The Vanguard - 11/12/2009

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VoLumE XLVii issuE Viii

thursDAy, noVEmBEr 12, 2009


This Issue CLEP provides AP credit after high school CLEP Exams Bentley’s Ph.D.s Football Loss Club Updates ...................5 AIA Funding Cuts ........6 Glutton Girl: Bertucci’s .........................6 Senior Experience .....7 SGA Speaks ....................7 Fed Challenge ....................7 This Column is Not Yet Rated ...................................8 Book Review: The Locked Room ................9 April’s Advice .............10 Notes from Abroad ....11 Warren Buffett ..........12 Field Hockey ...................15 Volleyball ..........................16

Exams allow students to test out of required courses Leslie Dias CAmPus LiFE EDitor

As class registration begins this coming week, several students will be picking in a class code ahead with the enormous number of credits that students are attending Bentley with. one method for obtaining these credits is the untraditional college level examination program. Commonly known as CLEP, this program offers a more instantaneous way of getting credit for a full semester college course. students taking CLEP exams can take up to 12 transferrable college credits. CLEP takes Advanced Placement credits one step further with no course to couple the material covered in the exam. these CLEP examinations cost $72 each and are comprised of a sole examination on the subject at hand. the advantages of CLEP are stated on the College Board website and include benefits such as skipping introductory classes, saving money, and graduating early. Jane Ellis, the Associate Dean of Academic services, has been dealing with the CLEP program since she’s been at Bentley. “Very few students take advantage of CLEP exams— they are difficult standardized exams,” says Ellis, “We usually

CLEPs can ease your college workload.

recommend them if a student has taken a strong AP course in high school or a college course that didn’t transfer in.”

“Very few students take advantage of CLEP exams - they are difficult standardized exams.” -Jane Ellis AssoCiAtE DEAn, ACADEmiC sErViCEs

As an equivalent to taking a semester long course, are these exams adequate substitutes? “i think of the exams as comparable to an AP exam: that is, they

Photos from

are a good measure of knowledge that can be tested in a multiple-choice, short-answer format,” says Ellis, “i don’t consider that an indicator of how well a student would do in a Bentley course because it doesn’t measure writing or communication skills, class participation (discussion is such an important part of most classes).” According to the College Board website, there are over 34 examinations ranging from economics to psychology to chemistry. “the most common exam taken by Bentley students is American Government,” says

Ellis. Professor George seeley, an American Government professor on campus, has similar reserves to CLEP. “missing most of all [from the CLEP exam] is the give and take of the classroom discussion, presentation of issues as two sided and writing assignments to test how well a student is able to articulate a point of view.” As an important aspect of Bentley’s academic atmosphere, analysis and discussion are missing from these college-level exams and take away one of the most valuable assets that Bentley has to offer. it is obvious that these programs are designed for students to reiterate information and pass the exam. seeley says, “All review services propose to advise for the test rather than pursue a course of study here. therefore, students miss out on the learning experience that is married with taking actual college courses. Another point that seeley addresses is the guarantee made by these substitute college course programs and tests, “some even guarantee passing or your money back!?! that’s not a guarantee i would be prepared to make with students in my course.”

Bentley answers the need for Business Ph.D.s Falcons loss ends playoff hopes Phillip St. Pierre stAFF WritEr

Bentley’s Ph.D. program is taking flight with 17 students this year.

Nicole Shepard stAFF WritEr

After establishing a reputable undergrad and graduate program, Bentley decided to take higher education one step further. on may 16, 2009, the program was solidified with Kwadwo Asare becoming the first student to graduate from Bentley’s doctoral program. Bentley’s first doctorial programs in Business and Accountancy were launched in

september 2006 in hopes to broaden Bentley’s reputation as a, “prestigious business school,” according to the director of the Ph.D. program, sue newell. it was also created to meet the increasing demand for business Ph.D.s. According to the Association to Advance Collegiate schools of Business international, there was a national shortage of 1,142 business Ph.D.s in 2008. By 2013, the gap is expected to exceed 2,400 Ph.D.s.

Photo by Nicole Shepard

Bentley’s doctoral program is designed to match both the student’s personal goal for their dissertation along with the evolving criteria for business Ph.D.s. “our research shows that business schools need specific talents in their new faculty members, including a publication record, teaching experience, and subject domain and methods expertise,” said robert Galliers, former

the Falcons had what most would consider a spectacular season, finishing tied atop of the northeast 10 division, but somehow still managed to fall short of the nCAA Division ii Playoffs. Although Bentley Football came to an abrupt end this year, there really can’t be too much disappointment in a season where the Falcons only lost two games.

the Falcons ended the season with a record of 8-2, with both of their losses coming by only two points. Bentley finished tied atop the northeast-10 conference with both merrimack College and southern Connecticut, but a crucial loss in their final regular season game ruined the Falcons hopes of making the playoffs. in their final match against stonehill on saturday, a win would have (Continued on Page 14)

(Continued on Page 14) QB Johnson led a very successful ‘09 offense. Police Log 2 Cartoon 3 Editorial 3 Voices 8 Horoscopes 10 Games 13 Falcon of The Week 16

Photo provided by Paul LeBon

PagE 2

nOVEmBEr 12, 2009

THE VangUarD

Campus News

News Briefs seniors! don't forget to pick up your senior Mugs! look out for emails on when you can stop by the office, in the Bubble.

next PUB night: december 3 __ Beta Gamma sigma is an international honor society that recognizes students with outstanding academic achievement. It is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACB). Being a member of this society is the highest recognition a student can receive in a baccalaureate, post-baccalaureate or doctoral program in business. Twice a year, students from BGS around the world attend the Beta Gamma Sigma Student Leadership Forum. They work together and individually to strengthen their leadership skills before entering the professional workforce. This year, stephanie Bernard and anne Marie Warner will be representing Bentley University at the Leadership Forum. It will be held in Tampa, Florida in the beginning of February. The students are being sponsored by the office of the Dean of Business. Thanks to the Boston Area Beta Gamma Sigma Alumni Chapter, Rick dilorenzo has been awarded sponsorship to the Leadership Forum as well. At its September meeting, the Bentley chapter of Beta Gamma Sigma elected the following officers: President: Andy Aylesworth, Associate Professor of Marketing and Faculty Senate Chair treasurer: Chip Wiggins, Gibbons Professor of Finance Vice Presidents: Rick DiLorenzo, Kaylyn Frazier, and Anne Marie Warner On November 19, Beta Gamma Sigma is cosponsoring an event with ALPFA and Career Services. cFO Michael Wyzga from Genzyme is coming to Bentley to speak about career strategies in corporate finance within the Biotech industry. BGS officers will be present. Those interested in hearing from the CFO of Genzyme or learning more about the BGS Honor Society should RSVP to the event via BentleyLink.

Please Read

Police log

Gaelen Austin-LaFrance Garren Hilow VangUarD STaFF

Nightmare on Hammond Street Early last week, officers received a report from the Waltham Police Department describing a wild Halloween party off-campus Bentley students held on Hammond Street. The officers who responded to the noise violation at 1 a.m. observed approximately 100 people in the area and could hear the music from a country mile away. The officers put an end to the festivities and informed the three Bentley students that they would be judicially charged with a noise ordinance violation.

Science Experiment Goes Dismally Wrong Thursday morning at 1 a.m. the Waltham Fire Department responded to a fire alarm in Oak Hall. When they entered the building they fought through a substantial amount of smoke billowing from bathroom into the hallway. Inside, they found a smoldering trash barrel. The barrel was brought outside and the building was aired out but the series of events that led to the fire are still unknown. The case is closed due to lack of suspects.

Too Cool for Fire Safety While responding to a routine fire alarm inspection Tuesday evening, officers noticed a student who had not left the building for the alarm. When officers questioned the student he claimed that he had been looking for his wallet and planned on leaving soon. The officers decided that the student had plenty of time to leave the building before they arrived and was evading the fire alarm. He will be judicially charged with failure to evacuate during an emergency.

Three Strikes You’re Out Early Sunday morning, at 1:21 a.m., the boys in blue headed up to Elm Hall for a report of a highly intoxicated female. Upon arrival, they met with a staff member who indicated the female student had been vomiting and displayed other signs of intoxication. The boisterous student in question assured officers she hadn’t had anything to drink then proceeded to fail three consecutive sobriety tests. Despite her insistence that she was totally sober, she was taken into protective custody and transported to the hospital for further treatment. She will be judicially charged with underage alcohol violation and protective custody.

Unnecessary Roughness Campus Police arrived at the football field Sunday afternoon just after 2 p.m. for a report of a broken nose. The flag footballer had taken an elbow to the nose during an intense play and required medical attention. Officers observed that the athlete’s nose was swollen and bleeding and took him to the hospital for further treatment. Half an hour later, police were called to the field a second time for another injured player. Upon arrival, the student was holding a gauze pad over his eye and told the officers he’d been hit during a play and received a cut on his face. The small laceration was deep enough that it likely required stitches, so officers took the player to the hospital.

I Can’t Stop, It Feels So Good Put That Guest on A Leash On Sunday at 1:44 a.m. officers on patrol spotted a male drinking out of a beer can. as they approached, the perpetrator attempted to hide the beer but to no avail. He had no ID and was found to be a guest of a female party he accompanied. They were both sternly advised about the city ordinance and campus policy banning drinking in public. The female student will be charged with a guest policy violation.

Pole Dancer Thursday morning, at around 11:15, a staff member reported an off-campus accident involving a Bentley vehicle. The staff member who had rented the vehicle didn’t check twice before backing, and

then Recycle

accidently bumped into a light pole. The light pole inflicted small scratches and removed some paint from the rear bumper.

Early Sunday morning, an officer making rounds inside Fenway was flabbergasted when he came upon a student urinating in the corner of the second floor stairwell. The officer ordered the student to stop what he was doing immediately. Clearly unable to stop, the male continued peeing until he was good and empty. The satisfied student then started walking away from the officer, ignoring commands to halt. When the officer caught up with him, he noticed an overwhelming odor of alcohol and shortly thereafter determined he had caught an underage drinker.The student was arrested for disorderly conduct and transported to the Waltham Police Department for the night to think about what he had done. He will be judicially charged with an underage alcohol violation and disorderly conduct.


nOVEMBEr 12, 2009


OpiniOn & EditOrial


Letter to The Editor: Tim Wise

*The Vanguard’s editorial as well as the editorial cartoon are proposed at each Editorial Board meeting. They are represented as being the opinions of the Board as a whole, although drawn by individuals, and not the Bentley community.


Enough with the endless e-mails already

When it comes to e-mails at Bentley, we have all been overwhelmed by our full inboxes at one time or another. nevertheless, it seems like the rate at which they fill up has been steadily increasing over this past semester. Bentley utilizes the schoolwide e-mails for events and speakers on campus, updates on health and registration, and other necessary information relevant to all students. We understand the need for these e-mails, sent by administration in the interest of the Bentley community, because they are relevant to our lives. However, e-mails that are sent by individual faculty as a means of course advertisement, students who abuse email lists to get their word out, or organizations advertising their events are a different story. They are clear examples of abuse of our campus as a whole, and need to be limited and stopped. It is appropriate for teachers to advertise their abroad programs through fliers, brochures, classes, and per-

haps one e-mail to all students. On the other hand, when the amount of e-mails becomes excessive and seems never-ending, something needs to be done. Perhaps a single email advertising the details all of the faculty programs would be best. We have enough e-mails coming in every minute of every day, and receiving more unnecessary e-mails only irritates students more. If we don’t reply to the first, second, or third, it should be assumed that we are not interested in traveling to another country for an alternative spring or winter break. And if we do reply to an e-mail expressing interest in a certain study abroad program, it does not mean we want to receive even more e-mails. Some students have even gone so far as creating rules in Outlook to automatically delete these kinds of e-mails. And they’re right to. Study laboratories on campus for specific classes or job openings for students who speak Chinese fluently do not apply

Disclaimer: The opinions published in The Vanguard are submitted by readers of the newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Vanguard and its staff. We are not able to print any letters submitted anonymously.

THE VANGUARD Bentley University 385 Beaver Street 310M1 Student Center Waltham, MA 02452 Phone: (781) 891-2912 Email: Web:

to the entire campus so should not be e-mailed to everyone. We as students take the time to make distribution lists, so it’s time these specific places do as well. Students who abuse e-mail lists are the worst. “Forward this e-mail to 100 friends and receive an iPod.” “Join the fight against John Smith by signing my petition.” It’s all the same. Using a work e-mail list should be for very specific reasons: to cover shifts, in case of an emergency, or to spread job related information. These lists should not be for personal use, and need to be regulated. This problem has arisen a million times. The administration has limited how many people students can e-mail. The students have been regulated, so it’s time for professors, faculty and staff to receive similar treatment. Access to all student lists should be restricted to top administrators, and those who attempt to violate these restrictions with sanctions. Find new and innovative ways to advertise your events and programs. Find new ways to get the information out. If not, suffer the “always delete” rule in Outlook, and have your e-mails overlooked forever.

Dear Editor, My name is Vinny Menechino. I am a freshman at Bentley University. I feel that since I have been referenced four times in the past three issues of The Vanguard, it would be appropriate to submit a statement of my own. I was the person who attended the Tim Wise forum and offered an opposing viewpoint. I will use this opportunity to state my personal views on both Mr. Wise’s statements and the forum which followed it, rather than condemn a fellow Bentley student. I believe the administration exhibited very poor judgment in selecting Mr. Wise to give a speech on diversity. He is a very controversial figure, and it takes nothing more than a quick Google search of his name to discover his true nature. Character aside, I was in the auditorium during the mandatory lecture. I remained in my seat throughout the duration of the speech, and re-watched it over the Internet. I do feel he made a couple of valid points, however, these were overshadowed by very controversial and unacceptable statements, which offended many in the audience (and no, I am not referring to the infamous “Bush joke;” I will get to that later). ] One example of such a statement was Mr. Wise’s claim that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas (an extremely offensive, racist and unproven claim). Mr. Wise went on to claim that as such, Justice Thomas should not be opposed to affirmative action as he is now. Mr. Wise also stated that American society promotes “institutionalized racism” and oppresses minorities. While no one can deny that the dark chapter of our nation’s history did once exist, it has been long since ended. There are countless stories of poverty stricken citizens and immigrants alike that have broken through these barriers using only their thirst for success. Mr. Wise’s statement on “institutionalized racism”

Editor in Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lindsay Sauvé Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan Ryaboy Business Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ben Barenboim Copy Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jon McColgan News Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rebecca Langweber Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Robbie LaBrie Business Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chris Apuzzo Campus Life Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Leslie Dias A & E Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ian Markowitz

cannot be objectively proven and thus cannot be presented as fact like Mr. Wise did in his speech. As I previously stated, I was the only individual at the forum opposed to Mr. Wise’s view points. I must applaud the faculty moderators trying to keep the discussion as open and balanced as possible. However, they were largely unable to maintain evenhandedness. Upon discovering that I was the only opposition in the room, I was immediately questioned by several people as to my opinion on the “Bush joke.” It irritated me that this was one of the first topics brought up in the discussion, and that it was stressed as one of the more important issues. I replied that I feel he did make a fairly valid point with the joke, however, as a paid professional, he became overly carried away with the subject of the attempted humor. Only after a lengthy discussion of the Bush joke, was I finally asked why I opposed Tim Wise, and as I gave my answer, I was rudely interrupted by students who disagreed. After the incident, I felt there would be no use in speaking, as it was apparent that the vast majority of those present were not at all interested in listening. It was also apparent that many faculty and students showed up at the forum just to condemn a particular student for merely expressing his opinion and gloat over the closure of the Facebook group opposing Tim Wise. In conclusion, I believe I speak for many students that the issue of Tim Wise needs to be dropped so that we can begin an open, free conversation about race at Bentley and in America. If Bentley faculty will organize a forum dealing with the issue, many of my peers and I will attend, but only on the condition that it be truly free and open. We will not tolerate baseless criticism of particular students and attempts to intimidate them for exercising their rights of free speech and expression. Vinny Menechino

Photography Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bree Johnson Production Manager . . . . . . . . . . Heather Sprinkle Advertising Manager . . . . . . . . . . . Eugene Berger Online Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nicholas Smits Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maria Dilorenzo Journalism Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . Judy Rakowsky Cartoonist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . Lauren Valerio Circulation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanley Rameau, Levi Whitcomb

The Vanguard is the student newspaper of Bentley University. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University administration; Bentley University is not responsible for statements herein. The Vanguard is published every Thursday of the academic year, excluding examination periods and holiday breaks. It is distributed free to all students, faculty, and staff of Bentley University. The Vanguard is funded in part by the Student Activity Fee, but relies on advertising revenue to cover the majority of its costs. Advertising rates are available upon request at (781) 891-3497. Circulation is 4,000 copies. The Vanguard reserves the right to refuse an advertisement; only publication of an ad constitutes final acceptance of the offer to advertise. The Vanguard reserves the right to edit all copy for grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, libel and length. The Vanguard office is located on the third floor of the Student Center. Mailing address: The Vanguard, Bentley University, 310M1 Student Center, 385 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452. Phone: (781) 891-2912.

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November 12, 2009

The vaNguard

tHe VAnguArD

Club updates The Women’s Center Weekly meetings Monday 2:10-3:25 p.m. in LaCava 180 Project of Love Holiday 2009 Project of Love. Help the Women’s Center and the Salvation Army by dressing a bear that will be given to a child in need this holiday season. bears can be picked up in the Women’s Center, LaCava 180, and must be returned no later than Monday, november 30. Contact for more information. Love Your Body Day Do you ever feel stressed and exhausted after a long week of classes? Join the Women’s Center for Love Your body Day on Sunday, november 15 from 11:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. in the backbay of the Student Center. Spend the day with pampering and relaxation! the Women’s Center has a variety of events planned including a Mary-Kay make-up specialist, a one hour yoga session beginning at noon, free massages, and much more! in addition, light, healthy snacks and drinks will be provided. Feel free to contact the Women’s Center at or visit LaCava 180 with any questions.

Students who coach life lessons Meshawn Cisero Contributing Writer

What do you get when you mix a few bentley students, a non-profit organization by the name of More than Words, and a group of students who need guidance to achieve their goal? You get a position called an education coach. the tasks of these coaches are to assist students in obtaining their goals, whether it is to get their geD or graduate from college. the More than Words organization is a non-profit that teaches students fundamental tools necessary to succeed in life. the organization targets kids who have been in trouble with the law or who come from broken homes. they hire these kids where most other places won’t, and allow them to run a bookstore, which happens to be named More than Words. they recently implemented a program which hires bentley students to come assist these kids in obtaiingn their goals. there are currently three bentley students working there; Josephson Delpeche, Shanell Mosley, and Jesson Chrisosthomme. these three dedicated students meet with students a few hours per week to help them with homework, give advice, etc. these students feel lucky to be chosen for the position and love every minute they spend there. Jesson stated, “i think it’s a great program and it really does make a huge difference in the youth’s

lives… being an educational coach, i basically motivate the students towards reaching the goals they have set in place. i also enjoy mentoring the students, because they look at me as an example and this really means a great deal to me personally. it motivates me to do well because i know that others are looking at what i do. i hope this is what you were looking for.” Shanell was just enthusiastic when she was asked; “through it all this has been an amazing opportunity to help young people see the value in education, help them reach their academic potential, and a great way to invest in the life of a young person.” to help keep this organization running, Diane tetreault has organized a service learning curriculum embedded in all her courses which helps out neighboring non-profits. More than Words is lucky to be one of the recipients of her good doings. She has several students collecting 600 books each to donate to the bookstore in order to keep it running. She has done this for years and plans to keep it going. the organization is always looking for more donations and willing to take donations in any amount. if you need more contact information you can visit the website at, or stop by their location at 376 Moody Street Waltham, MA. You can also call them at 781-788-0035 to set up a tour of the bookstore.

noVeMber 12, 2009

PAge 5

PaGe 6

NOVemBer 12, 2009

tHe VaNGUarD

Campus Life / CoLumns AIA scrutiny of funds leaves clubs wondering “what next?” Faustine Liao Staff Writer

at the first Bentley Golf association meeting of the year, President Jason Drucker had a tough message: “i know you guys are real excited about golf, but this year we’re kind of going to have to play things by ear because aia cut our funding.” according to the Bentley student organization website, the purpose of the allocation and internal audit Committee (aia), is “to allocate the undergraduate student activity fee to recognized student organizations of Bentley University [and to oversee] how monies are spent to ensure your activity fee is utilized to your benefit.” Because the aia board is comprised of students elected by the Bentley student body, the fund allocations decided by those particular students are typically in conjunction with the students’ best interests. although the majority of the clubs spend their funds on these expenses, the amount of funding each student organization receives varies on a year-to-year basis. the preceding year essentially functions as a report card aia evaluates to determine the specific organization’s funding

AIA’s funding cuts has left The Golf Association stranded.

for the upcoming year. aia Chair elise Hanaoka and Vice President of the association of Bentley activities (aBa) tyler Williams, state that the differences in funding for each organization are generally established based on the appeal of the organization to the student body: “We first look at whether the request fits the mission statement of the organization, then how [their] events can benefit the greatest number of students at Bentley. Obviously, larger organizations like CaB (Campus activities Board) benefit the greatest number of students on campus, therefore they are given larger budgets.” although some organizations are capable of acquiring their funds from financial sources

other than aia, the majority of student clubs depend on aia funding; with these increases in budget for CaB and such organizations, the smaller clubs lose financial support from aia. Hanaoka and Williams claim that aside from the increasing needs of the more sizeable organizations on campus, clubs can also lose funding if “they are delinquent with their budget requests to aia or are inactive in communication with aBa representatives.” for example, “aBa has initiated a website titled CollegiateLink, and [if] groups fail to update their CollegiateLink space, aBa and aia [can deem them as] delinquent.” in addition, “if a group fraudulently uses their funds for any reason, their accounts could be frozen or fully

Glutton Girl

Customer Service admittedly, the Bertucci’s chain at Harvard Square does not have the best service.

However, at another chain in Waltham, the service was much better. When we walked in, we were greeted by two hostesses that, after asking them about the waiting list for five minutes, told us we had to put our names down at another counter inside the restaurant. Our waiter was friendly and brought our fourth basket of bread with a smile and made occasional jokes at our appetite for the bread. When we asked for some bread to go, he gave us seven puffs of the addicting and savory bread. One complaint i have, however, is that the waiter did not bring us additional utensils for the six of us –we had four forks and four knives for six people. Value the unlimited bread puffs are the key hooks of Bertucci’s. a pizza consisting of eight large slices costs around eighteen dollars, depending on what it is topped with. We ordered a large cheese pizza and another one with spinach, ricotta and roasted garlic, both of which are made with good materials. the pizza was

revoked.” On the other end of the spectrum, organizations can also obtain more funding at any time during the year as long as they undertake an appeal process with aia. Hanaoka states that “organizations put expected turnout amounts on their budget requests, and [aia] tends to run cost-per-person calculations to determine if a request is reasonable… [However], organizations would not be given more money simply because there is a surplus [of funds].” filing an appeal does not guarantee additional funds. this year especially, aia has been “forced to take a step back and look at the big picture...because it has become extremely important for [them] as the allo-

By: Bonnie Li


Bertucci’s 21 Brattle St Cambridge, MA 02138 (617) 864-4748 after taking a long trip down to Braintree with my friends on a cold Saturday, we decided to head to Bertucci’s for some good pizza and pasta to brighten up our moods. the place was very crowded at 6:00 pm; our group of six had to wait for about thirty minutes, and we did not even get seated at a table for six. all of us squeezed into a booth for four people. When we were handed the menus, we were extremely happy with the choices offered –there are pizza choices that satisfy vegetable-cravers, meat-lovers and anyone with a whim for anchovies, eggplants, tomatoes or ricotta. Pasta choices included fettucine, ravioli, spaghetti and others. the whole restaurant exuded a cozy atmosphere that suggested harmony and the savoring of the food.

Photos fromAIA and

cating organization to be a little more frugal” due to the current economic conditions, according to Hanaoka. She asserts that aia modified its priorities last year, which included “reducing the allocation amount for organizations to have promotional items at the activities fair from $300 to $200, [placing] a moratorium on funding conferences given the high per-person cost, [discontinuing] funding of dinners off-campus for organizations, and [reducing] the overall perperson cost of food at events.” essentially, the changes in funding this year can be attributed to the combination of the emergence of new organizations and our current economic situation. as a result of these financial adjustments, clubs and organizations will discover how to function without additional funds. for the Bentley Golf association, Drucker reveals details about the drastic budget cuts: “Last semester in the spring, we got $1,400 [and] $1,100 went to our outings. this semester i had asked for $1650, and they only gave us $825, [essentially] half of what we asked for, [and now] we have to start charging kids to play golf.”

topped with a hefty amount of toppings, guaranteeing a bite of each topping in each bite. the pasta however, was not the best although they contained choices with shrimp, eggplant, chicken and different types of cheeses. i did not bother trying any of the desserts offered, but there were only five choices, all of which revolving around chocolate and cheesecake. Quality to put it in the words of my friend, “the bread is like crack.” along with the olive oil with herbs that it is served with the bread is also delectable. the pizza is about as good as it can get, with a rich covering of cheese and toppings. the crust is thin but soft and delicious. the salad is crisp and fresh and their dressings –balsamic vinaigrette, italian and Caesar –are tasty. While the pizzas are delicious and made well, the pasta is a different story. it was not poorly made, but at around twelve dollars per dish, i expect them to be better made, less oily and the sauce to be less watery. Of every-

thing offered, the pizza and the free bread are definitely the best choices. Décor the restaurant offers a nice environment that suggests bonding over a nice slice of pizza and drinks. the ambiance is also casual and offers a feeling of coziness and friendliness. it also blends in with the cute chain of small stores ranging from candy and cafes. the lighting was slightly low, but it also contributs to the overall mood and tone of the environment.

However, the restaurant is on the small side, so expect at least a thirty minute wait on weekends and busy nights. in addition, there is only one table that seats six people, so my friends and i just squeezed into a booth made for four people. Bertucci’s is the prime choice for a good meal in cold weather because of the cozy setting that warms up your insides, the piping hot rolls, and the delicious pizza that satisfies your cravings for italian food. Rating: 4/5

Bertucci’s is known for brick-oven pizzas.

Photo from

tHe VaNGUarD

Columns / news

NoVeMBer 12, 2009

Senior Experience: Advice to Seniors

PaGe 7

Presented by The Senior Year Experience Committee

Alumni Stacy-Ann Dell, Class of ’09 fulltime in the audit practice in fall 2010.

Photo provided by Stacy Ann Dell

Where has your Bentley degree landed you professionally? i’ve done several internships with KPMG and consequently received and accepted an offer to start

What was the most valuable lesson you learned during your senior year? it is very important to SaVe your money. this is a crucial time in college when you turn 21 and all you want to do is spend money having fun. But everything gets very expensive Senior year – graduation alone can be taxing on the pocket. So be wise about paying attention to your budget and cutting costs wherever possible. this way too you can have that down payment on the apartment or the new car plus tide you over until the first paycheck comes into your account. What was your favorite

SGA Speaks as probably every student now knows, the Bentley readership Program was cut this summer as a result of budget cuts. the Student Government association has recently fielded several questions about this change and would like to take the opportunity to clarify the circumstances surrounding this change. the Student Government association learned of the planned program cut in the spring and met with Paul Stanish, associate Director of the Student Center, who oversaw the program, to discuss the proposed change and explore possible alternatives. recognizing that many students view the Wall Street Journal as an important part of their Bentley experience, SGa unanimously passed a bill in april stating that it would like to see the newspaper continue to be offered on campus. Soon after passing this bill, Bentley and SGa learned that the Wall Street Journal would be discontinuing their college readership program at the end of the school year, as James Malone mentioned in his September 17 Vanguard article “Newspaper readership Program Cut.” the newspaper had stopped offering this plan to schools for some time and was now ending it with its remaining customers. as a result, the Wall Street Journal would not have been offered to students this year regardless, even if there had not been any budget

By Chris Hayes

cuts. the New York times, Boston Globe, and USa today were cut as part of the budget cuts, but also because these newspapers are all available to be read for free online via their respective websites. Student Life felt that cutting this program had a relatively low impact, especially when compared to cuts in the shuttle service or other programs, and the fact that many newspapers were going unread each day as well. the Student Government association worked throughout the spring with Paul Stanish to explore different ways of continuing this program, and is continuously reviewing all feedback that we receive regarding the change. representatives from the times and Journal were invited to set up tables in the Student Center to offer individual subscriptions and to advertise on campus, with the times accepting and offering a 50% subscription to students at the fall activities fair. the Wall Street Journal offers several student packages, including a special 15week semester package for 75% off, which is available through their website. access to all of these newspapers is available via the “access Newspapers” link on the Bentley Library homepage. if you have further questions about the readership Program cut, please visit the SGa website at and post your comments at the forum under the “tell it to SGa” page.

course? Definitely financial Statement audit (aC 470) with Jay thibodeau. it was great to be able to apply what i had learned in my internship over the summer and to finally have an insight into what i’d be doing in my career for the next few years. Core classes like these tie it all together and help you make sense of everything you’ve been doing leading up to that point. it was a time when i felt i had more of a sense of direction and purpose. Is there something that you missed out on your senior year and regret more? Having more down time with friends seemed far and few between senior year

because i had so many responsibilities. i wish i had taken the time to enjoy my friends a bit more, especially now that i am the only one doing the full 5th year and they have all moved on to becoming fulltime, working folks with other priorities. What is your favorite senior year memory? the Bahamas was a blast. the atlantis, very beautiful. and the opportunity to just lie on a beach 4 days in a row from the crack of dawn until late afternoon was something i had definitely needed by then. How do you stay connected to Bentley today? i’m still here on campus so i haven’t left or become

disconnected. But i do try to stay involved especially through recruiting events hosted by KPMG and other organizations on campus. Any words of wisdom for the Class of 2010? try as much as you can not to stress. Stress does nothing but make you feel weak and hopeless, like achievement is farfetched. Be confident in your abilities and what you’ve learned over the past four years because it is representative of the best there is to get from a college experience. Keep on looking to where you’re going and what you want to achieve because that will help you see what you need to be doing in the present in order to get there.

Bentley team prepares for Federal Challenge

The Economics team is working towards the D.C. Federal Reserve.

James Malone Staff Writer

this past Monday, a team of five students gave a presentation in preparation for the forthcoming fed Challenge. Next week, these five participants will provide monetary policy recommendations to the federal reserve Bank of Boston in a mock fed Policy meeting. they will try to answer any grueling questions that may arise from their suggestions, all in the hopes of moving on to the national championships in Washington D.C. this December. the team is assembled from a class called eC402, which has a very limited number of slots and is extremely difficult to enter. Students must apply for the class to prove worthy and be willing to debate on issues of monetary policy as well as show their skills and knowledge to a panel of fed economists. in order to become a member of the team, the student

must be enrolled in the eC402 class and complete a number of requirements. after entering the class, the team then begins to work on the competition, which is the sole objective of the class. the presentation was impressive to say the least, with each of the members assigned a major area of expertise. two members portrayed the fed members while three of them explained why certain areas of the economy had seen growth as of late. the main focus of the presentation and the questions that ensued revolved around the 3.5 percent increase in GDP from the third quarter and the member’s explanation for the increase. they then debated whether they thought the recession was over or in the process of ending. the presentation took place in Smith 303 and involved the presenters, their teacher and several other teachers from various departments whose sole purpose was to analyze and critique the presentation.

Photo from

the demonstration lasted approximately 20 minutes, most of which was taken up by PowerPoint slide analysis and explanation. although the topic was cumbersome, the members did a good job of presenting the material in an understandable way and yet still maintained an intelligent undertone so that even those completely ignorant of the material could come away with some understanding. as soon as they were done acting, the deluge of questioning began with each professor asking a different and more complex question. it was here that the true greatness of the team was shown as they responded concisely and correctly to questions which they were not prepared for. they shone beyond their rehearsed bit to show what they really had, something they will have to do next week as they take on real fed economists as unrelenting and unforgiving as their professors.

PagE 8

NovEMBEr 12, 2009

thE vaNguard

Arts & EntErtAinmEnt


This Column is Not Yet Rated

If you could have any superpower, what would you chose? monica mui CLaSS oF 2012 CorPoratE FiNaNCE & aCCouNtiNg “My super power would be teleportation…like BaM here. then BaM there.”

JamEson Liang CLaSS oF 2010 aCCouNtiNg “definitely flying, because i like the wind through my hair.”

KEvin marr CLaSS oF 2013 C orPoratE F iNaNCE & aCCouNtiNg “i would want my super power to be so that i could jump as high as i want to without getting hurt on the way down.”

JacKy yEn CLaSS oF 2013 MaNagEMENt “i would want to be able to be in multiple places at once…so i can get everything done.”

The cast of Almost Famous explores their curiosity.

Photo from

Almost Famous Review Almost Famous is a movie with heart. it’s about falling in love with music, self discovery, about growing older, and growing a voice. it is an unforgettable and caring story about coming of age, and it is set against the eccentric backdrop of the 70’s and the larger than life classic rock that defined and redefined the face of music for years. Almost Famous is one of the few movies that can toy with its audience’s emotions. William Miller (Patrick Fugit) is a fifteen year old with a rebellious rock-loving sister, anita (Zooey deschanel) and hovering single Mom, Elaine (Frances Mcdormand) that smothers him into his studies. he grows up detached from his classmates, thanks in no small part to his Mother lying about his age to the school board and William himself. When anita runs away from home to find her destiny by taking a job as a stewardess, she leaves her collection of rock music for her little brother, and he sees a future somewhere in the guitar solos. Mom is hesitant to accept William’s new passion, fearing the corrupting influence of rock music and the reefers. a disenfranchised and wildly eccentric rock writer, Lester

Bangs (a riotous Philip Seymour hoffman) puts William on an assignment to write for Cream magazine. after a run-in with the rising band, Stillwater, and a chance opportunity from Rolling Stone, William joins Stillwater on the road, to document and report. he runs into the enigmatic and alluring Penny Lane (Kate hudson) and befriends Stillwater’s exemplary and vulnerable guitarist, russell hammond (Billy Crudup). the heart of the film takes place on the road, and the stories are about discovery, freedom, and the weight of the world. Patrick Fugit carries the vulnerability of a fifteen year old lost in the world with compassion and genuine wideeyed curiosity. the imposing deadlines from Rolling Stone, russel’s instability and unavailability for interview, and the swaying influences of sex, drugs, and rock and roll start to wear away at William’s innocence and virginity. the performances are stunning all around. William’s Mother is a penetrating force, and man, she really freaked

By: David Entin

me out. Billy Crudup’s russell hammond is a stellar stage presence, a golden god, and he flows from neurotic freak-out, to acid laced monologue, to serene talent on the stage, with the expertise of a much older actor. Kate hudson controls the screen when she appears, and Patrick Fugit is the adorable string that somehow ties the jumbled mess together. the countless cameos from the likes of Mitch hedberg, Peter Frampton, and even a tolerable Jimmy Fallon, drench the scenes in a realism that was all too real not forty years ago. the soundtrack is one of loving nostalgia, incorporating some of the finest music of the 70’s spanning from the Who, to Simon and garfunkel, to iggy Pop, and all supplemented by original ballads composed by Peter Frampton and Stone gossard. rolling singalongs to classics and live performances bring a smile to the face, and are unforgettable reminders of the passion that flowed to and fro back in the days of classic rock. Almost Famous is Cameron Crowe’ tribute to the music industry; partially biographic, predominant y rose-tinted nostalgia, and massively passionate retelling of a history filled with larger than life artists, managers, critics, and of course fans. this is a thrill ride and an essential experience if you’ve ever listened to “dark Side of the Moon” alone in a dark room, lit a candle listening to “tommy,” or can still belt out “Stairway to heaven” in its entirety. Without a doubt, Almost Famous earns itself an unforgettable 5 out of 5 Falcons.

morgan o’LaughLin CLaSS oF 2011 CorPoratE FiNaNCE & aCCouNtiNg “teleportation…because then you can travel the world.”

Bree Johnson PhotograPhy Editor

The movie’s band, Stillwater, lands safely after a dramatic airplane scene in the movie.

Photo from

thE vaNguard

NovEMBEr 12, 2009

PagE 9

Arts & EntErtAinmEnt A not so locked-in ending for new police mystery novel Lauren valerio StaFF WritEr

Murder? Check. Mystery? Check. twist Ending? two thumbs up! if anything should be acknowledged about Maj Sjöwall and Per Wahlöö’s police mystery novel, The Locked Room, the authors’ psychological presentation of each character’s ending should be noted. the novel begins in Sweden circa the early 1970’s. it follows two storylines: one being a murderrobbery combination which is followed by detective inspectors, gunvald Larsson and Einar rönn, and the second being a “suicide” mystery which is followed by detective chief inspector of the National homicide Squad, Martin Beck. the first storyline was my favorite. the story followed the tale of an unknown “female” character who has committed both a robbery and a murder within the first ten pages. after this occurrence, you never see or hear from this girl again. the story then follows the two

inspectors and their two suspects, Malmström and Mohrén. Malmström and Mohrén are both previous criminals who have committed crimes in a similar fashion before. this leads the inspectors to believe they are partially, if not entirely, involved with the planning of the murderrobbery. this case takes up a majority of the novel and, upon finishing the book, it is evident as to why the background of this story is significant. the second storyline was my least favorite and portrayed the tale a dead man, Svärd, who was found shot in his apartment. the catch? Every single door and window in the apartment was locked from the inside and there is no gun or weapon found anywhere within the room. the police squad writes this off as a minor detail and entitles the report a suicide. Martin Beck, on the otherhand, will not believe this to be a suicide for one second,

Photo from

but how can he prove it otherwise? this storyline for the case was extremely clever and well presented, while the storyline following the chief inspector on the case, Martin Beck, seemed a bit out of place. his determination as a character is his only admirable quality. his interaction with other characters is usually short with flairs of his aggressive side. this contradicts one main interaction he has while obtaining information about the murder/suicide suspect, Svärd. this interaction between Svärd’s previous

landlord and Martin Beck, besides what is needed for the case, is completely unnecessary. there are random scenes of her standing naked in front of Beck, which does not add to the murder case and does not add to the relationship later formed by the two characters. unfortunately, this storyline was lost quite a couple times throughout the novel to the previous robbery case. this occurred so many times that references to specific people involved in this case could potentially be forgotten by readers. overall the book is well presented. Chapters are typically short and easy to read for those not interested in long chapters. the only chapter that was fairly long occurred towards the end where the evidence of the two cases is presented and the cases are brought to an end. Most chapters end with

cliffhangers, questions or new information which catches a reader’s attention and has them crazing for more. the authors’ writing creates so much suspense with mysterious characters, unknown storylines and occurrences that are later explained to the reader. one thing that i liked about the authors was how a situation would be presented that a reader would formulate questions about and sometime after, these questions would be addressed. a reader was never left to ponder what the author was talking about. the novels portrayal of the psychological habits of characters truly made the novel an enjoyable read, especially at the end of the novel. in the end, the book presents a different side to the criminal murder-mystery novel that this reader had never encountered before.

Notes from Abroad photos submitted by Melissa Rodriguez; See Page 11 for Notes From Abroad


NOvEMBER 12, 2009




Vanguard Staff Aries (March 21-April 19): People will be trying to get you down this week. Play through the pain and you'll come out okay.

Taurus (April 20-May 20): A big surprise is headed your way. Your friends will be jealous.

Gemini (May 21-June 21): Try a new food this week and expand your horizons. Be careful of the cheese though!

Cancer (June 22-July 22): Right or wrong, you will encounter a difficult argument this week. Check your premises and be prepared.

Leo (July 23-Aug 22): Invite a new person to the next party you go to and they will be thankful.

Virgo (Aug.23-Sept.22): Orange flavored drinks will be your enemy this week. Try grape instead.

Libra (Sept.23-Oct. 22): Travel plans will become slightly askew this week. Do the best you can and enjoy the downtime.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21): Small annoyances this week will build up to a mountain of anger if you let them.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Someone's eyes will meet yours in a class this week. Spark up a conversation with them and see what happens.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19): Use your smarts to overcome a tough obstacle while still keeping an eye on the bigger picture.

Aquarius (Jan.20- Feb. 18): Crying is okay - if you have to, let it all out. Follow Justin Timberlake, and make it a river.

Pisces (Feb. 19- March 20: Kitchen problems are headed your way. Maybe pick up some microwave dinners from the store to save yourself a headache.

The columns found in this newspaper are written by individual authors and do not reflect the opinion of The Vanguard, its Editorial Board members, or Bentley University. Comments resulting from the columns may be directed to the author and/or The Vanguard.

Columns April’s Advice

Your Questions Answered! Question: Registration is coming up and I’m unsure of what classes to take. My advisor isn’t too helpful. Is there anyone else I can get advice from? You’re right, registration is right around the corner and choosing classes for next semester can be an overwhelming process. While flipping through the registration booklet, you will find many sections of the same class…so which professor should you take? Many students will hop onto their computers and browse which sometimes provides good professor recommendations. However, these recommendations can certainly be misleading. A few students may have done poorly in the class due to their own lack of effort and decided to trash the professor on the website. So don’t take the words on that site as gold and change your entire schedule because of a few bad reviews. Instead, go see the professor yourself and talk to them about their class. If they seem welcoming, willing to talk to you, and friendly enough that you’d feel comfortable during

office hours then they may be a good professor to consider. On the other hand if they appear to brush you off, seem to be too busy to talk to you, or don’t seem too friendly, then you can make your decision without reservation. The very first place I’d check out is the Office of Academic Services which is located in LaCava 298. You can either make an appointment or just stop by during walk-in hours which are 11:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Advisors will be there to help you choose and plan out your classes efficiently. Make sure you come with your DAS-degree audit summary which you can find on MyBentley. Many students work in this office so there is a good chance that at least one of them has taken the classes you are considering. Try to plan your schedule ahead of time and make sure you are taking classes which will be best for your major. You have to take many general requirements so you might as well have them double count for an LSM if you would like to pursue a double major: this is something the Office of Academic Services would help

By: April Gammal you figure out. 5…4…3…2…1….GO! Log into MyBentley, type in your username and password (don’t mess up), click on Bannerweb, select undergraduate (day and evening) student main menu, hit registration menu, select add/drop classes, and then type in all your CRN numbers. Oh oops, you cannot register for two of your classes because they are already filled….now what?! This would be a good time to panic. I’d suggest making multiple schedules to avoid this problem. Even if you are not satisfied with your schedule, you can always drop by the registrar’s office after you register and they may be able to get you into the classes you need... especially if you look cute and smile a lot. The purpose of this column is to give advice on issues relevant to Bentley students. So, if you have any questions, concerns, or would like advice on any issue that can be addressed in a public forum please send it to April at and you may see it in a future issue. Keep in mind that your question will remain anonymous.

THe VangUard

noVeMBer 12, 2009

page 11

Notes from AbroAd Question # 5: Write about a particular aspect of the culture that you find interesting. What about it is interesting or appealing to you? Sarah Barr Barcelona, Spain

When i left home to go away to college my freshman year, my parents were of course sad to see me go. My mom would call me regularly to tell me she missed me and to catch up on my life, and on the few occasions when i did visit home my arrival was met with open arms. Such is the normal course of life for a child growing up in the States. High school is followed by college, during which most students move away from home. This is a ritual which most of us do not find the least bit unusual, and after a few tearful goodbyes we settle into our new independent lives without too much trouble. For many of the Spanish students here in Barcelona, this is an inconceivable norm. almost all of the locals at our school still live with their families, and most

likely will not move out for some time. after high school, students in Spain choose universities because of their close location. although this is not true of every single student, it is certainly the case for the majority. even after they graduate from school and get jobs, many Spaniards continue to live with their families. This is a concept that perhaps seems very strange to us because we are so used to the idea of moving away from home when we grow up. it is somewhat of a rite of passage into adulthood, and in our society it is a little bit taboo to continue living at home after college (although maybe not right now in the current economic situation). in Spain, the mentality is completely different. one reason for this could be the very close family ties they maintain. Family is extremely

Gaudi’s Casa Batlló in Spain, lit up at night.

important in Spain, and it continues to be a main priority throughout one’s life. i’m not saying that it’s not important for us in the U.S., but i think that we show it in a different way. a good example of this is the process of finding a job after college. a lot of us would probably be willing to move away from home if we were offered a good job opportunity, thinking thiswould be the best choice because it would give us a means to support ourselves and be on our own. The idea is that we strive to be independent and suc-

cessful people, for the most part (i’m generalizing of course). in Spain, they have similar goals for success, but independence is not sought after quite as strongly. While at home in the U.S. we can still show our loyalty and commitment to our families while living far away, in Spain this is not exactly the case. living close, or with, one’s family is the norm. Moving far away for the purpose of a job is unusual. Success and ambition are balanced off by the commitment to remain close to home. at times, this Spanish

Photo by Sarah Barr

custom is something i envy, especially now being so far away from home. However, i grew up with a completely different idea of the transition into adulthood, and i’m not sure i’d feel as though i were making progress if i was still living at home. it requires families to be a lot more communicative, and for both parents and children to make adjustments in their expectations of each other. nevertheless, it is a very interesting aspect of Spanish life which i have observed, and one which makes me reflect upon my own college experience.

Page 12

NOveMBer 12, 2009

tHe vaNgUard

Business The billionaire in action: Buffett continues to wow fellow investors Justin Daniel Lawlor Staff Writer

Warren Buffett, the second richest man in the world and chairman and CeO of Berkshire Hathaway inc., turned 79 this past august. But clearly, age alone will not slow this man down. Buffett continues to lead, learn, invest, and actively manage Berkshire’s extensive portfolio of insurance, specialty jewelry and clothing, food and beverage, and utilities companies. and as recent news would suggest, Buffett is looking to enhance Berkshire’s utilities holdings with the acquisition of railroad company Burlington Northern Santa fe. the deal, which was announced last tuesday, is expected to close in early 2010 and is valued at approximately $44 billionBerkshire’s largest acquisition to date. Prior to the deal’s announcement, Berkshire owned 22.6% of Burlington Northern and the complete buyout will be par-

Berkshire Hathaway and CEO Warren Buffett.

tially funded by shares of Berkshire stock. as a result, Berkshire’s class B shares will split 501, bringing the price per share to approximately $65 from its previous level of $3,325.00. investors can rest assured that class a shares of Berkshire stock will continue to trade within their notoriously high price range of $100,000. Stock splits are a corporate action that Buffet has long opposed, but as he claimed on CNBC’s Squawk Box last Wednesday, “the small shareholder can now have exactly the same availabili-

ty that would have only been available to a big shareholder.” as of late, Buffett has found himself in the midst of a common dilemma for successful investors and money managers: a surplus of cash and a shortage of adequate investment opportunities. as of Berkshire’s most recent quarterly filing, cash and cash equivalents were reported at $23.8 billion. that is simply an astonishing sum and minor multimillion dollar investments can no longer produce significant material gains due to Berkshire’s size. and Buffett

Photo from world-most.blogspot.comand

recognizes this predicament: “Size is always a problem. With tiny sums to invest, it’s extraordinary what you can find. Most of the time, big sums are one hell of an anchor.” Buffett’s bet on Burlington Northern represents his optimistic outlook for both the railroad industry and the overall U.S. economy. Buffett and his colleagues at Berkshire have been historically bearish on the railroad industry, as these companies are highly capital-intensive, heavily regulated, and face stiff competition from the trucking industry. Yet due to

recent oil price increases and a shift in focus to environmentally friendly business practices, the railways begin to look slightly more attractive. furthermore, transport via railroad is reliant upon coal supply and cost. the energy information a d m inist ra t ion f oresees sharp increases in coal supply over the next 20 years. Under the Obama administration, spending on infrastructure and public construction projects may pick up a trend that Burlington Northern would surely benefit from. in fact, more than 60 percent of Burlington’s revenues are from the shipment of building and construction products. in the words of Buffett, “it’s an all-in wager on the economic future of the United States. i love these bets.” Full Disclosure: At the time of writing, Justin Lawlor owned shares of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. His positions may change at any time.

The Vanguard

noVember 12, 2009

Page 13

Games Gridiron Gurus

Last week’s answers

By: Jon McColgan

Sudoku Level: Easy By: Nic Smits

How to Make the Police Log

Last week’s answers

By: Jon McColgan

PAge 14

NOveMBeR 12, 2009


SportS / NewS Football

Zahoruiko and Carroll led a sensational defense.

(Continued from Page 1) put Bentley solely atop the Northeast 10 and give them a great chance to play at home in the first round of the Division II Playoffs, but the Falcons fell short to the 4-5 Skyhawks due to early mistakes on special teams. Within one minute of the first quarter, Stonehill jumped out to a 14-0 lead, leaving Bentley with a huge hill to climb. The Skyhawks raced out by taking the opening kickoff 94 yards for a touchdown. On the following play Stonehill was able to recover the kickoff and two plays later they ran it in for a touchdown. Although Bentley was already down by two touchdowns just 60 seconds in to the game, the number one team in the conference was not planning on surrendering that easily. Quarterback Bryant Johnson had one of his best games of the season as he orchestrated the Bentley comeback and helped get the Falcons back in the game. Midway through the first quarter, the Falcons tallied on their first score as Johnson threw a 23 yard pass to freshman Jack Pizzotti. Bentley was then able to go into the half with a tie game as Johnson threw another touchdown, this time to junior Kyle Tuthill, to even the score at 14-14. Following a scoreless third quarter, Stonehill jumped out to regain the lead with a 19 yard field goal, but it could have been worse for the Falcons as they stopped the Skyhawks on the one to force a kick. Stonehill would not let up though and blocked a Bentley field goal on the ensuing possession, and then led a 15 play drive that ended with another touchdown. Down 23-14, the Falcons

wasted no time getting back into the game as Bryant Johnson led a 40 second drive down the field that concluded with a five yard touchdown pass to Mike Slattery, Johnson’s third touchdown of the game. With only 1 minute left in the game and down by two points, Bentley’s only chance of victory was to recover the onside kick, which they failed to do. The loss led to the 8-2 Falcons not being selected for the NCAA Division II Playoffs, a heartbreaker for Bentley. With their season coming up shorter than they wanted, the Falcons now look to next year in hopes of continuing the success of this season. Bentley is going to have multiple holes to fill next season due to the departure of a very strong senior class. Although Bentley had great all around play this season, it was the defense that kept the Falcons in the games with big stops and plays to give the offense great field position. The team is losing the core of their defense that were ranked first in the Northeast 10 with only 163 points allowed, 40 less then the next team, including the Falcons season leaders in tackles (Matt Zahoruiko), interceptions (Chris Carroll), and sacks (Darryl Laforest); all captains of the Bentley squad. One of the major players not returning to the team next season is the anchor of the defense, Darryl Laforest. The senior defensive lineman finished the season with 48 tackles, and a team leading 5.5 sacks. It was Laforest’s leadership that made even more of a difference, setting the bar for the Falcon defense by making numerous plays that don’t

Photo provided by Rich Wilkie

show up in the statbook. Also important to note is the fact that Darryl Laforest has been looked at by pro football scouts, so Falcons fans wish the NFL prospect the best as he tries to continue his career past Bentley. Matt Zahouriko also had a monster season this year for the Falcons. His team leading 12 tackles in the Falcons final game against Stonehill gave the senior linebacker 123 tackles on the season, a

new Bentley single season record. Zahoruiko could not be stopped this season, as he had double the amount of tackles of anyone else on the team. Looking at the offense, the Falcons are going to be losing one of their top performers in graduate student Kelley Rowe, quarterback Bryant Johnson’s favorite target. Rowe led the Bentley pass attack that is ranked third in the Northeast 10 with 689 receiving yards and four touchdowns, and delivered 247 rushing yards and two touchdowns as well. Bentley is also losing their scoring leader on the season in kicker Tyler McNamara.

Rowe and McNamara were essential to Falcon success this season.

McNamara is one of the most renowned and dependable kickers ever for Bentley, and has made countless clutch kicks that propelled the Falcons to victory. The Falcons are surely going to miss the veteran play and leadership that will not be returning next season, but they have some promising juniors that were extremely productive this year and should have no problem taking over the roles of the seniors. Bentley looks to improve even more next year with a year under head coach Thom Boerman’s belt, and strive to make the playoffs in a tough Northeast 10 division.

Photos Provided by Rich Wilkie

Ph.D. program (Continued from Page 1) Bentley provost and vice president of Academic Affairs who now serves as University Distinguished Professor. “The Ph.D. programs will combine disciplinary rigor and a broadbased curriculum, directly responding to growing concerns about Ph.D. programs that are too narrow in scope, too highly theoretical, or both.” Bentley’s offers two doctoral programs: Business and Accounting “I chose Bentley principally because of the opportunity to work with terrific faculty that have a very open-minded, and yet very rigorous, approach to

academic research,” said Michele Jurgens a current Bentley Ph.D. student. “It was, and is, very important to me that we are able to study a wide variety of approaches to academic research here at Bentley and are able to structure our work in the Ph.D. program around learning and practicing those different methods.” The Ph.D. programs incorporate Bentley principles on business, information technology, ethics, and global perspectives. The two focuses will also share common methodology courses and stress independent study. Students are assigned a primary faculty adviser and a

group of supporting advisers to help guide them through the doctoral process. Requirements include extensive research on the student’s chosen thesis, a presentation of their findings in multiple seminars, and teaching a minimum of one course per semester for the final two years of the student’s curriculum. Kwadwo Asare, commonly known as “Kojo,” became Bentley’s first Ph.D. graduate in May 2009. He graduated with a doctoral degree in Accountancy with a concentration in the influence of corporate governance on financial analysts.


NoVEMBER 12, 2009


SportS UMass Lowell upends Falcons 5-2 in Elite Eight Dan Ryaboy MANAGING EDIToR

The Falcons’ season came to an abrupt end as the UMass Lowell River Hawks exploded for three goals in the second half to knock the Falcons out of the National Tournament. Just a week prior, the Falcons defeated UMass Lowell in a NE-10 Semifinal battle. However, this past Saturday it was UMass Lowell’s time to shine, as the best offense in the NE-10 exploded for five goals on the Falcon home turf. The game was scoreless for the first 12 minutes with both teams having good scoring chances early, but neither team was able to find the back of the net. That changed with 21:10 left in the first half, as the River Hawks struck first with junior Liz Day finding the back of the Falcon net, scoring an unassisted goal. The Falcons would show their resilience when, less than 8 minutes later, the Falcons would strike back to even the score, as freshman Nicole Dion netted goal number 10 for the season. The assist came from senior defender Mary Abraham, as Dion tipped her shot into the back of the net. With less than eight minutes left in a back and forth first half, the River Hawks would once again regain the lead when junior Lizzy Ales netted a goal for the visiting River Hawks. The score would remain at 2-1 as the game went into intermission. Early in the second half, the Falcons would once again exhibit their greatest strength; resilience and mental toughness, as they battled to tie the game for the second time. This time the goal came off the stick of freshman Cori Geiger. It was Geiger’s first goal of the season as she was filling in for senior Abbie DeMusis. Senior Allison St. Jean picked up the sole assist

on the goal. Despite the Falcons spirited effort, the River Hawks would prove to be just too tough on this day, as they exploded for three goals in less than eight minutes following Geiger’s equalizing tally. Junior Kate Enaire gave the River Hawks a 3-2 lead with 27:30 left in the game after a long run culminated with her driving it into the cage from 15 yards out. Enaire scored again 3:27 later to make it 4-2. Senior Jaci Moulton made it a three— goal advantage 19:43 remaining, with Enaire providing the assist. Despite the loss the Falcons enjoyed another sensational season as they recorded 16 wins and claimed the Northeast-10 title for the second straight year. The loss marked the final game for nine sensational seniors, each of whom enjoyed a remarkable career as Falcons. As a unit the group earned a very impressive 65 victories in their four years. Along with that the group appeared in the National Title game in 2006, a National Semifinal in 2007, claimed an NE-10 title and a National Semifinal appearance in 2008, and a second consecutive NE-10 title in 2009. Courtney Bartlett was the Falcons’ leading scorer during the four year stretch as she netted 28 goals and 14 assists for the Falcons. Close behind her was midfielder Nicole Murphy who ended her career with 22 goals and 13 assists. Alyssa Sliney enjoyed a sensational career for the Falcons as she won every single one of the 65 games for the Falcons since 2006, meaning she has started every game since she set foot on campus back in the fall of 2006. Sliney also amassed a 1.04 Goals Against Average, and an astounding 33 shutouts. It is hard to imagine that Sliney would have had such success during her career

without the sensational careers of defenders Jenna Panzone, Christina Lowe, Kate Johnson, and Mary Abraham, each of whom are also graduating seniors. Along with those seniors, Abbie DeMusis and Allison St. Jean were also instrumental to the Falcon success. St. Jean was one of the vocal leaders on the team as she served as one of the team’s captains this year, along with being the third leading scorer during her four year tenure with the Falcons. DeMusis was also a great leader for the Falcons, as she amassed 37 points for her career, she has also been a huge positive influence for underclassmen with her relentless work ethic and dedication. The 2010 senior class will go down as one of the best classes in Bentley Field Hockey history as the impact they had on the program is undeniable. With those nine sensational players graduating, the Falcons will have a distinctly different look next season. The biggest question for the Falcons will be replacing Sliney in net as she has been a lynchpin to the Falcon success. Freshman Julia Powell is inexperienced, but could be the heir in net as she is the only other goalie currently on the Falcon roster. The Falcons will return talented sophomore Stephanie Sideris who netted 10 goals and added 8 assists this season. Along with Sideris. the Falcons will return the reigning NE-10 freshman of the year Nicole Dion who also netted 10 goals on the season. The Falcons know that they are losing a sensational senior class, but the returning players will now have a great opportunity to step up and show that the Falcon Field Hockey program is a force to be reckoned with regardless of the talent that will no longer be there.

Recent ReSUltS Women’s Basketball at New Hampshire (11/8) (exhibition)

W 73-67

Men’s Cross Country NCAA Div. II East Regional

3rd of 26

Women’s Cross Country NCAA Div. II East Regional

8th of 25

Field Hockey (16-5) UMass-Lowell (11/7) (NCAA Regional)

L 5-2

Football (8-2, 6-2 NE-10) at Stonehill (11/7)*

L 23-21

Hockey (2-4-1, 2-2-1 AHA) at Air Force (11/6)# at Air Force (11/7)# Men’s Swimming (1-1) Gordon (11/4) at Le Moyne (11/7)

T 3-3 L 3-0 W 124-73 L 154.5-136.5

Women’s Swimming (1-1) Gordon (11/4) at Le Moyne (11/7) Volleyball (16-11, 11-4 NE-10) at Saint Rose (11/6)* at Le Moyne (11/7)*

Photo provided by Bob Bergantino

W 3-0 W 3-1

*Northeast-10 Game #Atlantic Hockey Game

Upcoming SchedUle Nov. 13 Hockey vs. Sacred Heart#


Nov. 14 Hockey vs. Sacred Heart#


Nov. 15 Women’s Basketball vs. Holy Family Men’s Basketball vs. Post

2:00 4:00

Nov. 17 Men’s and Women’s Swimming vs. Brandeis


Nov. 20 Hockey vs. Army#


Nov. 21 Hockey vs. Army#


* Northeast-10 Contest # Atlantic Hockey Contest

Sudoku Solutions

Each of the Falcons seniors had a sensational four year career.

W 118-92 L 153-144


NoVEMBER 12, 2009


SportS Falcons look to make a run through NE-10 tournament Robbie LaBrie SPoRTS EDIToR

The Bentley Women’s Volleyball team has enjoyed a nice season, finishing 11-4 in conference and 16-11 overall, but now they are looking to carry that regular season success over into some tournament victories. The Falcons, who come into the tournament as the third seed, will take on the number six seed, the Le Moyne College Dolphins, on Friday, November 16. Bentley comes into the tournament looking strong and just finished up a week that saw plenty of milestones for the program, especially in their last game against Le Moyne. Senior Cassie Kraft reached 2000 career digs, becoming

only the second player in program history to do so, while fellow senior Alex Kearney recorded her 1400th kill, and managed to get up to 1410 total, just 20 shy of the school record. Kraft and Kearney, who are captains, along with key players such as junior setter Kelly Mee and senior middle blocker Kristine Mickelson have helped pace the Falcons squad this season. Mee was named Northeast-10 Setter of the Week this past week and Mickelson also shares captaining duties with Kraft and Kearney. Another interesting milestone occurred in that same fateful game against Le Moyne last Saturday, when head coach Sandy Hoffman recorded her 699th career vic-

Kearney will have to be a force in the NE-10’s.

Photo from Sports Info Ofice

tory. Hoffman has been the coach of this team since 1982 and has seen nine NE-10 tournament wins and plenty of NCAA tournament appearances. She is certainly among the elite class of division II volleyball coaches. The Falcons have an outstanding record in the NE-10 women’s volleyball tournament, going 62-27 all-time in tournament play, and making the postseason every year the tournament has been held. They have won 15 NE-10 titles in program history to go with seven runner-up finishes. The path to the championship this year should be a difficult challenge, with NE10 powerhouses like New Haven and Adelphi standing in the Falcons’ way. New Haven, the first overall seed, went undefeated in Northeast-10 play this season, going 15-0 in conference and 24-4 overall. The Falcons hosted New Haven in the two teams’ only meeting of the year and, while Bentley took the game to five sets, it was New Haven who came away with the win after scoring the final six points of the game. New Haven would certainly present a tough game should the Falcons make it to the finals, but they would first likely have to get by the second seed in the conference, Adelphi, who went 14-1 in NE10 play and 25-8 overall. The Falcons did take on Adelphi once this season in another home game that went five sets. It was a hard fought game, but in the end it was Adelphi coming out on top. But the game certainly proved that the Falcons were a force to be reckoned with considering that Adelphi was undefeated coming into the contest. Should Bentley make it past Le Moyne, the second seeded Adelphi seems like the most likely opponent for them to face in the semifinals. But Bentley will certainly be facing a challenge on Friday when they have to take on Le

Moyne, who is no push over. Le Moyne finished up the regular season 9-6 in conference and 17-9 overall, an even better record than the Falcons. The two teams did, however, provide a preview for anxious fans just last week when they faced off in Syracuse, New York in the aforementioned last regular season game of the year. Bentley came out victorious in this one, taking down Le Moyn e, 3 -1. D espite t he incredible milestones set out by the like of Kraft, Kearney and coach Hoffman in this one, it was Kelly Mee who did it all, recording 43 assists, six blocks, five kills, four digs and two aces. Junior Alaura Berry also had a nice game with 11 kills to lead the team along with Kearney, who had 11 herself. Le Moyne took down the opening set, then had Bentley in a tight spot, putting the Falcons down 20-19 late in the second set, forcing Bentley to grind out some points to avoid falling back to a 2-0 deficit and the Falcons answered the call. The Dolphins committed three straight attack errors to cough up the lead, before Mickelson made a kill and then Mickelson and Mee made a block together to get the score to 24-20 in favor of the Falcons. Le Moyne still had some fight left in the second set, ripping off three straight points to get the score close again at 24-23, but Bentley junior Andrea Farah was there to make a kill to take the set and even the match at 1-1. The Falcons easily handled Le Moyne in the last two sets to pull out a 3-1 win on the road and finish the season with the third seed locked up. Le Moyne may have ran out of gas at the end, but the skill and toughness they showed in the first two sets shows that they are capable of giving the Falcons all they can handle in the teams’ upcoming tournament quarterfinals match.

This game was not Le Moyne’s last of the season; they went on to face Stonehill the next day, and easily disposed of them, 3-1. So, despite the loss to Bentley on Saturday, both teams will be coming into their tournament match with some momentum and should be ready to bring their best game. The win against Le Moyne marked the Falcons’ fifth win out of their last six games, with the only loss coming against New Haven. That streak also included two 3-0 shutouts of Saint Rose and Franklin Pierce respectively. This past week also saw a nice accolade for Cassie Kraft who was named to the 2009 ESPN the Magazine Academic All-District 1 Third Team. The honor is awarded to division II and III volleyball players in the New England and New York area who demonstrate excellence in volleyball and academics. Kraft is a marketing major who maintains a 3.46 GPA and has been Bentley’s libero, a position that specializes in defensive skills, since her freshman year and is no stranger to awards. She was the NE-10’s 2008 Libero of the Year; she has been twice named to the All-Northeast-10 second team and has twice received Academic AllNortheast-10 honors. The Falcons are coming in hot, especially on riding on their veterans like Kraft, Kearney, Mickelson and Mee among others who have carried the team throughout the season, and they will need to continue getting production from all over the floor in the same way they have all season. It is a tall task to take down teams like Le Moyne, Adelphi and New Haven all in one tournament, but if we’ve learned anything from watching Northeast-10 Volleyball over the years, it’s that you can never count out coach Hoffman’s Falcon squad.

Falcon oF the Week Mee Named Falcon of the Week


This Past Saturday, senior linebacker Matt Zahoruiko recorded a game high 12 tackles. With that performance Zahoruiko’s season tackle total reached 123 tackles? Did you know the 123 tackles is a Bentley record for a single season, breaking the previous record of 115?

Junior setter Kelly Mee of the Volleyball team has been named the Falcon of the Week. Mee led Bentley to a pair of road wins last weekend against Saint Rose and Le Moyne. The wins helped the Falcons secure the number three seed in the Northeast-10 playoffs. The Ivyland, Pa., native was also named the NE-10 Setter of the Week on Monday. In last Friday’s win 3-0 over Saint Rose, Mee had 30 assists, three blocks, three digs and three kills. She topped that effort the following afternoon against Le Moyne, going for 43 assists, six blocks, five kills, four digs and two aces in a 3-1 win. Mee is currently fifth in the Northeast-10 in assists, averaging 9.3 per contest. The Falcons, who are 16-11 overall and 11-4 in the NE-10, will take on Le Moyne in the quarterfinals of the NE-10 tournament this Friday at 5:00 p.m. The entire tournament is being held at Costello Gym on the campus of UMass-Lowell.

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