Editor’s Note
IamexcitedtobringyoutheBenzoville’sinhousemagazine,whereweshare updatesfromtheglobalArchitecture&Designindustry.
In this issue, we take you through the inspiring journey of the world’s top Architects as they create Olivari’s most captivating Door Handles. You’ll also see glimpses of iconic building structures they have designed and how these haveinspiredOlivarimasterpieces
During my 20+ years in the Architectural Hardware domain, I have focussed on building a collaborative ecosystem where the design fraternity work together to cultivate a culture of co-growth
It’s been a pleasure working with India’s top Architects, Designers and Furniture Manufacturers, helping them find WOWworthy premium decorative hardware products from world-class brands like Olivari, Furnipart and Siro, directly importedfromEurope.
In2022,wecompleteour20yearas amarketleaderinsourcing Internationally-acclaimed luxuriousDesignerDoorHandles fromEurope.Findingthatperfect gemofadesignerdoor/furniture handleforyourclientsiswhat differentiatesbrilliancefrom mediocrity.
That’swhyBenzovilleHardwareConsultationServiceishereto giveyouthat‘upperedge’.Youcangetspecialistadviceonthe idealdoorhandleforyourprojects–withoutworryingabout technicalspecificationsorlongevityconcerns.Pickfrom 20,000+high-classhandlesand knobsfrom30+Europeanbrands.OrgetcustomDesignerDoor andFurnitureHandlesthataddindividualityanduniquenessto yourcherishedprojects.
I invite you to try it for yourself by consultingwithourBenzovilleHardware Experts virtually or visiting our Delhi or Gurugramshowrooms(BenzovilleIdeas Store)
Youcanbrowsethroughourvast collectionoffinishesandstylesina relaxedenvironmentthatinspires excellence.Orvisitourvirtual showroomandletyourimaginationrun wild Youcaneventouchandfeelthedesign andfinishofourpremiumcollection beforeyoubuy.JustrequestyourFREE SAMPLE,andwewilldeliveraSampleKit toyourdoorstep!Thepossibilitiesare endless.
Let’sdiscoverthemtogetherHappy Reading!
Akshat Bansal
CEO,Benzoville www.benzoville.com
Challenges Architects Face When Building Residential Home
Architects are professionals who designbuildingsthatarefunctional, aesthetic and safe. When it comes to residential homes, architects faceauniquesetofchallengesthat require careful consideration and planning. Here are some of the commonchallengesarchitectsface whenmakingresidentialhomes:
Limited Budget 1.
Oneofthemajorchallenges hat architects face when designingresidentialhomes s working within a limited budget.Thearchitectsmust ind ways to create a beautiful and functional homewhilestillmeetingthe client'sbudgetconstraints.
2. Site Constraints
Every site has its unique characteristics, which can create challenges for architects. For example, an irregularly shaped site, steep slope, or proximity toneighboringhomescan affect the design and layout of the residential home.
3. Building Codes And Regulations
Architects must ensure that the residential home meets all building codes and regulations,includingzoning laws, building height restrictions, and safety regulations. This can be a daunting task, especially when there are conflicting regulations that need to be addressed.
4. Sustainability
Sustainable design has become an increasingly essential aspect of architecture, and architects mustconsidertheenvironmental impact of their designs. Incorporating energy-efficient features, utilizing sustainable materials, and designing homes that maximize natural light and ventilation are some of the ways architects can address this challenge
5. Client's Preferences
Architects must design homes that meet the client's needs and preferences. This can be challenging, especially when clients have conflicting desires or vague requirements. Architects must work closely with clients to ensure that their vision is translated into a functional and aesthetically pleasingdesign.
6. Construction Challenges
Oncethedesignisfinalized, architects face another set of challenges during the construction phase They must ensure that the construction team adheres to the design plans, and that any unforeseen challenges are addressed in a timely and costeffectivemanner.
In conclusion, architects face many challenges when designing residential homes. They must work within a limited budget, navigate site constraints and building codes, incorporate sustainable design, meet client preferences, address construction challenges, and stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements. Despite these challenges, architects have the creativity and skill to design beautiful and functional residential homes that meet the needs of their clients.
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Add Some Glamour Style To Your Furniture
Elegant design that seamlessly blends with any furniture style, whether it's contemporary, traditional or rustic.
Artistically Finished, Great For Kitchens And Bathrooms
Bronces Mestre S.A. was founded in 1952 in Valencia,Spain.Startedhisbusinessactivity like a small artisan workshop dedicated to themanufactureofhigh-qualityanddesign handles.
The company was transferred to the new and actual location: Polígono Industrial de Masía del Juez, occupyingmorethan14.000metersbuilding.Fromthis moment begins a process of modernization with the installation of most innovative production lines of the time, never forgetting the core of the philosophy production:art&handicraft.
In 1980 Bronces Mestre started to manufacture artistic bathrooms fittings for Companies with a global presence. Spanish luxury and passion for perfection behind most prestigious brands worldwide.
A fruitful meeting between Jose María Simo and GernotLanges-Swarovskiin1986ledthecompanyto beginusingcrystalintheirdesigns,turningbeautiful bronze hardware into “fine jewelry for the home, as well as for commercial interiors,” as it has been described.
Mestre is now synonymous with glamour, fashion, elegance.Areferenceforluxuryprojectsworldwide.
The promotion of the brand is the core of the new strategy. The creation of a distribution network, the opening of new offices in strategic areas as UAE and Chinaandthetailoredservicestothemostprestigious interior designers studios get Mestre dressed for success.
Door Handle Series
on plate with handicraft elaborate details
Door Handle Series
on plate with brilliant Swarovski crystals
Door Handle Se
with new round roses design and a delicate hand-crafted texture
Door Handle Series
on rose with fabulous Swarovski crystals
Interior design is the art and scienceofenhancingtheinterior ofaspacetoachieveahealthier and more aesthetically pleasing environmentforthepeopleusing the space. Interior designers use various elements such as color, lighting, furniture, and decor to create functional and attractive spaces.
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Tiffany Door Handle is a true masterpiece of design and functionality. With its sleek, modern lines and stunning satin brassfinish,thisdoorhandleissuretocatchtheeyeofanyone whoenterstheroom.
Baroccodoorhandleisastunningpieceofartistrythatissureto catch the eye of anyone who appreciates the beauty of the intricatedesign.
Sissidoor handle is a stunning piece of hardware that combines elegance and functionality. Its sleek design and high-quality construction make it a perfect choice for contemporary buildingslookingtoaddatouchofsophisticationtotheirinterior design.
aaradoor handle also features a unique Taj Mahal design, with intricate patterns and detailing that will leave you in awe. This stunninghomagetooneofIndia'smosticoniclandmarksissure tobecomeaconversationstarterinyourhome
Aida handle features a solid construction that provides a comfortable grip and a smooth operation. Its ergonomic design ensures that it fits comfortably in your hand, makingiteasytouseandmaneuver
Since 18 years, we are helping leading architects & interior designers make their projects a talk-of-the-town by bringingfinestrangeofluxuryhandles sourced from the leading European andglobalbrands.
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Presenting Benzoville Showroom On Wheels
If you have been dealing with hardwaresupplierswhodelayyour projects or don’t supply handles matching your design, then it’s timeforachange.
Presenting Benzoville ‘Handles
ShowroomOnWheels’–TheONLY way to speed up your handles selectionfromthecomfortsofyour office.
All you have to do is tell us the theme of the interiors you are workingonandourteamwillbring youthebestselectionofEuropean Door Handles – ideal for your premiumproject
Complete the handle selection process in just one meeting and deliver wow-worthy projects
Contact the Benzoville team today!