Bentley Vanguard

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SuMMer 2012

Bring Ryan Vermette home: Fundraiser Study abroad student struck by a car in Cape Town, South Africa By Lacey Nemergut newS editor

On April 4, Ryan Vermette, a Bentley University student studying abroad in Cape Town, South Africa was hit suddenly by an oncoming motor vehicle, sustaining serious injuries to his spinal cord. Due to significant damage and pressing need for extensive rehabilitation, the cost of his safe transportation back to his home in Yarmouthport, Massachusetts poses a sub-

stantial financial burden for his loving family. Vermette is currently a junior in with a major in Global Studies and concentration in ethics and management. Vermette had spent a majority of his summer volunteering in Ghana in coordination with a farming NGO for two months. “While in South Africa, he volunteered to help students with math and science homework with an organization called SHAWCO,” said class-

Vermette is studying abroad in Cape Town this semester, and spent time in Ghana last semester.

Courtesy of

mate and friend Mark DiMaggio. In an effort to raise the necessary funds for Vermette’s highly anticipated return, Vermette’s friends and family have joined together to create the “Bring Ryan Home Fund”. “We are asking for donated items to be raffled at a Family BBQ fundraiser to be held,” reads a flyer detailing information of the event. “I dont think there has been a more influential person in my life,” said DiMaggio. He is the best person that I have ever met.” In addition to his closest friends, Vermette has touched the lives of many. “For those who may not know Ryan, he is an amazing young adult who has touched so many lives. He always strives to be the best he can be and is always willing to put others first before himself,” reads the Bring Ryan Home Fund flyer. “It is this caring and passionate personality that sent him to South Africa.” See RYAN, Page 6

Spring day: months of planning on CAB’s part

Courtesy of Patrick Maguire

CAB worked tirelessly to get as much student input as possible.

By Brenna O’Connell CaMPuS Life editor

The countdown to Spring Day began as soon as we returned from spring break, but few students are realizing what exactly they are counting down to. This year, CAB has made it their mission to provide the best possible experience to the students and to

7 D E L T A


the company has found a way to keep oil prices low

outdo all years previous. “This is shaping up to be the best spring day we’ve had so far,” said traditions co-chair Mitch Hadfield. “This year, we tried to revamp the whole Spring Day process to get more student input. The past decisions were made taking into account as much student opinion as possible, but we wanted a really for-

mal, concrete way of getting student input and running the statistics on it,” said concert committee co-chair Greg Kokino. CAB sent out a survey that got a generalized overview of some artists students were interested in as well as the genres students want to see. See CAB, Page 5


Service Learning revamping its program to offer more to current business students

The BSLC has over 50 community partners.

By Rachel Wang Vanguard Staff

As Bentley strives to offer the highest quality education to its student body, the Bentley Service-Learning Center (BSLC) is revamping its program to give students more opportunities to serve their community while further exploring their academic interests. Dr. Edward Zlotkowski, Director of the Center and a Professor in the English and Media Studies Department, is eager to introduce the new and exciting innovations the program will see next semester. The service-learning program was started back in 1991 by Dr. Zlotkowski with the purpose of connecting business-oriented students with community organizations that needed various kinds of assistance. The experience outside of the Bentley campus was meant to link what students learned inside the classroom to issues in the real world, “preparing students for citizenship as well as a career.” Year after year, this program still receives countless undergraduates eager to work more closely with their community. Its success can mostly be attributed to the fact that even with incredibly busy schedules, students are given the chance to constructively spend their time at a job or cause they believe in while earning a 4th-credit and gaining invaluable skills. The manage-

ment and structure of the BSLC allow for constant feedback across all parties involved and with that the program grows every day through positive referrals. Today, more than 50 community partners are affiliated with the service-learning program and more than 600 students have demonstrated their desire to serve in community projects this year alone. With all this success, Dr. Zlotkowski is still looking to perfect the program by further developing the quality of the relationships established between community partners and Bentley. “We want to improve the program’s ability to contribute to students’ academic learning, personal development and civic engagement,” said Dr. Zlotkowski. In order to do so, the program is now working more closely with professors and departments involved to get the best sense of the kind of work courses can offer. Traditionally, many of the service projects have been geared towards tutoring of some kind, but Dr. Zlotkowski wants to offer students more chances to work on businessrelated initiatives, including accounting, finance, marketing opportunities and more. In some ways service-learning resembles an internship, but there are important differences. The first difference is See BSLC, Page 6

SUMMER TV LINE UP 15 M E N ’ S a look at our favorite television networks RUGBY Headed to the 10 PAUL F. TOMPKINS national champi9

Comedy’s longstanding class act

onship again

Police Log 2 Counseling Tip 2 Cartoon 4 Voices 8 & 9 Horoscopes 12 Falcon of The Week 16

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Summer 2012

the Vanguard

Police log party people A sergeant responded to Copley North for a report of food poisoning on Monday morning. A number of students became sick after dining at an off-campus establishment. Some may call this a freak accident, but we Bentley students are too smart for this reductive conclusion. Obviously, the food poisoning stemmed from an act of voodoo by the Seasons gods. If the sick students had only gone to an on-campus eatery, they wouldn’t have found themselves in a pickle. The stuff they put in our food ensures that we’re safe from such dangers. Whatever your reasons, eat at Seasons! Browned out One Bentley student decided to take his talents all the way to the Ivy League this weekend. university Police received a call from the one and only Brown university late Saturday night, informing them that the Brown Police Department had taken a Bentley student into protective custody. Apparently, the student was visiting a friend at the pompous place for professional preparation in Providence, and he had a few too many to drink. In fact, when he was found by Brown PD, the male was unresponsive and had to be taken to a local hospital for treatment. There ya go, buddy. Not the best “rep” of the Falcon name, to say the least. But you know what they say: Be

smart. If you can’t be smart, be careful. And if you can’t be careful…puke your guts on some arrogant Ivy League kids! pot in herrre There were multiple reports of marijuana use on Friday, April 20. This comes as no surprise, as 4/20 is essentially Christmas Day to the weed-smoking community. It also comes as no surprise that there were multiple reports of pot-tery that shaped up outside of Slade and Trees. To be honest, we’re pretty sick of this green initiative happening over and over again every year. It’s time for some new 4/20 traditions. Get into the green spirit next year by going through all of your extra stuff and recycling what you don’t need. Try planting trees instead of smoking them. These are just a couple options, you can hash out your plans however you want. Just be sure to set the bar (and not your mental state) high! oh no, Cono… university Police received a report of a disturbance in Copley North last Friday night. It must have been getting pretty Hot in there, as the caller informed police of some loud fighting in one particular suite. An interesting Dilemma was presented to the responding officers when they found one student unresponsive. Apparently, the student did not heed

the warning of “Here Comes the Boom,” and tried to stand up to his vices with the Heart of a Champion. When the student finally woke up, however, he realized that the night was definitely not Just a Dream. The police officer on duty invited the student to “Ride Wit’ Me.” N Dey Say we aren’t #1 here at Bentley…oh Nelly! Booked Last Friday, a student was reportedly disrespecting a member of the Library staff. The Library staff member immediately notified university Police of the student’s behavior. The student will be charged judicially with being uncooperative with a staff member. Lesson learned: you may be able to screw with Sodexo employees, Facilities workers, or the ResLife staff, but NOBODY messes with the librarians. And when we say nobody, we mean the amount of people at Bentley arts events NOBODY. Oh ya? Gonna back-talk about using that study room for personal use? BAM, good luck with no housing credits next year, chump. The book stops here! a pair of pukers Two freshman females decided to be twins last Saturday night. Both were placed into protective custody and charged with underage alcohol violations. Both vomited in dorms starting with the letter “M” (Miller and Maple). Both were transported

to Newton-Wellesley Hospital due to their incoherence and inebriation. Police have no tolerance for this (and, from the sounds of it, neither do these two freshman girls…), so these judicial meetings promise to be interesting. You know what would be awesome? If Judge Judy presided over Bentley’s judicial hearings. I can only imagine dozens of people across the country watching college kids being interrogated on not-so-primetime cable. We’d even take Judge Trudy. Just get us on TV. other assorted logs There was some other stuff that simply wouldn’t fit into their own police logs, but we thought you should know about them anyways. Some chick tried to use her roommate’s ID to register her boyfriend’s car on campus. A professor’s Lexus was keyed in a parking lot. Three cars were towed from the Farm Lot. freshman puke Count You want the honest number? It’s four. But let’s remember: These frosh are in for their very first Spring Day this Saturday! So, these reporters think it’s safe to add a couple zeros to the end of that lonely digit…400 pukers! Now it’s a party!

Sean Harrington and Brian Shea Vanguard Staff

Judicial action Summary Editor-in-ChiEf Sindhu Palaniappan Managing Editor gEnEral ManagEr Alyson Bisceglia Emily Silver Copy Editor Nate Marchand nEws Editor Lacey Nemergut sports Editor Ben Klein CaMpus lifE Editor Brenna O’Connell fEaturEs Editor Mike Lovett BusinEss Editor Jasper Huang photography Editor Tim Avrutik onlinE Editor Victoria Lin Editorial dirECtor Tomer Gat dirECtor of produCtion Meagan Kalpokis dirECtor of advErtising Brian Fuerst dirECtor of MarkEting Dina Durutlic JournalisM advisor Judy Rakowsky studEnt lifE advisor Nicole Chabot-Wieferich FOR GENERAL & CONTACT INFORMATION ABOuT The Vanguard, PLEASE SEE PAGE 4.


total number of cases: total number of individuals involved (violators): number of individuals dismissed from responsibility: number of individuals admitting responsibility: number of individuals referred to Judicial Board: number of educational sanctions given: (includes referrals to alcohol Education) Cash total of fines given for the week: number of work sanctions assigned: number of students placed on warning: number of parental notifications: number of individuals put on residential probation: (Loss of 15 Housing Credits) number of individuals put on disciplinary probation: (Loss of 30 Housing Credits) number of individuals put on suspension (housing): number of individuals put on suspension (university): number of individuals expelled from university: Provided by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs

23 28 0 28 0 24 $150 0 3 3 1 0 0 0 0

Campus Life

the VaNguard

summer 2012

Page 3

Sigma Pi philanthropy event raises over $600 By Lacey Nemergut News editor

On Saturday, April 14, the brothers of Bentley’s Sigma Pi Iota Theta Chapter raised 650 dollars for their Sean Williams charity during a student vs. faculty basketball game. This impressive amount showed a significant increase from last year’s donations. “I attribute the increase, this year, to overall better planning and better advertising of the game,” said sophomore treasurer Tim Avrutik. “We had more people from our chapter on IFC, so more fraternities heard about it.” “The event was started in honor of one of our brothers, Sean Williams, who passed away in a car accident,” said Stephen Cugliari, Sigma Pi sophomore. The money raised goes to our Sean Williams Memorial Scholarship fund which was started to provide assistance to a student in the Bentley community who most exemplifies the characteristics Sean had. After the first charity event, the brothers were

able to raise approximately 1,000 dollars for the cause. Since then, they’ve unfortunately seen decreases in donations. Thus making this year’s turn out truly inspiring. Sean Williams was killed at age 22 in January 2010 in a tragic car accident. He was one of Sigma Pi’s founding brothers on the Bentley campus. His parents, in loving memory of their son, started a scholarship foundation, awarding a student who exhibited Williams’ determination and love for sports. “They wanted to give a kid who represented Sean’s virtues the ability to attend a college institution of Bentley level without having the burden of massive college loans,” stated Will Alemany, Sigma Pi alumnus. “As to why we play basketball, that is simple,” said alumni Alemany. “Sean was also a member of the basketball team. He was a management major and I believe the event seemed to bring the two things that he loved the most together.”

“This game is great because it brings Greek Life and faculty for a friendly game of basketball for a good cause,” said President Andrew Picardi. “I want to thank all of the

staff and students who participated as well as the Basketball Team for helping referee and run the scoreboard.” “It was awesome being able to play a sport for a




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Page 4

Summer 2012


the Vanguard

Senior FarewellS

*The Vanguard’s editorial as well as the editorial cartoon are proposed at each Editorial Board meeting. They are represented as being the opinions of the Board as a whole, although drawn by individuals, and not the Bentley community.

editorial Welcome Bentley University Class of 2016 Dear incoming freshman, Welcome to Bentley! Although your next four years are going to be filled with classes, group projects, and a lot of homework, there are still many things to look forward to in your time here. The next four years are some of the best years of your life, so make the most out of them. First, a note about General Business (GB) classes. Don’t worry, the three classes above you have ironed out the wrinkles in the GB curriculum, so it’s not going to be as bad as it was in the past. That being said, good luck. But now for the fun stuff. Most notably are the events that Campus Activity Board (CAB) (along with other organizations such as Class Cabinet) put on throughout the year. Some of the big ones include the Halloween dance, comedy shows, and Spring Day (spring concert with a lot of free food and fun activities). You’ve missed artists and comedians like Donald

Glover, Bo Burnham, Nelly, Ludacris, and Lupe Fiasco, but there are still more of these events to come. The Halloween dance this past year was a night club run by GrooveBoston. Hopefully the same happens this fall. Our comedy shows are always a big hit, with big names coming on to campus (most recently Jeff Ross and Anthony Jeselnik). You can all look forward to one of these each semester. And lastly, Spring Day is held on the last weekend before finals in the spring, which is a great day to have fun with your friends and relax before the stress of finals hits you. This day always ends with a great concert. Other than these major events, CAB and our other 100+ organization hold events pretty much every week. You can go enjoy anything from food from around the world to fighting cancer at Relay for Life. Anything that has “Sponsored by your SAF” (SAF is the Student

Activity Fee we all pay) is probably worth going. There are also plenty of opportunities to go into Boston. Going to Red Sox, Celtics, or Bruins games (with discounted tickets sold by CAB) is always fun, as well as walking around Newbury Street and the North End. It’s all just a short shuttle ride away. Other than these events, there’s always the green space. When it’s nice outside, there’s nothing better than hanging out on the green space, getting a little sun burnt, and enjoying your time with your friends. This is especially nice in the spring, once we all come out of hibernation from the winter. So you’re just starting your collegiate careers. Take this time to enjoy life for the last four years before you enter “the real world.” You still need to focus on your education, but don’t forget that you still can (and need to) have fun. So once again, welcome to Bentley and we hope you enjoy your stay.

Writing a goodbye is never easy or pleasant, and this farewell will be no exception. Upon reflecting on this past year, one semester as Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper and one semester as a free spirit, I cannot help but notice how amazing both experiences were. Bentley has given me the opportunity to become any self of mine that I choose. With the plethora of options in student organizations to the laid back attitude of the herds of students on the Greenspace on a beautiful day, this university is exactly the college experience I wanted. Like every other senior that is graduating in less than a month, I have been bombarded by family, friends, and other students about my feelings regarding leaving Bentley. How can I sum that experience up in a few short sentences? Being at Bentley has been my second home in every aspect. My friends have become my siblings in terms of companionship and annoyance. Seasons was my kitchen, and yes I am one of the few people that will forever sing Seasons’ praises. Some of the professors I have had these past four years have been mentors to me in an almost parenting way and given me wisdom that I will carry forever. This departure is like moving homes when you are a kid and made your life in one town for so long, and that is a tough pill to swallow. Even as I write this farewell, one of my facilities friends asks me about my feelings on leaving. I will miss every face that I have seen on a regular basis these past four years. Being a part of this stressful, exciting culture has made me a part of something so much bigger and more important than myself, and that experience has been extremely humbling and rewarding. Knowing that I will not have a community quite like Bentley again, brings sorrow

to my heart. Being able to call on so many people and have reactions in a moment’s notice and a quick walk across campus will be something to remember of my college years. But I cannot dwell on the sorrows of saying goodbye because I have become exactly the person I want to be here at Bentley, and I don’t believe looking back I could have become a more truer version of myself than I have here. Of course it is competitive and exhausting at Bentley…hanging out with all Type A personalities does have its drawback! But it has pushed me to limits that I could have never envisioned before I came here. I have been pushed to my absolute brink some semesters and that’s a hard thing to deal with when you’ve never known such a struggle. But that is what college is, a collection of very bads, bads, goods, amazings and mind blowings. You take the good with the bad, and you learn to let live. If I were to do it all over again, the one thing I would change is how fast I ran out of my discretionary every semester. Curse you, faux Starbucks! But seriously, I know I’ve cursed Bentley’s name in the past for pushing me to such mental extremes but I could not have imagined a better college experience than I have gotten here in Waltham. Thank you to everyone I became so close with in The Vanguard, on the rugby team, at the Info Desk, in the Service Learning center and all those who just made my day every day in passing. Even if you feel like you don’t make a difference some days at Bentley, know that you do make someone’s day with a passing smile so be kind and enjoy these four years with a smile on your face, because it will go by in the blink of an eye. Goodbye, Bentley…these four years were one for the books. - Leslie Dias, Class of 2012

Publication inFormation The Vanguard is the student newspaper of Bentley University. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University administration; Bentley University is not responsible for statements herein. The Vanguard is published every Thursday of the academic year, excluding examination periods and holiday breaks. It is distributed free to all students, faculty, and staff of Bentley University. The Vanguard is funded in part by the Student Activity Fee, but relies on advertising revenue to cover the majority of its costs. Advertising rates are available upon request at (781) 891-3497. Circulation is 4,000 copies. We reserve the right to refuse an advertisement; only publication of an ad constitutes final acceptance of the offer to advertise. We reserve the right to edit all copy for grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, libel and length. The Vanguard Office is located on the third floor of the Student Center, inside the Bentley Bubble office complex. Mailing address: The Vanguard, Bentley University, 310M1 Student Center, 385 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452. Phone: (781) 891-2912. E-mail:

Disclaimer: The opinions published in The Vanguard are submitted by readers of the newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Vanguard and its staff. We are not able to print any letters submitted anonymously.


The Vanguard

Summer 2012

Page 5

CAB Continued from Page 1 Naturally, with any openended survey, the results produced were diverse and numerous with 1,535 respondents. But the information garnered through that survey showed Bentley students preferred hip-hop/rap and electronic/house genres for the headlining performer. From the results, CAB took budget and availability into account to send out a second survey, to which 1,862 students responded, which asked students to rank artists by preference. After those results, Kokino said, “Whatever artist fit [budget and availability] that ranked the highest was the one cho-

sen.” The White Panda will be the opening performance to Nelly and although many students may not have heard of the mash up masters, they will definitely know the top billboard songs they remix. The survey results also aided CAB in this decision, as it was very clear students want a rap/hip-hop or electric/house show. “[The White Panda] is the best fusion of electronic music [and hip-hop] while still keeping in line with the Nelly show,” said Kokino. So, what is on tap for the rest of the day? Traditions committee co-chairs Mitch Hadfield and Madhu Narayan have bigger and

The White Panda consists of Tom Evans (aka Proc Rast) and Dan Griffith (DJ griffier).

Courtesy of

better things planned for students this year. Of course, the inflatables are coming back – but don’t just write them off as same old, same old. In addition to the always-fun obstacle course, CAB has rented out some other fun ones. Tournaments will be held throughout the day, including kickball, a scavenger hunt and Harry’s Hill Climb. You can also win prizes at the different carnival games that will be present. The BBQ near the Dana Center will be complemented with other fun foods. We can all expect the fried oreos and fried dough, but an ice cream truck will also be there. This year, get excited to have smoothies provided by Maui Wowi. To keep you entertained all day leading up to the concert, CAB has thoughtfully planned big things. The day will feature three live performances. A live karaoke band will be on lower, giving students the opportunity to show off their singing voices as well as their memorization capacities. You better be brave, because this karaoke offers no lyrics screen. But this frees you up to really put on the performance of your life. Starting around 12:30

Nelly has sold over 21 million albums in the United States alone.

p.m., a well-known magician from the area will be blowing people’s minds and the Bentley Beats winner, Tyler Winthrop, will be performing to get the crowd amped as they wait in the long line to get into the concert. CAB really has outdone themselves even just in terms of preparation. They are really making a move to incorporate student opinion and preferences. “[We] are reaching out to freshmen and sophomores on our committees to find out what they want to see as well as juniors and seniors to find out what they’ve already seen,” explains Kokino. Another thing to anticipate on

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Saturday: a new sound and light system. “With the sound and lights we put in this year, we think we are creating an experience that is unrivaled. When you walk into the Dana Center you will see something you haven’t seen before – guaranteed,” says Kokino. “It is definitely more of an experience than a concert,” adds concert committee co-chair Taylor Murphy. So hope for amazing weather, prepare yourself for all of the festivities and brush up on your Nelly because for some of you, this will be your last Spring Day! But for the freshmen – welcome to Bentley!

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Summer 2012

NewS & CAmPUS Life


The Vanguard


Continued from Page 1

Continued from Page 1

that in service-learning the partners involved are chosen on a need-basis. The second and core difference is the emphasis on the social goals the non-profit organization strives to accomplish. This helps the students involved to more readily understand the impact social issues have on the communities they are working with while gaining experience within their field. The significance of civic engagement can truly be understood through exposure and experience. There is no better way to complete a university education than with hours of service that personally connects one with the community and its needs. One innovation the service-learning program would like to see more of is community-based projects that can take the place of a case study, paper, exam, or presentation required in a course. Such embedded projects would encourage a deeper commitment and stronger connection to both the program and the course itself as students apply their knowledge to real world problems. Bentley University is an incredibly prestigious busi-

“Even throughout this entire ordeal his compassion and desire to help other people has not wavered. Anytime that I have spoken with him or others have talked about him, his first questions are about others not himself.� The Family BBQ will be

ness school that not only connects students with top firms, but also with businesses in its own backyard. The BSLC is a unique program that stimulates undergraduates to not only devote their time and effort to big picture issues, but also to

issues that are more local but equally significant. It is refreshing to attend a university that places such importance on the well-being of its community and the organizations that try to strengthen that community as best they can.

held on Sunday, June 24, 2012 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at Dennis Inn in Dennis, MA. Monetary donations can be sent to: Bring Ryan Home Fund c/o Cape Cod Five 514 Station Avenue South Yarmouth, MA 02664

A BBQ will be held to raise funds to safely transport Ryan back to the United States.

Courtesy of

Lambda Tau chapter of Delta Sigma Pi celebrates 25 years at Bentley University In a night full of laughter, entertainment, and brotherly bonding, the Lambda Tau chapter of Delta Sigma Pi commemorated its 25th year of presence on the Bentley campus this past Saturday, April 21, 2012. With alumni coming together from places as far as Sweden and Dubai, the night was a time of tribute to the legacy the chapter has built over the past two and a half decades on campus. Several members of the charter class attended the event and reflected on their time spent establishing the Lambda Tau chapter of Delta Sigma Pi. The chapter also initiated the Beta Alpha pledge class on Saturday morning. Lambda Tau now has more than 80 active collegiate brothers at Bentley and 543 brothers total. Delta Sigma Pi is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice; to promote closer affiliation between the commercial world and students of commerce, and to further a higher standard of commercial ethics and culture and the civic and commercial welfare of the community. Delta Sigma Pi is a diverse brotherhood. We were the first professional business fraternity to go co-ed, admitting women in 1975. We welcome into our membership students of business who meet professional standards of admission, and our policies allow no exclusions based on race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, national origin, age, disability, or veteran status.


the vanguard

Summer 2012

Page 7

Delta finds solution to rising gas price dilemma By Luke Heaney vanguard Staff

In a world of extreme energy prices and continued uncertainty about how to predict the future cost of fuel, how can a company protect themselves? Well, Delta Airlines, the nation’s second largest passenger air carrier, has come up with the solution. Buy your own place to make the fuel. There is no doubt that when you crack open the statement of cash flows for Delta, fuel is huge burden. In 2011, the airline spent over $11 billion on fuel alone and it accounted for 36 percent of their operating cost. They spend approximately $32 million every day just on fuel. This facility by many estimates has the capacity to drop their fuel cost by as much as 10 percent which means savings for shareholders in the billions. It is located in Trainer Pennsylvania and is not far from New York City. It is a full operation refinery and therefore makes much more than just jet fuel. Delta does not have much

interest in getting into the production of refined products so they plan to be a passive owner and will independently contract the facilities operation. They will pay the contractor with all of the non-jet fuel products that come from the facility. The actual cost to them for buying the plant from current owner Conoco Phillips will only run them around $100 to 150 million; a small price for a huge savings. The refineries on the east coast and especially in the north have a huge disadvantage to their southern counterparts because they lack access to the distribution points along the gulf. This operational inefficiency means the facility does not make sense for Conoco. However, the location is perfect for Delta because of its proximity to NYC. This location inefficiency is turned into its most attractive quality and both sides cut costs and get more efficient. It is nothing new for an airline to be struggling with high energy costs. For many years these firms have been

In an effort to protect themselves from rising gas prices, Delta Airlines has purchased Conoco as a location for them to make their own fuel.

skating on the edge and most recently American Airlines was forced into bankruptcy. In order for this industry to have meaningful growth and sustainability they need

to take control of their costs and come up with innovative solutions. Delta should be praised for their crack at vertical integration through the purchase of this facility. They saw a unique oppor-

Courtesy of

tunity to get their own refinery at a perfect time and they jumped at it. Corporate efficiency is always a goal of any private firm and this plan will save the firm huge amounts of money.

Disney chairman resigns after John Carter flop By Nicholas Lee vanguard


Last Friday, Disney’s Chairman Rich Ross resigned from the company after more than 2 years in response to the disappointing box office sales of the company’s latest studio production John Carter. His decision to resign reflected on his inexperience as a studio executive. While he had a vast amount of experience as a network executive at Nickelodeon, FX and eventually at Disney, he had little bearing on what the future of the company should be when he took on the role as chairman. However, analysts overestimated the loss John Carter would incur at $200 million. However, this was not the case. At present day, the film has made $270 million worth of ticket sales. Disney has

issued a report, announcing that the film would cause a studio-wide loss of $80 to $120 million. While Ross’ resignation may come off as an overreaction to the disappointment caused by the creative failure of studio affiliates, rather than the guidance of executive management, the former chairman felt that he was unable to give the company the drive it needed to compete with the studios that produced box office successes like Avatar and The Hunger Games. In fact, studios such as Marvel Entertainment now shadow Disney because it has been unable to rebrand itself as a studio that can deliver fun live-action movies past the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Ross has witnessed box office bombs from franchise-hopeful Prince of Persia: The

Sands of Time, Winnie the Pooh and Prom. In a memo to his staff upon the day of his resignation, Ross said, “The best people need to be in the right jobs, in roles they are passionate about, doing work that leverages the full range of their abilities. I no longer believe the chairman role is the right professional fit for me.” Despite his modesty, Ross was fairly effective in getting rid of rerun studio ideas, hoping that Disney would become a place where innovation would propel itself to extend the company’s life cycle into a new age of growth. He slashed production ideas for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Wild Hogs 2. Disney’s stock price, while having fluctuated mildly since 2009, had increased more than two-fold at more

than $42 per share since Ross had taken the chairman position. As Disney looks for a new chairman, it needs one that can modernize both its film studio, while also maintaining its brand image as a clas-

sic franchise. It can accomplish this by continuing successful management of its network, resorts and theme parks, while also reinvigorating its studios to create innovative films that cater to its younger generations.

Complete Package Deal From $253 Reserve yours today!


John Carter was attacked in the box office which forced its CEO to jump ship.

Courtesy of

Page 8


Summer 2012


Between the Lines: Summer Reading List

“What is your favorite memory from your time at Bentley?”

niCki krargianis CLass Of 2012 ManageriaL eCOnOMiCs “Winning the national championships for women’s rugby.”

Harry rOse CLass Of 2012 Marketing “Crowd surfers on the lower-G when Osama died, then the rave, then the couch, then the fire alarm...great night.”

COLLeen BidgOOd CLass Of 2012 ManageMent “Skel pregames in BOB33.”

aarOn saCks CLass Of 2012 Marketing “Com 210 class with Professor Specca.”

the Vanguard

By Olivia LeClair

Listen up, Falcons - this is NOT your boring high school reading list. I’ve kindly taken our favorite books and given suggestions of novels similar to them. Happy reading! If you like The Hunger Games, try… The Compound, by S.A. Bodeen: This thriller is about a post-nuclear war world, in which its main character, Eli, is living in an underground shelter with his family. The family’s food supply is running out, and they still have nine years to go in the shelter before the air outside is breathable. This novel promises action, thrills, and suspense! Leviathan, by Scott Westerfeld: This novel takes place during World War I, in an alternate universe. If you’ve ever read anything by Westerfeld before (Uglies, The Midnighters), you know he specializes in creating worlds quite unlike our own. In it, an Austro-Hungarian prince and a disguised British airwoman must work together to make it through the war, and guard the secrets they keep. If you like Harry Potter, try… The Golden Compass, by Philip Pullman: A tried and true series for fantasy fans, The Golden Compass begins a fantastical series about an orphan named Lyra Belacqua. The series is full of fantasy, action, and intrigue which I don’t want to spoil for you. But if you loved Harry’s magical world, you’ll likely enjoy The Golden Compass. The Casual Vacancy, by JK Rowling: Though this novel isn’t even out yet, and it’s not of the fantasy genre, all tried and true Rowling fans will be rushing to the bookstores in September when The Casual Vacancy arrives. The novel centers around a town called Pagford, and the mysteries it holds. I’m excited to read this, and to see how Rowling’s writing compares to that of the Harry Potter series you won’t find any Dumbledores or spells in this novel!

The Lucky One is a romance novel that was recently made into a movie.

If you like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, try… Beat the Reaper, by Josh Bazell: Looking for some Witness Protection drama? Search no further than this novel, which centers on an ER doctor with a mysterious past. Peter Brown gets all tangled up with the mafia, a group he’s been trying to avoid for a long time. Part crime thriller, part medical drama, this novel is just full of drama…and suspense. Garnethill, by Denise Mina: Imagine waking up to find that your significant other has been murdered. To make matters worse, you’re the prime suspect in the murder case. Maureen O’Donnell must work to clear her name, and also keep herself safe. You’ll find plot twists abound in this crime mystery. If you like The Year of Living Biblically, try… The History of the World According to Facebook, by Wylie Overstreet: Many of us have seen the famous mock-Facebook statuses “written” by Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, and the like. They were funny, right? Lucky for you, there’s a whole book of them, parodying history and today’s society in the most modern of ways. This book promises any reader a barrel of

Courtesy of

laughs! The Know-It-All: One Man’s Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World, by A.J. Jacobs: From the same author as The Year of Living Biblically comes the tale of a man who attempts to learn everything about anything ever by reading all 33,000 pages of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Good luck to him… If you like The Notebook, try… The Lucky One, by Nicholas Sparks: All you crazy Zac Efron fans know about this soon-to-bereleased movie, but there’s always the option of reading the book! Following the story of a marine searching for a woman who brought him luck, this novel has romance, tears and drama— the usual Nicholas Sparks spread. Outlander, by Diana Gabaldon: What’s better than star crossed lovers? Lovers who are star-crossed in time, of course! This novel centers on a 1945 woman who accidentally time travels back to 1743 Scotland. The catch? There are two men in each time period fighting for her love. Sounds like a beach read to me!

JOe nasCeMBeni CLass Of 2012 eCOnOMiCs “Winning lipsync with my pledge brothers.”

By amanda diCristoforo PhotograPhy Staff

The Golden Compass movie is based on the series by Philip Pullman.

Courtesy of

the Vanguard


It’s almost summertime and the viewing’s easy By Mike Lovett

Page 9

VoiCes “What are your plans for after graduation?”

Features editor

Like school, television’s year typically runs from September to May with summers off. Of course, there are exceptions; you can be forced to take summer school and there are some television shows, typically those on cable networks, that air during the sunniest of seasons. The former is terrible, the latter awesome. This summer is no exception; three networks, HBO, FX, and AMC, are ready to broadcast a slew of shows that have already heated up the airwaves as well as some they will hope will follow the example of the established vets. We start with the most premium. HBO has three shows that have already gotten critics abuzz. The first is The Newsroom starring Jeff Daniels which follows the story of a news anchor on the verge of a meltdown. It is created by Aaron Sorkin who makes dialogue dance like a puppet so it will certainly be watching. In Sorkin’s former demographic, Julia Louis-Dreyfus stars in Veep, a witty comedy that follows the often secluded life of the vice president. And finally there is the comedy Girls, a Judd Apatow production that brings writer-director-star Lena Dunham to the spotlight as her character tries to navigate her way through the hectic New York City life. In returning news, HBO will bring back the fan favorite True Blood that is sure to suck in a majority of viewers this summer as it begins its fifth season.

summer 2012

JEff EDLriDGE CLass of 2012 aCCountanCy “I don’t start my fulltime job until the fall. I hope to travel a little bit, have fun with friends and take it easy one last summer. I’ll work construction a few days a week to pay the bills.” Wilfred, starring Elijah Wood and Jason Gann, will be returning.

In other premium television news, Showtime will bring back its top comedies. Episodes with its Golden Globe winning star Matt LeBlanc return on July 1. And America’s most lovable pot dealer Nancy Botwin returns to the high grind right afterwards. Now to FX. FX’s summer rookie is Anger Management, starring Charlie Sheen which is appropriately named for the type of help he needed just a year ago. He joins his Two and a Half Men reruns in an effort to overrun the network. Returning are two popular comedies. The first is last year’s rookie sensation, Wilfred starring Elijah Wood and creator Jason Gann as television’s most lovable talking, stoner dog. It comes back with arguably the best comedy on television, Louie, starring comedian Louis C.K.

Courtesy of

which was deemed the television show of the year last year by Time. All three season premieres will air on June 28. On the topic of critically acclaimed series, television’s only but beloved meth producer Walter White returns in Breaking Bad for its final season. Last summer it was announced that the final season will be split into two parts each consisting of eight episodes. The air date for the season five premiere is still to be determined. While the broadcast networks are away, the cable networks will play. Shut up it works. Not a lot sounds better than watching some quality television after a relaxing day at the beach or a grueling day at your internship/summer job that makes you hate your life. Have a great summer everyone, see you next semester!

Jon BLaCkWELL CLass of 2012 aCCountanCy “I’m working at Cubist Pharmaceuticals after I graduate. I’ll be doing Clinical Project Management.”

aLLi Bayko CLass of 2012 iDCC “After graduation I want to work in sports or food and definitely stay in Boston.”

satyaJEEt JaDhavrao CLass of 2012 EConoMiCs-finanCE “I’m going to grad school here!”

GrEG BaGGEtt CLass of 2012 EConoMiCs-finanCE “Playing baseball in the summer and then coming back for my fifth year here.”

By Linh nguyen PhotograPhy staFF

Page 10

Summer 2012

FeATureS & CoLuMnS

the Vanguard

Paul F. Tompkins: Comedy with a touch of class By Mike Lovett featureS editor

A large part of a comedian’s job is to create a persona, as a way to distinguish themselves and their material. The successful comedians do this so effectively that it cannot be duplicated at even the most fundamental level. Paul F. Tompkins is a successful comedian and a damn classy one at that. On stage he always dons a suit. Which, accompanied with his slick backed hair and eloquent vocabulary, creates a vintage look when he is performing that perfectly suits his alternative comedy style. As for why, “Back when I was a kid who wanted to be in show business, everybody on TV wore nice clothes. They were very glamorous when they would be on The Tonight Show. All the dudes wore suits and ties and that just seemed like real show business to me.” Recently, his stage style has not been the only thing that has distinguished Tompkins from other comedians. On Saturday, Tompkins’ second Comedy Central special Laboring Under Delusions debuted with a style almost as

old as time, storytelling. Tompkins has been doing stand up since 1986 and has since embarked in almost every platform of comedy there is. Tompkins got his break in 1995 when he scored a role as a featured player and staff writer on Mr. Show with Bob and David, a cult comedy classic created by Bob Odenkirk and David Cross. In 1998, he and the rest of the writing staff were nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Writing for a Variety or Music Program. For the next decade he bounced around a multitude of sets including Tenacious D and a small role in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. In 2004, he was brought on as a panelist for The Best Week. In 2008, he got the spotlight when he was promoted to the host of The Best Week Ever after it was revamped to suit a single host format. The show only lasted a little under a year but it served as a springboard for Tomkins to be properly recognized in the comedy community. In addition to his various TV and film appearances,

Tompkins has been doing stand up since 1986. Since then he has expanded into all different forms of comedy, including movies.

Tomkins has kept a lock on a very successful standup career. He recorded a Comedy Central Presents set in 2003 and 2007. The hits kept coming in 2007, when he recorded his first special You Should Have Told Me. It was after that special that his material became more personal and narrative. A style he thought was more creatively satisfying as it allowed him to bend the rules of traditional standup. Though he still wants to dabble in mainstream enter-

tainment, Tomkins finds himself mostly in the alternative comedy scene. He has a few of his own podcasts The Pod F. Tompkast and The Dead Authors Podcast. In these he also tries to bend the rules as he tends to shy away from the typical conversational structure by incorporating characters and sketches to fill the time with other comedians. Though it may be hard to believe, Tompkins also has the time to perform regularly in his own variety show at UCB:

Courtesy of

LA and Largo, two comedy venues in Los Angeles. It features a band as well as local and well known comedians who ask to drop by and perform. As for what’s next, Tompkins is in the process of developing a show for Comedy Central, however, specific details are under wraps. He continues to perform in Los Angeles and can be heard on a plethora of podcasts that contain plenty of elegance in his own unique style.

Senior advice for the incoming class of 2016 By Angela Diaco Vanguard Staff

When I think back and reflect on how much fun I’ve had, how much I’ve learned, and most importantly, how much I’ve loved because of my time with friends, I want to laugh and cry at the same time. We have the entire world before us right now, but us seniors can’t help but look back and wish we knew a few things before we got this far. Take heed! CJ Howard: “Don’t smoke in freshman dorms, always wait before purchasing a book for your class, Bentley cops don’t arrest people, and blacking out is almost never a good idea.” Stephanie Davenport: “All of the other students are in the same position as you are, most don't know anyone either. The more people you meet and talk to, the more enjoyable Bentley is.” Jimmy Haight: “I would have loved to have known what I wanted to do after graduation earlier. That way I could have done the right things to get me there. Also I would love to have known about the media and culture lab sooner. I would have absolutely taken a course!” Yasi Abdolmohammadi: “Pay attention and absorb as much information as you can from your classes. Education

is meant to enhance your mind, and you’re only cheating yourself out of it by not taking advantage of it. In the same right, know that grades are not always an accurate depiction of intelligence…and going abroad will be the most enriching, valuable, and life changing time of your life. Look forward to it!” Carl Forziati: “Who you call your friends will change—again, again, and again—and important that we embrace theses change (the ebb and flow of our relationships) rather than fight them. Though my freshman self would never admit it, drinking ≠ fun. Sure you can have fun while you’re drinking, and drink while you’re having fun, but at the end of the day, you can’t force a “good time”... It’s okay not to be okay. It’s rare to see on the Bentley campus, but the truth is everyone’s not okay at times, and it’s only making it worse for yourself and those around you to pretend such is not the case.” Adam Graves: “I wish I knew what Seasons would do to my stomach before I agreed to live on campus Freshman year. I'm still recovering... oof.” Chris Parmanand: “My advice to the incoming freshman class would be to properly pace their education. They shouldn’t become too enamored with overloading

their courses or taking many course aways. They should take their time pursuing their education and really enjoy their time as undergraduate students.” Jonathan Szeto: “If you’re thinking about changing your major, do it sooner rather than later. You don’t want to take AC 311 twice…true story.” Akhil Chimnani: “There is so much Bentley has to offer - 100+ orgs, service, edu abroad. Make the most of your time and get involved

with something NEW every semester instead of just getting comfortable with just 1 or 2 activities. If I was given a choice, I would do so much more than what I got involved with.” Nishant Dharia: “Take classes and all extracurriculars/internships seriously and work really hard. But don't forget to have fun either because you won't get these years back. It is definitely possible and fairly easy to balance both those aspects of college together!”

Joe Nascembeni: “Don’t spend your nights sitting around with the same group of people not doing anything. Go out with them, or meet new people; get involved.” Andrew Foley: “Don't wait until the last minute to do group projects, and don't party too hard the night before spring day.” Thank you to all of the seniors who shared some advice, and best of luck post graduation! Bentley is lucky to have seen each and every one of you.



The VanGuard

Notes from Abroad Question: “What will you miss most about being abroad?” By Danica DeVito Thessaloniki, Greece

I will miss the new friends I have made while here in Greece. I enjoyed meeting all of the Greek students and learning more about their culture from them, while also teaching them about the United States. Conversing with them every day made it easier to pick up the language and communicate with Greek people at stores and restaurants. Even though I may not ever see my Greek friends again after coming home, I am grateful for the time I spent getting to know them and plan on keeping in touch. Also, the people I will miss

By Danny Wong Buenos aires, arGenTina

Being in Argentina for the last two months has really changed my life. I certainly don’t say that lightly either. While it’s awesome to tell people I’m actually living in Latin America, the thing I’ll certainly miss the most are the casual bus rides around town. While public transportation is arguably better in my home, NYC, there’s something incredibly charming about these black-smoke fuming vehicles that have number-one priority on the roads, are pri-

even more are my new friends I made from the U.S., who were in my study abroad program. There are 48 of us from all parts of the country, and most of us came here without knowing a single other person. After living and going to school with them every day for four months, it will be very difficult to say goodbye at the end of the semester. I also plan on keeping in touch with them and hopefully even meeting up with those who live close by. If I had not studied abroad in Greece, I would not have had the opportunity to meet and form strong relationships with all of these people. They each helped make my study abroad experience memorable, and I will miss them all. vately owned by tens of different bus companies with an overwhelming number of lines. Within seconds of opening their doors, you’re inside in a hot mess with other commuters, and before you can even look back the doors are already closed. There’s no worry about if you’re “behind the yellow line,” nor are there limits to how many people they’ll pack on the bus. During rush hours, the buses get crowded pretty quickly, but people aren’t bothered by the anonymous hands, legs or purses brushing past their

By Lauren Davis ManchesTer, enGland

What I will miss the most are my flat-mates! From the very start, they have been so kind and welcoming. I remember the day I moved in; I arrived to my flat at about 7 a.m. I was unaware that anyone was in the flat, as I assumed I would be the first to arrive. I didn’t know that students who were attending the university year-round were living in my flat; I thought I would be placed with all study abroad students. So there I was, bright and early, practically throwing my fifty pound suitcases down the stairs, unaware that people were sleeping. Once I was down to my room, a boy in a bathrobe came to my door, rubbing his eyes out of

By Jeremy Koufakis MelBourne, ausTralia

There are two things that I will really miss about being abroad. The first one is that I will really miss hanging out with Australians. Australians are typically laid back, full of national pride and love their sports. Being laid back means they are genuinely friendly, helpful, like to have fun and don’t take themselves too seriously. You are always in a good mood when you hang out with them. In the Australian culture, you can tell if an Australian likes you when they joke around/make fun of bodies. Not all Americans are comfortable with this loss of personal space, but from a local’s perspective, everyone’s just trying to get to their destination as quickly and affordably as possible. Getting off is often an interesting journey, nudging past porteños (Argentines), trying to politely

Scratching the Surface: The Final Run

courtesy of Moussa hassoun

Here we have it! The Republican Party must finally accept Mitt Romney as their nominee. Ron Paul didn’t have a chance, Newt Gingrich went down swingin’, then back up, then down again, and Santorum rallied the wrong crowds with his sweater vest (who else was running?). Romney has managed to win majority votes in key states that have propelled him to the top. Rather than floating his campaign on fiery rhetoric (Newt), introduce 18th century reforms (Ron), and concentrate on divisive social issues (Rick), Romney

used the economy to attract most Republicans. Of course, he has addressed other things important to Republicans with caution, but so long as he had the people’s confidence in his economic policy, he tied himself to the nomination long ago. Now as Romney drafts his acceptance speech of the party nomination, most Republicans are reconsidering him. In recent polls against Obama, the President has only had a three-point lead over Romney, within the margin of error. In a Rasmussen poll, Romney was even ahead by a point (also within the margin of error). With that said, the President does hold leads in more polls over Romney than not, but the fight will now move away from party squabbling to the general election. I’m eager to see a strong general election to help myself and others challenge Obama’s policies. The only thing keeping us from that is Mitten’s image problem.

First, a recent poll showed that 56 percent of voters “like” Obama more than Romney. Furthermore, in April, Mitt hit the lowest approval rating of a presidential candidate (since they began documenting). This is made even worse when measuring women, who are a majority of the voting bloc. Among female voters, President Obama leads Mitt Romney by 12 points. Yet, Mitt’s female problem isn’t his entire fault. Republican attacks against reproductive rights have refueled the anger of millions of women around the country. All-male panels in Congress on contraception and crazy state abortion laws have displayed Republicans as the anti-female party. Meanwhile, Republican women haven’t been very vocal in addressing these issues to give him and the party he will be leading more credibility. Of course, all is not bad. Among married women, Mitt wins over Obama by 3 points, but with single women, Obama carries by an astounding 36

suMMer 2012 exhaustion. I was not only shocked to see someone standing there, but I was shocked that he was a boy. I had also expected to be in a single-sex flat. After he introduced himself as Cormac, he went back to bed. Over the course of the semester, Cormac became one of my best friends. I met the rest of my flat-mates over the first few days after my arrival. A couple of them were from Singapore, one from Japan, a few from England, and one from Italy. We were quite the diverse bunch! Half of us were study abroad students, and the rest were full year. However, regardless of the amount of time we had been in England, we all got along like we had been friends for years. Throughout the semester, we all spent time chatting in the you. So if they make fun of you because you’re from the United States and talk about how Australia is so much better, it actually show that they like you. I love sports and throughout Australia and especially in Melbourne, Australia they are not shy about what teams they support. They do follow American sports, mainly NFL and NBA but in Melbourne they love their AFL (Australian Football League). The first month I was here, my Australian friends would get into several arguments about what AFL team I should support. Sports are so big in Australia that the day The Melbourne Cup horse race and articulately say, “Permiso (excuse me).” But when those doors open, you have to make sure you’re out as soon as possible, or the driver will just keep going. The drivers drive with a sense of urgency and have almost a “no nonsense” approach to their work.

PaGe 11

kitchen, when we were passing by in the bathroom, and especially when we were outside of the flat when the fire alarms went off! The fire alarms in the flats are extremely sensitive. Cormac was known for setting the alarm off in the kitchen as he frequently left his food on the stove unattended. Unfortunately, I became known for setting it off in my room when blow drying my hair without opening the door and the window. Setting the alarms off became the little inside joke for the flat. I can hear my flatmates asking, “who set it off this time?!” It will be the silly things like that that I will miss most. The little conversations and the laughs with my flat-mates truly made this experience worthwhile. in Melbourne is held is a public holiday and marketed as “the race that stops a nation.” The other thing I will miss about being abroad is having so much freedom with little responsibility. When you’re still in college, you’re not married and don’t have a full time job yet so basically when you’re not in class you can do whenever you want. This is why when you’re abroad you have the unique opportunity to live in another country and travel with little to worry about. This is why I loved studying abroad and if you ever have the opportunity to study abroad, make sure you do it. They’re hard-working, genuine people that do their job with dignity and are pretty awesome because they absolutely own the road, often forcing pedestrians to get out of their way. There’s no such thing as an arrogant pedestrian that’ll walk slower in front of a moving “colectivo (bus)” either.

By Moussa Hassoun point lead. On top of female problems, Mitt’s image is further troubled by his well-intended statements to relate to the common man. When asked about if he likes Nascar, he used the opportunity to connect with the average Joe by telling a story of his good multi-millionaire friend that owns a team. When asked about his speaking fee, worth tens of thousands of dollars, he calmly tells the media that he doesn’t even make that much money. Meanwhile, he installs a car elevator in one of his mansions. An elevator. For his car. He also struggles with his professional image as he’s usually depicted as the company crushing, buying and selling CEO he was at Bain. Finally, his article calling for the fall of Detroit didn’t really help him connect with voters. Of course, none of this is to say that he should apologize for being successful. He’s provided marvelously for his family and deserves due respect. However,

it does mean that for a politician as steadfast as a flag he does a horrible job at controlling his personal image and likeability. President Obama built his last campaign on image. “Hope” and “Change.” Epic pictures of him staring off into the distance. The image of a young, smart, black man against an old, white, man. The contrast couldn’t be greater and more in favor of Obama. Of course, most voters voted on policy, be it social or economic, but his image control sealed the deal. Mitt Romney needs that. This is the final run to the Presidency of the United States. We all want to see a challenge to the current administration. That’s why Newt, Rick and Ron never made it. Captain Pragmatic will seal the nomination for the Republicans. He just needs to be more pragmatic about his image. Once he’s over that hump, substantive debate can be had when two likeable candidates run against one another.

pAGe 12


summer 2012

HorosCopes By Vanguard Staff

Senior Spotlight


uation, which is so hard to believe. I’m looking forward to doing my best to make the most of my remaining weeks. Spring Day is this upcoming weekend and as the weather gets warmer I’ll try to get outside as much as possible. On the academic side, I’m looking forward to presenting the findings of my Honors Capstone project with Gregg Grenier after what has been a lengthy, challenging, and rewarding process.

(March 21-April 19)

Your current group conflict can be resolved by doing a better job of dividing responsibilities. Allow others the freedoms you allow yourselves.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Take a chance this weekend. Give yourself the opportunity to try something new that you would otherwise avoid.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Find yourself a new project and go for it. Your time and effort will yield bountiful fruit.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

A new relationship is in the cards. Keep your eyes open for possibilities, love can be found anywhere; possibly wearing glasses.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

It is time to clean up old relationships that are bringing you down. Cut cords and spend the weekend making new connections.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Don’t be worried about your upcoming presentation. Just be yourself and your abilities will take over, there is no reason to fret.

Courtesy of James Cruise

Name: James Cruise Major: Economics-Finance, Liberal Studies (Health and Industry) Hometown: East Greenwich, Rhode Island What are you involved in at Bentley? For two years I was a Resident Assistant in the Trees, in the Office of Academic Advising I’ve been a First Year Seminar Peer Facilitator and Peer Advisor, over the years I’ve done some work with Service Learning, and last fall I was a member of the Fed Challenge team. What are you looking forward to this year? Well, we now officially have less than one month until grad-

You may feel like you are in charge of it all now but beware what extra work and responsibilities will befall you in the near future. Plan ahead and take specific note of minor details in everyday activities.

What are your plans for the future? Next year I plan to be working in Arlington, VA right outside Washington, D.C. with a group called Cambridge Associates. Having been a New Englander my entire life, it’ll be a bit of a change. If the Bruins can beat the Capitals in the Eastern Conference Quarterfinals, I think the transition will go a little smoother. What is your favorite event on campus? My immediate response is Spring Day, as it’s the one day of the year that best brings the campus together. Outside of that, I’ve enjoyed the Bentley Business Bowl and the way it has helped me to prepare work in a time sensitive manner. What are your goals for this

Presented by The Senior Year Experience Committee

year? By now, most of the work is done. I believe I’ve learned and grown in the last four years and I hope to have, in some way, helped to leave Bentley better than it was four years ago. Now, I’d like to make sure that I enjoy the remaining weeks of the semester and spend as much time with as many people as possible. How are you feeling about graduation? Nervous, excited, anxious…I think most of the same feelings that everyone reports. It’s often difficult close one chapter and similarly exciting to start a new one. I’m finding that I keep repeating the same words: “We’ll see what happens.” Advice to seniors/ words of wisdom I’m not sure I’m in a position to provide any sort of wisdom, but I plan to move forward with this in mind: Be confident and appreciative, but never complacent. Don’t underestimate your own self-worth or take for granted what you have, but try to be better tomorrow than today. Lastly, balance and love are the most important words in the English language. Of course, as noted, there’s always room for that idea and all ideas to be challenged.

April’s Advice

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

THe VAnGuArd

What is the most valuable lesson you have learned at Bentley ? I’ve learned to continually challenge myself through being more open-minded to alternatives presented by other people and situations in life. I hope to never meet the day where I stop learning and growing. On a related note, I think I have also learned a bit more about what I deem to be one of the most important ideas in life, balance. Finally, they’re right when they say that four years go by fast.

The columns found in this newspaper are written by individual authors and do not reflect the opinion of The Vanguard, its Editorial Board members, or Bentley University. Comments resulting from the columns may be directed to the author and/or The Vanguard.

By April Gammal

Your Questions Answered! it is easier to look at a situation from an objective third party, with emotions removed, and logic as the only way of rationalizing the situation. Never rush into a decision.

What can Bentley do to help you with this year? The only thing left that I can ask of Bentley is to serve as a facilitator for continued connection with my current classmates and friends. I hope to stay involved in some capacity and maintain some tie to Bentley.

Take the time to unwind and calm down. If you seek advice, step back from the situation. Determine how you would help a friend in your position and you may just find your

own answer. Seventy-two advice columns later, I leave you with this last piece of advice. Sincerely, April

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)


A situation will present itself that will require your charm and guile to succeed. Also, stay away from the stir fry.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

A major change in your lifestyle is happening. Embrace the new you, it will be a welcome change.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Do not let life pass you by. You have been too scared to pursue what you really want. Go for it this weekend, you have nothing to lose.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Don’t let the weight of the world get to you. This next week is going to be trying, just buckle down and get through it. It is always darkest before the dawn.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Your arch-nemesis will arise to challenge you this weekend. Beat him at his own game and victory will be yours.

Courtesy of April Gammal

During the past three years, many faculty members and students have let me know that they look forward to reading my column and it is with you all in mind that I have been writing this column each week. Thank you for sharing your concerns and problems with me during these years. It is my hope that you have found the words in this column both helpful, and on occasion even entertaining. Many of the concerns that have been brought to my attention, which have been addressed in my columns, are issues that I have struggled with as well over the past four years. In the course of answering your concerns it has enabled me to better deal with these issues myself. I was able to do this because

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THe VANguArd

Summer 2012

Healthy Hart: Summer Hints ed from the heat. Go running, take walks and stay active. One of my favorite things about spring and summer is that you can go for a walk or be active outside. Unlike winter, you have no excuse not to go for a short walk around the neighborhood.

Courtesy of Angela Hart

After an entire year of healthy advice, I am going to sum up my main points for you. Please keep these tips in mind this summer. Drink lots of water. Drink as much water as you can each day. Water is important to drink, in general, but during the summer, it is particularly important so that you won’t get dehydrat-

If you read my last article, I hope you will remember to wear sunscreen when outside side. Invest $10 in a basic sunscreen product; it will be worth it! Eat healthy! Be aware of what you’re eating.

As of late I’ve been led to believe that there are two kinds of people in this world: Dog people and cat people. You might think that this isn’t an accurate way to categorize people, and that human beings are far too complicated to be placed into one of two categories based solely on what kinds of animal companions they prefer. If that’s what you’re thinking, then congratulations; you’re obviously a cat person. Welcome to the club; I’m a cat person, too. You probably enjoy things like solidarity, cynicism and intellectually stimulating discussions that ultimately lead nowhere. The wonders of being a cat person aren’t limited to these traits, however. Cat people enjoy being right about things. But more often than that, cat people enjoy when other people are

By Angela Hart

It is perfectly fine to treat yourself, every once in a while. But, please don’t over indulge. Eat salads (spinach salads, which have minerals and vitamins), salmon (Om e g a 3 ’s ) , e n e r g y b a r s , (LARA, Nutragrain bars, etc.), and try to pick up fruit

as a snack (Apples, Bananas, etc.). And, please, if you see a flight of stairs, don’t shy away from them; you do, after all, have to walk them again come fall. Have a happy, safe and healthy summer.

Go to the gym, if you can. If you plan on staying at Bentley, utilize the gym; if you are going home for the summer, look into local gym memberships. Planet Fitness and Work Out World (WOW) are both approximately $10 to $15 a month during their special promotions, which occur a few times a year. Latitude is about $45 a month. There are also drop in classes one can take at local Yoga studies, Pilates studios, Spin and Zumba classes and more for only about $8 to $15. Wear sunscreen when you are in direct sunlight or outside.

wrong about things and it’s easy for us to point out. The pleasure increases tenfold when it’s obvious to us that you’re also a dog person. If you’re a dog person, it’s clear that you haven’t put all that much thought into your stances on “the important issues.” You were probably too busy drowning yourself in Cheetos and watching The Daily Show to bother actually deciding for yourself what you think about things. See, that’s a typical cat person insult. Yeah, we’re a bunch of dicks. Dog people function quite differently than cat people. If you have a lot of friends you like to hang out with, but you don’t actually know what their interests are outside of sports and drinking heavily, it’s likely that you’re a dog person. In fact, if you have a lot of friends at all, it’s likely you’re a dog person. If you’re the first one to start dancing at a party comprised entirely of brooding Brooklyn hipsters, you’re definitely a dog person. The bad news in that situation is that each and every one of those hipsters is a cat person, and they’re mentally pouncing on you between each sip of PBR. Although I am, admittedly, a cat person, I’ll do my best to objectively describe dog people. From what I can tell, dog people enjoy enjoying things. Dog people aren’t

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Use sunscreen and stay active this summer!

Briefcase Banter: Cat/Dog

Courtesy of Nick Vasiliadis

PAge 13

concerned so much with analyzing what it means to have a good time and whether or not where you are and what you’re currently doing fits the criteria. Dog people are simply content just being. Dog people are generally friendly and inviting, but they have this way of making you feel like you’re not in on the joke. Maybe it’s just because cat people don’t get it. If you’re the only guy at the rugby party wondering why everyone is still wearing their dirt-caked game shorts, you’re probably a cat person. It’s best to just let it go unanswered. One thing most cat people won’t tell you is that we cat people both envy and loathe our canine counterparts. In a way, we wish we could be as blissfully ignorant as dog people. But in the end, we’re glad to be our neurotic, egoinflated selves. We hate dog people for mudding up our nice clean carpets, and we can’t stand how they pretend to be so sorry afterwards. I mean it’s not like they didn’t know what they were doing. T h a t ’s t h e h a n d - c r a f t e d Persian rug I got while studying abroad in Tehran! I mean how could someone be so dense? But that’s just it; dog people aren’t interested in the finer things in life. They’re perfectly content merely chasing cars and hoping one stops at a red light for long

By Nick Vasiliadis

enough that they can feel some sense of accomplishment. They’d be overjoyed if someone took out the trash for them or bought them ice cream for no apparent reason. We cat people could mostly care less. What we lack in happiness we make up for in indifference, however. When some serious shit goes down, we’re just going to brush it off. Unlike dog people, we formidable felines aren’t so easily derailed. Forget that; I’m a cat, we’ll say. I have better things to do than dwell on this crap. Ultimately, what I think I’m trying to say is that it’s

It’s not just a pet; it’s a personality.

almost summer, and I really need the time off to think of some better ideas. Isn’t it exciting that another year is nearly finished? I mean if you’re a senior, I’m sure that in some ways graduation is a terrifying prospect. But I’m going to be highly unemployed in exactly one year from now too, so I’ll laugh at you all while I still can. Whether you love chasing cars or you fancy catching mice, summer is nearly here so there’s plenty of time ahead to do all the hunting and hounding you please. Have fun everybody, and see you next year!

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Summer 2012

the Vanguard

Men’s tennis falls in NE-10, looks ahead to Division II tournament

Men’s tennis lost the NE-10 championship to Merrimack.

By Ian Giancursio Vanguard Staff

The Bentley men’s tennis team reached the NE-10 finals for the third consecutive year on Saturday, only to see their championship hopes dashed by Merrimack. While the Falcons did not end the year on a championship note, they did have an impressive showing in the NE-10 semi-finals against Southern New Hampshire last Thursday. The Falcons

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

began the day with a dominant performance in doubles match play. In the thirdranked doubles pairing, Bentley’s team of junior Lucas Wever and senior Victor Suski defeated Southern New Hampshire’s team of Tim Hamilton and John Niland, 8-3. The match was mostly one-sided throughout, with Bentley in control as a result of its exceptionally strong serving. The second-ranked doubles pairing match featured

Bentley’s senior Alec Spycher and freshman Raghav Tanna in a tightly contested battle against Southern New Hampshire’s Juan ArangoCampo and Alex Mukdaprakorn. Although this match was much closer than the last, the Falcons were still able to defeat the Warriors, 8-4. The number one-ranked doubles pairing saw the Falcons drop their first match. Bentley’s team of senior Zach Tuckman and junior Rodrigo Ribeiro fell behind early and could not recover, losing to SNH’s Mike Wallace and Mitch Dobek, 84. Leading 2-1 after the doubles matches, Bentley looked ahead to the singles pairings. In the first-ranked singles match, Weaver lost to Mitch Dobek, 6-4. The secondranked match did not go much better, as Tuckman was defeated by SNH’s Arango-Campo 6-2, 6-0. The Falcons recovered in the third-ranked match, with Ribeiro defeating Mukdaprakorn 6-2, 6-1. Bentley split the next two matches, setting up a sixthranked showdown between sophomore Andrew Waddington and SNH’s Brad Malenich to decide the winning school. Waddington struggled in the first set, losing 2-6, but recovered in the

second to dominate 6-1. With the pressure turned up, Waddington did not disappoint and defeated Malenich 6-3 to send the Falcons to the finals. Unfortunately, the Falcons could not capitalize on their semi-final momentum, losing to Merrimack in the finals, 51. In doubles match play, Bentley was unable to stay ahead of Merrimack, with its only victory coming from the team of Waddington and Wever, 8-2. Singles match

Bentley looks forward to the Division II championships.

play saw the Falcons turn up their competitive fire; however, it was not enough. While Bentley was able to win the first, third and fourth-ranked singles matches, Merrimack came away with the remaining victories to emerge as the NE-10 champions, denying Bentley from winning its third championship in a row. Bentley now looks ahead to the Division II championships as they will likely receive an at-large bid for the tournament.

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

Varsell breaks 19-year record at Princeton; Kennedy leads men at MIT By Sophia Sirage Vanguard Staff

Junior Amy Varsell was able to continue her streak of excellence this past weekend, as she broke a school record at this Saturday’s Larry Ellis Invitational held at Princeton University. Varsell broke the 19-year record of Bentley Hall of Famer Suzy Walsh in the 1,500 with a time of 4:31.40. Varsell was later named the NE-10 Women’s Track Athlete of the Week for the third time in four weeks. While Varsell was breaking

the program record, the rest of the team was at the MIT Invitational competing. The highest ranked individual performances there were set by senior Evelyn Marrero and freshman Brynnan Farrington. Marrero placed second in the 5,000 with a time of 19:17.17 out of nine contestants. Farrington, with a throw of 37 feet and one-half inch, grabbed third out of 15. Fellow freshmen Tatiana Froehlich and Jackie Carlson both placed fifth in their respective contests. Junior Caitlin Fahey would also set

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

For her accomplishments, Varsell was named Athlete of the Week for the third time.

a PR in the 400 with a time of 1:01.58 that left her in eighth place overall. Also at MIT over the weekend sophomore Eric Kennedy of the men’s team achieved both a first place win out of 32 in the 100 meters, and third of 53 in the 200, with personal bests of 11.08 and 22.25, respectively. Setting a PR of his own was junior Bryan Carton, who also ran the 200 and was able to finish in 22.59 seconds. Junior Craig Robinson earned first with 9:42.21 in the 3,000 meter steeplechase, with freshman

Ned Furtney and senior Gabe Campbell receiving fourth and fifth with times of 10:27.64 and 10:36.64, respectively. The freshmen would continue in their achievements, with Nikos Devletoglou earning third in the high jump, and both Chris Ricci and Kyle Sullivan setting PRs in the javelin with fifth and eighth place finishes among 12 participants. Junior Grant Nolan would end the night third of nine in the 400 hurdles, in addition to sixth place finishes by freshman Anthony Charter in the long jump

(21’2.75”), Carton in the 400 (51.09), and senior Steven Long in the shot put (43’7.75”). Two members of the men’s team also competed at the Larry Ellis Invitational this past weekend with Varsell. Senior Mike Vatti finished twenty-fifth out of 40 in the 400 while sophomore Connor Higgins finished fifty-first of 54 in the 1500. Next Sunday, the Falcons will compete in the Brown Springtime Invitational, the teams’ last regular season meet.


thE Vanguard

Bentley Ruby headed to national championship for second straight season By Benjamin Klein

pagE 15

rECEnt rESultS Results from 4/17-4/24

Baseball (22-20, 14-7 NE-17, 3-6 NE Div.) at Stonehill*^ Tufts Southern New Hampshire*^ Southern New Hampshire*^ Southern New Hampshire*^ Rollins

SportS Editor

After coming home early last season from the National Championship the Bentley men’s rugby team was determined to make it back to for a second straight season. After a successful fall season, including a Northeast Rugby Championship, the No. 17 nationally-ranked Falcons clinched a spot in the 2012 National Championship this upcoming weekend in Hanover, New Hampshire. “We had a sour taste after our loss at Nationals last season to South Florida,” said junior scrum half Jon Renz. “We wanted to make sure that we would be more prepared for this season so we have been training outdoors since February.” Bentley plays in the newly formed Northeast Rugby conference that was established in the winter of 2011. The conference is comprised of mainly Northeast-10 teams but also includes several schools within the New England area as well. Bentley, along with AIC, Merrimack, Saint Michaels, Saint Anselm, Stonehill, Providence and UMass Lowell, make up the eight-team conference. The team, led by junior backs captain Max Smith and senior forwards captain Chris Higgins, started the fall season with a 350 shutout over St. Anselm and then a 55-5 blowout victory over St. Michael’s. After a 22-11 loss to AIC, the Falcons went on to win four straight games and earned a berth into the conference championship. The Falcons were supposed to take on AIC but they had five of their wins vacated due to playing with ineligible and nonregistered players. Bentley already defeated their new opponent, the Providence Friars, a week earlier 32-11 and was again looking for the same result. The Falcons would manage to top the Friars for the sec-

SummEr 2012

Golf Palamountain Invitational

3rd of 11

Men’s Lacrosse (4-7, 4-4 NE-10) at Souther New Hampshire* vs. Merrimack (at Gillete Stadium)* Franklin Pierce*

W 10-7 L 12-11 W 9-8

Men’s Tennis (15-6, 10-1 NE-10) Southern New Hampshire (NE-10 Playoffs) at Merrimack (NE-10 Championship)

Four players were named to the AllConference team.

ond straight weekend 30-8 and were crowned the Rugby Northeast champions. With the conference championship victory, Bentley automatically qualified for the National Championship. “It was big for our team to win the Rugby Northeast in its first season,” said Smith. “It guaranteed us a spot at Nationals so we’re looking to prove that we’re better than how we played last year when we went.” The Falcons then had four players named to the AllConference team including senior hooker Kevin Raftery, junior tight head prop Oisin O’Donnelly, senior flyhalf Spencer McKenna and junior outside center Max Smith. Juniors Doug Goodhile and Michael Fafara were named honorable mentions. Bentley faced a very strong schedule going into the spring, lined up to play four Division I teams with hopes of facing better competition before the National Championship. “We set up a really tough schedule for the spring,” said McKenna.

The Bentley rugby teamwill play in the opening round this Saturday at 9 a.m. against Colgate.

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“We wanted to prepare ourselves for the teams that we’d be seeing at Nationals. It helped us a lot and I think we’re in good shape going into this weekend.” Bentley fell to Division I Brown in their spring opener 3015 but looked to respond with a strong performance at the Business Bowl. With Babson unable to compete, the Business Bowl title would be determined based off Bentley’s matchup against Bryant. The Falcons erupted for a 39-7 victory over Bryant to claim the championship. From there Bentley defeated Division I teams of Southern Connecticut 31-19 and Albany 35-33. The Falcons’ impressive two-game win streak would end with the defeat at Division I Boston College 38-32 despite making a huge second half run. Bentley then took down Division I Dartmouth’s developmental team 64-26 in their regular-season finale. The Falcons also partook in several 7s matches throughout the semester. “Southern is a very physical team and it’s definitely one of

Result W 12-4 L 15-4 W 6-5 W 3-1 W 3-2 L 7-4

Men’s Track and Field Larry Ellis Invitational MIT Invitational

W 5-4 L 5-1

No team score No team score

Softball (8-30,6-24 NE-10) Merrimack*

L 8-3

*Conference Game ^Northeast Division Game

upComing SChEdulE April 26 Women’s Lacrosse vs. Franklin Pierce* May 5 Baseball vs. UMass-Lowell* (2) May 6 Baseball vs. UMass-Lowell*

7:00 p.m. 12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.

*Conference Game the biggest wins we’ve had all season,” said Renz. “They play a lot like the teams that we’ll be seeing this weekend. Even though the win was big, we lost key players in [junior eight-man] Doug [Goodhile] and [junior locke] Phil [Whittaker] for the rest season who have been hard to replace.” At the National Championship Bentley will take

on No. 18 Colgate in the opening round this Saturday at 9 a.m. If Bentley advances, they will play the winner of No. 12 Boston University and Towson on Sunday at 9 a.m. The losers of both matchups will play on Sunday at 11 a.m. If Bentley can advance past the quarterfinals, they would move on to play in the Final Four in Sandy, Utah on May 18 and 19.

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summer 2012

the Vanguard

Baseball sweep of No. 6 SNHU propels Falcons into tie for final playoff spot Falcons look to win final games against bottom three teams in the divsion to make it to the playoffs By Matt Gustus Vanguard staFF

The Bentley Falcons used four complete games from their pitching staff to win four straight divisional games last week. The Falcons now are tied for the fourth playoff spot with only nine games remaining. A week and a half ago, the Falcons traveled to Stonehill, looking to avoid a four-game season sweep. Earlier in the season, the Falcons had lost on three occasions to the Skyhawks, by the scores of 6-2, 4-2, and 9-5. The game started off well for the Falcons, as they got out to a 2-0 lead in the third inning. Sophomore shortstop Will Brennan led off with a double, and was driven home on a triple by sophomore infielder Nate Witkowski during the next atbat. Witkowski later reached home on a sacrifice fly by freshman center fielder Mike Muir. The Falcons added runs in the fourth, fifth, seventh, eighth, and ninth innings for a total of twelve runs on fourteen hits. Senior catcher Kevin Korwek, second on the team in batting average (.318), had a monster game, going 4-for-5 and scoring three runs. Senior designated hitter Greg Baggett also remained hot, connecting for his fourth home run in as many games. Starting junior pitcher JP Ashline went the distance for the Falcons, allowing four runs on seven hits while striking out six. The win improved Ashline’s record to 4-2 on the year, with his only losses coming at the hands of the Skyhawks. Last Thursday, the Falcons hosted non-conference opponent Tufts. With the push for the playoffs the main focus for both teams, the game saw a total of twelve pitchers sharing the workload, with neither starter remaining in the game past the third inning. The game was decided in the

Junior P John Yohe allowed only one hit through the sixth inning.

fifth inning, when ten straight Tufts batters reached base and scored. The ten-run fifth erased a four run lead the Falcons had built in the fourth, which included a two-run double by Brennan. Despite the early lead, the Falcons fell by the score of 15-4. The next day, the Falcons hosted Southern New Hampshire University in a three-game series. Coming into the series, Southern New Hampshire (33-6 overall, 9-3 Northeast) was tied for the lead in the NE-10 Northeast division lead and was ranked No. 6 in all of Division II. The Falcons, however, were not intimidated by the Penmen’s success. The team started out the first game of the series well, riding the hot pitching of junior righty John Yohe. The Falcons jumped out to a 2-0 lead in the fourth inning. With runners on the corners midway through the inning, Korwek hit a grounder to third. The throw home went flying





5 Did you know that the Bentley men’s tennis team is the No. 5 seed in the East Region of the NCAA Division II Tournament? Bentley will face off in the preliminary round against NE10 foe Merrimack on Sunday and the winner will move on to play against Concordia (N.Y.) on Monday. The winner of Monday’s matchup will advance to Louisville, Kentucky for the championships. The Falcons recently lost to Merrimack in the NE-10 Championship Finals but will look to redeem themselves this Sunday.

past the Penmen catcher, allowing speedy sophomore left fielder Sean Keady to score the game’s first run. The second run of the inning for the Falcons came on another Penmen error, when the Penmen catcher mishandled a perfect throw home. On the defensive side, Yohe was on cruise control through the sixth inning, having only allowed one hit. The first trouble for Yohe came in the seventh. After two Penmen runs with one out and the tying run on base, Yohe dug deep and was able to get the next SNHU batter to ground into a double play. Three Falcon runs in the eighth stretched the lead to 6-2 and turned out to be extremely important. The Penmen would not go away, rallying to cut the lead to one in the ninth. After a sacrifice bunt moved the tying run 90 feet away, Brennan turned a hard hit ground ball into the game ending out with an extraordinary play at shortstop. The game ended with the

courtesy of sports Information office

Falcons on top 6-5. The next day, the teams suited up for a double-header. In game one, the story was right hander Rob Finneran. After allowing one run in the first inning, FInneran was able to get 18 straight batters and 26 of his final 28 batters out. During his complete game effort, Finneran allowed only the one run on three hits and one walk, while striking out thirteen batters. He was later named the NE-10 Pitcher of the Week as well as the Division II East Region Pitcher of the Week. The run support in the game didn’t come until the seventh and eighth innings. With two men on, graduate student Bryant Johnson lined a single to left field that was misplayed, allowing both Gillis and Baggett to score. Another insurance run came in the eighth with an RBI triple from Keady, giving Bentley the 3-1 victory. In the third game of the series, the Falcons chances

looked grim, as they were down 2-1 entering the ninth. The inning started off with a grounder to first that was misplayed, allowing Korwek to reach base. The next batter up was Baggett, who doubled to right-center, driving in the game-tying run. On the relay throw back to the infield, Baggett was able to move to third and into scoring position. After Johnson was hit by a pitch in the next at-bat, Rey smashed the game-winning single to left field, giving the Falcons a 3-2 walk-off win. Receiving credit for the win was junior righty Jeff Croteau, who scattered two runs, five hits and five strikeouts over nine innings for his fifth win of the year. This past Tuesday and Wednesday, the Falcons faced off against out of conference Rollins and Northeast Division opponent Merrimack. Recaps and Box Scores can be found at With the weekend sweep, the Falcons (7-6) are tied with UMass Lowell (7-6) for the last playoff spot in the Northeast Division. The two teams have yet to meet this season, but are scheduled to face-off in the final games of the season. Depending on how each team does in its next games, the series could decide who gets in as the final playoff team. “The division right now is very tight and it only takes a few games to switch up the standings,” says Johnson. “If we keep hitting the way we have the past few games, playing solid defense combined with our great pitching, we will be all set.” Before then, the Falcons have a three game series against bottom dweller St. Michael’s (2-12) and another game against Merrimack (4-8). “All of our final games are against the bottom three teams in the division” said Brennan. “They are all must win games for us.”


Finneran and Spycher Named Falcons of the Week

oF the

Graduate student Rob Finneran (Garden City, N.Y.) is the Falcon of the Week following an outstanding pitching performance for Bentley baseball team during a weekend sweep of then sixth-ranked Southern New Hampshire. Finneran authored a three-hitter, two of which came in the first inning when the Penmen scored their only run, and struck out a career-best 13, only one shy of the school record, as the Falcons took down SNHU, 3-1. Pitching in front of several major league scouts, the right-handed retired 26 of the final 28 batters he faced, including 18 in a row from the first to the seven innings. Bentley’s career-leader in winning percentage, ERA and strikeouts, Finneran was named both the Northeast-10 and NECBA Division II East Region Pitcher of the Week.


Senior Captain of the Bentley Tennis team, Alec Spycher, has 99 wins in his four seasons here at Bentley. This Sunday, he and his team will be competing in the NCAA tournament, playing Merrimack. If Alec wins in either doubles or singles, he will have earned 100 wins as a Bentley Falcon in his college career before he graduates.

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