Once upon a time, there was a little blond boy who grew up somewhere in the swiss mountains. Some sort of Heidi… without braids… and with three little brothers… And his real name was actually Benoît, which is unfortunately less catchy. This little boy had a mom who was a little bit of an artist. She would paint, redo his bedroom setup twice a month, and always keep him occupied with a lot of DIY. That is the reason why he decided to take an apprenticeship in banking. Yes, banking. Rather creative for a Swiss, right ? It certainly didn’t match him very well. That’s why he decided to start an Art Direction Bachelor!
L O G O T Y P E S 2014 – 2015
These are some of the logotypes I realised for personnal, school or professionnal projects.
L A C H O C O L A T E R I E 2014
For this school project I needed to create a new visual identity for a top of the range chocolate maker. I also created three packagings for the brand’s creations.
44mm 23.5mm YOUR HIGHNESS est né de la rencontre entre un chocolat noir intense du Brésil et l’infusion du meilleur Earl Grey parfumé à la bergamote de tout le Royaume-Uni.
name of the chocolate saveur Corps 7
Une combinaison à la fois chic et provocante proposée grâce à la sélection pointue des produits les plus fins et prestigieux qu’il soit par nos Maîtres chocolatier.
64mm 17.6mm 5.3mm
M O N T R E P R E S T I G E 2014
I was asked to work with Montres Prestiges (a luxury watches boutique) and Audemars Piguet, the owner, to create a classic but modern greetings card.
M - B U D G E T 2015
I created this book for my cousin diploma’s project. We thought that it would be nice to have a real, illustrated book, to make it more comfortable to read.
B Y R E D O 2015
For this project I had to choose a photographer, a perfumer, two of his fragrances and two of the seven deadly sins to work with. Then I needed to create two ÂŤpress insertÂť executions using these elements. Pictures : RJ Muna Gula = Greed, Acedia = Sloth
H A R V E Y N I C H O L S 2015
For this project I picked my favourite season (spring) and a store of my choice to imagine a campaign. I always liked Harvey Nichols’ communication campaigns...
C A R A N 2015
D ’ A C H E
For this school project, we were asked by Caran D’Ache to create a press campaign for their high-end foutain pen Léman. As a team of five, we searched for a concept, built a model and shoot it, recreating the vibrating feeling of passing one’s inspiration onto the paper.
L O R E T T A 2015
I really appreciate Loretta Lux work. I thought that it would be a good exercise to make some pictures inspirated by hers, yet filled with my own vision.
I N S T A N T S 2014 - 2015
As a Y generation kid, I grew up with the new technologies, and an easiness to take photos, anytime and anywhere. Instead of taking thousands of selfies, I decided to use technology and its devices to immortalize special moments in life.
Find more on : benoitpillet.ch To have a drink : contact@benoitpillet.ch