Space Weather Apocalypse

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“Space Weather Apocalypse� by Jonathan Barlow Gee is copyright by Jonathan Barlow Gee on this, October 5th, 2009. this is a publication of:

:: Table of Contents :: Book 1: UFOs and EBEs Arecibo Reply page 3

General Protocol for Human / Alien Contact page 7

Project SERPO RELEASE 27a - Reagan Briefing page 13

Book 2: the planets ice ages, sunspots and precession page 40

Mars page 45

Jupiter... and beyond.... page 52

the Black Sun page 54

Book 3: dated events 1999 and collective consciousness of critical mass page 76

Grand Cross 5/5/2000 page 88

Galactic Alignment page 101

Apophis in 2012 page 115

insanity clause #23: Please do not share with others the web addresses for direct download from my site that are for sale there. However, once you have a copy of any one of my works, you are allowed, byJonathan Gee, the author of said work, to copy it and distribute it freely. If you claim you wrote it, or that you came up with the ideas for it yourself, you should be challenged to determine if you can prove your claim with knowledge of the material superior to my own. If you can, I will concede the work to your credit, but if you cannot, then the work will remain both of ours to teach and give to whom we choose.

:: The Summons :: The Arecibo message was beamed into space a single time (not repeated) via frequency modulated radio waves at a ceremony to mark the remodeling of the Arecibo radio telescope on 16 November 1974. It was aimed at the globular star cluster M13 some 25,000 light years away because M13 was a large and close collection of stars that was available in the sky at the time and place of the ceremony. The message consisted of 1679 binary digits, approximately 210 bytes, transmitted at a frequency of 2380 MHz and modulated by shifting the frequency by 10 Hz, with a power of 1000 kW. The "ones" and "zeroes" were transmitted by frequency shifting at the rate of 10 bits per second. The total broadcast was less than three minutes. The cardinality of 1679 was chosen because it is a semiprime (the product of two prime numbers), to be arranged rectangularly as 73 rows by 23 columns. The alternate arrangement, 23 rows by 73 columns, produces jumbled nonsense. The message forms the image shown on the right, or its inverse, when translated into graphics characters and spaces. - source: Encounter 2001 For three days in late May of 1999, a second radio message was deliberately beamed into the cosmos. The so-called Cosmic Call was placed by a commercial company based in Houston, Texas - Encounter 2001 LLC - and used the 70 meter radio telescope at Evpatoriya, in the Ukraine. That telescope is part of the Russian Deep Space Network, and the broadcast was arranged by a couple of Canadian astronomers. The telescope time was purchased for $35,000. The broadcast, which was made in 2.5 hour increments over four days, was, once again, a binary coded image, very much like the 1974 Arecibo message. It describes the solar system, earthly life, and some simple mathematical relationships. The 1974 Arecibo message is also being re-sent by Cosmic Call. The targets of the broadcast are four nearby stars, roughly 60 light-years distant. The Cosmic Call is part of a larger commercial operation by Encounter 2001 that will include launching a small spacecraft bearing photos, hair follicles, and other personal paraphernalia from customers. The company also rockets cremated remains into space, again on a commercial basis. Two more Cosmic Calls are being planned by the company for the near future. - source: - reference: (official website of the Houston company) - reference: (encounter 2001not mentioned by Cornell Univ celebrating 25 years of Arecibo)

- photo source: On Sunday, August 19, 2001, a very interesting crop formation appeared within a wheat field near Wherwell, Hampshire, England. It appeared on the grounds of the Chilbolton radio telescope facility, a site of some previous interesting formations. - source: The numbers 1 to 10 appear exactly the same in the formation. However the atomic numbers indicating the prevalent elements making up life on Earth, has an additional value inserted into the binary sequence. This is precisely added in the correct location, and in the original binary code (therefore it can't be a mistake). Decoding from the crop formation, this additional element has an atomic number of 14 = Silicon. Moving down, the next change is an obvious one - consisting of an extra strand on the left side of the DNA double-helix. Another, less obvious, change is in the binary coding of the number of nucleotides in DNA itself (in the center). If you look in the diagram above, I've highlighted the changes more accurately on the right, by using red squares and outlines to indicate which 'digits' have been changed in the crop formation.

There are quite significant changes to the shape of the humanoid, which becomes almost 'alien-like' and to the diagram of the Arecibo dish. For clarity, I've not bothered going over these in red because the differences are easily apparent. Either side of what is now an ET, there are changes to both the 'population' figure and also the height value. The latter is now 1000 in binary, or 8. If we multiply this by the original 'wavelength unit' we get 8*12.6cm = 100.8cm which is roughly 3'4" interesting, because this would correlate with ET witness accounts. Below this we notice additional changes to the Solar System chart. The third planet from the sun is not the only one 'highlighted' now. The fourth and fifth are as well. The fifth even appears to be emphasised even more, with three additional 'pixels'. Lastly, what was representative of the Arecibo transmitter in the original message is even more cryptic and would imply a diagrammatic version of the formation which appeared in the same field at Chilbolton last year, in 2000. This can be viewed in my database, reference uk2000ee. The binary code for the size of the transmitter is also altered. I'll leave the reader to work out the new value.... - source: The Arecibo "reply" crop circle is based on a set of 23 binary columns and 74 rows.

1) Arecibo Message: Nov. 16, 1974 2) "Wow" signal: Aug. 15, 1977 3) Encounter 2001 Message: May, 1999 4) Arecibo "reply": Aug. 19, 2001 As always, PEACE! - Jon - source: (GENERAL)PROTOCOL (FOR) HUMAN-ALIEN CONTACT Quote: First Assessments: A1) Immediate Impact of Encounter: Assess two-way threat potential. Does the alien life form/entity (whether singular or collective in number or structure) and/or its accompanying technology, appear to pose an imminent threat or possibly cause harm to human life? Conversely, does human life and/or its accompanying technology appear to pose a threat or cause harm to the alien life form/entity? (Hereafter, the initials 'AE' will designate the alien entity, 'HE' will designate the human entity). A1a) Course of Action: If it is perceived or verified that harmful impact, whether mutual or unilateral, is imminent or likely, action must be taken to separate the HE from the AE. Practicality must dictate efficiency: if it is more practical to retreat from the AE, then it should be done. In general, withdrawing from the AE is the best option. (It is always advised to treat any AE as a potential source of unknown micro-organisms and/or pathogens. Conversely, it is advisable to assume that any HE is a potential source of said contaminants.). [1] If it is more practical to separate the AE from the HE, then this must be done. If the AE is/appears to be cellular/multi-cellular, constructing an artificial environment for it may be required. (To this end, anti-contamination/prophylactic {radiation, toxin, contagion, etc} procedures must be utilized.) However, any action intended to separate the AE from the HE could cause harm to the AE or possibly be interpreted as hostile or threatening. Perturbation of an unknown AE should only occur as a last strategy. [2] If conditions do not permit a retreat, or, alternately, if separation and/or isolation of the AE is not possible, and a potential impact/threat arises, a defensive posture or formation may be necessary. In such an event, self-preservation tends to dictate action. However, it is imperative to long-term survival advantage to exercise extreme discipline in choosing to take any defensive course. Action taken to cease a lifethreatening attack should always follow the martial art dictum: Hurt rather than maim. Maim rather than kill. [3] If injury or death of an HE occurs as a result of contact, and upon withdrawal no more injuries/deaths occur, then the incident was most likely accidental and/or a self-defense response. In which case, retaliatory actions are excluded from consideration. [4]

It is presumed that aggressive and/or martial engagement of any AE, or collective of AE's, is fundamentally excluded from consideration, except where the absolute survival of all involved HE's is imminently actionable [see A1 notes]. If, however, a long-term threat is perceived/assessed, then the HE should suspend contact indefinitely, but may be advised to monitor (remotely) the AE. [5] A1a NOTES: Assessments of a long-term threat may prove difficult/problematic in term threat may be operant but not apparent. This will remain human/alien encounters. In general, we may presume that if a relationship or mutualism emerges after initial contact, this will tend to survival/evolutionary needs of both the HE and AE, and should be possible, until such future assessments can be made again. [1]

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If first contact occurs on the 'home' or native world of the HE [earth or established colony], and the contact has been assessed to be threatening to the HE, then clearly survival must be the primary determinant of action, but always tempered with the previously stated protocols. [2] All perception is limited, imperfect, and subject to error and illusion. Thus, assessments made on the basis of this perception are similarly qualified, and must be tempered with re-consideration and oversight. Truthful apprehension of the phenomena of nature begins with the thought: it appears to me. For, it is often true that things are not as they first seem. [3] A1b) The impact of separation must now be assessed. Is there any change in the status of the AE? (Does the AE possess motility? What is its morphology? {static, dynamic, periodic changes, etc.} Is there any organic/technologic functioning operant? Does the potential for further contact/research/observation still exist?) [1] If there appears to be no immediate impact upon first encounter, and the impact of separation is low or nil, then proceed to the next assessment. [2] A1b) NOTES: It is possible that, in the process of exploration, a site may be discovered that appears to have been occupied by one or more AE's. This is a problematic situation. The drive to explore/study must be weighed against the imperative of minimal impact/interference, as well as the potential for danger to the HE. [1] In such an event, one should always look for signs of recent occupancy/activity. (waste products, artifacts, etc.) Forensic evidence may be collected with great caution (see: A1a [2], A3b). If the physical dimensions of the site are extensive, exploratory efforts may be divided at significant risk. Reliable remote communications capability is mandatory in any such exploratory efforts. [2] If the site is determined to be a nest or lair of some sort, its location must be noted, and it then becomes imperative at that time to withdraw from the site, until such time that conditions/signs of low-risk are ideal. If the practical possibility and minimal impact exists, remote viewing/monitoring (audio/visual/thermal/motion) should be considered. [3] A2) The Environment: Assess the nature of the environment in which the contact, or

the potential for contact, will occur. Is the initial encounter in space, on surface terrain, liquid, gas, or other/unknown medium? [1] Is the environment generic (generally conducive to life-support) to human life or alien life, or both? If not, what are its apparent adaptations to this environment? What are yours? What are the geological, biological, chemical, and climatological conditions under which the alien life form currently exists? Is there any change in environmental conditions? Does any such change pose a threat/obstacle to contact? [2] Does the presence of either the HE or the AE, and/or either's accompanying technology, diminish/augment, interfere/obstruct, or in some way impact upon this environment? (If impact is deemed harmful, revert to A1) Assess the present environmental conditions (and if possible, the optimal conditions) and their influence/impact on human-alien contact. How do present environmental conditions appear to be impacting on the present states {positive + negative} of the alien and human forms (Are life-support demands being imposed by environmental conditions?). [3] Always consider/assess the impact of waste discharge/disposal upon the environment. EM Field interference (or other force/radiation interference) and its probable impact/effect will need to be determined. (This will require the appropriate technological instruments whose impact will need to be assessed.) What is the longterm environmental impact of the HE/AE presence? Often, these will be subjective, qualified determinations, but one's which must be considered. Whenever it is possible, and to the best of one's capabilities, always minimize one's impact. [4] A3) The Compatibility of Means of Contact or Communication: In assessing the compatibility of means of contact/communication, it must be understood that one is really assessing one's own consciousness. As such, numerous assumptions come into play. But for the purposes of initial contact/communication, certain fundamental distinctions must be made: does it appear as though the AE possesses means of communication (sensory organs/appendages/interfaces, cerebroid mass, {bio}technological means, other, etc.)? [1] In general, we may infer that the assessed sophistication of means of communication is a relative gauge of the range of adaptive intelligence of the AE. [2] A3) NOTES: Given the immensity of interstellar distances, it is highly probable that first contact will occur via computer, or computer-assisted technology (probe, etc.). Communication therefore will be limited by the structural congruence of the computational systems involved. The AE may be utilizing a technological device that serves the same purpose/function as a computer, yet it may have had an entirely different developmental history. Also, the time lag between sender and receiver, as well as the rate of data exchange/processing, must be assessed to determine the most significant and appropriate message/response/form of communication (language or interface). [1] It may be presumed that any AE that is of sufficient intelligence and technological capability to anticipate alien contact, would also provide or enable one or more means of bridging the two technological interfaces, e.g., providing a primer, or heuristic for language analysis. [2]

It should be noted that any message sent to any AE will be ambiguous, to some degree. Development of an unambiguous message is highly problematic, with the very notion based upon multiple assumptions. However, it may be argued that any highly advanced AE would be able to understand that a signal/message is an attempt to communicate, and would therefore take steps to understand the message. But this is human logic, not alien logic. [3] A3a) A distinction must be made concerning rudimentary communicative capabilities. This requires some practical standard against which to gauge. Human communication capabilities must therefore be used as a gauge: does the AE appear to have communication capability less than, equal to/congruent with (visual/audial/chemical sensory modes, etc.), or superior/wholly different to the HE capability that is present? Does the AE appear to be communicating? (Sounds, movements, periodic/sporadic changes). Does the AE utilize/exhibit a spoken/written (audial/visual) language? Can you identify any language key or primer for decoding/translating this language? Conversely, can your language be encoded/translated into the AE's language system? A3a) NOTE: There is the possibility that the AE may possess one or more paranormal/telepathic/ "psi" abilities, especially if the AE has been assessed as possessing means of communication that is superior to the HE. The operational potential or presence of any such abilities must be assessed (If necessary, revert to the Immediate Impact protocol, A1). A3b) When assessing the possibility of communication, especially in the case of a capability assessed as inferior to the present HE capability, or apparently incongruent with the assessing consciousness, tests must be devised, data collected, records kept. Tests, if any, must be performed with extreme caution (Analysis of non visual spectra, EMF intensity/flux, molecular/chemical analysis {non invasive, if alive, prophylactic, if dead*} see Immediate Impact, "separation...", etc. A1). *A3b) NOTE: The determination of what may be described as a "life state" or "death state" natural to any AE may prove difficult. The AE may possess an estivation or hibernatorial stage, or a defensive catatonic response, or a completely different temporal mode of being, making such absolute determinations difficult {review A1 [1-4]}. A3b) IMPORTANT NOTE: An unintentional/accidental communicative event or exchange may occur spontaneously or immediately upon first encounter. In this event, the second assessment (A2), unavoidably, will be by-passed until it is practical or imperative to make such assessments. A3.1) Consequent Mode of Communication Selection: If means and capacity (i.e., if the AE is not injured/impaired, see A1) for communication are assessed to be congruent* between the HE and AE, the task then becomes identifying the optimum mode of communication. [1] In the absence of signs or instructive signals from the AE to communicate within a specific mode, and given that it is the HE which desires to communicate (see A5 Motivation And Relationship Forming), it is incumbent upon the HE to adapt its exploratory efforts to the assessed means of contact/communication of the AE. (If the AE appears to have light spectra sensory capability, then forms of visible light-based

communication may be explored) This may not be obvious through simple observation in that sensory apparata may be covered, hidden, or unrecognizable. The AE may have comparable visual-sensory apparata, yet it may be adapted to different conditions and may have evolved under different selective pressures (see A2). [2] A3.1a) If the AE has been assessed as being superior in adaptive intelligence and means of communication, and also having been assessed as benign, then communication might first be initiated by the AE. However, such an AE may be acting upon a similar ethical principle of non-interference or minimal impact and may wait for communication from the HE, or its technological aid (computer messaging system, probe/satellite, robot/AI-form {see A3a,A3b,A3c, etc.). In such a case, the AE may provide a primer for one or more congruent modes of communication (see A3). If not, and if the AE seems to be making no clear instructive signs, then trial and error is the only way of proceeding. [1] Always bear in mind that any assessed superior life-form may still be harmed and/or impacted by any 'less' intelligent entity, through an accident/mistake in the course of the interaction. On a potentially less severe level, sometimes this will be an error in the use/misuse of language that initiates a negative and/or unhelpful response. This is natural in any case where translation/interpretation of a foreign language is operant. Such an event is also an opportunity to assess the social intelligence of the AE [e.g., its 'sense of humor']. [2] A3) *GENERAL NOTE: The term 'congruency' refers to a range of compatibility in communicative potential. The AE may be roughly equivalent to the cognitive capacity of a human child of the age of four, but perhaps lacking auditory (low EM wavelength) perceptual capacity. Alternately, the AE may possess slightly higher cognitive capacities and may possess an additional sensory organ and/or extended range of sensing. One must always be aware that in assessing any new species/life form [assessed as being 'congruent'], said AE will likely be engaged in similar assessments of you, and by extension, your species. A3.2) Establishing Communication: If a direct form of communication has been established, whether rudimentory or advanced, whether auditory, visual {this includes more sophisticated forms such as symbolic representation or logic}, or tactile {or other sensory modality, see A1a [1]}, and the communicative environment is assessed to be non-threatening/hostile, then the acquiring of basic categories of information about the AE {and presumably the HE} should typically follow the following agenda: a) identity, b)purpose, c)needs, d) plans. [1] a) 'Identity' means: to establish a basic form of indication {or distinction} enabling reference to both the HE and AE {verbal/visual names, symbols, or signs}. Once such basic indicators have been established, a more complete identification of the AE is necessary. What is the status/role/position of the AE in regards to its own kind? Is the AE a leader or representative of its kind? Alternately, is the AE a 'rogue', 'outcast' [see: A1a [2], or refugee of some kind? Despite the conventional human command posed in science fiction of "take me to your leader", it is advisable to gather as much information about the AE before seeking/requesting contact with its 'leadership'. If, however, the AE has communicated clearly that it is a scout/ambassador or representative of its species/kind, then this issue of leadership should be addressed. It is presumed that the HE is an 'ambassador' for earth. [2]

b) 'Purpose' means determining the specific and general reasons that the AE has come to be where it is. This can be problematic in that such determinations will often involve the AE's cultural reality {war}, beliefs {religion}, and/or customs. Alternately, the AE may have what is akin to a human scientific agenda/purpose. Such a possibility may provide a valuable opportunity for cooperation/collaboration. [3] c) 'Needs' means the survival requirements of the AE. Needs assessments will typically follow from purpose assessments. An AE may have need to be where it is due to the presence of one or more resourses upon which it depends. This can also be an important opportunity to establish a cooperative/beneficial 'relationship' and/or trust {see A5}. It is important to be thorough in assessing the needs of the AE to avoid potential sources of conflict {see A4}. [4] d) 'Plans' means the method{s} or strategies for securing its needs {see A4}. Needs assessments will require more advancement in communication, as well as mutual trust. An AE may be reluctant to communicate its plans, or may be so without communication with others of its kind, or those which it represents. Alternately, the AE may have no such plans in that in may be self-sustaining {via technological or organo-sructural means}, or simply engaged in its version of a 'pleasure trip' or 'vacation'. [5] Subsequent Assessments A4) Assessment of Survival Strategies and Priorities: In the event that contact and compatibility of means of communication has been assessed, and whether or not the AE possesses a congruent consciousness and communication has been established {see A3.2,}, more detailed assessments of the AE in question must be made. This is particularly so with AEs that are assessed to be incongruent with the HE's consciousness or ontological structure. It is presumed here that all life-forms, whether possessing an analogous physiologic nature (an analogous genetic "code" or replication memory structure) to the HE, or not, have evolved under selective pressure(s) of some kind (Knowledge of the indigenous conditions of the AE's native world will aid in identifying these pressures). Some information in this regard may be collected via the First Assessments Protocol {A1}. However, no such assessments, no matter how thorough/detailed, can accurately ascertain the full and true nature of the AE. [1] Given the above presumption, what are the survival strategies of the AE? Basic (exo)biological needs must be determined. It is likewise presumed that all life forms require the intake/extraction/utilization of energy of some kind in order to function, and that all life forms have developed strategies to obtain/secure said energy needs. Given this, what are the energy sources/resources required by the AE? (bio-chemical, thermal, electro-magnetic, nuclear, etc.) What are the AE's strategies for securing its energy needs/resources? [2] We further presume that all life forms (unitary organisms) possess some means of autopoiesis (self-replication/regulation), although such means may not be obvious or immediately discoverable. What are the reproductive/replication needs of the AE? What strategies does the AE utilize to insure reproduction (e.g., long-term, heteromorphic cycles)? How do these strategies impact upon the HE? [3] Can the short and/or long-term survival strategies of the AE be determined? Can advantages/disadvantages to the HE be assessed? If such assessments can not be made

at the present time, and communication with the AE is not/no longer operant or possible, then a committment to long-term study/analysis may be required. Remote viewing/sensing is often the best method of achieving this end (see A1b NOTE, paragraph [3]). [4] Are the AE/HE strategies for autopoiesis or energy resource appropriation/utilization in conflict or competition with each other? Can this conflict/competition be successfully resolved? (see A2The Environment and A6Legal Considerations) If not, see A1a Course of Action, paragraph [5]). [5] A4) GENERAL NOTE: The above stated presumptions are based upon the high probability of universal evolution, that is, that the mechanisms and processess defined by modern evolutionary biology (such as 'life-data storage unit' [gene] variable/mutative potential, autopoiesis, adaptation [physical/cultural/psychological], and natural/artificial selection) are operant in some analogous manner, whether in aggregate or in part, on all life-sustaining/generating worlds. However, there is always the possibility of encountering/discovering an AE that has originated through entirely different ontological mechanisms/processes (inclusive of secondorder or emergent entities akin to human robotic or artificial life-forms) which will warrant critical new study, and possibly the reframing of some or all of the stated assessments in this protocol. - source: - source: Quote: The complete debriefing is contained in: "PROJECT SERPO," Final Report-80HQD893020, classified TS, Codeword. Ask [Rick] Doty about that report because I think it is an OSI report. Paul [McGovern] should be commenting on this since he was involved in the debriefing. - source: RELEASE 27a - Reagan Briefing Quote: Transcript of classified tape recording made at Camp David, Maryland during a presidential briefing regarding the subject of UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS and EXTRATERRESTRIAL VISITATION of EARTH. President RONALD REAGAN was present. The recording was made between March 6 and 8, 1981. WILLIAM CASEY: Mr President, good morning. As we discussed in February, this briefing contains some very sensational and some very, very classified information. I am not sure, oh, well, I'm not going to make a decision on who you want in the room. That will be your decision, Mr President. This will be a real tough one to follow since the briefing starts back, historically speaking, that is, and runs up to recent times. I believe we have prepared a good chronological order of events. I'm sure you, Mr President, will have many questions. The this this this

list of questions presented to me by ADVISER #2 should all be answered during briefing. I hope they are, more than anyone, especially you, Mr President, leave briefing with questions still unanswered. I have asked The Caretaker to conduct briefing. He is a contract employee of the CIA and is the present custodian of the

information. Are we to assume that everyone is present? PRESIDENT: Well, it will be entirely up to you, Bill. I guess everyone must be cleared for this briefing of information, is that not correct? WM CASEY: Well, it appears everyone is, but as you will see Mr President, this stuff is pretty high up on the food chain. We call it ATS or "Above Top Secret." This stuff has its own classification and markings. We have a special container, special printers and copiers for this stuff. Every word of this material is printed on special paper then placed inside special covers. The caretakers have taken special efforts to protect all of this stuff from being released inadvertently or copied by some unauthorized person. But all of this material is protected by a special group of people. The Caretaker is in charge of protecting this information and all of the other stuff associated with this information. I would prefer that you, Mr President, decide on who you want in this room. Remember, this material is a closely guarded secret. Although the gist of the story has been out there for many years, very little of the ACTUAL TRUTH has ever been released to the public. Oh, yes, well, by some of the renegades maybe, but many of them have been discredited. PRESIDENT: OK, Bill, I guess we need ADVISER #1, you, ADVISER #3 and Caspar here. I think ADVISER #2 and Michael can leave. ADVISER #2: Mr President, excuse me, but I would prefer to leave. I don't wish to know this information. You know, plausible denial or something like that. MICHAEL DEAVER: Mr President, whatever you wish, I'll do. It would be an interesting subject, but do I really have a need to know? No, I don't think so. PRESIDENT: OK, I guess that is it. WM CASEY: Thank you, Mr President. I will now turn the briefing over to The Caretaker. ADVISER #3: Mr President, and Mr Director, I already had this briefing. I can stay or leave. Secretary Weinberger and myself received this a few weeks ago. SECRETARY WEINBERGER: Mr President, as you know, we have some pending business regarding that Soviet problem in Berlin. I think we might just handle that. ADVISER #3 and I will let you close this meeting to just a few. PRESIDENT: OK, Casp, I guess you and ADVISER #3 can leave. Thanks for coming. WM CASEY: OK, Mr President, that certainly narrows the audience. I think this is just right. PRESIDENT: OK, well, I can't wait to hear this. Let's proceed. The CARETAKER: Good morning, Mr President. First of all, I would like to give you a bit of information on my background. But before that, please, Mr President, if you have questions during this briefing, just interrupt me, sir. I have been employed by the CIA for the past 31 years. I started the caretaking status of this project in 1960. We have a special group of people whom we call "Group 6," that cares for all this

information. PRESIDENT: Good morning, I hope, well, I believe I will ask questions. Bill briefed me back in January, but I'm not sure ... huh ... well, was it detailed, no, I don't think so ... huh ... OK, well I'm sure Bill didn't tell me all 'cause we only had about one hour. WM CASEY: Mr President, I only gave you a quick briefing for the NSDD (National Security Decision Directives) that we want to incorporate into the overall action directives about this subject. ADVISER #3, Caspar and I have details far beyond what I knew before January. The last administration wasn't too keen on making all of this stuff accessible to us during the briefings in November and December. PRESIDENT: Well, I knew a little about this subject before. Back in 1970. Nixon had all of the good stuff and wanted to share it with some of his friends. Nixon showed me some papers. Not sure about who authored them, but they ... huh ... well something about New Mexico and other places. Nixon was pretty ... huh ... well, you know, fascinated with it. He showed me something, some kind of object or device that came from one of their craft. Something that was taken from the New Mexico crash site. I don't know if, well ... huh ... do we know what it was? I don't think we knew or maybe now, after 11 years, we might know. The CARETAKER: Mr President, I can answer some of those questions. Do you wish for me to begin? PRESIDENT: Oh, well, what level is this? I mean, what was it called? I don't remember what they called this. WM CASEY: Mr President, codeword. It's called Top Secret Codeword. This information is beyond Top Secret as I said before. It has its own classification. It is very compartmentalized. PRESIDENT: Well, I guess just the minimum. Are we recording this? The CARETAKER: Mr President, no, unless you wish. WM CASEY: Yes, it is [CIA FEMALE TRANSCRIBER] who is doing that. I think we should. I don't want to make any mistakes later about this. ADVISER #4 should also stay, since he is one of the caretakers of the information. PRESIDENT: Well, I don't want anyone leaking this stuff. Not knowing what we are about to discuss ... huh ... oh, well, Bill I guess it is your call. ADVISER #4 should stay. I guess he should ... huh ... oh, OK, well, you make the call, Bill. WM CASEY: OK, I guess ADVISER #4 will stay. But I think [CIA FEMALE TRANSCRIBER] must stay. I'll make that call. PRESIDENT: OK, I guess we can do our business first, give me a few minutes. Let's get some food first, or snacks. How long will ... huh .... oh, about one hour? The CARETAKER: Mr President, I estimate this will last about one hour, at least the first part of it. This is a very complicated subject to brief. I can do it, but maybe the questions will extend [beyond the first] the time period. PRESIDENT: OK, I see. Let's take a break and then reconvene.

(Break) The CARETAKER: OK, Mr President, are we ready? PRESIDENT: Yes, we are, let's go. The CARETAKER: Mr President, as was mentioned earlier, I must say, that this briefing has the highest classification within the U.S. government. I will start with a slide presentation. I have most of this briefing on the slides, but I also have an outline that I have passed out to each [person] in attendance. PRESIDENT: Oh, OK, so are we ... can we follow it with the [outline] paper? The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, you can follow the briefing with the outline in front of you. PRESIDENT: Thank you. The CARETAKER: The United States of America has been visited by Extraterrestrial Visitors since 1947. We have proof of that. However, we also have some proof that Earth has been visited for many THOUSANDS OF YEARS by various races of Extraterrestrial Visitors. Mr President, I'll just refer to those visits as ETs. In July, 1947, a remarkable event occurred in New Mexico. During a storm, two ET spacecraft crashed. One crashed southwest of Corona, New Mexico and one crashed near Datil, New Mexico. The U.S. Army eventually found both sites and recovered all of the debris and one live Alien. I'll refer to this live Alien as "EBE 1." PRESIDENT: What does that mean? Do we have codes or a special terminology for this? The CARETAKER: Mr President, EBE means "Extraterrestrial Biological Entity." It was a code designated to this creature by the U.S. Army back in those days. This creature was not human and we had to decide on a term for it. So, scientists designated the creature as EBE 1. We also referred to it as "Noah." There was different terminology used by various aspects of the U.S. military and intelligence community back then. PRESIDENT: Do we or did we have others? The number "1" would seem to indicate we had others. The CARETAKER: Yes, we had others. Back then, the term was EBE and no number designation. We'll explain how the others came into our knowledge. PRESIDENT: OK, sorry, I was just wondering and I guess, well, I'm sure the briefing will cover this. Please continue. The CARETAKER: All the debris and EBEs recovered from the first crash site were taken to Roswell Army Air Field, Roswell, New Mexico. EBE was treated for some minor injuries and then taken to Los Alamos National Laboratories, which was the safest and most secure location in the world. Special accommodations were made for EBE. The debris was eventually transferred to Dayton, Ohio, home of the Air Force Foreign Technology Division. The second crash site wasn't discovered until 1949 by some ranchers. There were no live Aliens at this site. All this debris went to Sandia Army Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico. PRESIDENT: OK, a question, regarding the first site, how many aliens were in the

spaceship? The CARETAKER: Five (5) dead aliens and one (1) alive. The bodies of the dead aliens were transported to Wright Field in Ohio and kept in a form of deep freeze. They were later transported to Los Alamos where special containers were made to keep the bodies from decaying. There were four (4) dead aliens in the second crash site. Those bodies were in an advanced state of decaying. They had been in the desert for the past two (2) years. Animals and time got to those bodies. The remains were transported to Sandia Base and eventually onto Los Alamos. We determined both crashed spaceships were of similar design and the bodies of the aliens were all identical. They looked exactly the same. They had the same height, weight and physical features. Here are the photographs of the aliens. (Pause) PRESIDENT: Can we classify them? I mean can we ... well, connect them with anything Earthly? The CARETAKER: No, Mr President. They don't have any similar characteristics of a human, with exception of there eyes, ears and a mouth. Their internal body organs are different. Their skin is different, their eyes, ears and even breathing is different. Their blood wasn't red and their brain was entirely different from human. We could not classify any part of the Aliens with humans. They had blood and skin, although considerably different than human skin. Their eyes had two different eyelids. Probably because their home planet was very bright. PRESIDENT: Maybe I'm getting ahead, but do we know where they came from? Mars, our system or where? The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, we do know where they come from. I can go into this now, or I can wait until it comes up in the briefing. PRESIDENT: No, no, please, continue. I can wait. The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. EBE stayed alive until 1952 when it died. We learned a great deal from EBE. Although EBE did not have voice organs like humans, it was able to communicate with an operation performed by military doctors. EBE was extremely intelligent. It learned English quickly, mainly by listening to the military personnel who were responsible for EBE's safety and care. EBE was housed in a special area at Los Alamos and Sandia Base. Although many different military doctors, scientists and a select number of civilians studied EBE, it never became upset or angry. EBE helped us learn from all the items found in the two crash sites. EBE showed us how some of the items worked, such as a communications device. It also showed us how various other devices worked. PRESIDENT: Excuse me, but you are referring to this creature as an IT. Did it have a gender? The CARETAKER: I'm sorry Mr President, but yes, it was male. Within EBE's race they had males and females. PRESIDENT: OK, thank you. Please continue.

The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. EBE died of what military doctors considered natural causes. I don't think we could really state exactly why EBE died. Although we had five (5) years to study EBE, we didn't have any standards to compare EBE's body with standard medical observations. It was difficult to lose EBE, since it was the most interesting thing we as humans could receive and study. A visitor from another planet ... ANOTHER WORLD. EBE did explain where he lives in the universe. We call this star system Zeta Reticuli, which is about 40 light-years [38.42] from Earth. EBE's planet was within this star system. PRESIDENT: OK, where is this in comparison to something we all know? The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, our closet star is four light-years away. I can show you the constellation it is in. [Alpha Centauri, a yellow star, is the brightest star in the constellation Centaurus, 4.3 light-years away] PRESIDENT: No, I wouldn't know much about astronomy. I just thought I could understand the distance. How long did it take this spaceship to get here? The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, I can tell you now or we can discuss that in another briefing. As Mr Casey said, this is a complicated subject because there are many levels of compartmentalization. This briefing is just the basic information about a visit to our planet by one particular alien race. PRESIDENT: Well ... huh ... what, am I to understand ... this isn't a full briefing? WM CASEY: Mr President, we have different levels of stuff. If we mix it up, I don't think it will make sense, nor will we have time this morning. I understand you have a busy schedule today. PRESIDENT: As the President of the United States, I should know EVERYTHING, right, or shouldn't I? If I am to assume this was a briefing of substance, then I should hear ALL of it. I think this is more important than some other things on my daily calendar. But maybe I'm jumping the gun. If there are some things I shouldn't know, please tell me. WM CASEY: No, no, Mr President, I didn't mean you shouldn't know this stuff. I simply meant we should proceed in an orderly fashion as to the briefing. But it is up to you. We will not hold anything back. PRESIDENT: ADVISER #1, what do you think? Do you know about all this? ADVISER #1: Mr President, yes, I was briefed many times on this subject matter. As Director Casey stated, this is a very, very complicated subject. I think it took me about one year to be fully briefed into all aspects of this matter. There are different areas. The initial crash, an investigative period, some attempt at contact, A DISINFORMATION OPERATION to protect this matter and several other levels. PRESIDENT: Oh, wow, I didn't realize how complicated this was. I'm new at [all of] this. I have a great responsibility to the citizens of this nation to make decisions based on accurate information presented by my advisers ... YOU, ALL of you. I won't interfere in your presentation of this information. So, I guess, we'll proceed in the order you have chosen. I'm sorry for interrupting in this presentation, but as a person who is

interested beyond belief in this, I'll just shut up and wait to ask questions. WM CASEY: Mr President. No, no, please ask any questions you wish. You are the President. We are not here to argue with you over the order of this briefing. But some things are SO HIGHLY CLASSIFIED that THIS BRIEFING IS THE LOWEST LEVEL. If you ask a question that is in a different level, then we will have to re-evaluate the audience. ADVISER #1: Mr President. Everything we know about Alien visitation to Earth is contained in 16 (sixteen) volumes of binders. These binders contain thousands of pages. We can give you anything you wish but, as Director Casey said, we must evaluate the clearances of each person listening to our responses. PRESIDENT: OK, I now understand. Give me whatever you want and I'll continue to ask questions. But if you need me to wait on an answer, just tell me. WM CASEY: OK, Mr President we will do that. I still don't know the entire story. I have read one tenth of one binder and have hundreds of questions. PRESIDENT: OK, let's continue. The CARETAKER: Mr President, thank you for those responses. I will answer any question, if I can. But if the question is above this level, then Director Casey will have to make that decision for me. PRESIDENT: I fully understand, please continue. The CARETAKER: It took the EBE spaceship nine (9) of our months to travel the 40 [38.42] light-years. Now, as you can see, that would mean the EBE spaceship traveled faster than the speed of light. But, this is where it gets really technical. Their spaceships can travel through a form of "space tunnels" that gets them from point "A" to point "B" faster without having to travel at the speed of light. I cannot fully understand how they travel, but we have many top scientists who can understand their concept. PRESIDENT: Well, I certainly couldn't understand the science in that. Is it a black hole? The CARETAKER: Mr President, something like that, but much more complicated. PRESIDENT: Do they get here ... no never mind, please continue. [unintelligible] WM CASEY: Mr President, I can assure we know how they do it, but we can't do it. PRESIDENT: OK. (several speaking at once) The CARETAKER: As to some history. The original project, started back in 1947, was called "Project GLEEM." This project contained volumes of documented information collected from the beginning of our investigation of UFOs and Identified Alien Craft, or "IAC." The project was originally established in the early '50s by, first President Truman and then by order of President Eisenhower, under control of the National Security Council. President Truman established a group of people to handle this project. The group was called Majority 12 or "MJ-12."

In 1966, the project's name was changed to "Aquarius." The project was funded by confidential ["black world"] funds appropriated within the intelligence community's budget. The recovery of these alien spacecraft led the United States on an extensive investigative program to determine whether these aliens posed a direct threat to our National Security. As you might remember, Mr President, our country openly investigated UFO sightings under projects Grudge, Sign and finally Blue Book. The original mission of the Air Force program was to collect and analyze all reported sightings and incidents involving UFOs and then determine whether the information could be interpreted as having any bearing on the national security of the United States. Some information was evaluated with the idea of using the gained data to advance our own space technology and future space programs. About 90% of the estimated 12,000 reports analyzed by the Air Force under Blue Book were considered hoaxes, explained aerial phenomena or astronomical objects. The other 10% were considered legitimate alien sightings and/or incidents. However, not all UFO sightings or incidents were reported under the Air Force programs of Grudge, Sign and Blue Book. In 1953, Project Gleem initiated its own investigative detail and certain sightings were reported directly under Gleem rather than one of the other projects. Project Gleem, which became "Project AQUARIUS" in 1966, was a parallel reporting system for UFO sightings and incidents. Reports collected under Project Aquarius were considered actual sightings of alien spacecraft or actual contacts with alien life forms. We recovered two alien spacecraft from New Mexico. Both were heavily damaged, but we were able to examine them. The two craft were considered technological marvels by our scientists. However, the operating instrumentation was so advanced that our scientists could not decipher it. The two craft were stored in a special security location in the West. We gained a large volume of technological data from these craft. Several independent scientific investigations, at the request of the Air Force and CIA were initiated during the era of "Project Blue Book." MJ-12 decided that officially the Air Force should end their investigation of UFO sightings. This decision was arrived at during the NPNN meeting in 1966. The reason was two fold. First, the United States had established communications with the aliens. PRESIDENT: Hold on, OK ... well, Bill, no ... never mind, please continue. WM CASEY: Mr President, the communications project is of a higher level. I recommend we continue on this course and then switch to the next, if we have time. PRESIDENT: OK, you're steering the boat, Bill. The CARETAKER: The United States felt relatively sure the aliens' exploration of Earth was non-aggressive and non-hostile. It was also established that the aliens' presence did not directly threaten the security of the United States. Secondly, the public was beginning to believe that UFOs were real. The NSC felt this public feeling could lead to a nationwide panic if we disclosed everything we knew about UFOs and alien visitation. We were involved in one major operation during this time frame that involved our alien visitors. That operation is of a higher level and it will be up to Director Casey to proceed now or wait until later.

WM CASEY: We'll wait on that part of it. I haven't been fully briefed and I would like to be able to know everything about that program before trying to brief the President. ADVISER #1: I agree with Director Casey. That part of the program is really complicated and will require a full day to brief. PRESIDENT: OK, as I said before, Bill's the captain of this ship. The CARETAKER: It was felt that public awareness of these projects would have jeopardized the future space program of the United States. Releasing our secrets about UFOs and alien visitation would also cause a PANIC AMONG RELIGIOUS LEADERS around the world. Therefore, MJ-12 decided that an independent scientific study of the UFO phenomena would be needed to satisfy the public curiosity. The final official study of the UFO phenomena was accomplished by the University of Colorado under an air force contract. The study concluded that sufficient data did not exist that would indicate that UFOs threatened the security of the United States. The final conclusion satisfied the Government and allowed the Air Force to officially step out of the UFO investigating business. When the Air Force officially closed "Blue Book" in December 1969, Project Aquarius continued operation under control of NSC/MJ-12. The NSC felt investigation of UFO sightings and incidents had to continue in secrecy without any public knowledge. The reasoning behind the decision was this: If the Air Force continued its investigation of UFOs, eventually some non-cleared and non-briefed Air Force or DOD civilian officials would obtain the facts behind Project Aquarius. Obviously, for operational security reasons, this could not be allowed. In order to continue the investigation of UFO sightings and incidents in secrecy, investigators from CIA/DCE and MJ-12 were assigned to military investigative units with orders to investigate all legitimate UFO/IAC sightings and incidents. These agents are presently operating at various locations throughout the U.S. and Canada. All reports are filtered either directly or indirectly to MJ-12. These agents are collecting reports of UFO/IAC sightings and incidents occurring on or near sensitive governmental installations. Many reported sightings and incidents have occurred over nuclear weapons bases. The aliens' interest in our nuclear weapons can only be attributed to the future threat of a nuclear war on Earth that could affect space. The Air Force has initiated measures to assure the security of the nuclear weapons from alien theft or destruction. MJ-12 feels confident that the aliens are on an exploration of our solar system for peaceful purposes. However, we do have information and that is at another level, that more than one alien species are visiting Earth. PRESIDENT: Well, that is a lot to digest. I have written down many questions. But let's take a break and come back to this. (Break) PRESIDENT: I think we can continue now. The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. I will continue. In the 1976 MJ-12 report, it was estimated that the aliens' technology was many thousands of years ahead of

ours. Our scientists speculated that until our technology develops to a level equal to the aliens, we cannot understand the large volume of scientific information we have gained from the aliens' craft. This advancement of our technology may take many hundreds of years. During our initial program to study the alien's spaceship, we started many different projects. The first project, originally established in 1949, was to collect and evaluate medical information from the surviving alien creature -- EBE 1 and the recovered alien bodies. This project medically examined EBE 1 and provided our medical researchers with many answers to the evolution theories. The next project originally established as part of Project Gleem in 1954 became a separate project in 1966. Its mission was to establish communication with aliens. This project met with positive success and will be discussed later under a different level. Two other projects involved the test flying of an alien ship and the cross technology between our space program and the information we obtained from EBE 1. WM CASEY: Now, Mr President, we can move on to questions or a different level. Which do you prefer? PRESIDENT: Well, I have a lot of questions, so let me ask a few and then we can move on. I guess the first question I have is their life span. How old is EBE 1? The CARETAKER: Mr President, the alien civilization that EBE came from [is what] we call the Eben Society. It wasn't a name they gave us; it was a name we chose. Their life span is between 350-400 years, but that is Earth years. PRESIDENT: Is time the same on their planet as on ours? The CARETAKER: No, Mr President, time is very different on the Eben Planet, which, by the way, we call SERPO. Their day is approximately 40 hours. That is measured by the movement of their two (2) suns. The solar system containing SERPO is a binary star system, or two suns, rather than one, like our solar system. PRESIDENT: Oh, well, your answer creates more questions. OK, as I understand it, their planet has two suns. Wouldn't that mean the planet was hot? I guess that explains their eyes, having two eyelids. The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President. Their suns do not set, like ours. There is daylight during their entire day, with the exception of a short time period where both suns hit the horizon. PRESIDENT: What is life like on Serpico? The CARETAKER: Mr President, it is called SERPO, spelled S-E-R-P-O. I think that will have to be given in a different level of briefings. Mr Director.... WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President, I think we are getting way ahead of ourselves. We have all that information about the visitor's planet, but we would have to present that information in a different briefing. PRESIDENT: OK, all these levels. Something, I guess, I'll have to ... well, I'll have to get used to it. Does all classified information have these different levels?

WM CASEY: It is similar to the SIOP briefing you were given in January. We have different levels of clearances and.... PRESIDENT: No, I understand all that, Bill. I fully understand the different levels of clearances. I mean, what about the Soviets? What about the spy operations we have in Russia, comparing the two, this alien information to that, are they on the same level? WM CASEY: No, Mr President. This information would be considered at the very top, whereas our spying operation inside Russia would be considered at a parallel level, but not the same. PRESIDENT: Like apples and oranges, OK, I see. I guess this is more that can be explained in one sitting. What about the travel from SERPO to Earth? The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, the distance from Earth to SERPO is about 40 light-years. They can travel that in about nine (9) of our months. I am no scientist, but as I mentioned earlier, they can travel that great distance by means of space tunnels. They seem to be able to bend the distance from one point in space to another. Just how they do this, must be explained scientifically. PRESIDENT: OK, well, very interesting. Are the laws of physics on their planet the same as our planet? The CARETAKER: Not exactly. There seem to be a little different laws, especially when it comes to the movement of their planet in relationship to their two suns. Our scientists don't understand it because it defies some of our laws of physics. PRESIDENT: Do they use nuclear power, or what type of power do they have in those ships? The CARETAKER: Mr President, we understand very little about their propulsion system. There seem to be two different propulsion systems. One they use within our atmosphere and one they use once they exit our atmosphere. They do not have nuclear power. Their propulsion system does have some type of low level radiation emissions, but nothing that would endanger us. It isn't like our radiation, but we call it radiation because we have nothing else to compare it with. PRESIDENT: Have these aliens visited other places on earth? The CARETAKER: Again, Mr President, that would be in a different level of discussion. PRESIDENT: I'm getting tired of hearing that answer, but I understand. WM CASEY: Mr President, the Soviet Union has had their contacts with these aliens. We have a great deal of intelligence that would indicate the Soviets had their "Roswell," so to speak. What they know is about the same as we know. They had some bodies back in the late '50s, but our intelligence would indicate the species of aliens were different. [SEE:] PRESIDENT: OK, well, then Bill, that presents a very disturbing feeling for me. Are you telling me there are different races or species, as you said, visiting Earth at the same time?

WM CASEY: CARETAKER, take that question. The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, but I hesitate to state the reason. We should have that discussion in a different meeting. PRESIDENT: Just answer the simple question of how many different species, don't go into details, since I'm sure it is at "a different level," as I've been hearing ALL morning! The CARETAKER: I am sorry Mr President if I upset you.... PRESIDENT: No, no, Caretaker, don't feel that way. I am not upset. No, you are all of my advisers. As President, I must listen to YOU and take YOUR advice. I am NOT upset. I'm sorry for giving you that impression. Can you tell me how many different species have visited us? The CARETAKER: Mr Director? WM CASEY: Go ahead, Caretaker, answer the President's question. The CARETAKER: At least five (5). PRESIDENT: Are they all friendly? The CARETAKER: Mr Director? WM CASEY: Adviser #1, would you like to step in here? ADVISER #1: Mr President, that is a very difficult question to answer. There are many parameters that we follow to evaluate the threat. However, we have little intelligence on four (4) of the five (5). We have plenty of intel on the Ebens ... gee ... they've given us everything we asked for! They have also helped us to understand the other four (4) species. I'm afraid to say, Mr President and please don't misunderstand my words, but we think ONE OF THE SPECIES IS VERY HOSTILE. WM CASEY: Mr President, do you wish for us to continue on this track or would you like something more private, as to the discussion of this topic? PRESIDENT: For Christ sakes, I'm the President of the United States. I should know if we are endangered by some THREAT FROM OUTER SPACE. If you have something to say about a threat posed by this one species of aliens, then I WANT TO HEAR IT. WM CASEY: Mr President, we have intelligence that would indicate this one (1) species of aliens have ABDUCTED PEOPLE FROM EARTH. They have performed scientific and medical tests on these humans. To the best of our knowledge, NO humans have been killed. But, as ADVISER #1 stated, the intelligence is from witnesses and we haven't thoroughly evaluated this intelligence. We have captured one of these hostile aliens. This gets into some very, very sensitive areas, Mr President. I strongly suggest we end this discussion and move on to any further questions you might have and then get back to this. I don't think we are prepared to provide you with accurate answers to your questions about the potentially hostile aliens at this time.

PRESIDENT: OK, but expect this to be given to me as soon as possible. I want to KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE HOSTILE CREATURES so I .... or I mean we should start forming policies on how to deal with them. Adviser #1, do we have OPERATIONAL WAR PLANS on this? ADVISER #1: Yes, Mr President, we have war plans on ALL potential threats to our country. PRESIDENT: Please, let us not forget the world. If these creatures attack some other country, we would have to help. ADVISER #1: Mr President, we have absolutely NO evidence that this particular alien race has any plans to attack the United States of America or planet Earth. PRESIDENT: I guess we really got off the original subject. But I want to know of any threats. DON'T HIDE ANYTHING FROM ME! Is that understood? WM CASEY: Yes, Sir. ADVISER #1: Yes, Sir, Mr President. We will NEVER hide any information about a potential threat to our country or the world. You receive daily intel briefings and you will continue to and we can update that briefing with any potential threat from this area. PRESIDENT: OK, let us continue. How many other presidents received this briefing? The CARETAKER: Mr President, I have briefed President Nixon, Ford and you. President Carter was never given the entire briefing. I have no answer as to why he wasn't given the briefing. PRESIDENT: Well, knowing that guy, he probably couldn't understand it being from Georgia! But that is just a dry joke.... (laughter heard in room) PRESIDENT RONALD REAGAN's TRIPS TO CAMP DAVID 1981 January 30 - February 1 February 6 - 8 February 13 - 16 MARCH 6 - 8 <== NOTE THESE DATES April 25 - 27 May 8 - 10 June 5 - 7 June 8 - 9 June 19 - 21 July 10 - 12 July 25 - 26 July 31 - August 2 August 11 - 13 September 18 - 20 September 25 - 27 October 2 - 4

OCTOBER 9 - 12 <== NOTE THESE DATES October 30 - November 1 December 11 - 13 Photo of President Reagan and Nancy Reagan at Camp David, Maryland, 7/2/88. Photo courtesy of the Ronald Reagan Library. ADVISER #1: Mr President, I can give you some details of an incident that occurred inside the Soviet Union in 1970. WM CASEY: Do we want to go there? ADVISER #4: May I say something, Mr Director? WM CASEY: Go ahead, ADVISER #4, step in. ADVISER #4: I think this particular incident inside the Soviet Union will give the President an example of what the world has and will experience in the future. There is no way we can control visitors from outer space from traveling to Earth and visiting our planet. Some astronomers find it difficult to believe that these aliens can find Earth. We are on the outer reaches of our galaxy. Our sun is one of hundreds of thousands of such stars within our galactic neighborhood. But the Ebens found us, they found Earth. And we are not the only country on Earth that has been visited by the Ebens. Now, as for the other four (4) species. We know they have visited us in the past and will visit us in the future. We are like a petri dish within the universe. We are a diverse planet. We must be very interesting to other extraterrestrials. I'm SURE other intelligent life forms in the universe must have some sort of communications among the [sentient] life forms. Maybe they broadcasted that Earth has intelligent life. Maybe that is why we are [being] visited. Getting back to ADVISER #1, regarding the incident inside the Soviet Union, Mr President, there are many such sightings all over the world. We must understand that the visitors can roam our planet at will without us doing much about it. However, I personally believe that we must prepare for the EVENTUAL DAY WHEN SOME HOSTILE LIFE FORM DECIDES TO TAKE OVER OUR PLANET. We must be prepared. I hope you understand why I said what I said, Mr President. PRESIDENT: Yes, indeed, ADVISER #4, very well said. I agree with you. I guess all of those sightings ... well, some of them are real .... I mean, we are being visited, today, now, in this time period. WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President, we are. PRESIDENT: OK, ADVISER #1, please continue, we cut you off. ADVISER #1: OK, thanks, Mr President. As I was saying, actually a series of incidents occurred over about a week. Our intelligence gathering stations inside and outside of the Soviet Union picked up voice transmissions between Soviet Air Defense pilots and ground controllers regarding a number of UFOs which were being chased by Soviet pilots. The incident started in central Siberia and ended over the Black Sea. Literally thousands of Soviets observed the UFOs and at least 20 different fighter

pilots chased the UFOs. The Soviets attempted on two occasions to shoot down the UFOs, but to no avail. That is probably the best evidence that these things are happening over the Soviet Union. We think these UFOs were the hostile ones. We call them hostile because they tend to land, take humans, conduct experiments on them and then release the humans. Their spacecraft are different in design than the Ebens. PRESIDENT: Wait one minute, ADVISER #1, you mean to say that we have one of their spaceships? Or are you telling me we have some other evidence of their spaceships? ADVISER #1: Mr President, we have photographs of their ships. This gets a little complicated because some of our intelligence comes from the Ebens. PRESIDENT: You mean from the EBE guy? ADVISER #1: Yes, but from other sources of information connected to the Ebens. WM CASEY: Mr President, we'll have to go to those dreaded words you don't like ... higher levels if you wish. PRESIDENT: No, well, no ... oh ... OK ... just give me this briefing first. We can schedule the higher level ones later. ADVISER #1: Simply speaking, we know the difference between the Eben spacecraft and the hostile aliens' spacecraft. PRESIDENT: Do you have a ... huh ... name for them, I mean the bad ones? The CARETAKER: May I interrupt, Mr President? WM CASEY: Wait, OK, I guess we can proceed. PRESIDENT: Well, huh. (Too many speaking at once; several conversations not understood.) ? (Not understood) ? The CARETAKER: OK.... (Several sentences said, but not understood.) WM CASEY: Yes, go ahead, CARETAKER. PRESIDENT: No, I didn't mean to interrupt. The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. We call the hostile aliens simply that, HAV, meaning Hostile Alien Visitors. MJ-12 placed that code on them back in the '50s. WM CASEY: OK, we opened the box so let's just tell the president what we know about the others. ADVISER #1: The names? What? (Several sentences not understood.) OK, well, technical? Or what? WM CASEY: (Not understood), well, (not understood), OK, I guess it means the technical stuff.

PRESIDENT: You mean to say, these H-A-Vs have been visiting us and kidnapping our people since the '50s? The CARETAKER: Mr President, yes, well, they have been around since then, Director Casey.... WM CASEY: Mr President, we have some indication that they might have been doing this for some time. But we really have to consider all of the evidence, listed in our reports, and compare that to some of the open source information. There are always humans that will exaggerate and just tell lies, compared to the real ones or the ones who were abducted and subjected to experiments. We have to sort through the differences and place some aside and look at the real evidence of abductions. But we can be sure that the Ebens have NEVER done this. They are extremely peaceful and would not harm a living soul, including animals. ADVISER #1: I suggest we go ahead and give the President the information on them. ADVISER #4: I agree. WM CASEY: OK, give the President the names, CARETAKER. The CARETAKER: Names, the technical names? WM CASEY: Yes, OK, (not understood) well about the (not understood) I can live with that, but we have to be real sure that this information stays HERE. We cannot allow this to flow (not understood) from (not understood). The CARETAKER: OK, thank you. Mr President, the five (5) species are called, Ebens, Archquloids, Quadloids, Heplaloids and Trantaloids. These names were given to the alien's species by the intelligence community, specifically MJ-5. The Ebens are friendly; the Trantaloids are the dangerous ones. [SEE: ] PRESIDENT: My God, just knowing we have names for these things are amazing. Which one did we capture? WM CASEY: Mr President, we have a Trantaloid, but it is dead. We captured it in 1961 in Canada and we had it in captivity until 1962, when it died. We'll show you a photograph ... CARETAKER? The CARETAKER: Director, I don't have one with me. But, I will get one couriered over to us. WM CASEY: Mr President, we can provide that during our next meeting regarding this subject. PRESIDENT: OK. WM CASEY: (not understood) ... the part of the story where (not understood), but we can look back. PRESIDENT: OK, let's continue.

The CARETAKER: Mr President, getting back to my presentation, all of our collected information is safely contained in a number of locations. PRESIDENT: Don't tell me where, I don't want to know specific locations. I'll let or leave that up to you and the caretakers of the material. I don't want to be in a position or know this ... maybe I will later. The CARETAKER: OK, Mr President, I'll keep this in general terms. I just want to assure you that all of the information is safely tucked away at secure locations, including the devices and flying craft that we have. PRESIDENT: May I assume one of these places is located in California? The CARETAKER: Some of the items are tested at Livermore and flown around Edwards, but they are kept in Nevada. PRESIDENT: OK, yes, I think I was briefed on sensitive military installations back in February ... west of Las Vegas, I guess. The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President. We call it the Groom Lake Complex. PRESIDENT: OK, I was told about that. The same place we have Soviet fighter jets? The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, the same place. May I continue? PRESIDENT: Yes, by all means, do. The CARETAKER: In order to protect all this information and the fact that the United States Government has evidence of our planet being visited by Extraterrestrials, we developed over the years a very effective program to safeguard the information. We call it "Project DOVE." It is a complex series of [disinformation] operations by our military intelligence agencies to disinform the public. As you know, Mr President, we have some highly classified aircraft. In order to keep these aircraft secret, we tend to convince, at times, the public and press that maybe UFOs are real in order to make the public THINK what they are seeing are actually UFOs instead of OUR own secret aircraft even though we know maybe some of the sightings are of actual UFOs. As I said before, this is complicated, but it is a form of counterintelligence. We give the public some actual facts and let them run with it. The rest is taken care of by them. If you consider the FIRST PERSON who helped us with this disinformation program, Mr GEORGE ADAMSKI, back in the early '50s, and up to all of the movie productions of UFO-related movies. This helps the public to keep their minds open, but also allows us to keep our secret aircraft away from the public's knowledge. That includes some of the craft that were lent to us by the Ebens. PRESIDENT: I always knew there was some form of cooperation between our government and the motion picture industry. I heard rumors over the years ... even during my acting days. The CARETAKER: Well, Mr President, the first cooperative venture was the movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still." That was a cooperative venture with the United States Air Force and the movie industry.

PRESIDENT: That movie, "Close Encounters," was that one of them? I guess no "Bonzo" movies were involved. (Loud laughter heard.) WM CASEY: No (laughing), Mr President, I don't think or should I say, I didn't think Bonzo came from outer space! (more laughter) [RONALD REAGAN played the character Professor Peter Boyd in the Sept 1951 movie, "Bedtime for Bonzo" where a chimpanzee named Bonzo was his costar. PRESIDENT: No, but some people could imagine it! The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, we provided the basic subject matter for that movie. PRESIDENT: Was it based on a real incident? WM CASEY: Mr President.... PRESIDENT: OK, Bill, I know what's coming, just forget my question for now. WM CASEY: OK, CARETAKER, continue. The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. In 1949, President Truman created two (2) secret commissions. These commissions were to meet privately without recording any contents. The commissions were code named "Adam" and "Eve." The first commission, Adam, was to study the idea of releasing some information to the public regarding our actual knowledge of UFOs and the two (2) crash incidents. The findings of the Adam commission consisted of the following statement: "In this matter, public opinion must be recognized as a factor of considerable importance, even if clearly affirmative might have the effect of placing before the American people a moral question of vital historical significance at a time when the full security impact of the question had not become apparent. If this decision is to be made by the American people, it should be made in the circumstances of an actual disclosure of the existence of space beings who had visited Earth. In other words, the American public might hesitate to believe the existence of space beings unless the American Government showed proof." This was an actual quote from the classified document dated 1 December 1949. The second commission, "Eve," concerned the use of atom bombs to repel a space alien attack. What's interesting in this statement was the decision by President Truman to proceed at a record pace on the production of atomic weapons that could be released in space. The commission predicted it would take the United States 10 years to develop such a delivery system. President Truman wanted it developed in five (5) years. In fact, in 1959, the first Atlas ICBMs were targeted for deep space. SIOP plans were developed to counter any space-based alien invasion. Mr David Lilienthal, the first atomic energy commission chairman, was in charge of the production of enough atomic weapons to counter any anticipated alien threat. The commission was tasked with developing a delivery system that could send a Mark 3 atomic weapon into space.

In the 1948-1949 time frames, there were fewer than 50 atomic bombs in the arsenal and none of these were assembled. The Mark 3 plutonium bombs, like the one dropped at Nagasaki, Japan, took 39 men more that two days to assemble the bomb. The bombs were so large and heavy each weighed 10,000 pounds, and that a delivery system must be capable of sending this heavy weapon into space. As a result of Eve's commission findings, atomic weapons production was increased at a record pace. Of course, this build-up coincided with the Soviet Union's build-up. It was easy to convince the American public that our build-up was caused by the Soviet Union's build-up. Mr President, in 1964, we were able to have our very first controlled encounter with the Ebens. Let me first give you the background. EBE was a mechanic, not a scientist. He was still able to teach us some of the Eben language. Their language was very difficult for our linguists to learn because it consisted of tones, not words. However, we were able to translate some basic words. EBE showed us their communications device. It was a strange looking device that had three (3) parts. Once assembled, the device sent out signals, something like our Morse code system, although there was a problem. During the crash in 1947, one part of this communication system was broken. EBE was unable to repair it until our scientists found some items that could be used in place of the broken parts. Once the communication device was repaired, EBE sent our messages. We had to trust EBE as to the contents of those messages. You can imagine what some of our military commanders thought of this. EBE could be sending out a distress call that could result in some invasion. But that, of course, never happened. EBE continued to send messages until his death. But once he died, then we were on our own. We were able to crudely operate the device. We sent several messages out over a six (6) month period (1953). But we did not receive any return messages. PRESIDENT: Excuse me, did EBE receive any return messages? The CARETAKER: Getting back to the messages, Mr President, EBE sent out six (6) messages. One letting his home planet know that he was alive and his comrades were dead, another explaining the two crashes, the third was a request to be rescued, the fourth was a message suggesting a meeting between his leaders and our leaders. The last message suggested some form of an EXCHANGE program. WM CASEY: Mr President, we'll go into that later. PRESIDENT: (not understood) ... what ... the exchange program? WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President. We can give you another couple of hours on that subject. PRESIDENT: We had one? WM CASEY: Can I speak to you privately, please, Mr President? PRESIDENT: OK, yes ... you mean now? (not understood)

WM CASEY: Well, let us put this one on the back burner and go on with the remainder of this briefing. PRESIDENT: OK. The CARETAKER: Mr President, we don't think he did, but we could not be entirely certain. But, our scientists fine-tuned our efforts over the next 18 months and finally sent two (2) messages in 1955 that were received. We received a reply. We were able to translate about 30 percent of the message. We turned to several linguist specialists from several different universities and even several from foreign universities. Finally, we were able to translate most of the messages. We decided to reply in English and see if the Ebens could translate our language easier than we could theirs. PRESIDENT: What did the messages say? The one we received from the Ebens? So, I guess they didn't get the messages sent by EBE? Or did it take that long to respond? Oh, yes, EBE died before we got those messages, never mind. The CARETAKER: Mr President, the first message we received acknowledged our message and asked questions about the crew of the two missing craft. It also gave a series of numbers that we think were some type of coordinates. PRESIDENT: OK, so they wanted to know the coordinates of the crash sites on Earth? I'm sure they wanted to know about their crew. Did we tell them all but one was dead? No, wait; I'm sure when EBE sent his messages that is probably the first thing he sent. Was EBE a military person or what? The CARETAKER: Mr President, we believe EBE was a member of their air force or maybe something like NASA. PRESIDENT: OK, please continue. The CARETAKER: Thank you, Mr President. Finally we were able to translate most of the messages. As I said, we decided to respond in English. Approximately four months later, we received a reply in broken English. Sentences contained nouns and adjectives, but no verbs. It took us several months to translate the message. We then sent Eben our typed English lessons in a series of one sheet formats. Without going into the technical description of the Eben communications device, it was like a television screen and a key pad, but the pad contained several different Eben characters depending on the number of times you held down one key. We were able to transpose our English-typed words into the second part of the device, which was similar to our facsimile transmission system. It took our scientists some time to perfect this, but it worked. Six months later, we received another English message. This time it was clearer, but not clear enough. Ebens were confusing several different English words and still failed to complete a proper sentence. PRESIDENT: Gee, I do that all of the time (sounds of laughter). I just cannot imagine how an alien race could view our language. We have thousands of different languages on Earth and they probably have just one on their SERPO planet. That is truly amazing. The CARETAKER: Yes, Mr President, I cannot imagine living on a planet with just one language. But we were able to provide the basic skill level for them to communicate in English. It took time, but they realized our efforts. In one message, they provided

us with a form of the Eben alphabet with the equivalent English letter. Our linguists had a very difficult time figuring this out. The written Eben language was simple characters and symbols, but our linguists had a difficult time comparing the two written languages. Over the next five (5) years, we were able to perfect our understanding of the Eben language somewhat and the Ebens were able to better understand English. However, we had a major problem. Trying to coordinate a date, time and location for an Eben landing on Earth. Even though we could basically understand some Eben and the Ebens could understand some English, we could not understand their time and date system and they could not understand ours. We sent them our Earth's rotation schedule, revolution, date system, etc. For some reason the Eben's never understood this. In return, the Ebens sent us their system, which was difficult for our scientists to understand because we had no reference to their planet. The Ebens did not explain any astronomical date of SERPO or their system. We then decided to just send pictures showing Earth, landmarks and a simple numbering system for time periods. We had many problems trying to send pictures using their facsimile system. We couldn't be sure they were receiving what we sent. We had a lot of trial and errors in doing this. We received back some strange messages from the Ebens, basically big question marks regarding what we sent them as to the pictures. We then decided on narrowing any future landing location for them to the location of their crash in New Mexico. We concluded they must have that location. We are sure EBE sent that to his home planet prior to his death. We did find some star charts ... well ... as we call them, in both crashed spacecraft. They were difficult to understand because they were on a block that we later figured out went into a certain panel on the crashed craft's instruments. Once the panel was in place, the board showed a star system. In fact, we were able to fit all the found boards into the panel and view many different star systems. We then put to work our astronomers in deciphering the star systems. It didn't take them very long to determine the various star systems. We also found several strange spots on the star charts. We concluded these spots were where the travel space tunnels that EBE described were located. Our astronomers compared the different star charts and found that they were not consecutive. Meaning that one star chart was from one part of the universe and the next was a chart closer to their home system. Our scientists concluded the spots on the chart were a form of short cuts from one point of space to another. Some of our top astronomers were briefed into the program in order to study the charts. I'm sure they were given only the minimum amount of information they needed, something like a need-to-know program. ["Top astronomers": Dr CARL SAGAN, ]





PRESIDENT: OK, that is a lot to absorb. Wow, well, I have many questions, but I guess I'll just wait now. I have something to attend to now. But let us take a short break and come back to this. WM CASEY: Mr President, how much time do you have left?

PRESIDENT: Well, Bill, let me check. (Long pause). I need to call some people on another matter. Give me about 15 minutes. Is that OK? WM CASEY: Yes, Mr President, we are here at your disposal. PRESIDENT: I have listened intently to this briefing. I have many questions, which I realize traverses several different layers of secrecy. I don't want to mix up the different layers. But I can see how government bureaucracy exists. That is one thing I can probably change as President! Bill, let's go to the next layer. WM CASEY: Mr President, do you want the same people involved? PRESIDENT: Yes, let's just continue. WM CASEY: OK, CARETAKER, take over. The CARETAKER: Thank you. When EBE was alive, he showed us two devices. One was a communication system and one was an energy device. The communication system did not work without the energy device. Eventually, a scientist from Los Alamos figured out the two systems and connected them. After EBE died, we were able to send transmissions, as I said earlier. EBE built up a strong friendship with a U.S. Army Major, who was his guardian. The two of them decided that one of Eben's first messages (of the five sent) was a request for an exchange program between the Ebens and our military personnel. Remember I mentioned six (6) messages. The sixth consisted of landing coordinates for Earth. That information wasn't clearly documented back then. We are not sure of the exact chain of events between EBE and the Major. As I said earlier, we were able to eventually communicate with the Ebens. Over a period of a few years, we could send and receive information. We finally received a startling message from the Ebens. They wanted to visit Earth, retrieve their spacemen bodies and meet with Earthlings. They provided a time, date and location. We figure that the Ebens were continually visiting Earth and had probably mapped it. However, the date was about eight (8) years in the future. Our military figured something was wrong and that maybe the Ebens were confusing Earth time with Eben time. After a long series of messages, it was determined the Ebens would land on Earth on Friday, April 24, 1964. PRESIDENT: Just how did we figure the date? The CARETAKER: Mr President, these messages occurred over a period of several years. By this time, we both had a working knowledge of the other's seasons, which was based on the Earth's rotation, which also figured into our time periods. We had a working knowledge of their 40-hour days. They were a little smarter than us, being able to comprehend our language and our time periods. PRESIDENT: OK, that makes sense. But ... (not understood) ... about ... (not understood) ... the aliens? The CARETAKER: Mr President, we did have a basic understanding of their language. We could understand basic words and symbols. They understood more of our language than we did theirs.

PRESIDENT: OK, then what happened? The CARETAKER: Well.... WM CASEY: Mr President, this is where things get very interesting. PRESIDENT: OK, I'm waiting.... (not understood) The CARETAKER: Our government, specifically, MJ-12 met in secret to plan the event. Decisions were made, then changed many times. We had just about 25 months from the time we finally received their message of the date to prepare for their arrival. Several months into the planning, President Kennedy decided to approve a plan to exchange a special military team. The USAF was tasked as the lead agency. The USAF officials picked special civilian scientists to assist in the planning and crew selection. The team members' selection process was the hardest to accomplish. Several plans were suggested and then changed. It took months for the planners to decide on the selection criteria for each team member. They decided that each member must be military, single, no children and a career member. They had to be trained in different skills. WM CASEY: CARETAKER, let's just go into the general stuff here, I don't think the President wants to know every single minute detail. PRESIDENT: Well, if I had the time, I would. (not understood) .... but, I understand that. The CARETAKER: Mr President, a team of 12 men were selected. However, during this time period, President Kennedy died. The nation was shocked, as you know.... PRESIDENT: Yes, everyone was shocked. I can understand what must have happened during the project when John died. The CARETAKER: President Johnson continued the program. When it came time for the meeting, we were ready. The landing occurred in New Mexico. We had everything prepared. We had a hoax landing location just in case it was leaked. The landing occurred and we greeted the Ebens. However, a mix up happened. They were not prepared to accept our exchange personnel. Everything was placed on hold. Finally in 1965, the Ebens landed in Nevada and we exchanged 12 of our men for one of theirs. ["Project SERPO" Final Debriefing Report: #80HQD893-020, Classified TS/Codeword /] PRESIDENT: One? Why just one? WM CASEY: Mr President, this wasn't clearly documented in the reports that we read. PRESIDENT: One ... was this their ambassador? WM CASEY: Well, something like that. We just called it EBE 2. We'll discuss that later. The CARETAKER: Mr President. Our team of 12 went to the Eben planet for 13 years.

The original mission called for a 10-year stay, however, because of the strange time periods on their planet, the team stayed three (3) additional years. Eight [seven] returned in 1978. Two died on the planet and two decided to stay. [NOTE: Team Member #308 (Team Pilot #2) died of a pulmonary embolism enroute to SERPO on the 9-month journey; 11 arrived safely. (continued...) (...continued) Quote: PRESIDENT: OK, this is just AMAZING! I can see, about that movie. The movie was based on a real event. I saw that movie. 12 men left, along with Richard Dreyfuss. ["Close Encounters of The Third Kind," 1977] WM CASEY: Mr President, yes, the movie was similar to the real event, at least the last part of the movie. PRESIDENT: OK, a lot to digest. I want to hear about the hostile ones. ADVISER #1: Mr President, may I step in here? PRESIDENT: By all means, ADVISER #1, do. ADVISER #1: Well, Mr President, the hostile alien species is responsible for abducting some humans. We can clearly prove some 80 Americans were abducted from about 1955 until the present, the last known one in July of last year [1980]. We have a special military intelligence unit keeping track of these abductions. We have FBI agents attached, to assist us when needed. We have NSA and in some instances, CIA personnel helping. Unfortunately, we don't have the technology to know when these hostiles will abduct. We get the information afterwards. We interview the victim and place them under hypnotic trances. Some of the victims remember the entire event without hypnosis, while others need hypnosis to relate what happened. We haven't found one single death directly related to the hostile aliens. We have had deaths that were attributed to the abductions ... suicides. We recorded five (5) of them. But, Mr President, these are the abductions we know about. We have NO idea how many other abductions are occurring in this country or around the world. These hostile aliens are pretty sneaky. They seem to appear and disappear, which is beyond our technical understanding. They also seem to float or defy gravity. WE HAVE ACTUAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF THEM DOING THIS. We have a classic abduction incident that was recorded by military intelligence personnel. It happened in 1979 near a military base. PRESIDENT: Where? ADVISER #1: In New Mexico.

PRESIDENT: What's with New Mexico? The aliens seem to like that state. Do we know why? The CARETAKER: Excuse me, may I speak? PRESIDENT: Yes, CARETAKER, step in. The CARETAKER: New Mexico is similar to the home planet of the Ebens. Since we do not know which planet the Trantaloids come from.... WM CASEY: Wait ... ADVISER #4? ADVISER #4: I think we do. I think the Ebens gave us that information. We know the star group. It is close to our solar system, well, I mean in astronomical terms. Maybe 20-25 light-years away. They are actually closer to us than the Ebens are. [VICTOR: The homeworld of the HAV, the TRANTALOIDS, is the THIRD PLANET out from the star Epsilon Eridani in the constellation Eridanus at 10.5 light-years away. Although somewhat cooler and fainter than our sun, it is very similar. Hal's friend, ADVISER #4, was mistaken on the distance; an easy error to make given the voluminous amount of information on this subject matter alone. - ANONYMOUS. / ] Nearby Star EPSILON ERIDANI has anEarth-like Planet! Is this the homeworld of the hostile ET species, the TRANTALOIDS?! EXPLANATION: EPSILON ERIDANI is located in "The Celestial River" where it "flows" south to Achernar. It is fully visible to almost all of the Southern Hemisphere and half of the Northern. A PLANET has been found orbiting a Sun-like star only 10.5 light-years away with a magnitude of 3.7. No direct picture of the planet was taken -- the planet was discovered by the gravitational wobble it created on its parent star, EPSILON ERIDANI. The discovery marks the closest nakedeye Sun-like star yet found to house an extra-solar PLANET. Pictured below, the star EPSILON ERIDANI, located in the constellation ERIDANUS, is visible near the belt of Orion to the unaided eye when it is highest in the sky ~10 p.m. between November-January. The detected planet is thought to have a mass like Jupiter, but orbit slightly closer in. It is unknown whether other planets exist around EPSILON ERIDANI. Š 2000 Credit & Copyright: J. B. Kaler (UIUC) The December 2007 issue of ASTRONOMY Magazine, pp. 44-47, asks "Does life exist on this exoplanet?" Located only 10.5 light-years away in the constellation ERIDANUS, the Sun-like star EPSILON ERIDANI planetary system that may hold the seeds of life. The nearest exoplanet to Earth, EPSILON ERIDANI, illustrated below, is



orbiting near the star's HABITABLE ZONE, where conditions are suitable for life to evolve making it worth a closer look for intrigued astronomers. A Titan-like moon orbits within this planetary system and offers astronomers their nearest opportunity to search for extrasolar life. Attached image: composite of ASTRONOMY Magazine cover for December, 2007 and the illustration on page 44. PRESIDENT: So that means they can travel like the Ebens travel? I mean using those black holes or whatever you call them? ADVISER #4: Yes, Mr President, they can travel in the same fashion as the Ebens. However, according to the Ebens, the Trantaloids use a different form of propulsion. Something like matter versus antimatter. PRESIDENT: And that means? ADVISER #4: Mr President, basic physics.... WM CASEY: Mr President, do you want to go into the physics of this? PRESIDENT: Oh, no, no, I don't think I'd understand it. ADVISER #4: I was just going to say that we know that when matter is placed next to antimatter, there is a great deal of energy released. If one could harness that into a propulsion system, that would be great. But we don't have the capability to do that. PRESIDENT: Do we have one of their spaceships? The CARETAKER: Yes, well, partially. A crashed one. PRESIDENT: OK, can we or do we have the technical knowledge to understand it? WM CASEY: No, Mr President, we don't. PRESIDENT: We can make atomic bombs, go to Mars and we can't understand their science? WM CASEY: Adviser #4? ADVISER #4: Mr President, their technology is probably 1,000 years more advanced than ours ... maybe even more. They have different materials to work with. Some of their materials are not found on this planet. PRESIDENT: What do you mean, like iron or elements? ADVISER #4: Yes, Mr President. We found many metals and other things that are not found on this planet. Maybe they have more than 104 elements or maybe they are different than ours. PRESIDENT: The hostile ones or the Ebens? ADVISER #4: Mr President that goes for each species although the Ebens do have

similar elements as [those found on] Earth. But the Trantaloids have strange materials ... nothing like [those found on] Earth. These ALIENS CAN IMITATE HUMANS. They CAN LOOK LIKE BLOND HUMANS. However, they are not blond, but UGLY-LOOKING INSECTS. PRESIDENT: Insects, did you say that? ADVISER #4: Yes, do you have a photograph? The CARETAKER: Yes, hold on. WM CASEY: They are pretty nasty looking. PRESIDENT: Well, they would stand out. ADVISER #4: No, Mr President, as I said THEY CAN IMITATE LOOKING LIKE HUMANS. PRESIDENT: How in the world do they do that? It took a lot of makeup to make me look good in the movies. (loud laughter heard) ADVISER #4: Well, Mr President, I can assure you they don't use makeup, at least not like we would. They have the ability to change their bodies. As I said before, they are 1,000 years ahead of us in technology and probably every other science. PRESIDENT: They can be killed? ADVISER #4: Yes, they are just flesh and blood, like a human body. They can be killed. But their spaceships have a force field around them. They can be shot down, but it takes some doing on our part. WM CASEY: Mr President, we have to use a small-style nuclear missile to shoot them down, but we haven't actually done that yet. We have experimented in Nevada on the captured craft we have of theirs. PRESIDENT: My God, I hope we haven't used atomic missiles. What does that mean?! I have to give that order! ADVISER #1: Excuse me, but Mr President, no, we haven't used any nuclear missiles to shoot down any alien flying craft. I think Adviser #4 and the Director mean that if we had to shoot one down, for instance ... if a group of them attacked us. PRESIDENT: Is that likely? ADVISER #1: No, I don't think so. PRESIDENT: Can we intercept their radio transmissions? Do we know their language? ADVISER #1: We know or we can recognize their language, which is entirely different than the Ebens. They use a very high-band radio system. But they have different frequencies and it is difficult for NSA to track them. PRESIDENT: Maybe we should call Captain Kirk?! (loud laughter) Oh, a little humor is good in any situation! (loud laughter)

ADVISER #1: OK, Mr President, I'll call Scotty! (more laughter) PRESIDENT: Yeah, maybe [Gene] Roddenberry knows.! ADVISER #1: Our air defenses are as best prepared as we can be against any form of an attack by this group. PRESIDENT: How do we do that? I mean, our pilots. Do they know? ADVISER #1: Not exactly. But we have a system to cover any threat. PRESIDENT: A war plan? ADVISER #1: Like I said earlier, yes, Mr President, we do have war plans just for this event or possible event. PRESIDENT: OK. Well, I think that is enough for one day. Bill, set something up for tomorrow to finish this. WM CASEY: OK, Mr President. I'll get with ADVISER #2 and Michael [Deaver]. PRESIDENT: I want to thank everyone for a very thorough briefing. I was educated beyond belief. I will have a different attitude every time I look up in the sky. TAPE ENDS. -source: The complete debriefing is contained in: "PROJECT SERPO," Final Report-80HQD893-020, classified TS, Codeword. source: Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:49 pm Post subject: ice ages, sunspots and precession I will now draw some allusions between the ice ages, sunspots and the Mayan calendar. Alot of this information is complex, but it all fascinates me. If you are interested in any of this please be patient as I try to explain it all simply. Otherwise, pardon my dust. -ben - Precession As we are all taught in school, the polar axis of earth's rotation isn't perfectly square to its orbital path around the sun. The axis of rotation is inclined 23.5 degrees. Also, the earth's orbit isn't perfectly circular. It is more ovoid - elliptical. The sun is not at the dead center of the earth's orbit either. It is closer to the base of the egg shaped ellipse rather than the tip. Now we all know it is these two factors that combine to cause earth's seasons. When

the northern hemisphere faces the sun it is summer. When the northern hemisphere faces away from the sun it is winter. This is true even if, as is currently the case, the northern hemisphere faces the sun when the earth is further away from the sun in its elliptical orbit (closer to the "tip" of the "egg".) What we are not taught in school is the precession of the pole. As the earth rotates around the 23.5 degree angle inclined polar axis, so too does this polar axis rotate. It rotates, or precesses, so slowly, though, that it takes about 24,000 years to come full circle.

- Calendars Just as we measure the seasons of the year by the months of the calendar, so also can we measure the seasons of the aeons by the millennia. While months derive from the phases of the moon (of which there are 13 every 384 days), the standard julian-gregorian calendar derives from the moon's position relative to the twelve signs of the zodiac. This yields 365 days, more proximal to an actual orbit of earth around the sun, and one month per sign. So, to measure precession, we can also use the zodiac, but instead of the moon we use the sun. Just as the moon orbits one way through the zodiac, the sun moves the opposite way - not from day to day (both rise in the east and set in the west due to earth's daily rotation), but over the millennia, the sun will rise in earlier and earlier constellations on the same day of the year. Thus, the spring equinox occured in Aries a little more than 2000 years ago. Today it occurs on the cusp of Picses and Aquarius. Hence, we are entering the "age of Aquarius" due to how we measure precession. - Ice Ages

Just as yearly seasons depend on both the earth's tilted angle of rotation and elliptical orbit, so too do the ice ages, or precessional seasons. When the northern hemisphere faces the sun and earth is close to the sun (the opposite of now) it is millennial summer in the north, and winter (or an ice age) in the south. During the last time this happened, the glaciers that had covered North America and Europe melted, covering the Beringian land bridge between Asia and Alaska. Most of this extra water froze in the southern hemsiphere. Now, the northern hemisphere faces the sun when earth is further away from the sun. We are in approximately northern hemsiphere autumn. Siberia has become frozen and inhospitable. The southern hemisphere, however, is in the equivalent of millennial spring, with huge ice chunks the size of Rhode Island breaking off the Antarctic ice shelf. As Antarctica is thawing, Siberia is freezing. We are entering a north hemisphere ice age. But not to worry. This part of the cycle has only been going on for 4,000 to 10,000 years, and the ice age cycle lasts, per hemisphere, about 48,000 years. - recap So we have seen it takes about 2,000 years for the zodiacal "ages"; of the sun to change from one sign to another, and that this is because it takes about 24,000 years for the precession of the poles to reposition earth relative to the sun for it to have risen on the same day in each of the twelve zodiacal signs. We have also seen that it takes roughly twice this long for the combination of polar precession and earth's elliptical orbit to effect the millennial equivalent of the seasons, known as ice ages. - Sunspots Now, what we may or may not learn in school is that the earth really has two polar axes: a geographic pole and an electromagnetic pole. The sun also has an electromagnetic pole. As the sun's electromagnetic pole rotates about its polar axis, the sun's electromagnetic field coils up around it, like a ball of twine. This is because the sun is ignited gas, and its surface rotates differentially: the region around the equator rotates more slowly than the region around the poles. This causes the ordinarily longitudinal electromagnetic field lines of the sun to be pulled around its latitude, and thus to form "coils" like a "twine ball" The longer this process goes on, the closer these emf lines get to each other. When they touch or overlap they form colder, dark spots on the surface of the sun. These "sunspots" always occur in pairs. Sometimes they shoot protons - burning gas particles - off into space. These are called flares. Most of the time, one sunspot shoots a flare out and another sunspot re-absorbs it. These are called prominences. - Sunspot Cycle Every eleven years sunspots increase. The reason for this is not fully understood, but I suspect the soalr weather is caused by a combination of electromagnetic polar precession (i.e. differential rotation) and the sun's place in its orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

- Mini Ice Ages When sunspot number is low, he hemisphere of earth facing the sun will not be as warm as it usually is in that same position in its elliptical orbit. When this occurs there is a "mini ice age" when all seasons are uncommonly colder. Such occured in Europe around 400 AD. By dating these mini ice ages, we can create a much longer sunspot cycle than merely the eleven year cycle of increase. Doing so yields a greater sunspot cycle of ~ 1000 years, over which time the sunspots increase per increment of eleven years.

- source: Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2007 8:38 am Post subject: Mars lol, thanks crow, I do need a break. Hmm. Mars, hm? Okay then, let's start by looking at the polar ice cap:

This is a picture of Mars' south polar ice cap. So far as I know, Mars does not have a north polar ice cap. Instead it has what's known as the north polar "hood." This was actually one of the first pictures that finally proved Mars did have a polar ice cap at either pole. Before 2002, it was widely speculated there had once been water on Mars, however Heinrich Shliemann, who first made that postulation around the turn of the twentieth century, was ridiculed at the time, and told that the "canals" he saw on Mars were actually minute imperfections in his reading glasses. The fact Mars has a polar ice cap is significant for two reasons: 1) it gives the NASA and JPL nerds an excuse to jack off over star trek and talk about the "potential for colonization," which is an absurd pipe-dream at best, at least so long as they keep using solid rocket fuel propulsion systems. 2) Much more importantly, however, the fact there is an ice cap and proof of past global floods on Mars means that Mars has ice ages just like our own planet. Let me elaborate on why this is significant: Our own planet currently has a south polar ice cap. We have some bergs and ice sheets in the Arctic, but the majority of polar glaciation is concentrated over Antarctica in the south. Now, what causes glaciation?

Glaciation is caused by ionisation. When salt water is ionised (has a negatively charged electrical current passed through it), the salt separates from the water. This is very significant because salt water, such as what most of the water on our planet consists of, does not freeze. This is why they throw salt across an icey road. The salt dissolves the ice, because it combines with the frozen water and melts it. Therefore, combining salt with water thaws ice, and subtracting salt from water allows ice to form. So, for a polar ice cap to form all we need then is a source of negatively charged electrical current to ionise the water, separate the salt, and allow the remaining fresh water to freeze. Enter the electromagnetic poles. Now, earth rotates about its axis, which is tilted 23.5째 from a right angle relative its oribtial plane. The poles of this axis of rotation are called the "geographic" poles. The North "geographic" pole and the north electromagnetic pole were, last time I checked, offset from one another by a difference of 11째. Here's a quick little diagram I drew a while ago to measure the differences:

The numbers along the arc represent the differences per degree. The blue lines represent the polar circle of the EM pole rotating around the geographic pole in green. The red line is the "tropic" between the equator - the bottom line, and the 23.5째 lattitude. The larger numbers are measures of distances to show ratio, but I forget what measuring unit I used as a base, so that might be useless. Anyway...

When the little blue lines and the little green line in the diagram above overlap exactly, that is, when the EM pole aligns exactly with the geographic pole, then the electromagnetic orientation of the planet reverses. Magnetic North becomes magnetic South, and magnetic south becomes magnetic North. What follows is the ice age ending in one hemisphere and beginning in the other. The ice cap that now has the positive electromagnetic charge melts, and the new negative electromagnetic pole glaciates. Now, these events do not occur overnight. They take tens of thousands of years at least. Right now, we are in northern hemisphere "autumn" relative to our ice age cycle. Siberia is beginning to freeze over already as the location of the new north pole. North America will likely not glaciate, since it did in the last ice age (along with Northern Europe), however that was when the poles aligned in the Yukon Bay. In the upcoming north hemisphere winter, the north geographic pole (tilted 23.5째) will have "precessed" (rotated) around to Siberia. Most of Asia will be under ice. However, and this is the good news: Antarctica, as the new north polar "hood," will thaw and become habitable. What is significant about the presence of a polar ice cap and the evidence of past global flooding on Mars is that it indicates these events are not unique only to earth. This supports my long-term assertion that this effect is related to the sunspot cycle. Now, currently, it is known the eleven-year base sunspot cycle can cause what are called "mini" ice-ages. During the Maudner Minimum (bottoming out in about 1600), Europe experienced such a "mini" ice-age. However, the true connection between sunspots and planetary em-polar reversal and geographic pole shift lies not in sunspots' eleven-year base cycle nor in "mini" ice ages. No, to understand the role of sunspots on this interplanetary cycle we have to look at what causes sunspots in the first place. The gas cloud of the sun rotates differentially, which means the area around the equator rotates faster and the area around the poles rotates slower. This causes the sun's electromagnetic field to coil up around the sun's differential rotation like a ball of twine winding around itself. The longitudinal (n/s) em-field lines gradually wrap around and become latitudinal (e/w). The em-field lines coil up very tightly, and this is what causes sunspots, as an em-field jumps from one latitudinal line to another. Once the em-bands have coiled up as tightly as they can, the solar em-field reaches a point of "critical mass," at which point it reverses its em-polarity. I assert that, whether it happens simultaneously for them all, or whether first for the sun, then the planets outward from it, as far out as to IO and the moons of Jupiter at least, the reversal of the em-field of the sun causes the reversal of the em-field of the planets (such as earth and mars). Now, it can be reckoned that the em-pole reversal of the sun, and thus of the planets of our solar system, corresponds also to a galactic-core / inter-galactic alignment, however I feel I've gone on too long with this post already, and so I won't go into that right now. I'll leave off with this remark as food for thought though: it's possible that the microbes they discovered in Antarctica that they speculated to have come from Mars may indeed prove the presence of inter-planetary germination, the planting of the "seed" of life beneath the ice, not only on earth, but also on Mars.

-Jon sorry to have been a few days guys. I was recording a spoken word ~GOD~ album when some Jehovah's Witnesses showed up. To hide I lay down in bed and promptly fell asleep for 48 hours, a new record even for me. Anyway, now I'm around and will post up something about the Blackwater Security scandal too. sara wrote: Salt water can freeze. Seas are stratified, with warmer water near the surface and cooler water at the bottom. In Polar Regions they are further stratified by salinity, with the saltiest water dropping down to the sea floor because NaCl is heavier than H2O. The water at the top is less salty and does freeze. However, as H2O freezes, sodium chloride crystallizes. The salt crystals which are heavier than the surrounding ice sink. cool info, thanks sara. No pun intended about the "cool" info either. LOL. Basically, what ou described is the situation in the Arctic ocean. In Antarctica, though, there's a land mass underneath the glaciers. What we see there is that hot water from mountain springs roughly in the center of the continent (not quite the geographic south pole), and that these form ice sheets as they flow toward the surrounding oceans. In this case, the source for thye glaciation is already fresh water, and so there is no need for the desalinisation process to be occuring for the south pole now. It should be noted, though, that just as compasses point north, the ONLY reason there are glaciers in the north Artic ocean still AT ALL is because of negative magnetic electrical ionisation resulting in desalination of the water. For example, if the ONLY reason the water at the surface were able to freeze was because the ocean was so deep there that the salt sank so much deeper, then we would see this same effect occuring over the Marianna trench as well. Instead what we see is that the fresher, warmer water ends up circulating (clockwise in the north and counter-clockwise in the south) around the perimeter defined by the surrounding land-masses. We assume this is only due to the rotation of the planet, but if this were the case there would be a strong current forming along the equator as well, and there is none. I would speculate this circulation of fresher waters around the central deep tranch between continental shelves also has an electro-magnetic component, and this may have something to do also with the peculiar effect on compasses experienced in the Bermuda triangle. TheCrow wrote: You guys should teach in damn knowledge, we can even reach mars.







thanks man, that's very inspiring to hear. TheCrow wrote: How about the theory, that once upon a time, mars was just like earth. Hills, grass, oceans, humans (or something that reassembles them) and then, shit happened. Maybe a gamma bust ray, that knocked out their ozone layer or something, and killed em all? I won't say that's not possible. In fact, it's only imaginable because the conditions of mars are such that it is a possibility. Right now, it is presented as only a possibility in the future or as science-fiction (cf. such terra-forming movies as Aliens - on an extra-solar planet, Total Recall - "blue skies on Mars," and Mission to Mars - where it

is presented as having been the case in the very ancient past). You can even watch as the idea seems more and more plausible for each generation. Thus, anyone who proposed a popular idea now before it became popular is considered "ahead of their time," even if the popular idea proves not to be the actual case in reality. I won't say I believe or don't believe this idea. There's evidence on both sides, and for me the jury's still out. TheCrow wrote: And, I dont think that its a good idea on moving to a second planet. even though I would volunteer, it still wont change shit. if something happens to our damned earth, it would still get us. Where ever we are. And mars is empty now. We wont be able to restore life on it, like they picture it in "Red Planet". Or could we? Melting off some of the ice cap with small charge nuclear blasts, let O2 come out, plant some shittty grass, and make a new atmospheric and oxygen cycle? Oh, that's definately possible. I wouldn't advise nukes, as it would contaminate the melted water with radioactivity, but by the time we have the technology to transport terra-forming eqiptment to Mars, we'll surely have better terra-forming equiptment to transport than just nuclear WMDs. Then again, if worst came to worst and we were vacating our planet because of the "nuclear-winter" following a global thermonuclear war, it would seem wiser in fore-thought to have just sent all our own plaent's nuclear-waste (ie. plutonium, depleted uranium, "heavy" water, etc.) either to another planet or, an idea I find funny, at least launched it all into the sun, along with all our nuclear WMDs. TheCrow wrote: Okay. Now that makes me a bit more interested by space. So, how exactly "colder" is it on mars? And is it possible to make some kind of gas layer to preserve oxygen on the planet? like the green house effect. Mars' atmosphere, and correct me anyone if I'm mistaken, but I believe it is more nitrogen rich than our own. I know Venus' atmosphere has a similar composition of "poisonous" gasses, but that it is far thicker and more concentrated because it is closer to the sun. Mars' "air" is thin, both in terms of its oxygen content but also the density of its atmosphere. I may be mistaken in that comparison to Venus, but I know that we can see the surface of Mars whereas what we see of Venus is actually its atmosphere. Mars' atmosphere is "clearer" then than even our own (which is always "partly cloudy"). To me this indicates it could be terra-formed the easiest of any intra-solar system planet (even moreso than any moon of Jupiter, as in the movie 2010). I could be wrong about all that, though, and it is all very speculative to me. If anyone knows better, please correct any errors in that. -J benpadiah wrote: Mars' atmosphere, and correct me anyone if I'm mistaken, but I believe it is more nitrogen rich than our own. sara wrote: I'll comment more later, but I wanted to correct you on this. It is the opposite. It is a common mistake; ost people think the air we breathe is oxygen. It isn't. Again, nitrogen is plant food. Without nitrogen there would be no plants. Just look at the composition of fertiziler (or bombs).

Earth:78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.9% argon, 0.03% carbon dioxide Mars: 95.32% carbon dioxide, 2.7% nitrogen, 1.6% argon, 0.13% oxygen, 0.07% carbon monoxide, 0.03% water vapor coolness, thanks again, sara! that's interesting, it sounds like most of the atmospheric composition of mars is already green-house gasses similar to those becoming dominant in our own atmosphere due to global warming and pollution? Would that be right? Albeit in it an extreme case on the opposite end of the spectrum from our current atmosphere. heh. So breathing in on mars would be like breathing out on earth, and breathing in on earth is the same thing as breathing out on mars. lol. Excuse me, I'm very tired. -J are you thinking underground fluid currents causing subterranean erosion? These look more like cavities in a flat surface than my standard image of an entrance to caverns. hmm... -j TheCrow wrote: I read that earth has like 100 or so kps, and mars is like zero point something. or one point something. How will that affect humans? will it suck out our eyeballs or the contrary, push em deep into our stomachs? first, I believe most of what I read. Not all of it, but I do avoid fiction and only read the limited amount of what I expect will reinforce my own pre-existent beliefs. But in this case, I'd say, for the sake of speculation, if Crow says he read it, I am going to go along with what he said and agree with it. To tell you the truth though, I don't know enough about the topic to be able to speak with any degree of expertise on it. I probably could self-educate online by wiki-googling, but in this case I'm not going to. I'm happy enough discussing these matters, even though based on extremely complex mathematics thousands of times over more accurate and tangible than statistics, in vague and speculative generalisations. I just don't want to fill my head with these exact astronomical figures because, to my mind, that is why we have computers - to store data beyond the human capacity to access by mental calculation. I'm from the calculator generation; same reason I don't read fiction. Second, in the situation you're describing, Crow, that being what would happen if a space suit's integrity were compromised on mars, whether the astronaut's eyes would explode or implode, the answer is, to the best of my estimation, that they would explode. The suit would de-pressurise, because the pressure inside the suit (at 100 or so) would exceed the pressure outside of it (at zero point something). This is only the air-pressure though. The suit would decompress, but the astronaut's eyes themselves would probably pop not because of the wind being sucked out of their suit. They wouldn't pop because of the change in air-pressure, they would pop because of the difference in gravitic pressure. Air pressure pertains the density of the macromolecules of a planet's atmosphere. Gravitic pressure has to do with the amount of weight seemingly pressing down on us keeping us stuck to the ground. The most

common example used to describe gravitic pressure is "your weight on the moon." However this is, obviously, not caused by a difference in air-pressure, but one of gravity. That's why the astronaut's eyes would implode even though their body itself would explode. If their suit ripped, the difference in gravitic pressure would implode their eyeballs at the same time as the air-pressure would vacuum out the air inside the suit. With no more air in the suit, the astronaut's body would then swell up and burst to fill the pressure drop, but by then their eyes would already have been popped because of the difference in gravity. That's because of the differential of contained, intra-occular pressurised fluid and because of the weakness of the membrane exterior to it. See now though, the interesting thing, like in Total Recall, is, and an actual physicist whose job it is to work with complex math and memorise such data would likely be able to explain this, but I think, that if one were sliding down a very steep sand dune, and achieved almost free-fall from sliding down it so fast, if this might actually cause the gravitic pressure differential to counter-balance itself in a static equilibrium, thus delaying the effect of gravitic pressure differential that would cave the eyes inward. I don't know the answer to that for certain though, so I could be way off. LOL, of course, alot of what I just said can be construed as speculative, as I caveated at the start. TheCrow wrote: And you said something about water, that it wont be in the same way as on earth. Is it the shape that will change or it just Cant at all exist there in liquid form? Here again I can't be sure about the exact composition of the molecules of the frozen liquid comrising the polar ice cap of Mars. Ask a martian. But, if you'll indulge me, I will speculate on it a moment. If it IS, definately and beyond all shadow of a doubt, water, identical in nature and substance to our own fresh and salt forms of water, with their three separate forms (steam, condensation and ice) and with all their composite qualities per each of these, then it's likely the water frozen on Mars' south pole would not have a high salt content, since then it wouldn't freeze completely, or a high content of any similar substance that could result in the water not being fresh enough to freeze. Whether or not it's water, we at least cannot deny it IS frozen. Now what sara seems to be proposing is that there might remain vast underground reserves of liquid substance, either the same or similar and either fluid or frozen, to that frozen on Mars' south pole. If they were, at one time, fluid, then this would explain the "caves" on Mars' appearance being similar to round holes, since the "water" flowing underneath the ground would have collapsed the surface only in one spot, right above the underground river. It's obvious that however long ago the "cave" formed, the river has either re-routed or frozen-up by now though, or else we would see a traditional sink-hole with a small lake where the underground current leaked up through the caved in ground. If I'm not totally off-base in guessing this was the point she was aiming at making, about the underground water reserves, I'd be curious to know why. What is the point in discussing the finer aspects of an alien planet's atmosphere at this point in history? It's tantamount to fiction since it is so far removed from our actual reality it may as well be in a parellel dimension. Not to be a jerk about it, but who cares? It's this shit that they teach in schools, filling our heads with dreams about NASA and the "space-age." For the same amount of money it cost us to put a robot on Mars we could

have fed, clothed, sheltered and ran power for a whole city for a year (assuming the utilities were operated by the same services provider as the food and clothing distributor) or for nearly two weeks (considering the trend toward privatisation). No, in the "real world" the only thing you need to know math for is paying bill after bill after bill to every new provider of whatever service they privatise next. Don't get me wrong, I love the space program. I just think that NASA is closer aligned to JPL than to Skunk Works, and that it's actually inter-departmental beuracracy at the federal level, in this case, and not privatisation (quite the opposite actually), that is the reason that kids aren't already skating around on hover-boards. Ah well, -Jon - source: Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 6:06 am Post subject: Jupiter ... and Beyond ...

my own animation of still frames from other resources: "2001=2009" from breaking news to an explanation of the monolith from the Kubrick classic "2001." permalink: 72&index=0&playnext=1

did Shoemaker-Levy 9 deposit a cache of "monoliths" similar to the one Buzz Aldrin recently revealed had been discovered on Phobos, the moon of Mars? If "Eyes Wide Shut" was true to life, as, to a great extent, we know from leaked Bohemian Grove ceremonies, it was, then how much of the movie "2001" was also a Project Dove dupe preparing us for BlueBeam in 2012? the sidereal rotation of Jupiter is 9.925 hours, and yet the best pictures taken by the best telescopes on earth since this anomoly first appeared last Sunday show no further details than the originals taken through an "amateur" telescope. What is the "dark rift" on Jupiter really caused by? Is it increasing in size? What might Nasa be hiding about this phenomenon. the room at the end of the universe symbolises the "baby universe" inside the black hole of galactic core, symbolised by the Monolith. When Dave dies, the new universe is born. PEACE. - Jon Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:30 pm STILL GROWING!!

PEACE? - Jon source:

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:46 am Post subject: the "Black Sun" Spiral Symbols, ancient and modern: To begin our discussion, we have to rewind the clock back to very ancient times, to the "Grooved Ware" or "Clovis" people of the late Megalithic period, around the time of the end of the last north-hemisphere ice-age. These were the people who erected megaithic stone monuments and who left carved petroglyphs etched in stone. We find the remnants of their culture spanning the entire globe, from Easter Island to Japan, including N. and S. America, Europe, Asia and Africa, and even in Australia. In all these lands exist ancient stone monuments, and stone glyphs carved in ancient, lost ciphers of writing using basic symbols or ideograms. In all these pictograms, there is a common language, or use of symbols: the figure of man, the figures of indigenous game, and depictions of markers of their migration. Of this last kind, there are remnant glyphs of directional arrows, cardinal crosses and often spirals or maze patterns. This last sort can be analysed according to another interpretation as well, other than only as a marker indicating a migration route.

the "Signal Hill" Spiral in southwest N. America Consider the fact that many of the sites where the spiral or maze motif have been found have astronomical alignments visible from that spot at different significant times during the year. These sometimes occur as natural orck formations, and other times are man-made stone structures. The "new" science of Astro-Archaelogy has begun to uncover the extreme significance to ancient peoples of making astronomical observations. Most modern researchers agree that ancient people, once thought mere savages, had a much more advanced understanding of the cosmos and its workings than had previously been believed.

New Grange: petrogrlyphic spirals in Ireland. Of particular interest should be the ancient structure of Stone Henge in England, which represents what may be the oldest structure of raised and hewn stones in the early neo-Lithic period. The outlines and layout of the blocks remaining standing today indicates a pentaganol inner arrangement surrounded by thirty smaller pillars. The inner blocks and outer pillars align with the sunrise and sunset on certain dates, such as Equinoxes and Solctices, and indicate not only a high level of technological Masonry in the ediface's carving, but also an extremely high level of precission in the structure's original design.

here are some examples of "Swastikas" from across early cultures. The eariest known use of this symbol comes from China, with the fromation of the original Yin Yang coupling of dual opposites as black and white spirals. It should be duly noted that this symbol evolved as an independent tradition into the twin pillars of "Jachin" and "Boaz" in the Middle East. Note particularly here that the Yin Yang spiral follows a "clockwise" rotation. I'll come back to discuss the significance of this in a moment.

the Chinese Yin Yang: oldest form of spiral symbol. The second oldest use of this symbol comes from S. America, and the Mayan culture. The "Hunab Ku" symbol, only recently rediscovered by modern Quiche and Mayan descendents as an authentic traditional symbol, depicts what modern Mayan scholars and Astro-Archaelogists understand as the 2012 alignment of the sun, earth and galactic core. Thus, the Hunab Ku is linked, in the modern research of the ancient Maya, with the idea of the galactic core in specific.

the Mayan Hunab Ku: symbol of galactic core By the time the Aztecs conquered the Mayans in S. America, the culture of European Stone-Masonry had advanced to the degree of Gothic architecture, and the Enlightenment was dawning from the long Dark Ages under the strict oppression of science by the Roman Catholic Church. To this end, we have the same symbol as all of these, depicting the spiral, the world-cross or the maze, being engraved on the floor of Chartres Cathedral in France. This maze motif reflects the height of intricacy in the spiral or crooked cross design.

the layout of the "world-maze" of Chartres Cathedral And, in discussing the use of the "crooked cross" or "Swastika" symbol, we cannot exclude the symbol of Fascism in Germany, the NAZI Blutfahn or "blood flag" carried by Hitler during the failed "Beer Hall" Putsch. During the first half of the 20th century Anno Domini, the Swastika logo was employed by the "Third Reich," whose inner-most order was the "THULE" cult of the "Black Sun." This cult studied antigravity propulsion craft as a means of achieving space-travel, and believed these same sort of craft responsible for the stories of "Vimana" in the ancient Sanskrit and Farsi.

the "Swastika" logo of the German Third Reich The Milky Way: The Milky Way galaxy is best known as the wide band of stars that cuts across our night-sky at a 23.5째 angle from our own solar system's ecliptic. As such, the Milky Way occurs in ancient mythology in the form of the semen of Ptah in Egypt, the "sea of milk" eternally being churned into butter in India, and the River Styx in Greece. In S. America, the Milky Way was the "Way of the Dead," and venerated in the Aztec capitol of Tenotitchlan. The juncture point between the solar system's ecliptic and the hub of the Milky Way was, in the Popul Vuh, the "World Tree" that grew at the intersection of the realms of the living and the dead. The "Tree of Life" figures prominently in Judeao-Christian and Moslem religion as well, and is cognate with the "middle pillar" of QBLH and Hindu Yoga.

the Hub of the Milky Way galaxy

It is thought that it was not first postulated until by scientists as recently as the 19th and 20th centuries AD that the concept of the Milky Way galactic hub is the edge-on view of a massive spiral galaxy, containing billions of stars similar to our own. Thus, the six arms of our galaxy were not discovered until extremely powerful telescopes manages to pierce the distances of our galactic hub and ascertain the shape of our local universe and our place in it. The result is that now we know our Milky Way is actually only one of billions of billions of similar galaxies in the cosmos.

a Map of the Milky Way galaxy, as seen from above Of particular interest to our research should be the "central bulge" at the middle of the galactic hub, because it is this "central bulge" that is at the core of our spiral galaxy. In this depiction by an artist from NASA, we see more clearly what

astronomical observations indicate: the central bulge at the core of our galaxy is actually oriented at an angle to the rest of the spiralling arms of the Milky Way. The reason for this remained unknown until astronomical observations were able to pierce the central core more closely.

the "central bulge" of the Milky Way operates at an angle to galatic arms. Here is a depiction of the star cluster forming the "central bulge" at galactic core seen in infrared. Notice the central core is located to the left in this picture, and that a small spiral of stellar nebulae has formed around the exact central point of our galaxy, which appears here as a samll, bright white star at the centre of the spiral on the left.

the star cluster of galactic core within the Milky Way's central hub

Here is an enlargement focusing in on only that particular star and its surrounding area in space. The star, called Sagittarius A, is the closest star to the central point of our entire Milky Way galaxy. Here, Sagittarius A is, again, the bright white star in the middle of the picture.

the Sagittairus A star system, at galactic core of the Milky Way Despite the astronomical observations already made of Sagittarius A, it remained a hotly contested debate as to how this small star could have warped the entire galaxy to form as a spiral being pulled ever inward toward it. It simply didn't have enough gravity to account for the effect. In the late 1990's physicist Stephen Hawking proposed the theory of "black holes" or imploded stars. In 1999, an announcement was made by NASA that "black holes" likely existed at the centre of all spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way. Only a "black hole" could account for the massive gravity needed to form a galaxy. Here is an artist's depiction, again from NASA, of a black hole. Notice that the poles of the black hole, operative at 90째 from the "accretion disk" surrounding its equator, project "gas jets" above and below. These "gas jets" have been analysed and found to contain elements that are, terrestrially, metallic. Within these clouds of iron have also been measured photons that are travelling faster than the predicted speed of light in a vaccuum, which Einstein called "c" in his famous equation: E=Mc^2.

NASA artist's rendition of a black hole with polar gas jets. The exact physics of a black hole are not yet fully understood due to the fact no telescope has been able to actually observe one because none can penetrate to the centre of a galaxy, even our own, which would allow a glimpse at the closest black hole. Instead, we now have only artists' renditions of not only black holes, but even our own Milky Way galaxy's actual spiral arms. However, if we combine these two concepts we can recognise a fundamental concept, hinted at by this image, also by a NASA artist, which depicts the superluminal particles of the black hole's polar gas jets as bending and warping around to form a torus with points on its accretion disk. The meaning of this is simple and obvious: our stars form at the points where these tachyonic arcs connect around the galactic hub.

NASA artist's rendering of the Milky Way's core black hole.

Spiral Symbols and the Milky Way: Let us return to the point I'd mentioned briefly about the Yin Yang spirals. In the classic depictions of the Yin Yang motif, the spirals are always oriented in a "clockwise" rotational pattern. Whether we see Yin or Yang as being "above" or "below" the other, the orientation remains the same regarding their relative positioning to one another either way. So long as the "S" pattern down the middle of the circle is backwards, the rotation of the spirals will represent a "clockwise" orientation.

The significance of the Yin Yang being "clockwise" is that it represents the Milky Way as seen from above the North galactic pole. This is particularly of special note becuase China is in the north hemisphere of earth. As we shall see, not all the depictions of the spiral or crooked cross will follow this rule, although the exception appears to be intentional.

As we can see, from above the "north" pole of galactic core, the arms of the spiral Milky Way galaxy are being pulled ever inward toward the black hole at its centre in a "clockwise" fashion. Of course, we must remember, if we were looking at our galaxy from below the "south" pole, we would see these arms spiralling in the opposite direction, "counter-clockwise," and this picture would be reversed. Now let us consider the symbol of the Mayan Hunab Ku, which, as I'd mentioned, was specifically associated in their mythology with the concept of the "world tree" at the cross-roads of our solar system's ecliptic and the hub of the Milky Way galaxy. In 2012, this position will align with the core of the Milky Way, and the sun will align from earth with the black hole at galactic central core. Note that the Hunab Ku symbol presents a similar spiral to the Yin Yang, but is "counter-clockwise" in orientation. Recall also that the Maya dwelt in the "southern" hemisphere of earth as well.

Our last example in this consideration brings us back to the most recent researchers of the "THULE" symbol of the ancient alphabet of the Lost Language shared once by all mankind. The "THULE" symbol of the spiral or crooked-cross motif can now be accepted as representing the arms of the spiral Milky Way galaxy, and so it should also be accepted that the "Black Sun" studied by the NAZIs was, indeed, the "black hole" of galactic central core. Moreoever, note that the "Swastika" symbol of the NAZIs was inverse from the same motif used in Buddhism, and, unlike their Tibetan neighbors in the northern hemisphere, the German inversion of this symbol brought them extreme bad luck.

PEACE, - Jon The concept of the "Black Sun" can be dated at least as far back as to European Alchemical traditions during the later Dark Ages. Representing the first of the seven stages of the Alchemical process of transubstantion of lead into gold, the concept of the "Black Sun" was ocassionally represented also by the symbol of the double-headed eagle, such as in the Hapsburg crest, the 33rd degree motif of Free Masonry, and my own coat of arms. - confer: Quote: Sol niger (black sun) is also the name of the result of the first stage of the Opus Magnum in alchemy, the blackening (nigredo). The complete Opus magnum (Great Work) ends with the production of gold. - source: For those interested in Pythagorean mathematikoi and akousmatikoi, Philolaus, loayal follower of Pythagoras, born but one generation after the Master himself, was apparently influenced to postulate his concept of a "Central Fire" as not only heliocentrism, but also of a dual-loci of focal points, including a "dark star" gravitational pivot point effecting earth's orbit to render it elliptical. Quote: It is possible that these teachings influenced Philolaus in the development of his

groundbreaking theory of the Central Fire. This is supported by the fact that the various teachings regarding multiple suns are sometimes attributed to Empedocles, who was a contemporary of Philolaus, and his senior. However, this connection may be coincidental, and it is likely that the attribution of these ideas to Empedocles stems from an imperfect understanding of his cosmology in regard to the reflective nature of the Sun. source: _tradition Quote: The term Black Sun (Ger. "Schwarze Sonne"), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for "Sun Wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance, notable for its usage in Nazi mysticism. Today, it may also be used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft-inspired esotericism. - source: The term "Black Sun" began during the Beer Hall meetings of German Worker Democratic Social Groups, such as NASDAP, the party that would go on to bring about the Third Reich. It was originally meant as an "occult" term, and not refered to publically by that name. Instead, publically, it was depicted by the symbol of Adolph Hitler's "Swastika" motif. Quote: Although it is believed the inverted (or "unlucky") crooked-spiral cross motif was authentically a design of Adolph Hitler, it is known that the reverse of this appeared first on Tibetan Buddhist monastery wall-paintings several hundred years before first appearing in Celtic Ireland. Both places the triskele, or triple-cross / spiral, and the swastika, or quadruple-cross / spiral are both considered symbols of the Milky Way galaxy as seen from above or below one of its poles. This symbol is also equivalent to the double- cross / spiral of Yin Yang and Hunab Khu. Similar symbols are the spiral and maze patterns that date back to the places of earliest habitations in Australia, Asia, Europe, and North America, so it should be considered an innate symbol in the original alphabet used in Antarctica. Its correct pronunciation, however, has obviously since been lost. Instead now it is called "Thule." - source: The Name of the Black Sun is "Thule," and the depiction of Thule is the Swastika. Each symbol depicts a symmetrical repetition of one of a series of Runes, the "Armanic" rune-lore designed by Guido Von List. Thus, the "swastika" of the NAZIs was a pair of mirrored runes for the letter "S." Here is a depiction of another in this same series of symbols, representing a higher order in the same sequence as the Swastika. Here we see the double "S" of the Swastika replaced by a double "T." Thus, we see 16 rays surrounding the central runes. Remember that all these symbols represent the "Black Sun," and the name of the Black Sun was "Thule." benpadiah wrote:

TheCrow wrote: On the image of the Black Sun (on first page), what is the writing around? What does it mean? The most authoritative text available online about the occult aspects behind the actual "Schwarze Sonne" (black sun) mystic group comprised of the highest leaders (known as "Obergruppenfßhrer" or over-group leaders, equivalent to "five star" generals) among the SS (schutzstaffel) detachment of Hitler's personal body-guards is probably "Reich of the Black Sun" by Joseph P Farrell. On page 175 of the text —

Reich of the Black Sun online @ (an excellent site on Vril crafts) or page 180 of the Reich of the Black Sun.pdf (5.2 MB) (which I downloaded from the forums here ) — Farrell displays the same picture, with the cryptic caption: "The Symbol of the Black Sun Adopted by the Thule Society. Contemporary German Federal Law Forbids it to be Displayed." He omits to credit his source for this reproductioon however, as does Peter Moon in his book "the Black Sun" (from which the reproduction on the previous page of this thread comes). These two books make broad, speculative claims about the nature of the internal projects being worked at by the Black Sun members, while more mainstream texts, such as "Schwarze Sonne," a 2001 German book by Rüdiger Sünner (wikilink) seem to deal more with simply pinning down who the likely members were. Wikipedia's page ( ) sides with the mainstream material that ties the group of Obergruppenführer's meeting place to Wewelsburg, a castle that was being restored toward the end of WWII by Heinrich Himmler, chief of the SS. - source: Although all the Irminenschraft (or simply, Irminists) believed the Vimana of the Rig Veda described ancient air-ships, and that the Vedic Aryans had migrated into Europe to found the Norse mythic culture, not all of them knew what such lofty concepts might really mean. The NAZI occultist Karl Maria Wiligut crafted what would come to be the religious beliefs of the NAZI Third Reich based on the concept that "Krishna" was a Vedic deity, and that the Norse descended from the Vedics. Quote: Wiligut claimed that the Bible had originally been written in Germanic, and testified to an "Irminic" religion (Irminenreligion) that contrasted with Wotanism. He claimed to worship a Germanic god "Krist", which Christianity was supposed to have later bootlegged as their own saviour Christ. - source: While this notion of a "new" or "revived" form of "Pagan Chrisianity" was being considered among the inner-most circles of the occultist "intelligentsia" of 1920's Germany, the foundations for such wild speculations had already been laid by earlier, legitimate scientists, in search of more planets within our own solar system than were then known. Long before Pluto had been discovered, the search for the furthest planet of our solar system was begun by the same man who believed he'd seen "canals on Mars," apocryphally ridiculed by history for having seen merely imperfections in the grain of his own spectcles. Quote: In 1894, with the help of William Pickering, Percival Lowell, a wealthy Bostonian aristocrat, founded the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona. In 1906, convinced he could resolve the conundrum of Uranus's orbit, he began an extensive project to search for a trans-Neptunian planet, which he named Planet X. The X in the name represents an unknown and is pronounced as the letter, as opposed to the Roman numeral for 10 (Planet X would, at the time, have been the ninth planet). Lowell's hope in tracking down Planet X was to establish his scientific credibility, which had eluded him thanks to his widely derided belief that channel-like features visible on the surface of Mars were canals constructed by an intelligent civilisation. - source:

In short, the likelihood of there being a real "Planet X," that is specifically the "size of earth," and thus theoretically capable of sustaining life, in an elongated elliptical orbit around our sun is not only a NAZI neo-myth, but it is also a currently accepted scientific theoryamong the esteemed community of astro-physicists. Quote: The Kuiper belt terminates suddenly at a distance of 48 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun (by comparison, Neptune lies 30 AU from the Sun),[51] and there is some speculation that this sudden drop-off, known as the "Kuiper cliff", may be attributed to the presence of an object with a mass between that of Mars and Earth located beyond 48 AU. Astronomers have not excluded the possibility of a more massive Earth-like planetoid located further than 100 AU with an eccentric and inclined orbit. Computer simulations have suggested that a body roughly the size of Earth, ejected outward by Neptune early in the Solar System's formation and currently in an elongated orbit between 80 and 170 AU from the Sun, could explain not only the Kuiper cliff but also the peculiar "detached" TNOs such as Sedna. - source: The idea of an alien inhabited "Planet X" that had passed near our own earth and tampered with our evolution was already a well enough established theory by the time of the earliest Irminen Thulist proto-NAZIs. By this point, the NAZI ocultists were not only looking outward, beyond the known planets, but also inward, toward Philolaus' "Central Fire." While many were already then beginning to ponder from which direction this "Planet X" could approach earth from next, others were already attempting to conceive of the more distant focal loci point that marked the elliptically elongated orbit of Planet X. Compare these concepts of Karl Wiligut to the modern theory of a Black Sun... Quote: Santur is interpreted as a burnt-out Sun that was still visible at the time of Homer. R端diger speculates that this was the center of the solar system hundreds of millennia ago, and he imagines a fight between the new and the old Suns that was decided 330,000 years ago. Santur is seen as the source of power of the Hyperboreans. - Quote: Nemesis is a hypothetical red dwarf star or brown dwarf, orbiting the Sun at a distance of about 50,000 to 100,000 AU, somewhat beyond the Oort cloud. This star was originally postulated to exist as part of a hypothesis to explain a perceived cycle of mass extinctions in the geological record. - source: Now recall the fractured poetry of SS officer Rudolf Mund, NAZI occultist... Quote: Rudolf J. Mund (a former SS member and later also member of the Vienna Circle) described a relationship of the visible sun as a symbol of an invisible anti-sun, the Black Sun.

"Everything that can be comprehended by human senses as material, is the shadow of the invisible spiritual light. The material fire is - seen in this way - also only the shadow of the spiritual fire."


and, again, this quote validating the concept in scientific terminology... Quote: Another hypothesis argues that long period comets, rather than arriving from random points across the sky as is commonly thought, are in fact clustered in a band inclined to the ecliptic. Such clustering could be explained if they were disturbed by an unseen object at least as large as Jupiter; possibly a brown dwarf. The hypothetical planet—or companion of the Sun—would be located in the outer part of the Oort cloud. - source: Thus the double "S" of the Swatika can be seen to symbolise the dual-solar nature, one light, one dark, alike twinned stars. However the double Runic "T" of the "alternative design" of the Black Sun symbol merely indicates, as I have said, that it is a note in the same scale, however of a different order, rank and file than the Swastika symbol. Both represent the same concept: the Black Sun. However, the base-4 Swastika and the base-16 rays of the "alternative design" simply represent two different definitions for what "Black Sun" each means. The double "S" Swastika has been described as representing the dual nature of the sun, as if the "main sequence" of star growth were the same sequence as the "transmutation" of alchemical metals. Likewise, the dual "T," base-16 "Black Sun" symbol also represents a dualistic aspect to the sun our star. However in this case it relates to the black hole at galactic core. Quote: The symbol of the Black Sun also has an alternative design, possibly a phantasy product of postwar writers, allegedly known as the "Die innere Welt - das Geheimnis der schwarzen Sonne" (The inner word - the secret of the Black Sun). This Black Sun symbolism formed a central doctrine to the pre-Nazi secret societies, namely the Black Sun, the Thule Society (Thule-Gesellschaft) and von Liebenfels' Order of the New Templars (Ordo Novi Templi). The transliteration of the text around the signet, seen here beginning from its upper left corner and proceeding around clockwise, is as of today untranslated.


The prior work I had done on decoding, or at least transcribing, the sourrounding "letters" led me to researching Runes as the means for decoding the conceptual ideograms that surround the "alternative design."

Quote: I couldn't help but notice the Alemannic ruinic movement's ties to Bavaria (the home of Adam Weishaupt, 1776 founder of the Order of Perfectabilists), so I investigated them a little further @ and found they were actually invented in 1902 by Guido Von Lizst (wikilink). While I turned up some very interesting material on them in Nigel Pennick's "Magical Alphabets" and joined a yahoo group dedicated to their study ( group/Armanen/), I cannot ultimately say at this point that the writing around the "signet of the Black Sun" is definately in Armanic Runes. While there are some similarities, most of the more common letters of Futhorkh one would expect to find (such as the letter "R" ) even if the cipher is written in German (or even Sanskrit, which I also ruled out), are notably missing from (or rather depicted by a different phonoglyph in) the signet.

Here is a transliteration of the text around the signet, beginning from its upper left corner and proceeding around clockwise.

Here are as many as 24 distinct letters and how often they occur in the text. - source: - source: However, recently, I discovered another way to interpret these mysterious glyphs. My discovery came when I inadvertandly realised the symbols might be incomplete in their extent form, but could be re-assembled given only what of them remains. To this extent, I quickly discovered that there are, essentially, 4 cardinaly positions for the re-oreintations of the overall lamen: right-side-up and front-wards; frontwards and upside down, upside down and backwards; and right-side-up and backwards. I have compiled the following .gif for the consideration of any who wish to pursue this course of reasoning further. Note, though, these 4 cardinal positions are true only for the orientations of the central "T" runes, and not for the 16 rays, which can be extended to form 32 overlaps (ray over ray, or rays between rays).

Here is a symbol for the alignment between the base-4 solar Swastika, the base-6 or the Armenen runes, the base-12 of the Wewelsburg castle "black sun" motif, as well as the letters surrounding the "alternative design."

I believe the ultimate solution to decoding this mysterious arrangement of a NAZI version of the Arthurian "Round Table" Romance will come as a break through using mirrors, aligned along the indicated axes of the central runes, to reflect each letter by letter, as if they were symmetrical along a vertical axis, an exact replication down the middle of each, all around the circle. However, at this moment, I have neither the time nor the inclination to study this more. I hope I have inspired any interested researchers to continue along decoding this mystery using some of the techniques I have, and which I propose further. PEACE. - Jon - source:

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 3:51 pm Post subject: 1999 and collective consciousness of critical mass The Blair Witch Project was a "black op." It was covered up. It never happened. So, what was covered up? What never happened? It was just a movie, right? Wrong. Q: When Donnie Darko went to see the Last Temptation of Christ, what did Frank show him on the screen? A: a "portal." Q: what was Donnie Darko about? A: time travel. So, what was the Blair Witch Project really about? Three teens enter the woods near Maryland making a documentary for a school project about a local legend: the Blair Witch. Four years later, their footage was discovered in an abandoned house in those woods. The movie was this footage. So, basically, the movie was a "mockumentary." In reality, the movie was shot cinema veritĂŠ using a unique style of directing. The production crew would leave the day's instructions for the actors beneath a pile of rocks while the actors slept. Following these directions, the actors then filmed each other. The piles of rocks even became part of the plot-line. So basically, the film was more than a "mockumentary," it was also a form of "RPG" (role-playing game) like Dungeons and Dragons or Vampire. But these are only the how and the what. What about what it was "really" about? What about the why? Who was "the Blair Witch"? She was never shown in the movie. In fact, she represented "God." Consider the plot as like an existentialist play, like Sartre's "No Exit," Becket's "Waiting for Godot," or Stoppard's "Rosenkreuntz and Gildenstern are dead." In this context, the premise takes on additional depth. The characters represent archetypes, as in the other works of this genre, and the main character is the chorus, who is absent, and who represents, in effect (as in the book, Illuminatus! trilogy by Wilson or the S. American film "Holy Mountain"), the audience themselves. In the case of the Blair Witch Project, we have three actors, as opposed to two in the case of Godot or R&D. In fact, the two "directors" represent the dual character role, and thus play the part themselves of the mythical, off-camera Blair Witch / God type character. The three actors in the BWP are named Josh, Heather and Mike. Josh is a "hippy" ringer for the archetype of Jesus, or, more accurately, for Yeshuah Ben Padiah (ie. Joshua the Panther), the real personage behind the mythical Jesus. Mike is a standard, somewhat slower witted, jockish and heavier-set student type character, the kind of "preppy" to grow up into a "yuppie," and is meant to represent the "common man" as a farmer / gladiator type of Christian, who, by their valuation of money, has a streak of hypocrisy, but who is, otherwise, basically a "good" guy. Heather is, similarly to Mike, simply the Eve character to Mike's Adam. She is the archetypal "female" whose moods and whims tend to assume leadership despite their lack of logic. In my opinion, Heather Donahue, who played the role of Heather (all the actors used their real names), is the best actress of all-time. Her emotions were more accurately portrayed than any other actress in all history. If Hollywood valued realism, she would have won an Academy Award. In her most popularly parodied scene (immitation being a higher form of recognition than ignorance), she tearfully expressed regret at having been forced into this leadership role. Truly breathtaking. Now, aside from the Blair Witch representing God, Josh representing Jesus, and Mike and Heather representing Adam and Eve, what is sigificant about this movie? Well, there was a parallel "mockumentary" released at the same time as the movie of the supposed footage. This "mockumentary," made by the directors, involved interviews

with a whole cast of fictional characters supporting and building up the mythos around the fictional Blair Witch world. One interview in particular is of note in tying the Blair Witch to the later movie Donnie Darko. It was said that the footage inside the film canisters "looked like it had been buried there for decades." The abandoned house (featured also in the movie's end) where the footage was discovered had been, in the context of the fictional BWP "world," found by the search party sent out to find the three missing "teens." The footage, found inside the house, was supposedly the only remains of the students that was found, and it "looked like it had been buried there for decades." The Blair Witch Project is essentially a movie about time-travel. That is why it was "covered-up" immediately afterward. During the autumn and winter of 1999, the movie was very popular. However, following the celebration of the turn of the millennium party in Winter 1999/2000, the movie lapsed into obscurity. By 9-11, 2001 and the WTC disaster, the movie was totally fogotten. However, there were several factors involved in this process. First, the directors sold the rights to a production company for distribution reasons. The production company re-sold the rights to a larger production company to make a sequel, which was met with extremely poor reviews and pretty much dynamited the reputation of the first BWP as a masterpiece of artistic cinema. Second, although the first BWP made over a billion dollars in domestic revenue the year of its release, that money all flooded upward; the directors received domestic distribution fees only (video-tape and dvd sales, which have proved very low, despite distribution rate being very high); the production company made double domestic gross by reselling the rights; the larger production company banked off the first film's reputation and made more on domestic gross theatre sales than they paid to buy the rights. It was, as was typical among the "startup" .com net entrepeurial endeavors contemporary to it, an inevitable fiasco as big businesses rushed to get bigger by stamping out every smaller competitor. Meanwhile, the "black-op" or "cover story" for the BWP "world," BWP2: "book of shadows," is saving up on doemstic distribution now to mass-release both movies simultaneously as soon as their contract runs out, and thus tank any chances the two original directors have of either being able to afford buying the serial rights back from them OR to save the series from this "unfortunate series of events." The cover-story, the plot of BW2, was widely spread on the net before the film's release. This was an imitation of what Time magazine had called the "guerilla marketing" used before the first film's release by its originaltwo directors. Whereas their technique, distributing fliers for the "missing students" for a year before release to build suspense and mystery, as well as merely brand recognition, was considered "innovative," the technique used by the producers of BW2, releasing the entire plot-line online, rather than in a parallel "mockumentary," was considered a way to "double-dip" the audience, charging them once to learn about it online and then again to see it in theatres. This is a standard enough technique of big business, a "corporate success story" of the industry of false images. However it was more than this as well. It was a means of defaming the reputation of the "world" created around the first film by the original directors. It was a cover-up of not only the existentialist archetypicality of the actor/characters, but also of that one key-note piece of information in the original's parellel "mockumentary" about the film canisters looking "like they had been there for decades." In that single sentence lies the whole premise for the original directors' vision for the continuation of the BWP's plot-line inside its highly developed fictional "world."

The BWP was going to be a story about time-travel. Hollywood stole the series (the fictional contextual "world" of the film) and re-made it in its own image, a media feeding frenzy. Why? Well, who owns Hollywood? Who do you think? New York production companies. Well, who owns them? Viacom (distribution), Sony (manufacturing), Fox (production), the television networks, are all owned by the same megalocompanies that own the Hollywood studios. General Electric, Microsoft, Exxon-Mobil, etc. are all megalocoprorations who own these image-distribtion networks, and who do you think owns them? Well, their presidents and CEOs of course, Rupert Murdoch, Ted Turner, Bill Gates, etc. etc. Well, where does their money go that they make from owning these megalo-corporations? Who do they owe debts to, who owns the owners? Well, usually politicians, specifically right-wing ones who support nationalism for developed nations and collonialism of less-developed nations. Politicians who make no qualms about having direct ties to the Central Intelligence Agency, and who usually are either members of the CIA and Yale college frat Skull and Bones, or are political office holders, or are owners (chief stock holders, the person behind the CEO or company administrative president) of those same megalo-corporations. They "sit at the head of all tables" as the saying goes. So, why would the executives who "sit at the head of all tables" want to torch the Blair Witch Project? And, a more important question, if it was popular by accident or chance, and not by their design, then how could they not have seen it coming, and even more importantly than that, why would they have allowed it to become popular unless it fit their own pre-existing strategy for continued world domination? All of these are good questions, and deserve to be asked. I don't have time to answer them all in this piece, but should anyone wish me to get back to them I definately can later. Instead, let me shift gears a moment and discuss the way the "big bang" at the creation of our universe (ie. when "God" made "something from nothing") never ended, and how the supposed "big crunch," that would theoretically destroy our universe if it proves to have a closed geometric surface of the space-time continuum, is already occuring even today. Now, the way the universe works is this: at the centre of every spiral galaxy there is a black hole. The furthest visible spiral galaxies we can see today, because the photons we are seeing them on left them billions of years ago, have probably already been consumed by their central, now super-massive black-holes. Therefore, we can say that A) the furthest reaches of space-time are, by now, not the spiral galaxies they appear to be, but are probably all comprised of super-massive blackholes and B) that eventually the galaxies closer to us will also be consumed by their central black holes, and that, although it anthropically hasn't happened yet here, to our own Milky Way, that one day it will overtake us as well. As these black holes grow super-massive, they take up more and more space in our universe, and consume the matter-energy visible to us beyond their barrier of darkness to a realm above and beyond that we cannot see. This explains why our universe appears to be expanding. This is an optical illusion as the photons themselves reaching us from the oldest and furthest away reaches of spacetime are being pulled backward toward their sources, which have now become super-massive black holes whose gravity is so strong it is consuming the universe around us outward into the approaching wave of destruction comprised of the conjoining of all these super-massive black holes into the surface of spacetime surrounding us at the speed of photons. And eventually it will reach here. However, we can imagine, like

the immense world-wide tsunami that engulfed Atlantis, we will be able to see our doom approaching long before the wave actually swallows us to die in its depths. In other words, we will be able to predict this event being the true occurance "behind the veil," so to speak, even though we cannot see it yet with our own eyes because what we see instead is ancient light from distant galaxies, long ago replaced by ruins. However, until recently, we did not even know there was a black hole at the centre of spiral galaxies such as our own Milky Way. In fact, we can't even see the one at the centre of our own Milky Way yet because our telescopes cannot penetrate the dense cloud of stars surrounding it at the galaxy's core. Our perspective is limited to along the hub, and we have not yet been able to imagine a view of the Milky Way from off the surface of its "wagon-wheel" type shape. It was not until the Hubble space telescope sent back images of distant galaxies that we were finally able to observe the black holes at their central cores, and thus to speculate that our own Milky Way must have a corresponding counterpart to those. So, what year did this occur in, that we discovered distant spiral galaxies, and thus our own as well, all had a black hole in their centres? Well, it occured in the same year as the BWP movie was released, it occured right before the winter celebration of the turn of the millennium between the end of 1999 and the beginning of the year 2000. So, this massively important event in scientific history occured, more or less, simultaneously to the release of the BWP, in 1999. Now it has long been the strategy of those who "sit at the head of all tables" to divert the public eye away from what would empower them and to draw attention instead onto, essentially, "panem et circenta," bread and circus games. This is called "misdirection" and is used by such illusionist "magicians" as David Copperfield in their staged performances. The BWP was, essentially, just such a misdirection. It was meant to cover-up the contemporary discovery of the phenomenon of black-holes in spiral galaxies. However, the magnitude of popularity of the concurrent misdirection was congruent to the importance of the publically empowering correspondent scientific discovery. Thus, the BWP became immensely popular for only a short period of time at the same time as this discovery, but this technique failed, to a certain extent. The movie alone managed to distract its viewers' attention away from this effect of public empowerment against those orchestrating it as an event of misdirection, the ones who "sit at the heads of all tables." However it only served to galvinize the remainder of those, outside the movie's immediate viewing audience, into public action against those manipulators behind the event of the movie's popularity. In late 1999 at the signing of the GATT treaty creating the IMF from the WTO and the World Bank, there were unexpectedly massive rallies and protests. Not since what Sam Huntington called "the crisis of democracy" in the 1960's had there been such massive turn-out. The conference, held in Seattle Washington in winter to prevent people from coming out in the snow, was attended by thousands of young protestors, all dressed in sockhats and flannel loggers' jackets, the exact same dress-code adhered to by the characters of the first BWP. So, while half the nation watched the BWP, the other half protested the GATT, the IMF, the WTO and the world bank, ie. those who "sit at the heads of all tables" as the sole owners of the means of production. The reason the BWP became so popular, and the reason this popularity had to be squelched, so rapidly was because of its meaning to the entire nation, as a symbol of the concurrent protests in Seattle. However, it was not the popular movement against the rich elite that was originally intended to be covered up by the BWP. This public

movement against the rich has existed for as long as have the rich themselves, so they would not see the need to suppress it in the media before hand. Their paranoia of "persecution" is permanent, and resulted in the Inquisition and the Salem Witch Trials no less than the eventual burning of the BWP. No, the event the rich elite were attempting to cover up by allowing the prommotion of the BWP before its release was not the concurrent protests in Seattle. It was the discovery by NASA of the black hole at galactic core. To have known to push a movie as much as they did before hand as they allowed the BWP to be they must have not only known about the existence of the black hole at the core of our Milky Way before the public did, meaning NASA notified them before they notified the public, but that the rich elite also determined the exact timing for the release by NASA of this discovery to the public. Such collusion is common, so we think little of it. However since it is corrupt and therefore criminal, we should not even have to think of it at all, since it should not have ever been allowed to occur at all. Now, let's look at the first of those points: that the wealthy elite were aware of the existence of the black hole at galactic core before NASA's press release was covered by the (subsidiary) public media. How can we discern this? Well, it can be discerned in a rather roundabout way by examining who DIDN'T know about the black hole at galactic core before NASA released their press release, and that is the people who SHOULD HAVE known about it already: the indigenous populations of the world whose mythological historical sciences have been suppressed for thousands of years by collonisation by the same elite class of the rich. So we see the same strategies being used by Conquistidors against the Aztecs as being used by riot-police containing the public crowds in Seattle because there is a secret club that only the wealthy elite belong to that has been passing along the ability to use such techniques of oppression. This club has been in possession of the knowledge not only of every technique of oppression imaginable, but also of the stolen knowledge of all their conquered people's mythologies and sciences. So, when an indigenous author on the subject of the Mayan calendar such as Jose Arguelles comes along and describes what he thinks about the topic of his expertise, he meets little "public interest" and his information in that case is considered "less important" to book-sellers than, say, his take on 9-11. The reason for this is quite clear: the marginalisation of ANY form of information that would empower the public or those who have been historically oppressed by this secret club of the rich elite. This club is not, as its disinfo agents insist, based on bloodlines. It is, however, in possession of extremely advanced technology. The need to protect this property from the public is, obviously, not the concern ONLY of certain families. It is the concern of a whole class of people entirely open to upward mobility throughout its ranks. However, there most definately are small clubs, organisations of interests in the private sector, that teach the techniques of oppression and the existence of the technology, and make access to the latter seem dependent on the practise of the former. Some would say, "freemasons" are this club. Others would say it is the "Illuminati." However it is no more either of these than it is doctors or lawyers. Some would raise Yale frat Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove club and the CIA as examples of groups within this organisation. However these assertions are, of course, backwards, since it is the CIA, bogo and S&B that are the ones who could be accused in the

present, whereas the Masons and the Illuminati are actually groups from the past that have been historically blamed for the same crimes. Technically, the ones responsible NOW are the CIA, S&B and bogro, NOT the Masons or the Illuminati. But, in truth, they are "untouchable" and ubiquitous throughout all history, since they are merely modern names for the same club comprised only of the rich elite. So, why, if they saw the protests in Seattle as no threat worth covering-up beforehand, would the elite-club of the rich consider the discovery of the black hole in galactic core more a threat to their survival beforehand to the extent of releasing the BWP to cover it up? Because the event in Seattle was a modern expression of their dictatorial trend in rulership, however the fact of the black hole at galactic core is a threat to their "temporal" power, or their authority to exist as a continuous tradition of governors behind the backs of the public. The reason that the modern elite rich thought the Milky Way black hole a more important fact to keep secret than the struggle against their current incarnations was that it threatened their religion, that being very different from the mythology they use to mind-control the public, their "secret" technology. Their technology, based on ancient application of knowledge such as the black-hole at galactic core, allows time-travel. Short and simple: that is their secret, key to it all. They obey their class duty to oppress the poor because they are promised immortality via time-travel technology. The evidence for this technolgogy's existence is proven to them two-fold: one by its arcane forms being demonstrated in ritual, and one by the rumours of such modern technologies existing in secret military bases. Whether or not such technology actually exists or not is irrelevant, since only the promise of it, like a carrot on a stick, needs to be held out before the rich to get them to obey their duty to oppress the poor. I'm not going to discuss this secret technology either, although it is worth a separate investigation in itself. Instead what I'm interested in here is not the methodology of empowerment of the welathy, but that of the poor. What can those not "in" the club do to unshoulder the burden of the club's rulership? It ultimately doesn't matter who the current members responsible for our oppression are. They are, by us, "untouchable." No, to free our minds from the set of one who is oppressed, we have to tackle the archetypal symbols of our oppression on a personal, mental level. We have to address our own oppressive demons before we can be free from the oppression of our perception by others. So to unburden ourselves of oppression, we must reject what they promise us. Only by rejecting that it is something they have that we do not will we be able to realise it is ours too, and that thus we already have it and that cannot by anyone ever be denied. In this case, what causes the poor to obey is the promise of just rewards as immortality in an afterlife (as opposed to reincarnation into further suffering). What causes the rich to obey is the same concept, immortality, however in the flesh of their own current incarnation, without experiencing death, because of secret technology that also enables time-travel. We have to reject these ideas in order to achieve them in reality. So, how do we do this? Let's look at the suppression of importance of the Milky Way black Hole. The knowledge of this is not new. It was known within the secret club long before it was released to the public by NASA, the timing thereof carefully chosen to maximise distraction. It has expression in the Mayan "Hunab Khu" as pointed out by Argelles, as well as to the Tibetan "black sun" appropriated by the NAZIs and represented by the swatika as a symbol of the galaxy seen from above (a spiral). Obviously, the spiral or maze is a historically ubiquitous, "archetypal" symbol, and so it is clear that this

knowledge has been possible to access even before the invention of the Hubble space telescope. In fact, there is even evidence linking the sarcophagus lid of Pacal Votan and the SETI Arecibo message. In fact, the knowledge of the black hole at galactic core has been possible for as long as there has been sentient life to imagine such. This is not due to operant observer principle, wherein we imagine such into existence. It is due to the law of dimminishing returns. We can observe what is, and all we can imagine is relatively limited based on that. Thus, the easiest of all feats is to imagine what is probably true, and to predict whether or not it proves to be the case through subsequent observation. That's called the "scientific" method, but there is too much emphasis placed in modern times on the need for laboratory experiment for verification. As Einstein said, "my mind is my laboratory." So, why now are we being told as a mass populous this information that previously was preserved as part of the "science" of tribal indigenous peoples? It is because those who conquered them and stole their science are using it as a method to assert their dominance over the remaining majority of mankind. The concurrance of the release of this information with the turn of the millennium was in no way accidental. We are being told one side of the story in order to be denied our natural knowledge of the story from every other side as well. Instead of the cult of the rich allowing NASA to "confirm" their knowledge, they released the news as a discovery. All of these are techniques of the cult of the rich's oppression. They are holding the carrot on a stick out before us and we are carrying them on our backs. However, if we free ourselves from their paradigm, that, in this case, being the "discovery" of a well-known fact, then we will see clearly the meaning of this fact as well, and furthermore be able to address this meaning objectively, uncoloured by the emotional reaction of surprise at its alledged "discovery." In the case of the black hole at our galaxy's core, the meaning is, as I've stated, quite obvious: that one day our galaxy will be consumed by this black hole in the same way as our planet will one day be consumed by our own expanding sun, but that, most likely, this would only occur at the end of our own local universe. Consider that fact: the evidence of the galactic black hole provides proof that our local universe will die. Our universe had a beginning, and it will have an end. But what can we make of this? If we are promised "immortality" by the riches' mindcontrol mythology, then what happens to our souls on universal "judgment day"? The mythologies have not got any prepared answer for this, but the truth is, as I've said also, quite obvious: once we see past the layer of photons, the veil of the speed of light, then we can perceieve what lies "inside" the conjoining super-massive black holes beyond our local continuum of spacetime. We see that once the universe has reached "critical mass" and black holes first begun to form, the "inside" of a black hole is the same as the "outside" of our universe. Inside a black hole is a gravitational singularity, and beyond that a "baby universe." Each of our own minds inhabits such a "baby universe." We all experience our linear versions of perception with blinders on to most of reality beyond our senses as "tunnel realities." Sometimes these "tunnel realities" overlap and cross through one another. Each tunnel reality is the "sum over histories" of our perceptual "baby universe." So, the "sum over histories" of all the "baby universes" inside black holes outside our local spacetime continuum (beneath "c") is the "multiverse" of all such "tunnel realities." Even though this is a simple and very accurate expression of the experience of sentient entities on the surface of earth, that all cross over one

another like threads in a ball of twine, it is touted as "heaven" beyond the created universe, and promised us only after death either individually or collectively. Thus, the multiverse of perception beyond the speed limit of photons is the realm in which time travel becomes possible, and this realm is easily accessed by the unoppressed mind. So, what happened in 1999, when NASA released to the global public observable confirmation of the ancient knowledge of our own spiral galaxy's central black hole? Well, to return to Donnie Darko, what is a "portal"? A portal is an entrance to a "timetunnel" or a temporal singularity: a "wormhole" or Einstein-Rosen bridge connecting two distant points in spacetime by a single tear in the fabric of spacetime. This is what happened in 1999: a dimensional "portal" was opened for the mass public. Each of us then split off into our own unique reality-tunnel. Since then, no two of us have existed inside the same exact universe. Each of us has existed entirely in our own unique mind and this interior reality projected out around us as the external world we observe has only ever overlapped with one another of our mind-sets on rare ocassions such as in love or conspiracy. Before this we all shared a single contextual reality, and the sum of all our minds was less than the prescence of this shared material consensus reality. However now, we find there is no such thing as a shared, common reality that overshadows us all. Our minds have reached a point of supersaturation (mirrored in the difference between our exponential population expansion and the bell curve of peak oil) and at this point the sum of all combined personal realities is larger than our own entire materially shared universe. Now, we see a struggle for mind-control over the masses in the absence of a consensus, agreed upon, factually confirmed reality. We see the struggle of one group to mind-control another by convincing them they are blind to objectively verifiable factual reality. So, what happened in 1999? The light from the furthest galaxies left them billions of years ago, whereas the average life-span of their stars is only millions of years. They died a long, long time ago. The light from closer galaxies left them millions of years ago. They died thousands of years ago, at the time of the Atlantean flood. The light from stars in our own galaxy left them thousands of years ago. They died hundreds of years ago. The light from our closest stars leaves them hundreds of years before it reaches us. They died merely decades ago. The light from our own sun takes somewhere around seven minutes to reach us. Thus, perpetually seven minutes in our future, our entire universe could blink to an abrupt end. In 1999, we saw this happen, however, obviously, it did not literally yet occur. What we saw was the foreknowledge of our universe dying, however this obviously hasn't happened yet. Now, beyond that perception, the last one to be shared by us all, we exist each in our own separate universe. When we die, it will appear to those whose perceptual space we share as though our body ceases to live and our mind ceases to exist. However, inside our own universe, our life will go on as if we had narrowly avoided death. In this way, we will all live, and continue to live, until we die of old age, even if we seem to die before then to those of us we love. Thus, the promise of immortality is accomplished in our perception by us all because we have all shared the experience of the universal apocalypse, the biblical "End of Days." However, there is one more truth I should point out before I conclude. This apocalypse, in which we met the characters of Jesus, Adam and Eve, all grown young again, was only a false vision, and not the actual end of our universe. Our universe does still exist, albeit in a fractured version overshadowed by our collected individual strings of consciousness. While each of us feels divided from one another on issues such as 9-11 and the War in Iraq, we are being blinded by those behind those issues

to the fact that they have made our mutual space a hell-dimension. It remains parallel to our eyes, separated by the screen of glass on the tv, but we know that it is still reality. Those who benefited from the BWP do not want you to know any of this: they are behind the mass-unifying public spectacles, the so-called global "apocalypse." But this is not real. It is only an image they are broadcasting across the inside of the sky, and behind even that all that still exists of our entire universe is the static pixels of dead air. -Jon Please consider all this information carefully. I do not want anyone to jump to any conclusions. Let me go before you, so that I may illuminate some facts, to lead the way: Nostradmus wrote: X 72 L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois, Auant apres Mars regner par bon heur. translation wrote: The year 1999, seventh month, From the sky will come a great King of Terror: To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars to reign by good luck. Hogue's translation wrote: In the year 1999 and seven months [July], A great King of Terror will come from the sky. He will bring back the great King Genghis Khan. Before and after Mars rules happily. - source: Quote: July 16 – Off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, a plane piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr. crashes, killing him and his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessette. - source: Who Killed JFK Jr.? 0E9&index=0&playnext=1 The BWP debuted at the Cannes Film Festival on July 16, 1999. That weekend, Eyes Wide

Shut opened in the US. Quote: July 18, 1999 Eyes Wide Shut $21,706,163 - source: Quote: The Blair Witch Project was shown at the 1999 Sundance Film Festival, and released by Artisan on 30 July 1999 after months of publicity, including a ground-breaking campaign by the studio to use the Internet and suggest that the film was a real event. It was positively received by critics and went on to gross over US$248 million worldwide, making it the most successful independent film at the time. It also had the highest ratio of box office sales to production cost in American filmmaking history. - source: a couple videos about the BWP: B4&index=0&playnext=1 On 9/9/1999, the trio of actors re-united on screen for the first time since the shoot when they presented an award at the MTV Video Music Awards. On June 3, 2000, the Blair Witch movie would lose its sole nomination, for "best action sequence," at the following year's MTV Movie Awards to the "Podrace scene" in Star Wars Episode 1. Quote: Buddy Hackett, Heather Donahue, Joshua Leonard and Michael C. Williams — presented Best Direction in a Video. - source: For those wondering who Buddy Hacket is (or rather, by now, was...): (Buddy Hacket not mentioned in the full credits of the 99 VMAs at imdb!) MTV VMA's 9/9/99: B877D14 Some significant events of 1999, prior to the release of the BWP: Quote: January 25 – A 6.1 Richter scale earthquake hits western Colombia, killing at least 1,000. February 4 – Unarmed West African immigrant Amadou Diallo is shot dead by NYC

police officers on an unrelated stake-out, inflaming race relations in the city. February 11 – Pluto moves along its eccentric orbit further from the Sun than Neptune. It had been nearer than Neptune since 1979, and will become again in 2231. February 23 – White supremacist John William King is found guilty of kidnapping and killing African American James Byrd Jr. by dragging him behind a truck for 2 miles (3 km). March 25 – Enron energy traders allegedly route 2,900 megawatts of electricity destined for California to the town of Silver Peak, Nevada, population 200. March 26 – The Melissa worm attacks the Internet. March 26 – A Michigan jury finds Dr. Jack Kevorkian guilty of second-degree murder for administering a lethal injection to a terminally ill man. March 27 – Kosovo War: A U.S. F-117 Nighthawk is shot down by Serbian forces. March 29 – For the first time, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above the 10,000 mark, at 10,006.78. April 5 – In Laramie, Wyoming, Russell Henderson pleads guilty to kidnapping and felony murder, in order to avoid a possible death penalty conviction for the apparent hate crime killing of Matthew Shepard. April 20 – Columbine High School massacre: Two Littleton, Colorado teenagers, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, open fire on their teachers and classmates, killing 12 students and 1 teacher, and then themselves. May 1 – The TV series SpongeBob SquarePants airs, its first episode is Help Wanted/Reef Blower/Tea at the Treedome. May 3 – 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak: A F5 tornado slams into Moore, Oklahoma, killing 38 people (the strongest tornado ever recorded in world history). May 3 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 11,000 for the first time, at 11,014.70. May 5 – Microsoft releases Windows 98 (Second Edition) May 7 – A jury finds The Jenny Jones Show and Warner Bros. liable in the shooting death of Scott Amedure, after the show deceived Jonathan Schmitz into appearing on a secret same-sex crush episode. May 28 – After 22 years of restoration work, Leonardo de Vinci’s The Last Supper is placed back on display in Milan, Italy. June 1 – Napster, a music downloading service, debuts. June 12 – Kosovo War – Operation Joint Guardian/Operation Agricola begins: NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping forces KFOR enter the province of Kosovo in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. June 12 – Texas Governor George W. Bush announces he will seek the Republican Party nomination for President of the United States. June 19 – Horror author Stephen King is hit in a car accident on Route 5 in North Lovell, Maine by Bryan Smith. June 21 – Apple Computer releases the first iBook. July 5 – U.S. Army Pfc. Barry Winchell is bludgeoned in his sleep at Fort Campbell, Kentucky by fellow soldiers; he dies the next day from his injuries. July 16 – Off the coast of Martha's Vineyard, a plane piloted by John F. Kennedy Jr. crashes, killing him and his wife Carolyn Bessette Kennedy and her sister Lauren Bessette. - source: The release in US theatres was followed by a solar eclipse over then war-torn Kosovo on August 11, which is discussed at greater length here: Other noteable films' release dates during 1999:

Quote: March 31 - the Matrix May 19 - Star Wars: Episode 1 July 13 - Eyes Wide Shut August 2 - the Sixth Sense September 10 - Stigmata, Stir of Echoes November 16 - End of Days November 21 - Fight Club October 1 - American Beauty October 22 - Bringing out the Dead source: untries/USA/include-byreleasedate It was the weekend following Friday, November 19th, that I saw the BWP for the first time. Here is a brief account of this, from my work, "the 9-11 Omission Report": benpadiah wrote: In 1999 I read two books that changed my way of thinking about things drastically. One was "the Book of the Law" by Aleister Crowley and the other was a translation of the Sefer Yetzirah by Aryeh Kaplan. Crowley inspired me to study magick (essentially Fantasia-like sorcery) and Kaplan's commentary on the Sefer Yetzirah inspired me to study theoretical physics. I have since studied both of these thouroughly and combined all I know into a single unified system. After I finished reading the Sefer Yetzirah, I went to a movie. I went to see "the Blair Witch Project" which was out on the same weekend as "the Ninth Gate" (a movie about Satan and the Book of Revelations), "Bringing Out the Dead" (by Scorcesse, director of "Last Temptation" and "Kundun," a movie about ghosts), "Stir of Echoes," also about ghosts (the following weekend "the Sixth Sense" was released), "Stigmata" (about a woman being posessed by Christ) and "End of Days" (about Arnold Schwarzenegger saving the world from the devil). It all seemed so simple to me then. Ancient prophecies foretold of our modern movie screens, I thought, as I walked into the theatre, passing a poster for Bruce Willis in "Breakfast of Champions" by Kurt Vonnegut on the way in. The Blair Witch Project is about three kids getting lost in the woods. One of them looked like my ex-best friend Mike. One of them looked like our mutual girlfriend, and one of them looked like me. I sat there, watching them begin their "school project" on the "Blair Witch" (all shot cinema verite like a home-movie). They went into the woods. All this time, I believed I was talking to God. But, like in the movie "Pi," I couldn't remember what I was supposed to say. I remember thinking about the theatre as like a new ark to survive a psychic world-flood. That was about during the first "night" the movie-characters spent on screen. When they woke up someone had put a pile of rocks in front of their tent. The character that looked like me said, "I heard something that sounded like laughing." (or something to that effect, I haven't watched the movie since '99.) At that moment something in me clicked and I got up and walked out of the theatre, got into my car and drove home to my dad's house where I was living at the time. Later I learned that the directors of the movie (BWP) also looked like two other

friends of mine from the same time. They were on the cover of Time magazine, and the three actors who looked like me, my friend and my girlfriend, were on the cover of Newsweek. I still don't understand how all of that could have just been a coincidence. - source: TTFN! PEACE! - Jon - source: Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:48 am Post subject: Grand Cross 5/5/2000 It all began, innocuously enough, with an average solar eclipse on Aug 11th, 1999.

This eclipse was sceduled to sweep into visibility above central Europe.

It's epicenter was near the famous "Blue" Danube river of modern Germany.

It began pretty much as had been predicted.

The view from Turkey was remarkable.

From below the epicentre we can see the bending of the sun's light rays around the gravity well of the moon, an effect predicted by Einstein's theory of Gravity as a field.

So, the end of the old Gregorian, western business calendar's second millennium began. -ben The following year was the year marking the first numbered year of a new millennium, although the first century of that millennium would not begin until the year yet to come, 2001. On May the fifth, the so-called Mexican "Day of the Dead," six of the other planets of our solar system aligned with our planet's moon. Only the three Jovian-most planets were out of alignment with earth and the sun. Here is a brief illustration displaying the relative positions of the planets as they would have appeared, following along the ecliptic, for the few months of their proximal allignment.

The day the alignments came closest was May fifth. Here are some diagrams of the relative positions of the planets on that day.

Here is an image depicting the alignment from a position above the night-side of the earth.

-ben benpadiah wrote:


- Sunspots Now, what we may or may not learn in school is that the earth really has two polar axes: a geographic pole and an electromagnetic pole. The sun also has an electromagnetic pole. As the sun's electromagnetic pole rotates about its polar axis, the sun's electromagnetic field coils up around it, like a ball of twine. This is because the sun is ignited gas, and its surface rotates differentially: the

region around the equator rotates more slowly than the region around the poles. This causes the ordinarily longitudinal electromagnetic field lines of the sun to be pulled around its latitude, and thus to form "coils" like a "twine ball" The longer this process goes on, the closer these emf lines get to each other. When they touch or overlap they form colder, dark spots on the surface of the sun. These "sunspots" always occur in pairs. Sometimes they shoot protons - burning gas particles - off into space. These are called flares. Most of the time, one sunspot shoots a flare out and another sunspot re-absorbs it. These are called prominences. - Sunspot Cycle Every eleven years sunspots increase. The reason for this is not fully understood, but I suspect the soalr weather is caused by a combination of electromagnetic polar precession (i.e. differential rotation) and the sun's place in its orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

[This image depicts the Maudner minimum during the "mini" ice age contemporary to the European Dark Ages.] - Mini Ice Ages When sunspot number is low, the hemisphere of earth facing the sun will not be as warm as it usually is in that same position in its elliptical orbit. When this occurs there is a "mini ice age" when all seasons are uncommonly colder. Such occured in Europe around 400 AD. By dating these mini ice ages, we can create a much longer sunspot cycle than merely the eleven year cycle of increase. Doing so yields a greater sunspot cycle of ~ 1000 years, over which time the sunspots increase per increment of eleven years.

Here is a computer generated image of the surface of the sun on May fifth, 2000. This is based on images catalogued electronically that day by the SOHO observatory.

On the day of the Grand alignment, a coronal mass ejection (cme) occured in the southern polar region, while a continuing flare projected from near the opposite side in the North.

The following month, flares and explosive cme's were still continuing.

-ben Following this monumental event and its undeniable effects on our local system of space-weather, there was a symbolic partial solar eclipse to close the ceremony on the following Christmas day.

Note that this eclipse was visible almost exclusively to the northern half of North America, and presented only a "crescent" solar eclipse to even the southern states of America. -ben

For the fifth of May I used to cast the following chart and render the following astrological interpretations of this event.

Quote: May 5 2000 12:00 PM Time Zone is GMT

Rising Sign is in 11 Degrees Leo You love to be the center of attention and you want to appear strong, confident and dominant. You are very proud of yourself, sometimes quite vain even. When all around you are bedraggled and falling apart, you look like a million bucks! Very dignified and honorable, you enjoy the power and privilege, but not the responsibilities, that come with leadership. You are very idealistic but can also be quite stubborn. Others impress you only if they have integrity (but wealth, power and influence can also turn your head). You prefer rich, elegant surroundings and possessions, and will try to acquire them as your budget allows. Physically, you are very impressive - - at your best you have a regal, charismatic demeanor and bearing. Try not to be such a showoff! Sun is in 15 Degrees Taurus. You are known for being patient, slow moving and careful -- you love to prolong and savor enjoyable times. You appreciate and need comfort, ease and warm surroundings. Be careful of a tendency to become placid and self-satisfied and to overeat (especially sweets). You require strenuous situations in order to grow and mature properly, even though you try to avoid them. Affectionate, even-tempered and slow to anger -- when you do become emotionally upset, you are also slow to forgive and time must pass before your calm returns. You demand real results from any situation -- abstractions are very difficult for you to comprehend. Very artistic, your hands love to mold and shape things. You portray an earthy, physical sexiness that others find quite seductive. Moon is in 03 Degrees Gemini. Restless in the extreme, you are easily bored because of your short attention span. Your emotions change rapidly and you love to talk about your feelings. Generally, you have good judgment -- your intellect controls your emotions and you do not overreact emotionally to things. A good jack-of-all-trades, you have many- sided interests and enjoy reasoning things through. With your mental agility and need for physical mobility, you are attracted to traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. You have vivid powers of emotional self-expression - - you can be a nonstop talker. You love to share your ideas with anyone who will listen. Mercury is in 10 Degrees Taurus. A slow and careful thinker, you like to present ideas visually and concretely. Abstractions are quite difficult for you to understand. For you, everything must be practical and useful in order to merit your attention. You are a perfectionist -- you enjoy being skillful enough to handle the dexterity required of fine craftsmanship. Cautious and conservative in your thinking, you are very slow to change your opinions. You are more apt to respond to an appeal to your feelings than to an appeal to logic or reason. Venus is in 05 Degrees Taurus. You are known to be a warm and affectionate person, and you tend to form longlasting attachments. The reverse of this is that you can also be quite possessive once you have made a commitment. The beauty, luxury and comfort of your surroundings are important to you and you will devote much time and energy to making your home just right. Beware of your tendency toward self-indulgence, especially with respect to eating incorrectly. You also need outside stimuli to get you in gear When things come too easily for you, you can be lazy and indolent. Mars is in 01 Degrees Gemini.

Your energies get turned on quickly whenever anything interests you. But you have a very short attention span and it is difficult for you to complete tasks because something else more interesting always seems to be beckoning. You love to debate and argue, usually in a spirit of friendly disagreement. But watch out that you do not get too overly aggressive or antagonistic or others will be quick to take offense where none may have really been intended. You need to be in constant physical motion -- sports or daily exercise is a must for you if you are to feel fit and healthy. Jupiter is in 17 Degrees Taurus. Growth only occurs for you after you have found a stable lifestyle and a dependable, protective and secure environment. You are at your best when those around you provide you with a great deal of affection and support. When you feel insecure or threatened, you tend to become possessive and grasping and self- indulgent. You are an inveterate collector with an expensive preference for all the good things that life has to offer. Saturn is in 19 Degrees Taurus. Complete freedom of choice makes you ill at ease. You must have a firm, ordered, secure foundation in your life in order to feel comfortable. You do not adapt easily and tend to fear the new and untried. You constantly fear that you do not have enough (love, property, material things, etc.) and this makes you tend toward being selfish, withdrawn and stingy. If you try to surround yourself with supportive people in your environment, you will become more emotionally self-supporting. Uranus is in 20 Degrees Aquarius. You, and most of your peer group as well, are reformers at heart. You want to make positive changes that will benefit society as a whole. You are willing to devote your time and energy to see that they come about, especially if the proper group support and combined purpose of will can be found. Be careful that your devotion to group goals does not produce too much friction or neglect in your own interpersonal oneon-one relationships. Neptune is in 06 Degrees Aquarius. You, and your entire generation, will idealize and even venerate the ability to remain detached as well as the ability to objectively analyze any given situation. There will be a concerted effort on your part to cure the ills of society as a whole. But be very careful to continue to maintain and protect the rights of individuals in the midst of these potentially far-reaching changes. Pluto is in 12 Degrees Sagittarius. For your entire generation, society's cherished beliefs and totems will be radically changed. Many traditional concepts will be totally altered, if not completely destroyed. The rights of individuals to pursue their own course in life will be reasserted. N. Node is in 27 Degrees Cancer. You genuinely enjoy meeting other people, but you're at your best if you can do so from the comfort of your own home. You prefer others to come to you and tend to feel uncomfortable about leaving your home or neighborhood for any extended period of time. Those who do come in contact with you are struck by your caring and obliging nature -- you really make them feel at home. You form the closest ties, however, with members of your immediate family, especially your parents and children. You're at your best attending or organizing family reunions!

-ben - source: Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 9:45 pm Post subject: Galactic Alignment 12-21-2012 The end of one great cycle (in 2012) has now been found to correspond with the end of a sunspot cycle (of eleven years, and possibly one of 1000 years). This has fed much eschatology, but it need not necessarily herald the end of the material world so much as a spiritual rebirth into a new age, or zodiacal aeon.

According to my calculations, the duration between the Mayan calendar start date given as Aug. 13, 3114 bce and the "end" date of Dec. 21, 2012 ce.

= 1872000 kin = 93600 unial = 5200 tun = 260 katun = 1 tonalamatl = 13 baktun

Quote: the End of the Piktun of Fire December 21 2012 11:59 PM Time Zone is EST tallahassee, FL

Rising Sign is in 22 Degrees Virgo You tend to be very shy and not very self-assertive. You are supercritical about how you appear to others. Even though you may think you are uninteresting and dull, you are actually quite soft- spoken, orderly, neat and very likable. You are a perfectionist with high standards, and at times you can be quite tactless in pointing out the faults of others. Very practical, efficient and purposeful, your appearance and bearing reflect your need to appear graceful, sensible and reserved. You have a crisp, nononsense approach to dealing with others. Never lazy or self-indulgent, you tend to be dedicated to the work ethic. Sun is in 00 Degrees Capricorn. Extremely serious and mature, you are capable of accepting responsibilities and do so willingly. Others expect you to be dutiful as a matter of course. You tend to get angry when people get rewards after not having worked anywhere near as hard as you. You are goal-oriented and an achiever by nature -- you're a hard worker and are justifiably proud of the tangible results of your efforts. You tend to have "tunnelvision" -- this allows you to block out extraneous matters that might distract others and to concentrate totally on the matter at hand. As such, you are the ideal one to manage or administrate any ongoing project and to be practical and efficient at it. You are not a fast worker, but you are quite thorough. You are known for being totally persistent, tenacious and tireless in reaching your goals. Moon is in 23 Degrees Aries. High-spirited and courageous, you are a fighter when your emotions are aroused. The degree of force and drive that you can bring to any effort sometimes surprises others. You have hair-trigger reactions to specific stimuli and tend to "let it all hang out." You sometimes act before you think and do things on the spur of the moment, and that sometimes gets you into trouble. Your moods change quickly -- you have quite a temper, but you don't hold grudges. Very independent, with an extremely strong and forceful personality, you are known for being impulsive, careless, reckless, foolhardy, rash and daring. Mercury is in 15 Degrees Sagittarius. Your mind is very curious and inquisitive, always seeking information on a wide variety of topics. The broader the subject matter (philosophy, science, religion, metaphysics), the more it will appeal to you. You prefer to deal with abstractions -the small but important details associated with any subject tend to slip your grasp. You are known for being blunt, honest and truthful. Venus is in 07 Degrees Sagittarius. You are very aware of the need to maintain a high sense of morality in a relationship. Your loyalty and interest will remain constant in any relationship (either friendly, personal or business) that is based on fairness, honesty and justice. But you will become greatly hurt and disappointed if the other person takes any but the high road with you. Also, you cannot tolerate anyone being overly emotionally possessive of you. You are known for your friendly, outspoken manner. Mars is in 27 Degrees Capricorn. Extremely ambitious, you are willing to work very hard to reach the goals you have set for yourself. Very practical, cautious and conservative, you demand tangible results for your efforts. You need to excel in whatever you do, and you have the required sense of responsibility, dedication and self-discipline to bring it about. Beware of your tendency to judge others only by their degree of status and prestige,

or by how well they will be able to advance you in your climb to the top. Jupiter is in 08 Degrees Gemini. You have a logical, detached, objective view of most things. Your interests are wideranging and you are an avid student, with expertise in many different areas. You love to work things out in your mind -- everything you do is reduced to an exercise in logic and reason. You have the ability to grasp abstractions and to deal successfully with the larger issues of life. Your overemphasis on developing your powerful intellect can cause your emotional and intuitive abilities to atrophy unless you consciously choose to exercise them. Saturn is in 08 Degrees Scorpio. You tend to release emotional energies only very reluctantly. This is partly due to your fear of what horrible calamity might occur should they be released -- your emotions are terribly complicated and intense. Try not to repress these energies entirely, however, or you will succumb to negative and destructive forms of compulsive behavior. Give yourself the freedom to look awkward or silly once in a while. The relief you feel will be quite therapeutic and the embarrassment (whether it is real or imagined) will pass quickly. Uranus is in 04 Degrees Aries. For you, as well as for the rest of your peers, the issue of personal freedom is not just an abstract issue that can be discussed and then forgotten. You feel very deeply the loss or threat of loss of your ability to remain unrestricted and independent. And you will react vigorously and vociferously to defend your right of self-expression, no matter what the cost. Neptune is in 00 Degrees Pisces. You, and your entire generation, are interested in ways of expanding your consciousness beyond the level of everyday reality. You will explore exotic religions and metaphysical studies that purport to transcend the mundane. You will prepare the theoretical base of studies that will be fulfilled by the drive, energy and initiative of the following generation. the Moon's Node in the 12 signs. Pluto is in 08 Degrees Capricorn. For your entire generation, this is a period of intense changes in the very fabric of society. Many accepted institutions may pass away or be born anew. The good of the community as a whole will be stressed and individual rights may come under attack. This will possibly be a period of decay that will lead to a new order. N. Node is in 25 Degrees Scorpio. You have a special aptitude for working by yourself, or with a like-minded group of dedicated individuals. Once you've committed yourself to a person or group or project, your loyalty and devotion are total until the group's goals have been realized. Not at all gregarious by nature, you're uncomfortable around strangers, greatly preferring to be in known and familiar situations. Others may regard you as shy or eccentric, but those who know you well are aware of the intense loyalty that you have to your friends. - source: Let me address the people who live now, or have ever lived, in the Northern Hemisphere. When you look up into the night sky, to find the "Big Dipper" or "Ursa Major" (depending on whether one is from the east or the west of the Prime

Meridien), and from it trace the path to Polaris, the "brightest star" in the N hemisphere night sky, and thus to ascertain the location of "due" North, since Polaris is the N. Pole star, you are being fooled by a lie. Polaris may be the N. Pole star now, but it was not always, nor shall it always be so. In 14000 bc, Vega was the N. Pole star, not Polaris. In 3000 BC the N. Pole star was Thuban, a star in the constellation Draco.

Draco circumambulates around the current N. Pole star, Polaris, and is said to have a star ruling over each sign of the tropical zodiac. Thus, in the past, Draco was used as a symbol to signify the cause for the changeing of the actual N. Pole star from one place in the sky to another over the many thousands of years. So, the auroborus, or the snake eating its own tail, is associated with the Aurora Borealis of the Northern Lights. Most people know all this, more or less instinctively, but do not ever stop to think and question why this strange process occurs.

In reality, there are no fewer than three primary zodiacs relative to planet earth. One is the ecliptic plane of the orbits of the planets in our solar system. One is our own planet's equator, oriented at a 23.5째 angle to the plane of the planets around the equator of the sun. The final one, which causes precession to occur, and thus for the N. Pole star to alter place, is the inclination of the plane of the solar-system's ecliptic, the orbit of the 7 "Noble" planets, relative to the plane of the Milky Way galactic core. So, in the above diagram, we see the solar-galactic "celestial equator 1" in red, the 7 "Noble" planetary "Ecliptic" in yellow, and the 23.5째 degree off-set of earth's equator relative to the "Ecliptic" as "celestial equator 2" in orange. Above them all is the "precession" of the N. Pole star, in black. We can also see from this diagram all three orbits align on the Vernal and Autumnal Equinox, and that these points, as we shall see next, are at the "perihelion" points in earth's orbit around the sun.

First, though, let us look at solely the terrestrial equator, or the "tropical" Zodiac. This is the one familiar to us from Astrology as the origins for the names of the months on the gregorian calendar. Here we find such zoomorphs as the half fish, half goat Capricorn, and the sentaur archer Sagittarius. We use these constellations to measure precession using the sun's alignment with them as it "precesses" due to the 23.5째 angle of inclination of earth's rotation from its orbital plane.

Now, to return to the point about the "Vernal" and "Autumnal" Equinox (or three days of equal duration day and night) being the earth's "perihelion" points in its orbit around the sun: earth's orbit is not perfectly circular, but occurs in an elipse, with the sun off-centre in one of the two focal "loci" centroids of the elipse. So, when earth experiences "equal days and equal nights" it means the earth is at the two points when it begins to be and ends being closest to the sun. Between these points, the earth is nearer to or farther away from the sun, and these points are called "Aphelion." The Equinoxes are therefore associated with "Caput" and "Cauda" Draconis, as the "head" and "tail" respectively of Draco. Now, just as earth is sometimes nearer, others farther from, the sun, so too is the sun sometimes closer and sometimes farther from galactic core, as the sun our star is pulled around along our leg of the Milky Way. Just as the seasons of the north or south hemisphere ice age cycles change over the many hundreds of Aeons, so too does the sun's pole reverse once every many million millions of years. So, in the diagram above, one should think of each of the eliptical positions of earth's orbit of the sun as representing one "season" of Aeons in the sun's revolution around galactic core.

In this diagram, from John Major Jenkins' ground breaking work, "Maya Cosmogenesis 2012," we see the manner of reading all these dizzying notions simply. When the earth appears in rising Pices on the equatorial Zodiac, then galactic core, located in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius, will align with the rising of the sun. This will occur in 2012AD.

There are many depictions for the constellation of Sagitarius in the terran equatorial or "tropical" Zodiac. My prefered version is the standard arrangements of lines and dots representing the "stick figure" of the ideaogram as it appears "between" the stars in its assigned region of the sky. It is is a wonder that, just as no one can be credited with inventing the wheel, neither can anyone be given credit for inventing the constellations of the tropical zodiac. Of course, the mythologies of the equatorial regions of earth are replete with Zodiac myths, just as the N. Pole dwellers tell of "Hyperboreans" and the S. hemisphere dwellers describe the N. hemisphere constellations as pyramids aligned "upside down" to them. Saggitarius occurs nearly at "apogee" point, or rather, the "aphelion" point in earth's orbit when it is furthest from the sun. This is because now Sagittarius aligns with the sun when it rises in winter. The meaning of the Sagitarius constellation is quite clear: it is a centaur (with the lower half of a horse) and an archer (carrying a bow and arrow) because he, too, represents a mid-point, or crossing over, from earth's journey further away from the sun, and its beginning of the return journey towards the sun's warming rays. Saggitarius, the centaur archer, is the mid-point between Caput and Cauda Draconis, just as Pisces (the twin fish) is now the sign of sunrise in the Summer.

In this picture of the starry night sky, we see the constellation of Sagitarius' "bow" outlined on the left, and in the middle of the picture we find labeled "galactic core." The central bulge of the Milky Way can clearly be seen oriented at about a 36째 angle from the upermost tip of Sagittarius' "arrow"." Along the edge of the "Milky Way," so named for appearing like a bright white river through the night sky, is clearly divided along this "river's" centre, at the "lip" on the "edge" of the Milky Way.

Here is another diagram by John Major Jenkins, from his work "Maya Cosmogenesis," in which we see labeled the path of the sunrise on the Winter Solstice as points "A," "B," and "C," finally aligning exactly with galactic core in Sagitarius from the point of view of earth in 2012. Here he has also labeled the "Dark Rift," across the "lip" of the galaxy's "edge" that appears directly behind galactic core to us, as "Xibalaba Be," the "tree at the cross-roads." This term is taken from the Mayan "Popul Vuh," a chronical of S. American mythology and history alike the Bible.

The metaphor of this "Dark Rift" as a "tree at a cross-roads" would be apt, if one considers the "road" to represent solar precession over the aeons, the "crossing" to be in 2012, and the "Dark Rift" as the location of the black hole in our galaxy's core. This black hole has not been observed directly, however the star-system closest to it is called "Sagittarius A" because it is the "first" star in the "connect-the-dot" constellation.

In 2012, the sun will eclipse the black hole at galactic core, on the point in earth's orbit when it is winter in the N. hemisphere, and summer in the S. The sun will pass across in front of the stars in Sagitarius A.

The star-system of Sagitarrius A is actually quite complex. There are six seperate stars in varying eliptical orbits around the presumed black hole core of the Milky Way. Because their orbital elipses are varied, their velocities of orbit are also varied, however there is a clear gravitational centre around which they are all revolving, and presumebly, into which they are perpetually being pulled, and one by one snuffed out to feed the black hole core. In this diagram we see the positions of these stars during the years 1995 till 2002. In 2002, we receieved our first time-lapsed photogrpahs of the Sagitarius A system, and the results were indeed a shock among the scientific community.

Within the Sagitarius A system, where stars ought to be expected to be dying out as they are swallowed up into the galactoc core black hole, we see what appears to be the opposite of this, an apparent star-birth event. A stellar super-nova, invisibe before 2002, has begun to appear near the orbit of one of the stars in the Sagitarius A system. This event seemed to have peaked in 2003, and had begun to dim by 2004, when these results were released.

So, to return to the real point of what all this means, let us return once more to John Major Jenkins' work "Mayan Cosmogenesis 2012," in which he proposes the "Popul Vuh" contains an eleborate description of the celestial alignment that will occur on Mid-Winter eve, 2012AD. In this diagram from Jenkins' work we see the crux of the point: that, just as the sun aligns with galactic core form the perspective of earth, so too does the sun align not only with galactic core and the black hole in galactic centre, but also with the point it once and will again occupy when it is on the opposite side of the galaxy, slowly revolving and being pulled ever inwards toward Sagittarius A. The importance of this fact is most significant to the theory of time-travel. Pray for Peace in the Middle East. - Jon - source: Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 9:55 am Post subject: Apophis and Nibiru Quote:

99942 Apophis (pronounced /??p?f?s/, previously known by its provisional designation 2004 MN4) is a near-Earth asteroid that caused a brief period of concern in December 2004 because initial observations indicated a relatively large probability (up to 2.7%) that it would strike the Earth in 2029. Additional observations provided improved predictions that eliminated the possibility of an impact on Earth or the Moon in 2029. However there remained a possibility that during the 2029 close encounter with Earth, Apophis would pass through a gravitational keyhole, a precise region in space no more than about 400 meters across, that would set up a future impact on April 13, 2036. This possibility kept the asteroid at Level 1 on the Torino impact hazard scale until August 2006. It broke the record for the highest level on the Torino Scale, being, for only a short time, a level 4, before it was lowered. -source: Quote: Sitchin's theory proposes the planets Tiamat and Nibiru. Tiamat supposedly existed between Mars and Jupiter. He postulated that it was a thriving world in a much differently shaped solar system, with jungles and oceans, whose orbit was disrupted by the arrival of a large planet or very small star (less than twenty times the size of Jupiter) which passed through the solar system between 65 million and four billion years ago. The new orbits caused Tiamat to collide with one of the moons of this object, which is known as Nibiru. The debris from this collision are thought by the theory's proponents to have variously formed the asteroid belt, the moon, and the current incarnation of the planet Earth. Beginning in 1995, websites such as ZetaTalk have identified Nibiru or "Planet X" as a large object in the outer Solar System currently on collision course with Earth. Sitchin himself disagrees with these claims. To the Babylonians, Nibiru was the celestial body or region sometimes associated with the god Marduk. The word is Akkadian and the meaning is uncertain. Because of this, the hypothetical planet Nibiru is sometimes also referred to as Marduk. Sitchin hypothesizes it as a planet in a highly elliptic orbit around the Sun, with a perihelion passage some 3,600 years ago and assumed orbital period of about 3,600 to 3,760 years or 3,741 years, he also claims it was the home of a technologically advanced human-like alien race, the Anunnaki, which would have visited Earth in search of gold particles. source: playlist of youtube videos about Apophis and Nibiru: Sitchin's translation of the Book of Enki, online: -Jon Possible impact effects wrote: NASA initially estimated the energy that Apophis would have released if it struck Earth as the equivalent of 1,480 megatons of TNT. A later, more refined NASA estimate was 880 megatons. The impacts which created the Barringer Crater or caused the

Tunguska event are estimated to be in the 3-10 megaton range. The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa was the equivalent of roughly 200 megatons. The exact effects of any impact would vary based on the asteroid's composition, and the location and angle of impact. Any impact would be extremely detrimental to an area of thousands of square kilometres, but would be unlikely to have long-lasting global effects, such as the initiation of an impact winter. The B612 Foundation made estimates of Apophis path if a 2036 Earth impact were to occur as part of an effort to develop viable deflection strategies. The result is a narrow corridor a few miles wide, called the path of risk, and it includes most of southern Russia, across the north Pacific (relatively close to the coastlines of California and Mexico), then right between Nicaragua and Costa Rica, crossing northern Colombia and Venezuela, ending in the Atlantic, just before reaching Africa. Using the computer simulation tool NEOSim, it was estimated that the hypothetical impact of Apophis in countries such as Colombia and Venezuela, which are in the path of risk, would have had more than 10 million casualties. An impact several thousand miles off the West Coast of the US would produce a devastating tsunami.

Path of risk where 99942 Apophis may impact Earth in 2036. - source: Quote: Project Serpo is the name given to what is said to have been a top-secret exchange between the United States government and an alien planet nicknamed Serpo. Details of the exchange and what it was supposed to have entailed have appeared in several UFO conspiracy stories over the last 30 years, including one incident in 1983 in which a man identifying himself as USAF Sergeant Richard C. Doty contacted investigative journalist Linda Moulton Howe claiming to be able to supply her Air Force records of the exchange for her HBO documentary "The ET Factor"; only to pull out without providing any evidence to substantiate his story, and one incident in

2005 when a series of emails were sent to a UFO discussion group run by Victor Martinez claiming that the project was real. Some variations on the conspiracy story state that the name Serpo is the nickname of the extrasolar planet.[1] Other versions state that it is a mispronunciation of either Serponia or Seinu by US authorities involved in the project. - source: This is the original posting by 'Anonymous', the key information provider on this site. Also included are three responses and seemingly independent verifications of the information. Quote: First let me introduce myself. My name is Request Anonymous. I am a retired employee of the U.S. Government. I won't go into any great details about my past, but I was involved in a special program. As for Roswell, it occurred, but not like the story books tell. There were two crash sites. One southwest of Corona, New Mexico and the second site at Pelona Peak, south of Datil, New Mexico. The crash involved two extraterrestrial aircraft. The Corona site was found a day later by an archaeology team. This team reported the crash site to the Lincoln County Sheriff's department. A deputy arrived the next day and summoned a state police officer. One live entity [EBE] was found hiding behind a rock. The entity was given water but declined food. The entity was later transferred to Los Alamos. The information eventually went to Roswell Army Air Field. The site was examined and all evidence was removed. The bodies were taken to Los Alamos National Laboratory because they had a freezing system that allowed the bodies to remain frozen for research. The craft was taken to Roswell and then onto Wright Field, Ohio. The second site was not discovered until August 1949 by two ranchers. They reported their findings several days later to the sheriff of Catron County, New Mexico. Because of the remote location, it took the sheriff several days to make his way to the crash site. Once at the site, the sheriff took photographs and then drove back to Datil. Sandia Army Base, Albuquerque, New Mexico was then notified. A recovery team from Sandia took custody of all evidence, including six bodies. The bodies were taken to Sandia Base, but later transferred to Los Alamos. The live entity established communications with us and provided us with a location of his home planet. The entity remained alive until 1952, when he died. But before his death, he provided us with a full explanation of the items found inside the two crafts. One item was a communication device. The entity was allowed to make contact with his planet. Somehow, I never knew this information, but a meeting date was set for April 1964 near Alamogordo New Mexico. The Aliens landed and retrieved the bodies of their dead comrades. Information was exchanged. Communication was in English. The aliens had a translation device. In 1965, we had an exchange program with the aliens. We carefully selected 12

military personnel; ten men and two women. They were trained, vetted and carefully removed from the military system. The 12 were skilled in various specialities. Near the northern part of the Nevada Test Site, the aliens landed and the 12 Americans left. One entity was left on Earth. The original plan was for our 12 people to stay 10 years and then return to Earth. But something went wrong. The 12 remained until 1978, when they were returned to the same location in Nevada. Seven men and one woman returned. Two died on the alien's home planet. Four others decided to remain, according to the returnees. Of the eight that returned, all have died. The last survivor died in 2002. [Clarification (BR/ Victor Martinez): the paragraph above contains a typo in the original. Twelve team members went, and eight returned – two having died on Serpo and two having chosen to remain; these two were not ordered to return.] The returnees were isolated from 1978 until 1984 at various military installations. The Air Force Office of Special Investigation (AFOSI) was responsible for their security and safety. AFOSI also conducted debriefing sessions with the returnees. I have never seen or read anything about the exchange program. I once heard a little bit of information from Linda Howe, but she didn't have much information. I've monitored your e-mails for about six months. I've read e-mails from you and others. But I've never seen nor heard the truth about the real Roswell incident or the exchange program. I'd like to hear what others say about this. - source: Quote: The complete debriefing is contained in: "PROJECT SERPO," Final Report-80HQD893020, classified TS, Codeword. Ask [Rick] Doty about that report because I think it is an OSI report. Paul [McGovern] should be commenting on this since he was involved in the debriefing. - source: same - confer: here is the debriefing given to president Reagen regarding the project. benpadiah wrote: to get us back onto point, which is the coming Apocalypse: Quote: Dear Gerald, When the asteroid 99942 Apophis comes closest to earth, in autumn and winter of 2012, will we successfully "nudge" it off-course so that it will not then "double-back" around again and hit us "head-on" on April 15, 2029?

According to my own research*1, Apophis will come within 0.1 AU of earth on Dec. 21, 2012 AD, and will be approaching us from the southern hemisphere, and from the night-side of the earth. This effect will last from mid-November to late Dec. when Apophis will again move "out of range" from the earth, until April 15, 2029, when it will return again for the 90째, head-on "kill-shot"*2. *1 link to a gif animation of Apophis relative to earth from Oct, 8, 2012 until Jan. 23, 2013:

*2 link to a gif still of April 15, 2029:

-source for the projected trajectory images: - source for info on asteroid 99942 Apophis: - source for an actual photograph of Apophis:

Praying for PEACE. - Jon I dropped this question off just now at a Remote Viewing blog I subscribe to: Here's to hoping he answers! PEACE! - Jon - source: Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:03 pm Just emailed NASA:

Apophis in 2012. is there any truth to the content of this video? Please watch. Thank you. - Jon

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