Ball Program for ISCANS

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I would like to welcome one and all to Coronation XI in lovely Halifax, Canada’s Ocean Playground. For those from out of town, I hope you enjoy our hospitality and for all you locals I hope you enjoy a wonderful night. When it comes to Coronation, it wouldn’t be possible without the support of people like you. A Reign takes the work of an entire society and the dedication and hard work of ISCANS is second to none. Reign X came with many challenges but every year comes with such challenges. It’s how you overcome them that gauge the success of an organization like ISCANS. The leadership of a society is as important as its membership. Without a great Board of Directors, which we definitely had, a group has great issues. I would like to thank all the Board; Dennis, you where always there to support me. Joseph, what a different year. I AM SO PROUD of you. Natasha, our records are so prompt and organized. Bruce, you know how to organize an event, keep asking until they say yes. Lee, Your graphics and creative spirit are wonderful. Shadoe, you stuck in there, good for you. C. Leah and Nathan; What to say!! C Leah, you have done a great job, we have seen you blossom from a caterpillar into a butterfly, that really makes an Empress. How Proud I am! Nathan, even though it’s been bumpy at times, you have my honour, being the stepping down Emperor with such grace and poise. I watched you from being a boy to an Emperor. So I hope you all enjoy the evening and all Halifax has to offer Congratulations!! We all made it! I also want to wish Mz Vicki all the luck and success. Enjoy! In Service to the Crown and Community Boom Boom Lubalicious Prime Minister Empress IV, VII, IX of Halifax and all of Nova Scotia

Greetings Fellow Courtiers, Friends and Honoured Guests. Well…what can I say, yet another reign has come and gone and we are all gathered here once again at the Atlantica Hotel in beautiful Halifax, Nova Scotia to crown yet another Monarch for Reign XI. Where to start. I would I like to take this opportunity to welcome each and every person who is in attendance this evening. If not for your support we would not be where we are tonight. Whether you’re from across the bridge, across the Province or from across the Country, we welcome you with open arms and open hearts and hope that you thoroughly enjoy our Maritime hospitality. I would like to thank all the wonderful people I had a chance o work with this year. Like in any other Kingdom or Court, this was a year that certainly had its ups and downs; however we are here this evening stronger then what we were when we began back in February of 2010. With that being said I would like to raise a glass and shout BRAVO to both There Most Imperial and Sovereign Majesty’s Nate N! Bent and C. Leah Cruise. Congratulations to the ICPs and the entire Upper House on a job well done. Nate, I’m so glad that we’re here with you taking part in tonight’s festivities and you are enjoying your step down, after all you do bring out the child in all of us. C Leah, I know it has been very much a whirl wind year for you, all I can say is WOW, each and every show you grew and you blossomed into a classy Empress. Mr. Prime Minister, Ed Savage, I would like to thank you for your support and for your continued vision for this society, thanks for your guidance and patience throughout this year. To Doug, Dave and the staff of Menz bar, and to Mike, Stephen and the staff of Reflections; we appreciate your continued and valuable support throughout the years. We look forward to your continued and valued support. Last but not least thank you Company House for opening your doors to us! We’re looking forward in building a great relationship. As Premier of ISCANS, it has been a challenging yet insightful year, a year that has been very educational which I have served to the best of my ability. It has been an honour and privilege to serve Reign X. In closing I want to take this opportunity to wish the best of luck to the candidate and aspirant to the throne Mz Vicki. Please remember your health and your personal life comes before the crown and your community. I along with many others I’m sure will be with you and beside you all the way. Nate and C let me be the 1st to welcome you to Wuzziland. To everybody else THANK YOU so much. Please enjoy your weekend with us here in Halifax. In Continued Service to the Court and Community I Remain, Dennis Storm Dover Stubbs Premier

Greetings to all from near and afar! Let me be one of many to say ‘Welcome’ to Halifax, Canada’s Ocean Playground! It’s hard to believe that a year ago I was crowned as Emperor 10 of Halifax and all of Nova Scotia. Many of you were in attendance then and are back for the celebration of our reign and to see old friends. Well the year has been wicked ride, from the good to the bad and back to the good. Of course along the way there has been soooo many people along the way that helped out or simply let me talk their ears off. Now where do I start with all my thank you’s? Calgary: Poppers and Krystal, thank you for having ears and good ole fashioned bitch sessions when they were simply needed. Scott, for the countless facebook chats and knowing just about everything I could have been feeling. Mz Rhonda, thank you for letting me sleep when I should have been up and partying in Fresno. Mike, thank you for agreeing to be my half when you should have had a rest and simply being there for all the chats, texts and everything. Edmonton: Dee, I will never forget the F-1 race from the airport to the hotel. Big Daddy, thank you for all the hugs when I needed them and we will always giggle at Toronto. JJ, for all the hugs I was constantly after you for. Craig, for all the crazy morning facebook chats about everything. LJ, thank you for putting up with my crazy late night texts. Marni Gras, for all the laughs we had along the way and across the room bbms. Lloyd and Tyler, thank you so much for great times even if I did nothing, was nice to relax with awesome friends Winnipeg: Brieanna, thank you for all the countless facebook chats, about all the random stuff. Vida, we met when you were ICP, and I have seen you become an amazing Empress, way to go. Hamilton: Robin, like oh my god where do I start? Thank you for everything from the cheeky facebook messages and to the help for my step down tonight. Monro, from the time I was ICP and us wondering off to just relax from the craziness, thank you so much for being a grounding force. Nikki, what can I say you are a hoot! Thank you for being yourself and always having a smile and hug for me. Miss Drew, I have watched you blossom into an amazing person and Empress. Thank you for everything.

Toronto: Maynard, for your prompt email replies and surprising me with the odd phone call here and there. Tiffany, oh my thank you for just about everything - the cheeky chats, facebook, text messages and the odd late night phone call as I was waiting to hit the airport for my many travels. St Catharines: Katana, missing you this year, but thank you for everything over the last 12 months – from chats, texts and everything else. Claudia, from playing email, text or bbm tag, you were there for even the simplest of chats in our busy lives, muah. London: Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you in London. There were so many people that made my visit so special. It was an honour to be part of your Elevation weekend. Congratulations once again and continue the awesome work! United States: There are so many of you in the great country of the United States, that I would require an entire program to properly thank you all. From the bottom of my heart I thank you all for your support and friendship before, during and hopefully long after my reign. Hugs. Halifax: I apologize now if I don’t name you all by name as there are countless of you that have been by my side throughout this reign and for that I am truly grateful. Now there are a few that I would like to name as without, I probably would have tossed the towel in long ago. Lee, for being there when I needed to vent or when I needed a poster like last week. Jozef, for simply everything you have done even when I had to remind you to stop worrying so much. Upper House, for the continued support and countless events you all helped out with. Boom Boom, holy crow it’s been a ride and I still think you were crazy for 3 times. Thank you everything this year – the countless talks, smacks to my head, all to keep me level headed and to keep going. My Empress: C.Leah it seems that not long ago that you and I were having the chat to run or not to run for the ‘big tin hat’. It has been quite the reign with smiles and frowns, laughter and tears, but here we are still standing strong and together. Thank you for the countless talk downs when I was upset and simply beside myself. From the great highland heart of Nova Scotia you have definitely left your mark on the members of the court of Halifax, as well as those abroad. For you are my friend, my wifey and my Empress – my Rainbow Empress. Alrighty folks, now that I have brought back the good memories and quite possibly stirred some tears, I hope you all enjoy yourself this evening and your time in the great city of Halifax. Thank you one and all for being here and being part of our celebration. I remain, His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty The Diamond Ruby Scorpion with a Topaz Tail The Kid at Heart who LOVES his Rainbows Emperor 10 of Halifax and all of Nova Scotia Nate N!-Bent

To our guests from courts far and wide, to our friends, supporters and members from Halifax and across Nova Scotia, it is a true pleasure to welcome you to ISCANS’Coronation XI! It has been a remarkable year, and an experience I will always treasure. While there were moments of anxiety and frustration – and sadness at the loss of ICP II Meshally – yet we did what the court does best. We served our community, raised money for charities, and had a lot of fun along the way. We are a small but mighty court with great dreams and a desire to make them happen. I learned so much from each and every one of you. This has been a year of change and transition. Last year, the court elected an Empress from outside Halifax for the first time, and this was a big challenge for all of us, but we came through it flying the colours of pride all the way! It was a great privilege to meet monarchs, upper houses and members from other courts. To the Imperial Sovereign Court of the Chinook Arch: the Calgary Coronation was my first outside of Halifax, and it was a special thrill to return to my hometown for the occasion. Joey Hailey, you are a class act. Bianca, you made feel so welcome! Mary Poppers: you were a great ½-empress and do Calgary and Halifax proud. Scotty, you are one of the best and I am so glad we had the chance to become friends during Halifax Pride. To the Imperial Court of Hamilton-Wentworth – all the rumours about you are true! Hard-working, hard partying, and great hosts, you are a true sister court. Thank you to all – and especially to Miss Drew, Nikki Davis, Robin Derring and Monro – for the amazing and abundant hospitality! To Rainbow Proud in Truro: nothing’s better than a community dance at a Lion’s Club!Thank you, Jill McMasters and Wayne Collette, for making the Court part of your events. Ralph – you are the Queen of Truro. I will see all of you soon at Priscilla in Antigonish! Speaking of Antigonish, I was blessed with the incredible support from the community in my adopted hometown. My wife Mena and my youngest child Daniella survived my absences and anxieties with grace. Ben Jantzen, Rory Begin, ICP 10 Peter the Greek, and Mathieu Craig – you and the other students of X-Pride at St. Francis Xavier University are very special. It was inspiring that during my reign town council finally proclaimed Pride Week. You were always there when I needed you. To my Antigonish ICP, Allie Oopsie – you are an Angel destined for great things. To Paula Brow, costumer for Theatre Antigonish – always ready to mend, alter and create! Joseph and Kenny, you are stalwarts in Antigonish. Derrick Fulton, you may be a Toronto lawyer but you are still my best friend on this planet and were an amazing supporter this year. Your generosity made a huge difference. The last time I looked, I was closing in on 10,000 kilometres by car on the roundtrip from Antigonish to Halifax But it was worth it! For in Halifax lies the heart of the Court, and some of the most wonderful people. To Allan Dowding, I wish you the best in NB. We’ll miss you. Shadoe, we both faced some challenges this year; thank you for your constant encouragement. Stephen Filek of Reflections: getting to know you was such a pleasure! Your support for the Court and your respect for drag is phenomenal. Bruce Crooks – you did so many things, big and small, to encourage me, help raise money, make this year a

success. Kent, you are a real sweetheart – the calm within the storm. To my oldest child, and Mr. Gay Halifax, Shay – what a privilege to watch you becoming a great performer and to work the same stage together. I am so proud of you. Clohë MacDonald – one of a kind. You had my back, my bags, and were my shotgun, all year. You made every trip down, every show, that much easier. Deva, thank you for stepping up at key times this year and making things glitter. Dyna – the mightiest softball curves I have ever seen. You are quite a sight from third-base. Queen of Diamonds, Cherry Bomb, you played with the drag queens and survived! Proud of you. Mame, no one raises money at the door or on the BBQ like you. Linda, you are warm, welcoming and full of such delightful surprises! Nina, thanks for sticking with me even when I was driving you crazy. Bunni, wish you were here but hope you are taking it easy on TO! Helping always hands make for lighter work, more money for our charities, and a stronger community. I was blessed with a great board that really put its shoulder to the wheel: Ed, Dennis, Lee, Jozef, Ryan, Bruce, Nate, and Sheila. Dennis, thank you for literally cooking up a storm! Lee, what can I say? You are the mad artistic genius from the barbarian north and I love you for that and so much more. Jozef – you are Halifax’s bad boy with a heart of gold and an uncanny knack for encouraging me at exactly the right moments. To the one and only Elle Noir – fierce, gutsy, gorgeous and always ready to lend your incredible talent to a good cause. Boom Boom, you were the first ISCANS queen I ever met and I will NEVER forget the sight on that stormy night of the first-ever Priscilla seven years ago when three feet of snow shut down everything in Antigonish – except a court show. It was the start of a beautiful friendship and I thank you for that, for everything since, and especially for the last year. I could not have had a better upper house. Kristi, I’m so glad you jumped on board to add your own special pizzazz and sparkle. To the effervescent Kimberly Diamond: you were so cute and fun at Diamond Divas that we just had to bring you back to Halifax from Moncton. Natassha, you came back in the nick of time and were ALWAYS there! You are simply fabulous. Ahem. To Rouge Fatale from Her Misery – the best damned Hiccup ever. One of these days, when I finally get it all right, you’ll be to blame for it. Mz. Vicki, you were the perfect Heir Apparent. The hardest working queen in Halifax, the best fundraiser, and always ready to the best supporter. Thank you, girlfriend, for making Chez Vicki my home-away-from home and taking such good care of me. Finally, to my husband: Nate, we made it! There were some bumps along the way, but it kept things interesting. Now let’s see some skittle popping. It has been an honour and a pleasure to work alongside all of you this past year. With love and in continuing service to the court and the community, Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty The Sassy and Classy Ruby and Emerald Eagle “She Is All That Jazz!” Empress 10 of Halifax and all of Nova Scotia C. Leah Cruise

Imagine if you can, being in the country, a 10 minute drive east of a small village called Mount Stewart, on an island known to be Prince Edward Island. Prince Edward Island; or P.E.I. being the short form that is probably more known to be, is located off the east coast of Canada between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. That is where is I was born. Growing up, I always knew I was different than everyone else, and believe me if you knew where I was from, you too would say literally “everyone else”. Everyone always picked on me, and by the age of 10 I really started to feel what I then understood at that age to be; an attraction to boys. I didn’t understand until my teenage years when I burst out of the closet and stated to the world that I am gay. It was that point in my life that I knew I was about to go through a serious change in lifestyle, and be open to the world of the gay community and what it had in store for me. I decided to take refuge and join a youth group. At my time on P.E.I. and yes there was a youth group and it was wonderful. I got to go on trips and meet wonderful people. Then I discovered the world of online. Well. . . That was fucked up. One great thing happened to me though from meeting men on the internet. I met a man that I didn’t really know well, but believed that there was a future somewhere. This man of mystery in my life became my husband, and further into our relationship became known to be my wife. He is wonderful, happy, and would fill even the darkest room with the most wonderful light. He became the drag queen today that we all know to be Rouge Fatale. Rouge has been my biggest support for helping me discover the Imperial Court System, and what it stood for. Into participating with the court and then making my way to be Imperial Crown Prince, I got to meet wonderful people all over the world who join together in an organization that would be so much fun and leave a large impact in my life. People like Natassha N, Mz. Vikki, Deva station, Dyna Myte, Lee Bent, and many other of the great people I met throughout my newfound life here in Nova Scotia I wish to extend my thanks. And of Course a big thanks to Their Majesties, Nate N Bent and C. Leah Cruise and congratulations on a year well done! Everyone has opened my eyes, taught me well, and guided me through my reign this year. For this, there is no coronation booklet big enough that would allow me to personally thank each individual person I wish to thank, I am left with this. Thank You. Thank you to each person who stood by my side no matter how unpleasant I would be, and no matter how happy I would be, but above all, thank you to The person whom I would not be here without. Jason Rose-Spurrell (A.K.A. Rouge Fatale)

“Well, here we go again!” This is what I thought when I began this year. As this year has progressed, good and bad, I have come to remember what this whole, ICS stands for. It is all about the community coming together. Bringing help to the four charities, as well as anywhere else in Nova Scotia we can lend a hand. Whether it is through fund raising, serving meals, or just being there. ISCANS has done this. So, here we go with the thanks. Your Misery, it has been an honour serving next to you this year. We made history here in N.S. and I am proud of ya. Love your hiccup. Mr. Naterz, “I KNOW! I KNOW, TOO!” one of my oldest friends in this city, and always will be. My girls, Kristi, N, Deva, Dyna, Kim, Hex,Elle, Boom, Bunni, Allie, thank you for being there, through it all. To my Boys, Owen, Clo, Lee, Michael,Ewan, Shae, Jozef, Bruce, love you all! To my OOT’s! Mary, Nikki, Munroe, Claudia, Bree, Dixie, Krystal, Alexander, Myke, I know I always have a friend, no matter where I am. To Zach, my brother, you have no idea what your friendship has meant to me. Even though you can’t be here, you will be in my heart. Love you, Katuckatuck ;) Final thank you, to my other half, both in ISCANS and in life, my best friend, and my husband, Kent. You have put up with so much, and with me. With all my heart and all my soul. <3 Ok, that is so enough of that. As they say, “three times the charm” and this is the end of year three of ICPing for me. I am proud and honoured to be “Her most imperial sovereign highness, ICP 6, 8, and 10.” The even numbered ICP, with the odd personality. So, as I say when we close the curtain, “Goodnight ladies and gentlemen! Do not drink and drive, you will spill your beer! Love, Luck, and lollipops, Rouge Fatale.

Γεια σας! Hello! I still can’t believe that I ever got the opportunity to spend one year of my life as a prince. It has been wonderful. The experience has been heightened by the fact that ISCANS, the loveliest and most talented organization of people I have ever met, is the governing body from which my princely position was granted. I must especially thank my outstanding Emperor 10 Of Halifax And All Of Nova Scotia, Nate N! Bent for believing I was worthy of such an honour, and for helping me to understand my role within ISCANS. I must also thank Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty C. Leah Cruise for being such a ravishing and capable Empress, and for all of her guidance as well. In addition, my fellow Imperial Crown Princes and Princesses deserve all the praise in the world, and in particular I should thank my resplendent counterpart, Imperial Crown Princess 10 Allie Oopsie, whose support from the beginning has been invaluable to me. The good work that the Imperial Sovereign Court of Nova Scotia does is amazing. I’m so glad to have had the chance to be a part of it. I will continue my support of this great organization until long after my title has been passed on. I know that this Coronation Week will be one to remember. I hope that everybody has an absolute blast! Ευχαριστούμε! Thank you! Imperial Crown Prince 10 Peter the Greek

This past year with the Halifax ISCANS court has been a wonderful learning experience, and everything I have learned will go with me in future endeavors. Although I was living in Antigonish for the majority of this year’s reign, and was only eighteen for most of it, as well, learning so much from such a strong Drag community such as the court has certainly helped me come into my own and being surrounded by such serious and hard workers was wonderful. I’d like to thank my Empress 10, C. Leah, and Emperor 10, Nate N Bent for their great reign. I would especially LOVE to thank my sister ICP Rouge fatale for working so hard, especially in much of my absence, and for taking such a load of responsibility, you really worked it, Girl! Everyone else in the court did such a wonderful job with events, shows, and fundraisers and I can’t wait to see how the court grows. Best of luck to the future reign of 2011! ICP X Allie Oopsie

Order of the Evening Opening Ceremonies

Set One

Introduction of the Master of Ceremonies Flags Prayer Invocation Dedication of the Evening to Bernard “Bernie� MacDonald aka, Meshallay Crystal His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Emperor 10 Nate N Bent Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Empress 10 C. Leah Cruise Introduction of the Imperial Court of Halifax Introduction of Guests to the Dias Command performance I - H.M.I.S.M. Empress 16 of Hamilton-Wentworth Miss Drew Presentation of Court Member of the Year Award Command performance II - H.M.I.S.M. Emperor 35 of Edmonton L J Steele Walk of The Imperial Court of Vancouver Walk of The Imperial Court of Calgary Walk of The Imperial Court of Edmonton Walk of the Imperial Court of Hamilton Command performance III - Mz Gay Halifax Heckalla Jeckla Excuse Guests from the Dias Excuse Their Most Imperial Sovereign Majesties, His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Emperor 10 Nate N Bent Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Empress 10 C. Leah Cruise Candidate Performance

Set Two Introduction of the Master of Ceremonies Introduction of Their Most Imperial Sovereign Majesties, His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Emperor 10 Nate N Bent Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Empress 10 C. Leah Cruise Introduction of Guests to the Dias Command performance IV - Imperial Crown Princess 9 Elle Noir

Presentation of Awards Command performance V - H.M.I.S.M. Empress 11 of Winnipeg Vida Lamour Presentation of Local Business’ and Organizations Command performance VI - Kara Mylk Walk of The Imperial Court of Regina Walk of The St. Catharines & The Greater Niagara Region Command Performance VII - H.I.S.M. - Empress 4 Hamilton-Wentworth Robin Sophia-Derring Walk of The Imperial Court of Toronto Walk of The Imperial Court of Winnipeg Command Performance VIII - H.M.I.S.M. 39TH Elected Empress of Vancouver Raye Sunshine Command Perfirmance: Winner of the IKEA Challenge Excuse Guests from the Dias Excuse Their Most Imperial Sovereign Majesties, His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Emperor 10 Nate N Bent Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Empress 10 C. Leah Cruise

Set Three Introduction of the Master of Ceremonies Introduction of Their Most Imperial Sovereign Majesties, His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Emperor 10 Nate N Bent Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty, Empress 10 C. Leah Cruise Introduction of Guests to the Dias 10 Year Walk His Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor 2 Alexander De Knight 10 Year Walk His Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress 2 Mz Vicki Starr-DE Knight His Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor 6 & 9 Lee Bent-Dover (5 and Dowager) Proclamations Final Walk of Empress 10 ½ In Town Natassaha N! Presentation to Reign 10’s Chosen Charities Final Walk of Emperor 10 ½ Out of Town Emperor Michael Myte of Calgary Final Walk of Empress 9 ½ Mary Poppers Her Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress 4, 8 & 9 Boom Boom LubaLicious Excuse Guests from the Dias

Excuse Their Most Imperial Sovereign Majesties, Emperor 6 & 9 Lee Bent-Dover & Empress 4, 8 & 9 Boom Boom LubaLicious, CBT

Set Four Introduction of the Master of Ceremonies Final Walk of Imperial Crown Prince 10 Peter The Greek Final Walk of Imperial Crown Prince 10 Kent Rose-Spurrell Final Walk of Imperial Crown Princess 10 Allie Oops Final Walk of Imperial Crown Princess 10 Rogue Fatale Final Walk of His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor 10 Nate Bent Final Walk of Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress 10 C Leah Cruise Candidate for Empress is Sequestered Introduction of College of Monarchs Presentation of Newest College Inductees Introduction of HeirsApparents of Queen Mother of the Americas Empress Nicole the Great Introduction of Official Tabulator, Mr Reg A. Goodwin Crowning Ceremony


d e t a c u d E e r u s a e l P

1598 Barrington St, Halifax. 902-422-0004

With Special Thanks to: Menz Bar The Company House MacQuaid Sound design.bent Reflections Cabaret St Francis University Nova Scotia Youth Project Hotel Atlantica Kinko’s B.Crook’s Printing Services L. MacQuaid Trucking Services The Makers of Rum Casino Taxi The Staff of Any Late Night Fast Food Restaurants Columbian Importers Seadogs Spa

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