Dümmen évelő katalógus 2024-25

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Our direct ordering customers are invited to use our new Dümmen Orange webshop.

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In today’s fast-paced world, our webshop enhances your efficiency and convenience. You can check real time product availability, easily manage your orders and the webshop is available 24/7. Features like importing orders from Excel and adjusting quantities in existing orders simplify your experience.

Scan for more info or visit emea.dummenorange.com/site/en/tools/webshop

True Grower Genetics (TGG) ist das Gütesiegel von Dümmen Orange für Spitzenleistungen in der Staudenproduktion. Unsere sorgfältig ausgewählten Sorten mit dem TGG-Siegel haben sich über viele Jahre unter verschiedenen Bedingungen bewährt und stellen die beste Genetik ihrer Klasse dar.

Warum „True Grower Genetics“ wählen?

TGG-Sorten haben sich als zuverlässige Ertragsbringer erwiesen, die bei einfachem Anbau konstant erstklassige Ergebnisse liefern.

Durch umfassende Tests unterstreichen wir die außergewöhnliche Qualität und Leistung unserer Sorten.

Diese werden über mehrere Jahre und unter verschiedenen Umweltbedingungen getestet. Das Ergebnis: TGG-Sorten stellen die Spitze der Genetik auf dem Markt dar. Wenn Sie sich als Gärtner für TGG entscheiden, entscheiden Sie sich für das Beste.

Garantierte Qualität - Vertrauen Sie auf „True Grower Genetics“

Seien Sie versichert, dass der Erwerb von TGG-Sorten eine Garantie für herausragende Ergebnisse ist und Ihnen den Anbau von hochwertigen Produkten ermöglicht. Nutzen Sie unsere Anbauerfahrung und überzeugen Sie den Handel mit hervorragenden Qualitäten. Freuen Sie sich auf ein Sortiment, das Sie begeistern wird.

True Grower Genetics (TGG) is Dümmen Orange's quality mark for excellence in the production of perennials. Our carefully selected varieties with the TGG mark have been proving themselves for many years under a variety of conditions. They represent the best genetics in their class.

Why choose "True Grower Genetics"?

TGG varieties have proven to be reliable and profitable products that consistently deliver first-class results with easy cultivation.

Our extensive trials highlight the exceptional quality and performance of our varieties, which are tested over the course of several years under different environmental conditions. The result: TGG varieties represent the top tier of genetics in the market. For growers, choosing TGG means choosing the best.

Guaranteed quality – you can rely on "True Grower Genetics"

You can rest assured that opting for TGG varieties guarantees outstanding results and allows you to grow high-quality products. Take advantage of our cultivation experience and convince retailers with excellent characteristics. You can look forward to an assortment that will inspire you.

True Grower Genetics (TGG) is het kwaliteitskeurmerk van Dümmen Orange voor topprestaties op het gebied van de teelt van vaste planten. Onze zorgvuldig geselecteerde rassen met het TGG-keurmerk hebben zich jarenlang onder uiteenlopende omstandigheden bewezen en vertegenwoordigen de beste genetica in hun segment.

Waarom voor ”True Grower Genetics” kiezen?

TGG-rassen hebben zich bewezen als betrouwbare, rendabele producten die consistent eersteklas resultaten leveren bij een eenvoudige teelt.

Uitgebreide proeven bevestigen steeds opnieuw de uitzonderlijke kwaliteit en prestaties van onze rassen, die meerdere jaren en onder verschillende omgevingsomstandigheden zijn getest. Het resultaat: TGG-rassen vertegenwoordigen de top van de genetica op de markt. Voor telers betekent kiezen voor TGG, kiezen voor het beste.

Gegarandeerde kwaliteit - vertrouw op "True Grower Genetics".

Ga daarom voor TGG-rassen. Een garantie voor uitstekende resultaten en de zekerheid dat u kwalitatief hoogwaardige producten kunt telen. Profiteer van onze teeltervaring en overtuig de handel met uitzonderlijke kwaliteit. Geniet van een inspirerend assortiment.

True Grower Genetics (TGG) est le label de qualité de Dümmen Orange pour l’excellence dans la production de plantes vivaces. Nos variétés soigneusement sélectionnées sous le label TGG ont fait leurs preuves pendant de nombreuses années dans différentes conditions, et elles représentent la meilleure génétique de leur catégorie.

Pourquoi choisir « True Grower Genetics »?

Les variétés TGG se sont avérées fiables en termes de rendement et fournissent constamment des résultats de qualité, tout en étant de culture facile.

Les essais approfondis confirment la qualité et performance exceptionnelles de nos variétés qui ont été testées pendant plusieurs années dans différentes conditions environnementales. Résultat : Les variétés TGG représentent le niveau supérieur de la génétique sur le marché. Si vous choisissez TGG en tant que producteur, vous optez pour le meilleur.

Qualité garantie - vous pouvez faire confiance à « True Grower Genetics »

Soyez assurés qu’en optant pour les variétés TGG vous avez la garantie de résultats exceptionnels, ce qui vous permet de cultiver des produits de qualité supérieure. Profitez de notre expérience en matière de culture et vous convaincrez les distributeurs grâce à ces excellentes qualités. Vous pouvez vous réjouir car notre gamme va vous enchanter.

True Growers Genetics

True Grower Genetics (TGG) è il marchio di qualità di Dümmen Orange che contraddistingue l’eccellenza nella produzione di piante perenni. Le nostre varietà contrassegnate dal marchio TGG, selezionate con la massima cura, hanno dato buona prova di sé per molti anni in diverse condizioni. Rappresentano la genetica migliore nella loro classe.

Perché scegliere "True Grower Genetics"?

Le varietà TGG si sono dimostrate prodotti affidabili e redditizi, che offrono sistematicamente risultati da primi della classe, pur restando facili da coltivare.

Le prove approfondite mettono in risalto le qualità e le performance eccezionali delle nostre varietà, che sono sottoposte a test per più anni in diverse condizioni ambientali. Il risultato: le varietà TGG rappresentano il livello massimo delle genetiche sul mercato. Per i produttori, scegliere TGG vuol dire scegliere il meglio.

Qualità garantita - potete contare su ‘True Grower Genetics’.

Potete stare tranquilli: scegliere le varietà TGG vi assicura risultati eccezionali e vi permette di coltivare prodotti di alta qualità.

Approfittate della nostra esperienza di coltivazione, potrete convincere i rivenditori con caratteristiche d’eccellenza. Come nelle vostre attese, un assortimento che vi sarà d’ispirazione.

True Grower Genetics (TGG) es la marca de calidad de Dümmen Orange que indica la excelencia en la producción de plantas vivaces. Nuestras variedades cuidadosamente seleccionadas con la marca TGG han demostrado su calidad durante muchos años en diversas condiciones. Constituyen la mejor genética de su clase.

¿Por qué elegir «True Grower Genetics»?

Las variedades TGG han demostrado ser productos fiables y rentables que proporcionan siempre resultados excelentes con un cultivo sin complicaciones.

Los exhaustivos ensayos destacan la calidad y las prestaciones excepcionales de estas variedades, que son sometidas a pruebas durante varios años en diferentes condiciones ambientales. El resultado: Las variedades TGG representan el máximo nivel de las genéticas del mercado. Para los productores, elegir TGG significa elegir lo mejor.

Calidad garantizada: puede confiar en «True Grower Genetics»

La elección de variedades TGG le da la tranquilidad de obtener excelentes resultados garantizados y le permite cultivar productos de gran calidad. Aproveche nuestra experiencia de cultivo y convenza a los minoristas con características excelentes. Le espera un surtido que le sorprenderá.



Bloomix: Take it easy!

Perennials meet Bedding and Balcony Plants! In addition to the successful Bedding and Balcony classic Confetti Garden, we have launched a new series called Bloomix.

Our Bloomix blends have been tested over several years to ensure reliable production for you. The varieties are perfectly matched to achieve an optimum product with absolute planning reliability. What sets Bloomix apart is the trendy and up-to-date color blends that are sure to catch your customers’ eyes. Matching modern labels are also available, providing you with a sales-strong addition to your range. The Bedding and Balcony plants component of Bloomix already brings plenty of color to the finished product –while perennials ensure long-lasting enjoyment for the end consumer.

Benefits of Bloomix:

• Long-lasting floral splendor: With Bloomix, you can offer the trade a new range of plants that not only look beautiful, but also last long for the end consumer. This means satisfied customers and repeat business.

• Trendy colors: Each Bloomix blend combines high-quality products that harmonize perfectly with the latest color trends.

• Easy application: Bloomix is easy to handle and saves you valuable time and resources in production. The premixed blends grow perfectly together and offer a long sales window, as they show color early on.

Don't miss the chance to complement your range and offer your customers a trendy and top-selling product.

Bloomix Wildlife Bloomix Pinky Winky Bloomix Pink Emotion Bloomix Pink Flake



Bloomix Purple Passion
Bloomix Pollinators Pot
Bloomix Lavender Flavour
Bloomix Blue Emotion
Bloomix Snow Flake
Bloomix Blue Lagoon

Spring Assortment

Aubrieta gracilis | Rock On
Aubrieta | Rock
Aubrieta gracilis Rock On Blue
Aubrieta gracilis Rock On Pink
Aubrieta gracilis Rock On Purple 82101
Aubrieta gracilis Rock On Purple Imp. 82181




Campanula portenschlagiana, Lithodora diffusa
Campanula portenschlagiana Blue 81773
Lithodora diffusa Grace Ward
Lithodora diffusa Star
Lithodora diffusa Heavenly Blue 82302

Dianthus | Overwintered selection

caryophyllus | Overwintered selection

Dianthus caryophyllus Paddock Red 17927
Dianthus caryophyllus Rock Pink 17881
Dianthus caryophyllus Rock Double Purple 17879
Dianthus caryophyllus Cliff Garnet Splash 17983
Dianthus caryophyllus Cliff Purple Spot 17745
Dianthus caryophyllus Paddock Violet 17774
Dianthus caryophyllus Rock Double Red 17945

Pink Lemonade 82110

Pearl 82164

Berry Lemonade 82170

WallArt Citric 82165
Iberis sempervirens
Iberis sempervirens White Shadow
Iberis sempervirens White Shadow

Phlox hybrida | Woodlander

Phlox hybrida Woodlander Lilac 77237

Phlox hybrida Woodlander Periwinkle 81062

Woodlander Pink 77239

Phlox hybrida Woodlander Rose 77238

Phlox hybrida | Woodlander

Phlox subulata | Spring®













Phlox subulata
Spring® Blue 82140
Phlox subulata
Spring® Scarlet 82136
Phlox subulata Spring® Soft Pink 82146
Phlox subulata Spring® White 80158
Phlox subulata Spring® Hot Pink 80425
Phlox subulata Spring® Pink 82137


subulata Spring® Lavender 80155

subulata Spring® Late Pink 82131


subulata Spring® Purple 80157

subulata Spring® Late White 82134

Phlox hybrida | Woodlander
Phlox subulata | Spring

Saxifraga | Scenic

Saxifraga arendsii Scenic Red 82122
Saxifraga arendsii Scenic White 82121
Saxifraga arendsii | Scenic
Cold production
Shelf life

Summer Assortment

Achillea | Skysail

Achillea clypeolata

Achillea millefolium | Skysail, Achillea clypeolata
Achillea millefolium Skysail Fire 80526
Achillea millefolium Skysail Yellow 81073
Achillea millefolium Skysail Trio
Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink 81074
Achillea clypeolata Moonshine 81754


Agastache rugosa Black Adder 81761


Coreopsis auriculata Limoncello Golden 81831


Nepeta faassenii Junior Walker™ ‚Novanepjun‘ 82504

Agastache foeniculum Blue Fortune 81757

Coreopsis auriculata Limoncello 81781

Coreopsis grandiflora MoonSwirl 82161

Nepeta faassenii Walkers Low 82505

Agastache, Coreopsis auriculata, Nepeta faassenii


Agastache foeniculum Blue Fortune

Agastache rugosa Black Adder


Coreopsis auriculata Limoncello

Coreopsis auriculata Limoncello Golden

Coreopsis grandiflora MoonSwirl


Nepeta faassenii Walkers Low

Nepeta faassenii Junior Walker™ 'Novanepjun'

h 40 - 50 07-18 & 24-33 Jun-Jul


Ajuga reptans Black Scallop 76014

tenorii Chocolate Chip 81765

Ajuga reptans Mahogany 76018

reptans Golden Glow 76017


Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow 76009

Ajuga, Artemisia

Artemisia schmidtiana Silver Mound
Artemisia stelleriana Silver Brocade
Artemisia schmidtiana Silver Mound 81768
Artemisia stelleriana Silver Brocade 81769
Landscaping Combination planting Shade tolerant

x hybrida Berry Canary 80783

Digiplexis, Eupatorium


Delosperma | Rock Chrystal

Delosperma cooperi

Rock Chrystal Purple 81530

Delosperma cooperi

Rock Chrystal Yellow 84100


Rock Chrystal Red 81533

Delosperma cooperi

Rock Chrystal Orange 81253

Delosperma cooperi

Rock Chrystal White 81252

Delosperma cooperi | Rock Chrystal

Delosperma | Solstice

cooperi Solstice Purple Bicolor 81266

cooperi Solstice Orange 84107

cooperi Solstice Yellow 84106

cooperi Solstice Red 84109

Delosperma cooperi | Solstice
Delosperma | Solstice

Gaillardia | SpinTop™



aristata SpinTop™ Yellow Touch 62456

cooperi | SpinTop™

Gaillardia | SpinTop™
Gaillardia aristata SpinTop™ Mariachi Copper Sun 62533
Gaillardia aristata SpinTop™ Red Starburst Imp 62548
Gaillardia aristata SpinTop™ Orange Halo Imp 62530
SpinTop™ Red
Gaillardia aristata SpinTop™ Mariachi Red Sky 62550
Gaura lindheimeri Graceful White 71338
Gaura lindheimeri Graceful Light Pink 71324
Gaura lindheimeri Graceful Blush 71342
Gaura lindheimeri Graceful Pink 71341

Gaura lindheimeri Monarch Pink 71345


Gaura lindheimeri Passionate Rainbow 71319

Gaura lindheimeri Monarch White 71350

Gaura lindheimeri Whirling Butterflies 71317


Iberis | Candy Sorbet

Iberis hybrid
Lamium maculatum
Lamium maculatum Pink Pewter 83806
Lamium maculatum White Nancy 78151
Lamium maculatum Purple Dragon 83807
Lamium maculatum Golden Anniversary 83805
Lamium maculatum Red Nancy 78152
Lamium maculatum Beacon Silver 83802

L a D iva



Lavandula angustifolia
Lavandula dentata
Lavandula stoechas

Lavandula angustifolia | LaDiva

Lavandula angustifolia
TOP Lavandula angustifolia LaDiva Spirit Purple Blue
Lavandula angustifolia LaDiva Vintage Violet
Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote
Lavandula angustifolia | LaDiva
Lavandula angustifolia LaDiva Spirit Purple Blue 81895
Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote 81891
Lavandula angustifolia LaDiva Vintage Violet 78214

Lavandula dentata | LaDiva Imperial

Lavandula dentata
Lavandula La Diva
Lavandula dentata

Lavandula stoechas | LaDiva

stoechas LaDiva Big Night 78219

LaDiva Berry Beautiful 78244

Lavandula stoechas
Lavandula stoechas LaDiva Big Night
stoechas LaDiva Berry Beautiful
Lavandula stoechas | LaDiva
Lavandula stoechas

Lavandula stoechas | LaDiva Papillon



LaDiva Papillon Purple 78776

stoechas | LaDiva Papillon
Lavandula stoechas | LaDiva Papillon
Lavandula stoechas LaDiva Papillon Deep Rose
TOP Lavandula stoechas LaDiva Papillon Purple
Lavandula stoechas
Papillon Deep Rose
Lavandula stoechas

Monarda | Pocahontas

Monarda didyma | Pocahontas
Monarda didyma Pocahontas Deep Purple
Monarda didyma Pocahontas Pink
Monarda didyma Pocahontas Red Rose
Monarda didyma Pocahontas Red Rose 78054
Monarda didyma Pocahontas Deep Purple 78056
Monarda didyma Pocahontas Pink 78059

Leucanthemum | Sweet Daisy™

Sweet Daisy™ Rebecca 81090

Leucanthemum maximum

Sweet Daisy™ Birdy 80621

Leucanthemum maximum

Sweet Daisy™ Jane 80393

Sweet Daisy™ Sofie 80624 Leucanthemum maximum

Leucanthemum maximum

Leucanthemum maximum

Sweet Daisy™ Christine 80392

Leucanthemum maximum

Sweet Daisy™ Izabel 84023

Perovskia | Jelena

Perovskia atriplicifolia Jelena 88411

Little Spire 80199


Perovskia atriplicifolia, Scabiosa columbaria
Perovskia atriplicifolia Russian Sage
Perovskia atriplicifolia
Heat tolerant Landscaping
Scabiosa columbaria Butterfly Blue 80223
Phlox paniculata
Early® Purple Eye 80164
Phlox paniculata
Early® Blush Pop 81160
Phlox paniculata
Early® Cerise 80442

Phlox paniculata

Early® Lavander Pop 81156

paniculata Early® Pink 80920

paniculata Early® Red 80378

Phlox paniculata | Early®


Early® White 80422

paniculata Magenta 81098

Phlox paniculata
Phlox paniculata Flame® PRO Soft Pink 80438
Phlox paniculata Flame® PRO Cerise 80434
Phlox paniculata Flame® PRO White 80939
Phlox paniculata Flame® PRO Pink Pop 81130
Phlox paniculata Flame® PRO Purple 80931


Phlox paniculata




Phlox paniculata Flame® Watermelon 81131

Phlox paniculata Flame® Light Blue 80171

paniculata | Flame® PRO, Flame®

Phlox paniculata Flame® Pink 80174

Phlox paniculata Flame® White Eye 80181

Phlox | Flame
Salvia nemorosa | Midnight
Salvia nemorosa Midnight Purple 81143
Salvia nemorosa Midnight Rose 81144

Salvia nemorosa

Salute Blue 87070

Caramia 80708

Royal Magenta 81172

Noche 87113

Salvia nemorosa
Salvia nemorosa
Salvia nemorosa
Salvia nemorosa
Salvia nemorosa Caramia Rosa 87115
Salvia nemorosa
Salvia nemorosa
Salvia nemorosa Noble Night 87138
Solidago canadensis

Thymus Pink Chintz 82029

Thymus Hi-Ho Silver 88006

Gold Lemon 88007

Red Creeping 82027

Thymus Gold Lemon
Thymus Hi-Ho Silver
Thymus Pink Chintz
Thymus Red Creeping

Veronica | Candela

Veronica Candela Hot Pink
Veronica Candela Mix
Veronica Candela Blue 88106
Veronica Candela Pink 88104
Veronica Candela Purple

Autumn Assortment

Sedum | Sun Sparkler®

Sedum | Sun Sparkler®
Sedum cauticola Sun Sparkler® Blue Elf 81970
Sedum cauticola Sun Sparkler® Cherry Tart 81971
Sedum cauticola Sun Sparkler® Firecracker 81973
Sedum makinoi Sun Sparkler® Lime Twister 81984
Sedum cauticola Sun Sparkler® Lime Zinger 81974

Sedum reflexum Blue Spruce 81992

Sedum kamtschaticum Variegatum 81982

Sedum hakonense Chocolate Ball 81980

Sedum spurium Tricolor 82011

Sedum Upright

Sedum telephium Autumn Fire 82012

Sedum telephium Autumn Joy 82013

Achillea millefolium Skysail Bright Pink

Achillea millefolium Skysail Fire 80526

Achillea millefolium Skysail Yellow 81073 871006 h

Achillea Moonshine 81754 871020 h

Agastache foeniculum Blue Fortune 81757

Coreopsis auriculata Limoncello

Coreopsis auriculata Limoncello Golden

Coreopsis grandiflora MoonSwirl

Nepeta faassenii Walkers Low

Nepeta faassenii Junior Walker™ 'Novanepjun'

Ajuga reptans Black Scallop

Ajuga reptans Burgundy Glow

Ajuga reptans Golden Glow


Lavandula angustifolia Hidcote 81891 873590

May-Aug TOP Lavandula angustifolia LaDiva Spirit Purple Blue 81895 873402 h


Lavandula angustifolia LaDiva Vintage Violet 78214 873596 h 25 - 30 1-15 & 26-52 May-Aug

Lavandula La Diva Imperial 81086 873594 h 30 - 40 1-52 Jun-Sep

Lavandula stoechas LaDiva Big Night 78219 478244 h 25 - 30 1-52 Jun-Aug

NEW Lavandula LaDiva Berry Beautiful 78244 873598 h 25 - 30 05-31 Jun-Aug

TOP Lavandula stoechas LaDiva Papillon Deep Rose 78771 873593 h 20 - 30 02-16 & 20-33 Jun-Aug

TOP Lavandula stoechas LaDiva Papillon Purple 78776 873608 h 20 - 30 02-16 & 20-33 Jun-Aug

TOP Leucanthemum maximum Sweet Daisy™ Birdy 80621

Daisy™ Izabel 84023

Daisy™ Jane 80393

Leucanthemum maximum Sweet Daisy™ Rebecca 81090 873616

Leucanthemum maximum Sweet Daisy™ Sofie 80624 873672

Monarda didyma Pocahontas Deep Purple 78056 873674

Monarda didyma Pocahontas Pink 78059 873676 h


Jun-Jul TOP Leucanthemum maximum Sweet Daisy™ Christine 80392 873610


- 30 06-20 & 26-33 Jul-Aug

TOP Monarda didyma Pocahontas Red Rose 78054 874007 h 20 - 30 06-20 & 26-33 Jul-Aug Total Assortment

Total Assortment



Sedum cauticola Sun Sparkler® Blue Elf 81970 89271 n 15 - 25

Sedum telephium Autumn Fire 82012 89286 h 35 - 45 06-20 Aug-Sep

Sedum telephium Autumn Joy 82013 89290 h 35 - 45 06-20 Aug-Sep

Overwintered selection


Phlox paniculata
Lavandula angustifolia
Salvia nemorosa


Sedum | Sun Sparkler®

URC (DO): Variety code | Bestellnummer |

Artikelcode | Code variétés | Codice varietà | Codigo de variedad Dümmen Orange

RC (Schn.): Variety code | Bestellnummer |

Artikelcode | Code variétés | Codice varietà | Codigo de variedad Schneider Youngplants

Growth type | Wuchstyp | Groeitype | Port de plante | Tipo di crescita | Tipo de crecimiento

h upright | aufrecht | staand | droit | eretto | erecto

k semi upright | halb aufrecht | half staand | semi-érigé | semi eretto | semierecto

l semi trailing | halb hängend | half hangend | semi-retombant | semi ricadente | semicolgante

i trailing | hängend | hangend | retombant | ricadente | colgante

Q mounding | rund wachsend | rond groeiend | buissonnant | a forma rotonda | esférico

n spreading | flach wachsend | vlak groeiend | tapissant | piatto | tapizante

Height in cm | Höhe in cm | Hoogte in cm | Hauteur du cm | Altezza della pianta in cm | Altura en cm

RC | Tray

Tray 84

84 Youngplants per tray / 83 invoiced

84 Jungpflanzen im Tray / 83 berechnet

84 jonge planten per tray / 83 berekend

84 plants livrés / 83 facturés

84 Giovani piante per alveare / 83 fatturate

Tray 104 104 Youngplants per tray / 102 invoiced

104 Jungpflanzen im Tray / 102 berechnet

104 jonge planten per tray / 102 berekend

104 plants livrés / 102 facturés

104 Giovani piante per alveare / 102 fatturate

104 plantas jóvenes por bandeja / 102 facturadas

Tray 126 126 Youngplants per tray / 125 invoiced

126 Jungpflanzen im Tray / 125 berechnet

126 jonge planten per tray / 125 berekend

126 plants livrés / 125 facturés

126 Giovani piante per alveare / 125 fatturate

126 plantas jóvenes por bandeja / 125 facturadas

Recommended plants per pot | Anzahl Pflanzen passend zur empfohlenen Topfgröße | Aanbevolen planten per pot | Nombre de plants recommandés par pot | Numero adatto di piante | dimensione vaso | Tamaño de maceta

POS | Absatzperiode | Afzetperiode | Période de vente | Periodo di vendita | Período de venta

First year flowering | Blüht in der ersten Kulturperiode | Bloeit het eerste jaar | Floraison dès la première année | Fioritura nel primo anno di coltura | Primer año de floración


Topf Pot Pot Vaso





Port droit


Crecimiento vertical


Halb aufrecht

Half staand

Port semi-érigé

Semi eretto

Crecimiento semi-vertical

Uniform series  Einheitliche Serie

Uniforme series

Gamme homogène

Serie uniforme Serie uniforme

Cultivation time



Temps de culture

Tempo di coltivazione

Tiempo de cultivo



Bij vriendelijk

Plante mellifère

Amico delle api Atractivo para las abejas

Well branching

Gute Verzweigung

Goede vertakking

Bonne ramification

Buona ramificazione

Buena ramificación

Easy culture

Einfache Kultur

Makkelijke teelt

Culture facile

Facile coltura

Cultivo fácil


Flower size


Bloem lengte

Taille de la fleur

Dimensione del fiore

Tamaño de flor

All weather resistant



Résistant à tous climats

Resistente alle intemperie resistente a la intemperie

Garden performance


Tuin prestaties

Performance en jarding

Performance nel giardino Válido para jardín



Landscaping Massif paysager

Paesaggio Paisajismo y jardinería

Single planting


Solo gebruik Plantation seule Impianto singolo Plantación individual

Combination planting Kombinationsbepflanzung

Combinatie beplanting Plantation en mélange

Impianto combinato Plantación combinada

Shade tolerant


Geschikt voor schaduw

Ombrage toléré

Tollerante all’ombra

Tolerante al sombreado

Warm production


Warme productieteelt

Culture à chaud

Produzione calda

Producción cálida

Shelf life



Durée de vie

Durata di conservazione


Heat tolerant


Warmte tolerant

Supporte la chaleur

Tollerante al calore Resistente al calor

Late summer production Produktion im Spätsommer

Late somer productie

Production de fin d’été Produzione di fine estate Producción de finales de verano

Cold production  Kaltkultur

Koude productieteelt

Culture à froid

Produzione fredda

Producción fría

Long flower window langes Blühfenster lange bloei periode

Grande période de ventes

Lunga finestra di fioritura

Largo período de ventas




Toute l’année

Tutto l’anno

Todo el año


Disclaimer Although Dümmen Orange has composed this brochure with great care, the information contained in this brochure is for general information purposes only. Dümmen Orange makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the information contained herein. In no event will any company part of Dümmen Orange be liable for any loss or damage including without limitation, direct or indirect or consequential loss or damage, or any loss or damage whatsoever arising from loss of turnover or profits arising out of, or in connection with the information contained herein. The use of the “TM” and “®” symbols herein indicate the trademarks and registered trademarks of Dümmen Orange that are used and may be registered in Canada, Germany, The Benelux, The European Union, The United States and in other countries. Multiplication of PBR/plant patent-protected varieties is prohibited.



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