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Ben Twells
I am a 'Maker' and would like to re-establish the role of an architect as a 'Master Builder'. I thoroughly enjoy designing through three dimensional physical models; I believe the design process is at a great disadvantage if one cannot think and realise the effects that each design decision can have on the scheme as a whole. One of the most challenging and interesting jobs for me as an architectural designer is successfully translating an urban strategy or the essence of a masterplan, into a detailed building design. When I say 'detailed design' I mean, volumes, voids, light, the five senses, shadow and materiality. An architect has a sub-conscious almost continuous connection with the end user of a building through these elements. They have the power to manipulate peoples feelings in different ways with informed gestures in space. This for me is an interesting concept, one in which can have a real effect on achieving the positive aspects of an urban strategy.