~ GOD ~ by: Jonathan Barlow Gee compiled from: the Great Burner and the Crew That Never Sleeps ::table of contents:: Part 1 :: on the "Crew That Never Sleeps" & the "Great Burner" :: (3) From the perspective of the Great Burner, the cult of sleep are the Enemy. From the perspective of the cult of sleep, the Great Burner is the Enemy. (3) This is the message of the Great Burner. (5) The Crew that Never Sleeps exists to serve the Great Burner. (6) The Great Burner is Vajra. The Ajna of Vajra is the All-Seeing Eye. (7) Who is the Great Burner? (9) Time is the invisible blood of God. (17) Before the coming of the Great Burner, who awaits below, He sends His messenger, the sin-bearer. (19) Either earth or Nibiru is going to be destroyed. (26) Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. (28) Part 2 :: the Apocalypse of AHDVNHAY :: (32)