CBDK Campaign

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A n Instagram based Influencer campaign for the Danish accessory brand crossbody.dk by Benita Ilgenstein 280707@via.dk December 2018

Table of contents

3 4

Table of contents Brand description

Campaign description 5 Mission 6 Timing 7 Process Implementation

9 The difference in content 10 Influencer suggestions

17 Hashtag recommendations 18 Detailed timing 20 Contact



22 23

Tracking & clippings Brand’s social media usage

24 Future outlooks 25 Appendix

CROSSBODY is a Danish accessory brand founded by Sofie Henriksen. The brand is based in Aarhus, ships worldwide and, as the name implements, focuses on trendy Crossbody bags.


Mission The mission is to extend brand reach as well as brand and product awareness into the German market. Increase online sales, furtherly establish the brand’s presence on Instagram and generate content to repurpose online.


Timing FEB. 19



MAI 19

25 Influencer



AUG. 19

SEP. 19

15 Influencer

OCT. 19

20 Influencer


DEC. 19

JAN. 20

25 Influencer

5.500 €

2.500 €

3.500 €

5.500 €

p.I. 220 €

p.I. 166 €

p.I. 175 €

p.I. 220 €

theme: selected bags

theme: tba

theme: tba

theme: tba

FEB. 20


85 17.000 €

Four campaigns over the time from March 2019 to January 2020 Quantity of Influencer overall:


Influencer budget overall:

17.000 €

Selected Influencers should be utilized for more than one campaign. Influencers appreciate long term collaborations and repetition increases authenticity towards their community. Additionally, compensation is likely to decrease slightly with “package prices” (booking multiple content pieces at once).

Working time span: 12 months Feb. ‘19 - Jan. ‘20

The budget stated is excluding the cost of purchasing image rights. 6

Process Agreement on theme for campaign

Establish timing framework

Influencer research and agreement

Contact Influencer

Budget management

Briefing creation

Negotiation of Influencer

Potentially negotiation of image rights

Coordination of shipment & contact letter

Documentation and tracking of campaign

In order to launch the campaign in March 2019 the process has to be started latest at the beginning of February 2019. It is important that there is one person on the team dedicated to handling Social Media relations. Firstly, it is important for Influencers to have one set contact person but furthermore, it is also crucial for an internally well-working team. Handling a campaign and potentially additional international and long lasting Influencer relations requires dedicated work. Negotiations take time and complication of any kind are likely to happen as you work with emotional people, not commodities, this takes time and detailed knowledge of the issue, which often can’t be clearly communicated within a team. 7

Goals In order to reach set goals it was decided to go for a versatile Influencer mix of content creators and high reach performers. A high brand fit is essential and valued over quantitive reach.

Moodboard CROOSBODY has previously worked with Influencers, who have a classy, elegant and skandinavian style. While entering the German market it should keep true to its style.

The difference in content Instagram post

Sponsored giveaway

The Instagram post is the base of the campaign and will be requested from every Influencer. It has the purpose to increase the visibility of the brand, generate Image material and lead potential customers on to the brand’s Instagram page, and from there potentially to the online shop.

A giveaway is a great way to take advantage of high reach influencers. The giveaway conditions can be shaped to follow the brand’s account and the Influencer’s account so in the end, both parties have an advantage. Furthermore, usually, participants are required to tag 2-3 friends this way the reach is even higher. The brand can increase its following through this within a short timeframe. Furthermore, giveaways are a great way to celebrate special holidays, such as easter or mothers day.

Instagram story

Instagram stories often come across as more authentic. However, they are an added bonus to an actual Instagram post (except swipe up stories, which are intended with the sole purpose of sales). If an Influencer offers to add an Instagram story for a small price or for free, the chance should be taken - however, “basic” Instagram stories will not be requested from the Influencer at primary contact in this campaign.

Instagram story swipe up

From 10.000 followers on, Instagram users can include a link in their stories, which viewers can access quickly by swiping up. Having high reach Influencers include this link in their story is a great way to generate direct sales.


Influencer suggestions In order to have 25 Influencers set for campaign Nr. 1 approximately 50 Influencers need to be researched as some cancel out of lack of capacity or call for prices, which are not compatible with the budget. On the following pages, there are 25 Influencers presented, which would be the “first choice� for the first campaign of 2019 in the months of March and April. In the appendix, you can find a table, where every single one of these Influencers is listed with a link to their Instagram, their name and the approximate budget planned for them.









101k 11








68.4k 12

@ changeablestyle

@ anunanna




@ sophiluisa


49.6k 13

@ fashionindividual





@ mrs.seytschlife


29.2k 14

@ vivienjoana

@ sarahloufalk




@ kybrasahin


22.7k 15

@ kimilaura

@ lenaxlafleur




@ sophiesmay


12k 16


#crossbodydk #fashionblogger_de #thilde




Hashtag Recommendations Hashtags are essential to brand a post. They can increase visibility and reach, become a key brand feature as well as a recognition factor, and offer a great way to track brand associated posts. Thus, hashtags should be chosen carefully. For this campaign, the following hashtags on the upper left are recommended. The first two were chosen for the purpose of brand identification, while the third one is one of the most used fashion hashtags in Germany and is set to increase visibility. The remaining hashtags depend on the chosen style, however, the key point is to use the style name of the bag displayed in the image as a hashtag.

@ kim_ahlf 11.7k


Communication Very good communication within a team or in case of a partnership, e.g. between a PR Agency executing the campaign and the brand itself, is a key factor for a successful campaign. It is usual for things to change last minute and the communication between Influencer and campaign executor is detailed and sometimes time delaid. In order for everyone to have a clear overview, it should be agreed on in advance on a communication and planning tool, where every progress and change is documented. Furthermore weekly or daily calls/ meetings should be scheduled from the beginning - in order for everyone to optimize their allocation of time and workload.

The approximate timing, when wich Influencer is set to post, is planned in advance so that the Influencers can be requested with a timeframe. However, one should not be stiff about the prescheduled timing. It is a framework and one should be flexible enough to replace, switch and alter timeslots.

Popular tools for such purpose are Trello, Google Docs/ Google Sheets, Skype, and a joined Calendar.

International women’s day



18.04 - 22.04.2019

Furthermore, local holidays should be considered in the timing as they offer great opportunities for sponsored giveaways, coupon codes etc., thus influences the content requested. In the timeframe of the first campaign special holidays are:

Though the use of online communication the burden of a “classic” office situation is lightened as work can be done from multiple places and is not restricted to a physical office.


MARCH 2019


images generated

844.500 total reach

@donnaromina 265k 265.000 *Opportunity for joined

@ sarahloufalk 25.2k

@ffranzy 93.7k @valentina.steinhart 155k

@white.tulips 41.5k


giveaway to gain following on brand account


@ anunanna 60.8k @ sophiesmay 12k


@ vivienjoana 25.5k @isabellemariew 70.7k


@ sophiluisa 49.6k @aaylingk 34.1k Example of the timing for the first campaign during the month March 2019.

@ kim_ahlf 11.7k 19


Contact The Influencers will be contacted via email (in case of a manager being in charge, the manager will be contacted). The tone of this email should be friendly and not too formal. They will be presented with the briefing as well as a short description of the brand and the product. Furthermore, images of the style range for the specific campaign will be attached. It will be asked if they are interested in working with Crossbody.dk and if so which bag they’d choose. In the first email - there will not be any budget stated. This will be negotiated later if asked for by the Influencer, which is the usual case. Another plus for international campaigns, is the use of the native language of the person you are communicating with. Language barriers are an annoying thing to deal with but sadly often are the cause of unnecessary complications. Regarding the Briefing, this is only sent out in the beginning as an actual file if the Influencer contacted is planned with a budget. If it’s supposed to be a “freebie” collaboartion - the points listed will be cooperated in the emails over time. The English translation of the email as well as the german translation of the briefing can be found in the appendix.


Styles ADORE green & brown

NINA green, black & brown

Briefing THILDE small: clear black, clear white, black, dusty pink big: clear black, clear white

Post guidelines: • the bag needs to be clearly visible and not cropped at the edges • the post has to go online within the agreed timeframe • hashtags need to be used correctly and @crossbody.dk needs to be tagged in the picture and mentioned in the caption #CBDK #crossbodydk #fashionblogger_de #thilde/ #clary/ #nina/ #adore this depends on the bag you choose, just use its same as a hashtag


For more information visit our online shop at: https://de.crossbody.dk Or just ask us :)

• please don’t use a mirrorselfie • do not alter the color range of the image to the extent where the color of the bag can’t be seen clearly • if you want to, you can send your picture to us beforehand for approval however this is not a necessity • your need to clearly mark your post as an advertisement You can contact us at any time with questions and concerns. We love to hear from you. Sincerly your,

Crossbody Team

Tracking & Clippings After 3 days of the post being online, the image will be clipped and saved with the number of likes generated, how often the image was commented as well as the number of followers the account has at the time. In an extra table, the links of the images/ posts will be saved to see the development over time and be able to track if anyone deletes their posts. And overall added up key numbers will be documented here as well.



Likes generated: 3.483 Comments: 180 16.11.2018 - Friday @lorenayessir additional


Likes generated: 6.689

From time to time it happens bloggers post more than the one agreed on/ paid for image, if they end up wearing the bag more often or have excess image material of the initial shoot. If this is the case, the image will still be clipped and it will be noted it is “additional� and whether crossbody.dk was mentioned or not. Furthermore, if the image was paid for, the price paid will be noted as well.

Comments: 273 04.12.18 - Tuesday @sophiadorena scheduled


Likes generated: 7.862

The purpose of this is to document the campaign, to measure key numbers and being able to compare them. For the second campaign, the strategy can be improved based on learnings generated from the first campaign and decisions can be adjusted for the better. Later on, the campaigns over the year can be compared and long-run trends can be analyzed. 22

Comments: 442 03.12.18 - Monday scheduled - 700â‚Ź

Brand Social Media Usage With all this effort put into the brand’s Social Media image, it is essential for the brand to be active and show presence for their account itself. Social Media activity, which should be maintained at all times includes:

Such a cute bag!!

Every post with a crossbody bag should be commented by the brand’s account. To establish a good personal relationship with the Influencers the brand works with, posts of them, which are not linked to crossbodydk should also be commented from time to time.

Thank you :) It’s our “thilde” bag in black.

Furthermore, the comments of posts which feature crossbodydk bags should be scanned, in order to answer possible questions regarding the bag, thus providing very personal customer service. In addition to that, the “tagged” section of the brand should be looked through regularly to interact with “real” customers, thus increasing brand loyalty. The image material produced by the Influencers should be reposted by the brand’s account - with correct credit. If the Influencer gives permission the images can also be used for Instagram ads. During all these steps it is incredibly important to always give credit towards the person who holds the image rights. If images are used without permission and incorrectly - legal steps can be taken against the brand. 23

Where is the bag from? You can get it on our website - it’s called “nina” The link is in our bio :)

Future outlooks Necklace campaign

Fashion week placements

While the first campaign of 2019 is centered around the most recognizable products of the brand it is possible to have other accessories such as necklaces as the main theme for either the second or third campaign.

During July, most big German Influencers attend Berlin Fashion Week. This poses the opportunity to have special Fashion Week placements with Influencers the brand has previously worked with before. Thus, deepen the relationship, increase authenticity and most importantly gain exposed media value - as an above average amount of content is produced during fashion week

Distribution channels

An addition to the b2c E-commerce distribution would be the expansion to b2b. The b2b network could be build up with a presence at fair trades such as the Panorama Berlin. Additionally, Pop Up shops could be launched within the future.


Influencer dinner

Influencer get-togethers are becoming more and more popular, with Revolve being the head in this direction, brands started to host specific events or even trips for a group of their most valuable Influencers. Following this trend, crossbodydk could host a dinner or event within Germany (preferably in the city, where most of the “used” Influencers are based in order to cut Travel costs) or even organize a trip to Denmark to promote their Danish heritage.

Legal information

Everyone who uses Instagram in a commercial way in Germany needs to mark their content. At the beginning of 2018, there have been multiple lawsuits against bloggers who have not marked posts with the hashtag “Advertisment”, “Anzeige” or “Werbung”. Ever since then, it is quite common for German Influencers to mark everything as an advertisement even though it’s not a paid collaboration. However, it is still essential to, as a brand, remind the Influencers specifically to mark their post as advertisement via a hashtag.



Appendix Email & briefing translation Dear Franzy, Crossbody.dk is a Danish brand which, as the name already gives away, focuses on very stylish crossbody bags. Within Denmark, the bags are already an It-item for 2019 we are planning to expand to Germany. Thus, we are planning multiple Social Media campaigns for 2019, featuring a selection of German trendsetters. We’d love to have you as a part of our first campaign of the year. So what’s the plan? Attached you can find the styles featured in this campaign as well as a briefing, which describes your posting a bit more in detail. You are welcome to choose one of the styles listed - you can find a wider color range of some bags on our website Overall this is the plan: One Instagram Posting between the 4th oh March and the 6th of March. We are very open to your creative ideas - just let us know what you think :) It would make us very happy if you’d join us as a part of this campaign I’d love to hear your feedback and offer. Best regards,


Post Richtlinien: • Die Tasche muss deutlich zu sehen sein und sollte nicht abgeschnitten sein • Der Post muss innerhalb des abgesprochenem Zeitraum online gehen • Die folgenden Hashtags sollten verwendet werden und @crossbody.dk im Bild markiert und in der Captione genannt werden #CBDK #crossbodydk #fashionblogger_de

#thilde/ #clary/ #nina/ #adore abhängig von der Tasche, die du dir aussuchst -> Stylename als Hashtag

• Bitte benutze kein Spiegelselfie • Bitte bearveite das Bild nicht so sehr, dass man die Fraben der Tasche nicht mehr klar sehen kann • Wenn du möchtest, kannst du uns das Bild zur Freigabe schicken, dies ist aber kein Muss • Dein Post muss als Anzeige/Werbung markiert sein Du kannst uns jeder Zeit mit Fragen oder Bedenken kontaktieren. Wir hören immer gerne von dir.. Liebe Grüße dein,

Crossbody Team



Table explanation

The Infuencer commissions are based on prices German blogger @anna_ix_ published recently. According to her, the average cost per mille on follower count is 10€ while it is 50€ on story views. However, from experience most Influencers don’t actually take these prices and are quite negotiable.

What?: Here the style name the Influencer will be promoting will be noted as well as the content that was agreed on. Notes: Any kind of meaningful information such as previous deals with competitors, profession etc. will be noted here.

Example of calculation: Romina @donnaromina (265.000 followers): (265.000 : 1000) * 10 = 2.650 €

Actual budget: A column where the actual negotiated price is noted will be added. It is important to document both expectations as well as the actual prices in order to collect data. A table like this is very useful as it can be used during the entire planning and running process of the campaign.


This campaign is only allowed to be implemented with the explicit permission of Benita Ilgenstein.

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