5 minute read
are not stuck-up are always nicer people? I, for won, would not; at all: want to be friends with someone other than someone whose nice. Besides… “To who is she talking” or “What is she doing that for” or “Me and him went to the dance?” does not bother me at. All. I might as well say then - since it doesn”t bother I; - “Good, my day was well,” or “That effected me so great” because I don”t care and by the way like I said it doesn”t matter. However; won day me did speak with a English teacher and, good, him said that grammar “is the key to unlock any language.” Him said, “It is important to study so that our language is standardized and proper.” Him also said, “It sounds good to the ear, too,” Witch obviously isn”t true because if won speaks grammar good then you again just sound meen. If me is being honest, good then, nothing really matters! Were all people. Were all make misstakes. Punctuation? Speling, and gRaMmAr is stoopid. Theirfor, riting dos not mattere at alll! Shakespeere and Dikkens and Austen. all of my favorit authors of --- don”t meen any-thing. Because me live in present wenn nothin matteres...
What It Means To Dance – Erin Sullenberger
At any given celebratory event that promotes dancing, such as high school proms, sweet sixteens or banquets, there are always three distinct groups of people: those who sit and admire the scenery, those who awkwardly stand beside others who are dancing, and those who leave everything out on the dance floor. Ever since I was old enough to really enjoy myself at such events, I was always a part of the former third of party-goers. Last year, however, I ventured into the latter half of dancers, not caring what anyone thought of my horrendous dance moves that I will soon describe.
I was sitting around a table at my good friend's birthday party while the DJ was hopelessly attempting to garner some excitement on the dance floor. I cannot even recall exactly what feeling came over me, but I up, requested the DJ to play Billy Idol's Dancing with Myself, and I spent the next four minutes or so prancing about in such a horrible manner that it was almost embarrassing, except for the fact that I did not care. I distinctly recall doing this move where I would hop from foot to foot with synchronized arm movement. I danced alone on the dance floor in front of about one hundred people for the remainder of the evening because there was such a grand feeling of pleasure that overwhelmed me that I did not want to stop. I persuaded my friend to join me in a performance of Dancing Queen, and by the end of the song, he was smiling, wishing that the DJ would replay this Abba classic. Eventually, there were spots of all three of my aforementioned types of party-goers covering the hall, and to no surprise, I was in the center of all the excitement. By the end of the night, I was filled with such a large surge of adrenaline and happiness that I could not wait for homecoming, half a year later, to dance again. There is such an amazing aspect of dancing, I think, that goes completely unnoticed. First and foremost, dancing brings about such a great sense of confidence. Now, at every event I attend, I am the first and last person on the dance floor. Also, I think that dancing is a way to express who you really are. By no means am I a decent dancer, but by putting myself out there, moving the way I do, I show that appearance doesn't much matter: being who you are without caring what other people think does. And even more so, I think that dancing by myself really allows me to express who I am. When you're engaged with a partner or one among a crowd of dancers, then your individuality doesn't shine. I love being able to convey how fun and exciting dancing is for me when I'm in my own circle, leaving everything I have on the floor. Furthermore, when I start to dance by myself, then my friends like to join me, and then my fun only increases.
And lastly, dancing is a way to help me relax and return to my raw, normal self. While studying for midterms and finals, I take a break every hour to dance in my room. Before I took my online 2020 AP
exams, I danced. In either occasion, it didn't matter what song came on. All that mattered was that I was being myself, building my confidence, and enjoying something that was, ironically, supposed to be stressful.
Although this year's prom was cancelled, I'm looking forward to being able to dance next year. Hopefully the DJ will take my request and play Dancing with Myself!
2021 ‘Scopes!
♈ Aries: Mar 21 - Apr 19
Energetic, enthusiastic, and competitive. You will gain some control back of your life this year after adapting from the loss of control in 2020 .
♉ Taurus: Apr 20 - May 20
Reliable, resilient, and resourceful. You will often feel as though you are at a crossroads this year, which will help you to develop patience.
♊ Gemini: May 21 - Jun 20
Adaptable, open, and inquisitive. You will find out more about yourself this year.
♋ Cancer: Jun 21 - Jul 22
Instinctual, emotional, and empathetic. Last year, your life changed significantly, and so this year will be more run of the mill.
♌ Leo: Jul 23 - Aug 22
Vivid, outgoing, and passionate. You will learn how to give up control and let go this year.
♍ Virgo: Aug 23 - Sep 22
Sensible, faithful, and mellow. This year will be challenging for you, but it will also present many opportunities to prove yourself.
♎ Libra: Sep 23 - Oct 22
Sensible, faithful, and mellow. This year will bring out your artistic and creative side.
♏ Scorpio: Oct 23 - Nov 21
Enthusiastic, brave, and inventive. This year will make great strides in your family and career life.
♐ Sagittarius: Nov 22 - Dec 21
Extroverted, positive, and humorous. This year will be a turning point in your life.
♑ Capricorn: Dec 22 - Jan 19
Persistent, regimented, and self-sufficient. This year you will step out of your comfort zone and become more carefree.
♒ Aquarius: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Strong, profound, and inspired. You will have a strong connection with your intuition and with time this year.
♓ Pisces: Feb 19 - Mar 20
Compassionate, insightful, and creative. You will have a strong connection with the spiritual world this year.