Bentley Vanguard

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sUMMer 2013


Spring Day 2013: More than just T-Pain and Tyga Former

Highly anticipated day costs nearly a quarter million dollars to fund Enron CFO

Andy Fastow discusses ethics and career

By Benjamin Klein Copy editor

T-Pain. Tyga. Pulled pork. Duct tape. These are just four of many line items on the Campus Activities Board’s (CAB) budget for Spring Day, scheduled for this Saturday, April 27. As many students know, the Student Activity Fee sponsors events presented by CAB. Two weeks ago, The Vanguard published an article explaining which clusters the Allocation and Internal Audit Committee (AIA) allocates all of that money. Digging for more information about the process and the logistics of the year’s biggest event, Spring Day, The Vanguard recently sat down with several members of CAB and AIA. The exclusive interview revealed for the first time the complexities and concrete costs of putting together Bentley’s largest student event. CAB’s leaders see Spring

Courtesy of CAB

Spring Day is Saturday, April 27.

Day as an entire day of activities, not just two artists getting on a stage in the Dana Center to sing a few songs in front of around 3,500 students. “A lot of people fixate on the concert, which is understandable because it is a big event, but we always try to have Spring Day be seen as more than just a concert,” said CAB president Patrick Maguire. “We really work toward that every year and it’s not something that you

can do in a year; it’s a cultural change both within the organization and throughout the university.” There are two sides of Spring Day: the concert and traditions, which are the activities that students partake in before the concert begins. In total, CAB’s budget for Spring Day is just over $225,000, which is relatively consistent compared to the last couple of years. CAB budgeted $170,225 for the concert and $55,950 for tra-

ditions. But don’t take those numbers out of context. T-Pain and Tyga make up only 76 percent of that $170,255. TPain is budgeted to receive $100,000. The remaining 24 percent of the concert budget is made up of line items that many wouldn’t even think about when planning a large concert. For example, CAB has $275 budgeted for 50 rolls of

The group met with various senators and their staffs about energy policy.

By Lacey Nemergut News editor

Fourth-credit students in Bentley University’s Environmental Policy (NASE 402) class headed down to Washington, D.C. earlier this week. Led by professor David Szymanski, the group has worked to assist the

5 LIFE IS GOOD Company founders to deliver commencement address next month

Courtesy of Alyson Bisceglia

Environmental and Energy Institute (EESI), the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU), and the Department of Energy (DOE) in marketing an innovative course framework, “Energy 101,” to colleges across the nation. The primary objective of Energy 101 is to provide students with basic

By Lacey Nemergut News editor

researched the links among energy literacy, education and sustainability, so they had the tools to speak with senators, staffers and even President Obama’s choice for Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in his second term, Boston native Gina McCarthy,” he continued. “Overall, they had the wellrounded understanding of issues at the nexus of science, business and policy that made them stand out on the Hill. Bentley should be proud of the work this group did in advocating for systemsthinking in policymaking.” Throughout the semester, the students have actively gauged the interest of colleges across the country in Energy 101 through the use of a survey, which generated 55 responses from schools. The group presented their findings to the Congressional Research Service (CRS) and Gina McCarthy, the current Assistant Administrator of the Air and Radiation branch of the

On Monday, April 22, the Bentley University Academic Integrity Society (AIS) hosted Andy Fastow, the former Chief Financial Officer of Enron Corporation, who pled guilty to two counts of wire and securities fraud and served six years in prison. Students filled the Koumantzelis Auditorium to hear Fastow and a distinguished panel of the Bentley community discuss the grey area of fraud presented by the Enron case. Tickets for the event were sold out within 10 minutes of their release. “I’m guilty,” said Fastow, who refuses compensation for his talks. “That’s why I’m here.” The presentation began with details on how Enron impacted all stakeholders. $40 billion was lost in market value, pensions were destroyed, and thousands of jobs were lost. Ultimately, the downfall led to Sarbanes Oxley. “Accounting is not black and white,” said Fastow, describing the grey area of what can be considered fraud. “The world outside of accountants thinks of it as black and white. You’re mostly taught about the black and white situations. Those situations don’t really happen too often. It’s the situations that are far more insidious where you might think you’re doing the

See ENERGY, Page 14

See FASTOW, Page 14

See SPRING DAY, Page 14

NASE 402 students energize Washington, D.C. knowledge of alternative energy sources and terms, a concept referred to as “energy literacy.” There are seven students in this fourth-credit ServiceLearning group: Alyson Bisceglia (senior), Aaron Pinet (junior), Kaila Reed (junior), Monica Tshanakas (senior), Ryan Vermette (senior), Dan Westervelt (sophomore) and Laura Yates (senior). “Energy 101 isn’t a sustainability course, but EESI hopes that by educating students about different types of energy alternatives, students will be able to make smarter decisions about energy in the future,” said Bisceglia. “All of the students in the class learn that solid scientific data aren’t enough to make good policy,” said Szymanski. “By the time we make the rounds on Capitol Hill, they understand that making good policy requires them to think about matter and energy as systems, but at the same time considering the economic and social impacts of making decisions about the environment.” “This particular group had

Melisa Kocarslan/tHe VANGUArd

7 FALCONS GIVE THANKS students are appreciative for Bentley response


19 WOMEN’S LACROSSE seniors prepare to say goodbye

several anticipated titles premiering soon

Police Log 2 Tip of the Week 2 Voices 8 & 9 Note From Abroad 13 Horoscopes 16 Falcon of The Week 19

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Summer 2013

the Vanguard

Police log Madness in Morison Last Wednesday evening, Bentley Police received a call about a loud noise coming from the Center for Marketing Technology in Morison Hall. The officer quickly responded to the scene, where Vanessa Carlton’s smash hit “White Houses” was blaring through the speakers of one of the Windows-equipped Macintosh computers. The officer silenced the computer and went on with his freaking night. Light it Up In the wee hours of the morning on April 18, a sergeant notified dispatch of an exterior lighting issue on N o r t h C a m p u s . R e m a r k a b l y, Madalyn Mula was still awake, and she quickly volunteered to send a campus-wide e-mail. Recognizing that campus-wide e-mails about exterior lighting issues don’t usually end well, Bentley Police politely declined this offer. BrokenGate On the evening of April 18, an RA reported that they witnessed someone maliciously damage the parking gate on Alumni Drive (between the Orchard buildings). Students please don’t do this. It will only prompt more Student Center tables with students begging us to donate to Bentley. Keepin’ it Glassy, Freshmen At 2:24 AM on April 21, officers

received a report of broken glass in Slade. At 2:25 AM on April 21, officers received a report of broken glass in Miller. If these crimes were committed by the same person, this freshman malcontent made some really good time. He or she also made a big mistake – broken glass can slice someone’s foot. A sliced foot can leave a blood trail. A second sliced foot could step on the blood trail, causing blood transfer. This could lead to hepatitis. Hepatitis could lead to a worse liver. A worse liver could make for a worse Spring Day. Nobody’s going to “Buy U a Drank” when you have a bad liver. So, basically whoever did this is ruining their classmate’s first Spring Day. Bravo, freshman. Bravo.

(TREES BABY) for a report of vehicular damage. A student told officers that her car’s windshield had been smashed in. Upon investigation, officers found a dent in the roof of the vehicle in the area where the windshield is sealed to the vehicle with a rubber strip. Okay so we have a freshman, the Trees parking lot, a strip, some rubber, and a smashing good time? Spring Day is certainly in the air folks!

Mulch Ado about Nothing Just last Thursday, an officer responded to a report of smoke coming from the mulch in front of Undergraduate Admissions’ new entry. (Okay, time to speculate. What do you think caused the fire: a cigarette, fire ants, or a prospective student who realized that it wasn’t actually her tour guide’s birthday? Leave your best guess in a comment at!) A fire tech officer flooded the smoky area with water. Well played, fire tech officer. Well played.

Comfy Inferno Late last Friday evening, University Police responded to the upper green space for a report of a fire. Responding officers discovered that, for the second time in three years, some students had decided to burn a couch in the middle of campus. Three fire extinguishers and a response from Waltham Fire Department later, the burning butt-rest was finally put out. Now, this is just despicable behavior. Burning a couch in public? Who would do that? I mean, it’s not like there was a suspected terrorist wreaking havoc 3 miles away from campus! If that w e r e t h e c a s e , t h e n M AY B E we’d…what’s that? There actually was a terrorist 3 miles away from campus? Woah. THAT’S why Gloria Larson swiped me into Seasons. Things are making a lot more sense now…

Call Giant Glass On April 14, University Police responded to the ever-eventful Lot 16

Laundry Lunatic It was a sad, sad day for Forest Hall last Tuesday, as a student called to

report that his faith in humanity was destroyed. How you ask? Well, the resident reported to police that another student had stolen all of his clothes from a drier. The victim estimated the value of the clothes was around $200. University Police investigated the incident with negative results, and have since closed the case. These reporters would like to say this to the perpetrator: you should be ashamed of yourself. There are two generically sacred places on a college campus: one is a fellow student’s bathroom during a party, and the other is the laundry room. Disgusting. But remember this: what goes around comes around. We WILL find you and your mismatched socks someday. Freshman Puke Count Instead of looking back in time, this week’s FPC will take a glance into the future—towards Spring Day. Now before you goofballs go puking your guts out on Saturday, let us tell you this: literally no one drinks on Spring Day. Not a single person. It’s a tradition: we all gather (soberly), listen to the sweet melodies of a bygone rapper or two and then play cribbage until the wee hours of the morning. So don’t go ruining the fun with your “shots”, “funnels”, and whatnot…not cool.

Sean Harrington and Brian Shea Vanguard Staff

Judicial action Summary Editor-in-ChiEf Jeff Breault Managing Editor gEnEral ManagEr Lindsay Beauregard Brian Fuerst Copy Editor nEws Editor sports Editor CaMpus lifE Editor fEaturEs Editor BusinEss Editor photography Editor onlinE Editor dirECtor of produCtion dirECtor of advErtising JournalisM advisor studEnt lifE advisor

Ben Klein Lacey Nemergut Matt Gustus Zack O’Malley Kelsey Miller Jasper Huang Melisa Kocarslan Victoria Lin Meagan Kalpokis Kevin Laryea George Donnelly Nicole Chabot-Wieferich

FOr GeNeraL & CONtaCt INFOrMatION aBOut The Vanguard, PLease see PaGe 4.


total number of cases: total number of individuals involved (violators): number of individuals dismissed from responsibility: number of individuals admitting responsibility: number of individuals referred to Judicial Board: number of educational sanctions given: (includes referrals to alcohol Education) Cash total of fines given for the week: number of work sanctions assigned: number of students placed on warning: number of parental notifications: number of individuals put on residential probation: (Loss of 15 Housing Credits) number of individuals put on disciplinary probation: (Loss of 30 Housing Credits) number of individuals put on suspension (housing): number of individuals put on suspension (university): number of individuals expelled from university: Provided by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs

4 5 0 5 0 2 $150 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0

The Vanguard

The Vanguard

Summer 2013

Page 3

Enjoy the summer, Falcons! The Vanguard will return in the fall to continue celebrating 50 years as the official student newspaper at Bentley University.

Be safe, have fun and relax!



sUMMER 2013




UoTEs of THE Q Bentley community: Thank you! WEEK David Ortiz said it best, “This is our f*cking city.” Over the course of the horrific events this past week, Bostonians showed the rest of the world we will unite as one in the face of danger to protect our city. Everyone truly exemplified the human spirit and showed the world we would not be terrorized. And this was truly the case in our own Bentley bubble. Still shaken up by the marathon bombings we watched the news late Thursday night/early Friday morning convincing ourselves the events in Cambridge and Watertown were not related to the bombings. We went to sleep thinking that everything would be resolved in the morning. It was not until we woke up on Friday morning that we realized we could not have been more wrong. Through the terror and uneasiness our small Bentley community stuck together. While we faced imminent danger a mere three miles away, we were kept safe on our campus. On complete lockdown Campus Police patrolled the campus, securing all entrances; Sodexo provided us with food; Dean

Shepardson and the emergency notification system kept us updated throughout the day; Residential and Student Affairs made sure we all felt safe; even President Larson kept an eye on us while waiting for food at Seasons. Going to Seasons and seeing Residential Center staff, Sodexo, Campus Police and President Larson helped remind us that we were all feeling and experiencing the terror together. We were not alone—we all shared similar feelings. We stood together with the same faith in the local authorities and Bentley staff to keep us safe. We could not be more proud of the way that Bentley handled the situation to make sure that the campus remained calm, secure and informed. The efforts by all of the individuals involved surely did not go unnoticed—students flooded social media with thanks to the Bentley community for everything that had been done. As celebrations began, students reminded their peers to celebrate responsibly. Nobody wanted to cause more work for those who had already worked tirelessly throughout the day.

The threat was real and too close to home but we worked together to stay safe and console each other. Never have we been so proud to be a Bentley student and a Bostonian. This is our city, adopted or not. This is our school. We would not stand to be scared. Thank you to everybody who put their lives on the line to keep us safe. We know this ordeal does not end here—there will be an ongoing healing process. The human spirit is alive in Boston and Bentley. We mourn the loss of Officer Sean Collier, Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell and Lu Lingzi. We pray for those injured. Thank you, Bentley. We truly are Boston Strong. We are Bentley Strong. Please see pages 6 and 7 for a special message to all of the individuals and offices involved the events on Friday, April 19. We send our sincere “thank you” to each and every one of you. Regards, Jeff Breault Editor In Chief Lindsay Beauregard Managing Editor

Meagan Kalpokis/THE VANGUARD

PUblicATioN iNfoRMATioN The Vanguard is the student newspaper of Bentley University. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University administration; Bentley University is not responsible for statements herein. The Vanguard is published every Thursday of the academic year, excluding examination periods and holiday breaks. It is distributed free to all students, faculty, and staff of Bentley University. The Vanguard is funded in part by the Student Activity Fee, but relies on advertising revenue to cover the majority of its costs. Advertising rates are available upon request at (781) 891-3497. Circulation is 3,000 copies. We reserve the right to refuse an advertisement; only publication of an ad constitutes final acceptance of the offer to advertise. We reserve the right to edit all copy for grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, libel and length. The Vanguard Office is located on the third floor of the Student Center, inside the Bentley Bubble office complex. Mailing address: The Vanguard, Bentley University, 310M1 Student Center, 385 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452. Phone: (781) 891-2912. E-mail:

“He was just lying there by the engine block on the floor. I couldn’t see his face. I’m glad I didn’t see his face.” -David Henneberry, the man who found bombing suspect, Dzhokar Tsarnaev, in his boat. “CAPTURED!!! The hunt is over. The search is done. The terror is over. And justice has won. Suspect in custody.” -Boston Police Department Twitter, in a tweet that confirmed the capture of suspected bomber, Dzhokar Tsarnaev. “We are one. We are strong. We are Boston. We are Boston strong.” -Red Sox public address announcer, during an announcement made at the Red Sox’s first home game after the tragic Boston Marathon bombings and events in Watertown. Disclaimer: The opinions published in The Vanguard are submitted by readers of the newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Vanguard and its staff. We are not able to print any letters submitted anonymously.

the VaNguard

NewS & CAMpuS LIfe

summer 2013

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Life is good at Bentley: co-founders to speak at commencement By Lacey Nemergut News editor

Bentley University will host Bert and John Jacobs, co-founders and “chief executive optimists” of Life is good, as speakers for the 2013 undergraduate commencement. Life is good, originating in Boston in 1989, aims to spread optimism through apparel sales and unwavering commitment to “good vibes”. “The Life is good story matches so well with Bentley’s mission to educate creative, ethical, and socially responsible organizational leaders,” said Bentley University president Gloria Larson. “The Jacobs brothers have capitalized on optimism and creativity and have worked to spread their message and good fortune through their affiliate program a non-profit that works toward their social mission of helping kids overcome lifethreatening challenges.” Life is good, with the tagline, “spreading the power of optimism,” first found success at a street fair in Cambridge, with the design of a beret-wearing, smiling stick figure, featured with the phrase “Life is

The 2013 undergraduate commencement ceremony will feature Bert and John Jacobs, co-founders of a widely popular apparel brand.

good.” Since then, its met incredible success with their products currently sold in 3,500 retailers nationwide and six-company owned stores. “As simple as it is, the idea that ‘whatever you focus on will grow’ is true,” said Bert Jacobs. “If you want to focus on the problems, all of the problems in the world or all the problems or your life, those are likely what are going to grow. But focus on something simple and good

that happened.” “I hatched the plan to reach out to the Jacobs brothers in concert with a colleague and close friend, Micho Spring, chairman of U.S. Corporate Practice for We b e r Shandwick Worldwide, a global public a f f a i r s c o m p a n y, ” s a i d Larson. “We both thought that the Jacobs brothers would be an ideal fit for Bentley. Weber Shandwick represents Life is good and Bentley, so they offered to

Courtesy of

get in touch with Bert and John, who enthusiastically agreed to present together at the May 18 ceremony.” Life is good serves as a model for corporate social responsibility and emphasizing social impact, in addition to balanced profits. The brothers recently announced the sale of the Boston Love Tee for $26.20, from which all proceeds will go to The One Love Boston. “ A t B e n t l e y, w e t e a c h ethics in our curriculum with

a high value placed on corporate social responsibility. We also operate our organization with a triple-bottom line mentality and have a strong sustainability program which commits to educating and engaging the campus in environmental and social sustainability efforts,” said Larson. Life is good will be following the 2012 commencement speaker Larry Lucchino, the president and CEO of the Boston Red Sox. “Every speaker is different and Bentley has been fortunate to host a number of great ones from world renowned musician Herbie Hancock to personal finance guru Suzie Orman to Boston Red Sox president and CEO Larry Lucchino,” said Larson. “What is unique about this year is the fact that the Jacob brothers will speak together for the first time. We anticipate that Bert and John will combine their talents in a very unique, inspiring and fun presentation.” The Jacobs brothers are currently composing their commencement address to be delivered on May 18 on the football field of Bentley’s South Campus.

Assoc. for Information Systems performs well in student competition

The first and second place teams were rewarded with $7,500 in total to give to charity.

By Zack O’Malley Campus Life editor

Let’s drop some knowledge: You may know that in the most recent annual ranking of the Forbes Fortune 500, only one company ranked ahead of Wal-Mart. But did you also know that its headquarters are located in Bentonville, Arkansas? Probably not. Not to worry, though, because the members of the Bentley AIS chapter can probably give you directions if you’re still looking for that summer vacation spot. While you were sleeping early Thursday morning, the

Courtesy of Brendan Colford

Bentley chapter of the Association for Information Systems (currently pending recognition on campus) sent a team of IPM (Information Process and Management), ISAC (Information Systems Audit and Control) and CIS (Computer Information Systems) majors to compete in the 2012-13 AIS Student Competition in Arkansas. By now you’re probably wondering, what exactly is the Association for Information Systems? The AIS is an international organization working toward the pursuit of excellence in the study of informa-

tion systems. The Bentley community has strong ties to the organization. Bentley professor Jane Fedorowicz is the current president-elect of the organization and she, along with co-worker Heikki Topi, worked to establish the AIS chapter at Bentley. In January, the team designed a system for a theoretical company for the virtual round of the competition. The students, working in the systems analysis and design track, had their submission graded by professors at the University of Indiana, who then picked the top five entries to attend the next stage of the competition in Arkansas. A week prior to arriving in Arkansas, teams were asked to make a revision to their submissions. Seventeen different schools were represented at the event including Carnegie Mellon University, Brigham Young University and Temple University. After weeks of hard work, the Bentley team made a strong showing, placing second overall at the competition. The second-place team consisted of juniors Brendan Colford and Ryan Hebert and sophomores Mackenzie Segura-Cook and Alina Usmanov. In addition to the main event, which they sponsored, Wal-Mart had its own challenge for the individuals at the competition. The 2013 WalMart IT Summit Challenge

asked students to innovate and develop a technological improvement for the Wal-Mart customer experience. Students were broken up into teams with various universities represented in each group. The winning team, which included Colford, developed an app that allows a customer to view a map of items in their inputted shopping list, thereby optimizing the customer’s route through the store. Chapter president Eric Ohlson’s team brought home second place, with Usmanov

also representing Bentley in the top five teams. The first and second place teams were rewarded $5,000 and $2,500 respectively to be given to the charities of their choosing. In light of the recent tragedy surrounding the city of Boston, the first place team decided to generously donate the money to the Boston One Fund to help provide aid to the families of victims. “I was happy to be able to bring something like that, from the competition, to this area in a time of need,” said Colford.

The 2012-13 AIS Student Competition was held in Bentonville, Arkansas.

Courtesy of Brendan Colford

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Summer 2013

Thank You!

The Vanguard

The Vanguard

Thank You!

Summer 2013

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summEr 2013

CaMPus Life & NeWs

thE Vanguard

Students respond to bombings, shootings and lockdown By Zack O’Malley Campus LifE Editor

At approximately 2:50 p.m. on April 15, as runners crossed the finish line at the Boston Marathon, a bomb detonated. Just 13 seconds later, a second explosion occurred a few a blocks down Boylston. The two explosions caused three fatalities and over 250 people were injured. Fast forward to April 19, four days after the marathon bombings two brothers are suspected of killing an MIT campus police officer and carjacking a vehicle. The police pursued the brothers to the intersection of Dexter Avenue and Laurel Street in Watertown, about five miles from the Bentley campus. A shootout ensued between the brothers and the police and the elder brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev was killed. Friday morning, Dean Shepardson sent out a campuswide email informing students that the university was aware of the situation and asked students to remain inside. With no news of an apprehension and the university in full lockdown mode, Seasons opened briefly from 12:30 to 1:00 p.m. and then again from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. to provide food to hungry students. Around 8:45 p.m., the police announced that they had apprehended the remaining suspect. Obviously the events of this weekend were tragic and had a profound effect on the residents of the city of Boston and the surrounding areas, including Watertown. But how did this tragedy affect Bentley students, just a few short miles from the final hiding place of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev? The Vanguard asked several students to share their experiences with us to find out how they were impacted by the

heartrenching events: Vanguard: Can you describe for us the moment when you first heard about the marathon bombings? Freshman Arianne Bourgault: When I first heard about the bombings, I was on my way back from watching the marathon with my [cross country] team. I almost didn’t believe what was going on and then I was bombarded with calls and texts making sure I was okay. I was thankful I was okay but immediately got concerned that the bombings could have affected some of those I cheered on at the marathon. Sophomore Ned Furtney: I had just got back from cheering out on the course at mile 19, and had walked into Fenway. I had eight texts which asked if I was okay, so I put on the news and was appalled at the events that unfolded. Junior Erika McKay: It was a very eerie feeling of helplessness and of fear because although things like this just don’t happen here is Boston. Junior Connor Deneen: I was on the green space hosting an event with RHA. At first I did not think much of the situation, but I continued to look through my Twitter feed as it became more clear. The news just kept getting worse and I was anticipating this trend to continue. Thankfully, the number of victims who died remained relatively low after the first few hours. Vanguard: Did these tragic events change the way you felt about the city of Boston as a whole? Furtney: The events of the past week made me feel more connected to the Boston community certainly. It was a devastating attack and one that made the whole city stop. But

from the awful events came images of humanity. People opening their homes, going above and beyond and showing that the human spirit cannot be suppressed. It made me proud to consider myself part of the Boston community. Deneen: It was remarkable to see the city of Boston, the surrounding community and the country come together. The response of the people of Boston reaffirmed my faith in our society. We went from such a low (the bombings), to an extraordinary high (the unity and solidarity among victims, first responders, and greater community). I am glad that Boston is able to see some of the silver lining in such a horrific and cowardly attack. Vanguard: How did you feel about the university’s response and the way it handled the situation? Furtney: I think Bentley had a very appropriate response. I felt safe with all the entrances guarded and didn’t mind a day of being locked in. Students, faculty and officers alike were all on the same page, which made the whole process move along much smoother. McKay: I honestly believe that the university handled the situation with such professionalism. They were able to instill a sense of safety within the campus in addition to keeping us informed about what was going on. Vanguard: What did you do with your time during the lockdown? Bourgault: I mostly used the time to get some homework done. I watched the news like a hawk and contacted family and friends back at home informing them I was okay. McKay: My roommates and I watched to news constantly

Police engaged in a shootout with the suspects in neighboring Watertown.

for hours, only deviating to take two hours to watch a movie to get out minds off of everything, but that was short lived and we went back to the news. Vanguard: Set the scene for us: 8:45 p.m. the suspect is apprehended, what is happening around you? McKay: My roommates and friends are all around me glued to the TV and we sit in silence for a minute then high fived and talked about how we could actually sleep that upcoming night. Deneen: My friends and I were listening to the police scanner and watching the news, and leading up to the apprehension, we could tell that something big was about to happen. When we first heard that the suspect was apprehended, we all started screaming and hugging. I honestly did not know exactly what happened or how it happened until the next morning, because we went directly into celebration mode. Vanguard: What was your

Courtesy of

favorite/least favorite part of the weekend? Bourgault: My favorite part was seeing all my friends after being in lockdown. I was so happy when they caught the suspect. I immediately went to my friends and hung out with them and then later went to the lower green space to celebrate with the campus. Least favorite part… Cabin fever!!! There are only so many papers you can write in one day before your brain is fried. Deneen: My favorite part of the weekend was seeing the unity among the people of Boston and Bentley. It was amazing to see people come together and respectfully honor the victims, while celebrating responsibly. My least favorite part of the weekend was hearing the news early Friday morning of the MIT police officer who was killed. As the situation was unfolding between 10:30 p.m. Thursday and 5:00 a.m. Friday, I was actually very worried, as I was unsure of what was actually happening. Officer Sean Collier goes down as a hero in my book.

Professor finished Boston Marathon minutes before explosions By Benjamin Klein Copy Editor

Mathematics Professor Richard Cleary hadn’t run more than 14 miles since last May, but that didn’t stop him from competing in this year’s Boston Marathon. If it weren’t for some friends, a jacket, a bit of food and something to drink, he may not have been able to cross the finish line. Cleary, who usually runs around 25-30 miles per week now, started running his junior year of high school. “I was always somebody that liked sports and really wanted to get a varsity letter,” said Cleary. “So I was hanging around in junior varsity baseball and it wasn’t clear that that was going to happen. So I went out for cross country, liked it and did well.” The former varsity baseball hopeful has now run in the

Boston Marathon each year since 1979. He’s crossed the finish line 32 times in his career, dropping out four times due to heat and other reasons. But this time was certainly more different than any other. Cleary’s qualifying time placed him at the back of the 10:20 a.m. starting group. He ran the first 18 miles at a “sensible pace” of 8:30 per mile. He hadn’t been able to complete his usual pair of 20-mile runs due to the overly snowy winter so when he saw a group of friends at around 20.5 miles, he stopped and contemplated dropping out because he was so tired. “I borrowed a jacket from one of them, which turned out to being a really good thing because I had been getting cold and the wind had picked up,” said Cleary. “I had a little bit to eat and drink with them that really revived me quite a bit. So I left them feeling quite a bit

better and was able to run all the way to the finish.” Although it was Cleary’s slowest time ever, he crossed the finish line in four hours and 21 minutes, which he recalled was about three minutes before the first explosion went off. “When you finish, they really try to move you briskly away,” said Cleary. “I was a couple of blocks past the finish, but I certainly heard the sound and saw the smoke. I wasn’t really near where there was panic or where people were really injured.” Cleary said that he started to tighten up when walking so he just kept on running. This helped him cross the finish line as quickly as he did and avoid any potential harm. “I feel fortunate to have gotten across when I did,” said Cleary. The inability to train seriously had Cleary doubting that he’d ever run in the Boston

Marathon again after this year, but after all that has transpired, it’s likely he’ll attempt to cross the finish line for a 33rd time.

“Now, I think I have to do at least one more,” said Cleary. “I’m going to be willing to give it a try again.”

Professor Cleary finished the marathon only three minutes before the explosions.

Courtesy of

the Vanguard


Summer 2013

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Google accused of unfair competition with web browser Safari By Jasper Huang BuSineSS editor

Google has been found to be one of several advertising companies that have been tracking iPhone and Apple product users through Apple’s Internet browser, Safari. Although the browser has safeguards built in to prevent this type of tracking from occurring, Google and other companies have managed to bypass this. Technical details aside, the code that allowed Google to conduct this kind of tracking was discovered by Jonathan Mayer, a researcher at Stanford University. According to Rachel Whetstone, a spokesperson from Google, the goal of this “tracking” was so that Google servers could establish a temporary connection between itself and Safari to ensure that information passing between the two remained anonymous. However, the Wall Street Journal’s Jennifer ValentinoDeVries states that however temporary the connection, this kind of system could “then result in extensive tracking of Safari users.” This poses a potential privacy issue because Safari is the

Google’s history of tracking has led to other settlements with the FTC.

most commonly used Internet browser on Apple devices, namely the iPhone and iPad. This type of information surfaces at both an interesting and sensitive time because of the ongoing iOS versus Android war. Although never explicitly stated, one can only wonder if this type of tracking implementation was some slick way for Google to gather information on Android’s top, and perhaps only, formidable competitor.

According to Mayer, the Stanford researcher who discovered Google’s tracking, “There are zero legitimateuse cases” of Google’s tracking implementation, a feature normally blocked by default on Safari. After the Wall Street Journal reported on Google’s tracking of Safari users, the issue was escalated a step further as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) was called in to investigate the matter. Although not all users may be aware, Google

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has recently been in the process of overhauling its privacy policies after Google and the FTC reached a privacy settlement in 2011. The Wall Street Journal also stated regarding this matter that, “At the heart of the complaints is the fact that, until recently, a page on Google’s site told Safari users they could rely on the browser’s settings to prevent tracking by Google. Among other things the [aforementioned] FTC settlement barred the company from

misrepresenting its privacy practices to users.” Breaches of the Google’s settlement with the FTC could result in the company having to pay up to $16,000 per violation per day. And with the FTC prohibiting Google from misrepresenting its privacy practices, Google’s circumvention of Apple’s anti-tracking defaults on Safari after promising users that they could “rely on the browser’s settings to prevent tracking by Google” is unsettling. According to a spokesman from Google, the company “[is] taking immediate steps to address [the] concerns” about the tracking code and has already halted the tracking process and is in the process of deleting all associated files. Google’s past settlements with the FTC involved the company’s abandoned Buzz social network, and how according to the FTC, Google used “deceptive tactics and violated its own privacy promises to consumers.” This time, though, the privacy issues raised by Google’s tracking of Apple’s Safari browser could have a much larger impact because of the sheer amount of users using the application.

Marvel’s blockbuster films struggle in Chinese theaters By Lubo Svetiev Vanguard Staff

Marvel Comics. These two words have been near and dear to many folks since the company’s founding in 1939. It is notorious for some infamous comic book heroes such as Spider Man, Captain America, the Hulk, Thor and Iron Man. In recent years, younger generations have come to know the heroes of these comic books through movies, as Hollywood is pushing for blockbusters such as the Avengers. Unfortunately, these hit movies are quickly losing their popularity in key foreign markets, such as the ones in China. America is sending movies to China that are not valued as strongly as they were years ago. Last year, the Avengers was a smash hit, as it was one of the movies that led the Chinese box office for months in a row. However, this year, Hollywood has not had such a successful outcome in China. So far, there have been 11 movies released there and not one has generated the desired revenues of the producers. It seems as though the Chinese are more interested in local movies. One in particular, “Finding Mr. Right,” was created on an extremely small budget but somehow managed to beat out three top Hollywood movies which included “The Hobbit: An

Unexpected Journey.” There is further evidence in the sudden decrease of ticket sales of about 65 percent to prominent movies such “Oz the Great and Powerful” and “Jack the Giant Slayer” in the Chinese market. During this $200 million decline of American movies, the Chinese films were able to grow to about $500 million in ticket sales. The movie market in China is skewed due to government

limits on the number of movies that are allowed to be brought in from foreign countries per year. In addition to this, they have created what is known to be “blackout periods” where foreign movies are disallowed for months at a time. Furthermore, theaters have been provided with incentives to promote Chinese movies. This has enabled the Chinese movie market to grow and, in some instances, overtake the foreign-

made movies. Currently, the release of Iron Man 3 is something that many viewers in the U.S. are looking forward to with great anticipation. Sadly, this is not the movie’s key target market. Certain scenes of Iron Man 3 were shot in China and the movie has been strongly promoted there. Its success is critical to the American movie industry, however, it seems to be doubted since Chinese audiences are

experiencing a change in taste. A local movie dubbed “So Young” has created significant buzz in China and is projected to air around the same time as Iron Man 3. This brings anxiety to the promotion of the American blockbuster as it now faces an admirable foe that it did not expect. Despite the winner being uncertain, this battle will undoubtedly dictate the formula of future Hollywood movies.

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summer 2013

the Vanguard

Movie premieres during summer 2013


By Kelsey Miller Features editor

“What are your plans for the summer?”

KEvin BArBOSA ClASS Of 2013 MArKETinG “My father owns a supermarket so I’m going back to help expand the business and work as assistant manager.”

ESpErAnzA SilvA ClASS Of 2016 MArKETinG “My plans are to work as an OL and stay in Boston.”

ryAn GAnCArz ClASS Of 2016 MAThEMATiCS “I’m going to be working at this restaurant in my hometown called the Bedford Village Inn.”

SiMOnE SilvErA ClASS Of 2015 ACCOunTAnCy “I’m going to be working at Ernst and Young in New York.”

The Features section of The Vanguard frequently highlights the best movies of the week. With summer right around the corner, the section has decided to take a moment to feature the biggest hits sure to emerge from the hot summer months. Since May has arguably the largest number of heavy-hitters, some of these films are actually releasing during finals, providing the best kind of distraction from studying. Iron Man (May 3) The third installment in the insanely popular Iron Man franchise sees the return of Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, with co-stars Gwyneth Paltrow and Don Cheadle. After the decidedly disappointing Iron Man 2, many fans are more excited to see Shane Black write and direct the film. Black is best known for his Lethal Weapon series. Iron Man 3 features the terrorist named the Mandarin, a significant foe for Stark. The Great Gatsby (May 10) F. Scott Fitzgerald’s famous novel gets a film adaptation in a big way with director Baz Luhrmann and stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Carey Mulligan, Joel Edgerton and Tobey Maguire. The film tells the rags-to-riches story of Gatsby, a man who gets everything in order to impress the girl he loves. The movie has been dubbed quite the spectacle to see, and is being released in 3D. Star Trek into Darkness (May 17) Trekkies will return to theaters in droves to watch the sequel to the 2009 franchise reboot. This film sees the return of stars Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana, but it is arguably the casting of Benedict Cumberbatch as the villain that has everyone talking. Cumberbatch, idolized by nerds everywhere for his role as Sherlock Holmes in the BBC show Sherlock, will play John Harrison, a super villain responsible for dislodging the

A modern adaption of The Great Gatsby premieres May 10.

Courtesy of

Enterprise from its course in space.

Morgan Freeman, Jesse Eisenberg, Mark Ruffalo, Isla Fisher and Michael Caine crowding the screen. Although this will surely be enough to draw large audiences, it is probably the premise that will have them coming back a second time. In the film, a bunch of FBI agents try to stop a group of illusionists who rob banks during their shows and then give the audiences everything they steal.

The Hangover Part III (May 24) The boys are back for a third time in this film and they’ll even run into the comedic genius of Melissa McCarthy. Unlike last time, with the trio running into problems in Bangkok, Phil, Alan and Stu will stumble their way across Los Angeles, Las Vegas and even Tijuana. While it remains to be seen whether this film will feature anything original—let alone match or surpass the dark comedy of the first film—fans can head over to Tumblr to a blog called alansfacebook to get their fix in the meantime. Yep, Alan has managed to find the nonsensical mania that is Tumblr. After Earth (May 31) In a combination that is long coming after The Pursuit of Happyness, Will and Jaden Smith have made another movie together, although this one is an action and sci-fi flick. Kitai (Jaden) and his father, Cypher (Will) Raige crash land on the desolate planet Earth after 1,000 years of its abandonment. Little is known about this film, but M. Night Shyamalan directs it and it’s sure to be intriguing at the very least. Now You See Me (May 31) This movie features a huge cast, with names such as

pATriCK ClArKE ClASS Of 2015 finAnCE “I’m going to be studying abroad in London.”

By Melisa Kocarslan PhotograPhy editor

On June 14, Superman will save Earth from an alien invasion in Man of Steel.

Courtesy of

Man of Steel (June 14) It’s been seven years since we last saw a Superman movie and Man of Steel is looking to fill that void. This film will see stars Amy Adams, Henry Cavill (who plays Clark Kent), Russell Crowe, Michael Shannon, and even Kevin Costner and Diane Lane as Clark’s parents. The film scored the famous director Zack Snyder, who is known for 300 (which has a prequel coming out this summer), Watchmen and Dawn of the Dead. This Superman film will force Kent to save Earth from an invasion of aliens from Krypton. White House Down (June 28) March saw the release of Olympus Has Fallen, and in June, audiences will get another round of attacks on the White House with the new film, starring Channing Tatum, Jamie Foxx as the President and Maggie Gyllenhaal. The premise of this film is slightly different, as Channing stars as an everyday cop touring the White House with his daughter when the great building comes under attack. The capable Roland Emmerich, who also saw the creation of Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow and 2012, directs the film. The Lone Ranger (July 3) Gore Verbinski directs this film, starring Armie Hammer as the Lone Ranger and Johnny Depp as Tonto. Native American Tonto serves as the device for recounting the story of how John Reid transformed from a Texas Ranger into an iconic man fighting for justice. The Wild West setting serves as a much-needed return to the genre after Django Unchained.

the Vanguard


Music festivals abound this summer By Kelsey Miller Features editor

Among other things, summer is the season of music festivals. If you are a fan of any kind of music, chances are you’ll be able to find the music festival for you. These festivals are found all around the country, so read on to find one near you. Festival season kicks off this summer in Gorge, Wash., with the Sasquatch! Music Festival. Each year since 2002, Sasquatch! has held its festival in the beautiful Gorge Amphitheatre. The Gorge Amphitheatre is famous around the world for its iconic location at the edge of a cliff; music goers dangle hundreds of feet above the Columbia River. Because of this, the Gorge Amphitheatre is widely considered to be one of the most beautiful concert venues in the entire world. When it began in 2002, Sasquatch! was only one day. However, due to its enormous popularity, it expanded to three, and then four days just last year. Today it is the go-to concert for west-coasters for the indie, folk and alternative genres. This year’s lineup includes Mumford & Sons, Vampire Weekend and Arctic Monkeys. This year, the festival takes place from May 24-27. Not able to get over to Washington? That’s okay, another great festival for music fans is the Governors Ball Music Festival, and is held on Randall’s Island, in New York City. This summer, it is held June 7-9. The festival features music from rock, electronic, pop and indie genres. The Governors Ball has also evolved from a one-day into a three-day concert. The Ball was first held in 2011 on—you guessed it— Governors Island, also in New York City. So many people came to the festival that it achieved the highest attendance ever for the island, greater than even Dave Matthews Band and Bassnectar’s concerts. Fans can look forward to seeing Kanye West, Kings of Leon, Grizzly Bear and St. Lucia, among others, at the festival.

The Governors Ball features rock, electronic, pop and indie genres.

summer 2013

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VoiCes “What are your leisure plans for the summer?” AShley PeTerSon ClASS oF 2015 MArKeTinG “I’ll be hitting the beach.”

The Sasquatch! Music Festival is held in the beautiful Gorge Amphitheatre in Gorge, Wash.

Our next festival jumps down to Tennessee for a little— read: not so little—festival called Bonnaroo. The Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival was also created in 2002. The festival got its start by hosting folk rock and jam bands, but it has since widened the genres hosted to include those such as hip hop, electronica and even jazz. Some acts that have played Bonnaroo include Radiohead, Stevie Wonder and Metallica. The festival takes place from June 13-16 this year. Fans can expect to see bands such as Mumford & Sons, Passion Pit, The xx and The Lumineers, as well as perennial favorites Paul McCartney, Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers and ZZ Top. People in attendance can even get an earful of Ed Helms’ Whisky Sour Radio Hour. Of course, no music-lover’s season is complete without attending the Vans Warped Tour, which has operated as a traveling music festival since 1995! The scope of Warped Tour is impressive, with as much as 100 bands playing daily from June 15 to August 3. Originally, Warped was known as a punk rock touring festival, but since then it has expanded to other genres such as metalcore, alternative rock and hip hop. Warped Tour is unique in the sheer number of bands that play in a single day. The festi-

Courtesy of

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val typically sets up between eight and 10 stages in the morning, and then bands play halfhour sets throughout the day. Some of the bands playing this year are 3OH!3, Anarbor, Bring Me the Horizon and Motion City Soundtrack. Head over to Dover, Del. for Firefly Music Festival at the end of June. This is the second year of the music festival, and the success of the inaugural festival was large, as presale tickets for this year’s festival sold out in a matter of hours. Firefly also features cool non-music events to entertain guests. Last year, attendants could have a pair of Tom’s shoes customized by a local artist, providing one of the most unique souvenirs of a music festival a fan could find. Fans attending the three-day concert can expect to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Vampire Weekend, Foster the People, Imagine Dragons and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, among many, many others. Also, be sure to head over to Firefly’s website to see a preview video with music mashed up by the White Panda (who played at Spring Day last year), who is also playing. Finally, no music festival list would be complete without Lollapalooza, one of the last hurrahs before the fall. Lolla got its start in 1991 as a touring festival before finally settling in at Grant Park, in Chicago in 2005, where it has been playing ever since. The enormous success of the festival has led it to open venues in Chile and Brazil, which typically run in April and March respectively. The three-day festival typically attracts well over 100,000 spectators. Because of this, it is no surprise how fitting the name of the festival is: “lallapaloosa” is an early 20th century American idiom meaning an unusual or extraordinary phenomenon. Lollapalooza is running this year from August 2 through August 4, and has headliners The Cure, The Postal Service and The Killers. Unfortunately, you’ll have to place this on your to-do list for next summer, as it is entirely sold-out.

BrAndon PArKer ClASS oF 2015 FinAnCe “I’ll be hanging out at the lake.”

BriAn younG ClASS oF 2015 FinAnCe “I’m participating in big wave surf competitions.”

John TuTTy ClASS oF 2015 CFA “I’ll be relaxing by the beach while I’m not working.”

Ben GAnley ClASS oF 2016 FinAnCe “I’m going to be playing golf on Cape Cod and go to Red Sox games.”

By Melisa Kocarslan PhotograPhy editor

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Summer 2013

the Vanguard

Bitcoin: The increasingly popular roller coaster digital currency

Bitcoin, while a technology and a platform, Courtesy of can be used to purchase real products.

By Alexander Grotevant Vanguard Staff

Back in 2009, the world’s first decentralized virtual currency was introduced. A mysterious developer, or group of developers, referred to as Satoshi Nakamoto, created bitcoins, which are bought and sold via peer-topeer networks. Before discussing the latest news surrounding this currency, it is important to understand the general concept behind it. While Bitcoin is a currency that can be used to purchase practically anything the U.S. dollar can

purchase, it is also a technology and a platform. The automated supply of bitcoins awards bitcoin miners (individuals who access and download a ‘wallet’) 25 when their computer generates a specific 64digit number from an algorithm. Alternatively, bitcoins can be purchased through online exchanges, bank transfers on websites or person-to-person exchanges. Essentially, bitcoins are a commodity. With only eight million bitcoins currently in circulation, the supply of bitcoins is to grow until it eventually reaches its cap of 21

million. Additionally, Bitcoin utilizes an open-source code that not only monitors every transaction of bitcoins, but also makes these transactions viewable to anyone. However, despite Bitcoin’s transparency, many investors are unsure of what to make of this finite digital currency because of its drastic increases and decreases in price. Just over two months ago, bitcoins were valued at approximately $20 per bitcoin. On April 1, 2013, bitcoins were valued at around $102. Ten days later, bitcoins reached a peak of $266 before quickly falling back to $160 within a matter of hours. Undoubtedly, there is a great deal of price fluctuation surrounding bitcoins, but what exactly has been causing them? According to Bloomberg BusinessWeek, the most recent spike in price was the result of the bitcoin’s attractiveness to Spanish investors who had lost faith in the Cypriot government and banks. However, since the supply of bitcoins is growing at such a slow rate, any increase in demand results in an increase in price. After the price jumped way up to $266, though, it crashed back down to $105 before making its way back up again to around $160. Mt. Gox, a Japanese exchange that claims to trade

nearly 80 percent of all bitcoins, issued a statement explaining the sudden decline in price that came shortly after the rally. The exchange said the large amount of new accounts that were being created caused a lag in the system. In turn, nervous investors began selling their bitcoins in bulk, which “ultimately froze the trade engine.” Currency analyst Sebastien Galy says these trading patterns are typical of a bubble. He believes although the Bitcoin bubble may have burst this past

week, it does not mean bitcoins cannot experience another rally in price. Bitcoin has undoubtedly attracted a great deal of attention over the past couple of weeks. While the idea of virtual currencies is still somewhat foreign to many people, it is a concept that will one day become much more common. As students attending a business university, it is always important to be aware of such advancements in business and commerce, for they could shape the way business is done internationally.

The bitcoin supply is currently eight million, but is expected to rise to 21 million.



The VanguaRD

SuMMeR 2013

Page 13

Note from Abroad Question: “What was your favorite experience abroad and why?” By Marcie Dineen Rouen, FRanCe

Each semester, the culture connections crew here at Rouen Business School host a little soiree called a Running Dinner. Basically, it is a take on a progressive dinner. You and your “teammates” rotate from house to house, eating the entrée at one place, the plat principal at another, and the dessert at the final place. What makes this such a unique experience is that the

French students host us, the international students, in their appartments for the evening. We provide the wine, they make the food. In teams of five international students, we are given three addresses and the times that we are supposed to be at each location, and are sent on our way. Running Dinners are not simply a meal; rather, they are one of the few opportunities we, as international students, have to be fully immersed in the culture.

The International Report: What’s up in Israel? More than 90 percent of articles about Israel in the international press focus to a great degree on external players that affect Israel or the external actions they undertake. Geopolitically, this is totally understandable; however, the domestic situation in Israel also deserves some attention. Strike action undertaken by Israeli airlines has been a predominant headline in the news this past week. El Al, Arkia and Israir, the country’s three passenger airlines, carried out the open ended strike in response to Open Skies. Open Skies is a reform of air transportation regulation agreement with European carriers that the Israeli cabinet approved on Sunday by a sixteen to three majority. According to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the deal had been in the works for quite some time and it aims to, “reduce the costs of flights to and from Israel and to increase incom-

ing tourism.” Protests by more than 400 people outside the PM’s office showed that workers do not share his enthusiasm. Union leaders and airline workers believe the influx of foreign carriers this agreement essentially creates will lead to the demise of domestic carriers and the loss of thousands of jobs. Costs of air travel for consumers into and out of Israel should decrease by next April when the law comes into effect due to increased air travel options and reduction of restrictions both for foreign airlines going to Israel and for Israeli airlines going to EU member states. The government subsequently agreed to increase the security subsidies they give to the airlines by 37.5 percent from 60 percent (about $137 million) to 97.5 percent (about $222 million) meaning the strike action which affected more than 10,000 passengers. The importance of the tourism industry to Israel’s

Courtesy of Marcie Dineen

Running Dinner is a popular event at the Rouen Business School.

economy means a quick amicable resolution was necessary. The Knesset’s (Israel’s legislature) reconvening for summer coincided with the airline strike and allowed politicians to hit the ground running with rhetoric. Some observers view the quick resolution of the airline impasse as a sign that the coalition government could be effective seeing as it has successfully overcome its first real hurdle since being sworn in March after over two months of negotiations. Indeed, the economic hurdles that are troubling many other economies are harder to find in Israel. Israel’s 14.7 percent GDP growth from 2009-2012 means it was the best performing OECD country during the recession while the

By Kevin D. Laryea

Bank of Israel is often commended as one of the world’s best run and most effective central banks. Recently, Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt described Israel as the most important high tech center after the United States. Yair Lapid, the head of the Yesh Atid party and Israel’s finance minister was on Time’s 100 Most Influential People List and has excited observers who feel he can solve the structural and bureaucratic deficiencies that Israel’s economy has. His verbal volley against the ultraOrthodox parliament members whom he believes created the country’s deficit in the last governing coalition and whom he views as being over subsidized by the state included the remark, “Israel is not listed in your name in the

Land Registry and the Israeli government is not listed in your name in the land registry.” Indeed the ultra-Orthodox community believes its long held ability to do things the way it wants is increasingly being undermined by the government. The Israeli education minister’s recent assertion that state funding should only be available to schools who teach the state core curriculum means that the haredi schools which are supposed to teach secular subjects but rarely do may have to actually start teaching the core curriculum or find other sources of finance. It is imperative that light is continually shed on Israel’s questionable international actions. However, its domestic issues must not be left in the dark.

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Citizens of Israel are are protesting Open Skies, a reform allowing foreign air carriers into the country.

Courtesy of

PAge 14


Summer 2013

FASTOW Continued from Page 1 right thing.” Fastow discussed the use of off balance sheet debt, operating risk and pension assumptions that can greatly impact a company’s balance sheet. Though he had all transactions approved by a legal team and department of accountants, he pled guilty to fraud. “The people we think are gatekeepers are also enablers,” said Fastow, in reference to the questionable approvals and oversight. Those responsible for maintaining business ethics are also motivated to make profits. Patrick McGoldrick, president of the AIS, first contacted Fastow through a connection with the Center for Business Ethics. The process began with an email sent on Jan. 23, and ended with a committed response in late March. “As the point of contact with Andy, I was relentless in my approach to get him to agree to c o m e t o B e n t l e y, ” s a i d McGoldrick. “I shared with him our vision to have him explain to students the intimate details of what happened in the Enron collapse and for him to explain the challenges of being a CFO for such a prominent company.” “Patrick is a relentless pit-

The VAnguArD

SPRING DAY bull,” said Fastow. “I tried not to come here and he wouldn’t allow me to say no. It’s because of his persistence that I’m here.” AIS first chose Fastow given the level of salience at Bentley on the topic of Enron. Freshmen are first introduced to the company during the early weeks of GB 112. Fifteen minutes after releasing the tickets on their Facebook page, the Academic Integrity Society had over 100 people on the waiting list. Though faculty had a keen interest in hearing Fastow, AIS made the decision to only allow students to reserve tickets. “In the end we made this decision because we didn’t feel right denying students admittance when it is their student activity fee that allowed us to bring Andy here in the first place,” said McGoldrick. “Our organization is committed to making this an annual event in which we bring a speaker of similar caliber to campus for the student body,” said McGoldrick. “Our team has already begun working on candidates for next year and is already having preliminary discussions about these speakers.” AIS would like to thank Ellen Snedeker for her support and guidance throughout the process.

duct tape, which will be used to keep all of the tarp on the Dana Center floor intact. CAB’s agent charges 10 percent for negotiating with the artist and opening act, and will get paid around $13,000 this year. Security for inside and outside the Dana Center will cost $2,500. On the traditions side, food is the largest cost to CAB. And yes, pulled pork will be back this year. Food, purchased from Sodexo, makes up 53.6 percent of the traditions budget. The remaining money is used to purchase wristbands ($2,000), t-shirts ($3,750), food trucks ($7,800), novelties and activities ($5,000) and giveaways ($6,250), among many other line items. While CAB is in charge of planning Spring Day, AIA also plays a big role, taking into consideration that it’s AIA’s money to allocate and monitor. “It’s very much a collaborative process,” said AIA president Tim Dean. “We work with [CAB] to talk about ‘well, what if we move this to here?’ or ‘do you real-

ing and development has made him an excellent instructor and mentor. We would not have received the opportunities we had this past week if it were not for his efforts, and we greatly appreciate the chance he has given us to visit the Capitol and present our work to policymakers.” “Because the project was conducted by highly professional and passionate Bentley students, I think it actually makes a bigger impact on congression-

al leaders and staffers,” said Szymanski. “Many staffers aren’t expecting the diverse skill set our students bring to these meetings. They’re really able impress folks and make an impact by getting them to think about multidisciplinary aspects of science policy, including business and economics.” “I was very proud to represent Bentley,” said Yates. “We made a lot of progress in initiating change in energy policing, starting at the Capitol.

Continued from Page 1

ly need X amount for this line item?’ From our perspective it makes sense financially and for them, they still get to do what they need to do.” AIA also makes sure that CAB uses the money its allocated for the items for which it was originally intended for. For example, if only 40 rolls of duct tape are purchased instead of 50, CAB cannot use the extra money elsewhere without permission from AIA. AIA doesn’t have to grant permission, either. In general, the student body is getting quite a deal on Spring Day. The per-student cost is $64.62 for a student who participates in the activities throughout the day and attends the concert. For those just attending the concert, it costs $48.64 per student. “If you think about concert tickets to anywhere else and if you’re just going and sitting in your seat and watching the show, they’re way more than [$48.64],” said CAB vice president of mar-

keting and communication Sarah Swidler. “What you’re getting, like the amount of food, activities, shirts and giveaways and all of that sort of stuff provided in the morning as well as the concert in the afternoon, we feel that that’s a relatively reasonable number and we work hard to give the students the most for their money,” said Swidler. Like most years, Spring Day tickets were sold at $1 through MyBentley and the proceeds will be donated to charity. CAB had not decided which charity the money would go toward at the time of press, but Maguire and Swidler both felt that The One Fund—the foundation created to help the people affected by the tragic events at the Boston Marathon— was a likely candidate. Spring Day activities will commence at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday when Season’s opens for breakfast. Doors to the Dana Center for the concert will open at 4 p.m.

ENERGY Continued from Page 1 Environmental Protection Agency and soon-to-be Administrator of the EPA. “She was especially concerned about the gap between energy and policy in this nation, which is what we have discussed in class throughout the semester,” said Bisceglia. The group continued their mission in a meeting with Montana Senator Jon Tester and staffers from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren, New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen, and Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse. The team asked the prominent politicians to consider making a floor speech in the Senate to raise awareness on the need for more energy literacy in colleges. “This Service-Learning opportunity was the true epitome of applying environmentally related policies we learned in class to real-world situations in the U.S. government, which for all of us was a truly remarkable experience,” said Pinet, the group’s Service-Learning project manager. The group was started three years ago by Szymanski, who used to work at the Capitol for Senator Tester. “Professor Szymanski is one of the best professors I have had at Bentley,” said Bisceglia. “His love for what he teaches, as well as his true wholehearted concern for students’ learn-

Courtesy of Division of Student Affairs

The Vanguard

The Vanguard

Summer 2013

Page 15

Welcome, welcome, welcome Bentley Class of 2017! Are you interested in writing, photography, production, editing or advertising? We want you to join The Vanguard! NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! REMEMBER TO VISIT US AT THE ACTIVITY FAIR IN SEPTEMBER OR CONTACT GA_VANGUARD@BENTLEY.EDU FOR MORE INFORMATION!

page 16


summer 2013

HorosCopes By Vanguard Staff

THe VaNguard

Briefcase Banter: Acceptance and Moving On

By Nick Vasiliadis

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Draining challenges are ahead of you this week. Just remember that in a couple weeks your summer begins.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Utilize the antioxidant power of blueberries as you conquer your future health issues.


(May 21-June 21)

Straddle the line this week as you can be as bold as you want without retaliation. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t get your comeuppins sooner or later.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Try not to become frustrated with balancing your social life and your studies. As long as you find the time everything will work out fine.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

You are pulsing with positive energy and your intensity may intimidate some people but fascinate them at the same time. If you need anything, now is the time to go looking for it.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

It's a good day for discussion, though not yet for action. Keep the ideas coming and listen to what your friends have to say - things should be a lot clearer in a few days.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Strive to be a nicer person this week. Your diligence will be rewarded by a new opportunity offered to you by a stranger.


Courtesy of Nick Vasiliadis

There are few things more satisfying than securing a position as an accepted member of a community. Be it a team, a group of friends or even an online forum for a niche fetish; there’s always a celebration to be had in finding like-minded friends. Through these unifying experiences we learn that the world isn’t as big as we might have thought, racial and cultural differences are often superficial and getting to know other individuals intimately is a thoroughly rewarding gift. That’s why both Accepted Students’ Day and college graduation are such interesting spectacles: because they’re representative of the polar opposite of all these great things. Watching high school seniors cling to their parents like toddlers on Accepted Students’ Day is as sinisterly satisfying as it is humbling. Seeing a group of otherwise mature and selfassured individuals sudden-

ly doubt themselves is deeply gratifying, but fades rapidly when you remember being in the same situation only a few years ago. For the entirety of Accepted Students’ Day, the nightmare that waits at orientation and even the brunt prospects of first semester haunts the young bloods. They’ll experiment with new friends, make mistakes and ultimately try to convince themselves that they aren’t scared shitless. But somewhere in between dad asking about purchasing matching t-shirts at the bookstore and mom raving about the cafeteria food neither of you have ever eaten, this charade will become a little clearer. “It” is college, and it’s both as real as anything you’ll ever experience and as artificial as anything you can possibly imagine. The middle ground between kid and adult is a vast, extra-large Sicilian pizza lightly garnished with eclectic toppings and a side order of drunken regrets. It’ll taste undeniably foreign at first but you’ll take its quality for granted and soon it’ll be just crumbs on a saucer. By the last week of your senior year you’ll be sucking grease out of napkins trying to keep this taste in your mouth for as long as it’ll last. Change is inevitable for the new and the old, but it’ll come in small doses. In much the same way that high school wasn’t truly finished until everyone was accus-

tomed to their new paths, college isn’t over until you’re done with it. Many full grown men are still annoyingly excitable, immature frat boys who dress like developmentally delayed sailors, sporting librarian-neck-string sunglasses and laceless boat shoes after dusk. Middleaged women still hang out at seedy clubs on Thursday nights, nonchalantly anticipating the moment some wide-eyed schlub comes along and buys them a drink. But they know what they want, and you can’t fault them for that. I mean, who are you to tell them they’re doing life wrong? Nobody’s got it all figured out and age is just an arbitrary standard we use to count candles. Whether “it’s” almost over or just beginning, remember that life and happiness aren’t about who got the best grades, the first job offer, or had the most lucrative fourth quarter. It’s about feeling accepted and accepting others in turn. So prepare to watch this fall semester as the freshmen squirm because they’ve been violently ejected from their comfort zones and made to grow. It’s a profoundly important albeit horrifying experience that we all are forced into at one point or another and it’s the best way to discover what stuff we’re each made of. During the process we’re also likely come to terms with the fact that, ultimate-

ly, we are all made of pretty similar stuff. So as the eldest and youngest of us move forward into unclear and daunting futures, the most comforting solace available is the knowledge that no matter where you go or what you do, you’ll inevitably find people like yourself there. They might be hiding in the nooks of a bustling big city or lying prone somewhere in a vast Midwestern plain, but they’re there. Just remember that the most important part of the journey is accepting you even if others around you aren’t. As for our aspirations, so long as you’re still living you can’t be doing it wrong. Our lives and goals are defined by our desires to craft them and if you really want something badly enough there’s a good chance you’ll figure out how to get it. If you don’t, perhaps you didn’t need it as badly as you thought. And if that’s not a comforting notion during a disquieting time, I don’t know what is.

The columns found in this newspaper are written by individual authors and do not reflect the opinion of The Vanguard, its Editorial Board members, or Bentley University. Comments resulting from the columns may be directed to the author and/or The Vanguard.

(Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Add up what you owe to people because they will soon come to you for repayment. This time, though, they won’t come away empty handed.

Bentley University

random acts of kindness

#bentleykind Student Activities

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

People are drawn to you now and while you may not need everyone all at once, it's nice to know that you can count on so many folks to back you up if things get to that point.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Under the sea with Sebastian is where you should be hiding this week, because some athletic mishaps are headed your way. Don’t let the Ursulas of the world get you down.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Nothing can change until you say you want it to change. This week is perfect for telling friends, family and coworkers what's on your mind even if they can't change it right away.

d n ki

pass it along

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

If you make a list and think things through, you can take care of your problems and relieve some stress.

no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. aesop


THe Vanguard

SuMMer 2013

Scratching the Surface: Bombs and Guns

Courtesy of Moussa Hassoun

In the chaos of the Boston bombings and the “final showdown,” news flew over the heads of many people that Congress had voted not to pass a law that would have ensured greater background checks on the sale of weapons. The bill was introduced for a vote after positive developments in bipartisan negotiations between the two political parties. Let’s consider this a bit further; we had a Republican and Democrat come together during a decade of increasing political and social polarization. The two negotiated for weeks and compromised to present a watered down version that had a chance at becoming the law. They did their job by working together to address a problem in this country. Despite their efforts and the

defiance of a Congress unable to work due to politics, the bill didn’t get the sixty votes it needed to overcome a filibuster; it failed at a final vote of 54-46. This bill had the best chance of passing because it protected and respected lawful ownership of weapons, but at the same time sought to ensure that weapons bought online and at gun shows would be sold to owners that were at least checked to ensure the guns wouldn’t legally fall into the hands of lunatics and criminals. Indeed, support for expansion of background checks has polled at 90 percent. In other words, 90 percent of the population (represented through a polling sample) supported the action that this law sought to enforce. As President Obama rightfully pointed out, a supermajority of National Rifle Association members also supported the measure, in addition to Wayne LaPierre, head of the NRA. Unfortunately the political sway of the NRA led enough Senators an immovable minority to vote against it. I don’t question the utility of Senate filibuster rules or other technicalities since I think they are important to protect minorities. Although this bill (and others) has come on the heels of the Newtown shootings and

other mass killings, I don’t think they should be voted down because they may not address the causes of those shootings. Mass killings highlight the importance of considering gun laws, practices and culture. They can act as a call to fill up holes, unrelated to the incidents, because they act as an ignition for change. Background checks wouldn’t have stopped the Newtown killing, but it could stop killings elsewhere. If an overwhelming majority of people believe something and their elected representatives don’t vote to reflect that, it is difficult to imagine how much this Congress reflects the values of average voters. Both sides have remained steadfast in their willingness to pass a law, neither indicating that they would compromise. There are, however, a few brave representatives in the Senate and House who are and will work together to ensure that our gun laws better reflect the opinions of the people. After the vote, many Democrats have stated that Americans should recognize the failure of the law so well supported by voters and take action on voting day. Unfortunately, gun control may not play a significant role in Congressional elections for 3 reasons:

By Moussa Hassoun

First, most voters aren’t single issue voters and consider a wide range of issues before voting. This means that although their Congresswoman or man may not represent them on guns, she may represent them well on nearly every other issue. Why would they vote her out on that single issue? Second, Congressional elections don’t have the small number of voters as do Presidential elections. This means that they reflect the opinions of the people less than elections held every four years. Third, the NRA has a longer history, more vocal base and

Courtesy of Jon Miksis

From a very young age, we are conditioned to believe that college is the gateway to paramount success. Some of the most influential forces in our adolescent years—parents, teachers and the media—had reinforced the widely accepted “college brings wealth and happiness” belief that undoubtedly made a big impression on all of us. This belief was so prevalent and well-endorsed that by the time we reached high school, it was subconsciously expected that everyone with a desire to make their dreams come true ought to attend a college or university. Such an ideology has held fast for several decades.

than the price tag associated with it, it will confirm the validity of the higher education “bubble.” Metaphorically, there is bubble forming around higher education. Similar to the housing bubble that plunged our economy into a recession five years ago, we are seeing a phenomenon where people are incurring massive student debt and having vast difficulty paying it off. If this student debt condition continues to intensify, there could be a “foreclosing,” or defaulting situation simi-

better strategy for supporting politicians it likes and attacking those it doesn’t. New organizations that would seek to support initiatives like background check expansion would be working against one of the most influential lobbies in American history. I’d be optimistic that smaller measures would pass, but this was a small measure taken from a larger package of proposed reforms. Let’s hope I’m wrong and let’s hope that people can focus their attention to at the developments of the Boston bombing as well as other important issues like common sense gun safety laws.

Congress recently voted not to pass a law that would have required background checks for weapon sales online and at gun shows.

Why It Matters: The Bubble of Higher Education Higher education — once the commodity for the privileged few — has become possible for virtually all citizens in America. Practically all highskilled jobs require a college degree, thus making it a necessity for many when entering the workforce. H o w e v e r, t h e t i m e s a r e changing rapidly and so is the role of higher-education in American society. During the current academic year, the average cost of tuition for a 4-year private college is $29,000, nearly doubling the price tag of tuition from a decade ago. In addition to rising costs of higher education, there has also been a steep climb in student loan debt. In 2012, student debt reached $1 trillion, doubling the 2008 student debt figure and comprising roughly 7% of the United States’ GDP. These numbers show us that college tuition in the U.S. is rapidly outgrowing both inflation and household incomes. As the price of higher education continues to climb, it will become too expensive for middle class individuals to pursue degrees. If the value of higher education becomes lower

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lar to what we saw back in 2008. Starting with students and recent grads, a “bursting” of the higher education bubble would also cause colleges and universities to default, due to low admission numbers triggered by the skyrocketed prices of tuition. This would be a nightmarish scenario, and one that our lawmakers must strive to prevent. Perhaps not all of us need a college education to achieve our definition of success. Perhaps our parents, teachers and popular culture have

By Jon Miksis been wrong from the get-go— maybe we do not need to sacrifice our financial holdings for a college degree. Fortunately for us Bentley students, we can simply whip out our financial calculators and put our GB112 TVM skills to the test in order to calculate the value of our investment. Knowing that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow—and, of course, Bentley University has a very high job placement rate—we can be confident that our investment to go here is definitely a good one.

As tuition prices and student loan debts rise, the possibility increases that there could be a “bursting” of the higher education bubble that would cause colleges and universities to default.

pAGE 18


SUmmER 2013


Ashline reflects on his Falcon experience on the mound By Matt Gustus SpoRTS EDIToR

Senior pitcher JP Ashline came to Bentley to make an impact on the baseball team. Throughout his four-year career, he has done just that. As a freshman, Ashline was used as a bullpen arm, as he came on in relief in all of his 11 appearances that year. During that season, one thing was clear: Ashline was ready to pitch at the college level. His numbers included an ERA of 1.80 and an oppo-

Against No. 4 Tampa, Ashline tossed four scoreless innings.

nent’s batting average of .222. Over the next two years, Ashline worked hard to transition from a bullpen guy into a full-time starter for the Falcons. In late April of his sophomore season, Ashline was given his first of many starts in a Bentley uniform as he took on Merrimack. In that game, he scattered four hits and seven strikeouts over seven scoreless innings, leading his team to an 8-0 victory. Junior year, Ashline continued his success as a

Courtesy of Sports Information Department

starter. In eight of his 12 appearances, he was given the start and finished the season with a 6-3 record. To continue working on his game during the summer, Ashline played for both in both the New England Baseball Association and the Futures Collegiate Baseball League. The experience was one that, as he noted, helped improve his enjoyment of the game. “Summer ball was much more laid back and a good time to play with new people and have some fun working on my game,” said Ashline. “I played on a few different teams this past summer, one down in Myrtle Beach and another up in Nashua, and they were both an enjoyable experience for me.” Now in his senior year, Ashline has started in all of his appearances and has a record of 5-1. His ERA of 1.72 is the lowest on the team and his 35 strikeouts are tied for second-most on the team. While his successful transition may seem like it came easily to him given his consistent success, Ashline has worked hard to get here. “Hard work over my four

Ashline has worked hard to transition into a reliable starter.

years and the confidence of having the ball in big situations has helped me grow into the player I am today,” said Ashline. Looking back on his Bentley experience, one game stands out among the rest as his favorite. “My favorite moment as a Bentley baseball player was beating No. 4 Tampa 5-3 to start off our season this year,” said Ashline. “Being down 21 in the eighth and having [junior outfielder Tom] Nagy hit a grand slam to take the

Courtesy of Sports Information Department

lead was one of the my most memorable moments on this team.” In that matchup against Tampa, Ashline pitched four scoreless innings while walking two and striking out two. Unfortunately, he was not credited with the win, as the game was scoreless when he was relieved. As the season winds down, Ashline is preparing to lead his team on a deep playoff run. Doing so would be the icing on the cake of a remarkable Bentley career.

Coaching stability has been the key to 50 years of dominance By Matt Gustus SpoRTS EDIToR

Fifty years ago, the men’s basketball team took the court for the first time. With coach Al Shields at the helm, the team played hard but suffered an 86-66 loss to Merrimack, a team that is now one of Bentley’s biggest Northeast-10 rivals. The loss was definitely not the way the team, and all of Bentley, exp ected the p rogram to start. However, that would be the only time in the history of the program that it would have an all-time losing record. After the early season defeat, the losing ways became a thing of the past as the team proceeded to rip off

six straight wins. By the end of their inaugural season, the program was off to a tremendous start. The first ever basketball players to rock the blue and gold uniforms recorded a 16-5 season. Since then, the Falcons have only had nine losing seasons to date. Doing the math, in 41 of Bentley’s 50 seasons, the team has had a record better than .500, which also includes a stretch of 17 straight winning seasons from 1996-2012. In college basketball, coaching staffs provide the foundation for long-term success. Having the same staff in place for multiple seasons allows the coaches time to install a system that they feel will be successful. Similarly, coaches who stay

with a program for an extended period of time are able recruit players who fit well in that system and are able to work with them for four years. For the Falcons, coaching stability has never been an issue. In their 50-year history, the program has only seen four coaches, all of whom have stuck around for at least six seasons. Each coach was able to pick up right where the prior one left off; each recording strong seasons in their first years. Shields, who led the Falcons to a 16-5 record in his first season, set the tempo. In 1978, Brian Hammel ‘75 transitioned from player to coach and led his team to a first season record of 22-6. In 1984, Frank Sullivan took

Coach Jay Lawson has seen remarkable success coaching the Falcons for the last two decades, accumulating numerous awards along the way.


over and led the team to a 25-6 season. Finally, in 1991, current Bentley coach Jay Lawson took over. In his first year, Lawson turned an 11-18 team into a 17-10 team. A year later, he led the Falcons to the regular season NE-10 title. Since then, Lawson’s resume includes an overall record of 440-213, five NE-10 Coach of the Year awards, a

National Coach of the Year award in 2005 and seven first place NE-10 finishes. While the 2012-13 team record-wise was not quite the same as in years past, you can guarantee that the Falcons will be a factor in the NE-10 come November. If you need convincing, take a look at Bentley’s track record. The history will amaze you.


the Vanguard

Summer 2013

Page 19

Women’s lacrosse seniors celebrate an incredible four-year run By Ian Giancursio Vanguard StaFF

The Bentley women’s lacrosse team is coming off four straight wins as they head towards the end of yet another dominating season. For this year’s seniors, the last games of the season represent the end of their respective careers here at Bentley University. Seniors Taylor Bastien and Cori Geiger are each enjoying phenomenal senior years, as they have led the Falcons to a 10-4 record (8-2 NE-10) and an impressive 14.14 goals per game average. The Vanguard interviewed these two star seniors to find out their thoughts on their final season and favorite memories from their time playing at Bentley, as well as how they view the potential of the women’s lacrosse team in the future. In a season full of tremendous highs and lows, the seniors have made sure to keep level heads throughout the year and have maintained focus in the face of such obstacles.

“I think we have had a challenging season,” says Bastien. “We had some huge games to begin the season and came out with a big win at home against a top 5 team. We had a few bumps in the road during the middle of the season and we have a tough couple of games to close out the regular season. As a team, we started out with high expectations and can still achieve our goals as we head into playoffs.” Geiger echoed Bastien’s sentiments, explaining that the resolve of this year’s team has been especially impressiv. “The season has had some ups and downs,” says Geiger. “We are all a little disappointed in a few of our game performances, like losing to New Haven, Stonehill and Dowling. But, I have been really impressed that my team has turned around from a bit of a slump and is now playing at a much higher level, just in time for playoffs. Hopefully we can continue riding this high horse and cause some upsets with

Senior Taylor Bastien helped the Falcons reach a 14.14 goals per game average.

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

big games like Adelphi and LIU Post, which will put us in a good position for NE-10s and NCAA’s.” In addition to the continuous emotional grind this season, both Bastien and Geiger acknowledge that their careers here at Bentley have not always been perfect, but that the experience is something they will always cherish. As Bastien explained, “my experiences playing at Bentley have had their ups and downs as well, but I wouldn’t change anything for the world. I have absolutely loved being a part of this team and all the people I have played with throughout my four years here. Being on this team has definitely enhanced my college experience and I cannot believe that it will all soon be over.” Geiger has a nearly identical description of her time at Bentley, saying, “my experience has been a whirlwind. I have definitely had times where I wanted to throw in the towel, but we all have those days sometimes. Overall, I love playing lacrosse and I wouldn’t trade playing at Bentley for any other school.” Geiger also explained the difficulties of balancing responsibilities as a studentathlete throughout college. “The most difficult part of playing at Bentley is the constant struggle of being an athlete and performing at a high level while trying to balance social life and keeping up with grades. I basically came to Bentley for the sole reason of playing lacrosse. I would say gaining a top-notch education, while playing the sport that I love and meeting amazing people and friends are worth the tough days on the field.” The leadership of the women’s lacrosse seniors has been monumental and has had an enormous effect on

FalCOn FaCt



OF the

Junior forward Lauren Battista was recently selected to receive the Northeast-10 Conference ScholarAthlete Sport Excellence award, beating out the numerous other women in her sport. With her GPA of 3.94, Battista has proven she can not only handle the balance of school and sports, but can excel in both. This past season, Battista led the Falcons to their first #1 national ranking in the program’s history along with a 30-2 record. She averaged 14.9 points, 6.7 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 1.3 steals. Other awards she received this season include the NE-10 Championship MVP, the WBCA Division II All-America team and was selected as a member of the NCAA Division II Academic All-America team, among others.


Senior Cori Geiger helped lead the Falcons to a 10-4 record.

the younger players. One of the most prominent juniors on the team, goalkeeper Ally Dorman, described how much they have meant to her. “I love the seniors on our team,” explained Dorman. “We’ve experienced ups and downs together but I love them like family. The seniors have been great leaders this season and in the past. Coming in as a freshman, it was that class that helped my transition into college life. They were excellent mentors and made freshman year that much better. Currently, all have become such wonderful, wellrespected individuals that I continue to look up to. They are all going to do amazing things in life and I look forward to watching them succeed.” As they reflect on the end of their playing careers, both Bastien and Geiger know the talent of the current team and see the great amount of potential that lies ahead. As Geiger explains, “I

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

think the team has incredible potential to stay competing in the top 10 of the nation. Things are changing in the NE-10s for women’s lacrosse. The toughest teams aren’t as tough as they used to be and Coach Medeiros has done a great job recruiting talented athletes who are able to play at that level. Our underclassmen are incredible, they just need to stay mentally tough and keep working to stay competing with the top teams in the country.” Bastien also heaped praise on the underclassmen, saying, “Bentley Women’s Lacrosse has an amazing amount of potential for the future. We have a great group of juniors that will be able to lead the team next year along with talented underclassmen that will take over in the years to come. The program has grown tremendous amounts in recent years and I see it continuing to progress in the future. I’m excited to see what will become of this program.”

Betz Named Falcon of the Week Sophomore pitcher Caitlin Betz of the softball team is the Falcon of the Week. Betz came within two outs of a perfect game against Northeast Division leading Southern New Hampshire on Sunday in a 2-0 Bentley win. She retired the first 19 batters before losing her bid for perfection with one out in the 7th inning. She finished with a two-hitter while striking out six. One day later she beat the Penmen again. She went eight strong innings as the Falcons earned a 4-3 victory in extra innings, and extended her scoreless innings streak to 21.1 before having it snapped in the 6th inning. Earlier in the week Betz tossed a three-hit shutout as the Falcons defeated Franklin Pierce 2-0. Betz was named the Northeast-10 Pitcher of the Week on Tuesday for her efforts.

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Summer 2013

the Vanguard

Guadagnoli to Hill connection: A key focus during offseason workouts By Billy Fitzhenry Vanguard Staff

With record setting quarterback Danny Guadagnoli set to return to the field for his senior year, the Falcons are poised to make some noise in the Northeast-10 Conference next year. Unfortunately for Guadagnoli and the rest of the Bentley football team, four of the teams’ leading receivers were seniors last season and will not be around for the upcoming season. Sean Cross, Bill Kiley, Jack Pizzotti and Mike Sumrell are the four senior receivers that are graduating. During the 2012 season, these four receivers combined to catch 102 out of the 177 receptions made by the Bentley wide receiving corps. Finding the receivers to step up and replicate this production will be one of the challenges faced by the Falcons as it prepares for next year’s season. Two receivers who are looking to play bigger roles in the offense next season are sophomores Jeff Hill and Nick McCarthy. Hill is a big target standing at 6-foot-4 and 205 pounds and coming off a breakout season. The second-year receiver led the Falcons receivers in receiving yards and touchdowns, catching 51 passes for 995 yards and 10 touchdowns during the 2012

season. Hill averaged 99.5 yards receiving per game, which was the third highest average in the NE-10 last fall. Additionally, Hill averaged 19.5 yards per catch, which was the best in the conference. The Falcons will be depending on Hill to continue to improve, mature and take over as the No. 1 receiver in the offense in 2013. In order to prepare himself for this important role, Hill plans to spend some time back at Bentley as well as at home working out. “I’m hoping to make it back to campus this summer and work out [at Bentley],” said Hill. “If not, I will probably work out with my high school strength and conditioning coach back home.” In addition to hitting the weight room, Hill also plans to work on the finite aspects of the wide receiver position. “I [plan] to get in a lot of route running work over the offseason along with working on hand placement on catches,” said Hill. By improving the little things in his receiving repertoire, Hill believes that he will become a much better receiver overall. During next year’s season, Hill hopes to become the No. 1 receiving threat for the Falcons and open up the field for the rest of the offense. “I’m just hoping to be able to

draw the defense towards me which will open up other aspects of our offense,” said Hill. Having a big-time receiving threat like Hill on the field will definitely help the Falcons as they look to improve on their impressive 8-2 record they had last season. Recently, the Falcons finished up their spring practices. When asked how the team looked during the aforementioned spring season, Hill replied, “We are looking very strong on defense and can use a little more work on offense. We lost some very valuable seniors in the secondary and on the offensive line so if we can get those spots filled we should have a very successful season [in the fall].” According to Hill, the football team has very big expectations heading into the 2013 season. “We want to make it to the national playoffs” said Hill. “Our goal is to win the NE-10 Championships and then head to the national playoffs.” In order for these goals to come to fruition, the Guadagnolito-Hill connection will need to make an impact next year on the field. In more recent Bentley football news, three Bentley football players were recently selected to the Academic All-Northeast-10 football team. Guadagnoli, senior cornerback Stephen Stewart and

Sophomore receiver Jeff Hill is expected to play a bigger offensive role next season.

senior place kicker Will Lockwood were all chosen to be a part of this prestigious academic team. This marks the fourth straight year in which the Falcons have had the most players awarded a roster spot on the Academic All-Northeast-10 team. Guadagnoli, Stewart and Lockwood were all honored for their work inside of the classroom as well as the impact that they had on the field during the 2012 season. As the starting quarterback for the Falcons, Guadagnoli carried a 3.77 GPA as an economics-finance major. Stewart was a starting cornerback for the Falcons last year and had three interceptions during the season. Stewart was selected to this All NE-10

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

Academic team due to the 3.33 GPA that he had as an economics-finance major. Finally, this was Lockwood’s second time being selected to this esteemed team. Lockwood made seven field goals during the 2012 season while also converting 32 of his 35 PAT attempts. Lockwood was chosen to be on this All NE-10 Academic team due to the 3.4 GPA that he carried as a corporate finance and accounting major. In addition to being named to this AllAcademic team, Lockwood also was named to the Capital One NCAA Division II Academic AllDistrict Team. These three athletes excelled both on the field and off the field and were deservedly recognized by the NE-10.

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