VoLUmE Liii
THURSDAy, APRiL 12, 2012
Bentley hosts Model UN conferences Dean Everett challenges Unique opportunity for middle and high schoolers the linguistic status quo By Kristin Tomasi VANGUARD STAff
Bentley’s Model United Nations program recently held its annual conferences for both middle school and high school students on campus. “Every year in March, Bentley’s campus plays host to over 270 middle school
students who take on the roles of various nations and debate issues in mock simulations for one Saturday,” said James Germain, Vice President and Secretary General of the Middle School Conference. “Our high school conference, which typically takes place over Memorial Day weekend, was moved to just
a few weeks ago to facilitate increased Bentley student participation,” said Germain. “Schools from all over New England come to Waltham for a three day conference.” The Director for the High School Conference is Jessica Xiong. Germain explained that See MUN, Page 5
Courtesy of blogspot.com
Everett spent 25 years in the Amazon, learning the ways of the Piraha.
By Lacey Nemergut NEwS EDiToR
The Model United Nations provides middle and high school students with a unique opportunity every year in March at Bentley.
Courtesy of bentley.edu
Battle of the chefs: The finale
Sindhu Palaniappan/THE VANGUARD
Radhika Bansil and Alex Delong took home the first place title.
At a quick glance, Mongolian Grill was experiencing a flurry of activity as usual, but after closer inspection, one would notice that the chefs occupying the space were not Sodexo staff. Books were swapped with kitchen utensils while backpacks were traded for aprons. The clinking and
3 FRANCE Bentley students go to Tricastin
clanking of pots and pans reverberated through the dining hall as the aroma of sautéed shrimp permeated the air. In the midst of all this, competitors flew across the kitchen, determined to hit their stride. Bentley students were beginning to find their cooking flow, as Sodexo hosted its first ever Battle of the Chefs competition. 45 minutes. The start of the entrée round has just
begun as finalists of team Radhika Bansil and Alex DeLong and team Tammy Vo and Karen Chan scrambled to put together a dish that would be creative, presentable, and most importantly, delicious. The chefs had already spent 25 minutes familiarizing themselves with the tools and appliances of the Mongolian See CHEFS, Page 6
Bentley University’s own Daniel Everett, Dean of Arts and Sciences, is revolutionizing the study of linguists with his ground-breaking research and extensive personal knowledge of the Piraha tribe of the Amazon. Everett’s innovative development clashes with Noam Chomsky, a renowned and greatly respected expert in the field of linguistics. The Piraha are an indigenous hunter-gather tribe that live isolated within the Amazon jungle, free from the effects of technological influence and societal demands. “The two greatest forces of human culture are imitation and innovation,” said Everett. “Innovation is costly and can lead to mistakes and, therefore, in hostile conditions to death. Imitation is the safest course in a relatively unchanging environment like the Amazon jungle.” Everett’s discovery relates to the remarkable complexities and differences in the Piraha language in comparison to other global languages. Chomsky, his biggest critic, believes that all languages, dead and alive, have one thing in common: recursion. “His idea that recursion is the fundamental to human language
Alternate dining option drives onto campus
doesn’t work for Piraha,” said Everett. “Since that is a crucial proposal for his entire theory, the theory doesn’t plan out empirically.” Researchers at Tufts University, Ray Jackendoff and Dr. Eva Witennberg, are currently developing further evidence to support Everett’s theory. “[They] have gone through the data from a couple of languages very carefully,” said Everett. “They have concluded not only that I seem to be right about Piraha but that Riau, a language spoken in Indonesia, also seems to lack recursion.” Furthermore, Everett is working with researchers at MIT in their Brain and Cognitive Sciences Department “to computationally examine all the data ever collected on Piraha to test my ideas still further.” Everett emphasized that his theory is not based solely on recursion. “My entire theory is much broader, as I develop it in Language: The Cultural Tool… I am traveling extensively to discuss and debate my ideas. In dialog with other scientists my views are enriched. This is what makes science the most rewarding thing I can imagine doing,” said Everett. The basis for Chromsky’s See EVERETT, Page 5
Three qualify for New England Championships
Lackluster performance disappoints Police Log 2 JAS 2 Cartoon 4 Voices 8 & 9 Horoscopes 12 Falcon of The Week 16
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aPril 12, 2012
A Suite Gets Soaked March 30 will forever be known as “Falcone Flood Friday.” Just a couple of weeks ago, officers were dispatched to Falcone West for a report of a massive water spill. Upon arrival, they were told that the sprinkler system had malfunctioned and a suite had flooded. The residents, luckily, had built an ark and rounded up two of every textbook. However, the inch-deep water still caused significant damage to the room. Something tells us that the Mayhem dude from the Allstate commercials is behind this somehow. Minutes Last Sunday morning, a student notified University Police that a table and chairs were found in the Fenway elevator. This discovery sparked the interest of these curious reporters, so we decided to do some journalistic digging on the matter. According to various reports, the furniture was left by a group called “D.R.U.B.K.”: Discussing with Razzled Undergraduates ‘Bout Kragers (Krazy Ragers). D.R.U.B.K. decided to take their weekly meeting straight into the heartland of Bentley parties to hear students’ firsthand complaints. Of course, they picked a very good meeting place: the Fenway elevator provides service to countless crying co-eds and fuming frat boys returning from sub-standard parties. Some of the complaints that D.R.U.B.K. received this week included the following: too many creepy guys standing against the
the Vanguard
Police log
creepy guy wall, chloroform-flavored jungle juice, and the very existence of Skrillex. If you missed the group last Saturday, express your concerns to D.R.U.B.K. this weekend in the Harvard Shuttle!
Bloody Buddies On a dark Friday night, a female resident of Slade fell and hit her head. As a result of this terrible tumble, the student got a large laceration on her head and began to bleed bountifully. Luckily, her belligerently drunk friend came to save her! From the point at which an ambulance was called right up until the wheels started toward the hospital, this loyal sidekick was effectively interfering with the entire rescue mission. Apparently, the injured student is recovering well. It may take longer for her friend to get over it though – she has been charged with an underage alcohol violation, protective custody, being uncooperative with administrative personnel, and disrespect to administrative personnel. Hey, at least this heroine will be able to tell of her great efforts 20 years from now. She probably just shouldn’t ever drive a getaway car. Fightin’ Chance It would appear that a Bentley student had a bit too much “punch” last weekend, as University Police were called to respond to a fight on lower campus. Officers were greeted by an agitated male student who was report-
edly banging on doors in Copley South. The student was uncooperative with authorities, and behaved in a very disrespectful manner. Judging by the reported bruises, the pregame wasn’t the only place where this student took body shots. Our Rocky Balboa wannabe was arrested on the spot and will be smacked judicially with charges of disrespect for administrative personnel, disorderly conduct, and a college rules violation. A knock-out blow!
Lowerrest An undergraduate student was spotted holding an open container of alcohol near the Copley circle on the night of March 31. When a police officer kindly recommended that he discard the beverage, the student retorted by saying he was of legal drinking age. (We hate to be the bearers of bad news, Mr. Lawbreaker, but it doesn’t matter if you’re Betty freakin’ White. You can’t drink in public.) Not knowing about the legal ramifications of holding an open beer can in open space, this quick thinker began to argue with the officer. Now, he’ll be chugging a whole bunch of judicial charges, namely open consumption of alcohol, disorderly conduct, violation of college rules, disrespect to administrative personnel, and lack of cooperation with administrative personnel. Sure, a lot of these sound similar, but if you don’t want five judicial charges, don’t consume beer on the Copley Sphere. Even if you’re 29, stay away from the whine.
Naptime University Police responded to the Student Center last Saturday evening for a report of a girl who was, well, a little sleepy. According to reports, the female party was unconscious just prior to the officers’ arrival. After a few minutes of grogginess, the female was administered a sobriety test…which she failed miserably. Now, given the circumstances (passed out in the middle of the Student Center on a Saturday night), it is very likely that this girl was indeed intoxicated… but can’t we cut her a little slack? I guarantee that 9 out of 10 would not be able to touch your nose with your index finger either after just waking up. Heck, we can hardly figure out how to hit the snooze button on our alarms in the morning, let alone pass a field sobriety test! If this is the law, then these reporters are pretty sure that every person who takes an 8:30 class should be thrown straight in the clink. Freshman Puke Count This week, our proud freshmen paid tribute to the newly retired Antoine Walker with eight documented pukers. We knew that the low totals from the last couple of weeks wouldn’t last, didn’t we? Well, the run was good while it lasted. It should get interesting when Zdeno Chara retires…
Sean Harrington and Brian Shea Vanguard Staff
Judicial action Summary EdiTor-in-ChiEf Sindhu Palaniappan ManaGinG EdiTor GEnEral ManaGEr Alyson Bisceglia Emily Silver Copy EdiTor Nate Marchand nEWS EdiTor Lacey Nemergut SporTS EdiTor Ben Klein CaMpuS lifE EdiTor Brenna O’Connell fEaTurES EdiTor Mike Lovett BuSinESS EdiTor Jasper Huang phoToGraphy EdiTor Tim Avrutik onlinE EdiTor Victoria Lin EdiTorial dirECTor Tomer Gat dirECTor of produCTion Meagan Kalpokis dirECTor of advErTiSinG Brian Fuerst dirECTor of MarkETinG Dina Durutlic JournaliSM adviSor Judy Rakowsky STudEnT lifE adviSor Nicole Chabot-Wieferich FOR GENERAL & CONTACT INFORMATION ABOUT The Vanguard, PLEASE SEE PAGE 4.
Total number of cases: Total number of individuals involved (violators): number of individuals dismissed from responsibility: number of individuals admitting responsibility: number of individuals referred to Judicial Board: number of educational sanctions given: (includes referrals to alcohol Education) Cash total of fines given for the week: number of Work Sanctions assigned: number of students placed on warning: number of parental notifications: number of individuals put on residential probation: (Loss of 15 Housing Credits) number of individuals put on disciplinary probation: (Loss of 30 Housing Credits) number of individuals put on Suspension (housing): number of individuals put on Suspension (university): number of individuals expelled from university:
8 12 0 12 0 9 $125 0 7 1 3 0 0 0 0
Provided by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs
Bentley Green Society’s Green Tip of the Week
Attention students! I am sure you are all aware of the EPA’s Energy Star Certification system, but did you know that Bentley University is already home to several Energy Star rated buildings? This spring, Bentley University will be adding the Falcone buildings to our family of Energy Star certified buildings. According to Bentley Facilities Management “Bentley University’s North Campus residence halls have already earned the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency’s (EPA’s) prestigious Energy Star, the national symbol for protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency. This signifies that the buildings perform in the top 25 percent of similar facilities nationwide for energy efficiency!” The Energy Star ratings were developed in 1992 to promote greenhouse gas reductions and have grown to label over 60 types of homes, buildings and products! By achieving this task in the Falcone buildings, it is evident that Bentley and its students are committed to energy efficiency and our Climate Action Plan. As improvements
continue to be executed on residence hall buildings across campus and students become more conscious of their energy consumption, there is an expectation that many other buildings may achieve this prestigious certification. However, it is only though the energy savings that students engage in that Bentley University is able to reinvest into residence hall improvements. Therefore, the Bentley Green Society challenges you to become more energy efficient, because it is easy being green.
thE VAnGUArd
April 12, 2012
pAGE 3
Radioactive spring break: Faculty-led program on energy in France By Jose Rodrigo Cofino VAnGUArd StAff
Spring break- the much needed holiday that signals the end of second semester. Some fly to exotic beaches in the Caribbean, others go home but there are a few who want to continue learning. For those students, a range of faculty led abroad programs are offered. This spring, I felt adventurous and registered for a session going to France. The class, Energy Economics and International Markets, was taught by
Professor John Tommasi, with topics ranged from oil to renewable energy, but the focus on nuclear energy. The class was like any other Bentley course, with some mentions of the itinerary of the trip. No one knew what to expect, and the excitement built until the day we met at Logan International Airport to take flight for a different sort of vacation. The first destination was Aix-en-Provence, a small college city in south France. Decorated by beautiful scenery and dotted with vineyards, it was the
perfect introduction for our trip. The first tour was of an international project called ITER, which is experimenting with the possibility of creating nuclear energy through fission (combining two atoms). The facility was spectacular, and the presentation enlightening, a visit that was going to be hard to top. But the next day somehow did, as we went a winery where we tasted exquisite wine. During our free time that evening we had the opportunity to explore the city. Some of the students went
Students from the Energy Economics and International Markets class visited the Tricastin power plant in France to learn about nuclear energy.
Jose rodrigo Cofino/thE VAnGUArd
back to the hotel, but a few of us decided to explore the French nightlife attending a couple of bars and a club. Waking up proved to be the hardest part of the entire vacation, as each day we had to be ready to move early in the morning to meet our packed schedule. The next day we took a bus north to a nuclear power plant called Tricastin. The tour took us through the engine room of four nuclear reactors and also had a short presentation. After a couple of hours on the bus we reached our next destination, Lyon. Unfortunately the tour of the power plant was cancelled, but that did not stop us from having fun. The city was beautiful and the food delicious. Needless to say, the night life was incredible and safe with the company of Professor Aaron Jackson. Brest, a small town in the northwestern frontier of France, was the next destination. We were visiting a nuclear power plant that was in the process of being dismantled, so nobody really expected much from the visit. We were surprised when the tour guide mentioned that we had to take our clothes
off, and put protective gear on. After changing into some science fiction looking suits, we went in the actual reactor building. Even though it was being dismantled, the infrastructure and technology was impressive and the immense size of the plant was overwhelming. The last days of the trip were the most exciting ones, as we had the opportunity to spend them in Paris. After spending almost a week together, everyone was pretty close, and so we took the city by storm. With just a couple of presentations ahead, the trip was pretty much over. On our free time was spent site seeing, trying out restaurants and even some shopping. Over all the experience was amazing, flying back everyone was exhausted yet they had a smile on their faces. I recommend this class to anyone looking for a change of pace in the middle of the semester and a fun, educational vacation. Being accompanied by Professor Tommasi, a known extrodinaire, and Professor Aaron Jackson was definitely essential to having an awesome Spring Break.
Pittsburgh University suffers from over 50 bomb threats By Sindhu Palaniappan Editor-in-ChiEf
Over the past two months, students at Pittsburgh University have suffered through much fear and aggravation as they faced over 50 false-alarm bomb threats. Tighter security has been one result of the record number of false threats; students have been waiting in lines to pass through security checkpoints when going to academic buildings and other common places on campus. Initially, the bomb threats were written in bathroom
stalls in Pittsburgh University’s notable Cathedral of Learning. More recently, additional threats have been spreading across the internet. Robert Hill, university spokesperson, has said that the school is obligated to treat every threat as if it is serious. A joint terrorism task force, including members from campus police, the department of justice, and the federal bureau of investigation have been looking into the case. Each time a building is searched and cleared; students are identified before
There have been over 50 bomb threats in the past two months.
Courtesy of chronicle.com
being let back into the building. “I feel that unwarranted fear just causes chaos and that’s what this person wants,” said junior Corinne Hogge. Students are in the midst of classes and preparing for final exams, and the heightened tension and insanity of the situation, in addition to the new extensive security measures is really taking a toll on them emotionally and physically. Every threat is followed by an evacuation – of 29,000 students. Some professors have been cancelling classes due to the perceived threats, and students have admitted to feeling “ripped off,” as Hogge put it. There is enormous pressure from loved ones and students pay a hefty tuition, but at the same time it isn’t easy to write off a bomb threat. Students and faculty all need IDs to get into any building on campus, and nonresidents aren’t allowed into dormitories, including friends and family. There is a $50,000 reward for any information. Professors have also been seeking alternatives, such as holding classes outside or online in order to avoid any potentially dan-
All 29,000 student must be evacuated with each bomb threat.
gerous situations. “This has got to stop. We’re exhausted… This is disrupting everyone’s lives, and it has to end,” said university police Chief Tim Delaney. Students are struggling because it’s hard to focus and keep track of what is expected of them in the midst of the chaos. It isn’t uncommon for students to feel a range of emotions about the situation – from frustration to helplessness and fear. The university’s commencement is scheduled for
Courtesy of therepublic.com
April 29, and the date is rapidly approaching. The school and the local police have been working tirelessly to take as many safety precautions as possible, to ensure that the event goes smoothly. “We want to solve this now. It’s shocking to me that our university, which has done so much good in the community, is being targeted this way. It doesn’t make any sense. I don’t understand this,” said Steve Tritch, chairman of Pittsburgh University’s board of trustees.
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aPril 12, 2012
the Vanguard
Quotes of the Week “It’s the Web fairy tale that all start-ups dream of.” -Analyst with Forrester Research, on Facebook’s $1 billion acquisition of photo-sharing smartphone app Instagram *The Vanguard’s editorial as well as the editorial cartoon are proposed at each Editorial Board meeting. They are represented as being the opinions of the Board as a whole, although drawn by individuals, and not the Bentley community.
Missing Out on Technology Anyone who visits Bentley can see the technology that has been implemented throughout our campus. From the classrooms to the high-tech facilities like the trading room, technology is definitely evident. Bentley prides itself in the technology we have, yet, with all of these advancements, many still have not taken advantage of it. MyBentley has been used very well over the past few years. Having course and housing registration as well as many other polls, forms, and tools online has made these processes simple and easy. But, just like a lot of the other technology we have available, it still has not been used to its full potential. Take the registrar, for example. When dealing with the registrar, whether it’s a major declaration or a transcript request, it all has to be completed through hardcopy forms. Instead of embracing MyBentley and the other online tools that we have here, the registrar is still riding the old-fashioned trail. Using some kind of online system would not only make filing any of these requests simpler and quicker, but would make it easier for the
registrar to file and address them. Considering the large amount of declarations and requests that the registrar deals with, it must take a lot of man hours to go through everything in a timely manner, as opposed to an online system that would do it automatically. It’s surprising that an online system has not yet been introduced here. Many professors have also failed to embrace the technology available to them. Despite the wide use of Blackboard, many professors do not use the website to its full potential, and some don’t use it at all. Instead, they still rely of hard copies of assignments and e-mail for communication. Not to mention, the other technology that professors do not use, such as the Smart Boards and camera projectors many classrooms are equipped with. The same goes for students as well, as many of the textbooks we all use are available online, yet most still buy the print editions. Another example of this can be seen in the expense reports and reimbursement forms that student organizations have to deal with. Placing this system online would make the process easier for the organizations (as well as AIA), and would also
make the process quicker. This type of change was implemented quite recently with great results. Changing SETs from hard copies to an online system was a big step in the right direction. Not only did it reduce the amount of class time spent on the evaluations, but it also made collecting and compiling the information easier. This saves a lot of time from those who used to deal with the evaluations, which has made the whole process much more efficient and useful for both professors and students. And other than the efficiency and effectiveness benefits to implementing and using more technology, reducing the amount of hardcopies we use is much more environmentally friendly; another aspect that Bentley places a lot of focus on. Getting rid of the paper SETs alone saved tons of paper. Think of what would happen if the same was done campus-wide. In an age where technology is reigning king, and our whole lives have shifted towards the use and reliance on our laptops and smart phones, it’s very surprising that so many here still stay away from the technology they have at their fingertips.
Publication information The Vanguard is the student newspaper of Bentley University. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University administration; Bentley University is not responsible for statements herein. The Vanguard is published every Thursday of the academic year, excluding examination periods and holiday breaks. It is distributed free to all students, faculty, and staff of Bentley University. The Vanguard is funded in part by the Student Activity Fee, but relies on advertising revenue to cover the majority of its costs. Advertising rates are available upon request at (781) 891-3497. Circulation is 4,000 copies. We reserve the right to refuse an advertisement; only publication of an ad constitutes final acceptance of the offer to advertise. We reserve the right to edit all copy for grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, libel and length. The Vanguard Office is located on the third floor of the Student Center, inside the Bentley Bubble office complex. Mailing address: The Vanguard, Bentley University, 310M1 Student Center, 385 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452. Phone: (781) 891-2912. E-mail: GA_Vanguard@bentley.edu
“Everybody has this uneasy feeling ... You're out enjoying this nice March weather, but you know it's not a good thing.” -Jerru Meehl climate scientist at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, warning that the record temperatures in March may be a sign of global warming “It’s going to scare the hell out of folks.” -Jo Bonner Congressman from Alabama, on the Littoral Combat Ship. The Navy's newest ship is designed to battle Iranian attack boats, clear mines from the Strait of Hormuz, chase down Somali pirates and keep watch on China's warships Disclaimer: The opinions published in The Vanguard are submitted by readers of the newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Vanguard and its staff. We are not able to print any letters submitted anonymously.
The Vanguard
april 12, 2012
page 5
EVERETT Continued from Page 1 idea stems from theories of Plato. “The most important one perhaps is what he has referred to as “Plato’s Problem” or “The Poverty of the Stimulus.” All children in all cultures seem to mas-
ter their native languages long before puberty,” said Everett. “Since according to Chomsky languages are incredibly complex, the only way a child could acquire a language is if the basic computational system, grammar, of a language were hard-
Courtesy of bostoncorporatephotographerblog.com
MUN Continued from Page 1 with these conferences, Bentley Model United Nations focuses on encouraging education. It’s not every day that middle school and high school students get to work with college students on a collaborative project such as this educational experience. “It has been the philosophy of the organization that the best way to promote change and inspire individuals is through education,” he said. “The hope of our events is to foster the interest and desire for students to further their global awareness.” He also stressed the hard work that the members of Bentley Model United Nations put into the events in which they participate. “Our participation and hosting of conferences has started to get our school’s name out there to an audience other than the ‘typical’ business student that would be interested in Bentley,” said Germain of the program’s additional benefits. Bentley Model United Nations members participate in various conferences and simulations on the national circuit as well. Students are assigned a country and must
act as a representative of that nation. “We debate world issues that are currently being discussed by real leaders at the United Nations,” said Germain. This academic year, Bentley Model United Nations competed in the National Collegiate Security Conference, hosted by Georgetown in Washington, D.C., and the Harvard National Model United Nations in Boston. Members also hold small conferences throughout the semester to prepare and practice their debate skills. Dr. Donald McNemar and Dr. João Resende-Santos, professors in the Global Studies Department, are the program’s faculty advisors. “The exposure to new ideas, and different perspectives on major issues, really forces one to develop a new understanding of global politics,” said Germain of the Model United Nations program. “Everyone is invited to join and participate.” Bentley Model United Nations has weekly meetings on Mondays at 9:00 p.m. in the Student Center, Room 345. Questions can be directed to ga_bentleymodelunitednations@bentley.edu.
wired into the human genome so that all the child did was to “grow a language” by having their Universal Grammar triggered by the environment. Languages differ in a few “switches” or “parameters” and in their words. But all languages, according to Chomsky, “are essentially the same at the level of grammar.” Everett firmly believes in the integration of arts & sciences with business. “Arts & sciences alone can leave students with lots of good ideas and thinking skills but challenged to find a practical, employable outlet,” said Everett when explaining his reasoning for coming to the university. “I was concerned that most U.S. institutions think of what they are teaching to the exclusion of why they are teaching it. Bentley University is concerned with both professional education and a high-quality liberal arts and sciences experience that prepares students not just for their first job but for rewarding lives and careers. I really wanted to be part of that.” Everett plans to continue his studies as a tenured professor and dean, seeking to improve and further support his prior theories. “If we
Courtesy of survivalinternational.org
stopped doing research because of controversy and objections, the world of ideas would be an impoverished place, nothing more than a set of slums built around the great house on one person’s ideas,” said Everett. The Dean would like to encourage others to understand that “we learn most from those most unlike our-
selves. This is one of the greatest lessons I have learned…We can learn to enjoy each day [like the Piraha] as it comes, without worry about what the future will bring, without regrets for our distant past, without concern for trying to build identities from stories of the past rather than current life.”
APRil 12, 2012
NewS & CAmPuS LIFe
Yes, Bentley has street food By Ali Farooqi VANGUARD STAff
Many of us have noticed a new mobile facet of the Bentley campus: the Sodexo street car. It began operation in March and has added new variety to food available on campus. The Sodexo street car food is called Odexos and is going to be seen on campus year round. When asked on where the idea for the street car came from, Jason Laprade, the Resident District Manager for Sodexo, answered “It is a current trend that is out there and we felt we needed as a company offer.” Laprade said that the “student board of directors was consulted on the national level” in implementing the street car. The menu for the street car
It’s Seasons food without the Fire and Ice decor.
changes every two weeks and is based on research and feedback from the Boston area. As of now, it does not accept falcon funds nor discretionary due to technology limitations. “The Food truck is going to about 20 of our campuses around Boston so the times and stops on each campus are determined by events, late night needs and Athletic events that it can support,” said Laprade. The street car has been “a great change for many campuses” said Laprade adding that “we [Sodexo] feel it brings the students an outside restaurant to campus and gives them the ability to experience more of our offer. Along with implementing the street car, Sodexo is looking into making changes to the Bostonian Grill.
Nathan Marchand/THE VANGUARD
CHEFS Continued from Page 1 Grill during the appetizer round. Now, it was all about finding a way to synthesize the list of pantry items and one of the three “mystery” ingredients that John Carney, operations manager and organizer of Battle of the Chefs, sent a week prior to the event. Pressure began to mount as Bansil and DeLong, later explained, “Our dishes didn’t turn out the way we had hoped… We ended up changing our
Three mystery ingredients needed to be incorporated into the dishes.
entire game-plan in the last six minutes.” Their quick thinking paid off as the judges thoroughly enjoyed their salmon with wild rice and strawberry salad, eventually crowning them the winning duo of Battle of the Chefs. 30 minutes. Across the grill, opponents Vo and Chan competed determinately. They stuck with Team Bansil and DeLong all the way to the end through their diligence and impressive cooking skills. Karen
Sindhu Palaniappan/THE VANGUARD
prepped well, meticulously cutting the tomatoes and zucchini while Vo kept a watchful eye on the stir-fry needed to be stuffed in the vegetables. Ultimately, however, Vo and Chan fell short as they lost by a heartbreaking one point. Even with this disappointing loss, Vo and Chan exhibited great grace as Vo showed tremendous support of the event praising, “ I had such a great time cooking for the judges and being alongside my big, Chen.” Both Chen and Vo are already looking forward to the next Battle of the Chefs to avenge their loss. 10 minutes. Also looking forward to next semester’s competition is the Bentley community. Bansil and Delong and Vo and Chan both had a strong following as their friends and peers came out shouting words of encouragement to urge them along. Even those who did not know either team members personally, walked up to Mongolian Grill curious to see what all the commotion was about. Never were the chefs alone, only relying on each other even in the arena. An executive chef paced the kitchen floor, observing and offering both teams pointers during and after the competition. DeLong described the
The teams had many friends and curious onlookers for support.
executive chef as “so helpful” and his tips as “educational.” 1 minute. The overall success of Battle of the Chefs is encouraging to both the Sodexo crew and Jason Laprade, resident district manager of dining services. When asked about how he thought the event went, he beamed, “I am proud of the students. I wish to draw more of the student body around competition and food. Hopefully it will start becom-
Sindhu Palaniappan/THE VANGUARD
ing a semester tradition.” 3 seconds. Reflecting back on their victory, Bansil and DeLong memorably recalls, “[the food] looks like crap but sure as hell tastes good.” 2 seconds. The competitors would like to send special thanks to the judges and the entire Sodexo team for their efforts. 1 second. Be on the lookout for more events hosted by Sodexo in the near future. Time.
the Vanguard
april 12, 2012
page 7
Son of a stimulus: American JOBS Act signed into law By Nicholas Lee Vanguard Staff
President Obama signed into law the $447 billion American Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act this past Thursday, in an effort to bolster American employment and ease the process for private companies to go public. The bill received bipartisan support from both parties with a House vote of 390-23 to approve it and a Senate vote of 73-26. While Washington is optimistic, government officials and consumer protection agencies are doubtful that the JOBS Act will provide an adequate safety net for small business. Former SEC Chairwoman Mary Schapiro has voiced concern that the law will lead to IPO failure, a greater lack of transparency, and investment fraud. Provisions written into the law curtail legislation in Sarbanes-Oxley which to have some extent, prevented
research analysts and investment bankers from artificially driving share prices up through stock recommendations during the past decade. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and Bank of America have already been devising strategies by which they might take advantage of the change in legislation. With the JOBS Act’s passing, coverage of emerging companies will be much easier for investment banks. Most importantly, businesses that go public under a threshold of $1 billion of gross revenue will not be required to undergo independent audits and disclose financial information for up to 5 years. The law also includes a provision that will allow firms to raise up to $1 million a year from private equity pools sourced from online solicitation by independent investors. The logic behind the JOBS Act is that deregulation will enable small and medium-sized businesses to better capital-
ize themselves through “crowdfunding”, a form of fundraising that involves this kind of behavior. However, it must be admitted that businesses would be able to effectively save hundreds of thousands of dollars by avoiding legal and accounting costs. But the true question is this will the JOBS Act incentivize businesses to succeed or endanger them? Many Americans are criticizing the JOBS Act as yet another unnecessary stimulus package that will only add to the $15.6 trillion in national debt. Moreover, Harvard economist and Economic Recovery Advisory Board member Martin Feldstein estimates that the bill is to spend $200,000 per newly created job. Of the $447 billion stimulus, $253 billion will be set aside to cut and suspend payroll taxes for qualifying employers, as well as to provide tax credits. $62 billion will be spent for a Pathways
The JOBS Act allows certain businesses to avoid Sarbanes-Oxley reporting standards.
Back to Work Program to provide a job search and training initiative to people with low income, $49 billion of which will extend unemployment benefits for up to “6 million long-term beneficiaries.” The remaining $140 billion will be allocated
Courtesy of business.time.com
toward infrastructure spending in the form of new public works projects, subsequent job creation, rainy day funds to prevent furloughs, and the formation of the National Infrastructure Bank receiving an injection of $10 billion.
Groupon’s return policy evidences weak internal controls
Auditors requested that Groupon restate their first quarter financial statements.
By Luke Heany Vanguard Staff
Imagine a product where you could get something at a huge discount, have an insane amount of time to decide whether or not to use it, and once you do use it, you can still get your money back if you did not like it. Sound familiar? No, this is not some salesman’s empty promise. It’s called the Groupon Promise. This deeply discounted deal actually does exist, and the unlimited ‘get your money back’ guarantee is available to all of Groupon’s consumers. However, for a public company with shareholders to answer to, is this a viable business model? Maybe not, as evidenced by Groupon’s tripping start as a public company. Shortly after Groupon issued their first quarter results their independent auditor Ernst and Young cited weak internal controls and has requested a restatement.
Courtesy of thenextweb.com
The revenue had to be lowered by over $14 million for the quarter, and the stock plummeted on the news by more than 12 percent. Wall Street analysts expected the newly IPO’d firm to book a profit for the quarter, but they failed to, and after the restatement, their quarterly loss totaled an eye-popping $37 million. So what’s wrong with this Groupon picture? One major issue is that the firm has such a lenient return policy that it is nearly impossible for the firm to implement adequate control measures. How do you control a blanket return policy with very little protection for the company? They really have no way of judging what items and what size and quantity will be returned and the ultimate size of the refunds. The company has reaffirmed its guidance for the current quarter but given their initial falter, how can anyone believe them going forward?
As students at Bentley who have taken GB 112/212, it is hard not to think déjà vu on this story. Sunbeam under CEO Chainsaw Al used the channel stuffing measure of booking profits with extremely lenient return policies. Sunbeam was focused on getting the revenue recognized with little concern over the product’s actual use. Similarly, Groupon makes their money off the high volume of deals they promote, but is not adequately managing their exposure when the customer demands their money back. They have been recognizing revenue before the transaction is completed, in many cases, before the consumption of services. And, with the right of return of Groupon’s money back guar-
antee, this was a perfect setup for misstating their financials. At the end of the day, I agree with E&Y’s statement that this really is based on a lack of internal control. Groupon is still an infant of a public company. Their management team does not actually understand the basics of what revenue recognition means. In addition, offering an unlimited return policy can impede the growth of their business. It will only provide a short term pop that may backfire and cause a long term black mark on your record. This company now sits with their stock at new lows, a full 30 percent below its IPO price; a fresh shareholder lawsuit on their hands; and the company has only been public
for 5 months. What a way to start your marriage to investors. A key take away from this story is that the basic concepts of accounting and revenue recognition are not only for students of accounting or your local CPAs. They are necessities for all members of the business world. The real culprit here was not a management team trying to game the system. They simply had no idea that what they were doing was wrong. But, when people’s money is on the line, ignorance is not an excuse, and in the blink of an eye, your reputation is totaled. It took an independent auditor to tell them “No”. Maybe if they had read their GB 112 book a little more closely, this never would have happened.
PagE 8
aPril 12, 2012
The Beat
“What is your favorite twitter hashtag?”
YUrIY IVanOV CLass Of 2015 ManageMent “#firstworldproblems.”
MIke DeVItO CLass Of 2015 UnDeCIDeD “#roommateproblems.”
COLIn DUethOrn CLass Of 2015 aCtUarIaL sCIenCe “#imastud.”
LIz sIssOn CLass Of 2012 MarketIng “#bentconsent.”
Though I’m not an avid viewer of Mad Men, I do like to watch repeats in my spare time and enjoy gazing adoringly at the Banana Republic line of Mad Men - inspired clothes that I cannot and will never be able to afford. While searching the library shelves for a new book to review, I happened upon a book that was on display called Mad Women: The Other Side of Life on Madison Avenue in the ‘60s and Beyond. The memoir was written by Jane Maas, who worked in the advertising world in the Mad Men era—and she was no lowly secretary. For Mad Men fans, think of Jane Maas as a real-life Peggy Olson. She started out low on the totem pole in 1964 at the agency Ogilvy and Mather, and eventually rose to be a creative director and agency officer. She was also the president of another New York advertising agency, and even had an agency of her own for a short period of time. If you’ve ever heard of or seen the “I Love New York” campaign (who hasn’t?), then you’ve indirectly known who Jane Maas is. She was one of the directors responsible for the project, which is one of her bigger claims to fame. She was also one of the first women to wear a pantsuit to work, and was the first woman to be assigned to the prestigious American Express account at the agency she worked for. Maas discusses Mad Men quite often throughout the memoir, and mostly compares the real life working conditions and structure with that portrayed in the show. She wrote from her own experiences, and interviewed many of her former colleagues about their experi-
thE Vanguard
By Olivia LeClair
In the memoir Maas discusses her experiences in the advertising industry.
ences. One major theme throughout the memoir is that of working mothers. Maas was not the only working mother in her office, and notes that Mad Men fails to portray this—it was much more common than we initially think it was. She expresses her guilt because of missing out on parts of her children’s lives, and the scrutiny she received from stay-at-home mothers. Throughout the memoir, Maas is nothing but candid. When describing her first memoir, Adventures of an Advertising Woman, she admits that she was unable to write freely, and that the purpose of the book was to generate more sales and press for her agency. She is also unafraid to name names
Courtesy of aaf-nd.org
- her honesty shines through on every page. Though Maas was honest and certainly dealt with many serious issues in this book, I really appreciated her use of humor throughout the memoir. Her descriptions of ad campaigns and clueless men puzzling over “what women want” are enough to make anyone laugh out loud. Mad Women is a relatively quick read, and is certainly worth your time. It really makes you appreciate the effort of the women’s rights movements in the 1960s, and the barriers that were broken down for our generation. We still have a long way to go, but thanks to Jane Maas, at least we can wear pants to work! Rating: 4 out of 5
JaDe sCangareLLO CLass Of 2015 eCOnOMICs-fInanCe “#yolo.”
By tim avrutik PhotograPhy Editor
Maas was the first woman to wear a pantsuit to work.
Courtesy of adweek.com
thE Vanguard
Deep Blue Sea is a disappointment at the box office By Radhika Bansil Vanguard Staff
Lust is meant to be the main component around which the movie, Deep Blue Sea, is supposed to circle around. Passionate, uncontrollable and animalistic, lust is supposed to overwhelm one with excitement and desire. Unfortunately, this sentiment is not shared by the characters in the movie. The lack of chemistry, character development, and plot make this movie about as entertaining as drying paint. The idea behind the movie was not flawed. Based on a play by Terrance Rattigan, the film told the story of the wife (Rachel Weisz) of a British Judge (Simon Russell Biel) who is caught in a self-destructive love affair with a Royal Air Force pilot (Tom Hiddleston) in the 1950s. It could have been a brilliant statement about the struggles of love, or even about the difference in the ways that men and women deal with love. But instead, the only real assertion made in the dreadful hour and thirty-eight minutes was “it happens”. The first mistake was apparent in the misuse of flashbacks. The plot of the film would have been far more coherent had the flashbacks not been used at all. Their random incorporation in the film may have been a parallel to the unsteady nature of the woman’s thought-pattern, but the idea was not effectively executed. Character development and a shaky plot line were the main issues of the film. The character’s personalities changed throughout the movie in a way that seemed convenient rather than logi-
april 12, 2012
VoiCES “What is the worst gift you have ever received?”
RACHAel deMpSey ClASS oF 2014 idCC “An electric toothbrush.”
The plot follows Hester’s affair with a Royal Air Force pilot.
cal. The plot took turns that were more illogically arbitrary than pleasantly unexpected. The combination of these catastrophes made the viewer yawn in their seats instead of sitting on the edge of them. If the filmmakers’ goal was to make a general statement about the oversensitivity and utter stupidity of women, then they succeeded. The self-destructive nature of the woman was not justified by any means. Her husband was nothing but kind to her, and her lover, while sometimes air-headed and short-tempered, was really not all that bad either.She did not have much to complain about. Taking a step back, there were some positive elements to the film. For those interested in soul-searching, relaxing music, this soundtrack is a perfect fit. It sets the mood into a dreamy
Courtesy of brightestyoungthings.com
trance that could not have been achieved by any other compilation of songs. Also, some of the monologues in the film were beautifully worded. Weisz’s character may have been crazy, but she shared some wonderful insight about life’s struggles. The scenery, too, was quite beautiful. Filmed in London, primarily, the movie boasted the beauty of the inner streets, the countryside as well as the city itself. The darkness helped to emphasize the overall gloomy mood of the movie. Deep Blue Sea is not a film to dismiss, however. Though it may not be worth taking a trip to the theatres, it is definitely a slow night-in kind of movie. It leaves its viewers in a relaxed, reflective mood, allowing them to evaluate their relationship decisions. It is worth a watch, to say the least. Two stars is as far as I would go.
HARRiSon CHAn ClASS oF 2014 CFA “My family isn’t big on gifts.”
JoSH londeRgAn ClASS oF 2015 CFA “Socks.”
MeliSSA Reville ClASS oF 2012 ACCounTAnCy “Ten-dollar outlet sweaters that didn’t fit.”
BRiAn SHeA ClASS oF 2014 MARkeTing “A hospital visit.”
By nate Marchand Weisz and Hiddleston star in the new film, Deep Blue Sea.
Courtesy of fanpop.com and aceshowbiz.com
Copy Editor
pagE 9
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Features & CoLuMNs
aPril 12, 2012
the Vanguard
Podcast comedy: Hilarious shows held in the palm of a hand By Mike Lovett Features editor
Courtesy of viewfromacouch.files.wordpress.com and nerdist.libsyn.com
Popular podcasts include Nerdist and Doug Loves Movies.
Entertainment more than ever is pushing across countless platforms. Music on the go has been around since portable cassette players (Remember when those existed? Of course not.) In the last decade, we were able to take videos and games with us too. Now it’s just getting ridiculous. And by ridiculous I mean a level of awesomeness never before fathomed. The newest app is the podcast. It’s not really an app, but isn’t it cool to just say things are an app? No? Oh, OK, never mind. While political podcasts are riveting, they have also found a dedicated niche audience in the comedy world. In a radio-type setting, comedians, actors and performers have found a new way to connect with their fans. Three podcasts in particular have taken over the podcast comedy scene. Doug Loves Movies is hosted by comedian Doug Benson. Such guests have included Jon Hamm, Sarah
Silverman, Michael Cera, Nick Swardson and various other celebrities who come together to talk of, you guessed it, their political views. No, just kidding, movies. Adam Corrolla has also found a new outlet to let loose his voice. His self-titled podcast brings in stars to discuss their profession and some of the things happening in their lives. Corrolla brings with him an already deep audience and up and coming stars like Ben Schwartz and Paul F. Thompkins bring their own devoted audiences making the podcast that #1 iTunes downloaded podcast. Maybe the most popular podcast among the comedy community is WTF with Marc Maron. The widely respected Maron is a standup comedian who enjoyed great success in the 90s and has rejuvenated his career on a platform that perfectly fits his conversational comedic style. Conan O’ Brien, Chris Rock, Amy Poehler, and Jimmy Fallon have graced the mic with Maron to make him one of
the most popular figures in the podcast scene. But, once again, that’s not all! There is a seemingly infinite amount of podcasts hosted by someone in the comedy scene. Nerdist has branched out into a variety of different shows. In the Nerdist family there entertainment shows like Comedy Bang Bang and improv4humans which features improvisational performers taking Twitter suggestions and creating scenes. Nerdist also features two interview style podcasts similar to those of Maron and Corrolla. Making it with Riki Lindhome and the creatively titled The Nerdist interview celebrities and up and comers on what it takes to make it in the comedy and Hollywood worlds. We now live in a time where there are countless types of entertainment that can be brought anywhere and can be controlled by a click. Podcasts, though not new, have begun to climb higher and higher in popularity in all aspects. It kind of makes you wonder where we are headed next. I already got it, 3D podcasts.
E-Board Entertainment Update Welcome back everyone. Thank you for joining us last week. If you did not join us last week, you better pray to God you can find a newspaper from last week and catch up. This is your last opportunity to get your head straight. Game on. Titanic in 3D fared well in its opening weekend with $21 million. After the show several fans agreed that it was such a different experience in another dimension and without the commercials from TNT. It was beat by The Hungry, Hungry Hunger Games which is ironically hitting Titanic like numbers. I love irony. Speaking of The Hunger Games, their director was in danger of withdrawing from
the sequel. Newswires started buzzing when it was reported he was upset when the studio rejected his idea to make it a documentary. Universal leaked new clips of their summer slugger Battleship last week. It is a little different from the game we are used to in that involves an attempted alien takeover. It is also one of only two really boring, tactical board games that can be awesome as a movie with aliens. Yes, I am looking at you, Risk. ABC just announced its summer schedule. Bachelor Pad returns for a third season to try and match up the rejects from the past seasons of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette. My guess is it
Glee was renewed for another season this week.
Courtesy of blogs.babble.com
probably won’t, because they are mainly competing for a cash prize. Luckily it will air as soon as The Pauly D Project comes to an end. What good Pauly D’s show did do was FINALLY settle the argument of which member of The Jersey Shore cast is the least moronic. In divorce recovery new, JLo has bought her new boy toy a new toy. For his 25th birthday she got boyfriend Casper Smart a customized Dodge Ram pickup. The gift initially ran into trouble when the DMV thought she was registering the vehicle to a pretend sixth grader. Glee had a big news week. Not only did they get renewed for another season but they just cast Lindsay Lohan to guest star. She brings some versatility to the show as she can play more than one depressing high school stereotype. Adam Sandler will now increase his record update appearances to two. For Grown Ups 2 ( Yeah, there’s going to be another one) he has cast Taylor Lautner to co-star in the film. Though with a PG rating, he will have the challenge of a different, more clothed role than he is used. Well that’s all we have for this week. Tune in next week for a chance to win $20,000 dollars.
Waltham, Massachusetts
THe VAnguArd
Scratching the Surface: Religious Criticism
Courtesy of Moussa Hassoun
We live in a very critical society. From the media to our parents and ourselves, we criticize every aspect of people’s lives. We criticize our presidents, family members, food, doctors, actions, beliefs, celebrities, athletes, academics, professionals and neighbors. We e v e n c r i t i c i z e h o w many people a friend (or president) has slept with or the philosophical basis of some theologian from the 18th century (not at Bentley). The spectrum of topics put under the lens without a second thought is truly eyecatching. Religion always evades serious criticism on the larg-
er scale despite its importance in our lives – we are a religious nation notwithstanding criticism from other more conservative circles both privately and publicly. While I certainly understand the privacy one feels toward their faith, privacy is certainly not the reason we avoid criticizing it. If that were the case we wouldn’t judge people for their private actions in the bedroom. Imagine the relief government leaders, celebrities, and regular people who cheated and lied would feel if society just stopped criticizing those aspects of our lives. While I would completely support the abandonment of such judgment, realistically, it isn’t going away. Despite this, religious belief unjustifiably orders a deeper sense of respect. This baffles me as most people in the world never chose their religious system of belief. Greater than any other measure, religious belief can be most accurately paired with geographic location. In other words, location determines the faith of the majority of the people in the world. Of those who believe they’ve made the choice, soci-
Notes from Abroad Question: “Tell us something about your host country that only a local would know.” By Danny Wong Buenos Aires, ArgenTinA
Inflation is a b*tch. I felt misled when I arrived in Buenos Aires and paid about $15usd for a coffee, a ham sandwich and a coke. While it’s not an exorbitant amount of money for a modest lunch, and might even rival a nicer midday snack I might have at some fancy Manhattan café, it really took me by surprise. Inflation in Buenos Aires certainly makes it a more expensive city than I originally budgeted for. Locals have said that the government downplays how high inflation really is, and that prices have doubled over the last few years. In fact, a local hot dog, or pancho, establishment I used to frequent increased their prices by 15 percent within my first three weeks in Buenos Aires. A local friend of mine made the statement, “Don’t be surprised if a nice restaurant or
coffee shop you like to go to jacks up their prices each month.” They’re not even stealthy about it anymore, sometimes whiting out or simply crossing out the last price on the menu and handwriting the newest price. While I do take for granted the $0.25usd bus rides and the ~$0.50usd subway rides across town, it kind of sucks when your local empanada place increases prices from $1usd to $1.25usd per empanada without warning. Among the locals I know, it also doesn’t seem like salaries and wages are keeping up with inflation either. That’s a bit of a bummer for them, the individuals that help make the local economy work. Clearly, I do sound a bit spoiled, not wanting to pay an extra 15 percent on a hot dog or 25 cents for an empanada, but to be fair, my budget certainly wasn’t warned of all this inflation.
April 12, 2012
pAge 11
By Moussa Hassoun
etal (specifically family) pressure gives them no real choice. The comfort and convenience provided with believing in a faith that is mainstream in a society is immeasurable (No, confirmation isn’t a choice; it’s a tribal coming of age ceremony). Only a nearly-nonexistent minority actively makes their choice. Even without a choice, people still insist that religion cannot be criticized. Denunciation and intimidation quickly follow after one criticizes anyone of the thousands of “holy” books or leaders that claim the voice of some deity. If faith is a choice, as most contend, then why isn’t it appropriate to judge a person based on their decisions? If judgment can’t be passed on those grounds, then our entire legal system and the “justice” system of religion is defunct. To be clear, judgment is certainly passed. Atheists are the least trusted minority in the United States behind gays and Muslims. It is also no secret that the most outspoken atheists are quite judgmental of believers as well.
The former seems to be widely accepted, yet the latter riles up the emotions of even the most irreligious Christian/Muslim/Jewish/Hin du/Buddhist frat boy. Why can’t the few criticize the masses that believe in books and stories that are thousands of years old, written by the illiterate for the even more illiterate, aimed at denouncing other books and stories that serve the same purpose? Is there nothing to discuss when the masses believe in the sanctity of the stories (whether literal or metaphorical) conjured up by people we rarely have records on and were written decades after their time, yet demand proper citation in Wikipedia? When is it appropriate to criticize religion? When its believers kill gays for breaking with teachings? Or when its leaders order the death of others? Or even when, in order to “modernize” their faith, followers ditch the majority of their religious teachings to work on Sundays, or not fast, or disrespect their parents, or refuse to be sold as a bride to repay a family debt. Of course that last one is a
welcome change, as are many like it that have been ditched (at least in the U.S.). It emphasizes the diluted nature of 21st Century Faith and I hope that 22nd Century Faith will be stripped even more of its absurdity till nothing but pure human intellect is discovered as the basis of all our stories, judgments and systems of belief. We need to expand the discussion about religious belief and offense can’t be taken, and a higher respect can’t be claimed every time someone dares to declare: Faith in God is Faith in Human Creativity; that is exactly what it is, now let’s talk.
Courtesy of blogspot.com
Phi Sigma Sigma
Alpha Phi
New Member Class
New Member Class
New Member Class
Rachel Annello
Juliana Bahring
Amanda Anastasi
Kelsey Brennan
Cassidie Cade
Christina Bertorelli
Sydney Capron
Monica Cortazar
Michelle Cucchi
Katerina Chrisafides
Kelly Dudenhoeffer
Abigail Davis
Shannon Condon
Sara Gallucci
Jaclyn Gagnon
Alex DeLong
Ashley Henderson
Tori Lopez
Amanda DiCristoforo
Charlotte Hoon
Deborah Parras
Tara Giarolo
Alyson Kraft
Alison Polite
Allei Holway
Erica Murrano
Alexandra Prezioso
Emily Jang
Ashley Peters
Rebecca Reimbolt
Paige Johnson
Isabella Sampaio
Callee Roscoe
Morgan Kreugler
Cara Trischitta
Erin Shannon
Kimberly Lemieux
Chloe Wright
Jackie Shaw
Jennifer Mar Lauren Roberge Annie Scionti
Meaghan Smith
pAGe 12
ApriL 12, 2012
HorosCopes By Vanguard Staff
April’s Advice
Your Questions Answered!
(March 21-April 19)
Research Yeah, doing research will follow you outside of your academic classes. Go on the company’s website and learn about them, such as their past performance and future plans. Understand how the company operates and what is attractive to you about the company. Also, type in the name of the person or people who will be interviewing you and read about their background and what they have done. Be prepared to answer the question, “Why do you want to work here?”
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Use some of your recent earnings to update your library. You might as well learn how to do your assignments the easy way.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Wrap up the festivities so you can get back to business. Today and tomorrow are good for hauling in the money.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
The big talkers are going so fast, that they may temporarily be totally incomprehensible. This phenomenon is not your fault. They’re buzzing.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
You’ve made a good impression on the people who issue the orders. This is just the beginning of a very profitable phase.
By April Gammal
qualifications to do the job. Ok, so let me give you some tips that will help you ace the interview.
You’re inspired to get involved in a massive worldwide project. Don’t leave quite yet, however. There are still things to do here at home.
Accept a generous offer, even if you wonder if it’s true. The odds are good you’ll do well now with work, savings and shared benefits.
THe VAnGuArd
Courtesy of April Gammal
Question: I have a few job interviews next week and I’m getting pretty nervous. What if they ask me a question that I do not know how to answer? What if I can’t think clearly? What if I make myself look stupid? Wait a minute ... YAY... You just got an interview with a company! That is a big achievement in itself and I’m sure there are many people who did not even get the opportunity to interview. So relax; the company has already reviewed your resume and thinks that you have the
Practice Practice answering potential questions with a friend, or even better with Career Services. This will get you to start thinking about different activities you have been involved with and how you can answer potential questions from the experiences you have had. Also, make sure you know what is on your resume in case they ask you a question about it such as your experience with a particular organization. Prepare How do you prepare for your actual interview? Well, make
Research, practice, prepare and relax before an interview.
sure that you look decent and that you are wearing something professional. The worst thing you can do is be late to your interview. Plan to arrive there ten to fifteen minutes early. It is always a good idea to bring an extra copy of your resume and a list of questions you want to ask your interviewer. Also, when you meet the person who will be interviewing you make sure you have a nice strong handshake and look that person in the eye. The worst thing to do is to have a weak handshake. It will make a bad first impression. Relax I know that you will be nervous during the interview but try to stay as calm as pos-
Courtesy of interview-skills.org.uk
sible. Remember that you have the qualifications for the position and that each person asking you questions has been in your position before. If you are unsure of a question just ask the person to clarify for you. Try not to fidget in your seat but appear interested and eager to be partaking in the interview. It is better to lean in towards the person interviewing you or sit up straight than slouching back against the chair. Make sure to end the interview with a thank you and follow up with a personal thank you note. I’m sure you will be fine, and if you do not get the job then hey, I’m sure they are missing out on a great employee. Good luck!
(Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Quick action is required. There’s not a moment to lose. Do that crazy thing that furthers your creative career. And do it well.
Senior Spotlight sister of Alpha Phi (previously Director of Sisterhood and Director of Recruitment).
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
You’ve been putting in the hours, and you’ve earned the bonus. Accept whatever you’re offered; it’s worth more than you think.
What are you looking forward to this year? This last month and a half is stacked with fun events for the seniors. After just attending the Harbor Cruise with my class, I am so excited to spend days in the Bahamas with everyone! Of course I could not leave out the infamous Spring Day. Because it’ll be my last one (and I used to love Nelly back in the day) I know my friends and I will have a blast.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Keep asking impertinent questions, even if you’re not getting the answer that you’re looking for. With enough clues, you can figure it out for yourself.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
You’re about to reach a plateau. You’ll be able to rest for a bit. Look at what you’ve just done; then make corrections and improvements.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
You think of yourself as a scientific type, but recently you’ve also had amazing psychic insights. Don’t ignore them just because you can’t explain them.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Add a touch of luxury to your household décor. Make your food preparation and consumption area more comfortable. You’ll save enough to pay for it by staying in more often.
Courtesy of Lauren Zinn
Interview for Senior Spotlight Name: Lauren Zinn Major: IDCC (Information Design & Corporate Communication) Hometown: Ipswich, MA What are you involved in at Bentley? I’m the Events Coordinator for the Senior Class Cabinet, a member of Bentley Hillel (previously the Public Relations Chair) and Bentley Marketing Association and a
What are your plans for the future? I want to work in a public relations/advertising agency either in Boston or New York City. I’ve been interning throughout my college career and know this path is right for me. Because I’m from the North Shore of Boston, and go to Bentley, I want to try another city. New York City is a media hub, and provides endless opportunities for what I want to do. I also want to travel as much as possible; I’m visiting Israel and Colombia this summer. What is your favorite event on campus?
Presented by The Senior Year Experience Committee
Greek week! Every year all the recognized fraternities and sororities compete in a week long competition to determine the best. The week includes Greek Olympics, swim races, a scavenger hunt, penny wars, and tons more. I just hope its beautiful weather for it! What are your goals for this year? To stay in touch with everyone after graduation! I have made such great friends here and definitely will remain connected, even if can only be through social media! How are you feeling about graduation? Many of my friends I would say are in denial, but when graduation roles around I know I’ll be ready to move on. I have been thinking about my career for some time now and am looking forward to being completely independent. What is your advice to seniors/words of wisdom? Your life is what you make it. Have a blast these next weeks with your class and close friends. No need to be bogged down in stress or drama.
What can Bentley do to help you with this year? I just was made aware of B e n t l e y ’s Yo u n g A l u m n i Association. The chair is trying to help students connect with alumni before they graduate. I would like to see this association create more events for emerging student leaders and graduating seniors. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned at Bentley? Ms. Cook, or “Cookie” as we all call her, said it best: “Be yourselves - creative, funny, truthful, authentic. Rock the world.” Cookie was one of my favorite teachers at Bentley and inspires me to just be myself and go for it.
The columns found in this newspaper are written by individual authors and do not reflect the opinion of The Vanguard, its Editorial Board members, or Bentley University. Comments resulting from the columns may be directed to the author and/or The Vanguard.
THe VAnguArd
April 12, 2012
Healthy Hart: Summer is Coming Soon!
Courtesy of Angela Hart
Many people enjoy going to the beach, tanning, swimming and just being outside in general. According to a recent study done by Mail Online, three-quarters of us prefer a tanned look, and as many as one in seven still want a tan even after experiencing the worry of potential skin cancer. If you want to go tanning, be careful. If you’re like me, and you burn easily, then you need to be extra careful. Always, always, always, wear sunscreen. Ladies, it is a noted fact
that more women put on nighttime moisturizer than daytime moisturizers. In general, nighttime moisturizers are more important according to many aestheticians. But, during the summer, one needs to wear a daytime moisturizer with sun protection factor (SPF) in it, too. This precaution prevents your skin from not only drying out or becoming too oily, but helps ensure that you will not get burned. Just taking a walk, running, or being outside for a short period of time, can be just enough time to get a light sun burn. Stores, such as Sephora and Ultra, as well as, several others carry sunscreen brands that are expensive. The brands they carry do have some benefits, but being in college and on a budget you don’t need to splurge on them. Aveeno and Neutrogena both carry wonderful spray sunscreens that are perfect for someone who enjoys being outside or is going swimming or waterskiing. If you plan on being in direct sunlight for hours at a time, plan accordingly. Buy an SPF lotion with a
high ultra violet ray (UVA) count; Banana Boat Ultra Defense Lotion has an SPF100 and costs about $10.00. My personal favorite is Hawaiian Tropic. I love this brand because it feels just like you’re wearing a lotion. It has a nice shine and a golden sheen to it, combined with an SPF40. Sometimes during the winter I would wear it just to have the shine it offers. I also really like this brand because they have a line specifically designed for sensitive skin; these products are oil-free, fragrance-free, and dye-free products that provide the protection you need. There are also a variety of lip balms with SPF20, such as Hawaiian Tropic’s Aloha Kiss, and their Vanilla Mint Lip Balm has SPF45. Burt’s Bees has a Sun Protection Lip Balm with SPF8, for only $4.00. Burt’s Bees and H a w a i i a n Tr o p i c c a n b e found in your local CVS, Walgreens, and other convenience stores, such as Shaws and Stop & Shop. Please don’t take chances with the rays from the sun; your health is too important.
Briefcase Banter: The Gauntlet
Courtesy of hollywoodreporter.com
The Student Center is the heart of activity here at Bentley. Located conveniently in the middle of campus, no matter where your dorm is, the student center is seldom more than a stone’s throw away. Given the exceptions that you live on north campus or off campus somewhere - in which case nobody cares about you anyway - there’s a pretty good chance that you pass by or through the student center once each day at the very least. The importance of the student center is paramount. Because it’s such an active, bustling location, it’s the first place anyone would look to advertise an event or to try and sell you something. Everyone’s seen the makeshift stations constructed out of tables which line the glass wall just outside of Seasons, otherwise known as
the gauntlet. Walking by them and paying almost no attention is a daily occurrence; it’s just become a part of life at Bentley after a few weeks. If there are posters on the wall or a phone in your hand, you can usually avoid eye contact altogether. Although they’re generally easy to brush off, it’s hard to fight the twinge of guilt you feel after looking away when someone is trying desperately to get your attention. It’s in that moment when you suddenly realize that these people are your peers. Sure, we’ve all had plenty of practice ignoring people throughout or lives. It’s easy to walk by the ethnic gentleman in your local mall trying to shove a Metro PCS pamphlet down your turtle neck. It’s much harder, however, to knowingly avert your gaze from the cute girl in your stats class as she’s coaxing you into buying tickets to some event you didn’t know existed until she yelled it to you just now. In one instance, you feel as though you have all the power in the encounter. Someone’s bothering you and it’s their problem if you’re rude. You’re entitled to your own serenity, and someone is taking that away from you for a moment and that’s not fair. I mean this is your day and you don’t need some schmuck bombarding you with crap, right? In the “real world,” you might saunter casually by a kiosk without a pause
in your stride. “No sir, I already have a satellite phone with an unlimited plan and 26 different cases,” you remark haughtily as the vendor chases desperately after you as his gold chains clang violently against one another. But sometimes it isn’t so easy. How exactly does one maintain their integrity when they shun Girlscouts trying to peddle their delicious little wares? How can you live with yourself after you’ve just stiff-armed a sorority girl who wants nothing more than to sell you tickets to the Fall Squall or the Summer Bummer? We can tell the guy who sells wallets to screw off easy enough, but not our fellow students or small children. No,
pAge 13
By Angela Hart
Courtesy of sheknows.com and scopeblog.stanford.edu
Always apply sunscreen before spending time in the sun!
By Nick Vasiliadis
we’re cut from a different cloth, and that cloth is most definitely not made of stolen leather. Ultimately though, isn’t it kind of wrong that we don’t feel any obligation to those people selling wallets or flags or cell phone plans or subscriptions to the Boston Globe or whatever? I mean these people can be annoying sure, but this is their job. Girlscouts might be cute, but they aren’t feeding a family with those cookies. I mean by selling the damn cookies and using the money to buy real food—they definitely aren’t doing that. And what about all those students selling tickets to events? Why bother thinking up an excuse about how you forgot your wallet or you’ll come back
later? Just say no and put them out of their misery. You don’t make excuses for anyone else. What I’m saying isn’t necessarily that we should be nicer to people who are trying to sell us things on the street or in the mall. That would be great, but ultimately we just owe them the same basic level of respect we give to everyone else, fellow students and children included. If that means politely saying “no, thank you,” then that’s encouraged. If it means screaming in someone’s face and chucking their wares as far as you can throw them, that’s ok too. Just make sure to flip the tables and hurl the thin mints next time or you’re enabling a double standard.
Should we treat mall or street vendors differently than we treat our peers?
Courtesy of allartnews.com
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aPrIl 12, 2012
the Vanguard
Bentley Women’s lacrosse comes from behind for 13-11 win By Ian Giancursio Vanguard Staff
The number eight Bentley women’s lacrosse team managed an impressive win over the weekend, scoring four straight goals to defeat number seven New Haven 13-11. The Lady Falcons headed into its game last Saturday looking to build upon its momentum and improve its record to 7-4 (5-2 NE-10).
The Falcons also looked to snap New Haven’s sevengame winning streak and drop their record to 8-2. They were able to achieve both of these goals with a strong finish to a fiercely contested game. The first half was a backand-forth battle in which neither team was able to establish much of a lead. The biggest lead of the half was achieved by the Falcons, as
Courtesy of Sports Information Office
Megan Wiggins scored the last Bentley goal to seal the win.
they went ahead by a score of 5-3 after a goal by junior attacker Margeaux Guercia. The teams went into the break tied at 5-5 after UNH scored twice with seven and five minutes left in the opening half. It did not take long for the Falcons to turn it around in the second half. A goal just over a minute in by sophomore midfielder Chelsea Larivee propelled the Falcons on a 3-0 spurt that put them ahead 9-6, with the other two goals coming from junior attacker Taylor Bastien and sophomore midfielder Carolyn Kynoch. New Haven managed to recover and answered back with its own 3-0 run, tying the game with nine minutes remaining in regulation. Bentley then started to pull away as they scored four goals to ensure their seventh victory of the season. Sophomore midfielder Jackie Brown scored the first goal of the run to make it 10-9 before junior attacker Cori Geiger turned loose. After Brown’s goal, Geiger became unstoppable, recording the Falcons’ next two goals, one off of an assist from Bastien
Cori Geiger scored the 11th and 12th goals, and then assisted on the 13th.
and the other unassisted. She also recorded the assist on the Falcons’ last goal by senior attacker Megan Wiggins. The Wiggins goal put Bentley ahead 13-9, a lead they would not relinquish despite a late push by UNH to make the final score 13-11. The Falcons improved to
Courtesy of Sports Information Office
7-4 with the victory and now hold the fourth best conference record in the NE-10, sitting behind Le Moyne, Stonehill and Adelphi. Bentley looks to extend its two-game winning streak in its upcoming matchups against Merrimack, Assumption and Queens (N.Y.)
Vatti & Varsell lead Falcon’s track & field teams into spring season By Matt Gustus Vanguard Staff
To open the spring season, the Falcons competed in the Northeastern Spring Open. On the men’s side, senior Mike Vatti had two firstplace finishes, in the 200 and 4 x 100 relay. Vatti teamed with senior Steven Long, junior Bryan Carton, and junior Derek Sit for the win. Outdoor PRs were set by sophomore Conor Higgins and junior Rob Hennessy in the 800 meter race, and senior Gabe Campbell in the
10K race. On the women’s side, junior All-American Amy Varsell brought her indoor success outside. Varsell was able to place second in the 1500 with a new PR of 4:38.97. The time was good for third on Bentley’s all time record list. Other notable runners included Junior Caitlin Fahey, who finished first out of 37 in the 800 meter race. Also, sophomore Delia Equitz set a PR in the 400 hurdles event with the time of 1:12.96. The next weekend, the
Mike Vatti had two first-place finishes at the Northeastern Spring Open.
Courtesy of Sports Information Office
teams competed in both the Raleigh Relays and the Tufts Snowflake Classic. In Raleigh, Vatti ran well again, finishing fifth out of the Division II runners in the 400. New PRs were set by senior Tom Witherell and junior Sean Maguire, both in the 10K. With their times, Vatti, Witherell, and Maguire all qualified for the New England Championships which will be held in May. For the women, Varsell competed in two events. In the 1500, she won her section and posted a new PR. The next day, in the 800, the AllAmerican came in second among Division II participants, qualifying for the
NCAA Outdoor championships. Overall, the Falcons put in a solid effort in the Tufts Snowflake Classic. Freshman Anthony Charter was the highlight for the men’s team, winning the long jump and coming in second in the triple jump. For the women, it was a solid all around performance for the team. In the 200, senior Natalie Caldwell set a new PR with the time of 27.89 seconds. This past weekend, both teams traveled in full to UMass Lowell to compete in the George Davis Invitational Meet. The two first-place finishes for the men’s team came from Vatti and Charter. Vatti’s domi-
nated the 400-meter race, finishing more than a second and a half better than the second place finisher. In the long jump, Charter took home first with a new personal record. Qualifying for the New England’s during the weekend was junior Craig Robinson, with his time of 9:38.24 in the steeplechase. For the women, there were several PRs set, including freshman Jacqueline Carlson in the javelin, freshman Brynnan Farrington in the shot put, and Equitz in the 400-meter hurdles. This weekend, the teams will travel to Easton to compete in the Stonehill Invitational.
thE Vanguard
Bentley outscores Assumption 28-21 in twogame sweep after cooling off mid-season By Benjamin Klein
pagE 15
rECEnt rESultS Results from 4/3-4/9
Baseball (16-15, 8-4 NE-10, 2-3 NE Div.) Result at Stonehill (4/3)*# L 4-2 American Int’l (DH) (4/7)* W 7-2, L 12-4 W 8-6 Assumption (4/9)*
SpOrtS EdItOr
The Bentley baseball had an incredible March, going 13-4 after going into the month 0-7. The Falcons looked to stay hot over the course of April, but dropped two out of three games to St. Anselm to start the month and have lost to Stonehill, split two games with American International and swept two games from Assumption. With still more than one-third of their schedule remaining Bentley looks to stay competitive in the NE-10 and earn a postseason berth. The Falcons matched up against Stonehill for a one-game stint last Tuesday, trying to take out one of the top teams within the conference and Bentley’s own division. Stonehill would get on the board early after a walk, allowed by junior pitcher JP Ashline, was followed up by a double and a triple that brought home runs and then an RBIgroundout to give the Skyhawks an early 3-0 lead. Bentley would score their first run in the third inning when sophomore infielder Nate Witkowski singled and then was brought home on a double by sophomore outfielder Sean Keady. In the next inning Bentley would get the leadoff man, junior infielder Logan Gillis, on base after a throwing error on the Stonehill catcher. Gillis would then steal third and later scored on a groundout by senior catcher Kevin Korwek. Stonehill would add an insurance run in the sixth inning and the pitching platoon of Zach Soulier and Michael White preserved the 4-2 victory for the Skyhawks. A Saturday double-header against AIC was a great opportunity for Bentley to pick up two games in the standings but were only able to win one of the contests, taking the opener 7-2 and losing the finale 12-4. In Saturday’s first game, Bentley would take a 3-0 lead through two innings after an AIC error to start the inning sparked a rally led by senior catcher Greg Baggett who tripled home two runs.
aprIl 12, 2012
Men’s Lacrosse (1-5, 1-2 NE-10) at Saint Anselm (4/4)* Dowling (4/7)
L 8-6 L 7-6
Men’s Tennis (12-4, 8-0 NE-10) Adelphi (4/6)*
W 5-4
Men’s Track and Field George Davis International (4/7) Junior INF Logan Gillis’ solid performance helped defeat AIC.
The Falcons would tack on another run in the fourth, two more in the seventh and then another in the eighth to claim a 7-2 lead. Graduate student pitcher Rob Finneran was dominant in eight innings of work, striking out ten while only allowing two runs on seven hits. Freshman pitcher Connor Root would close out AIC in the ninth as Bentley took game one 7-2. Sophomore infielder Will Brennan finished with three hits and two runs in four at-bats. In the nightcap, Bentley jumped out to a 2-0 lead after freshman outfielder Mike Muir grounded into a double play that scored junior infielder Lamarre Rey and then Gillis drove in Witkowski on a single. The Falcons pitching, which was a combination of junior John Yohe, freshman Ryan O’Connor, sophomore Dante Padovani and freshman Billy Sullivan was not great, allowing a combined 12 runs (11 earned) on 18 hits. Yohe took home his fifth loss of the season as the Falcons fell 12-4 to split the series with AIC. A fourhit fifth inning that scored Baggett and Witkowski was the remainder of the Falcons’ offense on the day. On Monday, Bentley took another NE-10 foe in Assumption, a team that they would play on Tuesday as well. Assumption held a 5-2 lead after three innings of play after the Grey Hounds scored twice in the first inning and three more times in the third. With Bentley
Sophomore OF Sean Keady brought in the first run of the game on a double.
Courtesy of Sports Information Office
Courtesy of Sports Information Office
down 6-3 going into the bottom of the seventh, the Falcons would hope for a late rally and that’s exactly what happened. A triple by Gillis scored both Muir and Keady and then later scored on an Assumption throwing error. Bentley scored their fourth run of the inning when Baggett singled home Korwek who had reached on a fielder’s choice. The Falcons would add an insurance run in the eighth inning on yet another error giving them a 8-4 lead that junior pitcher Jeff Croteau wouldn’t relinquish. Bentley’s most recent game was easily the most exciting of the season thus far, as 34 combined runs were scored on 39 hits. The Falcons would win the matchup 19-15, scoring 11 runs in the first inning after Assumption had opened the game with four runs of their own. The Grey Hounds would score six runs in the third inning to make the score 12-10 in favor of Bentley, but the Falcons would add runs in the fourth and seventh innings to secure the win. Eight of the nine Bentley position players scored at least one run with Gillis and Johnson each scoring four times. Brennan finished the game 4for-5 with two runs and four RBI. The Falcons will travel to New Hampshire to face Franklin Pierce twice on Saturday and once on Sunday. Bentley will then play Stonehill
No team score
Softball (6-20, 4-14 NE-10) at So. New Hampshire (DH) (4/3)* L 3-2, L 4-1 W 6-5, L 4-2 Le Moyne (DH) (4/6)* Saint Rose (DH) (4/7)* L 5-1, W 2-1(8 inn.) Women’s Lacrosse (7-4, 5-2 NE-10) at Saint Michael’s (4/4)* New Haven (4/7)* Women’s Tennis (6-10, 6-3 NE-10) at Assumption (4/4)* Adelphi (4/6)* Saint Rose (4/7)* Women’s Track and Field George Davis Invitational (4/7)
W 13-7 W 13-11
W 7-2 L 7-2 W 8-1
No team score
*Conference Game # Northeast Division Game
upCOmIng SChEdulE April 12 Men’s Tennis vs. Merrimack*
3:00 p.m.
April 13 Women’s Tennis vs. Saint Anselm*
3:00 p.m.
April 14 Men’s Lacrosse vs. le Moyne*
1:00 p.m.
April 17 Softball vs. Merrimack (DH)*
3:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m.
*Conference Game for the fourth and final time during the regular season on Tuesday afternoon. The Falcons will need to win as many games
as possible down the stretch in order to claim one of the four Northeast Division spots in the NE-10 playoffs.
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aPrIl 12, 2012
the Vanguard
Falcons softball splits weekend series with Le Moyne and St. Rose Extra-inning thriller this past Saturday the highlight of the four matchups By Billy Fitzhenry Vanguard StaFF
Heart-stopping, pulsepounding, tension filled. These are just some of the adjectives that could be used to describe the games played by the Bentley women’s softball team this weekend. The Falcons participated in four games over Easter weekend and won twice in thrilling fashion. Friday afternoon saw the Falcons facing the Le Moyne Dolphins in an important conference doubleheader. The first game between the two schools was close throughout. Bentley’s offense got off to a quick start putting up four runs in the bottom of the first inning. The Falcons were aided by erratic pitching from Dolphins pitcher Brenna Klein who issued three consecutive walks to Bentley hitters. With the bases loaded and one out, sophomore infielder Kelly Sanborn smashed a triple to center field to clear the bases. Later in the inning, Bentley junior pitcher Carly Taitz helped her own cause by knocking a single through the left side of the infield to score senior outfielder Megan Blier. Le Moyne quickly responded scoring two runs in the top of the second inning to cut the Bentley lead in half and make the score 4-2. In the bottom of the third, Taitz came through in the clutch again smacking a triple to right field with two outs to score sophomore first baseman Samantha Tierney and push the score to 5-2. The Dolphins, however, would not give up scoring twice in the top of the fifth and again in the top of the sixth to tie the score at 5-5. As the Falcons came up to bat in the bottom of the seven, the scoreboard still
Sophomore Chelsea Tamuk was brought in on a single to tie Saint Rose 1-1 and forced the game into extra-innings.
read 5-5. With two outs in the inning, freshman shortstop Shannon Connor stepped to the plate with the bases loaded. When asked if she was nervous at all before the at-bat she replied she wasn’t. “I was confident. I wanted to be in that situation.” She promptly lined a single down the first base line to score Blier and win the game, 6-5, for the Falcons. After the game, Connor described the feeling of winning the contest on the walk-off single as “awesome.” “I was really happy that we got the win and I was able to contribute towards that victory.” As the second contest of the doubleheader began, the Dolphins were not fazed by their previous gut-wrenching loss as catcher Morgan Edmondson smashed a home run to left field to give her team a 1-0 lead in the top of the first. Bentley answered right back in the bottom of
the first as sophomore center fielder Jackie Gauthier hit a double to left field. She later scored on a fielder’s choice to tie the score at 1-1. In the top of the third, Le Moyne added two runs to increase their lead to 3-1 and scored once again in the fifth to make it 4-1. In the bottom of the sixth, Gauthier continued her impressive day at the dish homering to left field to make the score 4-2. Bentley could not muster anymore seventh inning heroics and ended up losing the game 42. Falcon freshman pitcher Caitlin Betz had a solid day on the mound only allowing three runs in her 4.2 innings pitched. On Saturday, the Falcons faced off against The College of Saint Rose in a two-game series. In the first game, Bentley fell to the Golden Knights 5-1 as the Falcons struggled to capitalize on their offensive opportunities
Falcon Fact
oF the
Did you know that Tuesday's baseball matchup between Bentley and Assumption was the highest-scoring game in DeFelice Field history? The teams combined for 34 runs, 15 coming in the first inning, on 39 hits as Bentley took the NE-10 contest 19-15. Every starting position player had at least one hit and eight players scored at least once. Sophomore infielder Will Brennan led the Falcons with four hits in five at-bats, scoring twice and driving in four runs. Junior infielder Logan Gillis and graduate student outfielder Bryant Johnson each scored four times.
courtesy of Sports Information office
stranding ten runners on base in the game. Saint Rose got off to a quick start scoring once in the second and twice in the third to grab the early lead. In the bottom of the fourth, the Falcons’ offense awoke as Sanborn opened the inning with a single. Tierney followed with a single of her own but Sanborn was thrown out at home trying to score by an excellent throw from Golden Knight’s left fielder Kari Bird. Taitz then hit another single and this time Tierney was able to beat the throw home to score the Falcons one and only run in the game. Saint Rose scored twice more in the top of the seventh to bring the final score to 5-1. Betz pitched a complete game for Bentley striking out eight during her seven innings of work. Tierney and Taitz led the Falcons at the plate both going 1-2 on the day.
The second game between Saint Rose and Bentley was an extra-innings thriller dominated by spectacular pitching. For the first five innings of the game neither team could score as Taitz and Golden Knights pitcher Sarah Arbogast threw lights out. In the top of the sixth inning, Saint Rose scored once as first baseman Rachel Reed doubled to knock in their only run in the game. With Bentley unable to score in the bottom of the sixth, the score stood at 1-0 as the bottom of the seventh rolled around. Would Bentley be able to pull off one more seventh inning comeback? With their rally caps on, sophomore utility player Chelsea Tamuk walked and then moved to second when Connor singled. With runners on first and second and two outs, junior shortstop Laura McDonough singled to score Tamuk and bring Bentley into a 1-1 tie with Saint Rose. The Falcons could muster no more runs and so the game went into extrainnings. In the bottom of the eighth, Sanborn hit a clutch double and then advanced to third on a passed ball. Blier walked and then with two outs in the inning, Tamuk strode to the plate. Tamuk stroked a single to score Sanborn and win the game 2-1. Taitz was the MVP of the game throwing eight outstanding innings and only allowing one earned run. The women’s softball team will be playing two double headers again this weekend as they play away at American International on Friday and away at Assumption of Saturday. Bentley is currently 6-20 overall and 4-14 in the NE10, putting them in fifteenth place in the conference.
Kynoch Named Falcon of the Week Sophomore midfielder Carolyn Kynoch of the women’s lacrosse team is the Falcon of the Week. Kynoch helped Bentley, ranked No. 8 in Division II for the third straight week, to two wins last week in games against Northeast10 foes Saint Michael’s and No. 7 New Haven. Kynoch had a pair of goals in a 13-7 win at Saint Michael’s on April 4. Three days later she netted a teamhigh four goals as the Falcons scored a big win, 13-11, over New Haven. The Ashland, Mass., native also came up with a total of seven draw controls, five caused turnovers and four ground balls in the two games. Kynoch was also recognized by womenslacrosse.com as its Division II Offensive Player of the Week. The Falcons, 7-4 overall and 5-2 in the NE-10 before Tuesday’s game at Merrimack, have achieved the highest national ranking in program history these last three weeks.