The Vanguard - 09/30/2010

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tHurSday, SEptEMBEr 30, 2010


Student Center forced to close

Campus hub closed on Sunday by water pipe burst, Administration reacts quickly By Andy Zhong nEwS EditOr

On the eve of Bentley’s Open House, Bentley university’s Student Center suffered a pipe burst on the second floor of the building which led to a water leak into Seasons dining Hall. the leak produced an odor created by a non-toxic solution called “propylene glycol,” which is used to treat water for heating purposes. School officials aware of the situation promptly responded to the situation accordingly. Many students hoping for a meal at Seasons on Saturday morning were disappointed to find that the entire Student Center was surrounded with See LEAK, Page 14

New students not pleased to live in cramped space, Housing responds By Lacey Nemergut Vanguard Staff

The adminisration quickly shut down the Student Center, forcing many students to LaCava’s Lower Café or to the Dana Center’s eateries for their Sunday brunch.


Johnson preaches common sense

GOP 2012 Presidential hopeful advocates a libertarian’s approach to governing in talk By Kristin Tomasi Vanguard Staff

On September 27, the Bentley republican and democrat Clubs came together to bring gary Johnson, former new Mexico governor and 2012 presidential hopeful, to Bentley. He began his speech by telling the audience that he views politics as “entrepreneurial.” Johnson is an entrepreneur himself, having started his own handyman business in 1976.

Johnson, a libertarian-leaning republican, also considers himself an entrepreneur because he entered the field of politics without prior experience. However, he won the position of governor of new Mexico in 1995, serving two terms in a state that was two-to-one democrat. Johnson was quick to point out his “common-sense business approach to government.” He stressed the importance of cost-benefit analysis, which allowed him See JOHNSON, Page 3

Former Governor Johnson is one of the few Republican moderates making noise right now.

SpOrtS EditOr

the Bentley falcons’ golf team came into the season with plenty of veteran experience, and so far they have not disappointed. the seasoned veterans, like senior Captain alex

Macielak, juniors richie powers and grant alter, and sophomore Matt Michel, have all provided some quality scoring for the falcons, while junior transfer nick Clarke has provided a big spark, leading the team in scoring with a 76.5 average. “there are a lot of upper-

classmen,” said powers, who is currently second in scoring for the falcons with a 77.7 average. “Each one of us is capable of going low on any given day.” the falcons started the season hot, finishing with

This Week

the Office of Housing & Student Systems shocked incoming freshmen this year, placing 54 students into forced triples to accommodate the unanticipated increase in class size. a forced triple, or “enhanced double,” consists of an ordinary double dorm with an added upper bunk bed, a wardrobe to serve as a closet, and an extra desk. Students with a forced triple assignment in both Slade and Miller were informed of this major space issue just weeks before move-in day and were offered certain benefits for agreeing to the arrangement. ron ardizzone, director of Housing and Student Systems, elucidated the reason as to why Bentley faced this problem. “the best answer for [forced triples] is the demand for Bentley students returning to housing and the demand of freshmen wanting to come to Bentley. the Office of undergraduate admissions


Falcon Golf soaring to birdies & eagles By Robbie LaBrie

Forced Triples frustrate freshmen

back-to-back second-place finishes in consecutive one-day tournaments. the first tournament was the assumption College Shootout at Blackstone national golf Club. Clarke, in his collegiate debut, proved that he would be a force on See GOLF, Page 14

VIEWPOINTS: It’s time CAMPUS LIFE: COLUMNS: New to address our Laundry Record-high attendance Columns for Music and issues, Page 4 for Open House, Page 6 FEATURES: Review of Traveling, Page 8 & 13 Dragon software, Page 9

Nathan Marchand/THE VANGUARD

admits a class, and from that we anticipate so many students drop off,” he continued. ardizzone speculates that certain factors in students’ decisions, such as Bentley’s career service ranking, rapidly growing academic reputation and camSee FORCED, Page 3

SPORTS: Football falls in heartbreaking home opener, Page 15

Police Log 2 JAS 2 Cartoon 4 Editorial 4 Voices 8 & 9 Games 10 Horoscopes 12 Falcon of The Week 16



SEPTEMBER 30, 2010


Police log By katie Cavanaugh, Raymer maguire & Andrew vanderploeg VANGUARD STAFF

Sir, you’re Naked While on a routine patrol at approximately 4:40 a.m. on Saturday, September 5, an officer noticed a nude male outside Slade Hall. When asked why he was naked, the student responded that he had to use the bathroom outside and was unable to get back inside. He probably left his ID in his pants. When asked why he had not used the bathroom inside, he stated that it smelled due to people not flushing the toilet. Once officers retrieved clothes for the student, a field sobriety test was administered. The student was determined intoxicated, but not a danger to himself. He was allowed to return to his room and will be charged with intoxication and suspicious behavior. Sunday football Sunday, September 19, at 5:30 p.m., Campus Police received a call from a student who reported that he had just been physically accosted via a punch to the face. His crime? Being a Jets fan. When officers arrived on the scene of the altercation, the student explained that his “harmless joke” of pretending to toss a Patriots hat out the window was not taken lightly by his counterpart.

When the steel-fisted student was found and questioned, he reported that the first student had began the confrontation first when he grabbed him at the neck, dangerously cutting off his air supply. After assessing the situation, officers determined that a safety risk still remained if these two gentlemen were left together. The student was escorted to an alternative residence hall for the remainder of the night. Both students will be charged with violation of University rules and physical confrontation. ode to the guest Policy At 4 a.m. on Friday morning, Officers found a drunk girl mourning. Her friend would not pick up the phone, Thus she was stuck outside all alone. Perhaps this friend had heard no call, Or kicked her straight out of the hall. We know not where she went to school, Only that she broke thy Golden Rule, For she had no Bentley identification, And was found guilty of Guest Policy violation. Locker Shocker Officers were dispatched to the Dana Center to talk with a party who had his car key stolen from a

Dana Center locker. At 11:50 a.m., an hour after initially storing his possessions, the victim discovered his car key was missing from his unlocked locker. It was determined that no other items were taken from the locker. Officers and the victim went out to the vehicle and determined that his wallet was missing. The party notified his spouse of the incident, and requested she arrive with a spare key. It was later confirmed that only the wallet was missing from the vehicle. Bentley security cameras did not have a view of the area where the car was parked at the time. The case is still open and under investigation. No Shank you September 19, at 1:13 a.m., a thirsty student enquired a group of African American males about where they had gotten the alcoholic beverages they were enjoying. This student kept up the pleading long after many rejections, causing tension with the four men. Officers observed the panicked male running towards his vehicle, reporting that someone had pulled a knife on him. The victim displayed a cut between his thumb and index finger, a result of trying to push the knife away. He pointed out the group of males heading towards Miller Hall. Officers pursued the swift-moving pack as three scattered and one fell behind and tripped over a curb. The straggler was

placed in cuffs and the officers called for backup. The remaining men were recognized as passengers of a red vehicle heading for the campus exit. They were told to leave the premises. This case is still under investigation. Read me my Rights Early in the morning on September 19, Police were called to Fenway Hall due to a man knocking on random doors. A Bentley student pointed police in the right direction. Officers approached the party and explained that there had been some complaints. The man was determined not to be a Bentley student and had the smell of alcohol exuding from his breath. The man was speaking so softly that officers were not able to understand his response. The suspect then spoke up and asked the officers to read him his rights. He was not under arrest and did not need to have his rights read to him. He was determined to be very intoxicated and a danger to himself. He was taken to Waltham Police Department to be booked. This intoxicated man claimed he was visiting a friend’s sibling. Definitely Defecation An anonymous tip indicated facilities of an extremely unpleasant discovery in the corner of the Collins Hall elevator. Upon investigation, it was confirmed that the pile was in fact human feces. The case is not being investigated.

Judicial action Summary EDiToR iN CHiEf Jon McColgan mANAgiNg EDiToR gENERAL mANAgER Rebecca Langweber John Karakelle CoPy EDiToR NEWS EDiToR SPoRTS EDiToR CAmPUS LifE EDiToR fEATURES EDiToR BUSiNESS EDiToR PHoTogRAPHy EDiToR oNLiNE EDiToR DiRECToR of PRoDUCTioN DiRECToR of ADvERTiSiNg DiRECToR of mARkETiNg STUDENT LifE ADviSoR JoURNALiSm ADviSoR

Alyson Bisceglia Andy Zhong Robbie LaBrie Sindhu Palaniappan Ian Markowitz Phillip St. Pierre Tomer Gat Nicholas Smits Leslie Dias Greg Kokino Brandon Schug Maria DiLorenzo Judy Rakowsky



First month of classes including First Week

Total number of cases: Total number of individuals involved (violators): Number of individuals dismissed from responsibility: Number of individuals referred to Judicial Board: Number of educational sanctions given: (includes referrals to Alcohol Education) Cash total of fines given for the week: Number of Work Sanctions assigned: Number of students placed on warning Number of Parental Notifications: Number of individuals put on Residential Probation: (Loss of 15 Housing Credits) Number of individuals put on Disciplinary Probation: (Loss of 30 Housing Credits) Number of individuals put on Suspension (Housing): Number of individuals put on Suspension (University): Number of individuals expelled from University: Provided by the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs

123 172 7 13 27 $7,250 11 18 14 17 5 0 0 0



SEPTEMBEr 30, 2010

PAgE 3

President Obama speaks in student conference call The President seeked to reassure young constituents of his dedication to higher education By Alicia Maillet VAnguArD STAFF

On Monday September 27, President Barack Obama participated in a nationwide conference call with college students. The President spoke briefly and took questions from some students who were lucky enough to call through. The conference focused primarily on what the Obama Administration is doing to improve the future well-being of today’s college students. All the questions asked by students had a common theme: Concern that college students graduating over the next few years will have fewer job options and debts that will be difficult to pay off when compared to the previous decade. One student from Southwest Virginia shared that several professors at his school have referred to today’s students as the “lost generation,” ultimately meaning that they will graduate with tons of debt and little opportunity for a steady job. This student wanted to

President Obama took time to talk to students regarding their future and what his Administration is working on.

know if the President felt there was any truth to this statement and what the Obama Administration is doing to make improvements for college graduates. The President reassuringly said, “I think your

generation is going to be just fine.” He then proceeded to compare today’s young people to “the greatest generation,” the generation that survived the great Depression. President Obama feels that if the majority of


Courtesy of the White House Media Affairs Office

young people across America of that considerably worse economic time can come out okay, then this generation can undoubtedly do the same. To answer the second part of the question, the President provided exam-


Continued from Page 1

Continued from Page 1

to “put the issues on the front burner” where he believes they belong. Because “voters appreciate good stewardship of tax dollars,” Johnson’s proudest accomplishment in office was vetoing 750 bills that would have otherwise dramatically increased spending. One of Johnson’s main platforms is to “bring competition to public education.” He believes that by allowing “school choice,” in which students may decide what school they wish to attend, schools will improve their standards and students will benefit. In regards to the War on Drugs, Johnson explained that the government arrests 1.8 million people a year for drug-related crimes, many of which are minor offenses. As part of his strategy to “reduce death, disease, crime, and corruption,” Johnson advocated the legalization of marijuana, which will cause its price to drop. He stated that when “you take the money out of drugs, so goes the violence.” Another major concern for Johnson is the nation’s debt. He believes that “33

pus facilities, worked to create a “perfect storm” for matriculation. “I screamed. I almost shed a tear,” replied a female freshman in Slade when asked about her initial response to her forced triple assignment. “How am I going to live with two other girls in a room meant for two people? I was worried about just one other person,” she concluded. The student, whose room is one of three forced triples on her floor in Slade, had applied for a double and instead found herself in an overcrowded room utilizing storage devices as well as patience. Other students shared their frustrations in addition to their fears. “For such an expensive school, you’d think they would have planned it better and not over-housed,” articulated a male freshman on the fourth floor of Slade. Meanwhile, to compensate students for accepting the forced triple assignment, Bentley offered them a break in the cost for room and board as well as a welcome bag which included a Dunkin Donuts gift card and other Bentley paraphernalia. However, despite this understanding gesture, some students considered Bentley’s

Johnson answering a student’s question.

cents out of every dollar needs to be cut,” and that markets will react favorably to this change because people will have confidence and buy more products, causing businesses to hire more employees. Johnson made his dissatisfaction with current healthcare policies clear. He stated, “You pay more into insurance than what you get out,” but he insisted that a free market would have a “pay-as-yougo” system. In regards to his stance on immigration, Johnson wants to “make it easy for immigrants to get a legal work visa” and to set up a grace period where the 11 million illegal immigrants


who are already here can apply for a work visa as well. Audience members were clearly interested in what he had to say, as sophomore Katrina DeFrancesco explained, “I felt he was able to relate to a lot of Bentley students.” Katie Auger, also a sophomore, found Johnson “engaging” and noted that he “made some really good points.” Johnson concluded with hope for a brighter future, saying, “There is a great awareness in this country right now.” If elected, he intends to address issues and create solutions to reflect his belief that the role of government is to treat everyone equally.

ples of how his administration is going to help students get on their feet post-graduation. One example he provided is how young adults can now stay on their parents’ health care plan until age 26. He feels this will help students save money and stay insured for a few years after college. President Obama also said, “Starting in 2014, we’re going to be in a situation where young people can cap their debt at 10 percent of their salary, regardless of what that salary is.” This leaves students with hope of keeping their debt at a somewhat reasonable level in the future. The President also discussed the recent increase in the Pell grant. He explained how it is now more reliable and available to more people who need help paying for college. President Obama ended the conference reinstating his faith in the future of today’s young people. He encouraged students to stay well-informed and to continue pursuing their education despite adversity.

efforts to be in vain. “It was a slap in the face. They knew they were neglecting us and they gave us a bag,” explained another male freshman Slade resident. In addition, Bentley also sent personalized e-mails explaining the situation and apologizing for any inconvenience it would cause. “It made it more dramatic,” stated a female freshman, also a Slade resident, when asked for a comment about the letters, which included stories about past triple experiences. “They made a big deal about it.” Freshmen Move-In Day confirmed the main concern of forced triples: space. “It’s really hot in here,” said one male freshman when he first observed the clutter in his new room and experienced firsthand the lack of moving space. Even a month into the school year, the space issue has proved just as challenging, which one female freshman confirmed, “One thing that really [stinks] is space… If we want to have people over, there’s nowhere to put them.” The problem may contniue as Ardizzone warned of a housing problem for the class of 2014 next year and suggested lessening the number of students accepted to avoid the creation of forced triples.

PagE 4

SEPTEmBEr 30, 2010


ThE Vanguard


of the


*The Vanguard’s editorial as well as the editorial cartoon are proposed at each Editorial Board meeting. They are represented as being the opinions of the Board as a whole, although drawn by individuals, and not the Bentley community.

editorial Laundry time? Do it right Laundry issues on campus seem to be a common complaint among students this year, and Bentley responded by having mac gray put in new high efficiency washers and dryers all across campus. however, this hasn’t really solved anything. In actuality, laundry rooms will always present inconveniences, but this year, we seem to be finding Bentley students’ frustration reaching a climax with those lovely white machines. Laundry rooms all over campus come with specific problems. In the case of Forest and some other residence buildings, the machines do not always work, yet once you swipe your Falcon card, you’re screwed every time – there goes $1.50. Students across campus have complained about losing large sums of money in one visit to the laundry room (although apparently Bentley offers reimbursements for lost money through mac gray). If you do lose some cash, make sure to give mac gray a call, but that just simply should not be happening, period. This brings up another issue – unlike last year when a swipe with your Falcon card

would get you a machine for $1.25, this year all machines cost $1.50 each, no matter how you choose to pay for them. This price increase can really add up when you have to dry your clothes more than once if the first time wasn’t good enough. Even if you don’t need a full second cycle to sufficiently get your clothes dry, you still have to pay for one because the machines do not allow you to choose how many minutes you want. another major complaint students have is that there aren’t any change machines on campus where a student could exchange bills for quarters. One student recounted how he had to unsuccessfully search all over campus for a place that would give him change for bills. Is it that difficult to put a change machine somewhere on this mountain? Or at least allow the food venues to change bills out? What about the Cashier’s Office? This should be a very simple fix. and then there’s, which, similar to the laundry machines, tends to be quite picky about when to work and show accurate times and free

machines. has anyone ever been able to effectively use this horrible website...ever? apparently not. With an extremely limited number of washers and dryers (less than 10 in most buildings), this can become quite frustrating. It’s a very lucky day when you can find a free machine right away. now this is not to say that Bentley is wholly responsible for all of the laundry-related problems on campus. Students also need to pick up the slack in laundry rooms, which are beginning to resemble drying machines themselves. Socks, bras and fabric softener sheets can be found lying all over the place, not to mention the lint that piles up on the floor and in the dryers. also, some students refuse to take the time to read signs on the washing machines that prohibit the use of powder bleach, which means that our favorite clothes become that pretty bleached color thanks to plain carelessness. Start emptying the lint in the dryers and stop making a mess. and Bentley, seeing how we’re away from home and on our own, could you try to make washing and drying our clothes a little easier?

Publication information The Vanguard is the student newspaper of Bentley University. It does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the University administration; Bentley University is not responsible for statements herein. The Vanguard is published every Thursday of the academic year, excluding examination periods and holiday breaks. It is distributed free to all students, faculty, and staff of Bentley University. The Vanguard is funded in part by the Student Activity Fee, but relies on advertising revenue to cover the majority of its costs. Advertising rates are available upon request at (781) 891-3497. Circulation is 4,000 copies. We reserve the right to refuse an advertisement; only publication of an ad constitutes final acceptance of the offer to advertise. We reserve the right to edit all copy for grammar, spelling, punctuation, style, libel and length. The Vanguard Office is located on the third floor of the Student Center, inside the Bentley Bubble office complex. Mailing address: The Vanguard, Bentley University, 310M1 Student Center, 385 Beaver Street, Waltham, MA 02452. Phone: (781) 891-2912. E-mail:

“This is what happens on live TV, folks. This is insane, insane, insane.” -Sarah Murdoch, host of Australia's Next Top Model, explaining her on-air blunder after announcing the wrong winner in the show's finale “Large numbers of Americans are not wellinformed about the tenets, practices, history and leading figures of major faith traditions — including their own.” -Pew Research Center, on a new study showing that U.S. residents lack basic knowledge about religion “Want to know how I know this is an expensive school? There’s no porta-potties.” -A Mother from New Haven University, while walking into the Football Field Complex disclaimer: The opinions published in The Vanguard are submitted by readers of the newspaper, and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Vanguard and its staff. We are not able to print any letters submitted anonymously.





Kappa Sigma Fraternity recognized on national stage Despite lacking funds from Bentley, Pi Kappa receives F.A.C.E. recognition at leadership conference By Brian Lofrumento NEWS CORRESPONDENT

Bentley students involved with the unrecognized Kappa Sigma Fraternity have once again been given recognition on a national level after picking up the Founders Award of Chapter Excellence (F.A.C.E.). The Pi-Kappa chapter of the fraternity, based here in Waltham, is made up of over 40 Bentley students, and they represent one of the world’s largest fraternities in the world. The F.A.C.E. recognition is one of the highest honors given to chapters, indicating that the Pi-Kappa chapter ranks among the top 10 percent of chapters in the nation, despite lacking recognition and funding from Bentley. Five Bentley students traveled to the annual Leadership Conference in New Orleans to represent the local chapter, and they were understandably delighted to pick up such a prestigious award. “Being given the opportu-

Five Bentley students represented Kappa Sigma in New Orleans this past summer.

nity to attend the Kappa Sigma Leadership Conference in New Orleans, all paid for by the Fraternity, was an amazing experience,” said Mike Martin, a senior at Bentley and the founder of the Pi-Kappa chapter. “The five Kappa Sigma students from Bentley represented the chapter and University very well and were held in high regard,”

said Martin. “It was an honor being recognized as part of the top 10 percent of Kappa Sigma chapters nationally after only two years in existence.” “The hard work of our quality and committed brothers has really paid off,” he concluded. The Pi-Kappa chapter attracted national attention by excelling both inside and

Courtesy of

outside the classroom. Pi-Kappa students boasted the highest average Grade Point Average out of the nationwide fraternity, with a respectable 3.4, and their community service work around Waltham ranked them amongst the best in the country. Besides the overall recognition for the Bentley students in this chapter, one

Bentley senior in particular picked up further honors. Brian Bovino, who played a pivotal role in founding Kappa Sigma here in Waltham, was elected to Kappa Sigma’s Undergrad Advisory Committee, making him one of five advisors to the national organization. Martin, who now serves as the Marketing and Public Relations Chair, was full of praise for Bovino and the rest of the Kappa Sigma contingent. “Our fraternity is a perfect example of the initiative and drive embedded in Bentley students and the obstacles they can overcome when working together as a band of brothers,” Martin stressed. “Despite the University’s discouragement, we have outstanding members who are actively engaged and are leaders in almost all of Bentley’s recognized clubs and organizations,” said Martin. Martin continued, “All of our brothers contribute an incredible amount to the campus and are committed to doing so every semester.”


SEPTEMBER 30, 2010

Campus Life


Bentley welcomes prospective students at Fall Open House By Angela Diaco VAnGUARD STAFF

Open House was held this past Sunday, September 26, 2010, marking the official beginning of fall here at Bentley. While many of you were enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon, parents and nervous high school students roamed around campus in search of finding out what the Bentley life is all about, not to mention school sweatshirts and free food. Close to 2,000 people showed up for the day (a record high for Bentley), half of whom were first-time visitors. Those in attendance ranged from many new England locals, some Canadians, and even a family from Singapore. The well-represented crowd flooded Undergraduate Admissions with tour requests, and ambassadors donning blue shirts could be seen leading packs of people all over the place. So how did Bentley keep

High school seniors from all over came to see what Bentley has to offer this past Sunday.

the prospective class of 2015 entertained for nearly six hours? The Center for Marketing and Technology had the usual high-tech survey to exhibit their equipment, Financial Aid and Admissions seminars were held in LaCava, and the Service Learning Department had projects dis-

played in Smith. In addition, dorms were showed, academic and student life tours were on the move constantly, and the food never ran out. Buildings from LaCava to the Dana Center offered food for families and students alike (despite the devastating Seasons debacle the day before, desserts were never-

Professor Profile: Alicia Amaral


When it comes to being busy, Professor Alicia Amaral definitely fits the bill. She is a new professor here at Bentley University, and she teaches two sections of GB-112, Tools and Concepts in Accounting and Finance. In addition to teaching here as well as at Tufts University, Professor Amaral is also the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Sentinel Benefits & Financial Group of Reading, MA. While this is Amaral’s first semester teaching at Bentley, she is definitely not new to the campus since she is also an alumna. “I always loved Bentley as a student, and I always wanted to teach here,” stated Amaral. When she was offered a

position here she was thrilled and began trying to fit teaching here into her already busy schedule. “So far I love the support that I get from the faculty, and it is also my first time teaching freshmen classes and I am really enjoying it,” she said. GB-112 is a newer class taken by mostly freshmen. The course was created in part by Ernst & Young, and it focuses on the many important concepts in accounting and finance. “It is a great class and I wish that I had the chance to take a class like this when I was an undergraduate student,” said Amaral. Amaral teaches here on campus on Tuesdays and Fridays. When she is not at Bentley, she can also be found at Tufts University in Medford where she teaches graduate students on evenings and weekends. At Tufts, Amaral manages the Master of Science and Engineering Management program. This program is for Engineering students who want to learn more about the business aspect. This may already seem like an overwhelming workload for most people, but Amaral still has her important responsibility as a CFO. Sentinel Benefits &

Financial Group is a business that does benefit administration for 401K plans and health insurance, as well as wealth management. “I really like the realworld aspect at Sentinel,” commented Amaral. “It gives me the experience that I need to teach my students.” Amaral has worked at Sentinel for the past three years, and when

Kunaal Lachmandas & Nathan Marchand/THE VANGUARD

theless set out). While the day has come and gone, much like many other Open Houses each year, we cannot forget the time, energy, and effort put into making the day a success. Thank you to all students, faculty and administrators who spent your Sunday reaching out to future

Falcons. A special thanks goes to facilities and maintenance for enduring what was surely a grueling task cleaning up after a weekend of Bentley shenanigans. The campus was beautiful; the grass was green, the sun was out and the trash was swept away. Great job!

By Derek Smith

the opportunity to teach at Bentley presented itself she discussed some options with her supervisor. Amaral now works parttime as the CFO so that she can fulfill her passion for teaching both here and at Tufts University. Teaching both at Bentley University and at Tufts University while maintaining her position as a CFO at the same time definitely

takes up a lot of her free time. However, when she is not working she enjoys activities such as yoga, hiking, and being in the outdoors. Amaral also really enjoys traveling. She recently took a trip to South Africa where she visited her daughter. It’s quite a delicate balance to be able to do so much, but Amaral does it impressively well.

ThE Vanguard


SEPTEmBEr 30, 2010

PagE 7

Financial SnapShotS Be sure to check the Business Section next week to see what our new Business Editor Phillip St. Pierre has in store!!

AIG announced that it is near completion with a plan to repay bailout funds.

AOL announced three acquisitions on Tuesday, including the TechCrunch Blog.

Courtesy of

After delaying the release of its 3DS, Nintendo reduced its forecasted profits.

Courtesy of

Courtesy of BP declared it will open a new global safety divi-

sion in response to the oil spill this past summer.

Courtesy of


SEPTEMBEr 30, 2010


Features The Beat

How do you feel about Bentley Spirit?

beN titMuS ibiM ClaSS of 2014 “I think it is contagiously invigorating.”

MadhuMita NarayaN Global StudieS ClaSS of 2014 “Obnoxiously awesome, but we’re proud of it.”

Molly Godfrey eCoNoMiCS-fiNaNCe ClaSS of 2013 “We don’t have enough.”

JaSoN yoSeob Park iNforMatioN SySteMS audit CoNtrol ClaSS of 2012 “Very proud to be a part of Bentley. Our students are very passionate and positive abo ut their future and life.”

THE VAnGUArD By Lindsay Beauregard

KurtHugoSchneider: Taking over the world one YouTuber at a time YouTube has become a hub for aspiring musicians. Some fail miserably and become the laughing stock of the nation (doglover1997), while others achieve bliss and bask in the glory (unfortunately, Justin Bieber). If you’ve ever heard of KurtHugoSchneider, then you know this YouTuber is the latter. Through flawless, refined vocals and well-executed mashups and covers that give the original singers a run for their money, KurtHugoSchneider has gained almost 300,000 subscribers, placing them as the 19th most subscribed to musician channel on YouTube (YouTube KurtHugoSchneider). This is a big accomplishment for Sam Tsui and Kurt Schneider, the two friends who began collaborating together in high school (Sam Tsui Wikipedia). As students at Yale University, the twosome now produces some of the best melodies out there. The two combine their raw talents – Tsui sings while Schneider accompanies him with instruments or beat boxing - so Schneider can produce the best videos and music possible. About a year ago, the duo began posting their videos on the Internet. At the time, they only produced covers of wellknown songs, such as Jay Sean’s Down, Beyonce’s Halo, Jason Mraz’s You and I Both and more recently, Bruno Mars’ Just The Way You Are. As time went on, they began trying more complicated music and styles like the one-man choir. Tsui belts it out using this technique in the covers of Don’t Stop Believing, Fireflies and their Michael Jackson Medley. The fact that this guy can cover several pitches, lead and background vocals while singing a cappella is simply amazing. KurtHugoSchneider’s number one most-viewed video is

Tsui and Schneider combine their musical talents to create medleys of popular, mainstream songs.

not surprisingly their M.J. Medley (YouTube).This medley includes Michael’s most popular songs, ABC, I’ll Be There, The Way You Make Me Feel, Man in the Mirror, Billie Jean, Thriller, Smooth Criminal and Beat It. During the performance, Tsui is singing six separate parts a cappella and Schneider beat boxes on the side. To take the King of Pop’s music and turn it into something original shows what raw talent these boys really have. Tsui also took the initiative to write a Taylor Swift medley and a Miley Cyrus medley for two other YouTube superstars, Tiffany Alvord and Christina Grimmie. Schneider and Tsui worked with the girls to produce music videos for each of the songs. Again, like the M.J. Medley, these songs are unique and incredibly fun to listen to. Even if you don’t like Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus, the two medleys are fantastic and totally addicting. Among KurtHugoSchneider’s other great videos are a Lady Gaga medley featuring Bad Romance, LoveGame, Poker Face, Paparazzi and Just Dance, and a Summer Pop medley featuring California Gurls, Airplanes, Your Love Is My Drug, Alejandro and OMG. On September 11 of this

Courtesy of

year, the guys posted their best video by far, a mash-up of Love The Way You Lie, Teenage Dream and everyone’s beloved, Dynamite. The flow and voice layering of the three songs, Tsui’s spectacular voice and hilarious facial expressions, and Schneider’s accompaniment on multiple instruments creates a musical heaven for the ears. Go to their channel STASAP (sooner than as soon as possible) to download the free MP3 and immediately start listening on repeat. iPods will be blaring this song for weeks to come. With all the fantastic music they produce, it was extremely exciting to hear they had written their own song. Just recently, their first original song, Don’t Want An Ending, was released as a music video on YouTube and as a single on iTunes. Unfortunately, the song was unexceptional and disappointing. With the talents Tsui and Schneider have, this song should have been much better than the sappy unoriginal pop song they produced. But although it was mediocre at best, the vocals were impeccable and the music video was very well-produced, and there is still hope for future original songs.

MiChael SeveriaNo fiNaNCe ClaSS of 2012 “Bentley’s support for its students is amazing. Staff and professors do an excellent job at making students feel at home while providing them with a world class education. I love it here.”

by Shannon Chambers PHOTOGrAPHY STAff

These videos are incredible, so take the time to watch them!!

Courtesy of



NaturallySpeaking on your PC Dragon software breakthrough in speech recognition by ian Markowitz

SEPTEMBEr 30, 2010




Imagine how cool it would be to be sitting in your room talking to your computer and having your computer type up every word that you say. Imagine sitting down and writing a stream-of-consciousness essay and having every word that comes out of your mouth instantly transcribed into a word document. Enter the realm of Dragon naturallySpeaking, a voicerecognition software that types as you speak. recently, speech recognition has started hitting the mainstream. In Mac OS X, you can turn speech recognition on and the computer will listen for commands that you give it. Instead of being a full-fledged piece of dictation software, it is primarily used as an accessibility tool to help Mac users with impaired motor skills by providing the date or opening a program for you but not much more. Dragon, along with its parent company nuance, have been working on speech recognition software long enough that the latest edition is naturallySpeaking 11. After you install the software, you read some passages to complete the training, which helps the software understand the nuances of your voice. This typically takes about 10-15 minutes. After the training is complete, you’re free to type into any program of your choice. You can dictate into pretty much any program on your computer, and although initially the software gets off to a rough start with several misspelled or mistranscribed words, it gets better with time. If the software incorrectly transcribes something you said, you can say the word “select” and the misspelled word, and the software will generate suggestions for other words you may have meant. Once you select the correct word, the software “learns” to avoid making the

What do you think of the new season of The Jersey Shore? vlada “v-WoWW” droNdiNa MarketiNG ClaSS of 2014 “It is amazing, but not as good as last season. I will always be a true fan though. JErSEY SHOrE ALL DAY BABY!” The training process for NaturallySpeaking includes reading certain passages so the program gets to know your voice.

same mistake in the future. Initially, the software was painfully disappointing to me, with about 70 percent accuracy. However, after using the software for another 10 minutes after the training was complete, nearly every single word was transcribed correctly. There were a few mistakes here and there, but it easily cut 20 percent off of the time it took to write an essay for one of my classes. Although the software can automatically insert punctuation into sentences for you, the placement of the punctuation was not always where I wanted it to be. It was sometimes easier to dictate a comma or a period than have them automatically inserted only to be changed later. Once you get the basics of dictation down, experimenting with the commands you can give is where the fun truly begins. It seems that the ultimate goal of the naturallySpeaking franchise is to remove the necessity for the keyboard altogether. With naturallySpeaking 11, you can dictate commands to search the Web for maps, videos, news, products on Amazon, etc. You can even dictate a command to search your computer

Courtesy of Nuance

or your e-mail for a file. It works really well for basic files with basic file names, but if your file names have hyphens and abbreviations, then it’d just be easier to search for it the “old-fashioned way.” One of my favorite uses so far is probably turning on the software while you have a Skype call with one of your friends. The software will automatically transcribe everything you say to the other person and send it through their chat window. One of the only downsides to the software is finding a place to use it. Most of your roommates will quickly become fed up hearing you speak your entire GB301 business plan, and the library isn’t an option because people there won’t want to hear it either. I definitely couldn’t do full justice to the software with only a couple of weeks to review it, however. This is simply because there are far too many capabilities to the program to review in one sitting. But from what I’ve seen, and for straight, basic speech to text dictation, naturallySpeaking 11 is a great tool to have in your back pocket, especially for those long essays.

Phil Whitaker aCCouNtaNCy ClaSS of 2013 “It’s definitely entertaining. It’s very different from my lifestyle, so it’s interesting to see how people perceive guidos.”

CarloS del valle eCoNoMiCS-fiNaNCe ClaSS of 2011 “It has shaped my college experience.”

JohN haddad eCoNoMiCS-fiNaNCe ClaSS of 2012 “I’m an activist for Grenade free America. It’s a good laugh on Thursday nights.”

ryaN olSoN MaNaGeMeNt ClaSS of 2011 “I think it’s pretty much just as ridiculous as the first season. Mike is pretty much as full of himself as he was before, if not more. It’s ridiculous how big of a deal they are.”

NaturallySpeaking allows you to dictate search commands for all types of information on the Web.

Courtesy of Nuance

by tim avrutik PHOTOGrAPHY STAff

Page 10

SePtember 30, 2010


the Vanguard

I Want Candy!

Sudoku Level: Easy

By Nic Smits


Notes from AbroAd

SEPTEMBER 30, 2010


Question: What has been the most shocki n g d i ff e r en c e o r change you’ve experienced abroad compared to the U.S.? By Helen Longvall GoLD coAST, AUSTRALIA

Upon our arrival, a jarring yet simplistic “difference” came from the greetings we received. Whereas in the United States we are accustomed to “How are you doing?” and “What’s up?” we instead heard “How you going?” and “Yah’llright?” This may sound overly simplistic, but initially not knowing how to respond was a problem, since as with the American “What’s up?” “Yah’llright?” is not to be taken literally. (The reader can image the conversations that ensued once an American responded to their first “Yah’ll right?”) As the weeks have progressed, the many differences between Australian and American cultures were highlighted in various ways. overhearing that Australia’s minimum wage is currently at about 15 dollars, most of the American study abroad students took to the job hunt quickly. Just as quickly, many of us found that applying for a job is much different than applying for one in the States. For instance, one cannot simply walk into the average corner store and inquire about a job on the spot. Even for the most menial of jobs, one has to have a resume printed out and handed to the manager before inquiring about if there is a job avail-

By Kelly Galligan BARcELonA, SPAIn

I have been abroad here in Barcelona, Spain for exactly three weeks now. Time has been flying by. I had no idea what to expect, but certainly life has been different! The most shocking thing I have done would have to be traveling to Montserrat. It is a beautiful city that we took a cable car to get to early one morning. We were literally above the clouds and could see over Spain from the top of mountains. It was really beautiful and there was a Basilica and an entire town on top of the mountains! However, I would say the most shocking thing about being abroad is the total change in lifestyle. I had no idea how different my life would be here. Back in the United States, I ate out mostly every meal. Here, I

able. Furthermore, we were warned by Bond University’s career services that resumes here are quite different than the format Americans are accustomed to. There are also social differences. An interesting concept is if a bar patron seems too intoxicated, a bouncer will approach and kindly ask them to “get some water and pizza.” (For the record, this has not happened to me.) Additionally, some of the boys have been politely informed that girls decide who they dance with at clubs. It’s supposedly understood here that a guy will dance towards the girl that he would like to dance with, then the girl moves towards the guy, then, and only then, can the guy make the final approach. There is also considerable difference between Australian and American taxi rides. The price is determined not by the size of the taxi, but rather by the number of people being transported. Additionally, the taxi meter does not stop once you reach your intended destination; it stops when you have fully paid the driver! There certainly have been some differences culturally, but nothing too “shocking.” I will be sure to let you know if I suddenly learn that real Australians are born with a sixth toe, but for now I’ll report back to the life of a land down under. have been learning how to cook… A regular-sized soda at McDonalds is 2.50 Euro (aka around 3 dollars), but groceries for an entire week only cost me around 28 Euro… So I’m trying to learn from the other kids on my floor how to cook something other than pasta. Another difference in lifestyle is the nightlife! I love it here! After class, I usually do my homework and take a siesta (a nap). Then, I either go shopping, exploring, or wandering around Pasig de Gracia or La Rambla. But, no one goes out until very late at night (2

Go online to see more Notes From Abroad, written from Ireland and Italy at:

Notes from Abroad By Cameron Madore SEoUL, SoUTH KoREA

During my brief introduction to Korean society, one of the biggest differences that I have noticed is the concept of eating and drinking. Sharing is the name of the game in South Korea. Each Korean meal begins with a jug of water and many small cups. Tradition dictates that you are not allowed to pour your own drink and that only others can, thus the water jug dances around the party members hands so that all the

South Koreans take their soju very seriously during mealtimes.

cups are poured. After drinks are poured, the side dishes come out. It is not uncommon for a single meal to come with roughly 10 side dishes, all to be shared throughout the table. More often than not, the side dishes are an array of nearly every kind of “kimchi” created, kimchi being the staple of Korean cuisine, which is a fermented cabbage with red pepper seasoning in most cases. If that doesn’t make your taste buds drool, then maybe you’d enjoy the plate of twoinch-long fish, also a common side dish.

Courtesy of

Finally, after side dishes have all been sampled, the main course arrives… Uncooked. The responsibility falls on the dinner party to cook their meal on the conveniently placed stove top either built into the table or carried out along with the food, continuing the Korean’s concept of sharing during the meal. So while the meal is cooking before your eyes, what is the party supposed to do? Well, as one kind Korean explained one evening, “We Koreans are the Irish of the East.” A poet could not have put it better as drinking is a staple of a Korean meal, and the Koreans’ choice beverage is without a doubt soju. Just hearing the name will give a man shivers and dark flashbacks of nights gone past, as the only way to describe the drink is ethanol mixed with a splash of water. But despite the fact that it smells like the doctor’s office, bottle after bottle of the stuff will pile up on the table as the night progresses, and at roughly three USD a bottle, why not? A meal with Koreans is always a great experience, from the vast array of side dishes, to the possible burn marks while trying to operate a stove top after the fourth bottle of soju, to the incredibly spicy food. A Korean dinner is unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

The nightlife in Spain is a pretty big deal, and most people don’t go out until around 2 a.m.

a.m.). Dancing at the nightclubs is amazing. They play a lot of American music in English here, which I found surprising. It’s definitely a different nightlife scene here in Spain and I am enjoying it! This weekend, I am travel-

ing to Mallorca, which is an Island near Ibiza and very close to Barcelona. I also have planned trips to Rome, Germany, London, and hopefully Paris and Milan. I have already been to Valencia and Denia, but also hope to travel

Courtesy of

more in Spain! I miss my friends at Bentley and hope that the Volleyball team is having a great season! Hopefully next time I share my abroad experience I will have learned how to cook something good. Adios!


SEPTEMBEr 30, 2010

Horoscopes Vanguard Staff

Aries (March 21-April 19): Take control of the hectic situation you are currently embroiled in. Your assertive nature and strong leadership skills will bring you success. Just have confidence and conviction. Taurus (April 20-May 20): Initiate a conversation with an old friend you have lost contact with. The years have brought the two of you closer than you could have imagined. Gemini (May 21-June 21): Friendly faces surround you this week. Take advantage of the situation by taking the time to show off your excellent Wii skills. I also foresee a BBQ in the near future for you. Cancer (June 22-July 22): Forget the stressful situation that is surrounding you. Enjoy the company of good friends while the opportunity presents itself. There will always be time later to stress and worry about work. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22): Plan to have fun in the coming weeks. The advent of fall will usher in a period of growth and success for you. Take advantage of all the situations around you. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Love is not logical, so stop analyzing and planning. This is a time to serve others and be open to improvement and criticism. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): At last, here’s a time to stop being the busy bee peacemaker. This is the time to sit back, relax and enjoy the peace of life. Take time to enjoy your creative side. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): You have the opportunity to step up and take control this week. Be careful not to be abrasive, but rather apply sensitivity to interactions. This is your time to shine. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Some think that you do not take life seriously, but you are just looking at the whole picture. Spread out your optimistic outlook this week to help your friends that are having a hard time seeing the lighter side of life. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Wait for the right time to confront a friend over a problem. This week contains a lot of added stress that will create a more difficult situation. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Initial anxiety over an important assignment is soon to pass. Find a positive person to motivate you or you may regress. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20): Inquiries into your finances are strongly suggested. Financial trouble is brewing in the near future. Corrective actions now may limit the extent of the problem.

The columns found in this newspaper are written by individual authors and do not reflect the opinion of The Vanguard, its Editorial Board members, or Bentley university. Comments resulting from the columns may be directed to the author and/or The Vanguard.



April’s Advice Your Questions Answered! Question: How can I decorate my dorm room/suite/apartment and make it look nice without breaking the bank? Moving into a bare-walled room with no color can be a little daunting. However, you don’t need painted walls, new furniture, or anything expensive to make your room feel more like home. Here are some suggestions that you may want to consider. Your Bed Your bed is most likely the focal point of your room, so this is where some color can come in. A colorful comforter will immediately add life to your room. (You do not need to wait until winter to throw a blanket on your bed; you can have it folded at the foot of your bed.) Also, there is no need to buy expensive decorative pillows. Bring a few normal pillows to school and buy colorful pillow cases instead. Your Walls You have many options as to how you can decorate your walls. You can gather some old magazines and cut out

photos you like and create a massive collage. You can also create a theme to your room. Say you like soccer. You can print out a bunch of soccer balls, cut them out, and tape them to your walls. You’ve just made your own wallpaper! Another idea is to print out a bunch of photos of family, friends, pets, etc. and tape those up on your walls. Lighting You don’t need to buy a fancy lamp for decoration. Instead, you can add some light to your room by stringing up Christmas lights along the top of your walls. They will help brighten your room as well as give you some extra light for studying. They could even act as a night light while you’re sleeping. Accessories This one is for the girls. Girls, how many of you have at least three purses? We’ve all got a bunch, so instead of storing them in a box, hang them on your walls. Put up some simple hooks and put one purse on each hook. For the guys, you can

By April Gammal

hang up your jackets on the walls instead of hanging them in the closet. Curtains Instead of buying new curtains, you can buy some colorful fabric and create your own curtains to hang over the blinds that you most likely have now. Miscellaneous Plants! Bamboo plants are great and you can also put colorful rocks in the bottom of the vase to add some color to wherever you put them in your room. I hope this adds some life and color to your room this year. You definitely do not need to break the bank by buying expensive things.

Courtesy of



Alumni Experience

SEPTEMBER 30, 2010


Presented by The Senior Year Experience Committee

Alumnus Alex Hodge, Class of 2010

Courtesy of Alex Hodge

Major: Mathematical Science Minor: International Economics Where has your Bentley degree landed you professionally? After interning at New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Group last summer, I have returned to their West Trenton, New Jersey office fulltime as an Actuarial Analyst. What available resources/tools do you wish

you had taken advantage of during senior year? The Bentley Shuttle, because one thing that I regret to this day is that I still know nothing about Boston. If I could go back in time, I’d jump on that shuttle and just get lost in the city. OR that really big brick building on the top of the hill... The one with the clock tower... I think people call it the Library! What was the most valuable lesson you learned during your senior year? The most valuable lesson that I learned my senior year was that it’s never too late to try something new. Senior year, I got involved with the Women’s Volleyball Program as well as Habitat for Humanity, and I wish I had been a part of both organizations sooner. Don’t wait to get involved! What is your favorite sen-

ior-year memory? Aside from the obvious Bahamas trip, my favorite memory from this past year was spending 10 days with 30 of the coolest kids I know while volunteering for Habitat in Florida as a Spring Break Alternative! How do you stay connected to Bentley today? It seems like postgraduation I’ve gotten involved with more on campus than I did prior to graduating. I’m currently a part of the 2010 Reunion Planning Committee, The Young Alumni Network and The Alumni Admissions Program, all while continuing to be an avid fan of Bentley’s Volleyball Team! Any “words of wisdom” for the Class of 2011? Don’t skip out on any opportunity that you have to make a memory. The only thing worse than leaving college is leaving and knowing that you could have done something great, but didn’t.

The International Traveler Home Is Where You Are As I sit in this hotel room in Waltham with my mom next to me, all I can think about is how much I miss my room, my roommate and simply being on campus. If someone would’ve told me that I would be thinking this way three weeks into the first semester of my freshman year, I honestly wouldn’t have believed them. Getting used to Bentley, or more specifically to the United States, has been hard for me, and I’m sure most of the international students can second me on that. If you’re South American, you’re probably missing your family, and if you’re European, you’re probably missing those 9 p.m. dinners,

but no matter what part of the world you’re from, you’re most definitely missing your home. You’ve probably cried, complained, been angry and even said you didn’t want to be here… Or maybe that was just me. As someone who has lived in seven different countries, I always lived by the saying “A house is not a home”… Until I walked into Urban Outfitters in early September. As I was looking for wall art to decorate my dorm, I came across a canvas that said “HOME IS WHERE YOU ARE.” As crazy as this may sound, this was when I accepted that this is my home, and now I can’t imagine being anywhere else.

By Laura Villegas

So, take advantage of the amazing technology Bentley has to offer and Skype your family and friends from anywhere on campus. E m b ra ce t he 5 :3 0 p .m . lunches and use them as an excuse to have a midnight snack without feeling guilty. Love your roommates, because they’re the people that will always be there, literally. Put yourself out there; join a club, walk around the hallways and say hi to everyone, eat lunch with someone new everyday, but most importantly, be determined to be happy. You’ll see that with each day that passes, you’ll start to feel like this is your home, because it is.

Have an opinion or expertise in a particular subject? Want to share your views and knowledge with your peers and your community? Ever want to have your own column in a newspaper? Now’s your chance!

E-mail GA_Vanguard today with your column idea and you may see your name and work in print next week!!

SGA Speaks Welcome Back ! Hello Falcons and welcome back for yet another amazing school year! Last fall, we came back to huge changes in the form of the Seasons renovation and implementation of Sandella’s, but this year, we have the Mad Falcon replacing Sandella’s, Harry’s Pub replacing the old Blue Line, and the new Blue Line replacing the Backstage in Spruce basement. But, the biggest change of all came in the form of the renovations to the lower café in LaCava. Seating has been expanded, as have dining options. Other changes include new furniture in the Kresge suites as well as expended shuttle service to Moody Street in downtown Waltham. SGA is ready to kick-start this year with our very first co-sponsored event, taking place this Friday, October 1. Read the following description by SGA’s Christina Samellas, VP for Physical Facilities & Sustainability, for more information: Announcing the GREENspace Party! SGA will be putting together a FREE benefit concert on the Greenspace on Friday evening. The event will feature a live concert by

Courtesy of

By Sucheta Desai & Christina Samellas Keeping Riley, a local band from Tufts University. Keeping Riley has teamed up with a sustainable clothing company, Of Rags Clothing, who will also be in attendance, and together these two groups will be the main highlight of this event. An interesting fact about Of Rags is that forty percent of the proceeds from their clothing sales go to Ghanaian schools and Liberian refugees. SGA has taken the opportunity to invite various organizations on campus who also feel involved in the cause to participate in the event. The Green Society will be kicking off the Blackout Challenge at the event and giving out free glow sticks to those who pledge to conserve energy! Other organizations in attendance will be: RHA, Eco-Reps, STAND, and the Mmofra Trom Bead Project. Don’t miss out on this fun opportunity! For more information about Keeping Riley, visit the band’s website at: For more information about Of Rags, visit


SEPTEMBER 30, 2010

SportS & NewS

Men’s Soccer flex their muscles and handily dismantle St. Michael’s, 8-0 By Robbie LaBrie SPORTS EDITOR

Bentley Men’s Soccer continued their Conference schedule this week with a bang, first recording a 0-0 tie with Le Moyne, then handing Saint Michael’s an 8-0 smoke show loss in Waltham on Tuesday. The defense has been strong for the Falcons this season, but it has never been as evident as in these two games. The game against Le Moyne went to two overtimes, but they were unable to find a winner as it ended in a scoreless tie. Bentley goalie Mike Nikiforov was the star of this one for the Falcons, making 10 saves in the effort to preserve the shutout The Falcons’ defense outplayed the Le Moyne defense, as Bentley got 27 shots off, but they couldn’t find the back of the net. On Tuesday, the offense finally found their rhythm and they found it in a big way. The game was played in the rain, but that didn’t bother the Falcons’ scorers as they put up eight goals on a hapless Saint Michael’s team.

LEAK Continued from Page 1 caution tape. Students were encouraged to other find food alternatives on campus. John Piga, Director of Residence Life, sent e-mails to the Bentley community with updates on the condition of the Student Center. “Please be aware that a water pipe has burst inside the Student Center,” stated Piga in his first e-mail. “Personnel from the Waltham Fire Department, Bentley Police and Bentley Facilities are on site and working to resolve the situation. Unfortunately, this means that the Student Center will be closed until further notice,” continued Piga. According to police reports beginning at 9:24 a.m., officials were notified that a leak occurred from the fan cooling unit located on the [top floor] of the Student Center down to the Seasons Dining Hall area just outside of the kitchen. University Police on the scene found large amounts of water and an unidentifiable odor in the area. Facilities Management was asked to bring fans to the area in an attempt to clear the building of the stench. Within minutes, Waltham

GOLF Continued from Page 1

Eight was the highest goal tally the Falcons have recorded since 2007, and it was a complete team effort throughout the game. Juniors Eric Ulmer and Matt Solomon each found the net twice for Bentley, while seniors Ryan Hatch and Mike Lipsett, junior Chris Gardener and sophomore Tyler Kahn each contributed one goal of their own. It was a slow day for the Bentley goalies, Nikiforov and junior Matt Reynolds, who had to make two saves each to provide Bentley with the shutout. With the win, the Falcons now sit in fourth place in the NE-10 standings with a 2-02 Conference record and a 51-2 overall record. Bentley is undefeated in Conference and will look to keep it that way against Saint Rose and UMassLowell in their next two Conference games. These should be two winnable games as they are playing two NE-10 bottom dwellers, but in a Conference known for parity, anything can happen. Look for the Falcons to continue to try and shut down opposing offenses and continue to increase their win total.

this Bentley team. He fired a team-low 71 to lead the Falcons to a 302, good enough for second in the ten-team field. Clarke would shoot a round in the 70’s in the next tournament, but it would be Powers leading the charge in this runner-up bid for the Falcons. Powers posted a 70 in the Saint Rose Fall Shootout at Orchard Creek Golf Club, leading the Falcons to another second-place finish in the field of eight. Powers’ effort was good enough to win the top individual honor by two strokes, and his 70 was the best individual Falcons score since 2007. “I hit the ball the way I wanted to and kept it in play, staying away from the big numbers,” commented Powers about the round. The Falcons’ next tournament was the Northeast Intercollegiate Golf Championships at Tunxis Plantation in Farmington, Connecticut. The first round saw all five Bentley players score in the 70’s, led by Clarke’s 75 and Macielak’s 76. The scores were good enough to put the Falcons in fifth place, where they would end up finishing the tournament. Bentley struggled a bit more in the second day, with a 77 from Alter and a 78 from Michel leading the way. iIt was good enough to maintain their fifth-place spot,

Fire Department was notified and requested that the building be evacuated due to the unknown nature of the odor in the building that was causing such concern. Caution tape surrounded the Student Center to prevent students from entering the building. Waltham Fire Department Deputy Chief Paul Ciccone stated that “no one was hurt” and that the process was “strictly precautionary.” No students were in the building at the time of the incident. It was later discovered by Facilities Management, and confirmed by the Massachusetts Hazardous Materials Team Response Unit, that the odor was created by the propylene glycol in the water. “[Officials] were able to fix it sooner than they thought,” said Lieutenant Bill Williams. “We didn’t know what the mixture was initially, but the [Waltham Fire Department and Facilities Management] helped figure that out.” Head Resident Mike Cicotta was on the scene directing students to places like Dunkin’ Donuts, Einstein’s, and LaCava Dining Hall. LaCava, normally closed during weekends, was open beginning at 1 p.m. for emergency purposes.

Some students, like Prashan Perera, who made their way to the Student Center expressed their frustrations. “I’m starving. Honestly, I don’t want to wait until 1 p.m.,” said Perera. “Frankly, it’s a little odd. It’s the first time that it’s happened while I was here.,” said Nicholas Lee, a junior. “It’s upsetting that people were not able to eat at Seasons.” However, he acknowledged that the school responded well to the pipe burst. “[School officials] did a good job handling the situation,” added Lee. Like Lee, junior Anthony Dagosto believes that Bentley addressed the event very well. “I’m hungry, but it’s better than going in there and getting sick,” said Dagosto. Meanwhile, on Upper Campus, students seized advantage of the rare opportunity to have free LaCava food. Many students entering the dining hall left with entire plastic bagfuls of food. “I just had three chicken parmesans,” said sophomore Victor Burrafato, clutching four 1-liter bottles of soda against his chest. “It’s insane.” “It’s madness. We got bagfuls of chips, fruits, and drinks. Everybody here is doing it. We came at a good time,” said

and the Falcons came away with a top-five finish in the 12-team tournament. On September 24 and 25, the Falcons’ squad went to Long Island National Golf Club in Riverhead, New York for the Dowling September Shootout to take on their largest field of the season with 18 other teams. The Falcons came out flat in day one, as Powers was the only player to break 80, shooting a 79. That paced the Falcons’ effort and they finished the first leg of the tournament in 14th place. The Falcons came out firing in day two, however, improving 20 shots on their combined team score from day one to day two (325-305). Michel led the way on the second day, firing an even par 71 to pace the Bentley squad. Powers, senior Nick Mini, and sophomore Francesco Possio all shot 78 to round out the Bentley scoring and move the Falcons up to 12th place to finish the tournament. Though they may not have


put it all together in this last tournament, the Falcons are looking like a team that could do some damage in Northeast-10 play. Powers believes that we still have yet to see the best from the Falcons. “Each tournament, someone different has stepped up, but we have yet to have a day when we all have played to our potential,” he said. “Because of this, I think the best has yet to come.” The Falcons now set their sights on October 3 and 4, when they will travel to En-Joie Golf Club in Endicott, New York for the Northeast-10 Conference Championship. If Bentley can pull off a win over their conference rivals, they will find themselves with an automatic bid into the NCAA Regionals. Last year it was Adelphi earning the victory in the tournament, but this is a Bentley team with more experience and depth than ever before, and they are poised to make a charge to the top.

The Bentley Golf Team placed 12th at the Dowling Shootout.

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

Bentley Police, Waltham Fire Dept. and Bentley Staff worked to stabilize the situation.

Mike Thomas, a junior. At 1:16 p.m., Piga sent a second e-mail to the Bentley community, announcing, “The Student Center and Seasons Dining Hall will re-open, and meals will be served at 4:30 p.m. this afternoon. Thanks for your continuing patience.” Bernie Farrell, Assistant Director of Facilities Operations, praised everyone for their cooperation, especially the officials on the scene. “There was very good communication with Residence Life. When they produced the information, [Facilities


Management] responded to it very well,” said Farrell. “[Officials] did a really good job. It’s kind of a situation where you want to always ere on the side of caution,” said Lieutenant Williams. “You want to treat it like it’s the worst case scenario until you can determine that it’s not the worst case scenario.” Last winter, a frozen pipe caused issues for the Facilities Management, but when asked if it was similar to the pipe burst in the Student Center, Farrell said it was “a completely different situation.”


tHe Vanguard

Football loses home opener Falcons’ valient efforts fall short against New Haven, 28-23 By Louis Sherman Vanguard Staff

Bentley football started strong in their home opener against the university of new Haven, but came up short in the end with a 28-23 loss last friday night. Bentley fell to 1-3 on the young season, in front of a supportive crowd of about 3,000. the first half saw the falcons gain a 10-7 lead, with a strong first drive and late field goal. Bentley embarked on a seven play, 67-yard drive capped off by a 5-yard run by senior quarterback Bryant Johnson. the Chargers answered with their own impressive 10 play, 73-yard drive to even the score at seven points a piece. Junior Paul Branco gave Bentley the lead with a little over one minute remaining in the first half by sending a 31-yard field goal attempt straight through the uprights. after no scoring in the third quarter, both teams came out from hiding in the last frame, with a combined 34 points in the fourth quarter. new Haven came out strong by taking a quick 2810 lead within the first four minutes of the fourth. Bentley lost the lead after getting a punt blocked and throwing an interception that each led to Charger scores. Bentley began their comeback with a drive capped off by a 26-yard touchdown pass from Johnson to fellow senior Wade Critides, narrowing the gap to just 12 points. Bentley scored again in the last minute of the game, when Johnson threw a fiveyard pass to senior receiver

SePteMBer 30, 2010

Recent ReSUltS Results from 9/21-9/28 Field Hockey (2-4, 0-0 NE-10) Southern Connecticut State (9/22) at Saint Michael’s (9/25) Football (1-3, 1-1 NE-10) new Haven (9/24)* Golf dowling September Shootout (9/24-9/25) Men’s Cross Country Codfish Bowl (9/25) Men’s Soccer (4-1-2, 1-0-2 NE-10) at nYIt (9/21) at Le Moyne (9/25)* Men’s Tennis (1-0, 1-0 NE-10) at assumption (9/22)* Women’s Cross Country Codfish Bowl (9/25)

Senior Wade Critides recorded five catches for 101 yards and a touchdown on Friday night.

Kyle tuthill for another seven points. there would be no more magic after that, though, as the falcons lost 28-23. Johnson had an impressive stat line for the game, with 286 passing yards and 57 rushing yards, while playing a part in each falcon touchdown. Critides had five catches for 101 yards and tuthill added to the offense with eight catches for 79 yards. Junior don Hopkins had an interception to go along with 11 tackles to help

W 3-1 W 1-0

L 28-23

12th of 18

1st of 25

W 2-1 (ot) t 0-0 (2ot)

W 9-0

3rd of 23

Women’s Soccer (0-5-2, 0-4-2 NE-10) franklin Pierce (9/21)* at Merrimack (9/25)*

L 1-0 L 3-0

Women’s Tennis (2-0, 2-0 NE-10) assumption (9/23)* Saint rose (9/26)*

W 9-0 W 8-1

Volleyball (6-6, 3-1 NE-10) at uMass-Lowell (9/22)* at Saint Michael’s (9/24)*

L 3-0 W 3-0


lead Bentley’s defense. It was Hopkins’ second pick of the young season. Senior linebacker Mark dolan led Bentley’s defense with 12 tackles on the evening. Bentley hopes to pick up a victory next Saturday, with a game at american International. the falcons will return home on friday, October 8, to take on another conference foe in Merrimack. Come out and cheer on your falcons and wear your Superfan shirts with pride!

*northeast-10 game

Upcoming SchedUle Oct. 2 Men’s Soccer vs. Saint rose* field Hockey vs. assumption* Women’s Soccer vs. adelphi*

12:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. 3:30 p.m.

Oct. 5 Women’s Soccer vs. Stonehill* field Hockey vs. Stonehill*

3:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Oct. 6 Women’s tennis vs. new Haven*

3:00 p.m.

Oct. 8 football vs. Merrimack*

7:00 p.m.

Oct. 10 Women’s Soccer vs. Southern Connecticut*

1:00 p.m.

*northeast-10 game

Senior QB Bryant Johnson ran for 57 yards and a touchdown in addition to throwing for 286 yards and two touchdowns against New Haven.

Page 15


pAGE 16

SEptEMBEr 30, 2010



Lady Falcons get back on track with pair of victories After a slow start to the season, the same Northeast-10 Championship team from 2009 is back By Robbie LaBrie SportS Editor

After a slow start, Coach Jessica King’s Falcons showed that despite the graduation of nine starters and four straight losses to open the Field Hockey season, this is still the same team that won the Northeast-10 Championship in 2009. Losing four straight games sounds bad, but as was said last week, there is still plenty of reason to be optimistic about this team, especially since they finally showed that they can put together some winning efforts. the Falcons were even recognized in the NE-10 with the NE-10 player of the Week and the NE-10 Co-Goalkeeper of the Week. the Falcons have still yet to technically play a Conference game, although they have played some games against NE-10 opponents. their last two games were wins against Southern Connecticut State and St. Michael’s, who both play in the NE-10, but the Conference schedule doesn’t start until october 2. the game against Southern Connecticut was a big one for Bentley, who had been on the brink of victories for their past two games, but just couldn’t put it together. in this one they finally found the spark they needed. Sophomore Beth Maguire, who was named NE-10 player of the Week, paced the Falcons in the game against Southern Connecticut, earning three points and the first goal of the game for Bentley. Maguire netted her third goal of the season and the first goal of the game in the first half off a deflection from the shot of senior devan Weed. Shortly after, still in the first half, senior Haley Smith

scored her second goal of the season off a rebound, giving the Falcons their biggest lead of the season at 2-0. the score would remain that way until halfway through the second stanza when Southern Connecticut and Bentley would swap goals within a minute and a half of each other. Maguire got the assist on the Bentley goal, as she fed sophomore Nicole dion for the Falcons’ third goal of the game. Southern Connecticut would manage to counter, putting the score at 3-1, but it was too little too late and that was where it would stay for the rest of the match. Sophomore Julia powell minded the net for the Falcons, earning her first career victory in the effort. She tallied seven saves, only one of which came in the first half, as the Falcons’ stingy defense only allowed one shot the entire half. the Falcons’ defense was just getting started, however. on September 25, Bentley traveled to Saint Michael’s for another non-Conference game against a Conference opponent. Saint Michael’s, like Bentley and Southern Connecticut, has yet to play a Conference game, but they came into this match with a 2-3 overall record. this game was all about defense, but it was Beth Maguire again who powered the Falcons’ offense, scoring the lone goal of the game. the goal came about midway through the first half when Maguire took an entry pass from dion and found the back of the net to give the Falcons a 1-0 lead. one goal would be all Bentley would need as they continued their theme of lock-down defense and excellent goaltending. Julia powell was in net again and she did not disappoint, this

time recording her first career shutout. Fortunately for powell, Bentley’s defense did not make her work too much, only giving up two shots and not forcing powell to have to make a single save. the sophomore goalie did not start the season in net, but is proving she deserved the promotion with her outstanding play. She was recognized by NE-10 coaches and was named one of two Northeast-10 Co-Goalkeepers of the Week. the Falcons have stayed true to what put them on the map in NE-10 Field Hockey, and that’s solid defense. this is starting to look like a squad that can stop any offense. Bentley is now looking ahead to American international on tuesday, Assumption on Saturday at home and Stonehill next tuesday at home. the American international game will be another nonConference game, but the games against Assumption and Stonehill will finally kick off the Falcons’ Conference schedule. once the Conference schedule starts, the Falcons will need to channel this high level of play they have been displaying and win some more games. this is a team that has improved dramatically in this short season, and if they continue to gel, they can do big things. UMass-Lowell, Franklin pierce and American international are the only teams to play and win a Conference game so far this year, with UMass-Lowell and Franklin pierce at 1-0 and American international at 11. this puts them at a slight advantage, but it will all even out when the Falcons and the rest of the NE-10

Sophomore Beth Maguire was recognized by the NE-10 for a play last week.

plays their rush of Conference games. the main problem that Bentley will be faced with this season is this year’s Field Hockey NE-10 powerhouse, UMass-Lowell. the river Hawks are currently 80 and have outscored their opponents 36-2 in those eight games. the Falcons will face their biggest test of the season when they take on UMassLowell on october 14. the game will not count as a conference game, but it will be an important test to see if the Falcons can stand up with the elite.

Courtesy of Sports Information Office

After the river Hawks, parody is the name of the game in the NE-10 Conference. it is conceivable that any of the teams in the next tier could finish anywhere from second to ninth in the conference. it is really too early to tell who will emerge as UMassLowell’s main competitor. only time will tell if the Falcons can be that team to step up, but if they keep knocking off wins the way they have been this past week, we could be about to witness another run in the NE-10 playoffs come November.

Falcon oF the Week Maguire Named Falcon of the Week


the Bentley Men’s Soccer team put up eight goals in the rain at home against Saint Michael’s on their way to an 8-0 victory. did you know the last time the team scored this many goals was in 1990? the Falcons put up 10 goals against Assumption in 1990 before many current Falcons were even born.

Sophomore Beth Maguire of the Field Hockey team has been named the Falcon of the Week. Maguire was also named the Northeast-10 player of the Week on Monday after helping the Falcons to a 2-0 week with wins over Southern Connecticut State and Saint Michael’s. in the 3-1 win over Southern Connecticut, Maguire scored a goal and assisted on another. Against the purple Knights, Maguire’s fourth goal of the season was enough as Bentley took a 1-0 win. in six games for the Falcons this season, Maguire has had a hand in six of the team’s seven goals, with four goals and two assists.

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