lifestyle guide B2C

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Consumer Brand Guidelines (21 July 2005 – DRAFT)

Lifestyle Consumer Brand Guidelines – Contents ON THE CD-ROM: This guideline book is available in the form of a PDF file on the enclosed CD-ROM. You will find the following files: 1_PDF_FILES: LSG_ConsumerGuide.pdf LSG_ImageCatalogue.pdf 2_MASTER_LOGOS: CYMK LOGOS: LSG_logo_CYMK.eps LSG_logo+ban_L10_CYMK.eps LSG_logo+ban+web_L10_CYMK.eps LSG_logo+ban+LGweb_L10_CYMK.eps MONO LOGOS: LSG_logo_K.eps LSG_logo+ban_L10_K.eps LSG_logo+ban+web_L10_K.eps PMS LOGOS: LSG_logo_PMS+CYMK.eps LSG_logo_PMS+K.eps LSG_logo+ban_L10_PMS+CYMK.eps LSG_logo+ban_L10_PMS+K.eps LSG_logo+ban+web_L10_PMS+K.eps 3_MASTER_IMAGES LORES_CYMK_EPS FOLDER LORES_RGB_JPG FOLDER



Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Tone of Voice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Logo – with image . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Logo – with image – exclusion zone & minimum size . . 6 Logo – with image – what NOT to do . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Logo Logo Logo Logo

– – – –

with with with with

banner banner banner banner

– rationale & usage . . . . . . . . – positioning instructions . . . . – construction & file placement & web address . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . .

. . . .

.8 .9 10 11

Background – color options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Background – color options – construction . . . . . . . . 13 Page construction – guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Page construction – mono press advertising . . . . . . . 15 Page construction – recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . 16

PAGE Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign Campaign

Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples Samples

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

48 sheet poster . . . . . . . . . . 6 sheet Poster . . . . . . . . . . . Press Advertising – Half Page Press Advertising – Half Page Press Advertising – Full Page . Press Advertising – Full Page . Press Advertising – Full Page . Press Advertising – Strip . . . . A4 brochure 4pp . . . . . . . . . brochure 6pp A5 . . . . . . . . POS – vertical banner . . . . . Taxi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Escalator Panels . . . . . . . . . Tube Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bus Sides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Direct Mail A5 . . . . . . . . . . Point of Sale – Phones . . . . . Promotion Items . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

LSG Main Image Library – Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 LSG Support Image Library – Outline . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 (for the full details see the LSG_ImageCatalogue.pdf) Colour palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Typefaces for print . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Typefaces for electronic and internal usage. . . . . . . . 21


Lifestyle Consumer Brand Guidelines – Introduction As an agency, you will be developing materials to promote your part in the programme – such as marketing brochures and print advertisements etc. To help facilitate inclusion of the Lifestyle Services Group (LSG) logo in these materials, we have developed the following Brand Guidelines which create an easy reference to complementary colours, fonts and layouts that offer appropriate uses of the LSG logo. While we recommend the use of the enclosed layouts, they are not specifically mandatory. However all layouts must adhere to overall consistency with regard to logo, colours and fonts when used with the LSG logo.

QUESTIONS: If you have any questions about the proper use of the LSG logo or anything covered by these Consumer Brand Guidelines, please contact LSG on 000 0000 000 or email at brand@lifestyleservicesgroup TYPEFACES: We have rationalised the typefaces we use in order to better express our positioning. They allow the type to do the job of clearly communicating the idea. Keep things simple. For example, do not use drop-shadows, outlines, etc. In electronic media we will use the Century Gothic typeface. In printed materials we will use the Futura family typeface. THE BRAND: The Lifestyle brand should stand for: • Trust • Reliability • Professionalism • Prestige • Opportunity • Youthfulness • Challenge • Innovation • Simplicity • Value

COLOURS: The colour palette initially includes the red and black. It allows us to use colour as a recognisable statement through press and outdoor advertising. They express a people focussed approach, stylish colour imagery with the use of red, white and black, that sit comfortably with the Lifestyle logo. The flexible use of typography, colour and image allows the right visual tone to be created for each kind of publication and its audience. LOGOS ON THE CD-ROM: The various versions of the Lifestyle logo are available on the CD-ROM in Adobe Illustrator 9 EPS format for publications and JPEG formats for office computer technology (Word templates, PowerPoint presentations, etc).

DESIGN: Our design approach is simple and uncomplicated – clear layouts based just on typography and dynamic images. Do not use over-elaborate graphics that clash or interfere with the subject matter and overall layout. Our positioning requires us to think about the photography we use from a fresh perspective. High quality photography should be in colour, creating a strong, lively and approachable style. Models should be fall between the 20 to 35 age bracket. Clothing should be casual – to reflect the personality of our consumer. Where appropriate, support imagery will be used to reflect specific products such as wallets, mobile phones etc. All imagery may be used on internal and external communications. Using text over an image should be avoided if possible. However, if it becomes absolutely necessary to do so, ensure that text is used on a solid area and in a legible colour.


The tone of voice All consumer communications with regard to Lifestyle Services Group (LSG) products should be about personality. Each LSG product relates to specific requirements for everyday life, so it is also important to create overtones which suggest flexibility. This is supported by the fact that LSG have a portfolio of more than 30 products – all tailored to specific lifestyle requirements. The visual executions reflect the concept of individuality and are as vibrant as they are colourful. The copy headlines and body copy should complement this lively marketing approach. They should reflect the concepts of passion and innovation.

HEADLINES: Headlines should be punchy and include a FEATURE WORD highlighted in LSG Red and sized at 150% of the normal headline. This exudes confidence and reaffirms our commitment to the concept of the individual. A questioning of the status quo is also very consistent with the direction of the brand. Moreover, the lines should relate directly to the main visual featured on the layout. Consistancy is key here as headlines that only vaguely relate to visuals cause confusion and a lack of response from the consumer.

BODY COPY: Body copy should focus on the consumer as a personality and be short, sharp and decisive in its delivery. We like to think that potential LSG customers are enterprising and full of life, keen to take up product propositions that fit well within this philosophy. A modicum of wit is always helpful when instilling confidence, but care should be taken to avoid communications becoming flippant or abrasive. It is important to reflect the overall positioning of LSG as an insurance company with a difference - a creator of products specifically designed to complement the lifestyles of its customers.

It is important to include a sense of fun while maintaining an overall feeling of confidence in the brand.


Logo – with image

COLOUR – CYMK: File Name: LSG_logo_CYMK.eps Colours: Red = 91%Y 87%M Grey = 60%K COLOUR – PMS+CYMK – ONE SPECIAL COLOUR: File Name: LSG_logo_PMS+CYMK.eps Colours: Red = PMS 032 Grey = 60%K MONO – BLACK ONLY: File Name: LSG_logo_K.eps Colours: Black = 100%K Grey = 60%K MONO – PMS+BLACK – ONE SPECIAL COLOUR: File Name: LSG_logo_PMS+K.eps Colours: Red = PMS 032 Grey = 60%K

LOGO – WITH IMAGE – RATIONALE: The logo is all about positive personalities. The pointing dancer gives us a clear impression of vitality and individualism. Sitting as it does against the LSG name we have achieved a direct association. She is lively and colourful with plenty of personality, reflecting qualities inherent in the ideal LSG customer. We are suggesting that LSG customers want more out of life and are likely to feel confident that LSG understand this, as they continue to

create products to help them simplify teir lifestyles. By displaying ‘Lifestyle’ in upper and lower case, with the ‘SERVICES GROUP’ double stacked in upper case to the right, we are emphasising the individual element of the LSG product. We are making a clear declaration that LSG products are designed to reflect the needs of customers as individuals requiring varying insurance solutions for every day life.

LOGO – WITH IMAGE – USAGE: For MOST consumer applications – the logo with image will appear within the RED BANNER graphic. (See following pages). EXCEPTIONS: The Logo with image can be used in applications of extreme proportions where with height to width RATIO is more than 2.5. For example: BANNER STANDS – normally sized at 2120 x 800mm = a ratio of 2.65.

Other accepted uses of the Logo with image (without the banner) include small sizes such as support merchandising i.e. pens etc.


Logo – with image – exclusion zone & minimum size

Minimum = 16.5mm

Minimum = 50mm

EXCLUSION ZONE: To maintain the impact and legibility of the LSG logo – graphics and text must not lie within the exclusion zone area indicated. This area is defined by the “L” CAP HEIGHT of the logo’s print size around all elements as shown.

MINIMUM SIZE: The minimum width that the LSG logo (with image) should be applied is 50mm. Minimum height is 16.5mm.


Logo – with image – what NOT to do

A) Do NOT position the logo on a black background.

B) Do NOT position the logo on a grey background.

C) Do NOT position the logo on a red background.

D) Do NOT position the logo on a red tinted background.

E) Do NOT move the image of the logo anywhere other than left aligned.

F) Do NOT alter the size of the logotype (services group is enlarged here as an example)

G) Do NOT re-arrange the three words of the logotype.

H) Do NOT change the colour of the logotype.

I) Do NOT change the percentage of the grey to black.

J) Do NOT change the image.

K) Do NOT crop out the ‘dancer’ image.


Logo – with banner – rationale & usage RATIONALE: By placing the LSG logo within the red band at the base of the layouts, we are providing a solid platform for our messenging. The consistency of the red helps to stabilise the varying colours used in different executions. Moreover, putting our pointing dancer in a confined space avoids any visual clashes with the movement in the larger subject matter in the main visual.

USAGE: The red banner is used in ALL the printed and electronic applications (except stationery). EXCEPTIONS: The Logo with image (without banner) may be used in applications of EXTREME proportions where with height to width ratio is MORE than 1 to 2.5. For example: BANNER STANDS – normally sized at 2120 x 800mm = a ratio of 1 to 2.65. .

Other uses allowed include small sizes such as pens etc. The banner and logo should always be positioned in the RIGHT BASE of the artwork/page as shown in the examples. (Refer to the “Logo – with banner – construction” (pg5) for detail of construction). See sample pages for usage and application examples.

BROCHURE USAGE: For brochures the Logo with banner should appear on the front and back covers. For all inside pages, the red banner should appear at the same size/position as the cover pages – but WITHOUT the LSG logo. The web address should be positioned within the banner as shown.

Headline lorem dolor sit feature duis ipsumomo.

Benefit headline dolor aliquam vitae. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui proin non leo ac velit.


Identity theft Insurance

Body copy 10pt FuturaLight with 12pt leading 1.5mm para space dolor sit amet coe ctetuera dipis cingelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proin non leoac velit ullamc leoac velit blah interdum pede. Oper pretium nulla. Aliquam aliquamru ut posuere voleros orci lobortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et

Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum.


headline dolor aliquam vitae. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui proin non leo ac velit. In fermentum neque vitae turpis. Praesent venenatis sem ut est. Sed aliquam. Vestibulum sed quliquam dui.

Identity Theft Insurance

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum interdum. Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Morbi ac ipsum eget justo vestec.

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm: • Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe ctetuera dipis cingelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proin lanuam sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrumortis nibhsed.

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. ae rutru velit: Subhead/product name Futura 12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum. • Aliquam sed pede et libero faucibus • Aenean pharetra accumsan orci. Nam ullamc orper pretium nulla. Aliquam aliquam.

Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Omo tum neque vitae turpis. Praesent venenatis sem ut est. Sed aliquam. Vestibulum sed quam. Aliquam dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. • Aliquam sed pede et libero omobl faucibus • Aenean pharetra accu msan orci. Nam ullamc orper pretium nulla. • Proin non leo ac velit rutru. • Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Morbi ac ipsum eget justo vestect. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum.

What is covered? Identiguard is only £35.99 per year and provides you with: • Access to our confidential advise line and online support centre • Secure registration and storage of your personal information • Credit repair assistance • Your credit report, from a leading UK credit reference agency • £25,000 of insurance cover against the cost of repairing your credit file Identiguard Plus is only £34.99 per year and provides you with: • Access to our confidential advise line and online support centre • Secure registration and storage of your personal information • Credit repair assistance • Monthly credit update, to keep you informed of changes to your credit file • £25,000 of insurance cover against the cost of repairing your credit file


Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

• Omo omgulah landi. Proi velit. • Aliquam aliqu amru ure vole ublah. • Blah sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrortis. Aliqua m aliqu amru ut posu aorci lobomou. Please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a domin ati one factionis oppr

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et


Logo – with banner – positioning instructions POSITIONING: The banner and logo is always positioned in the RIGHT BASE of the artwork/page as shown in the examples. (Refer to the “Logo – with banner – construction” (pg5) for detail of construction).

Lifestyle Insurance that puts first!

FOR A4 EXAMPLE: Import EPS file “LSG_logo+ban_L10_CYMK.eps” (in this file “L” = 10mm@100%). Resize to 66.6% (“L” = 6.66mm) Position NON-PRINTING guides over BASE and RIGHT PAGE TRIMS Extend image on left of image to full page width (add bleed as required).

See sample pages for usage and application examples.

Lifestyle Insurance that puts first!


"L" = 1/45 th X portrait page height (OR landscape page width) 100% eps file – "L" = 10mm (A4 = 6.66mm = 66.66%) NON-PRINTING GUIDES: PAGE GUIDE – BASE TRIM




Lifestyle Insurance that puts first!

Lifestyle GROUP "L" = 1/45 th X portrait page height (OR landscape page width) 100% eps file – "L" = 10mm (A4 = 6.66mm = 66.66%) NON-PRINTING GUIDES: PAGE GUIDE – BASE TRIM

A4 PORTRAIT PAGE 297mm DEEP “L” = 1/45 x 297 = 6.66mm

LSG_logo+ban_L10_CYMK.eps graphic to be added to file. (BLUE GUIDES are NON printing).

Resize to 66.6% (“L” = 6.66mm) Position guides over BASE and RIGHT PAGE TRIMS. Extend image on left of image to full page width (add bleed as required). 9



Logo – with banner – construction & file placement

PAGE GUIDE – RIGHT TRIM 2.5 x"L" To Trim 1x"L" Banner Height 3 x "L"

1 x"L"

1x"L" Solid Banner extends to page trim/bleed Curve Diam. = 3.5 x "L"

Curve Diam. = 3.5 x "L"

1.5 x"L" To Trim


The diagram above details the relationship of the logo to ALL elements of the red banner. All elements/sizes/positioning are based on the value of “L”. See diagram. “L” = the cap height of the Lifestyle text and is calculated as a fraction of the PAGE HEIGHT or PAGE width.

CALCULATION OF “L”: PORTRAIT USAGE: “L” = 1/45 of the PAGE TRIM HEIGHT OR LANDSCAPE USAGE: “L” = 1/45 of the PAGE TRIM WIDTH EXAMPLE: For an A4 PORTRAIT page “L” = 1/45 x 297mm = 6.66mm

POSITION & USE OF BANNER: The diagram shows the relationship of all elements. The EPS files provided include ALL elements in position (with an allowance for page bleed). Simply import the EPS file (eg “LSG_logo+ban_L10_CYMK.eps”) into the page layout document. In this file “L”=10mm. Then re-size the logo to the percentage based on the REQUIRED “L” value.

The MINIMUM SIZE to use this file in ANY application is 66.6% . IMPORTANT: The size of the image relative to the type in the Lifestyle IMAGE ONLY LOGO (pg2) is different to the size of the image relative to the type in the LSG BANNER LOGO (pg5).

EXAMPLE for an A4 page “L” = 6.66mm. Resize the EPS file to 66.6%. Using the NON-PRINTING guides in the EPS file, position the logo on the bottom right page trim. (NB: Guides will display but NOT PRINT). 10

Logo – with banner & web address

Please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832

Sample of text only. (final size/position based on page size + usage.)


1.5 x"L"



1.5 x"L"


Solid Banner extends to page trim/bleed


The diagram above details the relationship and positioning of the web address to the logo with banner. Size/position is centred above the logo and is based on the value of “L”. See diagram. (“L” = the cap height of the Lifestyle text and is calculated as a fraction of the PAGE HEIGHT or PAGE WIDTH. See page 9 to calculate of “L”).

POSITION OF BANNER + WEB: The diagram shows the relationship of all elements. The EPS files provided include ALL elements in position (with an allowance for page bleed). Simply import the EPS file (eg “LSG_logo+ban+web_L10_CYMK.eps”) into the page layout document. In this file “L”=10mm. Then re-size the logo to the percentage

based on the REQUIRED “L” value. EXAMPLE for an A4 page “L” = 6.66mm. Resize the EPS file to 66.6%. Using the NON-PRINTING guides in the EPS file, position the logo on the bottom right page trim. (NB: Guides will display but NOT PRINT).

The MINIMUM SIZE to use this file in ANY application is 66.6%. EXCLUSION ZONE: For legibility of the web address, a text exclusion zone above the web address has been established. This is 1.5 x “L” above the lower case height of the web address.See diagram.


Background – colour options While the majority of LSG marketing communications will feature a clean WHITE background – to enable design flexibility and “freshness” – particularly for PRESS ADVERTISING – a background colour tint graduation may be used. (Do NOT use backgrounds for MONO advertising).

Background Colour OPTIONS: The choice of colour should be taken from the LSG Secondary Colour Pallette (see page 19). Preferably the colour should complement (or match) one of the colours included in the feature image chosen for the ad. The example shown features PMS 377.

Colour Background Example: Refer to the CONSTRUCTION guide step-by-step text (opposite) and images (page 13).

Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum. Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm: • Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor pretic velit rutrum nulla. Aliquam aliqu amru ut posuere vole ublah lanuam sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrumortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

Background Colour CONSTRUCTION: STEP 1: To ensure correct reproduction, the background of the ad should be constructed to 100% of the final print size (incl. trim) in PhotoShop at the required print resolution. STEP 2: To size/position the LSG logo banner, calculate the required value of “L” (1/45 of the page trim width). Open the file “LSG_colBGbanner_L10_CYMK.eps” in Photoshop to the required size percentage AND resolution to match the ad background. Copy this layer to the background file. WITHOUT resizing, position the bottom right of the BLUE GUIDES over the bottom right of the page trim. Mask out or delete the guides. STEP 3: Construct a WHITE background layer in the PhotoShop file. STEP 4: Construct a graduation layer of the chosen LSG secondary colour. The selected tint should graduate evenly and VERTICALLY from the maximum tint strength starting at the top of the page – down to WHITE (or transparent) at the final position of the web address in the LSG Banner. For readability of the headline, the MAXIMUM tint strength should NOT exceed 40% of the TOTAL colour value. (eg. In the example PMS577 graduates in CYMK from a maximum value of 11%C 0%M 25%Y

and 4%K = total of 40% of colour. STEP 5: Import/place the selected feature IMAGE in a NEW layer. STEP 6 - Optional “Shadow”: Create a new layer below the image layer (and above the LSG banner layer). Set the layer composite mode to MULTIPLY. Select the area of the feature image and fill with 50% black (or the FULL strength of the background colour). Offset this image “SHADOW” down and to the right. Gaussian Blur this shadow and adjust the layer opacity until this “shadow” is a SUBTLE addition to the design. Ensure that the shadow does NOT overlap the logo lozenge area. STEP 7: When all elements are in position save the .PSD file and save an EPS file for importing into your page layout programe (Eg Quark). STEP 8: In your page layout program, construct your ad (see guidelines Page 14). CHANGES: Import the background EPS file at 100%. For the LSG logo, import the file “LSG_colBGlogo+web_L10_CYMK.eps” and resize (based on the “L” value) and reposition (using the guides) to the bottom right trim. The logo elements should EXACTLY match the lozenge area in the background EPS file. Also, set the Headline colour to 100% Black (not 60%). 12

Background – colour options – construction

STEP 2: Calculate “L”and open the banner file to the correct percentage and resolution. STEP 3: Place the banner file/layer to align the guides to bottom right of the master file. Delete guides. (Create layer sets for clarity)

STEP 8: In your page layout program, construct your ad (see guidelines Page 14). CHANGES: Import the background file at 100%.

Max. colour = 40%CYMK TOTAL

Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum. Graduate to transparent/white

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm: • Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor pretic velit rutrum nulla. Aliquam aliqu amru ut posuere vole ublah lanuam sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrumortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

For the LSG logo, import the file “LSG_colBGlogo+web_L10_CYMK.eps” and resize (based on the “L” value) and reposition (using the guides) to the bottom right trim.

STEP 5: Open/place the selected image on a new layer. (Above the banner and graduation layers).

Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum. EXCLUSION GUIDE


STEP 1: Create a new PhotoShop file to 100% at the required resolution.

STEP 4: Create a new layer and graduation colour – from LSG secondary colour pallett. Max. 40% CYMK total to white.

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm: • Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci

"L" = 1/45 th X portrait page height (OR landscape page width) 100% eps file – "L" = 10mm (A4 = 6.66mm = 66.66%) NON-PRINTING GUIDES: PAGE GUIDE – BASE TRIM


Background Colour CONSTRUCTION: The images below should be viewed with the text guidelines on Page 12). In this example the Ad size is 263mm wide x 170mm deep at 200dpi. Therefore “L” = 5.84mm. Open the file: “LSG_colBGbanner_L10_CYMK.eps” in Photoshop to the required size (58.4%) AND resolution (200dpi).

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor pretic velit rutrum nulla. Aliquam aliqu amru ut posuere vole ublah lanuam sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrumortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

STEP 6: Create a drop shadow layer, select the image and fill with 50% grey. Offset and blur the shadow, multiply the layer and adjust opacity.

The logo elements should EXACTLY match the lozenge area in the background EPS file. Also, set the Headline colour to 100% Black (not 60%). Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum. Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm: • Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing

STEP 7: Export the image for layout import.

Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor pretic velit rutrum nulla. Aliquam aliqu amru ut posuere vole ublah lanuam sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrumortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit


Page construction – guidelines To demonstrate the ‘normal’ construction of page and copy elements – we have used a HALF PAGE PRESS AD – 263mm wide x170mm high. This page will feature the WEB ADDRESS. STEP 1: “L” VALUE. Calculate the value of “L”. In this LANDSCAPE usage “L” = 1/45 of the page WIDTH = 1/45 x 263 = 5.84mm. STEP 2: LOGO. Import the eps file “LSG_logo+ban+web_L10_CYMK.eps” into the page layout program and resize to 58.4% (so “L” = 5.84mm). Reposition the logo so that the NON-printing guides align with the BASE and RIGHT TRIM of the page. Extend the left edge of the banner to the TRIM edge of the page and add bleed if required. STEP 3: IMAGE. Choose a suitable image from the image library. Size and position the image. The image may OVERLAP the red banner – but not come within the LOGO EXCLUSION AREA. STEP 4: AD MARGINS. Set margin guides INSIDE the ad TRIM – left, top and right – to 1.5 x “L”. (In this example the margins are 8.76mm). ALL text elements should positioned WITH these margins. STEP 5: AD BORDER. For NON-bleed usage – set a keyline of 0.5pt of LSG Grey (60% Black) at the ad trim size.

STEP 6: HEADLINE. Import the required headline. Set text to Futura Light at 60% Black. Normally the headline will ‘run around’ the image. The headline text size is subject to the headline length and suitable line breaks. (In this example the headline is 46pt). The leading (space between the lines) is then set to 112% of the text size. (In this example the leading is 41pt). Choose the FEATURE WORD in the headline. This word is chosen to highlight a particular benefit/focus of the ad. Size the FEATURE WORD to either 150% OR 200% of the normal text size. (In this example the Feature Word is 69pt). Colour the FEATURE WORD to 100% RED. The headline text lines do not need to align left or right – but can be placed offset visually around the page elements. Headline = Futura Light 60% black 41pt size (size is flexible) 46pt leading (112% of text size)

STEP 7: BODY COPY. Import the required body copy. Set the text to Futura Light at 100% Black range left. The body copy is contained in a text ‘block’ normally positioned towards the bottom right of the page. The text size is normally determined by the amount of copy – but should be a MINIMUM of 10pt. (In this example the copy size is 12pt). The leading (space between the lines) is then set to 120% of the text size. (In this example the leading is 14.4pt). Set the paragraph space to 1.5mm. Insert RED BULLET POINTS as required. Insert the CALL TO ACTION text as a new paragraph. Set the PHONE NUMBER to Futura and colour the number to 100% LSG RED.

STEP 8: ELEMENT POSITIONING. Due to: • the different shapes/proportions of the main images available • the different headline length/line breaks and chosen feature word • the different body copy lengths, the layout guides are FLEXIBLE. The overall guide is to maintain a page layout that is: • UNCLUTTERED – avoid separating page elements. • GOOD USE OF WHITE SPACE – avoid filling the page layout with image/headline/copy. Allow at least 30% of page area as white space. See examples as a guide.

Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum. Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm:

Good use of WHITE SPACE (min. 30% of page area)

• Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe ctetuera dipis cingelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proin lanuam sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrumortis nibhsed.

Ad Margins = 1.5 x “L”

Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

Ad Border = 0.5pt LSG Grey (60% Black) Legal Type = Futura BookOblique Min size = 6pt Min leading = 7pt

Feature word = Futura Light 100% LSG red 69pt size (150% of headline size) (For LARGE banners (48 sheet etc) the feature word MAY be set to 200% of the text size). Body Copy = Futura Light 100% black 12pt size (min 10pt) 14.4pt leading (120% pt size) Range left 1.5mm paragraph space TEXT BLOCK AREA MAXIMUM SIZE = 15% of total Ad size. Eg.: Ad Size = 263 x 170mm = 447 447 x 15% = 63 sq. cm So the MAXIMUM text block AREA should be set to 63 sq. cm. (Dimensions and position to suit page layout).

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et


Page construction – mono press advertising While the majority of LSG press advertising will be colour – occassionally media schedules and/or placement will require MONO (black and white) reproduction and small space advertising. These guidelines detail the key differences in the construction of MONO press ads and must be used with the guidelines on page 14. STEP 1: “L” VALUE. Calculate the value of “L”. In this PORTRAIT usage “L” = 1/45 of the page HEIGHT = 1/45 x 240 = 5.33mm.

STEP 2: LOGO. Import the eps file “LSG_logo+ban+web_L10_K.eps” into the page layout program and resize to 53.3% (so “L” = 5.33mm). (Details as page 14). STEP 3: IMAGE. Choose a suitable image from the image library. In an image program (eg Photoshop), convert to greyscale (mono) – adjust the image levels such that the blacks do not exceed 90% and the white highlights are no less than 8%. This adjustment assists in quality reproduction in most non press media.

Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum blaoduis.

d oun

ance that f nsur its i ar ts yle e f Li

Size and position the image as required. (Details as page 14). STEP 4: AD MARGINS. (Details as page 14). STEP 5: AD BORDER. (Details as page 14). STEP 6: HEADLINE. Import the required headline. Set text to Futura Light at 100% Black. (Details as page 14). Choose the FEATURE WORD in the headline. (Details as page 14). Colour the FEATURE WORD to

Short headline lorem omo blah dolor oblao feature word

Life can be hectic and you never know what’s round the corner. That’s why we’ve come up with insurance ideas to give you everyday peace of mind:

• Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus

Mobile Phone Insurance

• Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci

Bill Protector Insurance

• Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing

Identity Theft Insurance

Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus

Headline = Futura Light 100% black Feature word = Futura Light 100% LSG Grey (60% Black) (150% of headline size)

Image = Choose image and convert to greyscale (mono) – adjust the image levels such that the blacks do not exceed 90% and the white highlights are no less than 8%.

you Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm:

60% BLACK. STEP 7: BODY COPY. (Details as page 14). Insert 60% BLACK BULLET POINTS as required. Insert the CALL TO ACTION text as a new paragraph. Set the PHONE NUMBER to Futura and colour the number to 60% BLACK. STEP 8: ELEMENT POSITIONING. (Details as page 14).

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm: • Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing

Page elements as per Page 14 guide: Body copy, Good use of WHITE SPACE, Legal Type, Ad Margins, Ad Border and TEXT BLOCK AREA

Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus

Logo = Import file“LSG_logo+ban+web_L10_K.eps” into the page layout program and resize and reposition. 15

Page construction – recommendations PRESS ADVERTISING – TEXT AREA – MAXIMUM 15% The LSG “look” incorporates the effective use of WHITE SPACE around all elements – particularly in the crowded environment of PRESS advertising. It is HIGHLY recommended that the maximum area of press advertising allocated to the TEXT (or body copy) area is 15% of the TOTAL size of the ad. EXAMPLE: In a HALF page press ad – Size = 263 x 170mm = 447 447 x 15% = 63 sq. cm So the MAXIMUM text block AREA should be set to 63 sq. cm. This could be 119 x 53mm. To fit your text within this area you can EDIT the text AND/OR decrease the text point size/leading. But remember the minimum TEXT point size = 10pt.

LEGAL Ts AND Cs: Most of LSG marketing will be product focused. Insurance products normally require an allowance for legal information to be included when describing specific product detail and/or pricing. Please check with the marketing representative for full details. In these examples we have allowed up to 3 lines of legal (Ts and Cs) information. SIZE/FONT: Futura BookOblique at 100% Black. Minimum size = 6pt. Minimum leading = 7pt. POSITION: To minimise clutter in the layouts, the legal information should be positioned in the LOWER LEFT of the page layout. Generally this should be 2mm from the LEFT TRIM and 2mm from the BASE TRIM. (NOTE: Be aware of type area specifications for magazine ads and posters). Where possible this should be BELOW the RED STRIP. NOTE: The position of the legal text should NOT dictate the size/position of the main image. IF this is not possible (due to the main image position) – position the legal text as near as possible to the LOWER LEFT of the page layout. This may be 2mm ABOVE the RED STRIPE. Do NOT place the legal information inside the RED STRIPE.

HEADLINE TEXT OVER IMAGES: These page guidelines allow for layout flexibility of design elements (image and headline) and the use of WHITE SPACE to strive for MAXIMUM IMPACT. In SOME layouts INCREASED impact can be gained by placing the FEATURE WORD of a headline OVER the main image. This is allowed – provided the use of this technique is: • RELEVANT to the headline/image • Type is CLEARLY readable against the image. On a light background the FEATURE WORD remains FSG RED. On a dark background the FEATURE WORD should be reversed WHITE. See example:

HEADLINE INTERACTION WITH IMAGES: Headlines should relate directly to the product benefit AND the main visual featured on the material. In SOME cases it may be appropriate and more effective – for these elements to interact even more directly. This could include ‘running’ the type around (or through) the image. This technique communicates confidence and reaffirms our commitment to the concept of the individual. See example: rance tha insu t fi ts tyle s aro Life un dy


Life can be hectic and you never know what’s round the corner. That’s why we’ve come up with insurance ideas to give you everyday peace of mind: • Mobile Phone Insurance • Bill Protector Insurance • Identity Theft Insurance Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 870 333 4832 or visit

Identity Theft Insurance

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. ae rutru velit: Subhead/product name Futura 12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe • Omo omgulah landi. Proi velit. • Aliquam aliqu amru ure vole ublah. • Blah sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrortis. Aliqua m aliqu amru ut posu aorci lobomou. Please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a domin ati one factionis oppr


LSG Main Image Library – Outline INTRODUCTION: The LSG Main Image Library has been created to provide a large selection of images that can be used for the MAIN IMAGES in all LSG marketing materials. IMAGE CATALOGUE: A FULL list of recommended images is included in this document “LSG_ImageCatalogue.pdf”. This library will be updated regularly. REQUESTING IMAGE FILES: The image files are available from LSG marketing or their main agency. Please contact LSG on 000 0000 000. or email at brand@lifestyleservicesgroup Please quote the FULL FILE NAME(S) required with your order/request

SEARCHING: For image searching ALL images are shown in 2 key areas: IMAGES – BY MODEL: The prefered images featuring each model (listed as m01, f01 etc) are grouped together. Each model is shown in various poses in either consumer “c” or business “b” clothing. Generally “c” or “b” shots should be used in marketing materials targeted towards these groups. IMAGES – BY CATEGORY / USAGE: The prefered images are also shown gouped by either consumer “c” or business “b” insurance PRODUCT CATEGORIES – Mobile Phone, Bill Payment and Identity Theft. Images that are not product specific are shown in the GENERAL category. NOTE: Image categories are intended as a GUIDE only. Subject to product and/or headlines – images may be interchanged between categories.

RESOLUTION / DETAIL: All image files are: • CYMK EPS files (maximum quality) • Approx. A5 @ 300dpi NOTE: The resampling/resizing of images to A4 size is allowed (via PhotoShop). For images beyond A4 – rescanning from the original transparencies may be required. Contact LSG for details. • Colour-corrected and optimised for PRESS reproduction in CYMK (see seperate files for RGB .jpg images) • Feature a “clipping path” that allow for positioning over elements (such as the red stripe) in page layout programs NOTE: • Due to the restrictions of clipping paths in detailed areas (eg. hair) appearing smooth and natural – it MAY be necessary to modify the original file clipping path and/or create a pixelbased “mask” for use on a white background. This could be more relevant for larger image sizes.

FILE NAMING: All image files are named for ease of searching and identification. The codes in the file name can be identified by: 1• “c” OR “b” = Consumer or Business style images. 2• “m01” or “f01” “m02”etc = Male or Female models in images and the unique MODEL NUMBER. Each male and female model has been assigned a unique number m01, m02 or f01, f02 etc. The enables searches for ALL images of a particular model. 3• “01” or 02, 03, 04 etc = the SHOT/POSE NUMBER for that model (in consumer or business) 4• “0191” or 0001, 0002, 0004 etc = the ORIGINAL FILE NUMBER/NAME that reference the shot file name from the original image scans/CDs provided. 5• “.eps” = file type extention 1• consumer or business “style” 2• male or female PLUS model number 3• pose number 4• CD cross-reference number 5• file type

c_m02_01_0191.eps 17

LSG Support Image Library – Outline INTRODUCTION: The LSG Support Image Library has been created to provide a large selection of images that can be used for the SUPPORT IMAGES in all LSG marketing materials. IMAGE CATALOGUE: A FULL list of recommended images is available at the end of this document or in a seperate PDF file – “LSG_ImageCatalogue.pdf”. This library will be updated regularly.

SEARCHING: For image searching ALL images are shown based on the PRODUCT CATEGORY:

RESOLUTION / DETAIL – TBA: All image files are: • CYMK EPS files (maximum quality) • Approx. A5 @ 300dpi NOTE: Resampling images to A4 size is allowed (via PhotoShop). For images beyond A4 – re purchasing may be required. • Colour-corrected and optimised for PRESS reproduction in CYMK (see seperate files for RGB .jpg images)

FILE NAMING – TBA: All image files are named for ease of searching and identification. The codes in the file name can be identified by the following: 1• “s” = support image 2• “xxx” = product category “mob” = mobile phone “bill” = bill proection “ident” = identity theft “gen” = general 3• “000” = the IMAGE NUMBER

REQUESTING IMAGE FILES: The image files are available from LSG marketing or their main agency. Please contact LSG on 000 0000 000. or email at brand@lifestyleservicesgroup Please quote the FULL FILE NAME(S) required with your order/request

4• “0000000” = the ORIGINAL FILE NUMBER/NAME that reference the shot file name from the original image 5• “.eps” = file type extention 1• support image 2• product category 3• image number 4• source reference number 5• file type



Colour palette Secondary colour palette








BLA CK 60%

LSG RED = PMS 032 = M91% Y87% (CYMK) LSG GREY = COOL GREY 8 = K 60% (BLACK)

PRIMARY PALETTE: When printing the logo, only Pantone red 032 and black are allowed. Colours from the palette should be predominantly red and black with tones of grey. Other colours will be introduced over time, to allow the visual branding to be successfully established.

SECONDARY PALETTE: When the secondary palette is introduced, it should not be used as large areas of BLOCK colours. Because large imagery from the LSG image library includes different colours, the secondary palette is to highlight text and within page graphic panels.

NOTE: Use of SECONDARY PALETTE is in ongoing development.


Typefaces for print

Futura Light ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!@£$%&*? ? ”’:;{}[]() ✘

Futura Light Futura Light Italic Futura Book Futura Book Italic Futura Bold Futura Bold Italic Futura is to be used externally for use on all printed material.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR HEADLINES: When question marks are used, especially in large headlines etc, PLEASE CHANGE change from Futura Light font = “?” to Gill Sans Light = “?” as shown

NOTE: Specific usage of font weights will be developed further as we progress with the brand.

Please refer to separate pages for font sizing and styling guidelines.


Typefaces for electronic and internal usage

Century Gothic ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 0123456789!@£$%&*? ? ”’:;{}[]() ✘

Century Gothic Regular Century Gothic Italic Century Gothic Bold Century Gothic Bold Italic

Century Gothic is to be used internally for electronic applications – when Futura is unavailable – such as Word, Powerpoint etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR HEADLINES: When question marks are used, especially in large headlines etc, PLEASE CHANGE change from Futura Light font = “?” to Gill Sans Light = “?” as shown

NOTE: Specific usage of font weights will be developed further as we progress with the brand).


Campaign Samples – 48 sheet poster (DRAFT ONLY)

101,000 people a year assume another’s

make sure it’s not



Your personal credit details are more vulnerable than ever before. From just £0.00 per month we can help protect you by insuring against identity theft. It’s all about peace of mind. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit or website.


If can’t pay the bills...

we will.

We can insure your household bills for up to £250 for 12 months – for just £7.99 a month. Not bad for complete peace of mind. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit our website.

48 sheet posters (Drafts)

Are you covered?

Loss, theft or accidental damage, from £19.99 a month we provide mobile phone insurance to protect you against the unexpected. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit our website and stay in touch.

IMPORTANT NOTES for large format media: • Size and position of LSG logo and Red Banner as guidelines. • WEB ADDRESS is resized to 2 x width of logo white “lozenge” area (in same position). Use file “LSG_logo+ban+LGweb_L10_CYMK.eps” (LGweb = large web banner). • FEATURE word is 200% size of headline text size. • Red stripe to show OVER main image. • Copy to appear WITHIN Red Banner in Futura Book with prices in Futura Bold.


Campaign Samples – 6 sheet Poster (DRAFT ONLY) 6 sheet poster (Draft)


Benefit dolor Aliquam vitae duis imperdiet ligula in dui proin non leo acom. Rutrum interdum.

Body copy FuturaLight 24pt Kerning 28.8pt tracking -3pt dipis cingelit duisdiet omgulah. • Aliqublah lanuam sed nam ullamc leac • Oper pretium nulla. Aliquam aliquamru ut • Lorem ipsum posuere voleros orci oortis Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or apply online

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et


Campaign Samples – Press Advertising – Half Page (DRAFT ONLY)

Headline lorem dolor omblaoduis feature word ipsum. Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omoegevitae rutru velit morip stas portm: • Aliquretra accam sed pede et libero fauretra accucretra accibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msretra accan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer adipiretra accscing Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe ctetuera dipis cingelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proin lanuam sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrumortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et

Advertising – half page 263x170 – sample 1 24

Campaign Samples – Press Advertising – Half Page (DRAFT ONLY)

Headline lorem dolor feature


Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. • Aliquam sed pede et libero fauretra accucibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msan • Lorem ipsum douisdiet omgulah lanuisdiet omgulah llor sit amet consectetuer adipiscing Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy cingelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proin nomobla. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

bom blaoom

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et

Advertising – half page 263x170 – sample 2 25

Campaign Samples – Press Advertising – Half Page (DRAFT ONLY)

Short headline lorem omo blah dolor oblao feature word Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum omo blah: • Aliquam sed pede et libero fauretra accucibus • Oenean pharetra accur an phareetra msan orci • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetuer omo Subhead/product name Futura12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe ctetuera dipis cingelit duisdiet velit lobc velit rutrum omo blah oniiuye ortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et

Advertising – half page 263x170 – sample 3 26

Campaign Samples – Press Advertising – Full Page (DRAFT ONLY)

Headline omo blahlorem dolor omfeature word bla omooduis omo.

Identity Theft Insurance

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. ae rutru velit:

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. ae rutru velit:

Subhead/product name Futura 12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Subhead/product name Futura 12pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe

• Omo omgulah landi. Proi velit.

• Omo omgulah landi. Proi velit.

• Blah sed naros aoromobc velit rutrortis.

• Aliquam aliqu amru ure vole ublah.

Aliqua m aliqu amru ut posu aorci omo.

• Blah sed naros aorci lobomobc velit rutrortis.

Please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

• Aliquam aliqu amru ure vole ublah.

Aliqua m aliqu amru ut posu aorci lobomou. Please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a domin ati one factionis oppr

Advertising – full page 263x340 – sample 1

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a domin ati one factionis oppr

Advertising – full page 263x340 – sample 2 27

Campaign Samples – Press Advertising – Full Page (DRAFT ONLY)

Shorter headline blah with feature word lorem ipsum omo.

Body copy FuturaLight 12pt size on 14.4pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Oaeomtru velit: Subhead/product name Futura 12pt omo blah Body copy lorros aem ipsum dol ros aor bloor sit amet. • Omo omgulah landi. Proi velit. • Aliquam aliqu amru ure vole ublah. • Blah sed naros aoromobc velit rutrortis. Aliqua m aliqu amru ut posu aorci omo. Please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a domin ati one factionis oppr

Advertising – full page 263x340 – sample 3 28

Campaign Samples – Press Advertising – Strip (DRAFT ONLY)

Benefit headline dolor aliquam vitae. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui proin non leo ac velit. Body copy 10pt FuturaLight with 12pt leading 1.5mm para space dolor sit amet coe ctetuera dipis cingelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proin non leoac velit ullamc leoac velit blah interdum pede. Oper pretium nulla. Aliquam aliquamru ut posuere voleros orci lobortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et

Benefit headline dolor aliquam duis imperdiet ligomoula in dui proinnon leo omo.

Body copy 10pt FuturaLight with 12pt leading 1.5mm para space dolor sit amet coe c. Omomet coe ctetuera dipis cinah inter omdgelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proileoac velit blah interdum pede. Oper pretium nulla. Aliqutetuera dipis cinah interdgelit duisdiet oulah landi. Proileoac velit blah interdum pede. Oper pretium nulla. Aliqum aliquamru ut posuah intere voleros orci lobortis nibhsed. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions available on our web site. Futura BookOblique 6pt size, 7pt leading range left. Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et


Campaign Samples – A4 brochure 4pp (DRAFT ONLY) Headline lorem dolor sit feature


duis ipsumomo.

Identity theft Insurance


headline dolor aliquam vitae. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui proin non leo ac velit.

Lifestyle Services Group Unit 12, Crewe Hall Enterprise Park, Weston Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 6UE T. 01270 658704 F. 01270 658704

Subhead Futura 10pt size on 12pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space lorem ipsum. Omobe rutru velit. Body Copy 10pt on 12pt leading (120%) 1.5mm para space. Lorem ip. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum interdum. Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Morbi ac ipsum eget justo vestec. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum. • Aliquam sed pede et libero faucibus • Aenean pharetra accumsan orci. Nam ullamc orper pretium nulla. Aliquam aliquam. • Nam ullamc orper pretino velit rutru. • Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Morbi ac ipsum eget.

Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Omo tum neque vitae turpis. Praesent venenatis sem ut est. Sed aliquam. Vestibulum sed quam. Aliquam dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscnunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutruing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. • Aliquam sed pede et libero omobl faucibus • Aenean pharetra accu msan orci. Nam ullamc orper pretium nulla. • Proin non leo ac velit rutru. • Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Morbi ac ipsum eget justo vestect. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum.

What is covered? Identiguard is only £35.99 per year and provides you with: • Access to our confidential advise line and online support centre • Secure registration and storage of your personal information • Credit repair assistance • Your credit report, from a leading UK credit reference agency • £25,000 of insurance cover against the cost of repairing your credit file Identiguard Plus is only £34.99 per year and provides you with: • Access to our confidential advise line and online support centre • Secure registration and storage of your personal information • Credit repair assistance • Monthly credit update, to keep you informed of changes to your credit file • £25,000 of insurance cover against the cost of repairing your credit file



Campaign Samples – brochure 6pp A5 (DRAFT ONLY)

In fermentum neque vitae turpis. Praesent venenatis sem ut est. Sed aliquam. Vestibulum sed quliquam dui. Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit.

Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a domin ati one factionis oppr essam in libertatem vindicavi. Senatus de cretis hono rificis in ordinem suum me adlegit, C. Pansa et A. Hirtio consulibus, consularem locum sententiae dicendae tribuens, et imperium mihi dedit. Res publica ne quid detrimenti caperet, me propr aetore simul cum consulibus providere iussit. Populus autem eodem anno me con sulem, cum cos. uterque bello cecid isset, et triumvirum rei publicae constit uendae creavit.

Headline lorem dolor sit feature


duis ipsumomo. Identity theft Insurance

Qui parentem meum trucidaverunt, eos in exilium expuli iudiciis legitimis ultus eorum facinus, et postea bellum infer entis rei publicae vici bis acie.

Lifestyle Services Group Unit 12, Crewe Hall Enterprise Park, Weston Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW1 6UE

Bella terra et mari civilia externaque toto in orbe terrarum saepe gessi, victorque omnibus veniam petentibus civibus peperci. Externas gentes, quibus tuto ignosci potuit, conservare quam excidere malui. Millia civium Romanorum sub sacramento meo fuerunt circiter quingenta. Ex quibus deduxi in colonias aut remisi in municipia sua stipendis emeritis millia aliquanto plura quam trecenta, et iis omnibus agros adsignavi aut pecuniam pro praemiis militiae dedi. Naves cepi sescentas praeter eas, si quae minores quam triremes fuerunt.

T. 01270 658704 F. 01270 658704


1st reveal


headline dolor aliquam vitae.

Back Cover

Duis imperdiet ligula in dui proin non leo ac velit. Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Omo tum neque vitae turpis. Praesent venenatis sem ut est. Sed aliquam. Vestibulum sed quam. Aliquam dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in du iscing olor sit amet, consrdi.


In fermentum neque vitae turpis. Praesent venenatis sem ut est. Sed aliquam. Vestibulum sed quliquam dui. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum interdum. Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Morbi ac Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula.

Inside Pages

• Aliquam sed pede et libero omobl faucib olor sit amet, consus • Aenean pharetra accu msan orci. Nam ullamc orper pretium nulla. • Proin non leo ac velit rutru. • Omo nunc, egestas vitae, porta vitae, rutrum ac, velit. Morbi ac ipsum eget justo ves olor sit amet, constect. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui. Proin non leo ac velit rutrum.

What is covered? Identiguard is only £35.99 per year and provides you with: • Access to our confidential advise line and online support centre • Secure registration and storage of your personal information • Credit repair assistance • Your credit report, from a leading UK credit reference agency • £25,000 of insurance cover against the cost of repairing your credit file Identiguard Plus is only £34.99 per year and provides you with: • Access to our confidential advise line and online support centre • Secure registration and storage of your personal information • Credit repair assistance • Monthly credit update, to keep you informed of changes to your credit file • £25,000 of insurance cover against the cost of repairing your credit file



Campaign Samples – POS – vertical banner (DRAFT ONLY) LOGO WITH BANNER EXCEPTIONS:

Headline omo feature word

Body copy (25% print size) FuturaLight 20pt size on 24pt leading (120%) 4mm para: • Aliquam sed pede et

Headline feature

• Oenean pharetra accur an phare sdiet • Lorem ipsum douisdiet omgul


• Blah lanuisdiet omo • Omamet conse ctetuer adipiscing

Body copy (25% print size) FuturaLight 20pt size on 24pt leading (120%) 4mm para space: • Aliquam sed pede • Oenean pharetra accur • Lorem ipsum douisdiet • Blah lanuisdiet omgulah • Omamet consectetuer.

Subhead/product Futura 20pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe ctetuera dip.

Subhead/product Futura 20pt. Body copy lorem ipsum dolosit amet coe ctetuera dipis cingelit duisdiet omgulah landi. Proin.

A omoanu lorem ipsum dolor sit amet coe ctetuera ulah lanrci lobcd. Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

EXTREME PROPORTIONS: When the page dimensions are of ‘extreme’ proportions – ie a width to height (or height to width) ratio of MORE THAN 2.5 to 1 – the Logo with Banner may appear to be oversized. To maintain the required “LOOK” of the campaign the use of the Logo with Image outside of the banner is permitted. The example shown is BANNER STANDS – normally sized at 2120 x 800mm = a ratio of 2.65. The logo is sized to the full width (with the exclusion zone maintained. The Red strip must also be used (without the logo) at the page base following the size guidelines – “L” = 1/45 height or width.


Campaign Samples – Taxi (DRAFT ONLY)


Benefit dolor aliquam vitae. Duis imperdiet ligula in dui proin non leo ac velit.


Campaign Samples – Escalator Panels (DRAFT ONLY) Teaser panels

Comfortable? Ready for anything?

Care free?

Last Panel



Cool? • Mobile Phone Insurance • Bill Payment Insurance • Identity Theft Insurance Stay cool. Call 0870 333 4832 or visit:


Campaign Samples – Tube Card (DRAFT ONLY)

rance tha u s n i t fi e l ts ty s aro iL fe un dy


Life can be hectic and you never know what’s round the corner. That’s why we’ve come up with insurance ideas to give you everyday peace of mind: • Mobile Phone Insurance • Bill Protector Insurance • Identity Theft Insurance Please call our Customer Service Advisors on 870 333 4832 or visit

Tube Card – 609x280mm


Campaign Samples – Bus Sides & Ends (DRAFT ONLY)

Are you covered? Bus Super Sides 6108 x 658


you can’t

pay the bills...

Get insured with Mobile Phone Insurance

Get insured with Bill Protection Insurance

we will.

Don’t let someone

Get insured with Identity Theft Insurance

steal your identity.

IMPORTANT NOTES for Bus Sides: Due to the UNIQUE size, proportions, backgrounds on bus sides, LSG have adopted specific guidelines for this media. See examples. The Red Stripe has been ‘broken’ to allow the logo, headline, main image and call to action to appear within the white space to the left of the lozenge area. For more details please contact LSG on 000 0000 000.or email at brand@lifestyleservicesgroup

Are you covered?

Don’t let someone

steal your identity.

Get insured with Mobile Phone Insurance

Get insured with Identity Theft Insurance

Bus Standard Rears 1217 x 455


you can’t pay the bills...

we will.

Get insured with Bill Protection Insurance


Campaign Samples – Direct Mail A5 (DRAFT ONLY) Mobile Phone Insurance

If undelivered, please return to: PO Box 000, Detail TBA Cheshire CW1 6UE POSTAGE PAID GB



Mrs A. Sample 1234 Sample Street Sampleville Sample County SAMPLE TOWN A1B 2C3

you see it...

Mobile phones are becoming an essential part of our everyday lives, both for work and personal communication. Keeping in touch has never been more important. Whether you have a “Pay Monthly” or “Pay-As-You-Go” mobile it is important to have it insured. Lifestyle Mobile Phone Insurance covers you for the following:


you see it...

And now for my next

“Pay-As-You-Go” Mobile Phone Insurance:

“Pay Monthly” Mobile Phone Insurance:

one handset just £19.99 per year

one handset just £19.99 per year

up to 3 handsets just £49.99 per year

For just one payment per year your Pay Monthly mobile phone (up to he value of £150) will be covered, world-wide for: • Loss • Theft • Accidental damage • Water and liquid damage • Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown • Unauthorised calls up to £5,000 per claim • Accessories up to £200 per claim • Replacement of accessories incompatible with a phone replaced as a result of claim • 12 Months coverage or one claim for each handset you


For just one payment per year your Pay-As-You-Go mobile phone(s) (up to he value of £150) will be covered, world-wide for: • Theft • Accidental damage • Water and liquid damage • Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown • 12 Months coverage or one claim for each handset

Mobile Phone Insurance


“A Mobile phone is stolen every minute in the UK” The facts: Latest figures show that over a half of all street crime involves mobile phone theft, and is now one target for muggers! 2.9 million phones are broken in the Uk per year, 1.6 are misplaced or lost and 1.3m are stolen. Don’t let yours be the next one!

For more information, or to purchase, please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa

Gatefold reveal

Outer Envelope

Identity Theft Insurance

Who is the real


Our Identity Theft Insurance means can steal your identity.

no - one



Life sty le


nce that fits ura aro s und n


101,000 people a year assume another’s

It’s easier than ever before for someone you’ve never seen to access your credit details and steal from you. We can help you reduce the risk of becoming a victim and ease the stress of repairing your own identity by insuring against the cost. Identiguard is designed to protect you from identity theft and identity fraud: • giving you the power to help you to reduce the risk of becoming a victim • informing you of changes to your credit file through a leading UK creditreference-provider • helping you to repair your own identity following identity theft • insuring you against costs associated with repairing your identity

Identiguard Insurance: just £00.00 per year • Access to our confidential advise line and online support centre • Secure registration and storage of your personal information • Credit repair assistance • Your credit report, from a leading UK credit reference agency • £25,000 of insurance cover against the cost of repairing your credit file

Identiguard PLUS Insurance:

“101,000 people a year assume anothers identity.” The facts: “More than half the UK’s population is worried about identity fraud and yet only one in 10 people are shredding personal documents before disposing of them” MORI Social Research Institute – 2004 Don’t let yours be the next one!

For more information, or to purchase, please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

just £00.00 per year • As above plus: • Monthly updates of any changes to your credit profile

*Please read the Terms and Conditions annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa

Double gatefold reveal

Diecut Offer/Call to Action

Bill Protector Insurance

Special offer headline omo lorem Annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa comparavi, per quem rem publicam a domin ati one factionis oppr essam in libertatem vindicavi. Senatus de cretis hono rificis in ordinem suum me adlegit. Hirtio consulibus, consularem locum sententiae dicendae tribuens, et imperium mihi dedit. Res publica ne quid detrimenti caperet, me propr aetore simul cum consulibus providere iussit. Populus autem eodem anno me con sulem, cum cos. uterquebe.


Sometimes unforeseen circumstances make it difficult to meet financial requirements. We can insure your household bills for up to £250 for 12 months – for just £7.99 a month. Not bad for complete peace of mind. Lifestyle Bill Protector Insurance covers you for the following:

If can’t pay the bills...



Apply online...

For more information, or to purchase, please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

Bill Protector Insurance

Bill Protector Insurance: just £7.99 per month For just one monthly payment you will be covered for: • Unemployment • Sickness • Disability • Death The Lifestyle Bill Protection Insurance is designed to protect customers from high bills and the covers you should you be made redundant. If you have been in full time employment for a minimum of 6 months you can purchase Bill Protection Insurance and be covered for your utility bills in the event that you are unable to make payments as a result of redundancy and illness.

“Personal debt broke through the £1,000bn barrier in July 2004, and household debt now stands at around 130% of income, compared with 87% in 2005” The facts: The National Statistics Office reports that about one third of households in Great Britain are reported as having no savings, living each month from salary to salary.

For more information, or to purchase, please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa

Gatefold reveal 37

Campaign Samples – Point of Sale – Phones (DRAFT ONLY) In-Store Leaflet A5 (cover)

Is this


Lifestyle Mobile Phone Insurance covers your “Pay-As-You-Go” or “Pay Monthly” mobile world-wide for: • • • • •

Theft Loss Accidental damage Water and liquid damage Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown From just £19.99 per year. See our brochure for details or call 0870 333 4832 or visit:

now you

you see it...

“Pay-As-You-Go” Mobile Phone Insurance:

“Pay Monthly” Mobile Phone Insurance:

one handset just £19.99 per year

one handset just £19.99 per year

up to 3 handsets just £49.99 per year

For just one payment per year your Pay Monthly mobile phone (up to he value of £150) will be covered, world-wide for: • Loss • Theft • Accidental damage • Water and liquid damage • Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown • Unauthorised calls up to £5,000 per claim • Accessories up to £200 per claim • Replacement of accessories incompatible with a phone replaced as a result of claim • 12 Months coverage or one claim for each handset


For just one payment per year your Pay-As-You-Go mobile phone(s) (up to he value of £150) will be covered, world-wide for: • Theft • Accidental damage • Water and liquid damage • Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown • 12 Months coverage or one claim for each handset

“A Mobile phone is stolen every minute in the UK” The facts: Latest figures show that over a half of all street crime involves mobile phone theft, and is now one target for muggers! 2.9 million phones are broken in the Uk per year, 1.6 are misplaced or lost and 1.3m are stolen. Don’t let yours be the next one!

Is this


Mobile Phone Insurance

phone? Is this

For more information, or to purchase, please call one of our Customer Service Advisors on 0870 333 4832 or visit

*Please read the Terms and Conditions annos undevig inti natus exerci tum privato consilio et privata impensa



your phone?

Make sure it’s insured.

Lifestyle Mobile Phone Insurance covers your “Pay-As-You-Go” or “Pay Monthly” mobile world-wide for:

Hanging Posters

Mobile phones are becoming an essential part of our everyday lives, both for work and personal communication. Keeping in touch has never been more important. Whether you have a “Pay Monthly” or “Pay-As-You-Go” mobile it is important to have it insured. Lifestyle Mobile Phone Insurance covers you for the following:

you see it...

phone? Make sure it’s insured.

Mobile Phone Insurance


• • • • •

Shelf Talker A5 (front & back)

Theft Loss Accidental damage Water and liquid damage Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown From just £19.99 per year. See our brochure for details or call 0870 333 4832 or visit:

Make sure it’s insured.


you see it... you


Lifestyle Mobile Phone Insurance covers your “Pay-As-You-Go” or “Pay Monthly” mobile world-wide for: • • • • •

Theft Loss Accidental damage Water and liquid damage Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown From just £19.99 per year. See our brochure for details or call 0870 333 4832 or visit:

Mobile Phone Insurance Cover your “Pay-As-You-Go” or “Pay Monthly” mobile for: • • • • •

Theft Loss Accidental damage Water and liquid damage Mechanical and Electrical Breakdown From just £19.99 per year. See our brochure for details or call 0870 333 4832 or visit:


Campaign Samples – Promotion Items (DRAFT ONLY) INTRODUCTION: LSG marketing materials may include promotional items where the normal guidelines may be difficult to apply due to: • Odd shapes/proportions • Limitations of reproduction In these cases the PRINCIPALS of the LSG guidelines should be maintained. These include: • Use of WHITE SPACE and “clean”, uncluttered design • Use of predominately WHITE BACKGROUNDS • LSG Red and LSG Grey colours where possible.

VERY SMALL ITEMS: For give-away items such as pens etc, the image is normally SCREEN printed. Screen printing only allows the use of limited colours and the registration of these colours is difficult to control. In these cases the stripe and “dancer” image should be omitted from the logo.

OTHER ITEMS: Where possible the complete LSG logo should be used. On some applications this may be the “dancer” and type only. On others the full LSG Red Stripe logo – with web address may be possible. The relative proportion of all elements should be maintained. See the Coffee Mug example.

Pen Logo adapted to TYPE ONLY. (Due to screen printing limitations). 2 colours = LSG Red and LSG Grey

Cap Logo adapted to TYPE ONLY. (Due to embroidery limitations). 2 colours = LSG Red and LSG Grey

Coffee Mug LSG Red Stripe Logo with Web Address. CYMK reproduction on mugs is normally possibe.


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