The Vanguard - 11/11/2010

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THurSday, nOVEMBEr 11, 2010


McCallum among top in nation Forest victorious in Grad School’s technology secures top ranking in campus facilities Blackout Challenge By Brenna O’Connell

Winners in Forest decrease their electricity usage by 9.7 percent over four-week span

Vanguard STaFF

The Princeton Review recently named Bentley university’s McCallum graduate School of Business as best in the nation for its campus facilities. This notoriety did not develop overnight, and the school has no intentions of slowing down. The top ranking of McCallum’s campus facilities most certainly results from the state-of-the-art technology found here, on campus. Heikki Topi, associate dean of graduate and Executive Programs, emphasizes the utilization of this technology that separates McCallum from others. Over the past several years, the link between technology and curriculum has been strengthened. “[We have] paid systematic attention to developing facilities in a way that sup-

See MCCALLUM, Page 7

The Sustainability Club hopes to have a campus-wide Zero Power Hour next year.

By Lacey Nemergut Vanguard STaFF

The Graduate Program will further its new direction with changes to the Five Year Program.

Courtesy of

Culture Fest in full swing

Last week, it was announced that Forest Hall won the monthlong Blackout Challenge sponsored by the Bentley Sustainability Club, consuming 9.7 percent less electricity compared to their baseline amount measured before the competition. The competition, a campuswide sustainability awareness event, involved Bentley’s 18 residence halls and challenged each individual student to make a

Alyson Bisceglia/THE VANGUARD

conscious effort to practice a sustainable lifestyle. In recognition of Forest’s victorious efforts, the residents will be receiving customized t-shirts and a banner to display in their hall. The Bentley Sustainability Club, led by President rikki Lee Larson and advised by Bentley’s Manager of Sustainability, amanda King navarroli, is incredibly pleased with the results of the challenge. navarroli explained, “[I’m] more excited about what the real result is: Having more students See BLACKOUT, Page 3

New Nonprofit Society Club hopes to become recognized shortly after Thanksgiving Break By Kristin Tomasi Vanguard STaFF

4) Culture Fest kicked off on November 8 with Red for Africa, and will feature numerous other events through December 7.


This Week

The nonprofit Society, a pending organization, held its first informational meeting on Wednesday, november 3, in the Back Bay. at the meeting, the organization’s e-board provided those in attendance with an overview of its goals and introduced three speakers. Katie Baker, the organization’s head of Media and advertising, explained that the goal of the nonprofit Society is to “help people

explore the nonprofit aspect of business and raise aware-

Courtesy of

ness” about nonprofits around campus. See NONPROFIT, Page 5

CAMPUS LIFE: Bentley VIEWPOINTS: Boosting COLUMNS: ABA Corner: SPORTS: Expect great offers new Nonprofit Bentley ONE recognized, things from Women’s morale at Basketball FEATURES: Danny minor, Page 3 Page 12 Basketball, Page 15 games, Page 4 Boyle Interview, Page 10

Police Log 2 Briefs 2 Cartoon 4 Editorial 4 Voices 8 & 9 Horoscopes 12 Falcon of The Week 16

PagE 2


nOVEMBEr 11, 2010

Hot to Trot Last Wednesday afternoon, a scatterbrained student did the unthinkable. She locked her keys in her car while it was still running. Bentley officers arrived to meet the distressed student, but they were unable to do anything to remedy her problem. aaa was called and they diffused the situation. i Will Survive On October 31 at 12:07 p.m., an officer stumbled upon a female student struggling to survive on north Campus. apparently, she was having an allergic reaction to a small amount of peanut butter that somehow positioned itself exceptionally close to the student’s meal. Even though the female student didn’t have direct contact with any nuts that morning, she still ended up having a severe allergic reaction that couldn’t even be controlled by Benadryl or an EpiPen shot. the officer responded quickly and had the student taken to the hospital before her throat completely closed up. Halloween Leakage Late night on Saturday, October 30, a report was called in regarding a large mass of vomit found in Elm Hall. In a strange and coincidental series of events, another report of vomit came from fenway, then Oak Hall and finally yet another report from Elm Hall. this mess of bodily

tHE Vanguard

Police log

fluids seemed to spread like wildfire. the night culminated with a disturbing discovery that someone peed in the Copley South elevator.

As the falcon flies On Saturday, October 30, at approximately 10:20 a.m., Bentley Police were notified by Belmont Police of some unruly, off-campus students. the night before, Belmont Police had been dispatched because of an assault as well as a noise complaint. Police had previously been sent to the same location over a taxi fare dispute. the victim who was questioned by police had no visible signs of assault, though he claimed to have been punched in the face. Both off-campus Bentley students will be charged with a violation of university rules, which is common for any student who gets into trouble off campus. Down But Not out Police received a call on October 30 at 3:04 p.m. to report an incident of an assault in Orchard South from the previous evening. When blood was found on the wall by a third party, the observant student knew there had been trouble afoot, and felt that justice should be served. after convening with the injured party, officers noticed visible injury to the right temple and cheek. the suffering student reported that he had also been insulted and sworn at. Even after the victim had been knocked down, the

offending party continued to kick, knee and punch him. the malicious hooligans, all identified as nonBentley students, dashed down the stairs following the beating. after picking himself up, the injured student went to bed, and his concerned roommate brought him ice packs. If only he had been there to back him up, but better late than never. Paper or Plastic On the eve of October 31 at 12:51 a.m., an unidentified Bentley student alerted the officer on duty of a messy situation in Maple Hall. When the officer and student reached the scene of the incident, a female, non-Bentley student was found vomiting into a plastic bag. In between upchucks, the student managed to say, “I’m not OK. I feel like I am dying. I think I need my stomach pumped.” as if blatantly spilling the beans was not enough of a clue, the responding officer could tell the young lady was severely intoxicated due to a strong odor of booze emanating from her. after the puker was taken to the hospital, her host ended up taking one for the team and was charged with a guest misconduct and alcohol violation. Cat & mouse at 12:05 a.m. on Saturday, October 30, a Bentley officer was flagged down by a rent-a-cop in distress. according to the hired help, there was a group

of six males causing a ruckus in the Copley circle. Once the officer and rent-a-cop approached the scene and announced their presence, the majority of the males scattered like ants under a magnifying glass. However, one of the misbehaving males didn’t manage to put much distance between himself and the officer, and a high-speed chase ensued. the officer pursued the male suspect through three floors of Copley north and two floors of Copley South before losing sight of him. Much to the student’s chagrin, he found himself in handcuffs on the first floor, despite having eluded the grasp of the pursing officer. It didn’t take long for the student in question to attempt to weasel his way out of trouble by explaining that the ruckus was not his fault since he was punched in the face before the officer was on the scene. unfortunately for the student, he received another painful blow, this time judicially. He was documented for underage consumption of alcohol, public intoxication, disorderly conduct, and being uncooperative with administration, and he was given some time in protective custody courtesy of the Waltham Police department.

By Chad Arrendell, Raymer Maguire & Katie Cavanaugh Vanguard Staff

Judicial action Summary EDiToR iN CHiEf Jon McColgan mANAgiNg EDiToR gENERAL mANAgER rebecca Langweber John Karakelle CoPy EDiToR NEWS EDiToR SPoRTS EDiToR CAmPUS LifE EDiToR fEATURES EDiToR BUSiNESS EDiToR PHoTogRAPHy EDiToR oNLiNE EDiToR DiRECToR of PRoDUCTioN DiRECToR of ADvERTiSiNg DiRECToR of mARkETiNg STUDENT LifE ADviSoR JoURNALiSm ADviSoR

alyson Bisceglia Brian Lofrumento robbie LaBrie Sindhu Palaniappan Ian Markowitz Phillip St. Pierre tomer gat nicholas Smits Leslie dias greg Kokino Brandon Schug Maria diLorenzo Judy rakowsky

fOr gEnEraL & COntaCt InfOrMatIOn aBOut The VAnguARd, PLEaSE SEE PagE 4.


Total number of cases: Total number of individuals involved (violators): Number of individuals dismissed from responsibility: Number of individuals referred to Judicial Board: Number of educational sanctions given: (includes referrals to Alcohol Education) Cash total of fines given for the week: Number of Work Sanctions assigned: Number of students placed on warning Number of Parental Notifications: Number of individuals put on Residential Probation: (Loss of 15 Housing Credits) Number of individuals put on Disciplinary Probation: (Loss of 30 Housing Credits) Number of individuals put on Suspension (Housing): Number of individuals put on Suspension (University): Number of individuals expelled from University: Provided by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs

42 88 9 3 42 $4,600 8 23 15 18 8 0 0 0


News & Campus Life

NOVEMBEr 11, 2010


Nonprofit minor proposed to debut in Fall 2011 New nonprofit related courses to be added throughout curriculum in addition to existing electives By Sindhu Palaniappan VANGUArD STAff

Pending official approval by the faculty Curriculum Committee here at Bentley University is the new Nonprofit Organizations Minor. Ten percent of organizations in the United States are located in the Nonprofit sector, and this percentage is rising as nonprofits are becoming a more popular career choice. It’s definitely a popular choice here at Bentley, as many professors have stepped up to teach proposed courses for the new minor, and many students share the same desire to learn more about nonprofit organizations. Some new courses will be offered here at Bentley to accompany the minor, given that it is passed officially by the Curriculum Board. Courses can be major intensive for three of Bentley’s popular majors. for Accountancy majors, classes include AC 331: Government and Not-forProfit reporting, while Management majors may take, MG 340E: Theory and Management of

Bentley students will be able to link their in-class experience in the Nonprofit minor with extracurricular service learning.

Nonprofit Organizations, and Marketing for Nonprofits exists for Marketing majors. There will also be other elective choices that will now contribute to the minor, courses such as EC 341: Urban and regional Economics, GLS114: Cross Cultural Understanding, Principles of Media and Culture and PH 351: Perspectives on Poverty. Some of the courses are

already established courses here at Bentley, but a few, such as Marketing for Nonprofits and Theory and Management of Nonprofit Organizations, are brandnew courses. As Professor Salimbene noted in his proposal for the minor, “Bentley has promoted ethics, service and social responsibility as central to its strategic mission… As a leading school of business and as a school

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that has made service central to its mission, it is only appropriate for Bentley to offer to its students a program of study in the nonprofit sector.” Jacqueline Yen, a sophomore and prominent student in the Service Learning Department and behind the Nonprofit Organizations minor, noted that it “was rather odd that Bentley didn’t have any courses or stud-

ies in nonprofit business… Six out of the top-10 business colleges, ranked by BusinessWeek, have some sort of nonprofit business program available for their undergraduate students.” She brought these concerns to Salimbene last April, and together, they began planning for the new proposed minor. Since so many students participate in the Service Learning Program here at Bentley, it is apparent that interest in service and nonprofit organizations is high here. What students are lacking is formal education about the nonprofit sector, which would provide “more opportunities for Bentley students in the job market and also promote Bentley’s strategic mission relating to ethics, service and social responsibility,” as Professor Salimbene said. for all of those students out there who have a developing interest in one of the fastest growing sectors of the job market or an interest in service and giving back to the community, this new proposed minor is right up your alley, and it will hopefully be available by fall 2011!

BLACKOUT Continued from Page 1 The main goal of the club is to encourage students to lead a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Larson said, “That’s the goal - make habits during the month that will carry out for the rest of the year.” Last year’s Blackout Challenge, formally known as the Battle of the Bulbs, served as an excellent learning experience for the club, allowing it to largely expand upon its earlier effort. “I think they had a more organized effort this year,” stated Navarroli. “[They] really laid out their plan for the semester very well ahead of time.” The Sustainability Club focused a majority of its time on marketing strategies to promote their event and awareness for their cause. Navarroli stated, “[It’s] tough with a fourweek competition to keep people engaged.” The Sustainability Club hosted various events during the month including the party on the Greenspace to kick off the event, in addition to giving away free glow bracelets and sunglasses. A major issue that the Sustainability Club cur-

rently faces is marketing. Navarroli explained, “[It’s a] huge challenge trying to communicate to faculty and staff what we’re doing without flyering the campus.” Using an excess of paper to promote an event would prove counterproductive for a club striving to promote sustainable use of resources. The Sustainability Club has high hopes for next

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year’s Blackout Challenge. Larson stated, “Next year, we will try to do a campuswide Zero Power Hour… Everyone comes down from their room and turns off the electricity for an hour…coordinated during the third week [of the] competition.” The Club even expressed an interest in conducting a year-long competition, releasing results monthly instead of weekly.

Thank you for your service to our country. We join the rest of the nation on Veterans Day in remembering the sacrifices of America's 25 million veterans and expressing our appreciation for their service.


NovEMBEr 11, 2010




of the


*The Vanguard’s editorial as well as the editorial cartoon are proposed at each Editorial Board meeting. They are represented as being the opinions of the Board as a whole, although drawn by individuals, and not the Bentley community.

“We didn't eat the money. They ate the money.” -Evi Simopoulou, a computer programmer in Athens


Basketball season starts now, and is just as exciting as the postseason While Bentley Basketball has been tearing up their Northeast-10 competition for the past decade or so, they continue to play their regular season games in front of relatively sparse crowds at the Dana Center. There are certainly some Falcon faithfuls who make every game, but for a team that has made noise nationally over the past several years and a program that consistently delivers success, Bentley gets very little home-court advantage playing in Waltham. It’s hard to pinpoint exactly why Bentley gets such a low turnout at its basketball games, despite the team proving they deserve as many eyeballs as possible. Perhaps the school is partly to blame. They could certainly do promotions. They could give out t-shirts or offer concessions that students could use Falcon Funds for. And, of course, who wouldn’t want a Coach Lawson or Jason Westrol bobblehead? It seems as though a lot of the problem stems from a general lack of school spirit in anything that doesn’t offer the opportunity to consume alcohol.

The point here is not to rip students for their lack of school spirit, but rather to show that there is plenty of reason to attend these games and that even the most casual basketball fan could enjoy this team. Their play on the court should be enough to inspire fans to get out to the game, but if that’s not enough, there are plenty of good ideas for livening up the games yourselves. You could start your own NE-10 Fantasy league. Kyle Caiola of UMass-Lowell is the only returning player in the conference who averaged over 20 points per game last year, so he has number-one potential. And don’t forget Brian Tracey, who will have an expanded role and could lead your Fantasy team to a championship. Bentley demonstrated their skills in making giant heads during the national tournament last year. While Coach Lawson and Jason Westrol heads look good, why not field an entire team? Freshman forward Jacob Moore could use some love, too… You could also join in on some taunting of opposing teams. Falcon fans are cre-

ative when it comes to chants. “Safety school” and “scoreboard” are simple and to the point, but saying “Fro-Do, Fro-Do” to the kid who looked just like Frodo on UMass-Lowell was genius. Maybe try something more friendly once in a while, like “This is a wonderful competi-tion” or “We like basket-ball.” The UMassLowell Women’s team sitting in the other bleachers will never know what hit them. Another option would be to dress up like the opposing team’s mascot. This might be a little expensive, but you can make the other team feel at home for a little while, then let Flex dominate the Stonehill Skyhawk in a little halftime one-on-one and shoot some air balls to show them what’s really up. For basketball fans out there, don’t forget this team will feature a sleuth of seniors leading the way, including Mike Quinn, Brian Tracey, Tom Dowling and Joe Fremeau. These guys know how to play exciting basketball, so go so you can see some high-quality team basketball. You will also see some exciting young players,

Publication information The Vanguard is the student newspaper of Bentley University. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University administration; Bentley University is not responsible for statements herein. The Vanguard is published every Thursday of the academic year, excluding examination periods and holiday breaks. It is distributed free to all students, faculty, and staff of Bentley University. The Vanguard is funded in part by the Student Activity Fee, but relies on advertising revenue to cover the majority of its costs. Advertising rates are available upon request at (781) 891-3497. Circulation is 4,000 copies. We reserve the right to refuse an advertisement; only publication of an ad constitutes final acceptance of the offer to advertise. We reserve the right to edit all copy for grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, libel and length. The Vanguard Office is located on the third floor of the Student Center, inside the Bentley Bubble office complex. Mailing address: The Vanguard, Bentley University, 310M1 Student Center, 385 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452. Phone: (781) 891-2912. E-mail:

“If you look at American would think we all went around wrestling and wearing bikinis.” -Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, on the perception of the U.S. that is being shaped by reality TV including the new Vanguard favorite Greg Jacques. Brian Tracey may be the foundation and Mike Quinn may be the conductor, but the sophomore Jacques could be the engine on this Bentley team. Write it down.

Bentley Basketball promises to be a show this season and they will deliver plenty of wins. Whatever it takes, get out to some Bentley Basketball games and you might just catch a little piece of history.

CorreCtions & ClarifiCations In the November 4 issue of The Vanguard, the story “Falcons’ first NE-10 win comes against Hockey East” on page 16 incorrectly stated that the Bentley Hockey team is in the NE-10 conference. Instead, the headline should have read “Falcons’ first Atlantic Hockey win comes against Hockey East” since the team is part of the Atlantic Hockey Conference, not the Northeast-10 Conference. In the second paragraph, the article also incorrectly stated that Bentley played Northeastern University in a non-C conference battle, which should have been read as a non-conference battle. This was not implying that Bentley plays in the C conference. Also, the second to last paragraph of the article stated that the Men’s Hockey team has not yet finished in the top half of the Atlantic Hockey Conference, when in fact it finished in the top half of the Conference two years ago. The Vanguard regrets this error. Disclaimer: The opinions published in The Vanguard are submitted by readers of the newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Vanguard and its staff. We are not able to print any letters submitted anonymously.


News & Campus Life

NoVEMBER 11, 2010


Red for Africa event brings guest speakers and custom apparel By Eric Ndung’u VANGUARD STAFF

Charity begins at home this adage encompasses the driving force behind Red for Africa. The vision of Red for Africa is to raise money to help educate people in Africa about HIV/AIDs and also support the Mmofra Trom foundation in Ghana. A brief history check of this marvelous drive reveals that its inception was the brainchild of Vinay Gokaldas, a Ghanaian Bentley alumnus from the Class of 2010.

Funds are raised by selling custom apparel bearing a varied Red for Africa design made by talented Bentley students. Those who purchase the apparel are encouraged to wear their apparel and “go red” on December 1, which marks the World AIDs Day. To continue the legacy set forth by Gokaldas, the Red for Africa baton was handed over to the Bentley African Association. This year, Red for Africa was held in conjunction with the STANDfast on November 8 at the Pub where two speakers, Gabriel

Gabriel spoke about the plight of the southern Sudan refugees and the school he built there


Bol Deng and Dr. Leigh Swigart, graced the function. Gabriel is one of the Lost Boys of Sudan, and Dr. Leigh is the director of Programs in International Justice and Society at the International Center for Ethics, Justice and Public Life at Brandeis University. Based on their diverse experience, the presenters spoke about issues affecting the general African community such as war, gender inequality and illiteracy, to name a few. Gabriel gave the audience more insight into the plight faced by the southern Sudan refugees and how he has been able to build a school there thanks to generous support from well wishers. During the event, this year’s Red for Africa apparel was unveiled, where a good number of students and some members of staff grabbed the opportunity to purchase the merchandise. The items on sale include sweatpants, organic hooded sweatshirts, beaded bracelets, dog tags, long- and short-sleeved t-shirts, the prices being $20, $25, $5, $5, $10 and $5 respectively. The limited edition beads were hand-crafted by children at the Mmofra Trom

Dr. Swigart spoke at the joint event of STAND fast and Red for Africa

orphanage, and the rest of the apparel was made locally in the U.S. The sweatshirts are eco-friendly, as they are made from organic material which goes hand-inhand with the current push towards environmental sustainability. The attendees hosted dinner, where they had a chance to socialize while listening to some soothing African music in the background. The event was concluded with a PowerPoint presentation about HIV/AIDs. As mentioned earlier, all the proceeds will go towards

garnering more awareness about the plight HIV/AIDs has brought to Africa. The Red for Africa apparel is on sale during weekdays from 11:20 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at the Student Center, Smith and LaCava. Sales are projected to continue till the end of November, but termination may occur as soon as the current stock of items runs out. All are encouraged to purchase the merchandise which will support a great cause that is spear-headed and run by Bentley students for a greater calling.

ple from nonprofits to talk about their experiences and inform students about how to write and apply for grants. According to Ashley King, the organization’s liaison, the Nonprofit Society hopes to hold one workshop per semester that will be open to all students and will serve as a “great networking opportunity.” Finally, King explained that the grant committee will help “students apply for grants to participate in activities such as

Bentley’s faculty-led programs.” King noted that the Nonprofit Society “hopes to be a recognized organization shortly after Thanksgiving break,” and that it has a great opportunity for growth because it appeals to “people who are interested in becoming actively involved” during meetings. Currently, the Nonprofit Society is focusing on obtaining recognition and establishing its committees. Yen

“would love to have at least 10 active members on each committee” by April of next semester. Furthermore, Yen hopes to “branch out and network with local nonprofits” in order to form a nonprofit network that members of the organization can take advantage of in the future. She hopes to accomplish this by “getting the word [about Bentley’s Nonprofit Society]...out to nonprofits in the area.”


NONPROFIT Continued from Page 1 Professor McNulty talked about his experience with starting his own nonprofit business, Nick Darsch discussed Bentley’s participation in the City Year program and Professor Pasciuto, the society’s faculty advisor, explained the new Nonprofit minor that will be available to Bentley students in the fall of 2011. “[Nonprofits are] something that a lot of Bentley students consider, but never

follow through with due to the lack of resources on campus,” said Jacky Yen, president of the Nonprofit Society. “We want the NPS to be used as a resource for those students.” The Nonprofit Society hopes to accomplish its goal by forming three committees. Baker explained that the fundraising committee will raise money to support other sectors of the club by applying for grants. The workshop committee will bring in peo-

PAgE 6

NOVEmBER 11, 2010



Red Sox owners purchase Liverpool FC, looking for success By Phillip St. Pierre BuSINESS EdITOR

Red Sox owners John Henry and Tom Werner, with their business associates, have made great strides since the acquisition of the Red Sox in 2001, as the club has earned two World Series titles, and made it to the postseason in eight of the years since. The president of the Red Sox is making another big splash in the sports and entertainment industry, except this time it has nothing to do with baseball. Henry and his partners, who own a group called New England Sports Ventures, have recently purchased the soccer team known as Liverpool FC for a cool 480-million dollars. For those of you who haven’t heard of New England Sports Ventures, the business owns a very large portion of Boston’s baseball market. The company was created back in 2001, when John Henry and Tom Werner joined forces to create a sports investment company that would end up becoming one of the largest sports, media and entertainment businesses in the world. Henry and Werner, the founders of New England Sports Ventures, went on to acquire the Boston Red Sox in 2001, and now own 100 percent of the club.

They also own 80 percent of New England Sports Network, a cable broadcasting network, along with having partial ownership in a few other Fenway subsidiaries. On October 6, New England Sports Venture agreed on a contract that would give them ownership of Liverpool. Although there were a few legal disputes with the previous owners, the deal became set in stone on the 17th. This will not be an easy task for Henry and Werner, as Liverpool, a member of the English premier league, is in desperate need of change. Liverpool FC is currently 453million dollars in debt and financially instable, so Henry, Werner and the rest of NESV hope to turn the club around. The biggest hurdle the Red Sox owners will likely face is finding ways to generate revenue for the Liverpool organization. Anfield, the soccer club’s stadium, currently seats 45,000 fans. Previous proposals for a new stadium have been declined, but it will be interesting to see how the new ownership handles that situation. Liverpool is similar to the Red Sox in many ways, as Henry is once again taking over a club that is in the midst of a rebuilding period. Fans are dissatisfied with the way things are going for

Liverpool, which would partially explain why the previous owners were voted out. Like the Red Sox, Liverpool has a rich history and a very large fan base, so a new stadium has the potential to sell more tickets for the organization. On the other hand, Henry has to make sure that a new stadium wouldn’t destroy the deep traditions that exist in the Liverpool community. Considering the popularity of soccer in Europe, Henry and Werner will also look to strengthen the brand image of Liverpool, who are currently seen as the bottom feeders of the league. In a soccer enthusiast’s country like England, the Red Sox owners should have plenty of opportunities to restore the excitement that Liverpool once had. The Red Sox owners did an excellent job reaching out to the fan base known as “Red Sox Nation” through their networking programs, such as NESN, and this increased fans’ interest in the struggling baseball club. New England Sports Ventures could use a similar networking strategy to reach out to discouraged Liverpool fans and bring them back to the stadium. We seem to be seeing more and more of multinational sports ownership lately, and the cross cultural aspect of the Liverpool

Henry and Werner face the challenge of bringing success back to Liverpool.

acquisition could be an advantage on both sides of the transaction. Red Sox fans could gain interest in Liverpool through NESN and the Red Sox, as well as baseball in general, could become more popular in Europe. John Henry and his associates have the opportunity to showcase why they have been so successful in the sports and entertainment industry, as New England Sports Ventures is a multibillion-dollar company that is still growing before our eyes. With a net worth of over one billion, Henry is the perfect

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example of how careful and timely investing can lead to prosperity. Henry has made millions in his efforts to rebuild the Red Sox and made them into a contender just a year or two after he took them over. If Henry can gain back the tradition, excitement and dominance that Liverpool has seen in the past, he has an opportunity to increase his wealth even more. There is a lot of risk involved taking over a debt-ridden team, such as Liverpool, but New England Sports Ventures is taking on this risk in hopes that they will benefit from the returns in the long run.


Features & News

NOVEMBER 11, 2010


La Bayadère a graceful performance with an unbalanced plot By Rachael Fisher VANGUARD STAFF

Ah, the ballet - shimmering costumes, graceful dancers, the swell of the orchestra, a sophisticated theatre and attendees in their evening best. But honestly, a trip to the ballet would not be the typical choice of a Thursdaynight activity for a college student. Perhaps it’s the pretension, the steep ticket prices or students find it just plain boring. Last winter, I attended and gladly gave the Boston Ballet’s The Nutcracker a glowing review. However, The Nutcracker is less of a ballet and more of a beloved holiday tradition. The Boston Ballet’s performance of La Bayadère was my first true foray into the rich world of ballet. La Bayadère, which translates to “the temple dancer,” tells the story of an Indian temple dancer Nikiya and her love for the soldier Solor. However, the Rajah intervenes and chooses Solor to marry his daughter Gamzatti. To further complicate the couple’s plans, the High Brahmin, who also loves Nikiya, tells the Rajah of Nikiya and Solor’s relationship. The ballet follows the

tangled trail of jealousy and revenge between the characters. Inspired by a touring company of authentic Indian Bayadères, this ballet was written and choreographed in St. Petersburg, Russia and originally performed by the Imperial Ballet in 1877. The Boston Ballet’s performance of this classic ballet is truly masterful. The dancers outperform themselves with each following act. The audience was completely enchanted by the “Kingdom of the Shades” sequence, a famous sequence from Solor’s opium-induced dream. The sight of nearly 30 glowing ballerinas performing each delicate step in harmonious unison is beautifully chilling. “The Golden Idol” sequence, in which a dancer dressed as a golden Hindu god comically leaps about the stage, was greeted with many chuckles and much applause. Nikiya’s pivotal death sequence even hit strong emotional notes as her joy turns to horror upon being bitten by a poisonous snake. The tragedy is perfectly magnified by the scathing pity of the other characters, conveyed only by the distaste in their movements.

MCCALLUM Continued from Page 1 ports education,” said Topi. The McCallum Graduate School of Business is continuously working on quality improvement in terms of course content and how each field is impacted by technology. “Regardless of one’s field of study, technological capabilities are increasingly important,” said Topi. At McCallum, programs are developed around the students’ needs and the needs of their respective fields. “I believe the Master’s programs will continue to find innovative ways…to strengthen a concrete connection between the world of commerce and the world of academia,” said Topi. With roughly 1,400 graduate students – of which only about 150 received their undergraduate degrees here at Bentley – the McCallum Graduate School of Business is gaining the reputation of quality education across the nation. Some changes that can be expected in the future include the restructuring of the Five-Year Program. The Five-Year Program, as it has been termed, is now moving in a direction that truly demonstrates its purpose. Now called the Master’s Candidate Program, students are prepared at the

undergraduate level for their graduate school experience. In addition, the evening MBA program will not be available, starting with this year’s incoming class. Topi instead recommends the day MBA program, for it has “elements specifically designed for MBA students with relatively little work experience.”

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Demonstrating this theme of forward thinking and innovation, McCallum offers a hybrid online learning approach. Using Saba Centra Virtual Classroom, students have the ability to take courses without the inconvenience of relocating from their home or full-time job. Currently, students specifically in Texas and California, are taking advantage of this feature. “One of the key goals is to make sure the world understands the quality of education at Bentley University on all levels – we need to tell the story to the world,” stated Topi.

The company’s superb set, lighting and costume design added to the magic, especially the shimmer of the ballerina’s colorful, Indian-inspired costumes and classical tutus. The main drawbacks had little to do with the production, but rather with the ballet itself. It seems unmerited for a first-time ballet attendee to critique a 135-year-old classic ballet, but the storyline and pacing felt uneven. Much of the production depends on the chemistry built in a singular dance between Nikiya and Solor at the beginning of the first act, and I had a difficult time becoming emotionally invested in their romance. Like many ballets, La Bayadère includes long sequences that have little to do with the plot, but instead are prolonged dance performances. The placement of these sequences was severely unbalanced. The first act consisted mainly of plot, while there were only a total of 15 minutes of plot in the following two acts. The result was a riveting first act and a dragging next two acts mainly devoid of a plot. The program boasts a ballet that will transport you to exotic India. However,

La Bayadère is playing at the Boston Opera House until November 14. besides some influence on the costumes and the set, the ballet does not convey any elements of Indian culture at all. Both the music and choreography, the main elements of the ballet, are classic European. Not surprisingly, as the ballet was created in Russia in the late 1800s, the claim of an exotic experience feels stale, even in an age where Bostonians have access to see authentic Indian music or dance. I like to think of myself as a relatively cultured person. I enjoy visiting art and history museums, I attend the occasional stage or Broadway performance and I’m a big fan of independent film. But as I

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left La Bayadère, I felt I understood why the ballet is not as popular among the younger demographics. The dancing is beautiful, but a ballet is meant to convey a story. A good plot is expected to have a level of complexity that ballet could never convey simply through dance. La Bayadère is an enthralling vision, but it is difficult to extract anything that resonates beyond the dancers’ movements across the stage. La Bayadère runs until November 14 at the Boston Opera House. Student rush tickets are available for 20 dollars. The Boston Ballet’s The Nutcracker opens November 26.


NOVEMBER 11, 2010



By Lindsay Beauregard

The Beat

What classes are you looking forward to next semester? Jason park Class of 2012 aCCoUntanCy “Accounting Information Systems.”

Daniel Weininger Class of 2014 UnDeCiDeD “I’m looking forward to taking classes in new subjects that I haven’t tried yet.”

Brittany roDerman Class of 2012 management/laW “Business and Biotech! Sounds super interesting and relative to my career pursuits.”

malini samtani Class of 2013 Corporate finanCe aCCoUnting “Global Health Challenges.”

Features “FREE AT LAST!!!!!!!” tweeted Cortez Bryant midmorning on November 4 as he celebrated his client Lil Wayne’s release from jail. The rapper and iconic wordsmith was released from New York’s Riker Island jail complex after an eightmonth sentence for gun possession. As the lengthy countdown finally ended, dedicated fans all over rejoiced the return of Weezy. Admirers gathered outside the jail to cheer the rapper on, Twitter and Facebook statuses all over exploded with tags of Lil Wayne and the press had a miniature field day. As many people know (unless your head’s been buried in the sand for the past year), the 28-year-old rapper was sentenced to a year in prison after pleading guilty in October of 2009 to gun possession. Luckily for fans, Lil Wayne only served eight months due to impeccable behavior. For the months following his sentence, fans stayed by his side as they proudly wore “Free Weezy” t-shirts, religiously followed Lil Wayne’s blog, and sent letters to the confined star. If anything, fans’ appreciation deepened and intensified while their beloved rapper was behind bars. Through the website, the rapper was able to stay in contact with fans and keep them updated on his thoughts and feelings of living in prison. In his last letter posted on the site, Lil Wayne stated that he “was never scared, worried nor bothered by the situation.” He said he was able to get through the eight months with help from his many dedicated fans who sent letters upon letters to him.

Lil Wayne’s most recent album I Am Not a Human Being came out in September.

Within his 10 posts on the blog, Lil Wayne thanked his fans for all their support, love and kind words. He also personally thanked around 150 fans for their letters in his blog post “Letter #06: I Can Never Thank You Enough”. According to the rapper, the words of his fans were the main thing that helped him through prison. “I don’t think people truly understand how much their thoughts and well wishes have helped me through this time in my life,” he said. For Lil Wayne, the website was a perfect liaison between himself and his fans during his stint in prison. If prison was enough to draw out the creative demons and intricate words, imagine what solitary confinement must have done to the gifted rapper. Following the discovery of contraband in his cell, the rapper was thrown into solitary confinement for the last month of his prison sentence. With this unexpected turn in his


sean roDrigUes Class of 2014 Corporate finanCe anD aCCoUnting “Microeconomics.”

By kunaal lachmandas PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF

Lil Wayne was released from jail last week.

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life, Weezy fans can only expect the next album to be ingeniously brilliant. Until the album is released, one can only imagine what it was like for Lil Wayne to be left alone with only his thoughts for days on end. The confinement must have given him an opportunity to delve into his mind and pull out his deepest and most personal thoughts. Exploring his own emotions in solitary confinement is sure to have drawn out astonishing words and mindblowing lyrics. Anticipation for Lil Wayne’s release from Rikers Island ran even higher when his most recent album I Am Not A Human Being dropped in September. Fans’ support for the rapper even showed up on iTunes, where the majority of the customer reviews echoed each other with the words “Free Weezy” and “Can’t wait for Carter IV”. To say Lil Wayne has a supportive and large fan base is a huge understatement. Let’s just hope Weezy meets the high expectation for Carter IV and has enough sense to be in the public domain when his ninth album hits the airwaves. For now, it is quite obvious that Weezy plans to stay free. According to his publicist and label company, the rapper will be hitting the studio in the very new future to begin recording the material he’s been building during his time away. But for the time being, Lil Wayne is excited at the prospects of just being with his family and friends. The hip-hop and rap world is excited to have him out of confinement, and he is ecstatic to be home. His tweet said it all: “aaaaaaahh h h h h m m m m m baaaaakkkkkkkkkk.”



Conan returns to TV, but not yet living up to expectations By Brandon schug CREATIVE dIRECTOR

Talk show legend Conan O’Brien is finally back with his new show, entitled simply Conan, this time on basic cable. After all the unreasonable hype built up from his live tour, tweets and YouTube page, the premier of Conan actually wound up being rather mediocre. However, despite not living up to the hype, the show certainly promises the same slapstick Conan we know and love, only from a darker angle. The premier opened with Conan getting gunned down by the NBC mafia for refusing to change his time slot. The running gag in his live shows and over the Internet has been Conan’s struggle to keep even the simplest job for more than a day. The opening skit which built upon this was very funny and reminiscent of his previous shows. Although negative vibes for NBC were certainly there, Conan spent far more time making fun of himself than anyone else. Of course, throughout all of his jokes, it was clear Conan was doing it all for the laughs. Even TBS saw some lighthearted jabbing for paying him a lower salary and giving him his new Basic Cable Band. The premier, and likely the show as a whole, are very self-aware. Only one sentence of the opening monologue mentioned recent news stories. The rest of the show was spent talking about Conan, his crew and past characters. despite legal pressure from NBC, Conan remained outspoken about his opinions of the Tonight Show ordeal. In whatever medium Conan could legally be heard, he remained adamant that his next show keep the rights to their old characters. Until

NOVEMBER 11, 2010

Voices What is your favorite lyric?

Caroline hanley Class of 2013 marketing “‘All you need is love.’”

Conan O’Brien returned to primetime in Tuesday night’s premier of Conan.

now, it’s been hazy as to what Conan can legally show. Fortunately for fans, the audience was treated to an appearance by Masturbating Bear in all of his glory and can expect to see more classic characters return in the future. Conan’s first guests, as determined by an admittedly rigged viewer poll, were actor Seth Rogen, Lea Michelle of Glee and musician Jack White. Unfortunately, the show slowed down significantly during the interviews. Seth Rogen shared hilariously inappropriate stories about his recent engagement and current fiancé. Although the interview was funny and experimented with the new cable censors, the subject matter seemed out of place. Second guest Lea Michelle was also out of sync with Conan’s sense of humor, resulting in a few clever visual gags falling flat due to their lack of chemistry. Co-host Andy Richter, on the other hand, is back with his old podium and has just

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as great chemistry with Conan as always. The promos and discussion around the show hinted that Richter will play a larger part in this new series than before, which is a welcomed change. Unfortunately, not all crew stayed with the show. The Basic Cable Band seemed incomplete without favorites Max Weinberg and Richie “La Bamba” Rosenberg supporting. However, the new band did receive a very welcomed introduction supporting Jack White and Conan O’Brien performing a rockabilly act off their new album. There were a few hiccups in the actual production of the episode. The set still has some kinks to work out, especially the distracting moon swaying in the background. Also, the camera wasn’t tight enough on Conan and used strange cutaways, revealing a relatively empty studio floor. Overall, despite a few minor complaints, Conan does promise to bring the same Conan we know and love with a slightly different attitude.

ashley persin Class of 2014 marketing “‘Thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images, and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned.’”

kyle apanasChik Class of 2011 aCCoUntanCy “‘You can’t always get what you want.’”

BoBBy smith Class of 2014 management “‘You can say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.’”

alison smith Class of 2013 aCCoUntanCy “‘Love is what I got.’”

Actor Seth Rogen was one of the featured guests on Conan, there to discuss his recent engagement.

Courtesy of

By nathan marchand PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF


PagE 10

nOVEMBEr 4, 2010


tHE Vanguard

127 Hours a must-see survival movie for strong stomachs By David Entin Vanguard Staff

the first impulse that 127 Hours sends through the audience is pleasure. It’s a joyous, energy-ridden film, vibrating with style thanks to the practiced hands of director danny Boyle and star James franco. following the Oscar-gobbling Slumdog Millionaire, 127 Hours is a fitting change of pace. the scope and story of Slumdog Millionaire is gone, but Boyle retains the colorful enthusiasm for human spirit that seems to permeate the layers of his filmography. Based on the true story of mountain climber aron ralston (James franco), the movie follows his five days spent in Blue John Canyon, utah with his hand crushed beneath a dislodged boulder. the drama is trapped in the constricting but never claustrophobic canyon walls, and we spend nearly the entire film pinned with ralston as he tugs, pulls, chips, shouts, cries and fights to free himself from the rock. Experienced climber ralston was equipped with a few liters of water, lengths of bungie rope, a multitool with a dull knife blade, a camcorder and a few odds and ends, and he makes do, demonstrating Macgyver-like excellence in

survival.He had told no one about his day plans and knew he would never be discovered. the film takes us day by day, conveniently enhancing the screen with just the right information to hit the point home. a non-intrusive reminder of the current day flashes with the passing days, or a rapidly dropping thermostat appears to highlight the bitter cold of the desert nights. Every little struggle against the boulder is ever so gently approached, with each success echoing of legendary progress. franco is inspired, demonstrating enormous versatility in his performance. He cobbles together hedonism and selfishness, somber remorse, regret, happiness, hope, mania and agony into such a believably lean performance. franco has shown himself to be a capable rising actor, and 127 Hours could very well deliver him a Best actor nomination this award season. the soundtrack is bracing, imbued with the same vivacity of the scenery, and indeed being trapped in a canyon is a far more enjoyable experience in the company of our director. described by Boyle as “an action movie with a guy who can’t move,” 127 Hours is something of a marvel. the first morning that sev-

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127 Hours is based on the true story of mountain climber, Aron Ralston.

eral rays of sunlight align just perfectly to shine some warmth into the narrow crevices of Blue John, there is an existential moment of out-of-body joy. It’s not just ralston feeling the heat of the light, but also the audience. this natural rhythm and pacing is perfectly tuned to the emotion and circumstances, mostly dire. dream sequences and memories play out with little warning or lead in. a thunderous rainstorm rolls into the Canyon at one point, flooding the narrow walls with gushing torrents, smashing the boulder loose and setting ralston free. Of course, the disappointment in waking belongs as much to the audience as it does to our hero.

But, of course, ralston did survive, and not by dislodging the immovable boulder. His hand crushed, he placed the dull end of his blade to his arm, and with superhuman dedication, severed his arm. the scene is visceral, agonizing and accurately drawn out and true to the process of a makeshift amputation. It is a sequence that even emboldened action movie gorefiends might keel over at the sight of. franco’s performance, coupled with the astoundingly realistic effects and Boyle’s unrelenting attention, deliver the most stomach-turning movie sequence in recent memory. It’s a bold display of survival that just might have more than one viewer faint in their

seats. 127 Hours is a triumph. It’s lively and energetic, charging the audience up with joy and support of franco’s ralston so perfectly to accompany his hardships, highs, lows, bouts of madness and moments of super-human survival. those looking for a sequel to Slumdog Millionaire will need to search elsewhere. this is a vibrant new direction for Boyle, feeling more reminiscent of his more pensive projects, like 28 Days Later and Sunshine, but it’s not out to depress or scare. 127 Hours is a gem, a delicately paced, thought-provoking thrill for viewers, and if you’ve got the stomach, this is an elegant and fresh early contender for the Oscar season.

Interview with Danny Boyle: From Slumdog to 127 Hours By Jim Ferguson Vanguard Staff

When I arrived at the ritz-Carlton in Boston for my interview with acclaimed director danny Boyle, I truly did not know what to expect. the man who has such a diverse filmography, from feel-good fairy-tales (Slumdog Millionaire and Millions) to horror and science fiction (28 Days Later and Sunshine), Boyle knows how to mold his artistic style to fit almost any genre. He creates films that are not only loyal to their source material, but are also

remarkably genuine and original. So when it was announced that Boyle’s next project would be based upon the true story of aron ralston (an experienced mountain climber who got his arm lodged under a boulder and made a heroic attempt at survival), I was curious to see how such a visionary director would make this heavily constricted tale into a cinematic experience. Jim Ferguson: Why did you choose 127 Hours as your follow-up to Slumdog

Millionaire? Danny Boyle: Well, it is never an easy thing. film to me is an ever-changing beast of an animal that doesn’t know what it wants to be. I try to take that to heart and never set myself in one genre or anything like that. People came to me after 28 Days Later and asked if I wanted to do another one. I told them to f*** off. I can’t work like that, you see; I need a story to really snag me. aron’s story snagged me. I heard about his wild tale on the news a few years back and then I read his book. It was truly breathtaking; it’s an honest story about a man and his acceptance of mortality. and to be able to put an audience there with him, stuck under that boulder, they get trapped as well and can share this life-changing experience with aron. You become invested in his survival. I always thought that was fascinating. JF: Why did you choose James franco to portray the role?

Boyle chose Franco for the role because of his versatility and humor. Courtesy of

DB: James has always been a great actor in my eyes. He has such a diverse way about him that I felt he could be a

After directing the film 28 Days Later, Boyle was inspired to tell Ralston’s captivating story.

good fit for the role. He had the strength to make this situation believable, but also had his humor which I felt was completely needed for this film. He showcased the variety I needed for the role; he had to anchor the whole thing on his performance. James needed to really portray the contrast the character embodies, be able to show deep sadness and regret one moment, but joy and humor in the next.

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James showed up to set with enough energy everyday to rally the whole crew, which was impressive due to all the emotional highpoints he needed to reach. He even met with aron ralston a few times to get a good grip on who this man really is, and how this one event changed his life. Looking back, I couldn’t see myself choosing anyone else for the role. See BOYLE, Page 14

tHe VaNgUaRD

Notes from AbroAd By Christina Menchini Rome, Italy

Question: Describe a friendship you have made with a local student or someone who is a resident. How has this relationship influenced your experience? How do you communicate and are there any language barriers? Have the spoken about any American customs that surprised them? By Kelsey Ylonen CoPeNHageN, DeNmaRk

So far this semester, I have made a bunch of new friends. I somewhat have two groups that I hang out with. one is made up of mostly Spaniards and some australians, and the other is all Italians. I usually hang out with the Italians more often, as the Spanish group tends to be very cliquey. I have made a couple of close friendships in my Italian group. one is my friend laura. She is a really nice girl, outgoing at times but quiet when she doesn’t know other people. luckily, she knows how to speak her mind when something is bothering her, and that is how we began talking in the first place. We would discuss things we liked or didn’t like about Copenhagen and things we missed about home. We communicate by speaking english. there aren’t really any

By Kelly Galligan BaRCeloNa, SPaIN

I have made friends with a local student who I actually met my freshman year when she was abroad at Bentley. Her name is Julia and she is a lawyer. She was one of my friend’s roommates, and I never thought I would get the chance to see her here in Spain! I met up with her for dinner a few weeks ago and it was one of my favorite times here in Barcelona. We met in Plaza Cataluña, which is a very big square where all of the department stores are located and is also right next to las Ramblas. Julia brought me to a really nice Italian restaurant in a new part of town that I have never been to. Dinner was delicious; I got pizza, which was very good. most people here in Spain speak Catalan, which is similar to Spanish but still has its differences. I noticed this when she was speaking to the waitress about our dinner. throughout dinner, we tried talking a little in english and a little in Spanish.

I live with an Italian host family here in Rome. my family consists of a mother and her son. Her son’s name is Danilo and he is six years old. Having Danilo in the house is great because he helps me so much with my Italian. He will try to talk to me until I understand what he is saying. Danilo is also trying to learn english. at meals, he will ask me how to say words in english. He gets excited every time he learns a new word. However, understanding each

language barriers, although sometimes she doesn’t know a word or phrase in english, or is explaining something but does not really know how to say the same thing in english. When this happens, she usually asks one of our other friends for help explaining. europeans seem to be alright when it comes to speaking english. I know plenty of americans back in my hometown who do not know how to speak english or know very little of it, so it is surprising to me to see people here who speak english very well, even though they don’t really need to speak it at home. It’s really nice when my friends apologize for not speaking english correctly if they mess up, even if they sound just fine. I wish people in the states cared more about speaking proper english. another thing is that europe seems to be very well-versed in american culture. I don’t think

anything has really sparked too much interest in them about american customs, except perhaps our tobacco buying and legal drinking ages. In europe, people are brought up drinking alcoholic beverages, like beer and wine, beginning when they are around 14 years old. Hard liquor is usually saved for those above the age of 18. I think that those ages probably come up the most in conversation, followed by the fact that the U.S. is not involved too much in soccer, and that it is a shame. I really don’t think america is too different from other european countries. each country of course has its own customs, but due to globalization, you can see parts of cultures from different countries, such as the U.S., Spain or Italy, anywhere in the world. I am very glad for the friends I have made here. living in an international dorm was a great idea because it allowed me to meet people from all over europe and the world.

this was really helpful for me because I realized that that although I know a lot of words and can perform on tests in the classroom, when I am actually speaking with someone it’s more difficult for me to pull the words out of my mind. During dinner, she helped me go over some of the Spanish I had to learn for an exam the next day. after dinner, we walked around the city and she showed me a ton of streets I had never known about. We also found a gelato place and she taught me how to ask for a sample. I had so much fun with her and she promised that we could meet more to practice Spanish and to see Barcelona. It was really an amazing night and I learned a lot. It

wasn’t a crazy night out at the beach, but rather a great chance to learn about Spanish culture from the perspective of an actual Spaniard.

Check out all of your study abroad options at the Cronin Office of International Education in Adamian 161

NoVemBeR 11, 2010

other is not always easy. Danilo and I speak Italian to each other, but sometimes he needs to repeat himself or use different words for me to understand what he is saying. the communication barrier teaches him to be able to communicate with people who speak languages other than his own. Danilo and his mother plan to move to New york someday. I live in New york, so I have shown Danilo pictures of where I live and parts of the state and country. He was amazed to see the amount of snow we get. He loved seeing

pictures of forts made of snow. they rarely get snow in Rome, and there is no way near enough snow to build something with it. He also loves using my iPod to play games. Whenever I walk into the house he runs up to me, gives me a hug and asks to play games on my iPod. I really enjoy living with a host brother. I miss having little siblings, so it’s nice living with a six year old. I hope that I will be able to visit Danilo and his mother after I go back to the states. I would like to keep in touch with him as he grows up.

It is acceptable for Europeans to begin drinking around the age of 14.

It was great to get a chance to speak Spanish and tour the area with a local. I really had a different experience than I would have if I was with another american, or

Asking for directions, especially in a city as busy as Barcelona, requires a good grasp of the language.

Page 11

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even another european for that matter. I can’t wait to hang out with her again and practice my Spanish and find some more good food in Spain!

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NOVEMBER 11, 2010

Horoscopes Vanguard Staff

Aries (March 21-April 19): You’re actually pretty good at managing other people’s money. Once you get into it, you can see what to spend and what to save. Now’s the time to get into it. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Your intuition should be working well, so follow it. Don’t try to be a perfectionist; capture the moment’s passion. Gemini (May 21-June 21): You’d better pack some protein in your briefcase. The odds are good that you won’t get out for lunch until the weekend. Cancer (June 22-July 22): Make arrangements early; you’re about to be swept away by positive emotions. Relax and enjoy the ride. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): A matter pertaining to home and family, or possibly real estate, requires your consideration, decision and action. Think of the long term. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Over the next few days, you’ll notice it seems easier to understand. Issues that have been confusing will all of a sudden seem crystal clear. Your education is working. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Conditions are excellent for making a good return on your investments. There’s more imagination than work required. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Get used to the increase in your energy and sheer determination. You feel like you can do anything, but you’d better do it quickly.

Columns April’s Advice

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): It’s good to have a structure in place for cranking out the work. Make that your first priority. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): All sorts of new adventures are attracting your attention. Better start some serious planning.

The columns found in this newspaper are written by individual authors and do not reflect the opinion of The Vanguard, its Editorial Board members, or Bentley university. Comments resulting from the columns may be directed to the author and/or The Vanguard.

By April Gammal

Your Questions Answered! Question: I have no idea why I do this but I eat when I’m not hungry. I’ll do this especially when I’m stressed out. Can you tell me why I feel this way and how I can stop this bad habit? This sounds like emotional eating to me. Sometimes when we are stressed we will turn to food for comfort, and oftentimes we do this unconsciously. This is because when we are stressed out, our cortisol levels will increase. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone and creates cravings for sweet and salty foods. We may also seek support from our friends and get together to eat junk food and bond over what is making us stressed out. While it is helpful to talk about our stress and externalize it, it is certainly not helpful to over-eat in the process. Alright, so how can we fix this problem?

into a good workout. You can also try relaxing by doing some yoga or meditation. Write Down What You Eat If you keep a food diary of what you eat and how you feel when you eat, then you’ll be able to see the patterns and hopefully eliminate eating when you’re feeling a certain way. Distract Yourself If you are feeling stressed and don’t have anything to do besides study, try to do something else to take your mind off of eating. You can take a walk around campus, read, listen to some music or

Reduce Your Stress If stress is causing you to emotionally eat, getting rid of the stress may help. I know - easier said than done. Try going to the gym when you are stressed out and channel all of your stress

ONE Recognized On Campus

Last Wednesday, ABA recognized Bentley ONE as an official organization on campus. What is Bentley ONE? It works to engage Bentley students in the fight against extreme poverty and disease and train the next generation of advocates for the world’s most impoverished people. ONE strives to expand the movement against poverty through advocating for important legislation, educating people on campus about challenges of international development and raising the visibility of ONE and the issues they champion. I had the opportunity to talk to Kerrin Kasianowicz, president of ONE, after the organization received recognition. She said, “ONE advocates to fight extreme poverty with means to end it by 2015

just take a nap. Get Rid of It If you know you resort to junk food when you’re stressed out, don’t buy any junk food at all. If it is not there then you can’t eat it. After all this, if you do have a moment where you emotionally eat, you’ll just have to forgive yourself. If you put your hands up in defeat, you will never get out of your habit. If you feel as though you need something to chew on, instead of eating, chew on a piece of gum. I hope that some of these tips will help you. Good luck!

Courtesy of

ABA Corner

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): The pressure on you intensifies, but don’t let yourself get nervous. Keep returning phone calls and paying off debts. You’ll feel much better soon. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Meet with your teammates to work on a strategy. Conditions are excellent for not only writing up your plan of action, but also for launching it.


By Lauren Steinbrecher

and with the recognition of ONE, the Bentley Chapter, we are one step closer in achieving this goal! We are so excited to get Bentley students involved in this fight!” ONE is all around campus and will have petitions that you can sign to help fight these causes throughout the semester, so be sure to be on the lookout if you want to help out. One of their upcoming events to look out for is World AIDS Day, which will be on December 1. This event will be a program creating awareness of the impact of HIV-AIDS in Africa, followed by a group discussion. If you are interested in joining ONE and helping to fight against extreme

ONE fights against poverty and disease in Africa.

poverty, you can e-mail Kasianowicz at Other groups that are currently going through the recognition process are 85 Broads, Goatface and the Bentley Non-Profit Society. Look out for informational meetings and programs that these groups are putting on if you are interested. Last but not least, ABA wants to hear from you! This year, more than ever, we are looking for feedback, comments and complaints so that we can better enhance the Bentley community of student organizations. If you have any suggestions or questions, feel free to e-mail ABA at




Senior Spotlight

NoVEMBER 11, 2010 Presented by The Senior Year Experience Committee

Senior Emily Budlong, Class of 2011 What is your favorite event on campus? I like Consent Day, Homecoming and Spring Day. I think they are some of the biggest events we have on campus.

Courtesy of Emily Budlong

Interview for Senior Spotlight Emily Budlong Hometown: Salem, NH Major: Management What are you involved in at Bentley? I am the Head Resident Assistant for Collins, Rhodes and Boylston [Apartments]. I am also the liaison for the Collins Hall Council. I am a member of Gamma Phi Beta Sorority. What are you looking forward to this year? I am looking forward to going to the Bahamas and to graduating and hopefully getting a job. What are your plans for the future? I plan on living in the Northeast and I’d like to work as a human resources manager in a Fortune 500 company.

What are your goals for this year? I want to make sure I get everything out of Bentley that I can before I leave. I want to have all the professors I have been waiting to have. I want as many people at Bentley to know me as possible. How are you feeling about graduation? I am excited about it. Even though I don’t want it to come, I am ready to graduate. What is your advice to seniors/words of wisdom? Don’t wait to go to Career Services! Edit your resume and look for jobs!! What can Bentley do to help you this year? Don’t push us off the radar. As seniors, we still have another semester. We shouldn’t just focus on graduation, but on the last semester as well. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned at Bentley? Time-management skills – the more things you get involved in, the more experience you get managing your time.




NOVEMBER 11, 2010


Falcons fall to #1 Franklin Pierce to end season Bentley defeats SCSU in penalty kicks, but comes up short against number one seeded Ravens By Louis Sherman VANGUARD STAFF

The 2010 Men’s Soccer season was filled with ups and downs. The team finished the year with only three losses, an impressive feat, especially in a conference that includes two top-10 clubs in the nation. Bentley (11-3-6) was noted last week for reaching the semi-finals in the Northeast-10 conference heading into the weekend. On Friday, Bentley battled with ninth-ranked Southern Connecticut State in an exciting game that was decided in penalty kicks with Bentley coming out on top, 5-3. In the conference tournament, Bentley was seeded third out of the eight teams that advanced to the playoffs. SCSU was seeded at two, and was considered the favorite coming in. Bentley had already defeated New Haven, 1-0, in extra time last Tuesday. The second game met the hype as Bentley was forced to come from behind to pick up the victory. The Owls showed why they were favored as they got out to a 2-0 lead. Bentley did not even record a shot until the 74th minute, but freshman Justin Cirasola’s header seemed to spark the comeback for the Falcons. In the 75th minute, junior Matt Solomon scored his fourth goal of the year, assisted by fel-

Sophomore Brennan DaCosta contributed to the Falcons’ victory over SCSU, scoring one of the penalty kicks during overtime.

low junior Ryan Miamis to cut the deficit in half. Senior Mike Lipsett added another shot on net just two minutes later. After that surge, Bentley was awarded a corner kick in the 80th minute, which ended with them tying the game at two. Sophomore Brennan DaCosta crossed a beautiful corner into the box that junior Chris Gardner headed past the Owl goalie for the equalizer. After a scoreless two rounds of extra time, the game was sent into penalty kicks. The format for the PK’s was the most goals in five tries for each team. Bentley went perfect with five


scores to Southern Connecticut State’s three. Freshman Cody Osgood scored first for the Falcons. After a miss by SCSU, graduate student Bill Nussdorfer scored the second of Bentley’s tries, to put the pressure on the Owls. There were no more misses by either club, but Bentley was able to clinch a victory and SCSU did not need to shoot for a fifth time. Junior Rasmus Christensen, DaCosta and sophomore Weston Zeiner scored the other penalty kicks for the Falcons. Graduate goalie Mike Nikiforov made an important

save on the first PK attempt to secure the lead. Nikiforov made five saves in the game to hold the Owls to just two and keep the Falcons close in order to tie the game. On Sunday, Bentley took on Franklin Pierce, the top-ranked team in the nation in Division II. Although Bentley lost the game, they gave it their all as they fell short, 1-0. Franklin Pierce had their share of trouble with the Falcons, as the two teams battled to a 1-1 tie just a few weeks earlier. Franklin Pierce scored in the 35 minute, but the goal proved to be enough to propel the Ravens to their second confer-

boulder comes crashing down on him, his whole view on life comes crashing down. The contrast is crucial to making this character study honest to the audience - the need to show the transformation within Aron as he stands there for days, the acceptance of his mortality and his fight for survival. So having this take place in that one spot wasn’t a big problem, it was making Aron’s internal struggle visible on screen that was. That’s why I chose to use two directors of photography, to really grasp at the con-

trast happening. Acquiring two distinct visual styles for the movie really helped getting the tone correct.

ence title. Nikiforov made six saves on the day to contain the Ravens to the one goal. He and Zeiner were named to the NE10 All-Tournament first team. The loss to Franklin Pierce was the first loss by the Falcons in nine contests. They have to be proud of their accomplishments this season. This was the first time in 16 seasons that Bentley has even reached the conference finals, nevermind the decent run they made to almost make the national tournament. It is erroneous that Bentley was not selected to the NCAA Division II tournament even after completing a stellar season. Three of the six teams selected to Super Region 1 were selected from the NE-10. Franklin Pierce was joined by Southern New Hampshire and even Southern Connecticut State in the region. Bentley’s comeback victory against SCSU, the overtime win over New Haven and the close loss to Franklin Pierce were not enough to jolt the Falcons into the tournament. The Falcons can look at this season as a great step forward into future years. Although they will be losing their star goalie, Bentley has a vast range of young, talented players who have proven to be able to step up in big spots. Zeiner, Osgood and Solomon will look to continue their success together in order to make the regional tournament next year.

BOYLE Continued from Page 10 JF: Was it difficult working with primarily one actor in such a confined location? DB: Well, yes and no. This film really pushed us in ways we did not expect. I wanted to use the same crew I used on Slumdog Millionaire because we all knew how to work together and what we were capable of. But contrast was key to making this film energetic and full of life. I mean hell, this could have been a mor-

bid tale that was all about the “money shot” of Aron going to work on his arm, and I didn’t want anything like that. I believe the internal struggle, the duality within Aron’s character was far more interesting and captivating for a film. I mean, here we have a man who believes he is completely independent, who needs to only rely on himself to survive. He is wild and adventurous and sees himself as indestructible. But once that

Boyle says he’s been lucky to direct successful movies such as Slumdog Millionaire and 127 Hours.

Courtesy of

JF: So are there any plans for the future? Any projects on the horizon? DB: Whenever someone asks me this, I don’t know how to respond. For me, I can never choose new films in advance - it ruins the creative process. I don’t want to see myself specializing in any specific genre or anything like that. To me, you need to earn the

inspiration. Looking back, I couldn’t see myself directing anything else but 127 Hours next, but I didn’t know that right after Slumdog Millionaire was finished. It is all a process - an idea or story may pop up, but I will only know it when it actually happens. Like I said before, I don’t consider my career a “body of work.” They have all been films that have gripped me and that I was lucky enough to direct. I have no idea what lays on my horizon, but once I do I’ll be sure to let you know.



Newsflash: Lady Falcons can ball, too After impressive preseason play, Bentley’s ready to take on NE-10 rivals

pAGE 15

Recent ReSUltS Results from 11/2-11/9

By Robbie LaBrie SportS Editor

While Bentley Men’s Basketball tends to garner much of the attention around campus, Women’s Basketball has been competitive in their conference and seemed poised to make an even deeper run this year with a well-balanced roster. it is not outside the realm of possibility that the Lady Falcons even outpace their male counterparts in NE-10 play this year, especially after a promising win in an exhibition game against University of New Hampshire and some lofty preseason expectations. Not only were the Lady Falcons picked to win the Northeast-10 conference by the 16 NE-10 coaches, but they were also ranked number 24 in the USA today/ESpN division ii Coaches’ poll, which is selected by the Women’s Basketball Coaches Association. the Falcons had a good season last year, finishing fourth in the conference with a 16-6 record in NE-10 play and a 19-11 record overall. they were bounced in the semifinals on the conference tournament by 32-2 Franklin pierce and fell in the first round of the national tournament to Stonehill. despite the disappointing finish last year, the Falcons are expected to be one of the elites this year, considering they return eight players from last year and six of their top-seven scorers, graduating only standout forward Collette Josey from the top of the rotation. While the loss of Josey will certainly hurt, a solid core including the likes of senior Kim Brennan will lead the Falcons in an effort to storm the top of the NE-10 standings. Brennan paced the Falcons in scoring last season, averaging 17.4 points per game. they will look to build upon Brennan’s chemistry with fellow guard Katherine

NoVEMBEr 11, 2010

Field Hockey (6-12, 2-7 NE-10) UMass-Lowell (11/2)* AiC (11/6)* Hockey (2-3-1, 1-0-0 AHA) Sacred Heart (11/3)# Men’s Basketball at providence (11/6) (exhibition) Men’s Cross Country Northeast-10 Championships (11/7)

Lady Falcons look to live up to the high expectations set by Division 2 coaches in recent poll .

Goodwin and forward Elise Caira, who each averaged double figures last season, as well. Six-foot-tall junior forward Shatasia Kearse and 6-1 transfer Caleigh Crowell will likely be expected to fill the void left by Josey down low, while junior guard and threepoint specialist Meghan thomann and sophomore guard Courtney Finn will likely see increased playing time, as well. Coach Barbara Stevens also said that she expects newcomers like Crowell and the freshman class of Jacqui Brugliera, Lauren Battista and Christiana Bakolas to step up and contribute right away. Stevens will begin the year needing only seven wins to reach 800 career victories in her 25th season as head coach at Bentley. Coach Stevens is actually a remarkable story that goes under the radar at Bentley. She already leads all division ii coaches, active or retired, in wins and will join only pat Summitt, Jody Conradt, C. Vivian Stringer and Sylvia Hatchell as the only coaches in Women’s college Basketball history, with 800 wins. the Falcons goal this sea-

With a well-balanced team from all positions on the court, Bentley is ready to show off their depth.

Courtesy of Sports Info Office

Courtesy of Sports Info Office

son, however, will be to get Stevens into the 820s if possible, and if they do that it will be with their team balance and depth. this is a team that can get production from all spots on the floor with either their starters or their bench, and they proved it on Monday in their exhibition match against UNH. in a game where the Falcons showed off that incredible depth, it was a nice surprise to see sophomore guard Courtney Finn leading the way with 12 points. Finn was a promising recruit as a freshman last year, but missed the entire season with a preseason knee injury. it seems she is more than ready to contribute, however, and she proved it on Monday. UNH didn’t put up much of a fight as the Falcons steamrolled them in durham, NH, 78-51. After scoring the first 10 points of the game, many of which came at the hands of Brennan, the Falcons never really looked back. After Finn’s 12, sophomore guard Kelsey robertson put up 11 points, including two threes, while freshmen Battista and Brugliera scored nine each. Brennan and Goodwin, who did not play many minutes, each had nine as well. perhaps the most promising sign for the Falcons was the fact that they outrebounded UNH, 50-28. Kearse, Caira and Finn paced the Falcons on the glass, each grabbing six rebounds. this is a Falcon team that looks like they will be fun to watch and will be able to compete with even their fiercest of NE-10 rivals. the Lady Falcons will kick off their regular season schedule at Holy Family on Monday, November 15. they will then come back home to open up their conference schedule against Merrimack on November 17, and that’s where things should start to get interesting.

Result L 3-0 L 2-1

W 6-2

L 83-76

3rd of 14

Men’s Soccer (11-3-6) New Haven (11/2) (NE-10 Quarterfinals) W 1-0 (ot) at Southern Ct (11/5) (NE-10 Semifinals) t 2-2 (Bentley 5-3 pKs) at Franklin pierce (11/7) (NE-10 Finals) L 1-0 Men’s Swimming and Diving (1-0) Le Moyne (11/6)

W 154-135

Women’s Basketball at New Hampshire (11/8) (exhibition)

W 78-51

Women’s Cross Country Northeast-10 Championships (11/7)

4th of 16

Women’s Swimming and Diving (1-0) Le Moyne (11/6) Volleyball (17-13, 10-5 NE-10) at New Haven (11/3)* Saint rose (11/5)* Le Moyne (11/6)*

W 172-108

L 3-1 W 3-1 W 3-0

*Northeast-10 Game # Atlantic Hockey Game

Upcoming SchedUle Nov. 12 Men’s Basketball vs. Bloomfield

8:00 p.m.

Nov. 13 Football vs. Stonehill* Men’s Basketball vs. Concorida (NY)

12:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m.

Nov. 17 Women’s Basketball vs. Merrimack* Men’s Basketball vs. Merrimack*

5:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

Nov. 19 Hockey vs. UConn#

7:05 p.m.

Nov. 20 Swimming vs. UMass-dartmouth

1:00 p.m.

*Northeast-10 Game # Atlantic Hockey Game

pAGE 16

NovEMBEr 11, 2010


thE vANGUArd

Men’s Basketball looking forward to home opener Despite player turnover, Falcons ranked number one in Northeast-10 preseason poll By Robbie LaBrie SportS Editor

Bentley Men’s Basketball is back and the Falcons are back in their usual spot in the preseason Northeast-10 rankings: First. despite finding themselves in a situation where they graduated one of the best players in Bentley history, the conference coaches still placed Bentley as the team to beat this season. the Falcons also found themselves in the top 10 in the nation according to The Sporting News College Basketball Magazine at number 10. it’s not that the praise is unwarranted, as the Falcons boast a very deep roster, but this is a season where a lot of teams in the NE-10 lost their stars, and Bentley will not be alone in the growing pains they could experience at the beginning of the season. Jason Westrol was the National Association of Basketball Coaches division ii player of the Year last season, but instead of playing in Waltham this season, he’s off playing basketball in romania. Combine that with the loss of fellow guard John Brandt, and it’s clear to see that the Falcons will be having some gaping holes to fill at guard this year. “We have more questions than we ever have coming into this year,” said Coach Jay Lawson. “But we have a variety of possible answers.” the front court for the Falcons should be relatively set with NE10 star senior Brian tracey leading the way alongside senior Joe Fremeau, junior Kevin Kettl and sophomore dan o’Keefe. “our front court is deep and experienced,” said Lawson. “our guards will be more of a question.” the guards on this team are deeper than the forwards, but the problem is that after Mike Quinn and tom dowling, who

Coming off of a season-ending injury, senior G Tom Dowling will be a leader this season.

will lead the back-court efforts, there are a lot of guys without much experience. Lawson expects that sophomores Greg Jacques and Mike topercer, junior transfer Sam Leclerc and freshman Jasper Grassa will fight it out for time in the guard rotation, but it is likely that only three of the four will see significant playing time. “i’ve never had a six-man rotation for three spots,” said Lawson. “More than likely, it will just be five of those guys and we’ll see who steps up.” the Falcons will make their bones with defense and rebounding this season. they will strive to be a tough team, and Lawson said that these things “have been foundations of our program for a long time.” the key for Bentley will be to grow as a team throughout the year. Lawson believes that the team cannot think about the pressure of being ranked number one in the conference and number 10 in the nation.

“Without Westrol and Brandt, we lose guys who made great decisions and big plays. We will need their leadership to come from somewhere else this year,” said Lawson. the leadership will definitely come from the strong core of seniors Quinn, tracey, dowling and Fremeau. All four have started and will be the backbone of this Bentley team. Quinn is actually a graduate student, and he and tracey have been regular contributors on the team for a long time. dowling missed much of last season with an injury, and Fremeau saw his role expand considerably last season and he stepped up nicely. After that, Lawson believes that the team will take some time to gel and work out their roles. According to Lawson, “it may take a little longer this year. it’s a different team and we need to figure out how to handle different scenarios. We need to find out who we will go to at big

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

moments.” the Falcons got a chance to test drive the new squad at the dunkin’ donuts Center in providence, ri against some division i Big East competition in providence College. Bentley hung tough in the exhibition match, but eventually lost by a final score of 83-76. dowling paced the Bentley effort with 27 points, showing that he will be one of the leaders on this team if he can stay healthy. Brian tracey complemented dowling nicely with 23 points of his own. the transfer Leclerc looked good in his first action as a Falcon, while Mike Quinn directed the offense nicely. Coach Lawson doesn’t take much stock in the game, however, saying, “We’re not going to be playing teams who play in that style and they won’t play teams like us. it was nice to get out there in some game scenarios, but that’s about it.” When the Falcons are playing at the best, the pillars of the

offense will likely have Quinn directing the offense, dowling scoring from the shooting guard position and tracey and Fremeau down low with tracey able to stretch the floor from beyond the arc. After that, the Falcons will take some time to figure out who will step in and fill the rest of the roles. “We play six of our first 10 games in conference before the break,” said Lawson. “We play some tough teams.” After the break, the Falcons hope to be hitting their peak going into the back end of the schedule, which will be the perfect time considering all 16 of their games in January and beyond will be NE-10 contests. Last season, the Falcons ripped off a 14-game win streak in the middle of the year before dropping a few games at the end of the season. they went into the NCAA regional tournament having dropped three straight games, including getting bounced in the first round of the NE-10 tournament by UMass-Lowell. Bentley made a deep run in the National tournament, putting together four big wins to reach the NCAA Elite Eight semifinals. the Falcons’ magical run finally ended one game short of the finals in a loss to Cal poly pomona in the last game of Westrol and Brandt’s careers. But Coach Lawson has made it clear that this is a new team and they will not be trying to match or better last year’s finish. “this is a new year,” said Lawson. “there’s no replacing a Westrol. turnover is natural and this team is starting fresh.” Bentley will finally play some games that count this weekend at the dana Center in the Bentley tip-off Classic against Bloomfield and Concordia. Look for this Falcon team to try to get off to a fast start and prove that this new squad can play with anybody.

Falcon oF the Week Zeiner Named Falcon of the Week


Graduate goalie Mike Nikiforov won the Northeast-10 Men’s Soccer Goalkeeper of the Week award on Monday. he made 11 saves in three NE-10 tournament games this past week. did you know this is the third straight week Nikiforov has won the award? the goalie finished 9-3-6 this year with 9 shutouts, leading the Falcons to their first NE-10 tournament since 1994.

Sophomore Weston Zeiner of the Men’s Soccer team has been named the Falcon of the Week. Zeiner was a big part of the Falcons’ run in the Northeast-10 tournament, which ended on Sunday in the finals with a close 1-0 loss to the Franklin pierce, the number-one ranked team in the country. Zeiner scored the game-winning goal against New haven in overtime in the quarterfinals as the thirdseeded Falcons won 1-0. three days later, they upset second-seeded Southern Connecticut on penalty kicks, winning the shootout 5-3. Zeiner converted in the final round to seal the win. he was named to the Alltournament team for his efforts. the Falcons finish the season with a record of 11-3-6, their most wins since 2003. however, they just missed out on a bid to the NCAA division ii tournament.

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