the illuminati 101

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the theIlluminati: Illuminati: 101 Illuminati:101 101 (new (newedition: edition:2012) 2012) (new edition: 2021)

by: by: Jonathanby: Barlow Gee

Jonathan JonathanBarlow BarlowGee Gee

the Illuminati 101 (2021 ed.) is hereby © by: Jonathan Barlow Gee this: Aug 15, 2021. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents: I. Illuminati Philosophy 101: A: Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism vs. Judaeo-Christian Islam: B: What is Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism: C: Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism and You: D: the Future for Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism: II. Illuminati History 101: introduction: A. the Yezidi: B. the Assassin Cult: C: the Priory of Zion: D. the Hellfire Club: E. the Bavarian Illuminati: F: the Skull and Bones: G. the Golden Dawn: H: the OTO: I. Majestic 12 and the Federal Reserve: J. Sovietism: K. Thule: L. the Order of the Peacock Angel: M. the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove Camp: III. Illuminati Symbolism 101: A. the eye, the pyramid, the circumpunct and the triangle: 1. the Circumpunct: 2. the Triangle: 3. Symbolic Meaning: 4. Use in Media: a. the Cult of Anubis: 5. Subliminal Use: B. from “where the IO stands today”: 1. IO axiom 1: “in the Kingdom of the Blind, the One Eye’d Man is King”: 2. the Illuminati Trinity: 3. the Statue of Liberty: C. the double-headed phoenix symbol: 1. alchemy: 2. Hapsburg-Romanov crests: 3. the 33rd degree: 4. Eagles and Shields: appendix 1: books by and about Adam Weishaupt’s Order of Illuminati: appendix 2: list of websites relevant to the modern IO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Illuminati Philosophy 101A-D is hereby © by: Jonathan Barlow Gee this: May 1, 2012. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Table of Contents: topic: Illuminism 101A title: Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism vs. Judaeo-Christian Islam author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD) location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 4-25-2012 topic: Illuminism 101B title: What is Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism? author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 4-26-2012 topic: Illuminism 101C title: Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism and You. author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD) location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 4-27-2012 topic: Illuminism 101D title: the Future for Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD) location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 5-1-2012 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------insanity clause #23: Please do not share with others the web addresses for direct download from my site that are for sale there. However, once you have a copy of any one of my works, you are allowed, by Jonathan Gee, the author of said work, to copy and distribute it freely. If you claim you wrote it, or that you came up with the ideas for it yourself, you should be challenged to determine if you can prove your claim with knowledge of the material superior to my own. If you can, I will concede the work to your credit, but if you cannot, then the work will remain both of ours to teach and give to whom we choose.

topic: Illuminism 101A title: Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism vs. Judaeo-Christian Islam author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD) location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 4-25-2012 synopsis: The ideas of right and wrong are universally known of, and cannot be denied by ignorance. Thus, there does exist a moral argument for a proclivity within all nature toward the opposite extremes of these binary options, eg. a universally generalizable axiom encompassing the entirety of all dipolar choices between "good" or "evil." This supra-natural realm, invisibly super-imposed as idea onto nature by our morallyreasoning minds as a species, is necessarily 1:1 with the history of the entire cosmos, but may also supersede our world-line up-till and including now, and imply the existence of a "penumbra" or "halo" beyond and around the edge of the present- lens on the lightcone sum-over-histories. This perpetually retreating horizon comprising the short-term future, insofar as it is both ideal and morally-reasoned, may prove divisible into the world-lines of a "heaven" and a "hell." The existence of two, potentially parallel, timelines beyond our own is implied, further, to justify the "intelligent design" model for our own plane of existence as being a middle-ground between these extremes. The ultimate polarity of "right," of "good" and of "heaven" is "God," while the ultimate polarity of "wrong," of "evil" and of "hell" is "Satan." This essay will attempt to analyze the manner in which this model implies to the minds of our species, falsely, a concept of duty to serve either side of this debate. introduction: What makes a man "good"? It is said, "good comes from within and is shown forth by a man's actions, their deeds." However, the same is said to be true for "evil." Thus, "good" and "evil" may both be traits within us all that can only be shown forth by our actions and deeds. Therefore, both "good" and "evil" exist within us before we express them because both are ideas that our morally-reasoning minds super-impose onto ourselves and our natural realities. "Good" and "evil" are both ideas, but they are agreed by all alive and who have lived before now to not be able to co-exist within one's minds together at the same time. One can't embrace the idea of "good" to its fullest at the same time one is embracing the idea of "love" to its fullest, because these are opposite conditional mental-states. For example, "love" and "hate" are strong passions, but essentially boil down to "approach" or "avoid," the same "fight" or "flight" instinct that is innate even in binary-ended flat-worms. However, if we "love" and "hate" someone at the same time, our passion will feed on this instinct until we lose our mental sense of well-being and sense of survival entirely. Essentially, the proof that "good" and "evil" cannot be co-held at once in anyone's mind is that all who do so end up becoming a danger to their society and to their surroundings.

So, what makes anything "good"? There is no popular consensus, and the majority of our species throughout the period of our written histories at least have failed to resolve this issue before now either. It is said that the ratio of "good" to "evil" favors evil because what is Good is Only Good, but what is good AND Also evil is really only Evil. Therefore, it is inherently a trait of good within natural reality to be rare, but not due to that being a necessary trait of "good" as a universally generalizable truism. So, for example, it can be said, "goodness is scarce, but scarcity is not good." If "good" and "evil" are both ideas originating from within the mind, but which can only be expressed and apprehended as active deeds over time, !but "good" is rarer than "evil," than we can postulate the following to be a truism of "good" in general: "A Good is what one has less of than one wants." Thus, a "Good" exists in reality, defined by scarcity of supply and increase of demand; but "Good" as an ideal exists only outside reality, in the invisible underworld of the mind. An "ideal Good" is anything that is "too good to be true," meaning that it is "ideal" and exists outside of reality, but can still be apprehended by the mind. The sum total of one's imagination is, for example, "too good to be true," and thus it is the products of one's imagination, ideals and mind that become the products of their active deeds; thus, a "good idea" made real is a "good" or "service."!Although the majority of our species might say their mental imaginations far exceed the possibilities for modern reality to provide them the building materials necessary to realize their loftiest dreams, this in itself explains why "goods" are rare, while 3/4ths of all energy and time is spent making "bad ideas" real instead. Even our imagination is, ultimately, based at least 3/4ths of the time on the reality we perceive outside. The mental realm itself is comprised of: the "good" imagination - that which is entirely free; and the "bad" imagination - that part based on prior reality; as well as the realms of past-memories; and dreams, which combine memories and the realm of the imagination. Past memories, dreams, "bad ideas" and "good ideas" combine to form the invisible realm of the mind. Memories, dreams and "bad" ideas are "evil" while only the free imagination is "good" because the mind follows the same rules for ratios of "good" to "evil" as reality (the two must be exactly 1:1 correspondent). terminology: The mind is made up of: 1) past-memories, considered evil for being based upon materially real events; 2) dreams, considered a combination of real-memories with imagination, considered evil for being partially based on reality; 3) "foolish ideas," based on "wrong" choices and considered evil for distracting activity toward evil deeds; 4) "inspiring ideals," based on "right" choices and considered the sole "good" in the realm of the mind for being scarce. Reality is comprised of both natural and artificial constructions of material environments. The mind super-imposes itself morally onto the nature of its surroundings. Thus, reality is below the realm of the mind like the land and ocean are below the air and starry-skies. Insofar as "reality" is determined by imposing the ratio of "3/4 more evil than good" then the mental realm must also be considered "true" in the

sense of being a super-natural appendix to material reality. Thus, there are two forms of "Good": 1) a real "good," such as a commodity that one desires to acquire from someone else through a fair method of transaction with them; and 2) an "ideal good," defined as a "good idea" that deserves to be made real and would benefit nature if it were. methodology: The condition of our species existing in natural material reality and in societies with one another is predicated on the dualism between accepting reality as a "necessary evil" and desiring inspiration as the "highest ideal." There are various forms of expression in our active deeds this can engender: 1) enlightenment: when the mind is able to transcend all stressors in its immediate physical environment immediately and ascends directly to a state of calm clarity in which the most reasonable choice becomes most rapidly apparent. 2) meditation: when the mind must set itself aside for a time before being able to attain a state of calm clarity where inspiration may be allowed to occur without impedance. 3) struggle: when the mind aspires toward the ideal of calm clarity and inspiration, but fails to be able to achieve these for any prolonged duration due to environmental stressors and the distractions of reality. 4) self-suppression: when the mind must actively prevent itself from succumbing to distractions in order to simply survive, thus causing itself to avoid ALL temptations, even those potentially leading to a better situation for that mind. Wherever there is dualism there are quadruples implied. Thus, between "God" and "Satan" there are 3 other pairs of opposite conditions: 1) "right" vs. "wrong," 2) "good" vs. "evil," and 3) "heaven" vs. "hell." However, from here on out, the more subtle distinctions so far identified will be considered as consistently implied by the nature of this topic, however will not be dwelt on in such detail. As we have seen already, the 75% or 3/4ths ratio of "evil" to "good" in all things, both "real" in the material sense and / or in the solely mental sense, is the direct result of this quadrupling of the initial duality. The result of this ratio is the conclusion: "good is rare and evil plentiful in reality and the mind." However, from this point in this essay onwards, we will be looking not at the moral terms of "good" and "evil," but the history of our species' understanding of these as personified concepts in the forms of "God" and "Satan." history: The fossil record indicates the hominid populations would have been too sparse and too dispersed to consistently cross one another’s nomadic migrational routes. However, it is an obvious fact of pre-historical record-keeping times that at some point multiple tribes of early peoples met and exchanged artifacts and ideas that each had previously only been developing within the confines of each individual tribe. While this may not have happened consistently, it must have happened at least once, and this event defines the origin of multi-cultural society. At this moment in pre-history is when the origin of the idea of "God" took place. Immediately after this event, the people involved were left to

compete against one another for the "good" portions of the idea. Instead of all understanding "God" the same way, each person present saw the vision of this ideal uniquely. All took back with them an enlarged concept than they arrived with of what constitutes an "ideal good" in the form of the other tribes' shared artifacts and ideas; however no two tribes would use this expanded knowledge shared between them all in exactly the same way as each other. From the first multi-tribal exchange of artifacts and ideas, the concept of "God" was born, and from the resultant competition between the tribes to acquire the "goods" of the other, opposing tribes, immediately followed from this the birth into reality of the idea of "Satan." The moral of the original multi-cultural social exchange between tribes of early peoples was this: sharing of artifacts and ideas is an inherent good, while competition over partial artifacts and suppression of any ideas is, thus, an ultimate evil. Thus, by trading artifacts and sharing ideas, man invented the idea of "God," however, immediately following from this, by competing over broken shards using the tactic of lies, came the naturally equal opposition, the idea of "Satan." If "God" is "good," and distraction-free imagination, trading of artifacts and sharing of ideas are good, then "Satan," being "evil," and "evil" being the opposite of "good," is thus a "God" of war, strife, plague, famine, dismay, rumors, lies and death. If "God" is "good," then "Satan" is the equal and opposite "Adversary of God." Over time economies grew around the earliest exchanges of artifacts and ideas. The more cultures crossed paths, the more societies began to take root and grow at these intersection-points. These societies became huge cities (with fortified walls ten feet thick in one case, or located on twin hills straddling a river in another) on strategically defensible geography. The residents who lived at these social juncture- points became less nomadic than those who passed through them as hunters or herdsmen; they fed themselves by farming plants and taming animals, and eventually established their cities as a reflection of their priorities for survival, their class structure being based on a small inner city with greatest fortifications to barricade themselves in with store-houses for siege-supplies, surrounded by a metropolis inside a second fortified defensive wall, surrounded in turn by a suburban rural farm-land where herds-men worked the land to provide food to the urban city- dwellers. This was the time when the role of "shaman" or "medicine-man" as "priest" of the "church" split from the role of "chief" or "elder" as "king" of the "government." The chief-king organized the city-planning, the classstructure prioritizing and could conscript an army to defend the city. The shaman-priest organized the gathering into the store-houses of grains and meats, and their redistribution from there first to feed themselves and the king, then to the vassals, then the serfs, then the slaves from conquered tribes, etc. Eventually there arose three great economic empire regions: 1) the Vedic Indo-Europeans of southern Asia created the caste system, which continues ot serve to this day as the basic model for any form of "society" or "social structure," and is based on variably three to five levels of social "rank" or "value to society" based on physical fitness, horizontal money-supply, mental aptitude and vertical money-demand.

The class system incorporated the "ruling class" including the king and priest, the "citizens" who serve some social-good, and the "slaves" who service the wills of the citizens. The Vedic, Indo-European economy was based on use of parallel currencies, metal coins and paper currency-notes. 2) the Sumero-Akkadian and later Babylonian empire of the Tigris-Euphrates rivers' valley, where a somewhat similar social system evolved, however was allowed to build up a much larger military and eventually conquer much of the middle-east, from the Taurus mountains in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, because it allowed the overextension of credit notes past the due amount of value in metal coins, thus inflating the perceived value of their economy by militarily conscripting a slave class of foreigners by foreclosures into indentured servitude. The Sumero-Babylonian empire used clay engraved with cuneiform to keep banking records, but eventually circulated more cylinder-seal stamped credit currency than they could back with value of saved metals in their banks, and so the Babylonian empire eventually deteriorated from within and the region, by now, has become a desert. 3) the ancient Egyptian Old-Kingdom was founded when the Scorpion-King, Sargon 1, unified upper- and lower-Egypt along the Nile river in north-eastern Africa. Pyramidshaped tomb building developed as the primary cross-cultural unifier between the societies of the northern lower-Nile and the southern upper-Nile. To construct the massive pyramids erected in Giza and elsewhere throughout ancient Egypt, a work-force of millions was needed. The Egyptian Pharaohs, "Gods in flesh," organized a two-tier class system of northern-Hyksos and southern-Nubian workers by paying them both in gold coins. Eventually, the project would near completion, and by then the ruling potentate of the era would have tipped the pay-scale to favor the architects more than the laborers, such that one designer might make the same amount of gold as ten builders. This imbalance stagnated Egypt and ushered in a millennia of decadent luxury there, finally ending only by a cross-cultural invasion from Mediterranean Rome. I mention these as being defined by their forms of economic trade, because these empires all pre-existed the concept of there being only ONE "God." These empires were all pantheists, who believed in many Gods, one guarding over and guiding each and every thing in natural reality, and though they lasted for nearly 6,000 years their ways of life are forgotten and mysterious now to the minds of modern mono- theists. These empires provided material "Goods" in exchange for their citizens' participation in the city-state's society. Thus, their "Good" is defined as material in natural, while the "Good" of monotheist societies has been to seek the ideal good of an inspired mind. This idealism brings into being the social juxtaposition between the roles of the chief-priest and the king. If one is "good," the other may be "evil." Thus, the separation of church and state in monotheist societies is as alike oil and water as "God" and "Satan." Monotheism, though some modern monotheists might be shocked to discover such, did not begin as worship of the universal ego as the one-true-God based on its being a constantly present idea shared in everyone's mind. It began when Abraham (also called Endubsar or ImHotep) rejected the remainder of all Gods in the existing pantheon shared

among the three earliest empires (of s.Asia, the m.East, and n.Africa), and chose to follow only one from among them all, whom he decided he would choose for himself. Thus, the concept of monotheism as the "one God" came into use following it being distinctively divided from the remainder of a pantheon of other, equal "Gods." Abraham called his "one God only" concept "Elohim," meaning "my God," and chose to call his "one God" the "king" ("havdhnya" or "ahdvnhay" derived into "adonai"). Eventually, pantheons of infinite Gods followed suit to this sage and began to narrow their numbers of deities to smaller sums, mostly to seven, to twelve, to three or to some such combination. The ironic fact of monotheism's "one God" idea being an invention of only one wise individual escapes the minds of the modern follower of monotheist religion who fully believes that the "one true God" is the "universal" (for which the latin word is "catholic") "All" (or "mind of the cosmos"). To the modern monotheist there can be no doubt, no question at all, that there is a universal conscious-mind, because they believe it to be speaking to them in their own minds when they are inspired. That is the modern definition for the monotheist concept of "God": an inspired mind-state. "Allah" is only a derivation of the word "Elohim" and "Jah" only a corruption of "YHVH" the vowels of "Adonai." To the modern monotheist, "God" simply IS the "mind of the universe." No further doubts or questions are possible for them. If "God" is the "conscious ego" or "brain" of the "universe," then that would mean "Satan," God's opposite, would be the "subconscious id" or "heart" of "reality." And this is quite accurate to the manner the majority of modern monotheists would define the current situation. For the past 2000 years or so, this has been the general perception, and little else has been modified from the original template for the model of building societies. 2000 years ago Rome arose and fell, and since then much of "western civilizations” history has been comprised of applying the earliest formation for citystates to the more nomadic woods-dwelling celts, saxons, gauls, anglish and germanic Europeans. Now, in the last 100 years, from 1900 to 2000 ad, we have achieved so much as a species that it would be a shame to lose, but which we are all too ready to part with should it serve to help the resolve the fundamental difference in the cosmos between the "good God" and the "evil Satan." Of course, no sacrifice we could ever offer could abolish all evil, and so the myths of the major monotheisms today that are predicated on the promise of an afterlife are simply puffing smoke and peddling mirrors. If, indeed, a "heaven" and "hell" exist, it will not be in reality we would find them, but in a perpetual realm of bliss or suffering that exists in the eternal recurrence of our final thought before dying. At the moment of death we confront our own karma, weigh it opposite our mortality, and behold our self-value and worth. evaluation: Wishing for "God" - as defined as only one of the pantheon of all possible deities - or for "Satan" - as defined as the adversary of that one God - to exist does not make them do so. The "guiding light" of monotheist-dualism is a false flame of intellect projected over

and conflicting against the more blatantly obvious facts of material reality. Thus, belief in "God" is a delusion, and one so popularized that we all suffer from it, regardless of it being man-made. However, belief in God without it necessitating the requisite belief also in his polar duality as "Satan" is still better than any form of belief that allows into incorporate within itself the idea of "Satan" as a counter-point result believed necessary due to the idealized existence of their own concept of "God." There MIGHT be a God, but IF there is one, it does not imply the requisite existence of "Satan." Indeed, there are, apparent over-top of mutual consensus material solid reality, morals of "right" and "wrong." We can all agree on most of these, and can all see it clearly when someone is making a choice that will prove to be "wrong." However, this does not logically justify rationalizing the absolute extension of these mental constructs of our minds to the ultimate anthropomorphications of "good" and "evil" as "God" and "Satan." "Right" and "Wrong" DO exist. "Good" and "Evil" MIGHT exist. "God" and the "Devil" MAY exist, but if either do, what should it concern us as individuals, for it would be a cosmic plight beyond our capacity to influence. In the same sense as denying the proofs for the existence of God given by the monotheist regions of today does not invalidate the possible existence of God, neither does it imply accepting the existence of "Satan" as an only alternative to the postulates provided by the modern religions. The ponder-some existence and simultaneous non-existence of the idea of God has become the domain of the churches of religion, and these have become divested of any role whatsoever in providing any material goods to the community. "Charity" is a "duty" in monotheist faiths because to them the "will" of each individual must be "bridled" and "tamed" to do "good" deeds in accordance with their faith's commands. People are not, by nature, "good." However, the more religious priests flee from the mental distractions of necessary survival to embrace the idealism of inspired thinking, the less material good they manage to accomplish for their community. They embrace "wealth redistribution" as a form of reclaiming their role protecting grain storehouses in pre-historic protocities. However, charity is a naturally ideal good, not the forced redistribution of material goods. You cannot "force someone to be good." The more energy we focus on suppressing imaginary evils which we create within ourself by fear of what is beyond our present knowledge, the longer the duration of time it will take us to achieve any beneficial goals. The more our mind is free and clear of all these spooks, ghosts, haunts and demons who plague our perceptual plane with distractions, the better and the sooner we will be able to contribute any true good to our society of choice. conclusion: Although there may or may not be a "one true God" or a "Satan" opposite Him based on this data set, it should be obvious by now that any form of worship and praise we offer to either is wholly personal, unique to each individual, and thus, universally random and arbitrary. If "good" and "evil" are truisms, then rather than "good" facts proving "God" and / or "Satan" a truly universal axiom, we have instead only "evil" belief that they

both do, regardless of any proof either in favor or to the contrary. Monotheists have come to believe that "God exists BECAUSE we Believe him to do so.” There is no arguing logically against someone who refuses to use the rules of logic as their guide. Thus, the entire argument of which is a "better" religion between monotheist JudeaoChristian Islam and Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism is moot. There is no "better" religion between the two, because essentially both of them are false. The fact the religion of monotheism is false does not disprove the possible existence of an all-good "one true God." It simply means that the religion of Satanism and the religion of God that also believes in Satan are both equally evil and to blame for the existence of evil in the form of the concept of "Satan." Only the religion of God that denies the existence of "Satan" can be considered "true" to the concept of "God" as the "one true" and "Most High" ideal good. Ultimately, your religion is your choice. You are given, by the origin of nature, free- will. No one can choose your path for you, you must choose it for yourself. You are constantly being faced with two options and being told to choose. The correct choice can only be made when the mind is calm and clear. Thus, it is best to calm and clear your mind before making any choice, no matter how mundane or difficult. This clarity of mind is an inherent "good" that we can offer in thanks of the gift given us by nature of the right to choose between "right" and "good" or "wrong" and "evil." prediction: As we approach the winter-solstice date of the galactic-solar-planetary equatorial alignment, Dec. 21, 2012, there will be an upsurge in research on the topic of "illuminsm" and the philosophy of "illuminati Luciferian-Satanism." Now, my readers, you will know how to answer them whenever someone comes to you asking questions about this topic. topic: Illuminism 101B title: What is Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism? author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD) location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 4-26-2012 synopsis: Because there is no "morality" in reality, though it exists in a higher plane, so to speak, of our mental projections that we super-impose invisibly over consensus reality, there is no such thing as "right" or "wrong," aside from as subjective variables symbolizing a uselessly random system with no basis in facts. Because there are no "right" or "wrong" in reality, only in the morality of our shared mental realm, one could postulate that "good" is the mental realm, while "evil" is reality itself, and continue this line of justification for psychosis to rationalize the existence of both "God" and "Satan," or even

only "God" as the supreme being above all the lower levels, and thus explain the existence of "morality" as an "ideal" in itself. One could further argue a system of levels that alternates between real and ideal, such that evil is reality, good is idealism, Satan is false, yet God true. One can argue this system can "wrap around" so that God can influence reality directly, but reality cannot change the will of God. This system is "good" insofar as it is logically convincing to our moral minds. However, is it true at all? If it is not, then there MIGHT be NO God, and thus all religions, both of "good" and in favor of the anti-thesis of that popular consensus concept, and thus for "evil," MIGHT be equally futile and false. introduction: Is it "better" to bring peace, or to make war? This all depends on the pre-existing condition. If war pre-exists peace, it is better to make peace. If peace precedes war, it is worse to bring war. However, in reality, there is peace in one place and war in another, such that when one war in one place ends and they have peace there, then another war starts in another place that had been at peace before. There is, somewhere, always war. The concept, tried twice, of a "world-wide war" - where the more technologically developed nations carpet-bomb and conquer their poorer neighbors, !where whichever side uses its resources fastest is defeated,!and which end with only the conquered half of all profiteers and killers being charged with war-crimes - has failed to end this vicious cycle of violence, which is moreover apparently inherent in all species on this planet, not only our own. If our species were wiped out, others would evolve to achieve what we have, and it is more than a little likely they would also succumb to the emotional temptation to use their technologies as weapons and make war. If the moral truism "an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind" were true, then sooner or later this planet we live on now WILL be totally destroyed in a war. As discussed in section A, the law of binary dualism implies the equality of quadrupled options due to the possibility for over-lap and thus imbalance implied between the extreme opposites. Just as we can say that only 1/4th of all possible options in such a system is truly "good," without any impurity due to admixture with its opposite, so too can we say that only 1/4th of all options that exist in such a system would be truly "evil." There would be 1/2 of the total equation that would constitute the imbalanced conditions of reality, where in some places there is "more good than evil," and elsewhere "more evil than good." Just as "ideal good" cannot exist in relationship to "real evil," neither is "ideal evil," in its fullest extreme, existent anywhere in reality. A "real good," or "service," is an economic commodity, while the "ideal good" would be "God" as the "Most High good," who could not be commodified or expressed in reality. Insofar as economics and money are the "root of all evil," and they exist in reality, and insofar as reality is less than ideal, as we can imagine a "better" world for ourselves, reality in general is evil, while the ideal of "God" alone is an "ideal good," and "Satan" alone the opposite in being an "ideal evil." The problem with any binary-based system is that, no matter how many levels one multiplies it to, it will remain binary-divisible, and will always break even, so to speak,

by providing any new level with an equal and opposite component; if any vote were taken in such a binary system, it would always tie, and thus, no change would be able to occur. Because the system remains "balanced," any sudden "imbalance" in one location must be immediately corrected by a "re-balancing" toward that location by the entire surrounding area. Such a model as the binary-based system is arguably an ideal or not, and arguably real or not. In truth, however, in either case, it should not be held to exist in a vacuum apart from any other possible systems. Systems such as, for example, the odd-numbered system do allow for "growth" and "expansion" and, when morality is super-imposed onto the changes thus caused, these changes can be considered "good" or "evil" progress in either the "right" or "wrong" direction, etc. In a binary-based system, we do not see the possibility for exponential growth, only arithmetic, as each new addition is coupled, but this coupling does not in itself produce any new addition, as we see to be the case in odd-numbered trinary dialectics, where the merger of "thesis" and "anti-thesis" yields a new "synthesis," which then serves to reproduce as "thesis" by pairing with its polar opposite as an "anti-thesis," etc. ad infinitum. The difference between a "binary" and an "odd-numbered" system is that in a binary system, any change rebalances to a new level, while in an odd-numbered system, balance is never attained, stasis is impossible, and change constantly occurs instead. Both exist in reality, thus neither can be likened to the ideal "good" of "God" nor "evil" of "Satan," which can exist only beyond reality as ideals in the mind. In reality, that is, material, solid reality, no ideals exist unless we make them exist by constructing symbols of them using existing material objects in solid reality. This is the essence of "idolatry,” which would mean the "bringing down" into reality of ideals using symbolic material objects to represent the ineffable and unattainable ideal itself. Money, for example, is a symbol of value, as opposed to being the ideal of "Value" in itself. Thus, in reality, we find there exist BOTH binary or even-numbered AND dialectic or oddnumbered systems, thus proving neither is, itself, at all "ideal." However, just as symbols can exist, and be used as moral truisms to justify arguing the existence of the ideal they represent, so too are both binary and dialectic systems used in arguments to prove the final truth about "good" and "evil," even though, in reality, there can be no final proof of any ideal. definitions: If we can say that no ideal can exist in reality, but that any material object can be used to symbolize any ideal, we might come to believe that objects, when used as symbols of non-real ideals, are elevated in meaning to the status of a more idealized form of "metaobject," imbued with symbolic meaning referring to the non-real ideal it represents to us. Insofar as "belief" or "imagination" in the mind may imbue any object with symbolic meaning referring to any ideal, this theory itself might be used as a justification in reality for the existence and usefulness in symbolizing an ideal. However, neither this argument of using both binary and dialectic systems to symbolize the ideals of "right" and "wrong" nor the use of symbols as "meta-objects" to idolize ideals, is a material reality in itself, merely another mental projective form of ideal. If no ideal can exist in

reality, no amount of justification will prove the opposite. Morality, logic and the entire ideal mental realm are non-real and do not exist in material, solid reality. No symbol can dis-prove this. Thus, we can define "symbols" as real objects we imbue with additional meaning to rationally and morally justify our mental belief in imaginary ideals such as "right" and "wrong." We can define reality, additionally, as being corrupted by the influence of BOTH good AND evil, and thus say only in the ideal realm of the mind do the ultimate extent of this binary idea truly exist as "God" and "Satan," but that, no matter how we symbolize these in reality using material objects, neither can be "brought down" and "made real" by simply imbuing any object with this symbolic meaning. Because no amount of moral reasoning can cause "good" or "evil" to exist in reality, no argument is possible that can either prove or disprove the moral use of symbols nor the existence of any mental ideal. The fact ideals cannot exist, and the fact symbols used for them are all arbitrary, are often ignored by many of our species. Instead, we embrace the use of symbols in place of ideals themselves, and we believe in the existence of ideals, and that our belief in their existence is what causes them to have that existence. We believe in the real existence of our mental realm, our mind. However, this does not make our mental realm, the ideals of our minds, real existing objects in material reality. methodology: By detaching the concepts of real objects that are used as idealized symbols by being imbued with additional meaning from our mental realms, and the ideals these symbols are used to represent, from the solid, material reality of objects, we can differentiate between the object in reality itself and the subjective meaning we super-impose on it with our mind. This method determines the difference between what is "true" in reality and what is only a "higher truth" in our minds, to distinguish between which exists in reality and which is merely a hallucination inside our imaginations. Thus, because "good" and "evil" are ideals that exist only in the mind, they do not exist as any real object in material reality. Because symbols of ideals are used as "meta-objects" by our species to give additional meaning to regular solid objects, the use of symbols collectively can be considered by its micro-application in the form of written language. A book of history is a symbol of history, but the past before they were born cannot be truly known by anyone. A symbol of the past can only influence one's mind to make different choices than they would by instinct, however it cannot prove the existence, in the present, of any truth about past events, which now no longer exist. No historical artifact can truly convince the morally reasoning mind the universe did not simply pop into existence the moment they were born into it. If nothing we imagine can be considered "true" in the sense of being a solid material object in itself, then objects we create or alter using written language to symbolize the ideals of our minds, no matter how many other minds they may influence in the future, are arbitrary and lies.

If we look at the history of written history itself, we can find through the study of changing symbols, that is, the use of different solid, material objects over time to signify the same, single unchanging ideal, and can prove the futility of believing one needs to do so to learn and improve their own instinctive ideals. The arbitrary assignation of symbolic meaning to any material object causes that object to decay at an increased rate, and eventually to be destroyed prior to our belief in its usefulness ceasing. Even this, the longevity of our belief in a symbol beyond the very ability of the object we use for it to exist, is taken as morally logical argument to justify the existence of ideals as a "higher reality." Of course, our destruction of one material object as a natural resource after another, ad infinitum, is excused by this argument as being "morally logical," but the fact this argument itself is ex post facto and imaginary itself is ignored. history: Logic and Morality are the twin children of written language. If written language had never been invented, neither morality nor logic would exist. If all capacity for written language were destroyed, morality and logic would cease also. Morality, as a justification for making an argument, and logic, the manner of constructing the argument to successfully convince someone else's mind, can only exist so long as written language exists, because written language, as a symbolic system for making an argument, can be made to exist as a material, solid object in reality. However, only within written language do the ideals of morality and logic exist anywhere in reality. Logic and morality are symbols of an ideal good and a necessary evil used to acquire it, but if all written language were erased, neither would persist. Some state communication using verbal language is the invention of our species, and none others use symbolic language verbally to communicate as we do. This is obviously wrong, since every animal species on this planet makes some form of verbal noise to communicate with its own kind, and even other species also. Yet, the invention of symbolic language to communicate can be proven unique to our species as an invention in its form as writing, an invention we owe entirely to our thumb's use in creating it, and not to our species' ability to use language to speak. A written record of events in our species existence signifies the entirety of our concept of history, as it unfolded here on our planet prior to our personal birth. No other species preserves their history in this way. This method is unique to humans and is how we measure the difference between our species and all others. The written record of our species' history is what we base our belief as a species for morality and logic upon. Without the written record of history, no logical argument would exist for morality, and we would need to, if it had proved useful, re-invent the record as proof for the existence of logical morality. Outside of writings, we can find no other proof in reality for the existence of either logic or morality. The most basic principles of logic are identity and cause and effect: "A = A" and "if A therefore B." The most basic principles of morality are ideals that are only symbolically expressed in logical terms. Thus "good = good," and thus "if good exists thus also there

must be such a thing as evil." In short, the written letters of our symbolic language themselves comprise the format of logic, and thus logic is used to argue the existence of binary morality. Because written language exists as a series of alphabetic letters, logic is premised on language, and thus morality on logic. We cannot say now that "written language does not exist as a material object in solid reality," nor that "history itself does not exist as the records of all our species' written languages." Therefore, symbolically within these texts, "morality" and "logic" can be argued to exist in reality; even though there is no proof for either outside these books. However, it cannot be argued that, because writing exists, the subjects of the writing must necessarily also exist. This is because writing is only symbolic of morality and logic, and thus, though useful in expressing our species' imaginary ideals, does not prove they exist as material objects in solid reality. The book about "Moby Dick" itself is not a real "white whale." No amount of logical morality can prove the existence as a material object of "good" or "evil," because in truth neither exist in reality, as both are purely mental ideals. The argument is often made that, by containing good and evil symbolically as records of history, the material objects of books about history are, themselves, a "meta-object" form of "better" reality that symbolizes mental idealisms. Again, any object used as a symbol will be rendered extinct before the expiration of its usefulness. Gold coins can be hoarded away from their use in the free-market as money; paper bills will expire before their users can reclaim their holdings in metals; the idea of "God" will die out long before the religions of monotheism are prepared to let Him go. By valuing any object as a symbol, it depletes that object's supplies to imitate in reality the scarcity of non-real ideals. By using any object as a symbol, we use its supplies in material reality up faster. Thus, the value of books as a symbol of idealism is increased along with their scarcity. If there were only one book, it would be considered most ideal. Such is, in modern times, the "Bible," comprised of the religious history of Judeo-Christian Islam. It is also often argued over whether this one book, the "Bible" of mono-theist religions, is an authentic symbol of idealism or not. It is said by some, "the bible is inaccurate in some regards, therefore less ideal as a symbol of history," while it is said by others, "the bible is the literal word of God." Neither of these arguments amounts to any proof either way, because the entire argument itself is moot. Arguing over the amount of truth in the Bible is like arguing over the exact amount of wheat content in a loaf of bread. The argument is irrelevant to the object's use itself. The use of a loaf of a bread to the stomach is equal to the use of any book to the mind, which consumes and lives off the ideals of other people just as the stomach must consume a variety of foods to survive. If the stomach doesn't eat, the body dies, and if the mind does not think, it cannot be said to be "alive" in the sense of active deeds either. For every hundred thoughts the average mind consumes from outside itself, it might produce one original idea of its own. Thus, the value of the one-book, the monotheist "Bible, as a symbol of all human history assembled as a series of logical consequences proving the existence in reality of the moral ideal, is due to its length. Because it's a long book, it inspires more original thoughts on average than most other works of equal percentage fiction.

The existence of the "Bible" as the history of our species comprised to logically prove the existence of morality as a final proof for the existence of "God" is irrelevant to whether or not "God" exists, and thus is an arbitrary symbol for human belief alone, and in itself can serve as evidence for the "higher truth" of nothing. The mental realm elevates itself symbolically to the level of an ideal "God," but this does not mean the mind itself is "God." In reality, there is no proof even for the existence of the mind, let alone for its belief in "God" being able to bring "God" into being in reality. evaluation: As long as the Bible, as an artifact of our species' record of history, exists as a solid object in material reality, people will continue to cling to it to logically justify their belief in the idealism of the mental realm for proof of a non-existent God. Because the argument of the futility of this is, itself a moot argument, the efficacy of the Bible as proof of God will continue, while the logic to disprove the reality of morality will yet elude those who apply logic to disprove the existence of morality. Logic depends on morality, and so logic cannot be used to relieve itself of needing morality. Morality is the ideal preceding it, and logic is then aimed to prove and make morality real. The concept of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" is only as useful as a logical disproof for the "Bible's" description of the monotheist "God" because of the limitations to the definition of "God" implied by its being a single material object. Beyond this, "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" would only replace one monotheist religion worshipping "God" as "good" with the opposite religion worshipping "Satan" as "evil," but would not be able to free the mind from belief in the un-real "existence" of the monotheist ideal of "God" itself. Thus, "Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" is not an elevation in levels from the real toward the ideal, but a decent from the levels of reality into those of an equally imaginary and false ideal. Both of these paths lead knowingly to insanity. In short, because "Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" is no different from "Judeo-Christian Islam" insofar as both are monotheisms, then "Judeo-Christian Islam" is no better nor more truly ideal than "Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism." To see this fact is the origin for seeking freedom from all belief. Ultimately, all beliefs, not only in EITHER "good" OR "evil," are false. The sky is NOT "blue," even if we Believe it IS. "Blue" is only a word our species invented to describe the concept of a color that pre-existed us. It is meaningless to say that which preceded is like that which followed. It would, logically, be like saying "if B therefore A." People will continue to believe in God long after they reach the logical conclusion one cannot really exist. Because logic is an arbitrary proof for morality, they will continue to use logic as a proof for the untrue "existence" of God. Again, this is identical to saying "because we say the sky is blue, it is blue," when in truth the sky is thin, clear water. And, again, the more we persist in using logic to justify morality, using the "Bible" as proof for God, and using books as proof for the past, we will only deplete the existence of logic, the efficacy of the "Bible," and all other books. This is a very dangerous road to pursue for us as a species, but then again, we are all doomed to die anyway, so who

cares? conclusion: Reality is malleable, but ideals are not. Ideals, by necessity, must outlast all symbols used for them. This is a natural fact, and not an axiomatic law we impose onto nature by our logic. There is no "law" in nature, and that is why we, and all other species on this planet, are permitted to wage war and to profit by killing. We would very much like to impose a "natural" law to prevent this behavior, but it is not possible in true reality to do so. We can no more change natural fact than we alter an ideal. Our mind is detached from reality like oil on water, but as lovely the patterns of our mind may be, they are nothing beside the depths of the realm of reality below. No "law" we imagine can change reality. Because we exist in reality, though our minds do not, we think we are able to superimpose our minds onto reality by creating symbolic "meta-objects" from solid materials. This is a lie. Because we see symbols of ideals, we believe ideals exist as proven material objects in reality. This is a lie. Because we use and believe in symbols, we think ideals are real. This is a lie. All logic and morality are lies, but we will never stop believing in them until our species is extinct. There is no more point in valuing freedom from belief than there is in valuing death over life. Belief is a fact of the mental realm just as solid objects are facts in material reality. We cannot separate the mind and its beliefs. To try is suicide. Beliefs are the organs of the mind, just as are the organs in our bodies necessary to keep our brains alive. The mind cannot live without belief anymore than the brain could live without the body. Just as we consume food to process through our stomach and feed our bodily organs, we consume ideas with the mind to digest in our brains and feed the beliefs in our mental realm. The mind can be compared to the body, but not the other way around, because the body exists in material reality, whereas the mind does not. You can change a belief in specific, but you cannot remove one organ and replace it with another that is a different kind. You can believe in both "good" and "evil," but you cannot sacrifice one heart to make room for a second stomach. prediction: Death comes to all of us, and how we live our lives does not matter if history is arbitrary and beyond our control. So long as we continue to be alive however, we will cling to beliefs and lies of logical morality to falsely prove "God." No amount of logic can disprove the use of logic, nor can gasoline extinguish a fire. Thus, we will keep believing because our species is weak-minded and soft, our beliefs malleable and inconstant, and ignore the fact of reality that our ideals can never possibly exist in reality. We will believe as a species until we are extinct, and never succeed in proving our beliefs are true. That is the fate of our species. There is no hope for us to progress beyond binary morality, even though it is ultimately useless to us, and will only bring about our downfall. topic: Illuminism 101C

title: Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism and You. author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD) location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 4-27-2012 synopsis: Why is it widely believed in modern mono-theism that "Satan" is to "Lucifer" what "God" is to "Christ"? It is due to the lie of "Illuminism" fostering the false assertion that "Christ" is the "Son" of "God" and thus that the "Anti-Christ" or "Lucifer" is likewise the "Son" of "Satan." Never mind that, in the myths, "Lucifer" preceded "Satan" as a fallen-angel, and that these two were merely different names for one and the same conceptual entity. The conventional colloquial consensus today is that "Anti-Christ" is to "Satan" as "Christ" is to "God," and thus just as "Christ" is the "Son of God," "Anti-Christ" must also be the "Son of Satan," and that "Lucifer" is the "Anti- Christ." Lucifer was once the "Angel of Light" and chief among the host of God's angels. He was said to have rebelled against God on a number of occasions and thus to have been "cast down" from heaven into, ultimately, the role of "Satan" as the "Anti-God," ruler of "hell" as "God" rules over "heaven." However now, the myth has been distorted such that "Lucifer" would be seen, not as the predecessor, but as the heir of "Satan." Of course, as proven in the previous sections of this essay series, no "morality" defining any of these characters can cause them to exist in reality, which they do not, nor ever will, nor even can. Nonetheless, this moot argument remains a distraction in the minds of most monotheists of our species because they are aware, though only indirectly, of the cognitive dissonant form of their belief. As the concept of the "monotheist God" begins to shift toward seeking new, real proofs it and away from the blind belief of the past, the mythological logic defining the "monotheist God" will decompose and de-cohere from within, until the definitions of "God" and "Satan" become interchangeable, and both are finally accepted as false. The realization that "God is dead," or rather, a false idea, can be apprehended by any individual at any time, but will never be realized by our whole species at once. We will be extinct long before the beliefs we hold now will cease being argued about by our ancestor species. This section of this essay series will address the question of "why illuminism has grown within monotheism as a counter-movement to its religions," as well as "why illuminism uses the tactic of distorting the logic of monotheist myths," particularly, as will be further elaborately shown, because there was no "Christ" as a "Son" of "God," not only because there is no "God," but because the myth of the "Messiah" or "Christ" being born as Jesus of Nazareth is fiction. The concept of calling "Satan" the father of "Lucifer" is to perpetuate the myth of "Satan's" inevitable redemption and return to his original place in "heaven" as the "Angel of Light." The reason for distorting the monotheist myth towards this concept of "Satan" as the "father" of "Lucifer" is also meant to address the concept that "evil" is "life backwards," and to address the concept that what we see as "good" would be "evil," and what we see as "evil" would be "good," from the point of

view of "Satan," if "Satan" were looking at things from the opposite point of view as "God," and "God's" point of view on our life was from the "Most High" vantage-point of "heaven," while "Satan's" was the lowest shadow in the valley of "hell." introduction: What is "Good," in general? "Good" is something we aspire to, but will never fully reach, apprehend and possess. "Good" is, like any other idea, invisible, intangible and able to influence the minds of people toward belief in it as ideal. As we have sought to demonstrate in the preceding essay sections of this lecture series, "good" and "evil" are relative only in the mental realm, and do not exist as solid objects in material reality. Therefore, what is the "good" of perpetuating the myths that describe them as such? If our beliefs are based on myths about morality, as they, for most modern monotheists, undoubtedly exclusively are, then freedom from them would amount to a mental death, the erasure of all ideas we have ingested into our minds over our entire lives. Thus, if the keeping of moral myths itself is immoral, but freedom from belief in their morality brings about a form of mental suicide, can we separate the morality from the myth, discarding the myth but keeping the morality intact, in such a way as to avoid complete mental chaos? Logically, this should be the next step for our (or any subsequent) species: to disentangle the usefulness of our species "logical morality" from the "monotheist myths" in which it is currently, exclusively, housed. The "religion" that should be born from "monotheism" as "monotheism" was from "pantheism" should espouse the morality of reality, and seek proofs for morality in reality, avoiding the short-cut of believing in it as an ideal that can exist only in the mind. If there is no such thing as "good" or "evil," or "right" and "wrong," nothing we can imagine would be impossible to accomplish, nor nothing we could achieve be permanent, and eventually, regardless of our personal quest for some proof for our belief as a species in morality being real, our species will die in a war and our morality be reduced to its final form: ashes on the pyre of time. Ultimately, even if "good" and "evil" do exist as ideas in our species' minds now, once our species has fought over their definitions until we have gone extinct in wars within ourselves, they will die too. In the end, our species is worthless and far too distracted from achieving any more of its full potential by the argument over the existence of non- existent "idealism" and false-truths of "morality." This argument will, eventually, kill us all. That fact is built into the narrative of the monotheist myths in the form of the self-fulfilling prophecy of "Revelations" that describes the "end times" of our species as occurring due to a "war in heaven" between "Jesus Christ" and "Lucifer" the "Anti- Christ" over the very topic we're discussing now, the issue of "good" and "evil." What "good" are the monotheist myths at proving the reality of morality? None; therefore, they are, themselves, useless, since that is their sole and only goal as a tool. What "good" can be learned from their study, then? None as well, considering they only confuse the mind in the present which would be better guided by its moral instincts. So, then, most importantly, if no "good" comes from the monotheist myths, why do they continue to exist, why do people continue to study them and believe in their good? It is

because of how ancient true "illuminism" really is. The "new testament gospels" describing "Jesus Christ" are "illuminist" scriptures inserted between the partial truths of the "old testament torah" histories and the more or less total truth of the "Quran" as a moral code-book. The goal of the "Christian" scriptures was to distill from the Judaic "Old Testament" scriptures the moral code of the monotheist God into a short-format, which could then be distilled further until it evaporates and is replaced by the "scientific method." The goal of "illuminism" is to replace monotheist religion with science. That much is the agreed upon definition for "illuminism," however the antiquity of age such a broadly scoped definition can encompass is rarely fully examined, and all too often entirely overlooked in the study of "illuminism." Assuming the "enlightenment"-era resurgence of "neo-Platonism" and the invention of the "scientific method" during the "age of reason" were the origin for modern "illuminism" is fine; however we must not forget that prior to this, "illuminism" had been thought dead since the last prior resurgence of interest in "Platonism," immediately prior to the era of the "New Testament," when the ideas of Plato were originally being dispersed among the various peoples of the Roman Imperial colonies. The result of "Platonic philosophy" on "mono-theism" then was called "Gnosticism" in the Mediterranean regions of northern Africa and the middle-east. "Gnosticism" was the "study of knowledge," just as "philosophy" was the "pursuit of wisdom." Insofar as Gnostics considered "wisdom" an unattainable ideal, hidden in our mind behind a veil of our knowledge, they sought to prove the reality of knowledge as a means of acquiring the ideal of wisdom. To monotheism, such thought is heresy. To "illuminism," the fact monotheist religion finds "philosophy" and "Gnosticism" antithetical to faith and belief is proof for their own origins at the now eroding core of monotheism itself. The fact monotheist religions define faith and belief as "good" and science and knowledge as "evil" is the sickness of "illuminism" within monotheist religion. Of course, no "good" God would curse the quest for knowledge, which is why it was necessary for "illuminism" to be created by pantheism within the monotheist religion to do that job instead. terminology: Judeo-Christian Islam IS illuminist Luciferian-Satanism. They are two sides of one coin. Likewise, science and logic are one side of the same coin as the other side is belief in morality. Because "Judeo-Christian Islam" breaks down into the dialectic of the "Trinity" of "father" God, "son" Christ, and "holy ghost" Prophet, each of these components has its mirror opposite on the same level in the form of the "father" Satan, the "son" Lucifer" and the "holy ghost" of "illuminism" in the opposite form of monotheist religion, which seeks to find (or to cause) proof in reality for the existence of "evil" rather than of "good." Because Judaism created "God" and "Satan," Christianity created "Christ" and "Lucifer," and Islam created "the Prophet (PBUH)" and "illuminism," they are both "monotheisms," even though opposite in their moralities; both "God" and "Satan" are just opposite sides of the same concept - monotheism. "Gnostic" monotheism created the "scientific method" as "Platonic philosophy," however

immediately following this pantheist infiltrators of monotheist religion at the time implemented the "illuminist" counter-trend as a means of suppressing this methodology and its goals. "Luciferian-Satanism" was invented to discredit gnosticism and science as being the very trend of "illuminism" which was, within monotheism, designed to stamp them out. Thus, in the modern mind, the concepts of "scientific method" and "logical reasoning" are believed to be associated with "illuminism" and with the goal of proving the existence of "Satan" and non-existence of "God" in natural reality. Therefore, "Gnosticism" and "Platonic philosophy," even if identified as "illuminism," are truer forms of "monotheism" than the form of "illuminism" originally designed to suppress and thwart them by pantheist infiltrators. Who, then, were these infiltrators into monotheist religion who still held the old beliefs of pantheism from ancient times? What was their fiendish scheme to slander scientific method and monotheist gnostic philosophy as "illuminism"? The answer is quite simple, though may shock many modern mono-theists today: it was the Roman Emperors who invented "Christianity" to counter the spread of the "Gnostic" heresy. This fact, though obvious, is yet counter-intuitive today only because so many people today are believers in the "Christian New Testament Gospels" as being part of the "Bible" and thus the "true word of God." They are not. Everyone, be they Eastern-Orthodox, Catholic or Protestant, who calls themselves a "Christian" nowadays is a fool being mis-led by a false fiction. There never was any "Christ" born because the concept of "Christ" is a fictional concept based on the idea of the "son" of "God," which is, in turn, completely antithetical to the definition of "God" in monotheism as the sole and only deity above all that which is, was and ever will be. This concept had become so unpopular at the time of the writings of the "New Testament Gospels," that the Roman Emperors wrote these "Gospels" to prove the myth was an Absolute Truth in material factual reality. The "Gospels" are a lie, and the events described in them did not actually occur in at all the way described in them. While "Judaism" proved the existence as ideal, but the limitation to the mental realm, of the monotheist "God," and "Islam" proved the usefulness of extracting only the moral axioms from within the "Old Testament's" many mythical truisms, "Christianity" has proved to be the downfall of all monotheist religion as such. It demands we question the definition of and what constitutes a modern "religion," because if one "religion" can be predicated on a false myth, then any church can arise anywhere at any time around any myth, regardless of its moral "good" or its percentage of fiction, and be considered an authentically "monotheist" religion as well. Thus, "Christianity" IS "Luciferian-Satanism," and both combined are "illuminism," or the erosion of monotheism from within. methodology: Ignoring the emotional temptation to cling to symbols of morality as justification for our belief in its existence and as cause for obeying its codes in our behaviors cannot itself cause the non-existence or reversal of our previously held moral beliefs. Thus, science, by the method of questioning, can not replace the monotheist concept of God, but only expand upon its definition by empowering Him as the one being asked. "Illuminism" on the other hand is predicated on disproving the existence of the monotheist concept of

"God" by any terms, and by any means, including use of science and of monotheist myths themselves. "Illuminism" as anti-thesis of "Gnosticism" combines science and myth to disprove monotheism, while "Gnosticism" uses science and myth to prove it. The goal of Gnosticism was culminated in the Quran, distilling only the most important moral truisms from within the previous monotheist scriptures, and thus the Quran became the basic text for the original practitioners of scientific method in the early Muslim Ottoman Empire. The goal of the Quran and the scientific method was to promote free thought and for people to question their belief in the false monotheism of Christianity. The Gnostics hoped that, by inventing the new religion of Islam, they would be able to turn the blind followers away from being misled by the lies of pantheistic Christianity. "Gnosticism" became "Islam." In the Ottoman Empire and Turkish Spain science was practiced openly during the entire Medieval period during which the Roman Pope of Christendom committed the atrocities of the Crusades and Inquisition, while ruling over the European feudal system of royals, vassals and their serfs. As stated before, the "Dark Ages" stagnated Europe in their backwards rejection of modern science, forcing the nomadic tribespeople of pre-Roman Europe into the Indo-European caste-system of preHindu Vedic India. Such was the history of "western civilization" in Christian Europe between the advent of their "monotheist" religion's invention until the early years of the Italian Renaissance some 1600 years later. In truth, the "monotheist" religion of Christianity is nothing but a glove into which the pantheist Roman Empire was perfectly fit alike a hand. The concept of "Christ" was based loosely on the deity "Krishna" of the Hindu and Veda. "Krishna" was the "oversoul" or "uber mensch," the "super-ego" or "Most High consciousness." In the Vedic pantheist myths, "Krishna" is described as a dancing, though unborn infant, asleep in a meta-versal cosmic womb, and our entire cosmos, all we can see and know about material reality, is nothing but his dream. In Hindu myths, "Krishna" became an intermediary between "Shiva" the destroyer and "Vishnu" the creator. In Buddhism, "Krishna" was the avatar of Buddha, and Buddha the atavism of Krishna, just as each subsequent Dalai Lama has been an atavism of Buddha. When the Indo-Europeans immigrated across the Caucus mountains from western Asia into eastern Europe, they brought with them "Krishna" among their pantheon of many other Gods. When Rome invaded and subjugated these peoples of Europe, the pantheon of Rome identified the Indo-European pantheist demi-deity "Krist" with the concept of the Hebrew "Messiah," or "messenger of God," called in Greek "Christ," the world-savior. Because the Roman Empire encountered far more resistance from the Hebrew Judeans in the middle-eastern colonies than from the pantheists of Europe, they thought it wise to take the character attributes of "Krishna" or "Krist" and assign them all to one Hebrew person whom they would then call the "Messiah" or "Christ," and then kill, and thus dispel the myth of a coming "world savior" who could overthrow the Roman Empire. And so they wrote the "New Testament Gospels." history: The concept of the "devil" predates the myth of "Satan" as a fallen angel. In the oldest original Torah myths, there is no description of "Satan" entering into the "serpent of

Eden," of "Satan" testing Job, of "Satan" being a "fallen angel," etc. Instead, each of these roles was played by a different angel of God. Firstly, the "serpent of Eden" is described as being the angel Raziel. Secondly, the "adversary" who tests Job is Azriel. Thirdly, the "fallen angel" of Hebrew Pass-over is celebrated as the scape-goat, whose name is Samael or Shem-Azza, meaning "the name Azza." All of these were taken, collectively, to represent one single angel by the New Testament era anti-Gnostic monotheism pantheist scholars of Rome. They called this anti-God "Satan," and described him as having once been an "angel of light," named "Lucifer" who challenged the authority of God, and whom God "cast down" into "hell" and made king demon. Of course, this myth is entirely contrived by assuming the differently named angels of the Old Testament Torah are one and the same fallen-angelic entity, rather than separate angels tasked individually by God. In Gnosticism, "Satan" was called "Saklas," "Sabaoth" or "Ialdabaoth" which meant "the blind one." They were not referring to any real living being. They were referring to the early Roman invention of "Christ" being based on the myths of Horus and Odin, both of whom lost one of their eyes fighting the serpent of chaos. The Gnostics knew the idea of "Christ" was false. They spit on the graven idol of the Christian world-savior, and have often since the Inquisition resorted to violently replicating the fictional act of the killing by crucifixion of this fictional Christ. To the Gnostics, "Satan" was a rebel against "God," and because "Satan" was an invention of Roman pantheists, which they called "Christ," thus "Christ" was "Satan." It was Christ that was, thus, the rebel against God, and whose character is often portrayed by Gnostics as an anti-hero. Again, the whole purpose of inventing the myth of "Christ" and thus the "monotheist" religion of Christianity was as "illuminism" meant to logically discredit and morally erode monotheism from within. The writing of the "New Testament" was meant to end the religious writings of monotheism. It failed. Islam proves that the idea of God (somehow!) managed to survive the fictional death of "Christ," His "son." The galvanized format of Islam in the shortform of its scripture, the Quran, came as a surprise to and was immediately seen as a threat by the Roman Christian Papal-Emperors. The Roman Popes of the era of Muhammad (PBUH) believed themselves the contemporary equivalent of the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. They believed they held the keys to heaven and hell, and that they alone controlled the entire vast of expanse of the former Roman Empire, which had included Judea and much of the middle-east. The origin of Islam was seen as an enormous threat to their consolidation of power, and thus they launched the "Crusades" to retake the "Holy Lands" from the "heathen" Muslim Semites. Of course, by attacking the monotheist religion of Islam, Christianity finally disproved itself as a monotheist religion itself, and lost all remains of its thin veil over the naked face of Imperial Roman pantheism. However, the Popes, remaining impervious in their belief of their own immortal authority as contemporary equivalents of Caesar alike the Egyptian Pharaohs, did not even care by then. They unleashed wave after wave of children, of nuns, of serfs and of knighted vassals led (sometimes) by the loyal kings themselves, against the Muslim Saracen and Ottoman Turks. The result was that the followers of Islam were split into two schools, the so-called "Sevener" or "Shiite" believers, and the "Twelver" or "Sunni" believers. To this day there

remains un-necessary conflict within the last true monotheist religion to form, Islam, between those who believe in 7 and those who believe in 12 Imams, or wise teachers who followed the Last Prophet, Muhammad (PBUH). The backlash of the Crusades causing the split in Islam was that eventually the Catholic Empire of Christendom split also, and formed the Protestant faith as a form of Gnostic rebellion against Christianity as a religion of Imperialism. Just as Islam remains at civil war within itself to this day, Christendom was eventually split into three pieces that all remain today: Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant.!All of these sects are considered different religions now, and all have adherents all around the world, numbering in total nearly the entire population of n.Asia and of "western civilization" combined. The only equivalent to any form of competing religion besides the adherents of Judeo-Christian Islam are the Hindi pantheists of India and the followers of the non-religion philosophy of Buddhism. Because there are over 7 billion or so people alive on earth right now, and because according to surveys by "western civilized" science, at least 90% of everyone alive believes in the concept of the monotheist God, that means that 6.3 billion people alive right now believe in God. The rest of the people alive right now are either "agnostic" aware of the idea of God but unwilling to accept it as true without any factual proof, or "atheist" - who are aware of the idea of God and who outright reject the validity of the concept in any terms. Becasue only one percent of the ten percent who doubt the truth of the existence of God are atheists who deny the idea entirely, and because one percent of ten percent is actually one-tenth of one percent of the total, and because the total population alive now is around 7 billion, thus only about 1/10 of 1% of 7 billion people are outright atheists. This means that 6.3 billion people believe in God, that 7 million people are either agnostic or atheist, and that there are only about 700 real atheists.!This might seem like an incredibly small number of people nowadays, considering there's 7 billion people alive now. 700 people would not even fill an average sized stadium in modern times. Yet this group grows even smaller when we subtract from it those atheists who believe in the "ideal good" of "morality" independently of the existence or non existence of the idea of God. If we are left with only the number of "atheists" who are also "amoral" or who would be considered truly "godless" and "evil" people by the rest of humanity, we are left with something like merely 70 living souls. 70 out of 7 billion human beings are both atheist and choose to be evil. That's 0.0049% of the total, or literally one evil atheist per every 100 million people both morally good and who believe in God. These ~70 people who are both atheist and amoral sociopaths have self-selected into behind the scenes managerial roles in our increasingly globalized society. They have collected to their cause around the same number of amoral agnostics and immoral monotheists by professing the "new religion" of "science" to replace monotheism. We call this group now, the "illuminati," although this name only began being used for this cult as recently as the enlightenment and dawn of the age of reason. This form of antimonotheist non-pantheist atheism is much older than the name "illuminati" however, and dates at least as far back as the Roman Empire. The Roman Emperors, selfproclaimed pantheists and monotheists alike, believed themselves alike the ancient

Egyptian Pharaohs, who had believed themselves to be "living Gods." This contradictory concept defies the principle of God as an ideal-only, and is the foundation-stone on which Christianity was based. Christianity was founded to set a precedent for the punishment and execution of anyone from the "gross masses" (the some 99.9% of good agnostics or monotheists) who attempts to gain social power non-economically, by providing an ideal good in the form of a non-economic message of morality. Because "Jesus Christ" was "good," he was killed by those "evil" people who rule the world, and continue to today. Thus, if anyone else wants to come along nowadays and try to be a "world-savior," they will meet with the same fate as any and all "Christs," the fate that is deserved instead by those evil rulers who would expand their empires by violence, monetary coercion and lies. Thus, we seem now to be stuck with these ~70 rulers of the world, although this sum is inconstant in itself, and varies as a percentage of the total population. As stated, these ~70 "global kings" are all in agreement on the most fundamental issues, and all in opposition to the vast majority of opinions on them. They do not believe in God, and they do not subscribe to any moral code. They believe themselves to be "living Gods," and wish only to expand their authority over distant minds. They will die unhappy, unsatisfied, and suffer the fate of hell in their final moment's thoughts. Some of them are intelligent enough to realize this, however not all of them are, nor do all of those who realize it choose to care about it and repent. evaluation: Because the modern "illuminists" have, for 2000 years since their forging "Christian monotheism," a complete contradiction in terminology, consolidated so much power to their small, elite cabal, it seems as though they have impunity to do whatever they want, including committing mass-murder and arbitrary torture of individual enemies. Because these "illuminists" do not believe in the monotheist concept of "God," but believe instead they themselves are "living Gods," they comprise a false "pantheon" of modern "antiGods," essentially embodying on earth the demonic royalty of "hell" as a "round table" of plural, equal "Satans." Thus, with their existence, they prove the theory of "hell on earth" and that "Satan rules earth." However, these truisms do not prove necessarily universal axioms; the rich elite are not always evil atheists in all events, even though they are here and now. Because the rich elite cabal of atheist sociopaths that manage the global governmental "round tables" and "think tanks" now do not all agree on every issue, we, the rest of the population of people on this planet, can only hope this tightly knit elite cabal is susceptible to erosion and decomposition from within due to a form of "anti-illuminist illuminism" forming among their ranks. We, the majority of moral monotheists of our species, believe the rich elite's "new world order" to be a house of cards that can be toppled by the slightest breeze blown through it from within. This hope, however we may reason it a logical moral axiom, is irrelevant without our preparing for and around it. If this elite cabal falls, we must have a back-up system prepared to be implemented instead of it immediately on its collapse. Until we have a superior alternative option to

their "Protocol's" global dictatorship, their plan will continue to progress, and the doom of our species to creep incrementally closer everyday. In material reality, we must remember, there are no such solid objects as factual evidence to prove the existence of "right" or "wrong." Therefore, the actions of the modern "illuminists" are allowed by nature to occur, and they are permitted to profit from mass murder, torture and various war-crimes. They use the scriptures of Christianity, particularly the prophecies such as Revelations and the works of Nostradamus, to plant certain symbols into mass media, to preclude our minds toward expecting, and to count-down to, events they have been planning for centuries finally coming to pass. This group of immoral atheists has no official title as a cabal, nor any official name for their philosophy. They change their tactics and strategies to prevent others coming to success the same way they had. They "change the rules mid-game," and use economic shock-tests to destabilize international currency markets and to "tilt the board" in their favor; they make legal for themselves any active deeds they can imagine themselves benefitting from, then make it illegal for anyone else to exploit these same legal loop-holes. They authorize torture of "enemies of the state" while staging false-flag "terrorist" attacks against their own nation of origin. These are the things that the "leaders" of the "free world" do on a daily basis. conclusion: Following any extensive study of the topic of "illuminism" as pantheist infiltratororiginating anti-monotheism in the form of "Christianity" itself one can find one's self quite exhausted and wanting to find any moral truth to it all. There is no justification in moral logic for the ritual sacrifice of human beings, their use as disposable sex-slaves, and the trade of abducted children world-wide, let alone the outright illegal declarations of war made "legal" by recent presidents. The cult of fame, of fortune, of wealth, of success and celebrity surrounding this group of fiat- capitalist war-mongers is in its core membership comprised solely of immoral atheists. The best manner to rid the world of this group of people is not to stoop to their level and execute them following mock-trials; the best manner is to rid the world of any belief in the need for this group to control and orchestrate events on a global level. This can only be accomplished by developing a fallback option in the (inevitable) event their plan as laid out in the "Protocols" for a global dictator fails. Eventually their system will fail because it benefits nobody else but themselves; the remainder of the population will simply cease seeing any "good" use in this group, and freely ignore all attempts to enforce its demands. Eventually, all the prior fiat- capitalists will be forced to adopt whatever the populist "fall-back plan" ends up being, however, if we wish to keep "capitalism" without the negative results of "fiat" we can simply replace paper cash with gold coins. This would benefit us all, rich and poor, equally. prediction: Ultimately, all the rats will leave the sinking ship not because they want to, but because they have no other choice. It is only a matter of time before the entire population of

people on this planet will have to decide between either the "good" of those whose imaginary "wealth" we consider "success," or else the good of themselves as the rest alive. To prepare for a world without this group of people being in control of the major industries, we must accelerate development of any form of alternative plan besides their "Protocols" for a global dictatorship. Without a prepared "plan B" ready to implement, the globalists edge closer daily to their dream of appointing Prince Harry the "Christ." topic: Illuminism 101D title: the Future for Illuminist Luciferian-Satanism author: Jonathan Barlow Gee organization: the Pythagorean Order of Death (POD) location: Tallahassee, Florida, USA date: 5-1-2012 synopsis: If we establish that logic and morality are not realities, but our own mental choice in each moment, we will have successfully applied "illuminism" to erode the foundations for the existence of monotheist religion. Monotheism, unlike pantheism, constitutes a single edifice of institutionalized religion. There are many synagogues, denominational churches and mosques. But there is only One monotheist God, and if we disprove the necessary existence of this, by removing "moral logic" as an argument for mental imagination being counted as part of solid, material reality, then not one, not some nor many, but ALL monotheist religious institutions fall. That, in short, accomplishes the goal of so-called "Illuminism," foundation of the Roman flamines "Catholic" Christian religion. The role of the Popes has been, all along, to prove the non-existence of God, as part of their pledge to uphold the will of "Christ" for "His Church," for the existence of "Christ" as a "Son of God" (let alone a "Church" to embody the "Holy Ghost" to complete the Catholic "Trinity") disproves the concept of a singular monotheist God. "Illuminism" is the true form of "Christianity," insofar as both seek to disprove the existence of God and thus to topple the monotheist religion by eroding its institutions. If we establish, further, that this is and has been the goal of a small group of less than 100 immoral atheists alive at any time - the so- called "illuminist conspiracy," a literal embodiment of the illuminist concept of a "Synagogue of Satan" - then we may posit they themselves might not believe in "Satan," but that, by their actively evil deeds, they are willing to deliver mankind into the total self-destruction and moral-abnegation that is implied as the opposite of monotheism. Thus, whether or not they themselves are "Luciferian Satanists," per se, is irrelevant beside the fact they are, even now as I am writing these words, attempting to consolidate to themselves the power over masses of their equals once possessed by Pharaohs and Caesars. This group of immoral atheists is aligning themselves, using fiat capitalism rather than production of a commodity or service, to rule over the rest of our species by replacing the concept of monotheism with their own appointment of a global dictator. This dictator, regardless of whether considered "good" or "evil" by arbitrary moral logic, would be, to the illuminist "religion," the equivalent of "God" to monotheism; thus, "Christ" would be replaced by "Lucifer," and "God" by a living global dictator as "Satan," the true ruler over earth.

introduction: The better question than "what is good?" is "what is relativity?" To understand that what is "good for one" is not the same as what is "good for another," let alone what would be "best for all," one must first understand that no matter to what one assigns attributes of "good" or "evil," one cannot have one without the other; thus, no matter how much "good" or "evil" there is in the universe, because these concepts are ex post facto effects of physical reality and because these concepts are "relative" to one another - thus we can postulate that, not only is everything in physical reality relative to everything else in all quantities of any quality, but perhaps, because "good" and "evil" are also relative, but are ideals, then everything in the mental realm might be "relative" as well. Thus, "relativity" would be a common denominator of both physical, material reality and our super-imposed mental idealisms. So, we can begin by the postulate: "EVERYTHING IS RELATIVE," and expand on this to prove or disprove it by comparing the relativities between reality and ideals. Solid material reality and the realm of mental ideals are relative to one another. "Good" and "evil" are relative to one another, in the realm of mental idealism, thus the same way as are apples and oranges in material reality. You can compare quantities of apples and oranges, contrast their qualities, etc. You can use them to symbolize units of "good" or "evil" karma if you like. However, ultimately, as real as the apples and oranges are, "good" and "evil" are only ideals. You can compare and contrast apples and oranges on the level of material reality, alike how you can "good" and "evil" in the mind, but this does not make the mental realm real, only "relative" to reality. For example, say the apple is alike the idea of "evil," and the orange alike the idea of "good." This actually subtracts from the real value of the apple and orange both, dividing their real use into a part that is super-imposed mental ideal. This implication of positive value disguising an actual deficit in real worth is the sole promise of the mental realm of ideal. Because reality pre-exists the mind, as solid matter pre-existed the evolution of biological life, the real value is in the solid material object itself, and not in the super-imposed mental ideals we project onto it with our minds. Once we realize that the mind is the pivotal fulcrum point, the bottle-necking hour- glass between the apex of idealism and nadir or reality, its actual use is defined: not as a mental-projector that shines idealist-light through a focal-lens at a blank-wall of external-reality to show a motion-picture, a shadow-puppet show; the mind is used to absorb matter into it and to convert it into the mental realm - the mind exists to create new ideals. When was the last time a "new ideal" was imagined? How long has it been considered dangerous to use our full imaginations? How long has it been tacitly illegal to dream aloud? terminology: In the previous essays we defined morality as a subjective variable. It exists only in the realm of the mind as an ideal, but cannot effectively be super-imposed onto reality in

such a way as to benefit anything by it doing so. Morality is, thus, a failed ideal. "Realism" arises to replace failed ideals, and from its scythe now drips the blood of "logical positivism," the concept - futilely optimistic - that morality can be proven using a series of events in reality over time. Using cause and effect to prove the natural existence of an otherwise inert force upon matter is a self-fulfilling prophecy. You cannot pick up a club of wood and kill a person who disagrees with you just to prove to them that solid material reality agrees with you even if they personally do not. They will miss your point, being as how they will be dead. You can prove the existence of material reality this way, at least to yourself, but you cannot prove the supremacy to it of the mental realm of ideals through any active deed you can imagine, let alone perform in reality. Just as there is no actual "karmic unit" of "good" or "evil" anywhere in material reality, so too can no active deed prove their existence through cause and effect. Ideas don't exist; ideals are not reality. If we define morality as an ideal, but define ideals as relative to reality, we can further identify morality as a failed ideal. If this is the case, as it appears it is - for morality promising balance offers none in fact - then what "higher ideal" should replace morality? If "illuminism" disproves "monotheism" as an ideal itself, and if mono-theism is the singular pinnacle capable of topping even the binary dualism of "good" and "evil," then truly the entire mental realm is in jeopardy of proving a complete and total waste of time and energy. Thus, identifying "morality" as a "failed ideal," we begin our final inquiry into the topic of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism," to find a true ideal, a "good moral" that we can identify, that we can share and compare to other real objects, and that can be substituted for the failed morality of monotheism. If monotheism's anti-thesis for the "good God" is the "evil Satan," then perhaps the first place we should look for an answer to the quest for a "higher moral ideal" would be to seek the opposite of what monotheism has defined it as. If "good" and "evil" are relative in the way that apples and oranges are, then we may imagine apples and oranges in a pure empty void, devoid entirely of gravity or other meanings. They exist, but are without "relative" referentiality to anything else. Such are the apple and the orange "things in themselves," and so thus are "good" and "evil" forms of objective "things in themselves." Good and Evil are objects in the mental vacuum alike apples and oranges would be if they were to be compared while floating in the depths of outer-space. Thus, the question of "what is a better ideal than morality" is answered, objectively, quite simply by the void itself. "NOTHINGNESS is supreme to the monotheist single deity concept in the mind, as well as to the relativity between moral ideals and objects in material reality." It is not the addition of the monotheist "God" concept to the binary dualism of "good" and "evil" to form the "Catholic" dialectic "Trinity" that solves the answer of a more useful back-drop to the equation at hand. It is the abnegation of the entire system.

methodology: Thus, the "law of one" at the capstone of monotheism, built in turn on top of the pantheist cornerstone of the "laws of men," itself in turn serves as the cornerstone to the atheist "law of none," whose capstone is, in turn, an infinite zero. This "law of none" expressed as "infinite zero" is the solution to the equation of what may better supersede "morality" as an ideal. Some have expressed it as "anarchy" or the "law" of "do what thou wilt," expressed in Greek as "Thelema." This "one law of no laws" has been the sole belief adhered to by the immoral atheists who invented "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" as a counter-point to "Judaeo-Christian-Muslim" monotheism. The usefulness of "infinite zero" is simple and limitless: behind everything, there is nothingness. It is the furthest limit we have or ever can reach, providing zero resistance and an infinitely retreating horizon, incrementally acquiescing to our advancements along our borders of knowledge and greed. Nature, itself, is seen as being the ultimate drawing board upon which we have traced out our structures of "morality" as idealized castles in the sands of time. Nature, which returns all to its most basic elements given enough time, is said to obey no higher laws, but to be the very mechanism by which its own, interior, "natural laws" are enforced. Whenever we see a coincidence occur, we imagine it brief proof of a higher guiding ideal, however this occasional glimpses into our own imaginations made real in truth disprove just that. Nature's femininity, for example, implies to mankind’s minds the existence of some counter-point masculine force. We imagine "God the father," or "father time," etc. never realizing that it is we ourselves who are filling that role and playing that part ourselves by doing so. Thus, the only more effective solution than applying "infinite zero" to our own limitations by "natural law" is applying it to the existence of reality itself. Just as the mental realm of ideals may be disproven using objective realism, so too can the realm of material reality be disproven to exist using solipsism. "Solipsism" is the ontology of the same philosophy that "nihilism" is the religious moral code. Again, immoral atheists have embraced these both since, perhaps, before the origin of our own species. history: If the "law of none" preceded the existence of the "law of one," the discovery of the monotheist ideal of a "one true god," then how can best hope to return the world to this simpler, more idyllic stage of a veritable "Garden of Eden," a natural paradise on earth? We cannot. We have progressed down a long, dead-end path from which there is no, nor can there be any, return. Our species is as much doomed to extinction prior to our exhausting our futile clinging to the useless monotheist concept of moral logic as each of us alive now is doomed to die sooner or later someday as well. Thus, there's no hope for our species, and the best we can hope for is to leave some traces of clues, some small sampling of evidence, of our present existence to future species that might one day find and study our remains as today we do the dinosaurs. If we have any remains of hope at all for moral logic's proving the existence of an ideally "good" God, it lies with animals and aliens, and not in our own hands anymore.

The world chews us up and spits us out, both as individual people and as a species. Nature has been abused by us long enough, and is no longer willing to suffer our species existence. The simple fact is that we have broken "natural law" by super- imposing our mental "ideals" and thus diminishing the real usefulness of solid material objects in natural reality. Because of this, we SHOULD abandon absolutely ALL hope entirely, and simply make due with finding a superior form of idealism in nihilist, atheist solipsism. However, it is unlikely our species will be capable of achieving this goal, aside from perhaps less than one hundred of us alive at any given time in history, and so it falls on these remaining few to suffer the hopeless and thankless, sad and futile fate of knowing and carrying the burden of our entire species destiny: death. When the dead can be cloned, and inanimate flesh made to live again, there can no longer be the super-imposition of binary dualist moral idealism as a "natural law" proving the existence of the monotheist concept of "God." This is because cloning, ie. "resurrecting the dead," is forbidden in scriptures as being the "last straw," so to speak, in sealing the demise of past species. It is believed that, because the "giants" cloned our species into existence, for example, the Biblical flood was sent to destroy them all, and it was only by a sub-atomically narrow margin our own species even managed to survive it as well. Thus, now that we are at the cusp of this form of a scientific breakthrough, we are staring down the "last straw" separating our own species from our prior definition of "God" itself. If we "become God," usually "God" gets very upset about it, and the result is total global extinction. Total global extinctions happen frequently and on a regular schedule, corresponding with one species dominance on a planet and with the peak of that planet's star's sunspot cycle. The more heat the star bakes the planet in, the more full of hot air are the minds of whatever is the most advanced species on that planet. The lofty ideals of long lost species can only nowadays be imagined by examining their fossil remnants. Reptiles grew larger over the many millennia they evolved as the dominant species on earth, and thus their form of "logical morality" was to "idealism" size. This was, of course, their downfall, insofar as when their environmental conditions were suddenly changed by a comet colliding with earth, they were forced to shrink and to bio-diversify their families of species. As the earth's global environment changed, reptiles grew smaller and more agile, and have since adopted many traits developed during the dinosaur-era first by mammals. As mammals, our own species has small size and agility, and furthermore, as monkeys, our species of mammal further evolved thumbs and upright walking. Dinosaurs were a silly species from the point of view of our own. Likewise, our own species will appear as much a useless and futile dead-end stem on the branching tree of evolution from a point as far ahead into our own future now as we are now from the dinosaurs in our past. In the future, dinosaurs will be replaced by dino-hominids, and it will be our fossilized blood, turned to tar and oil, that will be used as fuel to power their strange machines. I am wagering the future will belong to two forms of animal-factions, who will evolve

from the wild and from the tame forms of animals alive at this time now. In the wild animal faction there are "birds" and "bugs," ever at war as polar extreme opposites, the "good" and the "evil" of the untamed air. In the tame animal faction there are "dogs" and "cats," who have achieved peace but who remain divided along class lines the usefulness of which has expired. It is easy enough to see all this, if one but lets go of their ego. The ego is the temporallock, the conceptual framework within and behind the physical reality that surrounds one's living body. Your mind is where and when your body thinks it is right now only because it is stuck to it like a fly in a spider's cob-web. Until the body dies, there's no escape for the mind from it. Thus, the mind cannot ever truly hope to succeed in realizing anything it can imagine as an ideal, as in "bringing the gift of fire" or "drawing down the moon" as it were. Everything we touch is tainted by our inner-wills, and everything we invent takes on a new life of its own once we are done creating it. New ideas share themselves, and if you hold onto one too long, it will no longer be as "good," because someone else will have already tried it by then. Thus, the best idea is to embrace the futility of all ideals, and to expand upon the logical amoralism of atheist solipsism. This means that the "ego" or "time-lock" one has for themselves in their mind, their "self-definition" itself and their faculty thereof, should be abnegated, and the use of it as a link between the mental and material realms of ideals or reality be abolished. To accomplish this, one is best to begin by using logic to reduce morality, then to using this form of reduced morality, hindered by logic, to disprove the physical existence of "God." There is no "good," no "evil," no "God" or "Satan," there is only oneself surrounded by their own infinite cosmos. Each of us is the core of our own cosmos. We can each try to bring down our ideals and make them real. But the more we try, the more we will be depleting the top sands of the hour-glass to add to the sands in the bottom half of it. Call it erosion, drainage, entropy, decay, Thoth or whatever you like: it is the ruler of the cosmos, and our ego is only visiting this realm temporarily. If one's own mind could fully expand to encompass, define and control the entire real cosmos, one would realize they themselves are the one true God over their own entire universe, of which they are the core, and which may overlap other core-God's centralized universal spheres as well. But then, if we are all "Gods," there is no such thing as a "one true God" possible. Logic is preposterously useless at solving this problem, because if there is no "God," there is no logical justification for our own existence, let alone the solely mental existence of our man-made idealism-machine called "logic." Using logic to disprove God's existence is exactly like using a gun to shoot off your own toe. Anyone who pursues this line of reasoning deserves to bleed out. However, it is apparently necessary for some nowadays to at least TRY to "break the godspell" that controls their otherwise more creative minds by limiting their "free" time. People honestly believe as much that there is hope for our species as they do in the factual existence of "God." It does not matter that no "god" by definition of "alien

biological being" fits the definition of being the "One True God" over the whole universe; it only matters that, all else regardless, no such "One True God" over the whole universe can nor does exist in reality. Thus, it is just as futile to resist the logic that disproves our own usefulness to an arbitrary and hostile reality as it is to advocate it. In truth, only solipsism defines the true condition of reality from anyone's mind's perspective, because such is the same amount of belief reality has in the contents of anyone's mind. God hates human-kind. It is simple to see this fact, as only our own species' minds is tortured in this way by the issue of mortality. We imagine moral logic and use this imagined ideal to super-impose the concepts of "good," of "evil," and of "God" and "Satan." This argument is a waste of our minds and time. In truth, only solipsism is an accurate description of reality. Solipsism is the belief, proven in fact, that nothing is real and that nothing real actually exists. There is simply a vast empty void of outer-space, undisturbed with any subatomic motion by the stirrings of any gravitational breeze. Nothingness exists, and it is all that exists. We are not "brains on shelves." There are no "shelves." There are no "brains." There is no "us." There is only nothingness, and we are simply imagining the rest. The law of gravity is true, as if in a dream, because we imagine it to be so. The law of entropy and decay over time is true, as if by cause and effect, because we believe it to be so; we see it occurring here or there, then we imagine it must always everywhere, and so everything began and continues to decay to this day. We imagine a "God" and so, for each of us, one exists; but each imagines a different "God" and so infinite "Gods" CAN exist. Infinite "Gods" CAN exist only because in truth, NOTHINGNESS ALONE EXISTS. Logicallymoralist nihilism, objective-rational atheism and blind faith in total solipsism are the three stages of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" ascended only by some 70 or so people per generation. If you can embrace these as "higher ideals" than "failed morality," you could be among these ruling elites as well, however the likelihood they would allow anyone new to enter their folds by this point, so close to our species' planned extinction, is unlikely to the nth degree of extremism. We will all die. Our bodies will die, and our minds become ghosts. Our species will die and our ghosts become Gods. This planet will die and our Gods will become souls, free to roam anywhere in the cosmos and time. This cosmos will die and all our individual souls will evaporate into the thinner density of the omni-spirit, the monotheist ideal of "God." That "God" will die, and the cosmos will be reborn "under new management." Then eventually, the idea of all existence itself will have worn so thread-bare against the backdrop of a black curtain of Nothingness that it will simply wisp away like cob-webs in the breezes, becoming another forgotten memory in the schizophrenic mind of a nonexistent God, the ego of the cosmos. Therefore, there is no "Christ," there is only "illuminism" logically disproving morality. There is no "God," there is only "Luciferianism" in the form of reality disproving the usefulness and ultimately the existence of moral idealism. There is nothingness; the

opposite of the monotheist "God" is "Satan," defined as the philosophy of solipsism incarnated in anyone's active deeds. If "God" was imagined to bring "good" causes into effect, then solipsism, by realizing there is no reality, thus disproves cause and effect, which, though liberating of the mind, is futile for any use in bringing "good" into being by our own active deeds. If we embrace solipsism, we embrace inactivity. Insofar as inactivity is neutral it is not "all good," and thus is more partially "evil." What is "evil" in reality? Ultimately, nothing. Therefore, nothingness is sole king- God in the religion of solipsism. This defines the condition of the mind within each of us that faces the binary moral choices in our immediate future at all times. Inside the mind of each of us, which mind empowers us over natural reality alike we imagine the monotheist God above the whole cosmos, there is the ideal of solipsism, the belief that, because reality is malleable and obedient, pliable to our demands, etc. that therefore it does not exist, but our mind does. This is false. Neither the solid material reality, nor the interior mental ideal realm, exists. They are mutual fictions, each imagining the other. A symbiosis of non-existent mind and non-existent nature combine to form the wheel of suffering, the "yin yang," of polar extreme opposites within the totality of solipsism's cosmology. Nothing exists, nothing is real, nothing is ideal. All is Nothingness. evaluation: What does it mean that "God is dead"? It means the idea of a monotheist cosmic omnisentience has expired in its usefulness to our species. In truth, there never was a God. We should not feel betrayed by this. It is not "God's" fault that He does not exist. It's mankind’s fault for pretending He did. We should never have embarked down the road of theism in general as a species, and it will result in our eventual extinction as such. Arguing over the moral logical attributes of "God," we will kill ourselves all off, and soon. This is only depressing because we were promised "God" and have been given "hell on earth" instead. Of course this offends our moral sense of fairness, justice, rightness and all those sorts of concepts. Ethics and morality are logical, we have asserted as much as a species; does that amount to nothing? Yes, ultimately, everything we do will be reduced to silt in space, until even space itself evaporates into more ethereal dimensions. Ultimately, the only provably true fact we can assert using our minds is the nonexistence of reality. We can prove reality is superior to the metal realm by killing - such is the sole "moral" motive for any war. We can prove likewise reality is inferior to the ideal realm by suicide as a species. Ultimately, we cannot add benefit to reality by our minds, we cannot project our moral logic onto reality in any beneficial way, and we should, and eventually will, as a species, simply give up and accept the defeat of our ancient attempt to justify our own mistakes. Existence is a mistake. Life itself is a mistake. We should not have been born. When we were conceived, we began to dream this reality into being. When we were born it was complete. Now, we live within it like a fetus floating in the womb, dreaming of the world beyond death. Soon, we will die regardless, and all our dreams will be forgotten. We are lied to and told we are promised a choice. But there's no choice. The choice

within like a and foetus floating the between womb, dreaming of the world oranges. beyond death. betweenit "good" "evil" is the in choice rotten apples or rotten Either Soon, we will and ourcondition dreams will be forgotten. way, they willdie beregardless, rotten; such is all their in being real. We may choose apples or oranges in reality, and "good" or "evil" in ideal, but in reality, there is no ideal, and in We are lied to and told we are promised a choice. But there's no choice. The choice idealism, no reality at all. between "good" and "evil" is the choice between rotten apples or rotten oranges. Either way, they will be rotten; such is their condition in being real. We may choose conclusion: apples or oranges in reality, and "good" or "evil" in ideal, but in reality, there is no ideal, and in idealism, no reality at all. There is no God, no good or evil, no right or wrong, no right or left, no night or day, no conclusion: up, down, inward, outward; there is no mind and no reality, no solid object exists and neither does any imagined mental ideal. You can't manifest an apple out of an orange, There is no God, no good or evil, no right or wrong, no right or left, no night or day, norup, vicedown, versa,inward, and trying will probably makeand the no entire universe collapse in exists upon no outward; there is only no mind reality, no solid object you like an imploding balloon of smoke in the airlessness of outerspace. There is no and neither does any imagined mental ideal. You can't manifest an apple out of an heaven, hell, cosmos; is no only your mind, mind,universe there is orange, nor life, vice death, versa,earth and nor trying will there probably make no themy entire collapse in upon you like an imploding in the airlessness outerno our mind, no natural mind. There is noballoon mind atof all,smoke no reality exists and you of and I are space. There is no heaven, hell, life, death, earth nor cosmos; there is no your mind, not even real. I am not real, and I am not really telling you this, because you are not real no my mind, there our mind, no natural mind. Thereisisa no mind all, no reality either. None of this isis no actually happening, because reality loop thatatconserves both exists and you and I are not even real. I am not real, and I am not really telling you chaos and order equally, such that everything is constantly changing, but so that this, because you are not real either. None of this is actually happening, because nothingisever permanently changes over time.and Ultimately, reality such is an that ocean and we are reality a loop that conserves both chaos order equally, everything is making waves in it that, when they finally "go around," will "come back around" sink constantly changeing, but so that nothing ever permanently changes overtotime. us. Ultimately, reality is an ocean and we are making waves in it that, when they finally "go around," will "come back around" to sink us. There is nothing. Nothing is real. Nothing exists. There is nothing more to say beyond There is nothing. Nothing is real. Nothing exists. There is nothing more to say this. Ultimately, this is not the extent of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" alone. It's the beyond this. Ultimately, this is not the extent of "illuminist Luciferian-Satanism" final conclusion to allconclusion forms of life whole. can deny but denying it alone. It's the final toand all reality forms as of alife andYou reality as a it, whole. You can does not mean it is not true. deny it, but denying it does not mean it is not true.

prediction: You will not not believe believe any anyofofthis. this.You, You,my my student, will forget I have argued You will student, will forget all all thatthat I have argued out out using moral logic and human reasoning. You will go back to watching tv and using moral logic and human reasoning. You will go back to watching tv and eating eating microwave meals. You are already aware of the futility of your own existence, microwave You are your already aware of the of your existence, and do not and do notmeals. need to have nose rubbed in futility it to prove theown non-existence of God, of need to have your nose rubbed in it to prove the non-existence of God, of morality, logic morality, logic and ultimately everything else we like to assume is real as well. and ultimately everything else we like to assume is real as well. If nothing exists and evil is caused by any activity we attempt, we have become "freed" from the "godspell" to be inwe ourattempt, own regrets. If nothing exists and evil is only caused byen-chained any activity we have become "freed" from the "godspell" only to be en-chained in our own regrets. PEACE. - Jon

Yezidis: recognition signals, made with the hands: (i) Degree of Disciiple; (ii) Degree of Ecstatic; (iii) Degree Priest; (iv) Degree of Sheikh. Yezidis: recognition signals, made withofthe hands: (i) Degree of Disciiple; (ii) Degree of Ecstatic; (iii) Degree of Priest; (iv) Degree of Sheikh.

Zeus enthroned Zeus // Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter enthroned enthroned

Pan Pan Baphomet Baphomet Pan Baphomet

George Washington Washington George George Washington

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Illuminati History 101:: introduction to this textbook a communique for the IOBB2. “we’re the true illuminati Annunaki, the merging of Shiva and Shakti, the central channel in the left and right Nadhi's expanding Merkaba divine light body the sons of light vs. the sons of darkness it's no competition we've won regardless the heathens, heartless djinns and harlotts all vanish when I unload my cartridge” - Jahn “Illuminati Congo” with ATMA and Sinister Stricken MadLung from the song: “War of Sons of Light Vs. the Sons of Darkness” from the ATMA album: the Higher Self Aloha dear readers, By means of an introduction to this introduction, allow me to reveal right away the subject matter we will be considering in this meager tome of essays. Illuminati History 101 covers the Yezidi, the Assassin Cult, the Priory of Zion, the Bavarian Illuminati, the Skull and Bones, the Golden Dawn, the OTO, Thule, Majestic 12 and the Federal Reserve, the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove Camp. Through extensive quotes from online resources for free, authoritative material on these subjects, I have compiled a collection of descriptive quotes and drawn a thread of allusion between them in this section to tie together the entire historical arc of the philosophy of the modern IO. This doubtlessly daunting task may elude a final, comprehensive conclusion about neither the origins nor the modern mind-set of our Order. By following the transformation, chronologically over the last 1000 years or so, of the original, Gnostic, philosophical belief of the Yezidi in Malek Taus, the Peacock Angel, we may see how it entered Europe during the Crusades via contact between the Knights Templar and the Assassin Cult; see how it infiltrated the realm of international financial institutions in the guise of modern occult rituals; and finally we can face its plans for the visage and nature of our New World Order. Illuminati Symbolism 101 covers the eye, the pyramid, the circumpunct and the triangle, Illuminati axiom #1, the Illuminati Trinity, the Statue of Liberty, and the double-headed phoenix, eagles and shields; as well as their symbolic meaning, their use in media, the

Cult of Anubis and their subliminal use. The goal here is to analyze the various signs, signals and symbols of the modern IO, and to filter out those which are not authentic to the tradition of our Order. For example, though the UGLE recognizes both Scottish and York rites, York is preferred in the north of Europe, while the Scottish presides strongest in the southern United States. Thus, when we see a symbol of 33rd° Scottish rite F&AM in the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty, we understand its context as a gift by European national Masons to the US Masons of their “New Atlantis.” But where we draw the line between Masonic and IO symbols is defined in detail throughout the text by careful omission of all but those most ancient and austere symbols of the IO’s working craft. defined detail the hesitant text by careful of all but those mostand ancient Indeed,inwe mustthroughout be extremely to treadomission on any living soul’s beliefs, so we and austere symbols of the IO’s working craft. Indeed, we must be extremely hesitant must tread very lightly in mapping the invisible terrain below this field of symbolism. In tothis tread on any living soul’s beliefs, andsome so we must symbols tread very in mapping introduction, I will briefly discuss further of lightly the pre-historic and the invisible terrain below this field of symbolism. In this introduction, I will briefly latter-day incarnations of our Order, however the reason they are excluded from the discuss some further symbols of the pre-historic and latter-day incarnations of our main body of the on IOthey symbolism in this text duemain to their falling justtext outside the Order, however thetext reason are excluded fromisthe body of the on IO strictest interpretation of what constitutes an authentically IO symbol, based on its date symbolism in this text is due to their falling just outside the strictest interpretation of of original use. For example, the symbols shown below, the Twelvers and use. for the what constitutes an authentically IO symbol, based on for its date of original For 5 example, symbols below, formain the portion Twelvers for the 5 Pillars Pillars ofthe Islam, are notshown included in the of and this work because they of areIslam, not IO are not included the peripherally main portion of this work they are not IO symbols, symbols, despite in being connected to thebecause cult of the Assassins. despite being peripherally connected to the cult of the Assassins.

The TheMoslem Moslemreligion religionisiscurrently currentlyatatwar warwithin withinitself itselfbetween betweenthe theShi’ite Shi’iteand andSunni Sunni factions, but is being manipulated into this position by the Catholic Church via their factions, but is being manipulated into this position by the Catholic Church via their crypto-Jesuit sleeper-cult of Maloch, the “Great Owl,” ie. the modern “IO,” the CIA. crypto-Jesuit sleeper-cult Maloch, the their modern “IO,” the CIA. The The CIA, however, mostly of know and the care“Great little Owl,” more ie. about own origins in the CIA, however, care Mason little more about their own origins the Yezidi cult Yezidi cult thanmostly almostknow any and modern knows or cares about their in society’s secret than almost any with modern knows of or the cares about their society’s origins origins in Egypt, the Mason construction Great Pyramid. This is secret why we mustin deal gently, with theoftopics of some of these symbols, so asgently, not toat Egypt, with at theworst, construction the Great Pyramid. Thisgroups’ is why we must deal upset the powers that be. worst, with the topics of some of these groups’ symbols, so as not to upset the powers that be. Likewise, I will not be making any pejorative “leaps of logic” where the meaning of the symbols does not align 100%. For example, the star of the Druze faith, a defunct Likewise, I will not be be likened making any pejorative “leaps of logic” theofmeaning of the sect of Shi’a, could to the “F.A.T.A.L.” pentacle of where the OES co-Masonry. symbols doing does not 100%. For example, of the Druze faith, a defunct sect of However, so align would tragically misleadthe thestar seeker unaware of their differences in belief system and practises.

The CIA, however, mostly know and care little more about their own origins in the Yezidi cult than almost any modern Mason knows or cares about their society’s secret origins in Egypt, with the construction of the Great Pyramid. This is why we must deal gently, at worst, with the topics of some of these groups’ symbols, so as not to upset the powers that be. Likewise, I will be making any pejorative “leaps where the meaning of Shi’a, could be not likened to the “F.A.T.A.L.” pentacle of of thelogic” OES of co-Masonry. However, the symbols does not align 100%. For example, the star of the Druze faith, a defunct doing so would tragically mislead the seeker unaware of their differences in belief sect of Shi’a, could be likened to the “F.A.T.A.L.” pentacle of the OES of co-Masonry. system and practices. However, doing so would tragically mislead the seeker unaware of their differences in belief system and practises.

There has been such loose interpretation of what truly constitutes an IO symbol because there remains an intentional misdirection away from consensus on what the IO is, itself. In fact, the final question of the “membership application” form for a certain online IO forum asks the applicant to define the word “Illuminati” from their own point of view. Because the IO is a symbol of power and mystery, many come to it seeking its secrets. However, only those who cast aside their own baggage and do not bring it with them into their analysis of the symbolic data-set can remain rational, calm and Objective. These people are fit to be called “True Illuminati,” however not the rest who fail to grasp that the subjective nature of this question implies, only falsely, that the IO has an unlimited capacity for power through mystery. These wash-outs of the push to re-take the concept of “Illuminism” from its current use by the economic elites, rather than change the IO from within, assail it from without, slandering the Plan and its participants by considering the IO a “Babylonian Brotherhood,” and we, Illuminati, ourselves, merely reptilian over-lords assuming humanoid appearance to maintain our direct control over their own, and everyone elses’ minds. Of course, only when you Wake Up and realise there is no real conspiracy that controls anyone personally, let alone within their own interior psyche, do you cease being a lunatic and begin being a True Illuminati. A “True Illuminati,” according to a strict adherence to the Bavarian “Illuminati’s” founder, Adam Weishaupt, uses the “pyramid” or “Ponzi scheme” structure only to forward the IO’s opposition to “All Existing Religious and Social Institutions,” in short, by applying the enemy’s own symbolic means, they seek to accomplish their own ends more rapidly and with longer term success than those who seek to perpetuate the myths associated with this symbol, and their Solar “slave mentality.” The “hive-mind” is a symbol antithetical to the Light of the individual Illuminati. Thus, this meta-form, the “eye in the triangle,” represents the first steps toward the downfall of mankind’s individualism. The truncated pyramid represents the drone, zombie slaves, while the missing cap-stone signifies the Great Work accomplished. This symbol is of “God” and “government,” for “Church” and “State,” for religion and politics, recombined in Plato’s “Republican ideal” golden ratio (1:2) class-structure. The pyramid is, in truth, an enormous esoteric energy engine meant to pulverize and channel upward one’s own individual soul by lying in the King’s Chamber sarcophagus. This ritual may “take the weight off the chest” of an individual, but the cult that formed around this ritual became

corrupted immediately upon origin. There is no truly “Babylonian” Brotherhood now, just as there is no longer an “Illuminati.” Yet very many of those who use the pyramid symbol today do so without regard for their own history, and do so at their own risk. Instead of drawing gravity downward, with the goal of liberating the soul’s Light, inspiration, most modern adherents use this symbol to subliminally impute their own authority over other people by employing cash currency as a form of electro-magnetic current, to shock and awe their foes and betters alike. As they say on the US dollar bill, “Fortune Favors the New World Order.” Likewise is it said, “One Nation Under God,” with the caveat added by US past-President George W. Bush Jr. “just so long as I’m the dictator.” In reading this humble offering of some meager knowledge on the true modus operandi of the “modern” Illuminati, please bear in mind your own definition for what constitutes the “True IO.” Bear in mind no two interpretations are alike. But bear in mind also that this does not mean even one single idea is the only final truth. PEACE. - Jonathan Barlow Gee Tallahassee, Florida January 16, 2011.

theMountain MountainFortress Fortressof of“Alamut,” “Alamut,”the the“Eagle’s “Eagle’sPurchase,” Purchase,”in innorth-western north-westernIran. Iran. the

An ancient Yezidi Temple in north-eastern Iraq. An ancient Yezidi Temple in north-eastern Iraq.

Illuminati History 101.A:: Illuminati the Yezidi:History 101.A:: a communique for the IOBB2. the Yezidi: a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: Signs of early agriculture date back as far as 9000 BC to the foothills of the Zagros Mountains, in

Quote: cities later named Anshan and Susa. Jarmo is one archaeological site in this area. Shanidar, where Signs of early agriculture back ashave far been as 9000 BCis to the foothills of the Zagros the ancient skeletal remains ofdate Neanderthals found, another. Mountains, in cities later named Anshan and Susa. Jarmo is one archaeological site in Somearea. of theShanidar, earliest evidence of production has been discovered in the Zagros Mountains; the this where the ancient skeletal remains of Neanderthals have beenboth found, settlements of Hajji Firuz Tepe and Godin Tepe have given evidence of wine storage dating between is another. 3500 and 5400 BC.

Some of the earliest evidence of production has been discovered in the Zagros During early ancient times, the Zagros was the home of peoples such as the Kassites, Guti, Mountains; both the of periodically Hajji Firuz Tepe and Godin Tepeand/or have given evidence Assyrians, Elamites andsettlements Mitanni, who invaded the Sumerian Akkadian cities of wine storage The dating between 3500 and 5400 BC. of Mesopotamia. mountains create a geographic barrier between the flatlands of Mesopotamia, which is in Iraq, and the Iranian plateau. A small archive of clay tablets detailing the complex interactions of these groups in the second been found During early ancient times, theearly Zagros wasmillennium the homeBC ofhas peoples such at asTell theShemshara Kassites, along the Little Zab. Guti, Assyrians, Elamites and Mitanni, who periodically invaded the Sumerian and/or

Akkadian cities of Mesopotamia. The mountains create a geographic barrier between the - flatlands of Mesopotamia, which is in Iraq, and the Iranian plateau. A small archive of clay tablets detailing the complex interactions of these groups in the early second Quote: millennium been found atby TellMehrdad Shemshara along the Little Yazdanism isBC a has term introduced Izady to denote a Zab. group of native Kurdish monotheistic religions: Alevism, Yarsan and Yazidism.


The Yazdani faiths were the primary religion of the inhabitants of the Zagros Mountains, including Kurds, until their progressive Islamization in the 10th century. The three Quote: denominations of Yazdanism are primarily practiced in relatively isolated communities, from Yazdanism a term and introduced Mehrdad Izady to groupHaqq of native Kurdish Khurasan to isAnatolia southern by Iran. The adherents of denote Alevism,a Ahl-e and Yezidi are monotheistic religions: Alevism, Yarsan andKurds. Yazidism. estimated to constitute about one-third of the The main body of the followers of Alevism, however, are the Anatolian Turkmens and Turks, while in Syria, Lebanon and Israel, they are Arabs. In Iran, the were followers of the Ahl-i Haqq be as often of the and The Yazdani faiths the primary religion of can the inhabitants theAzeris, ZagrosPersians, Mountains, Mazandarani as Kurds. The religion in its current fragmented state into many independent including Kurds, until their progressive Islamization in the 10th century. The three denominations is "a belief system of great antiquity that is fundamentally a non-Semitic religion, denominations of Yazdanism are primarily practiced in relatively isolated communities, with an Aryan superstructure overlaying a religious foundation indigenous to the Zagros. To from Khurasan and southern Iran. The adherents Ahl-eofHaqq and identify the Cult to orAnatolia any of its denominations as Islamic is simplyofa Alevism, mistake born a lack of Yezidi are estimated to constitute about one-third of the Kurds. The main body of the knowledge of the religion, which pre-dates Islam by millennia."

followers of Alevism, however, are the Anatolian Turkmens and Turks, while in Syria, The adherents of these faiths referred to the as the "Sabians (of Carrhae) in Lebanon and Israel, they are were Arabs. In Iran, followers of of theHarran" Ahl-i Haqq can be as Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed. The Sabians are also mentioned in the Qur'an and in Bahai

often the Azeris, Persians, and Mazandarani as Kurds. The religion in its current fragmented state into many independent denominations is "a belief system of great antiquity that is fundamentally a non-Semitic religion, with an Aryan superstructure overlaying a religious foundation indigenous to the Zagros. To identify the Cult or any of its denominations as Islamic is simply a mistake born of a lack of knowledge of the religion, which pre-dates Islam by millennia." The adherents of these faiths were referred to as the "Sabians of Harran" (of Carrhae) in Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed. The Sabians are also mentioned in the Qur'an and in Bahai writings. -ânism Quote: The origin of the Yazidi religion is now usually seen by scholars as a complex process of syncretism, whereby the belief system and practices of a local faith had a profound influence on the religiosity of adherents of the Adawiyya Sufi order living in the Kurdish mountains, and caused it to deviate from Islamic norms relatively soon after the death of its founder, Shaykh Adi ibn Musafir, who is said to be of Umayyad descent. He settled in the valley of Lalis (some thirty- six miles north-east of Mosul) in the early 12th century. Sex Adi himself, a figure of undoubted orthodoxy, enjoyed widespread influence. He died in 1162, and his tomb at Lalis is a focal point of Yazidi pilgrimage. During the fourteenth century, important Kurdish tribes whose sphere of influence stretched well into what is now Turkey (including, for a period, the rulers of the principality of Jazira) are cited in historical sources as Yazidi. According to Mohammed As-Sahrastani, “The Yezidis are the followers of Yezid bn Unaisa, who [said that he] kept friendship with the first Muhakkama before the Azarika” ... “It is clear, then, that As-Sahrastani finds the religious origin of this interesting people in the person of Yezid bn Unaisa. ... We are to understand, therefore, that to the knowledge of the writer, bn Unaisa is the founder of the Yezidi sect, which took its name from him.” ... “Now, the first Muhakkamah is an appellative applied to the Muslim schismatics called Al-Hawarij ... . ... According to this it might be inferred that the Yezidis were originally a Harijite sub-sect.” ... “Yezid moreover, is said to have been in sympathy with Al-Abadiyah, a sect founded by ‘Abd-Allah Ibn Ibad"; and the Ibadi sect is another Harijite sub-sect." - Quote: Shaykh Adi ibn Musafir al-Umawi (died 1162), a descendant of Umayyad Caliph Marwan ibn al- Hakam, was born in the 1070s in the Beqaa Valley of present-day Lebanon. The Yazidi consider him an avatar of Tawuse Melek, the "Peacock Angel". His tomb at Lalish, Iraq is a focal point of Yazidi pilgrimage.

Sex Adi spent much of his early life in Baghdad. To attain a sufi life and seclude himself he sought a quiet haven in Kurdistan, an area strongly associated with indigenous Iranian religious movements such as Zoroastrianism. Despite his desire for seclusion, he impressed the local population with his asceticism and miracles. - Quote: In 2007, a group of around 200 Yazidis beat and stoned a 17-year-old Yazidi girl named Du’a Khalil Aswad for falling in love with a Muslim boy. On April 23, 2007 masked gunmen abducted and shot 23 Yazidis near Mosul; this was speculated to be a reprisal attack for Aswad's death. On August 14, 2007 Yazidis were targeted in a series of bombings that became the deadliest suicide attack since the Iraq War began. -

Illuminati History History101.B:: 101.B:: Illuminati the Assassin Cult: the Assassin Cult: a communique for the IOBB2. a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: Quote: Twelver or Imami Shia Islam is the largest branch of Shia Islam. Adherents of Twelver Shiaism are commonly as Twelvers, which is derived fromoftheir in twelve divinely ordained Twelver orreferred Imami to Shia Islam is the largest branch Shiabelief Islam. Adherents of Twelver leaders, known as the Twelve Imams and their belief that the Mahdi will be none other than the Shiaism are commonly referred to as Twelvers, which is derived from their belief in returned Twelfth Imam that disappeared and is believed by Twelvers to be in occultation. twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as the Twelve Imams and their belief that the Approximately 85% of Shia are Twelvers, and the term Shi'a Muslim as commonly used in English Mahdi will be none other than the returned Twelfth Imam that disappeared and is usually refers to Twelver Shia Muslims only. believed by Twelvers to be in occultation. Approximately 85% of Shia are Twelvers, and the term share Shi'a many Muslim as of commonly used in English usually TwelverbutShia Twelvers tenets Shiasm with related sects, such as therefers belief to in Imams, the Muslims only. Ismaili and Zaydi Shia sects each believe in a different number of Imams and for the most part, a different path of succession regarding the Imamate. They also differ in the role and overall definition share of an Imam. Twelvers many tenets of Shiasm with related sects, such as the belief in Imams, but

the Ismaili and Zaydi Shia sects each believe in a different number of Imams and for the - most part, a different path of succession regarding the Imamate. They also differ in the role and overall definition of an Imam. Quote: Seveners are a branch of Ismaili Shia. They became known as "Seveners" because they believe that ibn Ja’far was the seventh and the last Imam (hereditary leader of the Muslim community -Ismail in the direct line of Ali ibn Abi Talib). They believed his son, Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Maktum, would return and bring about an age of justice as al-Mahdi. Their most famous and active branch Quote: were the Qarmatians.

Seveners are a branch of Ismaili Shia. They became known as "Seveners" because they believe that"sevener" Ismail ibn Ja’fartowas thetoseventh and though the lastthose Imam leader of the Sometimes is used refer all Ismailis, of(hereditary Fatimid heritage recognize Muslim community in Note the that direct of Ali ibnplays Abia Talib). his ofson, more than seven Imams. theline number seven general They role inbelieved the theology the Muhammad ibn Ismail al-Maktum, would return bring heavens, about anseven age of justice as alIsmailiyya, including mystical speculations that thereand are seven continents, seven orifices Their in the skull, days in active a week,branch seven prophets, so forth. Mahdi. most seven famous and were theand Qarmatians.

There are few strict Seveners — those who do not recognize the Fatimids — remaining among

Sometimes "sevener" is used to refer to all Ismailis, though those of Fatimid heritage recognize more than seven Imams. Note that the number seven plays a general role in the theology of the Ismailiyya, including mystical speculations that there are seven heavens, seven continents, seven orifices in the skull, seven days in a week, seven prophets, and so forth. There are few strict Seveners — those who do not recognize the Fatimids — remaining among Muslims today. Some scholars doubt that they exist today. - Quote: The Qarmatians ("Those Who Wrote in Small Letters") were a Shi'a Ismaili group centered in eastern Arabia, where they established a utopian republic in 899 CE. They are most famed for their revolt against the Abbasid Caliphate. Mecca suffered great indignity by the sect’s leader Tahir Sulayman, particularly with their theft of the Black Stone and desecration of the Well of Zamzam with Muslim corpses during the Hajj season of 930 CE. The sack of Mecca followed millenarian fervor among the Qarmatians (as well as in Persia) over the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in 928 – an event which happens every 960 years. The date of the conjunction, 27 October 928 CE, was interpreted in light of Islamic revelation, which they saw as heralding a new period as a return of Persian dominance. In 931 Abu Tahir believed he had found the new Mahdi in a young Persian former prisoner from Isfahan named Abu'l-Fadl al-Isfahani, but later he was removed due to deviant beliefs from Islam. - Quote: The Druze faith began as a movement in Ismailism that was mainly influenced by Greek philosophy and gnosticism and opposed certain religious and philosophical ideologies that were present during that epoch. The faith was founded by Hamza ibn Ali ibn Ahmad, a Persian Ismaili mystic and scholar. He came to Egypt in 1014 and assembled a group of scholars and leaders from across the Islamic world to form a new Unitarian movement. The order's meetings were held in the Raydan Mosque, near the Al-Hakim Mosque. In 1017, Hamza officially revealed the Druze faith and began to preach his doctrine. Hamza gained the support of the Fatimid Caliph al-Hakim, who issued a decree promoting religious freedom prior to the declaration of the divine call. Al-Hakim became a central figure in the Druze faith even though his own religious

position was disputed among scholars. John Esposito states that al-Hakim believed that "he was not only the divinely appointed religio-political leader but also the cosmic intellect linking God with creation," while others like Nissim Dana and Mordechai Nisan state that he is perceived as the manifestation and the reincarnation of God or presumably the image of God. Some Druze and non-Druze scholars like Samy Swayd and Sami Makarem state that this confusion is due to confusion about the role of the early heretical preacher ad-Darazi, whose teachings the Druze rejected as heretical. These sources assert that al-Hakim refused ad-Darazi's claims of divinity, and ordered the elimination of his movement while supporting that of Hamza ibn Ali. Al-Hakim disappeared one night while out on his evening ride - presumably assassinated, perhaps at the behest of his formidable elder sister Sitt al-Mulk. The Druze believe he went into Occultation with Hamza ibn Ali and three other prominent preachers, leaving the care of the "Unitarian missionary movement" to a new leader, Bahau d-Din. - Quote: Quote: The origins of the Assassins trace back to just before the First Crusade around 1080. It is difficult to find out much information about the origins of the Assassins because most early sources are either written by enemies of the cult or based on legends. Most sources dealing with the order’s inner working were destroyed with the capture of Alamut, the Assassin's headquarters. However, it's possible to trace the beginnings of the cult back to its first Grandmaster, Hasan-i Sabbah. A passionate believer of the Isma’ili beliefs, Hasan-i-Sabbah was well liked throughout Cairo, Syria, and most of the Middle East by other Isma’ili, which led to a number of people becoming his followers. Using his fame and popularity, Sabbah founded the Order of the Assassins. While his motives for founding this order are ultimately unknown, it has been speculated that it was for his own political and personal gain and to also exact vengeance on his enemies. His motivation for political power probably came through what he thought to be dealings with other Muslims in the Middle East, particularly Sunnis, but because of the unrest in the holy land caused by the calling of the Crusades, Hasan-i-Sabbah found himself not only fighting for power with other Muslims, but also with the invading Christian forces. After creating the Order, Sabbah searched for a location that would be fit for a sturdy headquarters and decided on the fortress at Alamut in what is now northwestern Iran. It is still disputed whether Sabbah built the fortress himself or if it was already built at the time of his arrival. Whether he created it himself or not, Sabbah adapted the fortress to suit his needs of not only defense from hostile forces, but also indoctrination of his followers. After laying claim to the fortress at Alamut, Sabbah began expanding his influence outward to nearby towns and districts, using his agents to gain political favor and intimidate the local populations.

Spending most of his days at Alamut working on religious works and doctrines for his Order, Sabbah was never to leave his fortress again in his lifetime. He had established a secret society of deadly assassins, one which was built in a hierarchical format. Below Sabbah, the Grand Headmaster of the Order, were those known as “Greater Propagandists”, followed by the normal "Propagandists", the Rafiqs ("Companions"), and the Lasiqs ("Adherents"). It was the Lasiqs who were trained to become some of the most feared assassins, or as they were called, "Fida'i" (self- sacrificing agent), in the known world. It is, however, unknown how Hassan-i-Sabbah was able to get his "Fida’i" to perform with such fervent loyalty. One theory, possibly the most well known but also the most criticized, comes from the observations from Marco Polo during his travels to the Orient. He describes how the "Old Man of the Mountain" (Sabbah) would drug his young followers with hashish, lead them to a "paradise", and then claim that only he had the means to allow for their return. Perceiving that Sabbah was either a prophet or some kind of magic man, his disciples, believing that only he could return them to "paradise", were fully committed to his cause and willing to carry out his every request. With his new weapons, Sabbah began to order multiple assassinations, ranging from politicians to great generals. Assassins rarely would attack ordinary citizens though and tended not to be hostile towards them. Although the "Fida’i" were the lowest rank in Sabbah’s order and only used as expendable pawns to do the Grandmaster’s bidding, much time and many resources were put in to training them. The Assassins were generally young in age giving them the physical strength and stamina which would be required to carry out these murders. However, physical prowess was not the only trait that was required to be a "Fida’i". To get to their targets, the Assassins had to be patient, cold, and calculating. They were generally intelligent and well read because they were required to possess not only knowledge about their enemy, but his or her culture and their native language. They were trained by their masters to disguise themselves, sneak in to enemy territory and perform the assassinations instead of simply attacking their target outright. As tensions in the Middle East grew during the Crusades, the Assassins were also known for taking contracts from outside sources on either side of the war, whether it was from the invading Crusaders or the Saracen forces, so long as the assassination fit in to the Grandmaster's plan. -source: Quote: According to polemical accounts which would evolve into legend; a future assassin was subjected to rites very similar to those of other mystery cults in which the subject was made to believe that he was in imminent danger of death. But the twist of the assassins was that they drugged the person to simulate a "dying" to later have them awaken in a garden flowing with wine and served a sumptuous feast by virgins. The supplicant was

then convinced he was in Heaven and that Sabbah was a representative of the divinity and that all of his orders should be followed, even to death. This legend derives from Marco Polo, who visited Alamut just after it fell to the Mongols in the thirteenth century. Other accounts of the indoctrination attest that the future assassins were brought to Alamut at a young age and, while they matured, inhabited the aforementioned paradisiacal gardens and were kept drugged with hashish; as in the previous version, Hassan occupied this garden as a divine emissary. At a certain point (when their initiation could be said to have begun) the drug was withdrawn from them, and they were removed from the gardens and flung into a dungeon. There they were informed that, if they wished to return to the paradise they had so recently enjoyed it would be at Sabbah's discretion, and that they must therefore follow his directions exactly, up to and including murder and self-sacrifice. It is said that Sabbah's last words as he lay dying, were "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." -source: Quote: Hasan began to attract young men from the surrounding countryside, between the ages of twelve and twenty: particularly those whom he marked out as possible material for the production of killers. Every day he held court, a reception at which he spoke of the delights of Paradise... "and at certain times he caused draughts of soporific nature to be administered to ten or a dozen youths, and when half dead with sleep he had them conveyed to the several palaces and apartments of the garden. Upon awakening from this state of lethargy their senses were struck by all the delightful objects, and each perceiving himself surrounded by lovely damsels, singing, playing, and attracting his regards by the most fascinating caresses, serving him also with delicious viands and exquisite wines, until, intoxicated with excess and enjoyment, amidst actual rivers of milk and wine, he believed himself assuredly in Paradise, and felt an unwillingness to relinquish its delights. When four or five days had thus been passed, they were thrown once more into a state of somnolency, and carried out of the garden. Upon being carried to his presence, and questioned by him as to where they had been, their answer was 'in Paradise, through the favor of your highness'; and then, before the whole court who listened to them with eager astonishment and curiosity, they gave a circumstantial account of the scenes to which they had been witnesses. The chief thereupon addressing them said: 'We have the assurance of our Prophet that he who defends his Lord shall inherit Paradise, and if you show yourselves to be devoted to the obedience of my orders, that happy lot awaits you'." Suicide was at first attempted by some; but the survivors were early told that only death in the obedience of Hasan's orders could give the Key to Paradise. In the eleventh century it was not only credulous Persian peasants who would have believed such things were true. Even among more sophisticated people the reality of the gardens and houris of paradise were completely accepted.

True, a good many Sufis preached that the garden was allegorical - but that still left more than a few people who believed that they could trust the evidence of their senses. The ancient Art of Imposture, by Abdel-Rahman of Damascus, gives away another trick of Hasan's. He had a deep, narrow pit sunk into the floor of his audience-chamber. One of his disciples stood in this, in such a way that his head and neck alone were visible above the floor. Around the neck was placed a circular dish in two pieces which fitted together, with a hole in the middle. This gave the impression that there was a severed head on a metal plate standing on the floor. In order to make the scene more plausible (if that is the word) Hasan had some fresh blood poured around the head, on the plate. Now certain recruits were brought in. "Tell them," commanded the chief, "what thou hast seen." The disciple then described the delights of Paradise. "You have seen the head of a man who died, whom you al knew. I have reanimated him to speak with his own tongue." Later, the head was treacherously severed in real earnest, and stuck for some time somewhere that the faithful would see it. The effect of this conjuring trick plus murder increased the enthusiasm for martyrdom to the required degree. There are many documented instances of the recklessness of the fidayeen (devotees) of the Ismailis, one witness being a Westerner who was treated a century later to a similar spectacle to that which had appalled the envoy of Malik Shah. Henry, Count of Champagne, reports that he was traveling in 1194 through Ismaili territory. The chief sent some persons to salute him and beg that, on his return he would stop at and partake of the hospitality of the castle. The Count accepted the invitation. As he returned, the Dai-el-Kebir (Great Missionary) advanced to meet him, showed him every mark of honor, and let him view his castle and fortresses. Having passed through several, they came at length to one of the towers which rose to an exceeding height. On each tower stood two sentinels clad in white. 'These,' said the Chief, pointing to them, 'obey me far better than the subjects of our Christians obey their lords;' and at a given signal two of them flung themselves down, and were dashed to pieces. 'If you wish,' said he to the astonished Count, 'all my white ones shall do the same.' The benevolent Count shrank from the proposal, and candidly avowed that no Christian prince could presume to look for such obedience from his subjects. When he was departing, with many valuable presents, the Chief said to him meaningly, 'By means of these trusty servants I get rid of the enemies of our society.’ -source: Quote: Hasan reduced the original number of degrees of initiation from nine to the mystical number of seven. A similar number of regulations formed the rules of the Order. This, in fact, comprised the working plan of the spreading of the Faith. The First Rule was the the Missionary must know human psychology in such a way as to be able to select suitable people for admission to the cult; and was summed up in the mnemonic: Cast no seeds upon rocks. The second rule of procedure was the application of flattery and gaining the confidence of the prospective member. Third came the casting of doubt into the mind, by superior knowledge. Fourthly, the teacher must apply an oath to student never to

betray any of the ‘truths’ which were to be revealed to him. Now he was told, as the fifth stage, that Ismailism was a powerful secret organization, supported by some of the most important figures of the time. After this, the aspirant was questioned and studied, to discover whether he had absorbed the opinions of the teacher and attached himself sufficiently into a position of dependence upon his ideas. At this stage he was asked to meditate upon the meaning of the reported saying of the prophet that "Paradise lies in the shadow of swords". In the final degree, many difficult passages of the Koran were explained in terms of allegory. -source:

Illuminati History 101.C:: Illuminati the PrioryHistory of Zion:101.C:: the Priory of Zion: a communique for the IOBB2. a communique for the IOBB2. The Prieurie De Zion, or Priory (Catholic Order) of Zion, is much more real historically, andZion, much commonly Knights Templar. The Prieurie De ormore Priory (Catholicknown, Order)as ofthe Zion, is much more real historically, and much more commonly known, as the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar were founded by nine monastic knights, and these nine knights comprised the Catholic Order of Citeaux, known for its philosophy of The Knights Templar were founded by nine monastic knights, and these nine knights "zionism." comprised the Catholic Order of Citeaux, known for its philosophy of "zionism." These nine knights were: These nine knights were: 1) Hugh de Payens, Legate of the Holy See, and Archbishop of Lyons, who gave holy sanction to the formation of the Order of six original members. 1) Hugh de Payens, Legate of the Holy See, and Archbishop of Lyons, who gave holy sanction to the formation of the Order of six original members. of Champagne, Abbot of 2) St. Robert, son of the noble Thierry and Ermengarde Molesme, a monastery dependent on Cluny. Appalled by the laxity into which the Order of Cluny had he endeavoured effect reforms in the monasteries of 2) St. Robert, son of fallen, the noble Thierry and to Ermengarde of Champagne, Abbot of Saint-Pierre-de-la-Celle, Saint-Michel of Tonnerre, and finally in that of Molesme. Molesme, a monastery dependent on Cluny. Appalled by the laxity into which the Order of Cluny had fallen, he endeavored to effect reforms in the monasteries of Saint-Pierre3) Raynald, Viscount of Beaune, ceded to the number of twenty-one the company de-la-Celle, Saint-Michel of Tonnerre, and finally in that of Molesme. retired to the solitude of Cîteaux (in the Diocese of Chalons). 3) of the Beaune, ceded to the number of twenty-one the company retired 4)Raynald, Gauthier,Viscount bishop of diocese. to the solitude of Cîteaux (in the Diocese of Chalons). 5) the prior, Alberic, was elected to replace St. Robert at Cîteaux. St. Alberic died in 1109. 4) Gauthier, bishop of the diocese.

6 & 7) John and Ilbode, two monks sent as delegates to Pascal II (who had just 5) the prior,Urban Alberic, elected St. Robert Alberic in 1109. succeeded II)was to beg himtotoreplace take the church at ofCîteaux. Cîteaux St. under thedied protection of the Apostolic See. 6 & 7) John and Ilbode, two monks sent as delegates to Pascal II (who had just succeeded 8) Pascal declared under his immediate protection theofabbey and the Urban II) toIIbeg him tothat takehe thetook church of Cîteaux under the protection the Apostolic religious, of Cîteaux, saving their allegiance to the Church of Chalons. See. 9) Stephen Harding, an Englishman by birth, well versed in sacred and profane 8) Pascal who II declared that under his immediate protection theMolesme. abbey and the science, had been onehe of took the first promoters of the project to leave religious, of Cîteaux, saving their allegiance to the Church of Chalons. in the Catholic Encyclopedia, New Advent dot org wrote: 9) Stephen Harding, an Englishman by birth, well versed in sacred and profane science, Cistercians who had been one of the first promoters of the project to leave Molesme. I. THE FORMATION (1098-1134) On the feast of St. Benedict (21 March), 1098, which fell that year on Palm Sunday, they in the Catholic Encyclopedia, New Advent dot org wrote: commenced to build the "New Monastery", as it is called in the "Exordium sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis". This, therefore, was the birthday of the Order of Cîteaux. Thus was the "New Cistercians Monastery" canonically erected into an abbey. By Apostolic Letters, dated at Troja in Campania, 18 April, 1100, Pascal II declared that he took under his immediate protection the abbey and the

I. THE FORMATION (1098-1134) On the feast of St. Benedict (21 March), 1098, which fell that year on Palm Sunday, they commenced to build the "New Monastery", as it is called in the "Exordium sacri Ordinis Cisterciensis". This, therefore, was the birthday of the Order of Cîteaux. Thus was the "New Monastery" canonically erected into an abbey. By Apostolic Letters, dated at Troja in Campania, 18 April, 1100, Pascal II declared that he took under his immediate protection the abbey and the religious, of Cîteaux, saving their allegiance to the Church of Chalons. Dating from this day, Alberic and his religious established at Cîteaux the exact observance of the Rule of St. Benedict, substituted the white habit for the black which the Benedictines wore, and, the better to observe the rule in regard to the Divine Office day and night, associated with themselves lay brothers, to be chiefly occupied with the manual labors and material affairs of the order. These lay brothers, or conversi, though they were not monks, were to be treated during life and after death just like the monks themselves. St. Robert, his two immediate successors, and their companions had but one object in view: a reaction against the laxity of Cluny and of other monasteries -to resume manual labour, to adopt a more severe regimen, and to restore in monastic churches and church ceremonies the gravity and simplicity proper to the monastic profession. They never thought of founding a new order, and yet from Cîteaux were to go forth, in course of time, colonies of monks who should found other monasteries destined to become other Cîteaux, and thus create an order distinct from that of Cluny. -source: in the Catholic Encyclopedia, New Advent dot org wrote: The Knights Templars (1) THEIR HUMBLE BEGINNING In 1118, during the reign of Baldwin II, Hugues de Payens, a knight of Champagne, and eight companions bound themselves by a perpetual vow, taken in the presence of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, to defend the Christian kingdom. Baldwin accepted their services and assigned them a portion of his palace, adjoining the temple of the city; hence their title "pauvres chevaliers du temple" (Poor Knights of the Temple). Poor indeed they were, being reduced to living on alms, and, so long as they were only nine, they were hardly prepared to render important services, unless it were as escorts to the pilgrims on their way from Jerusalem to the banks of the Jordan, then frequented as a place of devotion. The Templars had as yet neither distinctive habit nor rule. Hugues de Payens journeyed to the West to seek the approbation of the Church and to obtain recruits. At the Council of Troyes (1128), at which he assisted and at which St. Bernard was the leading spirit, the Knights Templars adopted the Rule of St. Benedict, as recently reformed by the Cistercians. They accepted not only the three perpetual vows, besides the crusader's vow, but also the austere rules concerning the chapel, the refectory, and the dormitory. They also adopted the white habit of the Cistercians, adding to it a red cross. -source:

in the Catholic Encyclopedia, New Advent dot org wrote: Crusades I. ORIGIN OF THE CRUSADES Godfrey of Bouillon died at Jerusalem 18 July, 1100. His brother and successor, Baldwin of Edessa, was crowned King of Jerusalem in the Basilica of Bethlehem, 25 December, 1100. ... The authority of the Church also helped to limit the power of the king; the four metropolitan sees of Tyre, Cæsarea, Bessan, and Petra were subject to the Patriarch of Jerusalem, similarly seven suffragan sees and a great many abbeys, among them Mount Sion, Mount Olivet, the Temple, Josaphat, and the Holy Sepulchre. ... From a military point of view all vassals owed the king unlimited service as to time, though he was obliged to compensate them, but to fill the ranks of the army it was necessary to enroll natives who received a life annuity (fief de soudée). In this way was recruited the light cavalry of the "Turcoples", armed in Saracenic style. Altogether these forces barely exceeded 20,000 men, and yet the powerful vassals who commanded them were almost independent of the king. So it was that the great need of regular troops for the defense of the Christian dominions brought about the creation of a unique institution, the religious orders of knighthood, viz.: the Hospitallers, who at first did duty in the Hospital of St. John founded by the aforesaid merchants of Amalfi, and were then organized into a militia by Gérard du Puy that they might fight the Saracens (1113); and the Templars, nine of whom in 1118 gathered around Hugues de Payens and received the Rule of St. Bernard. -source: in the Catholic Encyclopedia, New Advent dot org wrote: Albigenses A neo-Manichæan sect that flourished in southern France in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. The name Albigenses, given them by the Council of Tours (1163) prevailed towards the end of the twelfth century and was for a long time applied to all the heretics of the south of France. They were also called Catharists (katharos, pure), though in reality they were only a branch of the Catharistic movement. II. ORIGIN AND HISTORY In France, where they were probably introduced by a woman from Italy, the NeoManichæan doctrines were secretly diffused for several years before they appeared, almost simultaneously, near Toulouse and at the Synod of Orléans (1022). Those who proposed them were even made to suffer the extreme penalty of death. The Council of Arras (1025), Charroux, Dep. of Vienne (c. 1028), and of Reims (1049) had to deal with the heresy. At that of Beauvais (1114) the case of Neo-Manichæans in the Diocese of Soissons was brought up, but was referred to the council shortly to be held in the latter city. Petrobrusianism now familiarized the South with some of the tenets of the Albigenses. Its condemnation by the Council of Toulouse (1119) did not prevent the evil from spreading. Pope Eugene III (1145-53) sent a legate, Cardinal Alberic of Ostia, to

Languedoc (1145), and St. Bernard seconded the legate's efforts. But their preaching produced no lasting effect. The Council of Reims (1148) excommunicated the protectors "of the heretics of Gascony and Provence." That of Tours (1163) decreed that the Albigenses should be imprisoned and their property confiscated. A religious disputation was held (1165) at Lombez, with the usual unsatisfactory result of such conferences. Two years later, the Albigenses held a general council at Toulouse, their chief centre of activity. The Cardinal-Legate Peter made another attempt at peaceful settlement (1178), but he was received with derision. The Third General Council of the Lateran (1179) renewed the previous severe measures and issued a summons to use force against the heretics, who were plundering and devastating Albi, Toulouse, and the vicinity. At the death (1194) of the Catholic Count of Toulouse, Raymond V, his succession fell to Raymond VI (1194- 1222) who favored the heresy. With the accession of Innocent III (1198) the work of conversion and repression was taken up vigorously. In 1205-6 three events augured well for the success of the efforts made in that direction. Raymond VI, in face of the threatening military operations urged by Innocent against him, promised under oath to banish the dissidents from his dominions. The monk Fulco of Marseilles, formerly a troubadour, now became Archbishop of Toulouse (1205- 31). Two Spaniards, Diego, Bishop of Osma and his companion, Dominic Guzman (St. Dominic), returning from Rome, visited the papal legates at Montpellier. By their advice, the excessive outward splendor of Catholic preachers, which offended the heretics, was replaced by apostolical austerity. Religious disputations were renewed. St. Dominic, perceiving the great advantages derived by his opponents from the cooperation of women, founded (1206) at Pouille near Carcassonne a religious congregation for women, whose object was the education of the poorer girls of the nobility. Not long after this he laid the foundation of the Dominican Order. Innocent III, in view of the immense spread of the heresy, which infected over 1000 cities or towns, called (1207) upon the King of France, as Suzerain of the County of Toulouse, to use force. He renewed his appeal on receiving news of the assassination of his legate, Peter of Castelnau, a Cistercian monk (1208), which judging by appearances, he attributed to Raymond VI. Numerous barons of northern France, Germany, and Belgium joined the crusade, and papal legates were put at the head of the expedition, Arnold, Abbot of Citeaux, and two bishops. Raymond VI, still under the ban of excommunication pronounced against him by Peter of Castelnau, now offered to submit, was reconciled with the Church, and took the field against his former friends. Roger, Viscount of Béziers, was first attacked, and his principal fortresses, Béziers and Carcassonne, were taken (1209). The monstrous words: "Slay all; God will know His own," alleged to have been uttered at the capture of Béziers, by the papal legate. -source: all of this is discussed in greater deal than I can go into here by Laurence Gardner on pages 209 - 211 of his book Bloodline of the Holy Grail. These pages conclude with the enigmatic footnote: Laurence Gardner wrote: The original Order of Sion was established so that eligible Muslims, Jews and others

could be allied to the Christian Order that became the Knights Templars. After reading pages 209 to 211, you will understand what Gardner is referring to by "others," that is, the Desposyni, the descendants of the family of Jesus Christ. The nine French knights who were the founding members of the original Knights Templar were all comtes (counts) of Desposyni descent through the Merovingian bloodlines of France. Something must have been happening around 1680,1 for there to have been caused the schism between the Plantard line and the Saint-Claire line. The second Order is supposed to have been begun in 1681, under its supposed founder, Jean-Tim Negri d'Albes, first official "Grand Master" of the Second Order. Quote: 1. Jean-Tim Negri d'Albes (1681) We also know, if we suppose both lists to be accurate from their record keepers' point of view, at the same time this Second Order was being founded, the original Order of Zion continued on with its uninterrupted flow connecting its founder Jean de Gisors, 1188, to the then current descendent Pierre Plantard, 1984. Quote: 18. Robert Boyle (1654-1691) We can compare the records for both Orders at the time of the apparent schism, however in this case we find there are far more records for the contemporary Plantard line Grand Master than for the first "Grand Master" of the Saint-Claire line. Here, for example, is a brief description of what was going on in the life of Robert Boyle, supposed then Head of the Priory of Zion, around the time the schism within the Priory is supposed to have occurred, leading to the split between the Plantard and the Saint-Claire lists. wiki wrote: ROBERT BOYLE In 1663 the Invisible College became the Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge, and the charter of incorporation granted by Charles II of England, named Boyle a member of the council. In 1680 he was elected president of the society, but declined the honor from a scruple about oaths.... It was during his time at Oxford that Boyle was a Chevalier. The Chevaliers are thought to have been established by royal order a few years before Boyle's time at Oxford. The period of Boyle's residence was marked by the reactionary actions of the victorious parliamentarian forces, consequently this period marked the most secretive period of Chevalier movements and thus little is known about Boyle's involvement beyond his membership. -source: Here are the books that Boyle published around this time, which were, notably, on how to translate base gold into a self-luminescent monoatomic element (known Alchemically as Orichalc, the Hermeticist stone).

Quote: Aerial Noctiluca 1680 Icy Noctiluca 1680 Things above Reason 1681 Perhaps, it might be wiser to look back instead to why the Saint-Clairs split off to form their own successive group. Their most recent member, Quote: 16. Thomas Plantard de Saint-Clair (1989) from the Saint Clair succession, seems to be a direct bloodline descendent of another Saint Clair, a member of the original Order of Zion (culminating in Plantard), almost 650 years before. Quote: 6. Jean de Saint-Clair (1351-1366) herself, hearks back to the second ever Grand Master of the Priory of Zion, her ancestor, Quote: 2. Marie de Saint-Clair (1220-1266) about whom, wiki writes: wiki wrote: Marie de Saint-Clair born about 1192 was said-to-be descended from Henry de SaintClair, Baron of Roslin in Scotland, who accompanied Godfroi de Boullion on the First Crusade. Marie's grandmother married into the French Chaumont family - as did Jean de Gisors. Marie may have been the second wife of Jean de Gisors. -source: So, we have it: the Saint-Clairs are descendants on their maternal side (Marie, GM #2) of the original Knights Templar, and on their paternal side (Jean Gisors), founder of the Order, or the Priory, of Zion.




procession of tramps and beggers to travesty an annual masonic parade. John Wilkes, who was never an inner circle member, claimed that the rites were "English Eleusinian Mysteries".


Illuminati History 101.D:: the Hellfire Club: a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: The very first Hellfire Club was founded in London in 1719, by Philip, Duke of Wharton and a handful of other high society friends. Lord Wharton, made a Duke by George I, was a prominent politician with two separate lives: the first, " of letters" and the second, "...a drunkard, a rioter, an infidel and a rake". The members included Wharton's immediate friends: Earl of Hillsborough, cousin – the Earl of Lichfield and Sir Ed. O'Brien. Wharton's club admitted men and women as equals, unlike other clubs of the time. The club met on Sundays at a number of different locations around London. The Greyhound Tavern was one of the meeting places used regularly, but because women were not to be seen in taverns, the meetings were also held at members' houses and at Wharton's riding club. The club motto was Fais ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt), a philosophy of life associated with François Rabelais' fictional abbey at Thélème. The supposed president of this club was the Devil, although the members themselves did not apparently worship demons or the Devil, but called themselves devils. According to a number of sources their activities included mock religious ceremonies and partaking in meals containing dishes like Holy Ghost Pie, Breast of Venus, and Devil's Loin, while drinking Hell-fire punch. Members of the Club supposedly came to meetings dressed as characters from the Bible.

Wharton's club came to an end in 1721when George I, under the influence of Wharton's political enemies (namely Robert Walpole) put forward a Bill "against 'horrid impieties'" (or immorality), aimed at the Hellfire Club. Despite the fact that there has never been proof that Wharton's Hellfire Club ever did more than hold mock religious ceremonies and drink excessively, Wharton's political opposition used his membership as a way to pit him against his political allies, thus removing him from parliament. After his Club was disbanded, Wharton became a Freemason, and in 1722 he became the Grandmaster of England. The most infamous club associated with the name was established in England by Sir Francis Dashwood, and met irregularly from around 1749 to around 1760, and possibly up until 1766. Sir Francis Dashwood and the Earl of Sandwich founded the Order of the Knights of St Francis in 1746, originally meeting at the George & Vulture. The membership of Sir Francis' club was initially limited to twelve but soon increased. Of the original twelve, some are regularly identified: Dashwood, Robert Vansittart, Thomas Potter, Francis Duffield, Edward Thompson, Paul Whitehead and John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich. The list of supposed members is immense; among the more probable candidates are George Bubb Dodington, a fabulously corpulent man in his 60s; William Hogarth, although hardly a gentleman, has been associated with the club after painting Dashwood as a Franciscan Friar and John Wilkes, though much later, under the pseudonym John of Aylesbury. Benjamin Franklin is also said to have occasionally attended the club's meetings during 1758 as a non-member during his time in England. However, some authors and historians would argue Benjamin Franklin was in fact a spy. As there are no records left (if there were any at all), many of these members are just assumed or linked by letters sent to each other. Sir Francis's club used a number of other names, such as the Brotherhood of St. Francis of Wycombe, Order of Knights of West Wycombe, The Order of the Friars of St Francis of Wycombe and later, after moving their meetings to Medmenham Abbey, they became the Monks or Friars of Medmenham. The first meeting at Sir Francis's family home in West Wycombe was held on Walpurgis Night, 1752. Meetings occurred twice a month, with an annual general meeting lasting a week or more in June or September. The members addressed each other as "Brothers" and the leader, which changed regularly, as "Abbot". During meetings members supposedly wore ritual clothing: white trousers, jacket and cap, while the "Abbot" wore a red ensemble of the same style. Dashwood's Club meetings often included mock rituals, items of a pornographic nature, much drinking, wenching and banqueting. Francis Dashwood was much more of a trickster than his predecessor Wharton. He was well known for his pranks: for example, while in the Royal Court in St Petersburg, he dressed up as the King of Sweden, a great enemy of Russia. In 1762 the Earl of Bute appointed Dashwood his Chancellor of the Exchequer, despite Dashwood being widely held to be incapable of understanding "a bar bill of five figures". (Dashwood resigned the post the next year, having raised a tax on cider which caused near-riots). Dashwood now sat in the House of Lords after taking up the title of Baron Le Despencer after the

previous holder died. Then there was the attempted arrest of John Wilkes for seditious libel against the King in the notorious issue No. 45 of his The North Briton in early 1763. During a search authorized by a General warrant (possibly set up by Sandwich, who wanted to get rid of Wilkes), a version of The Essay on Woman was discovered set up on the press of a printer whom Wilkes had almost certainly used. The work was almost certainly principally written by Thomas Potter, and from internal evidence can be dated to around 1755. It was scurrilous, blasphemous, libelous, and bawdy, though not pornographic- still unquestionably illegal under the laws of the time, and the Government subsequently used it to drive Wilkes into exile. Between 1760 and 65 Chrysal, or the Adventures of a Guinea by Charles Johnstone was published. It contained stories easily identified with Medmenham, one in which Lord Sandwich was ridiculed as having mistaken a monkey for the Devil. This book sparked the association between the Medmenham Monks and the Hellfire Club. By this time, many of the Friars were either dead or too far away for the Club to continue as it did before. Medmenham was finished by 1766. In 1781, Dashwood's nephew Joseph Alderson (an undergraduate at Brasenose College, Oxford) founded the Phoenix Society (later known as the Phoenix Common Room), but it was only in 1786 that the small gathering of friends asserted themselves as a recognized institution. The Phoenix was established in honor of Sir Francis, who died in 1781, as a symbolic rising from the ashes of Dashwood's earlier institution, and to this day the dining society abides by many of its predecessor's tenets. Its motto uno avulso non deficit alter (when one is torn away another succeeds) is from the sixth book of Virgil's Aeneid and is relevant first in the more overarching sense of having replaced the Monks of Medmenham; then in establishing the continuity of the society through a process of constant renewal of its graduate and undergraduate members. The Phoenix Common Room's continuous history until the present day is a matter of great pride to the college. - source: Quote: In Ireland the Hell-Fire clubs were obviously inspired by Wharton but they tended to be more harmful, flirting with crime and an ill-informed devil-worship. Limerick had a HellFire Club as did Dublin from about 1735. In Dublin records are unclear if there was one club meeting in several locations or several distinct clubs. It’s founders were Richard Parsons, first Earl of Rosse and Colonel Jack St Leger, a relative of the Hon. Elizabeth St Leger. Richard Parsons, 1st Earl of Rosse, was twice Grand Master of Ireland, in 1725 and 1730. Lord Santry, Simon Luttrell "the wicked madman", Colonels Clements, Ponsonby and St George, [were] all members of the Dublin Hell-Fire Club which held orgies at the Eagle Tavern on Cork Hill, at Daly’s Club on College Green, and at a hunting lodge on Montpelier Hill until the lodge burnt down and they relocated to the Killakee Dower House farther down the same hill. They gathered to drink hot scaltheen, a mixture of whisky and butter laced with brimstone, and to toast Satan. Rumours of orgies, black masses and mock crucifixions are just that: rumors. Black magic was enjoying a vogue on the Continent. "Magic, at any rate, did spread to the rakish set in Britain and Ireland, taking a dark tinge. Traces of the Hell-Fire revival in Britain are scanty, but such as they

are, they carry a more satanic stamp than before." Edinburgh had at least one club that arranged pacts with the Devil. An Oxford Hell-Fire Club is supposed to have flourished for several decades, one of the few references being in a pamphlet published in 1763 attacking a clergyman named John Kedgell and accusing him of membership. A revival of the Irish Hell-Fire Club was denounced in the 12 March, 1771 Freeman’s Journal where it was referred to as "The Holy Fathers." This group lasted about thirty years. A late member of this group was Thomas "Buck" Whaley (1766-1800) son of "Burn-Chapel" Whaley who was reputed to have been president of the old Dublin Hell-Fire Club. Thomas, as ringleader, returned to Montpelier Hill and organized satanic and homosexual parties. His death marked the decline of the club. The Hon. Alan Dermot founded an Appalling Club in 1738, a group of seven who called themselves the Everlastings. The last member died November 2, 1766 and all that remained of the club was its minute book, formerly said to have been in the possession of the Masters of Jesus College, Cambridge. In the 1730s a Hell-Fire Club met at the George and Vulture Inn in London. Thomas De Quincey records one story concerning an unnamed lord who tied a man to a spit, roasting him, presumably at the George and Vulture. Hogarth’s Charity in the Cellar, painted about 1739, is presumed to be the same club, but the case is weak. The five depicted are identifiable and can be connected with two other alleged members, the Earl of Sandwich and Sir Francis Dashwood. Prince of Wales, Frederick, son of George II and Queen Caroline, arrived in England in December 1728. Known as Fred, or (to his family) Fritz, his English and education were shaky. "There is a story that he joined a Hell-Fire Club, presumably the one at the George and Vulture." John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sandwich—inventor of the sandwich—is unreliably named a member of the Hell-Fire Club at the George and Vulture but was a Dilettante. He and Dashwood formed the shortlived Divan Club in 1744. A friend of Dashwood’s, the anti-Catholic John Hall Stevenson, inherited Skelton Castle inland from Saltburn, rechristened it Crazy Castle and established The Demoniacs. (Sutter calls them Demoniacks.) He appointed Dashwood as Privy Councilor and practiced parody-baptisms, assembling meetings to drink, gamble and swap dirty stories. Joseph Sterne soon ceased to attend and on Stevenson’s death the club faded away. Dashwood formed the Society of Dilettanti in 1732 with about 40 members. Some may have been members of Wharton’s Hell-Fire Club. They met on the first Sunday at the Bedford Head Tavern in Covent Garden and later at another tavern in Palace Yard. The seal of the society was a staff with coiled serpents. William Hogarth was never close to the Dilettanti but knew Dashwood through the Society of Beefsteaks, of which he was a founding member. Dashwood’s West Wycombe House was their meeting place originally. Meetings in the revamped Abbey appear to have started in 1752. Members of the Order Mr. Clarke

Sir Francis Dashwood Sir John Dashwood-King was the founder’s half-brother John D'Aubrey (possibly) George Bubb Dodington, Baron Melcombe (1691-1762) Francis Duffield, the Abbey’s landlord George Augustus Selwyn (August 11, 1719 - January 25, 1791), society wit and manabout-town Sir Thomas Stapleton was a cousin of Dashwood’s Dr. Thomas Thompson John Tucker was an MP and mayor of Weymouth in 1754 John Montagu, fourth Earl of Sandwich Thomas Potter, an MP and younger son of the late Archbishop of Canterbury. Arthur Vanssittart, MP for Berkshire Robert Vanssittart, friend of Whitehead and Hogarth Henry Vanssittart, later Governor of Bengal Paul Whitehead (1710 - December 1774) An inner circle of thirteen is claimed. The membership was middle-aged and there was a turnover with a distinct second generation drifting in after 1757, including John Wilkes, Charles Churchill, Robert Lloyd and Dr. Benjamin Bates. Visitors such as Horace Walpole, unconnected to the order’s activities, were frequent. The actual activities of the order are unknown although a mockery of Christianity in general and popery in particular, combined with a good deal of sexual innuendo, seems to have set the tone. The chief ceremony was the reception of new members. Paul Whitehead, secretary-treasurer of the order, and a poet of republican and atheistic tendencies, planned their ritual. He once organized a procession of tramps and beggars to travesty an annual masonic parade. John Wilkes, who was never an inner circle member, claimed that the rites were "English Eleusinian Mysteries". -source:

Illuminati History 101.E:: the Bavarian Illuminati: Illuminati History 101.E:: a communique for the IOBB2. the Bavarian Illuminati: a communique for the IOBB2. according to the most quoted letters of the Illuminati, found in the apartment of Xavier according to the most quoted letters ofCouncil the Illuminati, found apartment of Zwack, the five members of the Areopagite at that time wereinas the follows: Xavier Zwack, the five members of the Aeropagite Council at that time were as follows: Quote: spartacus: Adam Weishaupt Quote: cato: Xavier Zwack spartacus: Adam Weishaupt cato: xavier zwack minos: Grünberger (??) minos: Grünberger (??) (??) sebastion: Cosandey sebastion: Cosandey (??) philo: Baron Von Knigge philo: Baron Von Knigge

The consider these five the (top) Council in the Bavarian The reason reasontoto consider these five Areopagite the Aeropagite (top) Council in the Illuminati Bavarian at that time that Zwack with Weishaupt, well as direct Illuminati atare that time are had that direct Zwackcontact had direct contact withasWeishaupt, as contact well as direct contact with Knigge. Knigge had direct contact with Grunberger and with Knigge. Knigge had direct contact with Grunberger and Cosandey, who were also Cosandey, who were also professors at the same university as Knigge. professors at the same university as Knigge.

Now, the Aeropagite Council having consisted of five members at the time of its Now, the Areopagite Council having consisted of five members at the time of its discovery does not necessarily justify the myth that the Order had the same five discovery not necessarily the than myth Weishaupt, that the Order five members, does or even any other justify members whenhad it the was same officially members, "founded" or in even 1776.any other members than Weishaupt, when it was officially "founded" in 1776. Also, as we can note from the following extremely abbreviated timeline, Weishaupt formed BEFORE Free Mason, howevertimeline, Knigge (who may, Also, as the we Illuminati can note from the becoming following aextremely abbreviated Weishaupt indeed, have been one of the five original members) did not join the IO until 1780. formed the Illuminati BEFORE becoming a Free Mason, however Knigge (who may, indeed, Quote: have been one of the five original members) did not join the IO until 1780. Quote: May 1, 1776. Weishaupt founds the Order of the Illuminati with an original membership of five. May 1, 1776. Weishaupt founds the Order of the Illuminati with an original membership 1777. Weishaupt is initiated into Freemasonry, in Munich, at the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel. of five. July, 1780. Baron von Knigge is initiated into the Order.

1777. Weishaupt is initiated into Freemasonry, in Munich, at the Lodge Theodore of Good Counsel. April 20, 1784. Baron von Knigge resigns from the Illuminati By 1784, largely due to Knigge Knigge'siscircle of influence, Illuminati had "between two and three July, 1780. Baron von initiated into the the Order. thousand members."

April 20, 1784. Baron von Knigge resigns from the Illuminati

By 1784, largely due to Knigge's circle of influence, the Illuminati had "between two and three thousand members." Here is a partial list of members compiled from the member list found in Zwack's apartment. Note that, though Knigge and Zwack are listed, Grunberger and Cosandey are not. I see this as being further evidence that, whether founding members or not, they were likely the remaining two other members of the five member Areopagite Council at the time of the Bavarian Illuminati's discovery. Quote: Abel, Jacob Friedrich von: Pythagoras Abderites Baader, Ferdinand M.: Celsus Baierhammer, Alois: Zoroaster, then Confucius Banffy, Count des Barres, Karl: Archelaus Bassus, Thomas Maria De: Hannibal Bleibtreu, Karl: Busius Bleibtreu, Leopold: Alberoni Bode, Johann Joachim Christoph: Amelius Bronner, Franz Xaver: Aristoteles Brigido, Count Joseph Busche, Georg Baron von dem: Bayard Cobenzl, Count Johann Ludwig von: Arrian Cobenzl, Johann Philipp Graf von: Numa Pompilius Romanus Compe: Aristodemes Costanzo, Marquis Const. von: Diomedes Dalberg, Karl Theodor, Baron Von: Baco v. Verulam Ditfurth, Franz W. v.: Minos Dorsch, Anton Josef: Ptolemäus Lathurus Drexel, Anton: Pythagoras de Duffrene (Dufresne): Maevius Eckartshausen, Karl von: Atilius Regulus Ecker (Egkher), Ludwig Baron von: Pericles Ernst II, Ludwig Herzog von: Quintus Severus Falcke, Ernst Friedrich Hector: Epimenides Feder, Johann Georg Heinrich: Marcus Aurelius Ferdinand, Duke von Brunswick: Aaron Fronhofer, Ludwig: Raimundus Lullus Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Abaris Haeffelin, Kasimir Frhr. von: Philo of Byblos Herder, Johann Gottfried von: Damasus pontifex Hertel, Jakob Anton: Marius Hoheneicher, Franz von Paula: Alcibiades Hornstein, Max Frhr. von: Vespasian Karl, August: Aeschylus

Karl, Landgraf von Hessen-Kasse: Aaron Kapfinger, Georg: Thales milesius Kleucker, Johann Friedrich: Terentius Varro Knigge, Adolph Franz Friedrich Ludwig Freiherr von: Philo Kolborn, Joseph Hieronymus Karl Freiherr von: Chrysippus Kolowrat-Krakowsky, Count Leopold von: Numenius Koppe, Johann Benjamin: Accacius Kressel, Baron Kröber, Karl: Agis Lange, Franz Georg: Tamerlane Lanz, Johann Jakob: Socrates Lodron, Maximilian Graf von: Numa Pompilius graecus Mändl, Theodor: Colbert Massenhausen, Anton von: Ajax Mauvillon, Jakob: Agesilaus Meggenhofen, Ferdinand Baron von: Sulla Metternich, Franz Georg Karl von: Ximenez Merz, Max Edler von: Tiberius Michl, Anton: Solon Mieg, Johann Friedrich: Epictetus Montgelas, Maximilian Josef Garnerin, Count von: Musaeus Münter, Friedrich: Spinoza Nicolai, Christoph Friedrich: Lucian Pappenheim, Friedrich Lothar Ferdinand Graf von: Alexander Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich: Alfred Poelffy, Count Riedl, Midiael von: Euclid Röntgen Ludwig: Averroes Ruedorfer, Franz Xaver: Livius/Plinius minor Ruef, Kaspar: Fabius Sauer, Georg Conrad: Attila Savioli-Corbelli Alexander Graf von: Brutus Schmerber, Sigmund: Agathocles Schröckenstein, Friedrich Freiherr von: Mahomet Seinsheim, Maximilian Joseph Graf von: Alfred Socher, Joseph: Hermes Trismegistus Sonnenfels, Joseph von: Fabius - Numa pompilius romanus Stadion, Friedrich Lothar Joseph baron von: Romulus Stadion, Johann Philipp von: Remus Stolberg-Rossla, Johann Martin, Count of: Ludovicus Germanicus also Campanella Swieten, Baron Gottfried van Tropenegro, Ernst Leopold: Coriolanus Utzschneider, Joseph von: Hellanicus Lesbius Weishaupt, Adam: Spartacus Werner, Erasmus von: Menelaus Will, Anton: Agrippa

Wundt, Karl Kasimir: Raphael Zwack, Baron Franz Xavier von: Cato (also Danaus & Phil.-Strozzi) Zwack, Simon: Claudius Here, also, is a basic structure of the ranks and status of the Bavarian Illuminati as it was originally envisioned by Weishaupt in 1776. It is unknown to me at this time how many members were in each grade by 1784, by which time the Order was over 2000 members strong. Quote: 1. The Nursery 1. Preparatory Literary Essay 2. Novitiate (Novice) 3. Minerval (Brethren of Minerva, Academy of Illuminism) 4. Illuminatus Minor 2. Symbolic Freemasonry 1. Apprentice 2. Fellow Craft 3. Master 1. Scots Major Illuminatus 2. Scots Illuminatus Dirigens (Directory) 3. Mysteries 1. Lesser 1. Presbyter, Priest, or Epopt 2. Prince or Regent (Prefects, Provincials, National Director, National Superiors) 2. Greater 1. Magus (5-7 Areopagaites) 2. Rex or King All the above quoted information I found at the following site: -source: Scheme of Degrees. AE Waite's "New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry wrote: A. Preparatory Degrees 1. Novice and Teacher, almost apart as such from ceremonial procedure. 2. Academy of Illuminism, otherwise, Brethren of Minerva. - the reception was at the end of night in a dark room. 3. Illuminatus Minor 4. Illuminatus Major, otherwise "Scottish Novice" (reflected form Masonry). The Candidate is represented as depositing an account of his life in the hands of his Sponsor, and this was checked by information derived from the Intelligence Department of the Order.

B. Intermediary Degree 1. Scottish Knight of Illuminsm, founded on Ecossais Grades of Masonic Chivalry and reproducing points of their procedure. An alternative name was: Illuminatus Dirigens." The Candidate was called upon to testify his belief that the Superiors of Illuminism were also the unknown and lawful Superiors of Freemasonry. C. Class of the Lesser Mysteries 1. Epopt, or Priest of Illuminism. - the Candidate was hood-winked and driven by a circuitous route to a place of assembly. He was brought into a brightly illuminated Temple, where was a vacant throne, by which lay the insignia of royalty, and a cushion whereon was folded a white priestly robe and girdle. The Candidate was to choose between them, and if he was guided rightly he became a Priest of the Order, when a part of its policy was unveiled to him. 2. Regent or Principatus Illuminatus. - the political aspects of the Order were developed in the Grade of Knighthood. D. Class of the Greater Mysteries 1. Magus or Philosopher 2. Man-King. - the last Mysteries were combined in these Degrees, but no account of their Ritual procedure has transpired. - source: pg. 387, Waite, AE. "New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry," Weathervane Books, 1970. ISBN: 0-517-191482

Illuminati History 101.F:: the Skull and Bones: Illuminati History 101.F:: athe communique for the IOBB2. Skull and Bones: a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: Williams cousin Samuel Russell formally established Russell & Co. on January 1, 1824 for the Quote: of acquiring opium and smuggling it to China. purpose

Williams cousin Samuel Russell formally established Russell & Co. on January 1, 1824 for -source: the purpose of acquiring opium and smuggling it to China.

This is Samuel Russell, cousin of the first member of Skull and Bones, Will Russell, -source: and probably one of the original 13 initiates under his cousin. So, even before the founding of the Skull and Bones itself, we have the founding member's own cousin This is Samuel Russell, cousin the first member of China. Skull and Bones, Will Russell, and starting a holding company to of redistribute opium to At this time, opium is still probably oneBritish of theempire, original and 13 initiates under his China cousin.toSo, before the a founding legal in the India, bordering theeven south, is still British colony. The British opium import China an attempt to crush their economy led,a of the Skull and Bones itself, we to have the in founding member's own cousin starting of course, to the Communist Revolution under Chairman Mao Tse Tung. But we already holding company to redistribute opium to China. At this time, opium is still legal in the know of that. What we bordering don't yet China is whytosome Connecticut thinks he can Britishallempire, and India, the south, is stillYankee a British colony. The corner the international opium market. So, let's look a little later on and see. British opium import to China in an attempt to crush their economy led, of course, to the Communist Revolution under Chairman Mao Tse Tung. But we already know all of that. Quote: What Smith we don't yet is whyansome Connecticut Yankee he and canNew corner the James Bush (1825–1889), Episcopal priest in New Jersey, thinks California, York, was international opium let's a little later on and see. the son of Obadiah Bushmarket. and theSo, father oflook Samuel Prescott Bush. -source: Quote: James Smith Bush (1825–1889), an Episcopal priest in New Jersey, California, and New In 1825, GHWB's Great Grand-Father is born. This makes the Bushes the latest ones "on York,scene" was theofsonthe of Obadiah Bush and the fatherthe of Samuel Prescott Bush. century that the economic coup around turn of the 20th precipitated WWI and WWII, just as the "Asian Contagion" of the late 90's in many -source: ways led directly to the events on 9-11, 2001. So, we see here, even among the most elite, the wealthiest, an exchange between one group or family and another over the passing of the reignsThis to makes power.the There is athe"passing of the In 1825,decades GHWB's and Greatcenturies Grand-Father is born. Bushes latest ones "on torch" that occurs during GHWB's earlier lifetime, and he alone may have really the scene" of the economic coup around the turn of the 20th century that precipitated grasped the fullness of the oppurtunity this represented.

WWI and WWII, just as the "Asian Contagion" of the late 90's in many ways led directly to the events on 9-11, 2001. So, we see here, even among the most elite, the wealthiest, an exchange between one group or family and another over the passing decades and centuries of the reigns to power. There is a "passing of the torch" that occurs during GHWB's earlier lifetime, and he alone may have really grasped the fullness of the opportunity this represented. Quote: The partnership started in 1825, between William Brown and Joseph Shipley. -source: So, in the same year as "late-comer" Bush-family patriarch James Smith Bush is born, we have the first partnership formed between two British companies that would later partner with Harriman to form BB&H banking firm. You'll see where I'm headed with this connection in a moment. Quote: Russell & Co. merged with the number one US trader, the J. & T.H. Perkins "Boston Concern" in 1829. -source: Returning to the Bonesmen's founder's cousin's company, Russell and Co. (R&Co), in 1829, they have aligned themselves to the current, proto-Wall Street, open-market share / stock-trader of the time. Remember all of this is happening roughly concurrent to a wee little skirmish going on down south we "historiographers" call the Civil War. Meanwhile, and this is important, future partners R&Co. have already aligned with BB&H, then Brown & Shipley, via Skull and Bones. So, before the Civil War in America is even fought-out, we have Connecticut international-opium entrepreneur Sam Russell, cousin of the founder of Skull and Bones, Will Russell, who I'll come to next, selling shares in his startup company on the open-market. So, who's buying this? You'll never guess. Quote: From 1831 to 1832, Russell studied in Germany. It has been suggested while there, he was initiated into a German society that inspired Skull and Bones. Confirmation of this came when the Skull and Bones meeting hall was broken into and materials were found that refer to Skull and Bones as the Yale Chapter of a German society. The German "Illuminati" was outlawed as effected by an edict of the Bavarian government in 1785 and it is assumed that they then became a truly secretive underground organization. One account of the society's foundation says Russell was secretary of the Yale University chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. It is said that Russell was furious when a prominent undergraduate scholar was left out of the Phi Beta Kappa elections and Russell openly condemned the fraternity. He joined with the undergraduate and thirteen other students

to found the Eulogian Club, which later became known as Skull and Bones. -source: From the start, Skull and Bones was a front. On the one-hand, there's the fact that the alignment of the Russell family, between Sam Russell and his cousin Will, with the German "Illuminati" (by that time known as Thule), allowed quid pro quo between the German (and British, as we'll soon see) foreign investors, who needed espionage agents abroad in America, and the young up-and-comer in the international opium trade. So we have, on the one-hand, the "secret society" aspect being used as a cover for the business-deals. But, on the other hand, it's the other way around, and what we see is that one "hand" washes the other. So, Skull and Bones was a cover for the opium export industry, but the opium-export industry was only a front for the Skull and Bones connection between Yale college kids - mostly the sons of boot-strapped wealthy big-industrialists following the Civil War, like Prescott Bush, GHWB's dad, himself -and the proto-NAZI party, the Illuminati / Thule Society, in Germany. Beginning to see things shaping up yet? Quote: Founders • William Huntington Russell (1832), Connecticut State Legislator • Alphonso Taft (1832), U.S. Attorney General (1876–1877); Secretary of War (1876); Ambassador to Austria-Hungary (1882) and Russia (1884–1885); father of William Howard Taft -source: So, the fellow-Phi Beta Kappa frat-boy who Russell, the Thule-brainwashed cousin of the first Sino-American opium exporter, "stood up for" was actually the father of President Taft. Did anyone know that Taft was elected illegally, since his home-state, Ohio, at the time of his election, still had not been ratified into the Union of American States following the civil war? Fun fact, that. Quote: Members meet in the Bones "tomb" on Thursday and Sunday evenings of each week over the course of their senior year. As with other Yale societies, the sharing of a personal history is the keystone of the senior year together in the tomb. Reputedly, members are assigned a nickname. For Bones, it is said that these names are associated with Roman mythology, while at Scroll and Key the names are associated with Greek mythology, and with Egyptian mythology at Wolf's Head. -source: Okay, well, this part does get a little esoteric, or at least exotic. So we have three yale frat houses formed around the same time. The first is Skull and Bones. We've already seen that they are aligned with the German Thule Society and with the Chinese / British

opium-trade. The second one to form then was the Scroll and Key. Let's check them out briefly. Quote: The Scroll and Key Society is a secret society established by John Addison Porter and others at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, in 1841. -source: So, after Skull and Bones, that already by that time is, at the least, well lined up to connect the German Thule Order's interests in the British export of opium to China via the founders' own family-ties, then next we have the second Yale frat / "secret society," Scroll and Key. I'm not going to go into specifics on Scroll and Key, or on the "third society" of Wolf's Head, either. Suffice it to say that it's all about time-travel. And if you get that, maybe you'd be interested in this watch I have to sell you. Quote: The Russell Trust Association is the business name for the New Haven, Connecticut based Skull and Bones society, incorporated in 1856. -source: Association So, between the formation of the second "cult" at Yale and the formation of the third, Skull and Bones officially declares itself a financial operating arm of the elder R&Co. run by the founder's own cousin. Now we're talking nepotism and campus politics galore. Skull and Bones is now corporate-financed, the RTA (Russell Trust Association) being nothing more than a holding company under R&Co. (Sam Russell and Company). Again, this is far from illegal, but then, laws change. Quote: James Smith Bush (1825–1889), an Episcopal priest in New Jersey, California, and New York, ... son of Obadiah Bush and the father of Samuel Prescott Bush.... [was t]he first Bush to earn a degree from Yale University, he supported the founding of The Third Society at Yale, now known as Wolf's Head Society. -source: Here's a smoking gun right at the peak of the Yale frat-wars. The great-grandfather of former head of the CIA and past-president GHWB helped found a RIVAL frat to Skull and Bones, the frat that, I shouldn't need to remind you, became the CIA. I'll get back to this "frat-mole" theory in a moment, but for now suffice it to say it's all about maintaining the false value of certain commodities at the expense, literally, of certain others - for example we consider gold "worth" more than opium, as I'll tally at the bottom line later on. Again, I'm going chronologically, so bear with me. The Yale "three societies" are just

the calm before the blitzkrieg. Although, while we're on them, I'd like to add, on the time-travel note, the order of attribution to historical reference-point for the three clubs is actually opposite the order in which they, themselves, were formed. Think about it. The Roman club (S&B) was formed FIRST. Then the Greek club (S&K), and finally, the Egyptian club (WHS). It's just an interesting side-note is all, really; it just makes you wonder what they were thinking about. Quote: Wolf's Head Society (W.H.S.), incorporated in 1883 as The Third Society by the Phelps Trust Association, is the third oldest secret society at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. -source: By the time Wolf's Head Society forms, 51 years AFTER S&B, and only 6 years before JSBush (Sam's father, Prescot's grand-father, GHWB's great-grandfather) dies, the idea of establishing a business-side has been decided to be pre-eminent in the formation of a successfully operating "secret" frat. I'd speculate that, what's MORE secret than the existence of these rival Yale frats are the Secret Wars they conduct against one another. How far does this mentality extend into the Halls of Power in our governments by now? In any event, the Phelps Trust precedes the formation of Wolf's Head, and this may have been due to the influence of GHWB's great- grandfather. But, either way, we can say that Bonesman GHWB's own great- grandfather actually belonged to a rival frat to the Skull and Bones, Wolf's Head. Again, the notion of the "frat-mole" raises its ugly, speculative little head. Quote: In 1918 the partnership between Brown Shipley and its American partners Brown Brothers & Co. ended, although each continued to act as agents for the other for some time. -source: Id' guess this had something to do with the Communist Revolution in Russia in 1917, leading into the Great War, the War to End All Wars, or, as we know it by name nowadays, World War One. Brown Shipley (ostensibly the British/UK operating wing) of BBH (Brown-Brothers & Co, by now Brown Brothers & Harriman, USA) at this point claims to have severed official ties with BBH, their American operating wing, at least on paper. What is meant by the ominous use of the word "agents" I'll explain next. But, going into this, remember that, what we are looking at is one group, with three sides: BBS/BBH are the Harriman / Walker / Bush family bankers. RTA and R&Co. are Skull and Bones dealing British opium to China. And then we have the third group, the Thule Order of Illuminati, who were, by now, calling themselves by the name no doubt more familiar to us now, the NAZIs. Quote:

Harriman Bank was the main Wall Street connection for several German companies and the varied U.S. financial interests of Fritz Thyssen. ... Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 seizing Bush's property under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The order cited only the Union Banking Corporation (UBC), of which Bush was a director and held one share, which had connections with a Dutch bank owned by Thyssen. Union Banking Corporation (UBC) (for Thyssen and Brown Brothers Harriman). The President of UBC at that time was George Herbert Walker, Bush's father-in-law. • E. Roland Harriman--3991 shares (managed and under voting control of Prescott Bush) • Cornelis Lievense--4 shares (He was the New York banker of the Nazi Party) • Harold D. Pennington--1 share (Employed by Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman) • Ray Morris--1 share (a business partner of the Bush and Harriman families) • Prescott S. Bush--1 share (director of UBC, which was co-founded and sponsored by his father- in-law George Walker; senior managing partner for E. Roland Harriman and Averell Harriman) • H.J. Kouwenhoven--1 share (organized UBC for Von Thyssen, managed UBC in Nazi occupied Netherlands) • Johann G. Groeninger--1 share (German Industrial Executive, a not unimportant member of the Nazi party -source: Okay, this is very important, so I'll go over it for a moment more. I know it's confusing and I don't want us to miss this before moving on. Seven people sat on the board of directors for the UBC (Union Banking Corporation). Three of them were high-level members in Hitler's NAZI party. Two of them were business partners of the Bush family. The other two were the owner of the company (E. Roland Harriman), and the company president's son-in-law, Prescott Bush, GHWB's dad. Prescot's father- in-law (George Herbert Walker), for whom Prescott named his first-born son, was not mentioned as part of the crew of stock-holders who got "busted" for "trading with the enemy," even though he was UBC's president at the time. Also note that Harriman's interests, despite being the overwhelmingly primary stock-holder on the board of trustees, are under direct veto of Prescott, the president's son-in-law. This is a lot of trust that Harriman is putting in "Bert" Walker, letting his friend's son-in-law run a company complicit in "trading with the enemy" during war-time. Either way, the point is clear: Prescott Bush was NOT a NAZI-"sympathizer." Prescott Bush WAS a NAZI. And this is the grand-father of our current president, George W. Bush. How do they get away with this? Well, I'll tell you how:

Quote: In 1943, by special act of the Connecticut state legislature, its trustees were granted an exemption from filing corporate reports with the Secretary of State, which is normally a requirement. -source: Association This means that, as of 1943, the year that Prescott's "banking" venture with the NAZIs was being investigated, the Skull and Bones opium company stopped having to report their annual income and holdings to the state auditor. So, RTA went "off the books," in other words. No taxes, no official records. Let the age of the frat-house "spooks" begin. Well, I expect you're wondering, what does the one thing have to do with the other? It's time to play clean-up. What we have, up until Crowley under Roosevelt put the slapdown on Prescott and Thyssen's US-NAZI funding party, was a gradual lining up between pro-eugenics, fascist forces in Germany and frat-houses on the Yale University campus. And Prescott himself was in a VERY Key Position. The grandson of a Wolf's Head, he himself had been "tapped" into Skull and Bones. Was this a betrayal, or espionage? Either way, we have Prescott Bush in charge of UBC for BB&H (UK/US) and Thyssen (Germany) at the same time that future BB&H asset RTA goes "off the charts." Is this a coincidence, or can we imply complicity to conceal the original interests of the UBC (US/UK - German) alliance as being, as I've been saying all along, in selling opium to the Chinese? Is it the case that post-civil war-era proto-fascists originally aligned in the drug-trade, and only later moved into the business of banking? Well, as we all know by now, "looks can be deceiving." Quote: In 1946, Brown Shipley became a limited company. -source: This is when the UK wing of BBH, ie. Brown Shipley, says it finally "pulled out" of its side of the trade partnership. But, of course, this is only on paper. As we can begin to see now, there had been complicity between UK Brown Shipley and US BBH between 1918, when it declared itself an autonomously functional branch, and 1946, when it actually began selling stock-shares on the open-market. We have now seen some of the "agents" that acted for both UK BS and US BBH simultaneously, on behalf, on the one hand, of the British interest in poisoning China, and, on the other hand, the German fascists in consolidating capital. And, oh My ~GOD~ have they ever consolidated capital. Let's look at the final piece of the puzzle. Quote: Since 1978, business of the Russell Trust Association was handled by its single trustee, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. partner John B. Madden, Jr. Madden started with Brown

Brothers & Harriman in 1946, under senior partner Prescott Bush, George Herbert Walker Bush's father. -source: Association The guy who handles the stock portfolio for the Skull and Bones, "off the books" opiumtrade industry worked with Prescott Bush HIMSELF at BB&H itself, which had, by 1946, hired Prescott to protect him from the UBC banking scandal of 1943. So, let's take stock once more: Prescott Bush: grandson of a Wolf's Head (Egyptian Yale cult), who himself became a Skull and Bonesman (Roman Yale cult); a known NAZI- "collaborator" who "traded with the enemy" during wartime; working for BB&H and even supervising the guy who would end up acquiring S&B RTA for WHS BB&H. Starting to add up? BBH subsumed RTA, but it's likely that BB&H was founded to fund RTA. In any event, we can definitely now sit back and say, with the utmost confidence, we know that Prescott Bush, our current president's grand-father, was a NAZI, and that Skull and Bones, the Bush family's college fraternity of choice for the last three generations, makes its money in the opium trade. So, exactly how much money does Skull and Bones make from the opium trade? Quote: On its 2004 Form 990, the Russell Trust Association reported $3,205,143 in net assets. -source: Association So, RTA (the Sino opium-exporter) is now worth approximately 3 and a quarter million dollars. But check this out. Between 1946, when Brown Shipley went public-interest on its stock-options, and now, in 2007, UK BS (former partners of US BB&H) have been bought out by, and now function as a wholly owned subsidiary of KBC bank in Luxembourg. Let's just take a quick look into their assets and earnings for a moment, just to see how the business of housing NAZI gold is holding up beside the old opium trade. Quote: The group is controlled by a syndicate of core shareholders, but has a free float of some 47%. Its market capitalization in November 2005 was Eu.27bn, and its revenues Eu. 12.556 bn in 2006. KBL, based in Luxemburg, provides tailor-made private banking services to customers throughout Western Europe via its network of subsidiaries. Members of the group currently include Puilaetco Dewaay (Belgium), Michaux Gestion SA (France), Merck Finck & Co. (Germany), Brown, Shipley & Co. (Great Britain), Banca KBL Fumagalli Soldan Spa (Italy), Theodoor Gilissen Bankiers NV (The Netherlands), and Kredietbank Suisse SA (Switzerland). -source:

Let's also recall that the Euro is at nearly -.200% trading rate to the US dollar right now. The reason should be clear enough. The Euro is backed off NAZI gold, while the US dollar is not. So, when we look at the sum of 27 billion Euros in extended assets for the Swiss bank that owns UK BS, that really translates to between two and three times that amount in the value of US dollars. Now compare that to the average value of RTA, at around three to four million dollars. It's literally chump change.

Illuminati History 101.G:: the GoldenHistory Dawn: 101.G:: Illuminati a communique for the IOBB2. the Golden Dawn: a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: Much of the hierarchical structure for the Golden dawn came from the Societas Rosicruciana in Quote: which was itself derived from the Order of the Golden and Rosy Cross. Anglia,

Much of the hierarchical structure for the Golden dawn came from the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia, which was itself derived from the Order of the Golden and Rosy Grades Cross.

As we shall see in a moment, though there was a definite inspiration from these prior -source: degree systems for the co-members of both who founded the GD, we cannot Orders' claim the degree system of the GD is exactly identical to that of the SRIA nor the Order of the G&RC. In point of fact, the GD restored to these their originally intended, and Grades thus most proper, order. As we shall see in a moment, though there was a definite inspiration from these prior First, however, let us look at the history of these prior, Rosicrucian societies and Orders' degree systems for the co-members of both who founded the GD, we cannot Orders that supposedly inspired the degree system of the GD. claim the degree system of the GD is exactly identical to that of the SRIA nor the Order of the G&RC. In point of fact, the GD restored to these their originally intended, and thus Quote: mostOrder proper, order. The of the Golden and Rosy Cross (Orden des Gold- und Rosenkreutz, also the Fraternity of the Golden and Rosy Cross) was a German Rosicrucian organization founded in the 1750s by Freemason and alchemist Hermann First, however, let us look at theFichtuld. history of these prior, Rosicrucian societies and Orders

that supposedly inspired the degree system of the GD. Quote: That this is an "Order" implies that its members held ranks according to the chivalric The Order of the Golden androyalist Rosy Cross (Orden desday. Gold und we Rosenkreutz, alsothat the code degree-system used by Knights to this Thus, can postulate this Order would the earlier, elder and "higher" or "supernal" order to Fraternity of the comprise Golden and Rosy Cross) was thus a German Rosicrucian organization the laterin "Society" of Freemason the same and affiliations. However, Fichtuld. bear in mind that the founded the 1750s by alchemist Hermann "Rosicrucians" had been around prior to this Order since the early 1600's, when the fama, confessio and chemycal wedding were originally published. Because of this, we -source: can speculate that this "Order" was formed to mark the conclusion of the Rosicrucian movment in much the same way as the modern OTO marked the accomplishment of Thatgoals this of is the an Illuminati. "Order" implies that its members held ranks according to the chivalric the code degree-system used by royalist Knights to this day. Thus, we can postulate that this

Order would comprise the earlier, elder and thus "higher" or "supernal" order to the later "Society" of the same affiliations. However, bear in mind that the "Rosicrucians" had been around prior to this Order since the early 1600's, when the fama, confessio and chemycal wedding were originally published. Because of this, we can speculate that this "Order" was formed to mark the conclusion of the Rosicrucian movement in much the same way as the modern OTO marked the accomplishment of the goals of the Illuminati. Quote: Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (Rosicrucian Society of England) is a Masonic esoteric Christian order formed by Robert Wentworth Little and Kenneth Mackenzie in 1865 -source: Following from this, we can thus see how the "Society" model of latter-day Rosicrucians reflects the "Scottish Rite" concept, following the chivalric "Order" of the G&RC, which in turn reflects the earlier "York Rite" of appendant to the Blue Lodge degrees. Just as the York Rite precedes the Scottish Rite, and is considered equivalent to the "chivalric" degrees of Scottish Rite, so too does the chivalric "Order" of the G&RC act as the superior predecessor of the "Society" of the same, which in turn is alike the Scottish Rite's inferior "philosophical" degrees, appendant between the Blue Lodge and chivalric degrees. In short, as the Above (either chivalric York rite Masonry or the Order of the G&RC) is elder, so Below (either philosophical Scottish rite Masonry or the SRIA) is younger. This formula is key to comprehending the method of descent and abolition of governmental structures, as such are applied in the occult degree systems used during such times. Just as the Order of Rosicrucians gave way to the SRIA, so too did the BOL give way to the OTO. Such is the perpetual cycle. Now, to return to the exact structures of the crypto-Rosicrucian / Illuminati-era degree systems that inspired that of the GD. I mentioned they differed between the Order, the Society and the GD versions. The difference is in the number of their schools, and the number of degrees or grades within each of these schools. The Order of the G&RC, as incorporated into Scottish rite Masonry as the "philosophical" degrees, and the SRIA, incorporated into York rite Masonry as chivalric ranks, have different numbers of degrees than their culmination cult, the GD, equivalent for the Rosicrucian movement to the beginning of the Illuminati-era. While the SRIA / G&RC degree system has 9 degrees in 4 schools, the GD has an additional supernal degree, equivalent to the single chief governor of the entire Order's administration. This is how all liberal-Democratic movements are gradually converted into conservative-Republican movements, opposed to their inevitable conversion into imperialist-Dictatorships. Here is the degree system of the SRIA: Quote: 1st Order • Grade I - Zelator

• Grade II - Theoricus • Grade III - Practicus • Grade IV - Philosophus 2nd Order • Grade V - Adeptus Minor • Grade VI - Adeptus Major • Grade VII - Adeptus Exemptus 3rd Order • Grade VIII - Magister • Grade IX - Magus -source: rnance And here is the degree system of the GD, as expressed in this diagram by Crowley:

And here is the degree system of the GD, as expressed in this diagram by Crowley:

Here is the same degree system listed, as opposed to diagramed according to the contemporary "Tree of Life" diagram of ha QBLH: Quote: First Order • Introduction—Neophyte 0=0 • Zelator 1=10 • Theoricus 2=9 • Practicus 3=8 • Philosophus 4=7 Second Order (R.R. et A.C.) • Intermediate—Portal Grade • Adeptus Minor 5=6 • Adeptus Major 6=5 • Adeptus Exemptus 7=4 Third Order • Magister Templi 8=3 • Magus 9=2 • Ipsissimus 10=1 -source: Grades By adding the degree of "Ipsissimus" to the crypto-Rosicrucian's degree system, the "neoSethians" or psychic-conspirators within the Order of Death's bund of schools completed the colonization of the liberal-Democratic Rosicrucian movement. The liberal-Democratic "Order" became the conservative-Republican "Society," and this became the imperialistDictatorship of the GD. The first "Ipsissimus" or dictator of the GD administration over the crypto-Rosicrucian movement was Aleister Crowley, whom, as we have already mentioned, was also put in charge of re-structuring the OTO degree-system (from the 90° RoM&M) to reflect that of the GD. In the same way the Illuminati Order (as the BoL) became the OTO (based on the GD), the GD itself was only the resolution of the Rosicrucian movement, bringing the Rosicrucian degree system up-to-date with the origins of the IO. The GD's degree system was similar to the SRIA, but addended a single, dictator-degree. Likewise, the OTO took the IO's originally 11 grade degree system and compressed the 90° of RoM&M into it using the GD's 10° system. There remains, always, an "inner-Order" and an "outer-Order," not only within Orders as schools of grades or degrees, but between Orders of the Bund as well. The "inner-Order" of Rosicrucians used the GD degree system from 1600 on, but only made their original cipher-manuscripts public after the end of the subsequent IO-era. The "inner-Order" of

the IO practiced anarcho sex-magick from 1776 until 1900, when they became known instead as the OTO. The "inner-Order" of the OTO are now (2010) the richest and most militarily powerful elite the world has ever known. Just as John Dee was the first "innerhead of the Order" of the G&RC, so too was Aleister Crowley the first "outer-head of the Order" of the OTO.

Illuminati History 101.H:: Illuminati the OTO: History 101.H:: the OTO: a communique for the IOBB2. a communique for the IOBB2. Let's start with this brief description of the relationships between some of the founding the description OTO (prior to Let's startmembers with thisof brief of Crowley): the relationships between some of the founding members of the OTO (prior to Crowley): Quote: The discussions between Reuss and Kellner did not lead to any positive results at the time, Quote: Reuss was very busy with a revival of the Order of Illuminati along with his associate because Leopold Engel (1858-1931) Dresden. diddid notnot approve revived Illuminati or The discussions between ofReuss andKellner Kellner lead of tothe any positive resultsOrder at the of Engel. According to Reuss, upon his final separation with Engel in June 1902, Kellner time, because Reuss was very busy with a revival of the Order of Illuminati along with his contacted and the two(1858-1931) agreed to proceed with theKellner establishment of approve Ordo Templi Orientis by associate him Leopold Engel of Dresden. did not of the revived seeking authorizations to work the various rites of high-grade Masonry. Reuss and Kellner Illuminati Order or of Engel. According to Reuss, upon his final separation with Engel in together prepared a brief manifesto for their Order in 1903, which was published the next year in JuneOriflamme. 1902, Kellner contacted him7,and the two agreed to proceed with the establishment The Kellner died on June 1905.

of Ordo Templi Orientis by seeking authorizations to work the various rites of high-grade Reuss and Kellner together prepared a brief manifesto for their Order in 1903, -Masonry. source: which was published the next year in The Oriflamme. Kellner died on June 7, 1905. Basically, what we are seeing here is the final "revival" of the IO, occuring between Theodore Reuss (German) and Leopold Engel (Irish). Now, the OTO would be founded - source: later between Reuss and Kellner, but at this point, just prior to the formation of the OTO, these same two people are apparently at odds with one another of the "revived Basically, what we are seeing is the final "revival" of the IO, occurring between IO" of Reuss of Engel. Well, let'shere find out: "WHY"? Theodore Reuss (German) and Leopold Engel (Irish). Now, the OTO would be founded Quote: later between Reuss and Kellner, but at this point, just prior to the formation of the OTO, Carl and people Paschal are Beverly Randolph were with members. In Theodor Reuss' 1917 IO" O.T.O. theseKellner same two apparently at odds one another of the "revived of Constitution, it states in Article 1, Section 1: Reuss of Engel. Well, let's find out: "WHY"? Under the style and title: ANCIENT ORDER OF ORIENTAL TEMPLARS, an organization, formerly Quote: as: "The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light", has been reorganized and reconstituted. This known Carl Kellner and PaschalisBeverly Randolphorganization, were members. Theodor Reuss' 1917 reconstituted association an international and In is hereinafter referred to O.T.O. as the Constitution, it states in Article 1, Section 1: O.T.O.

-Under source: the style and title: ANCIENT ORDER OF ORIENTAL TEMPLARS, an organization, formerly known as: "The Hermetic Brotherhood of Light", has been reorganized and So, Reuss' and Engel's name for their revived IO was originally Frates Lucis, the reconstituted. of This reconstituted association is itself an international organization, is "Brotherhood Light," which had considered an operating body loyal and to the hereinafterBrotherhood referred to as O.T.O. "Hermetic ofthe Luxor," previously. Just as an aside regarding the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, prior to the dissolution - source:

So, Reuss' and Engel's name for their revived IO was originally Frates Lucis, the "Brotherhood of Light," which had considered itself an operating body loyal to the "Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor," previously. Just as an aside regarding the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, prior to the dissolution of its last working group in 1900, when that group was reformed into the OTO: Quote: The order's teachings drew heavily from the magico-sexual theories of Paschal Beverly Randolph, who influenced groups such as the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) (later headed by Aleister Crowley) (Greenfield 1997) although it is not clear whether or not Randolph himself was actually a part of the Order. Prior to the rise of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn in 1888 the HBoL was the only order that taught practical occultism in the Western Mystery Tradition. Among its members were a number of occultists, spiritualists, and Theosophists. Initial relations between the Order and the Theosophical Society were cordial, with most members of the order also prominent members of the T.S. Later there was a falling out, as the Order was opposed to the eastern-based teachings of the later Blavatsky (Davidson considered that Blavatsky had fallen under the influence of "a greatly inferior Order, belonging to the Budhist [sic] Cult"). Conversely, the conviction in 1886 of the Secretary of the Order, Thomas Henry Burgoyne for fraud, was claimed by the Theosophists to show the immorality of the Order. - source: Oh, I'm sorry, what's that you say? The rituals of the BoL were "magico-sexual" in nature, and this group split apart from more theoretical and mythological Theosophy as a more practical, ritual-based cult? Yes, and the last "lodge" of the BoL became the first Lodge of the OTO. So, what practices changed, and what stayed the same between the last lodge of the "revived IO" and the first lodge of the modern cult behind the NWO? Quote: Origins The early history of O.T.O. is difficult to trace reliably. It originated in Germany or Austria between 1895 and 1906. Its apparent founder was Carl Kellner (probably with the German spelling Karl), a wealthy Austrian industrialist, in 1895 (although nothing verifiable is known of the Order until 1904). Theodor Reuss (1855-1923) collaborated with Kellner in creating O.T.O., and succeeded him as head of O.T.O. after Kellner's death. Under Reuss, charters were given to occult brotherhoods in France, Denmark, Switzerland, the U.S.A. and Austria. There were nine degrees, of which the first six were Masonic.

In 1902, Reuss, along with Franz Hartmann and Henry Klein, purchased the right to perform the Rite of Memphis and Mizraim of Freemasonry, the authority of which was confirmed in 1904 and again in 1905. Although these rites are considered to be irregular, they, along with the Swedenborg Rite formed the core of the newly established Order. - source: So, to recap, we have the last lodge of the IO and the first lodge of the OTO. They are one and the same. They changed some practices to quit being the IO and adopted some to become the OTO. Thus began the NWO, the New Age "Aeon" of "Aiwass," the "Equinox of the Gods," etc. We know the later IO was influenced by the "magico-sexual" theories of Beverly Randolph, who was also a founding member of the OTO. However, now, we also see that this group of occultists definitively quit being an IO operating body that was only "influenced" by magico-sexual concepts, and took up being a specifically operating body that practiced the "Rites of Memphis and Mizraim." So, just what are these "rites of memphis and mizraim"? Wikipedia has this to say: Quote: From as early as 1738, one can find traces of this Rite filled with alchemical, occult and Egyptian references, with a structure of 90 degrees. Joseph Balsamo, called Cagliostro, a key character of his time, gave the Rite the impulse necessary for its development. Very close to the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of Malta, Manuel Pinto de Fonseca. Cagliostro founded the Rite of High Egyptian Masonry in 1784. Between 1767 and 1775 he received the Arcana Arcanorum, which are three very high hermetic degrees, from Sir Knight Luigi d’Aquino, the brother of the national Grand Master of Neapolitan Masonry. In 1788, he introduced them into the Rite of Misraim and gave a patent to this Rite. It developed quickly in Milan, Genoa and Naples. In 1803, it was introduced by Joseph, Michel and Marc Bedaridde. During this period of time, the Rite recruited not only aristocrats but Bonapartists and Republicans, and sometimes even revolutionary Carbonari. It was forbidden in 1817, following the incident of the Four Sergeants of La Rochelle and the uneasiness caused by the Carbonari. Lodges became meeting-places for opponents to the regime, which led to the decline of the Rite, and around 1890, the last Masons of the Rite regrouped in the only remaining Lodge: Arc-en-Ciel. - source: WOW. So, first of all, the RoM&M form a link between Napolean-sympathising Knights of Malta in France and the Italian Carbonari (the "black hand" who assassinated Arch-Duke Ferdinand of Austria and began WWI). That in itself is amazing. Both of these are deeply politically motivated organizations; both are precursors to such round-table think tanks as the CFR or the Soviet Duma. The Knights of Malta claim both Catholic sanction for their charter, and direct descent of lineage from the church-purged Knights Templar.

The Carbonari were post-Marx, pre-Marxism, global anarchists. I won't bother linking to more on these groups, as I discuss both at length already on this forum, here: (NEXUS004 : macrocon :: the cult of sleep and the order of death) So, obviously we see the RoM&M became "unpopular" once it became associated with the Carbonari, Italian anarchists. Let's pause briefly over the "Four Sergeants Affair" that ultimately doomed the RoM&M until it's "revival" in the form of the OTO, a few generations later. Quote: The Four Sergeants of La Rochelle (Boris, Goubin, Pommier and Raoulx) were guillotined in Paris in 1822. Their great courage initiated a liberal campaign and they became legendary. They became particularly popular figures amongst the carbonari in Italy. The flag used by the Four Sergeants was once owned by Prince Jérôme Bonaparte. It is a French Tricolor bearing the slogans Constitution and Napoleon II on one side and Honor and Fatherland on the other. The flag was used by the carbonari ventes between 1821 and 1822. It was seen during the plot of the 29th line regiment in Belfort, then in Paris, and finally in La Rochelle where it was preserved. It passed through the hands of the Lieutenant-Colonel Caron, then to M. Dubourjal, then to Marquis d'Audan who finally offered it to Prince Napoleon in 1888. - source: So, the "Four Sergeants Affair" basically describes the equivalent for this pre-NAZI movement (to, in this case, restore an empire guised as a republic) of their own version of the NAZI "blutfahne" (blood flag). The ideology of both organizations was the same: create political discord as a means of rapidly achieving political power. The slogan of the "Four Sergeants" Blood-Flag was "Honor" and "Fatherland." In short, patriotic nationalism, the same agenda of the NAZIs. Now, we've looked at the brief history of the RoM&M, seeing that they tie together some very important and influential figures of world history immediately prior to the beginning of WWI, in which the Carbonari themselves were specifically culpable. If you need to look the conspiracy for global domination in the face during the years 1800 1900, you need only look toward the RoM&M. But before we can look at just what the RoM&M is, we have to also consider the Rites of Swedenborg, the other primary component of the original degree system of the pre-Crowley OTO. Quote: The Swedenborg Rite or Rite of Swedenborg was a fraternal order modeled on

Freemasonry and based upon the teachings of Emanuel Swedenborg. It comprised six Degrees: Apprentice, Fellow Craft, Master Neophyte, Illuminated Theosophite, Blue Brother, and Red Brother. It was created in Avignon in 1773 by the Marquis de Thorn. It was initially a political organization, whose aims were to bring freemasonry into disrepute, although the political ideology was eventually discarded from the rite. This version of the Swedenborg Rite died out within a decade of its founding. Starting in the 1870s, the Rite was resurrected as a hermetic organization. This version faded out sometime around 1908. The Rite is now extinct, but influenced the development of other groups such as Ordo Templi Orientis. - source: So, the Swedenborg rite originated among an economic elite, but as a means of defaming and discrediting Free Masonry. If this is the case, then why would the OTO choose to adopt its structure and tenants, unless it meant to slander Masonry? However, if this was the case, then why did the OTO seek Masonic charter (granted Oriental) to practice the RoM&M? Well, the whole lynchpin of the argument stems down to what the RoM&M really are. For an example of the flowery depiction of their order by the modern practitioners of the RoM&M, consider this list of names of past Grand Masters, and descriptions of various lodges active when, all over the world, which can be found on scribd: Now, that is what the OTO has to say about itself. Now contrast that to this excerpt from Francis King, a highly reliable scholar on early 20th century occult groups, from his book: the "Secret Inner Order Rituals of the OTO." Quote: I Take a suitable woman willing to aid thee in this Work. Explain to her fully the precautions to be taken and the manner of life necessary. Let her horoscope be, if possible, suited to the nature of the homunculus proposed; as, to have an incarnate Spirit of Benevolence let Jupiter be rising in Pisces with good aspects of Sol, Venus, and Luna; and with no notable contrary dispositions; or so far as may be possible. II Take now a man suitable; if convenient, thyself or some other Brother Initiate of the Gnosis; and so far as may be, let his horoscope also harmonize with the nature of the work.

III Let the man and woman copulate continuously (but especially at times astrologically favourable to thy working) and that in a ceremonial manner in a prepared temple, whose particular arrangement and decoration is also suitable to thy work. And let them will ardently and constantly the success of thy work denying all other desires. Thus proceed until impregnation results. - source: (pg. 187 of the 247 long pdf. doc., under the section heading: "OF THE HOMUNCULUS : A Secret Instruction of the Ninth Degree") This is the ninth degree "knowledge lecture" of the original OTO, to which Crowley joined in 1910, and which he took over in 1912. You won't find this same knowledge lecture in any of the modern publications circulated within the OTO as OTO-based material. However, this is the basis for the OTO. Compare the ritual of the "Homunculus" to Crowley's 1917 novel "Moon Child": Quote: In this work, numerous acquaintances of Crowley appear as thinly disguised fictional characters. Crowley portrays MacGregor Mathers as the primary villain, including him as a character named SRMD, using the abbreviation of Mathers' magical name. Arthur Edward Waite appears as a villain named Arthwaite, and the unseen head of the Inner Circle of which SRMD was a member, "A.B." is theosophist Annie Besant. Among Crowley's friends and allies Allen Bennett appears as Mahatera Phang, Isadora Duncan appears as Lavinia King, and Mary D'Este as Lisa la Giuffria. Cyril Grey is Crowley himself, while Simon Iff is either an idealized version of an older and wiser Crowley or his friend Allen Bennett. A year or so before the beginning of World War I, a young woman named Lisa la Giuffria is seduced by a white magician, Cyril Grey, and persuaded into helping him in a magical battle with a black magician and his black lodge. Grey is attempting to raise the level of his force by impregnating the girl with the soul of an ethereal being - the moonchild. To achieve this, she will have to be kept in a secluded environment, and many preparatory magical rituals will be carried out. The black magician Douglas is bent on destroying Grey’s plan. However, Grey's ultimate motives may not be what they appear. The moonchild rituals are carried out in southern Italy, but the occult organizations are based in Paris and England. At the end of the book, the war breaks out, and the white magicians support the Allies, while the black magicians support the Central Powers. - source: Sounds like nonsense? Well, after Crowley took over the OTO from it's last surviving founding member, he changed the degree structure to reflect the ten degrees used (or rather, to Crowley, implied) by the Golden Dawn's degree structure. He kept the "essential (magico-sexual) characteristics" of the 90° RoM&M, and apparently greatly diminished the more "Masonic" Swedenborg Rite connections. However, by no means did

the RoM&M practice of sex-magick end when Crowley re-ordered the degree system of the OTO. The group-focus remains, to this day, on sexual-magick. Consider that one generation after Crowley, Jack Parsons (head of NASA's solid rocket-fuel dept. the JPL) and L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology) were devout OTO members, who performed a magical-sexual ritual called the "Babalon Working" to, again, create a Moon-child or Homunculus. Quote: The Babalon Working was a series of magic ceremonies or rituals commenced on March 2, 1946 by Jack Parsons, essentially designed to manifest an individual incarnation of the archetypal divine feminine called Babalon, as well as to catalyze the reification of that force as it exists latently in every man and woman. During the ceremony L. Ron Hubbard acted as a scribe noting the results of the magickal workings. When Parsons declared that the first of the series of rituals was complete and successful, he almost immediately met Marjorie Cameron in his own home, and regarded her as the creation of the ritual, considered her his "Scarlet Woman", and soon began the next stage of the series--an attempt to conceive a child through sexual magick workings. Although no child was conceived, this did not affect the result of the ritual to that point. Parsons and Cameron soon married. The rituals performed drew largely upon the Enochian magical system devised by Dr. John Dee and Sir Edward Kelley. They also drew heavily from rituals and sex magick described by Aleister Crowley, who in turn borrowed many aspects of his Babalon from combining the Babylonian goddess Ishtar with the figure of Mystery Babylon, the "Great Whore" in the biblical Book of Revelation. A brief text entitled The Book of Babalon, or Liber 49, was written by Jack Parsons as a transmission from the goddess or force called Babalon received by him during the Babalon Working. Parsons said that Liber 49 constituted a fourth chapter of Liber AL Vel Legis (The Book of the Law), the holy text of Thelema. In the gematria of Hermetic Qabalah, Aleister Crowley equated the number 156 with Babalon (equating the letter 'o' with the Hebrew letter Ayin which has the value 70). In Enochian, "Babalon" means "wicked". "Babalond" means "a harlot". - source: Here you can read Parson's own account of the "Babalon Working." Parson's name within the OTO was "Anti-Christ." - resource: Following the Babalon working in the later 40's, the CoS and ToS have both formed as imitations following Parson's degredation of Crowley's monicker, "To Mega Therion" (the "great beast") to its lowest form, representing the "goat of Mendes." Crowley himself would have laughed at the association of the gematria of his magickal monicker being

associated with the 666 of Revelations now, some three and a half generations later, but most D&D RPG playing "Wiccans" and "Pagans" (in name only) as well as the followers of Tim LaHey's rabidly Christian "Left Behind" series both consider "Crowley was a Satanist" to be the end-all be-all of the discussion about him. Most OTO members, I regret to report, have never even read Crowley's autobiography, "the Confessions." No, sadly, most of the modern practitioners of the OTO's occult agenda remain the economically elite, the wealthy globalists, and the rabid, patriotic nationalists of yesterday, who have, one generation later, expanded into the global imperialists of today. Bohemian Grove is a fine example of an OTO "camp." And they are on the "conservative" side. On the more "liberal" side are out-right "neoSethian" believers in causing global destruction in an "end of the world" style Apocalypse. And the plans to prepare for this contingency: global destruction, were laid out prior to the 1940's, when construction began on the earliest examples of "deep underground military installations" by NAZIs in Antarctica, in an area that is called to this day, "New Swabia." Even during the later life of Crowley himself, we find those who were then in the OTO and practicing the "magico-sexual" RoM&M were those who were plotting to take over the world. The Illuminati agenda was declared dead when the OTO was formed because the IO agenda was to conquer the world, and the OTO agenda has been to rule the world, from behind closed doors, using "magical" paper money. Within the OTO now, the neoSethian movement wants to blow us all up. But until the neo-Sethian movement establishes it's own specific degree system, a hierarchy of rituals, etc. it is only a "movement" and not an "Order" in itself. So, who are the neo-Sethians? Well, look at the trend following Parsons, Cameron and Hubbard. In 1955, Karl Germer, Crowley's second-in-command in the OTO, and one of its original founders, expelled Kenneth Grant from the OTO. Crowley's opinion of Grant was that he was "too dark" and too obsessed in his pursuit of what magicians of the time called the "left hand path" (meaning, essentially, the "magico-sexual" concepts). Grant was an ardent Theosophist, and Crowley wasn't. Crowley was a practical magician and to this day Grant remains a mere secretary of rumors and opinions with no basis in factual reality. Grant's primary vein of research has been the 32 "Kalas." According to Grant, as well as his disciple Michael Beartieux (author of the totally Theosophical, absolute rubbish, stream of consciousness, "Voudoun Gnostic Workbook"), the Orishas of Vodoo are based on petro, blood-letting rites. He borrows the pre-Hindu Vedic term "Kala" (meaning phase or span of time) to describe what he identifies as 32 different types of human blood and bodily fluids. Men, according to Grant's own "research" have 16 Kalas, and women have 16 Kalas. Grant advocates drinking menstrual blood from women of various ages and stages of development, citing Crowley's use of the term "Star-Fire" to describe the "Elixer Vitae" or pure water of everlasting life contained within the Holy Grail.

Crowley's meaning for the term "Star-Fire" can be debated, but Grant's "dangerous obsession" with the "magico-sexual" Dark-side, or "left-hand path," cannot be denied. His protege, Austin Osman, who died the year after Grant was expelled from the OTO by Germer, was an "automatic artist" and "stream of consciousness" author, who had little or no skill or training in practical magick, and it seems as though Grant's attempt to exorcise the "Typhonian" trend of neo-Sethianism from the OTO in some advanced form of reverse seance may have proved successful: the Typhonian OTO has no rigid, or even defined, degree system or hierarchy of order, and so it remains an independent tradition, alongside that of neo-Sethianism, among members within the OTO. The "Typhonian OTO" has nothing to do with the neo-Sethian agenda of bringing about the "Apocalypse" planned by the Bohemian Grove OTO camp members. It seems the goal of the "Typhonian OTO" was more to simply clear Crowley's name from its "Satanic" associations by CoS and ToS members of the post-Crowley OTO. It is this trend that constitutes neo-Sethianism. Thus, if the "Typhonian OTO" formed a degree system, it could become either a threat or an ally to the neo-Sethian movement, however for now they remain two, unrelated and unequal, movements within, and among members of, the OTO. None of this is to say the academic writings of Kenneth Grant, using vague "Orientalist" Theosophy and syncretism of QBLH with voodoo to advocate literal blood-drinking ceremonies, are not legitimate works, describing factual practices. It is simply that he is describing it, while it is mainly the other members of the OTO than those who follow Grant that are the ones who are, currently, actually practicing the ingestion of menstruum, the breeding of "moon-children" and the "magico-sexual" RoM&M. Those are the rich elite at Bohemian Grove, who are third and fourth generation members of the highest degrees of the OTO. The OTO is the religion of the NWO. In this sense, it is different from the "Illuminati" or the agenda of the original IO, or Weishaupt's Bavarian "Perfectibilists," however one wishes to call them. The IO, even if associated with the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, an inflammatory defamation of Hassidic QBLHism, which can be dated to no earlier than that time, the primary goals of the Illuminati, as well as the first 22 of the 24 Protocols, had been achieved by 1900, and thus this was when the last IO became the first OTO. The change that was made from the former IO lodge to the latter OTO lodge was simple: the IO of Weishaupt was designed to be "quasi-Masonic." It was designed around the initiative of infiltrating and subsuming the lodges of Free Masonry using the manner of infiltration developed under Hassan Ibn Sabba of the Crusades-era Persian Assassin cult. Thus, the concept of Illuminism's "exoteric" or "outer" shell fell between the later Rosicrucian-era dictates of "the Pope is the anti-Christ" made by Familist-cults and the earlier, Jacobin-era dictates of "Fraternity or death" made by the earliest Scottish Rite Lodges in France and America. Illuminism was a revolutionary concept, that occurred at

specifically the right moment in history for it to have occurred. The notion of taking over the world was more acceptable to people, at least, professors in Germany in the late 1700's, if it was dressed in the rose-colored, Familist notions of a "no laws necessary" utopia to follow. The same ideas expressed by Weishaupt as meant for the rich elite were much later championed by Karl Marx as a viable strategy for a workers' Revolution. However, by the time Marx's ideas could be implemented, such a revolution was staged by the early OTO, the founding-members of the Yale camp of "Skull and Bones." The Rockefellers funded Lenin's Bolshevik revolution, and fueled his Soviet imperialism during the US depression and rise of NAZI Germany. However, by that time, the former "IO, now the "OTO" or "Order of Death" or of "the death's head," under Crowley, controlled the economic and political aspects of society in not just those three main countries, but also the entire civilized world. This is when the OTO began, around 1900, with Crowley's dictation of "Liber Legis." The IO ended, and the OTO began. The world is conquered, time to manage it. A small group of OTO members, who have consolidated the most economic power on the earth, are of the pro-Apocalypse belief. I call them "neo-Sethians."

Illuminati History 101.J:: Illuminati 101.I:: Majestic 12History and the Federal Reserve: a communique for the IOBB2. Majestic 12 and the Federal Reserve: a communique for the IOBB2. Next, let us turn our focus for attention away from the "occultism" of 20th century sects of speculative philosophers toward modern economic and political planning Next, letyet us turn our focus fortoattention away from the "occultism" of 20th century sects bodies, continue in this apply the same method for studying both: to analyse of speculative philosophers modern political of planning bodies,sects yet their degree systems. So wetoward shall see how economic the earlierand idealogies these occult continue in and this inspired to applythe thepolitics same and method for studying both:century. to analyze their degree has infused economics of the 20th systems. So we shall see how the earlier ideologies of these occult sects has infused and The rapid of political and20th economic inspired the assumption politics and economics of the century.rank by crypto-IO / neo-OTO operatives and occult initiates was due to the first world war. As more people became aware of the propagation of European cults in England and America - the GD being The rapid assumption of political and economic rank by crypto-IO / neo-OTO operatives the most public, but no less so was the Theosophical Society than was Weishaupt's and occult was due to theand firstBones world- war. more people became presumption aware of the original IO initiates in the form of Skull thereAsbecame an increased propagation of European cults in England and America - the GDtraveled being the public, of a trans-Atlantic "cult-gap," which Crowley, an Englishman, to most America to but no less so was(presenting the Theosophical Society than Weishaupt's original jurisdiction IO in the form counter-balance the OTO works of was Reuss to the Northern of the Scottish Rite in 1919). This was the era when the initiate as shamen idea was of Skull and Bones - there became an increased presumption of a trans-Atlantic "cultusurped andCrowley, suppressed by the idea of the initiate as a spy. gap," which an Englishman, traveled to America to counter-balance (presenting the OTO works of Reuss to the Northern jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite in 1919). This To begin our analysis, let us take up the storyline in 1917, the year of the Bolshevik was the era of when the initiate as shaman idea was usurped and suppressed by the idea of of Revolution October 25 (Julian) or November 7 (Gregorian). By this time, many the initiate as amiddle-eastern spy. the European, and Asian nations were in ruins from WWI. The Treaty of Versailes began being negotiated (1919) long before the end of combat operations was officially declared let (1922). was being drafted planning To begin our analysis, us takeIt up thealready storyline in 1917, the by yearpolitical of the Bolshevik committees staffed by the wealthiest bankers in 1917. This planning body was Revolution of October 25 (Julian) or November 7 (Gregorian). By this time, many called, of the at the time,middle-eastern "The Inquiry." and Asian nations were in ruins from WWI. The Treaty of European, Versailes began being negotiated (1919) long before the end of combat operations was Quote: officially declared (1922). It was already drafted by political committees The Inquiry was a study group established inbeing 1917 by Woodrow Wilson toplanning prepare materials for staffed the wealthiest bankers 1917. planning body was called, at the time, the peaceby negotiations following Worldin War I. TheThis group, composed of around 150 academics, was

"The Inquiry." Quote: The Inquiry was a study group established in 1917 by Woodrow Wilson to prepare materials for the peace negotiations following World War I. The group, composed of around 150 academics, was directed by presidential adviser Edward House and supervised directly by philosopher Sidney Mezes. The group worked from the premises of the American Geographical Society of New York. Mezes's senior colleagues were geographer Isaiah Bowman, journalist Walter Lippmann, historian James Shotwell, and lawyer David Hunter Miller. Others included James Truslow Adams. Members of the inquiry, now named American Commission to Negotiate Peace, traveled to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, accompanying Wilson aboard the USS George Washington to France. The members would later form the Council on Foreign Relations. - source: Now, before we can begin to discuss the CFR, we must briefly also view the transitionary era during the drafting of the Treaty of Versailles, which also created the League of Nations (precursor to the modern UN), on June 28, 1919. Thus, even if the "Inquiry" group's intentions were benign diplomacy, it appears that by the time their boat reached French shores, they were hell-bent on ruling the world. We see the original membership of the "Inquiry" group (academics, philosophers, philanthropists, geographers, journalists, historians, lawyers, etc.) was quickly replaced by far more pro-war / hawkish interests once they arrived to represent the US and President Woodrow Wilson's "14 point plan." Quote: The American Commission to Negotiate Peace, successor to the Inquiry, participated in the peace negotiations at the Treaty of Versailles, January 18 — December 9, 1919. Frank Lyon Polk headed the commission in 1919. The peace conference was superseded by the Council of Ambassadors, 1920–1931, which was organized to deal with various political questions regarding the implementation of provisions of the Treaty of Versailles at the end of World War I. Members of the commission appointed by President Woodrow Wilson included: Clive Day, an American college professor and writer on economics history at the University of California. Donald Paige Frary, an American college professor with Yale University, an expert on International Affairs, and author; served as a secretary to Edward M. House. Edward M. House, a diplomat, politician and presidential foreign policy advisor to

President Wilson. Vance C. McCormick, an American politician and prominent businessman from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Sidney Edward Mezes, an American philosopher and college professor, former president of the City College of New York. Charles Seymour, an American college professor at Yale University. - source: As we see now, the pro-war / hawkish globalists' perspective superseded the originally more diplomatic mission as it was intended by President Wilson. By this point, Wilson himself had become disenchanted with the political processes at the negotiations over the Treaty of Versailles, and left the conference in February, 1919, to return to the US, placing Colonel House in his seat on the round-table "Council of Ten." Although they had been long-time friends, House betrayed Wilson's soft- hearted stance on reparations from Germany and imposed, instead, the heavy-handed sanctions on them that bankrupted the German economy and led to the rise of the Third Reich and the fomenting of a second world war. The resultant Treaty was so odious to Wilson's own original vision that the final wording was never passed into ratification by the US Senate. The US never officially joined the League of Nations that US President Woodrow Wilson had idealized in his "14 points." Instead, the plotting of globalist political interests took the economical route to achieving its ends in the USA. Here we shall see the first meeting of the CFR was held during the negotiations on the Treaty of Versailles. Quote: The earliest origin of the Council stemmed from a working fellowship of about 150 scholars, called "The Inquiry", tasked to brief President Woodrow Wilson about options for the postwar world when Germany was defeated. Through 1917–1918, this academic band, including Wilson's closest adviser and long-time friend "Colonel" Edward M. House, as well as Walter Lippmann, gathered at 155th Street and Broadway at the Harold Pratt House in New York City, to assemble the strategy for the postwar world. The team produced more than 2,000 documents detailing and analyzing the political, economic, and social facts globally that would be helpful for Wilson in the peace talks. Their reports formed the basis for the Fourteen Points, which outlined Wilson's strategy for peace after war's end. These scholars then traveled to the Paris Peace Conference, 1919 that would end the war; it was at one of the meetings of a small group of British and American diplomats and scholars, on May 30, 1919, at the Hotel Majestic, that both the Council and its British counterpart, the Chatham House in London, were born. Some of the participants at that meeting, apart from Edward House, were Paul Warburg, Herbert Hoover, Harold Temperley, Lionel Curtis, Lord Eustace Percy, Christian Herter,

and American academic historians James Thomson Shotwell of Columbia University, Archibald Cary Coolidge of Harvard, and Charles Seymour of Yale. - source: All of the original members of this group were wealthy banking magnates and industrial sector monopolists. They may have seen their aims as "humanitarian" at the time, but their goal was no less than to reshape all existing society as they, themselves, saw fit. Thus, we come back full circle to the morals and dogma of the crypto-IO / neo-OTO under Aleister Crowley. Crowley's restructuring of the OTO's 90° RoM&M system into accordance with the 10°'s of the Golden Dawn system came at the cost of Crowley implanting throughout all his literature for the OTO his own unique concepts, such as the "Law of Thelema" ("Do What Thou Wilt"). As we have studied the "Typhonian" OTO of Kenneth Grant and Austin Spare, as well as the CoS of LaVey and the ToS of Acquino, we can quickly see Crowley's impact on the "Left Hand Path" devotees of the RoM&M, the practitioners of "sex-magick." Likewise, Crowley's own inner-most ring of disciples included JPL / NASA rocket-scientist Jack Parsons and pre-Dianetics / Scientology L. Ron Hubbard. So, what did the CFR's first meeting of 12 at the Majestic Hotel in Paris during the signing of the Treaty of Versailles beget in its wake by around the time of the Parsons / Hubbard "Babalon Working" (March 2, 1946)? Quote: The original composition was six civilians (mostly scientists), and six high-ranking military officers, two from each major military service. Three (Souers, Vandenberg, and Hillenkoetter) had been the first three heads of central intelligence. The Moore/Shandera documents did not make clear who was the director of MJ-12, or if there was any organizational hierarchy. The named members of MJ-12 were: Rear Adm. Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter: first CIA director Dr. Vannevar Bush: chaired wartime Office of Scientific Research and Development and predecessor National Defense Research Committee; set up and chaired postwar Joint Research and Development Board (JRDB) and then the Research and Development Board (RDB); chaired NACA; President of Carnegie Institute, Washington D.C. James Forrestal: Secretary of the Navy; first Secretary of Defense (replaced after his death on MJ- 12 by Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, 2nd CIA director) Gen. Nathan Twining: headed Air Materiel Command at Wright-Patterson AFB; Air Force Chief of Staff (1953–1957); Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1957–1961) Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg: Directed Central Intelligence Group (1946–1947); Air Force Chief of Staff (1948–1953)

Gen. Robert M. Montague: Guided missile expert; 1947 commander of Fort Bliss; headed nuclear Armed Forces Special Weapons Center, Sandia Base Dr. Jerome Hunsaker: Aeronautical engineer, MIT; chaired NACA after Bush Rear Adm. Sidney Souers: first director of Central Intelligence Group, first executive secretary of National Security Council (NSC) Gordon Gray: Secretary of the Army; intelligence and national security expert; CIA psychological strategy board (1951–1953); Chairman of NSC 5412 Committee (1954– 1958); National Security Advisor (1958–1961) Dr. Donald Menzel: Astronomer, Harvard; cryptologist during war; security consultant to CIA and NSA Dr. Detlev Bronk: Medical physicist; aviation physiologist; chair, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council; president Johns Hopkins & Rockefeller University Dr. Lloyd Berkner: Physicist; radio expert; executive secretary of Bush's JRDB According to other sources and MJ-12 papers to emerge later, famous scientists like Robert Oppenheimer, Albert Einstein, Karl Compton, Edward Teller, John von Neumann, and Wernher von Braun were also allegedly involved with MJ-12. (see also Arguments for below, particularly statements by Dr. Robert Sarbacher) - source: By the end of the second world war, it was already considered no longer feasible to apply a diplomatic approach toward global government. The military "doomsday" backup-plan was put into effect. This was when Dwight D. "Ike" Eisenhower warned of the threat of the growing "military-industrial complex." This is when "black-ops" and "black-budget" spending on them became vogue. Naturally we do not have these shadow agencies under cover of umbrella corporations, protected from the "all seeing eye" under the "wings of the eagle," so to speak, anymore. Now, we have the DHS "fiasco" attempting to fix an intelligence community that was already functional, only being paid to look the other way on 9-11. This has effectively allowed many of the "black-ops" to become "rainbowops" or those performed in or on the public. So, what then, was and is this "militaryindustrial" complex Ike warned us of? What is the interim like between the implementation of the "military-industrial" complex and the DHS shake-down of all "good cops" following 9-11-2001? During the last century, from 1910 until 2010, the Federal Reserve Central Bank of the USA has held complete economic authority over the "military-industrial" complex's "black-budgets" for their "black-op" wars and "black-bag" torture at "black-sites." The Federal Reserve Bank is the "front" business covering the money held by the CFR (public-relations) portion of the Trilateral Commission (the "military-industrial" complex itself). The Bilderberg Group under the Federal Reserve, the Fed under the CFR, the CFR under the Trilateral Commission, and the Trilateral Commission under the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA), and so on and so

forth. The whole political "chess- game" as envisioned by Zbiegnew Brzenski is purchased with credit on loan and paid for by the "Federal Reserve," a privately owned bank with a no-bid sole-rights deal with the Constitutional US Republic. Here is the degree system used within the cult of the Federal Reserve: Quote: The Federal Reserve describes its structure as composed of five parts: · The presidentially appointed Board of Governors (or Federal Reserve Board), an independent federal government agency located in Washington, D.C. · The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC), composed of the seven members of the Federal Reserve Board and five of the twelve Federal Reserve Bank presidents, which oversees open market operations, the principal tool of U.S. monetary policy. · Twelve regional privately-owned Federal Reserve Banks located in major cities throughout the nation, which divide the nation into twelve Federal Reserve districts. The Federal Reserve Banks act as fiscal agents for the U.S. Treasury, and each has its own nine-member board of directors. · Numerous other private U.S. member banks, which own required amounts of nontransferable stock in their regional Federal Reserve Banks. · Various advisory councils. - source: So we can now see how the modern Federal Reserve Bank, which controls the flow of paper money from the minting press, is alike a latter-day, crypto-Crowleyian version of the GD / OTO's degree system, without philosophical justification, nor any seeming need for such from philosophers. The degree systems used by occult sects are undeniably obvious, and though that of the Fed is the same in general structure to these, the Fed remains a secret shrouded in a riddle wrapt up within an enigma. Even today, diligent efforts by congressmen like Ron Paul attempting to make public the full accounting books of the Fed are relentlessly blocked and slaughtered by a predominantly Zionist congress. And who, when we look at the bottom-line, was behind the creation of the Fed, the CFR, the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations (precursor to the UN)? Here is a list of their names: Quote: A particularly severe panic in 1907 provided the motivation for renewed demands for banking and currency reform. The following year Congress enacted the Aldrich-Vreeland Act which provided for an emergency currency and established the National Monetary Commission to study banking and currency reform. The chief of the bipartisan National Monetary Commission was financial expert and Senate Republican leader Nelson Aldrich. Aldrich set up two commissions — one to study the American monetary system in depth and the other, headed by Aldrich himself, to study the European central-banking systems and report on them. Aldrich went to Europe opposed to centralized banking, but after viewing Germany's banking system, he came away believing that a centralized bank was better than the government-issued bond

system that he had previously supported. Centralized banking was met with much opposition from politicians, who were suspicious of a central bank and who charged that Aldrich was biased due to his close ties to wealthy bankers such as J.P. Morgan and his daughter's marriage to John D. Rockefeller, Jr. In 1910, Aldrich and executives representing the banks of J.P. Morgan, Rockefeller, and Kuhn, Loeb & Co., secluded themselves for 10 days at Jekyll Island, Georgia. The executives included Frank A. Vanderlip, president of the National City Bank of New York, associated with the Rockefellers; Henry Davison, senior partner of J.P. Morgan Company; Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank of New York; and Col. Edward House, who would later become President Woodrow Wilson's closest adviser and founder of the Council on Foreign Relations. There, Paul Warburg of Kuhn, Loeb, & Co. directed the proceedings and wrote the primary features of what would be called the Aldrich Plan. Warburg would later write that "The matter of a uniform discount rate (interest rate) was discussed and settled at Jekyll Island." - source: _Monetary_Commission Nelson Aldrich was their primary political champion at the time of the passage, on December 23, 1913, as ch. 6, 38 Stat. 251 of 12 U.S.C. ch.3, the "Federal Reserve Act." The final wording of the Act itself was taken from the "Aldrich Plan," proposing a National Reserve Association with 15 regional district branches and 46 geographically dispersed directors. This differed from the final wording in the numbers of those who served at each level, but this three-tiered plan remained in place throughout the legislative history of the Fed Act, ever since its inception at the meeting on Jekyll Island between Aldrich and the wealthy industrialists and bankers of his time. These wealthy industrialists and bankers were all WWI profiteers, who had no-bid government contracts supplying the military with weapons, vehicles, gas, etc. As such, they continued meeting, such as the May 19, 1919 meeting to create the CFR held at the Majestic Hotel, and continued founding further "round-table" think-tanks, called by then "Trusts" - such as those of the Carnegie Ford scholarship foundation or the International Endowment for the Arts. These planning-bodies, so-called "round-table" type think-tanks, are the modern inheritors of competition between elder sectarians and occultists over various degree systems. The modern Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, does not, it is safe to assume, know anything about "magick" ala Crowley, nor "majic" ala UFOs. All he knows about is economics, and how to speak the language used by those who have the most money. However, whether he knows it or not, Ben Bernanke is standing on the shoulders of Aleister Crowley as much as Nelson Aldrich. Of course, Crowley alone cannot be credited with the invention of the degree-system's use itself. However without Crowley, there could have been no Fed, just as without Weishaupt no Crowley, and likewise, without Dee, no Weishaupt.

Illuminati History 101.J:: Sovietism: a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: The next great project of secret societies was to prepare the conquest of Europe via the creation of what would become the Soviet Union. Revolution in Russia was germinating through the 1880s, but did not break out until the beginning of the 1900s. By 1905, a premature attempt at revolution broke out in the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Although the revolution was soon crushed, Czar Nicholas II was forced to establish an elected parliament called the Duma. The Czar jailed or exiled an estimated 250,000 revolutionaries, including Lenin, who went to Switzerland. Lenin’s accomplice, Leon Trotsky, was arrested in 1905. By 1907, he had escaped from prison, and eventually made his way to France, where hew as soon expelled for his revolutionary activities there. Before he left, he founded a Bolshevist newspaper called The Voice. He ended up in New York in January 1917, where he went to work as a reporter for the Communist newspaper, The New World. It was in New York that Trotsky discovered that the “revolution” had powerful American friends. He soon discovered that there were wealthy Wall Street bankers who were willing to finance a revolution in Russia. Within two months, Trotsky left New York to return to Russia, but this time, he had with him a fortune in gold, and even an entourage of 275 dedicated revolutionaries - many of them Americans - to aid him. Trotsky left New York aboard the S.S. Christiana on March 27, 1917. All of Europe at this

time was in the midst of World War I. Within days, Trotsky was in jail again. The ship had stopped in Nova Scotia and the Canadian government had impounded both Trotsky and his newfound wealth. Canada, it seems, had the nerve to take Trotsky at his word. He had proclaimed that when the Bolsheviks came to power in Russia he intended to make a separate peace with the Germans, therefore freeing up a lot of Germans from the Eastern front so they could go kill Canadian soldiers on the Western front. For some reason, the Canadian government took a dim view of this. Who intervened to free Trotsky and his gold from Canadian jail? None other than President Woodrow Wilson’s closest White House advisor, Colonel House, the man who later brought America a central banking system (the Federal Reserve), and was said to have the complete trust of the Rothschilds. Within only a few days, Trotsky was provided with an American passport, and sailed on to Russia. World War I had taken a terrible toll on Russia. She suffered approximately 1,700,000 deaths, sixteen times more than the United States. Deserters from the Russian army were rampant. Food shortages among the populace were growing because Russian currency was practically worthless. By March, 1917, the citizens were in revolt. The Czar abdicated, and a provisional government was set up. Soon, the fighting sprit of the Russian Army returned. Germany was desperate to stop the Russians on the Eastern front and they found their answer in a willing Lenin. Lenin was aided by German agents in returning to Russia from his exile in Switzerland. He was put on the infamous “sealed train” in Switzerland along with at least five million dollars (U.S.). Traveling along with Lenin were another 159 dedicated Bolshevik revolutionaries. Germany was quite willing to see the Bolsheviks come to power because Lenin had chosen as a primary political issue the cessation of the war with Germany, so they ushered the train right through their lines without question. Winston Churchill saw these forces at work and spoke out on November 5, 1919 in the House of Commons: “Lenin was sent to Russia by the Germans the same way that you might send a phial containing a culture of typhoid or of cholera to be poured into the water supply of a great city and it worked with amazing accuracy.” The evidence clearly shows that Europeans and Americans financed Lenin and Trotsky in their attempts to foment a revolution in Russia. But does that mean that they represented the secret societies? Churchill seemed to think so. He implied that Lenin had the help of secret societies, and charged that Lenin had gathered together “the leading spirits of a formidable sect, the most formidable sect in the world, of which he was the high priest and chief.”

Lenin and Trotsky re-entered Russia in the spring of 1917, both with large treasuries of gold to fuel their revolution. Certainly, this revolution was not a natural outburst of the indigenous population. It was only by a course of systematic deception, and finally by force of arms, that the party, the “red bureaucracy,” succeeded in establishing its domination. Such popularity as it had achieved has been won by the old method of the conspiracy - promising one thing and doing precisely the opposite. By July of 1917, Lenin managed to incite a revolution, but the Russian Army was able to suppress the uprising. On July 19, the government ordered Lenin’s arrest as a German agent and Lenin fled to Finland. By early October, he felt it was safe to return, and on November 7, he led another revolution which was successful. Since the Bolsheviks had earlier called for elections, Lenin was forced to hold them on November 25. More than seventy-five percent of the population voted against him. On January 18, 1918, when the People’s Congress met, it was filled with anti-Bolshevik representatives. Lenin demanded that the Congress dissolve. They refused. The next day, Lenin sent armed guards to the legislative body and dissolved it for them. The Communists summarily eliminated the nearest thing to a representative government Russia had ever known. Thus Lenin and Trotsky promised a Constitutional Assembly, yet their first act was to dissolve the Duma. In March 1918, the Bolsheviks did indeed make peace with Germany and sent millions of Germans streaming to the western fronts to kill Allied soldiers. For this, American banking houses, controlled by the Rothschilds, immediately rewarded them with massive infusions of cash to prop up the Bolshevik dictatorship. In addition to fulfilling promises he made to the Germans, Lenin had another reason for this action. He believed that the chaos of the war would make it possible to set off a series of Communist revolutions in every major capitalist nation. According to Skousen: “He wanted to disentangle Russia from the conflict in order to get her prepared for her role as the ‘Motherland of Communism.’ This would give him a chance to consolidate his power in Russia and then to supervise the revolutions in the war-weary capitalist nations so as to bring the whole world under the dictatorship of the proletariat within a very short time.” After making peace with the Germans, Lenin then set off to completely communize Russia. His efforts only succeeded after a further economic collapse and a civil war. This war between the “Whites” and Lenin’s “Reds” lasted until 1922, and cost twenty- eight million Russian lives, more than sixteen times the number of men Russia lost in all of World War I. Lenin set the pattern of revolutionary deception in this, his first triumph. Initially, he allowed the peasants to seize much farmland, for example. He also initially allowed workers to control the factories and play important roles in local government. Soon

enough, however, as Lenin began tightening his control, he forced the peasants to surrender most of the produce from the seized lands, and he centralized control of production. After Lenin took power, he slowly began to understand that he was not really pulling all the strings. Someone else was silently in control of the Soviet nation. Lenin lamented: “The state does not function as we desired. How does it function? The car does not obey. A man is at the wheel and seems to lead it, but the car does not drive in the desired direction. It moves as another force wishes.” By 1921, Lenin despondently remarked in a letter that “I hope will be hanged on a stinking rope.” In fact, Lenin was one of the few who helped to install the Communist dictatorship who did not meet that fate. In 1922, a terrible famine hit Russia, and in that year alone another five million Russians starved to death - almost three times as many as died in WWI. Lenin had to admit that Marxism as an economic system was a failure. He instituted a radical economic reform. He eliminated the Marxist barter system and returned currency and wages to the Russian people. In less than a year, three quarters of all retail distribution was in private hands. Peasant farmers were allowed to sell most of their grain on the open market. In a matter of months, starvation began to disappear. In the end, Lenin finally understood the consequences of his actions. In 1924, from his deathbed, Lenin said: “I committed a great error. My nightmare is to have the feeling that I’m lost in an ocean of blood from the innumerable victims. It is too late to return. To save our country, Russia, we would have needed men like Francis of Assisi. With ten men like him we would have saved Russia.” By 1924, Lenin was dead and his assistant, Joseph Stalin, used his ruthless tactics to take control of the nation. Stalin began wiping out the prosperous independent businessmen and peasant farmers who had flourished under the later days of Lenin’s rule. Again, Russia was plunged into starvation, now ruled by the most dictatorial and murderous tyrant the world had ever known. Whole cities were wiped out at the hint of rebellion to his iron fisted rule. It is now estimated by Soviet sources that Stalin’s reign of terror killed 40,000,000 Russians, many times the number slaughtered by Hitler. In 1933, Stalin sent his friend Litvinov to Washington and got the United States to recognize the Soviet Union on the promise that Stalin would stop trying to overthrow the US government. Within ten months after the U.S. recognized the Soviet Union and sent an ambassador, Stalin had broken his promise and again openly advocated the violent overthrow of the U.S. government. Stalin was initially enrolled in a school to become a priest at the theological seminary at Tiflis, close to his hometown of Gori near the border of Turkey, in the Russian province

of Georgia. He soon discovered the seminary was honeycombed with secret societies. He became involved in some of the most radical of these, and in his third year of seminary was finally exposed. When he was finally expelled for “lack of religious vocation” in 1899, he became a full-time Marxist revolutionary. Who financed Lenin and Trotsky? The evidence points to a variety of European and American financiers. One German responsible for the financing of the Bolshevik revolution was Max Warburg, the brother of American Paul Warburg, the prime mover in establishing the U.S. Federal Reserve System. Max ran a Rothschild-allied family bank in Frankfurt, Germany, and was the head of the German Secret Police during World War I. Paul Warburg had another brother named Felix. It was Felix’s father-in-law, Jacob Schiff, who seems to have been the main conspirator in the United States. Schiff was senior partner in the Wall Street investing firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. According to the “New York Journal - American” of February 3, 1949, it was estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the “old man” sank about $20 million for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia. Other Westerners who helped finance the Bolsheviks, were J.P. Morgan & Co., the Rockefeller oil family, and Alfred Milner Rothschild. The White Russian General Arsene de Goulevitch confirmed the Western financing of the Soviet revolution years later when he identified Jacob Schiff as a long-time supporter of “the Russian revolutionary cause.” The general also claimed that “over 21 million roubles” were donated to the cause by Lord Milner. De Goulevitch also reported that Birtish agents distributed money to Russian soldiers in November of 1917 to induce them to mutiny against the provisional government set up after the czar had abdicated six months earlier. This was what we now call the Bolshevik, or Soviet revolution of 1917. The conspirators apparently had a considerable financial reward for their investment. According to de Goulevitch: “Mr. Bakhmetiev, the late Russian Imperial Ambassador to the United States, tells us that the Bolsheviks, after victory, transferred 600 million roubles in gold between the years 1918 and 1922 to Kuhn, Loeb & Company [Schiff’s firm].” In the Bolshevik revolution, some of the world’s richest and most powerful men financed a movement which purportedly advocated the elimination of huge personal fortunes. Obviously, however, these men had no fear of Communism. Gary Allen has written: “It is only logical to assume that if they financed it and do not fear it, it must be because they control it. Can there be any other explanation that makes sense?” Since then, American financiers have striven mightily to keep Communism alive. According to Allen, “virtually everything the Soviets possess has been acquired from the West. It is not much of an exaggeration to say that the U.S.S.R. was made in the U.S.A.”

And what was the cost to the Russian people? By 1920, industrial production had dropped to only thirteen percent of the 1913 figure. There was an almost complete lack of clothing, shoes, and agricultural products. The rouble became almost worthless. The Russian price index of that day rose more than 16,000 times between 1917 and 1920. Crop yields fell from seventy-four million tons in 1916, to thirty million tons in 1920. The situation was exacerbated in 1920 with a drought and subsequent famine. It is estimated that in 1920-21, five million died of famine alone. With the ascendency of Joseph Stalin as the leader of Communist Russia, barbarism reached new heights. In 1945, twelve years after the end of Stalin’s first “Five-Year Plan,” he told Winston Churchill that during that period, twelve million peasants died in the reorganization of agriculture alone. In the meantime, the privileged class and their favorites had the best of everything, including foods and wines, the use of vacation villas in the country or in the Crimea, or even the right to live in old czarist palaces and mansions. These privileges of the ruling group, however, were obtained at the cost of complete insecurity, for even the highest party officials were under constant surveillance by the secret police and were inevitably purged, exiled or murdered. - source: Chapter 11, “New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies” by: William T. Still. -

Illuminati History 101.I:: Thule: Illuminati History a communique for101.K:: the IOBB2. Thule: concept of aThe communique forthe the "Black IOBB2. Sun" can be dated at least as far back as to European Alchemical traditions during the later Dark Ages. Representing the first of the seven stages of the of Alchemical process of transubstantion of lead intoback gold,asthe of The concept the "Black Sun" can be dated at least as far to concept European the "Black Sun" was ocassionally represented also by the symbol of the double-headed Alchemical traditions during the later Dark Ages. Representing the first of the seven eagle, such as in the Hapsburg crest, the 33rd degree motif of Free Masonry, etc. stages of the Alchemical process of transubstantiation of lead into gold, the concept of the "Black Sun" was occasionally represented also by the symbol of the double-headed Quote: eagle, such as insun) the Hapsburg 33rd degree motif of stage Free Masonry, etc. Sol niger (black is also thecrest, name the of the result of the first of the Opus Magnum in alchemy, the blackening (nigredo). The complete Opus magnum (Great Work) ends with the production of gold. Quote:

Sol niger (black sun) is also the name of the result of the first stage of the Opus Magnum - source: in alchemy, the blackening (nigredo). The complete Opus magnum (Great Work) ends with production of gold. For the those interested in Pythagorean mathematikoi and akousmatikoi, Philolaus,

loayal follower of Pythagoras, born but one generation after the Master himself, was influenced to postulate his concept of a "Central Fire" as not only -apparently source: heliocentrism, but also of a dual-loci of focal points, including a "dark star" gravitational pivot point effecting earth's orbit to render elliptical. For those interested in Pythagorean mathematikoi and itakousmatikoi, Philolaus, loyal follower of Pythagoras, born but one generation after the Master himself, was apparently Quote: influenced postulate his concept of a Philolaus "Central in Fire" as not only of helio-centrism, but It is possibletothat these teachings influenced the development his groundbreaking also of ofa the dual-loci focal including a "dark star" pivot point theory Centralof Fire. Thispoints, is supported by the fact that the gravitational various teachings regarding effecting earth's to render it elliptical. multiple suns are orbit sometimes attributed to Empedocles, who was a contemporary of Philolaus, and his senior. However, this connection may be coincidental, and it is likely that the attribution of these ideas to Empedocles stems from an imperfect understanding of his cosmology in regard to Quote: the reflective nature of the Sun.

It is possible that these teachings influenced Philolaus in the development of his groundbreaking theory of the Central Fire. This is supported by the fact that the various - source: teachings regarding multiple suns are sometimes attributed to Empedocles, who was a contemporary of Philolaus, and his senior. However, this connection may be coincidental, _tradition and it is likely that the attribution of these ideas to Empedocles stems from an imperfect Quote:

understanding of his cosmology in regard to the reflective nature of the Sun. - source: _tradition Quote: The term Black Sun (Ger. "Schwarze Sonne"), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for "Sun Wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance, notable for its usage in Nazi mysticism. Today, it may also be used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft-inspired esotericism. - source: The term "Black Sun" began during the Beer Hall meetings of German Worker Democratic Social Groups, such as NASDAP, the party that would go on to bring about the Third Reich. It was originally meant as an "occult" term, and not referred to publicly by that name. Instead, publicly, it was depicted by the symbol of Adolph Hitler's "Swastika" motif. Quote: Although it is believed the inverted (or "unlucky") crooked-spiral cross motif was authentically a design of Adolph Hitler, it is known that the reverse of this appeared first on Tibetan Buddhist monastery wall-paintings several hundred years before first appearing in Celtic Ireland. Both places the triskele, or triple-cross / spiral, and the swastika, or quadruple-cross / spiral are both considered symbols of the Milky Way galaxy as seen from above or below one of its poles. This symbol is also equivalent to the double- cross / spiral of Yin Yang and Hunab Khu. Similar symbols are the spiral and maze patterns that date back to the places of earliest habitations in Australia, Asia, Europe, and North America, so it should be considered an innate symbol in the original alphabet used in Antarctica. Its correct pronunciation, however, has obviously since been lost. Instead now it is called "Thule." - source: The Name of the Black Sun is "Thule," and the depiction of Thule is the Swastika. Each symbol depicts a symmetrical repetition of one of a series of Runes, the "Armanic" runelore designed by Guido Von List. Thus, the "swastika" of the NAZIs was a pair of mirrored runes for the letter "S." Here is a depiction of another in this same series of symbols, representing a higher order in the same sequence as the Swastika. Here we see the double "S" of the Swastika replaced by a double "T." Thus, we see 16 rays surrounding the central runes. Remember that all these symbols represent the "Black Sun," and the name of the Black Sun was "Thule." Although all the Irminenschraft (or simply, Irminists) believed the Vimana of the Rig Veda described ancient air-ships, and that the Vedic Aryans had migrated into Europe to

found the Norse mythic culture, not all of them knew what such lofty concepts might really mean. The NAZI occultist Karl Maria Wiligut crafted what would come to be the religious beliefs of the NAZI Third Reich based on the concept that "Krishna" was a Vedic deity, and that the Norse descended from the Vedics. Quote: Wiligut claimed that the Bible had originally been written in Germanic, and testified to an "Irminic" religion (Irminenreligion) that contrasted with Wotanism. He claimed to worship a Germanic god "Krist", which Christianity was supposed to have later bootlegged as their own savior Christ. - source: While this notion of a "new" or "revived" form of "Pagan Christianity" was being considered among the inner-most circles of the occultist "intelligentsia" of 1920's Germany, the foundations for such wild speculations had already been laid by earlier, legitimate scientists, in search of more planets within our own solar system than were then known. Long before Pluto had been discovered, the search for the furthest planet of our solar system was begun by the same man who believed he'd seen "canals on Mars," apocryphally ridiculed by history for having seen merely imperfections in the grain of his own spectacles. Quote: In 1894, with the help of William Pickering, Percival Lowell, a wealthy Bostonian aristocrat, founded the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. In 1906, convinced he could resolve the conundrum of Uranus's orbit, he began an extensive project to search for a trans-Neptunian planet, which he named Planet X. The X in the name represents an unknown and is pronounced as the letter, as opposed to the Roman numeral for 10 (Planet X would, at the time, have been the ninth planet). Lowell's hope in tracking down Planet X was to establish his scientific credibility, which had eluded him thanks to his widely derided belief that channel-like features visible on the surface of Mars were canals constructed by an intelligent civilization. - source: In short, the likelihood of there being a real "Planet X," that is specifically the "size of earth," and thus theoretically capable of sustaining life, in an elongated elliptical orbit around our sun is not only a NAZI neo-myth, but it is also a currently accepted scientific theory among the esteemed community of astro-physicists. Quote: The Kuiper belt terminates suddenly at a distance of 48 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun (by comparison, Neptune lies 30 AU from the Sun),[51] and there is some speculation that this sudden drop-off, known as the "Kuiper cliff", may be attributed to the presence of an object with a mass between that of Mars and Earth located beyond 48 AU. Astronomers have not excluded the possibility of a more massive Earth-like

planetoid located further than 100 AU with an eccentric and inclined orbit. Computer simulations have suggested that a body roughly the size of Earth, ejected outward by Neptune early in the Solar System's formation and currently in an elongated orbit between 80 and 170 AU from the Sun, could explain not only the Kuiper cliff but also the peculiar "detached" TNOs such as Sedna. - source: The idea of an alien inhabited "Planet X" that had passed near our own earth and tampered with our evolution was already a well enough established theory by the time of the earliest Irminen Thulist proto-NAZIs. By this point, the NAZI occultists were not only looking outward, beyond the known planets, but also inward, toward Philolaus' "Central Fire." While many were already then beginning to ponder from which direction this "Planet X" could approach earth from next, others were already attempting to conceive of the more distant focal loci point that marked the elliptically elongated orbit of Planet X. Compare these concepts of Karl Wiligut to the modern theory of a Black Sun... Quote: Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. Rüdiger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans. - source: Quote: Nemesis is a hypothetical red dwarf star or brown dwarf, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 to 100,000 AU, somewhat beyond the Oort cloud. This star was originally postulated to exist as part of a hypothesis to explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in the geological record. - source: Now recall the fractured poetry of SS officer Rudolf Mund, NAZI occultist... Quote: Rudolf J. Mund (a former SS member and later also member of the Vienna Circle) described a relationship of the visible sun as a symbol of an invisible anti-sun, the Black Sun. "Everything that can be comprehended by human senses as material, is the shadow of the invisible spiritual light. The material fire is - seen in this way - also only the shadow of the spiritual fire."

- source: and, again, this quote validating the concept in scientific terminology... Quote: Another hypothesis argues that long period comets, rather than arriving from random points across the sky as is commonly thought, are in fact clustered in a band inclined to the ecliptic. Such clustering could be explained if they were disturbed by an unseen object at least as large as Jupiter; possibly a brown dwarf. The hypothetical planet—or companion of the Sun—would be located in the outer part of the Oort cloud. - source: Thus the double "S" of the Swastika can be seen to symbolize the dual-solar nature, one light, one dark, alike twinned stars. However the double Runic "T" of the "alternative design" of the Black Sun symbol merely indicates, as I have said, that it is a note in the same scale, however of a different order, rank and file than the Swastika symbol. Both represent the same concept: the Black Sun. However, the base-4 Swastika and the base-16 rays of the "alternative design" simply represent two different definitions for what "Black Sun" each means. The double "S" Swastika has been described as representing the dual nature of the sun, as if the "main sequence" of star growth were the same sequence as the "transmutation" of alchemical metals. Likewise, the dual "T," base-16 "Black Sun" symbol also represents a dualistic aspect to the sun our star. However in this case it relates to the black hole at galactic core. Quote: The symbol of the Black Sun also has an alternative design, possibly a phantasy product of postwar writers, allegedly known as the "Die innere Welt - das Geheimnis der schwarzen Sonne" (The inner word - the secret of the Black Sun). This Black Sun symbolism formed a central doctrine to the pre-Nazi secret societies, namely the Black Sun, the Thule Society (Thule- Gesellschaft) and von Liebenfels' Order of the New Templars (Ordo Novi Templi). The transliteration of the text around the signet, seen here beginning from its upper left corner and proceeding around clockwise, is as of today untranslated.

Here is transliteration of the text around the signet, beginning from its upper left Hereis isaaatransliteration transliterationof ofthe thetext textaround aroundthe thesignet, signet,beginning beginningfrom fromits itsupper upperleft left Here corner and proceeding around clockwise. Here is a transliteration of the text around the signet, beginning from its upper left corner and proceeding around clockwise. corner and proceeding around clockwise. corner and proceeding around clockwise.

Here Here are as many as 24 distinct letters and how often they occur in the text. Hereare areas asmany manyas as24 24distinct distinctletters lettersand andhow howoften oftenthey theyoccur occurin inthe thetext. text. Here are as many as 24 distinct letters and how often they occur in the text.

Illuminati History 101.H:: Illuminati History 101.L:: Angel: the Order of the Peacock the Order of the Peacock Angel: a communique for the IOBB2. a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: It was a scene that would have delighted the heart of any Sunday newspaper reporter, and would Quote: have aroused the envy of a master stage designer. Somewhere in Putney, most respectable of It was a scene that would have delighted the heart of any Sunday newspaper reporter, London suburbs, sixty men and women were gyrating ecstatically in an underground temple and would have aroused the envy of a master stage designer. Somewhere in Putney, most before an eight-foot, glossy black statue of a peacock. As I stood in a small gallery built above the respectable London men inand women were feet gyrating ecstatically in an floor level, I of took note ofsuburbs, the poolsixty of water which the bird's rested; the monotonous underground temple before an the eight-foot, glossy black statue a peacock. As I stood in arabesques of the wall-decoration, criss-cross patterns of the stoneof floor.

a small gallery built above the floor level, I took note of the pool of water in which the Rising in the an incessant, all-intrusive beat, hidden were thudding a tempo bird's and feetfalling rested; monotonous arabesques of the drums wall-decoration, theout criss-cross which made it almost impossible to keep oneself still. Each of the worshippers was robed in a patterns of the stone floor. white flowing garment which completely covered his ordinary clothes. On the breat of each was embroidered a peacock - some green, some black, others red.

Rising and falling in an incessant, all-intrusive beat, hidden drums were thudding out a tempo whichofmade it almost impossible oneself still. of the worshippers was The devotees the peacock angel meet onceto a keep fortnight, carry out Each their complicated rituals, whirl robed the in aeffigy whiteofflowing garment covered his ordinary clothes. before their deity - and which return completely to their respective homes. You would not be On ablethe to identify youembroidered met them outside; no slit-eyed or turbaned shiek leads breat ofthem each ifwas a peacock - some oriental green, some black, others red. the revels. No 'obscene rites' are practised. The devil-worship attributed to the Yezidis of Kurdistan who are also peacock followers is not to be found here. Then why should an otherwise apparently sober The devotees of the peacock angel meet once a fortnight, carry out their complicated and sometimes very ordinary man in the street become a member of a cult like this? What does he rituals, whirl before the effigy of their deity - and return to their respective homes. You get out of it? How is he recruited?

would not be able to identify them if you met them outside; no slit-eyed oriental or turbaned sheik revels. No areAspracticed. Theworshipped devil-worship The snake and theleads cock the (or peacock) are 'obscene symbols ofrites' power. such they are and propitiated the Yezidis, have givenwho many a headache of identification those on attributed by to the Yezidis and of Kurdistan are also peacock followers istonot to experts be found the Gnostic mysteries who have found them engraved upon seals of uncertain origin in the Middle here. Then why should an otherwise apparently sober and sometimes very ordinary man East. The Enlgish version of the cultofwas brought Britain bydoes a Syrian whoout settled in How London in in the street become a member a cult like to this? What he get of it? is he 1913. He converted, so runs the tradition of the Cult, five people of importance: a banker, a recruited? member of the Peerage and three ladies who were well known at that time as society hostesses. His name is known only to initiates, who introduce it in a disguised form into their conversation.

The snake and the cock (or peacock) are symbols of power. As such they are worshipped and cult propitiated by the Yezidis, and halkas have given many headache identification The grew in numbers until sixteen (lodges) were aformed, eachof with a minimum to of seven Essentially the belief is that there two powers which can be of upon help to people those members. experts on the Gnostic mysteries who are have found them engraved seals of in everydayorigin life: the of increase and English of construction. known by the coded name uncertain in powers the Middle East. The versionThese of theare cult was brought to Britain of the peacock and the snake, because their names must not be pronounced except by initiates. by a Syrian who settled in London in 1913. He converted, so runs the tradition of the The reason for adopting these pseudonyms is that the total of the numbers in the names (worked Cult, five people of importance: a banker, a member of the Peerage and three ladies who out by numerology) is equivalent to the names of the words 'peacock' and 'snake.' were well known at that time as society hostesses. His name is known only to initiates,

who introduce it in a disguised form into their conversation. The cult grew in numbers until sixteen halkas (lodges) were formed, each with a minimum of seven members. Essentially the belief is that there are two powers which can be of help to people in everyday life: the powers of increase and of construction. These are known by the coded name of the peacock and the snake, because their names must not be pronounced except by initiates. The reason for adopting these pseudonyms is that the total of the numbers in the names (worked out by numerology) is equivalent to the names of the words 'peacock' and 'snake.' It was this discovery, based upon the numerology of the Arab cabbala, which led to the London peacock men and women. I had let it be known that I had heard of their existence (which I had) and that I had something of interest to impart to them (which I had not) through a member who had been introduced to me, and who had mentioned the Yezidis in a general conversation on the Middle East. That he was a priest of the cult became evident when I mentioned the Sacred Number. The peacock cultist (British Branch) did not at that time know that anyone who was reasonably proficient in the abjad (cabbal) system of the Arabs would be able to decipher their Holy Name. The aims of the cult are strictly fraternal. The main objectives are the sharing of the ecstatic experience which follows the operation of the rituals, and mutual help thereafter. These ideas are by no means confined to the peacock people, for they underlie the theories and practices of quite a number of secret societies. What was interesting was to find the cult in London, to make contact, and to be able to witness the ceremonies. Like Sufism (with which it probably has connections in the remote past), the peacock religion embraces the belief that the sharing of the rituals will make the worshippers in some way akin to one another and also conduce towards the realization of their ambitions. At a certain point in his development, the worshipper becomes 'enlightened' as to what his true vocation is - and finds the means to satisfy it. Thus the organization not only offers what might be called peace of mind in spiritual activity; it purports to bring material success in the mundane world as well. Although they are not by any means missionaries, the cultists do try to attract members. This is in accordance with the belief that progress in the things of the world can be achieved by co- operation as well as by magic. Further, it is believed that the magical practices are more likely to succeed if there is a community within which they can be given expression. It was put to me thus: "If three members of the Cult get together and decide that theya re to progress in the world, they may find that they have a 'call' to open, say, a shop. If they have the confidence that this is likely to succeed, and if they give the peacock-power the environment (the shop) in which to work - it cannot fail!" If nothing goes on to which anyone might take exception, why is the cult so shy, why is its very existence kept secret? In the first place, much uninformed literature on the subject says that the worshippers of the peacock are devil-worshippers. The origin of

their belief is the Moslem intolerance under the Turks which labelled these schismatics infidels. They are not allowed to use the name of Satan - and it is blacked out in their books. This is because they are allowed only to think of good, and must not retain the idea of evil in their minds. Secondly, the High Priest told me, the organization is pledged to maintain its secrecy because "there has been no society and no country in which ecstatics have not been subjected to persecution. We must be allowed to operate for ourselves, and with ourselves. We are not interested in casual onlookers and Press sensationalism." The nature of the ecstatic experience which is attained by the members is of course the kernel of the whole thing. But let us start from the beginning. Members are expected to be on the watch for possible recruits. The theory is that there is, deep down inside almost everyone, a feeling that he is unfulfilled. This fulfillment is sought in the career, in promotion, in money, in marriage or hobbies. But there remain a large number of individuals who do not attain it. These are the prospective members of any cult, and especially of the peacock people. In conversation, the member is to find out the mental attitude of the prospective recruit. What are his hopes and fears, what are his weaknesses and strengths . . . what his goal in life. Reports on these people are submitted to the High Priest. Providing that the potential members is not deeply in debt, or thought to have any unusual or perverted interests, and one he has developed an interest in fulfilling himself, he can be put on the list of candidates for missionary development. People who already have a metaphysical commitment, or leanings towards spiritualism or organized religion in any form, are barred. The candidate is asked whether he would like to take part in group discussions or demonstrations of contemplation and concentration, based on an Eastern model. If he agrees, he begins to attend meetings at which he is 'developed.' This development takes the form of goin through exercises which give him the power to direct his mind at will upon certain thoughts and exclude others. If he is interested in hypnotism, he may be taught this, with the reservation that the group's attitude towards hypnosis is that it is of limited value, except in the early stages of the spiritual development. He brings his problems to the leader of the Circle. These difficulties are met in discussion in training how to overcome worry and confusion - again by concentration and meditation. The entire program of mind-training is leading the candidate towards the mystical experience, although he may not yet be aware that this is so - or even that such a thing exists. If he finds (as he generally does) that he is deriving benefit from this form of psychotherapy, he is told that he can progress further, but that in order to do so he must place himself completely in the hands of the master of the Circle - the High Priest. At this point some candidates fall out of the running, partly no doubt because quite a number of people object to being told exactly what to do. The remainder, however, carry on.

The next part of the training is to carry out specific exercises - both mental and physical - in a graduated course, until he can fill his mind with the various emotions at will: joy, fear, optimism, a sensation of power. He is given words to repeat before going to sleep. Any dreams are to be carefully noted; for these are looked upon as omens, and are interpreted in accordance with fixed rules by the Master or Guide (his assistant). There is no carefully worked out theology in the movement. The peacock represents the power which is 'in charge' of human affairs; and anyone who wants to enter this fold must believe that there is such a power. I talked to several members who said that they had been recruited at a stage before this, however. They were curious to know how various of their friends were able to battle with life without flinching, were able to achieve what others could not, and so on. They asked: and were brought straight into the 'instructional' phase, at which there is no preaching, only practice of exercises. When the exercises seemed to work, they were told that it was through the power which was called the Peacock Angel. There are probably several hundred members throughout Britain, and I was told of three lodges in the United States. Some of the members have live peacocks, which they keep as symbols for the 'Path' upon which they have embarked. After the ceremony just mentioned, worshippers and guests were ushered into a large, well- furnished room, where refreshments - no alcohol - were laid out on buffet tables. They had removed their outer robes, and stood revealed as ordinary men and women, much like the type whom one might meet at a better kind of cocktail party in the West One district of London. The sign of identification, I am pretty sure, is thus: the right hand is placed, with the fingers spread out (perhaps to represent the tail of the peacock) on the left breast, just above the heart. The counter-sign may have been stroking the chin with the left hand. The latter signal is one which has been in use for many centuries among mystical fraternities of the Middle East, from which the London peacock people have undoubtedly derived their rituals and probably their beliefs as well. In the Middle East, the chin is stroked with the right hand. Out of the sixty members whom I saw at this meeting, none looked like a foreigner, none fo the working class, nobody seemed on superficial inspection to be the wild-eyed crank type. Prayers are said, in private, to a small (probably silver) image of a peacock. These, or such of them as were shown to me, did not seem to ask for much else than enlightenment, material progress and mystical experience. When it is desired to attain an objective of a more specific sort, special rituals are used, of a magical type. I asked the High Priest about black magic and evil-wishing. "Black magic is an appeal to the power of evil. We believe that evil is not a power in its own right, but an unhealthy force which can be built up in a man's (or woman's) mind. Therefore we do not admit its existence and give it reality and focus. Therefore, the devil does not exist for us. Those who revere evil are as bad as those who fear or hate it. We ignore it completely. The same answer gives you the explanation why we cannot indulge in evil spells and the like.

They must not exist, because we do not allow to exist in us. Since we are aiming at removing the evil from people's minds, we cannot allow thoughts of it to enter. The thoughts which we have are all constructive." How was the Order of the Black Peacock financed? There was certainly a good deal of evidence that money was being spent upon it. . . . "You will see," said the priest, "one way in which money comes to the Shrine, and you can draw your own conclusions from it. But I may tell you that this organization is not run for profit. When members make money as a result of any activity for whose success they have prayed to the Peacock, they pay two and a half per cent. of that to the Shrine. This money they keep in their own possession, and they lay it out for objectives which are divided by the Council." Who were the Council? "The Council changes every year, on the occasion of our Spring Festival: the first Wednesday in April. There are two representatives for every twenty members. Elections are among all the members." I supposed that the priests had an automatic seat on the Council. "Not at all. In this year's Council, for instance, there is no priestly member." Did the Order hold much property? No, it seemed, none. Who, then, financed a meeting such as this one? "In rotation of surname-initials, the members who have accumulated profits from the intervention of the Peacock in their business and professional affairs." I had been interested for many years in ecstatic religion, and was determined, if I could, to be allowed to see the exact method by which the members worked themselves up into a frenzy, and what happened then. "It shall be as you desire," said the priest. "You are in any case invited to the Urs." This word is the standard one for the festival of a patron saint, in Arabic and Persian. Ten days later I was picked up at Clapham Common Underground station, after a telephone message. It seemed that there was still some doubt as to whether I was workin for a newspaper, or might in some way let out what little I had learned. In any case, the number-plates on the car which met me were well covered with mud, and the homely but self-possessed woman sitting the back kept me talking all the time we were traveling to the scene of the meeting. "Do you swear on every holy book, upon your honor, upon the life and death of yourself and those dearest to you, without reservation, that you will not give others the opportunity of contacting us; that you will treat our Cult with respect; that you will help, not hinder, us and anything connected with us, while you are convinced that we are worthy fo this trust and this consideration?" "I do." In the growing dusk, the house to which we were driven seemed an ordinary small suburban one. Inside it was neat and clean, and showed that it was a place of no great size. My friend the High Priest was there, in the front room, sitting with about ten more or less serious-faced people, some of whom I recognized from the original meeting. There were new faces, too. A tiny oil lamp burned in a niche by the door. Newcomers passed

their hands over it to purify themselves, as the Kurds do. We were given green tea, small cakes with icing upon them. The talk was general, and seemed to be commercial rather than anything else. Any group of people, I thought perhaps uncharitably - who met regularly and helped each other in business affairs, and who believed as firmly that there was a special supernatural blessing upon their activities, would achieve prosperity, in the long run. . . . There were sounds of music from the next room, but much less insistent than before. One by one, the members rose and excused themselves. I sat and talked with a barrister and an accountant about my days with the dervishes in Asia and Africa, and found that they were most interested. They seemed to feel that there was a point of contact. Presently - about half an hour after we had started tea - the priest took me by the arm. "The time has come for me to go in." A short passage led to the other reception-room of the house. As we reached the door, he removed his shoes, and I did the same. Inside, sitting on small hassocks and swaying in time to the music, were the other members of the cult. In one corner stood a smaller peacock statue, standing on a bronze vessel of water. The water was distinctly bubbling. . . . In one corner sat the musician, playing a guitar, from which a haunting melody seemed to creep through me. Its effect upon the rest of the congregation was even more remarkable. The hassocks were arranged in a semi-circle around the image of the bird. Some of the figures which sat upon them had their faces covered by their hands; others swayed with their eyes closed. Still others had their hands clasped around their legs. About half were women, their ages between twenty and thirty. As I watched, a man stood up, moved towards the statue, and threw a rolled-up piece of paper into the water. Nothing happened for a few minutes, as he took his place again among the worshippers, in his eyes a far-away look. Then a woman, with smiling face and hands beating out the melody on her sides, approached the silent bird and said: "Thank you, thank you!" The same kind of action was repeated by several more worshippers. After thirty minutes I noticed half the people had left the room. Meanwhile, my priest had apparently fallen into a trance. He sat on the floor, body rigid, eyes staring, unwinkingly open. Someone, about to leave the room, accidentally touched him, and became rigid in his turn, slowly sinking down upon his knees, his muscles stiffening, eyes turned towards the peacock. Being a witness to a scene such as this is sure to have some effect upon the observer. I noted that if I looked at the statue and listened to the music, I felt wave upon wave of something sweeping over me. Whether this is suggestion or not, it was actually takin place in the only place it mattered, my mind, and the mind was influencing the body into greater and greater rigidity. I found that I could inhibit this process, by looking at something else. Finally, I decided to allow the experience to take shape. I would partake

of the mystery of the power of the peacock. . . . One did not lose consciousness, I found. The mind became more and more awake, while the body seemed to recede in some way into complete unimportance. The sensation, as it grew, was one of the most ineffable relief, of joy, or happiness, such as one had only felt before in moments of exceptional fulfillment. Time had no meaning. There was nothing in the mind, except the desire to allow this blissful state to continue; for it seemed to pour fresh strength into me. I was able, at the same time, to take some note of what was going on around me, and also to think, if I wished, of other thins. The first extraordinary development within my thinking was that, when I let myself think about a certain problem, the solution suddenly flashed into my mind. This had the same quality of certainty when one dreams that one has settled one's worries. The difference this time was that the solution was in fact correct, and I was able to act upon it later. The second phenomenon was a vast expansion of memory. Tryin to recall a time about which my memory was slight, I fixed upon a moment, many years ago, when I was carrying out a study of symbols used in ancient cultures. Anyone who has had the difficulty of absorbing and correlating masses of almost meaningless designs would understand how I felt when I suddenly realized the shapes were whirling past my mind like an unreeling film. There was all the material, available whenever I wanted to see it, stop it, reel it back. . . . Had I been doped? I examined this thought at leisure. Yes, it was possible. could test this by not eating or drinking anything next time, if there was to be a next time. Meanwhile, I tried to recall the symptoms of the use of various drugs - and the whole complicated data, which I had read and discussed years ago, flashed back with my amazing new mind. Yet I could not account for the symptoms: unless I was in such a state that I was in no condition to seek them in myself, physically speaking. There was no disturbance of sight; no vomiting, no sweating, no apparent difference in the heartbeat, no sensation of flying, no shortness of breath, no distortion as far as I could see in thought. . . . Was it hypnosis? It was easy enough to think it might be, but no form of hypnotism is conclusively known without suggestion, in spite of what the sensational novelists say. It is easy to use such phrases as 'suggestibility induced by drugs,' but any experimenter knows that the effects vary, and also that the phrase has less meaning than it seems to have. If I were drugged, or hypnotized, I would be able to see by one test - could I rouse myself, then slip back into the state at will? I tried. And I could. Then there was the matter of idiosyncrasy, which the would-be dopers could not know. I was, for example, a very difficult hypnotic subject. Further my tolerance to drugs is so low that in all cases of narcotics being administered to me, I have had a most severe hangover, and cannot be roused easily. I decided, therefore, to rouse myself, and go to the other room to see what my symptoms might be then.

I stood, shaking off the influence, whatever it was. In an instant all seemed clear again. Opening the door, I moved quietly through the passage, where a number of peacock people were sitting, talking in low tones. I sat down on a settee. Nothing seemed in any way changed. There was no explanation. - source: Arkon Daraul (Idris Shah), A History of Secret Societies, ch. 15

Illuminati History History 101.M:: 101.I:: Illuminati the Bildeberg Group and Bohemian Grove Camp: the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove Camp: a communique for the IOBB2. a communique for the IOBB2. Quote: Quote: The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, or Bilderberg Club is an unofficial, annual, invitation-only of aroundconference, 130 guests, most of whom Club are persons of influence in the The Bilderbergconference Group, Bilderberg or Bilderberg is an unofficial, annual, fields of politics, business, and banking. The participants talk about a variety of global issues, invitation-only conference of around 130 guests, most of whom are persons of influence economic, military, and political. in the fields of politics, business, and banking. The participants talk about a variety of global issues, economic, military, and political. The Bilderberg group unofficial headquarters is the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Meetings are organized by a steering committee comprised of two members each (to represent

The Bilderberg grouppoints unofficial is thenations. University Leiden in the conservative and liberal of view) headquarters from around eighteen Offical of posts, in addition to a chairman, include an Honorary Secretary Netherlands. Meetings are organized byGeneral. a steering committee comprised of two members each (to represent conservative and liberal points of view) from around eighteen nations. "According to in theaddition club rules, members talk on specificSecretary subject for 7 minutes, and Official posts, to athe chairman, include anone Honorary General. comments, additions or questions may be introduced by the rest within 1 minute. Their only obligation is not to publish or disclose anything discussed." And "A record is made of the club’s "According towhich, the club rules, the thename members on one specific subject The for 7 minutes, and discussions in however, of thetalk speaker is never published. official language comments, additions or questions may be introduced by the rest within 1 minute. Their is English, and the conversation notes are later published in a book."

only obligation is not to publish or disclose anything discussed." And "A record is made Chairmen of the club’s discussions in which, however, the name of the speaker is never published. • Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands - 1975) The official language is English, (1954 and the conversation notes are later published in a • Alec Douglas-Home (1977 - 1980) book." • Walter Scheel • Eric Roll (1986 - 1989) Chairmen • Lord Carrington (1990 - 1998) • Étienne Prince Bernhard Davignon of the Netherlands (1954 - 1975) • Alec Douglas-Home (1977 - 1980)

• Walter Scheel Bilderberg David Rockefeller has said in his book “Memoirs”, on page 405: • Eric Rollfrequent (1986 - participant 1989) • Lord Carrington (1990 - 1998) "Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United • Étienne Davignon

States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, Bilderberg David has ofsaid if you will. Iffrequent that's the participant charge, I stand guilty,Rockefeller and I am proud it."" in his book “Memoirs”, on

page 405: - source:

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the - see also:

United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."" - source: - see also: Bohemian Grove and the George W. Bush Administration* GEORGE BUSH SR.--Father and Past President--Hillbillies Camp** DONALD RUMSFELD--Bush Cabinet-Secretary of Defense--Hillbillies Camp JAMES BAKER lll--Election Advisor and Spokesman--Woof Camp GEORGE SCHULTZ--Election Advisor and Spokesman--Mandalay Camp COLIN POWELL--Bush Cabinet--Secretary of State--Frequent Guest and Speaker in the '80s and 90's at the Summer encampment-May now be a member RICHARD CHENEY--Vice President--frequent guest. Last spotted in July 2000 JOHN J. O'CONNOR lll--Husband of U.S. Supreme Court Justice SANDRA DAY O'CONNOR who recently cast pivotal Supreme Court vote for George W --Pelicans Camp (Sandra herself cannot belong to the Grove as no women are allowed) ANTONIN SCALIA--Justice, U.S. Supreme Court--Bohemian Grove Lakeside Talk: July 25, 1997 Subject: Church, State and the Constitution A.W. CLAUSEN (past president World Bank and Bank of America)-Hillbillies Camp EDWIN MEESE lll--Cave Man Camp (same as Richard Nixon and Herbert Hoover) HENRY KISSINGER--Former Reagan Secretary of State--Mandalay Camp STANFORD'S HOOVER INSTITUTE--Strongly connected to Bohemian Grove -----------------------------------------------------------------------*Camp memberships taken from the 1997 KEY TO CAMP LOCATIONS which is the latest list we have been able to obtain from inside the Grove. Lakeside talks from Bohemian Grove Programs of Events.

**Hillbillies Camp (George Bush, Donald Rumsfeld) also has a membership overlap with many other members of Yales Skull & Bones society. -----------------------------------------------------------------------The Bohemian Grove “Cremation of Care” ritual, transcription follows: Robed men enter an area in front of a 40 foot high statue of an owl the Bohemians call Mo-Loch as bagpipes play. The robed men assemble in front of Mo-Loch. 2 different "priests" will speak during the ritual and the voice of Dull Care will also be heard. Priest 1: The owl is in his leafy temple. Let all within the grove be reverent before him. Lift up your heads, oh ye trees, and be ye lifted up ye everlasting spires. For behold! Here is Bohemia's shrine and holy are the pillars of this house. Weaving spiders, come not here. Priest 2: Hail Bohemians with the ripple of waters, the song of birds, such music as inspires the sinking soul do we invite you into mid-summer's joy. The sky above is blue and sown with stars. The forest floor is heaped with fragrant grit. The evenings cool kiss is yours. The campfires slow. The birth of rosy fingered dawn. Shake off your sorrows with the city's dust and cast to the winds the cares of life. But memories bring back the well-loved names of gallant friends who knew and loved this grove. Dear, boon companions of the long ago. Aye! Let them join us in this ritual and not a place be empty in our midst. All of his battles to hold in this gray autumn of the world or in the springtime of your heart. Attend our tale. Gather ye forest folk and cast your spell over these mortals. Touch their world-blind eyes with carrion. Open their eyes to fancy. Follow the memories of yesterday and seal the gates of sorrow. It is a dream, and, yet, not all a dream. Dull care and all of his works harbored it. As vanished Babylon and goodly Tyre. So shall they also vanish. But the wilding rose blows in the broken battlement of Tyre and moss rends the stones of Babylon. For beauty is eternal and we bow to beauty everlasting. For lasting happiness, we turn to one alone. As she surrounds you now, great nature, refuge of the weary heart. And only found her breasts that had been bruised. She has cool hands for every fevered brow and dread-less silence for the troubled soul. Her councils are most wise. She healeth well having such ministries as calm and sleep. She is ever faithful. Other friends may fail, but seek ye her in any quiet place smiling, she will rise and give to you her kiss. So must ye come as children. Little children that believe don't ever doubt her beauty and her faith, nor deem her tenderness can change or die. Priest 1: Bohemians and priests. The desperate call of heavy hearts is answered. By the power of your fellowship, dull care is slain. His body has been brought yonder to our funeral pyre to the joyous pipings of a funeral march. Our funeral pyre awaits the corpse of care. An effigy of Dull Care is brought to the statue by way of boat across the lake.

Priest 2: Oh thou, thus ferried across the shadowy tide in all the ancient majesty of death. Dull care, ardent enemy of beauty. Not for thee the [garbled] forgiveness of the restful grave. Fire shall have its way with thee and all the winds make merry with thy dust. Bring Fire! Dull Care: (Laughter) Fools! Fools! Fools! When will you learn that me ye cannot slay? Year after year ye burn me in this grove. Lifting your puny shouts of triumph to the stars. When again ye turn your faces to the marketplace, do ye not find me waiting as of old? Fools! Fools! Fools to dream ye conquer care! Priest 2: Say thous mocking spirit. It is not all a dream. We know thous waitest for us. When this our sylvan holiday has ended, we shall meet thee and fight thee as of old and some of us prevail against thee and some thou shalt destroy. But, this to we know. Year after year, within this happy grove, our fellowship bans the for a space. Thine malevolence which would pursue us here has lost its power under these friendly trees. So shall we burn thee once again this night and with the flames that eat thine effigy we shall read the sign. Mid-summer sets us free! Dull Care: Ye shall burn me once again? (Laughter) Not with these flames which hither ye have brought from regions where I reign. Ye fools and priests. I spit upon your fire! A pyrotechnic shoots from a treetop or tower over to the altar of Mo-Loch and ignites the sacrifice. Priest 2: Oh Owl! Prince of all mortal wisdom, Owl of Bohemia, we beseech thee, grant us thy council. Song Lyrics: No fire! No fire! No fire! Unless it be kindled in the world where care is nourished on the hates of men and drive him from this grove. One flame alone must light this fire. One flame alone must light this fire. A pure eternal flame. A pure eternal flame. At last within the lamp of fellowship upon the altar of Bohemia. Priest 2: Oh great Owl of Bohemia. We thank thee for thy adoration. Be gone detested care! Be gone! Once more, we banish thee! Be gone Dull Care! Fire shall have its will of thee. Be gone Dull Care and all the winds make merry with thy dust! Hail fellowship's eternal flame! Once again, mid-summer sets us free! Dull Care: (Agonizing Scream)

auto-stereogram :::: ::::auto-stereogram

original image:: ::::original image::

Symbols of the Symbols of the

Illuminati Symbolism 101.A:: the eye, the pyramid, the circumpunct and the triangle: a communique for the IOBB2. abstract:

In the past I have discussed Illuminati Symbolism 101.A:: thoroughly enough the eye in the pyramid motif as it appears in the IO/Masonic reverse-side of the USA’s “great seal” symbol. The 13 steps the eye, the pyramid, the circumpunct and the triangle: leading up to the missing capstone, the tetrahedronal capstone, the left eye, the three a communique forthe theiris IOBB2. steps leading up into the pupil, and all their dimensions should be familiar to my readers before they begin this. Other symbolism of the IO (the Pentagon, abstract: Washington monument and statue of liberty) do not need to have been researched prior to reading this article. In the past I have discussed thoroughly enough the eye in the pyramid motif as it In this brief summation I intend to break down the symbolism of the “eye of appears in the IO/Masonic reverse-side of the USA’s “great seal” symbol. The 13 steps providence” above the “pyramid with no capstone” motif of the IO to its most leading up to moral the missing capstone,No thegrounding tetrahedral the left eye, three rudimentary explanations. incapstone, past Masonic nor IOthe usage ofsteps this leading up the iris into the pupil, and all their dimensions should be familiar to my symbol will be necessary. readers before they begin this. Other symbolism of the IO (the Pentagon, Washington introduction: monument and statue of liberty) do not need to have been researched prior to reading this article. It has been said, by many lesser minds than mine, that the “true” or “secret” symbol of the IO is the point or dot within a circle. To Masons, this symbol is not complete In this brief summation I intend to break down the symbolism of the “eye of providence” without the twin vertical pillars of the two Saint Johns of Christian antiquity aligned above theside “pyramid with no from capstone” motif of the to its most rudimentary moral on either of it. However the perspective of IO Adam Weishaupt, founder of the explanations. No grounding in past Masonic nor IO usage of this symbol will IO and avid student of Maosnic lore, the denuded circum- (circle) -punct (point) wasbe a necessary. symbol of Persian Zoroastrianism, which he (wrongly) identified as Hindu Parsi in origin. To Weishaupt, the circumpunct was a solar symbol of light, heat and strength. To we in the Perfectibilist IO today, it has these meanings and many more. We know it introduction: also as a symbol of the ajna chakra (or third eye), of alchemical gold (the perfected stone), of molecular elemental Hydrogen and other, cosmic perfect orbitals, of a It has been said, by many lesser minds than mine, “true” “secret” symbol of mathematical theorem by Thales, and of Kether orthat the the Monad in or mysticism. We know the IO is the point or dot within a circle. To Masons, this symbol is not complete without of these meanings even via public resources for information, such as the internet, the twin vertical pillars many of the teachings two Saint Johns of Christian either however there remain that are reserved antiquity to those aligned of us on (such as myself) with large from libraries of real books who belong to our orderoftoday. wishavid to side of it. However the perspective of Adam Weishaupt, founder the IOI and share some of these with you now for posterity. student of Masonic lore, the denuded circum- (circle) -punct (point) was a symbol of Persian Zoroastrianism, which he (wrongly) identified as Hindu Parsi in origin. To Part 1:: The Circumpunct: Weishaupt, the circumpunct was a solar symbol of light, heat and strength. To we in the Perfectibilist IO today, it has these meanings and many more. We know it also as a symbol of the ajna chakra (or third eye), of alchemical gold (the perfected stone), of molecular elemental Hydrogen and other, cosmic perfect orbitals, of a mathematical theorem by Thales, and of Kether or the Monad in mysticism. We know of these meanings even via public resources for information, such as the internet, however there remain many teachings that are reserved to those of us (such as myself) with large libraries of real books who belong to our order today. I wish to share some of these with you now for posterity. Part 1:: The Circumpunct:

of these meanings even via public resources for information, such as the internet, however there remain many teachings that are reserved to those of us (such as myself) with large libraries of real books who belong to our order today. I wish to share some of these with you now for posterity. Part 1:: The Circumpunct:

The standard circumpunct is a centroid dot encompassed by a circle. It is taken, within The standard circumpunct is a centroid dot encompassed by a circle. It is taken, the modern IO, as symbolic of the same essential notion as the eye in the pyramid or the within the modern IO, as symbolic of the same essential notion as the eye in the statue of or liberty. than seen from the front, symbol here showing pyrmid the However, statue of rather liberty. However, rather than this seen from isthe front, this us the same motif from above, straight down on it.looking Students of basic geometry symbol is here showing us thelooking same motif from above, straight down on it. will quicklyofrealize implication this simple observation on this symbol it to Students basic the geometry will by quickly realise the implication by thisforsimple observation on this symbol for it to stand, not only for the square-based pyramid, but stand, not only for the square-based pyramid, but also for a circular conic section. For also for a circular conic section. For students of the novel “Flatland,” it should ring students of the novel “Flatland,” it should ring an especial bell regarding the curved or an especial bell regarding the curved or bowed out “light-cone” of universal bowed out “light-cone” of universal expansion since the “big bang” - the circle symbolic expansion since the “big bang” - the circle symbolic of our expanded universe today, of our expanded the of point the original moment of our cosmicofcreation. the point of theuniverse originaltoday, moment ourofcosmic creation. As the “sphere” the 4th As the “sphere” of the 4th dimension passes of through of our own 3-d realm, dimension passes through the “plane” our the own“plane” 3-d realm, it appears as ita appears as a hyperbolically that approaches critical massbefore before the hyperbolically expanding expanding curvaturecurvature that approaches critical mass the beginning of the “big crunch” when all time rewinds to the beginning again. beginning of the “big crunch” when all time rewinds to the beginning again.

According According to to modern, modern, standardized standardised mathematics, mathematics, there there are are four four basic basic shapes shapes the the “circumpunct” model can assume if taken as a “slice” of such a conical surface: 1) the “circumpunct” model can assume if taken as a “slice” of such a conical surface: 1) usual dot indot a circle; an ellipse two with focal two points; 3) a parabola approaches the usual in a 2) circle; 2) anwith ellipse focal points; 3) that a parabola that approaches absolute finitidue 4) asymptotically; 4) aapproaches hyperbolaabsolute that approaches absolute finitude asymptotically; a hyperbola that infinitude absolute infinitude asymptotically. asymptotically.

It should hardly need mentioning here to spark the imagination of my readers to It should hardly need mentioning here to spark the imagination of my readers to thoughts of Moiré patterns and Tesla’s normalised “scalar” wave-fields. Just as the circumpunct models universal expansion assuming, beyond “c,” ZPE resistance; so too do all the conical “slices” make measures of the same model. For example, the concept of an elliptical “parallel” dimensional time-line for our universe passing through the usual, flat, circumpunct method of measuring a “slice” in the light-cone of time would result in a 4th dimensional tremor alike inverse Moire patterns as their centroid points are brought closer to convergeance. As the dual elliptical focal points

thoughts of Moiré patterns and Tesla’s normalized “scalar” wave-fields. Just as the circumpunct models universal expansion assuming, beyond “c,” ZPE resistance; so too do all the conical “slices” make measures of the same model. For example, the concept of an elliptical “parallel” dimensional time-line for our universe passing through the usual, flat, circumpunct method of measuring a “slice” in the light-cone of time would result in a 4th dimensional tremor alike inverse Moire patterns as their centroid points are brought closer to convergence. As the dual elliptical focal points approached one another they would form an interference pattern in the field of the flat elliptical eventplane, until the two points converged into a single circumpunct.

shouldalso alsobebe note in such a model an elliptical were ItIt should of of note that,that, in such a model where where an elliptical “brane” “brane” were moving moving through our own “event-horizon” or “slice” of time, cycles and patterns in through our own “event-horizon” or “slice” of time, cycles and patterns in matter-energy matter-energy sub-space, effected by the force of gravity, would experience sub-space, the force gravity, would the experience increasingly regular increasinglyeffected regular by patterns untilofthe point when two points merged into one. patterns until the point when the two points merged into one. This would continue in the This would continue in the pattern of an asymptote, alike that assumed in the cases of pattern of an asymptote, alike thatAs assumed in the cases of thetesselations parabola and the parabola and hyperbola. a final note about of hyperbola. harmonic frequencies asabout strange attractors, graphed alike fractalsas and quaternions, the As a final note tessellations of harmonic frequencies strange attractors, note graphed tyling of the Masonic “trestleboard” that tapers off into infinity along the horizon. alike fractals and quaternions, note the tiling of the Masonic “trestle board” that tapers off into infinity along the horizon.

matter-energy sub-space, effected by the force of gravity, would experience increasingly regular patterns until the point when the two points merged into one. This would continue in the pattern of an asymptote, alike that assumed in the cases of the parabola and hyperbola. As a final note about tesselations of harmonic frequencies as strange attractors, graphed alike fractals and quaternions, note the tyling of the Masonic “trestleboard” that tapers off into infinity along the horizon.

To return, return, briefly, briefly,totosome someMasonic Masonic explanations circumpunct, which I have To explanations forfor thethe circumpunct, which I have also also illustrated is a modern symbol for a temporal “slice” in our omnipresent illustrated is a modern symbol for a temporal “slice” in our omnipresent universal universal expansion, we may quote some various sources for such from Masonic expansion, we may but quote some various for such fromMasonry’s Masonic view. scholars scholars themselves, beyond this, we maysources say no more on it from themselves, but beyond this, we may say no more on it from Masonry’s view. “Ritualistically, this is a symbol of control of conduct; a standard of right living. The symbol has an extreme antiquity. Early Egyptian monuments are carved with the Alpha and the Omega or symbol of God in the center of a circle bordered by two upright parallel perpendicular serpents, representing the power and wisdom of the Creator. The symbol apparently came into Masonry from an operative practice, known to but a few Master workmen on Cathedrals and great buildings. Any school boy knows it now; put a dot on a circle anywhere; draw a straight line across the circle through its center; connect the dot with the points at which the line through the center cuts the circle; the result is a perfect square. This was the Operative Master’s great secret - knowing how to “try the square” It was by this that he tested the working tools of the Fellows of the Craft; did he do so often enough, it was impossible either for their tools or their work “to materially err”. Excerpted from “Handbook for Candidate’s Coaches” By The Committee on Ritual and Donald G. Campbell, Past Grand Lecturer, Grand Lodge F.&A.M. of California. - source: Wilford says (Asiatic Researches): “It was! believed in India that at the general deluge everything was involved in the common destruction except the male and female principles or organs of generation, which were destined to produce a new race and to repeople the earth when the waters had subsided from its surface.! The female principle, symbolized by the moon, assumed the form of a lunette, or crescent, while the male principle, symbolized by the sun, assumed the form of the lingam (or phallus) and placed himself erect in the center of the lunette, like the mast of a ship.! The two

Wilford says (Asiatic Researches): “It was! believed in India that at the general deluge everything was involved in the common destruction except the male and female principles or organs of generation, which were destined to produce a new race and to repeople the earth when the waters had subsided from its surface.! The female principle, symbolized by the moon, assumed the form of a lunette, or crescent, principles thisprinciple, united form floated on of the waters during the lingam period (or of while the in male symbolized bythe thesurface sun, assumed the form of the phallus) and placed erect inbecame the center of the lunette, likerace theofmast their prevalence on thehimself earth, and thus the progenitors of a new men.”of a ship.! The two principles in this united form floated on the surface of the waters - during source: the period of their prevalence on the earth, and thus became the progenitors of a new race of men.” This line of reasoning is more in keeping with the traditional sentiments of Alesiter Crowley followers in NASA and JPL with who built Hubble. Thus, we see of theAlesiter same This lineand of his reasoning is more in keeping the traditional sentiments Crowley and his followers in NASA and JPL who built Hubble. Thus, we see the symbol of the circumpunct showing up in both Crowley’s logo for himself under his same cult symbol of the circumpunct up inlater bothlogo Crowley’s for himself under his monicker “To Mega Therion,” showing and the much for the logo US space program’s orbital cult monicker “To Mega Therion,” and the much later logo for the US space telescope. program’s orbital telescope.

Indiscussing discussingthe the circumpunct symbol is important also important we notto forget to In circumpunct symbol it is it also that wethat not forget mention mention its relationship to the perfect triangle, as the ideal hyperbola is an exactly its relationship to the perfect triangle, as the ideal hyperbola is an exactly perpendicular perpendicular “slice” to our own temporary moment that we call our here and now. “slice” to our own temporary moment that we call our here and now. However before we move onto the triangle, the last points that are worth mentioning regarding the circumpunct are in regards to the conical “dunce” cap adorning the heads of accused “witches” during the Inquisition (the Catholic purge of the Gnostics) being also associable with this same symbol, inverted into a championship for the light of hope by the Bavarian IO. In Weishaupt’s own system for encryption of his IO documents, the circumpunct appeared as the letter “S.” This is why Weishaupt signed all his correspondences with it: his codename in the IO was “Spartacus,” and Spartacus begins with the letter “S,” symbolized in the IO cipher as a circumpunct.

heads of accused “witches” during the Inquistion (the Catholic purge of the Gnostics) being also associable with this same symbol, inverted into a championship for the light of hope by the Bavarian IO. In Weishaupt’s own system for encryption of his IO documents, the circumpunct appeared as the letter “S.” This is why Weishaupt signed all his correspondences with it: his codename in the IO was “Spartacus,” and Spartacus begins with the letter “S,” symbolised in the IO cipher as a circumpunct.

Part2:: 2::The TheTriangle: Triangle: Part To quote the Masonic source cited earlier, “every shcool boy knows” also about basic To quote the Masonic source cited earlier, “every school boy the knows” about “slice” basic trigonometry, the study of triangles on a flat surface. While studyalso of conic trigonometry, the studya of triangles section on a flat While conicforms “slice” sections is considered specialised in surface. this study, the the use study of theof major of sections considered a specialized section in thison study, the use ofto the major forms triangle is(isocoles, scalene and right) that occur a flat surface comprise most of of the rest, often leaving out the sorts of triangles that can occur on non-flat surfaces. triangle (isosceles, scalene and right) that occur on a flat surface to comprise most of the Much is taught schools about sines, cosines and tangents. Little surfaces. is learned about rest, often leavingin out the sorts of triangles that can occur on non-flat Much is the use of all-right angled triangles to plot trajectory windows by NASA computers. taught in schools about sines, cosines and tangents. Little is learned about the use of allSuch an “impossible” triangle occurs on the surface of a sphere such as our planet, right angled triangles to plot trajectory windows by NASA computers. Such an where 90° angled lines of longitude intersect at 90°s with the equatorial lattitude. “impossible” triangle occurs on the surface of a sphere such as our planet, where 90° angled lines of longitude intersect at 90°s with the equatorial latitude.

The “impossible” all right-angled triangle is symbolised in the ancient logo called The “impossible” all right-angled triangle is symbolized in the ancient logospiral calledas today today the “triskele.” It symbolises the same force as the polar S-shaped the The“triskele.” “impossible” right-angled is in the ancient called “Yin Yang,” but as all a triangle of aasdouble. Just as the “yin yang” a symbol the It symbolizes theinstead sametriangle force thesymbolised polar S-shaped spiral as theislogo “Yin Yang,” today the “triskele.” It occuring symbolises same force as the polar S-shaped spiralthe as the for changes in the ourJust thermosphere (now called entropy), sobut constant as a triangle instead of a double. as the “yin yang” is a symbol for constant “Yin Yang,” but as a triangle instead of a double. Just as the “yin yang” is a symbol called “tao” of “chi,” so too does the circular triskele symbolise an energy pattern changes occurring in our thermosphere (now called entropy), the socalled “tao” of for constant changes occuring our“trinity” thermosphere called the soprevalent in the universal order,inthe or “law (now of three.” Toentropy), Pythagoreans, 3 “chi,” so too of does the so circular triskele symbolize an energy pattern prevalent in the called “chi,” too does the at circular triskele energy pattern was the“tao” first whole number, because this odd primesymbolise fibonaccian sum is when, in universal order, the “trinity” orbegin. “law three.”speaking, To Pythagoreans, 3 To wasPythagoreans, the whole prevalent in the universal order, theof “trinity” or “law of 3 social groups, Democracy can Socially forthree.” Pythagoras, thefirst Trinity is was the first whole number, because at this odd prime fibonacci sum is when, in number, because at this odd prime fibonacci sum is when, in social groups, Democracy the Monad. social groups, Democracy Socially for Monad. Pythagoras, the Trinity is can begin. Socially speaking,can for begin. Pythagoras, the speaking, Trinity is the the Monad.

However, just as there are “good” and “bad” karma expressed in the “yin yang” symbol’s dipolarity, so also are these possible for the 3 traits of the triskele. This can However, justasusing asthere there “good” “bad” expressed in the “yin yang” be expressed colour coding, rotational oritentation or counterHowever, just areare “good” and and “bad” karmakarma expressed in (clockwise the “yin yang” symbol’s symbol’s dipolarity, so also are these possible for the 3 traits of the triskele. This can clockwise) or also by are substituting square, right-angled corners for This the can symbolic circle. bipolarity, so these possible for the 3 traits of the triskele. be expressed be expressed using colour coding, rotational oritentation (clockwise or counterJust ascolor the triple “6” rotational shapes of the triskele can each be or either “good” or “bad,” or theby 3 using coding, orientation (clockwise counterclockwise) clockwise) by substituting square, right-angled corners symbolic circle. legs of the or “impossible” all right-angled triangle’s triple “7”for arethe 3-in-1 and 1-in-3, substituting square, corners forcan the each symbolic circle.“good” Just asorthe triple “6” Just as the triple “6”right-angled triskele beoreither “bad,” the 3 inseperable, all good orshapes all badofasthe one, either “clockwise” “counter-clockwise.” shapes the“impossible” triskele can each be either “good” or “bad,” 3 legs the “impossible” legs of ofthe all right-angled triangle’s triplethe “7” are of 3-in-1 and 1-in-3, inseperable, all good or all bad as one, either “clockwise” or “counter-clockwise.”

all right-angled triangle’s triple “7” are 3-in-1 and 1-in-3, inseparable, all good or all bad as one, either “clockwise” or “counter-clockwise.”

As has already been shown in this lecture, the “eye” (esp. the eye of providence, As has been shown in this lecture, “eye” (esp. eye of As has already already shown thisoriginally lecture, the the “eye” (esp. the the is eye of providence, providence, symbolizing the been right eye eye of of in God, the God God Horus-Ra) Horus-Ra) a symbol symbol for the symbolising the right God, originally the is a symbolising the right eye of God, originally the God Horus-Ra) is a symbol for for the the circumpunct. Just so, the “pyramid” (esp. the 13 stepped US seal on the dollar) is merely circumpunct. circumpunct. Just so, so, the the “pyramid” “pyramid” (esp. (esp. the the 13 13 stepped stepped US US seal seal on on the the dollar) dollar) is is merely aa symbol The around the eye in of the a symbol for the for triangle. The triangle around the eye in depiction of the eye merely symbol for the the triangle. triangle. The triangle triangle around thethe eye in the the depiction depiction ofover the eye over pyramid itself aa tetrahedron, aa shape whose triangular base the pyramid symbolizes a tetrahedron, a shape whose triangular base would not fit eye over the theitself pyramid itself symbolises symbolises tetrahedron, shape whose triangular base would not fit evenly as the missing cap-stone of the great pyramid. The “eye” in the evenly not as the missingascap-stone of the great pyramid. The pyramid. “eye” in the of the would fit evenly the missing cap-stone of the great Themiddle “eye” in middle of the symbolises the fourth projected outward toward the middle the triangle triangle fourth apex, apex, projected toward the triangle of symbolizes the symbolises fourth apex,the projected outward toward outward the viewer into 3rd viewer into 3rd dimensional space. This occurs in the same way that the circumpunct viewer into 3rd dimensional space. This occurs in the same way that the circumpunct dimensional space. This occurs in the same way that the circumpunct reveals a cone. reveals reveals aa cone. cone.

Part Part 3:: 3:: Symbolic Symbolic Meaning: Meaning: No No two two people people will will immediately immediately agree agree to to accept accept either either one’s one’s strict strict first first interpretation interpretation of the meaning of this symbol. They will argue it out, then agree on this: of the meaning of this symbol. They will argue it out, then agree on this:

Part 3:: Symbolic Meaning: No two people will immediately agree to accept either one’s strict first interpretation of the meaning of this symbol. They will argue it out, then agree on this: “It is a symbol for what we don’t know. It is meant to catch our eye.”

a symbol for what we don’t know. It known is meantoccurrence to catch ourofeye.” It should “It beis noted that, though the earliest this specific combination of symbols, the eye in the pyramid, does date back to the founders of the It should be noted that,design though earliest this not specific US constitution, with their for the the “US Greatknown Seal” inoccurance 1782, thatof it was until combination of symbols, the eye in the pyramid, does date back to the founders of the 1935 that this symbol began appearing on the back of the US 1$ bill. Franklin Roosevelt, US constitution, with their design for the “US Great Seal” in 1782, that it was not until US president at the time, made final design (to place great front on 1935 that this symbol beganthe appearing on change the back of thetheUS 1$ seal’s bill. Franklin the right and on the the made back of dollar bill’schange design)(to toplace emphasize the Roosevelt, US back president at left the of time, thethe final design the great significance of,the “Fortune Favors World Order,” slogan’s to his seal’s front on right and back AonNew the left of the back its of the dollarsimilarity bill’s design) to emphasize the significance of, called “Fortune A New Order,” its slogan’s political platform at that time, the Favours “New Deal.” His World desire was to associate the similitarysymbol to his with political platform at that by time, called themoney. “New Deal.” His desire was pyramid his political platform placing it on to associate the pyramid symbol with his political platform by placing it on money.

Since 1935, 1935, this this symbol symbol has has appeared appeared everywhere everywhere in in US US media. media. It It has has been been adopted adopted by by Since numerous corporations as their logo, incorporated into countless films, commercials, numerous corporations as their logo, incorporated into countless films, commercials, print advertisements and product-packaging, and has so totally saturated our print advertisements and market, product-packaging, and has so totallyinside saturated our subconsciousness, its target that it has become a bill-board our mind, subconsciousness, its target market, that it has become a bill-board inside our mind, reflecting outward alike a mirror the apparatus of our self-awareness. The fact this reflecting outward a mirror apparatus of is ouronself-awareness. The fact this symbol, taken as a alike mirror logo forthe our own mind, money is often assumed is meant totaken symbolise the enslavement ourmind, mindsis to association far symbol, as a mirror logo for ourofown onmoney. money This is often assumedisisnot meant offsymbolize the mark the from the modern perspective, which also theismasses to enslavement ofIO our minds to money. This believes association not farworship off the money now instead of God. Thus, this definition for God, this profane idolatrous mark from the modern IO perspective, which also believes the masses worship money blasphemy, this mark of the beast itself, being on money is only apt. From the now instead of God. Thus, this definition for God, this profane idolatrous blasphemy, this modern IO’s point of view, this is a symbol of our age-old enslavement to feelings of mark of the beast being on money is only apt. From the view, endebtedness thatitself, do not really exist, to a father-figure wemodern idealiseIO’s andpoint thenofblame

for not living up to our own expectaitions, be He God or Pope. This stresses the mission of the modern IO: to free the minds of the masses by overturning their existent social and religious instiutitions. The idea of putting a symbol for God onto money serves the modern IO’s agenda well, yet only synthetically, and only sympathetically. It induces an emotional reaction of

this is a symbol of our age-old enslavement to feelings of indebtedness that do not really exist, to a father-figure we idealize and then blame for not living up to our own expectations, be He God or Pope. This stresses the mission of the modern IO: to free the minds of the masses by overturning their existent social and religious institutions. The idea of putting a symbol for God onto money serves the modern IO’s agenda well, yet only synthetically, and only sympathetically. It induces an emotional reaction of aversion to see this symbol on money. This is the spark of hope for mental freedom. Part 4:: Use in Media: In the media nowadays, the “eye in the pyramid” is a symbol for psychic power. It has been associated with the religion of money for the last 75 years, and is a widely accepted logo of the IO everywhere on earth. The “eye in the pyramid” is seen as not the eye of God, but merely the eye of our boss, our work’s Over-seer, who himself serves Pharaoh, and is but a link in a long chain, as we work on building our modern corporate hivepyramids. We see this ancient Egyptian symbol on our modern money and think of it, rightly, as our own modern Church, our modern religion, contrary on the seal’s sides to the military might of the modern State, our shadow government. The IO who developed this symbol have developed others to replace its original use in their group. Since then, the ideogram of the “eye in the pyramid” symbolizing Weishaupt (S for Spartacus = circumpunct) uber allis, has been replaced several times over as a secret seal among the elite echelon’s ranks. The “secret seal” symbol is now so common it serves instead as a constant public reminder of the supremacy of the NWO as not merely an ideal, but a realized ideal utopia we are living in now today. The IO has used other symbols in its evolution since then. In 1782, when the “secret seal” was designed by Masons, infiltrated by IO ideals, it was considered a controversy among some circles to reveal something so symbolically meaningful in even so public a way as that. However now, the IO’s public face, the US CIA, uses an anagram of letters that, when all overlapped, form the “eye in the pyramid” ideogram, to symbolize their “central intelligence agency”s supremacy in the field of spying. Of course, the very existence of a state-sponsored espionage agency should be illegal, but this point escapes most modern conversations under the watchful gaze of “Big Brother.” The other symbols the evolved IO use I have discussed elsewhere. They include the skull and bones and the Bohemian owl, and revolve around a predilection with death and the experience one’s psyche itself undergoes while dying. The skull and cross- bones, symbol of financial piracy, and “Bohemian” owl, symbol of spy-craft, are evil. However, during the time the old IO has evolved into the modern Bilderberg Group, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, etc. etc. etc., the original IO’s philosophy of a “Christian” (familist) “Utopia” to replace the existing structures of society and religion has been forgotten. Weishaupt himself envisioned a far different “playing field” for international relations than we have today. This idealism has since been lost, which is why the old IO ceased being the driving occult factor behind these groups at the time of the “Golden

Dawn,” when the last IO cult, the “Brotherhood of Luxor” was transformed by Aleister Crowley and others into the “Order of Oriental Templars” around 100 years ago. The symbols of the skull and bones and the owl do not represent either the old, original IO’s ideals nor those of this incarnation of the new IO. They represent, instead, the OTO. However, the symbol of the “eye in the pyramid” as an ideogram of Weishaupt’s ideal utopia, accomplished by only temporarily using the “pyramid scheme” of banks and industries, meant to achieve the ends of a “city on a hill” alike the dreams of St. Anselm, St. Augustine, St. Aquinas and Thomas Moore, remains a symbol of the true IO to this day. Its use in big budget media to front the secret agenda behind the NWO disgusts us. Yet we witness it every day. Here are some examples from the entertainment industry: The symbol of the “eye in the pyramid” appears everywhere; books, music, movies...

Here it it isisfrom froma a cover Time-Life publications’ “Mysteries of Unknown” the Unknown” cover of of Time-Life publications’ “Mysteries of the series,series, from Here it is from a cover of Time-Life publications’ “Mysteries of the Unknown” from the book “Mystic Places.” It is a depiction of a glowing eye atop the series, great the book “Mystic Places.” It is a depiction of a glowing eye atop the great pyramid of from theofbook “Mysticfrom Places.” It is a depiction of a glowing eye atop the great pyramid a perspective below in front the Great Sphynx. Giza, Egypt, Giza, from Egypt, a perspective below and in frontand of the Greatof Sphinx. pyramid of Giza, Egypt, from a perspective below and in front of the Great Sphynx.

Here it is in a somewhat more symbolic form, depicted as a prism splitting a beam of Here is in(emanating a somewhat more symbolic form, depictedof as7a colour prism rays splitting a beam to of white itlight from the left) into a spectrum (emanating white light (emanating from the left) into a spectrum of 7 colour rays (emanating to the right), the cover of the Floyd’s album of(emanating the Moon.” to the lightfrom (emanating from theband left) Pink into a spectrum of “Dark 7 colorSide rays the right), the cover of band the band Floyd’s album “Dark of Moon.” the Moon.” right), fromfrom the cover of the PinkPink Floyd’s album “Dark SideSide of the

Here it is in a somewhat more symbolic form, depicted as a prism splitting a beam of white light (emanating from the left) into a spectrum of 7 colour rays (emanating to the right), from the cover of the band Pink Floyd’s album “Dark Side of the Moon.”

it is is from fromthe theposter posterfor forthe thefilm filmdirected directed Stanley Kubrick based book Here it byby Stanley Kubrick based on on thethe book by by Anthony Burgess, “A Clockwork Orange,” about brainwashing and mind-control. Anthony Burgess, “A Clockwork Orange,” about brainwashing and mind-control. Although it remains prevalent in other industries, it is most often used in, and most effectively placed within the plot-lines of, Hollywood films and movies. It is usually used Although it remains prevalent in other industries, it is most often used in, and most as a main plot device, yet as a foible meant to symbolize a “MacGuffin,” a film term for effectively placed within the plot-lines of, Hollywood films and movies. It is usually any prop necessary to forward the story-line. are some examples where it usedarbitrary as a main plot device, yet as a foible meant to Here symbolise a “MacGuffin,” a film has big budget movies from recent years: the story-line. Here are some termbeen for used any inarbitrary prop necessary to forward examples where it has been used in big budget movies from recent years:

According to the Hollywood film industry’s “underworld” visions of a history for its modern archetypal symbols, film the “pyramid” origin story isvisions told inofthe film, directed According to the Hollywood industry’s “underworld” a history for its by Roland Emmerich, “10,000 BC.” According to this, mastadon hunting European modern archetypal symbols, the “pyramid” origin story is told in the film, directed by cave people were conscripted to build the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, which also Roland Emmerich, “10,000 BC.” According to this, mastodon hunting European cave orginally had a golden capstone. This task was designed and overseen by an alien people to build toppled the Greathim Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, whichhis alsoworkers originally whom, were until conscripted the lead character in combat, had enslaved to had a golden capstone. This taskcharacter, was designed and overseen an alien until the believe he was a God. This although never by named in whom, this movie, is lead character toppled him in“Ra” combat, hadparallel enslaved his workers to “Star believe he was a God. equivalent to the character in the movie/tv series Gate.” Thus, at the time the workers againstinfinishing it, isand destroyed the character capstone,“Ra” the This character, althoughrebelled never named this movie, equivalent to the pyramid symbolised “Ra,” whose right eye symbolised the sun. Thus, the “builder” or “Great Architect” having been run off or killed, the Great Pyramid, as a symbol for the “Great Work” of all Masons (already familiar via the craft with Solomon’s Temple) was then left as a symbol of a lost great civilisation. The blueprints to it, however, were lost.

According to the Hollywood film industry’s “underworld” visions of a history for its modern archetypal symbols, the “pyramid” origin story is told in the film, directed by Roland Emmerich, “10,000 BC.” According to this, mastadon hunting European cave people were conscripted to build the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt, which also orginally had a golden capstone. This task was designed and overseen by an alien in the parallel movie/tv series “Star Gate.” Thus, at the time the workers rebelled against whom, until the lead character toppled him in combat, had enslaved his workers to finishing it, and the capstone, pyramid never symbolized “Ra,” right eye believe he was destroyed a God. This character,thealthough named in whose this movie, is symbolized thethe sun. equivalent to character “Ra” in the parallel movie/tv series “Star Gate.” Thus, at the time the workers rebelled against finishing it, and destroyed the capstone, the pyramid “Ra,” whose right eye symbolised theoff sun. Thus, thesymbolised “builder” or “Great Architect” having been run or killed, the Great Pyramid, as a symbol for the “Great Work” of all Masons (already familiar via the craft with Thus, the “builder” or “Great Architect” having been run off or killed, the Great Solomon’s Temple) was then left as a symbol of a lost great civilization. The blueprints to Pyramid, as a symbol for the “Great Work” of all Masons (already familiar via the it, however, were lost.Temple) was then left as a symbol of a lost great civilisation. The craft with Solomon’s blueprints to it, however, were lost.

In films such as “Tomb Raider,” where the IO feature prominently, the “eye in the triangle” design taken Raider,” to represent restoring the lost the meaning In films such as is“Tomb wherethe thekey IO to feature prominently, “eye of in the the pyramid itself by recovering its mislaid schematic plans. In “Tomb Raider” and other triangle” design is taken to represent the key to restoring the lost meaning of the films, like “the Dark Crystal,” where the pyramid is symbolised by a crystal, the task pyramid itself by recovering its mislaid schematic plans. In “Tomb Raider” and other to restore the pyramid’s missing capstone is coupled with the approaching dead-line films, like “the Dark Crystal,” where the pyramid is symbolized by a crystal, the Raider” task to of a planetary and solar alignment. Such an alignment as depicted in “Tomb restore the pyramid’s missing capstone is coupled with the approaching dead-line of a did actually occur in the year 2000. planetary and solar alignment. Such an alignment as depicted in “Tomb Raider” did actually occur in the year 2000.

The quest quest to to restore restorethe themissing missingcapstone capstonefeatures featuresprominently prominently a symbolic theme The as as a symbolic theme in in many, many Hollywood movies. Each time the “eye in the triangle” relic shows up, many, many Hollywood movies. Each time the “eye in the triangle” relic shows up, there there is a clue given about the progress being made on this quest today. The Hero of is a clue given about progress being on this quest The of this “grail this “grail quest” hasthe many names, butmade the plot-line they today. undergo is Hero always the same, quest” many but the plot-line undergo the same, as andwell. a vague and a has vague andnames, brief summation of thethey finer points is ofalways Biblical history The and brief summation of the finer points of Biblical history as well. The hero is a symbol hero is a symbol of humanity in general, like the Fool trump of tarot, and their role regarding theinpyramid to climb it, totrump declare new role “king of the hill.” of humanity general,is like the Fool of themselves tarot, and atheir regarding the The pyramid, this it, sense, is a symbol also likea the life and pyramid is to in climb to declare themselves newscale, “kingweighing of the hill.” Thedeath. pyramid, in this sense, is a symbol also like the scale, weighing life and death.

in many, Hollywood movies.capstone Each time the “eye in the triangle” relic shows up, The questmany to restore the missing features prominently as a symbolic theme there is a clue given about the progress being made on this quest today. The Hero of in many, many Hollywood movies. Each time the “eye in the triangle” relic shows up, this “grail quest” has many names, but the plot-line they undergo is always the same, there is a clue given about the progress being made on this quest today. The Hero of and “grail a vague and has briefmany summation points of undergo Biblical history as the well.same, The this quest” names, of butthe thefiner plot-line they is always hero is a symbol of humanity in general, like the Fool trump of tarot, and their role and a vague and brief summation of the finer points of Biblical history as well. The regarding the pyramid is to climb it, to declare new “king of their the hill.” hero is a symbol of humanity in general, like thethemselves Fool trumpa of tarot, and role The pyramid, in this sense, is a symbol also like the scale, weighing life and death. regarding the pyramid is to climb it, to declare themselves a new “king of the hill.” The pyramid, in this sense, is a symbol also like the scale, weighing life and death.

The pyramid, thus also also like like the the scales, scales, is is aa symbol symbol for for the the Apocalyptic Apocalyptic Judgment The pyramid, thus Judgment Day, Day, when God reveals himself upon earth. The Hero in this scheme then is a Fool seeking The pyramid, thus also like the scales, is a symbol for the Apocalyptic Judgment Day, when God reveals himself upon earth. The Hero in this scheme then is a Fool seeking immortality for their mind through a series of alchemically transformative stages. when God reveals himself upon earth. Theof Hero in this scheme then is astages. Fool seeking immortality for their mind through a series alchemically transformative immortality for their mind through a series of alchemically transformative stages.

Part 4a: the Cult of Anubis Part 4a: the Cult of Anubis

Because the Judgment of the soul is, originally, an Egyptian myth, as are the great Because the Judgment of the soul is, originally, an Egyptian myth, as are the great pyramids of the arid Giza plateau, it should not be surpirsing to find another pyramids of the arid Gizathe plateau, should beofsurprising to find Egyptian Egyptian theme among cards it now. Thenot cult those who keep another the “eye in the theme among the cards now. The cult of those who keep the “eye in the triangle” triangle” symbol of the “eye in the pyramid” design safe, ostensibly, as do, insymbol many of the “eye in ourselves, the pyramid” design safe, as do, in many movies, the IO are devoted to theostensibly, cause of worshipping deathmovies, and thethe act IO of the mind leaving the body the of moment the soul ceases breathe within itsleaving lungs. ourselves, are devoted to theat cause worshipping death andto the act of the mind As such, the mummification ritual from which the “Final Judgment” concept originates is often acted out in movies, as an allusion to this cult of death. Please remember, my readers, that I have said the IO was not the OTO nor the OTO’s NWO. The IO split into 3 branches at Yale University around the turn of the 20th century: 1) Skull and Bones, which was funded as an opium running front; 2) the Scroll and Key, who comprised the Greaco-Roman legal wing of the Babylonian Brotherhood, the

Because the Judgment of the soul is, originally, an Egyptian myth, as are the great pyramids of the arid Giza plateau, it should not be surpirsing to find another Egyptian theme among the cards now. The cult of those who keep the “eye in the the body symbol at the of moment theinsoul to design breathesafe, within its lungs. the triangle” the “eye the ceases pyramid” ostensibly, as As do, such, in many movies, the IO ourselves, devoted to the Judgment” cause of worshipping death and the act of mummification ritual fromare which the “Final concept originates is often acted the mind leaving the body at the moment the soul ceases to breathe within its lungs. out in movies, as an allusion to this cult of death. Please remember, my readers, that I As the IOmummification ritual from which the Judgment” concept havesuch, said the was not the OTO nor the OTO’s NWO. The“Final IO split into 3 branches at originates is often acted out in movies, as an allusion to this cult of death. Please Yale University around the turn of the 20th century: 1) Skull and Bones, which was remember, my readers, that I have said the IO was not the OTO nor the OTO’s NWO. The funded an 3opium running front; 2) the Scroll and who the GrecoIO split as into branches at Yale University around theKey, turn of comprised the 20th century: 1) Roman legal wingwhich of the Babylonian the Skull and2)Bones; 3) the Skull and Bones, was funded asBrotherhood, an opium running front; the Scroll andWolf’s Key, Head,comprised comprisingthe an Greaco-Roman Egyptian faction devoted pagan ritualsthe in who legal wing to of the the promotion BabylonianofBrotherhood, Skull thefrat, Wolf’s Head, its comprising Egyptian factiontodevoted to “eye the media.and TheBones; Wolf’s 3) Head whatever condition an now, was intended front the prommotion of pagan in as media. Wolf’s Head frat, whatever its succeeded. condition in the pyramid” symbolrituals in media oftenThe as possible. To this end, they have now, was intended to front the “eye in the pyramid” symbol in media as often the as That it was this cultish group that has done this is marked by their calling card, possible. To this end, they have succeeded. That it was this cultish group that has done jackal headed Egyptian deity, Anubis. this is marked by their calling card, the jackal headed Egyptian deity, Anubis.

What “Young Sherlock SherlockHolmes” Holmes”discovered, discovered, Steven Spielberg’s 1985 of title, that What “Young in in Steven Spielberg’s 1985 film film of that title, when he unlocked the secret of the pyramid and went tumbling down his own when he unlocked the secret of the pyramid and went tumbling down his own form of form of Alice’s rabbit-hole into Wonderland was the truth at the heart of the pyramid Alice’sitrabbit-hole was the truth the heart ofand the populated, pyramid itself: it is itself: is empty, into as a Wonderland symbol reflecting our ownatconscience, at least empty, as a symbol reflecting our own conscience, and populated, at least in films, by in films, by a single deity, not Ra, not the sun-God, but Anubis, the God of death. Thea single deity, notshould, Ra, notby thethis sun-God, Anubis, the God of death. The reason for reason for this point, but I hope, be clear: Horus-Ra was, according to this the chronology of the Hollywood mythos, or fled the timeto the pyramid should, by this point, I hope, be clear: killed Horus-Ra was, at according theGreat chronology of was the built. Since then, the empty and meaningless pyramid has been guarded by the cult Hollywood mythos, killed or fled at the time the Great pyramid was built. Since then, the of Anubis, symbolpyramid has long been, today, and willcult always remain,whose a left symbol eye in empty and whose meaningless has beenisguarded by the of Anubis, a triangle, symbolisng the cult of night protecting the pyramid during the absence has long been, is today, and will always remain, a left eye in a triangle, symbolizing the of the sun. cult of night protecting the pyramid during the absence of the sun.

It seems only fitting to leave this section of my essay with a scene from the late Stanley It seems only fitting to leave this section of my essay with a scene from the late Kubrick’s 1999 masterpiece and this swan-song to of an my imagination-industry gone deadthe wrong, It seemsKubrick’s only fitting to masterpiece leave section essay a scene from late Stanley 1999 and swan-song to anwith imagination-industry gone “Eyes Wide Shut,” adapted from the novel “Dream Story.” Although this film is replete Stanley Kubrick’s 1999 masterpiece and swan-song to an imagination-industry gone dead wrong, “Eyes Wide Shut,” adapted from the novel “Dream Story.” Although this with most would consider imagery, allow me“Dream to offerStory.” this as Although anme alternative deadwhat “Eyes Shut,” adapted from the“Satanic” novel this film iswrong, repleat withWide what most“Satanic” would consider imagery, allow to offer film is repleat with what most would consider “Satanic” imagery, allow me to offer explanation instead: rather than merely gross “Satanism,” the ritual scene portrayed in this as an alternative explanation instead: rather than merely gross “Satanism,” the this as an alternative explanation instead: rather than merely gross “Satanism,” the ritual scene in the film on andportrays book it was based on portrays an ancient cult the film andportrayed book it was based an ancient cult of Egyptian ritualists ritual scene portrayed in the film and book it was based on portrays ancient cult of Egyptian ritualists performing theirarts strange cosmological artsceremony in an modern times. performing their strange cosmological in modern times. The shown in of Egyptian ritualists performing their strange cosmological arts in modern times. The ceremony shown in “Eyes Wide Shut,” however crude, must be deemed decidedly “Eyes Wide Shut,” however crude, must deemedcrude, decidedly a carnival of cosmic The ceremony shown in “Eyes Wide cycles. Shut,”be however must be deemed decidedly a carnival of cosmic chronological Obviously, Thoth as ibis is a player, and chronological cycles. Obviously, Thoth as ibis is a player, and Anubis, in blue, remains a carnival cosmic chronological cycles. Obviously, as ibis is a player, and Anubis, in of blue, remains second only to, in red, the Thoth Anti-Pope, or elder Fool, often second only to, in red, the Anti-Pope, or elder Fool, often symbolized as Maat in the Anubis, in blue, remains second only to, in red, the Anti-Pope, or elder Fool, often symbolised as Maat in the Egyptianists’ rites, adorned by the head of a ram. Thoth symbolised time, asrites, Maat in the rites, by symbolizes the head of a ram. Thoth Egyptianists’ adorned by the headAnubis of a adorned ram. Thoth time, Maat the symbolises Maat the Egyptianists’ judgment, death and Horus-Ra the sun. These symbolises time, Maat the judgment, Anubis death and Horus-Ra the sun. These judgment, Anubis death and Horus-Ra the sun. These “archetypes” of the “collective “archetypes” of the “collective unconscious” are at least as old as pre-Pharoahnic “archetypes” of the “collective areunification at least as old asand pre-Pharoahnic unification of are upper and lower around 6,000 years ago or unconscious” at least as oldEgypt, asunconscious” pre-Pharoahnic of so. upper lower Egypt, unification of upper and lower Egypt, around 6,000 years ago or so. around 6,000 years ago or so.

It should be worth noting, in closing this section on the “eye in the pyramid” symbol’s use in modern media, that this symbol’s use in media is: A) arbitrary, in that it has It should be worth noting, in closing this section on the “eye in the pyramid” inherited a symbol of themedia, IO, but does not understand what thisis: symbol means; in and B) symbol’s use in modern that this symbol’s use in media A) arbitrary, that entirely fictional,a in that itofhas meaning, and all those to it means; by the it has inherited symbol theno IO,definite but does not understand whatassigned this symbol and B) are entirely fictional, in thatmagic” it has alone, no definite andas alla those assigned to media inventions of “movie not tomeaning, be believed reality. Thus, the it by the media are inventions of “movie magic” alone, not to be believed as a reality. use of this symbol in media cannot be considered proprietary of the IO anymore, even Thus, the of this symbol in media cannot be considered properietary of the IO though we use invented it. Its intended meaning has been entirely lost. anymore, even though we invented it. Its intended meaning has been enitrely lost.

Now, the symbol in media is used to revere capitalism, and is often associated with Now, the symbol in media is used to revere capitalism, and is often associated with sexual symbolism in place of the symbolism of the Judgment at death. The replacemet sexual symbolism place of the symbolism the Judgment The replacement of death with sex in symbolism is significant ofofsales. Capitalismatisdeath. the ultimate act of sex of death withthe sex redirecting symbolism of is significant sales. Capitalism is the ultimate actmatter. of sex sublimation, progenativeofenergy into an animation of dead sublimation, theimpulse” redirecting progenitive of energy intoreplacing an animation deadthe matter. This This “creative is aofcornerstone civility, rapeofwith pyramid. Likewise, the careful bottle-necking nozel dispensing catharsis, the equivlanet of “creative impulse” is a cornerstone of civility, replacing rape with the pyramid. Likewise, sublimation for aggressive energy, is handed over to the cult of Anubis. The evolved the careful bottle-necking nozzle dispensing catharsis, the equivalent of sublimation for IO of the energy, Wolf’s Head frat over then tolures us into introspection over IO their products, aggressive is handed the cult of Anubis. The evolved of the Wolf’s replacing the threat of violence at the barrel of a gun with the pupil of a spying eye. So, capitalism is symbolised by the “eye” of aggressive carthasis above the “pyramid” of sexual sublimation; but this is not a symbol of the idealism expressed by the IO.

Head frat then lures us into introspection over their products, replacing the threat of violence at the barrel of a gun with the pupil of a spying eye. So, capitalism is symbolized by the “eye” of aggressive catharsis above the “pyramid” of sexual sublimation; but this is not a symbol of the idealism expressed by the IO. Part 5:: Subliminal Use: As I have already stated, there is the use of this symbol in the media, subliminal or not, and then there is the use of this symbol by the IO, subliminal or not. The use of this symbol in the media means one thing, the “eternal quest” for money, which is seen as a natural reward for personal self-improvement. The use of this symbol by the IO means something totally different. This symbol, as I have demonstrated thus far, can be used by the media to a certain level of subliminal messaging. It can be “hidden in plain sight” and thus be used as a fulcrum to lever open the mind’s eye. However, the level of subliminal messaging accessible by advertisers in the media is of a far, far less effective means than that used by we true Illuminati. This is what distinguishes the use of this symbol, the “eye in the pyramid,” in media from its use, as it was originally intended, by the IO: the symbol remains a mystery to the media, assumed to represent their own hollow goals; to the IO, the symbol remains as it was originally intended, as a representation of our own perfect form of government. Because there are these twin levels of depth to the meaning of this symbol - between that known by the public media, the “Wolf’s Head” controlled Hollywood advertising industry, etc.; and that known to the original IO, which has evolved into our own modern, though autonomous, IO of today - there are also different levels of depth to which this symbol can be applied - between that of subliminal messaging in public advertising; and that accessible by the true IO. Here we see the depths to which this symbol can sink when in the hands of the real Illuminati.

that known by the public media, the “Wolf’s Head” controlled Hollywood advertising industry, etc.; and that known to the original IO, which has evolved into our own modern, though autonomous, IO of today - there are also different levels of depth to which this symbol can be applied - between that of subliminal messaging in public advertising; and that accessable by the true IO. Here we see the depths to which this symbol can sink when in the hands of the real Illuminati.

Illuminati Symbolism 101.B:: Illuminati Symbolism 101.B:: from: where the IO stands today from: where the IO stands today a communique for the IOBB2. Part 1A:: IO Axiom 1A (the kingdom of the blind): Part 1A:: IO Axiom 1A (the kingdom of the blind):

1) "In the Kingdom of the Blind, the One Eye'd Man Is King." 1) "In the Kingdom of the Blind, the One Eye'd Man Is King." What does this mean? It means that the masses are the "blind" and the individual the What does man." this mean? It means that the are subtler the "blind" and the individual the "one-eyed This much is clear. But masses there are meanings, and layers upon "one-eyed man." This much is clear. But there are subtler meanings, and layers upon layers. First: layers. First: A) what is the individual, and what are the masses? A) what is the individual, and what are the masses? The Sovereign Individual: an individual can only be considered their own ruler after following a series of steps: 1) recognise one is not in control over themselves, but is a The Sovereign Individual: an individual canvalues. only be ruler after mental and emotional slave to society's 2)considered they musttheir seekown a teacher or following a of steps: 1) recognize one is not in control but and is a someone toseries embody this Mastery of themselves, then learnover howthemselves, to challenge topple teacher. 3)slave to be consideration of sovereignty, one or must then mental this and emotional to worthy society'sofvalues. 2) they must seek a teacher someone resist the temptation to rule over others and to manipulate students to follow them. 4) to embody this Mastery of themselves, then learn how to challenge and topple this one who has resisted the urge to become a teacher is worthy of the universal teacher. 3) to be worthy of consideration of sovereignty, one must then resist the brotherhood of sharing their learnings equally with others who are also sovereign temptation to rule over others and to manipulate students to follow them. 4) one who individuals. Thus, this is the Sovereign Individual. has resisted the urge to become a teacher is worthy of the universal brotherhood of sharing their learnings equally with who arethe also"sheeple" sovereignand individuals. Thus, this the "Masses": the "blind" and theothers "sleepers," the "goyim," the "chattle" and the "gentiles," etc. etc. etc. are simply those who are not "Sovereing is the Sovereign Individual. Individuals." There are fewer Sovereign Individuals, who have followed the above course of training, than there are"sleepers," the "Masses." Some believe we "goyim," should shepherd the the "Masses": the "blind" and the the "sheeple" and the the "chattel" masses in order to feed off their abilities. Others believethe "Masses" must be and the "gentiles," etc. etc. etc. are simply those who are not "Sovereign Individuals." instructed by Sovereign Individuals on how to become such, in order the Masses may There fewerUltimately, Sovereign the Individuals, have above course of training, be "setare free." "masses"who chose tofollowed NOT be the sovereign individuals, then than there are the "Masses." Some believe we should shepherd the masses in order of to forgot having made the choice. They are the so-called "Blue Pills" in the "Matrix" feed society. off their Others believe "Masses" instructed by Soverieng Sovereign our Toabilities. enslave or to save thesethe people is themust primebedirective of the Individual. Individuals on how to become such, in order the Masses may be "set free." Ultimately, the "masses" chose to NOT be sovereign individuals, then forgot having made the choice. B) What theso-called Kingdom,"Blue and who the King? They areisthe Pills"isin the "Matrix" of our society. To enslave or to save these people is the prime directive of the Sovereign Individual. The Kingdom: the Kingdom is Malkuth, and I will not claim it is either a Mystical "underworld" or "afterlife," as in the "Kingdom of Heaven," nor merely the world of B) What is the Kingdom, and whoby is the King? terrestrial reality, clearly ruled Satan, the demi-urge or will to self-destruction. It is both, and not only is this duality already one, but already this one is nothing. Such is theKingdom: Kingdomthe of Kingdom Malkuth, the microcosm the surface of it which is reflected the The is Malkuth, andon I will not claim is either a Mystical macrocosm, such that "As Above, So Below." This reflection of the Greater Good is "underworld" or "afterlife," as in the "Kingdom of Heaven," nor merely the world of distorted into the pure Higher Self and the refraction of the lesser will to power. The terrestrial reality, clearly ruled by Satan, the demiurge or will to self-destruction. It is

both, and not only is this duality already one, but already this one is nothing. Such is the Kingdom of Malkuth, the microcosm on the surface of which is reflected the macrocosm, such that "As Above, So Below." This reflection of the Greater Good is distorted into the pure Higher Self and the refraction of the lesser will to power. The Kingdom is the Temple of the Self, on all levels. The King: the King is clearly Ha Maschiach, the King who is, was and will be. So where is the Messiah today? Some say he is within, as "Christ Consciousness," accessible within each of us. But this is only the "Anti-Christ" or "demiurge," the desire to be martyred, the "Christ Complex." The King is the still centre point within the mind, which is unmoved and unmoving. Time flows around this sort of mind like a stream around a stone. Such a mind experiences its thoughts like clouds passing through a net. These thoughts come from beyond, and return to their source, through the still mind. Such a mind "transcends" mundane care, and becomes "Illumined" to Ylem, the "primary clear light." C) Who are the "blind" and who is the "one eye'd man"? The Blind, therefore, are the masses, but the "one eye'd man" is thus the Messiah. But the relationship between these two is mysterious. The Masses believe the Messiah is not here now, but will return to save them. The Messiah himself may have different beliefs, if he does live now, but this cannot be known so long as his identity remains unknown. The priests, who the Masses believe have replaced the Messiah, teach that the Messiah is a Sovereign Individual at birth, but comes to forget this fact as they age, but then will remember it later in life. This mimics the concept of the "Running and Returning" Messiah myth. This myth has "served us well," according to the priests. The Messiah is free to be a priest, but obviously not all the priests are the One Messiah. It is more likely the Messiah will appear from among the Masses, as one of them who, as the priests teach, had forgotten and then remembered their destined role. The role of the Messiah relative to the priests is expected to be one of rejection: the "Stone the Builders Rejected" and the rebellious Jesus who preached against the doubters and the liars, the Sadducees and Pharisees. The Messiah is expected to rebel and overthrow the NWO. But will they? Only time will illuminate this more. 2) The Illuminati are a group of Sovereign Individuals. We speak on behalf of the Wisest course of action for humanity. Who is the "Illuminati"? We have been called the "Secret Chiefs" or the "Ascended Masters." HP Blavatsky referred to us as the "Mahatmas" who have chosen to reincarnate in order to teach the Wisest course of action for humanity. We are ageless beings, comparable to angels, but possessing free will, who have transcended the material realm, but who choose to return to teach. When we speak in the spirit of the Illuminati Order, we speak only of the Wisest course of action for humanity, otherwise, we are just ordinary people, leading ordinary lives. The Illuminati Order, therefore, have been called by many names throughout history, but by all these names the truth of our order has been concealed. Like the 7 Archons, the 7 Planets and 7 chakra, the 7 colors and the 7 aeons of a Jubilee, are the 7 levels of our order. We who have achieved to the utmost of these can come and go at will from all these vibrational

energy levels at will. So we control our own lives, our own incarnations, etc. This is the "wavelength" we Illuminati exist on. 3) The Illuminati are those who are "one eye'd men" within the "kingdom of the blind." We have been awakened from darkness into light, and have not gone back to sleep, but have come through being blinded at first by the light. We know more than our own best friends, more than we can even express. This is why, from time to time, we adopt the use of masks, trickery and delusion. We seek to guide the masses only to the extent of freeing each of them to their Sovereign Individuality. We are always honest to all those who directly question us, and reveal as much as we know, within the limits of other Orders' oaths weto may But the IO itself does for the oath of or death. honest all have thosetaken. who directly question us, not andcall reveal as much assecrecy we know, within theare limits of other Orders' wetomay havewho taken. Butquestion the IO itself does not call for We therefore open to theoaths public, anyone would us, whom we believe the oath of by secrecy death. We would benefit beingor advanced into are our therefore 7 degrees. open to the public, to anyone who would question us, whom we believe would benefit by being advanced into our 7 degrees. These are the three points on which the Illuminati Order convene today. We seek what Goethe for on his points death bed: (MORE LIGHT!). define today. this differently These cried are the three on "mehr which licht" the Illuminati Order We convene We seek for each of us, for each of us follows its own path or ray through the universe, guided what Goethe cried for on his death bed: "mehr licht" (MORE LIGHT!). We define this around somefor points, others, etc. its No own two of these of patterns differently eachtoward of us, or foraway eachfrom of us follows path or sorts ray through the universe, guided toward or achieved away from others,,No two become of these are the same. Eacharound of us some in thepoints, Illuminati have a soul, that have sorts of patterns are unique the same. Each and of usthus in the Illuminati have achieved a soul, that conscious of our own pattern, come to control it. Our choices resound is, have become conscious of our own unique pattern, and thus come to control it. Our throughout space and time, because we are from beyond the known realities. choices resound throughout space and time, because we are from beyond the known realities. Part 1B:: IO Axiom 1B (the one eye’d king):

Part 1B:: IO Axiom 1B (the one eye’d king): "In the Land of the Blind, the One Eye'd Man is King." "In the Land of the Blind, the One Eye'd Man is King." Such is an "Illuminati Axiom," though the meaning now may be much different from Such is an "Illuminati Axiom," though the meaning now may be much different from what it would have meant at Weishaupt's time. A "king" now means the same thing as the what it would have meant at Weishaupt's time. A "king" now means the same thing as idea the "everyman," because the promise of US consumerism that "everyman a the ofidea of the "everyman," because the promise of US was consumerism was is that king." But there is only so much wealth to go around. Few kings lived richer than many "everyman is a king." But there is only so much wealth to go around. Few kings lived middle-class yuppies ever can. And the poor be poor poor.will always be poor. richer than many middle-class yuppies everwill can.always And the

However, inin thethe symbolism of Illuminism is the to those, the However,cleverly cleverlyconcealed concealed symbolism of Illuminism is meaning the meaning to those, the Illuminati, who would know how to unravel it. Thus, the "Light Within" is "Brought Out." Here we see that the eye-in-the-pyramid motif cleverly conceals the hidden truth: the eye is the apex of the truncated "body" or form of the pyramidon (a pyramid without a "cap-stone"). This symbolises the mind above the body below. Likewise, from this elevated vantage, the mind surveys the entirety of material reality, and thus, by "co-creating" its immediate surroundings, the mind manipulates

Illuminati, who would know how to unravel it. Thus, the "Light Within" is "Brought Out." Here we see that the eye-in-the-pyramid motif cleverly conceals the hidden truth: the eye is the apex of the truncated "body" or form of the pyramidon (a pyramid without a "capstone"). This symbolizes the mind above the body below. Likewise, from this elevated vantage, the mind surveys the entirety of material reality, and thus, by "co-creating" its immediate surroundings, the mind manipulates matter using the body as an interface or relay station. The second symbol of "True Illuminism" - which comes to us directly from Weishaupt and not from the, sensitively infiltrated, US Masons, prior to the split between the IO of Weishaupt into the non-Masonic 7 US degree system and the 4 degree system of Spain is this actual layout of the "Pyramid" schema.

In the first iteration, one person "twins" their message to two people. By the time the In the first iteration, one person "twins" their message to two people. By the time the original message has become distinct and been changed by the intermediary messengers original message has become distinct and been changed by the intermediary enough thatenough a third party learn of it without knowing or meeting the oneorwho began messengers that acan third party can learn of it without knowing meeting the concept then the person who originated the "meme" or message is called a "Master" the one who began the concept then the person who originated the "meme" or in the Illuminati. a Master means going "three-deep." message is calledBecoming a "Master" in the Illuminati. Becoming a Master means going "three-deep."

original message has become distinct and been changed by the intermediary messengers enough that a third party can learn of it without knowing or meeting the one who began the concept then the person who originated the "meme" or message is called a "Master" in the Illuminati. Becoming a Master means going "three-deep."

However, there is going three steps or levels deep in society, and in a social way, and there is going three levels deep psychologically, for each individual, as well. The three steps of the "Pyramid" also symbolize three different roles played out by people in crowds. One is the "wanderers," one is the "civilizers," and one is the "conquerers," and each expands their own way outward from their initial, three-layered "Pyramidon." The wanderer explores aimlessly, sending out chutes like the branches of a tree. Contrarywise, the conqueror expands along a front founded on a controlled ratio, with only what is needed within and behind the lines. The civilizers are in between these, revealing a strange zodiac of different patterns, as all the members make choices within a given set of rules. However, the Illuminati numerology is not confined to the Trinity and, as I will demonstrate, the Trinity is viewed as an ultimate evil by many Illuminati. The symbol of the "eye in the triangle" to an "Illuminatus" is a symbol of Ialdabaoth, the Demi- Urge, the devil or, simply put, Satan. Part 2:: the Illuminati Trinity:

three steps of the "Pyramid" also symbolise three different roles played out by people in crowds. One is the "wanderers," one is the "civilisers," and one is the "conquerers," and each expands their own way outward from their initial, three-layered "Pyramidon." The wanderer explores aimlessly, sending out chutes like the branches of a tree. Contrarywise, the conqueror expands along a front founded on a controlled ratio, with only what is needed within and behind the lines. The civilisers are in between these, revealing a strange zodiac of different patterns, as all the members choicesthat within given Blue set ofLodge rules. degrees of Free Masonry were established as a Itmake is possible thea three contrary Trinity to that of the Catholic faith. It could, equally possibly, only be a However, the Illuminati numerology is not confined to the Trinity and, as I will coincidence. regardless of as the the Masonic use of symbol 3, the demonstrate,However, the Trinity is viewed anoriginal ultimatemotives evil by of many Illuminati. The Catholic Church has triangle" since (andtofor long time now) Masonry and its concept of the "eye in the ana "Illuminatus" is renounced a symbol of Ialdabaoth, the Demiof the the Trinity. Trinity is a symbol of Unity: the three in one and one Urge, devilIn or,Catholicism, simply put, the Satan. in three of the Father, son and Holy Ghost are, so to speak, three "faces" of one being, Part 2:: the the Illuminati Trinity: God. Since Council of Nicea, these 3 have been considered inseparable, and their meanings one and the same for each. This runs contrary to the Masonic use of the It is possible that the three Blue Lodge degrees of Free Masonry were established as a Trinity, which establishes the 3 degrees of Blue Lodge Masonry as a progressive sequence contrary Trinity to that of the Catholic faith. It could, equally possibly, only be a that can operate for each memberofindividually. can become a 1st°, then stop, or coincidence. However, regardless the original One motives of the Masonic use of 3, the progress the 2nd° thenow) 3rd° renounced and stop. Masonry Beyond this Catholic to Church has then since stop, (and or forprogress a long to time andare its concept of the Trinity. In Catholicism, the Trinity is a symbol of Unity: the three in "appendant" bodies of Masonry revealing further Masonic mysteries in additional one and one in three of the Father, son and Holy Ghost are, so to speak, three "faces" degrees, however the first 3° of Blue Lodge are integral to and the foundation for these of one being, God. Since the Council of Nicea, these 3 have been considered other degrees as well. inseperable, and their meanings one and the same for each. This runs contrary to the Masonic use of the Trinity, which establishes the 3 degrees of Blue Lodge ItMasonry is most significant that the sequence Catholic concept of operate the Trinity long been expressed as a as a progressive that can forhas each member individually. triangle. Haloa 1st°, of God, depictedtointhe post-Renaissance art,to has One can The become thenwhenever stop, or progress 2nd° then stop, Christian or progress the always beenstop. depicted as anthis equilateral triangle. The most striking examples of use further of this 3rd° and Beyond are "appendent" bodies of Masonry revealing Masonic mysteries in Eastern additional degrees, however the first 3° that of Blue Lodge are motif occur in modern Orthodox churches, however the fact it originated in integral to and the foundation for these other degrees as well. the later European Dark Ages is relatively uncontested. It was never, as I have said, prior to 1776 associated with a pyramid however. The Triune Halo of God as an equilateral It is most significant that the Catholic concept of the Trinity has long been expressed triangle is specifically unique from the eye in the pyramid motif of Illuminism in several as a triangle. The Halo of God, whenever depicted in post-Rennaissance Christian art, specific regards. has always been depicted as an equilateral triangle. The most striking examples of

use of this motif occur in modern Eastern Orthodox churches, however the fact that it originated in the later European Dark Ages is relatively uncontested. It was never, as I have said, prior to 1776 associated with a pyramid however. The Trinue Halo of God as an equilateral triangle is specifically unique from the eye in the pyramid motif of Illuminism in several specific regards.

Here is an exmaple of the triune Halo motif, from Antoniazzo Romano, late 1400's. Here is exmaple an example of the triune Halo motif, from Antoniazzo Romano, 1400's. Here is an of the triune Halo motif, from Antoniazzo Romano, latelate 1400's.

Here is is the the first first use use in in Christian Christian art art of Here of the the "eye "eye of of providence" providence" or or eye eye in in the the triangle triangle from Here is the first use in Christian art of the "eye of providence" or eye in the triangle (called Ponormo)'s at Ammaus from JacoppoJacoppo Carucci Carucci (called Ponormo)'s Supper Supper at Ammaus (1525): (1525): from Jacoppo Carucci (called Ponormo)'s Supper at Ammaus (1525):

In the former motif, we see the equilateral triangle used as a symbol for the Trinity as the Halo of God. This depiction is that common in such other Christian motifs as Byzantine icons, Bulgarian churches, the Catholic church of St. Peter and in a work now found in the Metropolitan museum. In the latter depiction, we see the standard "eye of providence" (the so-called "all-seeing" eye), which was used to represent God in the independent tradition of Alchemy, interpolated within the triangular Halo design. The eye in the Pontormo painting is the right eye, the same eye used in ancient Egyptian symbolism of the eye of Ra or Horus. The eye of providence is also commonly used in Masonic symbolism, such as on the fold of the apron in some of the craft degrees. In Masonic use, both the right and left eyes are used interchangeably, and it does not appear to distinguish whether the meaning may be different between the right and left eye used in the Masonic symbols. The 1776 eye in the pyramid of Illuminism is a left eye. Because the Pontormo painting is the sole Christian depiction of the eye of providence within the triangular halo of God, and it is a right eye, and because no public Masonic works exists to dictate the specifically Masonic use of this symbol, it can be asserted that the "right-eye" is symbolic of the "eye of providence" within the triangular "halo of God" used in Christian art, while the "left-eye" is the symbolic "eye of God" within the pyramidon motif used by the Illuminati. Now, aside from the obvious difference between the base-4 pyramid and the triangle, which I will discuss in greater detail in a moment, the most significance difference between the "IO" and the Catholic depictions of the "eye of providence" motif is the Illuminati interpretation of the Masonic Trinity which, as I have already said, is distinct from the Catholic Trinity in certain, remarkable ways. The Catholic Trinity is 3-in-1 and 1-in-3 (if you can believe that). The Masonic trinity are the three degrees of the Blue Lodge Craft degrees. Ordinarily these are depicted as three steps leading up to the basis or foundation for the York and Scottish rite degrees. These three stair- steps up to the "Lodge Door," figuratively speaking, are also depicted in the Illuminati eye in the pyramid design, although not in the pyramid itself. They are depicted in the iris of the eye of providence:

3-in-1 and 1-in-3 (if you can believe that). The Masonic trinity are the three degrees of the Blue Lodge Craft degrees. Ordinarily these are depicted as three steps leading up to the basis or foundation for the York and Scottish rite degrees. These three stairsteps up to the "Lodge Door," figuratively speaking, are also depicted in the Illuminati eye in the pyramid design, although not in the pyramid itself. They are depicted in the iris of the eye of providence:

Thus, the pupil of the "eye of providence," surrounded by the 3 stair-steps in the iris, represents itself the "Lodge Door," and, more importantly, the "mir licht" promised beyond it to the hood-winked candidate. The iris of the Illuminati "eye of providence" is thus the Masonic Trinity, while the pupil itself represents the dilation of the eye to allow in the Light of Illumination. The difference between the Illuminati use of the "eye of providence" and that by Catholic and other Christian artists is that the 3- tiered iris of the Illuminati "eye" might be thought to signify the Masonic GAOTU rather than the Catholic Trinity. Putting the "eye of providence" of the GAOTU in the Triune halo of God may be considered a blasphemy to Catholicism. This, I believe, was the intention: by infiltrating Masonry, Weishaupt hoped to militarize the order against Catholicism; as the Rosicrucian saying went, "the Pope is the Anti-Christ," and thus the GAOTU did not represent Lucifer, aside from insofar as a Good angel in opposite to the worse, "Satanic" power-monger, the Pope. Also, before discussing the "pyramidon" motif distinguishing the Illuminati application of the Masonic version of the "eye of the GAOTU" to the Trinity halo motif of Catholicism, we should pause for a moment to consider the slogans commonly associated with the Illuminati "eye in the pyramid." Here we see the standard circular seal folded into a "vesica pisces," or yonic eye design:

Also, before discussing the "pyramidon" motif distinguishing the Illuminati application of the Masonic version of the "eye of the GAOTU" to the Trinity halo motif of Catholicism, we should pause for a moment to consider the slogans commonly associated with the Illuminati "eye in the pyramid." Here we see the standard circular seal folded into a "vesica pisces," or yonic eye design:

above we we see seethe theslogan slogan "ANNUIT COEPTIS," meaning, essentially, "fortune favours" above "ANNUIT COEPTIS," meaning, essentially, "fortune favors" from from the old Greek saying "fortune favours the bold." However, rather than the the old Greek saying "fortune favors the bold." However, rather than the "bold," the "bold," the slogan continues with the lowered standard, emblazoned with the slogan slogan continues with the lowered standard, emblazoned the slogan "NOVUS ORDO "NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM," meaning, essentially, a "Newwith Secular Order." This differs, SECLORUM," meaning, essentially, a "New Secular Order." This differs, also, from also, from the Catholic concept of "Temporal Power," the psychic empire of the the Catholic concept "TemporalInstead, Power," the the psychic empire of substitutes the Church "Secular," over her Church over herof believers. Illuminati slogan generally Instead, interpreted "worldly," for substitutes the "Temporal" or "Universal" power of the believers. the as Illuminati slogan "Secular," generally interpreted as Church. Remember, the IO's or prime directive was,of at start, Remember, to overthrow the "worldly," for the "Temporal" "Universal" power thethe Church. the IO's governments of Europe (which answered to the Church) as well as the Church itself, prime directive was, at the start, to overthrow the governments of Europe (which and replace it with the Rosicrucian Roger Bacon's idea of a "New Atlantis." None of answered to the Church) as well as the Church itself, and replace it with the Rosicrucian these words were chosen haphazardly; all are intended to be preserved for posterity. Roger Bacon's idea date of a "New of these wordsDeclaration were chosenofhaphazardly; all To this end, the 1776,Atlantis." the dateNone of the American Independece’s are intended to be preserved for posterity. To this end, the date 1776, the date of the ratification, is emblazoned in Latin (Roman) numerals across the base of pyramid: Declaration "MDCCLXXVI" meaning 1776, ratification, which wasis also the year, prior (Roman) to the American of Independence’s emblazoned in Latin ratification of thethe Declaration, of pyramid: the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati. numerals across base of the "MDCCLXXVI" meaning 1776, which was also the year, prior to the ratification of the Declaration, of the founding of the Bavarian Illuminati.

On this this note, note, let let us us now now begin begin to to address address the the Pyramidon Pyramidon design design itself. itself. Although Although it it is is On usually explained that the 13 steps of the Illuminati pyramid might represent the 13 usually explained that the 13 steps of the Illuminati pyramid might represent the 13 On this note, let uscolonies, now begin address Pyramidon itself. it is original American the to lowest stepthe is actually the design base, and soAlthough it's inclusion original American colonies, thesteps lowest is actually the andof sothe it's Illumianti inclusion usually explained that the 13 of step the Illuminati might represent the 13 could be called into question, particularly becausepyramid the base, design could be American called intocolonies, question, particularly the design oforiginal the Illuminati pyramid original the lowest is actually thethe base, and so it's inclusion pyramid pre-dated the adoption of the step 13because stripes used on "Union Jack" of could be called into question, particularly because the design of the Illumianti the US by, if only, a few months. The original "union jack" flag flown above pre-dated the adoption of the 13 stripes used on the original "Union Jack" of the US the by, pyramid thebore adoption of the"union 13astripes the original "Union Jack" of Continental Congress theoriginal symbol of diamond-back rattle snake the (theContinental same used if only, apre-dated few months. The jack"used flagonflown above the US by, if only, a few months. The original "union jack" flag flown above the several years prior, chopped into 8 pieces to represent the divided colonies, which Congress bore the symbol of a diamond-back rattle snake (the same used several years Continental Congress the symbol of athe diamond-back snake (the same used was captioned "Join bore or Die," indicating severity of rattle pre-Constitutional, colonial prior, chopped into 8 pieces to represent the divided colonies, which was captioned "Join several years prior, chopped pieces13 to stripes, represent the divided which Unionism). The snake of 1776into was8before alternating red colonies, and white, and or Die," theor severity ofonpre-Constitutional, colonial Unionism). The snake of was captioned "Join Die," the severity ofseverity pre-Constitutional, colonial bore theindicating caption "Don't Treadindicating Me," indicating the of the new Nation's 1776 was before 13 stripes, alternating redfirst and and bore thedesigned caption "Don't Tread Unionism). The snake of 1776 13 white, stripes, alternating red and white, and Independent sovereignty. Herewas is before the flag, supposedly by Martha on Me," the showing severity the13 new Nation's sovereignty. Here is the bore theindicating caption "Don't Treadof on Me," indicating thestars, severity of clearly the new Nation's Washington, in 1777 the stripes withIndependent 13 which represents Independent sovereignty. HerebyisMartha the first flag, supposedly designed the 13 colonies unified. first flag, supposedly designed Washington, in 1777 showing theby 13 Martha stripes Washington, in 1777 showing the 13 stripes with 13 stars, which clearly represents with 13 stars, which clearly represents the 13 colonies unified. the 13 colonies unified.

In point of fact, the 12 proper steps of the pyramid stand for something more significant to the Illuminati than even the 13 letters of "E PLURIBUS UNUM" ("out of In point fact, 12 the pyramid one, many," explaining theproper pyramid concept itself), and for evensomething moresignificant thanmore the In point ofof fact, the the 12 proper steps steps of scheme the of pyramid stand forstand something more significant to the Illuminati even the of "unlucky" 13 of the Templarthan inquisition at 13 theletters handsof of "E thePLURIBUS Catholic UNUM" Church. ("out The 12 to the Illuminati than even the 13 letters of "E PLURIBUS UNUM" ("out of one, many," one, the pyramid scheme concept itself), even can morebethan the steps many," of the explaining pyramid, above the basis of foundation of the and pyramid, further explaining the pyramid scheme concept evenofmore the board. "unlucky" 13 12 of "unlucky" of the the Templar inquisition at theand hands the than Catholic Church. The thought to 13 stand for stair-steps of theitself), Masonic "Fellow-Craft" tracing steps of the pyramid, above the basis of foundation of the pyramid, can be further thought to stand for the stair-steps of the Masonic "Fellow-Craft" tracing board.

the Templar inquisition at the hands of the Catholic Church. The 12 steps of the pyramid, above the basis of foundation of the pyramid, can be further thought to stand for the stair-steps of the Masonic "Fellow-Craft" tracing board.

Here we wesee see that, above 3 lowest of the stair" "winding stair" of the FC°, Here that, above the 3the lowest steps ofsteps the "winding of the FC°, representing representing the 3 "Blue Lodge" degrees of Freemasonry, there are 12 steps on the the 3 "Blue Lodge" degrees of Freemasonry, there are 12 steps on the stair case, divided stair case, divided into two sets, the first, of 5, representing the senses and the styles into two sets,and the the first,second, of 5, representing the senses the styles of columns, and the of columns, of 7, representing the and schools of learning. The sequence second, 7, play representing the of schools of learning. The sequence of 3,5,7 play into of 3,5,7 of will into much the Illuminati symbolism, because these will numbers are much of odd the Illuminati these numbers the first numbers, symbolism, and also thebecause lowest prime numbers.are the first odd numbers, and also the lowest prime numbers. Most important of all is the sacred geometry used in the design of the Illuminati "eye in theimportant pyramid"ofmotif, because this, even moreso any ofofthe speaks"eye to its Most all is the sacred geometry used inthan the design therest, Illuminati in desire to appeal to the Masonic craft. Again, we find the sacred Trinity expressed, the pyramid" motif, because this, even more so than any of the rest, speaks to its desire however here we see it expressed within the symbol itself as measurements of ratios, to appeal to the Masonic craft. Again, find the shape sacred itself. TrinityInexpressed, however here and not symbolically merely as the we triangular this crudely rendered we see it I expressed within to theshow symbol itself as measurements and not diagram, have attempted some of these sacred ratiosofinratios, the Illuminati pyramid design: symbolically merely as the triangular shape itself. In this crudely rendered diagram, I have attempted to show some of these sacred ratios in the Illuminati pyramid design:

Most important of all is the sacred geometry used in the design of the Illuminati "eye in the pyramid" motif, because this, even moreso than any of the rest, speaks to its desire to appeal to the Masonic craft. Again, we find the sacred Trinity expressed, however here we see it expressed within the symbol itself as measurements of ratios, and not symbolically merely as the triangular shape itself. In this crudely rendered diagram, I have attempted to show some of these sacred ratios in the Illuminati pyramid design:

The measure of of 1/3 thethe overall height from the the basebase or The blue blueline lineon onthe theleft leftsignifies signifiesa a measure 1/3 overall height from foundation. The The horizontal blue blue line across the middle signifies 2/3 of2/3 the of overall width or foundation. horizontal line across the middle signifies the overall of the foundation, from the from furthest line toleft the line furthest right line. This ratio canThis be width of the foundation, the left furthest to the furthest right line. ratio can be moved around relative to how one interprets the base length, based on moved around relative to how one interprets the base length, based on the fact that the the fact that the motif itself is turned at a slight angle to express a second side of the motif itself is turned at a slight angle to express a second side of the pyramid as well. I pyramid as well. I express much more about these sacred ratios in this model on the express much more about these sacred ratios in this model on the page on my site: page on my site: In the last place in this diagram we come to the ratio of the cap-stone to the upper "platform" of the truncated "pyramidon," where the capstone is labeled as 2/3 the distance from its uppermost tip to the pyramidon's "platform" in the upper-right of the diagram. Part 3:: the Statue of Liberty:

In the last place in this diagram we come to the ratio of the cap-stone to the upper "platform" of the truncated "pyramidon," where the capstone is labeled as 2/3 the distance from its uppermost tip to the pyramidon's "platform" in the upper-right of the diagram. Part 3:: the Statue of Liberty: Lastly, I want to address another Masonic monument, often mistaken for a statue of the "Whore of Babalon," Serapis or Semiramis. The Statue of Liberty is many things to many people. The torch she bears aloft has been a beacon for many wayward immigrants to the USA, however it cannot be disagreed, even among serious modern scholars, that this torch's original meaning was not as a beacon for the "tired, the poor and those yearning to breathe free," despite the Masonic ideals of Faith, Hope and Charity. Nor, however, is this a symbol of the "Babylonian Brotherhood." It is definitely a massive edifice to honor the Masonic virtues, however the torch is one of "Illuminism" (radical, anti-papal anarchism) lighting the way to the "New Atlantean" Enlightenment, were secular humanism and the sciences have promised to replace the empire of Rome with a new world order. In lady liberty's hand is a tablet, upon which is written the date 1776, again in latin (Roman numerals) a a symbol to the Catholic Church of the new states' authority:

While the "Illuminati" symbolism (the Light Above) is perhaps even more obvious While the "Illuminati" symbolism (the Light Above) is perhaps even more obvious than than all those aspects concealed in the Illuminati pyramid, the Masonic symbolism of all concealed in the more Illuminati pyramid, the isMasonic symbolism the the those Statueaspects of Liberty is somewhat obtuse. Following a depiction of the of Statue Statue of Liberty is somewhat more obtuse. Following is a depiction of the Statue as seen as seen from almost directly above, with a red outline around the stellated base or from almostupon directly above, with astands: red outline around the stellated base or foundation foundation which the statue upon which the statue stands:

While the "Illuminati" symbolism (the Light Above) is perhaps even more obvious than all those aspects concealed in the Illuminati pyramid, the Masonic symbolism of the Statue of Liberty is somewhat more obtuse. Following is a depiction of the Statue as seen from almost directly above, with a red outline around the stellated base or foundation upon which the statue stands:

This symbol may maynot notbebeimmediately immediately familiar to the average Freemason, and is that This symbol familiar to the average Freemason, and that for is a for a very good reason: it is not commonly known to most Masons, and is a symbol very good reason: it is not commonly known to most Masons, and is a symbol specifically specifically reserved to only a handful of the highest initiates of the Scottish Rite. reserved to only a handful of the highest of the Scottish Rite. symbolshould of the The symbol of the triple-triangle mightinitiates still seem unfamiliar evenThe to them, triple-triangle still seem to them, should they miss the subtraction they miss themight subtraction ofunfamiliar the basiceven square shape of the foundation from the of the basic of of thethe foundation from of thethe middle. Here is the outline the middle. Heresquare is the shape outline Masonic basis Statue of Liberty, clearlyofseen as an 11 basis pointed shape: Masonic of the Statue of Liberty, clearly seen as an 11 pointed shape:

This shape may take a little bit of deciphering to unravel, however it is derived from attaching regular square over the 3-triangle motif ofhowever the 33rd°. is the from same This shapea may take a little bittop of of deciphering to unravel, it Here is derived outline, overlapped thisover symbol: attaching a regular with square top of the 3-triangle motif of the 33rd°. Here is the same outline, overlapped with this symbol:

This shape may take a little bit of deciphering to unravel, however it is derived from attaching a regular square over top of the 3-triangle motif of the 33rd°. Here is the same outline, overlapped with this symbol:

The The 4 4 points points of of the the square square addition addition remain remain indicated, indicated, somewhat, somewhat, by by the the alignments alignments of the handles handles and and tips tips of of the the crossed crossed sword sword and and benediction-wand, benediction-wand, however however the the other 6 the points of the triple triangle design are more obvious, and inherent within design points of the triple triangle design are more obvious, and inherent within thethe design of of this symbol. The triple triangle motif, it should also be noted, should not be this symbol. The triple triangle motif, it should also be noted, should not be confused confused with the "heptagram" or 7 pointed star, which is also a symbol of the with the "heptagram" or 7 pointed star, which is also a symbol of the Illuminati that has Illuminati that has slightly infiltrated the Masonic rites proper. It was adopted, slightly thethe Masonic proper. It was adopted, however, directly by the however,infiltrated directly by OTO asrites the star of "BABALON," and this adoption threatens to OTO as its the original star of "BABALON," and this to adoption to until reduceit its reduce Illuminati meaning Masonicthreatens geometry is original merely Illuminati to Masonic geometry until itTrinity is merely accepted asmeaning an ineffable symbol, alike the Catholic itself.accepted as an ineffable symbol, alike the Catholic Trinity itself.

Illuminati Symbolism 101.C:: from various sources on a communique for the IOBB2. ::: the double-headed phoenix symbol ::: Part 1:: alchemy: The first true alchemist in Medieval Europe was Roger Bacon. Roger Bacon has also been attributed with originating the search for the philosopher's stone and the elixir of life: "That medicine which will remove all impurities and corruptibilities from the lesser metals will also, in the opinion of the wise, take off so much of the corruptibility of the body that human life may be prolonged for many centuries." - source: I'd like to make more extensive reference to the history of Roger Bacon in particular, not only as his life is, as it is, so exemplary of the life of the typical alchemist, seeking for acceptance that could never occur, often suffering instead, and usually ending in poverty and contempt. I'd like to mention it also as it is contemporary to the beginning of Hapsburg lineage, which will be delved into momentarily. Roger Bacon (c. 1214 - 1294), also known as Doctor Mirabilis (Latin: "astounding teacher"), was one of the most famous Franciscan friars of his time. He was an English philosopher who placed considerable emphasis on empiricism, and has been presented as one of the earliest advocates of the modern scientific method; though later studies have emphasized his reliance on occult and alchemical traditions. He was intimately acquainted with the philosophical and scientific insights of the Arab world, one of the most advanced civilizations at the time. Bacon was born near Ilchester in Somerset. His family appears to have been well-off, but, during the stormy reign of Henry III of England, their property was despoiled and several members of the family were driven into exile. He later became a Franciscan friar. He probably took orders in 1253, after 10 years of study which had left him physically and mentally exhausted. The two great orders, Franciscans and Dominicans, were not long-established, and had begun to take the lead in theological discussion. Alexander of Hales led the Franciscans, while the rival order rejoiced in Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas. Bacon's abilities were soon recognized, and he enjoyed the friendship of such eminent men as Adam de Marisco and Robert Grosseteste *, bishop of Lincoln. In the course of his teaching and research, he performed and described various experiments. Bacon wrote to the Cardinal Guy le Gros de Foulques, who became interested in his ideas and asked him to produce a comprehensive treatise. Bacon, being constrained by a rule

of the Franciscan order against publishing works out of the order without special permission, initially hesitated. The cardinal became Pope Clement IV and urged Bacon to ignore the prohibition and write the book in secret. Bacon complied and sent his work, the Opus Majus, a treatise on the sciences (grammar, logic, mathematics, physics, and philosophy), to the pope in 1267. It was followed in the same year by the Opus Minus, a summary of the main thoughts from the first work. In 1268, he sent a third work, the Opus Tertium to the pope, who died the same year, apparently before even seeing the Opus Maius although it is known that the work reached Rome. Bacon fell out of favor, and was in fact later imprisoned by the Franciscan order for the second time in 1278 in Ancona as his dissemination of Arab alchemy, and doubtless also his protests against the ignorance and immorality of the clergy, roused accusations of witchcraft. He stayed imprisoned for over ten years, until intercession of English noblemen secured his release. He died without important epigones or pupils and was quickly forgotten for a long time. His "Opus Majus" contains treatments of mathematics and optics, alchemy and the manufacture of gunpowder, the positions and sizes of the celestial bodies, and anticipates later inventions such as microscopes, telescopes, spectacles, flying machines and steam ships. Bacon studied astrology and believed that the celestial bodies had an influence on the fate and mind of humans. He also wrote a criticism of the Julian calendar which was then still in use. He first recognized the visible spectrum in a glass of water, centuries before Sir Isaac Newton discovered that lenses could disassemble and reassemble white light. Roger Bacon is widely considered to be one of the most likely authors of the Voynich Manuscript, given his studies in the fields of Alchemy, Astrology, and languages. Because the manuscript has eluded all attempts at translating, this is unconfirmed, however there is overwhelming evidence to support Bacon's authorship. - source: * (Robert Grosseteste (1170 - 1253) was a pioneer of the scientific theory that would later be used and refined by the alchemists. He took Abelard's methods of analysis and added the use of observations, experimentation, and conclusions in making scientific evaluations. Grosseteste also did much work to bridge Platonic and Aristotelian thinking. (Hollister pp. 294-5)) - source: As an aside, it has come to light in the past decade that the so-called "stone of the philosophers" was almost certainly a monoatomic form of gold, from the platinum group of metals, which could only be produced by prolonged exposure of base gold to near sun surface temperatures. I would further speculate this could have been accomplished through the application of Brown's Gas. Brown's Gas, or Hydroxy gas as it is also known, is a stoichiometric mixture of monoatomic hydrogen and oxygen. Brown's gas is usually used for welding purposes because of its capability of welding metals at low temperatures. Its 'cold' flame is

produced by an implosion, instead of an explosion, which means that a vacuum is created when the gas ignites. - source: An eagle has two young. One is fledged, but the other, which is featherless, prevents it from flying. "Add the head of one to the other other, and you will have it," advises Maier (in Atalanta Fugiens, 1618). - source: The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy and Mysticism. Alexander Roob, Taschen publishing. p. 364 This is an example of the use of the eagle in symbolic Alchemy, as well as serves to be a shiningly fine example of the flowery style of Alchemical commentators. For Alchemists after the Renaissance, the illustrious fables using animal imagery were a necessary deception for steeping their manuscripts in mystery in order to protect the arcane science of their art.

For Hieronymous Reussner (Pandora, Basle, 1582), the dragon that grows from the "philosopher's

For Hieronymous Reussner (Pandora, Basle, 1582), the dragon that grows from the tree" is "our Mercury" or "the water of life" from which God created all things. United in it, are "philosopher's tree" is "ourand Mercury" water of life" from which God created all the powers of the six planets metals. or The"the double-headed eagle of the Hapsburgs symbolises things. in it,components are the powers of the six planets and metals. The double-headed the fixedUnited and volatile of matter. eagle of the Hapsburgs symbolizes the fixed and volatile components of matter. source: The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy and Mysticism. Alexander Roob, Taschen p. 416 -publishing. source: The Hermetic Museum: Alchemy and Mysticism. Alexander Roob, Taschen publishing. p. 416 A great deal more could and SHOULD be said than has been thus far recording the contemporary politics of the late Medieval, Rennaissance, and early Enlightenment as relative to the quasi-political mystic symbolism of the Alchemical manuscripts of the same eras. I will suffice it only to say for the purpose of this exposition here that, by the time the double-headed bird was depicted by Reussner, for example (1582), it had already been established as a symbol indicating the Hapsburg royal family, which had been seated as the hereditary Holy Roman Emperors from the 1270's.

A great deal more could and SHOULD be said than has been thus far recording the contemporary politics of the late Medieval, Renaissance, and early Enlightenment as relative to the quasi-political mystic symbolism of the Alchemical manuscripts of the same eras. I will suffice it only to say for the purpose of this exposition here that, by the time the double-headed bird was depicted by Reussner, for example (1582), it had already been established as a symbol indicating the Hapsburg royal family, which had been seated as the hereditary Holy Roman Emperors from the 1270's. Part 2:: hapsburg-romanov crests: Part 2A:: From Counts of Habsburg to Holy Roman Emperors: The name is derived from the Swiss Habichtsburg (Hawk Castle), the family seat in the 11th, 12th and 13th centuries at Habsburg, Switzerland (Switzerland did not then exist in its present form, and the Swiss lands were part of the mainly Germanic Holy Roman Empire). From South-East- Germany the family extended its influence and holdings to the eastern reaches of the Holy Roman Empire, roughly today's Austria (1278 - 1382). Within only two or three generations, the Habsburgs had managed to secure an initially intermittent grasp on the imperial throne that would last for centuries (1273 - 1291, 1298 - 1308, 1438 - 1740, and 1745 - 1806). After the marriage of Maximilian I with Mary, heiress of Burgundy (the Low Countries) and the marriage of his son Philipp the Handsome with Juana, heiress of Spain and its newly-founded empire, Charles V inherited an empire where "the sun does not set". - source: So we see that the Hapsburg dynasty was only beginning to flourish at the same time as the birth and bourgeoning of the Alchemical movement, as well as the Norman rule of England, the Domesday manual and the proper formalization of Heraldry.

source: So we see that the Hapsburg dynasty was only beginning to flourish at the same time as the birth and bourgeoining of the Alchemical movement, as well as the Norman rule of England, the Domesday manual and the proper formalisation of Heraldry.

Here (above (above left) left) we we see see the the primary primary significant significant difference difference between between the the use use of of the the Here double-headed bird in the Hapsburg family crest, where it appears as the SUPPORTER. double-headed bird in the Hapsburg family crest, where it appears as the SUPPORTER. Also depicted here (above right) is the Romanov family heraldry, the final family to Also (above thethe Romanov heraldry, the finalRomanov family to reign hold hold depicted the title here of Tsar of right) Russia.isBy time offamily the beginning of the the titleunder of Tsar of Russia. the time of the the Romanov reign (1645 (1645 Alexis I), the By double-headed birdbeginning motif wasofalready well established by under Alexis I),asthe double-headed bird was alreadyright. well Since established by the the Hapsburgs a symbol associative of motif rule by Imperial the Romanovs operated under auspices of the of Orthodox (seated Constantinople) in Hapsburgs as a the symbol associative rule by Church Imperial right. in Since the Romanovs much the same capacity as the HRE did relative to the Papal Catholic Church, it should operated under the auspices of the Orthodox Church (seated in Constantinople) in much not be particularly of interest to see the motif repeated here. the same capacity as the HRE did relative to the Papal Catholic Church, it should not be particularly of interest to see the motif repeated here.

Here, again, is the Hapsburg eagle, presented for the purpose of a piece of political Here, again, is the Hapsburg eagle, presented for the purpose of a piece of political propaganda with text in place of the graphic elements on its shield. This should propaganda withdifference text in place of the graphic elements on its shield. This should underscore it shows Here, again, the is the Hapsburgaforementioned. eagle, presentedAlso, for the purposethe of standard a piece ofvariation political underscore the difference aforementioned. Also, it shows the standard variation between between the with motiftext withinwings wings raised on as evidence are propaganda place lowered of the and graphic elements its shield.these Thistwo should the motif with lowered and wings raised as evidence two are essentially essentially synonimous and aforementioned. interchangeable without therewith on the underscore thewings difference Also, it commentary shows these the standard variation inherent the motif. synonymous and ofinterchangeable without on these the inherent between meaning the motif with wings lowered and commentary wings raised therewith as evidence two are meaning of the motif. essentially synonimous and interchangeable without commentary therewith on the Part 3:: 33rd degree: inherent meaning of the motif. Part 3:: 33rd degree: Part 3:: 33rd degree:

The Trenchard prototype for the obverse of the United States seal. The origins The of the 33rd degree symbol Freemasonry areseal. more steeped Trenchard prototype for of theScottish obverseRite of the United States in mystery than almost any other symbol of the moral craft. For example, the exact The Trenchard prototype for the obverse of the United States seal. type of birdofillustrated thereinsymbol continues to be a debate even during these early The origins the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry are more steeped years of the twenty-first century. Many modern Masons accept it as simply an eagle, in mystery than almost any other symbol of the moral craft. For example, the exact type of bird illustrated therein continues to be a debate even during these early years of the twenty-first century. Many modern Masons accept it as simply an eagle,

The origins of the 33rd degree symbol of Scottish Rite Freemasonry are more steeped in mystery than almost any other symbol of the moral craft. For example, the exact type of bird illustrated therein continues to be a debate even during these early years of the twenty-first century. Many modern Masons accept it as simply an eagle, however many however many anti-Masons continue their derisive charge that the bird is with actually anti-Masons continue their derisive charge that the bird is actually associated the however many anti-Masons continue their derisive charge that the bird is actually associated with the Alchemical phoenix, known as Azoth. As I say, there is as of yet Alchemical phoenix, known as Azoth. As I say, there is as of yet no standard consensus, associated with the Alchemical phoenix, known as Azoth. As I say, there is as of yet no standard consensus, even between the practical historians and the speculative even between the practicaleven historians andthe thepractical speculative symbolists the Lodge no standard consensus, between historians andwithin the speculative symbologists within the Lodge itself. symbologists within the Lodge itself. itself.

It should also be noted here that the symbol of the 33rd degree is NOT, in fact, the It should also be noted here that the symbol of the 33rd degree is NOT, in fact, the symbolic of thehere Craft. While the eagle, or phoenix, is familiar fromthe a It should heraldry also be noted that the symbol of the 33rd degree is NOT,now in fact, symbolic heraldry of the Craft. While the eagle, or phoenix, is familiar now from a symbolic heraldry ofcrests the Craft. While noble the eagle, or phoenix, is familiar now from a cursory study of the of European families, the crest and arms of the Lodge cursory study of the crests of European noble families, the crest and arms of the cursory study of the crests of European noble families, the crest and arms of the are to be distinctdistinct from it. Theit.actual crest crest and arms of Masonry are Lodge are held to bedevoutly held devoutly from The actual and arms of Masonry Lodge are to be held devoutly distinct from it. Theofactual crest Lodge and arms of Masonry depicted here (on the left) with the crest and arms the Grand of England (on are depicted here (on the left) with the crest and arms of the Grand Lodge of England are depicted here (on the left) with the crest and arms of the Grand Lodge of England (onright) the right) for comparison. I feel the symbolism is, contrary tothe that of the the for comparison. I feel the symbolism of theseofis,these contrary to that of double(on the right) for comparison. I feel the symbolism of these is, contrary to that of the double-headed bird motif, so blatantly obvious that it does not evendeserve deserve further further headed bird motif, so blatantly obvious that it does not even double-headed bird motif, so blatantly obvious that it does not even deserve further commentary. commentary. commentary.

Part 4:: Eagles and Shields: Part 4:: Eagles and Shields: Part 4:: Eagles and Shields:

Appendix 1:: list of books by and about Adam Weishaupt’s Order of the Illuminati: a communique for the IOBB2. Die Illuminaten, Quellen und Text zur Aufklärungsideologie des Illuminatenordens (1776-1785) Herausgegeben von Jan Rachold. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1984. Adam Weishaupt, An Improved System of the Illuminati, Gotha: 1787. Adam Weishaupt (1748 - 1811), An Apology for the Illuminati, Gotha: 1787. Knigge, Adolph, Freiherr von (1752-1796), Freimaurer- und Illuminatenschriften. Raabe Paul [Editor] Samtliche Werke / Knigge, Adolph, Facsim. of 1781-1873 eds & transcription of MS. München, Sau: Nendeln : KTO, 1978-92. Nicolai, Christoph Friedrich (3/18/1733 - 1/8/1811), Versuch über die Besschuldigungen welch dem Tempelherrnorden gemacht worden und über dessen Geheimniss; nebst einem Anhange uber das Entstehen der Freimaurergesellschaft. [An Essay on the accusations made against the Order of Knights Templar and their mystery; with an Appendix on the origin of the Fraternity of Freemasons], Berlin: 1782. Weishaupt, Adam, Die Illuminaten : Quellen und Texte zur Aufklärungsideologie des Illuminatenordens (1776-1785) / herausgegeben von Jan Rachold. Berlin : Akademie- Verlag, 1984. 409 p. ; 20 cm. LCCN: 85111344 Weishaupt, Adam, Die Leuchte des Diogenes oder Prüfung unserer heutigen Moralität und Aufklärung. Regensburg: Montag ? Weiß 1804 [Ratisbon 1805] English translation: DiogenesÕ Lamp or an Examination of our Present-Day Morality and Enlightenment. Bloomington : The Masonic Book Club, 2008. Weishaupt, Adam, Über die Selbsterkenntnis. Ihre Hindernisse und Vorteile. Nach dem Original von 1794. [3. Aufl. hrsg. im Auftrage von Ordo Illuminatorum (u.a.) Zürich, Psychosophische Gesellschaft, 1966] 200 p. 15 cm. LCCN: 67106086. Weishaupt, Adam, Illuminatenorden. Die neuesten Arbeiten des Spartacus und Philo in dem Illuminaten-Orden jetzt zum erstenmal gedruckt und zur Beherzigung bey gegenwärtigen Zeitläuften herausgeben. [n.p.] 1794. 200, 90, 77 p. 20 cm. LCCN: 77465925. Weishaupt, Adam, Ueber die Gründe und Gewisheit der menschlichen Erkenntniss; zur Prüfung der Kantischen Critik der reinen Vernunft. Nürnberg, in der Grattenauerischen Buchhandlung, 1788. [Bruxelles, Culture et Civilisation, 1969] 204 p. 19 cm. LCCN: 73357961. Weishaupt, Adam, Apologie der Illuminaten ... Frankfurth und Leipzig [i.e. Nürnberg] In der Grattenauerischen Buchhandlung, 1786. p. cm. Zweifel über die Kantischen Begriffe von Zeit und Raum. LCCN: 09011125. Weishaupt, Adam, Zweifel über die Kantischen Begriffe von Zeit und Raum. Nürnberg, 1788. [Bruxelles, Culture et Civilisation, 1968] 120 p. 19 cm. LCCN: 79459272.

Appendix 2:: list of websites relevant to the modern IO: a communique for the IOBB2. real sites for legitimate info: (general information) (a Masonic website covers the Masonic view of the IO) (maintained by Terry Melanson, author of the book, Perfectibilists) bogus sites for sham propaganda: (Rick and Tawnie Shipley) (Wes Penre) (Gabriel Lopez de Rojas) Sites for whistleblowers and theorists: (the IOBB3 reprints from on facebook) (Ciphers and Symbols of the IO by Luis Goncalves)

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