2014 SUPERMOTO Organizer Manual

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standard draft timetable


BPROM staff contacts


1. access roads and signaling


2. welcome office


3. truck wash


4. paddock / paddock office


5. bike wash


6. parking b 7. parking all


8. media center


8. podium area


8.1 podium prize giving procedure


10. public address system


11. hospital


12. promotion and event announcements


12.1 program: institutional space


13. technical control


14. waiting area


15. starting grid


16. starting straight


17. pit lane


18. circuit and track


18.1 important advise for the development of the tracks


18.2 equipment


18.3 track fencing


18.4 protection


19. time keeping area


19.1 installation of timing lines


20. race direction


21. race direction room


22. BPROM office


23. environment and legal authorizations


24. supplementary regulations, entry form, entry list and results


25. publicity and advertising on the race track


26. public parking


27. BPROM passes


28. tickets


29. public area


30. rules, codes, documents


31. insurance


32. doping control


33. security


34. speaker


35. hotel


36. smon special procedure


37. organizer’s check list


annex a - 2014 organizers information required by BPROMevents




STANDARD DRAFT OF THE 2014 S1, SM2 & SM3/SM300 SUPERMOTO TIME TABLE FRIDAY Administrative & Technical Control all classes FIM & FIM Europe 11:00 - 19:00 Circuit control FIM & FIM Europe 15.00 Meeting with Organisers FIM & FIM Europe 17.00 Meeting of the Event Management ( after the Meeting with the Organizer ) SATURDAY Administrative & Technical Control all classes FIM & FIM Europe 08:30 - 09:00 Meeting with Organisers FIM & FIM Europe 09.30 Riders’ Briefing all classes FIM & FIM Europe 10.00 SM3/SM300 Free Practice 1 SM2 Free Practice 1 S1 Free Practice 1

20 min 30 min 30 min

10.15 - 10:35 10.45 - 11:15 11.25 - 11:55

SM3/SM300 Free Practice 2 SM2 Free Practice 2 S1 Free Practice 2

20 min 30 min 30 min

13.00 - 13:20 13.30 - 14:00 14.10 - 14:40

SM3/SM300 Time Practice SM2 Time Practice S1 Time Practice

25 min 30 min 30 min

14.55 - 15:20 15.30 - 16:00 16.10 - 16:40

S1 SuperChrono (6 fastest riders from Time Practice) 10 min 16.45 Camera on Board 18.00 - 18.20 Meeting of Race Direction 18.00 SUNDAY SM3/SM300 Warm-up (max 32 Riders) 15 min 09.00 - 09:15 SM2 Warm-up (max 32 Riders) 20 min 09.25 - 09:45 S1 Warm-up (max 32 Riders) 20 min 10.55 - 11:15 SM3/SM300 Race 1 SM3/SM300 SM3/SM300 Race

(max 32) Riders on the grid 11.20 Start of the 2 Warm - Up laps 11.27 Start of the Race (ca. 20 min.) 11.30

SM2 Race 1 SM2 Race 1 SM2 Race 1

(max 32) Riders on the grid 12.05 Start of the 2 Warm - Up laps 12.12 Start of the Race (ca. 20 min.) 12.15

S1 Race 1 S1 Race 1 S1 Race 1

(max 32) Riders on the grid 13.50 Start of the 2 Warm - Up laps 13.57 Start of the Race (ca. 20 min.) 14.00

SM3/SM300 Race 2 SM3/SM300 Race 2 SM3/SM300 Race 2

(max 32) Riders on the grid 14.30 Start of the 2 Warm - Up laps 14.37 Start of the Race (ca. 20 min.) 14.40

SM2 Race 2 (max 32 Riders) on the grid 15.20 SM2 Race 2 Start of the 2 Warm - Up laps 15.27 SM2 Race 2 Start of the Race (ca. 20 min.) 15.30 SM2/SM3/SM300 Prize-Giving Ceremony 1, 2 and 3 of the overall SM2 & SM3/SM300 - Immediately after Race 2 S1 Race 2 S1 Race 2 S1 Race 2

(max 32 Riders) on the grid 16.20 Start of the 2 Warm - Up laps 16.27 Start of the Race (ca. 20 min.) 16.30

S1 Prize-Giving Ceremony 1, 2 and 3 of the overall S1 - Immediately after Race 2

Meeting of Race Direction 17.15 The standard timetable here above may be adapted according to the number of riders present per class. The specific timetable for your event will be made available about 10 days before your event.









Alessandro ERZEGOVAZ

Ph +39 345 42 92 863 Fax +39 011 77 24 857


Ph +39 329 49 48 292 Fax +39 011 77 24 857




Media Manager Pass, Entry and Hotel Manager


Ph +39 331 17 07 273


Timekeeper Chief


Ph +39 0362 1915602


Graphic - Web - Multimedia Chief


Fax +39 011 77 24 857

Gianpaolo IUDICI

Ph +39 338 54 09 625 Fax +39 011 77 24 857


Administration & Finance

L OGIS TIC logistic@BPROM.org

Office address: Via Valgioie, 60 – 10146 TURIN – ITALY Fax number: +39 011 77 24 857


Logistics Chief



1. ACCESS ROADS & SIGNALING The organization of the SuperMoto World Championship involves a mass of people (competitors, staff and public), it is therefore necessary to have easy access to the event. This easy access depends on three main points: • Quality of access roads. • Signaling. • Traffic management. As soon as possible the Organizer should have a meeting with the Local Authorities and Police to agree on the traffic management. At the latest two months before the Event, the Organizer should send the exact routing to BPROM and all parties concerned including the GPS coordinates in order to publish it in BPROM website and the Official SuperMoto Guide. Access and emergency roads must be sufficiently hard, large enough and completely free of obstacles. All access roads must be constantly cleared, during the event, so the normal traffic flow is not too much disturbed and eventual evacuation may be carried out as quickly as possible. On the Monday before the event, all signposts must be placed and checked regularly, fences should be replaced if needed. All signboards must be put at least 1.5m high above ground-level. The boards must have a clear indication of direction and must show the Official SuperMoto World Championship logo and other indications requested from BPROM. Signaling needs to be from the motorway, towns and other main access roads. As soon as possible after the Event all the signaling should be removed. Signaling boards and panels have to be placed in the track area to indicate where the different areas and services are located.Signaling boards and panels have to be placed in the track area to indicate where the different areas and services are located.


2. WELCOME OFFICE In order to have correct distribution of passes and information, it is necessary to have a welcome office on the main road just outside the track. The welcome office needs to be a room or a mobile office where 1-2 people can work. In front of the welcome office there must be sufficient space for parking cars, trucks or other vehicles of those who have to visit the office. The Organizer should have all the information concerning the event available in English, ready to distribute in the welcome office. (All the necessary information - programs, maps, rules, brochures etc.) The Welcome office must be operational on the following days: Friday 08h00 - 20h00 Saturday 07h00 - 20h00 Sunday 07h00 - 14h00 The Organizer must supply and install the welcome office with: • 2 tables • 4 chairs • A minimum of 2 electric power points and sufficient lighting • 1 walky-talkie (It is necessary to establish communication between the Organizer and the welcome office.) The Organizer must supply the people who work in the Welcome Office with drinking water and food. There needs to be toilet facilities not far away from the Welcome Office. It is necessary that a minimum of one person from the Organizer - speaking English (and French if is possible) is responsible for the welcome office. This person has to be present during opening hours, from Friday to Sunday as mentioned in the time planning of the welcome office and it is highly recommended to have some people extra to help in the office and to take care about security at the welcome office.



3. TRUCK WASH There is a great need to have the Paddock as clean as possible. For this it is necessary to create an area, where all the trucks can be washed, or to find a commercial Truck wash (in this case the Organizer must indicate the location and provide a map to get there) so all the vehicles can be cleaned before entering the Paddock. Signaling must be placed 1 week before the event. In the case that there is no truck washing facilities, the Organizer has to provide and area inside the paddock with water in order to wash the trucks and a very good drainage system, because no dirty trucks will be allowed to remain in the paddock.



The Paddock must be prepared according to the FIM rules. It needs to be an easily accessible, flat area of at least 15,000 m2 with ground resistant and hard enough for all weather conditions. It needs to be divided into an area for Teams, an area for Manufacturers and an area for Riders’ Motor Homes (Living area Passes) - the area for the Motor Homes must be fenced and forbidden to the public. The paddock needs to be equipped with 20 water supply points and 50 electricity points ready for all the trucks and team’s vehicles. It is of utmost importance that the Organizer creates a well performing drainage system for rainwater and if is possible also for wastewater of the vehicles parked in several zones. The paddock must be equipped with the following: • Waste containers • Toilets – Minimum of 10 for men and minimum of 5 for women. • Showers with hot water – Minimum of 6 for men and minimum of 4 for women. • The Organizer must put also Toilets and Showers accessible for disabled persons. • The Organizer has to supply a staff which has to guarantee always clean the toilets and the showers. The organiser must assure the supply of a sufficient amount of drinkable water by installing enough taps or an adequate mobile supply. Personal cars are strictly forbidden in the paddock - only vehicles with “Truck A” pass will be allowed access to the paddock. The paddock must only have one large entrance gate for the trucks, only one entry door for personal access, one gate for the riders to enter the track and one gate to the pit lane. The paddock must be fully operational from Thursday 14h00 until Monday 14h00 after the event.

The Paddock must be open for Team’s trucks and Rider’s campers on: Friday 08h00 – 20h00 Saturday 07h00 – 20h00 Sunday 08h00 – 20h00 The Paddock Office must be operational on: Friday 09h00 – 18h00 Saturday 08h00 – 18h00 Sunday 08h00 – 18h00 In agreement with the BPROM paddock manager it is possible to have some small changes on the opening hours. There must be a paddock office in the paddock that will be used as a management and distribution point, it needs to be placed in the most central and easily reached location. The paddock office must be a room or a mobile unit of a minimum of 3m x 6m equipped with a minimum of 2 electric points, lights, a heating system, 2 tables, 4 chairs, 1 fax machine, 1 photocopy machine and at least 1000 copy sheets. ORG. has to supplies 2 radios to make possible the communications between the paddock manager and the Club. The Organizer must install inside the paddock, 1 big sheltered panel to post information and results outside paddock office. The staff working in the paddock office should be briefed before starting to work. The staff should be familiar with the results system and with the photocopying process. Electrical safety lighting to secure paddock during the night is highly recommended. Organizer must install in the paddock at least 3 containers for used oils. Further the organizer must install also enough rubbish bins and/or containers for Teams and public. The Organizer must install in the paddock a high quality sound-system, with a microphone in the paddock office. The loudspeakers must be installed in such a way that all the riders and the team members can clearly understand the information given via the paddock sound system. There needs to be 2 people supplied by the Organizer to help the BPROM paddock manager, one must stay at the paddock office during it’s opening hours and the second one will help the BPROM manager in the paddock. On Thursday and Friday it is necessary to have at least 2 extra people for the placing of the vehicles. On Saturday and Sunday it is necessary to have 1 person (runner) collecting the results from timekeeping and distributing them to the media center, event management office, BPROM Offices, paddock office. The authority of the BPROM Paddock manager overrules the authority of the local Paddock responsible. Night surveillance, from 17h00 until 07h00 with a minimum of 1 person for a gate or door from Friday until Monday morning, and minimum 1 other person to patrol the Paddock. Day surveillance, from 07h00 until 17h00 from Friday to Sunday with a minimum of 2 person per gate or door. The Organizer must have enough people to empty and remove the contents of the rubbish bins, and to clean the toilets and the showers in order to keep them

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as hygienic as possible. ORG has put at the disposal of Brom a working telescopic handler 4x4 with minimum lifting capacity of 2.500 Kg from Tuesday 12h00 before the race until Monday 17h00 after the race.



To the side of the paddock or an area inside the paddock, the Organizer must install a bike wash area with a minimum of 10 separate boxes to wash the rider’s bikes and also 10 supports stands for the bikes. The bike wash must be equipped with 10 waterproof electrical power points, 10 water taps. Good water– system supply, which enables all Riders to clean their bikes simultaneously. The water must be clean, if it’s coming from a natural spring, the Organizer must use a filter to protect the high - pressure cleaners. The ground surface of the bike wash must be solid and drain water away corresponding to the local regulations. All boxes must be individually protected, so that a bike can be washed without wetting other people.

Bikes are strictly forbidden to be washed anywhere else other than the area provided. To be completely operational from Thursday till Monday evening.

6. PARKING B Because parking of personal cars is forbidden in the paddock, the Organizer must prepare a fenced ground very near to paddock for parking the personal cars of teams, BPROM, Media, Officials and Guests. This parking B must be big enough to park approximately 100 cars and must be on hard standing ground. Parking B should have 1 entrance and 1 exit gate for cars and 1 exit door for people. All the vehicles must show the parking B pass, while standing in the Parking B area. Parking B must have signs that are easily readable and that show the Official SuperMoto World Championship logo. Organizer to control the parking of the vehicles. ATTENTION: motor homes and campers are strictly forbidden in Parking B. Parking B must be operational from Thursday 14h00 until the last car leaves on Sunday (Journalists and Media people work late on Sunday evening after the GP and they should still find their parking open when they finish to work).

7. PARKING ALL Parking all must be on a hard flat surface, big enough to park 20 cars and it must be very close to the BPROM area and is exclusively designed to park the personal cars of the FIM management, BPROM management, Organizer’s management and very prestigious guests. This Parking will have 15 places, 4 for FIM, 4 for FMNR, 4 for BPROM and 3 for the Organizer. The location must be agreed by BPROM. Access to parking all is

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strictly limited to personal cars having a special “Parking All” Pass and all the passengers of these cars must show their pass upon request. This “parking all” should be fenced and having 1 entrance and exit for the cars and 1 door for people. Parking all must be operational from Thursday at 14h00 until Sunday 20h00 evening and at least 1 person from the Organizer must be there to control the vehicles and the passengers.

8. MEDIA CENTER (SMoN specific requirements in brackets unless otherwise indicated)


The media center must be a well situated (near to the paddock, track, and BPROM area) and completely fenced clean room or tent with a hard wall and solid floor of a minimum of 100m2 (200m2). It must be big enough to receive at least 25 (50) journalists and host the press conference. The media center must be equipped with: • 1 fax machine with international access • 2 fast photocopy machines - 1 of them with sorting machine • 5000 sheets A4 • 25 (50) working places provided with one Electric power point each. The minimum size of each working place should be 0,60x1,20m. The power points must be international, otherwise 30 (60) adaptors at least are necessary. Only chairs should be used, benches must be avoided. • 2 (4) ADSL lines for internet connection. It is important Unite important with should be to use wired and wireless high speed connections!!! The organizer must inform the BPROM Media Coordinator, at least three months before the event about the number and features of the lines. He must also deliver an A4 map of the media center with the location of the phone lines, the working tables and the BPROM Media Center in the media center. All telephone and electricity lines must stay in service during the opening hours of the Media Center. The Organizer must have a person as Organizer media officer (speaking at least English) and one person to help with the manipulation of the fax and photocopy machines on Saturday and Sunday. The Organizer Media Officer should write the press releases on the event and send them to the local media. One copy machine technician and one phone-internet lines technician must be available on the track on Saturday and Sunday to solve any problem with the machines-Saturday 08h00-20h00 and Sunday 07,00-2400. On Friday they must be able to solve any problem

within a delay of one hour. There must be minimum 1 security person from Friday until Sunday from 08h00 until 18h00 and also extra security at night from 17h00 until 08h00 Friday to Sunday.This office must be open on:


14h00 – 20h00


08h00 – 20h00


07h00 – *

* The media center must stay open with all the services available until the last journalist has finished to work - could be also 02h00a.m. One copy of the key opening the media center should be given to the BPROM Media Coordinator on Thursday. He will return it on Sunday. The original key will remain with the Organizer or the Organizer’s media officer. On Friday at 14:00 the media center must be fully operational; this means: • Internet functions well • Electricity functions • Lights function • The equipment (lockers, photocopiers, fax, telephone, TVs, microphones, loudspeakers) is there and functions • Tables and chairs are there as they should be placed • The place is clean and cables are well placed (not left all over the floor because it is not safe). The Press Conference area will be located in the media center. The organizer must provide two tables and three chairs. BPROM will provide the backdrop. People need to have a media pass to enter into the media center. There must be at least 1 toilet for men and 1 toilet for women as near as possible to the media center.


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9. PODIUM AREA (for overseas races, look to the contract) ORG must provide a tarred flat area of 20m x 12m. It must be completely fenced with a side or rear entrance. The podium will be supplied by BPROM The dimension of the podium must be 4m x 8m by 2m high with a backdrop of 8m x 4m. In front of the podium there must be a special fenced area for the photographers. The Organiser must arrange: • Trophies for each class: 4 S1 - 3 SM2 - 3 SM3 (3 SM300 and 3 SM85 when expected) • Bottles of Champagne for each classes: 3 S1 - 3 SM2 - 3 SM3 (3 SM300 and 3 SM85 when expected) • 5 Podium hostesses available from Sunday at 10h00 for a ceremony simulation at podium area. BPROM will supply on Saturday a form to be filled with the names of the personalities that will reward riders on the podium, this form needs to be given back to BPROM’s responsible at the latest on Sunday at 10h00. The Podium must be ready on Friday at noon time. A completely fenced adjoining zone must be prepared by the Organiser according to indications from BPROM. This zone, called pre-podium, will be used to welcome the 3 first riders at the end of each race. In the Pre-Podium zone BPROM will put its TV panel. On the Sunday of the event at 15 minutes before the end of every race until the end of the Podium Ceremony, it is necessary to have at least 2–3 security people in order to keep nonauthorized people out of the Podium zone. In case the public can come close to the podium area the Organisers needs to


foresee enough security personnel to prevent the public to cause troubles with the fencing.




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1. The top 3 riders of the overall GP and the Championship Leader, need to be stopped and directed to the podium. 2. The remaining riders go back to the Paddock or to the “Closed Park”. 3. The Journalists and Photographers with the credentials can now enter in the Media area in front of the Podium. 4. The top 3 riders, the World Championship Leader and the Team manager of the winner go to the Pre-Podium 5. Only 2 people per rider can come into the Pre-Podium area (one mechanic and one support). 6. Take the “prize giving VIP” to the backstage of the Podium. 7. Take the riders to the backstage of the Podium. 8. The speaker presents the riders onto the Podium, from Team Manager, 3rd, 2nd to 1st. 9. The speaker then presents the VIP, and the VIP gives the trophies from Team Manager , 3rd, 2nd to 1st. 10. The Team Manager is called and the VIP gives also him a trophy. 11. 3rd-2nd-1st rider is called and the VIP gives also him a trophy. 12. World Championship Leader is called and FIM gives him the Red Plate 13. Play the National Anthem of the winner (minimum 30 seconds) 14. The TV interviews are done with the following order: Race 2 (right after the podium) interview of the GP winner 15. The security people placed at the podium by ORG must be briefed and aware that this is the official BPROM TV crew who has the priority above any other to carry out these interviews. 16. The S1 Top 3 riders go to the Press Conference area in the media center. 17. We will have the press conference. 18. Media Officer, makes the presentation and the questions to the riders. 19. Journalists may ask questions.


CONTROL CAREFULLY THE FOLLOWING POINTS FOR THE PODIUM • All the structures and fencing are in perfect order. • The sound systems on the Podium. • Per each class, 4 towels and 4 sealed bottles of water must be prepared for the 3/4 riders. • 15 minutes before the prize giving the VIP must be ready to give the trophy in the backstage. The VIP must be informed at least 1 hour before the final starts and also to show them the way to come to the podium and inform the security to allow them to enter. • 15 minutes before the prize giving to have the security in position. • On Saturday, at the noon time, the list of the “prize giving VIP” needs to be made with the highest BPROM responsible present – give a copy of this to TV for the script. •The place where each person presenting a trophy should stand must be marked on the floor of the podium. • Just after the finish of the race, during the honor lap, the speaker must be on the back stage of the Podium. • It is essential that everything is well organized so that the top 3 riders and the Team manager of the winner are on the podium and the remaining riders are allowed to return to the Paddock. • The security must recognize that 2 people per rider may enter the Pre-Podium area. • The security must protect the rider after the prize giving while he goes from the Podium to the Press Conference room/media center and to the Paddock. • The announcer is not allowed to make any interviews to the riders or any speeches on the Podium he only must introduce the riders and the people who give the trophies. Priority must be given to the live TV interviews. • The speaker must be very well briefed about the procedure and give good rhythm to the enfolding of the podium without dead time. • After the podium, during the BPROM’s TV interviews, the speaker must be quiet and the music must be stopped to permit the TV flash interview to the first three riders.. • There must be marks on the Podium indicating where the VIP must stand. The VIP must avoid to give their back to the public and cameras as much as possible and once they have given the prize and shaken hands to the Champions they must go behind the 3 stairs where the Champions stand.

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PODIUM PRIZE GIVING PROCEDURE Speaker Name ........................................................................................................................ Mobile telephone..................................................................................................................... ** The speaker must call the rider, when the rider is on the podium the speaker can then call the person to present the trophy. When the person has given the trophy, the speaker must wait 5 seconds before calling the next rider. ** The BPROM responsible for the podium must explain to the people giving the trophy what they must do before the start of the podium. The people giving the prize must (for TV purposes) at all times try to keep their face towards the crowd and stay a little while with the rider in order to put their name on the TV script.

PROCEDURE ORDER Team Manager……………………………………………………………………. Trophy presented by .............................................Function. 3rd Position Rider’s Name ................................................................................. ....................................... Trophy presented by .............................................Function. 2nd Position Rider’s Name ................................................................................. ....................................... Trophy presented by .............................................Function. 1st Position Rider’s Name ................................................................................. ....................................... Trophy presented by .............................................Function. ........... .................................... Championship Leader (Red number plate) Championship Leader’s Name .......................................................... ............................ Trophy presented by .............................................Function. ........... ....................................


NATIONAL ANTHEM ** for the winner be sure it is of a good length CHAMPAGNE RIDERS’ GO TO INTERVIEW

10. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM The public address system consisting of two separate elements must be a sound system with high quality performance. One system is to be as an announcement unit for the paddock area and must be powerful enough for this. At least 1 wireless microphone must be in the paddock office The second system must be used to inform the public. If necessary both systems must be able to work together. The organizer must inform the TV producer about the number and the position of the audio tower at latest on Thursday. The Organizer must have the CD with the National Anthems to play for the winning rider and manufacturer.

11. HOSPITAL In order to achieve this, an emergency plan must be designed in which the nearest high quality Hospital must form the main medical center. This hospital must be equipped and prepared to receive all victims of eventual accidents or catastrophe. It is recommended that the Hospital and the SuperMoto World Championship sites are equipped with a landing area for helicopters. A copy of the written notifications sent to the hospital about the event, has to be included in the FIM track files. Following the Regulations of: FIM Sporting Code FIM Medical Code Local security regulations and procedures Insurance requirements Without any exception, all seriously injured, advised so by the Doctor, should be treated in the hospital. The hospital must be easily reached by ambulance and helicopter. For event of such importance it’s necessary that hospital services are available from Thursday noon until Monday 10h00 after the event, for all contestants, collaborators and public.


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It is easy to underestimate the importance of promotion and announcements for their event. A well designed planning and strategy on this is absolutely necessary to obtain the best results. The Organizer must always respect BPROM’s instructions in regards to the image and the promotional materials of the event. The Organizer must undertake all necessary actions to have a promotion that corresponds with the high level of the SuperMoto World Championship. A file, containing strategy and material samples of the promotion campaign must be sent to BPROM for approval, at the latest 2 months before the event. All material that will be used for the promotion campaign must contain the official BPROM logos. BPROM suggests the following promoting ideas that have proven to work with other Organizers: * BPROM propose to you and your local and National government a postcard to start the TV program all over the World of one or two minutes with the most attractive images from your town, region and/or country to promote your country. You have to negotiate the economical support from your town, region and country. * Make an exposition show/village with 30 to 70 stands to show and sell any kind of goods from bikes to cars, from food to clothing, etc. * On the Friday and Saturday night, build a tent (far from the paddock) and make a night show disco dance with the most famous DJ - in the rave style. With good advertising you can have from 1,000 to 3,000 people. * Except the title sponsor (it is ruled in the contract) BPROM gives the Organizer the most freedom to have any kind of sponsor (excluding cigarette and drink – depending on contract) at your race - National, Local or International - to permit you to have the most income possible in the condition you do not give any kind of exclusivity. * Give tickets to the town council, the province and the region for the under privileged people in exchange of financial support. * Give tickets to the biggest discos in the area in exchange that they, every night, make a competition to win these tickets to the race and to elect the 12 Miss SuperMoto Grand Prix for the starting Grid.


* Offer to all the children under the age of 12 year and women free access to the race with this formula «Your husband or boyfriend invites you to the Super-

Moto World Championship», or make a special family price - this will bring more families and men. * Make a big advertising with the town and province for the big billboards (4m X 3m), bus stops, big banners (12m X 1m) crossing the road in the town centre or the most important roads. * Give posters, flyers and tickets to all big motorcycle shops in the country and give them 10% on all tickets they pre-sell. * Give some tickets for free to some people who have a lot of contacts around the area to spread the news and talk about the event to everyone. This is used a lot in the disco World - there are some young people who are able to make a lot of people move. * Bring the normal Press (Newspapers) to come to the circuit before the race to make pictures with the handicapped and juveniles working happily to show that our work is also helping the community and to show that we support the people with social or health problems. * Make an agreement with a Motorcycle National Magazine to make the advertising and the program in their magazines in exchange for advertising on the track. * Make an exchange with the Regional newspaper for advertising and our program in their papers, advertising for them on the circuit. * Make an agreement with the «committee of the enterprise» in big companies, with advertising and reduction of price for employees of that company. Our goal is to be sure that the Organizer has a good income because our future is linked to you making money and continuing with us. The success of the SuperMoto World Championship is based on the success of the Organizer.



Aside from the sponsors and promotional pages agreed on the contract, there must be: a. 1 page for the speech of the Organizer’s President and Organizer information. b. 1 page for the authorities, political and National Federation. c. 1 page for the BPROM President, plus information. d. 1 page for the FIM and CMS Presidents. e. 2 pages for BPROM Sponsor



13. TECHNICAL CONTROL This area must be completely according to the FIM rules. Located at the entrance to the waiting zone on a hard standing surface with adequate water drainage. ORG must provide electricity for the Technical Control Area, with enough 16 amperes 240 Volts electricity power sockets and lights to enable the nominated Officials to carry out their jobs in a normal way. ORG and FMNR together are responsible to have the correct measuring equipment available like scales, sound meter etc., and of course all this equipment must be according with the latest FIM standards. Fenced at a height of approximately 2 meters with an entrance/exit security gate. Area of 5 meters width x 10 meters length fully covered with a roof or tent. With 4 tables and 8 chairs. Small office equipment (ballpoint pens, staplers, paper etc.). Lights and power points where all measurement – and timekeeping equipment is installed. The area is to be designed so that the verification can be carried out in 2 lines. BPROM will provide the Official SuperMoto World Championship logo stickers for the riders’ bikes. The Organizer is to arrange the necessary fire – fighting services. Signaling placed by the Organizer “no smoking”, “engine off”, and “entry” or “in” and “exit” or “out”. Signaling placed by BPROM “technical control post” and security passes. Very near to the Technical Control Post the Organizer must foresee a parking space for the van or the car which carries the necessary equipment for measurement. To be operational from Saturday morning till Sunday evening.



This area must be according to the FIM rules. A sufficiently large, hard standing, fenced off waiting zone with adequate surface water drainage must give access to the starting grid. The waiting zone must be fenced to a high standard with a minimum height of 2 m with a security gate (entrance/exit). It must provide proper security for the persons who need to be within the confines of this zone. There must be strict policing of passes for entry to this zone. The waiting zone must have an entrance from the paddock to allow competitors to enter and leave the zone easily. The waiting area must have a security gate, giving access to the starting grid.

The waiting area must offer enough places for all the riders who are qualified for the races, their authorized team staff and one motorcycle per rider. It is recommended that all persons in this zone be dressed neatly. Team uniforms are encouraged to maintain a professional appearance. A clock visible to all and showing the official time as indicated by the Chief Timekeeper will be placed above the entrance to the waiting zone. A urinal with 4 places must be placed in the waiting zone. Smoking is prohibited in the waiting zone. No smoking signs should be installed at the entrance of this zone.

15. STARTING GRID The minimum width (actual riding width) of the starting grid should be approx 10 m at the narrowest point.

Space between two starting positions: 2 m Explanation: The space required for Row 1 is 6.4m (3x0,8m of the starting positions + 2x2m. between the three starting positions). The space in which the starting positions from Row 2 and so on, must be placed is correspondingly 2 m per starting position (0,8m + 2x0,6 for symmetry). This means that the total width we need for Row 2 is 6,4m + 0,6m. + 0,8m = 7,8m. In other words the whole space for the grid width required is app. 8 m. With a minimum width of 10. we have 2 extra meters which we can call “safety space” 2x1m on both sides, measured from the outer line of the Starting position #1 and Starting position #6. Then the total width will be 9,8m. In case the usable width of the asphalt is more than 10m. the remaining space will be equally divided by two in order to place the starting grid in the middle of that whole place – the safety zones will be extended more than 1m which is not a problem The 2 m. will add safety for the riders and comfort for the mechanics ( in case of rain and mud). Also will give chance for overtaking of riders from the back rows with better starting reflex and will look “better” on TV.

Space between each row: 4 m Explanation: 2 m is too small (the TV effect will not be achieved and it is not safe for the riders to be that close and jump on each other’s back in case of “false clutch”. 4,5m makes a kind a gap that will kill the attractiveness in the chances for overtaking.



16. STARTING STRAIGHT The surface of the straight after the start and the first turn must be paved. The minimum width (actual riding width) of the starting straight and the first turn after the start should be approx. 10 m. The minimum length of the straight after the start should be approximately 60 m.

17. PIT L ANE Adjacent to the starting grid, a zone must be reserved for repairs and signaling during the races. The repair and signaling zone must be a combined area with direct access to the paddock. It must be situated on a paved area with minimum dimensions of approximately 50 m (length) x 10 m (width). This zone should have only one entrance from the paddock. The repair and signaling zone must be fenced to a high standard with a security gate (entrance/exit to the paddock), providing proper security for the persons who need to be within the confines of this zone. There must be strict policing of passes for entry to this zone. This zone must have one entrance and one exit to the course to allow riders to enter and leave the zone easily. The entrance and exit to the course must be kept clear at all times. The exit from the repair and signaling zone to the course must be controlled by a flag marshal.


The repair and signaling zone must be clearly visible for riders. Smoking is prohibited in the repair and signaling zone. No smoking signs should be installed at the entrance of this zone (paddock side). It is recommended that all persons in this zone be dressed neatly. Team uniforms are encouraged to maintain a professional appearance.

18. CIRCUIT AND TRACK • Firstly the track must be inspected by FIM / CMS and have the FIM homologation for organizing an SuperMoto World Championship event in the correspondent class. • This homologation is only for the one event. • In close co-operation with the BPROM Track designer, FIM Race Director and Clerk of the Course the Organizer must carry out all necessary works in the shortest possible time. • The Organizer must have a work team and be equipped with different machines and equipment during the whole event. • Especially, the Organizer must divide the track into at least 3 working zones which must have a big enough stock of straw bales, white cement, hard brooms and special materials that can clean the track from fluids which make the track unacceptably slippery. • The Organizer must care that in every corner of the Track there must be enough people and material (white cement, hard brooms etc.) to clean the track from spilled fluids and debris as soon as possible. Also there must be enough people alongside the track to move the bikes involved in an incident from the Track. The organizer must respect the instructions given by the Clerk of the Course and FIM race Director. • The whole Track must be fenced in order to not have any possibility of the Public to pass the Track when the riders are riding. This fencing must be strong enough to keep the pressure of the spectators but also must be flexible enough to protect the riders from any bad injuries when they hit it. • There must be sufficient well guarded gates in this fencing that stay closed during practices, during the start procedure and during the races. These gates will be useful for Paramedics, Media and Working Crew. • The Track is only accessible to people who have the correct pass or bib. All these people must wear this special pass or bib during their presence on the track. • The Track must be ready and fully operational from Thursday before the event until after the last Race on Sunday.



• At least 60 days before the Event the Organizer must send to BPROM a map of the track. • The Organizer must respect and carry out all of the work request by FIM Race Director and BPROM.




Too often we see that all the efforts done to have nice circuit and good races, are frustrated by same drops of rain before or during the race, which by consequence gives a very bad and poor image about the riders and the sport. For this reason we have to save the GP giving all the chance possible to the riders, the spectators, the TV viewers and the broadcasters to run an event on top level under all the weather condition as the SuperMoto World Championship deserves. For this reason, it is very important to follow the guideline below to favour the upgrowth of the SuperMoto track. • Natural soil off roads Guide line points. • The off road MUST be less than 200 meters in length and 8 meters wide. • It MUST be built in a way so it can be cut from the circuit if it rains. • It MUST only have 1 TURN in the off road. There may be a turn from the tarmac entrance onto the off road and a turn from the off road exit to the tarmac. • The off road MUST be built in a way to have flowing jumps, soft technical obstacles plus the off road MUST be full with obstacles to produce movement of the bike. The off road MUST not be complete flat. • The Turns in the off road MUST be built with banking, and must have a minim of 3 lines around them. The SuperMoto bike is like a train in the off road it needs tracks to ride on, to make them go where you are wanting them to go. • The soil MUST be prepared with water starting 3 days in front of the event. • The soil MUST be prepared with some material added to make the soil soft so light watering can be added during the day. The soil surface MUST not be hard. Sand or wood chips can be mixed with the soil surface to make it softer. Artificial off road surfaces - Guide line points We have only 1 organizer that does this and the result is very good, it can be used in the dry and watering can be added during the day, it can be even used in heavy rain. We need more organizers to follow and build an all purpose off road for any condition. • This is built in the same design as natural soil surfaces • A layer of fine small stone material is mixed with a binding material such as crusher dust. • This is spread over the complete surface on the off road of around 15 - 20cm thick.

• Water is added to help bind the material together, and then compacted with a large roller. • Cement dust powder is added to the faces of jumps with water to wash it inside the fine small stone crusher dust material. This will help make the surface hard, and it will require a lot of compacting with the large roller. Artificial jumps - Guide line points The use of artificial jumps can be used on a circuit that just has tarmac based track. These are very versatile and can be used in many places and transported to different circuits. • These are to be built from metal or very strong wooden structures. • The construction must be very strong. • The surface must have an antiskid paint of covering on the top of all obstacles. • The obstacles must be built the full width of the track. • The angles must be built with utmost care. • You can build table tops, step ups, single jumps, and even waves with this system. All tarmac off road - Notes We have just built the first all tarmac off road in Bulgaria. It has been built with table tops, waves, natural floaters and banked turns. It’s an all weather circuit, without the problem of dust, watering and any other issue we have with having a great image. Think of an old style motocross circuit covered in tarmac… this would be a goal. The bikes look like motocross bikes, but when you get in to the detail of the set up it’s really based on a road race bike built for the road. The general public person that buys these bikes only uses them on the street, so the market is real aimed at this area. With this type of tarmac off road the rider will look good and keep a good speed, with the bikes still doing good jumps. Most soil off roads are made compacted hard, so there is no difference if it’s tarmac, it’s basically the same hardness. This will be the future of SuperMoto. All tarmac off road - Guide line points • This is built the same as natural soil off roads, with a small adjustment to suit the machines to be-able to lay the tarmac over the obstacles. • This covered tarmac off road section can be made longer than the 200 meters, it does not matter on the length. The former off-road part has been transformed into the great sky section, which is covered with asphalt like the rest of the track. This opens unbelievable possibilities for this sport; we have no more dust or mud, but we have excellent facilities for the riders and an incredible view for the spectators. It is very easy to maintain and can always host great action, under any kind of weather condition. Such a permanent structure has an incredible grip, and the riders do not carry any dirt around when they race on it. Moreover, it never needs to be watered, and it is a permanent part of the track, that can be used also during training and free practice. BPROM and FIM, for the good of the sport and for its development, strongly advise the Organizer to follow this new trend which can really boost the image and notoriety of this discipline.



18.2 EQUIPMENT Organizer must have a work team and be equipped with different machines and equipment during the whole event and have to provide at least the following equipment operational on the track: • 1x mini excavator (digger) or bobcat to carry out the works on the off-road section of the circuit • 1x road sweeping machine to clean the paved part of the circuit, by preference this machine should be of a type which can clean and remove the dirt from the circuit. • Sufficient brooms and oil neutralizing products to be distributed on the several marshal posts around the track.

• The Organizer to arrange the necessary fire – fighting extinguishers and services. • Watering system to spray water on the off-road part to prevent dust.


Equipment and experienced drivers have to be operational from Tuesday morning until Sunday evening.

18.3 TRACK FENCING The whole Track must be fenced, in order to havenotanypossibilityofthePublictopassthe Track when the riders are riding. This fencing must be strong enough to keep the pressure of the spectators but also must be flexible enough to protect the riders from any bad injuries when they hit it. There must be sufficient well guarded gates in this fencing that stay closed during practices, during the start procedure and during the races. These gates will be useful for Paramedics, Media and Working Crew. The fencing must be operative from Friday afternoon till Sunday evening.

18.4 PROTECTION The organizer should have enough protection and absorbing material available on the circuit in order to protect some areas, hard objects, scaffolds, fencing, etc. To be in place and operational from Friday morning till Sunday evening.

19. TIMEKEEPING AREA The Timekeeping Area is located at the finish line with a direct and clear view on the finish and the area around it. The area must be 30 meter long and 15 meter wide on a flat ground, obstacle free and a hard standing all-weather draining surface, completely fenced with one security gate and one security person.


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Electricity as foreseen by the FIM Motocross standards and regulations Organizer will provide electricity for the Timekeeping area with electric boxes, power plugs, power cables. BPROM will send them a specification list with the required voltage/amps, numbers and properties of the necessary watertight electrical power plugs. The Organizer must guarantee that there is a constant electrical power supply without interruption, without high-peaks and a speared circuit for TV/Timekeeping. A building or cabin must be prepared by the Organizer with a direct and clear view on the finish line and the area around it, BPROM will make the time-keeping service. This building or cabin must contain the following: ·

3 tables


3 chairs


4 European electrical plugs (230 Volt – 50 Hertz)


Air conditioning/heating (when necessary)




2 holes in the bottom or front of the building or cabin with a diameter of


minimum 15cm to bring all cables inside ADSL line.

A DSL-modem or DSL Router is needed in addition as well as an account/password to login. The BPROM Internet service will work on this line and emails will have to be sent through.


The Organizer must indicate to the BPROM webmaster before the race if these emails can be sent directly or through a relay. If they are sent through a relay the DNS-name of the relay shall be supplied. The lines cannot be shared with anybody else and must be operational from Friday 8.00 hr until 2 hours after the end of the last race on Sunday.



19.1 INSTALL ATION OF TIMING LINES A total of 4 timing lines will be used alongside the track, a main- and backup finish line and 2 intermediate lines. Finish Line At the finish as indicated by BPROM, the Organizer must provide two timing lines (main- and backup timing lines). The detection loop can be used for a track width of a maximum of 20 m (66ft) and is installed in synthetic tubes with a diameter of 3.5 cm or direct in the asphalt. The depth should be chosen in a way that the motorcycles cannot dig out the detection loop. Two separate loops are installed at the finish line (main and backup) with a distance of 5 meter between both loops. The minimum distance between the timing lines and the first rider on the start grid is 10 meter.

For reason of interference, there cannot be other cables in a distance of 10 meter before or after the timing lines. For the same reason, there cannot be metal tunnel constructions in a distance of 10 meter before or after the timing lines. Both restrictions include also intermediate lines. Please note that for proper lap counting reasons, a finish line cannot be situated between “Pit lane In” and “Pit lane out”.


Existing timing lines on permanent tracks can be used when they are compatible with a WEER timing system. If one or both timing lines are not available or not working correctly, BPROM can build these timing lines. In this case, the Organizer will make cuts in the asphalt as indicated by BPROM.

Intermediate Lines A detection loop is used for each of the two intermediate timing lines, which are situated at 1/3 and 2/3 of the track. The track will be divided into 3 equal parts from the finish line to locate the intermediate timing lines. Depending on the track layout, the intermediate timing lines can also be situated at the beginning and the end of the off-road section. All trenches and tubes for timekeeping may only be installed if the BPROM Circuit Manager has given his approval. They have to be placed on Friday morning.



20. RACE DIRECTION 1) The Race Direction is formed by: • FIM Representative • FIM Race Director, • FMNR Clerk of the Course The Race Direction impose penalties, adjudicate on any protest. Meetings are chaired by the FIM Delegate. 2) FIM Stewards is formed by: • 1 FIM Chief Steward • 1 FMNR Steward The FIM Stewards adjudicate on any appeal against decision of Race Direction. Meetings are chaired by the FIM Chief Steward.



This room must be completely according to the FIM rules. The room must be a quiet, clean room or tent not far from the race track, paddock and BPROM area, with hard wall and a solid floor with a surface at least 70m2 to welcome at least 20 people. The jury room must have enough tables and chairs, lights and a heating/cooling system. The secretariat place of at least 15 m2, equipped with: 2 tables and 6 chairs. At least 3 electrical points • A computer with necessary software and a printing device • A photocopy machine • 1 Telephone line • 1 ADSL High Speed Internet line A map of the venue and race track in a big format, adapted to be put against the wall and the complete race track File with FIM inspection and homologation forms. 1 toilet for men 1 toilet for women. Cold and warm drinks for the members of the Race Management and Event Management. The Event and Race Management Room must be fully operational from Thursday noon before the event until Sunday evening of the event. Also the Organizer must have one Jury Secretary speaking English, and also at least one additional person to be an interpreter from the National language into English (and French if is possible) and at least one Security person from Friday to Sunday 08h00 until 19h00 ( according to the requests of the Event and/or the Race Management).

22. BPROM OFFICE ORG must provide an office for the exclusive use of BPROM. This office must have the following services: 路

ADSL line free of charge.

3 electricity outlets .

The above office must be operational from Tuesday at 12h00 before the event until Sunday evening, this office must be near the paddock.



E NVIROMENT 23. AND LEGAL AUTHORIZATIONS From the very start until the very end, the Organizer must respect all environmental rules and regulations. The Organizer is advised to clean the whole site during all the event and to clean the site completely as soon as possible after the event. The Organizer should insist and inform in writing to all the parties concerned of the Local rules and encourage everybody to use as much as possible materials that are favorable to the environment. Collecting and treatment of waste should be well organized with enough containers and vehicles, with respect to the Local regulations and the FIM Environmental Regulations.


24. ENTRY FORM, ENTRY LIST AND RESULTS The Organizer in co-operation with the FMNR must draw up Supplementary Regulations according to FIM. These supplementary regulations must be sent to FIM and BPROM for approval and for their information at the latest 60 days before the event. Once approved the Organizer must send this Supplementary Regulations to all the parties involved in the SuperMoto World Championship at the latest of 1 month before the event (riders, FIM, Teams, BPROM, etc.). Entry forms and the entry list will be managed by BPROM. The Organizer together with the FMNR are responsible for the administration control of the riders’ licenses, the release forms, their bikes, used parts and gears. The Organizer must point two people responsible for collecting the results at the Timekeeping Area, and these persons must take care of the distribution of these results to the Event Management, BPROM, Media Center, Paddock Office, Race Office and applying the results on the information boards.


P UBBLICIT Y AND ADVERTISING 25. ON THE RACE TRACK Only the publicity and announcement material approved and agreed between BPROM and the Organizer can be put in place. If otherwise stated in the contract between BPROM the Organizer’s publicity must correspond with the following specification and no publicity may be installed before the written authorization of BPROM. In order to have a higher quality of publicity, it is necessary to have the same standards and dimensions of publicity boards along the track. Compulsory dimensions for advertising boards are: 3mt x 1mt. or 6mt. x 1mt. All advertising panels need to be made in hard but shock absorbing material (we advise lexan material, thickness 16mm.) Concerning all safety matters regarding the publicity materials and placement we suggest the Organizer to take contact with FIM / CMS. The Organizer must remove all publicity that does not correspond with the agreement with BPROM. The Organizer must foresee a hard drained all weather surface area of 200m2 to park the Logistics trucks.

26. PUBLIC PARKING In agreement with the Local Authorities and the neighbors, the Organizer must plan and prepare enough ground to be used as Public Parking. The Organizer is free to charge a parking fee. This Parking must be managed in such manner that the Parking can easily be filled and quickly evacuated if necessary. As some of the spectators will come by motorcycles, the Organizer must prepare a separate area for the motorcycles.



27. BPROM PASSES Only BPROM is entitled to distribute the Permanent and Grand Prix Pass for the SuperMoto World Championship events.



ALL ACCESS Form: Permanent and one event Colour: Black Access to: Everywhere except in the Hospitality Given to: BPROM Staff, FIM, VIPs and the management of the Organizer

MEDIA Form: Permanent and one event Colour: Yellow Access to: Public area, paddock, media centre (track only if accompanied by bib) Given to: Media (journalists, photographers, videographers etc), teams’ press officers In class: Any class

TEAM MANAGER Form: Permanent Colour: Blue Access to: Public area, paddock, pit lane, media centre Given to: Team Manager In class: Any class

GUEST Form: One event Colour: Green Access to: Public area, paddock Given to: Teams, BPROM and Organizers guests In class: Any class

PITLANE Form: Permanent and one event Colour: Red Access to: Public area, paddock, pit lane Given to: Riders, mechanics, teams engineers In class: Any class

CAR ALL Form: Permanent Colour: Black card Access to: Parking All and any other parking area Given to: BPROM Management Staff, FIM Staff, VIPs, Organizers and FMNR In class: Any class




Form: permanent and one event

The passes are only valid for personal use. It is not transferable. Identification papers may be required. The holder is totally responsible for the use of his pass, including his own safety. The passes are valid to have access to the areas indicated at every entrance.

Colour: blue card/sticker Access to: parking B Given to: riders, managers, guests, one event media, FIM and organizers In class: any class TRUCK A PERMANENT: Form: permanent Colour: red sticker

The passes are property of BPROM and CMS/FIM, which have the full right to withdraw it at their own discretion. The bearers of these passes are due to respect the local laws and regulations.

Access to: paddock parking

The passes are only valid with photo, name and signature.

Given to: permanent teams, permanent racing service

This pass is only valid if used together with BPROM official lanyard.

In class: any class TRUCK A ONE EVENT: Form: one event Colour: red plastified paper Access to: paddock parking Given to: wild card teams, support series teams In class: any class Notes: to be removed from vehicle and collected once vehicle is parked. DELIVERY: Form: permanent Colour: orange card Access to: paddock (only for temporary delivery) Given to: n.a. In class: any class Notes: deposit must be given to BPROM while using this pass. Deposit will be given back after returning the pass. APPROVED SCOOTER:

GP Passes – (Bracelets) BPROM will issue the event passes and will be respected by the ORG. BPROM will put at the disposal of ORG the following event passes: • 100 Green (guest) • 100 Service (Org - Staff) • 100 Car B • 20 All Access • 30 Yellow Media for the local media • 3 Car All. The GP Passes are for Riders, Guests, for all Organizer’s Staff and sponsors (to all people who are interested in only one Grand Prix).

PASS DISTRIBUTION: A) For Permanent Passes for the Teams and Riders the “2014 Participation team Agreement” must be followed. B) For the Riders and Teams for just one race (GP Pass) the list below must be followed. Red Passes 3 PCS • Media Passes 1 PCS • Green Passes 3 PCS • Truck A 1 PCS Car B 1 PCS

Form: permanent Colour: sticker Access to: paddock Given to: teams’ two wheeled motor vehicles Valid at: SuperMoto In class: any class Notes: maximum 2 vehicles per team

C) For the National Races or Cup, these passes will be given by the Organizer. Support Show 5 • Support Paddock 1 • Car B 1. When the passes are made by the Organiser for additional races or for VIP purposes the layout and colour must completely differ from the GP bracelets used by BPROM.

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28. TICKETS The Organizer is entitled and responsible for printing and selling entry tickets for the Public area/zone on the SuperMoto site. The Organizer is entitled and responsible for printing and selling the Public Parking and Camping tickets. For all these tickets the Organizer is free to determine the price to pay, but the Organizer has to respect the market value of the SuperMoto World Championship. It is useful for the Organizer to make contact with BPROM before taking the decision on the price to be paid by the Public.On all tickets, the Organizer is obliged to print the Official SuperMoto World Championship Logo and all other BPROM requested elements.

29. PUBLIC AREA On safe and controllable places along the Track the Organizer must create zones where the spectators can enjoy the Races. Along the Track there need to be zones where the public is allowed and zones where public is NOT allowed. The emplacement of these zones must be agreed with BPROM Staff (Event Manager) the FIM Race Director and the Clerk of the Course. The Zones containing spectators must be marked with resisting and shock absorbing fencing, in natural colors and high enough so spectators and especially children cannot run on the Track. The Organizer must create well guarded gates in these fences. The Organizer must pay attention to install enough clean toilet facilities for both men and women. It is essential that they are kept clean during the whole event. The Organizer must place enough waste collectors and there must be an established plan for collecting the waste put in those collectors. The Organizer must establish, together with Police and Emergency Services, an evacuation and action plan in case of casualties. The Organizer must fence the Public Zones and must place his control posts in such a manner that it is not possible to enter the spectator’s zones without having an entry ticket or pass. The Organizer is responsible for the safety of the spectators.


30. RULES, CODES, DOCUMENTS In every Grand Prix of SuperMoto World Championship, the Organizers must respect a certain number of rules, codes and conventions. It may well be possible that other rules and regulations, not appearing in this list, have to be respected: FIM: FIM Sporting code SuperMoto Rules SuperMoto Circuit Standards SuperMoto Technical Rules FIM Medical Codes FIM Anti-Doping Code FIM Disciplinary and Arbitration Code FIM Environmental Code FIM Supplementary Regulations The SuperMoto Track File containing: FIM Circuit license Official FIM approved map and topography of the Circuit Copy of the last FIM inspection Report Copy of the Third Part Insurance Policy FIM Annuaire FIM Organizer’s Manual BPROM: All the terms of the Contract between Organizer and BPROM for the current event. The BPROM SuperMoto World Championship 2011 Organizer Manual. The current BPROM Technical Information Letters. Nationals Federation (FMNR): FMNR rules and Instructions concerning SuperMoto World Championship. FMNR conditions and demands appearing in the FMNR approval form for the current event. Local Authorities: Official Permits or Approval forms of the current SuperMoto World Championship Organization. Safety and Environmental regulations with respect to open air mass event. Regulations and agreements concerning Traffic management. Regulations concerning waste disposal and treatment. Regulations and obligations mentioned in the Insurance Policy..



31. INSURANCE The Organizer shall arrange (at no cost to BPROM or the competitors) for provision of third party liability insurance, following the National law and standards, insuring the FIM, BPROM, the Competitors (or any of them), the directors (or other officers), employees, drivers, agents, contractors and guests of BPROM or of the FIM against all risks (including but not limited to death of or injury to any person or loss or damage to any person suffered as result of the riding or pushing of a motorcycle whether the same be cause or contributed to by the negligence of any person or by breach of contract or by any other act or omission on the part of the FIM, BPROM, the Competitors, the directors, officers, employees, agents or guest - or any of them) for the whole period of each event in the amount of not less than 1.000.000,00 euro per occurrence (including but not limited to death of or injury to any person or asset). A copy of the relevant policy or a Certificate from the Insurance Company will be forwarded to BPROM by the Organizer at least 60 days before the event. The copy of the relevant insurance policy or the certificate must be send to Marc Pauwels and Alessandro Erzegovaz in .pdf format to the e-mail addresses: sportoffice@BPROM.org and management@BPROMevents.com Should the Organizer fail to: (i) contract the policy upon the terms and conditions set herein above and/or (ii) provide BPROM with a copy of same at least 60 days before the Start of the Event, then BPROM shall be entitled to contract a third party liability insurance policy upon similar terms and conditions as stated herein above covering all risks in connection with the event and recover the total amount to be paid to the insure from the Organizer within 15 days term as from the date of reception by the Organizer of the relevant invoice. The Organizer must take care that insurance corresponds with local regulations.

32. DOPING CONTROL It is more and more usual to have doping, alcohol and drug tests. These tests can be carried out by FIM officials or by officials of the Local or National authorities. In order to have the correct procedures for drugs and alcohol testing, the Organizer has to prepare a room or mobile structure with two separate parts and toilets, according to FIM Regulations. In order to prevent problems it is absolutely necessary the Organizer must have at a minimum, 1 person medically trained who can speak English beside the local language always present in the medical aid and testing area.


33. SECURIT Y The Organizer has to put at the disposal of the Event Manager the following professional security services and personnel to control the ‘very restricted areas’. 1 Person................................................ Media Centre 2 People................................................ Podium 1 Person............................................... Timekeeping compound 1 People................................................ BPROM office 2 People................................................ Waiting zone and Pit Lane 2 people................................................. Gate to enter in the paddock 2 People................................................ Circulating 1 Person................................................TV office The security must attend to all security services necessary; surveillance for the whole paddock, waiting zone, podium, pit lane, BPROM village, media center, TV compound, hospitality, parking all from Tuesday night until the Sunday night included. The Security must assure the security service for the important movements of the BPROM and FIM Presidents, VIPs and/or political people. These services will be taken care of and paid by the ORG. The timing and schedules of the services must be agreed with the Security responsible of BPROM. In case there is no Surveillance service, the ORG will be financially responsible for any theft or damage suffered by BPROM.

34. SPEAKER The speaker must be approved by BPROM, the speaker must speak in the National language and English. The speaker and organizer must respect and enforce the local rules on the level of noise produced by the sound system.

35. HOTEL BPROM takes care to deliver to ORG in January a draft about the planning for BPROM and FIM. ORG must send all details about the accommodations of BPROM and FIM 3 month before his Grand Prix. Is suggested the best and closest possible accommodation with internet connection, parking and the hotels must be approved by BPROM.



36. SM O N SPECIAL PROCEDURE As the SMoN is the most important and popular event of the year and is a race for national team, we have to take particular care to give the importance that such an event deserves being the “Olympic games of SuperMoto». Below some points to pay special attention to: • The team presentation on the Saturday for the opening ceremony must be celebrated with the dignity it deserves - it must be approved and supervised by BPROM • Each team must be presented in front of the public and authorities with a national flag • Each rider must be awarded with a medal as participant in the SMoN • The paddock must be divided by Nations and big maps must be made indicating clearly their positions • In the entrance of the paddock or in a very visible location the flags of all participating countries must be placed • In all the advertisements and official products each participating country must be mentioned (name and/or flag) • The organizer must prepare a special VIP location where about 50 people can watch the races, this is reserved for FIM, BPROM and special guests. This area must have at least 1 security.






1. Access road and signalling 2. Welcome office 3. Truck wash 4. Paddock and paddock office 5. Bike wash 6. Parking B 7. Parking all 8. Media centre 9. Event & Race Management Room 10. Podium, interview room 11. Public address system 12. Hospital and medical system 13. Promotion and event announcement 14. Waiting Zone 15. Starting gate 16. Starting straight 17. Pit Lane 18. Circuit and safety 19. Time keeping area 20. Race directors office 21. BPROM area 22. Environment and authorisation 23. Supplementary regulations 24. Insurance 25. Security 26. Hotel


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2014 Organizers Information Required by BPROM

Please fill in the questionnaire on the following pages and after you have put the correct information, please send it by e-mail to the following BPROM contacts before the 30/03/2014. This information from your side is crucial for us in the good preparation of the 2014 season. Therefore we are counting on your co-operation and we thank you already in advance for your effort and good will Alessandro Erzegovaz……………………............................................ management@BPROM.org Valentina Boccadolce..................................................................... vb@BPROM.org Mauro Santamaria.......................................................................... timekeeping@BPROM.org Beppe Diena....................................................................................... graphic@BPROM.org Nunzia Amato.................................................................................... administration@BPROM.org Gianpaolo Iudici................................................................................. logistic@BPROM.org

Name of the Organizer (club or association) Exact address of the Organizer:..................................................................................................................................... General telephone: .............................................................................................................................................................. General fax:.............................................................................................................................................................................. E-mail:......................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of general manager (or president) Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................ Fax:............................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:......................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of financial manager Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................ Fax:............................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:......................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of responsible person for staff Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:........................................................................................................................................................................................ Fax:............................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.........................................................................................................................................................................................


Name of responsible person for infrastructures, logistics, material and services Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile: ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Fax:............................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.........................................................................................................................................................................................

Name of Responsible person for track (building and maintenance) Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of the responsible person for the welcome office Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of the responsible person for media and announcements Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of the responsible person for publicity and advertising Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of the responsible person for the paddock Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of the responsible person for the security Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Name of the responsible person for the Hotels and Catering Tel:................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Fax:................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Mobile:......................................................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail:.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Please send us as soon as possible also the following documents on the following e-mail addresses: Alessandro Erzegovaz................................................................................................................................. management@BPROM.org • A map in A4 format of the track. • A map in A4 format of the paddock • A copy of the contract with the insurance company. • The Insurance Certificate of your Third Party Liability Insurance for the event in one of the following languages : English or French ( at the latest 45 days before your event ) • A route map to come to the track, arriving from the nearest airport and highway. • All practical information on nearest Airport, Police, Taxi, Hotels, Restaurants and Hospitals. • The general safety, emergency and evacuation plan







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BPROM SNC - VIA VALGIOIE 60 - 10146 - TORINO - FAX +39 011 7724857 - WWW.SUPERMOTOS1.COM

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