voLume XLviii issue Xiii
THuRsDaY, sepTemBeR 24, 2009
This Issue Campus steps up security in face of Lower mess Lower Campus Security Littering, intoxicated crowd causes hiring of security force
150 Hour Requirement DKE Water Pong NEW COLUMNS: Scholastic Review .......4 Glutton Girl .....................4 Club Updates ...................5 How to Start Investing 6 Credit Ratings Party....7 NEW COLUMN: SGA Speaks ....................7 For Your Entertainment: Community .....................8 Sonic Drive In Review 9 April’s Advice: Late to Class .................10 Notes from Abroad ....11 Men’s Soccer ............... 14 Golf .....................................15 Football ...........................16
A gathering of students on the night of Upperclassmen Move-In left the Lower Greenspace in absolute ruins.
Dan Merica sTaFF WRiTeR
on the morning of monday, september 7, the bottles and broken glass that lay atop the Lower Greenspace served as a reminder of the night past. in an e-mail to the Bentley population, complete with pictures, Dean of student affairs andrew shepardson called the outcome of the congregation, “embarrassing and [something that] reflects poorly on all of our reputations.”
“While this was likely just a small percentage of our residential population (and their guests), it is unfortunate that a small group could make and leave such a mess for all to see,” read Dean shepardson’s e-mail.
“[The mess is] embarassing and reflects poorly on all of our reputations.” -Andrew Shepardson Dean oF sTuDenT aFFaiRs
according to Chief of Bentley university Campus
police ernest Leffler, “The issue on monday morning was a catalyst for the added coverage provided by Bay Colony.” Bay Colony, a security contractor, was hired at around $900 a weekend to provide additional security to lower campus. Lieutenant Bill Williams of Campus police described Bay Colony’s purview as, “Being used to observe and report.” This supplemental security, whose contract is on a weekend-by-weekend basis,
Photos provided by Student Life & bcisecurity.com
has been used by Bentley before, on days like spring Day and Homecoming.
“[The Lower security personnel are] being used to observe and report....not arrest.” -Lt. Bill Williams Campus poLiCe
Bay Colony personnel, however, will not be able to enforce any Bentley policies for Campus police. While the response time for Campus police is around (continued on Page 14)
150 hour requirement instated by Big Four DKE Water Pong success
Getting an accounting job now requires 150 credit hours.
Leslie Dias Campus LiFe eDiToR
as several major public accounting firms adopt the 150 hours of accounting credit requirement, those students in hopes of joining the popular field must also make the shift to meet the demands of the industry. The 150 credit hour requirement refers to the minimum education requirement that a student must meet in order to be eligible to take the Cpa exam. although this has been part of the massachusetts statute for requirements for years, it has
now become more significant in the job search process for those students at Bentley as a requirement for hiring in general. This requirement has been given special attention at Bentley due to their long standing association with the Big Four public accounting firms. as stated by the recruiters, Deloitte, pricewaterhouseCoopers, ernst & Young, and KpmG have all made the transition as far as requiring that all potential employees have the 150 hour requirement to earn a position
Photos from cnn.com
at any of the firms. in the past, there has always been a particular standard for getting internships and job opportunities from these prestigious firms. First, those who are interested in any of these firms attend one of the leadership programs located in various cities across the country in order to attend leadership workshops and gain experience with the firm. in turn, the program gives participants the experience that the (continued on Page 12)
DKE members hold the tournament’s bracket.
Kim Sok sTaFF WRiTeR
When it comes to serving the community, nothing is better than an event that is not only beneficial and worthwhile, but also fun. This was the aim of Delta Kappa epsilon when they decided to host a water pong tournament in the executive
Photo by Morgan Lougee
Dining Room on this past saturday, september 19. The event coordinator, Jeff Basile, and the rest of the fraternity organized this tournament in order to raise money for The ellie Fund, which is a non-profit organization that focuses on supporting families dealing with (continued on Page 12)
Police Log 2 Cartoon 3 Editorial 3 Voices 8 Horoscopes 10 Games 13 Falcon of The Week 16
PAgE 2
SEPTEMBEr 24, 2009
Campus News
Police log Gaelen Austin-LaFrance Garren Hillow VAngUArD STAFF
Looks like somebody needs a new hobby Monday, at around 5:40 p.m., officers received a report from this past August from the Waltham Police Department of six people who were at an elementary school throwing empty beer cans while hiding behind a stone wall. The police found that two out of the six people were Bentley students after approaching the group. The two Bentley students were charged with breaking and entering, disorderly conduct (for running from the police), trespassing, and suspicious behavior. One of the students was also charged with an underage alcohol violation. At 12:53 a.m. on Saturday a Miller Hall rA reported a clogged toilet on the first floor.
A free ride to our local hospital Late Saturday night, officers responded to a call in Maple hall of an unresponsive male. Upon arrival, they found the door open, two unconscious males lying in their beds, and an open bottle of vodka on a desk. One male was easily woken up but the other was unresponsive and could not be awoken by the officers. An ambulance was called and he was transported to the hospital. The male that got up was found to be an underage guest of a Bentley student. The host student will be charged with a guest policy violation and everyone involved will be charged with an underage alcohol violation.
Please Read
then Recycle
Are these stairs spinning? Thursday at 11:30 p.m., officers were dispatched to Miller Hall for a well-being check on a student. The student who had called in to the station reported he had seen the male stumble up the stairs and almost fall backwards. Upon meeting with the male in question, officers found him unsteady on his feet. The student was slurring his speech and was unable to answer officers’ questions. They did manage to find out he had consumed half a bottle of vodka. An ambulance was called and he was taken into protective custody. He will be charged with underage alcohol violation and protective custody. Officers were dispatched to Maple Hall Thursday night at 11:30 p.m. for a report of an intoxicated student. Upon arrival they met with the female student who was sitting up in bed, bleeding from a scratch on her chin. She confirmed she had been drinking but would-
n’t say where. Despite her noble efforts in trying to protect her friends, her condition earned her a night of protective custody at the Waltham Police Department. She will be charged with an underage alcohol violation and protective custody. Another report of an intoxicated student came into the station at 2:19 a.m. from Miller Hall. Upon officers’ arrival, they were met by a student with glassy, bloodshot eyes. The female student was unable to complete a field sobriety test and was taken to the hospital for treatment. She will be charged with underage alcohol violation and protective custody.
Doing work On Wednesday at 7:38 p.m,. an officer performed a frequency check of Miller Deck lot #11. Officer reported “all clear.”
Marijuana found and destroyed! On Tuesday at 3:24 pm a Hurley employee in the Library made a startling discovery. The staff member found a clear Ziplock baggie with remnants of green leaves in the bottom. The bag was turned into the Police who determined the contents to be marijuana. The bag was taken to the police station to be destroyed.
It could happen to you On Saturday at 4:31 p.m. officers arrived at Fenway for a report of theft. A laptop, charger, DVD case, and several DVD’s were stolen. The student provided the serial number of the computer to aid in the investigation. Facilities was contacted to check the status of the room lock. Due to a lack of suspects, the case is closed.
It looks like it got smashed by a huge freakin’ guy On Sunday at 11:24 a.m., officers reported to Falcone East Apartments to investigate damage to the walls near the recycling center. They discovered two large, “person-sized” holes in the wall. The two holes were side-by-side and larger than the average person. When the officers questioned students living nearby, they found one student said when he left around 10 p.m., there were only two fist-sized holes in the wall. At 2 a.m. when he returned, the holes had exponentially grown to cratersize. Due to a lack of suspects the case is considered closed unless further information comes to light.
SEpTEMBEr 24, 2009
pAgE 3
OpiniOn and EditOrial
The many uses of a library cell phone booth
Dan Merica Op-Ed CONTrIBuTOr
*The Vanguard’s editorial as well as the editorial cartoon are proposed at each Editorial Board meeting. They are represented as being the opinions of the Board as a whole, although drawn by individuals, and not the Bentley community.
Bentley betrays “small class size” policy
As Bentley welcomed its first freshman class since becoming a university just a few short weeks ago, the changes to the gB curriculum weren’t the only changes coming into effect. Bentley’s IT101 course, which lays the ground for a vital understanding of modern technologies businesses use daily, also underwent a major overhaul. The basic design of the IT101 class has been changed into a duel format course, where class meetings split into two distinct sections: a seminar for the first block and a workshop for the second block later in the week. Both the seminar and the workshop each meet once per week, but the workshop maintains the the average class size of 24 students, which is the average for a freshmen IT class of the past, while the seminar has around one hundred students per section of the seminar. As many freshman have remarked, the seminar is “pretty boring and makes for great Facebooking time.” unfortunately, the IT101 seminar is a path that Bentley should not be taking. Many of us selected Bentley for its strong dedication to technology, its fantastic reputation in the business world, and its smaller class sizes where
we would be able to meet our professors and be more than a face in a crowd. While the timing is likely purely coincidental, in the last year, Bentley became a university and in the midst of a global recession, Bentley continued the trend of raising tuition rates yet again. However, apparently the rise in tuition rates and our previous class cap of 40 students weren’t enough to prevent an IT101 seminar from reaching approximately 100 students. Seminar classes are arguably the least popular courses taken at other major universities for the simple fact that learning is far too difficult in a lecture hall filled with hundreds of students. Furthermore, in a class where the professor doesn’t even know your name, let alone your face, what motivation do you have to pay attention in class or even show up in the first place? If IT101 is the first class to become a seminar in the Koumentzelas Auditorium, when will other classes start being regularly held in the Wilder pavilion as well? Is this in fact the first step toward the use of such teaching methods, where there is one professor to hundreds of students in a hall, and breakout sessions are taught by teaching assistants working on their graduate degrees?
Bentley has always advertised itself as a school that takes great pride in the fact that no class is taught with teaching assistants, and no classes are taught in the disconnected lecture hall format. The question many Bentley students, parents, and alumni should now be asking themselves is what good is any class if it has 100 students per session and is well known for being “great Facebooking time?” What has yet to be seen is what effect, if any, the change in course capping will have on Bentley’s admissions. Bentley Ambassadors have been saying for years that classes are capped at 40 students, but now Ambassadors have to add that the one exception is the new IT101 course which all freshman are required to take. While this may give students a more universal IT101 education overall, the way to achieve this goal is not through massive seminars, it’s through creating a more universal curriculum which all professors adhere to. This may simply be a solution to a shortage of staffing, or perhaps a test of this format to see if it is successful, but whatever the case, we hope that the practice will be nipped in the bud before Bentley loses a major piece of its academic jewel.
If Bentley could come up with a new slogan on a monthly basis, I believe that the month of September, from year to year, would reserve “Thing’s We Spent Money on When You Were Away This Summer.” One of the newest, and possibly more futile, is the additions of cell phone booths to the study rooms in the library. Looking like something that a young Christopher reeve would coming running out of faster than a speeding bullet, they stand in corners, omnipresent as you study. One of which is the “cellphone shuffle,” a person scurrying away from their books and laptop, securing everything, in case of an inadvertent indoor wind, as they run to answer their cell phone in the futuristic cylinders. Another, the “cautious viewer,” would be the person slowly walking around the sound-proof room, wondering if it is safe to go in. Lastly is the more aggressive and inquisitive “needless user;” a student who wants to use it, but has no one to call or no one to call them. They sit on their phone, texting, playing games or something else, standing in the black mass. Even at first glance, the myriad of inadvertent uses for these useless contraptions flood the mind. Nothing is more annoying than the student who, slowly removes a bagel from the unnaturally noisy wrapper. It seems that the slower the bagel leaves the wrapper, the more noise emanates. It is for this reason all bagels should be opened in new “bagel opening cylinders.” The chambers, could also be
used to quarantine people with H1N1. I could see it now, rows of black, air-tight cell phone chambers, librarians moving in and around them, not worrying about catching any flu. It would set Bentley apart, that’s for sure, the first college to quarantine students in the library. So let’s be honest with ourselves, in an effort to censor my article, I left out the most common reaction to the enclosed, private spaces in the library:sex. The thrill of being both away from any wandering eyes of studying students but still with the aura of being in public... In speaking with other students, some said it evoked memories of childhood and the state fair, when they used to cram friends in to photobooths and take somewhat candid memories. Some said you could throw your own dance party, jamming to your favorite song in the perceived silence of these silos. Though all of these are good ideas to supplement the useless, though anticipated use of these by the library, I wish they were transportation chambers. You know when you go to the bank and the suction tubes outside absolutely baffled your mind? I think that’s what these should be used as. I could see it now, Bentley turning into this massive tunnel system with late students flying over head on their way to their pressing engagements. Again, no one can deny it would set us apart. Though the cell phone booths and their many uses are here to stay, I guess we will just wait have to wait till next year to see if any of these additions are taken into consideration.
Photo from library.bentley.edu
disclaimer: The opinions published in The Vanguard are submitted by readers of the newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Vanguard and its staff. We are not able to print any letters submitted anonymously.
SEPTEMBEr 24, 2009
Columns The Scholastic Review
By: David Maggioli
Forget Facebook
During one of my first nights out on campus, I tried to make a check list just so I could make sure I was prepared before I went out and this is what I came up with: Gum, check. Sent out 100s of texts so I can mull over my options, check. Practiced Danny McBride’s dance performance from East Bound and Down for the fifth time, check. Tore down my Facebook page, check. Now don’t write me off as crazy yet; I like to dance, and Facebook is a crutch. But for now we can just focus on Facebook. Before I shut down my account, I was a satisfied Facebook user for five majestic years. But one day it hit me: I got Facebook around the same time I started to go out socially. I could not get over the fact that I felt like some website actually gave me a sort of social satisfaction. A friend of mine got rid of his Facebook a couple of weeks before me and he
would not stop ranting and raving, so I figured I would give I would shut him up and take mine down as well. The second I took my page down I realized that it could be the biggest mistake I’ve made since 2006. The days of desperately messaging my crushes were over. But surprisingly, life started to get a lot simpler. If I wanted to talk to someone I would call them. If someone wanted to hear from me they’d get in touch with me; not just skim my profile page to see what I was up to. I’ll admit I liked not having it, but I could not keep my cool and I always thought about putting it back up. To put my mind at ease I brainstormed why people even go on Facebook: To look at pictures, friend good looking people, and keep in touch with family and friends. But you can do this without a Facebook. Please, let me explain. I’d like to start by address-
Maybe Facebook isn’t a good social tool.
ing the notion that Facebook lets you keep in touch with family and friends. The first question that came to my mind is, “Do I really need to know what they are up to every minute?” I dreaded the days when my aunt would message me saying she went bowling last weekend with friends. If I want to talk to friends and family, I’ll call or they can call me. And after a phone call, we will both have a meaningful conversation. Instead of having wall chat with friends far away, try not talking to them for a while
Photo from www.blindiforthekids.com
and see how excited you’ll be when you finally see them. Instead of me talking about how you should always talk to someone you’re attracted to face to face, the more important issue is what friending them on Facebook does. I know my readers have good taste, so the person you’re friending probably already has friends to begin with. You making that friend request only blends you in with every other person who friends her. This carefully planned out friend request to you is just a click for her. In the end, all
Glutton Girl
By: Bonnie Li
Border Café Review I am currently a freshman who grew up in Sunny Southern California, surrounded by Chinese supermarkets, expensive dining, fast-food and sweet shops. My parents helped me cultivate my love for fine cuisine and sweets at an early age, and because of that, I became a slightly picky eater and only feast on “good food.” Over the course of the year, you will be able to find restaurant reviews, easy recipes and other related topics. Enjoy! Border Café 32 Church Street Cambridge, MA 02138 http://www.bordercafe.com/ I take the shuttle to Harvard Square once, maybe twice a week. And almost each time, without a doubt, I would make my way to the corner of Church Street for a delicious Tex-Mex dinner at Border Café, hidden in a less-than-glamorous building on the corner of Church Street. For a moderate ten to fifteen dollars per person, you can eat your fill and take home some leftovers for easy lunch the next day.
But let me warn you about one thing, be prepared to wait at least twenty or thirty minutes if you go around meal times because the place is crowded between 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. Friday nights are the worst, with an average of fifty minute waits. Customer Service The hostesses and waiters are always nice. From the moment I stepped into the restaurant until the moment I walked out, there was never a lack of warm smiles. They really do care about you and will do almost anything to make your meal as enjoyable as possible, from taking special orders to constantly refilling your water glass. In addition, these waiters keep your unlimited chips and salsa filled to the rim at all times, never hesitating to give you your fifth basket of chips. Even on busy Friday nights, you can expect to receive your order in about twenty-five minutes which is not bad for a restaurant that is jam-packed from 5pm on. Value Portions are huge here.
And I don’t just say that because I’m five feet and an inch tall or because I’m less than 100 pounds. Everyone that I go to Border Café with agree that the restaurant definitely does not skim on the cheese or the meat (Nonmeat eaters, don’t worry. They have a vegetarian menu as well). Plus, the free bottomless chips and salsa offered is always a plus… Who doesn’t like free chips and salsa? Border Café makes probably one of the most delectable chips ever and it is always served hot. The glasses of water are huge and always filled to the top. Quality The food has always been hot and well-prepared here. The restaurant is definitely consistent in their food, from dips to appetizers to entrees and more. The guacamole is amazing, with fresh big chunks of avocado with just the right amount of seasoning. While the salsa is not bad, I have certainly tasted better. There is a wide variety of entrees, from quesadillas and empanadas to enchiladas and fajitas made with
friending does is make things a little more awkward between two acquaintances and actually limits conversation. Facebook is not going to help you get that special person, only you can pull that off. Now we’re onto what I miss about Facebook the most- not being able to look at all of the pictures! Let’s be real here- there is nothing better than looking at the photos from Facebook. But you don’t actually need Facebook to do this. I know everyone has “that guy” in their crew that friends people they open doors for on the way to class, just take advantage of your crew. Get his Facebook and look at all those pictures you’ve missed over the month. Either find out their password or coerce it out of him, either way it’s not that hard. David Gold Maggioli might gradute in 2001 and is majoring in Management.
chicken, beef, pork or beans. Quesadillas are made just right, with a hefty amount of cheese and cream cheese on the side. However, the empanadas are on the greasy side with oil almost dripping from the pillow-resembling poofs. With just the right amount of spice in the enchilada and fajita dishes, you can never go wrong if you order the beef fajita or chicken enchilada. There is also a bar that serves margaritas for six or seven dollars. Décor I immediately noticed the different appearance of the restaurant as I walked in the turquoise-teal doors. The walls are filled with Mexican artwork, from sombrero
wearing men to the Puebla dress donning women. Besides the paintings on the wall, the lights provided a dim red atmosphere, creating an intimate setting for diners and drinkers alike. The majority of tables provided are for two or four people, but towards the back of the building, there are seating for bigger groups. There are more tables for smaller groups in the basement of the restaurant. Next time you’re at Harvard Square wondering where to eat, make your way to the friendly little Border Café for some good food and good service, all for an affordable price.
Rating: 4/5
Border Cafe is a great hangout spot for college students.
Photo from www.flickr.com
The Vanguard
SepTember 24, 2009
page 5
FIRST GENERAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 28, 2009, 7 p.m. BACKBAY CONGRATULATIONS to the 2009-2010 EBOARD: President- Meshawn Cisero Vice President- Malachi Pearson Treasurer- Mukena Mbiye Secretary- Stephanie Mitchell Community Service Chair- Claude Louis Public Relations- Ymani Belcher and Marvin Germain Membership Liaison- Stanley Rameu Events Coordinator- Derek Keyenso HAVE A GREAT YEAR!
The Bentley Women’s Soccer team will be holding an event called Goals for Ghana at our game on October 3. We will have tshirts available for sale as well as baked goods and contests to win prizes. All of the money we receive will go towards getting soccer nets for the Mmofra Trom Center, a school in Ghana with which Bentley has established a relationship.
Come support our girls and a great cause!
Welcome Back Bentley U from the one and only F.I.R.E. Step Squad! Last year was an awesome year for us! We became 6 time champs at a variety of colleges and universities, including Harvard and Tufts. But this year, with the support of BENTLEY’s best, better known as YOU, we should be even more successful. With our first competition on October 10 at Harvard University and our first PARTY October 17 right here on Bentley Campus, we are practicing hard to hold our title and we would love to see Bentley’s Best in the audience and on the lines for the party. For more information, visit us at facebook.com/firestepsquad or email us at firestepsquad.bentleyu@gmail.com. BEST WISHES FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR!
Join BEAR Outdoors Club !! CAMPING in New Hampshire
When: Weekend of October 2nd Cost: $20 per person Includes tent, travel, hiking Mt. Monadnock, entrance to the park, an awesome time. We will depart from Bentley on Friday afternoon, spend the night in New Hampshire, hike Mt. Monadnock on Saturday and drive back to Bentley Saturday night. Interested? Email GA_BEAR@bentley.edu Deadline for sign-ups: Saturday, September 26 at 10 p.m. Mandatory Meeting: Sunday, September 27 at Falcone North Function Room
Women’s Center The Bentley Women’s Center is preparing for a semester filled with great activities that all Bentley students are encouraged to attend. The annual Breast Cancer Walk around the Charles will be held on Sunday, October 4 with a rolling start from 8 a.m.-1 a.m. Don’t forget to register online beforehand! In addition, the Center presents The Female Orgasm: a program about female sexuality and pleasure presented by Dorian Solot and spouse, Marshall Miller. Join us on Monday, September 28 at 8 p.m. in Wilder Pavilion- FREE ADMISSION! Additionally, weekly meetings are held Mondays during the activity period, 2:10-3:25 p.m. Hope to see you at our upcoming events!
PaGe 6
SePtemBer 24, 2009
tHe VaNGuarD
Business Stop talking and start acting: How to begin investing today Justin David Lawlor Staff Writer
Here at Bentley- one of the nation’s premier undergraduate business schools- it might not be so uncommon to hear students asking: “Hey, i have some money that i am looking to invest. How do i buy shares of stock? and what stocks should i buy?” Now, the question of what stocks to buy is a personal choice and something that one cannot provide a definite profitable answer to. But in regard to how one goes about purchasing shares of stock, such an inquiry can be approached a bit more methodically. A Blurb on Banking By this point, most students have some form of a commercial banking account, whether it be checking or savings. However, most commercial branches do not provide brokerage services. and it is for this purpose that we turn to the discount brokerage firms, who can readily, and often cheaply, execute buy and sell orders for stocks, bonds, mutual funds, index funds, etfs, and so on. the discount brokerage houses that come to mind- tD ameritrade, fidelity, etrade, Charles Schwab, Scottrade- all offer compara-
ble services, account minimums, and commission rates. and when you think about, how could they not? these firms are direct competitors and are out to capture the same clientele: the individual investor. Conveniently, your checking or savings account can be linked directly to a brokerage account. this allows you to electronically wire funds into the brokerage account or to redeem funds back into your checking or savings account (if you wish to withdraw funds, it is also possible to request a check via mail). Generally, as college students, we tend to lack the skill of prudent saving and are unable to accumulate considerable cash balances. if we get it, we spend it. But in order to open a brokerage account, and take advantage of the stock market’s endless opportunities, an initial minimum deposit is required. as you can see, account minimums begin at $0 and extend upwards of $2,000. if such figures seem a bit unrealistic from your current financial standing, make an attempt to get your parents involved. this doesn’t mean that you call up mom or dad and beg for money, but rather tell them a bit about what it is that you are trying to do.
Often times you’ll find that they are thrilled by the fact that you’re putting academic understanding into practice. Brokerage Firm Initial Minimum Deposit / Commission Expense Per Trade TD Ameritrade N/a / $9.99 Fidelity $2,500 / $19.95 E-Trade $500 / $12.99 Charles Schwab $1,000/ $12.95 Scottrade $500 / $7.00 Know What You’re Paying For When it comes time to choosing a brokerage firm, visit each of the company’s websites. Which interfaces do you like and which seem overwhelming? Does one of the brokers offer better market coverage and analysis than a competitor? again, this comes down to personal preference. Just be sure that before you send in that initial check, or electronically wire over the initial funds, you have conducted adequate research. When your funds have been received, they will automatically be deposited into what is referred to as a “core account.” this is a short-term money market fund, which typically doesn’t yield much more than a regular savings account, but serves as a holding place until cash is
deployed into a stock investment. assuming that you will not be trading 10,000 share lots, it is crucial to keep an eye on the commissions that are charged per trade (as the table suggests, these vary among firms). Should you decide to buy $300 worth of a company’s stock, you will be charged $9.99 for the execution of that trade, thus lowering your investment to $290.01. furthermore, when you decide that to sell, or liquidate your shares, you will again be charged $9.99 for execution. and let’s not forget about the capital gains tax that must be paid for any price increase witnessed from the time of purchase to sale. evidently, expenses can add up fast. and when dealing with small investments in the first place, commissions can dramatically cut down profits. Looking Forward: How Long Will You Be In The Game? Once the paperwork has been completed, the funds have been received, and login has been accomplished, one basic question must be answered before you toggle your mouse over the “trade shares” tab: What is my long-
term strategy? We are college students; generally speaking, we do not have mortgage payments, costly insurance plans, child expenses, an approaching retirement date, or any other costly obligations. Losses incurred at the ages of 18-22 can surely be made up for in the future. But perhaps our long-term investment horizon is one of our most valuable assets. While trading in and out of leveraged etf’s may be exhilarating, and occasionally profitable, is it really a sustainable investment strategy? as Warren Buffett once said, “Our favorite holding period is forever.” Purchasing shares of solid companies, with the potential for continuous long-term growth and dividend streams, is one way to create wealth over the years. also, by making periodic deposits from your checking/savings account into your brokerage account, reinvesting dividends and maintaining a keen eye on any and all account expenses, you’ll watch as your account balance increases exponentially. in the words of Nobel Laureate albert einstein, “Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.”
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009
Business/Columns The party is now over for the credit rating agencies (Part I of II) Francisco Olivera Dubon STAFF WRITER
Few businesses are as lucrative as the credit rating agencies. They sell a service that institutions must purchase by law, when they issue bonds. Competition is scarce as all bond issues must be rated by at least two agencies (three companies dominate the industry). Lastly, the agencies do not need to reinvest much of their earnings back into their business. Expenses such as, factory renovations, or research and development are not necessary. The agencies only need to pay their analysts and managers, with other costs being minor, leaving the rest of their money to be accrued to shareholders. Not only do the agencies have excellent business models, but they serve a major purpose in our financial system, a tour guide for investors. The agencies typically rate a bond AAA, which is supposed to be a divine rating, to BBB if they are “invest-
Rating agencies have had enormous power for years.
ment grade”; and BB to NR (Not Rated) if the debt issues are risky. Many institutional investors, with trillions of dollars to allocate, base their decisions on those precious ratings. Trust is vital between the agencies and investors. If an agency were to rate a risky bond AAA, the issue would attract many investors. A lot of money would be invested in the bond, including funds that are only allowed to invest in AAA securities. If the bond ends up losing
P hotos fromwww.thehindubusinessline.com & www.globalsecuritieswatch.org
all of its value, those who invested in the bonds, directly or indirectly (through a fund), will find them in a difficult situation. Those who thought the bonds would allow them to retire or provide them income after retirement will have change plans. The reputation of funds invested in those bonds would suffer as well. Historically, the agencies have been fairly accurate in their ratings. That is…until the flowing housing boom and financial crisis changed everything.
The primary driver of the housing bubble that occurred earlier in the decade was the availability of money. Extremely low interest rates, which allowed homebuyers to purchase houses at a low cost, were a factor; but new structured securities were as important. Products such as mortgage backed securities (MBS) or collaterized debt obligations (CDO) combined many mortgages and loans for investors to purchase. Similar to bonds, these products pay investors periodically and return their principle at a
Student Government Speaks
Compiled By: Sucheta Desai
Greetings Bentley Falcons!! As the VP of Marketing and Communications on SGA, I am pleased to bring to you our first ever weekly column in The Vanguard. As time goes on, I look forward to letting you all in on the big projects that SGA is working on and how you too can get involved. For now, I would like to take the time to introduce our E-Board – look out for our column over the next couple of weeks to meet the rest of our E-board, as well as our senators! Hi! My name is Puja Shah, I’m from Nashua, NH, and I’m majoring in Accountancy with a minor in Law. As the president of SGA, I oversee major projects and guide the vice presidents through their various affairs. This year, I hope to develop the best form of communication between SGA and the student body to encourage students to share their concerns with an organization that is committed to making a difference on campus. In addition to SGA, I’m on the Junior Class Cabinet, an orientation leader, a peer adviser in the Academic Advising Center, and a first year seminar peer facilitator.
From left to right: Puja Shah, Erik Ginthwain, Kara Bohde & Monica Mohan.
We’ve got an exciting and productive year ahead of us in student government. As Bentley students, remember – It’s your voice. Use it! Hi, my name is Erik Ginthwain, and I am the Executive Vice President of the Student Government Association at Bentley University. I am a junior, majoring in Accounting with minors in Law and Computer Information Systems. In my role, I serve as the chairman of the SGA senate, overseeing the 15 SGA senators. I serve as the senate’s main contact and liaison to the rest of the SGA executive board. I also serve as the chairman of the General
Nominating Committee, which convenes at the beginning of every semester, if necessary, in order to elect new senate members. In my role, I will be organizing a few senate events this year in order to promote SGA and all of our initiatives for the 2009-2010 academic year. Beyond my role in SGA, I am on the Bentley Track & Field team, I am the Vice President of Alumni Relations for Delta Sigma Pi, I was an Orientation Leader, and I am a member of Beta Alpha Psi. My name is Kara Bohde and I am the current SGA Vice President of Internal Affairs. My main duties are to take the minutes at all general board meetings and keep
set date. Investors purchasing these bond-like structures indirectly provided capital to homebuyers, continuing the housing boom. MBSs are not inherently evil. If all or most of the underlying mortgages of a MBS were provided to individuals with strong credit backgrounds and safe jobs, there would be no reason for investors to worry. If investors realize that a particular MBS or CDO is filled with toxic mortgages of unstable individuals, they would not invest in the security. Ultimately, less capital would be provided to risky lenders and excess lending would decline. The complexity of these bonds, given the large amounts of mortgages they contained, made it difficult for investors to analyze. Regardless, the rating agencies were not afraid to rate these securities, as long as they rewarded for their work. Investors simply did not hesitate in trusting their judgment.
Photos provided by Sucheta Desai
track of the budget throughout the semester. I am majoring in Corporate Finance and Accounting with a minor in Information Design and Corporate Communication and I am from Boca Raton, Florida. Besides my involvement with Student Government, I am a project manager for ServiceLearning and am in the business fraternity on campus, Delta Sigma Pi. Hi, my name is Monica Mohan and I am a sophomore here on campus from Portland, Oregon. My major is Marketing with an LSM in Ethics and Social Responsibility and I am currently your SGA VP of
Diversity and co-chair of the Student Diversity Council, working towards promoting diversity on campus and planning campus wide community events and handling diversity issues both in and out of the classroom. This year as VP of Diversity Affairs, I am working with the Student Diversity Council to put together and plan a Faculty and Student Diversity training workshop, as well as a campus wide Day of Service, where all of the Bentley community can come together to promote diversity and better serve the campus and community we come from. I am looking forward to a very exciting and enthusiastic year ahead!
PagE 8
SEPtEMBEr 24, 2009
thE VaNguard
Arts & EntErtAinmEnt
For Your Entertainment
What do you think of the new cell phone booths in the Library?
Marissa cavallo ClaSS oF 2010 C orPoratE F iNaNCE aNd aCCouNtiNg “i thought it was a time capsule, and it took me three double-takes to see the kid on his cell phone in there.”
JP Nahous ClaSS oF 2012 aCCouNtiNg “Beam me up.”
Kristy GoNsalves ClaSS oF 2010 aCCouNtiNg “glad to see my parents’ tuition money being put to good use!”
rocio MartiNez & caroliNa ozuNa ClaSS oF 2013 uNdECidEd aNd CFa “We thought it was an elevator. they are pretty useless! But they look cool, so keep them.”
BeN BareNBoiM ClaSS oF 2010 ECoNoMiCS-FiNaNCE “i find those phone booths intimate time machine-type devices. they’re absurd.”
Bree Johnson PhotograPhy Editor
Community stars The Soup’s Joel McHale
Photo from www.nbc.com
Community Review Community is a new show on NBC that follows Jeff’s (Joel Mchale, better known as the guy who hosts E!’s The Soup) journey through getting a degree at community college. although Jeff was at one time a lawyer, the state Bar has suspended his license due to their discovery that his degree is illegitimate (his friend duncan (John oliver), who is a professor at the school, comments “But i thought you had a bachelors from Columbia?” “Well, now i have to get one from america,” Jeff replies). the first episode centers around Jeff’s self-centered needs, and he spends most of his time either (a) trying to get test answers from duncan, or (B) trying to get with his new love interest Britta (gillian Jacobs) by inventing a fake Spanish study group. it is here in this fake study group that we meet the rest of the cast, and most of the content of the episode occurs.
after much bickering amongst themselves the group comes to accept each other, and the pilot comes to a satisfying (if cliché) ending. although i had my doubts going in, i was pleasantly surprised to find that a considerable portion of the show was actually funny. the premiere has its fair share of pop culture references and jokes at the expense of community college in general, but most of the humor here stems from Jeff’s abilities to bullshit his way through just about anything. this most notably includes his use of an absurd speech on “Shark Week” to calm the study group down. the show is enormously aided by the fact that it has a likeable cast of characters. Mchale is as charismatic here as he is on The Soup, and fits into the role of Jeff in a very believable manner. additionally beneficial is the potential shown by the rest of the cast (most notably Chevey
By: Matt Weisse
Chase as slightly creepy oldguy Pierce and danny Pudi as the talkative abed). Every character here has the potential to evolve and make their own name from themselves, and i think this will be critical to keep the show interesting in the future. While the future of Community does show some potential to be a success, there are a few things i saw that might be cause for concern. First, this show is a bit on the quirky side, and since it isn’t done in typical sitcom format, it may have to find its niche to succeed (which is probably why it’s placed next to the very quirky Office). Second, i have to wonder whether or not the plot will start to grow thin. is there enough substance here besides Mchale trying to smart-talk and cheat his way through a degree? only time will tell if the writers can develop enough sub-plots to keep viewers interested. and ultimately that’s where this show seems to stand right now: it’s too early to make any definite decisions about this show, but it is certainly intriguing enough to say it deserves a chance. although this brand of humor may not appeal to everyone, it is definitely watchable and enjoyable, and seems as though it will be right at home next to shows like The Office. if you enjoy The Soup, 30 Rock, or The Office, i would definitely recommend giving Community a shot. Community airs Thursdays at 9:30 on NBC. The full first episode can be watched for free at NBC.com.
thE VaNguard
SEPtEMBEr 24, 2009
PagE 9
Arts & EntErtAinmEnt A Sunday Sonic adventure that was worth every penny Greg Kokino StaFF WritEr
how does a burger topped with freshly shredded lettuce, ripe tomatoes, cheese, a crispy onion ring, and barbecue sauce all sandwiched between two pieces of thickly sliced texas toast sound? What if crispy tater tots and a cool, refreshing, sweet cherry slush accompanied this delectable burger? “great”, you say, mouth watering, “but where can i get such a meal?” Not long ago, the answer would have been a dismal, “Well, you can drive down to Virginia, and be sure to pick me up something as well!” but now we Bentley students are only a short drive away from delicious Sonic popcorn chicken and extra long chili cheese dogs. Just recently, a new Sonic location opened up at 55 Newbury Street in Peabody, which is about a little under a half hour drive up i-95. it is the first Sonic location in the state of Massachusetts, and now the next-closest Sonic is all the way in New york. With a Sonic location so close, my roommate ryan and i could hear the call and, after being persuaded by many ads that promised delectable food and friends that had raved about how good Sonic food tasted, we
Sonic finally arrives in Massachusetts.
finally packed into his car and made the drive north to Peabody. We were pretty excited after days of promising ourselves that we would go, so the car ride up was filled with anticipation. We even plugged Sonic into the gPS so that we would not get lost. however, when we got near Sonic, we got confused, as Sonic is in a fairly strange location. it is located on route 1 but was a little difficult to get to because the Sonic is on the opposite side of route 1 from where you exit i-95. When we finally did get there at about 8:00 p.m., we
saw a car line that backed up all the way onto the highway. the car line was so long that we had to wait for about 30 minutes before we even got to order our food, which slightly dampened our spirits. after our wait, we finally got to order the food we had been waiting for. i ordered a chicken club toaster sandwich fries, and a cherry limeade chiller (cherry limeade vanilla shake). ryan ordered a bacon cheeseburger toaster sandwich, tater tots, and a strawberry slush. the chicken club toaster sandwich was really good, and i would definitely get it
Photo from www.zanga.com
again. the cherry limeade chiller was outstanding! the fries, on the other hand, were disappointing. they were a little soggy. ryan seemed to really enjoy his burger, and the tots were really good. they were crispy and crunchy on the outside while being soft on the inside, just like tots should be. ryan did not like the slush at first, but by the end of the meal, it grew on him. For dessert, i got a reese’s Sonic blast ice cream that was also really good. the food was really good at Sonic, but we would do some things differently next
time. the wait in the car to order our food was a bit ridiculous, so it is a good idea if the car line is too long to park somewhere and walk to Sonic. they have a little patio with tables and chairs that that customers can sit and eat at which is a better idea than waiting forever in a car line, as our server told us that lines can be over an hour on peak weekend times. i would also get the tots next time over the fries. i could not stand the soggy high school lunchroom tater tots, but these were cooked perfectly and changed my opinion of tater tots. all in all, i would definitely go back to Sonic drive-in. the food was better than a lot of fast food places, and the drinks were way better than what many other similar restaurants have to offer. if you feel like having classic drive in fare, or the Sonic ads have you craving, definitely go to Sonic. i would without a doubt go back to Sonic. Just remember to get a frozen drink. you will thank me later. that, and don’t forget to grab a cherry limeade chiller for me!
From polling to personal finance, the World Wide Web has solutions ian Markowitz artS & ENtErtaiNMENt Editor
the internet is a never-ending and always growing wealth of data and services which is continually evolving with newer websites and better services. i decided to pull together a list of websites which every Bentley student can use and benefit at some point during their time here and well off into the future. Prezi (www.prezi.com) We’ve all been there, the gB professor reading off the PowerPoint slides which came with the textbook or the endless group presentations Bentley students are bound to encounter. We all know how boring PowerPoint presentations can be, especially bad ones, which is why a great “Web Find” is a website called Prezi.com. Prezi attempts to take ideas and presentations and take them out of a two dimensional realm, turning them into a more dynamic three dimensional presentation. What it allows you to do is essentially map out your idea similar to a flowchart in a 3d space and it allows you to make more
important aspects of your presentation bigger and less important aspects smaller. in reality though, Prezi is a platform so unlike any other that it’s best seen and experienced for yourself. the interface is extremely intuitive and easy to use once you get the idea of what Prezi tries to accomplish, especially since Prezi aims to be the antiPowerPoint. Basic accounts through Prezi are free although you can pay more to upgrade and have the Prezi logo removed and gain more storage space. Polleverywhere (www.polleverywhere.co m) Polleverywhere is a website i used when my group did our gB101 presentation. Polleverywhere allows you to create instant polls which you can then have your audience respond to via text message instantaneously. as the audience members respond, their answers show up on the screen giving you instant feedback and it keeps your audience engaged throughout the presentation. audience members are allowed to respond via a website, twitter, or through a text for spe-
cific answers (red, Blue, green, etc.) or they can submit their own response (Maroon) if you set up your poll to allow it. Polleverywhere even gives you PowerPoint templates which you can insert into your existing PowerPoint show. Polleverywhere is also free, but audience sized is capped at 30 for free users. consumerist (www.comcast.com) Consumerist is a blog which has been publishing for several years and was recently acquired by Consumers union, the group behind the Consumer reports magazine. Consumerist is a blog not only about major successes and failures in customer service, but also about how to get what you want from major corporations. the blog houses contact information for executive customer service departments as well as e-mail addresses for CEos and VPs, so that if the regular customer service channels aren’t working in your favor, you can try someone a little higher up on the corporate ladder. in the past, i used this to get Verizon to allow me to “upgrade” to a different phone, when the one i had wasn’t
Manage your money with www.mint.com.
working properly. always a good blog to read when you’re bored, especially for the countless articles on Comcast failures in customer service. Mint (www.mint.com) Mint is one of the top personal finance websites out there and it will keep track of all your financial accounts in one place. Mint will monitor all your bank accounts, loans, credit cards, and stocks on a regular basis and will help you keep track of what you’re spending money on and in the case of overspenders, help you understand where you’re spending too much money. you can also set up Mint to text you weekly with the balances of all your accounts and e-mail you if it notices any unusual spending in any of your accounts. Mint was recently acquired by intuit, the company behind the Quicken and turbotax
Photo from www.mint.com
money management and tax software, so i would expect mint to be able to easily do your taxes for you in the near future. yelp (www.yelp.com) yelp is the site i always turn to when i’m looking to find a good restaurant or compare a couple restaurants. anyone can register for yelp and review any restaurant and any other local business and by and large i have yet to be steered wrong by yelp. Wondering which restaurant on MenuMunchies is the best? look them up and compare on yelp. Wondering what restaurant to take your girlfriend to in the North End? yelp is the place to turn. looking for a good mechanic close to campus? look to yelp for the answer. the site is easy to use, and you don’t have to register to read reviews, only to write them.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009
Ryan DeChance VANGuARd STAFF
Aries (March 21-April 19): The opportunity may arise for you to try Bentley's new Mongolian Grill. See what you think. You may actually find that its seven choices are semifulfilling. Oh and the fire alarm will go off in about…3, 2, 1...wait for it…wait for it…NOW! Taurus (April 20-May 20): Normally you might be stressed this time of the year. Just remember there are others who are in a worse position than yourself. For example, you could end up like this guy on textsfromlastnight.com: "She just sent me a picture of a heart…I need to stop seeing Freshmen." Gemini (May 21-June 21): So your split personality has decided to divorce you, Gemini. Hopefully you'll find comfort in that greased up Panini or days old sushi. What's that, stomach? Oh... you want a divorce, too? Cancer (June 22-July 22): It seems that the twenty seven moons of the planet uranus are going to lend a helping hand to your concentration this weekend. You may want to clear those six birthday parties off your list and take advantage of the focus and those nifty library study rooms. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Responsibilities have been dragging you down lately. use your ambitions to bring back Harry's Corner or prevent that tree in the Kresge/Forest parking lot from drowning because someone leaves the hose on for days at a time!
Columns April’s Advice
Ask your questions! Question: How do I make a good first impression with my professors? How many of you have either experienced the following situation or have witnessed someone experience it. It’s five minutes until your class and you are still in your dorm room shoving your notebooks, books, pens, and pencils into your bag. You run out the door and begin your trek up the dreaded Smith stairs. You reach the top, find your classroom and attempt to slip in unnoticed as the clock reveals that you are ten minutes late. Glancing around the room, you shuffle to the back of the room and slide into your seat, trying to stifle your heavy breathing while the guy on your right smirks and the girl on your left gives you an irritated look as she tries to take notes. One of the most irritating things to a professor is showing up to class late. Not only does it disrupt the class, but most professors know they are traveling
at least an hour to get to class, while you have to walk five or ten minutes from your dorm room. If they can be on time, so should you. If you bring your laptop to class, only use it for taking notes. Professors aren’t stupid and realize that if you never look up from your laptop that you are probably on AIM, checking Facebook, reading or writing emails, or playing games. Other things to avoid are falling asleep, putting your head on the desk, texting, looking at the clock, and packing your books up ten minutes before the period ends. Keep in mind that even though you may only have your professors once for a class, you should keep communication lines open between the professors you have liked. In the future, you will need recommendations for jobs on or off campus, and internships. You will need to go back to a professor and ask them for one. If they remember you as the kid
By: April Gammal who showed up late playing solitaire on their laptop, they will either write a mediocre recommendation or not write you one at all. Remember, these professors teach because they like college students and sharing the knowledge they have spent years acquiring. Take advantage of their knowledge and expertise: you may actually learn something. Above is the first article in a new column being featured entitled “April’s Advice.” The purpose of this column is to give advice on issues relevant to Bentley students. So, if you have any questions, concerns, or would like advice on any issue that can be addressed in a public form please send it to April at gammal_apri@bentley.edu and you may see it in a future issue. Keep in mind that your question will remain anonymous. Hopefully, you will find this column both entertaining and useful.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Try your best not to focus on past events this weekend. The past is narrow and the future is vast. As vast as the desert in those John Wayne westerns that your expository writing class forces you watch. d'OH! Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Be prepared for an exciting weekend, Libras. It will be a great time to put down that Advanced International Financial Management textbook, break out the silly hats and do the mambo all night long. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You could very well be experiencing some changes this week, Scorpio. Just remember to take everything in moderation and don't get any neurotic administrating parties involved. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): do not let the drama in your life overwhelm you. Get back to the basics and figure out where the problem started; otherwise, you won't fulfill your childhood fantasy of becoming that great accountant at KPMG. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Try to solve a problem this week, even a simple one that you might have overlooked while reading that Financial Management textbook with your Libra friends. The simplest of questions sometimes give the best answers. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You may be sitting before the AIA board for funding with that ridiculously expensive event within the next month. Try not to stress. They are there to help you, not deter you. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): It may be time to check out that Blue Line, Pisces. Sure it's no pub but it looks trendy and the pool tables don't look too bad. You can even get the Mongolian grill... if for any reason that appeals to you, seek the doctors in Health Services.
The columns found in this newspaper are written by individual authors and do not reflect the opinion of The Vanguard, its Editorial Board members, or Bentley university. Comments resulting from the columns may be directed to the author and/or The Vanguard.
tHe VanGuard
SePtemBer 24, 2009
PaGe 11
Notes from AbroAd Question #1: Describe your expectations for your semester abroad. What are you going to do? What places are you planning to visit? Use initial feelings and experiences to give your overall feeling for the anticipation of the semester. Melissa Rodriguez Florence, Italy
coming to Italy, I had a lot of expectations of what would come from this experience. I expected to learn: a new language, a new culture, and a new way of life. Instead of fearing the ever dreadful “culture Shock” I looked forward to it. I chose Italy, because I didn’t want to give myself the facility of understanding the language or by any means the culture, (of course it would have been a lot more exotic to go somewhere like Hong Kong) I simply wanted to travel to a completely foreign country, and I knew that europe would be a great place to start. out of all the possible places, Italy was the only one that had a mandatory living arrangement with a home stay family. this was just another quality of this location that set it apart, not only would I be absorbed by the outside culture but through this specific
arrangement I would also be immersed within the confinement of my home. living with an Italian family or women as I do now, would expose me to what it would be like to live among native Italians and eat their daily meals. as anyone who is anxious to meet their blind picks from housing, I was also curious as to how my host family would be, would they be big or small, would they be nice, would they speak english? as it turns out, I was very fortunate and I got paired with a wonderful lady who is extremely caring, speaks no english, but is very flexible with my needs. Her lack of english is also a plus since I am forced to constantly speak to her in her only known language which is Italian. one thing I certainly didn’t expect was to have toast with nutella every morning for breakfast. of course there is the cereal and milk, but there certainly isn’t much of a selec-
tion apart from the standard corn flakes or Frosted Flakes. I also didn’t expect to be eating these huge two to three course meals at eight o’clock in the night! the first night I arrived, we met at 7 p.m. (by that time I was starving) and little did I know there would be an endless amount of food served throughout the night. another thing I hadn’t expected was the late night dinners and the huge portions. overall, what I looked forward to the most about this entire trip was to travel, to broaden my horizons and to visit new places. When I first
imagined myself here, I thought of all these places I wanted to go and that would surround me. of course, as soon as I arrived reality set in and the weeks passed by sooner than expected. next thing I knew I found myself planning out every weekend so that I could make sure I would fully utilize every possible moment to travel. this resulted to be a great strategy, since once I did this I was able to see the places I would be able to visit within my time here. So far I have been able to see the beautiful city of rome, Germany, and
tuscania in the south of Italy. this weekend I plan on taking a trip to almafi coast, where there are beautiful beaches and the famous place, Pompeii is located. I certainly imagined I would be having fun, but I never imagined having the opportunity to do all that I have already started doing. Being in europe with the ability to travel has simply opened so many doors and the opportunities seem endless. I’m still not sure of what to expect of the next few months, but I have a feeling that whatever it may be, it is going to be exciting!
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009
Campus Life / News 150 hour AC requirement (continued from Page 1) firms look for in potential interns and could ultimately lead to an internship at one of the firms for the following summer. Lastly, after receiving the 120 hours of undergraduate education and 30 hours of graduate education, a candidate is eligible to take the CPA exam, and is qualified to attain a job with one of these distinguished firms. If this process has not changed, then what does this
transition mean for Bentley undergraduate students looking to intern for one of these firms? The transition calls for students to defer their enrollment into leadership programs until the summer going into senior year rather than junior year, and then engage in their pivotal internship during their senior year. In prior years, many students were able to receive job offerings from the Big Four accounting firms after their undergraduate graduation and
before their graduate school matriculation. With the 150 hour credit requirement, these firms are postponing their job offers until candidates fulfill the requirement. Therefore, several options have been implemented in order to help students plan and adjust accordingly. Options such as students graduating a semester early will allow them to enter the job market when they would have if the 120 hour credit requirement was still in effect.
Although this is a viable option, many of the recruiters urge students to stay diligent with their studies and not let graduating early deter them from attaining good grades. To assist in this transition, Bentley’s Career Services Office has arranged several advising sessions to meet with students and develop a plan of action. More information can be gathered about these advising sessions on the Career Services tab of Bentley’s main webpage. In addition to the advising
(continued from Page 1) cancer. In addition, Up ‘Til Dawn, an organization that raises awareness and support for St. Jude’s Children Hospital, set up a table at the event where students could sign up and hear about upcoming fundraisers. Delta Kappa Tau hoped to bring people together in the spirit of competition in a tournament that is unique and distinct. “Pong” often invokes negative connotations due its association with alcoholic drinking games, but DKE pushed forward and decided to host the tournament, despite objections from a number of faculty members. Due to these objections, reduced time was allowed for the fraternity to advertise the event. In the end, they only had about two and a half days for the marketing campaign, to raise money, and to sign people up to compete. The water pong tournament was composed of 32 teams, although there were 41 teams originally signed up before the obstacles of objection from faculty and staff. Each team of two students paid $10 each, and the winners of the tournament received $100 in prize money. Furthermore, the second place team received 2 free entrees to
Margaritas on Moody Street in Waltham. With food, cash prizes, and fun on their minds, participants eagerly shot away in hopes to make their team into the finals. The room was filled with over 12 tables of water pong, as pairs of teams tried to sink the other team’s cup. In the end, “Team Dan Boyer” consisting of senior Bill Connolly and junior Dave Callahan took the gold in the finals. “It was great to be able to win the DKE water pong tournament, but more than anything we wanted to come out and support our fellow Greek organization and the charity that they donate to,” said senior Bill Connolly, president of the AGP fraternity. “Even though we are in a different fraternity, we like to support their events because we know they will do the same for us. That’s the benefit of being in a Greek Organization here at Bentley.” Following the event, Basile commented, “The tournament was a success. Everyone had a great time and we were able to raise over $250 for The Ellie Fund. We are very appreciative of everyone who came out to support the event. We worked very hard to put everything together.” “The tournament almost
didn’t happen because of some obstacles we faced from staff members concerned with our intent of the tournament,” continued Basile. “We were able to work through the issues and put on a great event despite the difficulties. I would love to have another waterpong tournament in the future to raise more money for charity but I don’t know yet if we will be allowed to have one.” DKE President Chris Skoufas reiterated, commenting, "The tournament was a really simple means to helping a great cause, The Ellie
fund, which improves the health and welfare of women and families undergoing breast cancer treatment in Massachusetts." "Despite the criticism of the administration regarding the origin of the game, I stand by the fact that there was entire-
DKE Tournament
Teams facing off in water pong.
Photo by Morgan Lougee
sessions, the Bentley Link tool has been modified to help find the appropriate programs, internships, and jobs for each student’s plan of action. In the end, this transition should not be considered a setback to those students who want to enter the job market in the area of audit, tax, or accounting. Rather, these prestigious firms have granted students more time to focus on their educational requirements before starting their careers in the business world.
Photo by Morgan Lougee
ly too much good to come out of this event than there was bad," concluded Skoufas. "It’s just upsetting that because of that nonsensical hysteria and ignorance, we lost prime advertising opportunities and thus, The Ellie Fund was also at a loss."
The Vanguard
SepTember 24, 2009
page 13
Games The Nineties
Last week’s answers
By: Jon McColgan
Sudoku Level: Easy By: Nic Smits
Need a Career?
Last week’s answers
By: Jon McColgan
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009
SportS Men’s soccer improves to 3-0 in Northeast-10 play Robbie LaBrie SPORTS EDITOR
The Bentley Men’s soccer team’s early season roller coaster took a turn upward last Saturday in a big conference game against Stonehill at home in Waltham. Previous to Saturday’s game, the Falcons had lost 4 straight matchups to out of conference teams. Right before the Stonehill game, Bentley came out on the wrong end of two straight 2-1 games against Queens and New York Tech respectively at home. They then dropped two in the Franklin Pierce Invitational tournament against Molloy and Bridgeport. One of the games went into double OT and the other was a hard fought 2-0 loss. “We played a couple of very close games to Bridgeport and Molloy,” said head coach Gary Crompton. “Our guys played well against tough teams, but we lost some tight games.” But injuries also played a role in the losses. “We were missing five starters over the last five games and that’s never easy,” said Crompton. The losses included freshman Weston Zeiner, a big 6’3” defender who got off to a hot start before going down with an injury.
Fortunately for the Falcons, however, their first two games were big wins against Northeast-10 teams that kept them atop the NE-10 standings despite a losing overall record. Then there was Thursday’s game against a tough Stonehill squad that was sitting at 1-1-1 in NE-10 play coming into the game. Senior goalkeeper Mike Nikiforov was the star of this one, making some fantastic saves and leading the Falcons to a 1-0 victory. Bentley senior Jimmy Alexander scored the lone goal of the game in the first half, about 23 minutes in. Alexander took a header from his teammate, junior Ryan Hatch, and ran past the Stonehill defense. He broke past a Stonehill defender in the box and buried a shot in the back of the net to give the Falcons all the scoring they would need. It was thanks to some outstanding diving saves by Nikiforov and all around solid defense by the Falcons that the team managed to pull out the win with only one goal of support. Nikiforov has enjoyed a spec-
tacular season, even outside of the conference wins. Bentley has yet to give up more than two goals in any game, including the four losses. This was also their second shutout. Although the overall record may not show it, the conference record speaks for itself and this is a team that will be tough for anyone to beat. Bentley boasts a quality lineup that includes great young players mixed in with quality leadership. Nikiforov is one of the captains and leaders on the team along with fellow senior Harris Smriko. “Harris is a well respected player on this team and throughout the conference,” said coach Crompton. And Smriko is deserving of his reputation as a strong midfielder. He has two assists on the season, but has yet to notch any goals. Instead, it’s Alexander and sophomore Eric Heuze leading the team in goals with 3 apiece. The only other Falcon with multiple goals is freshman standout Brennan DaCosta who is “a big versatile player who can play anywhere on the field,” according to coach Crompton. In fact Crompton, who is in his second year as head coach of
Nikiforov was huge in the win against Stonehill.
the men’s soccer team, has really been impressed by the way his team has performed. They seem to be improved even from last year’s squad who made the postseason for the first time since 2004. Getting back to the postseason this season will be no easy task however, no matter how well the Falcons are playing right now. They have a grueling NE-10 schedule left to get through and a good start in conference play can only take you so far. Next they will take on Le Moyne in Waltham on Saturday. Le Moyne is 2-1 in conference play with wins against American International and
Photo by Sports Info Office
Saint Anselm, but a loss to Southern New Hampshire University, who is a clear powerhouse in NE-10 soccer. Bentley is currently the only undefeated and untied team in the conference, but Southern New Hampshire is right there at 3-0-1 and Assumption and Franklin Pierce are close behind at 3-1. :e Moyne and UMassLowell are the only other teams above .500 at 2-1 each. The season is still young and with the gauntlet of NE-10 games to come, it is hard to say who will come out on top. The Falcons will just need to stay focused on one game at a time and try to keep playing well.
Security (Continued from Page 1) one minute, Bay Colony will have to wait for the response in order to take any action against a student or guest. “They have been instructed to not intervene… they will not be able to make any arrests,” said Lt. Williams. The area of patrol for Bay Colony will also be specific, with Lt. Williams stating that “they will be at the entry levels to some dorms” and possibly in circle between Fenway and the Copleys. However, they will not be allowed to patrol halls or go into students rooms. “We wanted to make sure that we set the tone for this year,” said Lt. Williams, “we wanted this to be a reminder to students that this is what happens and that it will not be permitted.” Though events like large congregations have been vowed to be stopped by Lt.
Williams and Chief Leffler, the question of why action was not taken on the night in question has been raised. “Our response greatly depends on the size of the crowd,” said Chief Leffler, “when crowds do break out, we will work extensively with Residence Life and other groups to figure a way to break them up.” According to student reports, the crowds were broken up around 1:30 and 2:00 a.m. on Monday morning. Chief Leffler did go on to say that he wants Bentley students to be able to enjoy the common spaces, however, it was important to stress that public consumption of alcohol is not legal on any Bentley owned property. Dean Shepardson’s e-mail reiterated Chief Leffer’s point, stating, “Public consumption of alcohol is prohibited on all Bentley owned and operated property.”
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009
SportS Golf prepares for Conference Championships Dan Ryaboy MANAGING EdITOR
The collegiate golf season is in full swing and after two tournaments, the Falcons are still looking to find their best game. Throughout the tournaments the Falcons have shown flashes of being a very good team, but have also struggled in certain aspects of their game. Falcons opened their season at the Trinity Invitational tourney, the field consisted of seven teams and the Falcons were able to place a respectable fourth place. Babson College ended up victorious with the Falcons finishing a respectable nine strokes back. The Falcons were led by junior Alex Macielak who shot an impressive 72 on the second day, which was good for one over par. Macielak finished the tournament shooting a 150, which was good enough for sole possession of eighth place in the field. His second round 72 was the third best round by any of the golfers in the field. Along with Macielak the Falcons had solid performances from Sean Pettengill, who shot a 153 which earned him 12 place out of the field
of 47. Classmates Brian Jasset and Peter Ledda tied for 16th at 154. Jasset had a second-round 76 and Ledda carded back-to-back 77s. This past weekend, the Falcons traveled to Bloomfield, Connecticut to take part in the Northeast I n t e r c o l l e g i a t e Championship. The Falcons enjoyed a solid first day as they sat in 5 place out of 17 teams. The Falcons combined for a score of 312 strokes on day 1 leaving them 18 strokes back of first place American International College. Macielak once again had a solid performance, tying his career best round of 72 putting him in third place out of the whole field. The Falcons’ second best score came from senior captain Brian Jasset who shot a 78 tying him for 30 out of an 84 player field. The Falcons, however, were not able to carry their success over to day two of the tournament as they struggled finishing the tournament in ninth place. Captain Brian Jasset best explained the difference between day one and day two, saying, “Putting was the biggest difference between the first and second day; we
Dave Pettengill has been vital to Falcon success.
Photo from Sports Info Office
weren’t used to greens that firm and fast.” Jasset also added “We played well the first day, sitting in 5th out of 17 and we felt as though we could still play a lot better.” As Jasset stated, putting was the downfall of the Falcons in the second round as they shot a combined stroke score of 319. AIC was able to win the tournament with a score of 591 strokes, compared to the Falcons’ two day total of 631 strokes. The course itself was a challenge for all teams, as Jasset put it “It was a great course, but it was a real test with the firm greens and the overall quickness of the greens.” At the end of the day, the team that best adjusted to the greens was the team that came out victorious and on this weekend AIC proved to be that team. The Falcons now have two weeks to prepare for arguably their most important tournament of the season when they tee off at the NE-10 Conference Championships in Bernardston, Massachusetts. Jasset articulated the magnitude of the tourney saying, “next tourney we play in is the conference championships. Winning that tournament will give us a bid into NCAA Regionals which was our goal at the beginning of the year.” When asked what it would take for the Falcons to accomplish their goal of reaching the NCAA Regionals Jasset simply said “Putting will be the key focus over the next two weeks.” The Conference Championship is a two day tournament that will be held on October 4th and 5th; the tournament will be played on the Crumpin Fox Golf Club in Bernarston, Massachusetts. The competition is sure to be stiff as all the Northeast teams will be present, including the AIC Yellow Jackets who were victorious this past weekend. Bentley will look to leadership from their upperclassmen to ensure a positive out come at the championships. The Falcons are focused on their goal of reaching the Regionals and it is clear that the team knows exactly how to get it done, now the only question remains is whether they will be able to execute and make the goal a reality.
Recent ReSUltS Field Hockey (6-3, 1-1 NE-10) at American International (9/16) at Assumption (9/19)* at Stonehill (9/22)* Football (4-0, 2-0 NE-10) at New Haven (9/19)* Golf Northeast Intercollegiate Championship (9/21)
W 4-3 W 2-1 L 2-1 W 23-15 9th of 17th
Men’s Soccer (3-4-0, 3-0-0 NE-10) New York Tech (9/15) Stonehill (9/19)*
L 2-1 W 1-0
Women’s Soccer (4-2-0, 2-2-0 NE-10) Merrimack (9/16)* Pace (9/19)*
L 3-1 W 1-0
Men’s Tennis (0-1) at Brandeis (9/16) Volleyball (6-5, 1-1 NE-10) at American International (9/16)* W 3-0 Queens (N.Y.) (NE-10/ECC Challenge) (9/18) Bridgeport (NE-10/ECC Challenge) (9/19) New York Tech (NE-10/ECC Challenge) (9/19)
L 8-1
W 3-1 L 3-1 W 3-0
*Northeast-10 Game
Upcoming SchedUle Sept. 24 Women’s Tennis vs. Brandeis Sept. 25 Football vs. AIC* Sept. 26 Men’s Soccer vs. Le Moyne* Men’s Rugby vs. University of Maine Orono Men’s Tennis vs. Southern New Hampshire* Field Hockey vs. Franklin Pierce* Volleyball vs. Saint Michael’s* Sept. 30 Women’s Soccer vs. Saint Michael’s* Oct. 2 Volleyball vs. Assumption* Oct. 3 Women’s Tennis vs. Le Moyne* Women’s Soccer vs. Saint Rose* Men’s Tennis vs. Le Moyne* Oct. 4 Women’s Tennis vs. Franklin Pierce* Men’s Tennis vs. Franklin Pierce* * Northeast-10 Contest
Sudoku Solutions
3:00 7:00 12:00 12:00 1:00 1:00 2:00 3:30 7:00 10:00 am 1:00 1:00 11:00 am 2:00
SEPTEMBER 24, 2009
SportS Falcon Football reaches new heights with 4-0 start to season Robbie LaBrie SPORTS EDITOR
Head Coach Thom Boerman’s Falcons continued their undefeated run last Saturday with a big win on the road against conference rivals, New Haven, to move to 4-0 on the season and remain atop the Northeast-10 conference standings. Bentley’s standout junior quarterback Bryant Johnson led the Falcons offense in Saturday’s game, going 21 for 32 in pass attempts and throwing for 212 yards and a pair of touchdowns. One TD pass went to grad student Kelley Rowe and the other found junior Kyle Tuthill. The New Haven Chargers struck first in the contest with an early field goal and were in the red zone again when what appeared to be an 11 yard touchdown pass that would’ve put the Chargers up 10-0 was called back on an offensive pass interference penalty. The very next play, Bentley’s junior linebacker Liam Regan picked off a pass from New Haven’s sophomore quarterback Ryan Osiecki to put an end to the drive and more than likely take away points from the Chargers. The Falcons took advantage of their good fortune and Regan’s play and drove down the field, deep into New Haven territory. It was an eleven play, six minute drive, but it stalled out at the New Haven four. The Falcons had to settle for a field goal to make it 3-3. Senior kicker Tyler McNamara booted the field goal that ended up being his first of three on the day, tying the single game Bentley record for most in a game. McNamara is also Bentley’s all-time field goal leader with 32 in his career. Bentley made a nice defensive stop on the next possession and came right back down the field on their next drive, this time resulting in a Johnson to Rowe connection for a touchdown. Johnson and the Falcons had gotten to the ten yard line and were staring at a first and goal.
Johnson slid around the pocket to avoid the defensive pressure and found Rowe, his favorite target of the day, in the end zone for six points. McNamara tacked on the extra point and the Falcons took a 103 lead into halftime. The Falcons forced another big turnover just six minutes into the second half as the momentum kept swinging in their direction. This time it was senior safety Chris Carroll grabbing his third pick of the season. The two interceptions in this game were Osiecki’s first and second of the season. Bentley again took advantage of the turnover and put together another drive. This one resulted in a 25 yard field goal; McNamara’s second of the game. Down 13-3, New Haven finally compiled a drive that they were able to finish and got into the end zone with a nine yard touchdown pass, cutting the Bentley lead to 13-10 with the third quarter winding down. But Bentley junior Justin Haines took the ensuing kickoff 45 yards to set the Falcons up with excellent field position to begin their drive. Johnson and company went on to answer New Haven with another touchdown of their own. This drive concluded with a 21-yard TD strike from Johnson to Tuthill, making it a 20-10 game. Halfway through the fourth quarter, McNamara booted another field goal through the uprights, extending the lead to 23-10. That marked the end of the scoring for the Falcons, but New Haven still had some fight left with half a quarter to play. The Chargers lived up to their name and charged down the field, until the tenacious Falcons defense forced a fumble that was recovered by sophomore defensive tackle Sal Ruffino at the one yard line. Unfortunately, on the Falcons very first play, senior tailback Luis Cotto was brought down in the end zone for a safety, putting two points on the board for the Chargers
Cotto has been key in the Falcon attack.
as well as giving them the ball back. On the next possession, the New Haven drive stalled at the Bentley 18, when Bentley senior linebacker Matt Zahoruiko came up with a timely sack. New Haven managed to knock down a field goal, however, to make it a one-possession 23-15 game with 2:24 left. Because they still had all three of their timeouts, the Chargers elected to not try to recover an onside kick and instead boot it deep and try to make a stop. But the Falcons moved the ball well and picked up enough first downs to run out the clock and ice the game, 23-15. It was a big win for Bentley and it knocked New Haven down to 0-2 in conference play and 1-2 overall. More importantly, though, it brought the
This past Saturday afternoon, senior kicker Tyler McNamara tied a school record by making three field goals in a single game. Did you know the last kicker other than McNamara to acomplish this feat was Jesse Bailey against Merrimack on September 17, 2005?
Photo from Sports Info Office
Falcons to 4-0 overall and 2-0 in conference play. Bentley is the only team in the NE-10 who is still undefeated overall, although Southern Connecticut (2-0), Assumption (1-0) and Merrimack (1-0) remain undefeated in conference play through four weeks of football. The Falcons are playing very solid football right now and it all starts with the arm of QB Bryant Johnson, who recorded another game on Saturday without a single turnover. He has managed the offense well
and made all the plays he’s needed to win games. When the Falcons hold onto the football they win games and that’s what they’re doing right now. The team’s defense has also been solid inside and out. On Saturday, Zahoruiko led the team in tackles with 13, while Bentley’s senior defensive linemen Cetan Tyler and Darryl Laforest each recorded two sacks in the win. It was the pressure on Osiecki and the Falcons’ six sacks that led to the poor performance by the New Haven offense. The seniors like Zahoruiko, Tyler, Laforest and Carroll have been the driving force behind the defensive prowess Bentley has put on display this season, as they are allowing an average of only about 11 points a game this year, far and away the best in the NE-10. If Bentley’s defense stays hungry and continues to shut down opponents in this manner, even the high powered offenses in the conference like Assumption, Merrimack and American International will have a tough time scoring points. And it just so happens that the Falcons next two games will come against two of these teams. On Saturday, Bentley will host American International who is 1-1 in conference play, but 3-1 overall, so it should prove to be a good matchup. After that, Bentley will travel to Merrimack before finishing their schedule with games against Southern Connecticut, Pace, Assumption, and Stonehill. There is still a lot of football left to be played, but if the defense stays this nasty and Johnson and the offense keep moving the ball like they have, it’s easy to see Bentley winning most of those games.
Falcons oF the Week Mader & Murphy Named Falcons of the Week Sophomores Ellen Mader and Kara Murphy of the women’s tennis team have been named the co-Falcons of the Week. Mader and Murphy got their seasons off to a great start this past weekend, winning the “B” doubles tournament at the ITA East Regional held in Philadelphia. The duo went 6-0 en route to the championship, beating Katie McCabe and Amanda Granville from Bryant in the finals 9-7. Bentley will host Brandeis Thursday afternoon at 3:30 p.m.