One He was scared. Hijackings were something to read about in the news, not something to experience. Strangely enough, he wasn't afraid of dying. He understood death too well to fear it, but he didn't want to die the way these guys would do it, torture before the bullet. He was also afraid that given a chance he would have to kill them, and he wasn't sure he could do that. The hijackers, there were four of them, had moved quickly, taking control of the plane just after it left Athens on the way to Cairo. Three of them, two men and a woman, were Arabs. The fourth man was an Oriental. Their leader, armed with a pistol had forced a stewardess to take him to the cockpit. The Oriental, also armed with a pistol was patrolling up and down the left aisle in tourist class. The woman, carrying a fragmentation grenade, was in the right aisle, moving from tourist to first class to help the other man who stayed in the first class section armed with an incendiary grenade. They had gathered all the passports, probably to check for important people to add to their hostage value. While the false passport he carried didn't make him important, nor reveal his code name "Yankee," it did make him an American, and sitting at the front of the section as he was he figured that made him a good candidate for any reason the hijackers wanted. The eight weeks of intensive combat training he had just completed made it so he could tell the hijackers were terrorist, not soldiers, and if they did take him he had little doubt that he could kill at least two of them before they could kill him. Logic told him that would be the correct course of action, but in the back of his mind he feared that he would strike out in anger and he wasn't sure if that could change self defense into murder. He also feared that the indecision he was experiencing would keep him from doing what was right in any event. Even with his head bowed, the position ordered by their captors, he could see the woman pass into the first class section. With his side vision he had seen the Oriental man pass behind him. Figuring the man would still be heading toward the rear of the plane he took a chance and glanced over his left shoulder. The beautiful young woman with the shoulder length blond hair was also glancing back at the retreating Oriental. Then she turned and looked right at Yankee. She didn't smile, or wink, or give any other sign of recognition, but he could tell she was ready to strike when the moment was right and expected him to help. 1