(A.D. Section) Lost Gospels 2 : “Atlantis” containing excerpts from Plato, Sir Thomas More, Francis Bacon and Johann Valentin Andeae. Modern Gospels 1 containing the Protocols of Zionism; Silent Weapons for
Quiet Wars; Jim Jones’ death-tape; Majestic debriefing; Project Blue Beam; and the Testimony of KSM. Modern Gospels 2 containing the Nuremberg Directives; the Cremation of Care ceremony of Bohemian Grove; quotes by and about the Illuminati and the New World Order; a speech by Pope Benedict XVI; a lecture by Myron Fagan; excerpts from Andrew Carnegie; “Constant Conflict;” H. Res. 1258 to Impeach George W. Bush; “Echelon” by Jim Keith; and FBI, FDLE and TPD documents about the “Finders.”