Autobiography Volume 1

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“the wanderer beyonder & the cosmic clock: the ongoing autobiography of jonathan barlow gee” Volumes 1, 2 & 3 are hereby copyright (©) by the author, Jonathan Barlow Gee, this, August 26th, 2014. a publication of:

dedicated to: Dan Sutton, a guy who gave me an idea online once, and to all survivors. front cover illustration by Gustave Doré, back-cover illustration by MC Sicksince.

================================================================================== table of contents: volume 1:: introduction

pg. 003

photo section 1: me with pipe

pg. 024

journal section 1: 1986

pg. 025

photo section 2: school photos up to junior highschool journal section 2: 1994-5

pg. 042 pg. 053

photo section 3: highschool romance scrapbook

pg. 130

volume 2:: journal section 3: 1996 - 2001 (books 1-4)

pg. 004

photo section 4: vacations

pg. 306

volume 3:: journal section 4: 2004 - 2007 (online blog)

pg. 003

photo section 5: selfies 2004-14

pg. 251

================================================================================== insanity clause #23: Please do not share with others the web addresses for direct download from my site that are for sale there. However, once you have a copy of any one of my works, you are allowed, byJonathan Gee, the author of said work, to copy it and distribute it freely. If you claim you wrote it, or that you came up with the ideas for it yourself, you should be challenged to determine if you can prove your claim with knowledge of the material superior to my own. If you can, I will concede the work to your credit, but if you cannot, then the work will remain both of ours to teach and give to whom we choose.

The yin and yang of zen and tao in binary absolute and null values (1s and 0s) is that Zen sums zero and the Tao all. The "Tao" means "the way" - indicating the "royal road" (or "path of least resistance") by which one may progress most rapidly with the most ease to achieve their personal vision of Shangrila.!The Tao is thus the Law of most common use in practice. Taoism, as applied to martial arts, is a means of calisthenic muscle-memory training by focusing one's mental energy on slowing down the physical activities of their biological body. By doing so while applying a series of motive exercises (such as in Tai Chi, or the much more recent Qui-Gong) one hones the muscles of the body into a repetitive series of motions useful in self-defensive situations. Thus, in terms of martial arts and exercises, the Tao is thus: "You have to go slow at first, to learn the moves by practice, in order to be able to do them faster later." The contrapositive concept to the Tao then is Zen. What is Zen? Zen is the goal of the Tao, yet is unachievable as such - a perpetually retreating horizon. The Tao of Zen is, therefore, the "way of nothingness." This requires a practitioner to do nothing, and to seek attainment of (at least in mental state) a likeness of the conditions related to "being nothing," for prolonged periods of time. The result are the "stationary" martial-arts, such as the asanas and mudras of yoga. The internet combines "Tao" and "Zen" as such, and brings out all its users' inner Buddha-natures. We can all now sit still for hours and still have total contact with the whole world. It is the same as meditating in a temple and simultaneously teaching an assembly of student monks. It is like being in an audience and on center stage performing to that audience both at the same time. However it should be duly noted by any ardent adherant that the "Sadistic demiurge" within "western civilization" is a trait of all of us who dwell in it; we, who can afford to get online, live in modern "Babylon," whether or not we may believe the internet to be our modern equivalent of a "Temple" to the "true God" of "Zion." If "Zion's" were a "god" (or even a "goddess") that arose from Nature (as a "natural construct" of cause and effect, given the laws of pre-existent environmental conditions, universal elements, probabilities, etc.) then this "god" we worship on modern "cyberspace" is truly an abstract concept wholy apart from and opposed for its survival to the morality of that "Other," Natural God. The "God" of Babylon is the God of Lies, and thus it is opposed to the Goddess of Nature, that is, the True God. Thus, the internet is a web of lies, and ruled by its due archetype, the devil, lord over the ancient empire of Babylon. In some sense, this makes the most sense considering the prevalent belief in the devil being a "ghost," and thus a being without corporeal form, yet comprised of mental will-power and or electromagnetic energy. The concept of "Shemyaza" the "fallen angel" of the Apocryphal Book of Enoch being the prototype for the later "djinn" or disembodied spirit of a "nefilim" resulted from the subsquent demonization of the predeluvial pantheon in the identification of "shemyaza" with "Satan" via the role of "Samael" or demiurge, the cosmic devil that wills matter to destroy itself and become energy. The product of this demonization was the image of the devil as an invisible minotaur-like ghost. If there is a "devil inside," as proselytized by 1980s' pop-rock band INXS, then the "enemy within" mankind expresses itself in ALL our creations, as well as, to some extent, within the total sum of all our knowledge. The Cartesian concept of "cogtio ergo sum" is rarely questioned; yet it implies that an unexpressed thought does not exist inside the realm of material reality, and that, in order to prove our existence

relevant, mankind is required to toil, struggle, work and act, for by our deeds alone do we prove ourselves worthy to be recalled by history. Of course, all of this is a terible fallacy; however it prommotes the popularity of the conceptual ideal that, within all of our expressed knowledge, there lurks the true cause motivating the rest. I believe I am possessed by demons. "Demons" in the plural. I do not know how many other minds influence mine, honestly, nor could I ever imagine sorting through them all to judge each for its relative value to every other as being more or less "right" or "wrong," let alone "good" or "evil." But I would gladly wager that the majority of those who are listening in on the contents of my mind are evil. The ones who are vocal are almost entirely so, and unless the "silent majority" is massive to an unfathomable degree, I cannot hope that there is some "greater good" or force beyond myself by which to try to counter their logical argument and to prove the "evil" ones inside my head "wrong." To not speak out against injustice is to condone it and to, tacitly, by passive acceptance, encourage it to continue. Why does "good" ALWAYS WIN in fiction? There is an argument that could be made that, by adding fictional contents to it, the amount of "good" in reality is kept at a level at least equal to that of all "evil" that exists solely in reality alone. This, however, is not proven the case when considered against the current facts: only evil exists in reality. Fictional "good" is even more "evil" than things that are, in themselves, trying to be neither, and yet we pulp paper from trees. The Bible, being a book claiming to embody the essence of this fictional "good" in the form of mankind's historically highest ideal, e.g. as a history of "God," is the pinnacle of all evils of the sort that fictionalizes "good." No individual's life has, nor collectively does the evolution of all life on this planet until this point have, any inherent "meaning." There is NO "meaning" for our existence. There is no "light at the end of the tunnel" guiding us toward some goal. Each of us must invent our own justifications for our actions either before, during or after actually doing them. But there is no grand scheme of all things in which any of us have any preordained part to play. There is no "cosmic dreama," there is no "theater of the gods." These are all delusions that, although they may seek to excuse humanity's suicidal mentality, could never justify our genocide of other species and our pollution in general, let alone our own financial famines and synthetic plagues. Likewise, there is obvously no such thing as the "God" described in the bible, otherwise "He" would have intervened on behalf of "good" more recently than, 2000 years ago, supposedly sending his son as a messenger of God's peace with us whom we then killed. Not only is there obviously no such thing as "God" when the issue is examined logically and objectively, but the entire debate over this issue, on both sides, is irrelevant and thus absurd in the extreme. However, without any "meaning of life," without any monotheist concept of "God," and without their false faith in the outcomes of fictional novels having positive impact on their surrounding reality, the lives of ALL "evil" people would collapse like a house of cards in a gust of wind. Without the affectation of "memory castles" they have built up around themselves to insulate themselves apart from all natural consequences from their choices, the ironic "karma" of reality, like children hiding from the darkness under their bed sheets, peoples' minds would implode and their brains simply switch off. And this would be extremely dangerous if it were to ever occur; because if it did, or already has, then who else may be "remote controlling" these brain-dead automatons if they are not responsibly doing so for themselves, and by what means? The majority of peoples' routine jobs in western civilization demands them to do things they morally disagree with having to do, such as handling money

for other people. People are already corrupted by their compromises with "higher authorities" such as the State and the Church and they depend on these a priori institutions to do their thinking for them so much so that, without them, the suicide rate would sky-rocket. There is, thus, no possible redemption for humanity, and I comprehend and cannot argue against this as fact. If there is an asteroid that is known to be heading toward an extinction-inducing, cataclysmic impact with earth, and humanity does NOTHING to prevent it from happening, I think it is safe to say we deserve to die, and that all the rest of life on earth is just worthy enough to become collateral damage in exterminating from the otherwise placid cosmos this vulgar viral pox called "human kind." This is, at least, nowadays a prevalent enough belief to possess comfortably without feeling any risk of being socially ostracized for expressing it aloud. Personally, I'd rather we save ourselves. But I have no faith, no hope and no belief we will do so. Therefore, both the vocal minority and the silent majority of possible minds that overlap my own are, from my personal point of view at least, "evil." The question of if this makes me "evil" also pales in comparison to the fact I am not of any more value to the reality of this cosmos than any other living being; yes, if all life is evil, I am evil also; I am a living being, a body possessed of a mind, a mind that can think for itself, and which causes my body to act in accord with what it stipulates and desires. But this "mind" that animates my fleshly vessel, I cannot look at it, touch it, hold it in my hand and say, "I own this," because the "mind" has NO objective existence in itself any moreso than does "God." However, unlike the idea of "God," and thus the ideal concept of "good," we cannot detach ourselves intellectually from our clinging to the vaguery of what defines, what constitutes, what borders, the "mind" of an individual. That the mind exists can no more sanely be questioned than the question of whether or not "God" exists can ever be sanely answered. The question, "does the mind exist," if addressed to the mind itself, cannot be computed. The result of this problem has proven to have been the evolution of the body. Thus, when asked "does the mind exist," the mind may then have an instrument through which to influence objects and effect change onto reality, and thus to "prove" that "the mind does exist." Nevertheless, we, as the sentient "minds" evolved to the extent of our bodily abilities, still inhabit these bodies while they are alive and it is our minds themselves, and thus each of our egoes alone, that causes these bodies to act independently. Therefore, we cannot DISPROVE the "mind's existence" without disproving our own existence as well, and this is as such opposite the debate over the existence or non-existence of "God," wherein it is the PROOF that is impossible to achieve, althogh both arguments are equally irrelevant. The ancients reasoned the existence of the mind as being an electrical field innate to the body that was more so or less so always affixed to it while the body was alive, but that could, given the proper circumstances, transmigrate into another form at the time of the body's demise. Early on, it was reasoned by our species that the realm of dreams into which the mind escapes while the body sleeps is alike the afterlife realm we would be able to ascend to at the moment of our bodily deaths. Such it was reasoned by the ancient peoples that there is only one omnipresent, omniscient mind in existence, and that all we perceive as real is merely an illusion this mind is dreaming of which will, once the universal mind awakens, cease to exist. In this way, it was reasoned, smaller, individual and automonous sub-units of this same mental ether that permeated all existence, both solid and vaporous alike, could cohese themselves into existence, assume sentience separately, and manifest bodies by

influencing evolution mentally over the many millions of millennia, inhabiting a new body after each passing generation of the old. Life, that is, the bodily inhabitations for this plurality of "minds," are all, thus, merely "God's multiple personality disorder." Ghosts, it was long ago reasoned, are merely minds without bodies. They have become trapped in "limbo;" their "souls" or "atma," their psychic projections after physical death of their physical bodily selves prior to death, cannot leave earth's electromagnetic field on their own; they are trapped in earth's gravity-well, mentally unable to escape it. In order to avoid becoming such a "ghost" trapped here in earth's gravity-well, early peoples invented religious beliefs of an "eternal" afterlife, a paradise more beautiful than we, the living, can imagine, coupled with a lake of fire in a deep cavern for those who, while alive, did nothing to deserve entrance to "heaven's gate." But it is false to think ONLY "demons" (or, alternately, "angels" either) alone may possess peoples' minds. Ghosts can just as easily enter into, take up inhabitance inside, quell the dominant consciousness within and control any living corpuscle just as easily as could any "demon" or "angel," "devil" or "god." The majority of people alive today who are the greatest proponents for religious beliefs in the afterlife are, themselves, bodies animated using possession by the reincarnated ghosts of souls that have been trapped here in spiritual limbo, on the surface of this earth, the skies above it, or beneath the ground itself, for many thousands, if not millions of years already by now. If a "ghost" has the power to inhabit the minds of multiple separate bodies simultaneously, to control and influence them all as one, as well as possesses no physical body of its own, but lives only as a mind trapped in earth's magnetism, unable to escape, how long must such a "ghost" exist, and how great must grow its ability to mind-control its many minions, before such a "ghost" is accepted by us all as our ancestors' traditional definition for humanity's monotheist concept of "God"? What is a demon? What did the word "demon" mean 2000 years ago? Matthew 8:28-34 ""28 When He came to the other side into the country of the Gadarenes, two men who were demonpossessed met Him as they were coming out of the tombs. They were so extremely violent that no one could pass by that way. 29 And they cried out, saying, “What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?” 30 Now there was a herd of many swine feeding at a distance from them. 31 The demons began to entreat Him, saying, “If You are going to cast us out, send us into the herd of swine.” 32 And He said to them, “Go!” And they came out and went into the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and perished in the waters. 33 The herdsmen ran away, and went to the city and reported everything, including what had happened to the demoniacs. 34 And behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus; and when they saw Him, they implored Him to leave their region.""

Mark 5:1-17 ""5 They came to the other side of the sea, into the country of the Gerasenes. 2 When He got out of the boat, immediately a man from the tombs with an unclean spirit met Him, 3 and he had his dwelling among the tombs. And no one was able to bind him anymore, even with a chain; 4 because he had often been bound with shackles and chains, and the chains had been torn apart by him and the shackles broken in pieces, and no one was strong enough to subdue him. 5 Constantly, night and day, he was screaming among the tombs and in the mountains, and gashing himself with stones. 6 Seeing Jesus from a distance, he ran up and bowed down before Him; 7 and shouting with a loud voice, he said, “What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I implore You by God, do not torment me!” 8 For He had been saying to him, “Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!” 9 And He was asking him, “What is your name?” And he said to Him, “My

name is Legion; for we are many.” 10 And he began to implore Him earnestly not to send them out of the country. 11 Now there was a large herd of swine feeding [b]nearby on the mountain. 12 The demons implored Him, saying, “Send us into the swine so that we may enter them.” 13 Jesus gave them permission. And coming out, the unclean spirits entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea, about two thousand of them; and they were drowned in the sea. 14 Their herdsmen ran away and reported it in the city and in the country. And the people came to see what it was that had happened. 15 They came to Jesus and observed the man who had been demon-possessed sitting down, clothed and in his right mind, the very man who had had the “legion”; and they became frightened. 16 Those who had seen it described to them how it had happened to the demon-possessed man, and all about the swine. 17 And they began to implore Him to leave their region.""

Luke 8:26-37 ""26 Then they sailed to the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee. 27 And when He came out onto the land, He was met by a man from the city who was possessed with demons; and who had not put on any clothing for a long time, and was not living in a house, but in the tombs. 28 Seeing Jesus, he cried out and fell before Him, and said in a loud voice, “What business do we have with each other, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I beg You, do not torment me.” 29 For He had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of the man. For it had seized him many times; and he was bound with chains and shackles and kept under guard, and yet he would break his bonds and be driven by the demon into the desert. 30 And Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” And he said, “Legion”; for many demons had entered him. 31 They were imploring Him not to command them to go away into the abyss. 32 Now there was a herd of many swine feeding there on the mountain; and the demons implored Him to permit them to enter the swine. And He gave them permission. 33 And the demons came out of the man and entered the swine; and the herd rushed down the steep bank into the lake and was drowned. 34 When the herdsmen saw what had happened, they ran away and reported it in the city and out in the country. 35 The people went out to see what had happened; and they came to Jesus, and found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting down at the feet of Jesus, clothed and in his right mind; and they became frightened. 36 Those who had seen it reported to them how the man who was demon-possessed had been made well. 37 And all the people of the country of the Gerasenes and the surrounding district asked Him to leave them, for they were gripped with great fear; and He got into a boat and returned.""

So we see, according to the Biblical "Gospels" of the New Testament, that being a "demoniac" or being "posessed by a demon" would be much alike what having a prolonged fever, an aneurism, a cerebral stroke, excess fluid on the brain, or a cancerous brain tumor would be like; or rather, in milder cases, like what having a "mood disorder" or "chemical imbalance" of neurotransmitters, a "mental illness" would be like, or similar to an indefinitely extended symptomology of a heavy dose of hallucinogens. While, in modern times, it is believes that taking certain chemical pills suppresses or diminishes the symptoms of such a mental condition, an aeon ago it was believed that these symptoms could be transferred by a third-party agent from one host to another, and that doing so did not replicate and spread the condition, but caused the former host to be cured of it. Of course, such a treatment was presented as a "miracle" in the context of a fictitious account of the lifetime of "Christ," and so it has little to do with what the word "demon" means now. What does the word "demon" mean now? The Greek word "daimon" (from which our modern slur version, "demon" derives) originally meant "intelligence." It was similar to the Arabic term "djinn" (from which our modern slur version, "genie" derives) which originally meant "genius." The "intellect" or "mind" of the living individual, colllectively called the "psyche,"

although comprised of many diverse components while attached to the body, amounts to merely pulses of data on a medium format of communication. The mind MAY be considered an electromagnetic phenomenon while attached to the living body but, it is possible that, when separated from this body at the time of its death, the "psyche" of the individual may yet continue to exist as a pulse of information on ANY medium of force, including as matter with mass in a solid, liquid, gaseous or infernal state, as photons bound only by gravity, or become a sequence of dots and dashes, beeps and buzzes, even as only a binary coded transmission, expressed in tachyons - a superluminal coded message, capable of moving backwards in time and arriving prior to the sight of the event itself occuring. The eldest hominid ancestors of modern humanity all believed in MANY "gods." They all believed the "ghosts of their ancestors" guided them, and performed the earliest shamanic rituals, such as cave-painting, to express this devout belief, as anthropology and archaeology have both demonstrated of these early, tribal, seminomadic cultures. They had no concept of a "ghost king" among them all being their "God" such as we conceive of as monotheism today. From this early concept of "ancestral ghost guides" developed the many various schools on theism, from the earliest metaphysical cosmologies of the Egyptians, to the alien pantheon of Babylon and Greece, to the concept of the cosmos being merely a dream in the mind of a sleeping fetus, expressed as Krishnaism in the Orient. "All is God" and "Jesus was the son of God" are the dominant monotheisms that combat nowadays to benefit their common, elder belief that "God will destroy us all someday." These modern beliefs would all appear very alien to our ancient ancestors. Hopefully, whatever concepts regarding religion we have arrived at in the distant future, should we survive this phase we are currently in now, will be as alien to our current concepts thereon as our current concepts would have appeared to our ancient ancestors. So what is the essence of what "demonology" means today? It means simply this: when one's mind is not in their own complete control, then some OTHER influence has taken dominant authority over their bodily actions; this is the essence of the concept of "demonic possession." Some thoughts derive from the past, and those thoughts we call memories. Other thoughts derive from the future, and these thoughts we call ideas. Ideas can either be inspiring, motivating us to achieve beneficial ends, or they can be distractions, leading us down dead-ends that accomplish nothing of any benefit to anybody. Of the form of ideas that originate from the future, the former are, traditionally, referred to collectively as the body of words attributed to the "voice" of "holy guardian angels" that lead us toward salvation and an eternal "heaven;" while the latter are considered the "details" inhabited by "demons" and "devils," "adversaries" and "disputers" who skepitcally doubt the subject of such blind faith. Thus, collectively, these "inspiring ideas" that have been classed as "angelic" in nature have thus far only led mankind into greater division, disharmony, disunity and wars. The "theurgy" affiliated with the "vision and voice" of "holy guardian angels" is thus called "Enochian" because it dates back to an era, prior to the Mesopotamian deluge, when these type of "angels" were first encountered by our species. In the eldest Enochian literature the "angels" are called the "Annunaki," the same name used for the pantheon of nature-based deifications that arose, post-deluvially, in Sumer. In Sumer, the term "Annunaki" referred to their pantheon of extra-terrestrial biological entities; in the eldest "Enochian" literature, however, the term "Annunaki" meant "fallen angels." The origin of these angels in the elder literature was explained as being "exile from heaven," while the later, Sumerian literature describes the home-planet of their pantheon's species being named "Nibiru."

In as much as the songs sung by the various "choirs of angels" are "ideas inspired from a better future;" and in as much as extra-terrestrial biological entities do, more or less continuously, visit earth, many living here for many of our own species' lifetimes; insofar as both of these are factually accurate statements, they are so because they are both describing the same effect. A planet, off in the distance, could, without it yet being visible to us here on earth from such a great distance, have evolved to a degree of inter-stellar space exploration and have been, for aeons, visiting earth. If any form of life anywhere has evolved instantaneous manifestation and accomplished teleportation of their consciousness by remote-influencing the rearrangement of elemental particulates at a vast distance, then they could appear and disappear anywhere at any time, although, there would be little reason for such a being to visit earth yet, if ever. In this manner, the "fallen angels" of "Enochian" literature and the alien pantheon of the proto-Babylonians COULD both originate in the visitation to our planet by "alien" beings from another, distant planet alone. The visitation of our planet by "aliens" from other planets (and also other time-lines) should not be ignored; but the distinction between "aliens" and "fallen angels" must be examined further to be properly understood. The beings described in the Sumerian literature as "aliens" were called in the elder, "Enochian" literature "fallen angels." Why? What is a "fallen angel" and what does it mean for an "angel" to be "fallen" and to be "exiled" or "cast out" of "heaven"? If we perceive "heaven" as the origin of "angels" and consider it an "eternal paradise," it need not even reflect the "heavens" we see by the night-sky at all, but may be considered as the "better" of our twin, adjascent, alternate time-lines or "parallel dimensional realities." This "better" time-line consists of superluminal light and flows in the opposite direction of its diametrical opposite, "hell," or the "worse" time-line, underlying all our own reality, which arises as a series of spirals between these parallel polarities, in the form of "entropy" or decay of matter into energy. Likewise, "heaven" causes "ordo ab chao" and the creation, formation, moulding and scultping of idea into material reality; so the legend explains at least. But what does all this mean relative to the matter of "fallen angels," "aliens" and "demons"? It means that: "inspirational ideas from the future" are "angels," and that "distracting ideas from the future" are "demons," and that both have manifested themselves throughout our history, from our own future, by using remote-influencing to teleport their minds to a location at a vast distance away in both space and time. For THEM, this is merely the interior mental action of "memory," but to those who experience THEIR arrival into and interventions in OUR reality's time-line, THEY appear as aliens, or as "extra-terrestrial biological entities" (EBE's). From the point of view of one unaware of their actual origin from their own distant future, one would perceive the appearance of these ideas as "alien" in the flesh. If a human were to meet a messenger who appeared alien to them, and this messenger were to convey to that person a great amount of additional information to them they would have no knowledge of without such having happened, and this person had no concept of this information's source of origin on their own, the person would have no better explanation for their enconter than to believe they had met an alien from another world, but in reality, all that would have necessarily occurred would have been for that person to become inpsired by a new idea and subconsciously manifested a hallucination to deliver this inspiring new idea to them psycho-somatically. If ideas

can travel faster than light and arrive here long prior to the time when photons leaving their same source of origin would arrive, then we may be experiencing "inspirations" emanating from a time literally billions of light years in our cosmos' future, and thus, "distractions" by comparison that are merely "centuries" long in their detremental impact. Nevertheless, "distractions" (or purely mental, non-physical "demons") are still from and of our future. For example, the "Project for a New American Century" focuses on combatting terrorism and maintaining American global military dominance for the next century. This poses a threat to anyone who sees no value in American military dominance, let alone in its global application. But this threat can only be extended in duration of projection a certain amount of time into the future. A negative can only be sustained so long. Likewise, Stalin's "Five Year Plan" to revitalize the Russian economy by investing State funds into the steel manufacturing industry could only project a certain amount of years ahead at the time it was proposed, because at that time people were starving in bread lines for a shortage of State supplied food. That such plans are, innately, negative is NOT morally subject to the view point of later historians. Just as Stalin's "Five Year Plan" cost many people their lives along the way, even though it succeeded in rivatalizing Russias' economy, likewise the "Project for a New American Century's" anti-terrorism plans will cost many lives along the way as well, even if they eventually prove successful in establishing globally American military dominance for the entire next century. But distractions pale in comparison to those inspirations from a much more distant future than their own scope of view and scale of perception can comprehend. Any demon, subjected to the fact of their existence in comparison to the presence of someone possessed of greater knowledge, with greater likely impact on future history, either with superior social stature or simply with stronger personal charisma, will wilt and subject their will to the commands of their superior. But this does not negate the distractions, and they do add up faster than do those rarer inspirations from a greater, longer future. Distractions, though smaller, by increasing their appearance of being prone to violence, quick to injustice, and easily angered, hype themselves up to be more commanding than they actually are. But this is only justified when they amass themselves in numbers. When they are alone, their boasts are empty, though even so, or even if they are summoned and tethered to a figurative "angel" by comparison, it does not negate their existence being that of a conceptual "demon." They are still obnoxoius petty tyrants even when alone, and even when chained to the throats of some greater, calmer genius by comparison they will chaffe at such an authority greater than themselves, and are capable of holding a grudge against such, and against anyone who places them into such a condition even temporarilly, for eternity. However, even inspirations are fallen backwards through time from the future, just as are distractions of an even more dangerous nature. Thus, no matter how more far sighted and more beneficial any idea may be, it will sooner than later become corrupted by a number of distractions equal to the task of doing so, and will fail. In this manner, because "demons" multiply faster and fester over events sooner in our future, the war between "angels" and "demons" is already lost. Moreover, it was all only an illusion to begin with, since there is no objective "good" about receiving ANY form of inspiration OR distraction in the form of an idea about the future. All such ideas, even the morally "good" ones, because they inevitably fail, are "evil." Thus, the "war in the heavens" (if any exists in such higher spatial dimensions accessable to our minds' eyes) is merely between "demons" (short-term distractions) and "fallen angels" (long-term hopes that only prove to be worth a certain sum of lies). Any idea

that canot be bought and traded cannot have any measurable value, and to acquire such attributes requires the materialization and thus corruption of an idea. There are "angels" and "demons" of such a mental nature (as inspirations or distractions to intellectual reasoning) that originate from the future, but there are, as implied earlier, also ones that may cling to our mental auras from our own past. These all originate from near-future time-frames, and thus, some of the demons that have haunted us in our own past MAY be purged from our mental auras during our own lifetimes. For example, if I go to a therapist and tell them about some kid that beat me up once in my early school years, and they give me some sage advice that purges this experience from ever again adversely influencing my memories of this event, then I can be "cured" of that particular "demon of the past" or "memory demon." If enough of these negative type of past experience memories are purged from their ability to influence my ego's ability to make wise descisions in the present moment, than I will be more "open minded" to positive influences than to negative ones in the present and likely the future as well. But, even this "open-mindedness" does NOT mean I will survive forever, and ultimately, there are more "evil" events in everyone's lives that they will cling onto and remember longer than there are "good" moments when their personal happiness and the "greater good" aligned. Insofar as, without great difficulty through personal therapy, the "worse" times outnumber the "good" in the memories of the majority of our species' members' minds, our entire species' overall world-view can be said to be of a prejudicially negative nature a priori to any event that could occur to any of us in the present or relatively near future. Humanity, as a species, is disappointed with itself so much so that this trait even forms a dominant portion of what we identify as our own innate "human nature." This inner-urge to fail manifests as a "suicidal" tendency toward self-destriction and passive-aggression, and it has long been identified in humanity's myths as associated with the archetype of the "anti-God," the equal and opposite "evil" to the "good" of the monotheist "god," called in apocryphal scriptures the "demiurge." This "universal" evil is considered greater than the "Satan" that serves as de facto "king of earth" but which, because it is a ghost stuck inside earth's gravity well, cannot leave. If "Satan" rules over the "hell" of the "underworld" alike "Haephestos" over the inner-earth, it is the "demiurge" or "Ahriman," the evil "skywizard" counter to the good "sky-wizard" Ahura-Mazda in modern Mazdaism, that rules over the remainder of the cosmos beyond earth, within the solely "material" based realm, and whom conflicts against his juxtaposed counterpart, who rules from the solely "mental" based realm of superluminal particulates and their prismatic refraction as 4th dimensional patterns. Just as the monotheist "universal god," according to the "Catholic" (latin for "universal") "Christian" Church, sent his son Jesus "Christ" to earth and people killed him, the equivalent relationship between the cosmic "demiurge" and the "king of earth" or "devil" would be the same: "Satan" would be the "Anti-Christ" and the "demiurge" would be the "anti-God" or universal "devil;" however, this is not the case, because there is no such thing as a "universal god" and thus humanity's idea of a "universal god" is, actually, itself the same idea as the "devil" in fact: "Ghost King" of this world. The concept itself is referring to that mind-state of power-lust that possesses a few people, causing them to become increasingly psychotic as they are morally insulated from their choices' natural consequences, and ultimately causing them to seek offices in a machine of philosophical lies called "the State" which allows them to accomplish all their goals. Anyone who would "play God" is, themselves, possessed by the "demiurge" and acting, themselves, as a "demon," on behalf of "Satan," the "ghost-king" and real ruling "god" over earth.

I see the concept of the "universal god" as being attributed to the "ghost-king of the world" himself, that is, to the "devil" or "Satan." This is because the universal law is entropy, responsible for decay of matter into energy over time, and only here on earth is the law negentropy, where life has thrived and flourished through adaptation and struggle for survival over countless aeons. The desire to end all life on earth is the will of the "demiurge," whose law is entropy. To erase from the cosmos the one place like earth and the species here is evil on a cosmic scale and yet it is still in keeping with universal law. This is because there IS no "universal god," and the existence of one is only a lie spread by the devil and his demonic servants. What makes a person become a demonic servant of the devil who rules earth? People are ashamed of their pride and of their aspirations for power, and so they compromise these by destroying the goals of others as a means to attain their own ends later on. The "compartmentalization" between "work" and "home-life" which is the first symptom of this complex was originally observed in the NAZI Doctors performing human experimentation in Third Reich concentration camps by the psychologists who examined these men during the Nuremberg Trials to assess their guilt for committing atrocious war-crimes against humanity. Eventually, one has committed so many unjustifiable acts one crosses a blurry line, after which one ceases looking back with fondness to their, by now long-lost, childhood innocence. Following this is a slippery slope into sub-humanity and deevolution. Our original ideals become tainted by our lust for survivalism and for capitalism, for hedonism, etc. and ultimately our adult self becomes completely alienated from our childhood hopes for how we wanted to turn out instead - who we'd hoped to become, but didn't. We become a physical stranger from our own selfconcept (how we value ourselves). For all these reasons people become morally lost; their guiding compass, always pointing to "true" north, ceases to help them find their way. As this occurs for each generation over time with age, the dreams of the youth inevitably get crushed beneath the grinding jack-boot of oppression in the name of social and technological "progress," which, apparently, requires an entire military industrial complex to feed itself justifications for such inhumanity. But this is merely a momentary side-effect, experienced (however devastatingly) in rapid passage along the developmental arc of social "progress" and its influence on each new generation of humanity. The "death of the soul" - that innocence, that imaginative-self, that "inner-child" - amounts to only the first moment of a very long duration spent within the prison hallways of our modern society, built by the military-industrial complex to justify inhumanity. One can no longer even comprehend the concept of "hope," let alone experience any, that one may one day escape from such a hellish torture following the "death of their soul." Above the corpse of their child-like soul, every new citizen of the modern globalist hegemony stands shattered. But never for long enough to fully comprehend it. When they become "morally lost," they begin to pass their physical prime and their maturity begins to wane toward senility past "peak adulthood." This phase of "middleage" may occur when one is 14 or when one is 41, but whenever it DOES occur, it ALWAYS marks the mid-point between twin radii in one's life-cycle, one "ascending"

toward that moment, and one "declining" away from it. As this physical weakening and onset of decrepitude commences, people lose all confidence in the consistency of their own minds as well. They realize their impotence at their very pinnacle moment of triumph over their entire life's struggles, and, like the mythical Titan Icarus, begin to fall long before they've achieved what they'd aspired to, what they'd believed was within their reach, their true goal, now proven impossible for them to attain. This sudden, cold-blooded realization that "I failed" is more than enough to "break the spirit" of MOST modern, individual humans. As a result of this moment of extreme weakness, many fall immediately into the trap of adopting the dominant paradigm, and accepting their own "fair share" of "personal responsibility" for "maintaining law and order" and keeping society functioning in its inhumane ways. When one's personal "moral compass" is proven!irreparably broken, and one feels that chilling moment of realization setting in that "all is lost," all too often individual humans will turn to seeking comfort from a dominant control system, a pre-existing philosophy that has proven to "work" over time because it applies the same tactics used historically by similar control methods in the past; in other words, it perpetuates itself by consuming the souls and life-times of its citizens, requiring their "belief" in it for it to continue to "exist" as a pure "ideal," and, by so doing, it manufactures a sub-species who, like it, are "doomed to repeat" the "mistakes of history." Such people willingly adopt and accept cliches as the highest possible law. If you say to such a citizen, "beauty is truth, and truth beauty," they will readily agree. If you say to such a citizen that "wisdom is applied knowledge," they will eagerly confirm your assertion with countless examples from their own "personal experiences," each more mundane than the last. But to point out to such a "citizen" whose mind is basically enchained to this social "control-system" that "beauty isn't ALWAYS the same thing as truth," or that "wisdom is NOT ALWAYS the application of knowledge," or that "NOT ALL cliches are proven axioms; MOST are simply accepted truisms, but easily disproved by logic," and they will likely form a large crowd to crucify and kill you before dispersing and returning to their individual acts of business. To question the "Law of Cliches" within the "city-walls" of the modern globalist Empire is to flagrantly tempt brutal execution; to do so publicly is basically tantamount to attracting a crowd of white blood-cells to remove a splinter of wood by sticking oneself, alike such a speck, into the "all seeing eye" of the "pyramid" central to the "civic spirt" of the modern hegemony. To protect their false faith in cliches' worthy guidance, far too many people these days would be willing to shed their blood and even to die defending their "right to be wrong." In this regard, the vast majority of humanity are totally beyond any "redemption" to either a morally "good" or logically "ethical" way of thinking. In short, the majority of the human species are doing terrible damage to the environment simply by continuing to live, eat and breed, and unless the immediate damage being done by this extremely large percentage of our species is addressed and cleaned up quickly, then it will not matter if we, in the "minority" who are "right," are so or not, because we will be, regardless of our potential assets, dragged down into destruction along with this larger group of degenerate filth passing itself off as "humanity."

However, herein we arrive at an insurmountable conundrum: their own suicidal urge to self-destruct is the very damning trait itself within these meat sacks that denegrates their value initially. If they saw in themselves and in each other the full potential for human aspirations' achievements to be acomplished that is actually present within us each and all, and if for even a single instant perceived the totality of our cosmos as being no greater than a grain of sand within the full reach of our already present grasp, as it indeed is, then humanity would achieve its ultimate destiny, attain its maximum potential for becoming "like unto gods," and would quickly be able to prove whether or not they possess the "moral maturity" to handle such unlimited free-energy power. However, because the likelihood remains they will NOT be presented with ANY situation that will allow them to attain, even instantaneously, this perception of insight into themselves and one another that would set their minds free to acquire their wildest dreams, then they will, instead, need to be exterminated prior to their being able to realize they already have this infinite potential capacity for mind-over-matter even now. And, thus, again we come to the conundrum because, as has been pointed out already, the lemmings among humanity willingly agree. They frequently jump out of airplanes, engage in mass homicide (genocide, war, etc.), hunt for sport, torture for fun and engage in the most insufferable acts of sexual cruelty on ones they claim to "love," simply to taunt death. They are, in brief, intelligent enough to know they are dangerously stupid, but not intelligent enough to not be violently proud about this small amount of factual knowledge. They see "intelligence" beyond a certain point as a threat to their safety, their "comfort zone" in risking their lives doing the dumbest things they can imagine. A pet fish, they reason, does not need to know the first thing about the world beyond its aquarium. Intelligence is, thus, by them compartmentalized into various categories from "need to know" to "classified" to "file 13," etc. The majority of what people value knowing about is technically mental garbage anyway. It is enough for most to base their lives on hearsay, gossip and rumors, without ever applying scientific methodologies to test the conjectures to which they happen to become exposed. People are, for the most part, dangerous fools. They are ignorant and proud; they are arrogantly and brazenly fool-hardy, especially with their own physical safety because, to each of these sordid sort of leeches, their own lives are the least important of all their ultimately irrelevant possessions. They do not care because they cannot care. They do not know any better, they will not learn anything that could help them to become better, and they are therefore eager when it comes their turn to be used as cannon fodder aimed toward achieving their statistical martyrdom. To such people, the ONLY reason they do not commit suicide by pouring gasoline over themselves and lighting a match is their hypothetically guilty feelings if they were to continue to exist after doing so to experience the impact their death would cause on other people, particularly their friends, family and loved ones. The point this class of monarchically moronic modern proto-troglodytes!exist to overlook, apparently, is that if they ALL took that step, TOGETHER, then no one would be left who would miss them, and the world would instantly become a much better place because of all their deaths. As such, an extremely large number of people are alive right now who are actually dangerous to themselves, to other people, to other life-forms, to the planet, and even to material reality universally as well. This problem has proven NOT to be as simple to solve as it sounds.

Granted, if somehow they could all simply be ALLOWED to die off, as in one enormous catastrophe that would, by some "miracle," limit itself to the extinction of only all people who fit a certain personality description (such as being stupid and proud, for example), then there would be nothing left to discuss about this topic at all. However, until such time as said "miracle" of chance occurrance does come to pass, the problem will remain that there are at least 7 billion human beings walking upright around the surface of this planet right now who deserve to die sooner than later. However, as mentioned previously, a certain logical conundrum causes our intellects sufficient pause to apparently have paralysed us into utter inactivity: these people deserve to die because they think that they do; they hate people, so they deserve to die; they think everyone around them is inferior to themselves, and their lesser, placed to serve them or be punished, and that everyone, ultimately, fails to live up to their own personal standards, even, ultimately, themselves, and so, thusly, they think that everyone deserves to die, even including themselves. In short, the people who deserve to die themselves are the people who think of others as deserving to die. This creates an insurmountable paradox in logic, a tautology that cannot be disentangled; and yet, the demiurge within all these "people" remains their primary motivator, and thus it continues to act regardless of its doing so creating a cycle of abuse fueled by an infinitely repeating feedback loop based on false reasoning. Because "good" people cannot give into the death-wish of "evil" people, "good" people cannot simply let "evil" people die. Doing so would cause them too much mental stress and emotional anguish, apparently; for whatever reason, the very stupidity of our present situation itself proves to be enough to blind-side any intellectual discourse on this moral conundrum directly. "How does one defeat evil if by using violence against it one becomes evil themselves?" is a question rarely, if ever, asked anymore. Instead, we find the "final solution" proposed by the idiots themselves: just kill them; resort to their tactics, disgrace our standards for shame at immoral violence and de-sanctify our ideals. If a leper comes up to you in the desert with no one watching the two of you besides God, and asks you to kill him, is it truly wrong, a murder, or at all a criminal act to do so? And yet, intellectuals, lost in this modern moral wasteland, are so disenchanted by these conditions of their current existence that they cannot even imagine how to react, let alone begin to actually do so. The conundrum of "moral logic" prevents us: when forced to choose only between a "greater" and a "lesser" evil, we cannot do ANYTHING "Right" at ALL because it is a "no-win" situation. No matter what we do, we are doomed. Existence is, in this manner, alike a game with no rules, impossible to win, and playing which, we are led to believe, is utterly inescapable. Given these parameters, the mind attempting to reason "moral logic" simply switches off and shuts down. However, this does not mean the bodies of these minds also cease operating. Once one realizes the world we live in is in a perpetual state of decay - financially, morally, even sub-atomically - at all times, and that this is simply an unavoidable natural fact, one ceases to be able to justify their continued existence, but one does not also, necessarily, spontaneously cease existing (would this were the case, though!). After one's individual mind has shut off, and their body continues to act on its own accord, walking about endangering itself and the lives of others by its flagrant disregard for personal boundaries and other social conventions, then this thing may be said to be a living human body, but NOT a "person" in the sense of any legal

definition of a "sentient being possessed of personal rights." Once the mind gives up, the "soul" dies or, more accurately, atrophies and is replaced as the primary motivator of the body by the false promises of the existent "government" that it can HELP these bodies meet the requirements of their daily survival. When the "soul" or the "original ego" of a human being's body dies prior to the death of their biological body itself, the body does not immediately realize this event has occurred. It continues to see its younger self reflected in the mirror, and simply pretends blindness to the daily accumulation of differences between its actual appearance and its own narcissistic ideal. But these differences comprise the "skin thickness" of a demonic exo-skeletal shell that encrusts as armor around this "innerchild" self-image of the "original ego" or "soul," until ultimately, ONLY this outerdemon truly exists, and the image it dreams of itself once having been dies within it. If one sees themselves as innocent, but acts out in a violent, hostile and aggressive manner constantly, their "self-image" will eventually denegrate beside their perceived "public image," and who they THINK they are in private will not "save their souls" from how they are judged by others based on their unpopular actions in public. Once one admits and accepts this fact about themselves, one realizes they have already become one of the self-hating "problem" people, and then may choose if they wish to continue being such or to change their ways (although, at such a point, any life-style change besides suicide is hopelessly superficial, and thus futile, irrelevant and pointless). Because 100% of these "demons" who have acquiesed into the role of "citizens" under a "government" lack the moral will to do the right thing and kill themselves, most people who have thought through this topic to this extent fatalistically embrace their descent into demise, destruction and doom and appeal for assistance to any pre-existent authority. In short, following the "death of their soul," when they stand above the figurative "corpse of their inner-child" and choose to continue existing, even against their own will to do so, people become "morally lost," and from this mind-state they gravitate toward schools of thought whose primary focus is on "how to rule the world." Rarely does a demon, possessed of such an aspiration, turn instead to learning a fair trade or engaging in any more healthy hobby. Most of them seek power and so they flock to the "State" like insects to a flame. However, even if one has no more than disassociated themselves intellectually from their inner-child in such a way as to distance their primary-ego and to alienate their sense of self-responsibility away from the goals of themselves when they were younger - even if you "give up on your dream" only ONCE - you have already crossed the threshold separating "good" from "evil" that is, itself, the dividing line of one's "moral compass," ever pointing toward "true" north and south. There are more evil "demonically possessed" people and less evil "demonically possessed" people, but ALL people who are "demonically possessed" are more evil than those who are not. And, again, to be "demonically possessed" is no different from being obsessively pessimistic. If the majority of your aura's reflections on your inner-ego are negative, you are negative, no matter how you attempt to present the exterior aspects of your aura to the "prying eyes" of all those around you. So it is true to say that "most people are mostly demons." The majority of the "karma" in their "auras," both the "memories" and the "ideas" in their mental "psyche," is corrupted and evil. They are, thus, no longer "people." They are living bodies inhabited by the consciousnesses of "demons." I believe I am, myself, alike this sort of a being.

But I also believe something else that is unique from what any of my fellow demons believe: I believe I am the "universal god." I believe that, ultimately, the consciousness of my own "dominant ego" or soul will outlive that of ALL others, both those demons and angels, as well as all matter, until such a time as the cosmos is entirely evaporated into a condition of pure "zero point" energy; I believe this is the home from which the "fallen angel" or "demon" that possesses my mind originates. In this "nulliverse," conditions are the same as prior to the "big bang," the birth of our "local universe" of matter-energy and our modern continuum of space-time. How can I believe I am "my own god" as well as believe I am "possessed by demons" at one and the same time? I believe I am my own "god," because I have only myself in the future to inspire me. And I believe that, based on the information with which it has provided me for my inspiration, its roots definitely transcend those of anyone alive on earth at this time, and probably ever. The "god" I commune with, that being "myself in the future," when I meditate and when I sacrifice my form of sacrament to myself in the manner I do, as well as when I write and draw, create and express myself philosophically, is acting through me on this present world. It is the puppeteer and I am merely its channel in these moments, and even now. This "higher self," for what more can it be called, is what I refer to both as "myself" and as my "one true God." In this sense, I believe "I am God." But what is the idea of "god" but a demonic deception, a false promise, a lie? Would I be able to call myself (or interested in doing so) "god" had the idea of the existence of a "supreme being" never been put into my head during this bodily life of mine itself? If others before me had not thought of the idea of "god" first, would I have chosen to consider myself "my own God" today? No, certainly not. But my relationship to myself in the future would remain the same as well. For this is the dawn of a new age. This is a dawn, this is a dawn of a day. And this day is a dawn in a new age. This day a new age dawns. And so we see, and so soon can we also say we will have seen, we saw. We knew, as now we know. For life is a door. We enter this entrance at birth. We leave this exit at death. All this while, between entering and exiting, we live in between the room behind us (the past) and the room in front of us (the future). There are a vast sum of chances within each life-time to enter through another doorway, that leads one away from one's own immediate death. And yet, if one enters a doorway leading to one's death, one will emerge from this passageway reborn. Death is only a doorway to birth as well. As each soul blinks out of existence at death, so are there 2 anew born into this realm. Peace be upon us all.

World Birth and Death Rates Estimated 2011 Birth Rate Death Rate • 19 births/1,000 population • 8 deaths/1,000 population • 131.4 million births per year • 55.3 million people die each year • 360,000 births per day • 151,600 people die each day • 15,000 births each hour • 6,316 people die each hour • 250 births each minute • 105 people die each minute • Four births each second of every day • Nearly two people die each second Average life expectancy at birth is approximately 67 years. Sources: Population Reference Bureau & The World Factbook (Central Intelligence Agency) - source: And so there came to be many people alive on the planet. Because from one there would come two. When one soul would die, two new souls would be born. This was a new phenomenon. This was the "new age." And so as the people's souls doubled as they died and were reborn, it came that each one person's soul (their memories, their mind, their will) doubled when it passed through the door-way of death. One half of each elder soul went "left" and the other half went "right." And so they became two new souls. And these two souls, each becomes two more souls, and so they double into four. From one to two. From two to four. From four to eight. From eight to sixteen. From sixteen to thirty two. From thirty two to sixty four. And so forth. And all these

souls dance with one another, and over the generations of time intertwine and intermingle genetically. For such is what humans call "love." How many ways do I love my God? Let me count my days. For these are my most precious sum, my most treasured possession. There are waves of ancient energies deep underneath the ground below the raised stones, the elder menhirs, stonehenge, the megaliths, the ziggurats and pyramids, let alone our modern brick towers erected to honor our current babbling "trickle down," Babylonian-inspired fiat-economics. These waves of energy are merely being summoned up, evoked aloft by these erected edifices. SOME may yet even speculate that these structures were raised by this energy ITSELF. There is no proof either way, because IF this is the case, our own condition is likewise subjective to and subservient to this energy, and so we cannot exclude our own perspective as apart from being merely puppets of this subterranean ocean of tectonic tensions, surface pressures and of sub-atomic particles drifting through our terrestrial crust on cosmic winds. So what about "near-death experiences" (so-called "NDEs")? If the energy of earth, its gravity itself, causes us to decay and experience entropy over time as aging, sickness, decrepitude and death, in the same manner as the oceans (even if frozen into glaciers) wear mountains down into grains of sand on a beach; and if each time we die, our soul splits into twin halves (a male and a female, a left-handed and a righthanded aspect, a "clockwise" spinning particle and a "counter-clockwise" spinning anti-particle, etc.); then it can STILL be postulated that a soul MAY survive death if it does NOT split itself into two at the time of its death. So, how does one accomplish this? One accomplishes this via a "near-death experience." Practicing "near-death experiences" psychosomatically using hallucinogens is the origin (in shamanism) of modern religion. By practicing "near-death experiences," we prepare for our own inevitable death, and by doing so learn how to NOT divide our soul into twin (positive and negative, good and evil, etc.) halves at the time of our death. Here is the method, explained simply: When a soul dies in one body, it is automatically reborn into two new bodies. The result of this is that there are always 2 reborn from every 1 death, and so 4 from 2, 8 from 4, 16 from 8, and so on as mentioned before. However, in such a system, the "soul" or "essence" of any ONE component in the set is preserved in ALL subsequent progenies from itself to a decreasing extent within them. If one is labeled A1, and their subsequent twin progenies labeled B2 and B3, and the subsequent twins of these labeled C4 & C5, C6 & C7, etc. then we can see that, by the time of only this third generation, the original presence of the A1 soul will be diminished to 1/7th its original concentration in only one body (or the sum of the components on its ROW = 4, PLUS the sum of layers preceding the generation of that row, or the COLUMN = 3). Thus, by the 4th generation - comprised of D8 & D9, D10 & D11, D12 & D13, D14 & D15) the concentration within each body of the original soul (A1) would have diminished even further, to only 1/12th their total composition of traits. To live on after death, one must avoid the division of their soul into two. When one dies, one comes to a cross-roads. One road on one side of oneself leads back to life, and clinging to the body, leads back to being alive regardless of what the physical consequences (the so-called "damage") might be. The other road, on the other side of oneself, leads to being dead and finding out what will happen to oneself in the afterlife. If one choose to come back to life, one will not have their soul split into two. If one chooses to die, their soul will face this division as a natural factor of the passage of time. Ultimately, one will no longer be able to "choose not to die," and will

be forced to part with their body due to its advanced age alone. When this occurs, if one has prepared oneself by practice, one may choose to transfer their entire soul NOT into TWO separate TWIN souls, but to create ONE soul identical to oneself, and to allow the creation of ANOTHER soul in PLACE of your "second soul," your "soul-mate" or "second self," etc. If one persists in applying this method, one will ultimately result in having a wide array of "doubles," in varying degrees of proximity to oneself, in the form of lovers, friends, family, enemies, fans, etc. However, if one uses this method to "reincarnate" utterly from one life to the next more than once, one will find one's "own" unique "soul" begins to dim and pale beside the glow of a more "archetypal" level of expression, transcending generations, and superseding the prior self-definitions of the "ego." If one lives more than once, one BECOMES alike a "god," or an IDEA that exists in a realm of MIND above and invisibly overlapping the realm of the REAL and MATERIAL WORLD in which our bodies physically live. The ancients reasoned the existence of the mind as being an electrical field innate to the body that was more so or less so always affixed to it while the body was alive, but that could, given the proper circumstances, transmigrate into another form at the time of the body's demise. Early on, it was reasoned by our species that the realm of dreams into which the mind escapes while the body sleeps is alike the afterlife realm we would be able to ascend to at the moment of our bodily deaths. Such it was reasoned by the ancient peoples that there is only one omnipresent, omniscient mind in existence, and that all we perceive as real is merely an illusion this mind is dreaming of which will, once the universal mind awakens, cease to exist. In this way, it was reasoned, smaller, individual and automonous sub-units of this same mental ether that permeated all existence, both solid and vaporous alike, could cohese themselves into existence, assume sentience separately, and manifest bodies by influencing evolution mentally over the many millions of millennia, inhabiting a new body after each passing generation of the old. Life, that is, the bodily inhabitations for this plurality of "minds," are all, thus, merely "God's multiple personality disorder." The "intellect" or "mind" of the living individual, colllectively called the "psyche," although comprised of many diverse components while attached to the body, amounts to merely pulses of data on a medium format of communication. The mind MAY be considered an electromagnetic phenomenon while attached to the living body but, it is possible that, when separated from this body at the time of its death, the "psyche" of the individual may yet continue to exist as a pulse of information on ANY medium of force, including as matter with mass in a solid, liquid, gaseous or infernal state, as photons bound only by gravity, or become a sequence of dots and dashes, beeps and buzzes, even as only a binary coded transmission, expressed in tachyons - a superluminal coded message, capable of moving backwards in time and arriving prior to the sight of the event itself occuring. ""The BBC reports on an article in Science about scientists who calculate that the sum of all the world's stored data is 250 exabytes. Perhaps more interestingly, the total amount of data broadcast is 2 zettabytes (1000 exabytes) annually. In theory this means that the sum of the world's knowledge is broadcast 8 times a year, but I bet mostly that's just a lot of American Idol reruns. ... Computer storage has traditionally been measured in kilobytes, then megabytes, and now usually gigabytes. After that comes terabytes, petabytes, then exabytes. One exabyte is a billion gigabytes."" - source:

The KJV of the Holy Bible is an 8.94 Megabyte pdf, for future reference. "A new way to analyze human reaction times shows that the brain processes data no faster than 60 bits per second." - source: cf.'s_law

250 Billion Gb processed @ 60 bits per second = 250000000000000000 bytes, processed at 60 bytes per second, would take 4166666666666666 seconds (or 69444444444444.43 minutes, or 1157407407407.407 hours, or 48225308641.97529 days, or 132124133.2656857 years). Thus, if reaction time is 60 bytes per second, and total human data = 250 exabytes, it would take an average human brain 132,124,133 years and 3 months to process everything that can be known. The "cybersphere" of networked "databases" called the "internet" or "world wide web" is ALREADY 8 times smarter annually than you could be after 132.12 million years.

However, it should be well worth noting, MOST of this data is not only "reruns" (as it re-broadcasts the entire set 8 times per year), but USELESS data, comprised of shows produced for entertainment ONLY. From gladiatorial matches in the Roman Empire, to episodes of "American Gladiators" in our modern era of commercial television, as well as, for that matter ALL commercials as well, MOST of "human knowledge" is comprised of "junk data" that is completely without any quantity of usefulness as "knowledge" aside from as acculturation and socialization considered necessary for an individual to survive in our present society. If we were to subtract from the "Sum of all manmade data" the "sum of all man-made data that is purely for entertainment or socially normative propaganda," the remainder would be the "Sum of all man-made data that is useful to know, as it relates and applies to the laws of nature and of the cosmos beyond only earth." This amount of knowledge, while MUCH smaller than the "sum of all entertainment," let alone the "sum of all knowledge" overall, is still the ONLY "useful" or "necessary" information human history has produced over the last 6,000 years or so, and it can be called the "Sum of what NEEDS to be known" in order to project, based on using this sum as a fraction in a larger ratio, what we could imagine to be the "Sum of all that CAN be known." ALL that is NEEDED to be known can be used as a fraction of the whole sum of ALL that CAN BE known, and thus what IS known can be used to measure the sum of all that CAN be known, as it would repeat like a single cellular pixel "what is NEEDED to be known," but that its content would differ from place to place and over time as well. What is NEEDED to be known is thus like a key that unlocks the pattern behind all that can be known. All that can be known is merely a completed puzzle picture, comprised of pixels, ever-changing, each of which is a measure of "all that needs to be known" at any given place over time. Each puzzle-piece of "What Needs to be Known" at each place will go through the same, full spectrum of various phases as every other, given a long enough time, though many pixels will lag from a consistent rate of change, and no two may change at the exact same rate over time. However, if you grasp the key, you can comprehend the nature of the lock; likewise, if you perceive one pixel over its entire time, you can extrapolate the complete picture overall as being merely a derivation from this sequence. If you know the total number of "pixels" in a "complete set," you can even recreate the entire image from only one single unit of its parts, however many times this unit's pattern over time may repeat (rows), and however many phases it goes through (columns), for each individual combination of these sums there are (squares). However, ultimately, rendering "chaotic and ineffable" reality into such an "ordered format" of "logical predictions" and "probable outcomes" is of zero value from the perspective of a student of communications. Stated from the "objective" point of view of "others" in society, "wisdom means knowing you know nothing," even if what you know is everything that can be known. This reduces the inherent value of all knowledge to zero in relation to communications between one person and another. Thus, even though the lowest counting unit of "knowledge" may be ONE, the lowest sum possible in "communication" of that knowledge from one person to another is actually ZERO. In short, if one person's mind contains all the knowledge that can be known, it would require another person with an identical capacity (asymptotically approaching "infinite potential" for knowledge and information storage/processing; an "infinite IQ") who knew NOTHING prior to accepting the "data dump" of "ALL POSSIBLE KNOWLEDGE," OR it would require a person of equal intelligence (infinite in potential capacity) who had absolutely NO knowledge besides what NEEDED to be

known (and lacked all knowledge of anything meant as merely entertainment or advertisement), and who could then supplement their own, original knowledge (what NEEDED to be known) with the remaining Sum of all Possible Knowledge. This being so entirely unlikely as to be considered virtually impossible, the result of one person "knowing it all" is, if they ATTEMPT to communicate it all, AT BEST, two other people knowing only one fraction of ALL each. Also, if one person knows only one ratio fraction of it, and the other another, then relationships may arise between them as they attempt to replicate the entire whole by shared recombinations. For example, one person might know 1/2 of all, another person might know 1/3rd of all, etc. The US Census estimates the worlds population at 7.1 billion people. The Global GDP estimates the worlds money supply at approximately 58.3 trillion. There are 1426 billionaires in the world (442 in the U.S.) worth approximately 5.4 trillion according to Forbes. So 1426 people own 9% of the global money supply. This may seem small if you consider 1426 people is only 0.0000002% of the world population. According to there are 12 million millionaires worldwide (3.7 million in the U.S.) at a net worth of 46.2 trillion dollars. This puts the world millionaires ownership of money at a whopping 79.3%. The 12 million millionaires make up 0.0017% of the world’s population. Yes, you read that correctly, the 1% is actually only 0.0017%. So, if you're not agitated about classism yet, you must not get simple math. Let me break it down: 99.99% of the worlds population shares only 20.7% of the worlds money. ""According to the U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), 2,266,800 adults were incarcerated in U.S. federal and state prisons, and county jails at year-end 2011 – about 0.7% of adults in the U.S. resident population. Additionally, 4,814,200 adults at year-end 2011 were on probation or on parole. In total, 6,977,700 adults were under correctional supervision (probation, parole, jail, or prison) in 2011 – about 2.9% of adults in the U.S. resident population. In addition, there were 70,792 juveniles in juvenile detention in 2010."" - source: ""US population = 316,351,432 (as of 8:45 PM EST, July 19, 2013)"" - source: Add 70,792 juvenile offenders to 6,977,700 adults on parole or at present incarcerated = 7,048,492 total US convicts, which, by my (admittedly amateurish) calculations is around 1/44th the total US population. This means, in plain language, that every 45th American citizen is currently incarcerated, on trial, or charged with a crime. Every 45th person is, thus, disenfranchised by this ordeal. Thus, whether they wish to be or not, this entire segment of the American population are among the between 18.2% and 51.1% who constitute the “voters of eligible age” that do not (by abstaining) or cannot (due to law) vote in federal elections. - cf. ""The three private banks handling the most assets offshore on behalf of the global super-rich are UBS, Credit Suisse and Goldman Sachs. The top ten banks alone commanded over half the top fifty's asset total - an increased share since 2005. • The number of the global super?rich who have amassed a $21 trillion offshore fortune is fewer than 10 million people. Of these, less than 100,000 people worldwide own $9.8 trillion of wealth held offshore."" -source: ""The work, to be published in PLoS One, revealed a core of 1318 companies with

interlocking ownerships (see image). Each of the 1318 had ties to two or more other companies, and on average they were connected to 20. What's more, although they represented 20 per cent of global operating revenues, the 1318 appeared to collectively own through their shares the majority of the world's large blue chip and manufacturing firms - the "real" economy - representing a further 60 per cent of global revenues. When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a "super-entity" of 147 even more tightly knit companies all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. "In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group."" - source:

The study conducted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, discussed in the "new scientist" article used software from the following web-site: The data they collected was valid as of their publication date, during October 2011, however has probably changed somewhat since then. Here are the findings from the above-linked study. ""The top 50 of the 147 superconnected companies 1. Barclays plc 2. Capital Group Companies Inc 3. FMR Corporation 4. AXA 5. State Street Corporation 6. JP Morgan Chase & Co 7. Legal & General Group plc 8. Vanguard Group Inc 9. UBS AG 10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc 11. Wellington Management Co LLP 12. Deutsche Bank AG 13. Franklin Resources Inc 14. Credit Suisse Group 15. Walton Enterprises LLC 16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp 17. Natixis 18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc 19. T Rowe Price Group Inc 20. Legg Mason Inc 21. Morgan Stanley 22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc 23. Northern Trust Corporation 24. Société Générale 25. Bank of America Corporation 26. Lloyds TSB Group plc 27. Invesco plc 28. Allianz SE 29. TIAA 30. Old Mutual Public Limited Company

31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50.

Aviva plc Schroders plc Dodge & Cox Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc* Sun Life Financial Inc Standard Life plc CNCE Nomura Holdings Inc The Depository Trust Company Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance ING Groep NV Brandes Investment Partners LP Unicredito Italiano SPA Deposit Insurance Corporation of Japan Vereniging Aegon BNP Paribas Affiliated Managers Group Inc Resona Holdings Inc Capital Group International Inc China Petrochemical Group Company

* Lehman still existed in the 2007 dataset used"" What is a "fallen angel" but a greater, longer, later form of "demon"? What is an "angel" but a "fallen angel" awaiting discovery? What is a person if not mostly a "demon"? What is "god" if not a lie, invented by the "ghost king" of all mental "demons" to describe itself? And what is any form of theism but a supernatural supersitution resulting from hallucinations? What is the sum totality of all these beliefs but folly? Nothing. And so that is what remains for me to say in introduction to this work. Please enjoy reading it even more than I've enjoyed writing it. Get ready to behold some fucked up shit. Peace.

Jonathan Barlow Gee (benpadiah) is the only Tallahassee, Florida metaphysics textbook author and founder of the Pythagorean Order of Death.

"When a nation's leaders do not uphold, but break, the laws they are sworn to protect, those leaders sacrifice all right to such offices, or else those offices shall cease to have rights over the governed." -Jon Gee "As slaves, we build the society that dictates our freedom illegal. Incite insight. Don't agree to compete. One who has NO agenda cannot fail. One who does nothing succeeds at everything." - Jon Gee

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