Asspringunfolds around us,there’s something magicalabout thelongerdaysand gentle warmththat beckonsusbackintoour gardens. Whetheryou’redreamingofoutdoor gatherings or planning yourperfect planting scheme, ourteamis here to make this season trulyspecial.
I’mimmensely proudofhow ourfamilybusiness continuestogrowand evolve,but what trulymakes Bentsexceptional is ourextendedfamily-our dedicatedcolleagueswho work tirelessly to ensure everyvisit exceedsyourexpectationsand I’mconfident that this spring will no exception.
We’veexpandedour range of inspirationalproducts whilestaying trueto ourroots,offering more choice than ever before whilemaintainingthe warm,family atmosphere that hasalwaysbeenattheheartofBents. Come andexperiencethe Bentsdifference andlet us make yourspringtimeevenmore special.
7 Designa romantic border
Idyllic planting suggestions
13 Glorious gravel
Looking for lowmaintenance idea
18 Forever yours
Colourful foliage to rival flowers
25 Sixsteps to perfection
Top tipsfor a spring garden
30 Lazing in the sunshine
Make the most ofthe summerin
38 High flyers Climbers are capable of allsorts of tricks
42 We love hardy geraniums
The hardest-working perennials ofa
44 Tomorrow’s favourites today
GYO for a taste of the best newva
a new varieties
48 The Unkillables
Undemanding houseplants for all
isa registere whichiswholly
TheTillingtonGroup isanassociationofsomeofthebest independentgardencentrebusinessesintheUK,co-operatinginbuying andmarketing. ‘Exclusive’ inthismagazinemeansplantsandproducts thatareexclusivethisseasontotheTillingtonGroup. ‘New’ inthis magazinemeansaplantorproductthatisnewtothegardencentresin theTillingtonGroupthis year.Itmayhave been trialledpreviouslyinother markets. Plantsandproducts featuredareseasonal,stockmaybe limitedandissubjectto availability.Datesandpricesarecorrectattime of goingtopress. To check availabilityandforthemostuptodateprices, pleaseseeour websiteoraskinstore.
Publishedby Wonderly (aHaymarketMediaGroupcompany)020 82675000.Colour reproductionbyRhapsodyMedia.Printedby Walstead,Peterborough.Allrights reserved.Materialmaynotbe reproducedortransmittedwithoutthepublisher’s permission. Every carehasbeentakeninthepreparationofthismagazine,but Wonderly cannotbeheld responsiblefortheaccuracyoftheinformationtherein, oranyconsequencearisingfromit.
Make Mum’s day
Beautiful, elegant and oneof a kind. Mumsand orchids area naturally brilliantpairing. Treat her to a two-stem plant this Mother’s Day.
Special offer 2for £25 or £14.99 each
Three for spring zing
Just add acid yellow to wake up thesenses. The morethe merrier, asfar as we’reconcerned…
Until31 March 2025
If she’d prefer agarden plant, acolourful hydrangea is a gift that will last for years. Choose from a range of blue, pink and white mophead varieties,in five-litre pots.
First in show?
Perennial wallflowers are spring favourites for many reasons, not leasttheir reliable colour, scent andunrivalled matchmaking prowess with tulips. Erysimum xhybrida ‘Winter Power’ (rich gold) and ‘Winter Spice’ (tangerine)are allthis and more, with super-early flowers and a neater, lowershapethat’s a winner towards the front of a border or in pots. Feb-Sep;30x40cm
Special offer
2for £30 or £20 each
Until31 March 2025
Pick season
Our specially selected round-up of new plants, special buys and must-haves for the months ahead
AGM These plantshave been given the RHS (Royal Horticultural Society) Award of Garden Merit for performance
Main flowering time Apr-Jun Eventual plant size heightx spread Annual/biennial Perennial (it’ll come back year after year) Flowering shrub Evergreen/semi-evergreen (foliage all year round)
Bright andearly Who saidspring was allaboutthe pastels?
Lovers ofdrama will join with us in applaudingtheburgundy/black foliageandshocking-pink flowers of dwarf Bergenia Early Brilliance ‘Magenta’ – whichappear from February Plantafew around an acer (see p18) or tuck them at the front of a border (in sun or dappled shade) and join the fan club. Feb-Apr; 20 x30cm
Euphorbia ‘Ascot Petite’ This newdwarfeuphorbia willlight up the frontofa border or a potin sun. The deep-plum stems aredramatic too. Apr-Jun; 30x30cm
Pollinator perfect
Euphorbia ‘Miners Merlot’ Bursts into life in spring withspikes of acid-green from a billowycushionof copper-plum. We love it. Give ita sunnyspot Apr-Jun;60x60cm
Support Perennial (
A percentage of sales from this plant goes to horticultural charity Perennial
Hebe ‘Lime Pickle’ Newthis spring, with chartreuse leaves and purple flowers, plus allthe butterfly allure you’d expect from ahebe. May-Aug;60x60cm
Createacolourfulcottage gardendisplayin yourgardenfromseed, it’s OhSowSimple. Choosefrom SIX Mr Fothergill’sRHSflowermixthemes
eate a co urful cotta garden display in your garden from seed, it’s Oh Sow Simple...
Ifabundant and charming is your garden vibe, be inspired by our idyllic double border. We’ve packed it with laid-back, calming colour starting with a backboneof small trees, which will provide habitat and cover for birds, too. Then we’ve added roses to keep the colour and scent coming into autumn, with lavender,catmint and hardy geraniums weaving their way through the scheme. For height and accent colour, we’ve looked to glorious lupins in juicy tones of apricot and wine.
As long as your site isn’t overly dry or waterlogged, these plants should thrive. Be vigilant with watering for the first year or so, then youcan sit back and prepare to feel the love: this romantic palette is seductive,calming and extremely easy on the eye.
Verbena bonariensis
West Country series lupins
AGM Almost luminous purple flowerheads on tall,slim stems
‘Spring Magic Blue and White’
Intricate nodding ‘granny’s bonnet’ flowersthat will take some shade Apr-Jun; 50 x 40cm; sun/ part shade
‘Spring Magic Roseand Ivory’
Nepeta x faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’ A fragrant,spreading moundof lilac blue, all summer long Jun-Sep; 45 x 90cm; sun
‘Spring Magic
Geranium x johnsonii ‘Johnson’s Blue’ Lavender-blue hardy geranium, brilliant at the feet of shrub roses May-Aug; 40 x60cm; sun/part shade
Jun-Aug; 1.5m x 40cm; sun
Structural spires of sultry purple, apricot-orange and coral-pink Jun-Jul; 90 x60cm; sun/part shade
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Belgica’ Cottagegarden climber with richlyscented pink-creamyyellow flowers and red autumnberries
May-Jun;7x 1m; sun/part shade
Amelanchier laevis ‘Snowflakes’ Elegantsmall tree with starry whitespring blossom and coppery leaves thatturn green, then yellow/ redin autumn Mar-Apr; 7x 3m; sun/ part shade
Camellia ‘Fragrant Pink’ Evergreen shrubthat’s awash with miniscented pink flowers in spring (if your soil’s at all alkaline/chalky, grow itina large potofericaceous compost)
Feb-Apr; 2.5 x 1.5m; part shade
Obelisk A rustic support bringsheight, year-round structure andinterest. See the TomChambers range in storefor different designsand sizes
Here, we’ve shown you how allthe plants would look in bloom, but bear in mind the majority will flower in succession from late spring to late summer, not all at once, giving a wonderfuldisplay over many months. 1.2 x once, wonderful display months.
Rosa ‘Tranquillity’
A fragrant repeatflowering shrub rose with flowers that are white witha soft apricot blush Jun-Oct; 1.2x 1.2m; sun/part shade
Syringa vulgaris
Sweetly scented and fullof colour, common lilac comesinpale violet, purple and white May-Jun; 7x 7m; sun
Rosa ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ Deeppink repeatflowering shrub with a rich, powerful oldrosescent Jun-Oct; 2.5m x 90cm; sun
Rosa The Pilgrim Scented repeatfloweringclimber with soft yellow flowersand good shade tolerance Jun-Oct; 3.5 x 3.5m; sun/part shade
Roseof theyear 2025
Rosa ‘Emma Bridgewater’
A repeatflowering scented shrub with flowers that slowly change from rich pink to lilac as they age Jun-Oct; 1.2x 1.2m; sun
scented shrub rose cream
Rosa ‘You’re My Everything’ Award-winning scentedshrub rose with cream buds opening to rich pink, plus lovely copper red new foliage Jun-Sep; 90 x 60cm; sun
Adaptthis layoutaccording to light levels andthe room you have available. Aim to plant your herbaceous perennials (p7) in groupsofthree, five or sevenfor impact If space is an issue, it’s better to narrow down yourplant list ratherthan plantingjustone or twoof eachvariety.
Of course, you don’t need to turn your whole garden over to gravel orrock planting. A sun-baked corner where plants or lawn struggle to thrive is ripe for consideration; as is a south- or west-facing front garden, a breezy, salt-laden coastal plot,a patch that’s impossiblystony and dry, or even a driveway that’s cluttered with bins,cars and bikes. With a little planning and just the lightest touch in terms of upkeep, that sunny spot will look incredible year after year from May through to September and quitepossibly beyond.
The kinds of plants that do well in a gravel garden include all those classic alpines we grew up with in our grandparents’ rockeries. We’re
talking arabis, armeria, aubrieta and thelike: those low-growing ground-huggersso cleverly adapted to life on the thin soils and inthe bright sunshine of the mountainside.Bringing that vintage collection bang uptodate we recommendmodern-day favourites such as Verbena bonariensis (see p7), hardy geraniums(more on p42), agapanthusand asprinkling of textural grasses, which makesuch brilliantknitting-together plants, weaving their way among the pops ofcolour with grace and ease.
Ceanothus ‘Silver Surprise’ A richly variegatedshrub, petite enoughfor the smallest of spaces, with honey-scented puffsofsky-blue flowers. May-Jul; 1.2m x60cm
Lavandula stoechas LavLov ‘Blue’& ‘Deep Pink’ Thiscompact,long-flowering French lavender works well in pots or towards the front of your gravel garden area. Itwill attract bees and butterflies.
If spaceislimited, youcancreate agravelgardenvibein miniature with a decent-sizedcontainer Addgrit to your compost to keep itfreedraining, beforetopping witha layerofgravel, ormore grit.AnoldglazedBelfastsink lookspretty filledwithalpine plants, asdoes a galvanised bath tub,aslongas you’ve drilled in plenty of drainage holes. For a moreready-madesolution,try oneof the Woodlodge Alpine pots we have availableinstore.
In white or shades ofpurple and blue, this late-summer star explodeslike a firework burst topping tall, upright stems. Jul-Aug; 1m x 40cm
Jun-Aug;30 x 30cm
Helichrysum italicum ‘Korma’ Small, bright silver-leaved shrub,akacurry plant, withan astonishing spiced scent and yellow flowers in summer. Jul-Aug; 60x 70cm
Use ornamental grasses as connecters, planting them in relaxeddrifts between flowering perennials
4,5 Arabis alpina Little Treasure Rose/Little Treasure White Ascented matof colour for the frontof your scheme May-Jul; 15 x 20cm
6 Arabis blepharophylla ‘Spring Charm’ AGM Spreading ground cover with lilac flowers and a lovelyscent May-Jun; 10 x 40cm
7 Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Stallone’ Brilliantinthe smallest ofspaces, even cracks between stones; evergreenin milder spots May-Oct; 40x 40cm
8 Iberis sempervirens ‘Whistler’ Low-growingand thrives in sun or part shade Mar-Apr; 20 x25cm
12,13,14 Saxifraga ‘Touran Pink’, ‘TouranRed’ & ‘Touran White’ Mounding with moss-like leaves and flowers on short, wiry stems Mar-May; 10 x 40cm
It’s a seaside native, but longfloweringthrift, or armeria, brings lush low hummocksofcolour to rockeries, gravel gardens and pots anywherein sun. Pollinators love its nectar-rich flowers
Armeriamaritima ‘Armada Pink’ Lilac-pink flowers May-Jul; 20 x 20cm
A. maritima ‘Armada Rose’ A pretty rose-pink variety May-Jul; 30x40cm
A. maritima ‘Armada White’ White pincushion flowers May-Aug;25x 30cm
A. pseudarmeria ‘Dreamland’ A pretty coral-pink variety that makesa good cut flower May-Aug;30 x 30cm
Perhapsthe bestknown of these botanical chameleonsare Japanese maples (Acerpalmatum). They are supremely graceful,whether upright, spreadingorweeping, andmosthavespectacular autumnleafcolour.
Thefoliageoftrees,shrubsandperennials comes inarainbowofcolours,andit’softenhanging aroundlongafterthegardenflowershavegone. Foliageplantsalsotendtobebrilliantlyundemanding. It’stime we gave leavesalittlemorelove
Plants that major in foliage tend to be the easiest to care for: there’sno deadheading andpruning is minimal. A foliage-focused garden also happens to be one ofthe most serene places to relax and put your feet up at the end ofthe day. Manyfoliageplantsprefer alittleshade,acersincluded, soifyourgardenisshaded bytreesorbuildings,they’re agreatplacetostart.Add tothewoodlandvibewith anunderstoreyofplantsthat thriveinsimilarconditions. Thinkferns,hostasand heucheras(asprinkling ofshade-tolerantbulbs suchascyclamen,snowdrops andwinteraconitesisa greatideaforseasonal colourpops).Atthesunnier reaches,plantthesun-loving heucheras,alongwiththe dramaticevergreenformsof phormiums,whichcomein agorgeousarrayofcolours.
Tenacerstobring onthecolour
1 ‘Emerald Lace’ AGM
Rounded, witharching branches. Feathery bright green leaves turn to redin autumn 4m x 4m
2 ‘Orange Dream’ AGM
Open and bushy. Leaveschange from yellow to lime green, then orange in autumn 3m x3m
3 ‘Shaina’
A compact, densetree. Foliage shifts frombright red to bronze, then brightscarlet again in autumn. 2m x 2m
4 ‘Orange Lace’
A bushy tree with filigreed leaves that transform fromorangeyellow to green,then red-orange in autumn. 2m x 1.5m
5 ‘Little Princess’
Compact andspreading, the leaveschange from red-green to yellow,then orangein autumn. Great fora pot. 1.5m x 1.5m
6 ‘Taylor’
Upright, with toothed leaves that morph from pale pink to green with white borders, thenlime green. 2m x 2m
7 ‘Bloodgood’ AGM
Bushy andupright. Leaves turn from deep blood red to scarlet in autumn 4m x 4m
8 ‘Garnet’ AGM
Upright andspreading
Its filigreedfoliage turns from burgundy to a rich autumn red. 2m x 3m
9 ‘Katsura’ AGM
Spreading and upright. The leaveschange from yelloworange with pink margins to green, andthen orangein autumn. 4m x 4m
10 ‘Beni-Maiko’ AGM
Choose a potthat’sarounddouble thesizeofthe rootballand has plenty ofdrainage holes. Usea good-quality potting or ericaceous compostmixed with alittle sharp sand. Mulch with horticultural grit or gravel. Keep well wateredand feed inspring withaslow-release fertiliser or liquid feed
Compact and bushy. Itsfoliage turns from red to pink, then a warm orange-redin autumn. 1.5m x 1.5m
Light shade• Neutral to acid soil
• Shelter from cold winds
• No direct sunin summer
• Rich, free-draining soil
‘Beni maiko’ means ‘red-haired dancing girl’ in Japanese
Toningheucheras andtiarellas
Most heucherasandtiarellas are semi evergreen (they hold on to their leaves in all butthe harshest of winters), so they’re brilliant for extending the colourseason. They all work well in pots too. Here’s ourpick ofthe best:
7 ‘Mulberry’ Purple-red with white flowers May-Jun; 25 x 30cm; sun/part shade
8 ‘Angel Wings’ AGM
Green with claret markings,and pale pink flowers May-Aug; 50x40cm; shade/part shade
9 ‘Spring Symphony’ AGM
Fresh green foliage withpurple markings, pale pink-white flowers from coppery buds May-Jul; 30x30cm; shade/part shade
10 ‘Pink Skyrocket’ AGM
Green leaves withpurple markingsand stems, and pink flowers May-Aug; 30x 35cm; shade/part shade
Fourofthe bestferns
11 Cyrtomiumfortunei AGM
Bright greenand holly-like with black stems 60 x40cm; part shade
12 Dryopteriscycadina AGM
Slim, elegant green fronds 60x60cm
13 Dryopteris erythrosora AGM
Rich copper-red to green 60 x 40cm; part shade
14 Polystichumsetiferum ‘Herrenhausen’ UK native with filigreed green fronds 1m x80cm; part shade
The beautifully marked foliageof hostas brings textureand interest in spring and summer, while dramatic phormiums provide year-round structure and colour
15 Hosta ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’ AGM Blue-green puckered leaves, white flowers Jun-Jul; 40 x 40cm; shade/part shade
16 Hosta ‘Fire and Ice’ Twisted variegated green-cream leaves, lavender flowers Jul-Aug;30x30cm; shade/ part shade
17 ‘Apricot Queen’ Peach-yellow 1.5 x 1.5m; sun/part shade
20 ‘Jester’ Pink with greenstripes 1.2x 1.2m; sun/part shade
21 ‘Maori Queen’ Bronze-green with pink margins, arching shape 90cm x 1.2m; sun
Thrives indry
Browse incomfort
Ourall-weather Open Skies Glass Houseisbrimming with stunningideas and istheperfect placetobrowse our extensiveplant collectionin comfort come rain or shine.
Sixsteps for theperfect spring garden
Spring is in theair andthe garden is definitelytheplace to be.We’ve been passionate about gardeningeversince Alfred andMargaretBentplanted their first rosesover85years agoand since then we’veworkedhardtomakeyour shoppingexperienceaseasyand enjoyable as possible. Whetheryou want aready-made solution delivereddirecttoyourgarden or an abundanceofgreat ideasto create yourself,we’ve gotitcovered with six simplesteps…
Take advantageofour ‘nohassle’ guarantee
All our homegrownhardyplantscome with afive year,nohassleguarantee to grow,apromise whichisextended to 10 yearsforour be inspired members.
Call at ourcontainer boutique
Discussyourideas and colourschemes withthe expertsinour Container Boutiqueand relaxastheycreatea beautifulcontainer just foryou.
Discoverhomegrown plants
Over 60%ofalltheplantswesell are grownright here at Bents’very own onsitenursery. Daily deliveriestoour plant area ensure youalwaysbuy fresh, healthyplantsattheirpeak.
Frombright ideasforhangingbaskets and containers to established plants forbedsand borders,ourhorticulturalspecialistscanoffer experthelpand advice foryourgarden.
Useour home delivery service
We want to make your shopping experience as easy andenjoyable as possible so forlargerplantsand trees ourhomedeliveryservice mightbe just theticket.
Homegrown byus, lovedbyyou
Spring into Bents
Getset forspringand discoverthe beautyofBents.
‘Spring’ into…aworld of foodie delights
If youloveentertaining as much as we dothen ourFoodhall andCook Shop providealltheinspirationyou need to getcreativeinthe kitchen. Andwith all ourdelicious dining destinations we’ve gotchoice inabundance foreating outand treating yourself.
Ourhigh-street shopping experience ticks all the boxeswith great names anddesigner brandsthroughout the centre. Gifts,softfurnishings and fashion canall be foundinour many departments,with brandssuch as Barbour andJoules, Jacuzziand Lakeland,Legoand many more. GOT AGARDENINGQUESTION ORJUSTNEEDADVICE?
‘Spring’into… ashoppers’ paradise
‘Spring’ into…InspirationalEvents
From fashionshowcases andgardeningworkshopsto cooking demonstrationsandsing-a-longspecialsfor the little ones,our calendarof events is fullof funfor allthe family. Keep alookout at foreverything that’s plannedthroughouttheseason.
Checkour latest spring events at
‘Spring’into… atime for family
Take on the dinosaurs andpirates together at ourJurassic CoveAdventure Golf.Ortakea stroll throughWindyBank Woodsbeforeenjoying adelicioushomecookedm in TheFresh Approach Restaurant.
‘Spring’into… thePerfect Placefor Pets
Take timeoutwith your four-leggedfriend at our popular Pet Cafe,a coffee foryou andpupaccino forthem before browsinginour many dogfriendly areas. Andlookout forour dogbreed walkswhere theycan meet newfriendsalong the way.
Transform yourgardenintoanirresistible living spacethatbeckonsyou outdoors. While a simple table,chairs, and parasol create alovelystarting point, youralfresco dreamscan stretchfar beyond thenecessities.
Ourexpertoutdoor livingteamisreadytoguide you through one of theNorth West’s most comprehensive collections. Everypiece in ourextensive rangeisready foryou to experience first-hand-fromcontemporary loungingsetstoelegant dining solutions.Webelieve in helping youcreate an outdoorroomthattruly reflects your lifestyle.
We offer expertguidanceonour completerange of barbecues.And outdoor cooking has evolved far beyondtraditional grilling-discoverour selectionof Ooni and Gozneypizza ovens,bringingrestaurantqualitycooking to yourgarden. Letushelpyou create an outdoorsanctuary wherememorable moments naturallyunfold, from morning coffee to evening entertainment.
Visitustoexplore thepossibilities andlet our specialistshelpcurate your perfectoutdoor space. After all, your garden isn’tjustanextensionofyour home -it’sadestination in itself.
Lazing in the sunshine
Trevi, for patio paradise
The rounded contours of Hartman’s Trevi range will be right up yourstreet if youappreciate a little1960s-inspired retro glamour.A strong,light aluminium frame is covered with all-weather rope, with adjustablelegs and table made of wood-lookfoiled aluminium – so you can leave both outside all year round if youlike. Meanwhile, extra-deep Weatherready® cushions are easy to cleanandneed only to bestored away over winter. The chic soft stone colourwayis exclusive to us.
Spring is here, and sunny days are justaround the corner. It’s time toget excited aboutkicking back in the garden with friends andfamily– and for that, loungeworthyfurniture is a must. You’ve earnedit…
Trevi three-seat lounge set with 180x80cm rectangular table, one three-seat sofa, two lounge chairs and two stools (4.2mx 1.9m) £2,699 Rugs stylist’s own.
Trevi rectangular casual diningset with 180x 98cm table, right-handand left-hand sofa, one lounge chair and two stools (4.2 x 3m) £2,799
Introduce a little colour with our rainbow rangeof weatherproof outdoorcushions. Extreme Lounging cushions plain £14.99 each patterned £19.99 each
Summer in Somerford
This super-luxurious range in soft sandstone tones is allaboutthe best of countryliving. Somerford from Bramblecrest is built on lightweightaluminium frames, with all-weather rattanandseason-proof cushions makingit easy to look after, and greatto look at Recliningsofas andarmchairsinvite the ultimate in lounging Sunday papers optional.
Scatter cushions sold separately. See instore for more designs
(Above) Somerfordreclining three-seat sofa set with 150x 90cm casual heightadjustable dining table, two reclining armchairs and casual diningbench (4.1 x 2.7m) £2,499
(Far left) Somerford deluxe recliner set with two footstools and coffee table (2.3x 1.5m) £1,199
(Above left) Somerford four-seat diningset with 120cm diameter table, four armchairs,parasol and base (3.25x3.25m) £1,399
(Below, far left) Somerford double cocoonseat (135 x 110cm) £699
(Left) Chichester parasol in sand (3 x 3m) with square side post and granite base £599
An elegant getaway
The classic designsof Hartman’s Amalfi and Berkeley ranges aretimeless and sophisticated, with a focus on durability Chairs and tableare made of cast aluminium, so you can safely leavethem outdoors whateverthe weather. Weatherready® cushions are easy to cleanand bring indoors when summer’s over, with a hand-crank parasol rounding offthe range with ease.
(Above left) Amalfi eightseat rectangulardining set with 214x 112cm table, eight stackable chairs with cushions,parasol and base (2.7 x3.8m) £1,799
(Top) Amalfisix-seat circular diningset with 150cm diameter table, six stackable chairs with cushions,parasol and base (3 x 3m) £1,499
(Far left) Berkeley fourseat rounddiningset with 107cmdiameter table, four stackable chairs with cushions, parasoland base (2.7 x 2.7m) £799
(Left) Berkeley two-seat bistro set with68cm table, and two stackable chairs with cushions (1 x 1.8m) £359
Scatter cushions sold separately. See instore for more designs
Novara bistro set with 80cm round tableand two stackable rope-support chairs (0.8x 2.2m) £499
Eat out, whatever the weather
The Belfort pergola isa brilliantly versatileandneat piece of kit. Incorporatedinto the smartaluminium frameare remote-controlled LED lights, a cleverdrainage system and four textilene blinds Set it up where you like; outside the back door for aninstant extension, or further from the house for an all-weather eatingarea surrounded by greenery.
Belfort pergola
(3 x 4m x 2.5m height) £3,999
Novara perfection
This hardwearing collection is as robust as it is good looking. Resin tabletopsarelighterand tougher than glass, while rust and corrosion-resistant lightweight aluminium frames meanthere’s no need to worry aboutthe weather. Meanwhile, the Scandiinspired wooden finishesarein fact crafted withan oak coloured heat transfer coating.
(Left) Novaralounge diningset with 120 x60cm dining table, a comfythree-seater sofa, two stools and two stackable rope-detailarmchairs (2 x3.8m) £1,699
Novara six-seat dining set with 180x 90cm rectangular dining tableandsix stackable rope-detail armchairs (2.5x 3.2m) £1,499
Need toknow
High flyers
Did youknowclimbers canmake youroutdoor spaceseembigger? That’sjustoneof manythings we love aboutthesefabulous multitaskers.Lookup andpreparetosee your gardeninanewlight
Many climbers grow close to buildings or boundaries, where thesoil canbe very dry, soplant 40-50cm away and keep them well watered all year round.
Even if you don’t have alot of fenceorwallspace, the versatility of climbers knows no bounds.Arches and pergolas add height, interest and intrigue, whilea section or two of well-placed trelliscandivide a garden into ‘rooms’, create asecluded eating spot or screen the bins or compost area. Of course, climbers will alsotransform a run-down shed (attach some trellis to give them something to scramble up), an ugly fence or wall. It might seem obvious, but since they grow up rather than out,they’re a gift where space is limited. What you might not know is that a gardencocooned in climbing plants appears larger, as fences become invisible andboundaries blur.
Sun or shade, you’ll never be stuck for options. As ageneral rule, roses and jasmine like a sunny spot, while honeysuckle and the smaller-flowered clematis are happier in light shade (the montanas prefera bit more sun).
Mostcling withtwiningstems,delicatetendrilsor stickypads. Thismeans you’llneedtoattachtrellis orwires to yourboundariesforsupport(andthen tie theminonceortwice a year).
Do thisandthey’llcover theallottedspacebetter andgive youmore flowers– over thewholeplant ratherthanjustatthetop.
Threeofthe best evergreens
Long, slim glossy leaves and a torrent of almond-scented white flowers Mar-Apr; 5x 3m; prune after flowering
jasminoides * AGM
Aka star jasmine Glossy oval leaves and white scented flowers Jul-Sep; 9x 5m; prune early spring
‘GoldFlame’* AGM Asemievergreen honeysuckle with richly perfumed pink-gold flowers. Jun-Aug; 5x 5m; prune after flowering
TRYTHIS Plant on theshady side of a choisya; it’ll growthrough and flower at the same time
Starquality clematis
1 ‘AigaHarrington’*
Unusualpurple-pink flowerslike thespokes of a wheel. May-Jun; 2x 1m; prune early spring to20cm
2 for £25 or £14.99each fora2 litrepot on selectedvarieties* of clematis, honeysuckle & star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) Seein store for details While stocks last
Fivefor fragrance
Lonicera periclymenum
Huge royalpurple flowers–and two flushes. May-Jun & Sep; 3x 1m; prune early spring, lightly
4 ‘Niobe’*
Rich crimson-red flowers and very long flowering. Jul-Sep; 3x 1m; pruneearly spring, lightly
5 Clematis
‘BroughtonStar’* AGM
Fast growing, with double pink flowers. May-Jun;6x 2m; prune after flowering
6 ‘DanielDeronda’* AGM Large dark violet flowers–followed by pretty seedheads May-Sep; 4x 1m; prune early spring, lightly
7 Clematismontana grandiflora * AGM
Fast growing, with frothy wavesof pure-white flowers. May-Jun; 10 x4m; prune after flowering
8 Clematismontana ‘Barolo’ Rich purple foliage and deep pink flowers. May-Jun;6x 3m; prune after flowering
‘Serotina’* AGM Creamand red-purple starburst trumpets, red autumn berries. Jul-Sep; 8 x 2m; prune after flowering
Lonicera periclymenum
‘GrahamThomas’* AGM
A long-flowering honeysuckle with yellow-white flowers. Jun-Sep;6x 4m; prune after flowering
Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ Acompact purple wisteria, especially good ina large containerand/or trained over anarbour May-Jun; 5x 3m; prune late summer, again (hard) in mid winter
Pale-lemon to white, repeat-flowering stronglyscentedrose Jun-Sep; 3.5 x 1.5m; prunelate autumn
Rosa Mary Delany
Mid-pink, repeatflowering fruitily scented, with claret stems. Jun-Sep; 3.5x 1.5m; prune late autumn
ltralight garden tools areeasier to hold,easier to use, allowing you to work forlonger with reduced fatigue thanks to aweightsaving reduction of up to 50%. All theperformance,less of the weight and allon at a great offer price.
We love hardy geraniums
With flowers thatcan go on for months,they’resomeofthe most hard-workingperennialsaround. Make roomforafewthisspring
If you’re a lazy gardener (and there’s no shame in that), hardy geraniums are so much more than a safe bet. They need very little care – although a trim after flowering will often result in fresh new foliage anda second flush of flowers. Plus, if you choose well, you’ll have colour beginning in April andtaking you (and the bees – did we mention pollinators love hardy geraniums?) right through to November. Some varieties alsohave beautifullytinted autumn foliage. They come ina huge range of colours, make great weed-suppressing ground cover and many are enthusiastic self-seeders, giving you more plants year after year. What more could you ask for?
Geranium cinereum
JollyJewel collection
Relativelynewarrivals, these are evergreen with silvered flowers that light up a dull corner May-Sep; 50x50cm; sun/shade
Threeofthebest purplepros
1 ‘Rozanne’ AGM Award-winning lavender-blue geranium with flowers that go on and on JunOct; 60x 80cm; sun/part shade
You can buythem inbud or in flower later on in the yearand plantthen. But here’s a top tip:summer-flowering dahlias, crocosmia, lilies andthelikeare more economicaland can do better, becoming stronger, tougher plants, if you getthem in as dry bulbsand cormsinspring. We’rehere to help…
Gladiolus ‘Purple Flora’ Tall, glamourous flower spikes for a sunnyspot in richsoil Jul-Sep; 1.2m x 45cm
Dahlia ‘Pacific Time’ Bold redand white flowers that keep comingtilthe first frosts Jul-Oct; 60cm x 40cm
Paeonia ‘Shirley Temple’ AGM Dreamy double pale pink flowers for a border in sun orpartshade Jun-Jul; 80x40cm
late mmer thrives 6m x 80cm
‘Lucifer’ AGM Dazzling late-summer colour, thrives in a sheltered border Aug-Sep; 1.6mx80cm
Heady fragrance for a pot or borderin sun or light shade Jul-Aug;1.1 Taylors specially sel ted ‘Beautiful v es seen here (see in s re det While stocks g; m
2 for £9.99 or £5.99 per pack on Taylorsspecially lected ‘Beautiful Gardens’ including all seen here (seei for Whil stoc last
Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’
Tomorrow’s favourites today
We’veallheardofCox’sand Conference,butwhatabout the go-tovarietiesofthefuture?
Nurserygrowerssuchas FrankP
Matthewshave beenhardat work bringingthebesttous, yourgarden and,ultimately, yourkitchentable
Managing Directorat FrankPMatthews, afamily-run Worcestershire fruitnurserythat’sbeenin operationfornearly125 years
Whatisit that you love about fruitgrowing?
Noticingthechange in seasons andseeing the trees grow. Italso gives youaccessto varietiesthat youcan’t findin theshops.The senseofaccomplishmentwhen youhave acropof your ownis secondtonone.
What’s your favourite apple?
That’sliketryingtopick your favouritechild! Youcan’t go wrongwith‘Scrumptious’ for thegarden,‘Rosette’ forfun andinterest–it’sasweet,redfleshedvarietywitha gorgeous
Planttherightrootstocksizefor yourspace andsoil.Theserange from very dwarfto very vigorous standardtrees,sothere’salways atreefor every garden, even for growingin containers.And don’tbeafraid to prune!
Pearsareknownasthequeen offruitsandare so underrated. They’rein the samefamilyas apples andrespondinsimilar waysto pruning.Bear inmind that they flowerearlierthough, sothey’rebestplantedout offrost pockets.A variety like Conference isparthenocarpic, however, so itwill set fruit evenifthere’s afrost.There are somefascinating onestotry: ‘Conference MoorsGiant’ has fruit nearlytwicetheusualsize; it’s quite spectacular.
Don’tbeafraidtohave a go! Thereare plentyof‘how to plantandprune’videosonlineif you’reunsure.Chooseasunny spot with well-drained soil and if you’reunsureabout pollination, go foraself-fertilevariety
Evergreen, aromaticand with lovelypale lavender-blue flowers in earlyspring, sun-loving yet totally hardy rosemary (Salvia Rosmarinus) is a garden must-have. Try growing itinamixed bed, dedicated herb garden, vegetable patch or container –or even as a fragrant low hedge.
‘Abraxas’ Highlyaromatic with anintense flavourandaroma: great for cooking 1x 1.5m
‘Barbecue’ Squatand bushy, with long, straight stemsthat make excellent barbecue skewers. 1x 1m
If you’regrowing your own in a small space, you can’t go wrong with a pot or two filled withericaceous compost and planted with blueberries (two’s better for pollination) Try compact,bushy ‘Aino’ or ‘Jorma’ for berries this summer.
‘Perigord’ Fast growing, dense andupright: ideal for a low hedgearound yourherb garden. 1 x 1m
‘Upright Blue’ Elegant upright habit, brilliant for a herb garden or growingin raised veg beds. 1x 1m
themostproductive–buy ondwarfrootstocksforeasy picking.Mostimportantly, protectthemfromthebirds withanetortunnel,or your hard workwillbestolen!
Whichnew fruittreesare you planting in your own gardenthis year?
I liketogrowvarieties youcan’t findeasilyinthesupermarkets. This year I’m growinganapricot thatI’lltrainintoafan shapeon a wall.Apricotslove awarm walltogrow against.
Applecrumpisafamilyfavourite. It’slikeacrumblebutwith a shortbreadtopping. We also oftenhave abigpotofstewed appleinthefridgeforeatingwith yogurt,custardorjustonits own.
Anysecretnewarrivals we might be abletolookforwardto?
Ournext release, duesoon,is a pear. It’s a variety thatwasfound inCornwallandisexceptional for juice. It’sour 125th yearnext yearand we have somespecial varietiesinthe pipeline,but you’ll have to watchthisspace!
‘Felicita’ La cherri to ha arl
varieties like ‘Felicita’ are What’s your go-to fruit recipe?
Kent &Stowe promotesgardening for life,offeringarange of lightweight, stainlesssteel garden tools, perfectly weighted, balancedand proportioned.
Houseplants oxygenateandpurifytheair,lookfabulousand arelinkedtoreducedstressandimproved wellbeing.Pretty impressiveforapotofgreenery… But keepingthemlookingtheir glossy, gorgeousbestisn’t alwaysthateasy. We’vepickedtenof themostundemandingto get you going,thenafewlittle gems totakethingsupalevelonce you’ve found yourfeet
Sweetheartplant (Philodendron scandens) So easy,and can grow to incredible lengths (see 2, below)
Variegated sweetheart plant (P. scandensBrasil) Thrives with mediumlight levels, heat and water (seeabove).
Snakeplant (Sansevieria trifasciataLaurentii)
They sayit can help you to sleep better. Water sparingly,then leave it be.
Devil’sivy (Epipremnum) NASA-approvedairpurifying favourite that will climb or tumble. Water when dryand mist occasionally.
5 Africanmilktree (Euphorbiatrigona)
Water whenthe soil’s dry, wipe away dustwitha soft clothand grow in bright, but indirect light.
Opuntiamicrodasys cristata This desert plantneeds bright, direct sunand just alittle water in spring and summer.
Swisscheeseplant (Monsteradeliciosa) AGM
Give it decent light, a warm room and regular water to thrive.
9 Applecactus Florida (Cereusperuvianus)
Water sparinglyand grow in a warm, bright spot.
If you’re feeling brave or you knowyour wayaround most houseplantsalready, why not give a terrarium a go? It’s a fun (and super glam) wayof arranging plants… Start with a layerof gravel for drainage,then a layerof activated charcoal (this stops funghiand bacteria growing),andathird, deeper layer, this timeofa good free-draining houseplant compost. Then comes the part when you needa steady hand: placethe cacti andsucculents in the compostand firm them in well (a teaspoon is a good helphere). Finally, cover the surface with decorative pebblesor slate chippings, waterand placein good light. To keep it looking good, water sparinglyand regularly remove any dead plant material.
10 Peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) Tolerant of both bright and lowlight; water when the soil feels dry to the touch.
the bottom. This way your plants are ne r sitting in water.
Somethingfor everyone to enjoy
The days aregetting warmer andlonger, so it’s time to shakeoffwhatremains of winter andgetstuck into thenew season.Our events andactivitiescome in all shapes andsizes so you’resuretofind somethingtokeep youbusyand entertainedthisspringtime.
Saturday 1st&Sunday 2nd March
Join us forour ‘pawfully’brilliant Bark Fest,wherewe’ll be celebrating all things dogandpuppy related. Plus our Mini Crufts returnswith prizesfor our canine competitors.
Saturday 22nd &Sunday 23rd March
Saturday 10th &Sunday11th May
IndependentStreetArtisan Market is returning to Bents. This exciting eventshowcases the best in local artisanfood, drink and crafts.
Let’sGet Social. Join us online andacrossour social platformswhere you’ll findup-to-date eventnewsaswellas inspiration in abundance.
Thursday 27th March
Celebrate the startofthis beautiful season at ourSpringFashion Show whereour modelswillbe showcasingthe latest collections.
AtBents,webelieve great foodbringspeople together and we’ve gotaplace for every occasion. From casual bites toMediterranean-inspiredtapas,our in-house teamoftalentedchefs freshly prepare every single dish withcare and creativity, using thefinest locally-sourced ingredients, including our amazing homemade cakes. Whetherit’sanevening mealwiththe familyinthe Fresh ApproachRestaurant, aquick coffee andfreshly baked cake in Caffénel Verde oraglassofwinewithatapas ortwo, we’vegot adestination justfor you.
Andfor those craving classic comfort food,our vintage Airstreamtrailersserve upperfectlycrispyfish and chips, whilepizza loverscanenjoy wood-firedcreationsfrom ourpizza trailer –both offeringauniqueoutdoor dining experience.***
Allour destinationsare complimentedbywonderful settings soyou justneed to sit back, relax and enjoy the occasion.