Coro program 2014 final

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In Memory

Mame St. Claire

Lance Tyler Rogers March 16, 1959-November 13, 2013

Prime Minister’s Message Good Evening, honoured Guests. The Imperial Sovereign Court of Atlantic Nova Society wishes you a warm welcome, and hopes that you enjoy Coronation XIV, and the step-down of Empress XIII BoomBoom Lubalicious and Emperor XIII Daddy Jozef at “A Night at the Asylum”. Tonight is the culmination of our thirteenth year of volunteering, entertaining and, most importantly, fundraising for our chosen charities. Each year presents its own challenges, and this year is no different. We took the decision to move tonight’s festivities from February to June, meaning that, not only would there be no snow on the ground (hopefully), but that our guests would be able to enjoy a little more of what makes Halifax such an amazing place to visit. The change, however, meant that this year was stretched to 16 months - meaning an extra 4 months of hard work and selfless volunteering by our Monarchs, Court and Board. Tonight, when you see us in action, we all make it look so easy. But those of us who have done this know just how hard, and sometimes thankless, a task it is - to put yourselves out there in the name of raising those few extra dollars. I won’t pretend that this year has been easy. Ensuring that all has been done, and everyone is OK takes a great deal of effort. But to enable us to do what we do, and to give away as much as possible is it’s own reward. finally, I owe Kevin Levere a huge apology. I am contrite for being a hypocrite. Forgive me? Enjoy the celebrations for Reign XIII and let’s look forward to Reign XIV In service

Bruce Crooks-Lubalicious Prime Minister to Reign XIII

Premier’s Message Greetings!! Welcome Your Majesties, Dignitaries, Courtiers and Honoured Guest. We are glad to have you in our fair city of Halifax, Nova Scotia and to Coronation XIV, for the stepping down of our current Reigning Monarchs, Their Most Imperial Sovereign Majesties, Daddy Jozef Lubalicious and Boom Boom Lubalicious. This has been an extended Reign of 16 months instead of the usual 12 months, and at times very trying to say the least but we have all managed to make it to the end successfully and knowing that good money was raised and good work was done for the chosen charities of Reign XIII as well as for the community at large. What an amazing 16 months this has been and I would like to thank all members of the board of ISCANS, for their extremely hard work that each of you did. Each taking on responsibilities and working together to make all things successful. Thank you again for all that you have done. To the Candidates, I wish you all the very best, and if elected, the most exciting Reign ahead of you. I encourage you to stand strong in your beliefs and morals and communicate well with your new board members and your ICP’s that you choose to work along with you. I know that you will stand strong in unity and represent Halifax, NS well as Good Will Ambassadors. Jozef and Boom, You both have done an amazing job over the past many months and I am so proud to have been a small part in helping with your successes. Trying as it may of been at times being it was an extended few months, both of you pulled together for the better good of the community and charities that you supported. It has been a privilege to have been able to take part in this journey. Once again, I would like to wish everyone a very enjoyable spring visit with us and to our grand city and to all the beauties it has to show you. In Service to Court, Crown and Community

Doug Bennett Society Premier

Emperor’s Message “I was broken and starting to think that I should be ashamed,

trembling and nervous and naked feeling afraid, then you came and told me and showed me too… “Fight through the “Rain”, Fight through the “Rein”, … fight through the “Reign!” BoomBoom - Again, thank you for holding on, not been easy, but I needed to get you to the end & give you the night you deserved the first time. Much love & admiration, Your Imperial Husband & friend. xo Board - Bruce Crooks, Doug Bennett, Blake Smith, Christopher Hagan, Jeff MacPherson, Nate Boudreau - Thank you for standing by til the end, it is never easy!, Imperial Crown Princesses - Rouge Fatale, Brigette Von Snapps, Heckle Jekyle, Starr 69 Thank you for being there & coming along for the ride! Imperial Crown Princes - Ron Gardiner, Doug Bennett, Kent Rose- Spurrell, Dennis Piercy - My 4 Men, who stood not under me, but beside me. A night like to night is about a joint effort, bask in the glory that is Reign XIII your names are attached to it’s success. Buffalo - Carolyn Kimbrough - Always the perfect lady & a bit naughty, Malibu & Johnny Breeze - My Sister & Imperial Son, I miss you both, so much, Calgary - Makayla Quinn - best friends are hard to find, I love you, but payback is a Bitch, Brandy Bishop-Towers - I got lucky, thank you for your friendship. Ruby Harte - Momma, one day I be pretty, until then let’s drink some more! Love you!, Barkley Huber - My Brother, I do hope one day you stand as a Emperor of your city, Fred Udey - Brother Emperor, you always make me feel welcome in Calgary, thanks you. Bull Dozer - I watched you step up & step down as your Half, so proud of you, Chris Malcovish - My American Brother, miss you much, Conrad Twist - When do we get to retire? love you lots. Connecticutt - Trevor Reynolds & Morgana de Lux - I got to spend time with you both, you are an incredible couple!, Nick - Varoom, Varoom, Varoom! Edmonton - Vanity Fair - Amazing to watch you become the Empress you were bound to be!, Ivanna Diamonds - I may not recognize you as a boy, but never forgot the Empress, Daizy Chain - Wishing you all the success, Myra Mains - Shocked me in Winnipeg & it was worth it, You are beautiful!, Jason Pilot - My son, thank you for love & support & being your Half. Love Daddy, Craig Stansfield, your friendship is valued so much & you help look after Jj, Rene Jockstrapp, - brat,(enough said), Jeffy Lube - wishing you all the success, Big Daddy Pump - Chimpmunks, the vision help!, xo, LJ Steele - Woof, Growl, Bark & tail wags!, Genuwine Velour - Strength comes from within, you are one of the strongest men I know!, Hamilton - Mrs Drew - simply stunning, Robin Sophia & Monro - I’m always in good hands with you 2 & drunk. Much love!, Las Vegas - Joey Benten - you stood by me & helped out when ever I needed your help, will always be my boy! Love Daddy, London - Stan Mackenzie - your support & love have carried me through this, here’s is to another 10 years, Madison Hart - Daughter, the trouble we get into every month, I put that call in for new livers! Love Papa. New York - Witti Repartee - You are a force to be reckoned with, thank you for being there, Madison Mansfield -Thank you for being there & for being my Neice, Farrah Moans - You made me sparkle, not just from within. Jack MacGregor, Thank you for believing in me, Pepperica Swirl & Vaniety Society My Sister & Brother, I took a page out of your year & ran with it, You, both are my inspiration. xo, Justius Santos - My Brother, Socks & Underwear (enough said) Love you. Ottawa - Vernoique DeHoe - Your a fabulous Queen, but will always be my Leather Brother!, Regina - Kerry Barrett - Brother, hospital trips & sharing rooms. You are more Family then my real one! xo, Rhode Island - Jealousy, wishing you all the success on this your journey, Saskatoon - China White - Momma - BACON & BUFFALO!, Kel Surprise - My Brother, thehospitality you showed me was far & beyond expected, Sean Ryan - your honesty & strength gave me hope & knowing I was not alone. San Diego - A Jax - evil Queen you are, hehehehe!, St Catherines - Shayda Black - Hamilton hotel rooms, alcohol & bed hopping! Thank you, Brett Wood One of the sexiest Emperors & a great man!, Surrey - David Cook - This journey has just begun for you, I wish you all success!, Erica St Asia - Brother, Sister, Brother… either or, friends is what we are, Toronto -

Tiffany L.C. - You still have my heart & friendship, Love you most! Vancouver - Sushi Bar - Miss you, you should be here, but I love you more & more! Get well! xo Washington DC - Fidel Moran - 1 Toronto hotel & a incredible friendship was made. I miss you lost & where’s my fan? Dana - been a great friendship, since you help form the Washington Court. Miss you much. Winnipeg - Lita Tequila - my Gothic Empress, you are incredible & beautiful! Thank you for your friendship. Wizzard - You make my music work, you drive me crazy & love you, Brother!, Reece Malone - I am so proud of you & the success you have achieved, I wish you all the best my boy, 8 years & counting! Halifax - Keri Mia Way - thank you for never giving up, Daughter. Deva Station & Dyna Myte, - Glamourous & beautiful! Mz Vicki - thank you for your support & the food! Kristen Davidson & Elle Noir - our Duchess, thank you for being there & being as grand as you both are! Nate Bent - my Heir, your twisted & thank you for being that way!, Allan Dowding - thank you for holding the key, Brother! Dale Johnson - 1 life of many, thank you, Brian Hines - your support has been greatly appreciated. Lee Bent - My In Town Half, twisted little man, thank you for laughs & tears. Anyone I forgot I am sorry, I really do appreciate you all! Half’s (Quater’s - hahaha) - Buffalo - Paul Toy Smith, Luis Rodriguez - 10 years ago I met you Paul & shortly after Luis, a friendship that stands the test of time is one you hold on to, I love you both & thank you for being my half’s. London - Robert MacQueen, Always the man to give me the kick in the ass, my ass is getting sore, I made it, enough already… thank you for those kicks. xo, Calgary - Neal DeWitt - My Brother in crime, how about we find a build-a-bear shop & forget the rest of this weekend, love you!Jason Ward - Our hard work has brought me to the next level, without you & your encouragement, I would not have started or finished.Brian Brine - a boy in training & a Daddy, who can give you more, the journey of discovery has just begun, love you my boy!, Robert DeSantos & Tim Thorin you made me the grandest gift I could ask for, thank you for listening & being truly incredible!Barbara Crooks - I never forgot who I was…. “I am married, to England” Thank you for giving me the greatest gift, your son!Alan Turner - Daddy, you put up with so much, but you are still here. Your love & support is more I could ask for, but given 100% back.Bruce Crooks - I love you until my last breath, thank you for this round & yes you can have a new bike!, Now read the letter… it is my promise, signed in blood! This night I dedicate to Empress XVIII of NY, Twinkle, you are the reason why I am still here or I would have walked away long ago. Your strength, courage, heart, amazing gentleness & immeasurable friendship kept me here. I love you & cannot wait for you to have your night! To my johnny, no one will understand what you did for me on that dark thunderous night. your hand print will be left on my heart, but I know you will not be far. You 2 combined gave me hope & strength to finish. Goodbye to the Emperor. His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty The Puppy Emperor The Community’s Sniffer of Crotches,

Throw Me A Bone & The Marker of Halifax’s Territory, Find Me A Fire Hydrant…. NOW!

Emperor XIII Daddy Jozef Lubalicious

Empress’s Address Well WOW 16 months!! When you start out on a journey of this kind you often expect bumps in the road and uphill battles and this reign is no different but we all made it, something everyone should be proud of. It never amazes me more when I look back and see what this small court on the east coast of Canada can do! I am so proud of all of you and you all should take a bow. After that being said I should start by saying I am humbled by all of the people I had the pleasure of meeting and celebrating with over the last 14 years. It seems like this is the first time I ever wrote one of these addresses but it isn’t( doesn’t make it any easier to write though). I should start by thanking the people who touched me and this reign along the way. I would like to start with the board of ISCANS, to Bruce, thank you, I know it was not easy but you made it a breeze, Doug your dedication and words are something to be proud of, Chris, for an implant you’re alright, Jeff, gurl what can I say that hasn’t been said, Nate, you always come on in the end and help make shit happen, you have been around for me for a long time, Thank you. Blake you are a truly compassionate man that nothing can hold down and you dedication is commendable. Lisa and Tim thanks for all your patience’s, I appreciate you. You guys rock! Hamilton: Robin your are stunning inside and out, Munroe, you are always there with the right words keep it up, Harley and buck it is always great to spend time with our midnight calls are great, Nicki Davies I love you gurl! Damien, we go back all the way back to you know!!, London: Madison you were a great host you are Halifax’s gain, Stan always fun to be around. Mama Acorn and Dante you guys should never change you are great just the way you are. Robert Macqueen you are reigning again brave Man! Jasmine Gurl it is time! St Catherine’s: Davie Night Congrats Shayda You did your city proud. Edmonton: I spent my vacation in your fine city this year, What great hosts you all are. JJ you hold your head up high it was a pleasure to be there for your special night, Dazyi and Jeff your hospitality was more than any gurl could ask for, thank you for opening your home, you are great monarchs. Leah and Dee a pleasure always!! Thank you for being you. Rene nice getting to know you. Adam even though you are a transplant you are still our special guy thank you. Alex thank you for showing me some interesting parts of the city. Alex and Adam I will never forget the hail and floods. To all of Edmonton, your court should be proud of your hospitality. Calgary: I always enjoy your city. Toronto: Michelle DuBarry, you were stellar last year. Thelma always great seeing you and spending some great chat time. Candace it is unfortunate you couldn’t be with us, you take care of you, Simon: it is always a pleasure, you will never change nor should you. Big Chris and Terran Blake, I wish you well in your reign you are both going to be great.

To my half’s, Sushi, walking on broken glass will always be your theme song for me, thank yon. Mz drew, your words of encouragement or just you listening is more than anyone could ask, you are a sister to me xoxo. Tiffany, you and I go way back and it was an honour asking you to be my half, sisters for ever xoxox. Ajax, you may be from afar but you touched many hearts in Halifax least of all mine. Thank you all for your dedication and support this year. To My ICPs, Rouge there is a crown waiting for you I know Iknow…, you are a rock for this city and me Keep on rocking it. Hex, gurl thanks for being you it is always a fresh approach, thank you. Bridgette, you are such a great person don’t ever change that, Thank you. You guys should be very proud of all you have done and continue to do for the court and charity. To my Emperor, Well some people would say 2 time the charm, I have reigned with you twice …. You know I love you just sometimes… I think you are very special and have a lot to offer to the court, you are so dedicated and for that I commend you. Joseph, I love you . I am proud to call you my emperor. To the love of my Love My Boyfriend, John, you have been so patient and understanding. You have always been there for me no matter what. I believe you are the most special person in my world. I just want to say I love you No! I want to scream IIII LLLOOOVVEE YYOOUU!!! Keep on being who you are never let anyone say anything to you to change that. So in closing I just want to say Thank you to all the out of town dignitaries, fellow Monarchs, court members and the community, Thank you for being here to celebrate and for being there all year to support In Service to the Crown and community,

Empress XIII BoomBoom

Imperial Crown Prince Message

Good Evening and welcome everyone to Coronation. I hope everyone

enjoys this evening as much as I will. Sixteen months ago when Jozef ask me to be one of his ICP’s I did not hestitate and said yes right away. I hope that I made you proud, and thank you for everything. To my Empress, Boom Boom, I hope that you had as much fun this year as I did, especially when hanging together at the events, I thank you! To all my co ICP;s, ... Bridget Von Snaps, Doug Bennett, Rouge Fatale, Ron Gardiner, Heckella Jeckyll and Kent Spurrrell-Rose we did it and 16 month reign at that. Last but not least, to my other half, Ms. Starr69, you were my rock this year and I thank you for being there for me and I love you with all my heart. I Remain His Most Imperial Sovereign Highness Imperial Crown Prince XIII

Dennis DuPont

Imperial Crown Princess Message

Good evening and welcome to coronation ... When asked to step up and be ICP.... I knew right away what was going to be expected from me... Then when I was told it was going to be 16 months.. I thought oh dear what have I gotten myself into.. well a month pasted and then 7 months and well, here we are tonight at the 16 month mark.. It sure has been alot of fun.. and have gotten to meet new people through out the reign. There are some people I would like to acknowledge. To all the Icps Bridget Von Snaps and Doug Bennett, Ron Gardiner and Rouge Fatale; Heckella Jeckyll and Kent Spurrell-Rose and last but not least my other half Dennis, YOU ARE MY ROCK.. We all should be very proud of everything. To my Emperor Jozef, thank you once again for your support and friendship.. To my Empress, Boom Boom... well I hope I did what was expected of me and made you proud. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You! I Remain Her Most Imperial Soverign Highness Imperial Crown Princess XIII

Starr 69 Dupont

Imperial Crouwn Prince Message Imperial Sovereign Majesties Reign XIII. It’s been a busy year, a productive year, a successful year, and a long year. It felt as though it’s been almost 16 months! I would just like to take some time and say thank you. Thank you for having a very strong sense of integrity, for being patient, approachable, and making me do things outside of my comfort zone, it’s made me so much better for it. Congratulations on a very successful year! His Most Imperial Sovereign Highness Imperial Crown Prince XIII

Ron Gardiner

Imperial Crown Princess Message As Nina would say, A gracious good evening to you all!Well, fourth time is the charm, right? This has been a wonderful year full of laughs, fun and most of all, raising some well deserved money for some fantastic charities. To be able to reign next to the other amazing ICP’s this year has been an honour. Bridget, Hex, Starr, Kent, Ron, Dennis and Doug kudos to us! We did it! Crysals!To Boom and Jozef, you both have been so amazing! I am super excited to have my facebook NOT blow up with a countdown. Boom, you have just been so fantastic, and it has been a privilege to be with you this year. Jozef, you are my oldest friend in the city. Thank you for taking me on this crazy journey!I have met so many people along the way and I only have half a page... so to Calgary, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Regina, New York, San Diego Surrey, Hamilton, Ottawa, Edmonton, St. Catharine’s, Buffalo, London, Kitchener, Toronto, and Halifax, all of the amazing people I have met that have represented these cities, thank you for your friendships. You all hold a piece of my heart... which kind of hurts, ease up a bit! Oh! Ocean wave! OK. I’m done. Over it. Finished. Where’s my Ukulele? Deva, let’s go have a bon fire and build a fort. Boo ya, two syllables. Ladies and gentlemen, please do not drink and drive! Because why? You will spill your beer! Good night!The Kunt with a “K” because Kunt with a “K” is so very nice! Her Most Imperial Sovereign Highness Imperial Crown Princess XIII

Rouge Fatale

Imperial Crown Prince Greetings Everyone!! First of all, I am not sure of where to start lol. This has been an extended reign for our Emperor and Empress and to the eight ICP’s that they chose to work along with them during the many months to make this successful. I have counted it as a privilege to have been asked to be one of the four great guys on the male side to help even a little. If I said it was all fun and games, then you would know I was not telling the truth. A lot of very hard work went into everything that was done, rather it was the BBQ’s, sitting and roasting wieners and hamburgers, and nice big sausages or it was other fundraising events for our charities. Most of the time it was fun and the rewards come to you when you see the smiles of those you may of helped along the way. Congratulations to Jozef and Boom Boom for a job well done and having the patience with us and to guide us as well, along in this incredible journey. It has been an honor to have served as ICP XIII. Thank you to my fellow ICP’s for everything this past 16 months. For the New Monarchs, I want to wish you all the success in the world in your next 12 months! In service to the Court His Most Imperial Highness Imperial Crown Prince XIII Doug Bennett

Imperial Crown Princess Good Evening! They told me to write about “something or someone who has touched me”, All I can say is I touched myself a lot... Just kidding. Where do I start? I am inspired by all of my ICP’s this year, there all amazing and work so hard for what they believe in. Rouge inspires me daily, and Hex and Starr are just awesome, as well as all the men. It is hard to believe more than a year has passed already!! Props to the Emperor and Empress for doing an amazing job and keeping us all together. They truly are wonderful to take their free time and donate it to such a good cause. I cannot imagine doing this year with anyone other than you two, Jozef and Boom. I am sad it is coming to an end but I have faith in the next line up of beauties to fill our shoes!! To all of you who made this year count, keep it up and be yourself, Also, Happy Halloween!!! Xxx Her Imperial Sovereign Highness Imperial Crown Princess

Bridget Von Snaps

Imperial Crown Prince Hello to all! Thank you to all who could make it tonight to celebrate Coronation! To Boom Boom and Jozef, congratulations on a phenomenal year. You both have made your city proud. To my fellow ICP’s, you all did a fantastic job and should be proud of what you have accomplished. To all my out of town friends and family, I love you all and you all mean the world to me. To my Family here in Halifax, thank you for putting up with me! LOL! I love you so much. To my friends, you guys are pretty great too. Have an amazing night tonight, and here is to a successful reign 14! His Most Imperial Sovereign Highness Imperial Crown Prince XIII

Kent Rose-Spurrell Imperial Crown Princess

Heckela Jeckyll

Aspirants to the Throne

Dennis DuPont

Starr 69 Dupont

Order of the Evening Set 1

Intro of MC Opening Ceremonies His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XIII Of Halifax Jozef Lubalicious and Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XIII Of Halifax Boom Boom Lubalicious brought to dias Presentation of Halifax Court Intro of Guests to Dias Command Performance Prime MinisterAward Court Walks San Diego, Vancouver and Toronto Command Performance Court Walks – London, Calgary and Edmonton Command Performance Court Walks Regina and Winnipeg Excuse Guests Excuse His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XIII Of Halifax Jozef Lubalicious and Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XIII Of Halifax Boom Boom Lubalicious Candidate for Emperor Performance

Set 2 Intro of His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XIII Of Halifax Jozef Lubalicious and Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XIII Of Halifax Boom Boom Lubalicious Intro of Guests to Dias Command Performance Premier Award Court Walks Hamilton and St Catherines Command Performance Court Walks All American Courts Presentation of Local Business And Organizations. Command Performance Court Member of the Year Award Command Performance Excuse Guests from Dias

Excuse His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XIII Of Halifax Jozef Lubalicious and Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XIII Of Halifax Boom Boom Lubalicious Candidate for Empress Performance

Set 3

Intro of His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XIII Of Halifax Jozef Lubalicious and Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XIII Of Halifax Boom Boom Lubalicious Intro of Guests to the Dias Presentation of Chosen Charities Anniversary Walk Emperor 12 Anniversary Walk Empress 12 5 Year 10 Year In Town Half Him In Town Half Her #1 Out of Town Pairing #2 Out of Town Pairing

Excuse Guests from Dias Excuse His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XIII Of Halifax Jozef Lubalicious and Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XIII Of Halifax Boom Boom Lubalicious

Set 4

#1 Final ICP Walk Pairing #2 Final ICP Walk Pairing Final walk for His Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Emperor XIII Of Halifax Jozef Lubalicious Final Walk for Her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty Empress XIII Of Halifax Boom Boom Lubalicious Intro of the College Presentation of New College Members Intro of official Tabulator Crowning Ceremony

CONGRATULATIONS ON SUCCESSFUL REIGN the imperial sovereign court of the chinook arch presents





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