the common space, and each bedroom has access to a window.

Ground floor plan office

First floor plan office

Ground floor plan house

First floor plan house

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