HDH Brand Guide

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Brand Guidelines

Our vision is to help your world become an easier place to succeed without worrying about taxes..... Needs to be agreed..

Index 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

Logo colours Logo misuse Logo options on colour Secondary colours Background page colours Photo styles Imagery style Fonts Font usage Key messages Icons Linkedin Twitter Instagram Facebook Youtube Business card Flyers style Brochure style Email footer Email campaign elements Video intro and end screens Website banner Presentation page ideas Checklist

Logo colours

V-Dark Grey RGD - online 19 / 31 / 37 CMYK - Print 89 / 69 / 58 / 75 Hex # 131F25 Dark Grey RGD - online 58 / 68 / 72 CMYK - Print 73 / 55 / 51 / 51 Hex # 3A4448 Grey RGD - online 91 / 101 / 104 CMYK - Print 62 / 45 / 44 / 32 Hex # 5B6568 Orange RGD - online 217 / 91 / 19 CMYK - Print 10 / 74 / 100 / 2 Hex # D95B13

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Logo’s misuse

Do not: Always use the whole logo as described on previous pages. Do not manipulate or change the logo in any way. Use the colour as shown to help it stand out and promote the brand. • Do not crop the logo • Do not change the transparency of the logo • Do not use different colors • Do not change the distance or position of the two elements of the logo • Do not distort the logo • Do not use drop shadows or any other effects • Do not re-create using any other typeface • Do not outline logotype • Do not rotate any part of he logo If the logo does not look correct then send it to Marketing so we can check and if needed send you thr correct logo for the use you require.


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Logo options and colours

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Secondary colours

Secondary Pallet - used for accent colours and for individual areas: ie sections of a brochure

Name CMYK 82/21/68/5

Name CMYK 88/53/47/42

Name CMYK 74/31/00/00

Name CMYK 60/65/31/15

Name CMYK 60/47/00/00

Name CMYK 26/36/00/00

RGB 24/140/106

RGB 28/73/85

RGB 56/146/208

RGB 114/91/121

RGB 119/132/192

RGB 197/173/212

# Hex code 188c6a

# Hex code 1c4955

# Hex code 3892d0

# Hex code 725b79

# Hex code 7784c0

# Hex code c5add4

Name CMYK 00/00/00/00

Name CMYK 00/00/00/00

Name CMYK 00/00/00/00

Name CMYK 00/00/00/00

Name CMYK 00/00/00/00

Name CMYK 00/00/00/00

RGB 000/000/000

RGB 000/000/000

RGB 000/000/000

RGB 000/000/000

RGB 000/000/000

RGB 000/000/000

# Hex code XXXXXXX

# Hex code XXXXXXX

# Hex code XXXXXXX

# Hex code XXXXXXX

# Hex code XXXXXXX

# Hex code XXXXXXX

Having a diversified color palette allows you to designate certain colours for certain functions. For example, if your palette has a bright color, such as orange, this color is a prime attention-catcher that can be used sparingly to highlight important calls to action, buttons, and to call out important pieces of information with an accent color. Mid-tone colors can be designated to different markets or services that your firm specialises in. Even if they are not formally assigned to these areas, having 3-4 colors in a similar tonal range can allow for breaking apart different sections in a PowerPoint presentation or in a proposal. Having a few neutral colours is equally important to give the eye a rest and allow for contrast and hierarchy for supporting information. Neutral tones can also serve as good background colors, as alternatives to white.


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Background page colours



RGD - online 91 / 101 / 104 CMYK - Print 62 / 45 / 44 / 32 Hex # 5B6568

Dark Grey RGD - online 58 / 68 / 72 CMYK - Print 73 / 55 / 51 / 51 Hex # 3A4448

Grey RGD - online 91 / 101 / 104 CMYK - Print 62 / 45 / 44 / 32 Hex # 5B6568

Orange RGD - online 217 / 91 / 19 CMYK - Print 10 / 74 / 100 / 2 Hex # D95B13

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Photo styles

Phone: 0161 714 4720 Email: info@hdhaccountants.co.uk

Black and white imagery to help with timelessness. Avoid using a colour logos on photographs unless the logo sits on a black or white area added onto the image, as in the example above. Try to use humans to demonstrates personality, simple, not overly complex but also slightly inspiring.


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Imagery style

Other than in brochures where it is built within a style you should not use just an imge on its own. Each image should have an accent of the style brand and if possible the logo. The logo might not always be needed but if going on social media the image should fit within the syling for imagery as shown on the left.

simple small message to go here

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HDH Fonts

Open Sans Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()_+{}@?><| Open Sans Regular ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()_+{}@?><| Open Sans Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()_+{}@?><| Open Sans Bold Italic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()_+{}@?><|

HDH Accountants use Open Sans font family. Typography continues to be overlooked by many designers yet it is a very important aspect of the design process as choosing the right typeface can make a real difference to the effectiveness of the design. Typefaces are just as important to the visual effect of the webpage as images. Typography does not just involve choosing the typeface. This is the starting point though and consideration needs to be given to kerning, tracking and leading. Other aspects of typography include choosing the color of the text and deciding how the text will fit into the layout and design of the page. Only use Regular as the main body text, never user hyphens, always return the work onto a new line Bold for Headers and italic bold for marked points within thi header Extra Bold for specific points Light for quotes

Opens Sans Extra Bold ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 !ӣ$%^&*()_+{}@?><|


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Font usage

Header line - bold 24pt Secondary line of text - Reg 14pt

Header line - bold 24pt Secondary line of text - Reg 14pt

Os rerferferum con cuptate vent od ulla velit etus molestruptam estorer spiditatur sed eum in repe dolut omnim ipienest endebitis millab iligenim erum quis occatem re et persperciis denimint lam quamus que laborer rumenda num exerupti repeles trumque ma verrum nitiatat aliquodio tem est, omni corem ent dit facestr upturi omnis dollit, ut que saipsantetur?

Os rerferferum con cuptate vent od ulla velit etus molestruptam estorer spiditatur sed eum in repe dolut omnim ipienest endebitis millab iligenim erum quis nos et ut moles volora velesti busaniendi veliber ovitas ipisciis sundam, quo doles etur re aut facepro etur aut occatem re et persperciis denimint lam quamus

For headine text increase the size and the weight of the first line and the decrease the following describer line. The colours can change to give the most impact dependant on the background or the importantness of the headline. Main body text can be also done in different colours dependant on the background colour. Color is sometimes used to convey meaning beyond the basic text. In an example, you may use color to emphasize an important statement from the resy of the text. Secondary colours can also be used to colour fonts if they are assigned to a specif product or point of sale. These colours should only be used on the best background colour.

Os rerferferum con cuptate vent od ulla velit etus molestruptam estorer spiditatur sed eum in repe dolut omnim ipienest endebitis millab iligenim erum quis nos et ut moles volora velesti busaniendi veliber ovitas ipisciis sundam, quo doles etur re aut facepro etur aut occatem re et persperciis denimint lam quamus

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Bullet points Grey Background

Key messages

Orange Background White Background

Message or statement to be added using a circle background so it can be added anywhere within a document to help make a strong point

Message or statement to be added using a circle background so it can be added anywhere within a document to help make a strong point

Message or statement to be added using a circle background so it can be added anywhere within a document to help make a strong point

Message or statement to be added using an underline with the correct background to make an impact

Message or statement to be added using an underline with the correct background to make an impact

Message or statement to be added using an underline with the correct background to make an impact

Message or statement to be added using an underline with the correct background to make an impact

Message or statement to be added using an underline with the correct background to make an impact

Message or statement to be added using an underline with the correct background to make an impact


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Benefits of Icons Icons make good targets. They are typically sized large enough to be easily touched in a fingerfriendly UI. Icons are fast to recognize at a glance. No need to translate icons.

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Image sizes for social Linkedin

Background image 1536 x 768 px Maximum file size 4MB Image type PNG, JPG, or GIF

Standard logo 300 x 300 px Maximum size 4MB Image type: png jpg or gif

Business Banner Image 646 x 220 px Maximum 2 MB PNG, JPG or GIF


Life Tab Image 1128 x 376 px Maximum 2 MB PNG, JPG or GIF

Square Logo 60x60 px Maximum 2 MB PNG, JPG or GIF

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Image sizes for social Twitter

Header Photo Recommended 1500 x 500 px Max 1file size 10 MB JPG, GIF, or PNG

Profile Photo 400 x 400 Square image Max file size 100 KB JPG, GIF, or PNG Images within twitter Min 440 x 220 px Max 1024 x 52 px max file size 5MB max 3MB for animation

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Image sizes for social Instagram

Profile Image Recommended: 500 x 500 px will show at 110 x 110 px square photo

Instagram story Recommended: 1080 x 1920 px min 600 x 1067 Aspect rati 9:16 max size 4 GB

Profile Image Recommended: 1000 x 1000 px will show at 161 x 161 px square photo

Background banner Image Guide Recommended: 1536 x 768 px Minimum: 1192 x 220 px Maximum size 4MB Image type: png jpg or gif


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Image sizes for social Facebook

Profile Image Recommended: 180 x 180 px Square photo Image type: png jpg or gif

Cover Photo size: 820 x 312 px Square photo Image type: png jpg or gif

Shared Images size: 1200 x 630 px Square photo Image type: png jpg Shared Images size: 1200 x 628 px Square photo Image type: png jpg

Highlighted Image size: 1200 x 717 px Square photo Image type: png jpg

Event image size: 1920 x 1005 px Min 470 x 174 px Image type: png jpg Business page profile Recommended: 180 x 180 px Square photo Image type: png jpg or gif

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Image sizes for social Youtube

Profile image is square and should be 800 x 800 px and will be downscaled to 98 x 98 px

HDH channel cover 2048 x 1152 px Do not add text to this

Video min: 1280 x 720 Video should be uploaded in 16:9 aspect ratio at the largest size available ideally 4k


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Business card

Business Card Despite all the technological advancements, business cards are still irreplaceable. It seems that no amount of automation is going to take their place. Most company officials keep some cards in the pocket and hand out the cards when shaking hands with the potential client. Cards come handy to promote business during a trade fair, seminar, or a business meeting. Ideally we should have a brochure or flyer but there are times when thats just not possible and business cards are perfect.

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Flyer style

As a small business looking to generate the right buzz and traction in the community, it’s time to use old-school flyers to help you get the job done. Contrary to popular belief, flyers can help the business get noticed in the local sphere. Flyers are incredibly effective promotional tools that allow us to interact with potential customers face to face while setting the right first impression of the business.

Well, since the purpose of a flyer is to grab the attention of a prospective consumer and highlight the brand’s services, our flyer should: Highlight • Highlight the USPs in a readable way • Showcase our products & services • Display our brand • Give people the chance to contact us


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Brochure style

Brochure page layout options Each layout can be used and placed into various pages and used numerous times to get the best lookikng result.

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Email footer

Regards, Anthony Hurley | Director a: HDH Accountants | HOST, Blue Tower, MediaCityUK, Salford | M50 2ST e: anthony@hdhaccountants.co.uk | w: www.hdhaccountants.co.uk/ m: 07956 701770 | t: 0161 714 4720

Think before you print

Message image to go here and can be updated. Create numberous versions for selection.


If you have received this message in error, please notify us and remove it from your system. Any views or opinions expressed in personal emails are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of HDH Accountants. Neither HDH Accountantsy nor the sender accepts any responsibility for viruses and it is your responsibility to scan this email and any attachments for viruses.


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Email campaign elements

Main title for the email campaign Secondary line of textto help hook the reader

Intro paragraph text with good key words and at least one link to the website page with information on it... to learn more click here! Musa sum harum quat. Aliquam idion corrorehenda nis re doluptas eumquatiusae nonem il ea debit qui cusdamus aliani cum evendi ipit, aborese quamus modi doluptatio. Andenduciis ea dic totatatusam iuntem quid ellorep tamust adio enimet eturiam, et assit latincto blam et lab il ma cupiet et alis ius reperitat vel es re eaqui “culland elibus remperat voluptat es eumeni omnimus et fugit”, ut aciurent: invella boratiori cus esti ut quid mil et rate seresed ioresti te vello estium quam, tem harchillora commod quiate natur aut assimagnis aut laccat. Umque inti volupta ecation num et aut imus, qui apisquossiti sitat volorpo repereptata sunt.

Image connected to either a video, PDF, or website link

Sign off statement: Itterate the main point and what you want the person to do. invella boratiori cus esti ut quid mil et rate seresed ioresti te vello estium quam, tem harchillora commod quiate natur aut assimagnis aut laccat. Umque inti volupta ecation num et aut imus, qui apisquossiti sitat volorpo repereptata sunt. Add Signature below....

HDH Brandguidelines

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Video intro screen - end screen Animated logo

Video name goes here

Lower thirds. Design should be cleanand clear. Names should be set in bold, titles in larger font and backgrounds set to one of the key colours. All videos should end on the HDH contact page.

Phone: 0161 714 4720 Email: info@hdhaccountants.co.uk

Saerumque volupti istrum versperatus simaximusam ullorep udant, utem solor arum vendiae doluptatum is nationseque conse velenis nectent voluptae plabo. Il ipsum, voluptia sunt quo toreptat quis necum quo


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Website banner

Website banner title

Secondary text to support the banner

Website banner title

Secondary text to support the banner

Website banner title

Secondary text to support the banner

Website Banners Each area of the site should have a clear website that is relevant to the content. Each banner should also contain good clear B&W image with a cear banner text on colour.

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Presentation page ideas

Presentation layout options Each layout can be used and placed into various pages and used numerous times to get the best lookikng result. Using presentations to inform, educate, motivate and persuade internal and external audiences, new presentations for sales, training and internal communication bringing words and images to engage the audience and help retain attention and drive sales from expertise.


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Checklist of basics

Use this checklist for any marketing produced to make sure you are keeping on brand. Each tick box will give you the page number relevant to help you check what you are producing.

Logo selection - have you got the right one pg 03 Font used is Open Sans - fonts pg 11 Are headers larger and in bold? - font usage pg 12 Are the backgrounds one of the selcted colours or white? - check usage pg 05 Where do you use a secondary colour? - pg 06 Are the photos I’ve used ok? - pg 08 Have you used any key massages? - pg 13 Can use use icons pg? 14 What social media channels are used? pg 15 / 19 Are the flyers I’ve created on brand? pg 21 what should me emails look llike? pg 23 /24 Can i create my own video? what needs to be in it? pg 25 Is there a standard for presentations? pg 28

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Contact: P: 0161 714 4720 E: info@hdhaccountants.co.uk W: hhdhaccountants.co.uk

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